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Only guided busway is under scrutiny following incidents on Monday evening when 4 buses were attacked with unidentified heavy items several windows were smashed but no one was injured Richard would from the Cambridge bus users area group says they could adopt an idea from the railways I'm wondering the kind of technique that the railway police used which was to have. What they call the ghost train the train that's not in service and carries just very much police officers in running and the train on its emergency braking when the track and they also says Sprint also rest the trite gates on the b 1040 road need to wait to see have been reopened they were closed by Peterborough City Council in response to flood warnings from the Environment Agency but people living nearby say they shouldn't have been shot as there wasn't any flooding and the move cause them a lot of inconvenience Richard Jones is one of them he's been speaking c.b.c. Radio Cambridge is the frustration is you've got people into. Who are taking one and a half hours because of the road closures not just the north bank but also debate on 40 ambulances are having to turn around just outside because they can't get Delane orthe bank yet there's no water on the road so absolutely had enough of being closed greedy there's no need to be in a statement the city council says public safety is of paramount importance and that it appreciates the closure has caused people inconvenience great hang Leo is calling on more people to take part in its adopt a station scheme to help with upkeep at the sites it's been around since 2003 and now runs at over 80 stations across the company's network teams are already in place at Meldreth ship Perth and function but the expansion could see others being looked after including elite and a couple from their hunting than have turned detective to a united. Treasured children's annual with its original owner nearly 30 years ago Stephen herring bought in 1964 we put the band around you in Essex and after moving to him for Grade 12 years ago with his now wife he rediscovered the book with the name of his local vicar in the front we haven't Peter Cundall if I married them just 4 years ago he's been speaking to b.b.c. Radio came with Cher I remember very clearly I also remember painting the magic pictures with water and seeing the colors of I had no idea when I lost I had no memory of giving them away so it was very intriguing I have to read it again to remind me of the story isn't it because I couldn't have it returned it's not back conditional in sports Mary Sue and youngster Ricky Jay Jones hit the target his Peterborough book their place in round 2 of the f.a. Cup Steven age 2 nil in last night's 1st round replay at London Road manager down Ferguson says he was pleased to see his side get the job done but feels they still have plenty of room for improvement to me tonight and they were out of their last one minute Exeter Colin Calderwood says his side lacked quality in attacking areas they failed to produce a meaningful effort on goal the weather came with a fine day's expected to be dry with a good deal of sunshine highs of 7 degrees Celsius that's $45.00 in Fahrenheit b.b.c. News for Cambridge it has more from us on Facebook just search b.b.c. Radio came with it's 5 minutes past 7 across Cambridge from the zipper I sit down spared from Papworth just so they miss the late. Thank you Mark and good morning to you Wednesday the 20th Nov 29th teen. We're getting close to Christmas that is exciting and lots coming up on the show today a really important story about drug driving coming up in the next 10 minutes or so plus we're talking station gardens we put the bear Christmas hampers and I like this was. Under this man's skin or you know people are frustrated and had enough when there's no need to be. Him an oil one but it's intriguing isn't crazy isn't it Nathan on production Good morning Mark on the news Hello there Andy and Glen of course holding it all together outside so that some of the fun stuff is coming up today one of my favorite stories we're covering on is. Going to basically looking for people to help look after their stations and they're going to. Essentially hopefully put some hanging baskets and some flower pots and stuff on stations Ailie is one of the stations they really want to focus on our reporter Katherine good morning good morning good morning now your new way to shepherd this morning because they actually have a garden there this is also isn't it I mean. You know putting putting a bit of beauty back into it back into train stations pretty I'm reading but I think there are many that. We can imagine but I'm many that. Super Bowl right will come back to about half an hour I have a safe journey that got us thinking is well. Mascots mascot this time shouldn't you know maybe the nation Cistercians Yeah exactly this is what we've got so far Ok And thank you very much if you've helped put this together already by the way. Charlie Chafee going is what a good. Time we take a guess but he could be dancing up and down Tommy take a ticket Yeah yeah exactly. Over the tannoy. With help from to resume the thing is what I what my main concern with Ronnie on the Tannoy is. It would never stop they would just be continually called the time he does have to be here between 4 and 7 and I think he'd get distracted yet a little bit Fairpoint and maybe Chris Mann is the fact control is keeping us all in you know we love to carry logs. Everything just so the border Yes All right so that's what we've got so far as we build our dream station any other suggestions our way 10859596 we can text a one triple 3 story message with the word camp saying this is indeed late on b.b.c. Radio Cambridge here so b.b.c. Radio Cambridge they can reveal for the 1st time the number of people arrested in the county for driving not under the influence of alcohol but drugs the 1st time these numbers have been out now the police say the drug driving is becoming as big a problem as drink driving so much so that this time last year 3 in 5 people tested for drugs by the police were found to be under the influence just under $250.00 drivers have been arrested in Cambridge in the past year it's far more than nearby Bedfordshire were is just over 100 how food share around 150 so it's a bit of an issue here in Cambridge here Joseph Hall is being to see all regions roads policing offices being trained to not only detect but catch these drug drivers just phoned his lawyer is a positive side is arrested for sex with this particular person came back 6 point one. Because. We're it Stephen Cleese station 15 or so experienced brode police officers are back in the classroom this time to learn a new and increasingly important skill the limestone and how strong the. Cocaine is. In Beijing it was there that's how strong is the classroom theory and it's outside and into the car park this time to learn the hands on basics with Sergeant Ian Manley from claim which a police right so we're going to see is 2 refs isn't going to be doing a field in payment test. The 1st element of it is a people examination and then there are 4 tests conducted after that. To identify whether somebody is under the influence of a drug which may impair their their ability to drive the 2 officers trying out these hands on tests of P.C.'s Tom Daley and John dazzling Ok so I'm going to examine the size of your peoples comparing them to this cage which are up to the side of your face will require you to do is look straight ahead and keep your eyes open wide to understand yes you are in contact lenses so I'm not there just to try to hit for me. I think the. American people. Bikes within normal range is so given the conditions. I have no concerns there which is probably a good thing. I mean just noting down any issues with the author of their bread making a risk Richard signs. Of impairment as well. The rest of the morning sees further tests including one that some of you might be familiar with from t.v. Programs such as please stop or Police Camera Action So the next element the test is a modified. What this is going to. Be can maintain that balance also their ability to track time as well so drugs will have an effect on your ability to monitor tone and also affect your balance so we're just going to ask the officer subject in this case too. So they head back. And then tell us when 30 seconds is elapsed that sounds easy yes it sounds easy but actually when you're when you're in the influence of alcohol or drugs it does it does affect your balance your ability to coordinate and also your ability to monitor how time has elapsed site while I need you to stand up straight. Down my socks and I need you to tell your head back slightly like this to close your eyes and count of 30 seconds in your head the police were keen to show me what to show you what they do what they will do if they suspect you may be under the influence they say they don't. It to be a secret and I also have a very clear message Sergeant Manley once again the tools out there and we are looking to force the legislation is it really worth it think of the consequences to yourself to others and other members of the public to those families that may be affected by your driving don't get behind the wheel if you're unsure whether you're fit to draw I just don't take the risk after the full report and they're in a really important messages well from Sergeant you manly right to the end let's bring in Greg here morning Neal Good morning morning the director of policy and research adds I am road smart a charity which offers driving coaching to improve standards and road safety Suniel Firstly Well what do you make of these figures Cambridge here seemingly a bit of a hot spot for drug driving Well it's a mixed picture in some ways you could think it's great we're catching people hope it having drugs and driving but the other hand it's almost 5 years since the new drug laws came in that brought in roadside testing so you'd have thought by now we'd have got the message through a number to be coming down and we would be catching so many people but I'm afraid you know with these things often it's you're scratching the tip of an iceberg and at least the police have the powers now and they are out there using them yeah but why do you think Cambridge here is so you know it's so much higher than than the. Almost double Well the one of the biggest problems with comparing police forces is the level of effort is always different between each police force obviously Cambridge are making drug driving something of a priority issue putting the resources the manpower behind it getting out there and catching people that's not always the same of the other police force or the chief constable can set the level of enforcement for these particular laws so it's very difficult to compare but you know I sort of hesitate to say that came which is a hot spot of cannabis use but you know this consistently high figures do suggest that there are people out there still not getting the message but they are being caught and I suppose credit must go to Cambridge to police as well taking these irresponsible drivers who are under the influence of drugs off our roads Absolutely and that's the key issue here you know being caught for drug driving it's the same sanctions. Drink driving so it's a minimum one year band ban a substantial fine a criminal record you know higher insurance premiums for years and years afterwards but my not even getting insurance in some cases So these are very very strong sanctions and obviously a lot of people are still taking the risk I'm a bit concerned you think there might be some other drugs which are being tested for the moment which may still pose a risk Well yes that there's an issue I mean basically we can only really test at the roadside with the swabs for cannabis and heroin for the other dogs you have to revert back to the field impairment to them are talking about in your piece there they all touch the nose walk the straight line kind of thing and that does work that shows impairment but for a lot of other drugs and there's new drugs coming on and cocktails of drugs out there we don't yet have those roadside testing so they have to come back to the station and that requires a blood test and sometimes the effects can wear off it has to cost us to taking time off of the police officers off the road so we're hoping that we'll see more technology in the future and the government are working on this more and more drug allies are more and more ways of analyzing quickly so we can catch these people and get them off the road interesting to maybe Vance take could be the way forward and the future of cracking down still further on drug driving Neal thank you very much for your time this morning that's Neil Gregg the director of policy research and I am road smart a charity which of is driving coaching to improve standards and road safety and if you want to get in touch with any of our stories this morning we love hearing from you feel free 080859596 it's quarter past 7 a crass Cambridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge. 2 keys are only a 14 go through the road works from spittles to Gotta meet certain slow in spots is building up now in the roadworks area it's only a 4 to 8 going towards Cambridge queuing on that stretch 18 chittering slow and then issue approach the a 14 there a delay showing on the monitors will see Station Road still blocked there that's because of the flooding along by the cold. If you say for the goofy to do so 10859596 this is Gary Scott from b.b.c. Radio came to travel Gary thank you very much indeed Glenn just had a text in another way to improve the train station get Glen to sell coffee and hot sauce draws on the station platform Yes if you want to help build our dream station our 80859596 we can find me on Twitter ads and. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge she joined me see much in this Friday night in the market square Huntington with the Christmas lights which can be stiffened in drink nice music children's entertainment all ahead of the big switch on 6 the so don't miss the continent and Christmas lights switch to this Sunday night how they supported the team radio in Cambridge share some breaking news this morning you may have just seen it if you get alerts on your phone you may have seen on the telly. Has been appointed as the new top manager marriage reporter Tino was sacked by the club yesterday he left yesterday they're being quick to move Jason Marino now in the hot seat. How's that going to go I wonder Time will tell it $717.00 the b.b.c. Radio Cambridge a news briefings. And water story we have for newspapers today has got a vicar and it's got Rupert Bear what more could you possibly want the vicar from having for Grey Reverend Peter come there has been Reaganite it with his annual of Rupert the bear from 964 it was found in the garage of Steve and Esther we've got a clip of Stephen here actually when we go. To look through. A flick through our not. Quite believe. This story I love it so that's our news beats we're going to pick our favorite going to play in full at $830.00 what about this for a man. Started from it's come full circle. Even wearing to be home for Christmas very much about Morrison return of the hard back and. Never terrace apart. Sandy and friend Stanton good morning the bare necessities are like I want to start a message with if you want to get involved what about this one. Not what's. Pretty close pretty close. And. You can email as well. You can text. Message with the word can we get there in the end we don't worry about this and. The scene where. Other stuff making the news headlines this morning Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn have a tank each others breaks their plans during the 1st televised general election debate the Labor leader describe the Tories approaches noms and Mr Johnson said Mr Dunn's would bring about more division and we're going to focus on this much more throughout the show this morning meanwhile the Lib Dems are launching their election manifesto today they're promising to increase funding for schools in England and pay for more. Analysis of official n.h.s. Data suggests more than 2000000 adults in England are unable to see an n.h.s. Dentist responses to a patient survey reveals people have been turned off by the cost or ending up on a waiting list as well. The Austrian home in which I was born will be in future used as a police station the decision follows years of control about how to prevent the building from becoming a scientific pilgrimage and elsewhere in the world. Coming in. Peter bring united through to the 2nd round of the f.a. Cup after beating Stephen age last night partial now host over in round 2 that would take place all week on Saturday Cambridge United though they're out they lost to Exeter those are a few of the stories doing the rounds this morning at 720 this is an 11 year old b.b.c. Radio Cambridge Yeah now you might notice we've been talking about North Bank road quite a lot over the past week or say between Peter Britain which will see its being closed for some time on and off due to the flood warning there now the flood warning alongside the river name means flooding has been expected and a media action has been required that includes closing the road to traffic which has been a source of real inconvenience and massive confusion for some a live nearby they have actually got in touch with us as well here at b.b.c. Radio Cambridge here many saying the road isn't flooded and is actually safe to use now Peterborough City Council say they're just trying to keep people safe that's the reason behind it by acting on the warnings from the Environment Agency who are the ones who monitor the water levels our reporter shrieker are made went down to north bank to check the road out for herself and speak to some of the locals there we're standing. Near the sluice gates on the north bank road junction with the 1040 seater thought he wrote the north bank road is officially closed. Officially closed now for a week or more because he's prone to flooding when the tide pushes up but to be honest it hasn't been that bad a to do a new to ration of the road closure there has been occasions where he's been up on the road but quickly goes back to throughout his open for access to P.C.'s and properties along the north bank. Business is based at the end of the north bank so I have been up and down a few times I came down this road which is supposed to be closed and I was actually all supposed to drive on it but there was no clear it's a road. Closed ahead but I just saw Kos passing and I just followed them cause I'm not faith family able to Feria it was fine to be the road there was no problems and there was absolutely dry is wild road and it is by no debris something and the light is perfectly safe although they are now it's perfectly safe to use understand . Then yeah it would be would be unsafe but the frustration is you've got people. Who are taking one and a half hours at the moment to get from the sea to Peterborough because of the road closures not just the north bank but also to be 1040 and also we've got the gates King start crossing all you know people are frustrated and absolutely had enough of being closed greedy there's no need to be given a bypass photo that in here we say because we need a bypass the other thing is emergency vehicles I understand ambulances are having to turn round just because they can't get down the north bank yet there's no I would want to vote so what do you suggest can be done to improve the situation and we going going forward and I think we have the technology at the moment to monitor the depths of the water Ok I see things there where they release water into the floodplain they know when hard targets going to be I'm sure they could be a way that they shut out at specific times maybe an hour before toyed I'm sure they could monitor it better after we the frustrating thing is the gates on the p 1040 which they lock they are locked they've been locked now for 3 days since Sunday morning there's been no water on the road during that time I'm sure they could have somebody local here with a guy Ok to open and shut them as and when is needed and do people know because a lot of the cars are going up to the end and the turning back you know we've seen about 3 of them in the last 510 minutes are we waiting here Ok this is the frustration. Spoken to are too small in one come down from thorny on the p $1040.00 to access to will see to the guy. He said there is no sawing sign that the b 1040 is closed for further down the road shows clue why through from Thornley just a phone to shut and it's a sign the other end of the sea and there's people jogging from the seat and about to the guy probably 50 cars an hour and having to turn around and go back yes they sawing up nearer to the guy but there's nothing on the roundabout to suggest that that road is closed so going ferry frustrating for joy has so overnight the flood warning for North Bank roads was lifted the Environment Agency say water levels in the name are beginning to full now following all the rain we had last week let's chat with Jane Jane moon morning Jane good morning mornings he live nearby in which you see and you work the dog and doublet pub on North Bank road so really the road should be open now if this flood warnings being lifted is open. How delighted way Oh well it is a key road isn't it I mean as if that mud it has affected my not only may but I have got a stable yard just off the north bank. And I've got live phrase and a little more to see is about what it might be like. For us to get down to the horses in the morning we have to take a day fortunately we all work Peter press All right so it's not too bad for us but it's still they close the case behind me a call to test you know in Sunday morning and there was no water on the road whatsoever it was about 3 foot away from the edge of the road when I went Ok I've ever been problems like this before you know if you seen some of this happen before . Sure Kerry said barriers across but the verdict was actually floated there was water on the rocks Ok but this time a bit but this time around it wasn't and this is where the frustrations come from this is by we're all frustrated because there was actually no water on the route on that they've had all these days to come in and I've sat there on the floor come in and they've just jumped to conclusions or assumed and you know I was a mainstay. Let me let me ask you this though Jane you know we have been speaking to the city council about this is well and I do totally get where the frustrations coming from but they've said that basically just want to keep people safe can you see you know and that's why they've they've shut it can you sort of see where they're coming from on I can save all can understand why they're doing it because they want to preserve life. But at the end of the tie there needs to be water on the road to them because guides Ok Jane thank you very much thank you for joining us this morning as chainman who lives nearby in which to see works at the north bank road clearly affected and her horses as well so the road reopened last night the Environment Agency lifted the warning Bentham only is there flood risk manager morning Ben good morning so Jane told us there was no water on the road so why in the 1st place. The 1st morning but when we receive high levels on the river the flood warning is issued a certain trigger level we calibrate that with the road and opt for triggers paid for highways to care and close the roads it's all about road safety and when we got those high flyers we have to make sure that drivers on put themselves at risk we see people driving through the red faced very close signs very dangerous on the north bank right everytime the tide is and when we call those high place on the roads and some warning is issued the writers get inundated seem to end up with that we're on the right we've seen multiple people rescued 'd people will say died on that roads driving off the road into the river church really important that we quit highways to issue those flood warnings which lead to very pleasure and stay safe and I just want to break down this jargon a little bit so this was a flood warning what does that actually made how how different from a flood alert for example so we've got 3 levels of warning so we have flooding which means. Pat there is a risk of flooding a flood warning means we expect that to be flooding and then a severe flood warning means there's a risk to life and pick must take human action in terms of the 1040 the flood of effectively people to clap the river levels are high and we're dealing with a flood into that when we reach the flood warning level that means we expect that water reaching the roads and as I say I'll be on the north bank that that tends to happen when the tide is and and that was conscious charge sure asked several times today and at that point we do have to take the precaution reproaching keep people safe because you know we have we have had instance down there by rescue had to rescue people multiple times on the north buying groceries driven into floodwater then got stock is really serious not too long and I mean is this is this going to be I'm just thinking of you know what will people like Jane I guess the main question really is is this the end of it because the warnings been on and off for weeks now is it we're going to have a long chunk of time where people cannot see the road Now yesterday the full cost of next 3 days right now and obviously the rain that's coming through that system out in that area is the rain that fell a number of days ago as it works through through the river system so we do expect the river levels to be the period of time but the situation we will face is that the catchment to say whether the moment any rain that we're seeing is it having reaction in the reverse we will have a good amount of time before the next rain which is due on Saturday for the rivers to continue to discharge so you expect the river levels to go down and obviously the which see wash is a huge area of plug storage that we use for and protecting the communities up and down the river a name that shows 'd which spend a lot to discharge over the coming days and no more capacity to be available again great but I'm afraid that's the thing we have time for Ben but thank you very much for joining us on the show this morning so you're safe for. Few days until the rain comes again on Saturday but clearly this has affected quite a lot of people and if you are among them and if you want to voice your opinion 80859596 is half 7 across Cambridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge. Watching Hughes on the a 14 in spots it slow from spittles to get an a 10 coming out of really towards chittering that southbound side slow and then heavy around by the a 14 at Milton who works on the a $4.00 to $8.00 and it's towards Cambridge causing at delays there and he's killing on to the black hat roundabout southbound the a one is very heavy building up or to turn onto the northbound side there by the roundabout a few spots a queue and it's safer legal fee to do so call us and 10859596 this is Gary Scott b.b.c. Radio came with your travel Gary thank you very much coming up in the next 10 minutes reaction from last night's t.v. Debate between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn And also we're talking Christmas hampers. The way to a bridge or as. Possible in the b.b.c. News for Cambridge here I'm Mark summer's drivers taking over the counter or prescribe medication and being warned they could risk being arrested for drunk driving it comes after new figures have revealed that 240 people were arrested for the offense last year here in Kane which is the highest figure in our region but was Johnson and Jamie Corbin's 1st televised debate of the general election campaign and senior leaders clashed over Briggs's the prime minister said Mr Corbin is unfit to lead the country or the Labor leader dismissed Mr Johnson's attempts to deliver bricks it is nonsense it's been suggested that ghost buses fitted with cameras could improve security on the guided busway of the 4 buses were pelted with unidentified heavy items owners stagecoach East says damage windows on the buses. Now being repaired no one was hurt in the attacks and greater angry is calling on more people to take part in its adopt a station schemes help with the upkeep at the sites it's been around since 2003 you know runs that over 80 stations across the company's network will have more moments within the next 25 minutes or so b.b.c. News with all aboard. Thank you Mark good morning to you when say the 20th or Nov 29th team is b.b.c. Radio Cambridge awards the weather forecast they can sell a can bring us up to date morning hi Andy Well this morning it's not quite as cold as it was this time yesterday morning they're all 102 spots which I hold her ring around the 0 mark but temperatures largely above there might still be a little bit of frost out there this morning but not quite as widespread as yesterday now there's a lot of sunshine around today some high clouds so that would have the sunshine hazy a moderate southeasterly breeze as well and temperatures still on the cold side between $4.00 and $7.00 Celsius a clear start tonight because actually the cloud will take a vote becoming quite extensive actually it's fairly low minimum temperature around 0 but we hang on to the breeze they should be frost free to morrow morning it is going to be around the county day for Thursday want to brightest spells still quite breezy and temperatures still cold a maximum to Moray between 4 and 7 Celsius Kate thank you very much indeed so when was the last time you caught a train somewhere. Oh oh yes Cambridge base is and delay on b.b.c. Radio and each year. Do you just keep your head down do you just get on what you doing maybe you do it every single day and you don't even notice what's going on around you or maybe you like to take in your surroundings a little bit this is one of my favorite stories we've had for a while it's a good song it's like you know this great I'm glad I'm on the lookout for people to look after. Their stations basically and they've given them a title station adopters modern If I can bring myself to. Police say that. A station adopt a station adopt a basically you can adopt a station you can look up or you can help with the gardening Ailie is one of the stations locally that they're focusing on Meldreth folks Jim Shepherd Perth all in South Cambridgeshire they already have little gardens a reporter Katherine is going to be live there in about 15 minutes or so I hope she made it say it's going to be chatting to Susan band of m. Of course done a lot at the station down there over the years. And I wondered if we could build Cambridge his perfect station the perfect strangers perfect station on the morning this is what we're working with so far we've got mascots It's currently a face off between Charlie Jeff and Tommy tickets so I got so Ronnie Bob is on the Tannoy show you never going to have a minute's peace anymore Ok maybe Cambridge Botanic Garden could. Be one of the garden center isn't. On since we've got we've got all it's always the garden center I don't suppose Wisley is up per one they're willing and as well garden center around there. What else have we got Chris man to keep us all in check and kind of the fact control people do well I think he looks great with a little pocket watch over here you know just you know it's your server things running on time I think you'd be super So if you want to help us build our perfect station 080859596 or e-mail and you don't like it b.b.c. Don't care ek. 735 what's going on in the world of sport but I will start with some breaking news this morning Tottenham have appointed Jersey Marino as their new manager off to sacking. Last night's Marino who's previously managed Chelsea and Manchester United has signed a contract running until the end of the 202223 season while the former Spurs manager Harry Redknapp spoke to the b.b.c. Last night he said he was a surprise that the club had been in talks with the market. You know coming through her goal the always available I would have already added Being in after may choose somebody out there last week or 2 or 3 as I do so I do get to come to talk not before I left or something else of my job I know the 2 of them great waves of youth of light were made in secret at that point you are not fans down well of course it's a home birth peace bro and Cambridge United were in afaik up action last night's Merissa youngster Ricky Jay joins hit the targets house pizza place in round 2 of the competition posh beats the village to nail in last night's 1st round replay at London Road Cambridge wanted though their outs they lost one nil at Exeter Peter Swann has all the details with Stephen h. Currently propping up the Football League defeat the Polish would have been pretty unthinkable they took the lead early on moey said with a crisp finish and then rather coasted their way through much of the match Fortunately Steven age offered little pride to creating a late flurry of chances 17 year old Ricky Jay Jones came off the bench to seal the win with moments remaining His 2nd goal in 2 matches Cambridge United were without 9 players ahead of facing x. It's going to injuries and international g.t. The use defended solidly for much of the game while offering next to nothing as an attacking force Alex fish is called The only goal of the match midway through the 2nd half while possible host National League in Round 2 manager Don Ferguson was pleased to see his players get the job done against the village last night's 1st and foremost us Cup tie orms replay we want to get in the 2nd round and we managed to do that you know another home win a clean sheet or lots of aspects of the performances we shall need to improve on you know we got sloppy we got careless. And I think some some of the play was I think the players just expected it to happen whereas we didn't really make out so Cambridge in arts its interest in the cup is over Colin Calderwood says his side lacks quality in attacking areas they failed to produce a meaningful effort on goal all evening however he was even more disappointed with their defending if we can defend up movement for the goal and we're in real trouble you know which is a nonsense Salut nonsense I don't think going should ever ever go and every. Note today or yesterday not to more ever ever ever should double when the no funny some rugby Cambridge University continued Vassie preparations by hosting Pacific Islanders at Grange Road this evening James Shanahan side have won to the past who want much is in fact about serious but for now more news at 8 with Mark Nathan thank you very much indeed so did you see it last night no not posses when I was Steven age in the f.a. Cup although it was I suppose another blue versus red battle Boris Johnson of the conservatives and Labour's Jeremy Corbyn went head to head in the 1st t.v. Debate of the general election campaign both are hoping they can become the next prime minister if you can chip but if you think less now your thoughts away 10859596 the campaign has really stepped up again now off the back of this journey called an embarrassed Johnson clash though over several issues bird breaks it was what dominated We don't know which side Mr Corbin would campaign is he going to campaign for leave and remain Calley mystical interest but very clearly we will go sure it's an agreement and we'll put that alongside remain in a referendum and our government will abide by that result let's speak to or might sockets a politics expert from Peterborough Regional College morning Mike good morning morning so if you were to sum up last night's debate in one sentence would you say I think it was probably a draw I don't think either Boris Johnson last. But you ground all Germany Call been made up ground which is what needs to happen according to the polls and I think the odds are fairly unanimous across the board really it seems to be you know it seems to be a bit of a bit of a tight you know that no real tie breaker if you like so breaks it as you just said that of course that was always going to dominate but while he did they talk about last night well more and soon the things they didn't talk about talk about the n.h.s. Was a big clash I mean Breck's it took over the 1st half of the program and I think I can sit up and later on in the closing statements are causing car counted to get bricks it done about 7 or 8 times if it breaks a bank Yes right. And then the n.h.s. There was quite a clash on the n.h.s. The call been arguing about how the n.h.s. Will be opened up to 'd American markets and Johnson refusing to go along without saying saying that was basically nonsense I know slightly different I said we're not selling the n.h.s. Off I don't think Corbin was saying that and you're saying that the market for pharmaceuticals 'd for example will be open to America and it's not quite clear to me whether Johnson refuted that one completely and of course there's been some argument over the past couple of days in the build up to this debate about other policies not being involved till the Lib Dems on the s.n.p. Do you think there should have been included. It's difficult if you can to have about 6 people they're not going to have much time to say much other than quick soundbites and things like that so they will be they are there were big interviewed afterwards of course I saw I watched a bit of Swenson of ours being being interviewed but that interview is very different obviously to a clash between 2 people but I think if you have a clash between more than sort of 3 in the 202010 election we have Nick Clegg there on the that made a difference but I don't think if you have 6 people of a you can get much out of it where they are in the audience were quite lively as well as quite a lot of laughter really with the voters may. I just I look at the newspaper headlines this morning and there you can see usual suspects of course that may allow a great this is called being was laughable on the merits saying that Boris was a laughingstock So you pays your money in new takes a choice with the newspapers of course when the thing says Do you think they were laughing with them all or at them you know is that is that where politics is at the moment I think they were laughing because they've heard this before. You know I don't think we learn 10 nothing new a thing I certainly didn't I wouldn't or saw most of the voters would have done so I think always repeating that always coming back to the Tories not to answer is not all that's not clear but we've had these things before so I think there were laughing at them more than. The potential a bit of a bit of a damp squid maybe Mike thank you very much indeed as always for joining us this morning that's Mike socket politics ex-pat from paper Regional College Chris Chris Bridges if he is the late Chief b.b.c. Radio Cambridge. 20th the November Wednesday b.b.c. Radio Cambridge he will be in switching on Christmas lights around the county. Nearly time to think about getting your having calland maybe you already have yours ready and waiting with our 1st chocolate just sitting there ready for your behind window number warm so yeah just about acceptable to start talking about Christmas of course famously a great time acts of charity just think of Scrooge Macross Miss Carol now the c. 3 church is an evangelical Christian church based in Cambridge and they're asking people to sponsor a Christmas hamper full agaves all go out to those in need who can't afford Christmas luxuries that maybe the rest of us can they speak to Becky Campbell morning Becky good morning mornings you're running the campaign the airwaves of b.b.c. Radio Cambridge are the break for show they are all yours what are you looking for Becky raising a century will. Help sponsor her. So we can really have the luxury I donate them to exactly that the people who would not otherwise be the Christmas. Tree. RINGBACK And who are these hampers going to go to them. We. Charity. Church could see the impact work with hundreds of people each week through of free open lunch through schools mentoring through elderly work with the isolated those who access the food part who are crap services for a whole range of different things who work with literally hundreds of people every week so we're making sure that they coach those people who also some in our local area work with counsel to identify the most needy family routers and also the are in foster care and some of the homes. To different avenues teenagers who might not. Are Making sure they get a house with a 20 pound him about and all the street treats they need to make a real fantastic back you keep up the good work is great so you know a great way of spreading the Christmas cheer and make a difference you know to the people who really need it thank you for coming on the show this morning. B.b.c. Radio came with. Us. I love story this morning good morning if you have just joined this is we're talking about a reverend. With. Reverend clay to come from heaven for gray and he was actually found one of his parishioners Stephen and I still have a quick clip of Stephen we go. To look for. Such a good story what about this Mark Morrison return of the. Return of the 10859596. What about changing never terrace of hearts which does. Twist ever so slightly never barrister parts and they. Came very creative this morning I like it I want triple phrase to him as he with the word or you can email and he don't like b.b.c. Don't go to u.k. It's just gone quarter to 8 it's b.b.c. Radio Cambridge where Kerry's got as the latest on the right across Cambridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge. Going on to the Black Cat roundabout southbound looks very slow there the a 4 to a it's a near it's going into the road works slow there towards Cambridge at the travel from towards chittering that's like and Linton the Cambridge Road looks very slow if you spot a queue and it's safe to do so close in 080859596 this is Gary Scott the b.b.c. Radio came to travel Thanks Gary. And new way of listening b.b.c. Sounds. Easy to. Park casts you can listen to b.b.c. Radio Cambridgeshire on b.b.c. Sounds. Download free now and. This is our. Own belief the way you can reach it. Good morning 748. Some of the stories doing the rounds in the papers this morning as it emerges the Prince Andrew has can sort of visit to West Yorkshire which of course have been hit by floods over the past couple of weeks the Daily Mail is suggesting. He's become the pariah Prince lings to the convicted sex offender Geoffrey Epstein friends of the Duke of York tell the summer he was terrified about being booed by members of the public the paper say he was summoned for crisis talks a Buckingham Palace made mounting pressure for him to quit public life now a senior figures at the English National said by the Times to be a low being for the Duke to be removed as page from The Daily Mirror getting involved in this as well. Reveals that protection officers are being urged to release notes of his whereabouts on the night he denies having sex with one of. Victims but not the papers picking up on that one this morning also in the Daily Mirror they responded to the decision to name. After the. Bunk covering some other creatures. Names were celebrities. Because of Aids. They go for species of damsel they were given the names of the members of Queen. My favorite one on the list they've given the. Horsefly. Been given the name because an impressive golden behind. Them in mind of the. Loss of other stuff coming up on the break for a show this morning. Catherine. Is. Train Station for us this morning. Very shortly and we want to build Cambridge train station this morning we need a mascot we need a mask Oh no we haven't we haven't got to. We've got Tommy. We've also got Charlie potentially. Stationmaster train driver. If you want to help if you want to contribute what else have we got we've got. We've got Glen in the coffee kiosk selling sausage rolls in coffee. This morning Chris. If you want to add to the fun this morning we love hearing give you 80859596 you can e-mail as well and they don't like the b.b.c. Don't cater u.k. The text they want triple 3 star a message with the word can but let's cross live now to our reporter Katherine Gunter Coffs k. She's at share press I believe she's got there nice and safe this morning. So because great Anglais are on the lookout for station adopters people to look after the stations to help with the gardening being one of them which they're on the lookout for in Cambridge Meldreth Folkston separate They all have little gardens is well all reports that Catherine going to cost is actually a Perth station right now admiring their gardens morning Catherine morning and they guess I'm Richelle railway station is coder frosty morning commute is a standing on the platform and there's already been a steady stream of trains but yes I'm not here just for trains on here by the famous Wildlife Park which is based next door and here for the station with one of the lovely gardens they've put together here is one of many ever came a share and and this morning this is not about who was speaking to me but this morning of his big creatures and this is what they said to me so I think it's lovely Brighton station 3 nice honestly I think it really lovely it's great community even when everyone works on them I think for can be taught me that's pretty miserable on the train it really brings out the morning I think they're absolutely beautiful really in home says the station in a big soft well done so everybody is putting all the effort to make it look like this. So I can see around me I'm in the gardens that I'm a man is lovely I've got pink and red flowers green shrubbery you go to the head chalk house over there Jess and Susan the ventured the commune to our partnership and it damn county council is with me now good morning good morning how did this and how did side of the community yard not railway station come about well about 10 years ago in the local stations milk at Shepperton Foxton we set up the real user group to advocate for you know could train services and all of that but also to look after our stations because we learned from other stations that where you. Are you also protect the environment and you encourage a culture of respect and there's also a lot of interest in the historical interest in the stations and you know there are a lot of gardeners around and so it was there was nothing to lose by putting gardens at all of the stations and we did a lot of the gardens running for. Almost I want to say almost 10 years now and that means that we've had a stream of volunteers a whole team at every station supported by a lot of young people Duke of Edinburgh volunteers Scouts. All sorts of children and young people and of course they grow up and the new ones come along but it's it's been a very. Real community event every time that we're here to change the flowers around for the new season or do a tidy up or something and what benefit does this have on the parents of the station and for the people involved Well firstly it's people really do enjoy coming to see who else is going to be here and you know you do meet new people and and you're contributing something to to the community but we've had very very little problem vandalism and graffiti and all of that ever since we started and British Transport Police. Told us that the level of reported crime in anti social behavior at our stations is far less than they would expect at stations of this size class fascinating say think really the guards down for that yeah and we learned the so I went up to March station many years ago where they had started a community garden there on the platforms and then they came down the the railway the rail team who started this with the district council up in Finland came down to talk to us and Maldef and chap with the Buxton and we learned from what they had done how difficult is it to get people to take part of this they wanted to save money and has a tricky thing to get people to volunteer no it's it's it's I mean we of course will leave very happy to talk to them any time this is a perfect time of the year to get started you only have to do this change the flowers around twice a year you know for the summer and winter. And there's an organization called the Association of Community rail partnerships which they might want to look into which supports this kind of community activity at stations not just gardens but looking after station buildings and all sorts of things just like you described to me or you can see here that we've got flowers around us and that little had chalk house yes and we have our water pots we've got our watering system here we don't have running water in any of the stations for this purpose and we also have stacks of tires over here in the corner where one year we had nesting ducks and the London commuters would get here a little bit early every day to see how the how the mother was doing and to to leave you know breakfast was just wonderful thank you so much she times you definitely would encourage people then to take part of course yes well as brilliant Mandy that that's one thing that's going to get me going is from going to breaking to get involved now even though it's really cold and frosty. Yeah it definitely. Devaney very lovely down in the flowers Jeffrey thank you very much as Catherine going to cough up or to live this morning from shepherd the train station and after 8 will be finding more about the scheme and how you can get her involved as well 1st though this time next year the children's favorite rip of the Bell be celebrating his 100th birthday and on his 99th birthday this year 2 grown children heading for great want to reunite 1964 annual with its original owner this hour news beat this morning I love it Stephen herring bought the book nearly 30 years ago but recently looked in the front cover and found a surprising name and he and his wife turned amateur detective our very own Dave Webster has been to meet them. Morning somebody Staver you know you guys to me you know we hear you on point and you know your tech machine is off you do this when you go over and talk to your aunt you know by the head on the way in China there and some blue sofas tell us lovely warm in here for us to Esther morning how are you nice to meet you I'm fine thank you Esther you the reason why I'm here because you put a beautiful story on Facebook about a book that's quick to put it on our village community page the Hemi for Quake community page Stephen who are you used to live and work in London we decided to move to me for growing been here for the last 12 years and congratulations as well because you got married a couple years ago we did a local vicar Peter Cundall if he married as few years ago you had a bit of a hobby going round jumble sales and shops were not have more children when they were young and they were probably between 3 and no one we used to go out to jumble shows and one of the things I like to buy was children certainly was one of the most popular ones that I liked was Rupert What was it about Rupert I think it was just the childlike qualities roof it was pretty it was need because no matter what he did you we started off I think in his little village of not with me just this moment I would go or can you go get the paper for us and then somehow he would find summer. Yeah it took him to an underwater world to go away for a couple years come back in this moment I just didn't seem care you never grew up if you say you made years ago. Everything was an adventure but there's a little arc to this story because you had a little flick through where those books and children write their names in these books yes I was in the garage argue saw it well maybe it's time to look through these and so you know there were some cash I flicked through a notice this 9 and couldn't quite believe the night not I saw because it was the name of the local vicar that marriage was 4 years ago so I quickly rushed into the house and I said to us that do you know Peter's middle name. So he she said no so rest of this is partly your fault as it's all my fault always did you care a jot about Rupert beforehand I love that because I'm a Daily Express girl I worked there for about 14 years in Fleet Street and of course we put 7 express boy when Stephen came running through did you go and this could be interesting I went I think I know who that is surely you must recognize the name but it was the middle name opposite sure about so you turned into detective quite liked in that I'm quite content. That's another story that just having a look around this room a there's loads of books on the walls which was your favorite book. I don't know because this is a minus this isn't your house absolutely not so whose house is it it's local records or clear frank Well the 964 rip of the bear and you'll be returned to its original owner Pete Damrey come live more with Dave after 8 o'clock across Cambridge. B.b.c. Radio Cambridge. Is a quick check on the anyone southbound queues on to black out roundabout northbound on to the button roundabout securing and works on the a $4.00 to $8.00 rounds me it's eastbound towards Cambridge causing delays if you spot a Cuny safe and legal for you to do so call us in 080859596 this is Gary Scott b.b.c. Radio Cambridge a try. Thank you Gary. Ross Cambridgeshire on f.x. On d. A.b. I'm free if you 7 to to the this is b.b.c. Radio a week. At 8 the b.b.c. News for Cambridge share I'm Mark Summers new figures have revealed that 240 people were arrested in Cambridgeshire last year for driving under the influence of drugs since the what some have been the result of people taking over the counter or prescribe medication while others have been caught having taken illegal substances the figures far higher than in Bedford shit where they were just over 100 arrests and in Harford share where the stat was 150 Neil Gregg is the director of Policy and Research at the charity I am road smart it's a mixed picture in some ways you could think it's great we're catching people hope having drugs and driving but the other hand it's almost 5 years since the new drug laws came in that brought in north side testing so you'd have thought by now we'd have got the message through it and numbers are becoming done with me catching so many people but I'm afraid with these things often you're scratching the tip of iceberg and at least the police have the powers now and they are out there using them Boris Johnson and Jamie Corbin have clashed over Brink's it and the n.h.s. In the 1st televised election debate of the campaign Mr Corbin suggested the prime minister would sell the health service to the United States in a future trade deal the prime minister ridiculed Labor's breaks it stands as nonsense Jewing the debate the Conservative Party press office rebranded its Twitter account to look like a fact checking organization Twitter said that any further attempts to mislead people would lead to decisive corrective action the Tories insist it was clear throughout that it was a Conservative Party account will more use the chief executive of the independent fact checking charity full fact he says the conservatives today we've been out on the road with the place such a drugs test has come back positive it's a composer. Ok the combat has the right I mean really this is our top story today we focused on it just 7 o'clock if you want to get involved 80859596 Love More on that in the next couple of minutes plus Rupert bat I just love this I just love this story we've got some cracking stories on the show today actually a vicar from heaven for great has been reunited with his treasured childhood book in 1964 annual But the bear is found by Stephen herring in heaven for great in his Gary Carroll. To look for. A flick through the night and believe. This. Is amazing this is the news business for the news we have part want to Dave with his report part 2 coming up in the next half an hour as well and also if you've just joined us for talking gardening because great Anglia the rail company there on the lookout for people to help with the gardening at their county stations eally is one of the stations they really focus.

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