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My going to step back as senior roles is a leap of faith speaking at a charity event last night that you could Sussex said he had hoped to continue to serve the Queen without public money but realise that's not possible Graeme Smith is from Republic which wants the monarchy scrapped. And with Harry a 1000000 or so they have managed to get away with quite a lot because they are still Julian Duchess they seem intent on capitalizing on that. Closed public property law attorney hall is stepping down as the director general of the b.b.c. He leave in the summer to 7 years in the job police have arrested 2 men over a triple murder in East London the 3 victims were stabbed and offered last night Chief Superintendent Stephen Kleiman is from the Met Police It's a fight involving. We believe those men from Sikh community to Paypal been arrested in relation to we believe that. We don't know more because speaking more about the precursor what this is why we need witnesses to come forward to give us more information as anger from some politicians in the north of England to review into the h.s.t. High speed rail project the unpublished report suggests the 2nd phase to Manchester and Leeds could be paused and more conventional lines eased Instead the mayor of Greater Manchester is on the Burnham London and the South gets whatever it wants and then it's all about penny pinching in the north so I would say this to the prime minister in the government today this is your 1st big test of your commitment to the north of England that we're watching very closely there's no justification at all for doing one thing between London and Birmingham and then doing something different in the north if you're going to do it do it properly the report also claims the cost of h s 2 could be more than 100000000000 pounds almost double an estimate from 5 years ago but it's Johnston says the country's post Bracks its immigration system will put people before passports the prime minister was speaking at a u.k. Africa investment. Summers in London he told the audience the system will treat people the same wherever they come from the department store Beals has gone into administration put in more than a 1000 jobs at risk it's failed to find a buyer and Madonna has cancelled another show giving fans 45 minutes notice ahead of a gig in Portugal last night she's now cancelled 8 concerts because of an ongoing but unspecified injury Chris has the support Captain Joe Root has praised a brilliant clinical performance from his England team after they beat South Africa by an innings and 53 runs this morning England only needed the morning session on the last day to wrap up the 4 remaining South Africa wickets although Maharaj impacts and did put on a final stand of 99 so it's England's 1st overseas innings victory since way back in 2011 b. Ashes Down Under and laid this one to one the final Test starts Friday in Johannesburg Let's check in now Novak Djokovic she's really being tested in round one of the Australian Open David Laws that. He was leading $52.00 and cruising well all turned around for the set didn't manage to achieve his goal and struck for Germany strapping 6 foot 5 inch but has managed to get it into a tie break however jock rich now has forced himself a 1st set point opportunity 6 points to 4 he leads in the 1st set Tarboro can try to seal a tear you up searching for an 8 title in Australia Djokovic Serena Williams is chasing a women's record 24th slam she won this morning in straight sets and Eddie Jones will name is England's 6 Nations squad in just under an hour's time it's almost certain to not include the Saracens number 8 believe in a poet he broke his arm playing club rugby yesterday this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound this small speaker. Hi there was high pressure will remain in charge of all weather today and indeed for the rest of this week bringing a fine and main dry conditions today will see the best the sunshine across England Wales Scotland Northern Ireland will tend to remain rather cloudy and breezy but milder particularly. Northwest of Scotland as we head through this week it will become cloudy for many with mist patches around the sunshine becoming more limited but many places should continue to remain dry with temperatures right around 7 to 10 degrees during the day. Weather c.b.c. Sounds music radio costs can be a New Year's resolution are you ready with the pay sets and music makes you need to up your prey's to how it makes a measure of a show trial designed to keep you may think you're doing a great job and find the truth behind the latest wellness track and the whole Hayle Calpol count in the apocalypse is coming and all I've got is my juice bucket probably some bottoms easily saw the new year with the sound sour shell to. Download the free app to listen to this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live a little on the b.b.c. Sounds at the embryonic show Good Morning getting in touch about. Leveling off of the North of England whether patronize England and also the idea of moving the House of Lords to York well something else that's also been very much on the conversational menu especially since Prince Harry spoke last night is Meg's it as it's been termed by the tabloids there was no other option that's how Prince Harry has described the deal he could have reached with the royal family it requires him to step out from including military appointments and he will no longer receive public money he was making a speech last night at a private dinner for his charity say and this is an excerpt from it once made it I remember is we were excited we were hurtful and the reason to serve. For those reasons it brings me great sadness that it has come to this the decision that I have made for my wife and I to step back is not one I made lightly it was sort of many months of talks of so many years of challenges and I know I haven't always delivered right but as far as this killers there really was no other options. What I want to make clear is we're not walking away. It was a consider serving the queen the Commonwealth and my military sensations but without public funding unfortunately that wasn't possible I've accepted this knowing that it doesn't change who I am or how committed I am but I heard that helps you understand what does it come to you that I would step my family back from all I have ever known to take a step forward is what I heard can be a little peaceful life so vine is economist with the daily mouth as well what did he make of Prince how his speech last night. I think it so I mean I I think it's pretty much what we expected him to say. He's you know he's obviously. Commits himself he's doing the right thing and. You know that that's what that's the. No other option though I mean it is sounded a bit more dramatic than people perhaps had expected him to say out loud yet a I mean I think the no other option thing that's quite interesting I mean I think he clearly feels very strongly that. And his wife have been pressured into doing this. But I think that. His perception of. I think I think it's got a lot to do with him I think he's got a lot to do with him and his issues and the fact that. He's always being hit with bulk very pesky by the limelight I think. I just think what happened to Harry was just devastating with his mother dying. And is perfectly understandable that he should feel. Upset traumatized by actual I think that his experience is probably. Colored by that I mean I think that now we. See. It whatever whatever the rights and wrongs situation whatever you could argue that some people have argued that he hasn't really had that much of a bad time and others of that he has but the fact is it's it's all about he says perception that's was his reality isn't it and if he feels that he is not comfortable then he has to do what's right for him I do worry about the press implicit I think that he is obviously a person to what he was born into the royal family so he is leaving behind his Identity Quest significant way I mean make him has been doing it for a couple of years. Not very long and. It's it's it's you know it's a phase in her life but it's not it's not integral to he she is if you see what I mean but I think the how it is and I think also he's a person who really. Because he is so happy he was in the Army and he said to someone who thrives on this sort of structure and I am slightly wise it's because often lives in North America you know he might be my friends or her little person. Drift But the key thing is I mean possibly I think probably spectrum he's done he's done what he thinks is the right thing to do to his wife and his family and that's a big thing for any man any man but it's a really great praying for. Someone that Harry who who is who is a trend he's giving up a lot. You know I just hope it's the right thing for them to do this in return I do think that branding should be Sussex royal. I'm a big cookies now about what their branding is because it seems to be a changing every 5 minutes Well that's what I have trademarked to Palau Slate's trademark isn't it I think that I mean no is what I think that you know because they're not because she is not royal and he is I think he's retaining h.r.h. But he's not using it is that right so I read so I mean you know I thought I was yes so I think that's where we are with that but no I think that's a bit cheaper because they're not rogue and whether or not. They're not fully functional members there will come a Anymore other I think I mean this is there's obviously this huge afterlife them commercially. And I suppose what that with thing is people away from media circles and you know work anywhere near a picture desk anymore and you of course are economists for the newspaper that's in a legal battle with you know I'm not actually that's the mail that I'm sorry but the proprietor of your your paper Associated Newspapers with it will be finding itself in this court case against Meg and Marco and I suppose the thing to say is they hope that they will have a peaceful life as he pushes But when you're not on the royal right you'll feel completely fair game for proper I say but I usually agree and I think the thing about I think the thing about the British media is that however you know Adam a we have a much we may push the envelope we are basically fundamentally support of the royal family you know the Canadian media and the American media don't care I mean they can you know they don't have any vested interest at all so what they're doing is they going from being Royals you know who are of interest and scrutinized but there are certain parameters and there are certain you know there are certain barriers that people will not cross in example in relation to the children you know the British media has been very respectful of for example William and Kate's children and would have been the same. She undoubtedly without any question because that is just how it works but you know you can live in Canada or North America and there will be no there will be no such politesse because they don't have that for them there are families is a precious institution that fundamentally they want to support so we could be taught well this is what I said in my piece today I think the irony is that in running away it was and trying to get away from the British press you could actually open yourself up to the world for us you know and actually they're much more ruthless because they don't have the same breaks that we do and they don't have the same love for the queen and the royal family that the British press do so I you know there are real concerns I mean. It's it may not be I mean it may not be that this is that this is the perfect solution to what he perceives to be his problem. But I guess I then I do so on on a very human level I sort of I do have questions of sympathy for him. I don't you know. How do you have a message though I'm not a messenger told. Me just to press conferences that he's been that but I just I just think you know. I just think if people who are in the public eye I also humans aren't me and you know you don't really know you know that they're not they're not invulnerable to the same emotions that we all know he would have seen this firsthand 50 people who don't know your smarts Michael Gove's and he study session of Congress doesn't say yes and I mean you know I mean on a much much kind of tiny weeny a scale you know you know I was neighbor Lady Macbeth famously for daring to have an opinion about. Something as well as doing and so you know I can I can understand I sort of have a tiny inkling I mean really might come close mic diety. Because of course it's nothing compared to you know to discourage me the area and make them have of how difficult it is and I'm here and I know the enemy statically it was going to says I was going to say sorry and it takes a look at you saying that it takes a little getting used to it's in a mere smaller level but did you know and have you developed because he's obviously still a major player in this company have you developed as a family a strategy for not letting it get in your head the negative from whether that's members of the public will hold a press one Yes I mean you have to protect yourself you know you have to not you know have to not look at everything everyone says on Twitter all the time. You know it's good not to read the papers it's good to watch the news off patiently I mean you just have to protect yourself and the thing is it is it is it's what I call ego depletion and I think that you know it's like it's it's people see. It you know it's like everything in life you can cope with it for a person period of time and then it starts to drain the you know what I mean so I sort of understand that I mean I think protecting Harry's case you know because. You know he feels very strongly that this is a continuation of what happened to his mother so I think you know from his point for his psychological profile you know what he's been through is very difficult to deal with. My own feeling I think probably about them is that what they probably could have done is try to step back for a year as they were a man you know had another go at it if you see what I mean. But but yes sometimes you just have to I guess sometimes you just have to protect what you can protect and I think he is protecting what he can protect which is his wife and his child and you know the queen has I think been brilliant and has you know as ever handled it rather sort of deftly. The whole family I mean you know as my wonderful colleague Bob Hartman who knows lots rules of my overcoat said you know this is not . Daniel it is not rare. Commodity because he is never going to be king he is quite hard and you know he is a minor royal in terms of the sort of brutal structure of the monarchy so why shouldn't he go and try and have the life that he thinks he wants. It may not be straightforward for him but I do understand where he's coming from I think so if I'm thank you very much for talking to us today economists there with the Daily Mail from Prince Harry the man's Harry Meghan the brand you're just hearing so has the their own Sussex royal What does this mean overseas for more than move overseas for their commercial opportunities publicist specialist clash can explain more clearly Sussex Royal is not a name that they should be entitled to we were just hearing that what do you make about. The well the cost branding is an essential part of a Stop wishing growing a successful commercial venture so in order to give the couple the best chance of becoming financially independent. I believe this is why the queen has allowed them to go ahead and use the Sussex royal branding which is now already of course well known internationally for an initial period of 12 months. After this time however I do think that Harry and Meghan will have established that own individual projects both commercial and charitable and so will have already created separate individual brands not pertaining to the royal connection and this will help them I think not only to move forward with a new life in North America but to diversify and maintain various streams of revenue so I think the queen's been very savvy. In saying that go ahead and use it to set yourselves up to start getting your income your revenue streams coming through we will be looking at this at the end of 12 months to see how it's affecting the royal family and also how it's affecting you. And then obviously you know they'll move forward probably I suspect with different branding after that different branding I mean if trademark everything so we'll have to see a lot plays out exactly I mean I think it's been kind of put in place obviously many many months ago we now know. But I think it's been kind of just. A preparation rather than an actual strategy haven't. Read the kind of looking at stationary. Outfits all sorts of things without having a particular strategy in place so I'm not convinced that moving forward with a lot of these things but it's there just to protect them and it's an option for them moving forward Shields thank you very much for your take on the brand side of this while we began the program talking about levelling up the north where he felt that was a good thing patronize a whether it may he feel hopeful Elise government review of the high speed rail link h.s.t. Says the project could end up costing as much as $106000000000.00 pounds estimated around 30 when it started the report also raises the possibility that conventional lines could be used as part of the 2nd phase linking Birmingham to Manchester in Leeds of course a major bit of what's being described as levelling up he concludes that on balance the scheme should go ahead the documents is yet to be published and the government insists it's a draft a group of conservative M.P.'s will meet the prime minister this week to raise their concerns about the projects on the stuff that is a conservative m.p. For all the valley in South Yorkshire and does not belief that has to do anything for his area he's on a welcome to the program. Most of the Keep up of your perspective they just say Well there's several problems 1st of all on the 6000000000 is doesn't that scene discussing about a money flow will link in the session it doesn't do the job imo Favre will favor creasing connectivity in the north of England frankly we need it we desperately need it but a just too does not connect the north of England it doesn't connect the main hot spots like this exist doesn't that the main communities all it does is basically have a massive row through many decisions he's destroyed hundreds of homes 300 in my area and doesn't get any benefits whatsoever to local community how does it not have any benefits mean we just have we just heard from someone who runs the council same exact opposite. Well it might or might go on but in my constituency there's no Main Line train station in my constituency to London and it just doesn't fix that in fact people get into Mike's it's evolving into don't cost already it's on the mainline it's a false late rally out of the London direct and actually ages 2 will reduce the amount of trains on the line so if your little my constituency. To get to London longer to get through London than that is of the moment but that's just about your constituency that's why the conversation around investment business isn't heating up they can be by the from London breweries h.q. We were hearing about that moving Channel 4 just accept that there are issues that they would address away from your constituency Well we definitely increase connectivity across no no doubt about that but this does not do that there's so many businesses across because it's not just in towns like Leeds but across Yorkshire and across the north and it's not linking up those key carols with a condition with a different areas for instance to get across from the east or west of Manchester Sheffield amongst the line is atrocious what we need is a better east west like link up Sheffield with Manchester for instance about electrified railway maybe and actually increased their use of links all the dung be going down to the south and a fair is link which frankly doesn't link up with Heathrow doesn't make up for the Channel Tunnel and only link up there were any wants to go. Back this. Well I know that Boris is the prime minister looking at all options and that's a great thing about the prime is really focusing a lot actually delivering what we want those northern and. That's what I meant if he doesn't do what you will how you're going to fail. Well we need to look at all the various options on the table really try to form is to sort of juggling a lot of different both but what's important for Middle Eastern and we're going to get constantly is that this does not help him and also the line changes to to go on the 2nd section is to be 20 is a wall or connectivity now in a couple of is not a mailing that may not come alive 20 is and even that's probably going to be delayed as a thing with all large infrastructure we want quick solutions quick answers to kickstart the northern economy. I suppose the issue of a go ahead to that because bishops and begun people also see the benefits of it say it will be a difficult situation I suppose for N.P.'s like yourself who are making that case if I could just ask a couple more on this the House of Lords being in New York in favor I think great as rebalance the entire country up and or a great knot of house rules and also talk about moving central office ops and offering involving of all great to more businesses but it's public sector partners that has come out and often England and Great think it's tokenism is one of our listeners just texted in not at all if I don't know all the how small come from all of our lead a lot of money places and they can start so I'm all in favor of rebalancing the north and south I mean you need to rebalance the north and south in economy so these are actually great initiative to try and get people thinking and realize even a is bigger than London big in the southeast we are one country from north to south we you know everyone do you think there is though some people say getting in touch to say well if people say saying exactly what you're saying but others say they feel they've heard it before this can be quite passionate izing the way that it sounds like in places like Leeds Manchester Liverpool sounds like they've just been discovered under a rock No I didn't hear at all by saying noise trees to go aloft go up prime minister who's really embracing the wheel and I really want to promise that for encourage country so I think that's a great a great way to screw got so many concerts and to you know making that case at the highest level there's so much potential Let's unleash. Thank you very much for your time that is on the stuff that conserves from pay for well the valley in South Yorkshire a message ahead of the country we live in an expert engineer has to stay anonymous This is one of our callers that is to give his expert view against an m.p. Who call white sign his name off on a $32000000000.00 project that will ultimately cost in excess of $3.00 times that that if a privately a manufacturer in the k. Made a quote on a project the quote is the quite as they have carried out that he did it it's an advance using expert knowledge it's easy spend money there's no in my own hash tag angry hash tag worried and I agree that it's a good move for the Lords to head north but as someone who lives in the southeast namely North Essex it really isn't the land of milk and honey here either the 812 which connects London to the ports of the East such as Felixstowe is completely unfit for purpose is in dire need of billions being spent on upgrading the 3 lines with no sign of up being done anytime soon rushes very often 20 miles per hour max sheets congestion and crashes like you very much that's James in culture those messages still coming in you've also be getting in touch but less stingy now with your tales of stinginess after it's emerged that Rod Stewart used to charges girlfriend rent a separate Ackland has opened up about this when he wasn't sure of a few bubble to Sally Hello. Oh hello what you want to say about this. Just a recent. A friend of a certain age and online dating and realize that money and the values that you're touched it does have differences between you and I was going quite well I thought couple of months in suggested spoil me take me away to a hotel. And which was very nice and I'm not far but you know needed a tree exciter a break from the children blah blah blah and he said Oh I've booked a hotel it's a great he said there's 24 hour parking and you can pay for that. Ok. So it Ok. We set off for our weekend it wasn't the best there or whatever and basically for the whole trip. Hating I want to out once again when he had stood up with petrol he said I want to know where my wallet is. Could you kind of. That it was an easy to replace my house and it was in the blah blah blah but he didn't give me the full amount that he needed to pay and basically I paid for the rest of I paid for a lunch I paid for incidental if I paid it how would you permit this guy a couple of months. About him being the bloke and you being the woman but if you invite someone away. I don't know you all the how you saw it. So it was just little things through our relation to be honest we all see feeling it but it was just think so we were we were arranging a day out up to London funny enough to listen to a radio show with baby say yeah I know a thing said their failed ideas to kids in the drawer and I was going by train and I was saying oh it's quicker if we go 3 expensive has a high speed train from Kent and I was like Yep it's pretty quick get to sit in and he said oh no we can have we've got the office you know if we could take our time so. Yes but I missed an hour and 20 minutes I was saying I haven't done an hour and 20 minutes on the train since the high speeds being in the it's just not worth it anyway we did it honestly yes I got a route card nice guy I know and it was these I give to be so if you come with me go buy my station I know which part way to have to pay for parking. And then who can I say Oh you can pretend to be my carer and get me a ticket when you're around college and it's kind of. Only one of these ideas a joke I just think it was he said the humor I wasn't feeling it. Used to pretend to be my carriage exactly but it exactly how to avoid. It we relate to. You know younger. People think I was with my toy boy which is ridiculous because he was famous age but how odd Lisa was. 56. To say in that way I just I just tell you. Yes I'm 50 so I you know even my son says All my friends think you look young to your age well it's kind of like it's got about a voltage and when he tells me to look like the oldest mom in the club. And hang on there with this guy. I basically was a feeling it but I just so just when I was funny because after this particular there'd be there were lots of instances so we'd go. Get help to take out a topic you seem to have to drive go to the top and we'd have a drink and he'd say oh I'd say watch out for the 20 or 20 go not if I've driven so you know you should have a drink kava Jane says I need to fill out a double and then he complains about the Papa saying oh it's a big if he doesn't want to. And he was kind of like yes I was everything it was and I realize it was a running commentary about the cost of everything and that's when I. Just realized that money is a really complicated sensitive issue I realize we need people I mean the thing is I suppose we're not talking and of course a lot definitely some ways since a you know you don't know what its budget was like know that but it's actually eat just don't have to do anything expensive if you're going to take someone to a hotel I'm a the romantic gesture and then pretend you've lost your wallet for the rest of the trip I mean. It just didn't come out until it was just a sort of understanding that I would kind of pay there was $1.00 thing that I said I would pay for because there's a gallery that I wanted to say so I said No I'll pay for gallery but he was like oh you know you pay for it in the way you want to go it's up to you choose because you're paying. I don't please so how say. Sorry how does a. Similar a similar right through how many you told him that the stinginess was software say . Me and. I don't know because because the thing is I realized I wasn't feeling it so I was just picking up if I had been reading a da love or take with him I maybe I wouldn't being so sensitive to it so that wasn't the reason I just wasn't feeling I didn't want to progress I could feel Christmas flaming and I was sick and I don't want to impose many more of my life but the funny thing was I was thinking we had these and I just given him 20 pounds for a ticket to go see a show and I said to my friend I just got got to go here we came and she said we want a trip for work on the narration I can't believe you've been this patient she had your reaction there if you've got a period to plan it just get rid of it now kind of thing so. I mean you know if if he's listening cola I will say yes but I think it's a great tip to everyone if you want to save a few bob on parking OS the person you're dating to pretend to be your camera because I think she's going to go down like a cup of cold say lovely lovely or here is a story you've made us all off and it's a Monday morning so we thank you for that lovely to see that message to Keith from the world he says I asked of what he had on his buddy's bacon he said they compress he said he said cook some bacon place it between 2 pieces of bread and press to take it all for a nice 50 off with a fried egg but bread then has the flavor of the bacon. Stingy people that spoke about this Rush says family friend organizes Christmas party bookings last few years he's tried to get 5 couples to book for 100 pounds per couple but then claims that as an expense it means he and his wife get a meal and drinks for free never offer to share the savings with the other couples Wow one person stinginess is another's free Galatea amazing how little you can live on sometimes it's very embarrassing to my family resists message with no name we had a message in earlier from somebody says they go out with a couple where the wife try to say they should have to pay as much because she only a half her pizza days had that experience saying I've had that pizza thing with a friend in the belly the same person would object to anyone changing to a different more expensive drink when it was his round i.e. From calling to explore he's a multi-millionaire recruitment give you now and I doubt he's changed squat of course see some of you had to socialize would date these people and if you out there we did just get a message saying you are being very frugal whoever you are but you still you know you want to give us an example of the most frugal thing you are doing slash stingy 1133 I think stingy is where it comes economy stingy to yourself but it's usually when it intersects with someone else like we just heard from Sally is 1133 keep messages coming in 8558 let's get the latest news and sport on digital b.b.c. San Diego. B.b.c. Radio 5 Live with news account filled Prince Harry says there was really no other option to stepping down as a senior royal speaking at a charity dinner last night the Duke of Sussex at him agen had hoped to continue serving the queen without public funding but it wasn't possible to many been arrested on suspicion of murder after 3 men were stabbed to death in east London police were called to Ilford it around 730 last night detectives believe they're all from the Sikh community and knew each other the h s 2 high speed rail link could end up costing as much as $106000000000.00 pounds according to leaks of a government commission review. The report also recommends the 2nd phase of the project linking cities in the north of England should be paused to see whether conventional rail lines could be used instead and the B.B.C.'s director general Lord Tony hole is standing down after 7 years in the role Chris Latcham has to support England have secured their 1st overseas innings victory since the ashes in 2011 they needed just the morning session on the last day to wrap up their 3rd test winning by an innings and 53 runs his the Captain Joe wrote a brilliant clinical performance and could be more proud of the great 5 days off for a bit days we've been excellent front right from the opening partnership really set the game up challenging conditions and different conditions but still challenging in many ways it was quite hard to school but no point in them back in the game South Africa then 21 down in the series with one match left to play one match left starts in Johannesburg on Friday only pope was the man of the match importer Lizabeth for his unbeaten $135.00 and $6.00 catches in the max match even he was asked about South Africa's final wicket stand of 99 between Maharaj and Patterson I think we had that new group a little bit more for the spinners and it didn't and those 2 played really nicely. And Crean striking in. That is frustrating at times but when you work your way in didn't necessarily expect to get a run out but that's where I was lucky Sam hit the stumps and has a good feeling and the champion Novak Djokovic survived a 1st set tie break at the Australian Open Russell Fuller is watching round one Yes he dropped a little below the level of perfection in the 1st set but having won it on the tie breaker played some terrific tennis some remarkable gets from improbable positions in the 2nd set to win it by 6 games to 2 he's up against Yan Lenat strokes of Germany who is 37 in the world and Djokovic on the course now as they play the opening game of the 3rd set for a straight sets victory rain has spoilt today's program only out. Side calls it does mean 6 British players will be in action on Choose day you know on account of place 1st at 1130 this evening your time but they will probably conclude from about 11 o'clock to morrow morning with Heather Watson and Harriet darts matches great stuff Russell coverage continues over on sports actually can listen to joke of it there were also wins in the men's drawer overnight for Federer sits a pass and Great Britain's Dan Evans but 13th see Denis shop of all of his outs the world number one Ash Barty came from a set down to advance in the women's draw champion Amy Asako won in straight sets so too did the 23 times grand slam champion Serena Williams But like I started out really well played really strong in the 1st set and just building on that so I feel like I can still improving it better throughout his term for sure and this is a good stepping stone for right now Serena sister Venus is out though she lost to the 15 year old Coco golf believe in a polar pick the worst possible time to break an arm on club duty yesterday as Eddie Jones named his England 6 Nations squad this lunchtime Rugby Union correspondent Chris Jones looks ahead what I think it's going to be a squad full of headlines from Eddie Jones plenty of new faces I understand the more fans and pat of sense of phrase it did was I'm fullback George Firbank have both beating clue did a lot of young back rowers pushing for selections such as the Cyrus and flank a bell and the holla Queens number 8 Alex Dom prime bronze case is surely strengthened by the injury so for the polo ball some experience names are under threat such as Don Cole Joe Launchbury and George Cruz among others that England squad has named it midday the 6 Nations starts in a fortnight Manchester United goalkeeper Sergio Remeron has crashed his car this morning on the way to the club's training he was unhurt in that one and the Newcastle boss Steve Bruce has confirmed defenders gesture of Ylem's and pulled on it a both out for the rest of the season c.b.c. Sounds music radio podcasts 3 to. 10. Top of you black out reaching for the pay sex emusic may keep going you've got to see all that makes a mess of 18 downstrokes to help keep you moving. And take healthy living even further but the fix I'm feeling called is all about getting back to being healthy eating well and having confidence in our bodies make 2020 your year with b.b.c. Sound so download the free up to listen. For news and the bass blogs this is b.b.c. 5 Live. Show Good Morning your message is still coming in about the North and how you feel about the language to do with the North of England and levelling off and whether it's patronize ng or hope in juicing and also your tales of stinginess as we learn that Rod Stewart used to charge rent to his girlfriend a message to just about the North from Mecca feels really worth reading I'm fed up of hearing about the North even to Portsmouth recently I actually have. Family live here in the Navy we are desperate for flood defenses at roughly the same cost as the waste of money on the new small $27.00 we're also desperate for a number of things like those in Devon in Comal China down Harry the you know this country needs a planning capsule Les's a long time thinking about all an element so it might be right spend the money on h s 2 but all future needs need to be considered hellish Stickley make Thank you very much for that well that let's bring you up to date on a story that is developing very serious in day 3 people have died and more than 200 have been infected with a spiritual virus it's spreading in China health authorities that say the number of cases of the virus have risen sharply cases being reported in Beijing the virus initially appeared in were me in December but officials and scientists are yet to determine exactly how it's been spreading John Oxford is a professor at Queen Mary University in London what is this what are the symptoms of this what do we know about this wireless Well sometimes the very worst. Parity as with the songs that break that was in 2003 the same of ours to the same family the coronavirus family the simple symptoms. Feeling ill feeling ill not wanting to walk around flu like headaches spiritual coughing trying to cross the chest but generally you know coming up pretty fast new not feeling well agile and do we know what schools days yes yes we know it's a new coronavirus a new virus in the coronavirus family we know that most of the fans you know on q. Assuming that people will be infected with all new creative arses in England at the moment just cones in common code but we know in that family of arses have 3. Viruses the. Middle East and sauce and this is sauce for itself we know that the 3 potentially date you want to solve them. We know they've got a reserve on some animal model in some animal and every now and then they have from these markets us what happened in 2003 and in the in the discontinued from camels looks as happening now. But I must say I'm not I'm not myself in a flap about the chase and I know you know you're coming that it's been a dramatic rise in a number of cases but it doesn't look dramatic to me to the viruses. That are going to spread around the world I don't think it is quite frankly and all the cases we see will have a connection with and in some sort of way and is it reasonable. No not not by this new antiviral drug there's no vaccine to prevent And I think that's one thing we're going to learn from this I mean to have 3 outbreaks of this in 10 years you know getting everywhere and I think we need to put some more cash to more science more scientific expertise into this Corona virus who I think that will come out of it but meanwhile I can see this virus you know if I had a chick it's in front of me now saying we had on a British Airways flight tomorrow to go to assign to a meeting or whatever I would go saying when I pick up this virus I think we're hanging on the 7000000 people living there as long as I keep away from the markets which we know is a focus of infection keep away from accident and emergency departments local hospitals or people might go they're really ill I don't see why I should pick it up a total of close to when people think that's it will happen with sauces of people and images all comes to mind people in mosques and great thing is that the spread that you do you wouldn't put that in the same category No I certainly wouldn't and I think I think we are going to this in a way was solace considering you know what the global population is I mean there were 6 eyes in cases you know it was very very very small in the global sense but of course you very wiring if you've got it in white very worrying if you've got a friend with it we've got your neighbor with it but. This virus is seems to be less deadly than saws precious there's not very firm evidence of easy street to spread from person to person because what normally happens with this sort of ours is they get they get picked up in the accident and emergency department as a nurse gets ill or don't care but there seems to be no spreads like laws like silence no spread in a hospital set up so again it looks looks let much less deadly much less worrying than saws the I mean to say we should ignore it or be complacent but. Not to be to the extremes of thinking it's going to spread around the world and infect everyone I don't think it is a tool thank you very much putting that into something that was John also a professor via viral. Logy Queen Mary University of London well throughout the program we've been talking about attitudes to a country huge parts of it that are outside London of course how it's characterize possibly even patronize you've been giving us your views there was a vulnerability from Manchester I agree to Boris had a clear political reason for potentially moving the House of Lords to York this hasn't been done since the Civil War So it's a long time coming. I believe it's it may just give us a bit of a voice once and for all because I think he does have an appreciation of what the voters have done. That for example the 1st time that the voters and they I think since 1985 has not voted for Labor and that is a really big political statement I don't find it patronize ing atoll that he might be considering moving to say York I hope it's not bending him because I think it needs to be moved further north it is a p.r. Stunt not stunt but it is a p.r. Friendly thing that I think he's trying to do and I think it is it is appreciating what the voters have done. I just want to say one thing I think it is about time that Lords did move themselves from London and saw the country that they are supposed to be representing I think it's about time they moved from a seat in Parliament in London and moved further up the country and by doing so on the train I might just see a bit more of the country and see the North for what it is and see what we have achieved over the last let me say 34500 g.s. . So there you go Ivana Munster earlier and we've been thinking and you've been getting in touch with how you view yourself how others think of you how people think of different parts of the country let's talk now to Jonathan Karl who's written an award winning novel which is reflected on the times we're living in it's been called a Brick City novel by some the actual title is Middle England doing that seems to have made both sides happy which is quite a challenge in some ways while I have made both sides happy but some have tried to reflect the divisions as accurately as I can and write a book which helps people to. Just to kind of process the upheavals we've gone through in the last 8 or 9 years really why did you want to do that partly for myself I mean you know like most writers I write mainly for selfish reasons and. In the wake of referendum result and in the build up to it. You know like a lot of people I think I just started thinking I didn't understand my country is well as I thought I did and if you don't understand your own country then you don't really understand yourself so you know I want to find out more as an Englishman about what it means to be English and what what have you discovered I mean there are there are characters in this that you're very close to that you're regular readers know but they are they all moving through this at the same time on as the news Yeah well I suppose what I discovered was that any attempt to. Unite the country around a question of national identity as the referendum tried to do in 2016. Is a very dangerous enterprise because everybody feels their own. Very unique and very individual sense of national identity and these are often incompatible and in some ways you know maybe it's best if we don't examine these things too closely because if we suddenly find that we have radically different ideas about what kind of country we want to belong to as we did in 2016 then the country becomes very fractured How well do you think you are able to show the different sides that all of this and it's and how do you feel about it being called a Bret's it will. I don't think of it as a precedent of will but you know it's a useful it's useful tag for her to start discussion around the book and that kind of thing but. It's it's the 1st novel in a series the other 2 are called the close circle and they go back right to the ninety's seventy's and when I read read those books prior to reading this one you know I really noticed that so many of the the kind of life issues that made the referendum so. So bitter and so passionate with have been with us for 30 or 40 years or more or going back even further than that well like what give us maybe an example to. You know the. The rise of English nationalists from. The the kind of desire to defend your national identity against perceived income as these kind of things I mean these a perennial questions which. David Cameron wasn't you know he wasn't asking these questions for the 1st time ie he instead he was kind of poking a hornet's nest which had been which had been dormant for a few years we've been talking throughout the program I mean we're in a completely different place now what with Boris Johnson's victory I believe you yourself were remain a bit I presume in a more resigned place now to the reality. You know that I mean remain has lost the lost the battle for the time being and you know. Clear that. Intends to pull us out on trying to reverse 1st and then. Properly pull us out on December 31st so those with a majority like that was nothing much that remains can do about it but I suppose what I was starting to get to is he's also talking a great deal about levelling up the north and lots of people getting in touch about the North of England I should say yeah lots of people have problems in Scotland much further north but you know he he's talking along those lines and of course some people feel that's incredibly hopeful and that's going to change the dynamic of this very specifically of England all those feel it's incredibly patronize ng and doesn't quite get to the heart of some of those issues and having Troy to go is a description of people from different sides of this what would you say. Well in the case of our prime minister it's hopeful depending on whether or not he means it or whether he's what he's going to do is anything other than token. You know there was there was a great. Cartoon in one of the papers straight off the election where someone was passing a road sign into Grimsby and it said Grimsby twin with the Bullingdon Club and that's the kind of but rather bizarre situation we find ourselves in now you know this is this alliance between. Different parts of the country and and an establishment who on the on the surface of it have nothing in common with the Labor Party just sort of pushed out of it and rendered irrelevant for the time being. As a novelist I'm kind of fascinated to see how this develops because it's a very. Dramatic situation you know really that that 2 such different elements of the country you know one has given its support to the other and that they're waiting for payback and it'll be interesting to see what someone like Johnson actually comes up with what's made a middling good. Typical middle England. What was I was a typical middle England in the 1970 s. I guess which is when these books begin you know we were. We were a conservative voting household living in a rural suburb of Birmingham not far from Worcester and Bronx drove and we took the Daily Telegraph and The Daily Mail. And I read. Like a lot of teenage boys I was reading The Lord the Rings by talking and the show I really in The Hobbit seemed to me to be the best kind of metaphorical description of Middle England in literature in a way you know down t. Somewhat inward looking. Provincial in those who are a little suspicious of outside influences but when push comes to shove they have. An incredible kind of backbone and into and determination do you do you think that still holds true do you think it's changed what it means to be a middle England. Well I think it has changed because you know we one of the reasons I voted to remain is my conviction that we live in a globalized interconnected world now on national barriers are not as important as they used to be and in order to solve the kind of global problems that we're confronted with we need to cooperate and. Breck's it's Which. Was very much driven as far as I can see by the kind of Daily Mail Daily Express reading element of Middle England Brooks It seems to be. A turning of the country's back on that kind of approach and that seems to me to be you know wrong the mistaken and potentially disastrous at this point of view the way then for Middle England has middling and walked away from you. Well that Mother I don't think I mean I one of the reasons I wanted to write this book and was able to write this book I think is I still feel I have a foot in both camps I've lived I've lived in London for. 33 years now and I'm a classic member of the liberal metropolitan elite but at the same time you know I have this very provincial conservative upbringing and that never leaves you in in some ways so. I think I have a bit of understanding of both sides it's interesting as well I mean Laurence Fox that if you saw this last weekend of last week I didn't see the the incident but I have the it's a load follow follow the fall I referred to Ok but just to remind anyone who hasn't the accent was on Question Time and got into a fight with a member of the audience not a physical a verbal one about racism and whether or racist country or north or whether any of the. Decision of Harry Magen has been made in part due to her race is treatment at the hands of the press his reply went much bigger beyond the press was talking about the Us being the most tolerant country and he was a number stiff of being a white privilege male and he said I can't help up because that's what I was born I think I have summarized that extent and there was an actual lecture in the in the question in the audience he's me who asked this question who specializes in this topic what do you make of this idea that we're really tolerant country. I think it's a bit complacent and it's a kind of dangerous thing to be too self-satisfied about your country just to to this kind of things I mean you know 11 racist incident is one too many. So. I don't think. You know Lawrence Fox has come in for credible as you would expect the Trilok attacks on Twitter in this this kind of thing I don't think his comments merit anything like that but I think but I think it's like raised to the rafters you know you know the mists you feel that this is been a culture war for the last 10 years or so and people like him and Ricky Gervais said and if you saw any of his material from hosting the Golden Globes No I didn't it was along similar some of it not you know all of it was similar pushbacks I mean it felt to me. About the election result in December that one of the things one of the things driving that massive tour of Tory majority was that was a kind of weariness on the part a lot of people about hearing the source often and beating ourselves up about our intolerance and our racism and I kind of thing you know there's no doubt that trumps and. Cheerfulness and his you know in your face preferences my kind of thing struck a chord and you know people are just getting a bit fed up with constantly being told how racist they are and the sort of thing. Having said that I do think Laurence Fox His comments were a bit. They played out a bit smugly I think you may on a much much lighter note be tickled to have one of our other conversations this morning is about the state of this country in stinginess after Rod Stewart it's been revealed it's the charges girlfriend rent getting in some amazing tax on this one he had already made I should say my name is sure my brother wants $100.00 pounds film on it set my mother from North Wales to Heathrow so she can fly surveys to attend my wedding that's what I call stingy we've got another one here my sister's ex partner gave her a lift to work 2 weeks later he gets a speeding ticket and then I asked my sister the half of the fine if he would have been on the road if she hadn't wanted a lift from Brian. Out of the would have David saying I swear the guy filled with a. His flask of the stuff comes the boiler every often aid saved enough to boil the kettle when he got home last evening it is part of the great texture middle England or is this just in to us the World Wide Web stinginess is a worldwide phenomenon but I was I was struck by this stupid can controller see about whether Big Ben should try my bricks it might and I couldn't couldn't care less either way myself but I thought 500000 pounds was a very modest sum really considering that 17400000 people voted to leave us only 3 p. Each to put in to get the bells chime so they may shouldn't be so nice Actually this isn't just a good 2nd in they haven't reached the threshold but maybe I mean just again till you have middle England in on that point church bells ringing this is the other thing away from big bad perhaps there will be church bells this will at the other discussions have been in the in your house growing up would you have welcomed that you think no because we were too kind of quiet and different in our conservatism I think I mean you know that the problem with ideas is the sort of the sort of triumphalism which is not going to help. You know reconcile people to this to this moment you know I do and I don't think I don't think either side should be kind of trumpeting their their victory or their defeat at this point I think we've just got to find a way of living with it together and I know you notice in the business of theater gazing if you worse or vice another book after this which you may Yeah I'm sure I will but these characters are well developed in Jonson's u.k. How do you see any of it playing out for them. From the characters in my book yes oh and by extension I suppose every one of us Oh I think we're in for. 10 very difficult years of Conservative rule with the commie really struggling to to adjust to breakfast you know I think it's I don't think the stopped son lit up plans that were promised are going to meet. What's interesting what is going to happen when that becomes the case and the blame game starts if we can't blame the e.u. For everything anymore who are we going to blame or perhaps they will find a way of blaming you for everything still so even not being quite infected with the cheerfulness the take every cheerfulness of Morris felt some of these new voters it's no it's never really never really hit the spot for me on the fringe. On the Record for the best novel the middle England in terms of will find out I believe strongly whether it wins every book award thank you so much for coming on to the program really good to have you really nice to thank you for your take on this and if. People can identify with that more of your messages coming in about stinginess as well and also how you feel about these treatment of the North as a whole very interesting to fail some of your anger actually if you don't live in the know about this and also some of the passion of those who do. The North of England coming up in that direction general of the b.b.c. Is to stand with discuss. The cost of h s 2 could so even higher. The news and the early Premier League football anyone else this c.b.c. Radio. Often in its 12 o'clock.

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