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Datsun add in by own coming up in this hour of the program in a moment when Leo meets Boris later on today will they be able to resolve the issue of a backstop or at least find some common ground as the prime minister aims to end our joint E.U. Enterprise by revoking our membership of the Union was the tee shot was to keep his country very much at the center of Europe who get the view on their retention of the ashes What's the mood like in Australia is the obvious question. Whether it will be waltzing Matilda or whatever they do when they win the Ashes the winner I don't know loss can I ask on your behalf Of course I will and of course we'll get the ups and downs in spins and olds and the excitement from the setting run printing our checkered flag podcast. The Irish teacher says he does not expect to break him prayed 3 when he made surprise Johnson in Dublin later today Mr Johnson and red care expected to discuss the Irish border backstop the measure designed to prevent border checks in the event of a no deal remains a major sticking point in negotiations with the E.U. Earlier I spoke to Dr O'Malley who is an associate professor in political science at Dublin City University and I began by asking him what we could expect from this morning's meeting I don't think many people executed many from the nation most people. In score deals but that's about as much as it's expected. And governments people think that it's. Just part of communicate general election which doesn't cause a fish I think cause course it's affectionately trained and so turds. An expectation but. Permits are Johnson is looking to be seen to be doing something about trying to prepare a brick city which. It can't really happen until after nothing can really happen until after a U.K. General election sort of this and much expectation that anything will anything substantial happen was the official purpose for the meeting a sort of British are saying that the purpose of the nation is to try to suppress that Gail. Arguments and to question the opinion says test that isn't going to happen because you can only negotiations with the European any chemical CA's bilaterally with very different countries so it sleep is the other purpose of making a test. Kind of close allies in many other ways and so they're talking about. Issues such as Northern Ireland that they have a common interest and and so it seems that squash a lot of the discussion will be with those what had taken to things like to know an island assembly and executive up and running again but the side will probably try to emphasize that it's not going to be a negotiation practices Well you wonder what else is more important to negotiate in terms of the future relationship between the countries then this backstop will I mean if that's not resolvable because remove full would kill me you know economic relations with the job. A sort of like self as I would say become a cutoff Henoch issue between. Britain and under the. Again I think most people in Dublin and it seems to kind of the rest of Europe the European Union is in agreement take that it can't change that the box office it's kind of essential for it. For the future of the relationship between the U.K. And the European Union and that is has to be in place our case to have to be some for the form of agreement for the foot up the Irish border is. Really hard for so many and they can discuss. The backs up all they want but I'm not sure that that's going to be any agreement between Dublin and London and in the short term. Any solution to from an Irishman. I think most people would think the obvious solution is that the backstop becomes Northern Ireland only backs up prior Northern Ireland is is in the UK self a spirit becomes part of the Union with the U.K. But is also to remain part of the European Union in terms of the concussive injury and the single market. So for our own. To the solution. There might be a kind of a hope it's an expectation on work that I hope it is or is unclear that might help us in. In a cage general election where the T.P. Is no longer a program and maybe even a part of the current I would after a U.K. General election the know there are an issue isn't quite central to U.K. Politics until the market will stand to. The back step just be an open heart and. Only. Just remain part of just for operative for only northern aren't an ocular S.T.K. That backs up all the kind of politically sensitive in the U.K. As it has been up to the T.V. Show live broadcasts is all they doesn't expect any particular breakthrough when he meets Boris Johnson that it's an opportunity at least establish a personal relationship with seeing the G. Men what difference will that make. When I think it's important that they just meet each other and kind of chat to each other because you know obviously. The place for me certainly are stationed at that time of causes. The car a lot of common interest to a some extent about hunting and some level of prosperity and trade and various other kind of types of trade as well as economic trade between 2 items so it's important to tell each other and talk to each other so I think for arms it's just quite symbolic importance that they are seen to. Get on with each other to our advantage to meet with each other as to the probably the most important thing we need don't expect to win expect to be any actually substantial progress in terms of any negotiations. And. I think that's probably Russia not expecting much as with us is this of red meat a bull to being an ally of. An ally Boris Johnson's in the European Union and politically I don't think you want to rethink them attorney at home he wouldn't want to be seen to be an ally but I think he would want to be seen or failed to be . Anyone wanna be an enemy of the U.K. And take it far and would want to be in a position where it it's taught by the British people and the British government to say it when Nelson objector to potential tail between your opinion and. Kate. Obviously was always. Close ally of the U.K. When it was when the U.K. Was kind of a more central part of the European Union we tend to share a lot of common interests and so I'm kind of this is a professor of ice as well as for lots of practical reasons that it's probably not it's not happy about the U.K. Decision to leave the European Union. And would prefer if it were seen as an ally in the future and probably wants to be. A sort of spokesperson her cheerleader for a a deal certainly a free trade deal with European Union from what you understand the professor would say the general view of the state of policies in the U.K. In Ireland. Probably a mixture of anxiety having taken seriously I think most of of most of our information turning the US government probably can't quite believe the way that the U.K. Has seems to be quite behaving but to a positive doesn't seem to be working it seems to be stuck in our US half of our hands doesn't really quite understand exactly how it's going to the opposition to it so I know many days in Associate Professor him for the signs at Dublin City University. Now should we wolves Matilda Let's go waltzing Matilda one more time by No it's the hope the get shoot and as evening closed in at Old Trafford England fans was starting to believe the tail end is my just say the 4th Test and take the ashes to decider at The Oval and then this happened as it were comes in I didn't see or as how I had. Started to. Write I have one least I'm my 185 and there are now. 2 of Britain's 19 Ashton Yeah we did the review there as you might have noticed sells trailer have retained the Ashes beating England by 185 runs in the 4th Test at Old Trafford but there must have been a fee nerves a few for the green and gold so we really wanted to congratulate our friends down under Daniel Czerny's dispose journalist at the age in Australia and are you waltzing Matilda tonight especially being ruled by everybody don't you. A little bit doesn't Thanks for having me and certainly there's a lot of very happy of these today have a lot of goodwill around the country toiled to save all this it's been a very trying 10 months for strong cricket and some very very old almost the lowest of lows but sadly. The why the change played out he's made a lot of struggles very proud in the other Western Bevis moments like this but imagine it was an amazing day Chinese takeout we could spend the euphoria even the very light not it was that well to try him in the morning when in the final with Excel that's out the sentiment certainly on Twitter and the like was was that was very good very happy comments of what it means cricket you know straight in a moment off to a team of so you describe but there were some no the moments over the course of these tests when they are definitely definitely. Of a strike haven't haven't had of their own why and they haven't been and that's a still it's still a relatively slow strong so I think it's a tough perfect. And the test was put on the strongest terms. Really on the back of statements that will century but there was still some issues there too I would want to continue to struggle and then. You know the to the follow on was narrowly avoided on the back of to get another T.R.S. Debacle for Mr Alyea and then David and I saw as to why the English resistance was held out particularly where even cry because our intent Jackley to we know it done it before. That that night we have a standard that they were going to auction in Manchester and he saw another Going to it again they're going to come to a sky Protech what inspired move them to bring on. This level show the captain seem tired in a break through to the important we could have played. As you heard earlier but it was dismissed not one ounce of by our by what. I don't know what it was live from your side. Pretty love his head swung up and down as you can imagine we were expecting the rain gods to do what they always do man just. Preaches bring on the downfall. When you praying with the rain don't sing as one of us I don't know. Yes reverse right wrist right as about you that's a thing but now I think we did have a bit of a chuckle when we saw the fans bring up bring up umbrella bring up on Belle as lead to the final session with could I write about the spot Manchester pension to write. Better than another sleep I think through the 1st 3 days were. All right affected so if you threaten to suspect spoil the test for Australia but. Also there's probably little more to life than than the right but the issue. Was quite. Quite dark ahead of it at a stage that. The sun came out alive and and published site just try to extend allow that that extra time to take those final couple we get to see Smith that you mention. I think saved his aim that he would be the man of the test at least in given the sandpaper he was embroiled in. How much did he need to perform in this test how much did he need to do to redeem himself. Yeah it's a great question I mean it's a trust anyone because they're there to mix school 2 different schools of thought here and look at I think the overall overriding sentiment in Australia is that he has a new self by the why you bet and he was probably inevitable try quite as much or as quite as much of a local and as perhaps I would want to in the fact that it was worn more so than Smith means to guide it that the sandpapering of the bowl and some of all it took to change a blind eye rather than instigating it which was same in Sydney say it is not as much of a hanging offense but nevertheless. He was he was described and it was obviously. He told one lie in the public eye estimation so. To pile on the runs like he has been has already been spent in the world before it happened and he's literally gone for strength to strength and so you know even by his own standards he sort of pain astonishing. To so I think in that respect it's. He has he has. Rejected you know word for James and restored a lot of credits but by the time taken. As probably I could say you distinguish the holes on the field from from the character issue and the and the actual. And the actual sporting that you're but I mean does that mean that I would want to having made any runs in the series does that mean that he hasn't read a new self I mean it's a difficult one of. These PUA sporting excellence that the answer to to to sporting describes it so I suppose that there's there's 2 schools of thought and not everyone is on the same page the man of the series is. Almost. I can't imagine how he wouldn't be I mean. Someone but I was speaking to someone yesterday before the before that his client what was all it would have been stuff does began and. That's probably the only thing that could make it difficult. And the only he hastened risking limb again like if you did the same test Headingley the only thing that could make it difficult in terms of that of the series but I mean I mean Smith's just friends current rates are phenomenal and that all might hold up or amazing but the fact that he missed the test shooting question. And yet he still has traded in. Her centuries ago to to teach the double century in there as well really I mean he's been the difference between the 2 sides. It's no surprise that the 2 test you can do a complete of the 2 as a striker 11 will match to go the other again above who they retain the Ashes. As he had shortened Is he with us showing up for a proper contest or will they play all the way. Yeah no I think I think there's still a favorite to play for. A struggle you have yourself a clue in which time the Ashes but. A show I haven't won a series on English soil in I 10 years and says in one section when. The series had rushed to chuckle Joe Wall Street will still hold the ashes aloft almost on the final by the oval even if England was a test I would take a bit of the gloss of what he would have won the match and level the series I think he should be very Keynes's to make sure they. Win the series outright and there's no there's no it is so it's about said about it. It's a it's a tricky choice actually last night about someone referring to the the World Cup final and said I will get really we need to this is the time I have. Just seen a cheat he won as well just received a cheeky one as well Daniel for you. Asking whether you know how to get Steve Smith out because nobody. I don't think well it could be the case but maybe get into I think you had some issues in the 140 who always seem to struggle want to get under 4 he speaks French the place to get his wife her through their charity to find a wife. It's a book to hunt for that place but all of. The mobile The point is it right here is that of course what started this new I.C.C. . Test championship not just playing for the Ashes the title ranking points. And all important belayed up to the to the final a couple of times when you actually read the series comported Yeah we'll leave it there thank you very much Diana Czerny the sports journalist of The Age in Australia yes very simple Gallagher about what's on the our newspapers from pages morning and inside the paper and asked him what the headline was as a warning for the prime minister from his justice secretary that he does need to apply the law on bricks it now or. Johnson could be heading for a Supreme Court showdown with M.P.'s in the coming weeks under government plans to test to the limit a new law intended to block a no deal Breck's it legislation introduced by backbenchers opposed to the U.K. Leaving the European Union without a deal is Jew to be given more or less sent today and become law and under the terms the prime minister must ask Brussels by the 19th of October for an extension of the BRICS it until at least the 31st of January another 3 month extension if it is if he is unable to secure it Dale now however number 10 is adamant that Boris Johnson will not ask the E.U. To delay Article 50 and will instead trigger an almighty political and constitutional crisis and a better to stymie any progress addict's attention by tying it up in a legal challenge and the news itself was a weekend of political chaos of course Amber Rudd resigning from the cabinet I'm quoting as a Tory am pay and dry lead some of the business secretary declaring war on the Speaker John Bercow and Angela Smith becoming the 3rd M.P. To defect to the Lib Dems in in the past week we did hear from foreign secretary Dominic Robb yesterday he said the government would abide by the law but in his words would look very carefully at its interpretation of the legislation he said we will adhere to the law but we will also because this is such a bad piece of legislation want to test to the limit what it does actually lawfully require and they went on to say I think it's not only the law for thing to do it's also the responsible thing to do now that's of course raise many and I brown people suggesting sharing that Boris Johnson will in fact ignore the law once as it is expected this legislation to block or No Deal is passed and given Royal Assent later today a lot of people pointing the finger of course as always it Dominic Cummings Evarist . Chief advisor on the plans drawn up by him the prime minister would essentially ignore the law forcing an pace to call for an emergency judicial review in the Supreme Court by the 21st of October it all feels like it's very quickly coming to a head Dr Manning and a very interesting few days ahead as always when it comes to record it is clear something that when the Cabinet Ministers have to come out and ensure the public that the government and the prime minister will obey the law of course they will then supposed to let the rest of us yeah very much I mean legal experts yesterday questioning Mr Cummings as grasp of the Supreme Court's workings one Q.C. Diana Ross said the 10 days more than enough time for a simple injunction and the exhaustion of pale Rice she said the courts could do in 48 hours if they had to of course a reference to the gamble Dominic Cummings is taking that it would take longer than 10 days for the court to come to a judgment by which time of course the U.K. Would have left the E.U. But not quite a legal expert as we're hearing in the paper today. And the airline British Airways is advised him passengers want. To stay away from Apple's don't go there today but flight it's prepared for the biggest strike in its history a members of the British Pilots Association working for B.A. A voted overwhelmingly in favor of industrial action and a dispute over pay and unless a last minute deal is reached I will walk out later today and tomorrow with plans for a single day stoppage on Friday the 27th of September as well as a consequence has grounded almost all the $1600.00 plus flights due to operate to and from Heathrow and Gatwick over the 1st 2 days an aircraft serving long the whole destinations and also some European cities will remain on the ground at foreign airports flights only operating 2 routes get it to New York at J.F.K. Actually coming up right by 3rd party line and an indoor and inbound service from Sydney via Singapore the airline itself transferred most of the estimated 240000 passengers affected to other services either on its own aircraft on other days or those of around 50 other carriers but has declined to rebook passengers on easy Jet flights even though so many travelers The budget airline is the obvious alternative it's telling passages were extremely sorry that we propose an offer of 11 and a half percent over 3 years to. Deal already accepted by members of the knights and G.M. Baby unions which he said represent 90 percent of British Airways dot but he reiterated that statement if your flight is canceled Please do not go to the air or should say about the disputes that figured out 11 and a half percent 2nd it has put forward a new proposal in a letter to the airlines chief executive Alex Cruz that was rejected by which says we continue to be available for constructive talks with Bob just to give you the scale of some of the effects of this the 1st to die stoppers alert expected to cost the company about 100000000 pounds in lost revenue and additional costs. Yeah that's the. Newspaper's political correspondent there Paul Gallagher So let's get the latest. On digital B.B.C. Census speak. This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live Clarkson Thanks Don M.P.'s will vote again later on whether to hold an early general election suspected Boris Johnson's motion will be defeated by the opposition parties or planning to vote against him the premise is due to hold talks in Durbin Dublin today with the Irish T. Shirt live Arabica they're expected to discuss the Irish banks don't design to prevent hardboard on the island tens of thousands of British Airways passengers will have their journeys disrupted this week because of a strike by the airlines pilots that began their 48 hour walkout amid nice in part of a long running dispute about pay be a says it's ready and willing to resume talks and the trade union body the T.S.A. Has called for legal measures to tackle discrimination based on class work it wants companies to have to report pay gaps between workers from different social backgrounds one hour Rafael Nadal beat Daniel Medvedev to win the U.S. Open in a 5 set thriller in New York his David Lohr a 4 fewer US Open crowd a 19th Grand Slam singles title but for Rafael Nadal the undulations of the final was stay with him for many years to come when he led by 2 sets to love and a break in the 3rd it looked like being a hard earned but efficient victory for the Spaniard Daniel Medvedev had other ideas he fired back at No doubt breaking back winning the 3rd set win in the 4th and forcing a 5th even 152 down in the decider he wasn't finished breaking back and pushing his conqueror to the absolute limit before finally going down it's one of the most emotional nights in my tennis career said Nadal afterwards as he moved within one Grand Slam title of Roger Federer for the 1st time since the start of his career 15 years ago and now the rest of the sport Soccer Australia have retained the Ashes in England for the 1st time in 18 years after a 100. An 85 run win in the 4th Test at Old Trafford England were 13 overs away from achieving an extraordinary draw Captain Joe Root insists he is the right man to continue to lead the side motor racing legend Mario Andretti says the Charlotte Clare is a future Formula One world champion for sure the 21 year old Monegasques driver gave Ferrari their 1st home win in the Italian Grand Prix since 2010 he also won in Belgium last weekend and the manager of Chelsea women Emma Hayes says she wants to put pressure on the football authorities to put more W. S. L. Matches on at the stadiums the men's teams play in more than 24000 people for her Chelsea side be Tottenham on the league's opening weekend this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker come on Good Morning Let's start the day's forecast in Scotland where it's going to be a pretty filthy starts the day an awful lot of rain around and a lot of surface water and spray the M 8 for example tricky driving conditions the one exception to that general rule is the shuttles were chilled the starting off cool dry and fine and sunny and that's the way it's going to stay there for the greater part of the day elsewhere a slowly improving picture such that by the middle part of the afternoon when the rain will become come find large lead the. And then through the north east of the mainland and into the central belt by this stage for the most part it'll be light and patchy in many areas will still be cloudy I think the western part west the mainland just single we've heard of sunshine to finish off the day temperatures in a range of 12 to 15 and those Northern Ireland to me with your straight forward here the last of the overnight rain may just be hanging on to the coast of entry and now but will soon be away for the morning beginning to break and then I think most of the more than audible see a drive find and sunny day and that should be the way it stays. To 60. 5. To 60 degrees. So. What is A Day To Remember. When in front of. Him merely My name is joining me is. This is the cost. In. Standing. For the celebrations and I even felt some of the champagne. It was the most electric podium I have ever ever stood on the in my entire life that was less red to the rights of me the flags everywhere there were cheering there was singing in that thing I don't even know where to start with. Well this is the thing this is why hopefully now not the you you know didn't get but until you go there it's very difficult to describe just how much just like all sin is this is why I love it this is why is my favorite girl Bree. Our producer dislikes it strongly because like the commentary box is a role in the wife eyes a bit but the media center is a bit dated but when Monza comes together I mean what a place to be what a race and what it what a place to be at the legendary This this when will go down in the record books I feel I feel in 40 years time people will be talking about this when maybe that's a bit bold but you know I don't think it is that bold actually because everything that happened throughout the race is well known and essentially the man that was on pole position won the race and on paper and the man that was on television when the race and great but it was it was nothing like that was it generally and it was probably up there with one of the best races that I could I've seen for a long time. It was a great race it was a great race there were more going to remember it 40 years yes Charlotte Charlotte Klez when Ferrari Monza ushering a new door into one of the greatest racing drivers we've ever seen in Formula One surely the scenario in that we'd be looking back on in 40 years time in the same way you remember Gerhard Berger winning Monzer a week after and so Ferrari died back in you know 988 that kind of thing do you do or do we remember that we think that's a historic moment where the I think the question is you might remember this in 48 I hope it I hope that it is vaguely in my recollection but I hope to have better races than this in the things body is it was a great race though getting a rug but the Palmer one and he had to fight off Lewis Hamilton and it came to a head into real moments the pressure was intense and that was really. We might be over the other thing is the best race of the year but the win for Charlotte Clare was obviously the magical moment the moment as wanted I think maybe what I mean but I don't think it's the best race the year I just think it there's something very special in there but you mention the pressure there the Ferrari run and there were a couple of mistakes from those that the drivers Firstly let's look at the Charlotte because Jack it was an interesting one wasn't it especially for what the stewards decided was the not penalty for it yet so firstly to go back to I think this is one of the best this and kind of it kind of sort of got a bit ruined the best kind of pure motor sport races we've had the rest have been interesting because they've been a bit crazy Silverstone was good for that you know different tire strategies Germany was just mad because of the brain but just as a straight forward motor race I really really enjoyed this you're right about the Clare is it one of the 1st he said when he got out the car was I'm going to cut out the stupid mistakes his defense on how Milton he didn't he squeezed Hamilton off the circuit that sort of a fact and didn't get a penalty for it he got a warning for it time ago what I'm just amazed that he didn't get a penalty for it to be honest because he did so coming into that 2nd chicane Hamilton's fairly alongside of on the right hand side and he for adults and on to the grass just on to the grass there was a curve coming up but he was on the grass and he could make the corner and that was so frustrated me in the whole situation he didn't need to he had the inside and Watson was not about to go around the outside it done a good job on the breaks he didn't need to sit on the grass he could have they could have just turned in left and I was not coming through unless by Juanita and we're all OK it was unnecessary and. If it's max to step into the same move it's a 5 2nd pen if it's Hamilton probably it's a 5 2nd panel I don't know what is a what is a pen and what's not these days because how he got away with it I just don't understand I just happen yeah good last year you tell it. last year the stop a got a penalty for for doing and i actually less offensive maneuver on 3 bought us into tie one a emerged across in the break he's own bought us was alongside that a civil touch bought us actually arguably had more route bots us they did put a weird on the grow also the does he didn't ban at a touch of bought us cup the cold of the stop a go to fov 2nd penick custom a podium ah i have no why did where the consistency is in this and don't get me wrong i did want to see a penalty yeah i wanted to see a great pure race i agree this is one of the greats is pure races that i can actually remember it was a really it was a cracked it but award what do you do you turn a blind ah it's of the old indiscretion here or there with this no consistency i feel much sometimes they just make it up on the spot they just say we wouldn't do that wilma give him a warning flag and basically just say it's falling well this is what lewis hamilton had to say about set i were in this ily so good i sent you didn't think it should have been a more time or in a silly i get right you're going to dive and and is been great though to see you battling mashallah clara's being a battle that we've been waiting for a long time to say and it was an incredible reiser knew you knew full right to the ending you yeah i got i push the side as i could while so i was just within that want 2nd behind and up pushing these ties you can't push all wait till the end we what one steps off of this she come pushed been that close and siding around as long as i did and and not expect him to go off and the tire started dropping off in those not and i could really do about that and then i'll cia i would've i would have given up the position anyways to develop 3 of as he was much quick in the me as a 2nd faster so if i hadn't gone straight own at that point as in a couple laps a so he would have been right behind me and i would it just conceded just to give him a shot because he's quicker it i might of had a choice of when in the race so i don't like thought about that way before i had she went for went on but just wasn't meant to be today civil talk further about the of the 2nd pop That is what I asked Lewis Hamilton there but I feel that he was slightly swerving my question there it's only well that doesn't make sense only in does it because what you say Where's the consistency then should it have been a pro it should have been a penalty I mean I don't know you like I'm not the one that hands out penalties but you're right there does seem to be a little bit. Of no consistency with it within it I think the the we're in Italy. On it so it's a yes it's a feel it's a flippant comment disease seriously believe because we're in Italy Ferrari don't get the penalty. But I don't know this is what I'm asking whether he seriously believes it or whether he's being flippant in the same way when you go to play Man United at Old Trafford as an away team you're not getting a penalty are these truths or are these just what you think and I don't think if we're inspired last weekend and Claire does the same thing at the bus stop I don't think he's getting a penalty there are these because it's clear that he's not one of what about the sex I don't say oh it's just that it does it's job done it's a penalty I've got I'm sorry CLARE I think this is actually kind of true is especially after. Montreal in Canada the petaled penalty given to Vettel all of the chaos that created and old this and that unless penalties we want less one more racing let them race whereas if this is Magnussen pushing off our boat or whatever then not in that specific incident today but in that same scenario Magnussen is getting a penalty for Stephens probably getting a penalty like he did for both us last year. I don't know I don't I don't think it's necessarily a conscious thing I don't think they're going right it's like Clare we're not giving him a penalty everyone loves him but I think there's that when it's sort of a bit 5050 a bit. May be your ring on the side of the race which is what everybody's been shouting since since Vettel thought it was OK to drive someone into the wall in Canada but that is like this just contradictions everywhere in racing philosophy this year I've lost track of what is going on is a set of rules that should think about load and is going out the window time and time again I agreed with the Vettel 10 a great I thought you can't shove someone in the wall. You can't force someone off the track but today you can. Precisely you can and it's different on the exit of a corner and people will say Our been. Was forced off wide by color science and that was an investigator puts album was had a nose in on the outside of LA as my one and to be honest that was it was it was such a foolish for Melbourne and that is where the nose in on the outside there you know that is kind of acceptable on the way into a corner you choose your line you're not turned off by the fact that the car's oversteering understand you're in a straight line and then you hit the brakes is simply you positioning the car and you force another guy there's side by side with the off. Whenever us enough in recent times before it's apparent. Somehow now we're saying is that because Ferrari got a pen one time is it because Red Bull didn't get a pen in Austria when Le Claire was here just. When So how is he going to get a return at some point again is just stop with this nonsense attends a pen and then if it's against the rules or give you require penalty one word it answered Jack was a penalty. So if they. Really wanted to be I don't want it to be but I said one. Where you know you were you. But I just said Jody and we could go around in circles Well that's what seems to be happening in the grander scheme but. Yet no cold on words like it is a penalty yet Clare one word because you don't take instructions well you take I think yes it was OK so I said well we're. Going to you're let you know what's going on in here you know what Mitt is doing we don't have instructions on your being a hypocrite player you therefore Yeah. Yeah you know I can I just can't I got no consistency whatsoever I say then is it favoritism or do we go down that road what is it Look I don't I don't thing it's it's not it's not specific it's not for our international assistance it's not specific favoritism Let's do this because of this but I think. Gold favoritism exists sure it exists right and I've heard it before no one likes you apparently no I'm sorry no shocker but 20172017. Magnus of course is hokum bug off exit a turn to Magnus's 5 2nd penalty the very next race I get forced off by a LONG So you need a microscope to tell any sort of difference between it fine that's fine. If Magnusson of course meant in the same way probably a penalty certain joy that is getting penalties the other drivers on and I believe the Stepan is getting unnecessary penalties. Go to the ludicrous penalty in China ludicrous penalty for a technically what they are to McLaren's but it was 3 into one 1st not racing incident and he got a true life through these things exist and certain drivers seem to be getting harsher penalties than others and. His I just I just think the take away with it because he's the Clare ad in the fight you know all the rest of the trauma identified as a Ferrari leading up and I think really the black and white flag was a bit of a bit of a cop out well essentially got a yellow card of Formula One But regardless no penalty and he was pleased with his win there are no words to describe exactly what I felt in the car during the race after the race it was just incredible to stand on the top step of the podium in front of so many people I mean the whole straight horse was full of funds and red funds and so it was just you know there are no as you describe that and I think it's going beyond all the dreams I've had since childhood which is which is incredible Joe look after winning in Italy in a Ferrari a very special day for him but let's have a let's have a chat about his team mate Sebastian Vettel. Jack. Has he lost the plot. I. Think the basis of what he did today may be. There's a few things firstly you know it's all a bit interesting that the team with him in Charlotte Clare in terms of Vettel is number one but like players coming in he's won the last 2 Grand Prix to pole position yesterday bit a couple which you can probably read more about with Andrew Benson over the coming days after qualifying but I think the 1st thing is Vettel just spun out of 4th place and he threw the race was thrown away by that point in his 1st spin like he'd ruined the chance to help his teammate Claire that allowed both us to go longer in the Grand Prix which ultimately allowed Botha's to attack Leclaire at the end OK Leclaire out over the win but that would have been more difficult for Miss Avies to do if Vettel was still in the Grand Prix So 1st of all the spin is bizarre but more the more bizarre is just pulling back on the track I'm really quite sort of cross about it like after last week without one where we know what happens with cars side on the race track getting hit by other car you know that is not a situation you ever want to be in and the Clare on Laugh 8 of the Grand Prix. When all the cars are still in a queue just going for it and just taking it back on the track and wiping out long stroll absolute madness I don't know if I've I can't think of ever seeing such an unsafe rejoin in for me to want someone just pulling back out onto the road it was honestly like an. F one game Internet lot where someone spins they just drive back on to the Dragon crashes do you do that on a go cart to track down a. You know how a pill or something you're getting disqualified they're giving you the black flag your sessions over me if you're going to drive like that it was it was a really odd bit of driving from I think firstly the mistake to spin was Paul out of 4 on his own and I think in all of the rest of it we sort of lost the fact that he'd already spun and was going to drop to the back of the pack anyway so that was a really poor mistake when he was actually looking all right in the race at that point it was keeping the team a say in check and it would be crucial to help his teammate win the race maybe get himself on the podium later on anyway he didn't speak but he spun the rejoin is just bizarre for a man that is what was his quote before this weekend are rather boring races forever than. And one who. Died last week and then he goes and pulls his own thoroughly cart in front of a pack of cars through the faster scullery Chakotay east just a walking contradiction and so many things just I mean it was a really odd thing that he did really and I know the feeling when you know when you've spun the car side know about it myself you want to rejoin the race as quickly as possible and you got a red mist in the rest of it but you cannot rejoin broadside in front of a pack of cars when they're all bunched up together on top of it it was unfortunate for him that he wiped out long strongly was having a great race the 7th as well so if he hadn't of hitting me Mata got away with it but it was just a really odd bit of driving it's worth pointing out. Sebastian Vettel is only 3 penalty points away from a one race ban now so he's got 3 races to avoid 3 penalty points otherwise he's getting a warm race ban like that's you know and I should be able to not find it difficult today but it better to point find out for you exactly but that's just the headline of it but it. Did it's interesting you turn in you say they're about the right mess because I think for me personally that was one of the reversed and probably one of the most idiotic moves that I've ever seen on track and I'm not a racing driver so I you know there's only so much I can say is the opinion of watching it but can you really go all the excuses Sorry yes I wanted to rejoin he's been bracing for a very long time it's not like he's a rookie and like Jack says he's picking up points left right and center this isn't the sort of time that you're pulling moves like that never that's the thing that I find more strange about Sebastian Vettel he's one of the older statesman of the sport is a 4 time champ one of the the. Head of the G.P.A. So he's a real voice of the drivers and you know the young drivers look up to him and it's not the sort of move you expect from anyone that's got to Formula One but from you know one of the elder statesman he's got a lot of experience and a lot of success is not the sort of thing that you you'd expect it's which is a really odd move and I just think he must be in a really awful headspace right now is the only reason I got for anyone sort of doing well how do you see the rest of his season panning out I.E. Right I'm going to say you know you know I mean I'm going to predict that vessel is not in a Ferrari next year. That's my prediction and I just think the way this season's going is going south so quickly for him it's now been a full year since not only is when but he's been fighting with Hamilton last year and in that year he's had. DA I could go through it but there's just so many errors moans or last year we had Japan we had Austin then we started this year we have Bahrain Canada let's not forget yes the Steelers everything but Canada he went off from the lead in the race Silverstone he wiped out. To Stepan and then here again is lost on his own is on a lot of areas a meanwhile he's young teammates has taken 2 poles and 2 wins on the bounce I just think. Don't get me wrong he's a very talented driver 4 time champion the rest of it I just think that in his position would either want to stay in the team the way that is going in everything else and I don't know if he'll move to another team or anything maybe it will stay in for all you know. This just my feeling right now is that it cannot be fun for him doing this unless he can turn it around in the next few races I just got to go to sneaky suspicion might be out of the team by the end of the year. I think if he leaves Ferrari he leaves F one I don't see him saying around doing it to me where I can and or whatever but I just think he's fallen out of love with the sport a bit and I said this about him when I interviewed him earlier in the year and I said I just the fire has gone. Unkind and I know what you mean I know what you mean the fire is not gone though and we have to do is really watch the Canadian Grand Prix to see that the fires and go may I mean maybe since the Canadian girl Brett has maybe that's the argument but yeah you know A.J. I think he still wants this is much as anything and in the frustrations building a building the mistake today. Let's not even talk about the reentry the track the mistake it's just not things that you associate traditionally Sebastian Vettel with losing it on his own out of 4th place under no pressure it's a it's a it's a poor mistake in the 1st place but the problem is with every mistake the pressure builds with every mistake it seems the clay is getting stronger the Ferrari team are all going to be grouping around him he's the one that's now going to head in the championship be taken to win the bounce we don't have to Singapore who's going to be flying the flag for Ferrari I mean we're all going to assume it's the cleric and only not Sebastian Vettel So the whole momentum shift is huge Claire's off having celebrations with the team right now and I just Vettel must be feeling renders And my question is a talented guy don't get me wrong but. Is he going to be enjoying what he's doing right now very very quickly on that was the penalty harsh enough. To me I mean it's the harshest penalty you can give without a disqualification and. A disqualification is irrelevant the penalty was irrelevant because race was ruined I genuinely be up for a great drop it the other day score pretend template for the next 3 honestly for me for that seems fair maybe I'm hating on BET a little bit too much but I think a template for that I think. Would be legit and let's give a little shout out to Antonio Italian 1st Italian racing abundances 2011 horrible season a horrible season but lots of mistakes lots of silly errors didn't make one today finished in 9th place may be you'd be hoping he could finish ahead of terror as but he finished behind Perez but apart from that can't really knock him and he's and he's tripled his points tally for the season going for want of 3 Paris is a good drive Yeah Perez was sort of the boat pretty much after the engine penalty or engine. Blow up yesterday and came through to finish 7th ahead of a step and still they had little contact although in the 1st Going to it was a good draw from Perez and. I can't forgive Paris for putting chips on a pizza on his Instagram saying shit and you know but there it was. Like red onions is what it is not talk about it it's just it's an outrage outrage is that bad the real outrage and we can I'd say I'd say that's a 10 2nd stop go penalty there 12 points on your license What about if they started today if you step in did it deeply license cancelled. And if Claire did it ever will be applauding the greatest teacher in the history of the history of the world I'll go back from being a vegetarian and that's not how good that was the driver of the day that it's not Charlotte Claire please. I am going to give it to you might even go to to the teacher Perez. Because he did it. Yeah I'm going I'm going pizza Paris. Why we don't want to give it a shot. Pizza Perez So I'm just going to Pizza Paris I have to say in all of the chat I was brilliant today on top of that and whilst we talk about penalties I think we sort of glossed over a lot we told our penalty that the drive was magnificent and I would give it to Charlotte glad I give it to. Just because it's the weekend before with the same kind of there as well the weekend before was recalled I was sensational Claire who was your driver the day I'm trying to desperately think I would say. That I would agree with you on your account I actually I definitely agree with that because I think that's a weekend's couple months and I get to see her and I lacking as it takes you to a 2 piece in a band like that kid in 10 days time in Singapore thank you but I suggest Gertie and this is pain and I'm to production the B.B.C. Radio 5 like. Good. Good. Good morning it's 5 o'clock. You. Know that and then the weekends gone. To have a nice. Monday morning with would my.

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