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Grounds judges said the development did not conform to the government's own climate change commitments the airport is to take the matter to the Supreme Court but the transport secretary Grant Shapps said his department will be challenging the ruling or we're not dealing it because our manifesto make clear that he throw is a a private sector industry led project we're not the courts and the court today has criticised something which was from a previous administration but we do believe as a government that we can expand aviation but we can do it in an ever more green and environmentally friendly way and that's what we're going to assure is the final outcome for us Japan's prime minister Shinzo a has called for the temporary closure of all public schools from next Monday until the end of March to prevent the spread of the corona virus another 13 cases of the illness have just been diagnosed here another 2 people have tested positive for Corona virus they are being cared for at specialist units in London and Liverpool one of the cases is linked to the outbreak in Italy the other to Tenerife where more than 160 British tourists are being quarantined in their hotel. The government says Boris Johnson could walk away from the e.u. Trade talks if there is not a broad outline of a deal by June ministers this morning published negotiating guidelines ahead of the 1st round of talks which begin on Monday West Mercia Police say they believe residents of flood hit parts of Shropshire in was to shit can expect another 10 days of difficult conditions and I'm bridge some residents were evacuated after barriers holding back the river 7 buckled. The Mexican government has returned an ancient bronze sculpture to Nigeria after thwarting an attempt to smuggle it into the country the artifact which is thousands of years old comes from the historic city of ether a famous for works depicting gaunt and royalty b.b.c. News. Yes of pent up anger bursts out as a drama the interrogation reaches a fraught climax at a quarter past 2 but now it's the arches and naming ceremony isn't going according to plan and as name started yet. To change he had the person it's what is it I'm organizing the naming facade to function in the forecastle suite 12 to one Yeah we've course a physical problem not with the function with the lunch after what sort of problem we threw saying one of those was coming but all 3 of them attend out and. That like his so there will be 2 extra for lunch Yes No sweat all possible to the kitchen but maybe it was if in the morning in this sort of thing happens all the talking also it oh you're an angel who was very hard. Is it that way to the naming ceremony fair Castle suite up the corridor and on the right got it right actually Helen Yeah I was going to ask you something if I saw you Yeah or maybe I thought I might come down to the farm shop but you're here no this is Tracy where were they if you've seen Josh lately Joss will she do not a pushbike Where's that flash card as. You didn't say about George's Co No oh you're here for this naming ceremony thing haven't been here well it's on the facts Yeah she knows boy and we're looking forward to it I hear you with Cajun charge going to the border wall nonsense and will probably have to weave flowers into each other's hair or something. And just get to raid it's nice and I was on a word of it frankly I still have a decent fade out. Yeah msec coming in to find Everest different for us. Say Tracey visit about Josh's transport arrangement know what it is you want a new relationship in you not me yeah. Ceremony fair Castle sweet thank you so I want to ask if you've met his kids yet please yeah because Chris I don't know whether we should introduce Roman tomorrow to see. This case arrive just yell at him he's been your age is. There you look all 3 of you with coordinating colors and everything sorry we need to talk if you Yeah Ok fine and. The illuminate. Ok look Tracey I'm sorry I can see your concern here no worries some of the talking maybe. Hello Jim she didn't expect to see you here I'm sorry for the naming ceremony Oh that's today is it no I'm just here for a swim and then a coffee who for although having attended Rosie's christening which to be frank was rather out of my comfort zone I'd be quite interested to see how the humanist compares of if I'm honest I think today might be a little out of my comfort zone you know where you are with a christening Oh I just want a good turnout is that very. Soon Jim you seem chair for this I don't suppose you've heard the news yet about Jason Well I knew he died of course and now he's been outed Ah yes as the monster he really was. Well as Nanda. Oh he yes. Most of your bits will be from this lectern here adding he stand on this page Ok Hold on a 2nd we need to say something that we know that this is would take us a last minute want and if you don't want to completely understand but we've decided we would like parents off to. Ok my brother Sam's agreed to be one. We'd like you to be the other. I know it's a lot to think about so we could always leave it to later who. Was so loved here for you to. Take. Us. We know there's nothing in your script about it we thought perhaps we just had a simple announcement oh no I think we can do better than that as. Casey in you can get some Ok. Dad that they're really all right yes we need to make an announcement and then make sure all the other guests are told as they are rife told was the start of the ceremony is going to be delayed by 15 minutes what why if mind why just do was also please. And that I find you here I'm in total to my fact break sure I'll be back in a minute and she's not chasing you it's just that there's been a bit of a delay with the ceremony. If you want to talk oh. So yeah. It's difficult. He's. Did you know he's in a film script know most blokes like going out with couldn't buy a shopping list I'm just proud of him that's good he's really good at what he does and he still wants to get better and. I always feel like a better person when I'm with him. He who really falling for him Tracy here. Big Toy but I don't know if he feels the same about me hence your dilemma. I really want this to go the distance but suppose it don't. See why you worried Brad and Chelsea got to know some of the fellers in the past one of them they got pretty close to limo driver you also her. But it didn't last call him 6 months later given Melanie a free roid if you know what. If it did last week and would be bad enough for me but the kids have grown to like him to totally understand I still haven't forgiven myself for bringing Rob into Henry's life so you can imagine how wary I was with Lee course Henry already known in karate helped a lot but now Lee's going through the same thing with me and his daughter who's not going. It's early days very protective of him naturally but they're younger than your 2 Breton Chelsea must have more of an idea how the world works too much sometimes. So I'm getting the impression you'd like them to meet him yeah it means a lot to me you don't have to do with a big fanfare I hear you kids me just step no where you just go right off that I'd be thinking let it develop naturally keep it to casual going to interrupt calling us back and I was like Shit I'll be there in a minute Ok So Ari you go. Thanks thanks a lot. You're obviously a great mom to know about law so you'll do the right thing by your kids. Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. And though they are with you yet they belong not to you you may give them your love but not just thoughts for they have their own. And as you grow and become a man we will always be with you to protect you encourage you nurture you and help you become everything you wants to be. The heart thank you very much that was lovely now unfortunately Debbie can't be here in person today but she's recorded a special message so it's good you pressed play now. Thank you and a very big thank you to adamant in for asking me to be the other guide parent it's a huge honor and it means most need and I can say. You are a beautiful child of our amazing universe on your journey through life I will not shield spirit and banish your soul always know that if you need a helping hand. Kate sending out pens and slips of paper to everyone would like to invite you to write a wish for. I'm going to paste them all into a book and they'll be able to read them when he's older and realize how much he's loved Oh and while you're doing that we're going to play a piece of music that we've specially chosen because it sums up a lot of the hopes we have for. This. That was really lovely well done all of you thank you thank Sheila and well done you Brian that person was lovely to you it was a very moving cake chose it I just read it out. Yes Yes I thought the whole thing went very well in the book of wishes it's such a nice idea that's case again such a shame Yacob wasn't here to see your wonderful creation busy with workers 1st. They want to break Pam that one I'm afraid you know you didn't name yes let's not talk about that now this is in Adams day and Ellen does of course 'd. Jim. Hello again sorry I don't want to disturb you. Would you care to join me for a moment yes we've got a few minutes before the lunch I just want to check given what you told me earlier Yes How you doing remarkably well I'm pleased to say that and you should take much of the credit for that need yes indeed the postcard I mentioned saying I had loaded the gun for Michael to follow. When I was swimming I suddenly realized that is exactly what you did for me to hardly think so last year you were the one who encouraged me to explain to Alister why I was in such a state and even when I was in software will towards you you still offered me support Well if it weren't for you it's quite conceivable that none of this might have happened I and many others would still be trapped in our childhood nightmares if I helped you in any way and obviously I'm very happy about that but I can't take the credit I can be better judge mental and an intellectual snob sure I never appreciated use a daughter in law but I hope I may now current use a friend a much value one of now as you know I can't be doing with always God stuff but I am aware that for those who believe because do perform an important social service I hope so I'm sure that as a vicar you will help many people as you help me so nice of you to say that. I wonder in here of the complement would it be alright for me to make a donation to the Lent appeal I don't understand if you'd rather not because I'd be happy for you to do so. And. Kind of give you a hug who. All right then. Just this one's. And at 7 o'clock tonight Roy questions himself and makes his feelings clear. Now who do you least trust it was a really dramatic moment and I've don't think I've ever felt more power. A decade in which trust plummeted politicians are now the least trusted professions that used to be advertising through crisis scandal and wall people fall we were great democracy and a lot of people gave a sort of reference to it and now I think it's on b.b.c. Radio 4 Laura Coombs book presents the decade of distrust no one could have known how far those frayed bonds of trust between the public and their politicians were about to be stretched this Saturday evening at 8 in 45 minutes Clare Balding takes to the Wilberforce way rumblings as 3 but now for the drama another case for the interrogation detectives a man a suffered a violent attack in his own home but the detectives are yet to find anyone with a motive. The interrogation by Roy Williams. Been almost 7 years since I last saw my little girl Joanna. Some nervous that day who wouldn't be I wanted to see it before many times when I was in prison but Joyner's father Duane would letter he didn't think prison would be the right environment for a 5 year old to see our own mother suppose at a point I just wish she didn't have to be so bloody self righteous all the time. We walked around the new shopping center had pizza it was good she knew I was but I could tell from a face that she was having trouble remembering me I told her not to bother that we could start some new memories me and she seem to like that. Whole wish I could have been there to see the look on Wayne's face when she when I told him she wanted to see more of me 2 of us walking around the shopping center eating pizza was our weekly thing Joanna persuaded Wayne to let me take it to the cinema after school one evening her so excited to see her I was getting myself ready you know. When it was Duane that called me I knew something was wrong doing would never speak to me unless he had to there was an accident at school the roof of the new assembly hall they built had collapsed for school children 2 teachers dead our little girl is dead that was all he said to me. It was how they reported in the papers the next day that started off for me. Move collapses in Muslim faith schools black and Asian children killed 5 school black and Asian children killed they're not even allowed to be children they must be black and Asian children they didn't even bother to list their names they didn't even bother to check their facts Pearl Street Manna is not even a face school it wasn't even front page news on any of the papers I suppose only 5 people died is not important enough to the public my Joanna who wasn't even Muslim was not important enough why why how can she be gone we were getting close she was trying to smile like she used to when she was a baby how can she be gone why . Killing you know I am sorry I said good really came out I think it may not oh I mean inspector when you say he's a. Good little I can get you some more to feel like what I would like is to kill you well it looks like someone's beaten you to it if your husband dies that is my husband is nothing but a stupid prat What was he thinking to protect his own but we have each friends to take his image more like I mean what play mean image couple of sessions at the gym with his personal trainer and then what exists to command things you can take out weather comes his way you know mice to tease him I used to say he was always wanting to have something to prove because he was 19. I say something while his name have any relevance but think about it I'm trying to any boy who walks into a school playground with a name like Timothy and straight away he know you think you can take him right all wrong the telly and dear solitude I know that I know your rank What's your name your 1st name short where they should all go what no one is going to pick a fight with a boy the insurance for no good reason but Timothy you have to thank you John says when you get the boy could do with it how would know about that Tim never thought about going to jail even though I could see was put on a few pounds and I made a joke about it and that was it with a shopping waitress these young girls were outside giving out leaflets to this new gym that was opening one month free trial he took one look at the girl and when he wasn't stared at her legs he was leering down her top just like his father to us with me so we stand up there because he signed his 1st somewhere in the back of that stupid head of his he was thinking that the same guy would be his trainer and he would be well in there's something else to brag about rugby playing mates see that you're. Upset Mrs Barlow can you can you really what was it the teacher was just trying to help Mrs Barrow's so you can start by not calling me Mrs Barnes that is not your night is my day I didn't say it wasn't my name I said Don't call me Mrs players and how would you like to be addressed Ms Claire you know Roger and Claire let's get back to what happened this evening. You know what has happened some little scumbag has probably never worked a day in his life burgled our home and attacked my husband will make she say that so I say what some little scumbag who has never worked has probably never worked a day in his life is why I said I have a photographic memory constable I see and I hear them I am very impressive and it's sergeant by the way not constable my mistake but if you could answer my question what made you think it was someone who does not work or who else has houses a great many people then why you know out there looking for them instead of wasting my time here we will get to that Clare going to show you 2 senior policeman interview because there's been a sudden spate of burglaries in the area we're here to establish whether there is a link I'm sure there is you think these young people will find something to do so you've moved on from them being little scumbags to being young and you want to know what is the makes me say that the thought had crossed my mind what do you expect you know what this area was like before or at least you should if you can honestly call this have police officers the last time I looked I called myself a police officer yes we are familiar with this area so why should we expect angry local people black as well as white upset because the local playground has been closed or the park boarded up all to build new luxury flats that the likes of me and most of my friends could never afford see what they look on the open space staring at me the white privilege he's not saying that now. Under science he does not have to say he is in I would like to find out who attacked your husband and he just moved into the area clear compliments the 1st look we took at the house when you straightaway was our new home how nice I think it is that you both found a home as opposed to what as opposed to nothing so that's been clear you think someone my botak generals been because they did not approve of people like you coming in the way ripping out the heart of the community I'm not saying anything I'm just thinking out loud the same as you person lot of thinking it is as you have names of any of these people to be ridiculous to say I don't have the kind of people I dissociate myself with you know. Well you know they're more my she think that could be a motive it's what you see is what you hear on the streets in the shops in queues at the bank this has its own north and south divide this power has had its north and south divide for years but the north seems to be winning doesn't it my the only person with the local paper explaining the old library is closing soon to be replaced by a wine bar in this area began to the dogs for his gang shooting multiple attacks rapes Berkeley's who in their right mind would ever want to come and live here you are right who would say why did you I don't see how it's my fault that the council got fed up with it all and decided to improve the enemy. Here you are sergeant here we are. These people left their homes so much that community so much they should have looked after I don't see why I should apologize for living at home his expect you to we just want to find whoever did it would not surprise me if they came from that wretched the state cause the road we must be considering that waiting we are considering everything clear as we said we are investigating a number of burglaries in the area but this was the 1st where someone has been attacked and quite seriously he's saying this one could be person. Very well indeed be personal to someone who objects to the way as you put it the bar is being gentrified I'm not putting it that way you are you sure the man not be anyone and he wants all the grudge against anyone you think might want to do it mom told you his name was Timothy His name is Tim a thing I'm sure that's what you meant to say Timothy's do not have enemies and why do they have egos the size of small countries lets you believe I actually wanted to come live here so moving there was sympathy his idea he grew up around here even lived on that which the state he told me was always what it's come back to live here it was his dream to show to the rest of his so-called friends nothing but he believes the Made it is spite of that believe that he was better than them because of his name I take it you are correct I wonder if when he came home tonight walked in on that he was hoping it be one of his mates from the old days when he could really show off to flex his muscles and give this whoever the beating of his life before calling the place that would be just like him stupid stupid full clan then one knows for sure what they would do under those circumstances Tim would believe me it was such an adrenaline junkie he got off on it now is painful and we need to catch this person before they do it is somebody else please don't stop here did he happen to mention any of these old friends of us he might have thought I wasn't listening to my phone or not saying that it is but someone else was someone else what do you mean by that clear at the same. There could be nothing but it could be everything played square but Tim and I was shopping at Waitrose the new one on the High Street that just opened you can believe our luck Waitrose well enough front door that yes clearly no are you talking about what about the Waitrose Did something happen it was the strangest thing what was Tim and I were by the deli counter and I don't know how it started couples never to have a routed I have to get so heated so quickly Nagaland that it no no because it was there what was it clear there was a woman a woman kept looking at us looking as we were arguing she just kept looking over at us both she was just standing there with her Charlie which was empty which also seemed odd as she was looking staring especially a show she was just looking because the 2 of you were arguing no it was the way she was looking at us it was that she was listening to every single word we were saying it stopped us in our tracks when we finally noticed it was the strangest thing a woman a black woman just standing there looking at us with an empty shopping trolley you don't often see that don't often see what black women shopping in Waitrose No I think I did not mean that I would appreciate it if you could tell us what you did mean there was nothing in her trolley perhaps he just started shopping well but that is the thing this is what is odd because I thought I saw have a force or a before the word you seen before in the supermarket in Waitrose every aisle we went to door shopping she was there were emptied Surely you can tell me now that that is an art I know who said it was or it wasn't clear I'm just asking questions so you kept seeing I was like she was following us now I take that back I am sure she was following us Tim too I was imagining things and I think that's what started the wrath Why would this woman be following you clear who no idea who she was on drugs or something because she was black and no because it the way she looked yes she looked like. Oh it yeah I can see where you're going with this I'm not a racist someone has suggested you call it has skin has nothing to do with it but you did not see it the way she was looking at us all the time it wasn't right it was freakish why why was she looking at I told you I do not know you must have been a reason I suggest you both come for that reason we will we will find that phrase not going to show you that but we need your help what were you in term talking about before and after the fight I told you the air we had him growing up around here that is all changed and for the better I might say that woman but Black Woman Yes Detective the black woman she just did not like what I was saying she took a real exception to it to the next option Yeah you know this and what exactly do you mean by that took an exception how from his shouting and shouting you know saying this woman spoke to you yes as we both left the supermarket on the way out now you are saying this woman followed you yes detective that is what I'm saying to her m.r. I've been helpful if you'd said this to us earlier and said the uniformed officers who 1st questioned you all right I am sorry but I was afraid you were afraid afraid of what afraid of being a racist and I was half 1000000000 to death yes thank you very much detective I am fully aware of so may I suggest we focus on that it is not easy you know what is easier to have views than not popular with others you have unpopular views which is maybe why this stern adjoint may be why the woman was shouting at me could be all she could very well be nothing but a crazed lunatic that got let out of the day from some mental hospital you said you have the unpopular views yes if that's how you want to put him tell us about these views he's unpopular why he's speaking to me and my partner is just either that lucky to be alive and I'm the treaty look like work or like a suspect Well we are sorry you feel that we just want to get to the bottom of this and right now this woman in trying. A minor rule was you said to him I didn't say anything to have it was Tim I was speaking to him in Jersey they say Walker No one and I mean no one can say that name Timothy without giving away the slightest sense of disdain in their voice you just can't help yourself can you. Send to me the man I love the 1st man who is prepared to stay with me after 3 months he wants to spend the rest of his life with me is over there fighting for his life and I'm making jokes about him about his neighbor the woman what was it what started the fight she was shouting at you yes yes can you remember where Tim and I were by the newspaper and there it was it was from page one of the local newspapers the results of that inquest about that school roof forming on top of those kids you remember yes we remember a talking about that in that post is saying this happened the older question with a black woman occurred the day after the inquest Yes why is it supposed to mean something bad no idea Claire was just asking a question on class please you saw the newspaper headline and then what Tim said how awful it was tragic and you didn't know I mean I didn't say it but that did not mean I didn't think it was tragic because of course I did I mean you wouldn't for God's sake only someone who was completely inhuman and there were about 30 children in that hole and it happened right yes I believe there were well I'm not a monster How about this woman what about how well did she think you were almost what was it you said can you remember what you said to her whatever I said it did not give her the right to behave the way she did when no one is judging you if feels like you Well well we're sorry about that but we still need to know what was said Timothy said how tragic it was I did not say I agreed with him because I felt I didn't have to It goes without saying that it was an appalling tragedy so out what was it that you said clear. What I am. Asked which is what was it yet another faith school because this used to be a lot of them around here Muslim faith schools to be precise so why does it matter if it was a faith schools it doesn't matter it is just a question one asks but so was that when the woman started shouting about not quite so there was more he said Yes What was it. Tim couldn't believe they had reached a verdict of death by accident he felt the building company and the council should be blamed for putting up such a dodgy roof in a school he claimed that blood on their hands and should be arrested for murder I said he was sharing tending to be so politically correct and and wanker. Or I realize now what I said might be seem to be a bit callous what he just Sika I wondered that was so if they decided not to reopen the school the council my health class to be built and I wondered how much they might cost I work in property I cannot help myself was this when the woman shouted or did you have more to say it's dem see Tim is much better than Timothy isn't it Claire Yes Yes Well that is when she started chatting so when you recall what she said hear anything anything at all it was hard to make 2nd you drivers white bitch this silly cow that easy for me to say because I was privileged on and on like a lot I'm surprised you did not mention this before I did not think it was relevant but you clearly did we are considering all aspects square than nothing we just left the store as quickly as possible this woman the g. Fella for a bit we didn't turn around we thought that we would encourage Harry if we did so we just kept walking which she continued into show yes there was a sign white this white that Lucky us it was horrible I'm sure it was oh I know what it is that you are thinking it is practically written all over your face and what might that be clear I deserved it what I said about the school kids but I did not say anything about the school kids it was about the school the land do you think you deserve no no Marlee believe I did. I don't I don't know what I'm thinking I've said time and again had scanned and been amused him we know we're under help our only concern is finding whoever did this glad you think this woman who have if she has people yes she very well could be well then find we were with your help I thought that that is what I was doing I mean how can someone go from shouting at someone to bashing someone's wife this woman has some of the do with this is one of many questions we will be asked and I have the right to express my opinion of course you do not want to sign on was there something more that you said play something else that much of enraged. I did say now if I told one did that was all Ok I wondered if there were too many immigrants in this country some how many of those children's parents do not belong there was any question belong here Yes Detective bell here was only a question How else would you like me to say I am hardly think it matters doesn't both finished with me now almost because I would really like to be a victim right now if that is of course just a few more questions and where the what are you said you were walking on yet you kept on walking yes please and she was following she was shouting Have I not told you this was I not clear do you think she followed John how I'm clear jus think she might have worked out way you lived I suppose yes why would she have anything to do with this is what we hope to find out. As wondered how long it would take you look to find me find you yeah so that implies you knew we would be looking for you but of course I knew then you would know where you are here yes why do you think you are here don't you know are do you know what at least I think well that's good that's nice for an awful lot of trouble with them I know that money would tax could have been cured I know that too and I'm sorry about that but I'm not sorry for what I did why should I be why should you be tired of being Story tired of this why don't you tell us what this is about and mix understand why because I sense you want to something else something else is going on you are about me a patch of what you're doing here over this side of the river that I can tell you pretty story line since the last thing I ever wanted to do was to come south. I'm a West London girl through and through my stay the same one I've been living all for coming on 20 years is getting done up new kitchen new doors new new new everything but of course we all know what that means old tenants at so they can sell the flats to those who can afford them not us same over London or the same over everywhere because they just don't care and the no reality here bright boy what do you think I'm here in a cold tiny bedsit the best they could do they said except it all on the streets so take a guess what I did I'm sorry rather than be my little girl live nearby I got to say you have a daughter Joanna 12 so pretty smart the main heroes were far the Wayne good old Wayne he got custody over when I last went inside yeah or sorry about that too but that does not give you the right I'll just glad I could see it glad but where I used to be was only 2 minutes for my momma brothers my little sister I am now a good hour and a half away zone for there goes my weekly bus pass allowance mom is elderly she's getting on this supposed to look after a nap she lives all alone. Live. The Lord giveth and the taketh away remember read of that you brother did you know him you say was an hour for way. You know I had my m.p. On the radio the other day going on about communities how important how vital it is to keep communities to give up yet policies like this where they move poor people out and bring rich people in only destroys communities that make no sense tell me that tell me if that makes sense to you why don't you tell us how any of that has anything to do with. That his name yeah he also has a son had a knife and Simon is your little girl from his 1st marriage and the 2nd one of Clare Yeah I know all about that bit you know what is more you know about that she is a loud mouth bitch please I'm sorry but I really don't care for that word she has too much to say for too much to say 1st off about does the name could be a merchant mean anything to you I have to say a would be amazed if it was who is she had you should be asking Who was she all right and who were she could bear a merchant was 11 years old when the roof fell on. She not painting it was good she wanted to be an artist she was a pupil who post remembers Are you telling us how did you know this go career that you know but do and your daughter went to that school as well is that what you're telling us other yeah that is one telling Yeah is that what this is about about the school post-treatment or was it something that Claire said about that school about what happened she would be the 1st how know that it was shocking what happened I'm glad you can find the words so easily to describe a way it's not easy to describe it everyone said the right thing the right thing even though managed to drag himself out did you see him bloody mess. It was. I'm sure he wanted to come oh please don't get me wrong I am not knocking him you just said all bloody Mary you should it was say about people who are really close Yeah like people like this Claire woman people like of people like. Done everything everything the privileged white no offense no I'm sorry I mean is it me or is everything just gone pear shaped of the last couple of years bricks a trump elections there would be 5 minutes or is this all about here or as you would hurt him by others I am trying to tell you just tell us a fact as a hobby 12 years old here she won a prize at school for writing competition yeah the teacher said she had the soul of a poet story tragic What was it someone else out and out of suppose it might not have done this she was found dead underneath one of the teaches you must have been trying to shield her from the falling roof but they both died Stephen Hudson he was 26 years old it student teacher. Lord knows what he could have achieved what should have done with her life. The soul of a poet did you know I didn't know any of them right was I supposed to know them oh I might come down I suppose we should do right O'Brien faces must know each other right you know we didn't mean yes I know I'm not stupid do you think I was jumping on no we don't you don't have to mean it you don't have to say ever ever talk to us I'm right there what isn't right what is happening or tennis tell us what is happening on the bus here the day off the election the bricks that were this white guy shouting at these 2 women cause they're wearing burkas all kinds of nothingness was coming out of his go but no one on the bus said a thing they just looked away none of their business I decided to make it mine I decided I wasn't having none of this up in his face not telling him to back off he takes a lot back telling me if I don't like it why don't I go back to where I come from and goes back to where no initial review yet was on read about it ever he was probably drunk mouth enough only wasn't drunk he was stone cold sober yeast thought he had the right to talk like that he must have believed God whispered in his ears that morning and said Wake up son you get out because it's white boy die can you to see are you blind or something Bloodsworth Why is it that we are not seeing that it is star in up again what is foolishness know the crew we kid evil foolishness some people in power they win election and this white guy this full who believes he has the license to talk to anyone out he likes even me I was born here I'm a brick through and through and yet he takes one look at my skin and judges me I thought we got rid of that nonsense I read it did at least get the volume turned down on those idiots but it's coming back trust me those racists are coming back Tim was a racist and you're using. Where was as well as I why you would sacked him did you believe he was a racist did in her as I was 13 years old same class as much good at football would I say you know. Who else is going to remember we need you to tell us about him you followed him from the supermarket didn't say you knew where they lived every bone in their body was crushed there was almost nothing left of him or I ever but who cares about a bunch of brown faces a so what if they kids that will grow up to be a bunch of terrorists anyway the building company you built that roof didn't care that they did that yes ever we are here it's only a Muslim school too many immigrants in this country anyway consummate a word of English nothing but a drain on our services time to put British people 1st white British people but is that thing it was a Muslim school it was just a school a good school might go over to that school in shape no Muslim know what those white kids that went in there but anything put Domini Brannon asked to be something right has to be a face school Muslim school not just a school which it was that was all it was nearly every single one of those brown faces can speak 2 languages but it only seems to matter if you know why and rate them we know but you are not the rest of the country are you now have all of this sounds a bit confusing to me. House are you sure all of this is. Simple simple how simple as in you sure the noise sounds then when you thought it be something valuable in there oh you serious have you not heard a would have said to you yes we heard you had there were no die remember do those children's names be surprised at what we have over the years from people desperate to get themselves out of a hot I want to get myself out of a hole I know what I did you broke into their ounce with the intention to steal they use in that school trying to date cover yourself or is that not right have it or is out right now but did not steal anything you know that I also know you have your record so will us all what time the rest of the day to read are you as well as all of your other previous conviction you could forget audacity yet do what you people do every time lower your voice is not to say own rights no right I said Nothing is breaking and entering your think head on here not for the last 6 years did you know see my record I saw the way my life is going yet not see my own daughter grow up I saw it myself how that is allowed you know that does happen people make mistakes you have made a lot of mistakes of May I finish please. People make mistakes people sort themselves out I saw it myself out here what happened to post remember that Matthew little bitch going off when in the supermarket I have told you before about using that word have a what you going to do arrest me show call in you the whole world is going to hell is that right you know when you guys are in the front line of the oh you know it is maybe we do but what was I going to do with him bars have I just told you a has to do so you have an all you've done is give us some jibberish about the election and Donald Trump and Bill St manner Chipchura should I know the names of those kids and teachers in there the ones who were close to death and have a new and but I know their names he could have cheapish it all adds up our other adds up to was you know what oh me you weren't even in my at the beef with it was you mean close to it when I go on about the school that she knew telling a man she hoped they built flats there my little girl was your little girl was what . They were children in that school when the roof fell and only she can think about it that's been built how could anyone want to live there quite easily with say. People are close she don't know they don't know they haven't the slightest idea what it's like but that's Ok funny enough that is allowed no one should know no one should want to know that it's fine that it's cool that is all good so long as you keep ignoring my shock about arrest she didn't she couldn't give him a shot here that she was the world's authority over all the way a man who just ruined enough and their leaders was their parents when they the kids illegal is well over Legion should not be taught in school is specially Islam those children are dead it wasn't a faith school oh Ok he cares that Miss know Ok now seriously are you joking oh no she can't no no in the why you want to take care of ground it is what any decent human being would want if she wants to chat about something what about a building company they put up an unsafe roof and they got away with it do you think they would have done if it was an all white school scientists Roi of course you wouldn't but it's not right it's not the same you know it's are now on our why is it so hard for them to show empathy is it any wonder the way things turn out you don't treat people who are different from you like they don't matter how young or old you don't do it you make them feel they don't matter you can't be surprised when they start acting like they don't care about anything that you think you can expect to see agree with you have so you believe those children and the teachers had it coming they deserved to die like that I believe you had no right in attacking him Barros the why you did yeah you believe it should have you believe it because you are with them now we are nor will you are with the law people like her are the ones who make up the law 3 or 4 years in university and they think they've got a right to police the world. You know something they are right they are so right because they do police the world are not in charge of me or no way they are. Hello Norman they are they are they come down but they although they run everything you really think they care about those kids like really care some people should be arrested for murder at least but now they're just way in just waiting for all this to come down then back to normal they can't change their way of thinking they don't want to change their way of thinking you want to yes you want to change their way of thinking that believe starting with the claim was fair play and was no omh but more sorry you saw yourself over him you smashed his head is not right however. He's a right what happened to your daughter Heather she was. In the Assembly Hall was in jail leave me alone. She didn't survive did she shut up tell us. Has been around you know Joanna here she was getting to like me I could tell she's to be afraid of me she didn't trust me. She saw I go back to prison a week before the roof collapsed I took a shopping out west. Bought some trainers we had ice cream. We told each other jokes I never knew she could be so funny all we loved I was winning over thank you took it from me is that why you would have to embarrass her though. I want to teach them a lesson. I want to teach them all lesson who anyone who does not care but you have to start somewhere right so why not with the privileged white bitch I just wanted to from the supermarket I just fall into couldn't help myself I don't want to stop. Up in Erie and her kind of noise from people like all my life we all have they really believe everything belongs to them it's the way they are pull up it's the way every single white person was pull up to be privileged I thought that's it. That's a I'll show I will show her picture. You show tombstone Yes yes it's a lot of broken to ask but I still at the touch pushing here. It could have been no business but no one where you didn't count on him being at home which you plan to have or what we are going to do to make people like Claire say I was going to go to work on that precious white privilege house of tears I was mad up on it's just not she all up I wanted to turn it over once I started I couldn't stop until Tim Story it went for me it did not say a word he just jumped right out me I went for the 1st thing I laid my hands on some some metal stool within the kitchen a mom mind it was her that Malfi bitch I just kept it in naming him an enemy he wouldn't stay down here and he said yes precious little white privilege Oh he's got to protect that as any Yeah stuff right nothing else not my girl not those kids not what happened in that school to your daughter was terrible Don't don't don't war don't be insensitive about it don't use that word it does not even begin to describe what it must have been like for those kids to lose their life like that and what is it was the magic word what is it that people should be saying I have no idea how do you expect others to I don't want them to know no one should know no one should know no one should have a clue of what to say or do there are no words for it truly no words but they want to clear his words only anybody's words my daughter was not a Muslim. Parent are not illegal immigrants do you think did you know that a bloody roof fall on top of a deal does not give you the right. To rights I didn't do it because it was my rights I did it because I had nothing else. I want it back clear to have nothing. I want people like you to have nothing to know what it feels like that have nothing. We're going to have to charge and do you understand just do we have to do my. Job. But not of one at this. You know that. Yeah I know but I want to be. New sort of pipers Yes Macs are sort of paper this morning and. When you think. I think you like to rub it in that's why I think that's one of the children at the Mets last night well Max what about the also much we look forward to how did you know all like you don't know is that why you've been having such a long fight we had to play send off no team recovers from that you lose all shape it's no wonder we lost Sean little human realm a druid or boss alone would recover from that since leave me alone I'm not sure when I'm out there Richard foot but we're now up you know you could try the patience of the science someone what is it and what you want about it in the private eye that piece of land that now exists where Po straight man a school used to be on don't tell me that kind of the Senate and to some property developer so clear Barros was Ryo telling you what I've read in the pipe at the council of state aid they have no plans to sell the land yet no plans yet that council must think we'll warrens of they expect us to believe that well isn't it I'm surprised that you're surprised he said it so well you have to say about it yes Max it is of course the council going to sell it at land and I bet you a year's wages will be seeing a block of luxury flats built there before too long and there's nothing we can do about it is there there is the haves and there is the have nots that's the way it is so what's the next case when you have changed oh no money to one is rising then I was raised hell about it Max I'll be just like have a look what I got up. I just don't want to think about it but want something like that happening to my kids sign on the know it may I not only that the people responsible for putting up that roof looking around you know with their lives I don't think so Max you know if it was my 2 I do more than what have you did you won't be able to stop me easy now my I remind you you are a pretty self Well don't ask me what I think then. You know you say that and he turned a century ago. Dear Soma to mom or something. When 1st . I'm away now I'm on what I'll see you know a bit on going on is that the babies are coming to know me it's the concourse of the lip and best foot forward now get yourself down to the front desk find p.c. Carrie Yes she knows what to do she has their orders to drive you and she's not stopping for any red lights between here in the us to do Understood thanks Maxwell appreciate your family light and I ship to Shelby light I'm going but what about you what about me albeit doing my work doing your work as well I do and just make sure you call me when she delivers a s I p I want to know when you know so you're not coming and coming yet where we meet almost But what you mean now yes I mean no you plank Yes but oh well I'll make it quick I want me to show you beat it with your family and that no thanks ever so much support out the obvious So why are you not coming you really will become shifts. Do you think on family come on the move you coach Oh no seriously don't make me miss the birth mother story he just called me a little unawares and so last so tell me have you thought of a night for the baby and I didn't think before me all right now if we have as a matter of fact Maxine Gloria all meant to teach you. Sure. You didn't want. I don't want to start crying so I don't show what I was joking about. He said we when I went off the yuan I'm in the mix a knot Yes but not seen as also happens best friends name it yourself if you. Keep that I'll be winded new down the sound I guarantee it sometimes I think you forget that I'm your boss one of you ever let me forget that you are my boss. Just get caught and are you out we'll go through I'm doing and we got a. Leader sure sure about it let's move. In the interrogation by. Max's played by Kenny kind and children by an extended pack. Was played by Kevin and had to pay by check. The director. For the series of the interrogation but pretty detectives do it will be back in July.

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