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Neff a Madonna that is express yourself got some Katy Perry on the way some Jonas Brothers and of course as it is a Saturday morning the final whistle on the show it is your job to work out what the song is just before 6 from the clues I'm going to give you and I can tell you got to number 11 in the u.k. Chance in 1977 and it's from album what's wrong with this picture and the song follows a life of a child who's neglected by his parents after the birth of a younger sister Any ideas what song might be this is a great scene from Katy Perry never really over. The bar at the. My heart I would. Guess it's. Thank. God every way his brain. Can even. That even. If it's. Obama. About song from Katy Perry that is never really over how you saw today's get off to a great song. To tell you about going on across our beautiful west country this weekend including the you will Christmas market it's also the Bristol Alaska festival I'll be catching up with a couple of the organizers on the show today there's a Christmas carol play going on are going to be joined by mommy can tell me all about there's a street market Oh I'm in St as well is that Christmas cracker but coming up next I'll go behind the scenes of snow want at the train that's after this from the feelin. That's the fear never be lonely now I love my theater I love my pants hell of a place especially this time of the year and a great place taken place as a backer factory in Bristol ice a little bit different I got to catch up with the cast of Snow White welcome to the tobacco factory Martin thank you so much Judy or should I say snow warnings yes that's me what's it like to play the lead in lady in this fabulous production it's a lot of fun it's a lot of fun there's a lot of things that she gets to do she's on stage pretty much most of the time. Yes she gets to do a lot of things she gets to me a lot of character she gets to explore a lot the stage say yes a lot of fun yeah and it's not your traditional slow way as you would expect as a No this one is not a pantomime this one is a fun family Christmas show and there's love live music there's a lot of interaction with the audience yeah and a lot of work it visual imagery just a lot of mind bending stuff yeah snow white with a twist and I really think the music makes it extra special Oh it does make it extra special with the help of our musical director Joey and he's just made the soundscape of Snow White just incredible really and you me you were quite instrumental in the music part of the production and yeah a. Lot of the percussionist a minute or so play 2 characters or called Robin and also Jacob he's the Huntsman he was or is into poetry slash rap. If you bring so many different elements to the show yeah you know. You know we have Jacob like character he's one of the. Gamekeeper's And also he's a very fun character to play. To interact a lot of the audience as well also what Robyn he's part as one of those characters you know that side the ability to interact with the audience and yes really nice because you know there's a lot of light dynamics you can do in terms of interact with the audience it's also nice to get the audience of both because that tobacco factory is such a widespread stage you have to really get to reach out to order that audience members but they actually really you know how do you find the actual layout of the tobacco factory to exist not your traditional stage at the front with the seats in front of you is a nice a much more difference in the round but it's aware of in the round because there's like a lot of light corners in parts of the actual theater that you really need to reach out to but also sort of like. I'll say makes you need that work much harder in order to reach those corners of the audience by stage so definitely one of my favorite really understood what is up. I just I just love the space in general is that. Oh there goes this like pretty nice spacious software so you just it gives you a lot to play around with to be honest let's play with wonderful the shape of the stage Alex Oh yeah yeah it's great is it it's sort of manages to feel really epic and really intimate at the same time so you can really directly connect with people and some people on the front are practically set on the floor that mean their own seat space your but they are very close 3 inches off the ground at the moment yeah yeah and we get right involved in them yeah that's that's the best part of a show for us and you get to play instruments as well yes I'm on the double bass and the ukulele so very big town a very small guitar. Yeah yeah the music's really really beautiful in it and really cracked it so we have everything from beautiful folksy sort of underscores to balance and rap. Yeah that's beautiful part of the show and all the musicians you'll use to great effect you are in essence the member that the stepmother looks through that's right half of a bit of a spoiler but you know that's true the we have we have we are the inside of the mirror which is great fun. Obviously everyone knows the story of Snow White vanity of the queen going to the mirror and finding out that she's been taken over by her younger brother by her actual stepdaughter and so there's a lot about there's a lot of layers in the show that a for little ones it's just it's a great laugh but and there's also some really lovely so over messages about the world right now but not enough sort of done in a really light way that everyone can get involved with and then for grown ups they surface bring to politics that ever no record right now. Is a wonderful show considering there are just certain of you doing it well. There are 6 of us still in and I came to it. Than that from the start that was like that was probably the 1st joke that happened when we've overdone the 1st opera like let's do the 2nd half now he's left to play the 7 characters in the forest. They they're not very good at math and I say what people think just know what they think is 7 dollars so 7 is quite an intrinsic number in this production Yeah you know we did want to do some talks that doesn't feel very right and so we decided they'd be 7 Earth burgers in eco Boreas off grid living in the forest which really what's that going to me in the story base and ended up giving us a sort of basis of this really lovely message about peace and love so I actually got just gives it a lot of resonance and brings it right up to date right now because of all the conflict that's going on in the world we're all involved in the evolution of war in the piece or oh yeah totally yeah we get in the room and there was some work done on the treatment of the show before like how we would shape it but basically we improvise in the rain we play we muck around and if there's a sketch that seems to be interesting the director Alex Burnell push it around until it becomes a shape so yeah we've all made it really so there's every show slightly different I think so yeah there's lots of room also different we have schools crowded and then we have grown ups and we have now and but that changes the texture a bit but yeah there's lots of room for improvise ation fascinating stuff I'll tell you what the sort of tonight then we'll talk more about Snow White and that's about the factory snow. Yes. The Black Christmas. First thing. Is that I can't. Believe. We did it only. This could be. A long. To. The lowest of the. 11. Did areas. The Welcome back to the martyrdom show on the b.b.c. Across the West Country for your weekend morning I'm joined by some of the fabulous cast of Snow White at the tobacco factory. And see all enjoying this fabulous production yes we're amazing and you know the run up into the 19 you know every night has been amazing and it's been amazing and here we just pushed and pushed and I've been here before with more from the models and more from children. I mean. Because you get you get different perceptions one ball from you know. Jokes that you know that also get some jokes that the children get. Both of you and I don't really have a preference and we're giving too much away your character has got a ghastly deeds yes he's been told by. The stepmother you know take Snow White into the forest and work through much of another story snow at the forest to kill and to turn the heart back to its people he had done it he takes no I parked he didn't you know. That he was good you know but yeah that's the huntsman. Some parts play very different particularly you know he's a really he's one of them or so I mean he's one of the like gamekeeper's for the queen and also he's 21 of the youngest is really wonderful person and bought him and Snow White people up grew up together so you really do see like the connection that they both have a friendship when they do like of the forest and you know the journey between above and I. Know what must be a wonderful part to play specially in this production Yeah it is a lot of fun to play yes as I says she gets to interact with so many different characters and she's always facing new obstacles and it's just never ending my post know what I'm going to say during the production so I've seen your facials or rather super in some of the scenes thank you very much Yeah I've taken a lot of hard work to get those faces scrunched up as possible especially if you've seen an apple exactly and I know right after she loves offals you know sometimes you just can't give in to temptation you know los know what if you want to walk into the park so what a lot of apples Oh yeah you know the great thing about this is that I didn't realize I had a favorite brand of Apple Oh yeah I know you do and I do Pink Lady. I'm not the traditional bright red China although that snow was so used to it I know the great thing is those that no matter what I push it she will eat it because she loves apples and yeah the apples that come down. Throughout the production is just a lot of fun because they're all different and. Each home message of course in this production as well as yes definitely definitely point especially internet wise journey she comes from the palace which is very high strung there's a lot of rules that she has to follow and she meets these incredible Asperger's who at 1st she's very confused about because she's never come across the sort of humbleness of people so when she finds these people it really changes her as a person she gets to learn about really important messages as Alex said there are very big important messages underlying this show and it's just great to get the message out there and was the most talked about freedom change your character on the fly a little bit throughout the show oh it's so much fun she gets to change every day every day there's something new that happens especially with the audience there's there's always room as Alex said to sort of find different things different jokes different sort of deliveries of lines and yes she does change the entire thing and it's just a great sort of journey for those things happen in the. Into the production. Possibly I mean Snow White takes a backseat I leave that to the blessid couriered because she's very good with that sort of thing. Yeah just all of the earth burgers are just fabulous with weaving in the topical issues that are going on right now and it's so great because they are so massive they are so important but there's always a hint of comedy that we bring to it sort of make it light but also very very serious sometimes it seems. On this production Oh yeah I mean it no it sounds a bit sentimental but we love our Yes we really do we get on really well actually the company works a lot on build in the phone sample so we play volleyball together in rehearsals every day for hours and sometimes. So we really. And of course you know it's stressful making a show sometimes you know it's difficult to let go of material and added to it but yeah we get on really well sports and support when you're together for such a long time yeah we are yeah we're on till the 19th of January and we have matinees and evenings a lot of them. So yeah but you get into the grief that you know and every show you never know what the what it's going to bring into the room you know that you open the door you step on stage and oh it's like this tonight what should people come and see Snow White at the tobacco factory. Because. It's just enormously refreshing and fun it's got a big heart. It's asking some really big questions a really crucial time in the world I think to ask these questions that everybody is inevitably thinking about right now about the planet and how we should take care of each other and tolerance I mean we dared to go for story of redemption which is really quite hard to do because the queen kill Snow White 3 times. But if we can't forgive people then we really are. In trouble it's a good message Yeah right yeah yeah yeah people come and see this understand the courage before the committee this amazing and refreshing you know production of snow I bring something different you know joy and love. And there's also a great message actually at the end of it you know the snow or production Well it's worth coming just to see all right if that. Doesn't mean there are some are some point. Back. No one's facials Oh gosh I miss out on have facials that's a tree and a half It's not want to be in this you're going to laugh you're going to cry you're going to feel sorrow and you're going to feel joy so I can an experience this lovely production. Team at c.b.c. From Sophie b. Hawkins That is right beside you have been a lovely Saturday morning. Along with. Good morning Martin how is your Christmas festive season radio while very very much in the festive spirit now. On the why on the why you know it's work in progress it's all the experiences in the absolutely yeah to be a busy week so you know gearing up for Christmas is start you hold the moment I can relate to the theater company and you've got a one man production on tonight. We have indeed yes a Christmas carol Yes been a great week it's the quintessential story for Christmas it isn't it yeah if you want to get into the Christmas spirit. It's the perfect story to break here and make you feel warm and that glow inside yeah that's been going this week and it's been fantastic and it's the final tonight it is the final night so yes of Steve Woody who plays 25 characters that's a lot of character it's a fair few Yeah so he's been on all week working hard he's exhausted by the end of every night but it's just a brilliant performance to watch is just something that he just brings these characters to life and is where you're watching something and initially I think people go it was a one man show how am I going to sit through this if you forget so quickly because the way he brings his characters to life form Tiny Tim Bob Cratchit the face the wigs and of course Scrooge you know the mean spirited old humbug who turned himself around by the end it was your changes demeanor is voice the way he moves absolutely everything changes so if you say for voices you sort of and he be having a conversation with himself and then the voices are changing from each person to person each character to character his demeanor the way he walks when he becomes Molly's ghost you see this immediate change in him and it's just enchanting to watch it really credible Yeah and. The Rose Bowl winner reasoning here is so 2 years ago 2017 we did Christmas health the 1st time which has been a work in progress I mean Steve talking about over 20 years to bring to the stage so we finally did in 20171 rave reviews and in 2018 he did was won he won the Best Actor award for the Rose Bowl is incredible and he's a Bristol based actor as well here is he's been in Bristol all his life and done numerous numerous productions as well as well as on stage performing He also directs So he's directed for proactive asked for the past 20 years most shows we have had other directors come in but then also Steve's been on stage with us and for other companies I'm through he certainly want to own your so you're in safe hands with ups of it I mean his ability. And what he knows and what he can bring to a production are just great it's just a lawyer if he understands text you understands what the playwright has given you and then brings that out to the actors and as himself as a performer he understands the process and he works with everybody and he just produces such brilliant theater wonderful you must have seen your son for this production every night every night yes we've been. In with him to make sure it's right and give him some notes as well to you know tweak things or may I make it work so yes it's very much being a part it's a passion project for both of us and so I've been watching him every night and seeing him grow within it and it's not being read any major changes but there's just nuances which Or you start seeing come across and you're just really relate you know what to a voice would you give an actor like Stephen. Really good question because Steve is so profession is in his approach the way he's been over the years actually it's more it's more observing what he's doing and trying to make sure he's bringing out what he wants to bring out so you know and you see it there and sometimes it's just actually don't go too far with that because you can get carried away and you need someone that it's a small banks often go actually now hold what you're doing and producing is brilliant Don't take any further because you don't want to make it a caricature all you making people real not a natural look at the top tell you Tim for example you don't have to be too timid into no no no I'm Tiny Tim spirit is really strong and for someone for a child there's already suffer in his outlook and humanity is a menace and he really does care about other people are not his own situation and I think that's something we can all take away with yes indeed can we ever specially in this day and age yes in this day and age and I don't see it's particularly pertinent this time of year you know it's bad enough a lot of people throughout the year and homeless people on bread line so actually it seems to get highlighted more Christmas but it's a year long issue we need to be kind to each other throughout the year don't we absolutely I'm I think that that's where Christmas and Christmas Carol and all the Tiny Tim outlook that's where you go right yes this is really true this is very real it is very narrow and we need to embrace that and look after each other and as Scrooge says by the end of the piece he will hold Christmas in his heart and try to keep it all year round because actually that is the perfect way to approach life wonderful people can come and see it for the final time tonight at the tavern one should they come and see it because if you're not even if you don't know you Christmas yet by the time you've seen this you will go out loving Christmas and embracing the world wonderful Well I'm feeling festive and I'm going to be feeling even more festive tomorrow at 10. Bristol n.p.r. News this is something. Actually last week Richard Lewis. I get your crazy overstrong I like that number one as a new motto the sure fire security you know you say you actually someone makes a mistake like you succeed to make sure this is a great song that the women are just carrying out of course nor to. Your life right here in my shoes this was seen as a station in suit teens who are new in a similar way that there was this coming week selfish and a new meaning found in t.v. You see a interesting I mean do you see that I do love a little bit of clueless action back to more from 10 o'clock most important of all of course you solving those clues got some wonderful events going on today it is the Yeovil Christmas market this Christmas shopping with a difference but let's me the leisure center in Yeovil been moved one mince pies and festive music as well that's today from 11 through to 3 it's the street Christmas crackers Whoa a wonderful event for the whole family you can make sense from the hours and really get wonderful flavor of what's going on on the street in Christmas hole and also the community center it's a free event today from 11 through till 4 o'clock I get on with a final song the show suddenly got to number 11 in the u.k. Charts in 1977 on the lyric he was born on a summer's day in 1951 much is the sing as best they could that song Baby coming up next we could be talking about the Bristol blessed festival so after this from a.t.p. To song. Calling me drunk and you Alcide a club and you're lonely. And you hate everyone and you wish I was there it's no fun going song. You know you wanna be friends always out on weekends and that. Was me. Who. Loves You I know my. You. Are. Losing. All this land because. Israel is still. Lousy. But this is all. This is. You. And I can tell you how it having issues a local was finally through. The fields I was there. Before. How endowment Bishop always goes through. Who can you tell us when the law. Who. Was. The oldest man because. Israel is still. Allows law. This is all. This is. This is. A little child you put nobody else again announce who bailed you. Who is you and it is this friend who said it's. 2 still stuck around. Me. This is. The beautiful that is from Maisie Peters that is this is on you still got some Huey Lewis and the news and of course up finally some of the show. The total is a little bit sad design give it away I don't want to be chilling but to far be less yesterday's choose a live well I missed this from the Bristol Burlesque Festival which is today yes exciting times yes I know you have a day event that our Holiday Extravaganza Well tonight yes yes it's going to be festive Is it going to last. Yes absolutely yes we have the good people at Fun warehouse in the galleries providing us with some festive cheer in the form of decorations at the Bristol improv theatre in Clifton it's a wonderful location for the Yes yes absolutely as we've been using it of a good few years for the festival and it's become one of our absolute favorite venues to work with that's why I was with us when going on for the festival has been happening for 7 years we had our 7th Festival in September of this year and we're making plans right now for $22.00. Times and all the big stuff. We also have a sister crunch and we have a holiday show every December and we have to turn away so many people. Because we were in a much smaller venue so the wonderful smoke mirrors were still regularly shown throughout the year so what we decided to do was to make a holiday show rather thank you crunch make it personal broadcast festival presents double the size it is but in the seats and have an even bigger Holiday Extravaganza So what can people expect if they come along tonight well I mean a whole slab sided with just bad ass but us go go and growing you know there's a whole selection of incredible performances styles cabaret vaudeville drag by last bit so it's a real interesting mixture. Is going to be a huge celebrate. Of wonderful running good super freedom must be usual at the festival which is nice isn't a lot of. Pressure little time yes yes yes hosted by missteps so I thank you which is yourself that's exactly correct yes we have Ruby with 3 wise Jones queen of drag burlesque performed at the Burlesque Hall of Fame which is our version of the Oscars we want to title when you have. To. We have polluted mom the evil flower Yes In his darkest hair has. The amazing the electric player power yes we are huge fans of big energy big big big just lots just a lot she's just in the add a ball performer with just amazing presence on the stage it's quite unrivalled. We also have all the way coming over from Switzerland mazing Misty Lotus Yes who's just just one of the most wonderful performance this lineup is just insane you miss it you're really messing people fall apart so we'll have to Bristol for this song yeah yeah absolutely and I don't want to reveal too much but Misty has will be bringing her fire tassels which her very excited about yes we've got the extra insurance policy. A bucket of water very very excited about that if you don't know what that is you need to come down to your son so you need to have a dump off at the ready I mean just like. To say how did you start your burlesque journey yourself well that's a good question the 1st part of that answer is a long time ago. I've been doing this for quite a while now I 1st saw my 1st burlesque show when I was living in New Orleans in the early 2000 I had a press pass to one and it was absolute phenomenal is one of the greatest things I've ever seen and so I kind of interesting but I stand there was a real boom and brass happening right then I was the 2nd wave of broadcast now call me a broadcast and. When I moved back to the u.k. And move back to Bristol I started pole dancing which was also having having a moment in that it was going into dance studios coming out of clubs and going into dance Yes great way to get fit it really is it really really is that was with dance school where I now teach and from there the women that I was potent sing with we did a poll competition and to pretty well and then from there we decided to start performing Brask and there were shows popping up around Bristol so it was a lovely bit of kismet we had lots of places around Bristol to dance Mr Wolfson places like that and it just sort of kept going from there I've just toward toward and have been producing pursue press quest of all and crunch initially with my friend Tiger Tiger and now with mistress and it's just a beautiful sparkly snowball that just keeps rolling mornings over the Bristol of your favorite place in the world to perform Oh God it was really appreciate it I love dancing in New Orleans which obviously has a great history of the last street you can you can dance in the bars where the great means of the forty's fifty's and sixty's dance one of my favorite little gems a place to dance is Little Rock Arkansas. There is some of the best audience is that they are the only place I've ever been that truly truly rival per story it says for their warm and being so receptive to what we're doing that was a lot of fun I danced on some big beautiful stages and I also danced in some tiny tiny little concrete blocks dive bar you know a little bit I had made On the news that is stuck on you joined in the studio by mistake. From the Christmas Spectacular from the. Yes yes tonight in Clifton Breslin prop there is a. Joy in the festival I mean to a degree what I hear is about Iraq. You know as a host you're writing on the fly a lot of the time but I mean it's not necessarily like an improv shot and but it is one of our favorite venues to use in the team at The Improv absolutely brilliant so we love what they have them yeah it's one of the best and the only improv she'd use in the country Yeah I think that was sort of yeah it's brilliant things they produce there and the knowledge spaces Well it's a beautiful it was previously the Polish crime which we worked in as well we ran a festival out of that and then they sold it to people that have the Bristol information and they received some Arts Council funding what they have done with the space here is a phenomenal it's it's a Black Box Theatre but it has a lot of style and it has a beautiful vibe the bar is wonderful and it's run by quite honestly some of the nicest people and generous people we've ever worked with and as importantly is that they're incredibly professional and they know what works they know what works in a venue and they know how to really welcome an audience very straight a great space for performance to happen and yes what you belong to not to the bit less Festool you need to go back to go and see how the bit. Yes Yes Absolutely with the puppets Exactly yeah yeah. The puppets and they all but I mean I don't. Think. We have our interest. Before where we should be when he's in a cupboard. Having isn't so will you be bringing to the party tonight I missed it so I'll be performing a Christmas classic tonight which I will not give away but it's a Christmas classic with a bit of a twist and then I will be hosting the rest of the show so expect lots of fun lots of laughs some politics thrown in there as well and yeah just that the general fight that you'll find if you haven't been to a precipice festival show before you're in for an incredible time but I can't quite summarize it perfectly right now you want me to spare it's. Yeah to have along and see it I think that making that mistake is living out there that you're burying the lead is how lucky we are to have you here because I have just been off on a world tour. Taking the states by Still I'm well I thank you why thank you yes I am here I am just glad I'm Larry I have no eyebrows and many problems. Where do you go in the state so I was kind of I was sort of all over but the main focus was Oakland some Cisco Dallas Austin and Boise so I Boise Idaho to close everything out wonderful and how did you get started well so simply just to say you know you know I started quite quite some years ago now within the dragon and brought us things more more accurately within the queer punk scene running a show called psychodrama with some friends I started working with about last seen through having been to a number of shows I was actually alley cats 1st ever show in the u.k. Which was super cool because we've worked together so many times said somewhere close friends you know. But yes I started in and then was sort of working with about a scene locally and met choose day and that Taiga they brought me into emcee a chef crunch and then after the 1st year when Tiger wants to sort of focus more on their writing work they just released that book about the nature of the creature. We decided it was I was asked to come on and co-producer since then it's just kind of been straight through Bristol really is a hotbed for the scene isn't really it is and I'd like to take credit for that. I mean really it's something there's been a lot of sort of waves in and. I've been shift and flow with the pursuit but I see no. Debris with did a lot of stuff made. In the sort of meaty thousands and I was lucky enough to get to work with all of them and learn a lot from all of them and then we've just kept going and then there are some new people coming up right now who are running so. Duff. Everybody working every piece get paid where I was happy to happy to keep their new lovely and the last smiles on lots of people's faces tonight. So improv theater why have tickets on sale while they are. Limited. As of right now there's a handful for sale on the website that we will. Generally sell our shows we have all but like one for the last 7 yeah we possibly could have a few on the door but it's hard to say until just before well how fun tonight anyway thank you so much for joining me thank you for having us all I know I was there 7 years ago at the 1st one yet you weren't here to come back and see Yes looking forward to it have lots of fun tonight for the 2020 as well as we are going to be amazing state you got one final song to play for you did you guess it was gold and. If you did congratulations today. Wow. Wow wow wow. Wow wow wow. Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow Wow. Wow Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow Wow. Let. Let let let. Code. And that's where we leave the mountain Evan show they say very good morning to you from me Allie Val's with Saturday Breakfast the time 6 o'clock. And at the news desk he is. Boris Johnson will visit the north of England today a region where traditional Labor supporters help them achieve the largest conservative victory for more than 30 years for labor many supporters have been angered by Gerry Corbin's refusal to apologize for the party's worst performance since the 1930 s. From Westminster his nakedly Boris Johnson begins his new term is prime minister in a position of remarkable strength leader of a party indebted to him for turning around the electoral fortunes prime minister of a government with a big enough majority to deliver its brakes pledges and shape its own domestic agenda to the prime minister has promised to lead a One Nation government and there will be pressure from those Tory M.P.'s in the north of England who dramatically one former Labor heartlands to offer more to the region labor.

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