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1st time a record and we hear about the bubble machine that could see the Can owls of Amsterdam become plastic free 1st though the president of the Kuna 1st so Mark to Buri has called for a national mobilization against terrorism following an attack on a mining convoy that left at least 38 people dead the convoy was carrying workers at a gold mine owned by the Canadian company some are photos of his 3 kids a clear McDougall who's in Dakar in Senegal and I asked her how much we know about what happened basically you know many of the reports have said that there's 38 mining workers in contract is you know who killed heading out to a Canadian and mind. Basically the security forces or the governor became a foster have said that it was an improvised explosive device that was involved and basically the same group of mining workers were accompanied by an armed escort and the army vehicle in the escort was landed on the day and then gunmen supposedly came out and shot people but I think that there are a lot of questions about this one of the terrorist groups have claimed responsibility for this attack but many sort of security analysts suspect that it could have been one of the objects dreamless groups just because the sophistication of the attack and because of the president's have an i.e.d. Why would these people have been a target of obviously you know if it was a straight robbery of some sort of Goldmark you don't understand that but what was it any idea what the motive was for this attack. I think it's very difficult to know what Mars his are you know it's a very sort of remote area they can a Faso you know that we don't hear a lot of news from but I think that you know what when sort of saying is that there's a pattern you know over the past 3 years of attacks around gold mines and goldens a sort of very very valuable commodity and became a fossil and it's one of its biggest exports and you know became a fossil he's one of the poorest countries in the world. I'm sort of curious to know whether or not there are many people who have benefited from these gold mines I mean no but I think that there is this national debate about whether or not people are benefiting from the country's natural resources but this attack seems particularly you know brutal and there's a lot that we still don't know about it like the number of casualties hasn't been you know completely confirmed it could actually be more than 38 people on there were reports from local authorities of 60 people leave being injured there could be more than that and we also during the number of the King of the military that were killed during this attack yes it is there's still sort of I guess many many questions I never got getting this but it does appear to be you know many of the mining workers that speculated that they very likely to be local people and they became a big people there was a Canadian geologist who was targeted in the northern region and was kidnapped and killed over there is sort of like the kidnapping and killing of as many expect it's and of course there are you know became a base of people from became a fossil as well but it seems particularly Bursal that there were just sort of mining workers and the contract is that were killed and you know I guess the question is What were the attackers primarily trying to target the military a lot of questions around this attack but it was a pretty shocking one for many years between the 1st it was seen as calm distillation in Africa indeed it was one of those few places that had an international festival in the capital well to do give the weather do the film 1st of all the try to be from all over the world that clearly has changed not least because of the terrorist groups in the north of the country in the east. Of there are ethnic tensions I understand you do you know any more about that basically you know there are a number of issues going on in the countries it is the presence of terrorist groups and then there's also ethnic tensions and. You know many many people say that actually there's more sort of ethnic militia groups in the country or community security groups you know depending on which way you look at it you know throughout the country but yet there are ethnic tensions between different ethnic groups and the you know there's a lot of groups that have particularly targeted I lot of these sort of community defense groups that have formed around the country and have a nomadic people are they they travel around this region and don't share I say respect but they don't observe borders as such because those borders where you know traditionally for them while they are under attack Well why do local people have a problem with them in between a faster job or I think that you know regionally there is this idea and it's come under sort of criticism by a lot of analysts but there is this idea that the full on me ah sort of you know like the ideal sort of ethnic group for recruitment and by jihadist groups because of the fact that you know many of them it depends on what community you are talking about it many of them are much nomadic they sort of move across borders very easily but I think that there is this sort of almost a stereotype emerging about the Jihadist you know many analysts would argue that they're being ethnically profiled at the moment and they seem to be sort of terrorist suspects and and so and I think that you know there has been sort of recruitment along different ethnic groups not just you know in among the Falana in the region and begin a fossil as well anyway of 2nd guessing what the what the impact of this attack on the Gold Mine will be if so many people have been being killed it's a challenge not least to the government isn't it here definitely I mean the c.e.o. Of the company Ben watches has said that the operations will be suspended I think he did the 2nd or 3rd time that there been attacks. Along this far end but yeah it's kind of uncertain as to sort of when the mine will open whether it will continue operations and and so on and I think that you know from some sources that I've spoken to indicate a Fosse and I think this then been a number of attacks in recent months but I think that this attack and just like the scale of it was a really big key. You know President wash Kristin Cavallari has called for the national unity and the mobilization of Bicheno ways to rout out terrorism but I think that I think there is this sense that you know this is becoming sort of a really massive problem with the king of fossils facing and it is going to be a really big challenge and you know I'm very curious in sort of like the coming days to sit here and sort of how badly the security forces were here because that's a figure that's definitely you know it's coming out at the moment and yeah. I mentioned I imagine that there were you know significant casualties there. Small country when you look at it on the map is quite large country doesn't have any coastline or anything but it's one of its much larger neighbors is Mali and that's a country that we know struggles to contain. Terrorist insurgents all the time and now there is a story around a particular terrorist suspect that you want to talk about sure said Mollie and born radical preacher who is actually speaking of armful awnings he was at the time the Polani ethnic group called far and he's a member senior figure in Jemaah. Which is a group which basically sort of translate into the group of support of Islam and Muslims and it's known as Jay and I and I and j. And I and a sort of like seem to be or have been blamed for many years have you know throughout the region you know it's been blamed for attacks on and killing of u.n. Peacekeepers. French troops you know in Mali and troops and basically I'm going to call today joined Mali ends in Mali and entities that are on the specially designated global terrorist latest album that is made headlines but I'm not sure sort of how sort of big a deal it is you know because it's a really big race there about 15000 people and entities across the world and it was a list that was created you know post 911 and and basically he sort of anyone who sort of is associated with him more or I'm sort of finances any organizations that he's associated with. In the u.s. It becomes sort of illegal for them to interact financially you know with we came or any organizations that he's affiliated with yeah he's he's sort of a really mystery figure and you know the photos of him in the bin here isn't him or anything sort of bright orange or red headed being you know and he calls for sort of the rebuilding rebuilding building of a 19th century Messina Empire extending from Mali to Senegal in Nigeria and it's kind of sort of West African colors but when he said the red headed bit. Of out of Baghdad the head of Islamic States that was killed in a attack by u.s. Special services he killed himself apparently I would back you Baghdadi I wonder whether in this particular case of this particular cleric or otherwise if there has been a repercussion if you like from the death of out Baghdad you are either from the militants sides or the terrorists or from the u.s. Are they on the full. Other extremists in that region. Well interestingly enough you know sort of in December of last year the French had claimed that they killed him you know in a strike but then basically he appeared in in another video sort of you know days later I mean no denying the claims and suppose of the fronts but I definitely think that you know that he's a target you know and he's I think that him being sort of you know put on this list you know it does show that you know that Mali is increasingly on the u.s.s. Radar they have a sort of a significant presence in the region you know and obviously sort of concerned about you know the escalating terrorist violence you know but as I said before there's 15000 people on this list and you know he's among 10 Malina entities and. And and you know. People who have been accused of being terrorists or terrorists so so yeah so it's I guess it's hard to know sort of what they say you know him being put on this list really sort of means and whether or not they're being fair that's how we're getting of him you know cooperation between the French security forces and the u.s. Security forces trying to you know target him then and sort of you know of. Him get rid of him but yeah I think it's I think that's a bit unclear at this stage. Does. Accept responsibility for the attacks by. French troops for example disease. Responsibility. I'm not I'm not sure I mean I'd have to look back through you know through some of the reports in the video. And I'm I'm not 100 percent sure on that one. So far hearing or we can confirm is that the u.s. We've imposed sanctions on him and what good is that in a way you know sanctions don't mean anything to an individual to the nation maybe but to an individual you know could care less if he's not going to be allowed to travel to the United States but it's what more they intend to do about it is really the question. Here definitely I think I think that is an important question but I think that you know being on this list it sounds you know connected with this fact you know and basically it's sort of financial sanctions so that anyone you know if anyone I get I guess it basically means that he's sort of like under sort of like increased surveillance so if there's anyone that you know from the u.s. Or you know that gives any money or you know that makes any transactions connected with him or anyone who's connected with him you know sales will be sort of prosecuted or even in serious trouble so I think that I mean I think that's sort of you know the significance of that and you know Trump has made you know big statements about you know that 2 years after the u.n. About sort of like sanctions on Mali and you know people in Mali who are sort of encouraging terrorism and sort of disturbing the peace but we haven't sort of seen so much action and you know I wonder also whether or not it's you know because there's operation. You know that's being led by the French whether or not the u.s. Is just playing more of an intelligence you know support role and and sort of letting the French Play the way it is the reality is he's probably the most wanted man in Mali now certainly the French wants him presumed him to be dead as you say. You mean that he's wanted dead or alive by the French authorities and by the Mali and authorities as well. It's the Americans adding these sanctions on like I say you know what more do you know what more effects will that have and I wonder as well they presuming that he's in Mali and how many places are there for him to hide even though money is a huge country you know after a while you'd expect them to track him down. So well I mean like this border is a very porous and you know a lot of Mali you know large wages of Mali you know basically you know and this is I mean and again it's also as well but you basically don't have any you know government government presence or administration and there's very repressive presence from the security forces and they're kind of you know like. Yeah these these sort of huge spaces. You know that are out in the middle of nowhere you know basically so I yeah I think that you know. It is a sort of difficult to sort of follow and find people in these areas Kemah do good news in Dhaka the capital of San Diego there's a story there of immediate to try and bring you the last couple of days you know events events my dear boy have defeated me but not tonight absent them as a new weapon in the fight against plastic floating plastic floating through its canals and out into the sea it's a new bubble barrier it's called which blows bubbles as opposed to the surface and blows up plastic as well to the surface and channels rubbish to the saw out of a canal so that it can be more easily retrieved Philip. Is the code venture of the great bubble Beriah and he told me how it works the bulb area is well at the end of the day it's basically 2 that we placed going to Lee in. A river or a can only be put that on the bottom and it has a lot of small holes in it and then we pump air through it and all all these little holes will release air bubbles and through that we create that curtain of ever walls and this will not only stop plastic which is floating on the surface but it will also bring Class 8 which is in suspension to the surface and then together with the natural flow of the river or guide it to the site and then it can be act collected in a catchment system so you won't see the bubble barrier but you will see all the plastic bowls and whatnot float into the service well you do see the bubbles so it's basically one line what would you see in Jacuzzi right so it would be diagonally line of bubbles that you see yet and is that these permanent barriers or do they move around from one canal to another no this is a permanent barriers so we place them at hotspots where a lot of classic is basically leaving the what's open sea and this case it's one of their that exits of of Amsterdam. And this is not a 1st bought in Amsterdam and will be. Tested for the next 3 years and then the city of Amsterdam will decide if they want more of them. Does absent out have a particular problem with rubbish and it's going to. I would say a particular problem I mean it's it's it's a city with a lot of people and tourists visiting every year and I think as any major city and in Europe or the world really you'd be getting classic in your water. Are you blaming it on the Taurus No I have. When I said that already heard it the way I said it it's not necessary to as I think it's just the amount of people so there's been a study actually been done where people followed people were followed to see how they lit 10 and there's no difference and tourists or locals so it's just the mound of people living close to each other and convenience which will make us buy a more single use plastics and well there's one thing in in Amsterdam which is that well they can also world. Heritage and so you can rate change anything and they don't have. Garbage bins on the street so what they do is they just put the trash back on the street and they do that twice a week and there's picked up in the morning but over that time rats and birds they have a go at the bags and then wind and rain are doing the rest and then that ends up in the canal it's lucky you don't have foxes emerging. Market Is there a lot more rubbish in those canals I could show you. How much do you collect from these bubble barriers. Well we've shown in a big biggest open water palate which was and I sell it. And then the lengths of Big River and that was 180 meter long by a bear and we could show that we collect 86 percent of our test material and that was during all the weather conditions that we had but at the end the day you broke probably you want to know how much plastic in kilograms we can get and that really depends on the amount of trash that's available really and we know that roughly $42.00 tonnes of plastic are already collected from the surface waters in Amsterdam but that's only basically the capacity that stays within the city and this is without all the trash that flows out of the city towards the North Sea and the local water authority is only working Monday to Friday and we can that our power bear on 20 percent. Come up with this technology. Well it's started in 2 places for made was in Berlin I was studying naval architecture and ocean engineering and during my semester abroad in a stray we visited a wastewater treatment plant and there's once one stage where they also air raid the water they put a lot of oxygen in the water so Amabel's and some of the trash that people throw in or flushed down the toilet. It was all collecting in one corner and that was the 1st spark that led to the idea to say well if if bubbles can got plastic maybe I can do this more designed in a river without basically placing a physical barrier so if you wanted to to collect trash in a river and especially when you hear that 2 thirds of all our oceans past 6 is to many to come from Memphis then why not intercept it and reverse before it even reaches the oceans so it was already clear to me that if you wanted to do something in reverse you were not able to be using a physical barrier because the passage of wildlife and ship traffic would always be dominant and I later found out that 3 young women from the Landsat the exact same idea was down to the same month really and. I learned of what they were doing we got into contact and we saw that we had the same mission the same idea about where you want to take a barbarian and long story short 2 years ago I moved to the Netherlands and we've been working on it together since and can do you think this code creation of yours can be expanded beyond Amsterdam's canals. Yeah absolutely for us Amsterdam is really just a 1st step there's just this is not the 1st long term bubble barrier which can be showcase for a lot of other cities where they can see what we can do we plan to move out of the Netherlands already by next year we already have some interest coming from Europe and we're already looking at moving into Asia and Africa. And well what do the people of Amsterdam make of it there will the bubbles. Of the canals bubbling up yeah all the old neighborhood loves that we really haven't had any negative comments we actually had a local choir. Had a had a song saying about Bob Barr yesterday at the opening that was really interesting you know Philip code inventor of the great bubble Beriah after the news's war would hear about this Chinese company the vying to buy British Steel could save thousands of jobs but 1st as go 5 Live headlines has come. From digital b.b.c. Sounds small space. Is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live and his daughter was just mentioning a Chinese manufacturing firms agreed in principle to buy British Steel for $70000000.00 pounds so the deal could save up to $4000.00 jobs in the way the company's been Can't running by the government since it went into liquidation back in May former Labor m.p. Keith Vaz won't be standing in next month's general election he was recently suspended from Pohlmann for 6 months after a drug and sex inquiry by the common standards body when the 50 flood warnings are still in place across England this morning full of the alerts for the river dawn in sales a severe meaning there's a risk to life in a policeman's Shilts a demonstrator in the torso at point blank range during a pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong it was being live streamed on Facebook and ends in a critical condition. 5 days Bessy has the sport yanking Phelps as livable needed to do something special to beat Manchester City as they produce to add on failed winning $31.00 so I put up an 8 point gap at the top of the Premier League that Gaudio was unhappy with livable as I pointed out it came 21 seconds after an apparent humble by Trent Alexander the goal was given off to a v.a.r. Check on the penalty incident that say from the 2 manages I didn't see the situations what I heard about the 1st handball was like person I was able to transcend So which one do we want Also I don't know as to my Riley and his people normally they don't talk normally they don't talk and they are behind the scenes with. Mike Riley is the referees chief elsewhere mantis you know and to put in their best performance of the season and beating Brighton 3 walnuts according to manage all the gun a social they go into the international break in 7th the highest position up for 2 months Andreas Pereira in the scoring for United that's important now we can look back what we did well in the games dressed up get fit get everyone fit back on track and be ready for the next game she will move into the top leaders Celtic remain a single goal clay of ranges at the top of the Scottish Premiership after they both won. It's all meet in a midfield role Sparky have withdrawn from the England squad for next week's year I qualifies 3 injury suffered you know it is only one keeper Dean Henderson has been called up never jokes which made winning start of the a.t.p. Finals but Roger Federer lost his eye playing match to beat Matty Berra Teenie 6261 but federal law 7575 to dominant team at London's o 2 arena then felt like I was out playing or anything else just maybe sort of the 1st round pick ups a little bit you know those not having your spots on the serve when you need to getting into trouble early in the service games which you know maybe doesn't happen later on in a tournament but I thought also Dominic. Save himself real well when you have to there are 7 medals for g.b. At the world. Power athletics championships including 3 cults very low rated the quality of their stay old coming away you know loyal for Great Britain to win the gold medal by some distance here on the 3 times a writing European champion is a world champion for the 1st time Maria La winning the t 35100 meter Hannah ko Croft and Allie Davies also won gold. Medal tally to 10 but still came from 17 nailed down to be exits a 2017 to go top of rugby union's Premiership and England's table Hatton won the Gulf after 6 mom playoff they finished in the flood lights up to 6 play as a tied on 20 on the Paul is Hatton's full fury paean to a win I said if if I was lucky enough to win again then I'd definitely So enjoy it more and not really I think it's easy to say for granted and I mean that in the best times possible or say that wraps up this for next year is wow it's for Stephanie on my mind coming into the tournament Great Britain's Casey Archibald and Elena one SUV in the women's Madison on day 3 of the track cycling world cup and Glasgow fellow Brit Mark Stewart ticks over in the men's only I'm a new Robeson be judged at a fun frame decide this when Stukas champion of champion events and that's the latest from b.b.c. Sports this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound small space. Good morning another spell of windy weather has been sweeping across the u.k. I was a nice and not just getting some rain you see the bit of snow in Scotland especially to some of the hills mainly to the north of the central quite a wintry start to the day here and what starts still across particularly possible before the rank clears away in the morning the next day of sunshine and showers are what was going to be settled we could have a spells of Ryan unfortunately 2 areas that are tired too much recently are saying so probably will be wet at times with areas of low pressure not all the time will be some sunny about this too chilly week ahead just to break down what we're expecting starting in Scotland. So the last of the wet weather in the. Morning goes on. Most of the showers will be in some heavy foundry wintry on the hills maybe with these. Sunshine. Some heavy rain from very possible to places with. Across. The tops of England could be some gusty winds with. Pretty much all in the case of sunshine to challenge him with. Some places will avoid them and stay draw you might just see. It's going to be. Some sunshine not separate as across. The range of $6.00 to $9.00 degrees Celsius. The heavy high and so 10 degrees is about as good as it gets this week for most of the week the temperatures will be in single figures at the windy times around the blood pressure as mentioned. There will be more rain on the way to find out how to move. These. Election. Represents more patients on listening to the public. Needs to fix the coverage to. Find life you find easy to see you know from digital b.b.c. Sound it's a small space. Based is based. On the 5. Chinese firms stepped forward with a proposal to buy British Steel which would save $4000.00 jobs they're offering $70000000.00 pounds with China correspondent Robin. Robin 1st of all. What can you tell us about this company. Why they want to bar bridges through. A company that was formed in the mid 1990 s. When economy here opened up on a radical scale and you know semi privatization of some of these major utilities was allowed the company that employs about 23 and a half 1000 people it doesn't just the steel it does real estate it does 3 d. Printing it does hotels in terms of an official comment from them at the moment we've been in touch with you know last week when the rumors are around but also today and their official word today is that they're waiting for the chairman to return with his team to China until they make any kind of formal statement but I think you know you look at what British Steel can also see a presence in the u.k. a Presence in France as well right now owns a factory that manufactures the French state railway c.f. Element of diversification there but at this stage in terms of officially what the ambition what the mission is that we just don't know and we don't know what they want to do with bridges to either they were very keen as it is ordered some form transform. That we've heard from the chairman I mean some reporting in The Financial Times and other media outlets as well and he's spoken about. Making the company far more efficient he spoken about cuts being an absolute necessity if British Steel is to go forward needs to be sustainable but he's spoken as well about you know making it part of the family. In terms of the still companies put in place for 25 years so look you know survival is the number one aim for British Steel it's like at this stage based Chinese a steel dominated conglomerate is the answer to that every head from the British government which has been running bridges do for the last 3 months. But we haven't heard from them today maybe partially because you know the beginnings of an election campaign and there is in effect this could become an election issue particularly you look up to scan the thought where the mainstay of the jobs assented in Lincoln that area you know in the past that's been an area that's been pretty pro breaks it and I mean just in terms of the local politics anyway is a huge number of jobs out there that could be saved if indeed this deal goes ahead it's likely to be a hugely important political issue in that area Robyn will no doubt hear more about this later on during the day the fact is for now China across one Romney brand in Shanghai now believes President Evo Morales has resigned along with his vice president reports from a newspaper in Argentina says Mr Moran has has flown out of believe his main city. And may tend to seek refuge in Argentina his decision follows weeks of uncertainty over the result of last month's election and on Sunday the Organization of American States which can monitor the elections said it found evidence of wide scale manipulation and could not certify the results of the previous polls earlier I was joined by Dr Hummel who's the assistant professor of political science at the University of Miami as she just got back from of self after being advised the government had been starting a propaganda campaign against. Oh so this way to do it to Jennifer is Syria is the associate professor of political science and that's an American Studies at the University of Arizona almost Dr Hummel 1st whether the protest had brought down this material from October 20th when the elections happened until now and certainly when I left there were protests every day and especially every night in the pas and throughout the country so we saw these waves of contentious protests throughout the country in all major cities for 3 weeks for this happened and now that he stepped down it didn't seem like he would when you left it it was now that he stepped down is that because of the pressure of the demonstrations or are the ones I was very surprised to see him resign today the protests made it possible for the OAS the Organization of American States ought it to stay at the forefront. Of the newspapers and Bolivia and. Thoughts about what was going on but C i think it was the results of the audit and then the organized response or the response from the civil society organizations as well as parts of the government to that that all culminated in this press. Professor see why did Evo Morales go wrong because when he was elected as the 1st indigenous president Bolivia a country that has a majority indigenous population when he was elected seen large you know revolution almost Yet it certainly was literally in symbolically very important for the country it was what I came to power when the party system that had ruled almost 20 years essentially collapsed and he was as you said the 1st indigenous president you know he did a lot of really important things when he was president he implemented a lot of important policy is that helped the poor poverty dropped dramatically when he was in power spending. Increased dramatically in a lot of areas social policies that really seem to have been enduring and not dependent on for example the electoral cycle as we would see happen and then a swell but you know as he stays in power yes to start to justify why he's continues to stay in power and things really start to change you know throughout his time as he was helping the poor as he was in really had implemented it an inclusive government he was also centralizing power right so he was able to pass a lot of policies because he had a clear majority in Congress. He stacked the courts in his favor clearly there was an abuse of power here in 2016 and with this I'll end and I'm getting kind of long there was a referendum held to see if he could run for a 4th term in office he lost that referendum and then essentially ignored those results and that I think was the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of frustrated the Libyans who thought that this was just you know sort of a step too far in terms of his abuse of power. Do you give much credence to the talk of a coup he did so yesterday as if he was going to step down but then the military seems to have you know given him as they would say the Godfather threw him he couldn't refuse no this is not a coup the military has not taken power the only thing the military has done has said he should resign and the military is so the head of the military said that he should resign and. All of the opposition a lot of his base is of popular support are also at the same time like in the same hour that the military is calling for you know put out one statement saying that he should consider resigning the center all over I don't want to be on the Workers Center which is a huge supporter of his own. And has been for the last 14 years said that he should resign other large civil society groups that have backed him said he should resign so there was a call there was a wave of calls for his resignation at the time that those calls for his resignation are going on there is also a wave of resignations of months officials and politicians around the country so we had the. The mayor of Supriya resign the mayor of problems see resign there are multiple senators that are just been elected and for months that resigned multiple ministers started to resign like that's not the military just saying something in the president stepping down that is everyone jumping ship as fast as possible and the military saying that he should resign so in that context yes he steps up. And I can I just interject here with 2 points I don't want to I don't think we're going to resolve the q. Debate but I do think it's important to point out that it's not just the military that can perform a coup right so just to Monica's point that the military is not currently. Trying to take over the country. I just think it's just that the military was opportunistic in terms of everybody else is coming out against ever more or less we better as well because they had been really actively sort of actively decided not to take part in what was happening they said they weren't going to go out to the streets and try to control what was happening so they were clearly at least until yesterday they had taken a step back the timing of this is what is really so strange to me that as the government starts to resign ministers start to resign this is when the military steps in asks us to resign and shortly after more analysis resigned so if this were an opportunistic move on the part of the military it's really unfortunate timing because it's going to make it seem like the military had a role in coercing Morales to step down not least because he said. Said that he was coerced to step down but why does the military have such a pivotal position in believe you important cigs is a question what about the rule of law what about parliamentary democracy the police are on strike. So the police the police across the country went on strike on Friday so one of the things that's been restraining these protests is that there have been tactical police being the physical barrier between protesters and all of these government institutions is that many of the cases where police were not present protesters burned down government institutions in the last in the last 3 weeks we had 7 of the 9 electoral tribunal in the different departments were burnt and then on top of that there's also this history in Bolivia of protesters physically making presidents leave. There was one case in I think 148 where of. Was lynched in the lake capital city because a group of protesters broke into the palace after this after a long wave of protests and so if the tactical police are the riot police are not showing up to provide that barrier and the military then he needs the military to be able to physically protect him and if the military one says that they are part of it that's what I would also if he's the president they'd have said no commander in chief of the military and for me. I think you know that the military has been fairly subordinate Alice throughout this time but the military has a storied history not just in Bolivia but in many countries in Latin America in terms of constantly serving as sort of a check on power if you well as in if a president goes too far in crosses a line however they decide to try it's in the military people regularly Stephan this has not been the case in Bolivia but it also has been the case sort of the relationship between. Place and the gov and the military was not like it is invest well if for example where my doodle basically depends upon the military order to stay in power you know the military really have to this is for me at least surprising that the military would turn away from ever more analysis so quickly and I just can't quite puzzle it out just yet but I don't think anybody should be able to because things are happening so quickly took some of you believe your most recently what happened to that base of supports that a rumor around his had done since he was talking about the base of support from the poor of the country which I'm presuming is the majority still what happened to that base of support did evaporate in out not entirely so that base of support has been slowly eroding since the since the 1st election and I know that Jennifer also has a fair amount of experience in the so please feel free to chime in but in that 1st election was elected with this huge majority lots of social support lots of support from the organizations and then as his administration has went on a lot of things that social organizations expected didn't happen and then also the morale isn't ministration managed a lot of the social movement to me and by dividing social movement organizations so for years there's been these parallel organizations now where there's this one large organization that supports the government and another that doesn't so there have been members of his own and sectors of his base that have been peeling off for years as these movements are divided and some people go with the government supported organization and other people stay with the independent organization that process has also demobilized a lot of people who just didn't you know casual members in these organizations who just didn't particularly want to be part of this power struggle anymore and then also didn't didn't have this one organization requiring them to. To participate in some way and so we've seen this this erosion of support for years and then also as Jennifer mentioned earlier with a 21 s.f. Referendum in in 2016 when he lost that and then still decide its run for a 4th term he lost a lot of support especially with urban voters that people who had not been his core base don't to see what does it matter though what does it matter what 11000000 people in Bolivia do or whether the president survives or not what's the message for the rest of us and in particular for the rest of South America this is not the only country experiencing waves of protest as your listeners probably know there are protests going on in a lot of countries in the recent notably Haiti and you know I think the ones we're running Venezuela but Venezuela of course yes I mean Venice with it by just so far in the extreme that sometimes it's hard for me to compare it to what else is happening and the reason is near the close is that to the protests that have been in the news here is not that close is the Chile one slightly different nations protest different again in terms of what they want in terms of the protesters want it in in Bolivia Yes it's the closest but to me these governments these regimes are not comparable So this is why I see Venice with a sort of so far beyond what we can see how we can compare what's happening elsewhere I guess the biggest point I want to make here is that the Libyans like to lands certainly like Venice Wayland's like Arjun's Heinz are very deeply deeply unhappy with both Brazilians deeply unhappy with what's happening with their political elites they don't see that political parties are representing them as they should they are extremely frustrated with abuses of power as in the case of Bolivia and certainly in the case of Venezuela inept policies in the case of corruption in the case of Brazil. And so when you don't have a political party that can represent your view and the only recourse you have or you feel that you have is to pour out onto the streets I should add that you know social media helps with this right in terms of how you coordinate these kinds of responses and making it more accessible to the broader population so this is sort of a convergence of events that are really unhappy people are expressing their discontent on the streets in Bolivia that I know and which this in Bolivia though there is as well a point out there is that he has 3 of protests right now this is the fact that the Libyans are protesting on the street against their president is not new they also forced a president to resign in the early 2000 the sense that a sad this is not the 1st time or the lynching in the street that took place in the 1940 s. This is not the 1st census happened in Bolivia it is I think perhaps the saddest instance because if what I listed represents so much hope for so long for so many. Dota Jennifer Senior Associate Professor of Political Science and let an American studies of the University of Arizona know it's a color assistant professor of political science at the University of Miami we're talking to us about the current situation in Bolivia where the president has had to step down now the Premier of New South Wales in Australia has declared a state of emergency for the next 7 days because of the bushfires in the state the fires of already claimed at least 3 logs in the grate is Sydney area has been warned of catastrophic fire conditions to come for the 1st time on record for sure in Sydney is true. How widespread Joe The fire is now to. Well there are more than a 100 fires burning here in New South Wales and to the north in Queensland and this fire emergency began on Friday in New South Wales then there were 17 emergency level bushfires the state of New South Wales it never had so many of those emergencies at all at one time so this is an unprecedented crisis the weather on Sunday and today Monday has been kind tomorrow we are expecting things to be very very dangerous as you say Dalton the fire authorities have warns the greater Sydney region that includes the Blue Mountains to the west and also the Hunter region to the north of Sydney to prepare for potentially catastrophic conditions that sort of warning that level of warning hasn't being issued here since the rating system since the alert system was changed 10 years ago so what we're likely to have tomorrow very hot temperatures strong winds and low humidity on top of all of those factors conspiring to ignite in fuel and propel fires we've had a very long drought here in eastern Australia it is the extremely dry ice so all of those hot temperatures those strong winds are on top of tinder dry conditions under forts and that's why the or Thora to 0 aging people in bushfire prone regions to leave to day because of an expected onslaught tomorrow you know what does the study of emergency should be proud to clean 1000000. It means Dalton that fire authorities have new emergency powers when it comes to evacuations the. Allocation of resources essentially gives the fire authorities fog greater freedom to to go into these areas to force industries to shut down to demand more resources from the government so this is a 7 day state of emergency here in the states of New South Wales it was declared a few hours ago over the weekend the state of Queensland did the same so horrid conditions expected for New South Wales around the Sydney area and the hunter area to the north on Choose day on Wednesday very dangerous conditions predicted for Queensland's Firefighters there are many many hundreds of them supported by squadrons of water bombing at Crofts aircraft are taking as much of a break as they can today in preparation for those very dangerous conditions in the next 24 to 48 hours it must be so destroying for them there before she leaves funds for some time now to be told essentially the next couple of days you're not going to win that battle you're going to lose it. Well this is a warning to Dalton that anyone who is facing bushfires who calls for help who finds themselves self in peril might not get the help they need because of course the emergency line is being strikes stretched and stretched very very thinly we more than 1200 firefighters on the ground in New South Wales we've had reinforcements flown in and bussed in from other parts of Australia New Zealand has sent in 5 fighters to there were reports that discussions were underway with firefighters in Canada and the United States. This is a military style operation and it has to be daunting because of course the priority is to protect lives and also to protect property but in the last few days life lives have been lost 3 of them we know of and 150 homes have been destroyed so quite clearly this is a bushfire emergency that is stretching the fire services not only here in New South Wales but to the north in Queensland as well you see Bush was this time threatening parts of Sydney is Whoa. The outskirts of Sydney Sydney is a pretty big place Don It stretches from the coast to the foothills of the Blue Mountains that's a distance of about 30 miles the city of Sydney is rings on one side to the east by the Pacific Ocean but to the north the west and the south there are national parks and it's it's a fabled city for its natural beauty and its and its Woodlands but of course at this time of the year with these sorts of conditions on the way the Bush which is even for so many people for the bush walking for swimming for camping in the next day or so it's a place to avoid because these are very very dangerous conditions I'm not saying we're expecting Bush was right in the center of Sydney but certainly on the fringes the semi rural fringes of Sydney and the Blue Mountains and the Hunter Valley in the Hunter region to the north the situation in the next 24 hours don't could get extremely perilous there organized places for people to a refuge you know where will people be expected to to abandon their homes and go to when they evacuated. There are also things in Australia called show grounds this is where horse parades and fun fairs and other carnivals held there largely. A part of agricultural communities the show grounds of being open for people to camp to bring animals and also to seek shelter as well and also in Sydney certain councils are opening up public areas for people worried about animals in those semi rural areas around Sydney 5 got horses or or other livestock you can bring them in and look after them in the safety of those particular areas other people have gone to evacuation centers there in clubs and pubs and village halls other people have gone to stay with relatives of course but the upshot is that thousands of people have less their homes not knowing Firstly if they have a home to go back to and secondly when they'll be allowed to go and find out what has happened such as being the blanket emergency situation we've seen in parts of New South Wales and parts of Queensland so for now thank you Phil Mercer there in Sydney and of course we'll bring you more on those fires as and when anything develops from the hair on fire that's it from us for tomorrow thanks for listening thanks for discord deserver of the noise but could you tomorrow from one. Minute. My. God how many this is morning port some 5 life and half McGraw our top story this morning British Steel set to announce a risky deal which could save up to 4000 sit at Scunthorpe and t. Selling sites and Chinese firms agreed to buy. Company which went into liquidation earlier on this year running the show more business editor Simon Jacques the future of British Steel and its $4000.00 strong workforce has been in doubt since the company's collapse in May of this year a deal with Turkey from here fell through last month so will be a great relief to workers unions and the government the Chinese from Ginia has agreed in principle to buy the firm for $70000000.00 pounds it's all the government will help in the form of loan guarantees and other financial support since May The company has been run at a loss by the Official Receiver effectively a privately hired government agency previous owners Grable Capital walked away saying break the concerns had decimated for all the books already under pressure ironically some cheaper imports from China the prospective new owners have promised an increase in production but also want costs may need to be cut and there's more in this in Wake up to money from $15.00 the conservatives in labor will both Mark Armistice Day later with promises to improve the lives of service personnel and their families the Tories want to change the law to protect veterans from legal action labor crease wages for members of the armed forces the Lib Dems are proposing a $10000.00 pound grants for every adult in England to put towards training and education Labor's Keith Vaz won't be standing in next month's general election or political correspondent Jessica Parker has more the background to this of course is that Keith was essentially suspended for 6 months from the Commons this was after a Standards Commission found that he disregarded the law by expressing a willingness to help by cocaine for male escorts that's the background but in a statement labor announce that he was standing down he said it been an honor and a privilege to serve his constituency in Leicester and Jerry called the Labor leader to pay tribute to Keith saying that he had made a substantial and significant contribution to public life but obviously the context I've just mentioned will be evidently taken in. Accounts given his decision to stand down 5 severe flood warnings remain in place on the river Don in Dong Castor mean there's a danger to life woman 2 inches of rain could fall there today a military helicopter works late into the night to strengthen defenses in older more than 50 flood warnings in place across England after days of heavy rain. You guidance is said to make it easier to get cannabis based medicines on the n.h.s. In England 2 drugs have been approved Epi dialects for rare types of epilepsy and the spray sets of x. Which is already available in Wales for muscle spasms and multiple multiple sclerosis Genevieve addresses from the m.s. As I say we delighted to see the decision to make such effects available in England but these guidelines don't yet go far enough we really need to make sure that treatments to treat pain are available for those that need it at the moment this just talks about treatments for muscle spasms and we also need to see it available for people in Northern Ireland and in Scotland and also there's no money attached to this if local n.h.s. Organizations feel they can't afford it people with m.s. In England will still miss out anyway the good news is it's been available in Wales and what we've heard from people who have been able to take it is it makes a tremendous difference to daily life and persistence in a critical condition after being shot by a policeman in Hong Kong this morning and during a pro-democracy demonstration which was being streams live on Facebook Australian officials have declared a state of emergency in New South Wales in Queensland where more than 120 bushfires continue to burn the threat level of a catastrophic has been extended to several areas around Sydney meaning a serious risk to lives and property at least 3 people have died in the fires Ben Shepherd is from the New South Wales Rural Fire Service We're talking about the area now that stretches from one but the other side they also call it actually projects will be at risk here so. We're actually asking for the public to ensure that I know what they can do far but also in many areas actually we're going to ask the public to actually move out of those areas into more seedy environments to actually remove them from that base so we are with incredibly dangerous conditions I think for yeah I was the worst thing is well the harm that we're not seeing really any recur a little reduction and fire risk but not a right but will not arise and so they started a sequence but I wait and he thought markets under these conditions start incredibly quickly that was very very rapidly and we don't want people in the top of them because they're going to them to be killed Penner investigations revealed and lines often carry more fuel than they need to on flights they can save money $1.00 reason Europe it's estimated to result in extra greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to a town of 100000 people the B.B.C.'s chief environment correspondents Justin reliance British Airways says it wants to lead the aviation industry on sustainability but we've spoken to a b.a. Insider who says the industry often put saving money before so.

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