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The people's feeling now that we're talking about the wedding and angle feel green will get us on the peach Quest between now and eleven the royals the place for the Premier League continue supporting the regime all the way to Wembley B.B.C. Radio. Managing the feed the picture excitement will be at this time next week as far as the rules of concern let's get the Big Easy visa don't know his brawny wait following reports he told Russian officials James Comey was a nut job and his sacking had eased great pressure there are fresh questions about why President Trump for the director of the F.B.I. The White House hasn't disputed the language that was used Norah bicker reports from Washington the day after Donald Trump fired James Comey He told Russian officials that the former F.B.I. Director was crazy a real not job he added that he felt that with James Corney gone the pressure over the F.B.I.'s investigation into alleged Russian links to the Trump campaign would be relieved Mr Cohen we'll be able to give his own account of his dealings with Mr Trump and the inquiry into Moscow's meddling in the twenty sixteen presidential campaign during an open session of the Senate Intelligence Committee in two weeks' time Pippa Middleton marries financier James Matthews at St Mark's Church in angle field later a reception will be held after at the Middleton's family home in Bucklebury or huge grass Malky has been erected Prince George in Princes Charlotte will be pageboy and bridesmaid at the ceremony well as thought Prince Harry will be accompanied by his girlfriend the American actress Meghan Markle editor of boxing Life magazine Janice Rae Cross says the church is beautiful it's the quintessential English countryside church sittin in the most glorious state and overlooked by Richard Burton in home angle field but it is an absolutely beautiful spot here's the same. The state itself has cake at all the entrances there is a level of privacy that this allowed new research suggests homeownership among young families in reading has fallen sharply the Resolution Foundation think tank which gathered the data says the worst affected areas of the North of England and out of London but in the southeast homeownership in the twenty five to thirty four year old age group fell from sixty four percent in one thousand nine hundred four to thirty four percent in two thousand and sixteen Lindsay judge from the Foundation says it's a growing problem falling homeownership for young families really matters for two reasons it matters in the here and now a lot more young family is living in the private rented sector which is expensive it's insecure and it's often not a very nice place to live but it also matters and we see from the debates around social care this week that having a home is a key way that many people build an asset their lifetime it really matters when you get old whether you own housing wealth a section of the end three is closed again this weekend for resurfacing work B.B.C. Radio boxes Nick Johnson has the details the works being carried out between junctions two for the M twenty five and three for light water four thousand tonnes of resurfacing material will be spread on the carriageway as part of the one hundred seventy four million pound smart motorway scheme the section of road will be shut until early on Monday morning drivers are warned to expect delays and diversions and to find alternative routes if possible a man from New Breed has been charged with attempting to incite a teenage girl to engage in sexual activity thirty four year old Barry Skinner from day would drive appeared at reading magistrates yesterday he was remanded in custody and will appear in reading crown court next month and a diversity of Benton slow will see more than one hundred fifty dancers and singers perform in the town center today before our dance in unity event coincides with well Diversity Day and will showcase performances from ballet to Bangor it's been organized by the council's community. Group counseling. Is leader of slow Council Council slow we have the most diverse town in the U.K. So for us to bring all the communities together are celebrating in the way of dancing that we are bringing cultures together and different kinds of acts coming along and bringing communities together. And have a wonderful day B.B.C. Radio. Thank you Brian. So it's all Judy in the song Jim Pippa Middleton in the newspapers this morning and they seem to be a bit obsessed with Pippa Middleton's bottom I'm not sure this is what you should be talking about only girls wedding day in Inglefield But anyway I'll give you a few of the headlines just give you a sense of what the papers are talking about this morning at the sun a wedding of the rears it's Megan versus paper they're suggesting that Pippa needs to watch out for Harry's girlfriend Meghan Markle and her bottom of the star hereon Meghan's big bum what else we got in the newspapers this morning a bit of the business from yesterday with Judy in a song Sweet in dropping charges against him the Guardian the wars just begun with songs defiant after a race Kate rate cases dropped the male was a creep after leaking secrets dodging sex charges and costing the U.K. Thirty million pounds Judy in a song marks the end of a rape probe by giving the world a human rights lecture or one more story this is interesting in election story in The Telegraph Scottish to keep winter fuel benefit because it's colder this is the Scottish conservatives telling stories in May in the U.K. Conservatives that pensioners in Scotland should keep their winter fuel payment because the climate is different there I wonder whether this is stage is this a bit set up so the Scottish conservatives can say to the people of Scotland look we're fighting for you that's on the front of the Telegraph this morning and. Brian has got the weather's lovely out so I brought in well it will be a day of sunshine but also a shallow as the showers will become more why. With the chance of. It will still pleasant and. Continue during the evening that most. Nights have sixteen degree sixty. The features were three hundred fifty thousand pounds. Running one fifty four coverage of the meeting. The reading. Says he's felt physically sick he's been so distressed about the sending off that puts him. On Monday week useful to us and we can kick off last night in the studio is a full weekend. Fixtures it's a final round of fix just and we will keep across the softening from schools. In the push for the Premier League. Over the next few days on B.B.C. Radio four you. Will be. In the. They morning B.B.C. Radio barge show right welcome to the studio Nicki Emily Lucy and Amy morning ladies. Morning like this out of you already very rock awake alone they've been perking and Nikki Emily Lucy and Amy are from the Maidenhead lady circle is that rise from the right was a lady circle involved so basically it's a local group of young women who go out and have fun making friends and do some fund raising as well so making a difference in our community when we say go out and have fun and really want to be me. Oh we do lots different things that we. Treasure hunts around when we've. Lost the classes we've done but we don't thing we do about different things Lucy's chocoholic Yeah that's right that's it's nice to get out and I don't miss it now and yet you have armed with chocolate I haven't but I don't think somebody else has more if we don't have supplies that anything could happen between now and it really be flying three hours the most of all without chopped up and I really you know that's actually been the site right the Maidenhead lady circular in the house you need a team name for later Nicky Emily Lucy and I mean we're playing with me in the I'm due to crack a double a truce cryptic clues to leave this location was around see if we can get to the peach at the end of it by eleven o'clock this morning more you. Know this is what I have to say Peachey I think I might getting to the major. Wrong on the basis that my street. Like the idea of that on the basis that was. What did you hear that made you think oh yeah that's me. Well Billy Don't let me I mean. That's right yeah yeah you know what I do have to chop that. They have to get you with this it's just that there's definitely chocolate involved where are you starting a new school this morning where is double edged especially to where we are at which it's on ten and needless to say Roach managed to get us here without going by at the toll bridge so we didn't have to pay because you know what he's about if he doesn't have to pay for the toll bridge they're not going to get as much to pay for anything as a season ticket holder than that right you know Roger is in place behind the wheel a new church toll bridge is a part of our area that any of you guys know know what you're going to pay one way I know that was a good start ladies and gentlemen are you ready to quest we are yes. Good morning my dear Questers you're looking in fine form this morning. I may say so but if you have time I would start with a rhyme. They once was a woman from Bray who came to preach quest for a day she thought she would win but when she came in she met me what more can I say . That. Could one. Considers this will probably stump you from the start you'll be stars of the show if you solve this grisly clue but stay within the edges and don't go over to reach location number two all right so there is your first clue from with church toll bridge over the last you first initial because you're sometimes really good early Oh no you see put me on the spot every week and dumb. Cricket street Star Cricket Ground. That's all that comes to mind at the May There is. A me. Until you stumps myself so far yeah it's a tough one Nicky was playing board I'm. Good Lucy I have absolutely no idea let's play clear wall again and say every bit of it will mean something every bit of it will have some relevance to working out where we're supposed to be going from with church if you can help put a call a clue one. This will probably stump you from the start you'll be stars of the show if you solve this grisly clue but stay within the edges and don't go over to reach location number to stay within the agencies. And don't go overseas over is another cricket reference in that there is a terrible wicket on their. Own cricket cricket ground if the ground yeah and I mean Pangborn so small it wouldn't take all the fun is to get anywhere in time once he could just dispatched. New to time on critics of the case got a good leave it to see what else they. Can you help with clear wall we've got to come a cricket references in man outfit so Paul oh three four five mind hundred one I for one would you want to stay frozen Would you look at these people move now. I mean that stuff I have on the new yes get let me tell you what I'm born Cricket Club Yeah would you change the way in which are yes it's in south up to the chair right over the river from pinball right so but with the with be very close to where she's funny right now where exactly. Where it says if you're coming from a car from the car from kind of old south side of the Thames you have to pay the twenty P. Tolly twenty to cross a with a which cuts rates. OK Minister you go but I must say I've also got a date it's a Saturday so my guys and girls that only a good day to just came over here to say that if this is an intelligence test he's failed it launched another news or better so we all have them for you know about all of the art gallery in Primeval. But I think we're going to I'm just asking if he knows the direct highball Cricket Club played. Pangborn cricket would you going to go down the hill to the time bomb and I think you said well think it's a bomb but somewhere OK Really if you go. Over the bridge we do know that you've got to pay the money more money for he doesn't like things more when you have Sorry my job. Will kill you so I will reimburse even if you're like losing against this regain the good stuff so hang born cricket closely that is down to hear what you say down the highlands of playing ball there are some districts OK we're going to get one in the Cantante but I save my speech Oh thanks for the all bets quite a bit as well next time next time David it's. All about I so I we're going down the hill to Pangborn Cricket Club which is the best we can do with a couple of cricket reference to. Have a listen to clue one could want. Probably. But. Could you help the ladies from the circle. Between. His cryptic clues. A get through. At some point of. Reference. Lucy and Amy are here trying to deal with clue warmth everyone is looking for very sternly at this mall. But also my story as I was coming back from having been on the train last night and everyone around me was never looked up from a small photo of the entire journey I thought what would have the conversation sorry what do you think you know about Clearwater. They were trying to link I can feel everything together about investment ROI briefly and cricket stump and Grizzly of bear thing what you know every time I put grizzly in it brings me up local crime so you're. Not going to. But the reason these sightings of road kill. I never got a thing is that on one figure you haven't discovered yet roadkill both only the symbol that the logo for the cricket club is some sort of Bob I think so which would link him with the right kind of yeah correctly not sure on the right track but I mean I mean Tony we're thinking cricket how you doing with Pangborn Cricket Club a new show. Where you go on and on and on I don't know where it is something I really want to say so I don't know where I had to take it. I think when I was doing was the reaction Oh good. Well she's a good became a dependable but then it was sort of like trying to say I think I said just go over the bridge when I You basically what he's doing to find one on the left of me I think from Pangborn you need to I mean I have to I'm at home against it I thought and that's what I'm seeing on the map so you go towards our problem from now on kind of one right towards Fassel that's the walnuts for the three to nodding towards Oxford is made on the roadway bridge. So that when you go past field park yes. From I'm going to is going to ask well how are you then so that's that's where we thinking is very cricket ground though I do want to be honest that's what's troubling me about it I'm trying to think of more songs of a play there because there are many cricket grounds that we haven't played. I call picture partner on Moon says it's right near Pangborn call a chip that anyhow I'm behind Bowden playing field role and now I'm going college even in totally different oh yeah that's not anywhere near BILL PALMER It's going on a different road that is till it's up a battle to the yeah you call it well not really ready to eat and on the way I think it's a thing of about a month I think about the last year yeah you're thinking of love I think now about the Abbey the opossum tangle in college I think you know for the first song just ignore that. Night Yes Bill Paul Casey words are lower than the journey. So someone or Russia would know what everyone else is like a. Lot of people are suggesting that Grizzly will be a reference to Gore in Gulag Risley Goring Oh you love the people saying that some people out there are clever at the mouth but I don't know that's what I mean that's almost inevitably going to be wrong because there's tens of thousands of little. Christina. Down the hill left on the Greyhound and East Field Road The critics love is the end of the road only over the bridge. Christie her. RALEIGH OK so we're climbing up to a tangle college now OK we go is it we still wanting to go here. Yes I think so you go try it since you're on the way but. You know when I say I was here already I write on all C.H. Says Peachey I'm very proud of successfully managed to confuse both news Graham feel kind of the last mile what happened. Yes actually I felt like you know I was a bit of a sort of car is this a moment when I looked at the messages and I thought all the times well till I heard his. No one time was what it was like no one else has a completely different Listen yeah one feels like we have a and I do is I mean I think I have a nice. Side Up. Joe Brown and I went around that going on ten cricket calls have a new stars cricket and the shooting. Star In a minute stop. So not many could be good morning cricket club you're wrong and we turn now to find well go warring even about road always trying to send your Before Hello buckled in this quite by accident. But that is the be all part we love our children rose and it will take you to go or. It is so we need to go back the other way turn around with you we're outside of time for college back into prime born a man past the postcard of the roadway a bridge of a hospital Paul got to go remember his last ride his mother Yeah yeah I think you're better than we are and it's a big round Wellington garden her recreation ground operetta cross roads boring up on Red Cross Roads. Right OK well get into growing then I know the way to go ring might need a bit of navigating to the road he was right for like fall from the center door he goes only small Is that why I'm bored so it's tiny as near trying to picture go or impede your car some of us in a moment of it not yet anyway never been there we think we're off to Goring Cricket Club one. This will probably stump you from the start. But stay within the edges. To reach. The ladies of the Maidenhead ladies circle three four five nine hundred one. Sonny and Cher B.B.C. Radio. Going around in circles good to me was that I'm going to see a lot of people helping so I was what was. A whole extended family of Lady circle members across the U.K. Listening unhealthy interest to him looking things up for you so we've got. To we've got to we've got Louise listening in. To rock the boat today making head and several other fields so everyone's helping instance I've just heard so far a good six are trying out boring critics. While I'm just going. Yeah well we'll call. It When You can get in and see some of your things all that kind of business. So I was just coming up to the traffic lights I'm hoping that they're all green because I can read. On another much bigger but I think those logs you're talking about think they're clever I think no one but no feel their own . Oh OK I think like you they were seem to change you roll up to their own no you see oh yeah they have actually as you've spoken they've rolled over I'm so yeah that's probably right and very unsure I saw you coming so we're on our way now to Goring and we're thinking the Cricket Club is where we're heading next we'll see shortly big talkers got the forecast if you're having so you're almost royal wedding today and will feel something like what's the weather going to do hello good morning well it's fairly fresh to start today with but it's a beautiful start across Park so we've got a lot of sunshine many of us a couple of skies I think we'll see a dry morning at the club will tend to bubble up a bit as we go towards lunchtime and into the afternoon we do run the risk of getting a few showers now but everywhere will catch a shower they will tend to be heavy slow moving with the old rumble of thunder so if you do get one you are likely to see quite a bit of rainfall in a short space of time nevertheless in any sunshine highs at sixteen degrees tonight the showers do die away we're left with largely dry conditions clay spouse and again it will be quite a fresh night we could see a bit of patchy fog forming lows of seven degrees tomorrow a dry day I think we'll start off with a lot of sunshine there will be some clouds building as the day goes on so it will tend to be spells of sunshine but light twins and I think tomorrow it will start to feel that a bit warmer to want to spots across the nineteen degrees you can get a full ten day forecast on our website bbc don't kowtow U.K. Forward slash parka Thanks for watching B B C B C radio talk show travel you trust as it happens back to the peach question a sec first Jessica is watching the roads for you. Well the M three shots a weekend between junction T. For the M twenty five and three for like water parade was and that could cause in some build ups on the M four today so no problem so far on our main routes a clear run on the I thirty full and I'm twenty five to at the moment checking the senses in winter she's looking slow around reading right and Robin Hood lane at the moment and we're into the final week of those works on Bagshot road in Bracknell that's around Market Street on. Around about that public transport looking OK but if you spot anything else cool me on a three full five nine three double one three double three Chapel you trust from B.B.C. Radio supporting reading all the way to Wembley I knew what my voice could do and I doubt it and this is just talk more year old post to see all the way wells on the C.B.C. Radio blog share his brawny what's been dubbed the society wedding of the year will take place today embellish it the Duchess of Cambridge's system. Middleton will marry her fiancé James Matthews at St Mark's Church in angle filled senior Labor figures have contradicted each other over the county's policy on the Trident nuclear weapon system the shadow defense secretary not Griffith accused her friend her front bench colleague Emily of making inot current remarks about their position new research that suggests homeownership among young families in reading has fallen sharply the Resolution Foundation think tank which gather the data says in the southeast homeownership in the twenty five to thirty four year old age group fell from sixty four percent in one thousand nine hundred four to thirty four percent in two thousand and sixteen a man's been charged with attempting to incite a teenage girl to engage in sexual activity and you very thirsty four year old Barry Skinner from gay would drive a page and reading magistrates yesterday on a section of the M three is closed again this weekend for resurfacing it's being carried out between junctions two and three and will remain shut until early Monday morning we're going to the wrong place brawny go in cricket ground you think I think it's a good look at the small phone activity the around. You because already attendance with your parents are not good for you there's no use for you to become a bad boy sell sell you know try to own the stock market somewhere else that I think I've heard you know on its own you frantically commits to the toss your money about to get a really. Small wood chip in a second or two Jong has got some help or sort of morning you know warning Whereabouts are you Joe. Moment but in some of us an American on the age where the edge could have been the edge of the Thames because it's a form about buying more YEAH GO THERE WERE good grades but that's all money so far as the ferry boat and on the wrong and so on yeah you get to the guy and loads of the guy and go right down to the end of their credit but you don't let us down so I just thought it was a thought the market garden this is Pangborn Cricket Club which is that they would go away I live here so what we're thinking now you see we now think you might be Goring critique I'll listen to that but that going out with your existing one no she still no I think it could be you when you tell us where we're just going to be anyway in case we need it yeah OK you've got one John thank you so much have a good weekend Yes Thank you Sir John in some states thirty two should we need which is pretty club that's where it is easing there is an issue where you're going to go or in cricket clubs where are you now. No way. That's trying to step on the phone and those go where you know we're just going to read out eventually why you lost maybe just coming to St Louis OK And then yeah if you while you're on my one let me get to the Crossroads you're going to write I know it's right to go away Ruskin Florida then why did he go where is the cricket club even during returning right of the three tune on God in a recreation ground zero going to do you know where that is in context to let's say the parades. Say when you get into St Louis going right this one extremely high school ring law and why are you for the bridge and then carry on and then it's kind of on the right just before you get into the center of the war in story Black OK and let all the three of chopper ride across are just a parade just off the bridge go left. Yes So it's kind of the third on the left OK that's very good I thought that's very good I can tell you Look what I'm loving about you guys among many things is that when you don't really know you really want to say that. I know you scream you will come here and there are absolutely everywhere but who are not Jones or morrow morning John. Can you help going round in circles yet I don't go in very well. So the news because coming through straightly at the US Yet you turn right at the crossroads down towards the bridge and you go over the two bridges over the ten yes OK you just passed there you've got the measure of Mansfield problem though yes yeah I know that yeah through the through the shops. Race you know. It's not there and there's a house on the corner called I mean literally but you don't go that oh it's all right thank you. But I play it straight up straight. Up to the shops and then just the tool you get to the road over the railway bridge Yeah it was put there that did mediately the left OK the bridge numbers for four seven two it's written on the bridge but you know we go now yeah that puts you in a long enough for me. So let's see what you mean here is the johns directions are completely different from yours they all say those things are left right off the bridge is junk so yeah yeah well yeah but it's all for you going over the. I don't know where you are going out you have us all I meant left I think it's safe to enjoy knowing about it and we do not need a let down immediately that just before we're going to be. All right away for a second I think we're going to do that now with you know that brilliance and just that all there is the cricket of the cricket. Right have you found it OK No no no yes oh you get the impression really found this. Thing on the minute we're going to put a book he's going to put it into. Your house now that we've got a job thanks so much thank you thank you. Said And we're going to join him all Oh thank you correction so I can see at the top going to stay with you want to leap out to Roy Stone Well I'm going to I don't want to get me and I take my breath and say I haven't really looked like night yeah oh no cricket yeah yeah that might not go to Feel So Young Yeah yeah it's fifty nine yeah something. Really and it was a you and the edge is now I think it's the first session such that the twentieth of my success fifteenth journalistically it was actually really you were in the peak Kwak time running media do yes now do you know we go into any sort of lovely talking to you. Yeah yeah. Well let me point out that last week we didn't get this sort of we didn't get as far as they can to help us not only last night saying you guys are doing well. Or that googling plays on. A cricket mission by the B.B.C. They were going. Mappable kill. Anybody they want to find out more information about the. U.K. . Find a local club today and. Next week. We can if you get it then and if you need to come down and. See how young the five to eight year old OK Oh never mind them taking me thinking about getting you down here this morning. Well. OK All right you know we're going to be wondering what we're running on. My first day. Out here it's not someone just texted to say you went a very long way around. The. Pattern like I had to texted to say tell the girls I'm not going to tell the girl some tangent ladies are listening or trying to help we're all past it so we were pretty over to help very much I'm sure that's not right Actually that's a lot of knowledge that's all right and we got the clay ready. Yeah yeah question. Think about my class a clue carefully it's all in the name but you'll need to get it you want to play. Right so from Goring cricket club back to double like games you've probably already guessed I've given you lots of cricketing terms here stump staying within the edges which could be a boundary and over which is of course another term in cricket meaning the bowling of six consecutive legal ball so we know you should be at a cricket club but whereabouts in Bhatia Well I'm afraid I was a little bit sneaky here not like me as if the only clue I gave was Grizzly if something is grisly it's probably gory so go ring Cricket Club today they start the All Star Cricket initiative for both boys and girls who are aged five to eight Hence the saying you will all be stars. To Dia Questers down. The road of man's best friend think about my clue carefully it's all in the name but you need to get a reverend if you want to play this game right so we're onto a clue to go around in circles doing very well so far the smart phones are out to get you I wanted to rather see what we get on the rubble from flu to where we're standing in the next to the set. Up something this is the Bush family radio show first it has the support amongst the runners in the first big race of the day over twelve thirty Long says Clive Cox is my dream boat and Cox is based over and says my dream boats in good form going into the race it was stirred first time up our trip very pleasing campaign last year when it will ask and. Ye stepping up to monitor for the first time in the extant park so we're looking forward to that and he's definitely one that will prefer a little bit. Slower ground rather than rock hard ground which would have had if it hadn't rained but the feature today is the luck engine three hundred fifty thousand pounds mark of the prize money up for grabs at three thirty all the racing live here on B.B.C. Radio partially myself eighty and legendary jockey John Reid with the coverage from one till five the softer noon and majesty the queen towards Dartmouth won the Yorkshire Cup at York yesterday Dartmouth MEMRI won the Hardwick stakes at Royal Ascot last summer John Warren of the majesty the Queen's racing manager and his trainer Michael Styles says there's a possibility Dartmouth will run the Gold Cup but ask it in a few weeks time it is more likely Dartmouth will run in a hard way again Charlie hills and Paul Cole were amongst the winners at Newbury yesterday reading Captain Paul McShane at times this last month he felt physically sick with nerves watching the team and literally a hamstring injury kept him out then when he returned he was sent off on a suspension will keep him out the play off final against Huddersfield in nine days time McShane says thousands of managed. Style has been key to the success of the team this season is very camp and he is he is a bit of a joker as well and quote quite enjoy his jokes he's got a truly center you know my boy. And he's getting his rhythm Dari like he's looking for solutions my point there when we'd be pressed and lost the next two games it was like this is this is what we're known so we've got to get parallel what we do teams now who are playing now so we've just got to get there and that was it the lads bought into it Sunderland will only consider offers of around thirty million pounds the goalkeeper wouldn't pick that whole City boss Marco Silver says the club want him to remain in charge in the Championship next season is yet to decide on his future the Tigers relegated from the Premier League after a formal defeat the hands of Crystal Palace on Sunday all the Premier League games the final round of fixtures tomorrow not much to sort out in the relegation have been sorted as have the title winners England pace bowler Jimmy Anderson suffered a growing injury while on duty for Lancashire at Old Trafford he was forced to leave the field to receive treatment yesterday and RORY McILROY will miss the B.M.W. P.G.A. At Wentworth next weekend he's injured a rib and he's been told to rest for a couple of weeks McElroy absence a major blow for the European Tour event which gets underway on Thursday for coverage of that here on B.B.C. Radio Bhatia let me thank you James B. C. Radio bugs this morning from the left and it's still. Right now you're listening to the peach quest if you don't miss those every day of our way couple of things that in the big push for the Premier League head of our game on Bank Holiday Monday women against Huddersfield so join us if you're reading fans over the next week lots and lots of fun for you maybe some good prizes to give away as well stay tuned to B.B.C. Radio barks Plus we've got the election road show in the next three weeks as well so we're going to take the radio station every different constituency in our area meet all the candidates talk about all the issues. That's taught in Brighton all Brighton I'm working in college on Monday morning from seven now it's going round in circles on the peach quest that's Emilie Amy Lucy and Nicky in the studio working on click to come to Dia questions down the road of man's best friend think about my clues carefully it's all in the maze but you need to get a river and if you want to play this game so what are you thinking going around in circles lots of different things. That we we've got play on words we did Questers we put D. e e R M D A Yeah it's either a typo all I know now I'm wondering whether Elmhurst walk down the road but it's best friends it big Yeah you know when they're ready it's related to there's been suggestions from the other seculars about I don't write to in Henley don't row do you have think of don't write it on any word overnight that's quite far from yeah I already know it to be a family for twenty minutes I did to him because that was a long long time to a week where you could say a long time to waste to be wrong or you are behaving badly so maybe Elmhurst walk. Around with their Get ready to look at the DID questions whether it's a gram a day a question or just any thoughts on this newsgroup Aragorn Cricket Club why should we should be going next do you think. That the new show any ideas it's only Any thoughts from the. Who or on what level do you. Know no idea what. All of the players oh yeah OK well. Yeah so anything to do with Jill. And Chechens maybe dogs are in a trance and. Dogs and churches can you. With clue two zero three four five nine hundred one I for one to go. Down the road of man's best friend think about my clue carefully it's all in the name but you'll need to get a reverend if you want to play this game. Over three four five nine hundred one I for one if you can know is me B.B.C. Radio box. To the forecast and be talk up hello good morning well we've had a beautiful start to the day across box and we've still got quite a bit of sunshine out there at the moment it will take its time for the cloud to push in from the West but I think as we go through the morning there will be a little bit more cloud starting to feed in isolated showers the bulk of the showers they will come this afternoon heavy slay me with the old rumble of thunder two I think they will still be some sunshine between them and high of sixty degrees and the shot was dying away quite quickly as we go through each night like last night dry with clear spouse what a fresh night too and we could see want to folk patches forming with loads of sixty degrees tomorrow marks the start of a more settled spell of weather should be a dry day again with some sunshine I think it will be some cloud about at times it's going to be peace guys all day but certainly some decent sunny spells and feeling warm too with highs of nineteen degrees and you can get a full ten day forecast on our website bbc to a forward slash then this is the peach Quest. Going round in circles in the studio let me just what else is saying taste this helps Julianne and Juliet in early say Peachey it'll be because going which is you don't play any. Ashrams that. G.V. And Juliet So it's a Vickers going shopping ashrams to say someone else is saying. Yeah it may very well you go as we were going up I think is going as well just come on. With that thing going around where thinking about going in that direction I just did so from Warri Yeah. Once you get there say she needs to go back to St Louis. And then get on the before W. Knowing wrong towards West oh so SHE Oh you go back to the gun go straight across the cross road Yes the way to do it is Miss Yes I knew you should go in to retrace your steps Yeah I'm retrace your steps back to the Crossroads the Goring street the crossroads we're going to yes you go back to the crossroads and straight over this town. Great straight to the cross right all right so we pick you up I should go back to the crossroads where you were before they go straight across. Drive out to the ground up to that so you go. You feel a little bit of the end of it. Down that. Road and then. You find that like yeah. But reckons about fifteen minutes by car right you know it's one hundred fifty draw or something about sort of. Anything else to the. Dia Quest. The road of man's best friend think about my clue carefully it's all in the maze again but you need to get a read if you want to play this game. Breaking news my listeners the logo. Because guy you shall in no don't blame ash from citizen DIA apparently the logo is there for sure we got that lots of people texting it to be because going on Goldline you are from home so the question is where all your neighbors go. I'm just going to pass despite all of this to come down to all sort of draw evil why are you so I've been around the world. I live in it now look at. This retrace your steps back to the Crossroads Yeah we're going to but something has to right all right and. Now we are retracing Yeah we're tracing steps OK So this is this is going to be right I think we're going to come in and say you. Go away let me have a little. Rise you just go. Poncy cricket grounds a cricket ground is on our left to call in a sort of square in your back through the central shoring over the river is the center of cooling. Over the Rye OK over the river back to the crossroads and then right. Straight over here with the water so I'll have to hop on my left on your left and saw I've yet to be full haven't laid eyes on right now OK. We're going to turn right now and go past all the little parade of shall see hurry house business normally we weren't going at this time on the beach Chris is a bloke with a whole. This note that this woman will keep a lovely till the Roll Call says oh I'm on a minute it's a very narrow road is taking very sort of strategic driving. Lewis Hamilton military Yeah we're going through some day through the center of glory now past the Korean grocer. Past the Miller Hall of Mansfield. Course it has to be said only on your roof once you get back to the crossroads and you're all going straight over there you were getting into waiting country don't you you're getting closer and closer to the big wedding to that yet still going to let us get near it all the way I would've thought so to be all within a few years in there would be great we just burst into I'm. Not sure you'd be that welcome I could be wrong maybe double A just go friends in high places but I wouldn't go there with our. So we like to go on the move out to sea over the second bridge now in West far. St Louis. OK so if you can picture where we are we're coming up to the crossroads now where behind the cyclists Roy should take some time or you'll be aging a lovely. He's heading back and when she goes over when she goes off down the for the annoying which you're going to again ashrams the ash kashrus to take another turn in returning at some point is in the way you want the one you want the Romans until you get to left at some point it's probably good ten minutes down maybe not your class right now OK Straight over going straight over roads straight over. So we're going to go possible on this cyclist Oh no don't do that. He LIKES JUST LET ME OH OH point we'll leave the peach rest. We'll leave in the heading down to be borderline no. We're on our way to because game butcher's saddle. Still. Love. If you see writing a blog should take that. So a guy getting a lot of input here we got my lazy listening tell me and my friend Juliet is on holiday in Malaysia and is listening post side to side point I know you are shouting out Judy at the poles live in Malaysia Good morning you also got to see the Maidenhead roundtable Yeah we've got Richard out he's my husband my hippy my children are probably out that by now Jenny left you hope you're listening to them we've got law right long awaited we've got Janet we've got Louise we got the whole team you see what some of the Barren lives of our friends from our neighborhood because ladies have this big national organization safe hopefully we've got lots of help and one of the Round Table first round table basically saying these girls are great just don't often Ray directions. So you stereotyping there know where we got to who were on Route two because going by. As in ashrams to where all you need to go. Again nowhere in a place with no phone signal turns out to be the art of all of this question I hate the so call it is what's going to happen here we're going to get a double agent is going to lead us right into the angle field church with people getting married when we lose the phone signal tell us where we going to be pretty confident about it I think oh yes yeah a lot of people saying it's me because going butchers in ashrams where we're going next we'll see whether it's right very shortly that's our look at the Rose now B.B.C. Radio talk show travel you trust as it happens the latest from Jessica Moore and Jessica money Andre will be in full is looking like hey at the moment but do expect some delays on it today because most people will be using it because the end three is shot school weekend between junction T T M twenty five and three for light water for right what it is still looking slow around reading writing Robin had lain in winner and her lines heavy now northbound from up with the old right through ation failed in reading it is starting to key into town on the eighth full at work in bright and services and now suspended on Great Western Railway between reading and get weak and cool that's because of an incidence but if you spot anything else cool eighty three full five nine three devil one three three travel the trust from B.B.C. Radio five Live from the M three things not looking so bad this morning so some shining it's the entry peep show for Saturday the twentieth of my papers wedding day an angle Field live with you until she was a live in this morning with the ladies from Maidenhead going round in circles doing pretty well because well we're pretty confident we've cracked clue too and we're already on route to get a clue free ashrams think we'll see what happens next the royals have done it the pressure the Premier League continues the forcing raising all the way to what I'm doing B.B.C. Radio about. The push for the Premier League. General election twenty seventeen zero zero here on B.B.C. Radio in the next few days to stay with us the music mine comes from Brian White what's been dubbed the society wedding of the year will take place in Baghdad today the Duchess of Cambridge is sister Pippa Middleton Pippa Middleton will marry her fiance James Matthews at St Mark's Church in angle filled a reception will be held after and the Middletons family home in Bucklebury John is Raycroft is the editor of boxing Life magazine she thinks Pippa's dress will be unlike the bridesmaids outfit she wore at her sister Kate's wedding that cools just I think it will be a little bit more to do even with all the streams and Spitfire supposedly flying over and Scottish things to buy part players and practice calibration everything else I suspect Pippa's dress will have a fairly classical style to it the try to nuclear weapons system is proving to be a divisive issue in the Labor party hierarchy the shadow defense secretary NY Griffith accused her colleague Emily Thornberry of making inaccurate remarks about their position. Is the shadow foreign secretary the secretary had indicated after a review of defense a Labor government could abandon its support for tried and which is managed at sites in Berfield and Aldermaston But Miss Griffiths said Labor's position was settled his own political correspondent Mark label just three weeks before Emily Thornberry could be the next foreign secretary she was asked by L B C radio if she could guarantee tried and would not be scrapped under a Labor Government Defense Review Well of course not she replied adding If you're going to have a review you have to have a review but later on NEWSNIGHT the shadow defense secretary near Griffith said the review would be about how money would be spent not about whether to keep tried and . Team insisted she accepted the debate was now over but it's embarrassing for labor that splits of once again emerged so publicly. Further questions have been raised about Donald Trump's reasons for firing the director of the F.B.I. It follows reports that the U.S. President told Russian officials James Komi was a nut job who sucking had relieved pressure on him the Republican congressman will hurt says he's confident that any wrongdoing will emerge as a result of a of the independent investigation headed by the former F.B.I. Director Robert Muller we need to make sure that this investigation is much logical and done in a patient and bipartisan way and we can't have a knee jerk reaction to every news report that comes out but I think Republicans and Democrats are sure that molar is going to run down every lead to wherever the truth may take US homeownership among young families has fallen significantly in reading in the southeast homeownership in the twenty five to thirty four year old age group felt from sixty four percent in one thousand nine hundred four to thirty four percent in two thousand and sixteen the data was compiled by think tank the Resolution Foundation he's genuine and the Resolution Foundation classes a young family has one with both adults between twenty five and thirty four it's usually assume that soaring house prices in London would have the greatest impact on affordability for younger households but the think tank says that the North of England and outer London have been affected the most the Resolution Foundation which is chaired by the former Conservative minister Lord Willetts says homeownership among young families has fallen sixty three percent in places such as Harrow and Croydon between one thousand nine hundred four and twenty sixteen more than one hundred fifty dunces and singers from across our perform in the town center today to Shea case its diversity the four don'ts in unity event coincides with world Diversity Day councillor materie Bedi is a member of the community cohesion group and is one of the organizers we want to grow without any prejudice that's really important for us the future generate. It's all mixed together as one and so. We continue to do this well help our unity and Ph D.'s B.B.C. Radio with thanks very much indeed Brian. So papers wearing an angle feel reception in Bucklebury and all the front page you'll say it is but basically looking at people's bottoms because people showed off a bottom at Kate's wedding in twenty eleven the sums from place to days it's Meghan versus paper in the wedding of the rears the same thing in Star and Megan's big Pippa gets Wed but all eyes are on Miss Marple at the mirror this morning watch out paper Megan Markel is ready to sparkle on your big day what else is a election news the Telegraph's I'm picking up on something that Ruth Davidson least of his conservative leader said yesterday which is that pensioners in Scotland should all keep their winter fuel benefit because the climate is colder up there but the political posturing going on I think there's a fair bit about Judy in the Saunders Well after the sex charges against him were dropped by Swedish prosecutors yesterday he appeared on the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy in London The Guardian says the war's just begun a song is defined after a rape case dropped the male was a creep after leaking secrets dodging sex charges and costing us thirteen million pounds Judy in the song marked the end of the right probably by giving the world a human rights lecture so an eclectic mix of stuff in the papers this morning for the. Very nice outside brawny what's happening weather wise well that will be a day of sunshine on showers the showers will become more widespread and heavy during the afternoon with a chance of Thunder however it will feel pleasant in the sunshine at the showers will continue during the evening but most will die away even enjoy and relatively clear night by the sixteen degrees at sixty one Fahrenheit got a sports car blocking engine and a new breed today the features worth three hundred fifty thousand pounds. Goal to get rid just one my dream bike from running at one fifty for coverage of the meeting here on B.B.C. Radio show the softening. Says he's felt physically sick he's been so distressed about the sending off that puts the play off final at Wembley on Monday week useful to us and we can kick off last night in the studio and as a full weekend all the Premier League fixtures it's a final round of fixtures and we will keep across the use of softening from the right schools saw more. From the push for the Premier League over the next few days here. You. Are. Going round in circles here everybody morning lady on the way to. The clue to. The road of man's best friend think about my clue it's all in the main but you need to get a reverend if you want to play this game going round in circles stalls Lucy Emily and Nicky from the circle we've already been to. Thinking now because game but just in a new. Line somewhere the question where were you in one of the out. I think. Yes Our lives are going at seven I remember getting hit with my mom and my sister in search of good sausage is the most text about the sausages already actually been a neighbor has already said pick up some sausages want your They're the best for miles around. This child living here in the kids being you know not that excited to go to bitches but yes very excited by the butcher's business right OK I'm going . I'm going in night. Let me say if I can find anybody that's having it well there's really saw in the window oh really we're expecting ISSUE one with you. On the peach classed and I was sure I'm jaded not the smell of the sausage isn't everything before want to excise is about you whereas do you have a clue we do know you're. Going to be going incredibly well nine minutes past nine on the claim three. Yet very So before we go on apart from your amazing sausages which all the talk of the town what else was going on here and why we settle so it's been lovely to look for a fresh bread this morning huh Smiles Foundation is the only council set up and ready to go with. Me now resulting to action Yes so long as the sunshine keeps us shining then yes OK Charlie said you did you've got the clue that so you can read to help you always actually paid until the war was brilliant I love that OK we're all in your best reading voice while I smell that Brett OK quest is us still lead in the rights to say Bring a friend if you need somehow go to the place where the Dutch merchant arrests make sure you do it in time a portable TOWIE's way to be a reach it before you hit the China roll. So from Hampstead in the game Bush is there with the best sausages for miles according to Murphy Newberry back to Double H. The road of man's best friend is Dog Lane The reason I told you it was all in the name is because I've been very generous here and virtually given you the next location another word for Reverend is a vicar and I told you to play the game put them together and you have vicars game on Dog Lane I said Dear Questers because the business in ASH has been supplying game and the deer meat to farm shops butchers and restaurants for more than a hundred years to three. Questers your still learning the ropes so ring your friend if you need some help go to the place where the Dutch merchant rests make sure you do it in time a portable tower is waiting for you retreat before you hear of a try any thoughts Lucy and I think we're thinking maybe time. Is that we're thinking yeah he's maybe the lightest because that's right bell tower which I am not will be back down the three two No again when we back to the crossroads this time turning right Bill park and install his last words around saying that in a lot of that way if you're getting on the road yet I'm going to go yeah OK a new skill with thinking told her we gave you the call and you did. It I'm just checking now is the road quick oh well is there a quicker way from a chance to talk to her than that because I'm know now thinking that about work but he's going to be not doing an enormous rolling tango isn't it sort of there's a better way your country I'm not sure but his guitar Hurst we're thinking. Tile her whereabouts in time her not your yeah I think is that she the tell has Chet's because that's where he's buried so bad that. I like him so you could retrace your steps back to the crossroads in the street the and then turn right and that will take you to tell her but on the more I think about it the morning the must be a better way it must be a more cross country route and that the world thought yeah. Yeah we might be going back home and found. It but that's where we're going anyway told her that would work as a route for the maybe there's a better world it just taught her sound right and if you going from stood tall her first you could go back to St You know on the street you know what kind of thing that must be a better route three four five hundred one hundred four one text box in your message to eight one three double. If you. Writing about. These the. Show where you go back to News and I mean more ideas as to where even told her she might be heading to get you thinking the church of my Coast church so where oh you know a nice guy. Says Michael church well we're just. Trying to be on hand. We go down one of the cuts so you might lose me in a minute yes. But you know this is it gets in the family. So yeah we were just retracing our steps really so you going to go back to the Crossroads make your way back yet go back something else to know will give me a better all. We do yet to be owners of the mountaintop no one to text to go to a to really think a better better before directions and that will work so unless anyone gets in quick we'll do that show we will go back to the Crossroads turn right I'm going to tell her through Pangborn you have to without know you have a probably less likely to get lost that way but it was another way well that was I don't want to try and director I want to make you sound Holly lately yeah I guess I mean we're not goes directly to talk like mom should do that you know you don't know your mom's out of your way yeah so yeah so it's Holly like which is straight from us have a subset of us have those you know that's not how it started but yeah it goes through the cars not stood Yeah I'm going to go through the cupboard towards Titmarsh it's sound and smell like Titmouse and let me get this in my head most take most to. Just before that's not Pearlie way is. Born Yeah. Oh it's only going as if was sort of heading in the direction of sort of Richfield happen you have a sense of just where you're going to go that far has taught hostess before that isn't it but your yes if you have causes you to have to go away I think you would get today yeah. Yeah OK what do you think so I need to go back three pound bull and almost on time with all of the way you got to go through Pangborn yet more while you go deeper he's going to be growing tangle by the crossroads turn right I'll take you back to Pangborn as well I think he's wholly learning rates going to be quicker and yeah it's Holly like towards us. And then it becomes Tidmarsh like. That you go through some of the dead through. Sounds quite straightforward like you know wrong yeah my just to be really exact to bounce it from well you know all I'm going now at the Vic is going to choose one of the go I do. And they still out there because game I moved Yes no we're not still that no no we definitely played more than anything we're kind of. Why would. One do their own business when you don't like don't give me a start winding down because I'll lose you. I told you this is stupid listening to us on the radio so from. Where they need to go to get to this holy living room how do you get to the end of it. They would have gotten the opposite way out of the kid's game to the right make a mean yeah right. They would do when they got to the when they came out again they would go straight ahead and then they would go right down Dog Lane which then becomes rock Alternatively if they don't lay out that way they can start going back the way that they came and then follow directions sit com go I don't know where the recording is going to play these bacteria but it. Back to the directions to anywhere from anywhere remember you didn't say let's not go this way that I want to do the directions to be fair to you so we're trying to find his holy learning route through Tidmarsh Pangborn told her about why and with him we're going to the church in tone as Pam says the portable tower climbing towers often has a bill to ring when you get home. Brilliant because I mean that no more to you than it to me if I'm honest whatsoever you know way in the rock climbing and you know yeah I'm to the top and then we know yet you got to the top yes however I didn't say it that's how I felt my cause that's the bit I was more wondering why I'm not quite sure pound where you go with your portable closing time but we like the image at the very least this is a clue for the woman working on can you help where we should be going and I would be getting that three quest as your still learning the ropes so bring a friend if you need some help go to the place where the Dutch merchant rests make sure you do it in time a portable tower is waiting for you. Before you hear the. E.C.V. Radio Shack sees the future. With. Twenty Yes. B.B.C. Radio twenty four. B.B.C. Radio. It's going round in circles in the studio doing well starting to talk about a record finish. Three That will be Fingers crossed the good that. Counts in making had to say it could be the climbing wall because of the royal family reference but we think the reason. Why this church and told of the you get a muslim OK what should we just got to all routes to try and follow in holy. Yes he suddenly extraordinarily quite a long way from the. We can hear you as he might get to hear it after also. Where all your. Dog was lame Roy when where roughly where the. Dog was like. Well what broadly what kind of place you in the you know going to have anymore. OK So we think we're on the right route into punk. Going round in circles looking at least confident of seeing them since they're all going to do you. Really think somewhere sort of on route to Pangborn kind of think well the why we think twenty five. Can you help us with Clue three zero three four five hundred one I for one. Got the where the next tragedy trust headlines and spawn the light within a rock and run in circles you have to go on is learning the way well on roofs. I. Was. This is good. you see right here. Gold Saturday morning with pigs lived. To be talk of the weather. Morning always had a beautiful starts the day. Boxer we've still got quite a bit of sunshine out there at the moment it will take its time for the cloud to push in from the West but I think as we go through the morning there will be a little bit more cloud starting to feed in and while those who are isolated showers the bulk of the showers they will come this afternoon heavy slimy thing with the old rumble of thunder today I think there will still be some sunshine between them and heis of sixteen degrees and the shower was dying away quite quickly as we go through each night like last night's drawing with clay spouse but a fresh night too and we could see want to folk patches forming with loads of six degrees tomorrow marks the start of a more settled spell of weather should be a dry day again with some sunshine I think there will be some cloud about at times so going to be skies will Davis certainly some decent sunny spells of feeling warm too with highs of nineteen degrees and you can get a full ten day full cost on our website bbc don't hide it U.K. For with. The B.B.C. Radio talk show travel you trust as it happens B.B.C. Writing a blog the headlines abroad in the sector civil Jessica's watching me and three closure on the rest of the tragedy trust. Yes under the N three is closed for weekends between junction the M twenty five and three for light water if you're worried what it does mean we could have some problems in the AM for some delays there but checking my senses it is looking at the moment I've been reading the a full London righties queuing West found out what Hume right heavier than normal around the actually for this time of morning when the line is struggling northbound from all the field three shin field and checking the senses also seen some delays northbound heading through sheaves side on both coasts right there services are still suspended on the Great Western Railway between reading and get weight and thoughts but if you spot anything else cool I three four five nine three double one three devil three Travel trust from B.B.C. Radio. The boy sitting reading all the way to Wembley in the G.M. Sam's Town come from Malaysia he's got a special charge well done lads' B.B.C. Radio Project. See how we go in the directions in a circle of the help coming in from our listeners which is good news broad is going to headlines first what's been dubbed the society wedding of the year will take place today involving the duck the Duchess of Cambridge a sister Pippa Middleton will marry her fiance James Matthews at St Mark's Church in Inglefield senior Labor figures have contradicted each other over the party's policy on the Trident nuclear weapons system the shadow defense secretary Nia Griffith accused her colleague Emily Thornberry of making inaccurate remarks about their position new research suggests home ownership among young families in reading has fallen sharply the Resolution Foundation think tank which gather the data says in the southeast homeownership in the twenty five to thirty four year old age group fell from sixty four percent in one thousand nine hundred four to thirty four percent in two thousand and sixteen a man has been charged with attempting to incite a teenage girl to engage in sexual activity a new very thirty four year old Barry Skinner from gay would drive appeared at reading magistrates yesterday on a section of the M three is closed again this weekend for resetting work it's being carried out between junctions two and three and will remain shut until early Monday morning let me thanks very much indeed broaden that see where we're going to. See the. Clue through the three questions you're still learning the ropes so bring a friend if you need some help go to the place where the Dutch merchant rests make sure you do it in time a portable tower is waiting for you retreat before you hear the try wrong the portable tile the passion panel the people be getting in touch about says the seventeen million threading Scouts have a climbing wall in the play hire some. So. Here are some bits of help with directions for the forty towards the old and over the motorway to calculate the lonely hill into tall small courtyard where you. Trying to go with it but that is another route some brutal sort of down to the Crossroads possibile park and through prime board someone else you saying you could go down to Calcutta not blindly here all. Stuart meanwhile is saying holy lanes of Paul over here old Tidmarsh some of them here all the end of gardens laying go straight to crawl Yeah I think that was the way we were trying to go but we're not so much better so a new school where you got to. Well we went as if we were going in. And then you know you turned down past the Greyhound So that was a bit on my left and led. Source like a nuclear war. Taken a very badly I'm not getting quite full on the God of all other so I wanted to get . Well I was almost double I just turned it around you know. We think from a smartphone activity we're going around in circles in this job yeah yeah what you don't realize is we're going on the radio they don't speak of the roustabout. It's really. Very focused going through you know there's been some level of conversation as well about who's the most competitive who's the most competitive among you Nicky it's no believe me but this occasion evilly is looking pretty pretty don't determine I am my friend Kate Kate stand listens to your show every week and that was very excited I was going to be on I kept telling me ten times three ten to three that's time you got to speak so she's. Good to go on with she has she has absolutely said go be Emily or make you have the most competitive let's just check in with that Lucy in Amy How you feeling about this I'm feeling pretty confident. I'm not that competitive saying I do these two have to make up for that seven taking part that counts we have yet to get me everyone's heads together some of those clues all of us excellent right so we're we're still heading towards tall Hurst to the church so. Michael says well we hope in the modern economy more though by the scouts is up and pretty much I don't know that we're a bit confused about the portable tower and I know that we know that the Dutch merchant is laid to rest on her first big church so that's what we're thinking if you can help zero three four five nine hundred one zero four one. Going up something this is the push from the link between. Them and the runners in the first big race of the day over twelve thirty Long says Clive Cox is my dream boat and Cox who's bass over and says my dream boats in good form going into the race it was third first time up our trip very pleasing campaign last year winning it will ask and. Ye stepping up to monitor for the first time in the extant park so we're looking forward to that and he's definitely one that will prefer a little bit of. Slower ground rather than rock hard ground which would have had if it hadn't rained but the feature today is the loch inch three hundred fifty thousand pounds mark of prize money up for grabs at three thirty all the racing life here on B.B.C. Radio partially myself eighty and legendary jockey John Reid with the coverage from one till five the softer noon a majesty the queen tours Dartmouth won the Yorkshire Cup at York yesterday Dartmouth MEMRI won the Hardwick stakes at Royal Ascot last summer John Warren of the majesty the Queen's racing manager and his trainer us Michael Styles says there's a possibility Dartmouth will run the Gold Cup but ask it in a few weeks time it is more likely Dartmouth will run in the hard way again Charlie hills and Paul Cole were amongst the winners at Newbury yesterday in reading Captain Paul McShane at times this last month he felt physically sick with nerves watching the team and he should be a hamstring injury kept him out then when he returned he was sent off on a suspension will keep him out the play off final against Huddersfield in nine days time McShane says Stamford management style has been key to the success of the team this season is very camp and the years. He is a bit of a joker as well and quote quite enjoy his jokes he's got a truly center you know my boy. And he's getting his rhythm Dari like he's looking for solutions my point there when we'd be pressed and lost the next two games it was like this is this is what we're known so we've got to get parallel what we do teams now who are playing now so we've just got to get there and that was it the lads bought into it Sunderland will only consider offers of around thirty million pounds the goalkeeper wouldn't pick that whole City boss Mark a Silver says the club want him to remain in charge in the Championship next season he's yet to decide on his future the Tigers relegated from the Premier League after a formal defeat the hands of Crystal Palace on Sunday all the Premier League game the final round of fixtures tomorrow not much to sort out the relegation have been sorted as have the title winners in one pace bowler Jimmy Anderson suffered a growing injury while on duty for Lancashire at Old Trafford he was forced to leave the field to receive treatment yesterday and RORY McILROY will miss the B.M.W. P.G.A. At Wentworth next weekend he's injured a rib and he's been told to rest for a couple of weeks McElroy absence a major blow for the European Tour event which gets underway on Thursday for coverage of last year on B.B.C. Radio by. C.B.C. Radio blogs this morning from the left and it's still. Right now you're listening to the peach Quest B.B.C. Ready and also the MC paid show live with you until ten this morning less eleven this morning we say eleven one to ten wouldn't be anywhere near enough to. Go around in circles this Saturday so the head till eleven go around the circles in the studio arguing about who's the most competitive mean time outs on route to Tal her solution to Williams where you got to. Let me know you really tell us yeah I just got to see this chair what was a church that we're all so Michael's. So it's really cold. But you never said to some judges because they'll know Wes and Michael says he says it's on the me why May they mostly mostly crime you following Can you foreigners in Jos it's my duty to read also not Yamit. I wonder whether we can we the two ways of doing this or you could me about the whole scheme what they all are going to say you could just phone could feel my phone yeah you want to run in there on that I'm not sure which will be great thirty. Three What about a tall order saying their news good meals are on the way only will ground them. Sideways not just close to the eighty which is just from hostile and so I don't know I can see somebody calling in toss the Apple still in bed say not far from send my claim with I'm already going to the wedding maybe that will be involved into the big wedding going to go Bill said Mike. I think maybe I know it's for the evil are you going later then peachy Oh yeah they called so but so now what I did say they also be not going. And going right there on the shore surely they need a wedding D.J. I could do that I'll go some direction yeah we've got the right since. She did you want to be a bit disco baseball but I know that they love I could use a bit of cheese in a lot of the Middletons Mickey's got directions for you yeah so you need to come to church away from St Josephs and go down at times I would not let me tell you exactly where it Mickey yet we tell you exactly where we are because we've driven said Sally Sparrow Oh OK. OK So let me just OK by others so people know my months of St Michael's roots is own my left it's OK get a take there it will you yes go downstairs Michael's yet but don't set Michael's right and if you get to the bottom you going to turn left. It's a nice Why do you wait oh no how long why don't you Sorry Nicky So we're on new lane Halo we've got an ace it should be straight for to be on the right. Oh is it that we should just be. I'm going to win it let's have a look at this so you got this all new lady Hill. Oh you OK So hang on let's just take it over. Your left hand side. Oh no oh I see a walk useful. To the sky oh I can yeah yeah the roots of solemn hell does lead directly to top post is not ready to send molecules there is a top post company that does portable climbing. I saw something like this any rules here. It's going on Rita says Could it be a bell ringing bells and you know that it was a way of thinking. OK let's have it with this new bells I'll let you listen there's no bells no way nobody says go to the place with a double and all the rest so that's the right place chapel. So let me not go on the door of the church. I mean really you know at least to come out. You know there was a good sign does that do you any closer goes home. Can you see the thing portable climb a guy looking for what is a bill tower a portable tower. There's definitely no portable tower a well and maybe even though you use the racial office is closed Oh OK All right there's nothing going on here is nothing so we've gone sions of the Scout I want to make forty four climbing news is that there's quite a few buildings around that church and I think can you find Lady Chapel. Every time we saw you just say Lady Chatterley's Lover the one. Because that was not Shrek children. You could do with a human could be that's what we could really do with you at all I was thinking how it was it was a huge moment because all the clues the toast part of the clues feel wrong and yeah it's just about anywhere in tow Now suppose to be that a lot of options yeah the toll has been feels right but the Somali calls into her still a bit more shaking but I said I'm cynical this time now so I don't know if you know the normal movie that I did. Another chair was made to fit so well why do you feel the lady chuckled like you know you're looking things said Peter Pan or too. Badly for me I'll be the first two we've ever had on the beach Quest. Oh. Thanks so much like I want you in that movie you know NO NO NO NO NO NO pretty No pretty so we can say yes well it's right there in the church will close by so we don't have to drop my kids that they were in the church will call going through all day and something. Else you just get a bell ringer on well really good thing I caught. Yes not even based on the timber and the cop are going like you just like get that before you know that. I just say OK we'll get that this is not you see now we were looking for people Sally says adult who could come in my way the little joke this so we're looking for somebody and then there's loads of people that will and so now we're going to the church roll call Park is that all of. You know you just that's not like that but you never know where the drugs are going to be about Fred you need to know is what I would tell you that she should be run a bit. Closer together people will say. Yeah that's it she's home to place this I just. Did such I haven't done it I don't. On every out thanks. Oh my God I. Am on the left by the green fence I think across your head I heard that it was good to get his thought they. Basically have a little kid now wasn't expecting this but I think that one on one hand on this whole process funding from the people in the church will cough. So much the church will always claim far away from the church Good morning everybody oh they kept saying oh my god are. You to the right this will be held the role they already spend as if you die right there was you know did not know and and you were expecting we are expecting we're expecting a long and yet it was OK to excellent and now that I am say I want children and I'm Roger and I wrote and there's another election and the final chapter he wrote you know I spoke in Jude on the phone when I was doing when I was three weeks ago and they all it's nice to see a face to face to the boys and let me bring this take. It to the boys to tell us quickly about what's going on here today what it was the structure that's being erected in front. Maybe you mean yeah killed A.G.M. And ship it to day to day and what activities are to. Be doing and the ringing methods she said to me is two different things. Spicy. And we put the book still. To tell us about his maintenance things but little mini ring here right yeah I was just watching the mini version of watching the church tower. Actually I did notice that it's got that you that you're standing on. That Nicky is going to explode because you don't have a clue so you don't really see the clue she could go any moment. Now we go. Lots to which favorite club. Headed to a hill field to find the clue just bring a change of clothes. Make sure. You know yourself but don't get it. From the bell ringers that some articles in tall hurt in the church or car parked there back to Double H. Learning the ropes ringing a friend and hearing the trial in my clues pointing to a bell ringing that's because there's a special bell ringing events taking place in tile Hurst today but where abouts the Dutch merchant I mentioned was Sir Peter Van law now he's elaborate two is inside some of my calls church in tile host so you should be in the grounds of the church where today a special Trombetta ring is being set up now this is a mobile belfry with half a dozen bells attached to it so in time for you to start limbering up and get ready to pool during dark. For prepare for a race at Rod Stewart's favorite club or head to a hill field to find the clue just bring a change of clothes make sure you get. OK and enjoy yourself but don't get wet toes Sloan Nikki Emily Lucy and Amy from the Maidenhead lady circle going round in circles are here back to the phones what you think of actually for I'm thinking about seven months you had a class concert going on at racecourses Yeah kinds I'm not going to say fall yeah we love your neighbor a school might be quite a lot we're. Going to learn what I think is all that would make it wrong but it would be quite commitment that's what I'd love so any ideas about Clue for if you can help out three four five nine hundred one zero four one these guys really want to finish but you really want to finish possibly in record time can you help. Prepare for a race at Rod Stewart's favorite club headed to a hill field to find the clue just bring a change of clothes make sure you get stuck in and enjoy yourself but don't get what you think is what. The Royals won the second leg in the semifinal going around in circles we are literally going around in circles. If you can help us now please I three. Hundred. Get in touch. With B.B.C. Dog. One three double three if you think you can help. Me. Have to pay for a football club is Celtic I never was held in South St. Paul had a son in Redding on Nov eleventh so we're trying to look as if I think our shoes it was easy well she was favorite clothes to do with. Oh well you know the phones out what Yeah that's what they do here in the news Yeah I mean not yeah I mean we all of it we typically list a radio there is a saving event. And it's all OK so it's more of that says some of the stuff some have stated if I'm reading. When I most or all of the wretched us went too far well I guess oh why a fish the totality event brought so drawn to go that far is mere humans are able to hear yeah we're thinking of the So You Think You're in some understood initially and you went for a yeah that sounds good yeah. How do we get them we'll say oh yeah I was just. You know I think they were parents Larry because when I write it's solid stood down S U L S T E eighty writing they call an event of that day from eleven till three to me to try to get sated for free reading take secessions because I'm not so good oh yeah it would be that why do they know we do anything or place wrong when. Try as it happens every three slows this week and we got a big wedding in angle feels that Nadal is a baby's mouth to mouth and having to Jessica's watching the Cubs for years. Thanks Sanjay will the outer lane is blocked in the end the war between junction five for Langley and six wins because of an accident looking very slow on the approaches that checking the senses and the M three is shot a weekend between junction T. For the M twenty five and three for light woods if the right was which could cause us extra cues on the M twenty five and enforce a take elsewhere when she's looking slow on reading road as well when his lane in reading is struggling on the eighth or westbound it working right but it is looking a heavier than normal one always fit right in down from top to the center of town onto the rails and no trains are running on Great Western at the moment between reading and Gatwick Airport because the police incident the place the road transport is running between Red Hill and Guilford at the stations if you spot anything else call a three four five nine three double one three three travel you trust from B.B.C. Radio seven and in terms of angle field the Middletons house in Bucklebury and all of us learning was looking very well in my own. State and overlooked by Richard been. Filled but is an absolutely beautiful here's the thing they stayed so Kate. Is there is a level of privacy that this allowed the Trident nuclear weapon system is proving to be a. Bishan was settled his political correspondent Mark label just three weeks before Emily Thornberry could be the next foreign secretary she was asked by L B C radio if she could guarantee tried and would not be scrapped under a Labor Government Defense Review Well of course not she replied adding If you're going to have a review you have to have a review but later on NEWSNIGHT the shadow defense secretary near Griffith said the review would be about how money would be spent not about whether to keep tried and Emily Thornberrys team insisted she accepted the debate was now over but it's embarrassing for labor that splits of once again emerged so publicly homeownership among young. Is holding an open day growing together office adults with learning difficulties or physical disabilities the chance to learn about cultivating fruits and vegetables the sights and cultures Moorpark will be open to the public today to sell the pots and plants growing by the projects Derek Henley is growing together as project manager an outsider and also. The same sometimes they don't find it quite enjoyable. To work B.B.C. Radio back share with me thank you Brian A. Sun shining. People bit of the area or you can go to our website bbc don't. Go. In the. Last. Mile I SATURDAY MORNING we're on the page quest going round in circles starring Emily Lucy I meet and Nicky from the Maidenhead lady circle morning ladies. So I'm doing so well we've begun to Goring cricket club already where else we've been we've been to Michael Jackson because the butcher's. Where we're going next with Cliff will. Sense having to listen to clues for us if you can pick out why we've decided this is that the sighting couple having a good taste that I. Prepare for a race Rod Stewart's favorite club head to Hill fields to find the clue just bring a change of clothes make sure you get stuck in and enjoy yourself but don't get. Wrong. A new school where you got to on your journey through to sell them stick. Well we all just on the money come down you name hail. Heading towards Calcutta. Yeah right and that. Just a little bit of traffic and we stopped at some red traffic lights for. That which is it seems quite clear now so how long do you think it might take us to get. There I don't think very far maybe ten minutes ten minutes not so I think you know I think you're actually going to hang a right and feel. To hang out in yeah. Oh . Yeah it's a lot so let's test it on the way for this we don't really closely. So we know the way to go with joy right through me for a ride on your roads that you feel all the way into the siding. I got that you can tie it up to the I Have a look at all Mark on the thing OK so we're going to hear what we think it sounds like we're heading in the right direction have you got a jacket and a boy you know what kind of stuff for you safety equipment and. Well I think I need to this sort of. Thing Roger would jump in and save you if necessary I'm sure. Nice to Williams on the way to sort of instead look out for him if you're in that neck of the woods if you could be more forceful and do color somehow. I. Was. Told. Luke. Plug. Her. Class. B.B.C. Radio of the Four Seasons ten zero zero nine John's been on to us to say Happy wedding day to tell you and then game our own ball from some Laurence today it's worth mentioning any wedding is a poll from the big one in the angle field. In Bucklebury like to. Any other weddings today we don't need to mention of course. So let me know I thank you John lovely to hear from me so we're on the page Quest we're on Clue full with going round in circles and we're pretty convinced with yeah yeah yeah. But now it's all about me and people I suppose that's where an ISSUES got to where you go. Think that people would be on a wedding bus today it's not just you know why DIDN'T us go Paul that would be Cole . It would be if it is only heard I just think the security levels it might not be too good so I mean I don't know why do we get the sense that you've got quite a cheeky sort of you know that song too so maybe maybe she's all the way. I like to think she would but I'll tell you what we've just gotten over the full and where heading towards They also I think will be turning off right at the roundabout soon . So I thought once you go into theater. And I'm on I think it's not really want to go into actually into Theo you took over I said straight tell you that roundabout then you're going kind of towards Sheffield bottoms. And all sure that sounds very nice yeah sounds very appropriate structure there for you people from pages about but so much this morning so I was going to places like Sheffield also Malo balsam Abi Mummy told me so somewhere I am made Let's take a because that is a key speaking they're not releasing Oh Lucy now Lucy is not saying I don't know where Sheffield bottom is so you say you're going to go towards the you will train station say down Station right huge and then that takes you to hang a road. Right OK So OK. So tell me tell me again so we're going to go past a turn into further field I don't want to do that. No I'm lost now OK least not yet we're going to let me tell you have you got are you going to be I don't know I already have a hole. Yep going over the M four I want to do the first round about where I could turn right into the theater all I can comment on now I'm coming up to the roundabout where I can go off the handle and if I turn dry. And I'm the king you know. Look at you need to head towards where you turn down for sort of Allington business problem. I'm missing all your time business here you turn it down so then I think this might be coming out now let's have a little or. No this is. I think they should hold stationing right and they should raise Yes. There's the family you're on the ball throw down. We are on the ball for you just that Yasser then you need to the next life she needs to be weighed down is not weak on the way to her you very. Much I'm not. Celebrating a little bit here but I know you feel you've got to all you because you got all you need I'm going to go Yeah I've got to go back and. That's a long drive you know that say. OK so I go back yet so we both write a. Pat on the ball for you know that you're going to have fun does it round the round I mean this is a real struggle say you are you know it was only yesterday yeah you need to turn to water so I dry. Water so I dry all the right hand side of the box right. OK So much of the eighty's the other day that said they're going to get what they want side. OK so I'm just joyous it always seems a little low when you're trying to get somewhere doesn't it and then you haven't noticed this you seems like you just know you when you're on certain about you directions normally when you go back off or anything he seems to take about five minutes and yeah I was going are always in really quickly like all of us up to. Hang on a minute now what's not over there that's like a business. Unit because we were just so I cry on the ground about halfway I think yeah go over all of this the next roundabout of it is this yes it's the next it will decide Dr. Weil to sign all the way playing with it because this feels like a crucial moment of doing this right. I came down on what's this you know you go on into business yeah more side drives like the turnaround into that in the seven clubs in there that's not in the business the heart of the Pharoahs get you so you see that it's OK to do You should see it should we yeah right and fourteen everybody around and they pressure. OK well I can make I tell you what I'll do is the next heart can you see any evidence of the business fall that there is a savings look. Now when when you get to where the roundabout and you come down waterside drive and you get to the roundabouts you need to take a right it's. Taken over to go to war to so I draw yeah we're on the right way but not you know you going. I don't know like a lot of people didn't like you I was a bit testy road you know when we started. On the very thing we need to make a decision that it's only a one way system something that is you know busy it would be cold and freezing and it was safe which to a stretch and. It's not going to. Go through OK you made it but this is going to help now but I know someone starts to say you going to fall to the big roundabout for us what we're doing is no no yeah no idea but I will not did we did yes like today on tonight where my day now they say I can see but I can't see anything you know it's unique and you can not turn around about. It we're kind of coming to the end of a dry. Slot. That can't be. There must be that cold. I think you need to back up as well it's right and I need you to really come to a nation right which Bridgie down and we're happy to do what I said earlier I love that's not what all day long we are going to have it is easy a good moment to welcome tens of thousands of new listeners to the peach Chrysler was telling us whether we have all these figures out this week we would literally got tens of thousands of new people list. Into the shower making radio ads talking with other roundabouts not yet. Not OK I was. So angry I don't know what I'm wrong. I say you know what I need to hold know when I get you down to the Congo roads so your I think I'm going to be like OK on the on the beat and that is HOCKEY Yeah but behind the thing you know there's the river canyon and then there's that field failing called him three hundred feet and I'm now going to get past the which restrictions We'll we've been together. I goes up through it all I thank goodness. But I can't well I'm OK so going back into the. Yeah going to go yeah go the last of the towel around a bit and I thought yeah yeah I'm going to get about it but it's only. The H.L.A. Fail whatever that is so you when you wait on it because when it's heading on the left once you're on the ball right you're well I'm OK Very carsick. But you're only taking around about very few really moves around look for the site including the. Previously read your book at ten seventeen when trying to find the slightly slower and slower as the feel to retrieve hopefully one of you the next just going round in circles Good luck to stall if I don't and so goes with living on so nobody We've sort of the morning you're on the page Quest Nicky's go on message from last week's speech quest to you. Where they were saying that we will take the help we do better than they did but they came ever so slowly to and they are not going to get so dedicated for the big the slowest was that you know they were the worst team ever. Going by them is a low ball but yeah thank you John if you're listening this week you're more like. Emily's go ahead. The Malays Yes and the photos of the view that she's got what she's listening to this is that right yeah that's right it's not like it was just after war and he had a Long Island iced tea was about to go Juliette we could we could go all future yes we go all. The Judas impression he says when you get to the subject of don't get to tell us where Thank you very much and before that I try to be seen Woodley morning Tony good morning and we're a bit stuck around Ellington business park as you may have heard what do we need to do to find the soybean club where whereabouts are they exactly at the moment a new whereabouts are you exactly of them are all in Phil station call Park where OK. Well. OK come on the car park come out of the car the car her. Turn lemons and then left again at designed a barge so you go and over the bar was Birch OK So hang on a minute let me just do the same bit so a tiny left out and left over the bridge I came right over the bridge continue on the car coming and on that right thank you right. OK We're going to the bridge now and then you come to a not heard push the swing bridge over the Kamau. Do you think we're going to fit gamble you should all know that you know what's ahead yeah cos you are going for gold control go high Oh. OK there's a big vehicle reversing so we can get down the road at the moment what sort of very clear and. I don't know just what is a process around it other than how we describe it just about. Yeah it's a little going it's not a big fan no removal No I just there's a there's a big crazy thing called doing a sort of a five million point turn in the middle of the numbers of the Grade A small of them are numbered and so about thirty of them. Oh yes I'm going to traffic you know you call pull the clothes This is a great interview pretty point that you. Just want the lights and now it's going to mean there's a bunch of us. Yeah is it going to go we're going to let this go is reversing we're going to we're going to move this is really hard right for me and I'm. Probably going to he'll go right it's because they really want to do it so I know most of them are not really got no traffic we're now stuck around here but you know here we are I know I know where you got a more kind of a warning. Yeah you really get me to lots more exercise if it's quicker on foot then this job I hope. I don't think is quicker on that but I don't know where our governor wants so he says two hundred yards away and you're not running early So tell me so tell me I'm not the second set of laws. While I have a car seats are now no go over become our bridge. Oh I don't see the canal breach at the minute where the canal bridge. OK say. Oh that's a canal bridge you're going to zero in on it says Week bring. Your eyes over the kids'. Future but your thoughts were I must. Look this time on picnic area Sheffield. You're on the for a good number of the engines through seismic Obama. Oh Tony you might just be a star Thanks Tony nice to you thank you Tony. But I want to encourage to say. You know let's hope it's right here but I'm. Still saving Well let me just say to top that I said for the bell ring is. Not short I wasn't there and I think it was. Going to. Ask a kidney how will respond he's not ready to react when I read where I'd like my own good of what I'm going to run up the road tunnel bear with me it's quite a long draw I. Think road I think. Right beverage me this is quite wrong. There should have been I can't say I could see lots of kind of lady. Next to me is because the people think their call will not go under the restricted time. So I'm going to have to walk down this road it's quite a run girls I don't know if you want to speak amongst you so I'm. Just thinking that yeah just I hate it when we nip it in Casey's useful I want to play Clue for gangs it might give us some indication of what we have to do once we get there before preparing for a race like Rod Stewart's favorite club head to a hill for you all to find the clue just bring a change of clothes make sure you get stuck in and enjoy yourself but don't get away toes. If you have to do is lazy I don't know why I thought that months ago ages but it would be no real to find the claim that we're hoping she'll see something along the lines back to a new strong the phone now a new school where you got say that I'm still running down there was no middle. Ground if I laid sort of this and I can see people out there at the end of the road there's like a couple Oh yeah can you see anything about you know you you feel so much Wolf oh no oh yeah I mean I can see it heading for the cup OK yeah. And I'm hoping that. I got it right this is testing my. Right. I want to help you I know that she doesn't think about this but you want to be on a call when they sing and yeah I'll move around all the time I know there must be some people to imagine me all day. So that night to lip sync Yeah I know peeled off my hair I'm afraid I don't do you know I was working yesterday with I'm like a Royce up in London I merely told her all about this and all this sort of energy probably would be interested but I'm not sure what he was I merely told her about the peace process but maybe not so I will. Do what she inspired it I say. Right because people here are not. Very purposeful. So blue jacket so many of them look like they are and they're kind of. They don't expect to me that you know and you know as we've got to this woman here. Who push themselves so much with help we texted that took a long time as a short distance going to have been asked to decide how well you know everything about. You need to go room I need to go I'll go to the UN No no I want you me yes no. Problem say why don't you give me a lift down there do you know piggybacking All right that he was going to run down to the nut is how the first minute because ever all stripping you about libel me yeah but. If you are going to go not even the Pangborn farmer didn't get up it's a long story by the way but he's not going to is not going to go to new. Everything down here. In the cup half. Right OK hang on. What if I can look up in the field and the people running know where to safely in that. Movie go but they're going to. Be in charge here. Anyone I did was on the B.B.C. Radio. Live from ground zero it is time well done all they're all so I might OK Oh thank you no. Are you kidding me that sounds like a right idea right. Well hang on let's go up here for this and swings right right by the river of the only Hill feel sure about the safety of. The. Sun was a clue or someone who might be expecting a vote on the peach Quest are you expecting is a total Yeah yeah. Well you know what I have no problem ha I got to tell you I'm going to school for a second some travel the trucks were in the right place clearly followed Mack's C.B.C. Radio talk show travel you trust as it happens first of all here's Jessica. Thanks Andrew Williams and I'm still blocked in the I'm full between junction fights at Langley and six when said because the next in is looking very slow on the approaches that check in the senses and the M three is closed all weekend between junction to the M twenty five and three flight was at the right which could cause us some delays on the M twenty five and I'm full stay to you. Keeping in with reading right Robin Hood lane struggling in reading on the. Right think have a shim is queuing now and simpy to scale just before cabin bridge onto the rails delays and great West in between waiting and get weak and poor but they are back and running now that they are back in running now they were at a standstill but at the running he spots anything else so do give me a cool three full five nine. Three two one three three Chevy truss from B.B.C. Radio the boy singing reading all the way to Wembley round she realised her first game of the season God was with well done lads' B.B.C. Radio blog here the weather forecast from her like a morning well we've had a beautiful start to the day across Park sure we've still got quite a bit of sunshine out there at the moment it will take its time for the cloud to push in from the West but I think it's big a through the morning there will be a little bit more cloud starting to feed in and while he isolated showers the bulk of the showers they will come this afternoon heavy slimey think we field rumble of thunder today I think there will still be some sunshine between them and heis of sixteen degrees and the shower was dying away quite quickly is because a huge night like last night dry with clay espouse quite a fresh night too and we could see Want to two folk patches forming with lows of a sixty degrees tomorrow marks the start of a more settled spell of weather should be a dry day again and with some sunshine I think there will be some cloud about at times it's not going to be skies all day but certainly some decent sunny spells of feeling warm today with highs of nineteen degrees and you can get a full ten day forecast on our website. Full with thanks very much invent something this is the WE REALLY radio show him first he won his Jack thank you so many of our local trainers have runners today a new breed where the feature is the lock in Stakes at three thirty five Cox and rebuilding and Jamie Rose Bolin or her runners and Tim eighty and legendary Your He will be a long way from you be with Saturday sport from one pm The Reading F.C. Captain Paul McShane has told B.B.C. Radio he folks sick watching his team mates compete in the playoffs the defender was banned for the second leg of the playoffs I mean final and will miss the foreign organs Huddersfield on Bank Holiday Monday after his sending off against Fulham in the first leg former Arsenal striker Ian Wright says a change in ownership could galvanize the fans North has made. A one billion pound bid offer to take control of the club but majority shareholder Stan Kroenke has shown no interest in the bait twenty ten World Cup final referee Howard Webb has backed the introduction of retrospective bans for simulation saying the reward for diving currently outweighs the risk of punishment for next season a Football Association panel will review footage each Monday looking for cases in any player found unanimously guilty would be banned while Number two RORY McILROY will miss next week's P.G.A. Championship event when we're through injury has been struggling with a reprogrammed and the union Saracens had insisted I use Premiership semifinals looking to continue their quest of competing the double double of winning European and domestic talk to us in successive seasons sorry's travel to Exeter whilst wasps lovely stuff thanks John B.C. Really about ten thirty two B.C. Radio box this morning from the left and it's still. Right now you're listening to the peach West Coast right back to Phil slaving club or a new show has found the clothes but you know when I go I just quickly in a nutshell cause we are a bit pushed for time what is going on here today OK well you're here with us feel sailing club on our annual Open Day The clubs are members club run by the members for the members ably led by our main committee and sailing committee all the cross to see around the site are mostly owned by our members but we do have a number of club boats for members to use We're very lucky to share the site with but just sail training center who offer lots of different sailing courses along with paddle boarding school training events parties including second hand parties or Kenya can I stop you there and yes that all sounds really lovely I'd just like you to get the clue out now we can have a little bit more of it a chat only because I can feel the time the shape of this is because we're looking at you. And I do I mean we don't. Know we're not going when you say really is there. It is so clue five you will need the help of Mr Wesley if you want to reach the peach today this story village of the year has a place where you can buy flowers green fingers will help and so will T.V. But don't copy last week's team and take our SO from birth also a globe back to the one of Rod Stewart's famous songs is sailing so his favorite club would be a sailing club but which was what I told you to head the hill for your old because that is the Saxon meaning of birth for your so you should now be a bird free old sailing karma today you can go there for an open day where you can say all have a race or even paddle board but questions please don't get to West that's why I want you to bring a change of clothes to five you'll need the help of Mr Wesley if you want to reach the peach today the historic village of the year has a place where you can buy flowers green fingers will help and so will tree but don't copy last week's team and take ours. We're on to a clue follow if you work this out you get the page we got for twenty three minutes till the end of the program which should be long enough I should think just got a crack in it. Oh I'm thinking so far that Mr Wesley might be lonely Graham of something but yeah Charles Wesley are supposed to play it was where they could be now Graham Yeah thinking about the historic village of the year is worth doing a bit of searching around that but I hate my fear of and hoping to get another kid in tip my husband was like oh US is known for his name is Richard out recently said by satellite pictures of the sailing club say pick a fight not hill help East better yes they are you they were behind the times needs to catch up and help us with His love well Hello I'm Richard let's go to you behaving tonight Maidenhead lady circle here we got to meet Lucy Emily and Nicky guys. Lucy Yeah. And then I'm just I'm just. Going. To see if I have anything coming up around you guys are good thumbs because phones are found. Credible impressed with your smartphone research is going on right there right can you help us with clue five to five you need the help of Mr Wesley if you want to reach the peach today the historic village of the year has a place where you can buy flowers green fingers will help and so will tea but don't copy last week's team and take ours. Any ideas can you help the guy running circles guys from Maidenhead three four five nine hundred one I for one time to preach if you're tweeting in your message to eight one three three where from Berfield sighting club three go next Saturday morning you're on the page Quest . Saying it's told. To say. Street. Let's just. Say B.B.C. Radio. Before eleven point zero three four hundred one hundred four. Going round in circles. Listen Again this is clue five on the page West clue five you need the help of Mr Wesley if you want to reach the peach today the historic village of the year has a place where you can buy flowers green fingers will help and so we'll see but don't copy last week's team and take ours. Historic village of the year I'm presuming that means some village that's one village of the year in two thousand and three of the meaning of that sort of thing I imagine that there could be loads and loads of historic villages of the year would yeah place you can buy flowers. Mr Wesley wouldn't want the first thing with a Mr Wesley was an avid Graham of some sorts. Some ones that glints just tweeted Christ Church inwardly history of Methodism child was the was a part of the Methodist history recently and then much more about. Stefan and Westpark Questers a new skit is brilliant and sounds lovely didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she was going around Arlington business bar what a lovely place to get lost on a Sunday morning you know you go off on a newsgroup and Stephanie likes it when you go right around about feeling slightly queasy as they all probably get lots more of that then Bob's entire herd of morning Bob good morning for the first time this morning going around in circles are big defeated by clue five What do you think. Well the. Green green and all the wrong things. Was it with the green fingers measuring Yes Yeah so it could be there were a sort of historic village of the year maybe it's too recent But what I don't know so you're thinking little green above anyway all right thank you for that totally Woodley Hi Tony. I learned where. Yes you looked looked up the internet so I feel just a Methodist churches got a plant. Thank you really should i was not to follow no method Silchester is not for they were told no so could it be Silchester Methodist Church and they did a village of the year. Historic village of the IS THAT IS story because of the Roman thing I don't know. Something of the history sort of part of it. What do you think what you reckon. I like the sound of the coffee and plays. It how it was that village of the year yeah OK that's good that sounds good yeah and maybe some cakes there as well to sweeten it OK so we're going to try so just yeah yeah Tony could you help us get there. We love nothing more a little back road I know but well I'm going to. Know that I can't read directions Well it was hurting part with trying to sound and then started. To Mark and I was with him so he had to talk about OK. But I mean I'm also a pretty good idea I do also very much we have our mom and dad live at the moment they leave to Sussex so. Yeah Tony's thinking from where you all now birth feel so that it kind of three more smoothly get to Silchester I can't just do this route in my head I can't do the reach in my head I'm just trying to think hang on Nick he's got a laptop so where extreme of him or you next Silchester you know we're thinking so it's just it was Hampshire verge of the year and well the of the reasons I can remember now whether people read what might be sort of three young flowers oh there's no vent on that's right there's an event on there. And looks again like. All roads lead to Sheffield bottom this morning yes. The Middletons on or towards more to the common royalty when you can you head towards more from I won't work the rest of the. Seventeen minute on the left hand that the Leslie Well that's the Methodist minister Yeah. Oh three four five nine hundred one zero four one This is clue five to five you need the help of Mr Wesley if you want to reach the peach today the historic village of the year has a place where you can buy flowers green fingers will help and so will T.V. But don't copy last week's team and take ours is it still Chester is that right and if so best way to get there. From. Through more from a cold now if you can help this morning. Told. This is what our listeners are saying lots coming out about this with clue follow go left. The Berfield road over the M four and then on towards more smoke thank you for that Angie says there is the pond selling coffee morning in Silchester Methodist. And that's where I would go ask where all you know and. I know that we're all not full. I think that's right. I did see follow it oh I love that he's out there surprised but I think for you ladies good. Valerie can you help us with the red. Sions I'm not sure where folding line is I think they want to get to the bit of what road and go straight up the hill across the Common. When to now go to day and I just know the too many roundabouts. On strike zone until they come to a shop a bend in a lifetime bend and there's a road on the right goes off and i'm glad i want that road. To the bottom of that road to right and then and then I want to go to the next turning which is a left turn to vote in the west and then that and so just to the villages on the left but the could even ROM's is on the right yes and I find yes that's a pub and I think that's where the Methodist Church is but I'm not sure I know where the Church of England don't want a picture of it I mean I can picture the cleaver all and then the green in front of it that's my call Paul where the fruit and vege man comes from the other way there's a cricket very no one called Picture the Methodist Church now I come pick my granddad was a mess of this minister so it was a night in still just what he used to do the right sees all the cool number of the churches and I bet that's interesting so Valerie's grow with the ground up in my grandad found his ground and with the minister there and. The Methodist church and so just which we're now trying to find where are you now where was. That with let me see if I can see I saw you sure she's messy she was. All I have no idea where we are so you don't know I'm sure he's lying right. How did this church school district. Is doing all right for someone or is it. An hour ago you were up a bit. OK only left after noon is very near so I'm stupid Yeah you know this is mainly because you don't need phone. We can throw you on the ground if when you go it was off to know that Valerie is this role and no I don't know the guys on the bypass the comment I think I don't really rate is gone up that back and they didn't come by on I quite like you or they come out on but that if they can see holly bush flying anywhere if they're going to order to know they can let the Holy. Holy first lady go to me. Like her people I would like to be sure but it's only purely not a review of do you go around in circles you know where I stand because you got a leg down yeah I thought it was like you know I wouldn't fall right or even camp got that far but left through Rhode Island from running into any of my. Own little way when I'm going on I don't know where we are it's really difficult you know like when you really when you have a country like a. Song that's only say one group. Three line places I don't know where you are if you get to a crossroads and then discover left your way at least be going in the right general target you're trying to head toward Silchester can you help us from where we are now only off to see if we can get there before eleven o'clock see if we can get sources we think is the Methodist church the thing that's the end of the quest will we make you find out after a day on. The job. As . B.B.C. Radio banksias impeach classes for. Some of the question is all going round in circles you know my God How you feeling you know that but that's the way it is an issue WILLIAMS Right now we're trying to find a Methodist church to fill just that well you know well we can come to our own island film road and we read right I think we're on the radio talking to the wall. Oh OK. Now at this oh that's good that yeah OK well what if I think I don't think right under what you wrote put them here. But now but you find if you are very. Well. You know when you look at traffic and stuff this morning of you know. Well you got about ten miles an hour it looks like it will give you you know it was like OK not by that but OK let's go straight forward OK but also road but how do I owe them all the plea yet I know we're heading down this road and through what. I feel it's going to be no we don't go probably not for a reason and we do you know if I don't I think. I think you can just keep going there's no roundabouts until the one you need to ten which is a mini round. So you just keep going. Well there's various turning. But then when you get to a roundabout you need to. Let. It if you let it go it's not going to say. You know I don't need the post to break this to you it's Leno. Was. You I think I think this is wrong I don't know but I think you got it wrong. When we're going to find out now when you are going to find out so let's go back to don't like each didn't quite make it to suggested Methodist church but was it where we were trying to girl I referred to Mr Wesley because I was talking about John Wesley the founder of Methodism and the historic village of the year I talked about was Silchester this ancient Roman city was voted Hampshire village of the year in two thousand and eight so the peach is waiting for you at the same just a Methodist church but why did I mention flowers and green fingers Well today at the church there's a plan to sail and coffee morning. I successfully led you down the old garden path didn't die that's two in a row for me the quest master Are you ready to take me on next time all you. Good luck because now if you'll be here next week zero three four five nine hundred one four one zero because it will be here I'm not going to do this is Lou where you think so well your SO WHAT IF THEN right you were like yeah well you were right worked out you would need it you know there's just too many road work nothing but thank you for playing THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Nothing out. Wow. Keeping an eye on the M four still blocked between junction five to Langley and six because of an accident and is looking very slow on the approach three shots all weekend between junction twenty five and three. That's for the ride was and it's killing just southbound there as a result and the M twenty five. Between junctions thirteen the stains in twelve for the. Delays and great West in between writing and. Anything else.

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