Transcripts for BBC Radio Bristol BBC Radio Bristol 20200216 180000

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Bissell after they were pulled from the water earlier today this man has a shop in the town that's under several feet of floodwater. So I know I mean we're right at the other end strong from the river I mean all the main streets is covered . The road the water's come through here Brooke beyond us got stuck you know because you can't get it nearly 600 flood warnings and alerts are in place across England with major incidents declared by several police forces the environment secretary George Eustace has been speaking in New York where river levels are forecast to peak on Tuesday we have a response teams on the ground evacuating some properties where that's needed but we also have quite a concerns in other parts of the country and the reason today now that I'm in New York is we do have some concerns that in the next 2 days that levels on the river issues may rise and may cause some problems in other parts of the country tributes are being paid to Caroline Flack following her death yesterday at the age of 40 the presenter stood down from hosting i.t.v. Love Island after she was charged with assaulting her partner in December Laura Whitmore who took over presenting the reality show has condemned the coverage of her friend in newspapers and on social media Caroline loves love twice the article about him was important to her because the show is about finding love friendship having a laugh the problem was on the show the show to work on is loving and caring and safe and protected. The problem is the outside world is not in the last few minutes i.t.v. Has confirmed that tonight's edition of Love Island will not be broadcast. China has imposed tighter restrictions on the movement to try to convert control the coronavirus people in who by province where the outbreak began have been ordered to stay at home and not to use that cause Beijing has announced another fold in the number of new cases a reporter for The New York Times poll Mosab says checkpoints have been set up outside many residential areas you get things like new checkpoints that people's building complex is where they have to maybe record information or do a temperature check we get locks on those people having guests some cities have shut down entirely to outsiders coming in and the most extreme cases probably more than 100000000 people at the moment are only allowed to leave their apartment once every several days and several 1000 John has said he's deeply upset and sorry for cussing shore's a concert in New Zealand after losing his voice the 72 year old broke down in tears and had to be escorted from the stage you know Oakland to Elton later said he'd been diagnosed with a lung infection but had given it all he had that's the b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 6. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. And welcome to the program my money Massey with you until 8 o'clock. Hope you're safe and well. The floods will keep you up to date of course with any floods news by the way and traffic news as well. To give us a ring as well if you want to to move to bring us up to date with anything is happening in your area that might affect travel for other people. Coming up on the program. You know you sort of get married and in many cultures this whole scene is part of the sort of success of your life business. About getting divorced. I got divorced many years ago. To be rejected by your community. And then feel I have been a huge. Finding out to be more about Min Greek or who is c. She gives a personal account of being a divorce see. Divorce is still a taboo subject of Sikhs. Talking of Sikhs there's a multi faith forum event taking place next Sunday in Bristol and you can take part in it to get a chance to visit the 7 venues of worship 7 different faiths. By the holidays Sikhs in the Buddhists. Believe in food level given it's part of the experience. When we talk a good Toma did Theo's the matter broadly Stoke which is in South Gloucestershire He's the chairman of the Bristol multi-faith forum. Because they did just about music like this. Put is a loaded gun. And saluted. The As catch up the latest travel news in that is with out and get even well there is flooding across the region so please be prepared for travel disruption starting on the air 48 at the Severn bridge that is closed East going to do to the strong winds with diversions aid operation of by the Prince of Wales bridge building to wish to share Bransford to the Brantford road is closed both directions all because of flooding towards rich wake and into which shares in John's own broom yard a road that is blocked e.g. To flooding Broadway Grove and elsewhere and we still Hilton wrote those calls because of flooding and train cancellations across the region so please to check your operator before travelling m r Bolton at the b.b.c. Travel Center thank you so much on an hour and back with more travel news in about 20 minutes. Called free on early pass and 855949 b.b.c. Radio Bristol. You're listening to the money Massey I'm with you until 8 o'clock now getting married is seen in many cultures as the pinnacle of success but divorce is widely acknowledged to be one of the most stressful but what is rejection from your community makes it even worse when Ruth core who is c gives her personal account of being divorcée and explores whether divorce is still a taboo for sex seeking love 10 years ago I got married but there were serious problems and I was very unhappy my parents were very supportive when I decided to get a divorce but my dad's family in India said I was a disgrace to them I'd like to meet someone of the same fate as me so I'm on a few dating apps and use a matchmaking service at the temple but it's always the same story. Sorry when I talk I said I'm divorced I do use interest One man told me I was not a scratched car it's been actually soul destroying as far as divorces go it couldn't go any worse Karen Kalat lives in Bristol happier at the range her 1st marriage but it went wrong I was one of the 1st though in my town that even embarks upon thinking about divorce and that big the word in it was regarded as the big the word but I was in a really difficult position because in the Indian community strong seek over Yeah stay in a marriage regardless of what it's thrown at you but then because we were in England the English society was saying we're actually strong does need a marriage so I was stuck between the pillar to post about actually what do I do I exactly how I feel coming out in the community was the most difficult thing yeah I got the blame and women are judged and it's always them that are wrong men can never do anything wrong yes absolutely ex-husband you know his actions were overlooked and my actions were magnified I feel that with divorced men it easier for them to meet somebody because the temples are introducing divorced men to single women but that never happens to me I mean I went to the temple and was looking for someone and I remember the guy at the temple and said well there's any 4 profiles here of divorced guys and you can only meet these 4 I find that really shocking I find that shocking because the new way we're in an era where we're supposed to be equal and yet they're still this double standard when it comes to men and women when we get married we 1st of a virgin entering this new relationship you know shiny new goods and then once you know it when that breaks down you're not shiny new suits anymore but would you say that it's a broader problem in the Asian community I think it is a wider problem because I have Hindu friends and I have missed and friends who experience the same it really worries me because of the stigma attached to divorce women are just sticking to being married and not walking away from. Yes You know I know firsthand lots of ladies who are staying in their marriages and they are very very unhappy if they had the support network or the community and the culture maybe it would make a difference I think it definitely would if there was a discussion in the temple I'm sure we would go because we'd want to me other people have gone there and help them right absolutely not giving a simple thing today it is a simple thing today maybe this is the starting point according to the latest figures around 5 percent of Sikhs in the u.k. Are now divorced or separated but we don't tend to talk about it I've come to the temple or good drama in St George in Bristol for Sunday worship this is where husbands and wives are often introduced to one another so I want to gauge opinion here I have 2 boys and how would you feel if any one of them marriageable see it doesn't matter to me at all it depends you know how much they are than love with each other the fall in love with it what difference does it make so why would anybody want to marry you if you divorce is a stigma believe me if you're agreed at the end of the day. You are a beautiful person yes I'm blushing now but one woman does tell me what I often heard said in private how would you feel if one of your children married at a policy concert wife why would you feel sad because this is what you see if you would you be worried about what the community would say if your child pirated divorcée Ok yes quite yet to do so the lot of people the reason why why some find they were any single any single boy and Single Girl why not white why didn't she really says it like it is in my experience but what does the Sikh faith actually say about divorce. Even Sing cando is a religious leader in Bristol the Sikh scripture directly does not say anything about divorce it talks about how my or it isn't an unbreakable bond but it is a faith of love and understanding and in that sense I think there are circumstances that you can walk. Away from these relationships and domestic abuse infidelity so there's nothing written in the Sikh scripture so why do divorced people feel judged this is something that has come from the South Asian coach or from the Indian subcontinent that's come on the plane and it continues today what kind of religious leaders like yourself do more to be able to meet that stigma because I think that we can work with the new a generation my generation and upcoming even children you know children need to know about relationships and all sorts of things but I think with the older generation I don't think there is so much that can be done amongst younger Sikhs it's not so much of an issue I'm glad he thinks the younger generation are becoming more understanding even if that's not my personal experience and actually tonight I've got the opportunity to put it to the test I've been set up on a date with a man who seek younger than me and hasn't been married before. I'm feeling slightly nervous here but wish me luck Ok so I know they moved here just a different copy of the guy very friendly a gentleman bought me my coffee which is quite impressive the 1st. Just to show when to tell him I'm under water how do you drop into a conversation. So I just go back to my car and I am in shock because when I told him I was divorced he did not care at all it was not an issue for him it was an issue for his family he also understood that people go through things and the one thing he said was who am I to judge because you know I've gone through things more in my life but it doesn't even have someone to Boston his family is something that I haven't had in a long while and I think that for me that's what you call an amazing guy maybe my luck has finally changed we'll have to see how it goes. But I still worry al community's reluctance to discuss divorce makes people afraid to leave unhappy marriages hyperbole this will start a conversation. Where we are men caught there and of course if you want to find out more about that story you'll be able to see and see the program about 60 votes especially on b.b.c. Inside out west which is going to be on the b.b.c. One tomorrow night and I'm divorced by the way I'm not worried about anyone he whatever they want to say they can do I'm not getting married very soon the b.b.c. Radio Bristow most bizarre thing happens when someone calls you this is a column for mentions record label. So if you're going to suggest somewhere you can plant a flag please keep your answers tasteful How are you going to be sure he's not in the are not useful insight into this prank and wasn't superstate to script see the moment sense to listen to it all becomes clear yes no pressure and 50 ferry is listening to Science new students looking to seize it is baby food radio pressed on . Bomb. Soon to. Me. Which is very rather severely coming from the film Son of Sardaar which is out in 2012 you know in every one of my prayers you are there saying even if I'm empty and lonely there's no color but sadness my eyes away the sadness I'm still alive though which is that not enough. You say that we should get separated but how will I be able to live without children. Which are killing. The Jews good. Show. B.b.c. Radio hosts. The past few weeks countries across the world been evacuating their citizens from war on the Chinese city at the center of the corona virus outbreak but Pakistan which has close economic and political ties to China has decided not to the decision has caused anger amongst the relatives of approximately $500.00 Pakistani. Diversity students living in the city. Mommy reports from Islamabad let's get let's get all. Shut and get our child out of there was. Angry chance in Islamabad from the families of Pakistani students trapped in virus struck city. Shame on you they shout naming different government officials look America does so much of a good one on their God let them say they're thinking if there is it with China it could jeopardize that investment and relationship they're scared to feel scared all the time how will we live currently I am in of Ohio and here I am living with my family and this is our fartman a very I am living with my wife and recruits ph d. Student our success fear is one of those in hand he sent us this video showing us around his apartment where he his wife and their 3 small children spent much of the past 3 weeks it's very difficult for the kids to stay in the home for a long time to or to be he asked his son what he will do when he's allowed to go out again when there was no money Oh and here you go and see the pander in the zoo and buy chocolate 6 year old Mohit good plans but to what they took here what no. Cost this tearful parents in the eastern city of Fessler bad are desperate for them to return current been there was some money they don't have enough to eat or drink so we are really worried they can go outside the children are very small the mike is hard and will find it throughout going to not get all the other countries have been taking their people out our government isn't doing anything. At Islamabad Airport flights between China and Pakistan are running as usual but no one from has been allowed to return for fear the virus could spread. Chinese officials the praise the authorities here for not imposing a travel ban on all passengers from the country and for trusting them to look after those what is funny students stranded in Wilhite. The Chinese government and the Pakistani government we are working with the Chinese ambassador on ya losing released this video on social media more than 500 students and the citizens of Pakistan they are safe and sound yeah wow attended and looked after by the local. Governments and. Following the situation this is my community and I'm so outside that the apartment you can see here all that order m.p. Stands is a video of the largely deserted streets. Here I'm in vegetable market as you can see there on the north on the infinitely open there are concerns about how Pakistan could cope with any outbreak of the coronavirus and some Pakistanis that would say it's better they stay there others though just want to. Suck on their car money deport them from Islam about that school there by the way that the Asian version of Alexander b.b.c. Radio breaks down on Tuesday restores my mom in response me in the studio John downtown he was elected by you and it's your chance to ask him a question and have your say on what matters to you I would like it because. You're on the phone from Bristol strong support and housing issues to concerns about the environment environmental destruction is putting people 1st to Mr modest is a real danger in actually some of the solutions and asking people on the way comes to pay for problems that many people on welfare incomes have created John down it will be a busy one so get your calls in early e-mail me John Daunt Jihad b.b.c. Dos code don't you k. B.b.c. Radio based on. Your listening to the money Massey on your b.b.c. Talking of Pakistan his. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow from the from header which was out in 2005 by the way. Using those. Were those nights. This catch up with the latest travel news and that is without and. There is severe disruption across the region so please do be prepared with the main issues m.-o. My fear the Severn Bridge m 48 is closed in both directions because of the strong winds are in operation and by the Prince of Wales bridge at the m 4 into. Both directions they for 103 that's because Rich wake and last call. Very slow traffic to St John's and wish to share a berm yard to road to that blocks all going to flooding at Broadway Grove and Western Helton road is closed because of flooding into Somerset on the m 5 north main junction 23 Bridgewater north warming caused because of a broken down lorry on the entry slip road onto the train there is severe disruption across the network so pleased to be paid for cancellations or delays and family to Bristol airport delays for flights to and from the airport all due to storm 10 s m r Bolton at the b.b.c. Travel Center thank you so much Erin and back with more travel news after 7 o'clock . Call free on early downs and 855949 b.b.c. Radio Bristow. Your listening to me Money Massey and of course we will keep you up to date with any news we have any travel disruptions or any floods issues so stay tuned and we'll keep up to date with anything that ning in our area coming up on the program in the next half hour though Bollywood book was with the she told jet she was here last week Sania is away on holiday at the moment so we've got to defeat different people do believe cause she pulls back a little later on then talking about a new Bollywood film or could be an old Bollywood film and some Bollywood book was as well which like gossip plus multi-faith event this taking place in Bristol it's an event where you can visit a 7 different venue then use a worship so at booties or behind if you don't know much or a synagogue if you want to find out a little bit about that so that's started about 930 next Sunday and carries on to about 5 o'clock ends up at the Hindu Temple there's also some longer food free food at a good 2 are as well so tell me more about that in a short while when I speak to the chairman of the multi-faith faith forum in Bristol and as Tom. This is the matter of broadly so by the way as well which is in South Boston so that's coming up shortly Knows that. Was long. before a d.v.d. Families see the deep need to. Meet but you can't To. Be funny to eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat. Eat. Eat eat eat eat eat eat eat the food to eat food to eat eat eat eat eat eat. That is some of the bunk 3 of the film which is in December 29th. She's going to do the Bollywood because very shortly. Saying well you know. My lover's eyes are deceiving because his eyes are saying one thing but I know what his heart or her heart is saying you know money that just sounds like a typical Saturday night and. You get that all the time and oh yeah I'm sure you will be there. So talk to men and then you think they are saying one thing with their hearts or saying and I think that's what you're saying basically maybe like a very bad. My son is away at the moment so. Sitting in for sunny so. Let's do a bit of Bollywood just explain the cost means nonsense to a lot of people not nonsense to you because you love Bollywood and absolutely it really is crucial and really relevant and important each week the course of the way of new news and new releases and more excitement I would have gone as far as crucial. People obviously the song because they want to be in Bollywood films is crucial for them there you go Ok tell us about the 1st film then yes so a game called relationship now of course we can't forget that Friday was one a I don't know what the month the most romantic date of the year. According to Sam It would be called Valentine's Day with a question you. How many Valentine cards are you with me. There was so many I just could not count them really that I have. In all of them yet. You know what I mean that would be. No movie with a belief of right it called a game called relationship so what I really like money is it's got. Home. The not just romance are intense you know I think having that sort of element of both I think the great combination the director is the dick Sharma he's a director on a right he's also written well so the male lead on Monday and that Sharma. Storyline is it celebrity power couple who are in a live in relationship and they take a break up to see how far that the supers will go to win them over so they actually when you serve in relation to others like boyfriend girlfriend type of relationship or just friends relationship no a proper relationship of. Bollywood films you know this is be quite common now where people are living together getting married in the old films you can only live together with somebody if you managed that I think the exchange Yeah a lot of the sort of modern you know they need it with the times which is great and . It had good reviews and it seemed to be doing pretty well. And a lot going to cause all of our school has got a 2nd version 2nd story now in it. So you had better get that love article yet. So I can tell you yes it will be down but tonight we're going to 2009 I love Of course in terms of what it means a lot nowaday. Very excited about that one and a little cool keeping on our romantic beam and well really were out Friday and what I really loved about it that it starred big and of course Dora early on the court daughter of a hornet and we think now actually I just realized that well Bonnie they don't economy original with me the 1009 Talk of the original Here's some music from it yes. The but. I am. Glad. I am yes I love our school is it carrying on from Love Aaj comes the original one it is but also what it brings it more complex it's a lot more of a complex more than relationship through trying to link it back to 2009 where you know how past choice to make a question. To just have a No 3 hatch but. Very interesting and even a great job director called in South alley has been a pretty good job because by making it relevant and keeping up to date having a dip with that a complex which varied at the time. And money between traditional small town. And of course the complexity of. That is. What else is in the new as far as gossip goes there is a bit of gossip of money in the stock Well of course I just want to mention a bit about what about the got the area and he is basically he was actually sort of . The Bollywood bug Why did he win engineering. You know engineering degree in biotechnology. Dabbled in modeling. He thought Accra and Bill. Really coming out. Pretty well. Does this show where they ask questions turn their back well be Indians think not and so on. In the program Oh yeah. Yeah not bad only I mean. A lot of it. But great Ok She did thank you very much for your Bollywood because thank you note it's a good always thank you very much thank you. You. Should. Take. It To. Me. From Love Aaj color cause. It's sort of the job. In your agency that. Shifts. B.b.c. Radio. Bristol multi-faith forum which is a public forum based around the major faiths active in the city is holding an event next Sunday during the day now you will be able to visit 7 places of worship from 7 different 7 different faiths and you can sample some of the food that they have to offer including free longer add a go to the bar Tom with that there is the matter of Bradley stoker which is in South Boston but also he's the chairman of the Bristol multi faith forum and I spoke to him earlier and I asked him to explain why the multi-faith forum was set up for. Journey for all people leave a lot of ship. Over Is it possible so that effectively the forum belong still exist for them for the on the allegiance groups and the faith communities as well as people without any faith as well so this was formed very back in 2000 full by the Bristol City Council. For of for in the faith and in the cultural social harmony and community cohesion and to promote the health and wellbeing of the communities and the program that's the next rate Richard been talking it's called the dials opened again tell us a little bit about the activities that are going to be taking place then yes that is they want the message that we are giving through that program that will stores open day it's just celebrate our regions Diable cities and giving community is the chance to experience each other's cultures and each of those seeds and to actually also explore you know one of the things that's happening and there's also for the opportunity to visit a range of places of worship and discuss many faith communities that Texas and bustle and right now this one we have a total place to worship bridges are open and in addition to that there are 6 places when us we will be formed as a designated free trail each representing a different free one is the but this is trying the 2nd one is. Also talks church recalled from the stretch run is Muslim the 4th one is Gregoire and will be a. Jewish small synagogue and in the temple on the way back we also show the people behind center as well so they can pass almost 7 faiths and Bristol So these people will be traveling together you know within walking together yeah you cannot walk all that distance and a lot to be able to complete so so what we have done is it the river for you especially provided train bus as a basis will be there for the for right now we are actually booked because of the numbers that regard and so people will be there the 5 pound thing or otherwise if someone actually want to follow the trail they can actually also door at her care. Go in there then follow the trail yeah otherwise join the trail Ok if it's Ok I think yeah it sounds much more exciting than if you everyone's getting together in the bass you can have a chat about each of the then Easy Does It isn't that sounds more exciting doesn't it that show that sure this is actually also a dialogue and discussion and so you actually understand these things and people want to assume the brain this kind of diversity and sometimes each play solution will be a shock a singing their own food you know the own unique design or actually some snacks or something and the good there are actually agreed to having the bitchery and lunch at the Lanka these are things which so many people really interesting. Let's see how every year we've been been doing this for many years now. Actually 1213 so I think it's been progressing well all these years and there's a you need to know what the please you can see this kind of thing people are coming even from Devon right so we're about we say for buses roughly how many people that be the last year we had about 16 off a trail right now we are thinking that the Sierra will be a little bit more more more than a 100 when we say 4 buses of the all leaving at the same time or just for the size we will be all going through it's like a pattern it will be we start from the bottom Hill settlement which multi-faith forum is based and then we go to a 1st really really go to the. Center and from there we will go to the next one rise there and the other 6 venues as well yeah yeah yeah yeah. So if anybody wants to join you or poor then of the religious then use what do they need to do all that's very simple they can right now it's coordinated by the some of the Faith Forum steering group which I am chair there are. Yes less terror group members who are helping and also we have a support officer can live come to. Was actually here right now harmonizing the whole program the number is actually now up site email on. S.u.p.p. . Burstall multi-faith Forum dot org dot u.k. That's the e-mail address or e-mail address all the number is also in 394-9132 names and multifaith Forum dot all g w k you will get more information. What time does it all begin then. And start from the bottom held by 9 o'clock Yeah and finish by being in the temple by 5 o'clock. If you want to find out more about the doors Bristol dive doors open day which is taking place on February 23rd which is Sunday next Sunday go to that website Bristol multi-faith Forum dot org dot u.k. One word Bristol Multi Faith Forum dot org dot u.k. And get all the details that us talk you multi-faith his 2 face working together yes when the sins of the 6 a. Rod for really come out on the Muslim faith. Lol Lol. Lol. Lol Lol. Lol. Loosely. Cut cut. Cut. When this in the William Bradford really caught on basis a Cold War you so lost in all this sadness you still believe this the time to season for love. Humanity and most an insult to the spring is just around the corner in India there's a few weeks to go for us though but in India of course. Across the West on the. B.b.c. Radio Bristol. B.b.c. News at 7 I'm Tom What major incidents have been declared in parts of the country west affected by storm.

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