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The boys in the u.k. It may be b.b.c. Radio 5 Live. B.b.c. News at 3 o'clock this is Nick Boris Johnson will pledge today to donate the majority of the U.K.'s surplus coronavirus vaccines to developing countries the prime minister will chair a virtual Summit of the group of 7 nations and encourage his fellow leaders to follow suit 130 countries have yet to begin vaccinating their populations and campaigners say rich nations have been hoarding jobs is our global health correspondent Naomi creamy new figures from the anti poverty pressure group the one campaign revealed that a straight Canada Japan the u.k. The u.s. And the you have already secured more than 3000000000 day says 1200000000 more than they need to give their entire populations t.j. Says the u.k. Has also given hard for a 1000000000 pounds to k. Vacs the un led attempt to get vaccines out to poor countries but campaigners say they want hard facts on how many actual day says Britain will now be donating to the mechanism nearly 20 organizations representing health care staff have appealed to Boris Johnson and all the u.k. Nations to provide health and care workers with better protection including higher grade masks that can filter out tiny particles of coronavirus they say at least 930 workers have died of covert and that measures to prevent the spread of the virus through the air are inadequate. It's been confirmed that lockdown rules in Wales will remain in place for at least another 3 weeks but the 1st Minister Mark Drake for it will announce today that all primary school pupils and older age groups facing exams could return to classes from the middle of next month if Kovac numbers continue to improve more from our Wales correspondent how Griffith the Welsh Government will today give its most optimistic assessment yet over how and when the current restrictions will eventually be eased for many young people's their 1st face to face lesson of the year will take place on Monday as 3 to 7 year olds begin a phased return to school if infection rates continue to fall all primary aged pupils and older students working towards qualifications may be able to return from March the 15th a decision will also be taken in 3 weeks time over the reopening of non-essential shops and close contact services such as head dresses masses perseverance rover has landed safely on Mars where it will begin seeking out signs of life on the red planet the robot spacecraft left Earth 7 months ago and successfully navigated a risky landing phase known as the 7 minutes of terror it will now drill and collect samples of rock and soil and millions of people in the u.s. State of Texas have been told to boil water amid severe winter weather that's brought disruption and chaos power failures and burst pipes are affecting water treatment facilities with reservoirs in the state capital Austin nearly empty after water leaked out b.b.c. Knees 3 minutes past 3 the premie l.h. Was the Friday night football it was played down the left hand side was just such a tragedy cut he was a would. Later on tonight says the same guess at Leeds United States was ecosoc a p m. The premie any age can find it on a. P.c. And Radio 5 Live complacency you can still say I did buy this is I believe this the b.b.c. Sound. I'm you're not bushman and I keep Britain aware of what's going on across the night and also have a conversation with bracing throughout the night as well as from the night watchman and key Madge and I'm talking to Ian in Aberdeen and he goes on about how wonderful the universities are in Cherokee and then I hear from Kevin by tags 8505 is my text number and he says that I worked for 5 years and a year old this university ranks number 3 key the quality of education in Turkey is very low and the universities ole full wouldn't make the top 100 in the u.k. In Aberdeen to Jay that Scott says in regards to what he wants cannot achieve the 2 things humans cannot achieve a time travel and travelling at the speed of light we can imagine them Sco and if we can imagine them you never know. But of course you know so let me just keep my own counsel because I'm talking nonsense when I think well if you can imagine it you can do it no not necessarily sir there's no scientific proof of that Lindsay is same for making sure I don't miss all the music news an interesting items. Actually did Copernicus Woodward teaches for something or other the main thing that you wanted to say was long live radio I agree with you I agree with the Sammy but she says a funny thing to do space a great feat and fascinating I thought the International Space Station an amazing thing various nationalities working together for the greater good I became rather obsessed waiting for it to pass over the u.k. John looked down last summer has anybody ever seeing the International Space Station because all of time is gone and no would have Ally was going to taxi at Media City in sulphide and there's not time to come up to a night watchman shift and the taxi drivers like this is international space station and he apparently could see with the naked eye couldn't see anything I could not see any is anybody actually saying the International Space Station is if through and that you know you see this National Space Station and you know that 590-9693 is a lot to talk about so let's go to Dakotas in a moment to obligating Hello. Cumbria you know what that means Good morning Jill in Cumbria in a moment would see bear with me turning black bull that is go back to having our conversation. You mentioned the wheel as being the greatest invention of mankind the will correct yes and then and if you think about it for from that small. Discovery. Then manifestation I did. That we're going to you know after many years what did men. Do I wanted to know they want to know if it was possible to travel from our us to another planet Yes yes show a show as well so I would. Cure to. Drive mankind hundreds. Now when they when they achieved getting to know. My father and I stayed up from them moment to to the moment you finish remember that how do you remember I'm sorry I made you feel you know right so you to be more than 5 to 20. Men The. One thing once or. A minute slot not nights my father. Almost disowned me because I how angry often comics I was going to go making it out of elite. Yes and I was sure far of bunged in the future. Believe of. What I knew what Since we might lose Chardy what sense were you advanced science fiction story Ok Linea our learning about the things that we hadn't teams had learned about in school and science not been a lot shorter say. And helmet and especially when they come make a group came out. And done did the pilot have a future. That was in the fifty's. That's a long time ago of course it has. Shown you and coming straight. To my now to space but it to between then and I go fish go go on that. Yes. On a low to me and he said you are no son of mine you don't move back because you must be crushed that will never as. You cannot assert alone landings. Non-malicious change month to take interest in something else all of them and in the gambling and smoking and drinking you know that they know most things so I think that they take an interest in life off the left and I realize that that I wasn't cracked is the great story that is such a great story journey here the way your dad became more like you the other way around yes correct. Yes but he still to showing me because. I wouldn't go down the page he was a minor and he would have wanted me to go down the page but I went down the page called every When I was in the Boy Scout. Way We had it we had a trip down long and I showed what he had to do for a living and I said no way I was. Down there from that moment on a changed he changed definitely he was ashamed of. What was about what he had to do for a living. It was a ripper he had to work and when you go to the coalface after about 2 miles will. They got down the shaft and you got the coal face about 2 miles will under on the ground. A wood would get in with an aperture like a seam of the coldest same and it wouldn't ruefully about 18 inches high and had to strain at destroying make enough to amount to space it later need Baikal a side of whatever just chipped the coal off the off the place of the face. I told myself that I would never ever. Have no way to understand the little birds prospered so why did he would use so much to follow in his footsteps he was prepared to do so you when you said you wouldn't wonder what was what was his love his arm presuming he loved you as his son and he wanted you to carry on in that employment why. Right now. I'll not submit to delicate about this but it can a fight it was a typical used to be only Ocean on and you are strong as a bull but a stake as to show blanks and a believe that strength was a man thing in life. And he wanted me to go down that. No I said No definitely no need to a did to show Milledge for me to show it to him than. I do you say to me and I call calling you as though I just said because the way I watch and a shed you you'll never as moche in your life time as I didn't now. Put him in a place well one day. When we got together after the family broke open and. 4 to shows and. Went to see him and. A time to say of a big ring on the whole should be that way so if you short of cash blood I can. Negotiate money out of his pocket. I said put it out he said no no no I said portage away and he won't take any notice I said and I looked in my above went in my pocket and I had quite a lot to him because of going over that to me to see him and his strange sort of thing I hated. And put him in each class. Now as regards the moon London. Not the manger never notices. Because it may have vetted begin by telling me it was other event it going to event last No only was if a smile. Was new loans from 1st not on the moon. Yeah. No the mason on any of your colleagues showed Well you know I'm bezique and Jim Davis No the list. Is not made mention lunch when we discussion them on Monday and the man landed on the moon to fish man on the moon is stored. To live with and he said I set off. Not being an atheist but I didn't I wasn't showing the religion. But now I believe in God. Yeah it was a spiritual thing for Neil Armstrong and I never thought about it afterwards he never talked about it afterwards he you know you know how one doesn't have to go just on a date and then they were neighbors already and that's why I'm not sure if he went into sanatorium but I do know with Buzz Aldrin enough a quiet recovered from the fact that he was the 2nd men to step on the main road when I think you always. I had an interview on the radio with him you could tell that was still part of the complex makeup of who he was and so on you know you'll you'll story but your dad you know that they don't. Let's not forget the dish best raised generation. H. That's a very sinister side to it what's an. Area. Of show mom get in there and they do say something but usually. A break Rabia you reckon yes. I thought we had toss that and you know just. Got monk and my kind of is it still great. That. It. Still Lives society now I mean. I mean once upon a time maybe more Once upon a time maybe sure most of us just want to live in peace totally you know most of us don't want to fight we just want a peaceful life to me but there what you want to fight to stronger the notion if they are actually because that your example of your dad which is a great story by the way and that story will live with me for a long time you come from your dad is that strength isn't necessarily. Braun you know strengthens. What you're going you know age between us is you know your intelligence is more strength and then isn't it that the strong person who can lift the biggest weight things that they're doing the most amount of money well actually it's the 7 stone weakling he's earning the most amount of money you know the $7.00 stone weakling who goes in and decides to invent the Internet and make money off Teddy. Let's catch up another time and have some more conversations because it is time to say good. Thing Cumbria. Get. Money in the. Morning Jill how you get how you I'm doing very well thanks very much well great story that said he was setting about his dad you know he's not yet amazing story but you know we're very close your dad very very very close yeah I could walk into. Not knowing anyone. With my dad. I say what kinds of people he didn't know who I was what. I've got the your. In that city that. I don't quite know but. If I may double some of them some of the you know. That shout out oh yeah I don't think. I've got that you did that I would not do you know the big things that said. You know you know I can but yeah but remember I was doing Shakespeare my middle is you trying to but you're not to bully in the middle how did you do how would you do it. Megan you know if you think Black Country How would you or any other new Yeah yeah yeah I know I would even. Know I would know I'm not that but in. Fact I don't but you just tried to be or not to be to be you know to be like I am not to buy. A food man was planting that Jew He sure that use has been on the moon who should know. That I think just I think your thing is better than my it. I'm not sure about that I'm sure this is probably nobody you singing is as bad as mine but Geoffrey in doing Shakespeare in a. Way to yeah yeah my accent a mile was better than yours are full of a you know get ugly or not Ok Ok. But you're dead. Like Kim I mean if you like physically but we like intellectually psychologically with well. There's we looked like we we do look like each other. And I've been described as a walking talking mini version of my dad but the female version. Is. Both a student 1st time time customer she went to the family. It's a little tray that we have an My girl has been is no match for godsake a she goes again I'm going to play my doctor this trite but it's just. When my husband Tristan my dad took it to sit back and watch to watch how we were like how good it was because I would end up howling a little quick who has got. This same way over we giggle the same I would want each other I would say my. You know. Even down to. We could argue together and looking at the same argument what do you think there is. Was it nurture did you learn that or were you just born I have no idea. I couldn't tell you a funny little story well we were planning our wedding. First of all that the only thing that would get this agreed on was the fact that most of my state he wasn't going to. Call it 12 but I got his name I must say it. Was a proud thing for me to get that name our name and I'm a vest and it was on the same side when my dad held my hand as what we down the aisle. Anyway. Anyway I wanted to keep my maiden name as my mother in my mind when I announced this but I don't know you know. And the time it was the 1st time that my dad had met the outlaws meaning most. Of. All and I want to keep. It and Eminem I don't know you know I can tell you are you taking his. And I was going to take you because. The media still call heels and I went Ha ha I'm keepin em keep em keep it anyway no you know you gotta take his. Will in the in the venue where we having a sit down meal look a bit daft. I do mean don't mind I'll go a couple both of us missed. I guess one doesn't. I would of course you was. Right when I didn't. Give it. A limp on the 7 I've got my would no doubt look a little bit punk out I knew it oh look muffled Oh you know look at the name anyway oh you can go public again so you need a little push over you you know you saw I don't yeah I'm yeah I'm not you go to push no no no I only did I only did got short no. Honey he made a motion still going push you know whether you only did it to show you that up or not double bout is pushes me is is your actual push you know I miss Miss Joan hunted down Miss Joan not to done furnish them been issued by the short sung You don't say but Miss Joan I was going again yeah I was going to keep the maiden name because of my dad I love that guy to bits and I was going to keep a hold of. How to teach you a heritage to my dad. Listen mate if if any of my dog was end up sort of being as close to their dad is you are to your dad I'll be all made up and I will genuinely sort of remember you about it I would say this is just Arjun in Cumbria thank you very much it's a pleasure What about that gym in Calgary was the Kate maiden name and dad said no the 17 years did you ever have an issue about obviously this for the ladies keep you made a mono in a relationship when you got married you know that it is a sin issue is it because it didn't even cross our paths when you know my Mrs just you know for a job she will call itself Mrs Eddy bio for a joke but I said you know it's beyond a joke it seems that for some people 59 or 9693 struck about that Dennis is with us imports with Dennis are you that's all right about a very well thank you very much appreciate it. We talk about lighting of the mood 96 greats this space exploration festival in terms of the moon of Mars which is a great achievement. To the moon so far mine has been there and returned no man has returned from Mars yet so it's been a bit premature Yeah but what about getting some months you know half a 1000000000 was absolutely marvelous achievement to land anything anywhere. And you mentioned this with technology that went into that the moon is the closest friend that was difficult to get. Me wasn't difficult to get to talk about health that. Exact was a modest achievement only 25 years after the end of the war you know yeah yeah point man. That massive Saturn rocket mines invention absolutely remarkable Yeah great coverage by the people. In Florida. And all it brings behind everything I'm going to be seeing the program starting the rescue mission that was him and Brian Cabell in nyc of course and often wondered about the 1st man on and then the Armstrong and Aldrin Yeah. Things were going wrong and then blasted off from the moon did I take any special medication with them. Paying for it to look yeah I'm sure I'm sure there was a gets out clause sub or not the way our underwear there's anything could be could have been activated he would acknowledge remarks you know. And so the. Among betting on that actually I'm not sure about the. Other thing is that there's a. Farmer shown during the ninety's on a briefly met Buzz Aldrin and he's wife Ok he was meeting so Frank we're going to have the inventor of the jet engine. But Arthur Weber Whoops Buzz Aldrin's right and I said that whoever regret not being the 1st man on the moon and she said Well not really nobody could regret was. It a rebel group through the process or for no known it was we had to return as instruments you can resurrect the window you missed or you know. How I think the fact the magic of the moon whether you miss little bits about it or not is to achieve much more than. That yeah right I think if we get to Mars Well I'm not going to sit I'm 76 No I reckon the midnight in social studies 20 Sartoris I won't be alive all would have thought well you know 203710 years ago when I thought I'm lucky looked through that night with the moon landing Yeah and then the great achievement supposing you mentioned that it was only you know 20 years or 25 years after the war ended and there are connections between that sash and rock in the war of course if well you know if the Chinese do. But that would have been such a great achievement if it only happened now you know in the in the area that we live in the Internet age that we live in Imagine if 969 was this year and a man has just landed on the moon would have been as great achievement as it was. In the sixty's when they didn't have the scientific instrumentation the thing they couldn't draw on today because Mars probably wouldn't happen in the 1960 says the complexity of getting on yes. So I darken the sit with him but 1st the whole computer said they sat exactly that and even if they did have a computer the size of a mobile phone it is taken up he has realized I don't. Speak of the Russians as well one issue is a chain always have problems with signing on a name the 30 Americans you know me always give props to the Russians whether it's you re Gar in all that that little dog that they sent into space was an opportunity to traverse the don't know the dog game was named the dog oh a current member now yeah. Like yeah like a That's right yeah you see and then try space exploration goes I think it reflects very nice and back a thing that should be ready I don't see any point now trying to go any bar and anywhere else. Than your approach Miss Cutter most outside time because I think they're all very black hill they got observatory up there they all went to the public school night 7 yeah I saw absolutely Saturn and its range from there as remarkable site and that's still a small limit should there because the scopes you know like she rode are far away as you know Dennis I've got a confession to make yes. I couldn't remember the name of the dog even so I have to thank. Kelly As come up for thank you very much as she said as she did directed tonight you know I could've come out with that myself and embarrassing things expression don't I talk I'm just funny sorry this go on. If we're going to go and said Don't dream space offering is a really frightening prospect quite honestly I don't think we need to go down a time when it's wrong not a fact that it's not going to be life as we know it we want to have to communicate one thing it's not going any more London's new rocks or parcels you know and there will be contraband but I want to tell you we're spending a lot and space is that going to be a life yeah yeah yeah well you know. We climbed Everest because it was their magine will go into the deep space because you know curiosity cover other things more incentives to do you know. You're not going to catch me going up into the great unknown. I'm staying on serve firm as it were. Thank you very much for the call Dennis wisdom wisdom but you will be around in the mid thirty's you know just me 2030 said don't be saying you don't you be around for we'll be there together we'll watch it together on the telly get drinks are on me just make sure you know you hang on in this that's for a lot of us she's no I don't have there's nobody listening tonight in case you know you know years old or whatever he doesn't think they're going to be around listening to me on the radio in 15 years' time me 20 and 30 course she will of course she will. Bob even. None of us are going to get this alive that's as the main thing to remember but doesn't mean we don't enjoy it was we here and what he did does Russia don't rush you know getting out if you see what I mean Denis thank you very much oh we're going to be talking about you Roy. Kick a bird she could tell in the next half an hour oh wait $331.00. Police and on b.b.c. Sound this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live the 5 Live news headlines 7 months after leaving nesses perseverance rover has successfully landed on Mars shortly after touching down the rover tweeted a picture of the red planet and will begin searching for evidence of life the world government says that the country's locked down rules will remain in place for at least another 3 weeks to allow children to return to school safely in Northern Ireland restrictions are being extended until April the 1st however children aged $4.00 to $7.00 will go back to school a much the 8th the United States has said it's prepared to hold talks with Iran and world powers reviving an international deal to prevent Iran obtaining nuclear weapons the shift in approach follows 2 days of talks with Britain France and Germany and it seem of American Scientists have successfully cloned an endangered black footed ferrets using preserved cells from a wild animal that died more than 30 years ago the black footed ferret almost went extinct in the 1980 s. 5 Rajput now has bulls errors I don't think it morning it was an excellent night for the British sides in the Europa League burn if an underscore twice as much as United Be Real Sociedad 4 nil in cheering to take charge of their around the 30 to tie boss only going to so she said after that Fernand this is always working hard to improve he wants to do the next thing at the best of his ability and that's a very good quality to have that you never rest on the aura laurels if he's if he's course to he wants 3 if he has an assist the ones another one he he drives everyone on top and beat Austrian side both bugga 41 in Budapest with Gareth Bale scoring one and making another college Cinesias Lucas Moore and so on human were also on the score sheet for Tottenham and their boss shows a Marine here is happy to take such a big advantage in. For the 2nd leg I'm pleased with the result because of course for way of home gives. A good space for having possible mistake that you can make with the 2nd leg I simply have one short in the in the next the result of course. Because cyclists 2nd half goal gave Arsenal the one will draw against Benfica in Rome less the city while 2 nil nil draw against Czech champion Slavia Prague and Rangers were involved in the game of the night the Scottish Premiership leaders came from 21 and 32 down to beat royal and swept for 3 in Belgium with Born a bar should scoring twice from the penalty spot Marius soccer will play Jennifer Brady of the USA in the women's final at the Australian Open on Saturday 2900 champion Osaka beat Serena Williams in straight sets while Brady beat compadre at Jessica Peggy to reach her maiden Slam final Well number one and 8 time Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic reached his 3rd consecutive final and will play either Daniel Medvedev or Stefan Aust City Pass on Sunday I'm ready for battle for the toughest match of the tournament without a doubt I mean both of these guys are in great form Medvedev is playing on a stream of high quality is on a winning match streak over 20 matches one he's just the man to beat you know and. On the other hand since it was produced some phenomenal tennis last night against Rafa coming back from 2 sets down against ruff on a grand slam any Grand Slam is a huge effort you can follow coverage of that semifinal on tennis breakfast on sports extra from $830.00 this morning and whatever happens in the men's doubles semifinals British instr interest in the final is guaranteed Jamie Murray improve no Suarez are currently a set down against Britain Joe souls prerace run of the USA and it's for all in the 2nd set and the Indian Premier League side Chennai Super Kings of pay 700000 pounds to sign England spin m o n alley for the upcoming i.p.l. All rounder. Current went to the telly capitals for just over half a 1000000 pounds and the South African bowler Chris Morris commanded the biggest fee joining the righteous town royals for $1600000.00 pounds there's a world of sounds to discover with b.b.c. Sounds like something moment when you would see create something sensational. With exclusive 5 live much commentry. Treasure Trove a mixtape like sounds of the ninety's. Peculiarly. Discover the colors on b.b.c. Sounds download the app to listen b.b.c. Radio 5 Live every day just the president says we're trying to create a space so we come into the same community in connection to be using a. B.b.c. Radio 5 Live. News. You know yes. I was. The 1st time my wife said to me was. I didn't know. Al sad I would be during the course of the day that man that you heard that the voice. They heard had the rapping voice. That. Voice has been. The musical backdrop. To Jamaican music. They call the MCs the human Kleeneze the Gleaner being the most popular of the national newspapers in Jamaica because a lot of people in the poorer parts of Jamaica the ghettos if you like they got the news not from the newspapers but from people like eerily Yeah. And I didn't realize how much that person's voice was the soundtrack to a lot of music today but as the day went on I started thinking about it there would be no rap music today if it wasn't for you right that's where I started from modern rap as opposed to you know the rapping of Louis Georgia don't chew Cheech big deal where everybody modern rap started with that guy so many imitators of that guy who's died at the age of $78.00. To get a wider perspective of this I'm pleased to say that we're joined by our correspondent Nick Davis. In Kingston Jamaica Nick now I've told you how know the death of you Roy it was announced to me and the impact that I felt I magine in Kingston in Jamaica is being felt much more profoundly. I mean absolutely I mean unfortunately you know we're losing that generation we've lost so many people over the last few years but you know I think it's because a lot of the music which we're listening today has a very clear route to Dom soul and he is the originator he's that link between the music form was between you know the Basan now you know the literally from the starts of popular. Modern Jamaican music which as you say. Influence so many musical forms way beyond. You know he's he's got linchpin now that's gone you know I an arguably you know we've had you know that. We've seen that the messages from people within. Jamaican Mazie from shy gay fruits many ever artists who've been talking about you know the last of this great you know in many respects it's music which he created and his contemporaries which are way more popular than a music arguably as was the increase in Jamaica now and so you know they are the heyday these are the people who created what makes Jimmy's I'm Jamaican music so special you know it's been out it's been out and you know they'll be a lot of people won't understand why his music is so important in the trajectory of popular music they won't understand though we have to explain I think the backdrop to this to a certain extent. There's a lot of humor in his songs just like in that I'm going to wear you to the ball tonight which was originally a song by John Holt as I recall and the original song would be the melodious bit you know. A little ball to know that prude in your best dress to now so that's how the song would initially have been recorded but then Jamaican produces as clever as they were they were he usually clever in considering that they were recording on not much more advanced equipment than cassette recorders t. You know 2 track records at some point for tracks if you were lucky pushing him to be Add else have their capabilities yeah they came up with this ingenious idea of putting what was essentially a live performance. Because the deejays belong to the sound systems in those days so in Jamaica in those days you know you would literally huge speaker boxes take the electricity from the let you call pole above your you know wire of sounds right on and you'd have a sound on the lot and because people would like trying to. Make a living out of this you know other people would be standing outside the dance hall not wanting to pay their money to go in so the dance promoter would hire somebody like you're right to be what they called a name see in those days toasting and Sting over the top they exactly and they would be he would his job was just to say to people outside Come on in spend your money we have a great time here and they'd be doing that over the instrumental version of a so absolutely version as it were so now this great genius idea to bring that mc on to record probably site in the mid sixty's you wrote wasn't the 1st but he's the one that seems I think the 1st is seen to be Lord Shorty I seem to remember it was one of the 1st ones and then the great king Stitt the ugh yes one is absolutely King state the other parent and he was in days he definitely has a definitely definitely good He wasn't handsome and he died a few years back as well but seem to be the one that just revolutionized the art form and turned into the roots and you said he's the originator of the roots of what we call rap today and look at all the imitators So you're OJT was there then suddenly some guy cool Iraq basically sounding just like your oil came up there were people like Prince jazz big you ranking Trevor all of these great reggae stars up to the modern day of people like Supercat and Shabba Ranks and well bulletin from a super cab for me you know I remember in the late eighty's you know when I guess Supercat was my way in growing up and he sort of managed to cross successfully that divide between hip hop and. Toasting and I was like wow this is so captivating way to say this is linked to my mythical past this Link's me today's pies where I used to look over the balcony and what chilli the air my parents and all their friends like well I didn't know what was going on but I was looking at the dancing going that my parents was what was going on you know. It was it was that seventy's vibe you know which effing Alexander McQueen captured quite well and some of his films which is what I remember and you know me I thought did you get a chance to meet him Did you ever meet him now Funny enough when I 1st went to Kingston in 1980 I was running all over town trying to look him down and he was everywhere I went he just left he just left and then he went overseas I missed him and that time a measure interview big you've got big you for he wasn't in a good mood because he's just been robbed him in the Marty Diamond said Jane give studio a managed interview Prince Hammoud is big the German time then many others but you know Year 0 I missed out and one of my big regrets in life is I missed out on this guy to be able to shake his hand and say look I mean a lot you would beg for it was original name and I'll tell you that if you don't mind Nick let's play a spin a lot of people will know Bob Marley's music but money in the way it is. So they're great songs were often covered by Jamaican sings. The Gladiators covered several of Bob Marley songs one of them being so Rob rebel you know. Bull's soul rebel but to understand what a d.j. An mc a toaster which is the real name for your oil and his ilk to understand what a toaster does let's have a listen to his version of. The song Bob Marley so rebel as sung by the gladiators you see him well that you Roy does to this is not so rebel but Nazi rebel. One of the good. News. That was a message of reggae at this point. And capsulated is positive completely positive in his lyrics and I think the root tribute to Jamaica because he represents. The downtrodden of Jamaica lived amongst them you know you have to marry that I mean I remember maybe about 5 years to about now being in the Olympic God. Got into me just chilling outside his yards and you know the thing which always sticks in my mind was you know it's so humble but with his trademark you know it was just great my house had. He had Yeah that's right and he had he had like a pair of them I was very jealous pair of like Nike. Classic classic trade. But they were color in the red gold and green and on one foot it said Daddy and on the other side it said. I was like literally as I say in Jamaica from its head talk to football just pure pure I come pure I come to you I'm jealous that you got to me in. His yard What was he like this is the closest I get is listening to the recording listening to that. Voice you know just listen to Spirit when you hear it and then jokes in terms of variance in everything among the summer things were coming out to Charlie's in the palace in the mobile. Message for her majesty the queen but what was he was the for the somebody he was he was very modest I mean for everything that he did you know as I said he never moved away from the community he was always very aware of the people around him you know we did we put on a party up and then pick guidance and it was just 5 you know people were coming in we spend the day stringing up the system you know went down picked him up he turned up but that is that one of the primary schools I can imagine we sort of took over a primary school at the edge of the community and we just got to spend the day getting everything ready you know wiring everything up getting ready to film him it was just it was just very relaxed you know just very very relaxed you know even to the point where you know what it's like with the b.b.c. We have so many different things differently to make sure for safety and you know we had like a safety adviser and and in the end it was like a complete complete waste of money but you know no one was going to do anything with this man around it was a simple as that he was he was so well respected that you know. It was just not needed it you know maybe nobody would ramp of him did did he have a sense of his place in music cool. History because the problem for what would have know what what Once upon a time I mean even Bob Marley was described as a 3rd world superstar in the days where yeah people describe the developing world in that way the problem for so-called furred world superstars was that they were not masters of their own destiny you know just like yeah. African countries and Caribbean countries are not your masters of the value of their product there is value of their products are determined in stock exchanges in New York or London or tell you go wherever else that's why you know the former head of Tanzania Julius Nyerere he woke up one day to realize that the value of coffee his country's most important product was now valued in the stock market is in New York at $0.50 a bag whereas not before it was like $10.00 a bag essentially impoverishing the country and then I saw it was an experience that a lot of. Jamaican musicians outside of Mali and the people around the whalers experience as well that even though they made these huge contributions other people would then basically say thank you very much we'll take your style and we'll put a bit of. Hip hop music to it or electro as it would call funk music if you like Century take your stuff but not give you credit and then that goes down in history then we think well. The Sugarhill Gang originated rep I'm not taking anything away from them I'm not saying I'm not at school accusing them of having ripped off thinking I'm just saying that he was the person who allowed this form this is on rumor of music to become part of the site guised if you like did he have a sense of the impact that he made on the world's music in that way even though he's not honored like that for most people yeah they would recognize him as yeah no I think I mean when you say that I kind of feel a little bit bad within myself actually because I remember for a different guy I arranged for a team to come over and to film him doing some stuff and I remember he asked for a fee and you know you know what it's like when you're not in the stakes you're trying to work with the production you're also trying to do you know you're trying to make sure the production was you want to make sure that you know. They're not paying huge amount of money that you're also making sure that person gets paid and I remember offering him you know maybe it was in the thousands but it wasn't a huge amount for like a day with him. And you know when you think about who he was and in you know it seemed it seemed rather small even even for me you know so it's a lot of people listening outside that may seem like it's ridiculous and I'm many you know what but for me it seemed it did seem very small and I am now thinking about I'm like well you know you could get called to Iraq an operator but he knew his own value and he and the and he said it to me that you know do you know do you really you know what you're asking all of me for that I could voice I could voice and get like 5 times that much for like 10 minutes you know you know so it's a tricky one you don't beat yourself up because you know to be disrespect. Not so from something I think so yeah because that's the reality of life in the ghetto as you know. And there are the giants of course we pay tribute to the years because of cortex from Scott you saying what about an Alice. In it is very much so but on a kind of a d m c or toasting sense I didn't want to play this. Because this is a message from. From you Roy Majesty the Queen it's a very funny record chalice in the past so basically and he's not the only sure I can because you suggested that he's called to Buckingham Palace and up a spliff and this is not a space this is a chalice is you know that's a huge ball a stall thing the rest is what was going to lick a pipe but I haven't missed it is Joe some of these people don't get the humor of a lot of rap music and take a look serious to have a listen to this man pure jugs totally free. The sound and not just. Love the thrill love is something that no jolts is kook you create your Majesty Arnab a chat with you so I'll come up to the palace and look out for much of his look just go big National Heroes celebration of you Roy's life I imagine that there are plans afoot in Jamaica to only him like all the great Jamaicans of a national stadium with some kind of moment. I mean it at the moment. Like most parts of the world where you know and the call in regards. Dealing with that. You know we haven't had a huge amount of case in comparison to the u.k. But you can say with things arise but you know we've had messages of condolences from both the political policies and from Fab's Ukraine to some Minister of Culture talking about the huge impacts which he had to make and me saying. What he did so far I've brought in terms of passing on the styles. You know. We need to be moral and we need to recognise these people and you know he's got his is and from the need to make government your distinction but even so you know it'll be interesting to see what's being proposed in the next coming days and weeks. What's going to be done maybe to even televise out and I do have a fit my listeners will take time out to check you Roy recording down to your oil the godfather of rap for us or tell you sting. The originator as Nick said one thing I do you want to leave you with my friend what was your favorite year of interest Nick and if you continue to go yeah it's the 1st crack you play it's you know I mean I'm a Dad had that remark that reminds me of growing up. You know that reminds me of as I said you know being upstairs with the kids watching all the you know parents can come downstairs in there that was that was kind of my earliest memories you know. Especially that time and not place is very special for me. Because it kind of is almost like seeing into an adult world you know and this is what's going to it's almost like this is what life is going to be like when you grow up and that makes me feel very won't have cause. To pull a classic that one of those tracks My favorite is this I think is Tony Clark on the phone calls but you listen to your Roy's rap and beautiful song Run Away you go Nick thank you very much Nick Davis in Kingston paid tribute to the great you Roy. And. To. Me. You. Know when something's gone wrong. Great. Baxley who has passed away at the age of 7 godfather to my view of rap thank you for listing has been paid should be trimmed gone either out of the program to go see the b.b.c. Radio find life. B.b.c. News out 4 o'clock this is Nick Boris Johnson who pledged to donate a majority of the U.K.'s surplus coronavirus vaccine supply to developing nations the prime ministers to make the announcement at a virtual g. 7 meeting 130 countries have yet to start vaccinating their populations primary school children and older pupils facing exams could return to classes in Wales from mid March if covert cases continue to fall but the 1st Minister Mark Drake for it will confirm lockdown rules will stay in place for another 3 weeks. Inspectors say that Cleveland police which was once found to be failing in all areas is still taking too long to respond to reports of missing children but the force has been found to have made notable improvements as Danielle Sanford reports Cleveland police has had a new chief constable since 2019 when 3 successive highly critical inspection reports led to a change in leadership since then her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary has found that there have been improvements in many areas such as catching criminals call handling and identifying and prioritizing cases involving vulnerable people but the inspectors who revisited the force in November find it was still performing poorly in its response to missing children the response was slow and cases were not followed up properly the new Chief Constable Richard Lewis said change took time and the force had in his words reached the 1st checkpoint on the marathon that was its improvement journey millions of people in Texas where severe winter weather is causing havoc have been told to boil water the Texas senator Ted Cruz who defended taking a family holiday to Mexico at the height of the crisis now says he shouldn't have gone he spoke at Cannes could airport while waiting for a flight back yesterday my daughter's there if they can take a trip around there Heidi and I agree I think that was. A problem on here and now I'm headed back in fact I am back to New in to work to try to get the power of what's happening in Texas not acceptable to a lot of tech workers the American space agency NASA has successfully landed a rover on Mars after a 7 month journey from Earth perseverance and our search for ancient signs of life on the red planet Keith Cowing used to work for NASA over the next few days is also true in all its instruments on it at some point it has a little how capture it was a couple kilos that will actually be able to take on it and survey the area around but after that is done the ruler will continue for the better part of 2 or 3 years to drilling click cereals and then the. Will leave them in a location for a future spacecraft to come to get to bring back to earth at a dog who has provided virtual therapy to people around the world during the pandemic is to become the 1st pets to be awarded the Order of Merit Max a 13 year old Springer Spaniel from the Lake District has been helping people with anxiety and depression b.b.c. News is 3 minutes past for. Saturday Night Live I think presents ringside said he will not be intimidated by Facebook after the social media company blocked users in the country from viewing news content the move marked a swift escalation in a dispute over proposed legislation which will force Internet firms to pay for news shared on their platforms the route could have consequences around the world Mr Marson said he had been in contact with other leaders who express concerns about technology companies he said think they are bigger than governments and that rules should not apply to them yesterday Australia's health minister Greg Hunt expressed his anger in parliament this is outrageous and not acceptable weight that. Ice book will fix these actions immediately and never repeat them again this is an assault on a straw for nice and it isn't assault on people's freedom and in particular it is an act of abuse of big technologies market power and control over technology. Will go round the well bought these stops there's such a correspondent in Sydney Film it clearly is a case of Facebook. From that from that clip that we just played them from the Minister is that how most people in Australia see it. I think Greg Hunt they're saying that this stops I think that's a bit of wishful thinking at the moment this is developing into an almighty standoff but between one of the world's most successful and powerful companies and the elected government solve Australia it all began quite a long time ago this fight was brewing when Australia announce plans for a media bargaining code these on new laws that would force big tech firms to pay for the news that it is re posted on its platforms now this legislation would make Australia the 1st country in the world to force big tech firms to pay for news content Australians woke up just over 24 hours well over 24 hours ago to find that they were blocked from sharing all viewing news stories and the anger we heard there in the voice of Australia's Federal Health Minister I think is reflected in or layers of government and certainly among many Australians as well they are confused many do get so did get their news from Facebook and of course everyone's wondering what happens next what does phase will constrain you'd look like now then what good is a kind of noches when you try to share news. Well all sorts of stories about how people have been trying to circumvent the new rules that have been put up by Facebook on the Sydney Morning Herald website they were suggesting that people could post news stories as long as they attached a picture of a cat that just goes to show what what sort of place the Internet is anything with cat seems to get through the algorithm that Facebook came under fire to for also banning government emergency services and Australia's National Weather Bureau websites as well so there is a failing that Facebook is being very very heavy handed in this Facebook said that this law that is Hof way through the Australian Parliament this week Dalton it was approved by Australia's lower house of Federal Parliament in the next week or so we expect it to be approved by the upper chamber which is the Senate so this is Hoff time in its passage through Parliament we do expect it to become law quite soon Facebook says the legislation fundamentally misunderstands the relationship between the platform and publishes who use it to share content and it says that Facebook's has a very limited financial benefit from curating all of that news on its platform and these social media are in search engines have long said that by re hosting or by repos sting news stories they generate traffic internet traffic and revenue to the websites of those traditional media organizations it might not be a puff law but certainly Facebook has taken immense issue with it on the other hand don't we have Google who has signed multipath 1000000 pound deals with various media companies in Australia so 2 very different approaches by tech giants to this new law but in the course of Australian public opinion who's winning. I don't think Facebook is winning I don't think Facebook perhaps. Would have seen the fury coming out of the Australian Government and also the distain from many quarters wealth of Australian society it's very difficult to gauge chill 2 to put the opinions of 25000000 people into one sentence but I get the sense that this could well be a public relations misstep by Facebook and again you have to contrast that with the actions of Google once upon a time Google and Facebook we had 98 in that condemnation of this new law Google said it was unworkable it did threaten to walk away from Australia but in the last week or so we've seen Google strike those pretty lucrative deals with 3 major Australian publishes and broadcast is that appears to be quite a softening of Google's previous hardline stance on the other hand we have Facebook picking a fight with the Australian Government Mr Morris and the Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Well as you indicated early adult that he won't be intimidated and of course politics comes into this this is a government that is lauded in many quarters for its handling of the corona virus pandemic we are expecting possibly a federal election in Australia later the Shias so no government wants to be seen as weak or is being seen to be dominated by any foreign companies such as Facebook so I would say that as we mentioned earlier Dalton that this is brewing into one almighty clash or potential clash between the company in the government and the government of the world and. As the minister was predicting the run and it's not lost on me that this this 1st fight if you like your 1st salvo in this difference of opinion is in Australia. When you consider the one of the main protagonists in trying to get these social media companies to pay the media for the coverage that they they get for free at the moment one of the main protagonist is of course Rupert Murdoch and he's in Australia native and my making see much of that connection. It's interesting that one of those media organizations that Google struck a deal with this week is News Corp which is one of the many organizations in Rupert Murdoch's stables that may have something to do with it there is speculation here in Australia Dalton that Facebook has decided to take on the Australian Government a middle power several 1000000 Australians rely on Facebook for their news and many more regularly visit the platforms So Facebook is an intrinsic parts of Australia is online landscape and there is a feeling in certain quarters that Facebook is taking on Scott Morrison's government really is to send a warning to governments around the world not to do the same not to try to force big tech firms like Facebook to pay for things such as news on their platforms and we do understand that Canadian Orthorexic is and all far it is in the European Union are watching progress of Australia's media bargaining codes very closely indeed so picking a fight with Australia could be a way of Facebook saying to other governments look if you go down the same path this will happen to you but as we say it seems highly likely from what we've seen and heard from government ministers here that the Morrison administration is rolling its sleeves up expecting to have some wrestle with Facebook because it doesn't seem Dalton that either side is willing to back down at this stage Phil thank you very much for then should me labor leaders secure Starman says millions of savers should be given the chance to invest in the U.K.'s recovery from the coronavirus crosses with a bone scheme the British recovery board and scheme is the centerpiece of secures alternative plans of national recovery revealed in a speech on Thursday head of the chances by. That in March he also proposed a start up loans 400000 new small firms especially near is outside the Southeast to me. Is the chief executive of the New Economics Foundation which is a think tank a promoting say Sure economic and environmental justice and I began by asking her to explain what a government bond is at its most basic level it's the government creating a way for people to cut their savings into something and the government has said she say to. You look we will give you for example one percent return on your savings we borrow essentially from you as a safe and then we're going to use that money to do certain things in this case invest in credit recovery one percent doesn't sound like a good return well so they haven't put a figure on it but the truth is you know we are in this strange world where you know Bank of England is estimating that as of November there's about 125000000000 pounds worth of say thing by July 2021 this year they're basically projecting that will have 250000000000 pounds of saving because many of us haven't been able to spend money doing looked at in the way that we do and their estimate is that actually 5 percent of that will actually be spent which means there's going to be a lot of money just sitting in deposits and saving deposits when interest rates are really low not really doing very much not very very much for people so in that world you could actually say one percent or 1.5 percent and for a lot of people the opportunity to get that return versus nothing really in the bank plus the chance to be part of the recovery effort and to be doing your bit is a thing I think Labor hoping will appeal to people. I can understand and secure star move would want to propose that and the. Source sensitive where all you need together kind of war spirit if you like the 2nd one was a period of Britain where they were born schemes as well to support the government in search or is this it is the sort of thinking about investments changed over the course of time because he's basically asking us to go back is he not to the time when people had that communal spirit about savings Well I think that's exactly what that he's tried to tap into I think it's that sense you know one of the things that we have seen in the pandemic is that sense of solidarity that sense of me to listen people looking out for their neighbors looking out for their community and it's trying to get back to that sense that we can all club together in order to be part of the effort to renew the country I mean the key thing that has changed is that interest rates often on really low and in truth you know the government can borrow from the bond markets international markets at 0 percent interest rates and actually negative interest rates so there are other mechanisms by which you could get the money in order to do you think this probably did it cheaper but this is about just more than just unlocking capital it is about people having a stake in the country that you're quite trying to create and everyone feeling like they can and they want to do their part in that program or from the shore and you'll. Used to pretty important words which resonates with some of my generation mutuality and I once upon a time the idea of a Me Sure savings bank did actually inspire you to join or to to save I just wonder whether. You now thinking the way that we think about investment hasn't been a lot more selfish if for instance the opposite of mutuality you know what we just basically looking to invest I'm talking about this sort of an existential sense of savings now whether we're just looking to invest in where we can get the best return or where is safe is to put our money that idea of me Gelati doesn't exist anymore. It doesn't because we are in a world where you know people do want a quick return and they feel want to hire it but the point is that the pandemic potentially has changed all of that and it's done it in 2 ways because I think a lot of people have looked around them and they think that they've seen have been exposed by the pandemic I think is kind of. Open the are. There's a sense that we've got to do better than this and actually all the polling suggests that say if you take something as simple as welfare which if you think about 10 years ago was a really really does he were to add all the Poly was pretty negative about it and now people think actually we don't give enough in terms of welfare payments so there's definitely a sense that things are changing so I think that's partly it and then you know secondly actually say this aren't really getting a return through just putting their money in banks anymore because interest rates are so low so in that well you know it's very very hard to get a return you could probably still get it by putting into property I mean God knows what's going to happen with the property market as we saw or come out of the recession and the kind of economic impact it so she in that world this might feel like quite a good proposition for a lot of people. Well from the government's perspective it was new for them given that it would be cheaper wouldn't for them to give funds from the money market it definitely would be cheaper. And you know the reason why my organization hasn't been pushing this particular idea is because we think it is actually cheaper and quicker just to borrow from the money markets but I think the thing that you would get from this is you would tap into capital that would look otherwise not be doing anything you know you would get she just have saving sitting in deposits and not doing anything and so that's money that can be asked accessed and potentially should be asked access but you know the 2nd part of it is that for those that do take up the bond they get a return and actually there is something quite powerful that says you know you invest in us as a country and we give me something back but then the 3rd part of it is you know I think getting to that collective sense is for those of us that have done pretty well in the pandemic investing in something that then allows the whole country and those that particularly haven't done so well to be lifted up I think tries to create that sense of collective purpose that labor desperately trying to tap into and you know when he talks about something in the air in 1945 feet it is that sense of collective endeavor and collective purpose which is very different to the world of let the markets rip let them fend for themselves and there's no such thing as society when you say that your guys ation the New Economics Foundation world haven't been pushing this perspective what would you what would you push what would you put forward and propose as a way of government borrowing money and investors or savings people we've savings using that savings to somehow propel Wiig postcode recovery. Well it I think the most important thing is we just have to get. Money into the economy quickly you know we talk about a fiscal stimulus and the truth is the quickest way to do that is by governments borrowing for yields you know essentially using yields as bones borrowing from the money bucket and getting that cash injection into the economy quite quickly this sort of a scheme takes time to set up it can be set up pretty quickly but it takes time to set up getting to that 250000000000 will take time because you need people to be aware of that you need people to be bold enough to want to kind of invest and for us in the short term the big big parties that we just have to get cash into the economy and that we need to get cash into the economy in the things that matter and for us that Ciena Green says he going to spend a lot of money trying to stimulate the economy you should be trying to stimulate a in a way that addresses the next big challenge of climate change and creates jobs at the same time and the quickest way to do that is for the government to borrow because it can do that incredibly cheaply and the key thing for me is you know it's in some respects less where the money comes from and more what you do with it you know what are the things you're investing in. Because that's the thing that will determine whether we come out of this pandemic in a better shape than we went into it. The New Economics Foundation think tank let's find it was in the morning papers Pescado McG. a Is currently studying for a masters degree in radio the University of Sunderland and we discussed this morning's papers among some of the front page of The Guardian which is saying that the prime minister will give extra jobs to poorer countries it is a very interesting situation with the distribution of surplus jobs I mean I believe as well the mirror also covered this story a little bit further on and they mentioned this comes after the u.k. Has ordered 107000000 doses of potential vaccines which if you know you know so quick and with the numbers is 4 times. Many 4 times over as many u.k. Adults the u.k. Adult population so that is if those I mean is potential vaccines but if all of those came through we will have one hell of a surplus and the question is and the things that are being said a lot of countries been coming under fire politically with and this is a very interesting fact that they state in the Guardian article that 75 percent of all covert 19 vaccines of being administered have been in just 10 countries 130 countries have not had a single dose and obviously a few of those might be countries that haven't really been as affected by the pandemic as others some of doing amazing right now but that is quite That is quite worrying information and. This is great news that there is this that we will be giving our surplus into the Kovacs distribution scheme which is a g 7. G 7 nations that putting So supplies into this soft pot there is also a political element to it as well Russia and China for going Kovacs and they're going giving that vaccine straight to these developing nations and there's almost fear is with this on. This politics this. I suppose maybe even a vaccine proxy war a vaccine diplomatic will going on here with with swaying countries. With the vaccine with the power. Literally says it we are allowing the idea to take hold the hundreds of millions of vaccines and be given in rich countries and we're not starting him in poor countries is some president acceleration of global inequality and it's politically and steps unsubstantial too because it's paving the way for a war of influence over vaccines you can see the Chinese strategy and the Russian strategy to. See as its own reasons for saying that as well I mean. There is this interesting divide that's going on with sensually. The idea if this you know clash perhaps of east and west in terms of of who's giving the vaccines to his to how they're being given now is it is it good to put them into the Kovacs game is it best give them directly I know Kovacs Germany seems like a good system I know that did come under a little bit of fire not that long ago because a country like Canada was dipping into some of the Kovacs stockpile which seemed very. Considerate with a lot of people since they at the time had the highest number of of vaccines in that country per capita so it seems strange that they were dipping into what was a sensibly meant to be a stockpile for developing nations nations that didn't have as many vaccines so it is a really interesting thing playing out at the end the day I suppose we should be happy that. That there is this impetus now that there is this drive to give vaccines to countries that either can't afford it or don't have the political power to secure all the economic power to secure these vaccines early on like you know nations like . France Germany Spain you know even Mexico's moving into its later stages so it's good to see these these developments. You would hardly know would you looking at the front pages you would hardly know that there was one small Weili for Rovers and arguably one huge we for over kind in the landing on well tried did not. An attempt made. A successful attempt was made by NASA as a rover on Mars and the comparison with the moon landing 51 and a half years ago is that all the from pages would have had that story all the national newspapers valve that story on the front pages for 2 and a half years ago whereas now only one newspaper The Daily Telegraph it's got this this momentous occasion on its front page perseverance makes its mark or tomorrow's where we suggesting that this is no greater an achievement than men landing on the moon in 1989. I suppose when it's like a robot has maybe a bit less of the sheen in the appeal that a man landing on the moon does but it is it is a great step forward all the great leap forward as he was saying it is it is really cool we've got this plutonium powered rover on months now searching for signs of ancient life I mean we can as much as I love you know world the world especially the Jeff Wayne's version I don't think I don't think there's any current life but they are looking for ancient life here on Mars and I mean what they do believe a while back it was confirmed that there are frozen deposits of water underground and obviously if there's water and a sun then you know that means that that could have been life even very simple life very basic life you know bacteria or whatever would be all intents and purposes alien life. And the 1st that we'd ever come across which would be absolutely fascinating and a giant step forward in our understanding of the galaxy in the universe and how life develops and how life forms like seeing life from another planet would be absolutely incredible I think Pascoe mag a the who's at the University of Sunda the time is just coming up to $429.00. On b.b.c. Sound the b.b.c. Radio and finally 5 news headlines but it's Johnson will pledge today to donate the majority of the u.k. Surplus coronavirus vaccines to developing countries the prime minister will chair a virtual Summit of the group of 7 nations and encourage his fellow leaders to follow suit has been confirmed that look down rules the whales will remain in place for at least another 3 weeks with the 1st Minister Mark Dreyfus Drake Fred forgive me will announce today that all primary school pupils and older age groups facing exams could return to. Losses from the middle of next month if covert numbers continue to improve millions of people in the u.s. State of Texas have been told to boil water amid severe winter weather power failures and burst pipes affecting water treatment facilities and a NASA spacecraft has begun its mission to look for life for most of the landing successfully on the planet the perseverance rover will spend the next 2 years drilling into rocks to look for evidence of activity by microorganisms far has pulled Sarah's Thanks doesn't Good morning it was an excellent night for the British sides in the Europa League Bruna Fernandez score twice as many as United beat Real Sociedad 4 nil in Turin to take charge of their round of $32.00 time both only going to Sasha said after that Fernandez is always working hard to improve he wants to do the next thing at the best of his ability and that's a very good our tribute and the quality to have that you never rest on the aura laurels if you see if he scores 2 he wants 3 if he has an assist the ones another one he he drives everyone on Tottenham beat the Austrian side with Burgo $41.00 in Budapest with Gareth Bale scoring one and making another colors Vinicius Lucas Moore and so on human were also on the score sheet for Spurs and their boss chose a Marine year is happy to take such a big advantage into the 2nd leg I'm pleased with the result because of course for a way of gives. A good space for having possible mistake that you can make the 2nd leg I think we have one short in in the next The result is of course very good because sack is equaliser gave Arsenal a 11 draw against Benfica in Rome Leicester City were held to an ill no draw against the Czech champions Slavia Prague away from home and Rangers were involved in the game of the night the Scottish Premiership leaders came from 21 and 32 down to beat roll and swept for 3 in Belgium with Born a parachute scoring twice from the penalty spot name is Zach. It will play Jennifer Brady of the USA in the women's final at the Australian Open on Saturday the 2900 champion beat Serena Williams in straight sets while Brady beat compadre at Jessica Pegler to reach her maiden transplant final men's world number one and 8 time Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic reached his 3rd consecutive final at Melbourne Park and will play either Danielle Medvedev or Stefan sits a pass on Sunday I'm ready for battle for the toughest match of the tournament without a doubt I mean both of these guys are in great form. Medvedev is playing on a stream of high quality is on a winning match streak over 20 matches one he's just the man to beat you know. On the other hand since it was produced some phenomenal tennis last night against Rafa coming back from 2 sets down against ruff on a grand slam any Grand Slam is a huge effort if you follow the coverage of that 2nd semifinal on tennis breakfast on sports extra from 830 this morning in the men's doubles Rajiv Rahman Briton Joe souls' Bribie Jamie Murray and Bruno Suarez in straight sets to make the final and the Indian Premier League side the Chennai Super Kings have paid 700000 pounds to sign England's been a moment early for the upcoming i.p.l. All rounder Tom Curran went to the Delhi capitals for just over half a 1000000 and the South African bowler Chris Morris commanded the biggest fee joining the right to stand royals for 1600000 pounds this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live listen live on digital only Alena for the b.b.c. Sounds out good morning the weather is going to be turning increasingly west across western areas the u.k. a Particularly slow moving weather France will be with some of you throughout Friday and on into Saturday as well there will be some pretty large rainfall totals building up but always the wettest weather will be part of the high grounds of the most of southwest England the Brecon Beacons Snowdonia coming in Fells Northern Ireland generally looking pretty wet along with many westerners of Scotland particularly across stretches of the uplands and the Highlands now the rainfall in itself could cause some localized flooding issues but separates particularly south into some of us higher parts of Scotland where the rain last to be combined with snow melts in the fog continuing here as mild air works in once again mild as we start off Friday actually as well as being wet and windy across many western areas of the rain quickly getting in across Wales Westerner's of England be ready for most of the day in Northern Ireland as well where the 2 for what Scotland fashion the milestone. Of the day for these areas with temperatures around 8 or 9 degrees Celsius for the course East in Scotland central eastern England should be getting off to a dry start to the day but it will be not be cooler temperatures around $3.00 to $5.00 degrees to start with and on through the rest of the day this stays pretty windy gales across western areas the winds coming in from a simply direction continuing to drive in further I breaks of rain for northern Ireland Wales western areas of England and across a good part of Scotland as well from central and eastern England and at times ne Scotland well won't be much in the way of rain just north patch though profs launch stretch of the day they will be dry and Bryce Where have you although it is going to be mild temperatures around $10.00 to $12.00 degrees Celsius the weekend while we see further on breaks of rain across western areas continue to see some fairly strong winds as well but across the eastern side of the country will be largely dry from brights and for some it will become very mild indeed across parts of eastern England temperatures on Saturday in the woman spots could go as high as 17 degrees Chris Fox 5 life weather b.b.c. Radio 5 Live the race of the u.k. Still to define this and I agree was going to discover the b.b.c. Sounds out. Some look to boost sporting highlights will be this weekend now and 1st full results from Friday's matches with Motley shadow 1129 media you very poorly last night thoughts and. Most of the pictures kind of went to for Manchester United $14.00 nil also. A one all draw with you know that crucially why you go in Benfica the fake share with all the British teams that that quote Moily involved caused by Rangers they went through and up the Belgian Lake probably arguably slightly stronger than the Scottish league at the moment. But they won they won and quite dramatic forwards finished 430 with a penalty in the last minute of the guy in raw. Just in the way and I thought I just want to talk about they say because Steven Gerrard is probably the former British manager at the moment he's lost one game in 40 in 40 matches he's about to say that think it will and and knock Celtic off of their perch and deliver a title to right injuries which they haven't had for for a decade now and I just wonder if bigger clubs. Not just in I think possibly across across Europe might be looking at what he's doing because his team play cry attractive football and he's gotten a lot you know and I dished out in the maze going to a lot of law players who I don't think would be you know I wouldn't I don't think a Premiership player per meal a prize they're pretty hard top Championship plays and he's taken a well run Europe and they get results I'm very impressed with Ace and I just wonder if in they say strange old times we live in in this funny old paired where ah whether it's the Cubans Gerald's that's the May It's knockout Majesty directed from the or I played this season so if you believe in destiny it might very well be and you say he hasn't had did you say one before he's had one defeat in 40 fixtures one yet one to face and for all to fix one defeat said he's probably the most informed British manager of all time out of thought you know they don't come through for anybody else so you can see him show that kind of stats even Arsenal in the invincible year was was it well Ok Ok if a fair enough well one of the most informed British manages of all time let's say that and. Clearly that means if we look at the trajectory of Brendan Rodgers go from Celtic to Leicester clearly that must mean there is a place waiting for him in the Premier League that place for him would be Liverpool wouldn't it can't seem going anywhere else but Liverpool in the Premier League. And it's almost as if you're going Klopp is keeping the seat warm for him. Ok he's had a decent result this week in the Champions League but otherwise you know if it had been struggling of me. Doesn't doesn't like it yes they have been struggling. All you know it's not been going to be well for them for the last 4 last few she weeks but I don't I don't think he's in any risk of of losing the job there any time soon I'll see you know and I know there was a remake around what's up a few weeks ago that this was the case in any way I can say that the situation that change in the end and a vacancy coming up would be if you get him self decided for for you know for a number of reasons that he no longer wanted the job and wanted to move back to Germany we know that your kid's mother passed away not so long ago so you know mate may unite you you can't. I wouldn't rule totally 100 percent rule that out by game I think that was unlikely I wasn't suggesting that talk you know Mark I wasn't actually suggesting that all good you're going clock is part of a project to live for and using Proc has got his own live for project as well that he wants a complete total get that from saying that even though the Premier League managers must be sitting and looking at Steven Gerrard and thinking we need to sign him to get him to come and manage our clubs it will be a many people's minds as you say actually the only place for him is outside the Premier League until that live who manages job becomes lied about of thought they knew I was there something I. Yes gone I actually disagree I think he I think you need to take a step so I think you need to step away from from. From ranges but either in the Championship or possibly abroad. You think it be interesting to say what you did if you managed in spite you know it's an a or even German a I also I think off the lot this is that way Mays into the Premier League without liveable with no at Liverpool there's obviously some clubs where you just car what ever imagine amount of managing mention it's been the prime example of it and obviously not Celtic but I think it be interesting if he took if he was at a club like say West have or Newcastle for a few seasons just to see what he did that and to kind of prepping for going to Liverpool because you know Steven Gerrard at Liverpool he will be expected to deliver the lake will be expected. To take to tame 3. The later stages of the European Cup as well as the expected not to slip up. They you Guy. They he now use they say and I think you know he'd have looked around and say what's happened to some of that fright lamp he also you know I you know on of the generation of Liverpool fans who are in a experience it's great so you know it was maybe in a chart the same day manager and guy from winning legs to not winning anything and it kind of you know for a whole generation of Opal fans so you know his playing career is almost forgotten he'd of he would have known and seen how that worked out as well he would have you know he'll be speaking to a lot of other people who've been in similar positions a fair inclusion I suppose some of that Brendan Rodgers he might he may privately argue that that job came so quickly for him and he thinking he maybe wants to get the Anfield job not necessarily be the person off the club but maybe the past and after that I reckon fair point and how far do you think he will go in Europe this season. That's really hot there it's the last that you tell you I mean if they got . If they got 3 this round got to the run off that I got the quarter finals I think that's an answer the standard result for ranges the thing is you never know it often because so much afoot was about momentum right Granger's or are likely to late is momentum in the lake which means that they always go into these into your playing games coming off the back of a win which can can just give them a little bit momentum when they need it as well so you you never know I wouldn't I wouldn't try to write him off I think he'll be high paying Rangers will be hoping to draw an English side in the next round. Because I use my shame again as an English side but also I think that they just move an advantage because they'll be the teams they play domestically in Scotland would be playing in a much more similar style to the way English sides play. Yeah and talking of saving Gerard there is a Merseyside doggy to contend with this weekend is funny how every time I talk to you this summer Liverpool connection to discuss and you've already declared your interest this time around I suppose you're sitting back thinking well there's no evidence going to win this they haven't won a Merseyside Darby at Anfield in 22 years it. Took 999 was the last time it gives me great joy to think that they you know those teenagers he don't know that Everton are even allowed to win at Anfield which which they are as cheeky. Which they are thank you for adding that. But you know little of sex in the lake there's been a terrible form essentially the moment for me when it will start to go wrong group is a reverse of this fixture when we when we try to make it a sin and we lost Vandyke early on to that horrible knee injury we lost Thiago that game as well he missed a lot of football after after that and it kind of disrupted the whole is destructed up Liverpool's whole campaign thus far I mean I think I still think Liverpool have a overall better squad than everything but every turn their not been there done recently on the Colorado lottery that said I mean Liverpool are going into this game of the back 3 losses in the lake obviously they want to make wake and every turn are going off the back of 2 losses and a draw so not the same as a particular form at the moment on a high paying off the what we saw midweek in Hungary went by Leipzig that Liverpool may have turned the corner in form but then. These games always tend to be quite spicy so you never go and and the little pool table last week against Leicester they they won one lock in the den just lost all their confidence conceded 3 goals in about 8 minutes which was quite horrific thing to watch but so I ahd expecting a lot of goals bomb expect and this is the game that we're going to that Liverpool sorry are going to get their major back and stomp him to victory. Ok I have to take the Everton side of the conversation otherwise they won't get look in even though they're allowed to get a look in in this conversation. The Everton when they've won this season they have won quite spectacularly but then they've lost some somewhat inexplicable matches that you thought hang on they should have won this but they haven't you mention color and Lotty obviously very key to Everton success this season and the 2nd half of last season as well what is going right over wrong for them I don't get it with Liverpool it's all straightforward you know you you've lost your talents man and in the in terms of the center back center half . And Virgin Vandyke. Center back more than center half you've lost that talisman and that is just expose you start the ball greatly Where is with Everton I'm not quite sure what's not working when they lose. I think we're evident what we're saying is evident definitely have a good core in their squad they've got good kind of 14 or 15 players but the problem at this problem is at this stage is say the contrast you know you are playing every kind of 3 or 4 days which means that if your kind of you know 14 plays your 11 players for sure 3 subs that get the blame almost all of them have got to have in the Premier League almost all of them have got to have a minimum of $1710.00 to be able to consistently keep winning everything squads just their opiates you thin and I think I suspect you know they've got I mean is now a very deep pockets they've got a really good manager a manager who the owners have wanted to be there for quite a while now and they start to they've got plays in the squad who who are not sure when is within it and you know they've they've also got goals in the squad so I think what we might end up saying over the next couple of transfer windows is them add 2 or 3 more players each window that might take them up to a stage where kind of possibly not this time next if not this time next year then the beginning of the season afterwards so we're looking at a 2223 where they will I think seriously begin competing to get to the Champions League that's on the basis that they can keep the manager the money stays there to be able to buy players in and they can keep the squad that they've got they're happy if they can do all those things then then I think everyone will be there with their bats very soon for I don't you know they're 7th in the league now we talk about the kind of the The Big say should play and of course I mean this year you could argue Aston Villa and West Ham unless the city of hijacked the party slightly but I think for me Everton are going to be challenging for champions they places quite seriously in that in a very short time and actually that's why I enjoy mocking it's a long drive to Anfield because I think where that's due to come to an end in the next couple of seasons if. Keep on this Jack tree that there are even come to an end it might even come to an end tomorrow since the hold your breath felt your breath. You mention West Ham they're playing and moving on to Sunday finishes have their they're playing the sponsors or spurs if you prefer on the Sunday are can't see Spurs winning that I cannot see Spurs winning that the kind of I'm down season they've had were of late losing matches where they're everywhere whereas West Ham are solid they will lose matches the ones you expect them to lose but then they're winning matches they should be winning where is a losing match is that they should be winning if that makes sense yeah. 9th in the table 6 points behind West I mean you know western fans have a have a long you know not just between these 2 sets of fans is that there's a lot more lost there's no love lost there's no lost and I don't think any West Ham found in their wildest dreams could have dreamt that the season they're having David Moyes has really got them playing maybe not having fattens in the London stadium stadium that notoriously their fans did not like bacon in. Those found you're old enough to remember the bullying stadium you know that they're not happy about that talk and both wherever raising the stars and. A lining up for West Ham this season David Moyes has got them playing and quite the opposite is happening at White Hart Lane at the moment Tottenham 4 you know that had one win and 5 they've got a good squad Tottenham just. Have been an absolute nightmare it seems to me like he's a I don't know if you're a fan of the Marvel films Datsun of Avengers but I said to someone today as I read in the time Marina is a little bit like the analysts he seems have destroyed destroyed everything and he just. Seems inevitable. I can't imagine unless they stand around pretty rapidly he turns to form of the chamber and pretty rapidly I don't think he's going to be in that job for for much longer because I just can't imagine that the chairman of the kind of board of directors are particularly happy with with the job he's doing because everyone around that club just looks deflated at the moment well they are a lot of money well. He had 10 year lease had. I don't know what's gone wrong with telly I mean there's something that has gone wrong with him over the last season also has to be rectified but the Spurs spend a lot of money on that stadium and they expect to be in the Champions League every year at the moment they're not going to make the Champions League and that's a lot of money going out of the coffers as a result of that give us the money they've spent and brought the likes of Gareth Bale from Real Madrid at least to pays wages the very least and I can't see him staying there even if it does get better for fitness and cetera because you know the Spurs are blowing hot and cold one thing I would say that is added lies in Jos a Marino's posts Meche. Conversations interviews he's not blaming the place he's not he's actually praising the players I've seen a new kind of judge every year because at some point usually in the past. There would come a point where you start blaming the players and is not do enough thought Ok what's going on he keeps actually going out of his way to praise a plays or say look they played examine me you know the result didn't go away but they cannot argue you know I can't blame plays a playing exhilarate So then you wonder whether. True you know which way that decision by the board is going to go where the the board is going to say world if we can't play the plays we've got blame you or whether the board is thinking well hang on he has still got some because the players I'm sure do still respect Joe's a marina and what he's trying to get out of them I mean if they didn't I could yeah I'm sure Harry came would have given you get an indication of that the mobilise to the captain to very much him and saunas to a very much the talismanic who figures for them and put in those 2 keeping those 2 together playing together and still having the sort of connection they have up front is a result I think it's a result of the manager seems to into the end of the season at the very least dishes my take and it doesn't right in the unlikely circumstances in which I thrust to run Tottenham Hotspur football club my thought process would be this way are heading into a recession one of our biggest not heading into it where we're in a recession one of far biggest income generators is the money found spend and they come to the stadium right we've got the you know a brand new huge beautiful stadium we can our fans in the my about some point fans will return if when fans will return and we all know and money is going to be tight for everyone wall they be willing to put their money take their money at their pocket and spend it on the football that we are currently in Out to the world what they should be getting bums in states. Like that I think if you think about it will . I g a you try to get a ticket to that stadium I mean before the pandemic he tried to get a ticket to the stadium there's enough strip the reason why that stadium was built there were more Suppose he wanted to be at White Hart Lane week after week after week even when Tom was going through orders difficult stages and there are much more fans who are trying to get tickets and there were spaces for fans in the stadium so they build new stadium and you try to get a ticket to this new stadium even with the increased capacity was almost double what it was a name and you try and get a ticket to it you can't get a ticket to it and it's hard I think the Finance on oil what you what you forget in the eye is that that you know 33 pandemic Tottenham we're 6 months out from having a paid in the European Cup final dad. Had only taken over and he'd only been in the job for about 3 months. I was playing very attractive football until it all kind of went wrong quite rapidly for him I wonder if Daniel Levy was watching Piers she vs boss Leno tonight and maybe I was a bit c quick to pull the trigger on part of course I don't doubt that I don't doubt that and we will we all need that really didn't we we all knew that if yes punches Parv a project you've pulled the rug from under the project and brought this other person is probably 1st celebrity status as much as anything else but I think they can get bums on seats in the stadium up to certain extent the football is still attractive football from Tottenham it is to attractive the results may not be going their way but I'm a Tottenham boy in terms of where I grew up in Arkansas you now that some of the football the we're seeing from Tottenham is the football of their fans want to see that who did is wins football that's exactly what the Mater says and the fans are low enough to stay with it. But at some point yeah the the board will look at the results and think well we need to be in the Champions League I think that the key not when we get bums on seat at the at the Newton ground anyway let's leave that open for discussion I'm sure some sponsor listening and want to react to that as well as the other fixture on Sunday's Arsenal vs Man City which way with the record you described to be mentored you would need on current form even though Arsenal seem to turn things around there yeah last few months I've been talking to you at this time every Friday morning and we've been talking about how great it's been to have a title race in the last kind of target really wakes that tight race things have kind of melted away Man City Nice attempt points clear of in place I mentioned United I suspect the. City will get another 3 points and Sunday evening though I always find it fascinating to watch pep take on. His former kind of apprentice slash confort. Confident number 2 somebody who he left a lot of naysayers claimed well put pipes kind of lost a lot phase kind of tactical brain there so it's it will be interesting to see what this kind of young developing Arsenal side how they do against Man City and how they set up as well because as there's another supposing fixture on Sunday evening that we shouldn't forget and that will be the Australian Open final the men's final the very least and well there's an old time of this in that final Novak Djokovic where we expected him to be there didn't we yeah he's he's won they stolen a record 8 times this will be his 9th time winning it when I realized this is not the time I was like wow that is some achievement isn't there an idea he wins it if he wins it sorry i quite forgotten how long that he's been at the top of this off his game obviously we kind of quite blessed to be able to watch. Men's tennis at. Time because you know there's been kind of 3 or 4 players who've been absolutely dominant in terms of Djokovic some towel and Federer. And even you know the women's guys have been having the Williams sisters of Spain incredible to see what some of that form is as well as it as we shouted they have 11 search and I'm Egypt now we've been talking about parents tonight how they shaped your lives have you ended up as you are because of your parents Tony in Blackpool was telling me earlier how his life was shaped by rebelling against his dad he wanted him to go down the mines. To be only Ocean on and you're strong as a bull fishtank as Toshio planks and a believe that strength was a man's thing in life and he wanted me to go down that. A No I said No definitely no I need to a did to show military to show it to him. And used to say to me like I'll call you as though I just said because the way I watch and it said you you'll never as moche in your lifetime as I didn't now and I put him in his place one day. When we got together. The family broke up. For to shows and. I went to see him and. Stop the sale of art at big win on the whole should bother with show if he showed a cash lot I can. And he got some money out of his pocket. I said put you in shit no no no I said but if you're away and you won't take any notice I said Look and I looked in my about I went in my pocket and I have quite a lot in big question going over there to me that you see in men and their average 3 sort of thing I hate about you where I end up Ok many players. So that's it from us which alive thanks for listening always a pleasure to bat with you but I'm back with you on Monday morning one of. The boys in the u.k. a B.b.c. Radio 5 Live. News 5 o'clock this is not crazy Boris Johnson will pledge today today the majority of the U.K.'s surplus coronavirus vaccines to developing countries the prime minister will chair a virtual Summit of the group of 7 nations and encourage his fellow leaders to follow suit 130 countries have yet to begin vaccinating their populations and campaign a site rich nations who've been hoarding jobs is our global health correspondent Naomi grimly new figures from the antipoverty pressure group the one campaign revealed that is straight Canada Japan the u.k. The us and the e.u. Have already secured more than $3000000000.00 says $1200000000.00 more than they need to give their entire populations t.j. Says the u.k. Has will say given home for a 1000000000 pounds to k. Vacs the un led attempt to get vaccines out to poor countries but campaign is say they want hard facts on how many actual day says Britain will now be donating to the mechanism nearly 20 organizations representing health care staff at the peel to Boris Johnson and all the u.k. Nations to provide health and care workers with better protective equipment they say at least 930 workers have died of codes and the measures to prevent the spread of the virus through the air are inadequate. It's been confirmed that lockdown rules in Wales will remain in place for at least another 3 weeks but the 1st Minister Mark Drake for it will announce today that all primary school pupils and older age groups facing exams could return to classes from the middle of next month if covert numbers continue to improve more from our Wales correspondent how Griffith the Welsh Government will today give its most optimistic assessment yet over how and when the current restrictions will eventually be eased for many young people's their 1st face to face lesson of the year will take place on Monday as 3 to 7 year olds begin a phased return to school if infection rates continue to fall all primary aged pupils and older students working towards qualifications may be able to return from March the 15th a decision will also be taken in 3 weeks time over the reopening of non-essential shops and close contact services such as head dresses nurses perseverance rover has landed safely on Mars where it will begin seeking out signs of ancient life on the red planet the robot spacecraft left Earth 7 months ago and successfully navigated a risky landing phase known as the 7 minutes of terror it will now drill and collect samples of rock and soil and millions of people in the u.s. State of Texas have been told to boil water amid severe winter weather that has brought disruption and chaos power failures and burst pipes are affecting water treatment facilities with reservoirs in the state capital Austin nearly empty after water leaked out and the weather here much of the u.k. Will be cloudy and windy today outbreaks of prolonged rain in the West and patchy showers in the southeast b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 5 the premie Airlie Beach was the Friday night for the Bulls played down the last chance I was just a case of tragedy to such Egypt cut he was a woman to Egypt. Later on tonight. Thank you. I Good morning I'm firsthand and I'll have wake up some money for you shortly after the my landing last night I want to hear your stories of the most stressful thing you've done and how it turned out takes 858580 Use the hashtag wake up to money on social media but before then it's the latest in a podcast series 1000000 by. Myself . Was very hot. Just. Because it's new it's. Hello and welcome back to another 1000000 by 30 podcast this is episode 6 in our series which is all about getting those inspiring success stories of people of hit the 1000000 mark where another could be their. Business their idea you know their ways as well for people who've managed to do that by the time they've got to this. With Alex founder of the Wrexham based business. Be the boss of the 50000000 Pound the business network has been in the guts to 20 years in the making He's now 33 years old start setting cricket bats when he was just 13 schoolie then went on to selling Bazzani by storing inventory in the shed but he built for him back. He was making a 1000000 pounds in sales but it wasn't all plain sailing a young Alex remembers having to deal with a customer service complaint that was sorted out by a school intermediary being rejected by a bank for a business loan and closing a location in the. Right Alex. If I just meet you met you for the 1st time and sort of goes right tell me about yourself. Well I don't know what I do really I get out there and have the best but really I run a business online retailer that will sports which has been running for 12 years. And yet does it really and 33 I guess supreme somewhere needs to be the business book the idea that you know you make something you buy something you're selling there's money to be made to be reinvested Where did that come from then on what I suppose like many young I saw of. This one of the brochures in a magazine I had on my bed you know it's all in like I'm having a farmer's weekly magazine bomb attacks a light truck does I still do. This. Probably Well our primary school my 1st drama school teacher the one he gave me them said I presume 5 and 6 is there I look through that look through the eyes of the bucket from 1st farms for sale. Because you know I liked farming I liked is I like being outside I think I think Perea like the sense of freedom it gave So I grew up in a in a in a little time got all the straight. Across the air with that is the freedom came with me when I had to come cyberwar go for a bike ride so is the edge trip to things like that. We non-premium 6 rolls look it buying arms with my own acres or whatever when I went to secondary school. The 10 to 0 into private school. And as for easier like the poorest person in it prostitution is I think a wonderful place to be it gives us such a fantastic grinding because you have some people around you when money really does it a meaningless quantity because this. Endless source is thought but for me it was of a completely different yeah you gotta sit resting cost 6 pounds I was a little bit nervous from day one when he fitted terribly in looks terrible book by the end of it was like a bunch of all in because it was pretty didn't really matter it didn't matter if you're interested to shop or anything like that my seat was the opposite but it did not matter. You know in the 2 cars we had I would let one of my parents pick me up one of the cars because it's so embarrassing it's like a luminous green 25 year old leader of the Polo which made it more noise than other Apollo 11 spacious. And yet it was just a fantastic place to be because it sort of proved. Money isn't everything Mine doesn't make you a great person money doesn't make you aware self aware where it all is the willingness to help others but it does give you a motivation that you know if you want. Knowledge or in a way where you're like worrying from month to month you can we pay the bills that I suppose it now will just cut. It you know it is equally you've got to make money and if you want to do incredible things if you even more help people where you want to be centers around make money because with money you can do great things and that's where I started my 1st business of the businesses that will today. We started selling. The people are still buying our city a book off e-bay. It costs a lot of money but then they don't cost the Da much now but as far as they dated then and I thought how much does this actually cost so I contacted the company in India and they said 6 pounds that ridiculously low prices paid facts I can sell it to be school. And so I did you women to sell. Things at school of the value of 20 times. But as I said to many people many of the people said some rules that we broke and I was one of them. So you were buying was the that 1st cricket but you know of anybody how much did you pay for a free by. 60 pounds right and so it will. So so I hope more I pitched if 60 times but then I subsequently find you could buy them from the manufacturer for 6 pounds so that I think assault people school 55 times a great deal. Indicative of that not know about markup though a lot of it very much and you know I was like hey presto that's a business and then it morphed into selling on e-bay. A long time ago niceties when I was what 15. And 33 now I. But the economist was in its infancy Internet was in its infancy it was a great time there was very little competition and it was a great you know it but on the notion if you buy stuff you sell stuff because you really have been much easier and yet many more don't sell on e Bay or the resold things like cricket parts you know all the paraphernalia spent for cricket and it went from there it's a way so did you have friends or all be your parents involved actually at that point once you sort of clocked that there was actually serious money to be made oh man I think we asked for it because I just how is now is this it is a big massive team effort but then I did actually refly go into business is someone terrible idea. I'll wager this. In probably 15 I started way into a partnership with somebody who is effectively probably just all talk no graft whatsoever. Not a person there thing but you know a great life lesson net I see a 100 a year if you go really strong vision you're going to be worried as a who're. And if course is a business way think it will be funded itself either by self funding reinvest its its profits don't go into business with people. Because if you're working really hard and they're doing diddly squat it will annoy you so it doesn't last thankfully and yet when there was then there was just me. And it was that or it yet is just some in scope. As you know that you never. No idea I think this part story really rounds took people back to previously say as yet if you're if you're buying cricket bats for 6 quid and selling them for 55 and you've found a few other bits of sports equipment as well so it's like you my actually be turning over a fair bit of cash for a 131415 year old in yeah I mean it wasn't I mean to quantify and the 1st order of cricket parts I remember was where I would. Say I mean it's not going to pay for it that many things but it was enough to pay for another order and the next order was going to have a bigger bigger range of products with props more logical entities so it was very micro but it was it starts and I suppose for someone at that age is you know not bad at all from small acorns grow big trees and I suppose that was not we parents of that point you can buy the next 8. They are far fetched great with a fantastic May Day I remember once they got roped into decent customer service someone was and some. Person so wasn't a happy with the cricket they got because it was too heavy for them or the 15 or 16 . Year boy playing cricket just got Gary strong but this child let's not to get stronger in a test driven the bus if you can a. Disgruntled parent for not a seat that was back in the day when the yellow pages called where a telephone number was in a book directory more or so yeah so so fortunate Yeah we were x. Directory x. You going Ester Oh yeah. I was the 1st person can we do this this person found out it was a bit threatening I think but you cannot say Yeah we'll have a refund and I was like well he had the cricket 3 months all along anyway he went to court of arbitration. School with the deputy headmaster or something and the outcome was another teacher would buy the bus to solve that to speak so didn't realise that was rough and yet say easy on for not selling anything above 20 quid in those roles read it let its get to school year in the the competition regulator or whatever it might be. To c.m.a. Less than a year. And as far we didn't really give a who said just wanted to ask those make sure. You know we say the sale in which would mean vest money in. Small products better products into developing keep growing. This is not too dissimilar and I really so what was the sea change moment where you decided whether it's on your own or with your parents that you were just going to follow the the sort of the standard education university all of that route that gets drummed into everybody and you were actually going to commit time to this well I think. When Jason so ceased being a thought high priority is probably year 9 when I realised if I did his homework what a simple bit of difference would it make to mean a future and when I the answer to that question was no Clark. I saw in it there was no when something like that there's no real return yet that the tide is changed. I think I said sort of business working for yourself in motion. But there's a big step came I says. To fold when I brush dived into more beyond just cricket bats but then the big one was when I went to college. My mom helped me get a part time job at a builder's merchants. She double spacing writing a letter give me the letter. To take to the business. And then they come in for in theory they said Have you had any previous were experienced I said no by promise to meet with me hunt. That was enough for me to get a job and I was probably going to waste important things that ever happened because working at those merchants where you've been education you've been so sheltered from the real world you're suddenly exposed to the real world. Real world is brutal and props to do well in it you need quite a range of skills. And when I was super shy or in the form of ring a runaway and busy in existing ones the body ends tonight is late I was literally doing everything. And yet I I think I lost the ditched the cheetah Gryphus the place I work is it really changed me it gave me confidence because I mean with our confidence you can't do a lot I think to find your confidence it probably just it just takes some doing it can be anything but you so find you're in a self and you know everybody's got it piece going to find it and once you find it it there is also shackles are off digital have the the sports business taking a longer were you thinking on the Republic energies into this is some point when I've got enough money yes there was this noise or still hobby though. If you like just like the business now the the the resources needs is our services saving. My money she paid me double time to miss college when they were short staffed so I was and that helped a lot. But then we say to her have money to buy container this is the 1st container of products so I now ride when I was $17.00 or 18 expander poor range massively containing cost $15000.00 times others see everything I had and yet another was and it was all the big step up were gone from being little shipments to turn again a full 40 foot container my dad's Bill shared a wooden shed I was it all. Started loading it started raining. And you load the shed it wasn't quite finished I don't think when it came to a whole stuff I sort of got to go away and put everything away in the shed and it was that it wasn't big enough but of course when we came to sell something we pull out of the shed to find it because you know there was no it was just in the shed not organized with it were in themselves on the line financially at all. Yes So. When that contain it came I didn't realize you'd have to pay g t in creating So I went to the bank to get so I was a completely at money and spending it all on the container. I think it was back to nothing and pines you need to pay. And 3000 and then of the I can afford it so I went to the set just you know to drive for a few weeks or sell list you know Star selling bill to pay off very very quickly and he made me do a business plan which I hate doing hate him to this day and does away deal through it the a.g. Diligence and everything. Went to present to him as a result of rape is funny and people think you are a joke and listen this is fun for 20 seconds since he thought it was a joke and he said last great that we can help you and I just spent in the trunk of timed eeriness and in 20 seconds you just told me it was worth star my mom went in the next day and said they needed a loan to pay some housework or to home improvements was a buy a car and oversee 20 minutes later she got the loan. And then gave it to me to pay the bucks in g.t. As a teenager you don't really appreciate the sinks we look at now you think pretty good on where did you go from to being Ok. I've got something serious on my hands here that. Is going to turn over a lot of money and could be something quite big never really thought process was a boring answer but I really ought to excited by it at any stage because you know when you are near and run your business you are very aware that total doomsday scenario will be gone tomorrow so you never carried away the self I know you know we weren't goes to me. To be really proud excited in everything you know I am always very. You know feet on the grind not ration a great deal of emotion I think partly because I know the job isn't done. Badly because of the responsibility I have thing of the Sally Phillips to get too excited but I think you twice yearly to force a casual improvement in progress. And here today you know 12 years have been a limited company Naing 9 of them with growth more than 40 percent year on year so it's just to continue with a good phrase some is exceptional drought record but it's just every year doing better than the previous year. Or 2 if you don't need a fancy economics textbook this one is just doing better need done before do it was ever a moment where the numbers actually not matter 2 years in our combined flash carb matter 2 years in this is you know I was I was in a supermarket 10 years ago here on earth still be in trouble. Because I didn't I doesn't listen real close but yet. It is so moments along the way you remember. In their life when we saw stepped up after the 1st container. A few years later and it was that she on the cusp of the financial crash we had to meet I was because we are space the my parents got interest only mortgage market status and everything to buy. A house which had a bond so more place to store. That will probably start helped a lot. Again. I mean I get I think benefited them from pre-crash mortgage lending restrictions which are a little easier than. I and it was a big step up because we got you know a lot more product in. We got 2000000 pounds to just myself doing all the sales customer care and settling in and my dad packing notice my dad made redundant time so Harry got roped into packing. And that was very hard you know a 1000000 packages to a very just one person because there's no it outside of a deity or in the 48 hour days basically not sleeping to days and it was hard very hard but then after we die we we started taking on our 1st in police which made some things easier you know the challenge is to shift other areas so you then a getting to a point where you you know 170 staff. That's a lot of responsibility do you go from being an entrepreneur to being somebody who's actually in charge of a lot of people's livelihoods you know where we are today you recently saw a large sized employer yet your city is very big. You know and I didn't see is it's you know we're providing steeple with this incredible opportunity but I Will them to succeed you know I want the business to succeed I want the people who work for us to succeed what's the most. Or maybe is the most difficult decision to relay where you've you've cooked a project it sounds like that's what the kind of thing you would also do you have something going along that it's not quite working and you've said to people I know you've heard a lot of effort into this but we're stopping it now have you done that oh yeah many times I take you know I take much pleasure in if something's not working like that I have no no regrets or 2nd course stopping it I mean once a warehouse in in California. Though has been based in the u.k. And now everything we do is in Wrexham is from. Probably 78 years ago perhaps 9 years ago we got a warehouse in California. Because the u.s. Market I knew could be so big for us. But it was like going to businesses and it was just no hassle than it's worth so after 9 months I just shut it down and just we pulled everything back to the u.k. . And it was my decision to go there and my decision to bring it back so. You can be pretty proud to make cool is because you know even if you had stuck in the sand you probably get washed away so yet from decisions are made to other people's projects often Yeah I have no patience for stuff that doesn't produce results just talking about a business that he know you're trying to open a warehouse in California and then pull back how about what's happening now the other way around Hollywood superstar us getting involved in Wrexham club I see is that it could come across your path and I mean literally almost like in your inbox or conversations you're having yourself given that you're such a big employer in the town as well. It is yet one of the everyone is very excited about it wrecks and fans and they are. Giving people excitement to grasp onto yet the landscape is pretty grim So I think where the things that provide hope is natural and it's nice that people get excited about the . Owner a civic need shipboard in Wrexham to try to help come with a vision to generate an improvement process help reps and realize its potential. One of the other people on the board is the football club so we have an overlap there. And you know I'm sure the teachers are probably to bear in mind when a source same industry probably County more support Wrexham. But yeah I mean I see ourselves is probably without dieting the most ambitious this business in Rexin process in North Wales and beyond I imagine Wrexham their own patients after just been Tipper charged 100 times over since probably a bit of a natural alliance somewhere. But yet it's exciting it's good for Rex and it's good for a place which would ordinarily be forgotten about so I think things like this are really good. Definitely feels like a watch this space with Wrexham and yourselves at the moment when when we 1st see that picture of you shaking hands with Ryan Reynolds saw it Rex in full grown that we were we might give you another call Alex just to see if they want change since we last spoke but good luck with it all thanks so much for speaking to us. From the thanks very much 30 injury things. Could. Thank you listening to a 1000000 by the brand new podcast The b.b.c. 5 Live in the wake of the money train Alex lovin their founder of the right. Based Business Network. Would let me know what you think. You subscribe on b.b.c. Sounds as if we'll be back with more inspirational people who hate in a 1000000 mob way or another by the time they get to that. List on the b.b.c. Sound basis is b.b.c. Radio 5 live good morning the top stories this morning Boris Johnson will pledge today to donate the majority of the u.k. Supplement coronavirus vaccines to developing countries the prime minister will chair a virtual Summit of the group of 7 nations and encourage his fellow leaders to follow suit it's been confirmed that lockdown rules in Wales will remain in place for at least another 3 weeks but the 1st Minister Mark drags it will announce today that all primary school peoples and old age groups facing exams could return to classes from the middle of next month if the numbers continue to improve millions of people in the u.s. State of Texas have been told to boil water amidst of it winter weather power status and burst pipes are affecting water treatment facilities they're now full Cyrus has the support Brewer Fernanda scored twice as Manchester United beat Real Sociedad 4 nil in Turin to take charge of the Europa League round of $32.00 time Tottenham beat the Austrian side Vosburgh a $41.00 in Budapest with Gareth Bale scoring one and making another call as Vinicius Lucas Moura and song humen were also on the score sheet for Spurs because soccer's 2nd half goal gave Arsenal AWOL draw against Benfica in Rome Leicester City were held to a new draw against Slavia Prague in the Czech capital and Rangers came from 21 and 32 down to beat royal work for 3 away from home world number one and 8 time Australian Open champion Novak Djokovic reached his 3rd consecutive final and will play either Danielle Medvedev or Stefan most city pass at Melbourne Park on Sunday that semifinal gets underway at 830 this morning and in cricket the Chennai Super Kings have paid 700000 pounds to sign the England spin a moment Ali for the upcoming Indian Premier League. To tournament's the all rounder Tom Curran went to the deli capitals for just over half a 1000000 pounds thankful Let's get the weather for today Chris folks at the b.b.c. Weather Center good morning the weather is going to be turning increasingly west across western areas the u.k. a Particularly slow moving weather friends will be with some of you throughout Friday and on into Saturday as well there will be some pretty large rainfall totals building up but always the wettest weather will be a part of the high ground to the morals of southwest England the Brecon Beacons Snowdonia country in Fells Northern Ireland generally looking pretty wet along with many western areas of Scotland particularly across stretches of the uplands and the Highlands now the rainfall in itself could cause some localized flooding issues but suppressed particularly so into some of those higher parts of Scotland where the rain will also be combined with snow melts in the thaw continuing here is mild there works in so good mild as we start our Friday actually as well as being wet and windy across many western areas of the rain quickly getting in across Wales Westerner's of England be running for most of the day in Northern Ireland and some wet weather too for west Scotland session a mild start to the day for these areas with temperatures around 8 or 9 degrees Celsius whereas course eastern Scotland central eastern England should be getting off to a dry start to the day but it will be not be cooler temperatures around $3.00 to $5.00 degrees to start the day and through the rest of the day it stays pretty windy with gales across western areas the winds coming in from a civil a direction continuing to drive in further outbreaks of rain for northern Ireland Wales western areas of England and across a good part of Scotland as well now central and eastern England and at times northeast Scotland well won't be much in the way of rain just the no patch so perhaps large stretch of the day actually will be dry and bright wherever you are but it is going to be mild temperatures around $10.00 to $12.00 degrees Celsius the weekend while we see further outbreaks of rain across western areas continue to see some fairly strong winds as well but across the eastern side of the country will be largely dry and brights and for some it will become very mild indeed across parts of the. Domingo and temperatures still in session in the warmest spots could go as high as 17 degrees Chris Fox 5 life what c.b.c. Sound for a lot of people money is overwhelming but it doesn't say you can shape it I own it make it work for you I'm sorry time and money part cost I've hunted money experts and inspiring people with amazing stories and practical tips on how to get ahead why I'm Bricriu saying what I am broken because I don't have money just because you don't have money in the time it doesn't mean you're like a broken past whether your spend save splurge or invest in this series I'm going to teach you how to level out and if you'll backslide money we've tended to listen only on the b.b.c. Sounds up wake up similarly from b.b.c. 5. Good morning Robin Hood goes to Congress and apologizes what. Making sure that group of those we were bred every doctor is the same but. The boss of the trading platform is grilled by u.s. Politicians who are looking into the recent Game Stop trading frenzy So what lessons have been learned banking results season is in full swing we'll be looking at what we might expect from the west later and have you been gripped by this people of the United Kingdom. Your week has arrived we'll hear about the big business of drag and the global success story that is report and how did drag queen culture go from a small following to a multi-million pound industry wake up some money with Felicity How about. Did you watch the Mas' Don thing last night I was trying to get the night ahead of this this morning but it's just it's that kind of thing I call not watch the idea that so many people have worked on something for so many years and it cost something like $2800000000.00 and then it all comes down to the final 7 minutes that the engineers were calling the 7 minutes of terror while they wait to see if it's landed safely so today I wake up to money I'd love to hair about the My stress. Well thing you've done what and how it turned out just how you deal with stress and tension in the workplace particularly if you have a high pressure job maybe not quite as high pressured as those engineers were facing in yes today let me know text 858580 Use the hashtag wake up to money on social media with me throughout the show this morning is fairness and causes senior market analyst at Citi index Vienna Good morning getting money so I mean it might not be a Muslim thing but I bet your job can be quite quite tense at times how do you relax and get through that. Oh do you wake there are definitely moments of high stress and then he comes in paints and troughs with that but you know what I find for me it's fresh air but really if I'm Pope I'm from a small town pressure and that's been specially the case. That is absolute I'm so grateful for my dog actually just just being able to get out and having a good reason to go for a walk even a really busy days makes a huge difference well Jones been in touch he says the scariest thing I've done and what is with the scary thing I don't know what is driving a truck with a double deck a trailer from Manchester and back again in high winds John that does sound pretty intense that sounds like 7 hours of Tara let me know your thoughts let me know your stories now the head of the Robin Hood trading platform has apologized to customers at a u.s. Congressional hearing prompted by last month's Game Stop trading frenzy blood to have said the situation faced in January when it limited uses of certain stocks which sparked outrage was unacceptable to us this was Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney questioning missed its net so I have 2 questions for you 1st you think you know your 1st floor disclosure and transparency then you gave her. Second do you believe your lack of candor with your customers why have contributed to the while speculation and confusion that resulted in the aftermath of your trading restrictions. Congresswoman I appreciate the question. So answer the 2nd question. Well I'm sorry for what happened I apologize. I'm not going to say that Robin did everything. That we haven't made mistakes but what I did. Making sure that we have proof of this we were from it and we don't make the same mistakes in the future now other key players called to testify at the herring also denied wrongdoing in the affair which saw the price of Game Stop she has rise from less than $20.00 at the beginning of January to more than $350.00 just in a matter of weeks so have we learned anything from the Game Stop story fairness and listening to that I think it's very easy for people who if you get more used to traditional investment in traditional investment advice and seeking out information through traditional investment sources we can perhaps be a little bit cynical of situations like this game stops a flurry that is powered by read it but do you think this is perhaps a new way that the markets might be affected I definitely think it is I mean this is a sort of a movement and that we haven't seen before in the sort of in the increasing use of social media and as a way of sort of transmitting information as well. As something that really was behind this and there's always been a sensation that sort of you know the corporate investors the the commentary hit I called the retailer and and said This really got behind me men say I think it's something that we'd never really envisaged happening but now that it has happened there is a good chance they could happen again I fact now that it has happened it almost feels inevitable that it's going to happen again now people have kind of tasted the power that they can have just just by banding together do you think that it is that do you think it is sort of cocking a snake at the big hedge funds or do you think that it's people who genuinely hoping that they might be able to makes money through this I think if they're the mixture of buy. I haven't seen it I think it started off with without some of that idea of let's just see how far we can take this and that obviously get more and more people jumping on ships other things with these things though there they are very dangerous because the when they share prices go up to that extent they often come down very quickly and that often means a lot of traders do get hurt on the way down and when I say traders I mean retail trade at the. All the rules that we have in place at the moment sufficient or do you think we should be doing there needs to be tighter regulation around trading apps and around what kind of information people can offer there's a lot of social media influences for example offering offering their thoughts perhaps not official financial advice but sunny offering their opinions that's completely true and I think what this is done is it's definitely open the debate about how to regulate this but if it does need the regulation and I think that's never a bad thing to be able to have that debate to see where more protection can be offered because not only information that been passed around facial media is actually correct and say you know that the fact that there is more need for regulation I do believe my thout at least having a debate on it opens up that possibility and I suppose one real bright spot of this whole thing is that it has perhaps brought investments in the idea of investing to a much wider audience and perhaps there are more young people now looking to understand finance and economics post game stop exactly and I love thing that positive side of things as well this is definitely bought I think the idea of investing and using social media in a positive way as well for investing because there are some positive sides to it to a younger generation and not not a bad thing when moving on to some of the more traditional stories it's banking results season Barclays reported yesterday we've got not west group or forcing later on this morning but please reported a fall in profit of 30 percent to 3000000000 pounds which is in about you yet it's still. Still seems like a pretty decent profit to me and it is going to start beginning to pay dividends in bonuses again isn't it that's right there's this feeling that we've sort of really turned a corner so if we look at what they've written off the bad loans say this is a 1000000000 and people that they've lent money to the are going to be able to pay back the write off it was 4800000000 now that was much larger in the 1st half of the year when the 1st half of the year is 3700000000 and in this final quarter it was just forward to taze they just. Over $492000000.00 but that's down 20 percent from Q 3 said We def Yeah we definitely seeing an improvement in those write offs for bad loans as we've progressed through the year so is that sensation that we're turning a corner and as you said we've got the dividends back in they were one peso slightly lower than what we were hoping for but still the dividend is back in there and as we've said the strong investment banking arm really did help offset weakness in the retail arm so you know that is a sensation that we are on the road to recovery it will be a bumpy road to recovery because the as we were in lockdown now it's about it's going to affect. In the 1st quarter of 2021. But there is sort of and then didn't fight and light at the end of the tunnel and I think that's very much the same with Nat West as well not what's that you proved to be more resilient than we initially expected. There to be profit for Kathleen in the 3rd quarter again with with a sort of 2nd and downs that we've had towards the end of last year in the beginning of this year it's definitely going to be a bumpy road to recovery so that West group which I should say recently changed its name from r.b.s. We're getting those results later this morning it is undeniably more retail focused and Barclays do you think that means it's likely to have done potentially worse potentially better that doesn't mean that because of its customers which is small or medium sized businesses who. More vulnerable to you know the struggles of locked and not surviving does mean that it is more vulnerable to those bad loans but as I said we have found that it's been more resilient through the pandemic than what we were expecting so there is sort of a slight positive edge to that as well the other thing to bear in mind is that the Bank of England have pushed back on a negative interest rate in the immediate future and that will be a big relief for these banks especially now West net interest income which is the way that they make money from the difference between sort of the interest from lending out the interest from having money on the on the books. That that fall under pressure it's under pressure anyway because of the very low interest rates a negative interest rates would have been a very very difficult thing for these banks to have dealt with well we'll be talking to the Nat West c.e.o. Alison rose on 5 Live breakfast at around 725 this morning so do listen out for that let's have a quick look at Facebook it's faced considerable backlash after taking news content off its platform in Australia and the share prices has responded hasn't it that's right I mean doesn't it feel that Facebook has things to go for more backlash. Because it really. I mean display the you know the share price have sort of relatively held up across the years despite. The These issues that it faces but yes the share price did come off yesterday and it's going to be really interesting to see how this plays out because the response that Facebook took to having to pay for the news content in Australia it's been sort of labelled as a very brilliant 6 response where they've just sort of cut content from the Australian news and and that's not sat well with investors it's not found well with social media users and there's been a big backlash. Sort of delete Facebook tag that's been going around Twitter and ill be interesting to see how they deal with this because of They've they do stop paying for content for me is that going to be a big cost and if they don't then this could actually sort of if it into something much bigger it's going to be very interesting to see how they try and get out of this one it is going to be very interesting I think in the middle of a pandemic that is a particularly challenging time to be restricting news on on any platform I think that that's going to be behind a large chunk of the backlash we're going to get the latest public finance figures out this morning that are going to show how much the government is having to pay out during code how much do you think that's going to influence what the Chancellor does at the budget in a couple of weeks' time. It's going to have an influence I think but he's in a very difficult position because there is definitely this idea that if you start raising taxes too early it could in fact strangle the economic recovery but if you don't do it soon enough then also That's not a good position to be in. So it's a very very fine line that he's going to be walking I think today's data will play a big part of it teach me worse than expected a much larger number than expected then we might see him panicking fly away but as I said today I think the end game is going to be having a solid economic recovery so with that in mind we might just see really see that hold back on huge tax changes we've been talking this morning about the most stressful things people have done at work and I think she seemed like the chancellor is just surrounded by rocks and hard places and it's a job I'm glad that I don't have to try to pull out next month but we're also we're going to get officials research retail stats out this morning now clearly we're not going to expect great things most shops the shots were shot in January what are you going to be looking for in those numbers yet as you said it's not expected to make for good reading we are expecting weakness we're expecting around 2.5 percent decline month on month in retail is a hefty fall if we think we did also have a big fall in November. Over 3 percent I think is about 3.8 percent of a decline then so you know when we have lockdowns we do see obviously and understand that the large falls in retail sales what will be interesting is to see whether there is an element of resilience in in the numbers in the sense that always seeing that businesses are becoming more custom The more more flexible. Apted dealing with lockdowns in which case we might see that number come in at a bit higher l. Be interesting just to watch the pound because the pound is something that really does. React to these numbers and the pandas that he tried in rid of quite strongly at the moment we had it around sort of you know around the one high 39 say it'll be interesting to see what the pound doesn't respond to to the retail figures the Edison concert for City and thank you very much we got a text from John he's text at 5 o 58 to say the most stressful thing I ever did it work was a project to find everyone salaries in the company and send them to the h.r. Director that part of the job was mission accomplished Unfortunately I also sent this to a random bloke in marketing by accident I was very fortunate that my colleague in marketing was very discreet and walk with very gracious I'm still in that job that just sound like the moment when you hit send and then your heart just sinks keep them coming 850580 use the hash tag wake up to money on social media now for something a little bit different. Have you been watching it ripples drag race the franchise which started in the u.s. And has now become a huge phenomenon hair in the u.k. With its 2nd season currently being ad on b.b.c. 3 that's what one of the songs that was performed on the program has reached number 4 in the u.k. Pop charts if you haven't watched the show a quick rundown for you contest contestants compete against each other in various performance challenges and fashion catwalk looks until one is eventually crowned the U.K.'s fust drug superstar and a world of business and financial opportunities await the winner So just how has something that was once so on the fringe become so mainstream and what's it like working as a professional drag artist right now particularly given the covert situation let's find out about the economics of drag with Mehta who's a lecturer at California State University specializing in l g Q culture and politics and missed a chance he's a drag queen based in Manchester who to fork over 1000 was working full time not just here in the u.k. But internationally Good morning by the morning. Good morning well let's have a quick chat with the 1st drug is huge just now explain how that Sydney should culture has become such a multi 1000000 pound business group Hohenwald a blunder the production company behind posture x. Rays have done an incredible job promotional I think marketing they are far more ancient audiences it went from what was mostly a subculture or a cultural We are one to distant massive entertainment now bringing in over 5700000 pounds at these live events that repast dragged on the vents in Los Angeles and New York City so I mean it's become quite an couldn't economic vehicle is that why Dilly welcomed by people who've been doing it from from the beginning or. Some people feeling like it's spoiled it a bit when it's gone so mainstream there's a little bit of backlash within the community whenever a nice clear cultural or one becomes mainstream for largely heterosexual audiences there's a little bit of a push back I think some of the main issues around economics were to do with who has access to finance a platform because not all Jack other certain people to achieve the same amount of success and you have drag artists who've been in the game for much of a show existed. Way before the show who now are the upper 3rd in stem access the economic gains now Misty is somebody who has been in the in the industry since since before the program going to hit the mainstream a little misty will come to you know moment but coal What is it about the ripple effect how how has that captured so many hearts and minds and why is it such a big money spinner. I think it's because the sheriff has an incredible job of marketing can't it's the campy aspects of the show that seem to resonate with audiences of all ages all gender sexuality it's just it's a fun or spite for people who are being introduced to what the art form the strike is basically the elements of fashion they see the elements of humor they see the elements of subversive politics and it's being shown through a reality show competition that really touches the minds and hearts of audiences across the globe really is it's going to ever say it does that it's such a fascinating thing to watch is so enjoyable all we seek dry go all kind of get any bigger do you think that's an excellent question and we've been asking ourselves that over and over again is the series continue to expand we thought it would reach a peak when it went from low t.v. To the h one and now we're seeing the more and more international franchises so I think with the success of the show it could really go anywhere and hopefully as many drugs artists as possible get access to this growing economic boom that we're seeing now if you win a competition like Drag Race would all the financial rewards that result from that if you're the winner of the show depending on which franchise you're on and us personally. $100000.00 before taxes but regardless of whether you win or not it elevates your brand it gives you access to these international tours so many of these contestants can end up making hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars if they have the fan base supporting. He really can be big business let's talk to Mr Chance here is a drag queen based in Manchester Mr Good morning morning from the set thank you very very much for joining us now you've been working in this industry since the year 2000 what do you make of the huge growth that we're seeing this this phenomenon that has been inspired and have a double edged sword I mean we have good points about it being so mainstream and we have a different audience now. We have a huge sort of straight audience and a younger audience is wow some of the people that talk not even older of going to poke so there's a big. Fan base from young girls for example that we wouldn't normally see in our audiences. Going crazy over you know trying to add every chart Queen or not Facebook or the French or not so it thanks so it's all and all of a know that audience to everybody that it's also a scout say closed off. To some of the old shack Queens that been in the game that it's shut out and use off. Because there's a sense of you legitimate if you're not going through ripples drug arrests that's very very interesting so although it's kind of brought the spotlight on it it's also potentially narrowed narrowed the routes and Misty We'll talk about that some more in just a moment but I realize that drag is not from the works terribly well on radio but I can see you on a screen and I have to say you look phenomenal particularly before 6 am for our listeners can you describe your outfit. I'm in a black and. Mixed seed crane it's split then one child a step response was what seat went under have of the jewels to match just and my trademark have a problem with saying you know you gotta have. Your brands that's because lots of white areas about it since day dots and it's still that well your brand your brand is making me wish that I had made more of an effort with my lipstick this morning. Can I ask how much does it cost it looks like it's quite a big investment to become a performer like e the outfits the jewelry the wigs What is that a barrier do you think to new performance. Newcastle most certainly we've probably had some new performance creep up during the pandemic that never even seen an audience before because of course invariably Now social media has its came. Your source you begin there so it's all about the image is all about taking pitch isn't things like that but if you're absolutely doing the same. As absent for many years it's massively expensive. And I've always come back that. By sort of I feel like a need like 3 jumps a week maybe 4 jumps a week to pay all my bills so I'll to $5.00 and that extra warm will pay for the track. Now I mean it's been a tough tough year for any performer there's been a bit of an insight into what it's been like that the covert situation has been like the drag queens in the latest series of drag race a case and performance of many performances have been cancelled what has it been like for you someone who as he's just said try aims for 5 jobs a week. Well of course those are gun instantly so we're approaching 12 months out of out of work there's a lesson to Bil'in bag-O. And us as opposing this business of work and so whole working men's sports and all sorts of the polls show a few quid in the background books. Always declare what your own and because then when something like this happens or when you become ill because I have. A disc in my back slip. Just over it just before it all happened and you know when you need that governments to come and support you had then you know you have your receipts basically so I just basically went on what we were calling the get well National Park which is the adult. It limits to. Saw it going to huge drop in Monterey. And actually didn't even cool for the residents and friends left of a wonderful landlady and. Extra help as well from the government to try and get through but it's massively expensive it's usually expensive profession you need if you're doing it correctly and if you are keeping on top of that and keep encouraged to keep the new old because these girls on t.v. Putting pressure at other everybody to constantly have a new look constantly have new you know styles you know keep up with the tabs hugely expensive has has it changed has the success of repos drag race change the kinds of venues when we're back in normal times the kinds of bennies that you can perform at is it a lot more mainstream is there a lot more demand but has it affected the demand at your more traditional the knees . Yes. Certainly specially in the gay venue says well the old see that you will see in a lot more straight people to be honest coming down unseen Drac whereas normally there wouldn't be exposed to it because for some reason in this country as well with we decided lacking in that anime years ago we established Savage on t.v. And then before that we had done it right and there's been a huge gap that. Recently before Republic not and coordinate it in. Global markets. I mean you know just enough to let our wonderful absolutely what she represents and every thought and all sounds of guidance and I know it has very very interesting I feel like we there's lots more we could talk about we're out of time thank you so much that was misty chance here it's a drag perform at based in Manchester we also heard there from Cole shot Mila he's a lecturer at California State University thanks so much to both of you thanks to all our guests this morning also Fiennes and cottage senior market analyst at City Index now it's time for credit on always 5 light breakfast Good morning good morning to you Fliss sallow Welcome to Friday on 5 Live breakfast myself and Patty Kielty from 6 am will be taking a look across the phone nations of the u.k. And looking as we tiptoe towards plans for lockdown in England Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland will be taking you through them after 6 right here on Friday.

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