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One the b.b.c. News became a chair I model of a city the Cambridge a Fire and Rescue Service of said the 2 members of the public saved a man's life after they forced their way into a burning house a man was taken to hospital with burns after a bungalow fi in very green in Stratham Cambridge where around 10 pm yesterday 4 fire engines in an aerial appliance were sent to the scene as 25 firefighters tackled the blaze and 4 members of the public were treated for smoke inhalation all non-essential vehicles have been barred from the streets of New han the Chinese city were new respect for tree viruses emerged as the authorities resorts to ever stricter measures to control the outbreak 41 people have died there from Corona virus there are more than 1200 confirmed cases the curbs on people's movements are in place during the height of the Lunar New Year celebrations the country's most important holiday but China expert Isabel Hilton says it's a difficult moment for the country's leader Xi Jinping he wants to be loved He's the personification of Chinese power and right now if you if you look at Chinese social media if you look at what's happening in the hospitals there is a panic going on and people don't trust what they're being told they think they're being lied to that's very bad for an authoritarian leader became richer and Peterborough combined or 30 have announced a multi-million pound maker of a person near the town center it will be the 1st of the Come counties historic market towns to receive funding as part of a new program of master plans Sara very reports the master plans of the martyrs priority projects in the oath or it is 2021 business plan they say the aim is to help historic communities realize their potential by making them greener more attractive and people friendly the scheme in Sydney is willing clued new bus shelters around the market square described as being of classic minimalist heritage design painted black with a pitch truth there will also be a new pedestrian and cycle bridge linking regatta park to Priory lane building work is due to start in May this year. Downing Street says during a phone call with President Trump Boris Johnson reiterated the need for an American woman want to be in connection with a fatal car crash to return to the u.k. Yesterday the American author it is formally turned down an extradition request for answer clueless who is the wife of a u.s. Intelligence officer Harry Dunn was killed as he was riding his motorbike near an aria base in Northampton sheer last summer a 16 year old boy has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a teenager was fatally stabbed in the street in the words the town of Lymington spa Tom Singleton has the details now as a Patry Sue is 17 and from Birmingham was stabbed to death 10 days ago his family released a statement saying they were heartbroken and their lives would never be the same again the police believe the attack on him might be linked to a so-called county lines drug operation 4 men were arrested shortly afterwards but were subsequently released the 16 year old was detained overnight an 18 year old has also been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender both remain in police custody. 3 people have been arrested after 2 packages each containing around 6 kilos of cocaine were found at a possible depo in London it's thought they had a street value of a 1000000 pounds they've been sent from the Netherlands in sport Peterborough United take on the room having lost the reverse fixture 4 nil to the Millers in December and Cambridge United hope to end a run of 4 league defeats of bottom placed Morcombe in League 2 common trait both in Saturday's sport from 2 here on b.b.c. Radio Cambridge where in cricket a last record partnership of 82 from Stuart Broad and Mark Wood has rescued England not of the last wickets cheaply on the 2nd day of the 4th Test in Johannesburg English scored exactly $400.00 in their 1st innings and South Africa have just begun their reply in the early kick off in the f.a. Cup 4th round Brant for hosting Leicester with both managers having made 9 changes for the day's game with 15 minutes gone in the 1st half collect hsien Nacho was given list of the early lead and the weather came which are mostly cloudy this afternoon with the old sunny spell a lot of cloud tonight and rain arriving tomorrow afternoon that's the b.b.c. News for Cambridge here there's more from us on Facebook just search for b.b.c. Radio came which are it's 4 minutes past one Now Mark you are an excellent broadcaster and news reader and I feel unfair I have to admit that the slight tone of amusement at the end of your voice that was my fault it was indeed because I pointed out that during the last where the bullets in I hope you don't mind you did say bright smells I did it myself we look at us and brightest melts when I stand by that brighter spells as well but no no no no you don't smell so yeah that's what we need we need to smells everywhere to make our day more pleasant but that was just before the start of my show earlier and it did nearly make me lose my. My my composure. And then me more when I went to listen but it's very fitting because we're talking about the parts of your job that you are you are bad now not saying you're bad at the weather part of your job but you must write clearly room for improvement but you must have a job in the past you know I'm generally good at this but that one area it wasn't for that there would be all right I mean are there I've done quite a few things over the years. On many different hats the one which does home to me to this day during my university time in the summer I was going to various jobs like fruit picking fruit packing I was even a bit really yeah you know and nothing was nothing with the menial frankly because it paid the bills Absolutely and actually sometimes being out in the sun picking fruit and being paid for is actually quite nice and I tell you what you can have a good bin man who was good at their job and not good Been man so that is not it's not as menial as I as I imagine well and to be honest I actually tried to continue this they were like I was removed from my being my job because I didn't have enough common sense oh no I was making too many trips from the houses to the to the refuse cart and I had sort of worked out how to do that in the minimum number of trips so they I think they found someone else so you were good generally being a bin man but you were bad at minimizing the trips Yes been run I could have saved myself from work but that wasn't the worst I was on the worst one of my summer jobs was a potato packing plant so I would take those arrive in 2556 pound in all money sacks and you have to load these on 3 into the line for other people to sort in the individual banks to go off to supermarkets Yeah I've done that kind of thing yeah but the speed at which they're coming with was relentless so I was loading a $56.00 pound bag of potatoes every 20 seconds or so and after 4 hours they had to send me home because I was broke and I am 6 foot 3 but I'm not a significant physical specimen I'm afraid to say I was going to say you come across as like like you're descended from a Norse god like you know you're a huge man to misquote from God Carter I'm a big man but I mean Portia you're important yes I'm glad you misquoted that just just that little bit we had a couple more actually with Michael who says I'm good at my job in general but getting on with my boss is the part I'm bad at who sorry to hear that Michael of course we love our bosses we don't b.b.c. Radio candidate and Sarah says I am bad at remembering to have lunch so whenever I'm stuck in conference calls I find myself fading out I'm going to have my lunch now because I'm not going make me jealous This is. After I have a breakfast a big breakfast and I'm sleepy for the show and then I'm hungry by the time I go out and I have to resist every fast food stop off on the way. You have my sympathies thanks very much Mark. Ok I'm going to hit you with a good Gabriel and cherry. Spawn is on b.b.c. Radio we're going to be speaking to Dr. Brendan shepherd's. Go anyway it's Peter Gabriel. On b.b.c. Radio. Good. As Peter Gabriel with. On b.b.c. Radio Cambridge. I've been caught in. The short time outside talking to Dr Tempest John I'm I'm trying to get in the questions right because I want Data from Star Trek and also I want to eventually put my brain into an artificial brain but. I didn't get the exactly the response I want I'll push harder for off the Eagle Eye Cherry and the travel and then we'll be talking artificial intelligence. It's safe tonight you're listening to b.b.c. Radio came she didn't go anywhere else we're going to be looking into the future. Eagle Eye Cherry with Save tonight joining us from the trouble is a bit of a random question would you have your brain transferred into an electronic brain so you could be a data style Android. 100 percent yes yes exactly one of my favorite characters Yes why wouldn't you want that's the question why wouldn't you want example there's 0 downside so you've got like incredible strength which would be really handy for like moving the piano or the sofa and stuff like that you have a positronic brain so you'd be really good at like chess which would be great some time really I'm terrible at chess and my 9 year old started to beat me so I this can't come soon enough to be honest I've got a year left of being a much as I'm sure there's other advantages apart from domestic chores and defeating my children at games but I can't think of them right now but they're the most important ones really an amazing things are at this point I was going on the county's roads and rails across Cambridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge Alex How's it looking out there. In well name Main Street is still closed in both directions because of heavy heavy flooding this is from 100 foot bank down to new roads like it's going to be closed because the recent adverse weather conditions elsewhere the usual queues a 15 heading north from the center Peterborough down to the a 47 stop start. Looking slow between the Queen's Gate roundabout and the gate roundabout heavy on the phone calls way between trimming to road and Newnham road as well and on public transport there are half an hour's worth of delays on East Midlands between Peter Brandt Thetford because I signalling problem and just remind there's no service on Thameslink and Peterborough some Pancras International and Cambridge because of engineering works at King's Cross that's the latest I'm forget if you do and if it's safe and legal to do so call us 80859596 this is the b.b.c. Radio came which is a travel thank you very much Alice. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge Saturday nights are all about that I mean this is all about building love what I'm going to have to be like music as I write there are 3 ways to grow up fortune and then you actually on the show this industry b.b.c. Introducing came with Ellen Ellen the fresh new sounds from around the county every Saturday night on b.b.c. Radio to be sure. You're listening to spawn as I'm here till 2 pm and then Swan is going to take over with the spore music from 6 with Bernie Keith Allen and lard I'm just in daily Don't go anywhere this is b.b.c. Radio came its take that and the Giants. Fans came to be. The 1st child's all in was. On the sofa. So we can still. See. To see. Live . Asked to take naps with giants from 27000 number 13 can you believe take that 1st single was nearly 30 years ago I'm sorry about that don't blame me I don't control time however I do control who comes and speaks to me I'm very excited to be speaking to the author of a new book Big Brain revolution artificial intelligence spy or savior Welcome to the studio Dr Michelle Tempest delighted to be here now it's a huge subject that for most of my life time has been science fiction but it's actually it's here now it's here it's now and it's getting bigger so yes if thinking about where we are today we've got big data now we've got all these things that we've got to analyze and then we're thinking of the future and it's kind of is it going to spy on us or is it going to be a savior. The hope would be that it's both because it's already spying on us all right right it's already spying on us afraid so when we have scanned mongers and people are going or they know everything about you or your data is out there and think yeah I mean that sounds like exaggeration you saying no they are. Who is that anyway Well I would actually say that in terms of who's sort of spying on you we all kind of like really quite a lot of data right but moving forwards What I find really fascinating and what's in the book is about how much you can learn from the human brain so for the moment we have all these thoughts inside of our head mass some more than others well I'm pretty sure you have quite a lot right there's a lot going on in there now just imagine if you put things sort of technology either on the outside of your brain and it could actually read your brain waves Ok you might even be able to find that your emotions before even you know about them what's on wearing like a helmet is reading my brain Well how can it know my emotions before I know them because what it does is it learned through it learns about your brain waves you don't have access to your own brain waves so imagine if all of a sudden they popped up on your screen and then you would learn what makes you smile at that what doesn't make you smile and it becomes more and more intelligent all about you so like before I know I'm sad to see thing that will be sad and it will flash outside and it can dispense a whiskey like as a cautionary. Oh Ok so you're saying you know the title of the subtitle of the book is spy or savior so is the 1st Lee is there any way that Ai is just going to be like nothing like it's not going to be a big deal it's just not going to affect us it's going to be a tool like a car well it is a tool but it is never going to be boring there is nothing boring about artificial intelligence but you know it's in the title is it it is going to learn so much more about us as humans and humans are not boring people so the more and more data recover the more and more intel it has and says buying it. And we have to use it for something good Ok but how about give us one what's a tangible result of what could happen maybe we can be pessimistic an optimistic or what was a potential bad things can happen from this Ai knowing everything about me Ok well let's go do you do you write so as to take a bad and a good end on the good you end on the good so let's take China let's take China of today and you know this is why I actually believe passionately that the u.k. Should be at the forefront of this because China today pretty much does quite a lot of spying already there's nothing wrong with that because at the moment all countries spied Their this spying but then this kind of monitoring kind of you know for instance they can start measuring if you cross the road on a green man or not I don't always wait and you get to ducted if you don't wait for the Green Man my school would be so bad. So if you roll that forwards into something positive it could be that at the moment you've got this outbreak of crying a virus they could send with this Ai they could be kind of measuring kind of how to control it in a far better way than we can magically at the moment so it could actually really really help us in the future but it has to be used for good purposes and we have to start thinking about it now so once the genie is out of the bottle yes or we won't really have any choice will we it will be both helping us and it will change our privacy and our security forever but what sort timescales are we talking about here like do I need to worry or is this more of like my child's problem talking upon this problem after my children so I don't think that we can come this off to the next generation it's here it's now I would sort of say within the next 10 years it will be life will be very different and actually what we each know about each other and about ourselves will probably be very different Give me an example. Well for instance it's pretty spooky isn't it if I was out here at the moment I couldn't read your next question on a less true but then with you coming in I could very quickly look you up so that information is already there but that's just me as a dumb normal intelligence doing an artificial intelligence could like just bring up your profile and give me like a hard like a heads up display or I see all your details in front of me that would be so cool it would always they might be able to tell you all of those thoughts that are inside of your head that you're saying to yourself but not actually saying out loud No that would be the worst case scenario if there was I often sit there and I'll be in a situation if it goes quiet like around the dinner table I think of is everybody secretly telepathic except me and they're actually conversing and I don't realize it but yeah if we had a technology that could read everyone's mind on a boat that we trash it we crush it. Well it's here and it's in it's probably developing and learning so rather than crashing or oil or doing anything else with it we have to think of you could use for it really and while it's all detailed in your book which is available now in actual shops and everything yes a hardback or Softbank Yes both both and Odio owed you as a human no rights your own no they'll probably ask you to. Well I will sound very intelligent and be able to speak with an authority that is the big brain revolution artificial intelligence spy or savior available now from Dr Michelle Tempest going can chat online on Twitter at Dr m. Tempest m. Shell thank you so much for your time thank you. It was pretty high brown for Saturday lunchtime wasn't it it's a Maxine 1000 Gail next here with right where we started from then we'll be chatting writing with Brendan Shepherd. It's. As much seen Nightingale on b.b.c. Radio came the show right back where we started from 1975 just as disco was kicking off helping define disco and becoming an early classic number 8 in 1975 you're listening to Spanish b.b.c. Radio came with chatting to you on a cloudy day with a bit of mist as well the odd brighter spell will remain some light winds and with maximum temperature of 7 degrees overnight can be pretty mild with some patches of drizzle staying a rather cloudy as well but that means it is lovely and toasty for your 5 to 8 degrees Celsius after your winter evening tomorrow though it's going to be wet throughout the day went through the evening as well widespread rain last more towards the afternoon than it will be dry overnight so we're talking Bradley's for you tomorrow brownies and a jacket 10 degrees Celsius there to battle. Damage from easy to lead from. The. Gradient. A. Speech on p.c. Radio and in the shed. With the best of them Ben is ready now would you believe some people are suspicious when I say I'm in. My garden shed speaking to some of the county's best online content creators but this week I've strayed away from my internet comfort zone to speak to t.v. And radio script writer Brendan Shepherd thanks for joining me in the shed Yeah I don't believe you're in a shed either but maybe you are I'm not sure the picture of the back Ryan is a man thing it's a real shed no more questions. You're a script writer you're currently writing for a b.b.c. Radio project you've written radio plays you worked on Dr Who and you lecture on writing so it's now it's kind of want to talk about the writing process because I find writing so hard really do you are it's a it's a bite 1st of all being a great people watcher you know I do love watching people and the way they move and war can talk and really sometimes get very passionate about what they're talking about whether that be politics or something that's just really interests and it's a by tapping into that and then. 'd from a you know then attaching them to a story and then seeing how they go so when you've got your friends in a pub or are in a restaurant and they do something that that spark something off in your brain you're kind of disengaging from that social interaction and going ha this is free content or you're making it worse because what you're doing is you're saying stuff that you just wouldn't normally say to provoke your friends to say example does the see where the drama goes that's that's off the air yeah you'll all you often find a lot of writers well probably be might may well how like a little book or a phone or something where they'll start writing. You know which is a better. System right looks where do your friends go I'm going to be in a radio play on I yes that's the day. That they're actually yeah I'm some just politically to go and raise their eyebrows you know raise their eyes to the the sale and you. That guy but you're also a guy who is an expert in getting things down on paper I know I know it's not script writing but I have attempted to write a book for times I always fail and you know why most kind of am it's a writers like me fail be a blog a book or script so it's about it's about tenacity it's a by keeping going and it's about keeping the content fresh all the time and I think generally or people to as they well have like a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon and I'll start right saying feverish late and then you know one of the kids a command of their husband or wife or something s. To them and them and then the most and then it's all gone and then you will come back for weeks on end or never in your case but you know what you could always do an audio book. I do you know write audiobooks and it's much easier when it's somebody else's work to be fanned But what I find is you're right I don't have that same drive the 2nd time I go back to it and then when I look back at what I have written I mean it's inevitably it's terrible because I I don't actually have the skills of a rights and I think a lot of people try and do this stuff without having that core skill 1st of all it's a bite the story you know what what is the story what heart what is the basic beginning middle and end and a low riders to find start at the end of work the way backwards because it's easier to do that and I must admit that is where I start you know I do start at the country and when I was doing my master's degree there were also the sag Oh you know spend a lot of time working on it characters who are they what are they but actually I'd like the moral comic process of just literally sitting died and writing and let the characters take you on the journey of the most important bit here is about the characters being believable whatever they say has to be believable and if it any moment you think I'm just right next because it's going to benefit the story later that's totally wrong because it's not who the characters are you see different show . Runners approach things different ways like Russell t. Davies is a genius at writing you're working class every day Carson and you get Rose Tyler and you get all his other characters which are steeped in believability. And I think audiences are craving more believability watching drama like The trial of Christine Keeler they're true they're believable men are only real people they're not pastiches of people they're real people and I believe everything that happens in the drama and that's when drama is excellent and it's a fascinating thing exploring characters and working out who they are interesting enough I don't model among real people so all these mates of mine in the mob we talk about it yeah whilst I do the same things I might have the same accent or the same way of sang things but I'm not they're not modeled on them so when my friends do see what I've written or to hear what I've written. Isn't tall Michel you have a start because it's not you I'll know I'll know Brendan if I've made an impression on you to see if if somebody somebody similar to me pops up in a radio drama at some point just like every time I've spoken to Brendan none of my my plans or questions have come to fruition because all you've done is just treat us with a silky insight into the world of t.v. Drama and one question I just want to end on here though is do you struggle writing for female characters because with all the best intentions in the world you definitely on a woman you write honestly and then you trust your actress so they get the day if you if you write a strong female part no matter what the actress is going to bring something amazing as indeed is the director and if it's not something it is like a book like you're going to write eventually help. Them it's just a game is this the way the character would react just by being true to that person . Unless a by gender unless you're writing something gender specific so maybe I've over thought it but a lot of the writing isn't is is just is about backing yourself and about trusting yourself that you must just have such amazing self-confidence to say right my creation is going to be presented to actors and then put on f.m. Radio Yes and you need confidence and there will be people that won't like it and there will be people who will love it and you know what if that's what's going on and people are talking about it and they're not screw it do be sure to catch up with Brendan Shepard You can catch him on Twitter at Brendan shepherd but the a is a for Brendan thank you so much for your time and tell me you'll come back to the shed soon I'll be delighted it's a real shed you know belief. The Last Madonna on b.b.c. Radio Cambridge listening spawn is here till 2 pm catching our breath that after the world wins that is Brendan Chaput and that the glimpse into the future that was Dr Michelle 10 paste joined by Alice wine Alice I did temp based if I could have an android body I don't I don't think it's going to happen in time. Yeah devastating You will never be able to be your children. Means that they will overtake me. I won't have the what I have to do with chess I think of decide what to do right he's young he's he's trusting c. He thinks you know I missed died and I've got his best interests at heart right but he doesn't know that I just want to better him like and he's going to trust me for a while so I think I'll do is I'll get one of those chess computers and then when he makes a move or just find an excuse or a white or takes so long to take my move he gets bored and then I'll just tell the computer to do it and I'll just do that for a few years Todd never for 2 more years yeah I mean that sounds like perfectly healthy normal parenting and normal healthy competitive nature to be teaching your children's Banas Oh I want to have to do everything good he's 9 now it's a certain point he's got to fend for himself and he's got to realize that I am a competitor you know he's trying to take over as alpha male isn't he is the patriarch he's got to believe he's got his Definitely yes definitely is a challenge I can see in his eyes he's definitely challenging me. I've got I've got perfect acting you know cats do where they are their back and make themselves bigger object. Or to put my arms in the air and my son will go oh no he's suddenly a foot bigger and run away I've solved it Mo He was Daddy hissing like an animal I don't know dear I just just roll with it where you study the animal that's not on the show at the cross Cambridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge Alice I would be so kind as to tell us how things are going out on the roads and rails. Certainly spanners in well me main street is blocked in both directions because of flooding from hundreds at bank down to New Road in Peterborough things are back to normal only a 50 northbound those delays eating out of the Brotherhood roundabout from the center of town then icing clear Bush's group Boulevard however slow between thought road and the river gate roundabout and the phone calls ways busy but moving between Trumpington Road and Newnham road just popping up my sense is as I say this phantom road brought a bit of a breakdown this is from old Hurst road down to Heathrow doesn't like it causing too many delays for the time being but it is on a blind bend so please do be careful traveling out about in that area looking to public transport half an hour's worth of delays on East Midlands between Peterborough and Thetford because of a signalling problem and a reminder there will be no service this weekend on Thames and thinking cross and Peterborough some Pancras International and Cambridge because of engineering works at King's Cross Don't forget if you spot a queue and if it's safe and legal to do so give us a call 80859596 this is Alice Ryan the b.b.c. Radio came into travel thanks very much Alice. It's banners on b.b.c. Radio Cambridge where we're going to try and catch up with Swanny soon if I can get his attention. Looking at the sports crew coming in or always say it but the atmosphere changes when the sports ball people come in gets all like he gets all fighting as they prepare to watch 44 individuals charging in the mud plains that is Peter green lighted versus rather him and more converse is Cambridge United tomorrow here on the station we've got Louise Holland 6 am and this Sunday morning Louise will be asking Should parents be allowed to opt their children out of religious education lessons plus on world leprosy day meet the man who really is healing the sick well that sounds like it's going to be an interesting fun and fun debate Louise much better of course to handle that kind of thing that when I am gardening there we go that's that's more manageable 10 o'clock after Louise Chris south tomorrow morning from town be finding out about friends skating sports shaped by the Cambridge landscape and local historian Tom Doig is talking about laboratories good. As he digs up came which is past Ok he rock to read that twice laboratories as he digs up Cambridge is past Ok hopefully the 2 separate things plus Mark Williams and Timothy Clark will be in studio to answer your gardening questions that's Chris sounds great outdoors tomorrow morning from Ted Now this this chair in actually you'll be too busy dancing along to it but this is quite a political song with political lyrics most people don't notice because they're they're busy bopping away it's the Style Council walls come tumbling down number 6 in 1985. It would. Radio Cambridge walls come tumbling down you're listening this man is here with you every Saturday from. Of till 2 pm but it takes a lot out of me so I need 6 days to rest before a come back and speak to you again and Jeremy Silas is on lunchtimes for 5 of those days starting with Monday 12 till 3 he's with food historian Annie Gray who joins Jess to talk about the working class women who helped cook Britain to victory and fair ladies and little voices come up in the arts and entertainment hour from 2 am between one and 2 Jazz always lets you pick the songs 1st let's go and talk to Pete's one who's out in the radio car covering some football Pete I'm going to play my weekly game of guess where Peter went out of the 2 games. God damn right I'm going for are you think I strike you you're a man who backs in South in a game of skill and a game of chance so I think you went to Morgan via Blackpool to spend most of the morning on 2 penny pushes before setting up for the radio if only that were true I know I'm just what is it 35 miles away from you the county a bit in Peterborough you've gone for Peterborough and well let's start with Cambridge you are making that long trip up to the northwest we were hoping for a bit more last we weren't we so a bit of a blow to lose I mean is it too early to talk about these must wins and 6 point is and things are not well this is a strange thing for Cambridge United season is the context of the season as a whole the not really must wins in the yeah there's a lingering chance they could maybe get relegated but realistically it's not going to happen it's more about just momentum because they had 6 defeats in 7 matches of course were thrashed 4 nil by Steven age 2 last weekend were bottom of the table by 5 o'clock they weren't having beaten the use the team moved to the bottom of the table Morcombe all the softer names opponents so it's just a case of they need something to go their way they need to get back on track and actually their last victory was against Morcombe so I can take that as some form of inspiration so he said last week they came which were kind of acting like the soup kitchen for the lead in a common help yourself are they any better on the road than they've been a harm no no they're not only worse on the road Ok happy is a soup kitchen there really are supposed when they're on the road is more the equivalent of go to a foreign country offering 8. Savage hopefully better for pizza by then. Fingers crossed yes they were on Tuesday night toughie though with Rotheram being at the top of the League One table 5 straight victories but you're trying to take what was good about Tuesday night and replicate it today fantastic thank you very much Swanny on with you from 2 pm thank you very much to everybody who got in touch telling me the parts of their job that they are bad I had a fantastic laugh reading your messages it always makes the show when you get in touch thank you as well to. Michelle 10 paste for talking to us about Brendon shepherd for talking to us about writing thank you so much to produce and Natalie as well for providing constant reassurance David and Alex on travel you can catch me back here in this chat this time next week until I see you next be brave because wounds heal but glory last forever.

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