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In the middle of the room with. The phone. Plus the place of well you know what I have that's not having all of the paper only how much within thirty learned father suspended the places the M three towards London throwing up a traditional three her back felt like water and the enforcement was direction for the for the M twenty five a three four five nine three double one readable three for B.B.C. Radio box here large unused down just deliveries the whole movie and three each day is B.B.C. Radio announcer. B.B.C. Radio bugs Good morning. Wednesday the fourteenth of June. Working on this morning to news of an all follow what you still on the way in a huge twenty seven story tower block in west London let's get the details of where they've got to in the B.B.C. News at seven from Sarah more than two hundred firefighters with forty trucks have been tattling a massive fire and a twenty three full residential tower block in west London the emergency services were called to the ground fell Tallon North Kensington at around one am the mayor of London City com says a major incident has been declared Jodie who lives nearby was one of the first on the scene he tried to help people inside been watching them and with people inside the apartment by having that sort of cloth flashing and then fly away those apartments are getting golf in smoke and then getting engulfed in flames so watched one person falling out watch another woman holding her baby out the window we're hearing strange people screaming I was yelling at the outside the building everyone to get there out there were saying we tried to leave out the spikes to that steel was also trying to reach the same and offer help but couldn't get there on local so I went down with him because those are the worst of what's will be I don't think I can actually get close and that being stuck on the ice for we're only on the roundabout and I just stayed there for. Good Alex watches a machine shook the building contains around the hundred and twenty flats the cause of the fire is not yet nine full mamak lives in the block and managed to escape he says it was a terrifying experience a main thing for me with this incident is the fact that the fire alarms didn't go off in the building well exactly well from the Center for where I actually was I can hear another fire alarms whatsoever so I was obviously asleep because obviously I was usually early mornings so I almost be fall asleep and if it wasn't for them people screaming I would have actually WAS don't think I would have woken up nervously I might still not God knows what actually been happens if I didn't go out that building is even hearing witnesses are reporting people being trapped inside the building on able to get to safety Sandra Reeses been looking for her twelve year old niece Jessica who was on the twentieth floor to come to the length to have a fighting and she rang hollow on that one twenty nine and then again at one setting nine as she was with a group of people in the fire escape and my sister in law was just coming back from LAX as well as my arms and me and Jessica calls such they are you know this happened and she was only a few minutes away but that's the last they've had to find Jessica's father who was at a friend's flat some floors benign and did escape the London Ambulance Service says thirty people of pain taken to five hospitals the extent of the injuries yet nine the B.B.C. Simon Jack lives in the area building has been totally engulfed in flames what is most worrying perhaps is that they're awfully Babilon here and on this side of the building at least there is no sign of the three people as are there some people have gone out before the building was engulfed but what I can see is these ambulances at the moment of who cleaned like a little place have been moving people away from the building because of concerns that will collapse the I forty into London is closed and people day. Told to avoid the area in other news talks between the Conservatives and the Democratic Unionist Party will resume this morning to try to enable to reason made to run a minority government the D.P. Later on in Foster said discussions of so far gone well and barren markets in London will reopen later eleven days after the terror attack which left eight people dead and dozens injured they'll be a minute's silence at half past nine this morning B.B.C. Radio barks share with Andrew page or I thank you Sarah I will keep in touch of course what's happening in West London the implications for you getting to work this morning and that awful scene that's unfolding there if you stay with us on B.B.C. Radio Blogger weather wise is pretty nice this morning it is staying fine and dry today we'll see plenty of widespread sunshine feeling very warm as well our highs of twenty five degrees that's seventy seven in Fahrenheit what's the year the deal with Rosen trains into west London the amount Well the A forty west way is currently closed completely in both directions because of safety reasons between the Northern roundabout and the Malibu flyover congestion go back towards common lay the moat around Savoy circus and also a modern road Gloucester Place the May service on the Hammersmith and City line between house with Edgware Road as well as big delays at the moment apparently I'm on the heavens with Hammersmith and City line to the M three towards London that's low it's actually three for back shot like water for the busy a junction for Heathrow in toward London and the M forty northbound I came in from the Devon roundabout down towards US Weekly's roundabout keep you in touch with your journey by car into Paddington the small if you stay with us on B.B.C. Radio Boucher sport this morning comes from lumber with a Williams. Good morning Pete Yes Kingsley Andrew Bolt and yard in beautiful Kings K. This morning a lovely drive over an amazing place it really is of course we're looking for a winner or two before Royal ask it gets underway on Tuesday Peachey Yes I did notice as well trained as Clive coach Charley it was with the mule Richard Hughes and Nicky Henderson all amongst the winners England they suffered a thirty two defeat to ten man fronts in the international friendly in Paris last night England captain Harry kind scored a brace and the England cricket as they face Pakistan in the Champions Trophy seventy four and a lighter today play due to get underway in Cardiff at ten thirty more from eighty on the way for you this morning B.B.C. Radio function easy and banksias dory Sweet Jane to B.B.C. Radio. So here is the news your waking up to this morning firefighters in West London battling to rescue people who are trapped in a big fire that engulfed our highrise block of flats more than two hundred firefighters are still there forty fire engines hundreds of people live in Grenfell tower in North Kensington the building is twenty four stories high and it's not yet clear how many people have got out safely we know thirty people have been talking to different London hospitals so far flowing means that it will keep you in touch with all the developments as they come to us this morning and to start with the B.B.C.'s business editor Simon Jack who lives in the area and is reporting there this morning I'm standing about one hundred fifty yards from the building as you say it is now also in smoke when I first got here around four AM I have lived in the area. If I was burning with great intensity it spreads very quickly it seemed to go through the clapping of the building which burned off very quickly creating a lot of Deborah it was when challenged all around the area they were actually using many hoses the fire engines all that because they look now that's like the Dow some of the lower levels now. People are standing around here the thousands of ambulances which I have to say all being very heavily used at the moment I just such standing around which is a rather worrying you think that people still trapped in there as you stay within the thirty people have been treated there's some people residents who have stood in various community centers nearby. Around four am and spoke to these residents who managed to get out of the building I went because my son light me up and said that was a fire and that's how the window I could see the US of the smoke particles out my window so I would be grabs what we could and soon as I put out my front door there was lots of static I thought it was my neighbor's house that was on fire because I could see smoke coming out and we made it down the says and when I came out the building I could see that the whole piece the left side of the building was on fire from top to bottom and I thought it was just a fire in a house so I it was a complete shock I'm lucky I was able to grab my keys and I just got my car and straight to my mom's house I'm back now and you have neighbors and friends even able to contact them what works which I know my next door neighbor by I saw him but I don't know about the rest of the people on my floor and do you have any idea how it started as well anyone been telling you what happened I guess it's like gas because there's been there's been some gas works going on in this right have that it just works in the building as well and Christmas time and the gas side of the building and didn't have gas for weeks they had issues I know they've been working on it I think has something to do with that for the fire to spread so quickly I mean this fire doors if in the field and citations but that I mean instructions as well I'm pretty sure says if you just use if there's a sign of fire stay in your flat when the fire brigade came to our house just on Saturday they came to check to see everybody's house and to check on house to check on tools and everything and everything was fine. And was there any longer and when I opened my front door to move my seat a long way off in my house but there's no central a long time went through the building like where the Lifson. There's no more time. I mean there's no communal alarm in the building no. Now I came down it is I've got some friends inside the court and very very close to the building in heat I asked them if they'd been told back that this had been told to pack their bags and their awesome worries about the stability of the building other people said look it's made of concrete there's no chance of collapse and we just don't know about that but at the moment people staring up these plumes of white smoke which are dominating this very crisp clear morning four mile old around and that's as it stands at the moment as to say we're getting like very difficult to get much information out of the emergency services there doesn't seem to be a liaison person yet at the moment certainly there was and when I arrived here for a couple of hours B.B.C.'s business editor Simon Jack who lives in this part of west London and he's there this morning the speculation in Simon's piece about the cause of the Far East just that at this stage percolation we don't have any official word on that we've had other eyewitnesses people in the area telling the B.B.C. That they've seen people jumping from the higher floors of the building in the last few minutes the Grenfell Action Group residence group was put on its website this morning that to the been longstanding concerns about fire safety in the building will keep you in touch with all of this talk to in Lehigh now who's on the executive council of the Fire Brigades Union Good morning to you in a moment very good to have you with us and our thoughts and yours must be with your colleagues who are trying to handle the situation of the moment they certainly are and they're also for the members were probably more involved in it. What are all the fire safety rules for a building like the some other fire laundry s'posed to leave you'll flatten you know walk down however many flights of standees in this kind of situation or is it different in a big town block like this. Certainly we do I Well practice by some advice. Such as this members of the public should secure the doors of study we've been flats until now is why I was online a barber guy to remove himself from now on CD don't even listen evacuate the building in the way that most of us he used to in most scenarios. An opportunity to get at you know the stages and obviously people were taken. But once the fire fights all. That a lot of our guys had but much of the U.K. Needs to study well with inside the flat and to put towels at the bottom of the barricade yourself to direct the shelf in and that's because building should be built to give you an element of far protection for upwards of one hour and that's why we keep that glass on now for a fact that some of that glass has been changes small when given the right thought a spade a spade for to build and consequently fossilize what telling people to sell for back to why. Rather than studying hard floors. And what options do you have a follow finally to the dealing with the fun of that so high OP it affectively out of reach. As I've said previously we do have a limited capability on climate and that's because obviously the size of our rug doesn't accommodate the mass of big trucks you might see in America. And I'm certainly aware that the roads were blocked this morning with the murder of topics cars residents collars that saw flies and ambulances that to try to get to the building I think also it's important to show you that I think at this stage it's just ideas but the limit for a guy has done extremely good job the can control stuff is taken quite a few surviving culture members are public that we're told stay in their flights and throughout the night and I think that I must be under immense pressure just as our colleagues are running into this building and they've gone above and beyond the normal code to to deal with a flat panel in such as this a lot of Indians in America and thank you very much indeed that's in the house in the Executive Council the Fire Brigades Union thirteen past seven this is Osama Now morning Asama Good morning whereabouts in west London me my friend. We're at the Lancaster West estate in W eleven on just about five minutes walk from the police court you know what can you see you must be to see the whole thing. Yes we're able to watch it and we've been there for about five and a half hours now since since the fire first began trying to see what's going on and you can and I mean and it's good to point out the first calls on this that we've just before one o'clock in the morning five to one of them all in what what was it that alerted you to the fact that this was going on. Well we just woke up to hear that really screams that's what got us out of bed and. We looked at the window and saw that the tower was a blades from from the floor to see it from the bottom to the top you know across one side and we could hear the screams of people both from the tower and from from places nearby that could see the tower and we just started to shout to people to get up wake up and contact their friends and relatives who might be in that part of the state and from there we decided to head down myself and a couple of my relatives and we went down to the scene and tried to figure out what's going on and get better sense of what was happening and see if we could help and how big an area around this building has been evacuated Berryman want to Solomon was saying about concerns about its stability now. All we know is the official word we haven't heard any specifics about evacuation from the people on the ground but. Officially I think just a few flats maybe thirty flats around the area were evacuated people haven't been receiving any specific instruction on what should happen or what they should do in case in case it does collapse but I assume we're just meant to stay at home and close the doors and some of thank you very much indeed for that seven fifteen B.B.C. Radio blog Schimmel from West London. About the implications for you getting to work through that part of London this morning more of the people who've been ople might watching the situation on fold like she's details to come for you on B.B.C. Radio blog she was more on the B.B.C. News website of course if you want to have a look at you following this morning quarter past seven let's check on your journey C.B.C. Radio talk show travel do you trust every fifteen minutes as it happens is the latest from say the A forty West why is closed at the moment between the Northern roundabout for the congestion going all the way down towards the voice will say mollifying right if that's the place from the roundabout I'm through is modeled by Also the M. a Full T. Is Q. Junction once but then a roundabout bound So Wolf this way please roundabout at the moment the elevated section of the full face light because you can just see the light going up that people are slowing down so they can have a look and also the have a city line service it's a splendid the three in the how missed most of it to add right at the moment keep them on the speed sensors all the states have a knock on effect around Shepherd questionable and pocket while so if you are going to with one of them do expect it and when the especially I do expect that the law is that the M four towards London that slower junction for the Heathrow the M A three is slowing up his wealth between junctions like watered down to junction people the M twenty five and also the four one five five penalty right imply Hatch we've got traffic lights not working that at the moment it's from the BY had roundabout Well the traffic doesn't seem to be didn T. Bad I love it up but on the forty four on the base around about delay it's a yes they because they cross the the cussing and also the A thirty three around the check them fight club we saw this temperature a three four five nine three double one three double three we trust from B.B.C. Radio religious programming on Sunday morning to Coyle he's very sensitive in the way he interviews people he strikes me as a real genuine guy B.B.C. Radio show. B.B.C. Radio blogs just Sarah's got the latest for you fine fine says The continuing to battle a huge blaze which is to. Joined a block of flats in west London a five broadcast Grenfell tower and the enemy as of this morning when this is described saying people trapped in the slats says he people have been taken to five different hospitals the extent of their injuries on nine more I thank you Sara Now this is Jodi Jodi leave me as a Grenfell towel has been telling my colleague Rod Shaul that he tried to get into the building to help people there some of what you hear you won't find distressing originally when the fire started it was just off the want to claw I believe my friend one of the first people that noticed. We got there as the first fire engine was arriving I grabbed an axe from the fire truck was a many people that looked like there's a bit of confusion about what to do I ran around the bottom of the building looking for Feyerick Skype couldn't see any noticeable far escapes around the building lot of debris falling down from the second floor all the way to the top on the east side of the building. I meant I eventually gained entry into the second floor through why I have a there's like a bridge connecting. The building to it on the second floor I went through the window and I want to go into the car to I realize those much smoke in the two people came out there was got past them on to far crew that were actually coming up the stairs internally through the building. And it didn't look like they were going much cost I'd say that the fourth floor. And from my point of view the thickness of the smoke nobody would have been able to get out from the floor upwards without assistance of fire crew and don't think the fire crew went up any higher than that as I retreated back as I was pushed back by the police. Watching. And with people inside the apartment waving bits of cloth flashing funds and slowly the apartment getting in Gulf. And then getting involved in flames. What just one person falling out of the woman holding her baby out the window. Also on the west side of the building. Hearing screams people screaming always yelling at the outside the building everyone to get down that was saying we can't leave out the spikes too bad on the car at all. It's a catastrophe Obviously you cannot cite how many injured now but from what I've seen. I can personally say that saying at least. Ten people that wouldn't have gotten out and it's just slightly Mike's just go and looking from the level of where I saw the fire brigade go up to and start retreating to the tops of the buildings outside this tens if not up to the hundred mark a papal that that have perished in this and no one's going to report that now because we're going to wait for officials to count the casualties but it's a lot it's it's a serious fire no one could move there was a couldn't find a foreign Skype on the outside of the building. Yes this is a trap looks like a trap but just been sitting here for the last few hours is as you go down the building apartment. You can be watching people saying in thirty minutes going to be going to be dead you know and you're watching them wising in the wind and you know there's nothing bad can do and you kind of wishing they had five got a crash mats or something that people could jump out and say but I don't have that I have the right equipment. The writers are only going sort of. Up the way of the building that. The water that there is this spring isn't having any effect is going to go on well into the. Old Fire Brigade looking out from the top of my building now which is. About two hundred fifty meters away from a. Five A guided just all hanging back and I think that can go into the building of the old back. And not not to go inside it emotes it just looks too dangerous. To get the ladders on the trucks on the outside of the building but they're not going to haul East people Alex because the brace falling from the top of the building. On a distant probably twenty twenty to twenty meters away from the building pumping water into it. But it's a catastrophe. Like a size about the building as it does look kind of worn down. The local authority building council flat and. Personally witnessed a few people dying to. Say families in the windows and about an hour ago on the second floor because the side I'm looking at. The west side of the building the second top four hundred eighty three people on the west side in the second floor corner apartment all leaning out the window obviously to get all kitchen and now I'm looking at that apartment in flames and I watched them until they weren't there anymore and then every apartment underneath that as well as just every corner every corner just watched people. Screaming for help and then. They're not there anymore. That's Jody who lives very near Grenfell tower speaking on the B.B.C. In the past couple of hours seven twenty three if you just chilling in this morning let's bring you up to speed with the latest of what we know the situation still unfolding in west London in North Kensington where flames of Ingolf twenty four stories of a tower block and four is still on the way for forces doing their best to deal with it Jane Prendergast has been following the latest developments and is with me what can you tell us about when this all started John Well first reports Andrea began to emerge it was at about five to one this morning the Grenfell tower of course on the Lancaster West estate is quite near White City and Shepherd's Bush to pinpoint it actually drove past it on my weights work this morning you could see the smoke billowing from miles away and as you got close Well it was about four o'clock the fire was raging still then we know the building has twenty four stories we have no idea how many people actually live in it but we do know there are one hundred twenty separate flats and of course reports still of people trapped in the building say forty fire engines involved more than two hundred firefighters and of course the London City Con has described it as a major incident on the ground people have been talking about the building safety record all about what you're supposed to do about whether the farms went off all sorts of on substantiated accounts being given to the large number of journalists who were there at the scene now yes that's right I mean people who've managed to escape have been giving best stories about how they were woken up by far by people banging on their doors or by screaming another man described he was woken up by the noise of sirens helicopters and shouting you know a lot of people talking about possibly how this fast out it is very early to say anything about that all we can say is we know that this is a tower block which was built in one thousand nine hundred seventy four and it had been. Renovated fairly recently another man who managed to get out from the fourth floor said that he was actually advised by firefighters of which way to go they said don't go out of the back of the building come this way there was falling masonry and you know just horrendous stories from people managing to escape another elderly woman managed to get down from the twentieth floor she said because she was alerted of the fire very early on now there have been a number of community centers opening the doors to people who have had to leave their homes others been in water and clothes to help and I can tell you that there is a cordon in place around that's how blocked the police evacuated about thirty nearby flats offices of course concerns that people need to avoid the area because there are worries that because of the damage that has happened this building with this massive fire that it might collapse OK Jane thank you very much indeed so I'm looking at pictures of people turning up seeing what they can do to help bring in large quantities of bottled water and that kind of thing at the scene as an emergency number now set up by the Met Police for anyone concerned about people who are involved in this incident the number is eight hundred zero zero nine six one two double three zero eight hundred zero zero nine six one two double three if you look on line your fall in this video showing just the ferocity of this blaze as it's burned during the night and all sorts of accounts really another one here from someone saying I was screaming to people to get out of the building they were saying we can't because it is a full of smoke far we're going will be here soon more on the way for you in a moment or two let's get the weather details for our area first it's not a nice start to the day be talkers got the details of what's going to happen next morning but. Good morning Andy Yes I think today could be the warmest day of the week weather wise we're going to see a lot of sunshine already we've got temperatures across park shop at fifteen or sixteen degrees we have still got a bit of shiny missed out there that's clearing quite quickly. And for many it's going to be on break and sunshine like tweens to it does mean high U.V. On pollen levels today but I think we'll see temperatures peaking at twenty six degrees now as we head through tonight it will be quite uncomfortable night for sleeping things he claims guys like tweens but temperatures really not forming any know within around thirteen degrees tomorrow I think we'll start off with some sunshine it will tend to cloud over later on in the morning the risk of one of two showers but most parts will be dry meso weak weather front so come the often Iwas will see more sunshine it will feel and it will be fresher than today highs of twenty one degrees and you can get a full ten day full cost on all Website B.B.C. Took a forward slash Bhatia more from west London on the way very shortly like it's not good it's the Thames Water is saying they've now got water pressure problems across west London because of the pressure of the water being used up by the for rescue operation there to ground for Tower more coming for you B.B.C. Radio with Angie preach at seven twenty eight now C.B.C. Radio. Every fifteen minutes. OK latest only a forty five trying to get into London from this solid this morning what's the deal Matt Well the A forty is currently close to curing traffic there in both directions basically it's closed for the Northern roundabout down through all to mollify and fly over congestion go back towards Savoy circus and also down towards Gloucester Place as well at the moment the M forty is killing or famine in the denim roundabout and the M twenty five the congestion down toward US Weekly's roundabout and also between definition T.V. Back in the field and junction one eighth of the M twenty five there's my service on the how to threaten city line between some kind of threat and that's why I write or say looking at the speed sensors it's going to get very busy around question how much faith itself because it's just the first brain gets quite busy in the best of times and so I made that site high steps so that even if she was well there on the forty four on the best around about that's keeping it a moment on the speed sensors and three thought didn't. There are actually but the A thirty three field coming out from Beijing straight up towards reading that looks like it's curing as well right now a three four five line three there were three there were three trouble you trust from B.B.C. Radio about Jeff thanks very much for me my. G.'s ten SOUND she comes of very well in terms of she's down to a few knows the subject here in terms of just talking about it and she tries to get Alice from different angles Oh yes very very positive the B.B.C. Radio. B.B.C. Really about sharp past seven a major news story you waking up to this morning Sarah's got the details on HI Story block of flats in west London has been destroyed by fire the emergency services were called to Grenfell tower in North Kensington in the early hours of the morning more than two hundred firefighters battled the blaze overnight and twenty ambulance crews were sent to the same London Ambulance Service says thirty people have been taken to five different hospitals the extent of their injuries are known a number of neighboring flats have been evacuated as there are concerns the building will come down the Mayor of London City can has described it as a major incident in other news the conservatives are hoping to conclude talks with the Democratic Unionist today about the party supporting their minority government that the U.P.A. Leader are in Foster says she hopes the deal will be reached sooner rather than later B.B.C. Radio but she was half past seven back to today's main story in just a second first of all preparations on the way for the race thing in ask it next week A.B. This morning is in King's clip. Well I mean they Googled him pitch Yes well a beautiful place as well park house stables blue sky bright sunshine and dribbled yard goes on to build a multiple When I ask it will ask it when is and again as you say choose Dale gets on the white two thirty Tuesday three Group one vice is on the choose course B.B.C. Radio Paul J. Lo I have throughout the week I'm telling you now a hundred and seventy horses well they're all they're about going out for a for a stretch if you like a gallop a warm up one of those who have already out on the gallops now pitching along saw a huge income you don't be shy is the fire yeah yeah first things first fusion How long have you been in what an amazing place I mean I've been fortunate and blessed to have been to many yards in the land borne area but this is something special Yes my life been here for twenty two years and I know the place pretty that you could stand part of for nature twenty two years but it's a wonderful place and states and history and tradition as well we see a mill race start you know amazing place there's been a few good few good horses trained from here so hopefully to be a few a few more to come yet Yeah do you get nervous going into a big meeting obviously we just had the Darby week you know I would ask it gets under way on to that you get a little bit nervous is a little bit of a tension around the yard yeah you just have to make sure everything is in place really and that you you've done your part and you would you choose day in day out well the I.O.C. Just you and pick keep making sure the horse and everybody shot and ready to go to the races when they're going to run so that next week we'll have to just make sure that we have everything all the horses shot and plated up ready to run and angio is in good form to get out of wins or we never win zero Monday evening you go to a run over to a high you don't miss off the you know I mean when the yards on form everyone smart about Royal Ascot when I must mean a lot I mean the well to run to in a closest level stuff the running running why that to mom and dad you know when when you're running wild jobs easier when you're not running miles of pressure on everyone and you go shortly show on a morning lots and I mean it's around about twenty degrees already said beautiful place two well plays in a way that is shooting well in the wintertime we can get pretty cold here and there but you know you take it all that is made of us all so you should. Who casual look I suppose when a Dio kids and several other group horses. Over the years fingers crossed you don't have too much work to do the build up to Alaska will get sudden delight Tuesday as I say thirty races over the course of five days all life on B.B.C. Radio elsewhere of course in football England they were beaten by ten man France three two in Paris last night the England captain the Spurs striker every kind of a brace in the cricket England against Pakistan seventy four of the Champions Trophy at Cardiff later this morning play due to get underway at ten thirty Rafa Nadal the former champion the Queen's has pulled out the tournament he's been advised to take a break of course after winning the French Open last week I mean ten French Open Championships for reference they are but he won't be at Queen's English course he will be at Wimbledon in a few weeks taught at Parkdale stables hopefully where we have a the boss Andrew Bolt in in a round about thirty minutes time Peachey a beautiful morning here can't wait to see some horses All right thanks so much indeed A.B. Once we get there of course the best possible coverage of all the racing and the scale of the event at Royal Ascot next week for you it starts on chews day here on B.B.C. Radio B.B.C. Radio. One of our program this morning domination by what's happening in West London you need to be aware you can't travel into London on the A forty this morning if that's part of your normal routine the reason is that people are still trapped in large numbers it's believed in a tower block that's been on fire now for several hours during the night one of my colleagues Claire Heald is there she says it looks to her as though the top ten stories of this tower block are still on for this morning still with flames as though she can see from one of the nearby road smoke billowing out of the building police and emergency services of sealed off a sizeable area around it some people are still going to work some people around in their pajamas looking at the scene there are helicopters overhead firefighters heading to and for. The burning building you can see plenty of videos of this online including on our website at B.B.C. Doco to U.K. Slash news this morning eyewitnesses are telling us they're very concerned about people being trapped inside the building and there's a lot of genuine worry that this building could yet collapse. We'll bring you a bit more in a moment or two on the peach show this morning stay with us B.B.C. Radio it's time she would be until ten o'clock so let's hear from someone else who's been caught up in this David Benjamin was inside the block of flats when the fire started but fortunately managed to get out was on my girlfriend's house where she. Had Thank you Dorothy I'm going outside to see what was going on and I wanted and it's not new you put in and you're live on the few you know look up and live on the floor where for storage and myself and us here on the floor there's literally Falcon's arcs and it was that person coming up this is not you I think it was here through this cloud of loud banging on the door. And when you come out of that smile the confusion and get the smoke everywhere and it should be everywhere there was people downstairs to bits of the block I'm cutting through enough to block walls and firing people screaming and off a couple of minutes because of the people were still sleeping on the high floor so they didn't have a field was going on I'm not even sure. Offer them up to be once a few kids in the window people fashion it or likes to help but fabricate can come up stairs and apparently true or not barren either by exhaling this self out of the can even get out the fabric and get out Benjamin one of the people who got out of this building during the night Grenfell tower in North Kensington much more from there on the way between now and ten o'clock this morning to stay with us for the latest details let's catch up with Bridgette Now there's an event taking place in Marlow we want to bring your attention to in case you want to go along in case you want to enjoy today tell us about it Bridgette. Good morning Andrea Yes from this lab a National Sports Center here in Ramallah where it is glorious to muscadines and all the water just been watching the swarms go on Paul because lots of boats here on the banks as well or why am I here enjoying this view all is because we have about three over three hundred children coming along to get on to the water but it's very different these are children with special needs disabilities are being given the opportunity to try a whole host of support in the very first time accessible of the many can tell me look more about. That by the way so wondering what that noise is in the background of someone moving some kind of. Allows us to do for the children who are coming a little bit later on JR just just describe to me what it means with somebody with disabilities be able to get access to the water well if you can imagine I try to imagine being in a wheelchair all day maybe just put into a bed at the end of the day you don't have any mobility or independence and then suddenly you're on a boat in control of it right down by the water running your own thing you know the wind slowing poster is in the dark placing power it must be an extraordinary experience we've got two different boats here we've got one called the we do but which can go whole Wiltshire on to one another further up tell us a different well we've got the really Bay which is a power boat and the other one is the River time is that the one you mean we have a time is more of a cruiser we can get lots of wheelchairs on about ten wheelchairs with carers and we can take special needs people up and down the river just for the views that they're not actually participating there with acting and having a nice time I'm going to come back to a more from Bridgette in Mali very shortly because keep you in touch with what's happening in West London evident Cody's the Kensington M.P. And Emma used to be a counsellor in the area where Graham for tower ease Well I'm so I feel I'm a counsellor on Chokmah show. In my ward but I know very well and I stay on the lines and find I might be planning all sorts so I think quite connected with these kind of issues we had three top work fires in my watch over the last two years including traffic so yeah this is horrible horrible today of course and I mean people are talking about you know speculating about the cause of course they are one thing we do know is that there was a launch refurbishment program at this block of flats last year millions of pounds were spent on doing it up yes and do you know that in concerns about but some of the residents were actually certain that their words but we have no idea yet of course what the cause of the two. Residents have been asking for security on the block so that contacting the man go far in the stairwells making. You know there's a lot of very bored kids around here who could cause all kinds of trouble so we have no idea we have no idea what's happened and I just I just walked a bit further back and the Tao is shall It's absolutely horrendous and from what I'm From what I'm hearing from B.B.C. Colleagues who were there the dead so the smoke coming out of many parts of the building but it's clearly the case that upon the higher floors of the still on fire there are still flying even now the strength bursting out of some of the windows you know in days and days and the whole the whole block is completely trashed as far as we can take these concerns we're hearing about the stability of the building do you know anything more about that AMAH. I think. As an architecture critic I could I very can't say but if it's if it's a must it's flat broke and it should be built on a concrete frame but should be safe but we just don't know what's happened if the you know if the if it will fail I don't know normally whatever else happens the concrete frame is safe but we don't know this is absolute devastation from the power of it in Haiti that could happen Anything could happen I think such that I. See launch large numbers of people who come out of the building people just coming to the area to see what's going on to see if they can help let alone the media being there in this whole part of west London this morning yes it's absolutely critical everyone yeah it's it's really really shocking shocking and it's very hard for anyone to know what to do I mean you know we've got a number we're giving out for people concerned about those directly affected inside the building the for people in the area it must be really difficult to know you know do I go to work do I send the children to school all of that well there's a factory school right next door to the child they used to be a park beautiful green right next to the child about to have a secondary school built on a national ideal can start a school to get to it so you know. I don't know what to serve the people nature for them probably actually. There's nothing we can really do to help apart from whole time to make sure that people can get connected with their families what they've lost and as you say pray for those who are still inside the building right now in those who are working to try to like you know I think the people would be out actually I can't imagine anyone surviving but I think. There's anybody in there I just country much. Emma thank you for coming on this morning that's evident code who's the Kensington M.P. Line with this we've got a lot of accounts of people in the area saying that the far alarms the smoke alarms did not sound despite what was going on there I when is he we might hear from Soon she was on the fourth floor someone was banging on her door saying to get out but when she got onto the landing it was thick with smoke but there were no alarms going off at all she ran down the stairs you could see there was a fire people are saying it was started by a fridge freezer there are so many different accounts of what might be responsible for this but the sense beginning from a lot of people is that there were no alarms inside the building it was just the noise of before and the commotion that woke people up in the early stages of this in the you know you know hours in the morning encourage them to leave the building B.B.C. Radio show Wednesday morning with entry page it's quarter to eight C.B.C. Radio function trouble you trust every fifteen minutes and then the latest on the roads in your journey into west London this morning the rest as well here's my form yes some of the I forty west way with his currently collate at the moment from the northern roundabout down towards the mile or bone flyover congestion to go back to savor the circus and also take off the place of the moment also you'll find this May seventh and I have a thirty and thirty line between how much I think Edgware Road the M forty is queuing northbound junction one for the Democrats about two this week these roundabout at the moment also a safer option tieback in the fields of the M twenty five and the forty four impressive it's leveraging the handy cross on the bits of roundabout that could still be the graft these are cutting live if you can update me on that a given number at the end of this bulletin the M four to was London thank you very much B. Of course Sarah she said that stationary between preparation time junction at eight nine so that for the A three thirty nine AM unmaidenly had also find its sticky direction six was allowed in Junction for the Heathrow and the M P three two with love of its low it joked. Three to five shot like water and direction teeth of the M twenty five in the roadworks area that friendship with QUESTION Have A Smith and she's like expect that to get busy as well because the flavor of the west way I will say because of course far away from the a full bath right into of reading if I can before you run Calcutta from twelve or so I am so out of our right it's busy around like and right and imply Hatch heavily right before one five five details about a traffic light failure just sort of apply hatch for about the cool thing about where he takes it coming up from base and take on the I thirty three interval driving you from that slow RAM heck field that probably trust repeat with your idea about charging news and function stories Sunday with the travel news is very informative and I like the casual way as percentage B.B.C. Radio about. B.B.C. Radio Good morning welcome to Wednesday let's update you on this unfolding situation in West London now here's Sarah two hundred firefighters have been tackling a huge file which has destroyed a high rise block of flats in west London the Ambulance Service says it's taken thirty people to hospital so I thought there are no details about casualties and the matter of London City Khan has described the fire as a major incident and looking at the latest images you can clearly not only see lots and lots of smoke all around the building and the emergency services but also there are still flames emerging from some parts of it you used to work in the building. You know the parson and the I used to tell us a bit about it because so many of us feel lost we were quite familiar with this on drop off this building almost every day on the west way there on the I forty going in and out of London but many of our listeners will be quite so familiar with it so just you just place it geographically for us. So also. Very close to Westfield. Park Avenue that's one of about a half a dozen tower blocks of it's always that you can clearly see not part of London when you're on the west way. So it's on one level. And it's we've been saying that there have been doing these blocks up into that been around since the nine hundred seventy S. And only in the past couple years I spent most of them. Harvest when the president plans about it's about being lost in the hallways and. Stuff. That's interesting I mean what I've been picking up this morning is people are concerned about some climbing from plastic cladding which is falling off the building into the pavement from whatever around thing that might be some kind of fire risk but also just the fact of the work being going on inside potentially presents a big gray forest unusual as well. Of course it's grown ups. So the problem it's. All about five minutes. On someone it was. So hard when I was on the twenty first of August so. They can. Scream. And there's a lot of that in the cars Well I mean if you where in my building at the time in your work and all the official advice is to sort of barricade yourself in your flat all every instinct every fiber in your being would want to get out of the building . It was. Almost climbing up it was straight up. Squint so quick to the. Quick it's just it's. Difficult to say. Just wasn't. Quite. Going dark so relatedness at the moment and then getting like family then the hours of dawn is very limited but the hold. Black smoke. Is. Sucking the London Fog Commission has just been talking the past minutes while we've been chatting. It said the call of the Far East still unknown of course the case but also now say there have been a number of fatalities in the fall we just don't yet know how many move here but more from him before too long where are you now to be gone hurrying. Towards this. Because it was costing so much. So wards also one wall there are people still stuck in there then as we were just saying a moment or two ago praying for them is pretty much all we can do at this stage in those who are trying to get to them thank you very much indeed for talking to us Sure thank you OK thanks a lot that's Stuart used to be the postman in the building who's been in the area overnight bit more on the road closures in the area if you're going to work in this part of west London this morning because of this fire in North Kensington at grand for tower we know the A forty between West cross Route the northern roundabout and the Maryland fly over is closed now is likely to remain closed during the rush hour Grenfell road itself between Bowmore road and Tredgold street Silchester road between Bromley road and Lancaster Road all closed Bramley road between Silchester road and which road Lancaster Road between some marks road and saw just a road on the on the ground as well some disruption is because the circle and Hammersmith and City Line has no service between Hammersmith an edge where road there are lots of delays on lines serving the area what else are we getting this morning people who are residents in Grenfell tower a still talking about the fact that there were no smoke alarms or fire alarms that went off we've heard accounts of people inside the windows banging and screaming flashing their lights to draw attention to the fact that they were there and saying or they've always been told that the correct course of action in this kind of situation is to stay inside your flat and not try to leave the building what else do we have we can a bit more from Claire here one of my B.B.C. Colleagues who's there saying the only. Exit the people could use was a Forest Gate that had the full innate she's got family members I think in the area saying her sister in the war and father in law were stuck she's lost contact with them the building has been redone outside with plastic cladding put on the floor. Seem to spread by that and the smell of plastic in the air so bring you a bit more in a moment or two B.B.C. Radio barks if the M.C.P. Charge is keeping you across what's happening in West London this morning as you drive off to work let's hear from Michael now this is Michael who someone else who lives in the tower managed to escape the building and what he's been sight which is about one half past one I was in bad the government asleep but little girl was next door sleep as well and I was dodging in and out of consciousness I was nearly asleep in a small plastic smell and it woke me up in a foot maybe it was one of the devices we have to Kindles that i Pads of cup of checked everything everything so I kind of turn order plugs off in accordance in a kitchen I open the kitchen window on the opposite and as I'm looking out the window I can hear people shouting I can't see nothing then I then I hear it came bigger is came big and a foot is something seriously wrong here so I've gone in a front door I've looked for despite hole when I could see smoke everywhere survive in the door and the neighbors or would it is a fireman age and get banished as get down estates I was just in my boxer shorts I was in the flats of running of got my dressing gown to of reps over in a dressing gown I've got my girlfriend and we just got down the stairs as we're imposter four floors completely fake black smoke as we've gone outside I'm looking up at up at a block and it was just going up like it was it was it was a pyrotechnics it was just unbelievable how quick it was burning I didn't see many people got just a skate in everyone was in shock of almost fleeing scream and then when I go outside I'm looking up and up it's OUR in flames and I can see people in windage banging screaming at me at. Flashing lights and if you just never ended it not being told of the ever was an outbreak of a fire you must stain your premise is because it's got fireproof rupture and now up by identify brigade but it got you. If we had stayed in that flat with the parish my gut instinct told me just to get a go at it and that's what I'd done about that one option to smoke I mean I just got him out you know I just wanted to take in our chances you know I was like yeah after I opened the front door it was a short noise it was more like it which is like we. You know I mean I went to work no one up there but nice about know every flat didn't have a fire and so I mean it was you know I mean I was on the impression the whole block had a fire alarm you know and it only not six months ago there was a fire over. Which And even a couple of hours away from the twenty first floor and it was contained into one flat respect if I mean I'm not having a go it is more the people who designed this building you know and an escape it was on you want to stay through you know there's over three hundred people even in this block that's molecule who's been talking to the B.B.C. In the last few minutes more B.B.C. Dot co dot you can slash news closer to home trust problem in all the field I'm told the traffic lights is stuck on red on the road between a field and should fill this morning's that's not fun just be aware of that if that's part of your journey into work traffic lights stuck on red all the field to single shim sorry this morning overfill to single shim the road there in some difficulties because of the fining temper traffic lights latest coming up tonight then from West London will keep you in touch with that we're also looking ahead to Royal Ascot next week as I see Williams's live in Kings clear we'll hear more from him in a moment or two this is B.B.C. B C music to morrow is B.B.C. Music Day a whole day celebrating the power of music across the U.K. Joining us from live performances and events on T.V. Radio and online as part of the celebration B.B.C. Local radio in England is commemorating some of music's most innovative influential and successful people and places will be marking this musical heritage with the on veiling of listener nominated blue plaques all parts of B.B.C. Music Day tomorrow across the B.B.C. To find out more. All such on line at the B.B.C. Music Day. She needs just stories and boxes travel you to enjoy the C.B.C. Radio. B.B.C. Radio of all just so just paint the picture for us in the King's clear I know he must be lovely in the sunshine I tell you what page is an amazing place I've been blessed like the Asian elephants a Lambo in the bins and Uma Kingsley is a maze in place Park House stables got the first lot literally on the gallops as we speak that just coming back in a round about five or ten minutes and would you believe there's a roundabout hundred and seventy horses in training here and you build in geology and there's five lots that go out for cancer get up the small and the last lot go in a round about eleven o'clock but of course we get up for Roy That gets underway on the cheap in down the yard now this one two three four does have a dozen holes he's just coming down here Peach I mean they're incredible creatures are just talking to the head lad Kevin and we were talking about how powerful these animals all see a ton the muscle you know they all suck still and yet so fragile in the same way as a as well but they'd be probably the main man if you like the jockey Paul Callan stables he's just got off his horse he rode the now the next one and I think he's off to the Rices want to run his from Andrew Bolt in Joe I think how you don't get the softening but the horses it's awesome and I just want to spoken golden how it was as well and yeah yeah yeah yeah you nervous ahead of the big cheese that will ask a nice expression in that sort of oh yeah and in and out. Looking good on a beautiful morning I mean there's nothing better in the morning lots of. We're losing our link a little bit to the king's there I will come back to you were eighty Williams there in a moment B.B.C. Radio talk show travel do you trust every fifteen minutes as it happens the latest on your journey then into west London around areas my born Yeah the I forty west Y. Is currently close within the Northern roundabout and also the mollifying flyover pausing to gesture dives voice circus as well the M forty going towards London you'll find that slow it junction one for the Democrat about time to drop in one day for the M twenty five or so slow right direction teeth a back and field as well the other four towards London that slower junction ten Freeway him out towards eight nine from Maidenhead and then you'll find that visitors from six was allowing for Heathrow the M three is also thoughts that he from Junction three for back shot like water to junction T. For the M twenty five there's maid service on the habits within thirty a line between how much with an edge or a right and or say the liaison of a field in which And because the traffic lights start on red there would love an update on that my number is a three four five nine three double one three double three and that's trouble you trust from B.B.C. Radio part function you are just Henri's the whole movie and repeat show these B.B.C. Radio said Wednesday morning fourteenth of June sun shining here you waking up though to news of an all for fire still underway in west London just near the west way north Kensington latest on what's happening there now on the B.B.C. News update from Sarah Walker London's chief fire officer says there have been a number of fight Tallis he says a massive fire in a residential tower block in west London more than two hundred firefighters have been battling the fire in North Kensington is believed the building contains around one hundred forty flats pull mama can manage to escape from the seventh floor he says he was awoken by people shouting Don't jump to other residents like him here not as far along as well so I thought so I was obviously a silly because obviously I was usually early morning so I almost before they could it wasn't for them people screaming. Well I don't think I would have woken up and overstayed I might still I don't I've got no it was actually going happen if I didn't get out that building he lives on the full floor where the fire is reported to a stasis or to sleep and some inside banging on my door and type in the door my name is as a fire Coutts I shut the door when and how much rain is when I went back to the door I paint it the whole landing was filled with night and the smoke alarms were going off but the way it spread so quickly from the four floor all the way out to the twenty five field was scary the London Ambulance Service sent twenty units to the scene his says thirty people have been taken to five hospitals but further details of casualties haven't yet been released David was woken by the sirens and went to hell I went my wife and said listen I need to go and see if I can help I may have to bring some people back. And you know get them some shelter water would be. By the time I actually got out. Two sides of the building were to go it was just unbelievable you could see people running screaming out of the wind an emergency center is open for evacuees Jody Martin lives nearby and went to try and help people to get out so as bits of the building falling off all around me I scolded my my shin on a piece of metal that forward off the building you know just screaming at people get out get out and they were screaming back and they recount the cargo like and I guess they stayed here because they thought the fire brigade here. Is in place around the Taliban all compay people have evacuated around thirty nearby flats offices a warning people to avoid the area and move away from the building because of concerns that will collapse correspondent Tom Barrett is out the same huge amounts of smoke still billowing up into the air out of the blackened shell of the apartment building this morning you can clearly see orange flames still burning. And you can hear a helicopter overhead residents are out in the streets which is littered with pieces of burnt black Debora There are ambulances all around people I've spoken to say friends were still on the upper floors of the building after the fire had spread residents also say renovation work was carried out on the building not long ago but it's too early to say whether that played any role in the fire spreading but you can hear how volatile the situation here still is dozens of people are injured and fire crews are still trying to bring this fire under control the grandfather Action Group had previously raised concerns about fire safety at the building Judith Blakeman as a local councillor the action that was taken was to get the long fire brigade in to do fire assessment and to reassure residents and also to put a fire instructions on each landing which weren't there before to say that if there is a localized fire in the block and that's your right but I don't evacuate to go inside the Metropolitan Police as an emergency number has been set up for anyone concerned about loved warms the casualty bureau number is eight hundred zero nine six warm two three three eight hundred zero nine six one two three three in other news further talks will be held today to try to finalize an agreement between the Conservatives and the Democratic Unionists with the aim of allowing to reason may to run a minority government the D.D.P. Leader in Foster says she hopes a deal will be reached sooner rather than later. Markets in London will reopen later eleven days after the terror attack which left eight people dead and dozens injured they'll be a minute's silence at half past nine this morning B.B.C. Radio with Andrei paycheck SARA So at latest travel and trust situation if you're trying to get into West London latest on the developing story there with this big fall or a tower block in the Kensington area on the way for you where the why warm and sunny today yes. Fine and dry today plenty of widespread sunshine feeling very warm and highs of twenty five degrees that's seventy seven sound high not watching the cameras for you I am indeed the A forty Westway currently closed there between the Northern roundabout and the modern bone flyover congestion on the A forty go back towards avoid circus and a mile about right back towards Gloucester Place and forty towards London that's a junction T. For back in the field to judge if you want a for the M twenty five and for say a busy junction ten for way human eight nine for Maidenhead also around the flyover as well the elevated section that slower people looking at the fire there and six with the hour winds at intermission for Heathrow the M three towards London got up on the speed sensors at the moment that she was the westbound coming out of the M twenty five down towards junction a three for back shot and besides that we've also got traffic light failure happening as well going from a filter to have an update on that on a three four five nine three double one three double three here in the some traffic problems in Henley this morning as well Matt because of some big loads being moved around all something of that sort of the want us to keep in our call I want I was leaving on the speed sensors and just a moment over stuff thank you very much indeed for that go to a Kings clear now ahead of Royal Ascot next week eighties got your racing news. Parkhouse stables and you bowled in the main man alongside me good morning add to what a wonderful yard this is on a day like today yeah it is when the sun shines it's no better place to be obviously preparations ahead of Tuesday will ask gets on the way. I was so far about to you were about to get the mail out I think we've got nine schedule for Alaska and they're all due to work on the up on that answer from which dancer as long as that goes well be happy that fingers crossed and you very very busy this morning we will be talking to Andrew round about eight thirty P.J. Elsewhere of course a little bit in St So against the ten man fronts last night in Paris Harry the captain of England scored a price on the course in the cricket Champions Trophy semifinal England against Pakistan and that's due to get underway at ten thirteen colonies more from eighty in Kingsbury coming up for you on B.B.C. Radio Boucher the small anxious news and bugs just or a sweet. B.B.C. Radio. One story you waking up to then firefighters in London battling a big blaze in a residential tower block his Grenfell tower in North Kensington one hundred flats in the building engulfed in flames for the past few hours we know thirty people have been taken to hospital and we know some people have lost their lives but we don't know how many people have lost their lives at this stage let's talk to the fear who lives nearby high severe. Hi Thank you very much indeed for talking to us what can you see now from where you are just describe the scene to us. There are loads of helicopters overhead at the moment. But I'm in my flat Now Mike you see that the building is pretty much completely true but it still he thinks there are still obviously some fire is I think the within the actual structure so there's a lot of from the pictures on looking at there's a lot of smoke emerging from all the lawns of the building but there are still some flames as well not knowing near as many flames as there were a few hours ago after maybe it was completely ablaze this morning Pavia blaze our eyes for at least three or four hours a very strong blaze out the entire structure and this is a huge tower block for anyone who hasn't seen pictures to imagine. The fire spreads through this entire building very very quickly once it had started yes yes sir apparently approximately twenty four to twenty seven souls and around one hundred twenty how Thank you net for the French the five hundred to six hundred people the fact that these are all family that's very happy family focused community so it's just a real real shame everybody locally is in shock and traumatized by what we've seen we've seen people jumping we heard people crying out for help are children crying out for help people seem children being thrown out from by that parent it's just not the tragedy and I mean in the area you've got the rescue operations and we see the media people there you've got people who've come out of the building people concerned about family members and then a huge number of religion live in the area like you wondering what to do what you can do to help what you should do absolutely everyone kickstand help we wish we could help the children that we had crying out for help we also for all the power of the wall I mean I just have people praying really that how we felt that we could do it all go up to her. Because we just felt that limited we felt like we had to be there with people was they were in the moment of suffering and striking that we could just be a hunter you know we had to just somehow by being that we felt like we were in sympathy with them and and standing in solidarity with the suffering yeah thought I think that's what everybody would during the being present when just looking at you know we were getting more and more pools more people talking to us all the columns no talk of people having attended to my ropes out of bedsheets him and trying to climb out of the building that was. I haven't seen I have heard of I have. Greening inquiry to help. Somebody in his window or the end of the set there but you know the plays going when it doesn't bow I saw on. The block the building. When trying to get the attention of the fire brigade. Fire Brigade and they said that they were going to try and have that we don't have that. So yeah there are people still in trying to say. Thank you so much for talking to us I really appreciate it thank you very much thank you he's just nearby. In the pulse of London I mentioned that we've heard from the London full commissioner Danny cotton in the past few minutes here's a little of what she had to say thank you from field patients I understand you wish Mike were posted this the please bear with us as you can see this is an unprecedented incident in much twenty nine years I have never ever seen anything of this scale you must recognise and thoughts of working very hard at the moment so I'll give you a brief press statement and I cannot take questions at the moment we will supply further information. This is a major story building from the second floor upwards I have over two hundred of my forefathers and offices attending this incident with the foreign Jews under a range of specialist vehicles including fourteen far rescue units in attendance based on the level of resource that was needed. A major incident very early this morning London control room to get multiple calls to this incident with the first call coming in at six minutes to one o'clock our first farm engines were on scene. Under six minutes. Crews wearing breathing operators crew operators and extended duration breathing operators have been working in extremely challenging and very difficult conditions to rescue people and to bring this major fire under control. London Ambulance Service have confirmed that currently thirty three zero people have been taken to five hospitals. At this time I am very sad to confirm. That there have been a number of fatalities I cannot confirm the number at this time due to the size and complexity of this building and it would clearly be wrong for me to speculate further equally the cause of this fire is not known at this stage we will be here all day and we will provide further updates well working very closely with our colleagues in the metropolitan police and the London ambulance service to bring this situation under control further information to the public will be made available shortly including advice for those concerned about those who are working here and people who live here the emergency services will continue to work with all agencies including the local authority to support all affected by this incident thank you very much Tony Corson who's the in London far commissioner speaking just a few minutes ago there is a special phone number if you're concerned about anyone who might be caught up in this the number you need is over eight hundred own line six one two double three we're devoting most of our program this morning to watching what's happening in West London and hearing from some of the people who've been caught up in it more of that on the way also just watching your journey this morning we've been telling you about these problems with the temperature it's only feel to symbol shimmer Oh we've got some problems on the roads around Henri in Wargrave this morning I'm hearing also women trying all round about the traffic lights are out of phase there that's causing some problems. Much more on the wife that's on the top of the truss now called Paul state B.B.C. Radio talk show travel do you trust every fifteen minutes as it happens like this from out of old US that would be a faulty which is currently closed because the fire between old and roundabout mollifying flyover congestion bandwidths hold Savoy circus like last place he told La been slow in terms of backing to be able to determine what I thought of the M twenty five that's like at the folding going into London the slow junction eleven for reading pretty much up towards just posture contempt for them from a bit sticky around took him eight nine in tools one of them flat white of the I thirty three into will driving all sites like just around the head will travel the Wellington country pop about the on going to read what's that state I'm also the A thirty three into it by using a start kit I'm coming in it's looking like heavily upon the speed sensors right now that's busy out there for a full so I coming in from the mile as well I will say reading right in all directions that also Ababil to send which I'm not quite sure where the light by it's there but that's causing some issues as well as I reset the record going to try and go joining the M. Before only because it's busy I'm going to posture of machines and elsewhere looking at the M twenty five part of my heavy thirteen stains twelve for the other three anticlockwise slower on the base are right about the the grass cutting has taken place by which to make things a bit easier certainly busy go from a heavy cross down also in so now you'll find that busy on like and right in the right what's area and also imply Hatch have the right spot the proper life maybe of just around the plate Hatch RAM about three four five mine three that were one of the three double three bites of that was probably thrust from a B.B.C. Radio option using function stories to be made on the sunny side saying you can imagine sort of sitting on the coffee listen to the scene radio. Eight sixteen Sarah has the headlines for you seven. People are known to have died in a huge fire at a block of flats in west London more than two hundred firefighters are still tackling the flames and twenty ambulance crews were sent to Grenfell tower in North Kensington and thirty patients are being treated at five London hospitals the course of the fire is not yet known and we've been talking to quite a few people in the area this morning including a saw a murder who lives nearby five minutes walk from the police court you know what can you say you must be to see the whole thing. Yes we're able to watch it and we've been there for about five and a half hours now since since the fire first began trying to see what's going on in the name and I mean and it's good to point out the first calls on this that we've just before one o'clock in the morning five to one in the morning what was it that alerted you to the fact that this was going on. Well we just woke up to hear that really screams that's what got us out of bed and. We looked at the window and saw that the tower was a blades from from the floor to see it from the bottom to the top you know across one side and we could hear the screams of people both from the tower and from from places nearby where they could see the tower and we just started to shout to people to get up wake up and contact their friends and relatives who might be in that part of the state and from there we decided to head down myself and a couple of my relatives and we went down to the scene and tried to figure out what's going on and get better sense of what was happening and see if we could help and how big an area around this building has been evacuated Berryman want to Solomon was saying about concerns about its stability now. All all we know is the official word we haven't heard any specifics about evacuation from the people on the ground but. Officially I think just a few flats maybe thirty flats around the area were evacuated people haven't been receiving any specific instruction on what should happen or what they should do in case in case it does collapse but I assume we're just meant to stay at home and close the doors this was a slow Most been saying to me in the last hour and a den code is the local M.P. I feel I'm a counselor on to my second my ward but I know very well and I sat on the lines and found I might be planning austerity so I think quite connected with these. Kind of issues we had three top work fires in my watch over the last two years including traffic so this is horrible horrible today of course and I mean people are talking about you know speculating about the cause of course they are one thing we do know is that there was a launch refurbishment program at this block of flats last year millions of pounds were spent on doing it up yes and do you know that in concerns about but some of the residents were actually certain that there were far we have no idea yet of course what the cause of the two. Presidents have been asking for security on the block so that can't be seen as that man though far in the stairwells making. You know there's a lot of very bored kids around here who could cause all kinds of trouble so we have no idea we have no idea what's happened and I'm just I just walked a bit farther back and the tile it looks like a shell it's absolutely horrendous and from what I'm From what I'm hearing from B.B.C. Colleagues who were there that said the smoke coming out of many parts of the building but it's clearly the case that upon the higher floors of the still on fire there are still flying the even now this this time bursting out of some of the windows you know in three days and the whole the whole block is completely trashed as far as we can take these concerns we're hearing about the stability of the building do you know anything more about that AMAH. I think. As an architecture critic I can I've We can't say but if it's if it's a must it's flat broke and it should be built on a concrete frame but should be safe but we just don't know what's happened if the you know if the if it will fail I don't know normally whatever else happens the concrete frame is safe but we don't know this is absolute devastation from the power of it in Haiti that could happen Anything could happen I think such that I. See launch large numbers of people who come out of the building people just coming to the area to see what's going on to see if they can help let alone the media being there in this whole part of west London this morning yes absolutely take a look at why yes it's it's really really shocking shocking and it's very hard for anyone to know what to do I mean you know we've got to know more giving out for people concerned about those directly affected inside the building before people in the area must be really difficult to now you know do want to go to work do I send the children to school all of that well is affected preschool right next door to the child they used to be a park a beautiful green right next to the child about to have a secondary school built on a national ideal concert to school to get to it so you know. I don't know what to serve the people nature for them probably actually. There's nothing we can really do to help apart from whole time to make sure that people can get connected with their families they've lost. And he say pray for those two students on the building right now and we're working to try to let you know I think that. The people would be out actually I can't imagine anyone surviving but I think. That anybody in that I just country imagine Emma Denko who's the Kensington emptiness to it he's to work as a postman in the area intro pastor for during the early hours and he says people have been expressing safety concerns about the building. Of the pipes of the locals call out signs on the walls of pile rest on the president of the land about this stuff being lost in the hallways are not going to get around to all the stuff. That's interesting so I mean what I've been picking up this morning is people are concerned about some Klan ing some plastic cladding which is falling off the building into the pavement from whatever round thing that might be some kind of far risk but also just the fact of the work being going on inside potentially presents a big race a forest unusual as well. Although it was. Almost cold it's gone up since. The violence on the building parts of the problem it's poll numbers in about five minutes. On some of those was so hard when I was on the twenty first of all this sort of so they can. Scroll and then. Got up. And there's a lot of that in there because what I mean if you were in my building at the time in your world can all the efficient advice is to sort of barricade yourself in your flat all every instinct every fiber in your being would want to get out of the building. Chris. Clark. Was. Quick to. Quick it's just. It's. Difficult to say. Just what wasn't. Quite. So relatedness at the moment and then getting along for. This very limited. Holder . Black smoke. Later when it was unbelievable. The London full commission has just been talking in the past minutes while we've been chatting. And they've said the cause of the forest are known of course that's the case but there are also now say there have been a number of fatalities in the fall we just don't yet know how many move here but more from him before too long where are you now to go to her warm and sort of formal source was or one of hormones or. Or all the locals. Who was also also or was whole host of will call will. Or will go to war. So awards also when will that Stuart be the postman in Grenfell tower B.B.C. Radio Boucher eight twenty five let's have a quick look at the your weather forecast for us here in box B. Talk a good morning and exactly is going to be a nice day actually today already temperatures doing well across box and we've got one of the spots hitting eighty degrees and we've got a lot of sunshine out there I think we'll see just a bit of cloud shifting the NASA times this afternoon but for many it's going to be a warm one and that does mean high Evie am pollen levels and temperatures for maced peaking at around twenty five degrees as we gave each a night I think we'll see clear skies light winds quite a muggy night I'm afraid they temperatures not getting any lower than around thirteen degrees tomorrow starting off with some sunshine more cloud of pushing from the West should be a dry day but that cloud is a week where the fronts they come the afternoon once it starts to break up again and we see the sunshine it is going to feel just that little bit fresher than today temperatures up at twenty one degrees and you can get a ten day forecast on our website bbc to critique a forward slash Bhatia a twenty six before we returned to West London let's just update you on the politics today see what's happening as far as the deal with the U.P.A. Is going on David Cameron has waded into what to resume a needs to do ahead of her BRICs in negotiations next week Paul rhodies our political correspondent morning poor. All morning Andrew David Cameron's advice seems to be to make bricks it's softer getting a lot of voices go for a softer bricks it keep everybody happy but the Prime Minister is determined not to there of mixed messages on this I have to say Downing Street is saying that Teresa Mayes position on leaving the European Union is unchanged and yet when she addressed the Commons yesterday Andrew on the first day back she talked about wanting to see everybody coming together in the spirit of of national unity and I thought that was leaning towards what William Hague another of a pretty set of this Conservative leader was saying yesterday he's recommending that a concert commission be set up to include business leaders trade unions even Jeremy Corben he says to find areas of agreement on breaks and then yesterday we also got John Major weighing in warning against walking away from these negotiations if Teresa Mayes to get a good deal and now you've got David Cameron who's barely spoken I have to say since resigning as as prime minister following the referendum he's saying he's got to consult more widely listen to other parties he suspects as a kind of choreography is going on here it looks as though the the old guard are ganging up on the the M.P. For Maidenhead I think the calculation is the position is we can now after the election difficulty though the still a number of hard liners in the Tory ranks some in the cabinet who want to see what they call a hard break sit outside the single market outside the Customs Union tough on immigration so it's a difficult balancing also she's been very clear about you know what she thinks and what she will do in an election that's only a few days ago she might feel beholden to what she's promised the electorate as well indeed but the difficulty is is the numbers in the calculation that if you look at those in the Commons itself it could well determine this seems because we're going to have a legislation presumably in the course of the next five years of this parliament that she has to be aware that she could be defeated on certain aspects of it and there are not as many hardliners it's calculated even inside the Conservative Party now there are a few members of the Conservative Party in the house of the party. And pressures on them though as well isn't it as well as on to reason may because in the end you know losing a vote in the House of Commons will lead to a confidence motion in bringing down the government so any politician any M.P. Who takes part in that will be responsible for the general election that no one wants indeed and thus there can't be a rebellion inside the conservative party unless you're going to bring down your own party and maybe then lose your seat if you lose a subsequent election and that's the other worry they have if there were to be another election and there's no guarantee that they're going to go back to work they were and they may then be worse than Jeremy Corbyn it could be for them the prime minister and that focuses minds and that's the thing so I think she'll now to concentrate on that and maybe give a bit of time to concentrate on the Mexican wave if you saw it last night before yes football Andrew all the bricks and wave I'm told some are calling it the thing is that she's criticized for being aloof of being cold of being unfriendly all of sudden she joined in the party and doesn't quite get it right. When thank you very much. POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT help our state B.B.C. Radio box here troubles you trust every fifteen minutes and as it happens watching your journey into west London and elsewhere in the area here's my Yeah let's start looking at the every three everything going south by way of our labor because of acts of of the production through to the M twenty five in junction of three to light water and back shop also so the other way is well actually obvious three of towards lumbered the M A for its lower junction eleven reading to ten working a practical was around eight nine from a that have been around provision for Heathrow that slaves officially gave to take elsewhere the ever forty that's busy just fifty four back of the field towards this wake me thread about at the moment the four of four is busy around the best around about twenty five anticlockwise maple across the sixteenth the M forty and thirty in favor of twelve of the every three have the right in play Hatch you've got traffic like failure there but busier of a play have friends about Also with us. Now you'll find that low on the far right just to remember Roy is right and it will hurt that flower of Robin Hood life as well the habits rip and city life is currently suspended at the moment between the how it's written at where right the A forty west way it plays because of the fire between all the roundabout also a mile of a reply over congestion go back towards Savoy circus and also a drop of light as well as the eight forty one sites that have been told the imperial way in which they're out a busy in both directions thanks to have a call because it's the right work that's happening where it's very slow him towards heavily read them hail authored the family for more grave and also have a heavily right as well a three four five nine three double one of the three double three that for the behavior part of traffic control and that's probably a trust for B.B.C. Radio about how she news and found his stories so I was sure right here for our share every morning to feed Sherry my love of his Raul B.B.C. Radio. Latest on what's happening in West London also We'll delve into the world of racing ahead of Royal Ascot next week in a moment or two first to Sara the London fire commissioner says several people in one thousand died in a huge fire as a block of flats it broke out in the early hours of Grenfell tower in North Kensington the fire engulfed the building and the flames were seen for miles around clouds of smoke is still pouring into the sky in the last half an hour the London Fire Brigade has said the incident is unprecedented around two hundred firefighters were sent to the area along with twenty ambulance crews hundreds of people are thought to live at the tower block it's reported fifty people are being treated at five London hospitals a number of neighboring flats have been evacuated as there are concerns the building will come down and an emergency center has been opened nearby thanks very much indeed Sara will keep you in touch with that go back to what West London in just a moment now let's go to King's clear where eighty Williams is preparing for all ask it next week. Good morning P.C.'s a beautiful morning here blue sky honestly it really is I mean of those here about hop off cigs around a hundred and seventy horses in training to Andrew buildings beautiful young Park House stables would be talking to them a man very sure let me just tell you in the world of football P.J. Disappointment for England last night in Paris they lost three two to frogs ten man falls as well that a player sent off just at the start of the second half of course the England captain supposed to like every kind schooled a price for gallows self guides men in the world of cricket England's against Pakistan on the I.C.C. Champions Trophy semifinal in Cardiff a little bit late tonight about two I was told intensity start their journey best expected to come in for Jason Roy and Tamara the other semifinal defending champions India they're up against buying the edge Boston and of course to form a champion Rafa Nadal in the fight he pulled out the Queen's chairmanship tennis he's been advised to take a break of course off to winning the French Open last week let's see a show he calls in Kings he like as I said beautiful beautiful place the scenery is incredible I'm going to go up to the gallops very shortly because the horse is gone for a while to have a run in the soft enough let's say from the main man himself and rebuilding of course excited would ask it gets under way next Tuesday Yeah it's an important fixture for us every year obviously to him to have a winner and ask it is defines the season rather like children is for the jump trainers. It's more just be down the road but it's for everybody internationally. It's a big deal when you come in support house and I was hearing King jazz on the my using the articles steeped in history and tradition you'll fall of I mean you can have a say the millrace you know statue I mean and I'm out on the whole host of chopped cos Hoshi's looks all been joined here yet now it isn't even before that and the yard was originally built and unity six by John Paul two was the great turn of Victorian era and some of the yards and named after the great will see train like Roman and fine folks or Triple Crown winners. He had his fair share of Go ask Gold Cup winners as well and wrote asking when is so it was still going back then when this year before even before this you had to build come into will ask is it just any other shit get any other meeting it was a more well tension more nerves in the build up I think this morning involved in that there's a little bit of pressure to have run is at the meeting obviously but I think we're in a happy position this year that we're running nine and I think nine or ten and I think all of them deserve that place in the race and I wouldn't be surprised if any of them won but just to get one winner in the early you can do that with lights on the lights and to take the pressure off but we lighten the meeting for the first three days and then get a little busy Friday Saturday and you've done it before you know what it's like to train them and ask it when is an incredible feeling it is and I think the Aaron is get a real kick out of it as well I mean it's something they'll never forget and it's a defines the whole point of having resources in training so it's a big deal for us give us two or three to keep it all going to beat the banker in the jersey stakes he was very impressive first start for me when he wanted me like the great meeting I mean he could be anything he's about to work up on the downside learn a little bit more than Clinton asked stakes on the chance to get a great chance and then we got a couple depending on the weather kept in that for time you'd have a crack and chance naval warfare and Metropolis and then on the Saturday probably the most I'd like to see run while would be dancing star in the in the golden jubilee of C one this year's Cup last year is that of a favorite of mine I know you go and I know arriving very very shortly I'm guessing own is difficult to place these tell me well and here we are all day having said that I think anyone who is lucky enough to finish in the on the podium is it where it rolled ask it gets a buzz out of it and that's we settle it had a lot of places over the years and ask it and I think that gives and dissatisfaction sort of will be will be aiming to hit the first four Anyway every train outspoken so there's always a team effort you know behind the scenes it is hard work isn't it you know running a yard hundred seventy odd hole. I mean it is a real team the fair isn't it hearing things that are for sure I mean we've got seventy full time employees and I think most of them live on sites it's like a little village of our own and I think everyone shares the same desire to have a winner next week which is great great team spirit and sent me couldn't do without and talk about owners who magically needs of the train her majesty Queen many many times is there more pressure you feel the pressure more when you train a horse magically and that the knowledge and everything that she knows about the racing Well I don't know about pressure I mean obviously there's always that pressure to Farah to have or you know to try and get a second run well there or meeting which I failed miserably at. Happily here other trainers being better at it but now she's an amazing lady as we all know and I mean particularly last in knowledge and on horse racing and she got into us as well so I think everybody wanted Edwin the next week which I think she's got a couple chances Yeah I don't know if I think is one in their hearts but you know you're never going to chance I think fingers crossed here when I said you've had many would ask it when it's been my favorite would ask at the moment two thousand and thirteen estimate when they go up incredible scenes for magic when it was I don't think I've ever had a reception like it anywhere in the world and I don't miss could do the same again this week I think it's in the scenes and she will do with the Williams more from Kings clear on the way for you the ambulance service say it's now more than fifty people who've been taken to five different hospitals in London after this fire that we've been telling you about this morning still burning in a London tower block grant for tower in North Kensington very visible from the A forty from the west way which is closed this morning this tower block was built in one thousand nine hundred seventy four all the millions of pounds have been spent on refurbishing it in recent years smoke streaming from the windows still still some flames rockets from the Fire Brigades Union and he says firefighters are restricted with what they can do to deal with a blaze of this sort was a high rise buildings like this are supposed to be designed some of for each fire. Why this happening the size should be able to be full from the inside generally because you know the high street appliances of fire services have will go to eight ten floors possibly but not much so you are told in the height so that there will be engineered structures inside the Golden Circle our firefighters get in the building on fire the fire from inside the Golden and told us not happen Miss couse . You know like I say some over the course of my in the past concerns about S. And so on that clearly there is some sort of a wrong here I'm a woman it's of a major investigation into why Public Safety has been affected like this not right from the Fire Brigades Union Jeremy leave as a chartered surveyor and former residential chairman of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors Good morning T.J. And we thank you for being with us you know what are the roles when you build a structure like this like a tile block because we're all Mel painfully aware of what it must be like to be inside and trying to get out in the sort of situation with seeing on fold How is that planned into the building design in the first place well it's it's an intrinsic part of building these days any days particularly the tower blocks the means of escape is one of the first things and it's even more worrying when you when you hear that this particular building. With extensively refurbished last year in a two year refit and I'm sure safety with with Paramount in mind when doing so but when your so far up in the air twenty four stories HARVEY How are you supposed to get out Well I think when the dust settles its people first or even before then people first and then looking at the lessons that can be learned and that would clearly be one of the issues that will be in the forefront of people's minds because sadly it's only when terrible things like this happen that you start to examine not just what happened there but elsewhere Yeah of course I mean we're all just getting to grips with what the rules are in these kind of situation the it's right to say the people are told basically to stay in their flats to barricade themselves in roll them try to get down well. Clearly I don't know and intimately what the policy was there but one of the major issues again is communicating of the communication of of of the fire drill we all know from office buildings that there's usually a fire drill practice and it's usually a pain because fortunately not much happens but in residential blocks How often do you hear about fire drills they're not very often and people just need to know what they are particularly in or in a block like that where people inevitably in any block wherever it is in the country people be coming and going and the residents who may have been told when they bought or rented a place like that what the fire drill is but do the visitors know and how clearly is it marked for them that's another issue now of course people are expressing concern about the safety of the structure because of such damage being wrought to it over the past few hours what's your take on that well the structure is clearly a dangerous building and in danger it looks like in danger of collapse but when the fires fully out sooner or later and the smoke is gone and people will have a look and whether it will be collapsed there's a cost element to this and clearly the most important is the safety element and then it will be decided whether or not to collapse it or change it Royce but is there any risk of it collapsing on its own Well again without massively being very close to it's impossible really to say but that must be one of the issues but I think they absolutely make one hundred percent sure spars they can there's no one left in there. Jeremy thank you very much indeed for that Sir Jeremy leaf who's a chartered surveyor with us on B.B.C. Radio BOUCHER I want to just go back to the London Fire Commissioner Danny cotton who's been holding a news conference in the last hour or so has what she had to cite Thank you don't feel pushed. US might pose a bit please with us. This is the president since very much enjoying is being fired so I have never seen. Anything of this scale you must recognize the thoughts of working very hard at the moment so I'll give you a brief press statement and I cannot take questions at the moment we will supply further information. This is a major story building from the second floor upwards I have over two hundred a month off answers and offices attending this incident with the foreign and the range of specialist pickles including fourteen for rescue units in attendance based on the level of resource that was needed. This is a major incident very early this morning London guys control room took multiple calls to this incident with the first coming in six minutes to want to call off first farm engines were on scene in under six minutes. Crews wearing breathing apparatus crude prices and extended duration breaking up rights us have been working in extremely challenging and very difficult conditions to rescue people and to bring this major fire under control. London Ambulance Service have confirmed that currently thirty three zero people have been taken to five hospitals. At this time I am very sad to confirm. That there have been a number of Thomas' I cannot confirm the number at this time due to the size and complexity of this building and it would clearly be wrong for me to speculate further equally the cause of this is not known at this stage we will be here all day and will provide further updates well working very closely with our colleagues in the metropolitan police and the London ambulance service to bring this situation under control further information to the public will be made available shortly including advice for those concerned about those who are working here and people who live fair the emergency services will continue to work with all agencies including the local authority to support all affected by this incident thank you very much we caught him who is the London Fog commission the dealing with the scene there in West London that we're watching pictures of and seeing all sorts of reports coming out of the area with the people who escaped the building people just in the area the smaller more on the way for C.B.C. Radio travels you trust every fifteen minutes. Now to your journey will be heading to that part of west London or elsewhere the latest details for you the three southbound laid out because of an accident with congestion from the M twenty five to thirty three through water that the speed of this at the moment looking really bad three very actually having a knock on effect with three to three if you can barrel for a bike shot as well actually elsewhere the every three towards London slow the other way for. Twenty five anticlockwise seventeen May for cross sixteen for the A forty thirty and face a twelve for the three That's the four that is the people actually until you get towards trying to have a climb for the four of four and it certainly does the for the having the best around the Masters Well actually I was a little bit sticky if you work it towards the have a big protest. If you're leaving actually going out of the bridge or else why him toward love then it's not killing him scale around junction for the Heathrow your IT love there will be very disruptive actually because of the the fortieth carriage he claims between the Northern roundabout of the mile or by flyover gesture of the right old right and also modify right and left the place as well I'm also having a perfect friendship of the bush she said area and have a say if you like the update on that by the way it's a three four five nine three double one three three basic Are you towards heavenly as well in all directions for the account I run the hill. Over a five mile off a wall very bright and reading writing and reading Imperio way Whitley just how the they're both directions have the right work as well so slowing you down travel you trust from B.B.C. Radio but yeah thanks very much indeed charging news and functions stories it's a good commentary I like the banter between trim Delorme good thing and it's a very comprehensive for the On The Go human B.B.C. Radio barge show. If you see really about Sarah's got a license for you London Fire Brigade say there have been a number of fight Tennessee's after a huge fire as a block of flats the flames completely engulfed the Grenfell tower in North Kensington and what the brigade has described as an unprecedented incident hundreds of people live at the tower block fifty people are being treated at five hospitals the cause of the fire isn't yet nine Stay with us for much more for West London and will let you know what we're hearing from there bring you all the details on B.B.C. Radio Boucher function news and bugs your stories with Andrew Keen B.B.C. Radio bullshit. Come back to that part of London now and Judith Blakeman who's been the local council there for thirty five years Judith Yaphe very good morning to you just give me your take on what's happening as we're seeing this story on foot. Holding before our eyes and have been for a few hours now well there are over one hundred forty flats in the block the between four and six hundred people living there including elderly people lots and lots of children it's a very multi-ethnic united community they have funders and things like that the block has just been refurbished there are a lot of residents a manky concerns about the clothing that was put on the external part of the building partly to make it look nicer but also partly to provide insulation and neighbors who saw it go up so that the the cladding just went whoosh we don't know . Of the sea far too soon to speculate but recently people in the area been you know talking about bits of it falling off and you know landing all over the place and also the dump the smell of the plastic as well in the air or over the ground in the air yes that's one aspect is that people course are talking about the you know how the far can possibly have spread so quickly through this building seems incredible to me Yes yes because the instructions that residents are given in our tile blocks is unless you're right by a fire go back into your flat to your flat is secure for an hour the fire brigade will risk if you buy then but this obviously could not have happened here and people were taking the instructions and going back into the huts I mean this going to be I'm less casualty list it's just heartbreaking because I mean what if you were living obviously high up in the building what else could you do we wouldn't have been practical you know people have reported in going outside their flats and saying well it's just smoke everywhere when Where would I even go and there's only ones though as well. So people might well have taken the official advice and you know barricade themselves into the wet towels of the door all those things that you were told to do and will see you know what happened as far as that's concerned a lot of people have escaped from the buildings a lot of people been talking to us about Oh that's right yes up suspect a lot of them myself I've only just come back indoors and what sort of things are they been saying to you do to well the problem was that the residents for a long time expressed concerns about the fire safety off the block and they feel you know there's been a recent inspection by the local fire brigade and they said it's fine. But he would not reassured they were seriously concerned and National Grid have recently started doing some work on the gas supply to the block as well which has caused even more concern amongst residents they said that last week we were putting pipes into the stairwell not blocking boxing them in they were just standing there and it was the sense we get is where is there's been a sort of huge response even in such a short time in the community of people either around the area or in the neighboring streets in whatever it's an amazing community so it's on the Lancaster with the state they go to the next residence this issue that it's a it's a wonderful community everybody knows everybody else and people have been coming out in large numbers just trying to I mean Probst and look what's going on as you would is something so dramatic happening in your area but also just seeing if there's anything that can be done to help by bringing supplies to those candidates are here yes we're expecting to hear from a lot of mess the calm any moment we'll bring that to you on B.B.C. Radio Barger Judy thanks ever so much good to talk to you thanks very much that's a serious Blakeman He's a local councilor in that part of London the mayor of London City can coming for you before too long. Latest between now and ten Stay with us eight minutes to nine B.B.C. Radio Let's hear a bit more about what Bridgette up to this morning in Modoc So here I am we're at Bisham Abbey National Sports Center For I particularly special event which is happening a little bit later on a speech with a time accessible regatta if you're wondering well what does all of that mean basically means those with special needs and disabilities having a go at a whole host of Sports and of course getting on to the water in a man who knows all about Tom Southgate out to Tom just explain your role in a good morning so I am the principal at this number eight saving education school so today we're working with the good time because we're going to provide a lot of boating opportunities for young people talk to me about the opportunities that maybe a lot of families a lot of people don't know exists and believe the water is certainly off limits to them I think that's one of the key aims of today you seem to be drawing from open more creative difference for generally those with this is for me and there are lots of things that perhaps people might think they can't do when in fact it's perfect it's still to them so we've got to be saving we've got our voting rights belt voting canoeing kayaking also things like will be how do you make some of the leasing some people to do give us an example so well what's today's young going to he's going to be like annoying me to a Canadian canoe with two of them strapped together so they are incredibly stable I do think we'll get everything that we never got going on the water or from some some balance issues themselves we also have to we both here we chose specially adapted our boats we drop barrels drop from doors so they can come down from around and we can get the looters on board. Was in the cars because one of the instructions to make sure you can sit on top and if you're serious tandem current so you can go with some girls because they can just describe what we're going to see a little bit later on with hundreds of children just send here and there while. You know how well your Highness will be here as well the princess royal one with the maids and one son which is which is always a should be to be a really really good son packed day for that activity and hope you know I'm not for not much more from Bridgette in Marlowe in a little while six minutes to nine more I mean it's accounts all the time about what's been happening in West London where the flames can still be seen coming from some parts of that tower block grant full tower tomorrow has told the B.B.C. You could hear people screaming Help me help me people were throwing their children out of the windows saying save my children the fire brigade were telling people to stay where they were saying we'll come and get you it felt like a split second before the whole building was on foreign started on one floor and then it took one side and the whole building was burning there's nothing you can do but watch it unfold in front of you escalated really quickly it seemed to start on one of the lower floors around midnight but then before you knew it the whole building was on fire everyone was really scared and didn't know what to do it was so sad to see these are all people we grew up with and people we see every day it was so shocking it's one of the many eyewitness reports that people have been giving to the B.B.C. In the last little while it's P.C. Radio Barker it's the M G P Cho Let's hear a little bit more now of the people in the area telling us what's been going on in that part of London or is it it's part of the soul justice which is in its right local not only about of the Not even more though nothing has made us aware of the task at a building that was actually kind of renovated by Kensington and Chelsea Council a few years ago quite a beautiful building actually very very tall it's got I'm guessing it's forty about twenty stories high. And on the north east corner of the tower I mean for height from top to bottom I think often trail in this. Response on the destructiveness is people shouting actually to want to get out so I've been trying to advise the emergency services call a lot about why people are to get into the other side of the bowling because people on the opposite saris. Would be to see the fire on the northeast. If you think about it a twenty story tower and it's on fire if. Not for. The lights on in the building which makes me think. The emergency rule had the focus turned off the gas analysis and you can see the guys everywhere doing an incredible job as you can imagine with the tower it's so difficult for them to get everybody out of school because I have well George what you're saying is that you can still see people above the fire there can you. Say the. Feeling comfortable talking about us I can see them on the story of an atoll which. Attracts where they all just a little bit helpless because. There's nothing I can do and so I'm just wonderful it. And how they could get to them but the professionals believe that. There are definitely people still and that's the question most terrific thing on the series. Soon Were you aware that. There's one hurdle you can you might be over here the beeping going to be P.-P. P.-P. That actually sounds like one you'll smoke a lot of lights on the light. And the whole sort of might have been downstairs and one house I was in bed and. Running downstairs. And I thought it might be a column of Saudis and a list of not just of the cool to the windows of the back of the house minutes. Because I'm actually getting covered in ash. Such as this is it windy George the snow isn't windy it's a very calm. I'm still I'm one hundred meters when I'm. Writing this and what sign is set of of timetable Otto's And so I mean what what approach are the fire service taking. From what I know my next. Friend is in the building and she said they're everywhere. On different levels. I can't really say a ground floor level collapsed because of a see too many people hanging around. That work ready substance while away and come back to my house. Looks like they do with an incredible job I mean. I couldn't imagine worse than Orioles and help because it was for the story to try and save people out but what I don't know if I'm honest is. For the staircase is also the building. I'm trying to work it out right and I was out as an architect I mean you you would you would see the smaller windows wouldn't you for the staircases and among the opus of thought of the buildings or I think this is. Other sources also talk about this moment now in the fourteen story screen then start when they get out which makes. This is George Clarke who lives nearby he was talking to my colleague broad sharp during the night just to give you an idea of what it was like as this unfolded as you turn the radio on this morning this building this Grenfell tower building in West London is still on fire still clearly visible flames in some parts of the building smoke billowing from it will keep you in touch with the latest and talk to more people who've been caught up in this story as it continues to unfold between now and ten coming up tonight C.B.C. Radio talk show travel do you trust every fifteen minutes as it happens I must have the latest on your journey P.S.A. Issues going into was London on the A forty currently collide because the fire between the old and roundabout a modified flyover congestion go back to old I cried at the Savoy surface and also as I'm told lost the place as well it's got accident on the end of three going out of love the one lane currently plays at the moment for the M twenty five the junction three for backup light water is also I say going the other way as well I'm looking at the speeds up to twenty five now from about the three to eighty which is good he's still a bit slow going from Head feelbad will be a thirty three base in state right thanks to the M. Of forty or face life injection feedback of field jump if you want a for the M twenty five also for the so I was going to have to call the wife thirty days of the every great employee Hatch have the right spots of temperature for life not working at the moment of the road works area that and also I was right that busy right level rise right at the right to examine and finally in Basingstoke your friend that busy tearing right north at the moment on the blacktop Phantom of the emissary trouble you trust the B.B.C. Radio traffic large a news story I move the country each day easy least seem crazy said. Wednesday fourteenth of June B.B.C. Radio bunk she with. Unfolding Story in west London this morning is what we're looking at bringing you the latest developments in that round up what we know so far in the B.B.C. News that mine with Sarah Walker described as an unprecedented incident a number of people have died in a massive fire and a twenty four story tower block in west London two hundred firefighters are dealing with the blaze that's completely destroyed Grenfell tower in North Kensington where hundreds of people live London's fire commissioner Danny Colson says they were that within six minutes I've been working in extremely challenging and very difficult conditions to rescue people and to bring this major five hundred control because this guy is not known at this stage well working very closely with our colleagues in an exposed place and the London ambulance service to bring this situation under control the Ambulance Service says fifty people have been taken to five different hospitals Safina lives in the block of flats opposite I can see now a building maybe it but in truth I was part of the beginning what it was just the light on saw it I watched it spread completely through I had children calling out for how hard has been Cornell for help I think I saw people clinging to the outside building trying to find down the building I mean it's just right horrific witnesses have reported seeing residents trapped inside and some people are still unaccounted for Michael Pavane his son was on the seventh floor of the building when the fire broke out some open the door is all neighbors running screaming there's a fireman a going gets out at the house of come back in the dressing gown on the little girl stuck under my dressing gown just all the smoke from a girlfriend up and we run down the fire escape from the seventh floor as we're going down this game fit through Fick of the fourth floor when we visit was completely blank as we go outside and look at the fire but I could see people in a windowless banging screamin it was horrendous kids we mean explosions it was like something out of a movie there in. More than one hundred forty flats in the tower block pull Monica who lives there says he saw firefighters on the Y. Up into the building as he was escaping I just literally put my shoes on and just ran out the building as quickly as I possibly could but as I was going down the state I was renewed at the five are you going up this as so I said to the fire fire I did say to fire fire is generally to knock on some of the doors on the way down just to try to raise the alarm and they just basically said you know we want you to go just quickly as possible a cordon is in place around the tower block and police evacuated around thirteen A by flats there have been concerns the building will collapse the tablet was built in the nineteen seventies and is owned by the local council it's just been refurbished costing millions of pounds local council a robot that can send a shock to the devastation it has been a truly massive fire I think we'll stop just as just how how rapidly it had spread I mean that's one of the questions I will be asking as to why the fire alarm system didn't work the building has recently been refurbished which subject is all the more difficult to explain how this fire Canavan Delf the entire building some residents have reported the previous advice in the event of a fire breaking out again to secure themselves inside the homes however firefighters overnight with telling people to get out as soon as possible in Lee Harrison the executive council of the fire brigade the union days are staying the projects for us the Topeka security doors and put down of the doors to stop smoking grass and into the flats The reason with those because buildings should be built with element of soft action for in excess of an hour so for those should be free to properties to prevent the spread of solid you know we don't know why the spotter spreads quickly and that will have to be looked at the Metropolitan Police say an emergency number has been set up for people concerned about family and friends the casualty bureau number is a light. Hundred zero nine six one two three three that's eight hundred zero nine six one two three three and in other news David Cameron has become the latest former Conservative leader to call on to reason made to pursue a soft Abraxas which would involve remaining in the Customs Union Mr Cameron suggested she should consult more with other parties and allow Parliament to say said John Major and Lord Hague have already urged her to listen to remain as views B.B.C. Radio about share with Andrey paychecks from the service or keep you in touch with your travel trust journey into west London this morning and also all the oil witness accounts that we're hearing from people in that part of the city some harrowing stuff more on the way as the story continues to unfold weather wise the sunshine yes staying fine and dry today we will see lots of widespread sunshine in fame very warm as well highs of twenty five degrees that's seventy seven in Fahrenheit that's watching the journey Yes a busy only a forty has closed in the northern roundabout and also the west of avenue as well down to our Savoy circus and also Gloucester places where your father the late coming out of London and three southbound that's pretty ejection seat for the M twenty five three for back shot like water busy the other way as well forty is life objection to Beccles Field Division one A for the M twenty five The four a four so busy southbound around the best around about it with a ship's Kiri or Robin Hood lane taking about an extra four minutes to get through there are reading right play hat for traffic light failure just around the playhouse roundabout and over it's of towards heavily currently looking busy on the speeds that's OK Thanks so much indeed Matt bugs to News and bugs just Doris' with an injury B.B.C. Radio show. So we now know there have been a number of fatalities in this huge flow what you follow which continues to burn as a block of flats in west London the Grenfell tower near Notting Hill went up in flames in the early hours of the Smalling round about. Midnight twelve thirty that kind of time the London Fire Brigade says the been fatalities we just don't know at this stage how many we do know fifty people have been taken to hospital some people have said that they've been told to stay in their flats in this kind of situation we've heard from many who escaped the building we've heard all sorts of harrowing stories of people shining lights to try and show where they are people jumping people throwing their children from the building all sorts of horrible accounts being told by people in the area on the program this morning more on the way the mayor of London City because on says this advice that people should stay in their flats in this kind of situation if something is going to have to be reviewed that's one of the things that obviously. People are raising that was raised by some of the residents in the block and thankfully residents didn't stay in their flats and fled and fled to safety across London we have many many TAR blocks and what we call have a situation where people safety's put at risk because of ballot device been given or you know the cases been alleged of blocks of improper service to maintained it from Michael Pollan niece them who lived on the seventh floor of the building and was there when the fire broke out of open the door is all neighbors running screaming there's a fireman a going gets out at the house of Compaq in the dressing gown down. Stuck under my dressing gown just all the smoke got my girlfriend up and we ran down the fire escape from the seventh floor as we're going down it gave fit through fricative fourth floor when we was it was completely black as we go outside and look at the fire and I could see people in the Windisch banging screamin it was horrendous kids we mean explosions it was like something out of a movie this is Charisse Matthews the lives of the photogram for tower who's been talking to the B.B.C. If somebody leaves as well that we're watching this two thousand and seventy and you imagine that the sights and the building that's. What we're hearing is that nobody had any alarm. That's a try if there was one accident and this is a twenty four story building from a young family I know the people. They would buy six it. Was going to break out most chilling thing is that the president how to not put money is. On the. Label counts to displace and she's been looking up to this court so very well so many is and she's being why saying bring it out boys sing the consensus they represent about the lack of. Fire safety elements to the building and are not as if you rightly pointed out about this new plot in which went up about two years ago we live next to the brand new academy the school and they want to tidy it up because of what's next. And apparently what we saw it in the early hours of the morning when the fire . Come the folks. The flames ripped up the size of the building along this class thing which every single side of the building where that much of the power is now to the back of my God am I right on the police cordon. Such. As that we will come after nearly I was by helicopter pick it up here now I mean you know one of the not. So often the helicopter nice but not this and then let's just tell us. About the man police shouting also has a place shouting. Yes to spirituality the moaning this image that we're tight community you know people from all over the world living here under it's just people are just so shaken. Devastated and I said this is two thousand and seventy how can we not have these high can be put in space that it's for this kind of. Major a major incident this is in the U.K. This is this is. What I just went all you know with people the residents crying out to you is saying it's not space how can we have accepted that we can hear the bells and you know that it's crackling you know and we've had cracks and. I'm just. I don't know what say they are devastated but you know Charisse Matthys So the latest we've got then at this point is that the London Fire Brigade have said that a number of people have lost their lives fifty people taken to hospital and witnesses have certainly been talking as charismatic as was there about people being trapped inside the tower as the fire took hold and burned during the night that been concerns raised about refurbishment work at the block in recent years and where the fire hazards have been the result of that refer which won't work particularly concerned about some plastic cladding that was put on the outside of the building parts of which of fallen off onto the pavement areas around the people have been expressing concerns about what bring you much more about this between now and ten this morning on B.B.C. Radio Barger function music and bugs just Doris' and you B.B.C. Radio show. Politically as to reason may sets about trying to do her deal with the D.P. So that her minority government can get legislation through the Commons lots of pressure coming from all sides now about softening her stance on bricks it through is a maze pretty decisive David Cameron says she needs to listen more to achieve a good deal for Britain in the forthcoming negotiations we had similar messages from the former Conservative Prime Minister John Major on the radio yesterday the Windsor N.P.R. I'm a free is with us from Westminster good morning out and good morning good to have you with us what are you what what's happening in West London puts all this stuff into context a little bit doesn't it know absolutely and it's it's just horrendous and obviously it's too early to really establish causes but from what I've been listening to on radio biopsy it sounds like there are a lot of questions to be answered about building safety and about the approach to alarms and the obviously civilians the terrorist backdrop so there may be things to review in terms of responses to fires of this nature rather. Maybe asking people to remain indoors perhaps to ask them actually to vacate a building but look I'm talking far too early on and I don't know what they hear what the courses were what you obviously are passionate about leaving the European Union is something you campaign hold for for many years in the wake of last week's election results now we've got senior figures in your own polity let alone your political opponents seeing it as an opportunity to make bricks are all the softer affair than to reason most talked about in that you've campaigned for. Yeah it's interesting actually because that you know the term soft and heartbreak say I'm going to be honest with you I defy anybody to define what they mean so I think it's more it's more a political mood piece it's more kind of an emotional kind of political statement to try to frame one thing as nasty and another thing is not yes but actually when you look at it there are only three key issues here one is you know the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice the other is the Customs Union and the third is the single market all against the backdrop of do we control our borders and immigration so when we say hard and soft brakes it's usually wise just to go through that tick list and say what exactly are we talking about because I've heard talk of Oh now we've got to look at the Customs Union Well interestingly enough if you want to you know if you want to trade with the rest of the world which is surely what we want to do to open up rather than to shut down then the Customs Union is the one that one really does need to get out of and I think where there are some modifications that could be made and you know most most people like myself who wanted to break say are quite comfortable with this is around the negotiations on access to the single market provided that there are some modifications in the European saying well OK we can look at slightly different arrangements then it's quite possible that we can have greater access to the single market maybe free tariff access without completely giving up our borders so so our it's really curious that people would be focusing on the Customs Union when that's for me is the you know the one element where actually that enables us to grow. Connect with the rest of the world right I mean we're having said that we're told it's people like you know the charge of the Exchequer for power and we want to his membership of the Customs Union he hasn't come out and publicly said that of course I think where we are in this debate as all I read it anyways those who want a softer Breck's it a saying access to the single market is more important than completely controlling the free movement of people now I don't think you believe that I don't need to reason may believe that but it does seem that figures like David Cameron and John Major and even cabinet ministers like Philip Hammond do believe that well I won't speak Philip Hammond but I think former prime ministers obviously have their own issues to deal with on this and I think the key thing is this is that the negotiations haven't started they will start shortly and all aspects of the Single Market access to it will be up for negotiation and there are all sorts of outcomes that they want to speculate because at the end of the day the talks haven't even started is going to be a lot of positioning on both sides one rightly during a negotiation and until that you know until it's the twelfth hour we actually were to know what the result is but certainly I can see movements on the single market I.E. It may well be that we have a special visa category for Europe is it all sorts of things could be what you want access to the single market but I'm guessing that you wouldn't make any concessions on controlling the free movement of people which goes with it. Yeah well this is really interesting of course I mean of course not because for a country to be sovereign and people voted for us to have our you control our borders and of our nation you have to be able to control your immigration from your own parliament and from you through your own laws so you blanket access. To to people from overseas is just not going to it's just not going to happen but on the other hand remember there are all sorts of shades and nuances it could well be that there are is a special visa category for certain types of things from Europe I mean it could be all sorts of things so there's so many hundreds of variables that at the moment I think to honest this is why we come down so soft or is it hard because it's too hard to quantify short I mean what a lot of people are saying is there's no longer a Commons majority for the kind of BRICS it that you've campaigning for and that to reason may the prime minister has advocated but the opposition there is that members of your own party Conservative M.P.'s would be willing to bring down the government over this issue I'm not sure they would. I think you're right I don't think that's the case and certainly at the one hundred twenty two committee were and I was there at the time there was a feeling I mean the general feeling amongst M.P.'s I spoke to a lot of colleagues is that look at the moment democracy is spoken no matter how inconvenient to the facility passed that is you know people spoken they said that we don't want a large conservative majority in fact the result is obviously a minority government and I think the fairly overwhelming feeling was you know what what we need is steady government now and we need to as best we can implement the will of the people through the referendum and even those who are are who were remain as during the campaign and quite vociferously remain as during the campaign even they're completely accepting that we're leaving the European Union and now the question is the detail of that so I'm sure they'll be a lot of discussions but overall I don't think has any intention to bring the government down other bought them by office of course Gerry Corwin who lost the electorate and your opponents would have to think twice about it as well because then they'd be responsible for another general election but no one wants to see. Yeah I'm not sure I'm with Brendan I'm not sure anybody can see another election right away because the answers being given the answer is that the people on balance . Would not want to say in an ineffective delivered a minority Conservative government and that's what we have to work with so I'm going to support that government support Reason me in that role and just to ensure to secure it and yet maybe marginally different than we originally envisaged but that in the day the key elements of it remain exactly the same we're leaving the single market you know we coming out of the jurisdiction of European courts and more likely than not we leave in the Customs Union otherwise we'll sink outside the E.U. Because we won't be able to trade with other countries and I mean look at looking at controversial subjects that volage your own party another is clearly Heathrow where many Conservative M.P.'s including yourself I suspect would never vote for legislation that allowed the expansion of Heathrow even if that's what your own government was lobbying for do you think that will be affected by the very tight numbers in the Commons now. I think you certainly will and I think to be honest with you I think it's right that it is effective I think it's right that every issue is affected because the people have told us they don't want to majority government not individuals obviously but collectively the country has told us we don't want a massive majority concerted government therefore what's in our manifesto we have to discuss that with other parties and we have to see what's realistic and practical to get through it may well be that Labor M.P.'s vote for the expansion Heathrow of course in which case you go as we sunk but it's not something that's a reason why Has anything like a Tory majority on. No and also the line on the third the third runway was somewhat softened in the manifesto if you look at the detail of it it wasn't we are absolutely committed to building a third runway it was the air head the project has merits so I think that there is some stepping away from it and I hope that that continues because I just don't think it's in the national interest and it's basically we've got a really tough fiscal time at the moment to be spending billions from the Exchequer for a third runway that can only operate over half the day and which makes us the most makes it the most expensive airport in the entire world we want to have a less expensive airport so that's a business travel can take place I think it's it's clearly well from our perspective it's clearly a mistake and I hope that that will fall by the wayside during the negotiation I realize I'm jumping ahead several leaps of logic here but if as most commentators and politicians believe the reason mergers and fires another election as a conservative leader and prime minister she's replaced by Boris Johnson that's probably your best hope of the third runway never happening is. JOHN MCDONALD. There's a lot of work I suppose. And quite a few labor in face but obvious as you know and you would you know about these things one doesn't speculate but I guess what I would say is that you know to reason may has got the full force support of the Conservative Party the nineteen twenty two or backbenchers and from benches and I think that you know the next year or two as we negotiate a sensible Brecht's it then I think people we will decide at the end that period and the public will decide whether or not she's actually the right person to remain in the job and you know from my perspective I think she is but you know let's get on with what we need to do which is to lead the European Union in a sensible way which enables us to open up to the world and really just bringing all those opportunities that are there you know in the prime minister's trade and boys to Ghana and other parts of West Africa and you know these countries are crying out to do deals with this on their goods and services so I think the most important thing is that we really look to the future looks at the jobs. In the future and look to the opportunities we have when we leave the E.U. And I think if she and I think if the Prime Minister. Creates a sensible outcome then I'm sure that the public and everybody else will feel very positive about what she's done are all the ministerial jobs well now you're waiting for your phone to ring. I've never been waiting for my phone to ring Andrew and I think I'm very much focused on to play my role as the trade as a trade envoy and I'm chairing the parliamentary Office of Science and Technology which make sure that when we're having debates in Parliament that I'm a she we debating the facts rather than just our political ideology and I'm there to represent the people wins and I'm very happy to do that for the rest of my political career but of course these things when the hands of the prime minister of course thank you very much indeed for coming on the program out I'm good to talk to you it's a pleasure so I am afraid the Conservative M.P. For Windsor if you missed it all the way both the Philip leader Brian limpy and Alex Sharma of the reading West M.P. Were appointed to ministerial roles yesterday about which will talk no doubt in the next few days twenty three C.B.C. Radio talk show travel you trust every fifteen minutes and as it happens the light is travelling trust from match the M four tours loved hearing projections for Heathrow all the way into wards Chizik in Hammersmith right now the M three coming out of love the junction for the for the M twenty five to jump to three cars back shows where you are five Facts like also go into one's head leave them out run them hill Wargrave write and read it right that's what he does the Earth well off they carry him to from the M four traditions and that's the part about this week elsewhere the M forty that's later Bashir wanted to the Devon roundabout time to work this week he's read about for a full that is busy going south by other on the base around about every twenty five anticlockwise still here week seventy paper cross the sixty forty employee Hatch reading for a heavily right employer had friends about the roadworks area that for life I live at speeds of well our price at Lakehead rise also busy. Quite so Basingstoke as well as the ordering way north going southbound just around Faraday rises a black having cabin ship is a piece of sail it's towards town this course the big eight forty west way remains quite through the northern roundabout and the mollifying fly over congestion go back towards the road to Amber or fade down towards the place of well and also if a service to have a special city lights just going past the scene that a three four five nine three. Trust for B.B.C. Radio Bhatia news and just stories if you want to find out the area and the area this is a section in the center B.B.C. Radio. B.B.C. Ready about share with them she page back to that fire at the tower block in west London before too long this morning also the weather details on the way and worrying Kings clear with Andrew boring ahead of the Royal Ascot next week as well Bridgette is in MA like so here we are having a glorious summer morning blue skies call more to just by the river here at the Bishop sailing in navigation school where we see something called away but the man who can tell us more about it is that the rector of the trust. And the what an incredible bite it's fantastic couldn't we but the twenty is only just not twenty feet long it's seven and a half feet wide and accommodate ten adults including six wheelchair users what makes it so special is the belt all the most form around for a very easy roll on roll off access open cockpit with a level can all. Disabled people can not only. Get out of the boat and enjoy the the wonderful scenery around the times. But you can also drive it from a wheelchair so it gives you that extra special experience with how mean the boat yourself from a huge amount of a. Independence my brother and I. Having an experience like this with such freedom because that you know sometimes you just feel so Trent Lott able to do anything what kind of response you get from people I have experience well I can speak from personal experience myself being a wheelchair user I've been a really bad user for many years the trust has been operating since nine hundred eighty four the first boats that went out went on contract fisheries McKean Angola and that's where I first came across them but now we've brought it out into a much wider range of activities pleasure boat in nature watching power boating on power boat training and the boats provide people like me and your brother with with us such a fantastic amount of independence to get on the water that the difficulties of access it doesn't take a brain surgeon to work out the getting on the round water for people who have mobility problems it's very difficult getting into a standard boat you know without any special access requires you know having people manhandling you in that which is undignified and another safe with the way the boat was found or getting in and out is so easy the boats. The credible about three twenty looks like a normal boat a standard boat so not only is it straight forward to get in do but you're in a boat that looks and performs like all the other boats on the water which is also a very important consideration no it doesn't look like it specially built it incorporates it modifications very discreetly and every anybody would be happy using it just describe to me why an event like this having an accessible you know Gatso way though lots of boats on the water lots of children who have their own disabilities their own special needs being given this opportunity why is it important when I think getting everybody together in one place to experience the wide range of activities that you can participate in not just on the river in Willy boats or inaccessible sailing pygmies or canoes but this will chair Tennessee there's a this shooting on base basketball this hands like I mean there are so many activities that unless you're presented with them we don't know that it exists and I'm looking forward to I myself am disabled to find out what other things that are here that I'm currently missing out on the SO ON HER or Highnesses coming across as well coming along I want to play a little bit on out a little yes thank you so much for talking to us pleasure more from Bridgette coming before too long be talkers got the weather details good morning rain for a beautiful day today across parts and we've already had a lot of sunshine in the last of the mist is clearing temperatures already in the mid teens it's going to be a warm one today I think for many of us it will be unbroken sunshine like twins and temperatures in the mid twenty's and that does mean today we've got very high U.V. Levels and high pollen levels too and I think once you suppose across the county could be twenty six degrees the payoff is unfortunately an uncomfortable night for sleeping with the clear skies light twins temperatures really not falling any know that around thirteen degrees so I think we'll start off with some sunshine it will Cloud I've added a bit towards the middle part of the days to should be dry but that cloud is. It would require the front income the off duty whilst we will see some sunshine and again like tweens and he's going to be that of a fresher than today temperatures peaking at twenty one degrees and you can get a full ten day full cost on our website B.B.C. . C.B.C. Radio talk show travel you trust every fifteen minutes and as it happens back to Kings clear in a second go to B.B.C. Radio book should with page and math in reading town center with the trouble you trust the eight forty west way currently closed because of the fire between Northern roundabout and also by flyover congestion down towards I don't come in lane at Savoy circus and also a mile of it right down towards bluff the place else where the every three thousand pound is queuing because of an accident on the hard shoulder there's talk here in between junction chief of the M twenty five induction a three pack shot like water you'll find it's low in. Brightest around Lake and rice and twenty five is also hearing between seventy made for cross that think we have forty and forty itself is killing northbound between the Devon roundabout and the Spike Lee's roundabout I did with a shot from that hearing just of Robin Hood lane check him other rates how he looks a lot better actually carry him fools down here in the mice the morning actually I will be sober if he is only a thirty three character I was driven eleven round about going into a grabbing I would be fat the other way to look for roadworks that down towards one of the lines my number thought but it's a three four five point three three double three trouble you trust for B.B.C. Radio. News and function stories we love mandate She's very upset and for every day I read your entire show is down so all the travel where you have to guy when was the daylight B.B.C. Radio show. Mind thirty one latest thing for this major fuller incident that's still on the way in West London from Sarah several people have been killed in a huge fire as a block of flats in west London it started at Grenfell talent in North Kensington just after her. This morning flames and smoke was seen for miles around and most of the building has been completely destroyed no details of yet been announced about the number of people who have died more than fifty being treated in five London hospitals a number of neighboring flats have been evacuated as they reckon CERN's the building will come down the mare of London City can has described the fire as a major incident and emergency numbers being set up for people concerned about family and friends and in other news further talks will be held later to try to finalize an agreement between the Conservatives and the Democratic Unionists so to reason may can run a minority government the D U P leader Arlene Foster hopes the deal will be reached sooner rather than later more from Sayre all the way back to a Williams No Royal Ascot starts next Tuesday for A.B. Has been on the Downs this morning. Yeah I'll tell you what page a beautiful morning I cannot time to any better else School here in Kings clear house parks labeled Andrew boarding stable courses on slow around about no and horses over there well they're about expected to run out next week of course who gets on the white two thirty on the Tuesday thirty vices in total and of course every race live on B.B.C. Radio about him joined by retiring to head jockey ocean Murphy ocean Good morning to you want to play solo ya don't do a lot today yeah it's usually when the sun's shining and obviously those type of acres of grass and it's absolutely spectacular obviously you only realise how lucky you are when people come and don't because you're too you know very used to the setting it's great you've been here around about five years big wave you next week because I think you've ridden knowing a group to win is looking for that first group yeah it's a little bit of a monkey on my back for him obviously I won't get the opportunity to do it on the first day of school because of suspension so I missed an item's being in the green around but I seem hopefully I've got good right straight that week simple verse and . We've got a lovely Parker has called Beat the bank in the jersey stakes so it's exciting times we'll see it like actually you know getting mounted in the paddock seventy thousand people that you know a lot of them got their money on you if you like and you've got the Apostle grandstand the atmosphere as a jockey can you hear me can you take a little Yeah you can certainly before in the preliminaries country into poster search or. BUSH You know when I got to the races everything is just you know I mean there's and then it's kind of the preparation that you get the opportunity to think about things or maybe they've been nervous or excited it's a little bit different is it because you know when we talk to football managers in that plane in a play off final or F.A. Cup Final they say just another game but it's a bit different for jockeys Yeah because it's kind of one of the most important weeks of the calendar I believe some very important diving no weekend. Fortunately we tend to have winners there every year ask that we find a little bit of physically rowing skiers because the competition is very fierce but I think we've got a good team Ours is this year and hopefully we'll have plenty of look and let's hope so to thirty who gets on the Y. On Tuesday thirty races or so I will live on B.B.C. Radio about hey you are big football fan Chelsea fan Yeah I don't care which Time to go it was great that they wanted a. I'm glad I support the best team in Europe you reckon they bother why the Premier League which is page are out now Chelsea let me tell why should they host but only on the opening day at a season always look for Huddersfield L.P.G. And never why a Crystal Palace of the Premier League fixtures are out done for get ready as Championship fixtures I believe on Wednesday morning will ask you can hear it live on B.B.C. Radio Balter England lost three two against France last night have a kind of school to brace for Gary meant unfortunately it wasn't enough in England against Pakistan and that gets under way in less than an hour in Cardiff is the I.C.C. Champions Trophy semifinal we do expect Jonny Bairstow to start in place of Jason out of form Jason Wu And don't forget the other semifinal tomorrow it's Boston defending champions India against Bangladesh on going in for a coffee got Jack along so I mean it's been a long morning Page we're going to go and grab a coffee hopefully speak to one or two more jockeys and we might quick a quick well we've had to build about this place a peach of a blast you know I've been into Lambeau and up into Newmarket you. All the top yards this is as good as it gets more eighty Thanks ever so much that's eighty one Andrew boardings yachting Kings clear this morning bunch in use are just stories and barges travel utra and U.V. C.B.C. Radio the. Main news this morning is that hundreds of people were asleep when the fire broke out sometime between midnight in one in the morning in this twenty four story Grenfell tower block in west London the London Ambulance Service says fifty people have been taken to five different hospitals but many people are still unaccounted for and we know that some people we just don't know how many people have lost their lives going to hear from the mayor of London City car in about ten minutes time or bring that to you the number to find out more is zero eight hundred zero zero zero nine six one three two three Mat rack is the general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union and live with us now good morning Matt and Monica I was of thoughts with your colleagues who are doing their best still now to bring the fire under control and to rescue people. Yes a single Firstly the horrifying incident for the residents of the control tower and another Also with them firstly and then obviously the firefighters tackling it's. An absolutely horrible horrible incident and it's staggering really to see a tower block engulfed in fire in that way I mean people use the word your own colleagues of you who are unprecedented I can't remember a fire on this scale Well I'm not sure either and thirty not of this but specific nature know now tower blocks are designed to contain fires within the individual flats of the design so that firefighters can fight the fire from inside the building is in the safety of the fire escapes and dries in mines and clearly something has gone very very very wrong in this incident with the fire spreading rapidly across the whole of the building and that is seems to be unprecedented and I mean the reason I suppose these things are all not common place is that fire faith isso well designed into buildings all of this all in normal situations. Well yes when. You know regulations are required to be matched the management of risk is responsible as the owner of the of the building so. That changes young people might recall the lack of know how far in Camberwell in two thousand and nine when alterations to a building. To the ability to fight the fire were not quite so this will make the story investing I'm going to leave Iraq there you'll understand why I want to so I'm going to go back to the full command Adani called News of the incident in addressing gather journalists there was some new information and even many people inside we have had at the height of a two hundred five daughters and forty four in jeans on St With the right specialist offices. We've been lucky working closely with Bob Hope was to establish what is going on. A. Coming hours and days to look at the cause of this fallout and to investigate what has happened. We have got a structural engineer coming conjunction with my urban search and rescue dogs are is monitoring the stability of the building at the moment the building continues to be safe for crews to go I'm working. I must say I want to thank everybody who has been involved in this instance so I thought it was been a very difficult time and send all sincere condolences to everybody involved in this really terrible incident as you can appreciate this is a very difficult time it is still a dynamic stage of this incident and it be wrong for us to speculate around the cause of the bar or anything further at this moment. We have Score one drone from the ambulance service in London and see this is a very nice to come to the police command on its own slate of our thoughts come back to all those who have been affected and all those mistakes the current describes the working closely with colleagues from the London Fire Brigade there are significant replace officers here in this locality I know there is significant destruction I can change my closure is another travel closures if you are traveling in this area please go to terrify website but I would urge people to people live in this immediate vicinity. If you do you have any concerns any concerns about anybody connected to this awful awful event please phone we can't figure out the numbers already called out but to repeat it for you here it's I weigh two hundred eighty nine six one two three three that's I weigh two hundred every night six one two three three if you have any concerns please use that number rather than darling nine nine nine zero one zero one. If you are a displaced resident the current reception center being coordinated by the local authority these are the big portabella trust on warmer local sourcing but also be putting everything for you there are three that. Preston says well. As the site is still very dynamic situation it is very early days but you can see behind is a great. This is a truly truly shopping father's occurred overnight and my thanks to the colleagues from the elevator for starting work that's going to. Be live on B.B.C. News to the police commander at the emergency services represent his incessant questions from journalists now so we'll stay with this live news conference of the building itself. At this moment in time is I'll see far too early to speculate about the building itself will be subject to investigation in the future structurally at the moment of the site properly used to be in there working no comment any further about the building itself you mentioned fatalities earlier on the any numbers of the day about fatalities on new student knows you can appreciate is still very early days on that we're working closely with our colleagues in the las as soon as numbers become available we will release them to talk about I was here the morning your wife the point Britain appreciate I was told by far off but you only managed to clear the first twelve thirteen for. That far off one able to go inside the plane because of the film that we're still working very hard we rescued large numbers of people from inside the building very early on across a range of different floors a strike and crews have been up as far as the nineteenth and twentieth floor so we've got crews continue to work very hard in there at the moment we're making steady progress and going through the whole building. Because. I'm unaware of any of those four to inspect land not appropriate probably still taking such a dynamic incident out of hand we have absolutely no idea what we would also give them any place must have not passed and so the local press center also please please make yourself known so that we can in check you up against a list of paper we believe in the building that's very important that any. From the building if you have not wanted to know tell somebody way you are please do that it's very important not only for us to account for that for your loved ones who are making contact but sounds as if but it's all we have time for if I can but I was told to leave that there that study cotton who's the former commander in charge of the incident along with Paul wardrobe from the London ambulance service and Stuart come to the police command taking journalists questions and updating us still looking for people inside the building was warm bit of information we were given there also at the moment there's no risk of the building collapsing so far crews are still inside the building trying to rescue people who keep in touch with more on the why we believe we're going to hear from the mayor of London so the calm before too long is core to Ted C.B.C. Radio talk show travel do you trust every fifteen minutes as it happens now look at the journey into west London and around our area here's my ball so the M. Three southbound so has a lag from the moment to thinking the only speed fence is now it's not as fast here but to junction T. For the M twenty five S. That we. Get course the way down toward factual it direction three looking at the ever Ford Ford love that doesn't seem to be too bad actually I get so I would get right into all of West loved of the airport to remain place throughout the war details on that and just start the A forty the mainstay of agree more details of my the second I also have a question for Jaime M. Forty it came from the Democrats about as likely as read about the M twenty five anticlockwise Flight seventy made for cross sixteen for the M forty also from that far right in flower as well whether she is busy arriving right and King Street Langley it's also what the later uncovered right for America comes from bridge at the moment well according to the peeps have to write into will drive a take calculated Junction twelve it takes about like for lack of minutes to get through that reading right in with quite a slow Red Robin Hood lane normal traffic that Holly live in shouldn't feel so quite busy T. Imes have pieces here or in cabin. Sounds about be a fourteen hour your program is that the moment between the Northern roundabout and also a mile about right they could get you banned awards. Common alliance of with a get out or take off the price of well I've had my service and I have a three hundred fifty line between have as little as twenty brides if you've got him out it's a three four five nine three double wide with three that will free travel you trust B.B.C. Rarely ever. Made in these papers before you got to page is the one again she still was going on it's a serious crime she said anything else it was lighter on B.B.C. Radio B.B.C. Really bugs have been talking to a lot of people in the area around the tower block watching the scene unfold on the program this morning including severe there are loads of helicopters overhead at the moment. But I'm in my flat Mike you see that the building of pretty much completely true but it's still keeping still obviously some fire I think the within the actual structure so there's a lot of from the pictures on looking at there's a lot of smoke emerging from the building but there's still some flames as well not nowhere near as many flames as there were a few hours ago absolutely it was completely ablaze this morning P.T. A blaze for at least three or four hours very strong be a blaze to out the entire structure and this is a huge tower block for anyone who hasn't seen pictures to imagine. The fire spread through this entire building very very quickly once it had started yes yes or are currently approximately twenty four to twenty seven floors. Or twenty How think you know at the Hunchy five hundred to six hundred people the fact that these are all family that right by. The community so it's just a real real shame every provokingly is in shock and awe. Traumatised by what we've seen we've seen people jumping we've had people crying out for help but children crying out for help people seem children being thrown out from by that parent it's just not the tragedy and I mean in the area you've got the rescue operations and we see the media people then you've got people who've come out of the building people concerned about family members and then a huge number of religion live in the area like you wondering what to do what you can do to help what you should do absolutely everyone kickstand how we wish we could help the children that we have crying out for help we also for all the powerless there will I mean I just have people praying really that how we felt that we could do it all go up to help because we just felt so limited we felt like we had to be there with people was they were in the moment of suffering and strike that we could just be a hunter you know we had to just somehow by being that we felt like we were in sympathy with them and and standing in solidarity with the suffering but I think that's what everybody would during the being present when just looking at you know we were getting more and more pools more people talking to us all the columns no talk of people having attended to my ropes out of bedsheets him and trying to climb out of the building that was. I haven't seen that and I have heard of I have. Dreaming inquiry be to help my theme somebody in his window or the end of the they're burning you know the place going when it doesn't bow I saw a man just in the black building still I have when trying to get the attention of the fire brigade five eight and they said that they were going to try and rescue him but we don't have that. Huge fire yet there are people still in trying to get a somewhat severe was telling me a little bit earlier from what to she can see from her vantage point near ground for tell there is going to keep following this after ten this morning absolutely it's to I think what really upsets me apart from the obvious is the idea that I don't think many of us have ever seen a place quite like this since the blitz on a slate and I think we all thought that we all believe don't we that the fire regulations are so strict concerning any building. Can't happen here so what's going on and obviously that's what we will look into will be talking to somebody who is from the fire. Brigade service who advises on things like that and also talking to people from the Metropolitan Police on what the police can do in that sort of situation basically we'll just be taking the story on one degree further and trying to look reflect on how such a terrible thing can happen or and here with much more after ten this morning Judith Blakeman has been a local councilor in the area including the tower block that's on fire for the past thirty five years. Over one hundred forty block the Robert twenty four and six hundred people who live in the including elderly people lots and lots of children and it's a very multi-ethnic united community they have done those things like that the block has just been refurbished there are. A lot of residents a manky concerns about the clothing that was put on the external part of the building partly to make it look nicer but also partly to provide insulation and neighbors who saw it go up so that the the cladding just went whoosh we don't know . Of the sea far too soon to speculate but my city people in the area been you know talking about bits of it falling off and you know landing all over the place in the smell of the plastic is what I mean or over the ground or in the air yes that's one aspect these people course are talking about the you know how the far can possibly have spread so quickly through this building seems incredible to me Yes yes because the instructions that residents are given in our tile blocks is unless you're right by a fire go back into your flat to your flat is secure for an hour the fire brigade were rescued by then but this obviously could not have happened here and people were taking the instructions and going back into the huts I mean this going to be I'm less casualty list it's just whole free too. Because I mean what what if you were living optically high up in the building what else could you do we wouldn't have been practical you know people have reported you know going outside their flats and saying well it's just smoke everywhere when Where would I even go and the only one . So people might well have taken the official advice and you know barricaded themselves in put the wet towels of the door all those things that you were told to do and more will see you know what's happened as far as that's concerned a lot of people have escaped from the building is a lot of people been talking to us about all that's right yes obsessed there to lot of other alleged come back and what sort of things are they've been saying to you Judith Well the problem was the residents for a long time expressed concern about the fire safety off the block and they say you know there's been a recent inspection by the local fire brigade and they said it's fine. But I would not reassured they were seriously concerned. National could have recently started doing some work on the supply block as well which of course even more accessible. They said were putting pipes into the well not blocking boxing them in they were just. Standing there and you know the sense we get as well is there's been a sort of huge response even in such a short time in the community of people leave around the area in the ninth inning streets and whatever it's an amazing community it's unlike us the west the state the next residence the station there it's a wonderful community everybody knows everybody else it's counsellor Judith Blakeman who spoke to me a few minutes ago B.B.C. Radio boxes six minutes to ten latest from this far in west London on the way for you wait here. He's a ten then and on and on the way she's going back to Bridgette he's in Marlow this morning now about so he we are where he at the base I'm Abby and National Sports Center And I should actually give you a tour of what it's like obvious. From there may now be building where there are all kinds of stalls around we've got the river and rowing trust we got some guys doing ukuleles the swapping crew who are all around there ready to greet three hundred young people who are taking part in the very first accessible regatta and there are lots of feel P.C. I know what Porsche I've even got a Paralympian right in front of me introduce yourself please my name is and the kins and I'm a parent M.P. And for Rio and I got a gold medal in Paris and she's even come in the shorts and the whole problem pick kit so you can definitely spot How exciting is this event for you it's amazing and this is my training river so to actually have a lot of children coming from the local neighborhood to share our training ground where we have elite athletes joining in with the children grassroots is is just a wonderful opportunity for them you are talking to me earlier about the fact that it was a chance encounter which sent you on your journey and so this could be the first encounter that sends a lot of people on their journey to just remind us of you know I was working London as a games make and I just bumped into another Games Maker who suggested I try out for a pair of canoe and if I hadn't had that suggested to me I would never have been on that journey so I'm really hoping that today some of the children who maybe didn't even think they could get into a boat or didn't even think they like water will experience the joy of competing in the joy of being in a team setting and racing against other children on this river which is so beautiful and you know would it be great if one of them said I really love this I want to take it further and this is something I want to spend my time doing is just actually realising that just because you have a disability or or some other need that there there is a way for you to enjoy the water in that kind of way do you find people feel that still there are those barriers to getting on the water. Yeah I do and a lot of those barriers are actually not physical They're in our minds with the accessible boat trust and these adapt. Crafts everybody and anybody can get in the water and enjoy the water and when the bell boats are incredibly stable all children work together as a team so if one child is is less able the other children's ability kind of masks it and so they can have a really good taste experience together and sometimes the children a fearful because they feel maybe they've got a disability that they can't get in the water and they can't enjoy it but once they've seen everybody out here having a great time for they'll be inspired to think yes you know well it's fear that stop me going ahead with this and yes I can do it before you disappear What's the survey out rumors I heard of you dressed as a superhero on the water oh there's another event that I'm supporting which is called the superhero traffic law which is an all excessive mass participation event where there are no rules no boundaries whatever your ability or your disability you can come together in a tame and take part in this triathlon So if you can't swim you can be towed if you can't run you can be pushed however you want to do it you can do it and this is really exciting because again it's opening up new doors for people who didn't think that they could take part in sport which is just such a wonderful thing he was dressed us I think it was a mishmash between Wonder Woman and Superman but no one was looking I love that listen enjoy the rest of your day thank you enjoy thanks to a Bridgette in Marlow So we've heard that laws laws numbers of people have been rescued by the Forest Service from this block of flats that still on fire in West London this morning fingers crossed for the rescue effort more coming now with dormant thanks very much indeed yes we'll bring you continuing coverage of that terrible and fatal fire and also be asking the questions and hoping maybe to get some answers throughout the program this morning right now let's catch up with the travel news for you the radio box you travel you trust as it happens and his mother who thank family a forty Westray remains close to three of them after me with. Her awards from everything it's the voices. Places as well just like here in tools one of the that we employ so well Thomas with a chip of. Eighteen minutes to get drunk and pull into woods how much of it at the moment. The three southbound we still got next to them which is on the hard shoulder between deficiency for the M twenty five and junction three to back shot like water. And twenty five itself is slow I'm secret why seventeen May for cross round to sixteen for the M. a Full say I'm the M forty two of them to find that side of the denim roundabout to the M twenty five but congestion times will spike he's right about Oxbridge field Holly lane three eighty seven going through field right it's quite busy at the moment the headline in the winter it's also quite slight say the speed sensor is going to attend late you'll find that busy in the mail and.

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