Nationalities and if it's not to seem to say it Happy Christmas from all of us as well b.b.c. Radio company we've been talking this morning Ali about getting locked in. There in a situation where you shouldn't have got locked and you have. A variation on the fame on this story though yes I have the opposite problem my problem is being unlocked and I have 2 young daughters so whenever I wear out in about you have to go to the toilet as a group of 3 and they get sorted 1st and then they get very very bored very quickly and while I'm on the loo the lights went out the door and let it woodsy except. We'll leave that one with you for what was the writing poorly it has we've all we've all. Been there at Chelsea through to the knockout stages of the Champions League following a 21 win of the Lille at Stamford Bridge last night elsewhere defending champions Liverpool one senile at Salzburg to secure secure their place in the last 16 tonight Manchester City and Tottenham play their final great matches both sides have already qualified for the knockout stages city take on Dinamo Zagreb Spurs travel to by Munich and color united on themselves an f.a. Cup 3rd round tie in Cardiff City next month following a one nil replay win over for a screen last night only racing today's Leicester had some link Phil Chelmsford city and Captain and let's get your weather all the details his Lisa Gallagher at Brighton breezy day with showers when she gave the hills I'm really feeling cheery just 6 l.c.s. That's 43 found height. And information listening with b.b.c. Sounds on low by old tablets and Online releases and your local may have come the joke it's official we have had confirmation just in the last few minutes of who has been the biggest selling musical artist of the past 10 years who is it you will find out before 815 this morning. B.b.c. Radio Cumbria reminds me. The 1st of 5 past a good morning there are less than 24 hours to go until the polls open and the people of the u.k. Get to have their say on who they want to run the country for the next 5 years it's been a hard fought him off and bad tempered campaigning this time on Friday we should know who the prime minister is and who will form the next British government I'm joined now by b.b.c. Radio Congress political reporter Bob Cooper Bob good morning we didn't think we'd have an election in 2019 but here we are what kind of campaign has the spirit in. Morning tonight well it's been morning which the party in office the conservatives have tried to make it all about one central issue really which is Braggs it with their promise to get bread get done with this new deal that Boris Johnson has negotiated with European leaders but of course Labor challenging them try to make it all about all sorts of other issues which inevitably come into play in a general election campaign so their core message is all about public services the n.h.s. And social justice and one of the patterns that we've seen over the course of the campaign is some of those smaller parties being squeezed in favor of labor and the conservatives the Liberal Democrats if you look at the trends in the polling as the campaign is going on seem to have lost support and of course one of the key big moments was Nigel for just brag to party deciding to stand down candidates in all conservative held seats that's been a bit of a game changer and it's made it a bit more of a 2 party election than it was at the start but of course when it comes to Thursday it will be about what voters decide today you know just briefly Bob voters incomer back up a big say in who wins could might tell us about the key seats so which are on the knife edge in our county. Yeah well elections are woman lost on these marginal constituencies which are closely fought between at least 2 different parties and we've got a lot of them in combat. For example a majority if just 209 woman by Labor last time the Tories are the closest challenges they're also the closest challenges in west London long stale which is held by the Lib Dems in the us a majority have. $777.00 this time then Labor will be looking to make gains in the likes of Copeland in Carlisle again reasonably small majority for the conservatives seats that Labor held until fairly recently and then of course that will kids and at the start of the campaign we heard all about this fabled Workington man character the archetype or key votes that the Tories need to win over to win a majority Labor defending a majority of just 4000 there so they can be involved as could have a big say in deciding who goes into Downing Street and Jeremy Coleman was here yesterday was Mike. Yes that's right he visited a pub in Carlisle where he was greeted by about 100 supporters and he had this message for voters. I say go down the road to a bar a strong sweetheart deals with Donald Trump and all the chaos that will bring that will bring in the damage to our health service and all the Labor way which is of creating that sense of inclusion and justice in society and defending our public services so one of the Conservatives had to say in response to that well might a conservative candidate for Carlisle John Stevenson didn't appear to Raffles I'm not sure Jeremy carbon will do any favors to my opponent because in Carlisle on the doorstep he's not been nothing particularly popular character national security what do you do for our economy and I don't think the people of Carlisle want Jeremy carbon as our prime minister. The of course Michael we won't know until Friday morning who the people of Carlisle and the rest of Cumbria indeed want us Prime Minister how do you see the rest of the campaign the final few hours putting out Bob Well I suppose it's just that last day isn't it for the parties to get their message out there so I'm sure that the conservatives will be who reiterating this message about getting Bragg's it done and likewise labor will be hammering home their message about the n.h.s. And public services and of course today is the last day before polls open at 7 tomorrow and close at 10 and if you want to check out who's standing in your area full list of candidates of course on the b.b.c. Website it's worth pointing out probably going to be with me in the studio on Friday along with our red regular political commentator David Galbraith as we get the results and we digest them and make sense of them all really. Yeah that's right Kunin on Friday morning special night breakfast I'm going to be there in the studio with level the political experts as you say and we'll try to bring you all the reaction from all the results in Cumbria and also keep you up to speed with the unfolding national picture as well in ways really a crucial election for this goofy Ok Thank you Bob Bob Cooper Our political reporter he's off for a lie down in the darkened room before all the fun starts I think it's safe to say we heard there from Jeremy Corbyn who was campaigning in Carlisle yesterday for the Labor candidate Ruth all craft and the response from the conservative John Stevenson the other candidate saying Carlisle Are you keeps Fiona mills and to Julie Adler before the Liberal Democrats for a full list of candidates standing in your part of Cumbria you can go to the b.b.c. Website and as Bob was saying that we will have full election coverage on Friday morning this program my example of breakfast starts at the slightly earlier time of 6 o'clock as we'll hear from Cumbria is newly elected M.P.'s the winners the losers and will reflect on what it all means nationally as well Friday morning here on your local. Mike Salah on b.b.c. Radio Cumbria. Now it's official we've had confirmation in the last 10 minutes of the biggest selling artist of the last 10 years. Of the lumber. Yard Sharon is out more u.k. Number one singles and albums than any other artist in this decade that makes him the Official Charts number one artist of the decade his single shape of you that was the best selling single of the last 10 years as well and that's been calculated from physical sales downloads and streaming data as well Martin Tolbert is the chief executive of the Official Charts Company which has just announced this Martin joins us now. I asked him good morning for the confirmation then the ed sheeran is one of the biggest music stars in Britain at the moment and he's also got 2 of the songs in the top 10 I believe yes he's been you know extraordinary this last decade I mean he's had 4 albums in that time and you know all of them have done in the well 3 of them are among the top 10 biggest albums of the decade and that's quite an achievement for an artist to you know in 2010 we hadn't even heard of it was you know just a you know a young kid kind of breaking through. And playing in pubs in Ipswich So yeah it's quite quite an achievement and I think the other guy with the kind of broader story as well is that you know there are 2 artists who have really dominated this decade Ed Sheeran's of the leading one and Adele is the other 2 British acts you know the king and queen of British music if you like and and not just here in the u.k. But across the world as well these are global superstars now and that's great news for music great news for the music industry here in the u.k. And you know just great news for the 1st kind of a brand u.k. As well that you've got these guys in these people who are going out across the world now is going to ask you mention the Dow but who else is snapping it Ed Sheeran sales Well it's really a Dell and it sure and I mean the 4 biggest selling or the biggest albums of the decade the 1st 2 Adele the album 21 of the album 25 of the next to read Sheeran x. And develop multiply and divide so. You know the only other album that comes close is Michael boo place Christmas album which And that's partly because it comes back he year after year after year if you take Michael Bay's album other way then you've got Sam Smith again then you've got so then you've got Sam Smith and you get shown again they make really stand a almost the entire of the top 10 I made up of British artist which is which is which is fantastic. If we're talking now about the artists of the decade that we've just had who do you think of the singers the groups to watch in as we're going to need to Kate of music Wow that's a really difficult question. It's really hard it's really hard to say actually I mean I think I mean look when your this when your of the kind of level and celebrity and success that Adele and she would have have had I think they will continue to ride through we are well overdue you and Adele album The rumors are they'll be a new one coming next year I have no doubt that they'll be another Ed Sheeran up within a couple of years time you know they're there to be knocked off I mean the other thing I mean you've got your storms he has got a brand new album out this Friday I think he has he has a way to go and could be a really really big star in the 1st half the next decade Harry Styles also has an arm out this Friday and actually sounds really good so there's a true artist with with great potential to take go to that next level but it's so difficult I mean you know as I said in 2010 we hadn't heard of it Sharon and here we are now and he's he's you know one of the biggest artists in the world. But that of your own finds Lawson Martin tub of the chief executive of the Official Charts Company which has just announced in the past few moments that Ed Sheeran is the biggest selling artist of the last 10 years. I 15 on the I was good morning as Mike celebrate 1st baby seat radio coverage the headlines for you political leaders are making a last push for votes this of course ahead of the general election tomorrow Jeremy Coleman will say that laid off as I vote for hope while spars Johnson will claim that only the Tories can get breaks it done. It's hoped that the biggest new statement to be loaded into went to in 80 years will help to encourage more tourists to ditch that cost we're going to be back hearing more about that with our reporter nail Smith before I 1st and in small little Poland Chelsia through to the Champions League knockout stages following wins last night. And cover is whether brunch really a 1st on cloudy light if you have a shower likely with a high today of 6 Celsius. B.b.c. Radio Cumbria has been challenging. You know we're now on the 11th day of Advent and it's time to open another door on the b.b.c. Radio Cumbria advent calendar as you know behind each door are the sounds which will take you somewhere in this beautiful county of ass and today it's a wild spot on the northern coast we're going to double points north of Allen Bay on the Sawai. The waves on the beach at double point on the sole way that to relax and sink the weapons they morning and we will of course open another thought on the advent calendar tomorrow here on your wife. Vicki war on b.b.c. Radio Cumbria I got 7 now with Bush a late call better if days. Grew up in the inner city in the 1st of all we had singing groups on every corner is the air there we were singing in the hallways. You can go in to the little arcades in a head these little blues in which you could actually cut and record your own record. Maybe he wore a weekday afternoons from 2 on your local b.b.c. Radio Cumbria and music will be a year long after. There isn't a mouth from outside which raises an interesting question morning Martin I've just received an email from a company offering to search for out of print books for me if I don't have Internet access how asks Martin what I have received their email without internet access. It's a good point well made right. Crazies and some of the things you get right Pats given a script to cover Hello Pat supplied extra is Pat's clue supplied extra weight as partakers this morning with that David Gates is 79 today he found fame as the front man of which band so David Gates found fame as the from out of which band and the children for you to identify. It was only 2 issues the music let's just say hopefully. It's making you feel festive. Which we'll see if that's the case what we got for you Rob's got himself a silver dead Gary Aston is he done by cryptic barber in Dolphin with 2 goals on the Maoris an avatar more than alley least run on warming James and Marilyn 3 out of 3 The email address you need Mike dot Cumbria b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. You can of course give us a ring a weight 100 trouble 14950 we're on Twitter at b.b.c. Underscore Cumbria or stick a text my wife that sees your 813 double 3 star you text with the word Cumbria Margaret says from flu bug day to day well you could have bronze let's let's be positive. And all right day for you Margaret. Can't Miss Mercer them by cryptic you've got 2 out of 3 as well here's the song on small. Also this morning we're talking about being locked in. Because a dad was locked out of his home his one year old daughter had somehow managed to lock him out to get the police to let him in your stories plays of of being locked in a rather bizarre circumstances you can just pull it was my own fault the door blew b. I mean the case for inside weird ways that you've been locked in or indeed unlocks we heard I was telling a tale of being unlocked earlier this morning there's a note from Susie how I might like Alison I was unlocked I was teaching in North Wales and to get across this very large site I was in the science lab I was teaching that I had to was across to do last minute registration with my form I was desperate for the Lea So I dived into the universe x. Stuff toilet. And as I was there in walked the head teacher he just stood there shocked saying well and I was sitting there going oh oh . It felt like a long time is probably just 5 seconds but it was the most embarrassing 5 seconds of my life. And there is a call from Elaine morning to a line my son got locked in the utility room. He was at the time an apprentice joiner and he was putting on a new door handle everything was fine until I got a phone call at work from him saying. I'm stuck in the utility room. He had he had before Iraq he had tried to help himself. He tried to get out using the cat flap but surprisingly wasn't able to. Mike sell out on b.b.c. Radio Cumbria. As Something tells me like my story just keeps coming back and back and back to haunt her as and when you see fit like a Wednesday morning in December thanks for your call this morning any of the similar stories I'd love to hear the plays get into she's the contact details have given you for the doings will give you the dings answers by the song in full in about half an hour's time by the way right 22 minutes past 8 today the waters of Windham air are due to welcome the news like Steam for 80 years with the launch of the m.v. Swift the multi-million pound vessel is due to enter service next summer and unlike the 3 all the big boats this one will be able to work $364.00 days of the year and reach every jetty around the lake Nigel Wilkinson the managing director of would be like Cruises says it's important the attraction increases its capacity that we can move more people sustainably around the central lake district but in addition we need 364 days for a ship so this boat's been designed with winter operation in mind where some of our other boats were designed for the summer and it's got the capability to go to the smaller churches around the lake so we can work with the hotels and we can enhance services let's get back to like side beside the wind I'm in now on b.b.c. Radio Congress furnace reporter morning again nail. Good morning again Mike and yes in the last hour the sun this sort of come up it's certainly got lights and you've got this amazing view in front of me now all of the new park built and the swift sitting on a giant series of wheels on a sort of massive strongly pointing towards the light between the light side hoe tower and the aquarium here 2 giant red cranes on either side of it and the plan is that they will lift a vessel up and into the like and that will be happening later on this morning winds permitting now with me is about Fast and the project manager from the diamond shipyard in the Netherlands which is building the m.v.s. With 4 Wyndham it like cruises thank you very much for joining us this morning now this is obviously a part built vessel one just bought to the beginning that the 1st bits were actually built in Poland is that right this right yes. Domino has a yard over there. And that's where I really. Did see the build of the sections that's a sort of the part of. The 1st hole we started out there with with a hole and then went on to the main deck and the upper deck and send them one by one. Into England and to the parking lot over here and so they've been built in a car park as you say how easy is it you know when you're used to working in a shipyard where you've got all of your facilities around you maybe got a roof over the top as well as heat and walk in the right you've been working in the Lake District counterpart for for the last 456 months it was quite a challenge and I think also the rest of the project will be. As you mentioned we are used to working in a building sheds. Where we don't have rain we do. And have a lot of. Wins but also. Then we have all the facilities all the tools all the people. Etc etc And here actually we started out with nothing. So I think as a project manager it's really important that you do your job well I guess isn't it you've got to plan everything got the right tools in at the right time the right mix arriving at the right time and center yesterday you then have the next challenge because just behind us is the gap and pass the thing aquarium and it's it was a tight squeeze was that it was quite a squeeze Yes. We started to planning this operation actually. About a year ago. And then we already noticed that. With between the aquarium and the trees that are over there is very small so that would be a. Challenge than it was. But as we did. Planning already a year ago. We knew and their issues well yeah well to date your craning into the like there's a challenge with the wind isn't there but how hopeful are you that this is all going to go as well as yesterday. We are. Very confident that it will work out if we would have to do the launch yesterday or for sure we wouldn't have done it because they're worse was too much wins but now. Now the forecast is looking good so I think it's crossed Yeah yeah and after today there's still a lot of work for you guys to do isn't that there is there is so actually we've built the. Structure now so we have a whole. And we have the decks on. Also we will be. Lifting the wheel house on. Today but after that we still have to. Build the whole interior. For one and also have to put the windows in that church right side from how hopeful are you that you will get this finished next spring to be handed over in time for it to be coming its 1st passengers will the high seas and next summer we will deliver on that in May as. Agreed with. Winter merely cruises and yes it will be a challenge as before but looking forward to it but 1st and thank you very much for joining us and so yes he's confident will say the lift is due to start in a couple of hours' time like his mail thank you b.b.c. Radio cameras Neil Smith at Lakeside decide when demand now is going to be hanging around for the launch will report on that for hopefully everything goes swimmingly it'll be on the news hour without him power between $5.00 and $6.00 the same and you'll hear about that on the news hour without him from 5 o'clock. B.b.c. Radio Cumbria 28 minutes past site now authorities in New Zealand say there's an increased risk of another eruption on the volcanic island where 6 people were killed the Monday night of the missing presumed dead b.b.c. Radio Congress Steve was with me Steve morning what else are the authorities been saying that the police are saying it's too dangerous my caress Q teams to return to White Island to try and recover the victims' bodies Here's the director of the civil defense and Emergency Management in New Zealand she's Sarah Stuart black there is always a delicate balancing act when it comes to recovery operations of where risk to human life exists and right now the science tells us that this is just too high I can assure you that risk is constantly being received because everyone I mean everyone is united in their desire to recover those bodies from the island so they can be returned to the loved ones and reconnaissance flights Stevo show no signs of life on the island yet there have been hope that rescue teams will be able to retrieve the missing and today equipment on the island is closely tracking seismic activity as well as you said Mike and Graeme Lendl is a volcanologist a New Zealand geological agency and our expert elicitation estimates a chance 40 to 60 percent of another eruption in the next 24 hours That's up slightly from 30 to 50 percent yesterday tremor on the island so as Mick signals on the island are as gloating at the moment in summary yesterday there was a high risk of an eruption today there is an even higher risk of an eruption but least $47.00 visitors from around the world were on the crater at the time of this eruption and White Island is a popular tourist destination with frequent day tours and scenic flights available as well the from the school of geosciences at the University of Sydney he says there are many reasons why it's an attraction for tourists but special about why the island is that most of it is submerged under the sea but what sticks out at the top is on the back less than 10 percent of it so the whole struck. Actually about 1.6 kilometers tall about the sea floor and so seawater seeps into it all the time and into the night my chamber and it get super heated and it comes out as the pressure drops it comes out and so called fumaroles and some of the spring and gases that can be up to 800 degrees hot mike 30 people are still being treated in hospital 25 are in a critical condition the other 5 or classed as stable but serious Ok thank you b.c. Radio Korea Steven Bell reporting for you the small. Travel Simon actually with a lighter around call this morning Mike on Bridgewater road Hardwick circus Warrick road and Victoria viaduct being closed of course and there's flooding at meals gate on the 5 to 99 also more road street and that's a close and a thrill kill back lane is also closed because of flooding 345-305-3939 the number to call I'll have more for you in 30 minutes on the way in a few moments time Sam was mentioning the weather what can we expect for one so I will get the forecast Lisa Gallagher here just to take them as a man was not a common united in the f.a. Cup as well Paul Deacon has all of that information 1st just great 30 his hour with news headlines political parties are stepping up campaigning in a last ditch bid to secure have votes in the election tomorrow Baris Johnson will say the Tories are the only party who can get breakfast done while Jeremy called they will repeat pledges on funding for the n.h.s. Expanding free childcare and lowering transport fares to every Galbraith electorate in politics at the Open University told b.b.c. Radio Cumbria there's a lot at stake you have a Labor government in power with a very much bigger role for the states which is significantly changed the way people live or you have a conservative government which would obviously put forward a blanket agenda which would transform our relationships with Europe significantly the biggest steamer to be launched on when DIMIA in more than 80 years will be loaded on to the late today Nigel Wilkinson from we. Timea Lake Cruises says m.v. Swift is an important addition to the fleet it's important that we can increase capacity so we can move more people sustainably around the central lake district but in addition we need 364 days ago or operation so this posting designed with winter operation in mind the police in New Zealand have released the names of 9 people who are presumed dead after a volcanic eruption on Monday 6 of as a known to have been killed it's too dangerous for rescue teams to search for the bodies because there's a risk of another eruption scientists from liberal university say food and drink labels to display how much exercise people need to do to burn off the calories contained in the products the researchers say it would be a more effective way of tackling obesity Ed Sheeran's be named the number one artist of the Decade by the Official Charts Company He's had 12 number ones across the official singles and albums charts between 2010 pounds this year and there are still full flood warnings in Cumbria there for the river Eden in collar around rickety park for the river Ga and Staveley and things on the River Kent Staveley for the river Greta Kazik unfold the Kazik campsite b.b.c. Radio company and the thing without Sharon as well that's him as a performer you then think about the number of songs which he's written which for other artists which have gone to the to the top of the charts absolutely he's absolutely incredible of course why did that Sharon start b.b.c. Introducing. B.b.c. Radio one real weather. And as I was would points out he's backing band starts for b.b.c. Sports Personality of the year we look at charities brilliant. 25 past 8 is the sunrise time for the sorting So it's been with us about 10 minutes or so 16 minutes to 4 is when it will disappear the soft and then we do have a high tide for it one minute to 11 at some other 8.6 meters 13 minutes to 11 at Mary point 8 meters dead on 7.94 Workington 16 minutes to 11 their White Haven 26 minutes to 11 the height of 7.58.8 for bar on our side 19 minutes to 11 a barrow and 4 minutes to 11 when it picks at our side plenty of cloud knocking around Seascale they are brighter patched up fairly windy mind but it is dry 7 degrees it's a bit sorry for Kazik but quite mild albeit it is good stay blustery for Kendal occasional heavy showers of hail and rain we thought it was getting better sort of day today 3 degrees in Kendall in Skelton karma the winds die down it's dry 8 Celsius there in Penn time around 5 degrees pouring down actually says our Pentagon weather watcher and in Milam cold windy dry. Well the dry shall we cry skies above minimum as well possibly foreboding for some rain lighter is not the case Lisa Gallagher good morning to you and good morning it's showers really to any point through the course of the day in between there will be spells of sunshine so on the whole it is Bryce than yesterday while system a blustery day the winds won't be as strong although at the moment still gusting around 35 to 40 miles an hour will be easing off through the course of the day but continuing to blow in plenty of showers the showers will be heavy at times and in the heavier ones likely be a bit wintry over the tops of the hills and feeling much colder today than yesterday only around about 6 degrees now the showers become fewer and further between as we head through the sea evening and overnight but will still be one or 2 around and temperatures will drop down to around 2 degrees tomorrow the best the weather 1st thing that could be some early brightness but the cloud quickly fills in ahead of wet weather spilling out from the southwest and as that wet weather bombs into the colder air it could start off a sleet and snow especially on the higher ground before turning back to rain especially lower levels and clearing away later a cold day around 5 or 6 degrees Friday variable cloud sunny spells and patchy rain at times and around 6 degrees and then over the weekend rather windy again for Saturday with blustery showers lighter winds but still a risk of showers on Sunday and temperatures around about 6 degrees for the into waters forecast valid until 6 o'clock tomorrow morning the wind west are southwesterly for 6 or 7 occasionally gale force 8 at 1st decreasing force 4 or 5 the sea states light or moderate occasionally rough at 1st they'll be showers school the 1st on the visibility good for the files forecast the temperature at 900 meters 3000 feet around one Celsius the winds above 600 meters 2000 feet strong southwesterly cloud base is around 3 to 600 meters that's 1000 to 2000 feet the visibility pole occasion a moderate the freezing level above the summits. A.b.c. Radio. Only 23 minutes now his pony will hear about her United's f.a. Cup progress in just a moment Firstly though Chelsea through to the knockout stages of the Champions League after goals from Tommy Abraham and Cesar Azpilicueta seal the 21 win of a little at Stamford Bridge last night in the same group last year's semi final when South they were beaten by Valencia who go through as group winners elsewhere to goals in 2 minutes from now b.k. Turn most Salah sealed a teen a win for Liverpool at Salzburg that secures their place in the last 16 is their manager you're going I couldn't I couldn't have more respect Oakley boards as well as doing it and you could come here as the current or whatever germs the winner and is on a standard to do ation and I will love it. With my team is so smart that they listen and the put a shift in like that so that's what was unbelievable Meanwhile Manchester City will be without John Stein's for their Champions League group game away to Dino's a grab city are already through to the last 16 as well as Tottenham who are awaited by Munich tonight is the B.B.C.'s football correspondent John Murray which has changed since Tottenham's record breaking 72 defeat to buy in in October both coaches then merits your party Tino and Nicole Colebatch of gone and Spurs have recovered well enough to know their place in the last 16 as group runners up is secured by an can't be caught but they're struggling on the home front 7th in the Bundesliga and expected to field a strong team including $27.00 goal top scorer Robert leaven ski so with hurricane a 9 of their 1st team has rested or injured shows a Marine your squad players could face quite a test here meanwhile Napoli have sacked their manager Carlo just hours after they began for Nel to reach a knockout stages Legion ited a move back to the top of the Championship table after to know when overhaul pressed in the back in the top 6 this morning after their 21 win against Fulham and started by fellow strugglers Luton. 3 Nel there are also when so Millwall and for her to spilled color United have earned themselves an f.a. Cup 3rd round tie in Cardiff City next month after a one nil replay win over forest green Rovers last night Aaron Hayden's 1st goal for the club secured a one will win in front of the 3rd lowest crowd ever for an f.a. Cup tie at Brunson park just $1736.00 were there to see it is the United assistant coach Gavin Skelton there's probably a lot of things you look at look I don't attack from the UK but we want you know what I mean that's a positive if we're winning games people start coming to watch that but never change it obviously we're delighted to get through to next round and it's great to get a win and hopefully build on that and take the confidence for a victory take into the lead lead on to a well the size will meet in South Wales over the weekend of the 3rd 4th and 5th the general United also earned 54000 pounds in prize money for making progress last night and elsewhere a 21 win for Yeovil town at Chesterfield saw Yeovil move up to 2nd in the National League table 3 points behind the leaders Barrow having played a game or that result also increased the pressure on former colleague United manager John Sheridan he's Chesterfield side life 2nd bottom with 5 defeats in their last 6 games Sheridan walked out on United to join his former club back in January and the world number one judge trumpy story to the 2nd round of the Scottish Open snow get he beat Monaco's I mean I'm a wreath for nail Trump was back in action for the 1st time since his surprise exit at the recent u.k. Championship at the hands of veteran Nigel bond Nowadays some as long as you're going to loose now and again and it's always nice to. Run the corner to try and get your form but I was sorry as I started well made a century for us Roman is always going to put me upon under pressure and I missed the art of war here and there but felt pretty good overall And just finally today's race meetings last the Hagstrom Lingfield Chelmsford city and captained by small 229 a lot more of us are shopping online these days you might well have done some Christmas shopping easy. The thing is though are we always happy with the service apparently not consumer watchdog which has published its list of the worst online retailers in the u.k. Home buy stock. Has come out is the least loved with some specialist retailers being the most popular let's have a word with Nikki Clark our business expert make a good morning so we mentioned home base which retail is a found their way into the northeast up with only Mike. You look at this vice 7000 people interviewed and you think yeah I can go along with this you know it reflects on what I've been thinking anyway but on the naughty step is how bison being kids are the 2 big d.i.y. Store prices even got my cash contribution he's always ready to cause a stir and he reckons the High Street you know that is Di but House of Fraser disposed direct to both there together not doing terribly well in the other one is double edged miss and a lot of people scratch said interim wonder what exactly he's for in the 1st place so. When you look at the worst performers and they've got around the unbiased was probably 57 percent of the vote you can understand why people are so skeptical you look at the the better performers and top of the list mainly online these Listen she's my cup of gather riches sounds which is why far away as far as I video which speaks for itself they will achieve scores of around 93 percent so much double what the likes of home bison being pure achieving because they offer a good online service along with a good physical presence on the street so what are the problems if they say they store the scoring so poorly what are the problems that consumers are coming up against quite often is not I find that complaints dealt with are not they're not what it's all value for money is another problem and the summary is this is just a lack of stuff once in stock. You know you go online and you see all that that looks good all at one of them and then find their story out stuck and it's nothing more irritating All right you can move on whereas if you're doing it on the ice tray or in a. Retail center. Site should chance it to get rain How are you hungry stark I'll go somewhere else but it all takes time is Era Tyson and it is just a thing that these specialist retirees many of you know so big ticket items are expensive buy off experts say yes they offer value for money they offer an experience which the bigger firms at the bottom of the the ladder here and not offering they don't respect their customers you look at riches sans I've interviewed him several times he's a very radical go is looks after his staff he treasures his customers. And he's got a different approach to you know say lots of him by his in you think you're the last customer in the world and he's going to make a fuss of you and give you a good experience you don't always get down by race despite everything that we're talking about this morning Makiya size is a love for online shopping continuing to flourish Oh very much you know and it's been attributed to the fact that you know so many retailers have gone to the wall the share but it's not just in the Internet it's all about more competition it's also about cost business rights and their site it's also about incompetence if you've got your strategy right you know going to do well you. Point Mickey thank you good to hear from you again Mickey Clark our business expert it's b.b.c. Radio Cumbria where are we at quarter to 9 let's bring you the headlines that greeting you for this morning. Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn will push home their key messages today as they try to secure undecided votes ahead of tomorrow's general election as you've been hearing on this program the biggest new statement to be launched on Windemere in 80 years should come into service next year the m.v. Swift will be lowered into the water today. 100 small of a ball in Chelsea through to the Champions League knockout stages following wins last night and Cumbria is whether it will get cloudy through the morning and into the afternoon feel heavy showers likely with a high of 6 Celsius. I've been talking this morning about have you ever been low or indeed locked or unlocked from somewhere way should have been or indeed locked out of somewhere locked in Martyn's out about delivering car body pulled over enough to some of this he says morning Marco the story makes me smile many years ago we were struggling to buy a present for my dad so because he loved his car so much we thought you know what we'll get him a steering lock That'll be just the job so we bought it for me like to have it then we went away on a family trip to Norfolk we parked up at a train station took the trying to Norwich we had a great day we made our way back in as Martin rightly points out you know what's coming we go back to the station return to the car we got into the car and realize that the key to unlock the steering lock was in Carlisle. So we had to get a bus to Yarmouth the only shop open was asked about they had no hacksaws the last bus had since gone so the only way to get back to the railway station and the incredibly secure car was by train the train was delayed by 30 minutes. We were utterly miserable we just wanted to get back to where we were staying anyway. The silver lining to this cloud for the train being white was the fact that the railway engineer just pulled up in his van at the station as we were there and he had a hacksaw Martin says you will never ever hear is complain of a light train again thank you Martin we were just chatting in the hall where and I reckon you've got into it a little deal and maybe get Gods for a little listen to radio on the audio book in swindle get the money it's not my car is a female I can't imagine I'm going do without I mean I want to can imagine what to do with them I was just all this is there think you know of. Any way he said yeah. Me and swindlers day lunchtimes from 12 on your local b.b.c. Radio Cumbria. The slush time for midday today golden swindle Hurst is going to have a word with Judy Collins find of course for Amazing Grace Judy Collins the guest of golden swindler Scott McCaughey is here from node writes 12 minutes tonight a few days after Christmas when some of us will be trying to probably as we always but often access Turkey with the trimmings volunteers from our county heading to Northern France members of the Carlisle Refugee Action group heading to Cali and they're going there with a delivery to the refugees who are still living in the camps James Cartwright is from the Carlisle Refugee Action Group He joins me now in the studio morning James that's very common in this of course you've been on this program before this is far from your 1st trip to Cali but this time the driving force I believe behind this trip is local school it was fantastic called you school got in touch to say that they will wanted to make the appeal for this Christmas about refugees and so we asked what was most useful things that they could provide and one of those is Sox So peoples are learning about refugees this week and hoping to get as many as 500 pairs of socks ready for me to take down really. It's Christmas Look I mean it hasn't been in the news of late has meant prominently in the news do you find a lot of people maybe the mob you people listening to this now who'll be going oh well refugees they're still in Cali Absolutely and I hear that quite a lot and what a theory is coming for They've all gone and they certainly haven't there are about 2000 people now spread out between coming down Kirk which is as many as there were 4 years ago when we started taking things to her own supporting refugees there so the situation is as big if you like in northern France as it was then you've been doing your trips to Cali Frank of about 4 years now do you do you find that people are still denoting as much they still have as much empathy and passion for that situation to be honest no. This trip has been quite different actually because the last couple of years it has been a bit of struggle to get together enough to nations even to justify the cost of taking of I'm down there and. And I think it's difficult when things aren't in the media all time people are hearing the stories about what's going on in northern France to be honest big chance to tell you today about this is fantastic because as I said the truth is there are 2000 people there who are cold and don't necessarily have as much as a tent and they've got nowhere else to go. Despite that despite the fact that General donations might be down we mentioned the cold you school id your hearts must be must be gladdened by that their suggestion to you absolutely we get very excited by socks and sleeping bags these days yet it's really exciting that whole school has come on board not least because it does mean there will be $500.00 who knows maybe more pairs of socks making their way to college but also because it means that all those children are hearing something about refugees or finding out about the situation that many people are facing in the world what was the reaction when when they discovered when they learned a little bit more about the situation in Cali Well I get to go and talk to the school about it and find out I'm hoping that children will be partly shocked. Partly that they will simply learn that there are people who. Living very different lives to them because I think that's important for all of us to know that but also hopefully they'll feel that they realize there's something they can do to help which is really something that sort of got me going 4 years ago the realisation was something useful could be done anything other than socks you mention sleeping bags anything else that you're looking to take out yes to be honest that the last 4 years that hasn't changed very much but sleeping bags tents blankets blankets like Goldust because of the time we all had wooden blankets at our homes and they were covered sort of them blankets we would love to get and some of 1000 blankets but other than that it's generally small and medium men's clothes because it was predominantly men that we're helping down there there are women and children there but there are other groups who support them so small to medium jogging bottoms hoodies fleeces coats the things that people need to get through winter's day have a safe trip thank you very much for coming in that search James Cartwright from Carlisle Refugee Action Group thank you James. Right we need to sort out this morning 3 holdings don't we what do we go for in cryptic Umbria from Pat supplied extra brought on more brought more village in our day was today's cryptic Cumbria location Thank you Pat David Gates is 79 today he found fame as the from out of which band he was the lead singer of Brad make it with you what song or wonderful chain and another wonderful tune that's coming your way in just a moment Elton John and step into Christmas that was the song The Smalling on the Danes fill in agreement getting his soul but done by cryptic You weren't alone in the water so we got for you this morning we had 2 For John who's in store 3 had a silver as you now know Richard now we were going to be we have pattern start with 2 out of 3 Elizabeth in bus and white Susan floral also with a silver medal the Smalling hat tricks I would like to add on for houses show in Charles welcome to you. You got yourself what did you get. Into that Silver Sun. The Christmas present. Norma And Carol you go yourself 3. If you're listening and he said. For amount of bread I mean you this is well it's stuffed into Christmas and b.b.c. Radio Cumbria. That's reminder I mean who goes Why why I need to watch the Elton John interview footage with Graham Norton because from the bits of scene it looks absolutely brilliant Barry is step into Christmas your local b.b.c. Radio Cumbria one thing we've been talking about this one was inspired by this story a dad was locked out of his home by his one year old daughter the yet to call the police to get them to let him and you've been in touch with some wonderful tiles of being locked are indeed unlocked at the most inopportune moment son and actually you have a story to share do you know I was living in Kendall shared accommodation and we had a new housemate move in and I don't think the landlord had sort of told them what doors we locked and what we didn't so I came home from a night out it was probably about help us think or 211 tried to get in think you know that's a bit stiff the doors but it's difficult work out and trying the block again and I'm like trying and I'm thinking hang on a minute that's locked further down than it should be and house is in darkness I phoned the house I'm thinking I'm going to be so popular i Phone the house number no answer phone their mobiles no answer I lived in one part the house and everyone else lived in the other part the house and I couldn't get into this part of the door because the new housemate who shared the kitchen facilities with us had come out lock the door in both locks and then gone to bed. So I thought I did it was a bit too cold to sleep in the car overnight in the cup so I went to social media and a local pub came to my rescue and put me up for the night. So I'm guessing the following day you said you know what you did last night with the locks can you actually do it and. Just keep doing it in the pub. Taking you through. All of the traffic and trouble thanks very much like a busy. Road or remaining busy this morning we've got flooding as well from last night may be 5 to 9 in both directions that's flooded and the road Carney closed more road street in both directions at Pearson close that's closed because of flooding and Threlkeld on the 53 to 2 between 3 and filming closed because of flooding one of them to tell you about traffic heavier than normal on the a 66 road at Workington 034-530-5393 extension 9 the number to call in 30 minutes . Good morning this is b.b.c. Radio Cumbria. And I'm Caroline Roberts and coming up. How far would you have to run to burn off a chocolate bar and do you want to know academics in a university they've been working out exactly how far you need to. To burn off. Tomorrow is Election Day Will you be going out to vote is the weather. And I want to know who cooks the Christmas dinner in your house. It's called. The county. Seat. With the news. 9 o'clock Allison wood party leaders have begun a whistle stop 2 of marginal seats in a final attempt to win over voters before tomorrow's election but has Johnson's been delivering milk and orange juice to homes in West Yorkshire stressing his belief that only the Conservatives can deliver Prexy this critical people critical could not be tighter I just say to everybody the risk is very real that we could tomorrow be going into not that much drift who didn't want to play. For which we've got a fantastic job it's country let's get this thing done Jerry McCall Binns began his day in Glasgow arguing that a vote for Labor will save the n.h.s. The Lib Dems leader Joe Swinson will call on people to back her candidacy to stop the u.k. Leaving the e.u. . Any steamer will be lowered into wind to me today the biggest in more than 80 years and the swift will go into service next summer Nigel Wilkinson from when DIMIA late Cruises says she'll continue to be fitted out while she's in the water the police complaints about the end of April when she'll be handed over to us after her like trials and then we can train the crew up with peers who are untrained services Summerside Yeah really exciting times for us efforts to be made to build trust in the police among victims of modern slavery in Cumbria the county's Police and Crime Commissioner has been working with church volunteers to distribute clothing and toiletries among potential victims as you or me reports the starter bikes scheme is being run by churches together these are optimists and company as Police and Crime Commissioner Peter McCall The idea is to give out banks of clothing toiletries and greetings cards telling potential victims that there are people in the county who cared about and are thinking of them almost 200 reports of modern slavery were made to Cumbria police last year it's often called a hidden crime and covers a range of criminal on abusive situations from human trafficking forced labor or sex work and child sexual exploitation the police in New Zealand have released the names of 9 people who are presumed dead after a volcanic eruption on Monday 6 of those a known to have died increased seismic activity has hampered efforts to get rescue teams on to the island to recover bodies volunteers from the Refugee Action Group are preparing to head to Cali to help people stranded there sometimes without shelter there Catherine clothes blankets and sleeping bags to take to people there the police are urging people living in the water milk area near water to search out buildings for missing 52 year old woman officers say they're concerned about Michelle Edgar is 5 foot 2 with Sandy sold a little blond hair. And peoples that country's most culturally diverse primary skill have been sending best of which it is the police know we don't they still Ishant question Federici still is not though that's happy Christmas in Spanish polish for many an am Portuguese from children at Brook Street Primary in callow it's people come from 17 different nationalities Now let's get the sport he is Pole meet him Chelsea are through to the knockout stages of the Champions League following a $21.00 win of the Lille at Stamford Bridge last night also a defending champions Liverpool want to know at Salzburg to recur secure their place in the last 16 tonight Manchester City and Tottenham play their final group matches both sides have already qualified for the knockout stages city take on the grab Spurs travel to the German champions by Munich and color United a burn themselves an f.a. Cup 3rd round tie in Cardiff City next month following their one hour replay win over forest green it was watched by the 3rd lowest crowd ever for an f.a. Cup tie at Brunson park just $1736.00 funny racing today Leicester Hague something Phil Chelmsford city and captain and the weather cloudy it would.

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