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The lack of diversity at last night's Bafta film awards the b.b.c. News is read by Chris Aldridge Boris Johnson has said the government will announce further plans today for what is called fundamental changes to the system for dealing with convicted terrorists following yesterday's attack on shoppers in south London so Desha a man stabbed 2 people in Stratton before he was shot dead by police a device strapped to his body was described by officers as a hoax the 20 year old had been released from prison recently after serving half his sentence for terrorism offenses and attack near London Bridge at the end of November in which 2 people died was also carried out by a convicted terrorist who'd been freed early Here's our Home Affairs Correspondent Tom Simons Sudesh a man was jailed for 3 years and 4 months in December 28th seen after pleading guilty to having and distributing terrorist material he had already served some time waiting for his trial and having completed half of his sentence he was released last month a man was on the police surveillance yesterday and within minutes of him starting his attack it appears to have been armed covert police officers who shot him dead it's 2 months since the murders that fishmonger's hall in central London also committed by a recently released prisoner with a terrorism conviction this latest attack will put even more pressure on counter-terrorism police and the justice system to closely assess the risk the home secretary pretty Patel has promised new measures imminently those measures will build upon the actions that we've already put in place very swiftly in terms of investing counter-terror police overhaul in the licensing conditions and the licensing regime around counter-terrorism offenders and ending the early release of counter-terrorism offenders it's right that these individuals are kept behind bars and we need to stop their early release from prison a man in his forty's stabbed in yesterday's attack is no longer can. Headed to be in a critical condition another victim in her fifty's has been discharged from hospital a 3rd in her twenty's is being treated for minor injuries caused by glass broken in the shooting police say this was an isolated attack and their investigation is proceeding at pace our reporter Daniel the Simone was at the Old Bailey when a man was jailed in 2018 he has this profile of the man behind yesterday's attack Sudesh mom was jailed for possessing and distributing terrorist propaganda and instructional manuals including several relating to noids such as bloody Brazilian knife fighting techniques he smiled while being sentenced at the Old Bailey for 13 terrorism offenses a man had been arrested in 2018 on suspicion of preparing an attack but that was not the offense he was charged with an alarming picture emerged the college student pledged support to the Islamic state group spoken of wanting to die as a martyr and told his girlfriend she should kill her far parents in what now sounds like a warning a man had written of his preference for knife attacks and discussed whether he would stand his ground if police ever came to arrest him. The prime minister will today underline his opposition to e.u. Demands that the u.k. Should follow rules laid down by Brussels as part of a post breaks a trade deal in a speech to business leaders and ambassadors in London he'll give notice that the u.k. Will set its own regulations more from our Political Correspondent Chris Mason Boris Johnson wants a relatively loose long term arrangements with the European Union and its what he will call an ambitious Free Trade Agreement which opens up markets and avoids the full panoply of e.u. Regulation citing Canada's agreements with the e.u. As a model crucially he will insist that there is no need for such an agreement to involve accepting e.u. Rules on competition policy subsidies social protection or the environment Mr Johnson will adds that the u.k. Will maintain what he will call the highest standards in these areas and claim they will be better in many respects than those of the e.u. But will not commit to this in a treaty with Brussels the prime minister will say if a deal comparable to calendars can't be achieved a looser arrangement still would suffice in either case I have no doubt that Britain will prosper he will say be used chief negotiator Michel Barnier will publish a draft of the European Union's objectives for the trade negotiations with the u.k. The 2 sides won't sit down in earnest until the document is approved by all member states towards the end of the month. The biggest operator of ferries in the Irish Sea has said it expects there to be checks and inspections between Great Britain and Northern Ireland because of bricks it Stener line so they believe the checks will be carried out in the British ports Here's our economics editor Feisal is the government's message on Irish Sea ball ejects has been mixed over the past few months the clear implication of the new Bracks it deal that there would be checks on trade from Great Britain to Northern Ireland has been contradicted by some ministers now Stana line has acknowledged that new checks and border facilities will be required and it's planning how and where they would work the company says it hopes we don't get to the point where it needs to start to build large amounts of infrastructure an extensive trade deal would remove the need for some though not all of the checks and customs technology could help but a senior executive at Stener in Hampton said if no trade deal was struck by the end of the year the company would encourage a rethink by the government over its refusal to extend the transition period fears about the corona virus outbreak triggered a sharp fall in share prices in China as the financial markets reopened after the Lunar New Year holiday the force came despite China's central bank announcing it was pumping more than 130000000000 pounds into the economy Robin Brown reports from Shanghai the government tried to preempt the mass sell off but so far investors have bailed out across the board more than $400000000000.00 of value has been wiped off the markets here the Shanghai composite is down by 8 percent and all this is China's economy is already suffering a slowdown in growth the number of people killed by the virus here now stands at 361 up around 15 percent on yesterday's figure just over 17000 are infected state media has continued to make much of a new hospital that's been built in the city of New Hire the epicenter. Of the outbreak in just 8 days it can treat up to 1000 patients voters in the u.s. State of Iowa will have their say tonight on who they want to be the Democratic candidate in the presidential election in November the Iowa caucuses marked the start of the state by state selection process polls suggest the Bernie Sanders holds a narrow lead over the former Vice President Joe Biden. Prince William has strongly criticized the lack of diversity in the nominees for this year's Bafta film awards in his speech at last night's ceremony he said men and women from all backgrounds and ethnicities should be recognized as Chichi is under reports the award some cells were dominated by one film and the Bafta goes to 97917 was inspired by the grandfather of this direct assuming days he fought in the 1st World War It won 7 categories including Best Director and Best film the film wasn't the only thing which dominated the ceremony diversity or the lack of it was called out by Baptist president of Cambridge not for the 1st time in the last few years we find ourselves talking again about the need to do more to ensure diversity in the sector and in the awards process that simply cannot be right in this day and age in a female directors were nominated and 20 nominees in the acting categories would want something like you've been exposed systemic racism and he picked up his award for leading up to the Joker I think that we send a very clear message to people of color that you're not welcome here people that have contributed so much to our medium and our industry in ways that we benefit from Jayco one a take 2 or 3 back of the readings included many ways are we going to have the trail of g.d.p. . Chichi as and they're reporting and it is now 9 minutes past 7 it was a quiet Sunday afternoon in Stratham in south London quad That is until 20 yr old today walked into a convenience store grabbed a kitchen knife from a display on the wall and stabbed anyone he could people on their way to the shops pubs cafes and the cinema a man who was wearing a fake suicide vest was only stopped when he was shot by police who would soon emerged. Been following him he'd been released from prison just days earlier and was still considered a risk in a moment we'll speak to a former crown prosecutor he says he warned Boris Johnson about the threat posed by radicalized terrorists 1st though let's hear from one of those who rushed to help the victims Dave Jonah had been on his way to a movie. I had what I thought at that time was a car backfiring I turned back and turned around and saw a small group of people around a man who was on the floor who was incredibly distressed he was holding his right quarter and that was blood everywhere and it just happened to have a blanket my back and I gave it to you to help stem the bleeding and I ran to the nearest crossroads to wave down the ambulance which took quite some time to get there I find it incredibly frustrating and distressing The ambulance took well over half an hour to arrive there were 5 or 6 cars with armed plainclothes police officers within minutes but the ambulance wasn't arriving and when I asked the police officers I saw that they said that they were in touch with the ambulance service as well and seemed as frustrated as I was what you were counsel just Dave is this how remarkably quickly the time between this man running out of the shop and those shots I mean what you thought was a call but I'm at the shots firing Can you estimate how long it was we're talking seconds no minutes and the things that selfishly if I had not been on the phone to my girlfriend I would have crossed the street and it would have been me that's going to that is as follows Chief Crown prosecutor in the northwest of England and tweeted yesterday that he had warned Boris Johnson not about this man of goals but the danger of releasing still radicalized terrorists morning James Das filed the morning what was your warning to him as he asked me where keeps me awake at night well years ago I told him the imminent release of convicted terrorists without. Property radicalization programs and he then asked What do we do about that that doesn't cost money what I said mentoring and a property radicalism program and he said what I cost money and then moved on let's make it clear that responsibility for what happened yes there was a target at the criminal he is as we know a narcissist who wanted to make a name for himself and I refused to name him but could have been prevented Yes yes a longer sentence of people been talking about sentencing as being the answer we could have delayed this inevitable crime by a few months if we give him that but there is a real problem with the radicalization in this invasion programs they have been largely underfunded. Poorly executed this is all down sadly to the impact of austerity on the probation service will isn't it also because they're not yet proven to work in other words you may want them to work there may be some cases where they do work but in the end they this is an act of faith on your part isn't it that they would work in this man's case where they want exactly you don't have a case case basis but you know that for example Saudi Arabia Malaysia Sri Lanka and Denmark have world renowned evaluated the radicalization programs properly resourced which are making a significant it was going to Denmark for example you know I think 98 percent success rate or something of that nature yes 2 percent means one person may do something terrible but there are programs that work the ones that we have in this country where there's an x. There are excellent examples Nick where to radicalize former extremists work and prevent this from happening but I've heard myself the government don't want to work with for makes treatments because they wouldn't get through the vetting a chemist and so just one last brief on it if you would use a striking phrase a moment ago you say a longer prison sentence would have delayed this inevitable attack are you saying that you know if we lock people up the longer unless we lock them up for life they will still attack without the right programs I'm saying that there is no formal mechanism to risk assess them and they will commit this crime unless something is done about this in the prison yes longer sentences will have an impact they just delays the inevitable again as they have cell phones if Crown prosecutor in the Northwest van with thank you joining us. 14 minutes past 7 the 1st caucus will be taking place not just here in the midwestern state of Iowa where there are there are enough registered I wouldn't voters to gather they'll be able to hold a caucus so today there's one in Glasgow and another in Paris there's also another one in Tbilisi which is only worth mentioning as it allows me to say there's a caucus in the Caucasus for the field of candidates is essential to perform well here in Iowa as Jim Messina Barack Obama's campaign manager in 2012 told me. I was not going to decide the winner of the nomination but it is going to decide the losers you know there are some candidates who absolutely have to do well in Iowa to springboard their candidacy a good analogy is 2008 when Barack Obama had to win Iowa to kind of catapult himself past Hillary Clinton in the polls and we did and he went on to win so there's candidates like Mayor Pete buthe judge Senator Amy close are you know those candidates have got to kind of do a win place or show to get the momentum the money and the enthusiasm to continue on you know it's pretty clear that the front runners Bernie Sanders Joe Biden Elizabeth Warren are going to have enough momentum and money to continue on no matter what happens but for some of the candidates down a little bit they've got a move in Iowa is there anything that can stop but he sounds as he seems to have the most committed bill meant to grassroots support organization and he seems to be getting up in the polls though it's kind of almost relentless it's a tank munching towards you Well the interesting thing about Bernie is like you know I was always been a very good state for him and in a primary when you have this many candidates having a base is very very important Bernie's challenge is that the view and I very much share of the spear as he'd be the worst candidate of all the major Democrats against President Trump and a general election and that's the rationale for the candidacy of Michael Bloomberg it's why Joe Biden continues to lead the national polls because Democrats are absolutely desperate to be told Trump and Bernie's challenge is proving to a bunch of naysayers that he can win a general election you know the issue here isn't who can excite the base right there is a stupid debate in my party about do you know meet someone who can excite the base or do you nominate someone who can get people in the middle to vote for them and if you look at the last 3. Democrats to win the presidential in America Jimmy Carter Bill Clinton Barack Obama they were able to do both characterize how you think the messaging from Donald Trump and from whoever emerges as the Democrat counted it would be the kind of framing of the debate President Trump superpower is dominating the news but in his day to day dominate the news he doesn't talk enough about economic issues because the states that are that are going to decide this election Wisconsin Pennsylvania Michigan those states are dominant economically people want to know why their economies haven't grown as fast as the rest of the country and they want real plans you know it's much like the voters in the north of the u.k. Like those voters these voters are very economic focused and the Democrats have got to have an economic message to those voters that make sense to them and President Trump needs to stop talking about impeachment he just stop talking about whatever his daily thing is and really discuss what he's going to do to make these people's lives better do you see any sign of buyer's remorse from those people who voted in 2060 because I've got to say that when I travel around the country I still find people remarkably consistent and feel that they made the right choice with him in the Midwestern states there are voters who voted for Donald Trump who have said you know especially on the trade issues we have some buyer's remorse we're very worried about what this trade fight has done and so today he has the worst poll numbers in Pennsylvania Michigan and Wisconsin that any incumbent president has ever had worse than Barack Obama worse than the 1st George Bush when he lost worse than George w. Bush and so we are talking about a really small margin for both of these parties and it really matters very much who the Democrats nominate for president Jimmy Siena thank you very much it's coming up to 90 minutes past 7 How does that go. Persuade power companies to invest in green energy is a problem they've got to solve if they're to have any hope of meeting their target of net 0 carbon emissions by 2050 years down with more yes nick off Jim the energy regulators having a crack at solving part of their problem this morning by putting out its 1st plan for greening the energy transmission network the wires that get the power to our homes John Briley is as of today a chief executive at off Jim I don't know what's a problem with the network as it is what's wrong with it so look the government has set us one and I stand business climate change targets in the world and what we're saying today with this plan is we the regular are full square behind supporting them to deliver against that goal so what's the challenge right now so do so 2 things 1st of all as customers we may need to use our energy differently to get the best out of that system and the network needs to grow to make sure we can accommodate all those electric cars and new forms of generation now remember if we do all that if we invest now then there are good reasons to believe cost might come down as technologies change cost comes down quite dramatically so teach on just $1.00 is lots of electric cars the current good could handle them so if we use the grid more efficiently than the current We can handle most of them we may need to invest more but lecture cars are a great example when you look forward at the projections electric cars are almost going to be almost as cheap or cheaper than ordinary cars and they're much much cheaper to run we think about those offshore wind farms 5 years ago they were extremely expensive now they're a 3rd of the price and still falling and becoming cheaper than new forms of generation so what we're saying today is we'll invest now we'll build the network we need and we'll make sure that we have the most cost effective pathway to 25 percent So whose job is it to come with come up with the individual plans for investment well the companies are already coming forward with their plans now over the Georgia job to say yes or no Exactly so over the course of this year we're going to be looking at those plans and we're going to be driving a very hard bargain with those companies we've already said to those companies and their investors based on today's evidence that we're going to be bringing returns down and we think we will take. Back 6000000000 pounds through that process but yes we do need to invest in that work to make sure we can make transition more investment will mean higher bills well more that's meant does mean higher cost but there are reasons to believe that cost might come down in other ways 2 ways in particular 1st of all the returns investors get might come down and we think they will based on current evidence and equally as technologies change the overall cost of our system may come down and mention before those offshore wind farms but also think about electric vehicles soon will have vehicles at the same prices or even equals but much much cheaper to run how does all this square with the with the price cap there the retail price cap which which you which you have to look after slightly Will you be able to keep to that price cap and generate enough returns for these energy companies to pay for the investment so the core of our mission is to protect customers now last year we introduced the price cap and that put a $1000000000.00 pounds back in customers pockets we will be watching like a whole the activities of the companies to make sure they are moving this transition in the most cost effective way and treating their customers well thank you very much Jonathan really from off Jim. Don thank you very much just coming up to 22 minutes past 7 a United Nations flight carrying critically ill patients is expected to leave Santa International Airport in northern Yemen today for the 1st time in more than 3 years the opening of the medical bridge has taken 2 years of difficult negotiation between the Saudi led coalition which controls the airspace and who feel for it is in charge on the ground at least except reports from Santa. It's only warm winters daily here in the sun and that's the sound of fear it could be any power. But there's a difference most of these children are critically ill most of all rocket She's a thin 13 year old with a protective face mask. Is going to smile it's through the military is the for us through them and have class Ragatz father of speaks proudly of this daughter there's something he doesn't want you to know she's waited so long for a flight her body is now full of cancer are you able to tell her because if she knows maybe something. Everything will be changed. If she stays in Yemen as the doctors say both legs would have to be removed to amputate Yes but it will be imitated sometimes she said they were do not want. My father to . Are you worried about you. Know what I said. This is the only cancer hospital in Yemen and I are going into the cancer ward for the children inside this room in the ads for little boys. To hear last from chemotherapy wearing woolen hats alley pulls his hat down over his eyes one of them is bulging and white as mine is the. National has just sent out in Santa what would have caused Ellie to do society like this I think is there a case of little blastoma and I feel more in the eye because planned the plans for this but if this little boy was able to leave the country he could get a new I yeah. The space and the Secure of that that meant After he can with it if not him it after so I stiffed. To be a doctor the sickest food for you what does that make you feel. Sometimes old is the best you can sometimes i. Would think. So some a Airport has been closed to commercial flights for 3 years now so time to Begum of the Norwegian Refugee Council in Sana what this amounts to is a death sentence for thousands of sick Yemeni civilians who have been unable. To get out of the country for urgent medical care there has been the use of blockade which has prevented food fuel and medicines coming into the country this means that the health of them is barely functioning that's not enough equipment there's not enough medicines for people with chronic conditions on able to be treated. Here at Sana International Airport and that's a World Food Programme plane taking. There's only a handful of the flights departing here every day the Saudi led coalition. Is Steve's. Symmetry in Sano gravestone after green stone December tree as big as far a verse 6 football pitches or more. And today amongst them 17 year old a wab he has a story about a war which shuttin airport and caused his father's death. Under the earth and have it was all he had the seriousness of the liver he was able to get made this enormity inside but after the book had began the medicine disappeared we couldn't find it if the airport had been open we would have been able to travel through there any promises that you could be flying. For 2 years but they kept promising he would travel and now you are in flight we had everything ready this war has destroyed everything many patients have died just like my father. Lee's Doucette reporting there it is 26 minutes past 7 Robin is here with this post is moving up in a has plenty of ambition in the quote serving in rugby union head coach Eddie Jones before that 6 nations opener in Paris against France talk of confronting the French with physical brutality and of building the best rugby team ever well it all sounds a bit hollow this morning doesn't it following a desperate 1st half performance which left his team treading 17 nil and where there was a 2nd half revival of sorts from with 2 tries when Johnny may eventually was out of 2417 to France could hardly be described as an injustice Here's a clip from Jones's post match interview certainly was slow and the blocks we were feeling a bit sorry for ourselves and to kill time and let the situation get to a spin and half time we took responsibility belief of the situation and I thought the response of the boys was absolutely magnificent Well let's hear now from another Jens Iraq because Paul and Chris morning Chris more than ever Eddie Jones says we were sorry for ourselves and out of kilter sorry for themselves what do you mean by that you think I think a few things didn't go England's way in that 1st half that wanted to little opportunities the pools would drop they want able to score any points after a little bit of pressure in that 1st 20 minutes and maybe saying then England went off script and started to lose their way mentally but yeah it was a very sorry performance from England in that 1st half especially 24 nil down they were at some point and instead of getting the kind of performance we thought we might get for the World Cup semifinal against New Zealand it was a repeat of the final regular completely overawed what happened to that brutal physicality was talking about well this is the thing with it James isn't it Rob you just have to read his autobiography to know the store the importance he places in these pre-match war of words he has their own personal consultant down Australia he liaises with on a daily weekly basis about his messages however when it works like against the All Blacks in that semifinal he. Genius and when he doesn't he just looks a little bit silly the whole plan is to take the pressure off his players by dominating the media narrative but actually when things like this happen in the past week heaps more pressure on the players and that may be told on the weekend so how likely is it you think to turn down the the pre-match psychology Well Jones will have another plan this week and I wouldn't be surprised if it does shut up shop slightly but this game against Scotland now takes on a whole new significance you got a Scottish side you haven't had the best preparation but play pretty well out in Dublin they hold the Calcutta Cup They want Murrayfield against England 2 years ago and in their lives again on the road and they've got 2 really good sides in in Wales and Ireland coming to Twickenham So it's a big one America and they may not have managed to Langley at their disposal cause I'll be surprised if they do yet because to like us at these chronic growing problems for years what he says now is the moment he feels it's great he comes off the pitch straight away and even if it might not be a 6 month kind of injury are expected to out for the next couple of weeks and that will leave him alone without any and without belief in a poll or 2 of their most potent ball carriers Christians thanks very much indeed when they were in the 6 Nations meanwhile produced in 1913 away we differing in against France well and defeated scored in 814 but Wales they lost 115 to Italy and elsewhere a stunning go on his top one debut for new signing Steven Berger and said his side on their way to a 2 new win against Manchester City Spurs 4 points from the top 4 this morning Well Bernie Drew Neil Neil with Arsenal and the Kansas City Chiefs came from behind to beat the San Francisco 49 ers by 31 points to 20 in the Super Bowl in Miami so the tips both to the media today 255 Number 6 ladies Jen 325 number 3 fantasy 0. Thank you very much later this week this brand new comedy from Alex Edelman. In this student union I'll be asking people here what's cool and what's not cool about their life is that cool what does Alex Edelman consider cool the way that house flies rub their hands together like they're planning a major hiatus. Yeah he's a cool guy so I want to do this restaurant and I see these 2 cute girls at the table and they discount. And I'm like What. And they go can we order. Join Alex Edelman's big rig b.b.c. Radio 4630 comedy for Wednesday. Quick look at the weather now very windy showers all spells of rain for many cloudy with the rain across the false self and you're listening to today on Radio 4 with Nic Robertson and John Siple of time guys 29 minutes to 8 now a summary of the news from Krystle Tritch new measures for dealing with people convicted of terrorism offenses will be unveiled by the government today following yesterday's attack on shoppers in south London police shot dead Sudesh a man shortly after he stabbed 2 passers by in Stratton The 20 year old was released from prison last month after completing Hoffa's sentence for terror offenses one of those injured is no longer in a critical condition the other was discharged from hospital a 3rd person suffered minor injuries from glass when officers opened fire the e.u. And Britain are to lay out their visions for post breaks a trade deal Boris Johnson will say there is no need for the u.k. To agree to follow e.u. Rules as part of a trade agreement in argue that the u.k. Will maintain the highest standards for workers' rights and environmental protection without the compulsion of a treaty Brussels chief negotiator Michel Barnier will publish a draft of the E.U.'s objectives. The biggest operator of ferries in the Irish Sea Stener line has said it expects there to be checks and inspections between Great Britain and Northern Ireland because of breaks it Mr Johnson has repeatedly said there would be no checks on goods arriving in Britain from Northern Ireland shares listed on stock exchanges in China have fallen sharply in response to the coronavirus outbreak financial markets reopened after an extended holiday for the lunar new year the number of deaths from the virus now stands at 361 with more than 17000 infections voters in Iowa are preparing to pick their preferred Democratic party candidate to face Donald Trump in the presidential election in November the 1st Us state to make its choice opinion polls suggest Senator Bernie Sanders and the former Vice President Joe Biden are the front runners. Prince William has strongly criticised the lack of diversity in the nominees for this year's Bafta film awards attending the ceremony last night that is simply cannot be right in this day and age the 1st World War epic 91717 Bafta is including Best Film and best director for so Sam and is thank you Chris it is 27 minutes to 8 and now an apology if you thought breaks it had been done and you could think about something anything else he may need to think again today is the day when the negotiations begin again the negotiations about all future trading arrangements with the e.u. In a speech this morning the prime minister will tell them that Britain has made a choice will not follow their rules and regulations in future even if that means agreeing to tariffs let us discuss that now is shank a Singham former trade advisor to the Department for International Trade and now the chief executive of the trade consultancy competition in a moment we'll hear from Lord Mandelson morning to you both the moon Shanker Singh and 1st of all why would anybody say we might agree to tariffs on trade is it simply a bit of negotiating a posturing or is there a possibility ministers might actually agree to this well 1st of all the issue that is causing all of this to happen is the issue of regulatory alignment between the e.u. In the u.k. Going forward in all trade relationship and I think since July of last year it's been pretty clear that the u.k. Was going to on the Boris Johnson's prime ministership opt for a free trade agreement with the e.u. And preserve the ability the regulatory autonomy of the u.k. So in other words to resist what in the jargon coming from Brussels and indeed Dublin yesterday from the teacher is called the level playing field the idea that you can trade with us provided you agree to do things our way you know so the issue with a level playing field is what the e.u. Will want is they want to know that British companies will not be benefited from subsidies and. Other interventions in the market that will put them at a competitive advantage over European companies that are subject to European state aids and the subsidy disciplines what the u.k. I think will be prepared to do will be able to do is to have its own anti subsidy regime its own state Hades regime administered by its own courts and to agree with the European Union that we will probably implement that what they won't be prepared to do I think is to put their whole economic system under European state aids rules and states disciplines and with respect to labor in the environment which of the other 2 areas of the so-called level playing field I think the u.k. Again would be prepared not to derogated from its existing. Trade labor conventions International Labor Organization and environmental treaties you may want to go back to often my 1st question that yes of course you can see the logic particularly for Boris Johnson him say there's no point leaving if you then follow the same rules yes but if you're contemplating tariffs additional costs in doing trade you must feel there is some gain you can have in order to offset that a lot so so so no one wants tire of the u.k. Doesn't want terms the e.u. Doesn't want Taras we start off with 0 tariffs in Zurich on side restrictions we'd like to preserve that for the trade to flow the problem is that it's not possible for the u.k. To agree a version of level playing field that means that it's going to dynamically a law in to European regulation over which it has no control and therefore. The prime minister will say today in his speech they've made a choice the choice they've made is a trade agreement type approach where there are disciplines on both sides in all of these areas but what you can't have is market access for regulatory identical Lety all regulatory harmonization and the e.u. Is very much an outlier on that point so so I think it's legitimate for them to to approach it in this way let me turn now to lower demand. There is before we get into the detail a pretty easy bit of logic here isn't it if we leave it when I want to follow their rules or be pretty old to leave something you didn't want to do of course but to be all for anybody to leave and say well let's follow the same rules read before but we also want to secure the continuity of our trade Nick because. Hundreds of thousands of jobs depend on that look if you take literally what the foreign secretary Dominic Rob said yesterday and what the prime minister is saying today they would be putting at risk the trade and jobs in swathes of the u.k. Economy and I simply don't believe that any responsible British government at the end of the day is going to do that I think we need obviously we have to navigate our way through this trade negotiation and I think we need an honest national conversation about how we do so my approach would be would be this 1st of all to seek alignment with the e.u. Rules where we can where there's a clear commercial advantage for Britain to do so and no skin off our noses to do so secondly to continue to operate European environmental labor and other standards and put these into the agreement because the government has already rejected a strategy of undercutting e.u. Produces In other words pursuing a process of negotiation that tries to identify a sector by sector mutual interest and mutual advantage between ourselves and the European Union's rather than pursuing confrontation for the sake of you know again there's a logic in what you say that ministers say they want to undercut so why not put it in writing you say isn't the difficulty this you don't know what the might do in 10 or 20 years' time why would you bind yourself having just left the to something a few you might choose to do it might make you very own competitor but you've got to negotiate at this stage Nick in details not generalize realisations you've got to. Follow a more sophisticated approach frankly in order to arrive at a more nuanced outcome and if subsequent divergence between us is desirable no desirable from the u.k. Point of view I mean then we should agree in advance a process of consultation and arbitration that doesn't plunge us into an all out trade war I've been a European Trade Commission I know a little bit about them the reason I think that u.k. Flexibility will ultimately be met by a lack a lack of e.u. Rigidity despite its strong hand is for these these reasons one although the e.u. Is better placed to absorb trade disruption there is a strong mutual interest in getting a trade agreement because neither side wants trade shocks and also job Secondly although the e.u. Has no intention of tearing up its rulebook in order to accommodate Britain how it applies its rules is open to negotiation and thirdly the so-called level playing field what understandably very important to the e.u. Is not in find in some Old Testament sort of tablets of. Stone It's a set of principles that has to be applied and implemented in ways in which the e.u. Has some choice therefore it may be what therefore it be down to negotiation about how that implementation takes place understood I want to just impact what that means I think you're saying just to clarify whether you are there look if they dial down the rhetoric a bit your saying it's perfectly possible for both sides to agree or that they really want to undercut each other or so there is labelled as Prime Minister I said that we don't so why not put it into our gridlock crucially the 2nd half of that was what the prime minister wants to be able to say is we won't have a system of automatically following your rules we certainly were allow your courts the European Court of Justice to judge that. Can he win that part of the argument in your view I think if he approaches it in a sort of sensible way and dolls' down the rhetoric as you say I thought I believe that he can look you know he should neither enter into this agreement in a spirit of of sort of hubris just because the government you know won a huge honking great parliamentary majority courtesy not least of Jeremy Corbyn or out of pique you know because the e.u. Seems to be introducing you know a new set of negotiating demands that's what happens at the beginning of a negotiation be calm it's a long journey take it step by step set to by step and dial down as you say the rhetoric the megaphone diplomacy because that's going to get you nowhere now you invite me to ask you a question about labor because you raised up Jeremy governor levy on a great feeling for the time maybe to discuss that. If labor in your view makes the wrong choice now for korban success or do you fear as I suspect you did in the early eighty's when you 1st got involved at the top of the Labor Party do you fear that it could be all over. Oh I think there's every possibility that if the Labor Party makes the wrong choice of leader we will almost certainly be looking at electoral defeat again I would be the 5th in a row I think that there would therefore be serious question pox put over the future viability of the Labor Party but fortunately we have alternative talented candidates for the party to choose for choose from and I hope they do not Mandelson shank using him thank you for coming in. 17 minutes to a time for a look at today's papers and news websites nearly all the papers devote several pages to yesterday's events in South London when armed officers shot dead a man who stabbed 2 people on a street in Stratham while many are full of praise for the actions of the police other such as The Guardian question how Sudesh a man was able to attack so soon after his release from prison when he was being monitored so closely the Daily Telegraph says ministers a brace to face immediate demands for all those convicted of terror fences have been freed early to be recalled because of growing fears over public safety the son claims concerns were raised about a man while he was in jail but there's nothing police could do to keep him there a former Chief Superintendent with the Metropolitan Police writing in The Daily Mail says officers will be feeling utterly let down by the judicial system they express uses the attack to make the case for a stronger police presence on our streets that American college the prison de radicalisation breadcrumbs clearly on twerking the Financial Times reports that the Japanese carmaker Nisanit has drawn up plans to pull out of mainland Europe if Britain if the BRICs it leads to tariffs on vehicle imports The paper quotes 2 people involved in discussions as saying the firm would close factories in Spain and France and concentrate production in the u.k. It says Nissan believes that if import taxes make cars built overseas more expensive if it can increase its market share here from 4 to 20 percent the f.t. Goes on to publish a denial by the company that such a contingency plan exists finally the Mail tells on the market town of d.c. Norfolk has been left divided over whether or not to feed a federal flock of $200.00 chickens which have been abandoned by their owners the hens opponents are said to be white for a cocker hoop after the local council threatened to fire on anyone giving them food and I will love is on the other hand all spitting feathers flock e horror show is the paper's headline it is now 16 minutes to 8. He was jailed for 13 terror offenses he kept a notebook in which he wrote his goals for life which included dying as a martyr and going to paradise he told his girlfriend to kill his parents kill her parents I'm sorry yesterday 20 year old sort of man grabbed a kitchen knife from a shop and attacked passers by on a street in Stratford he'd been released from prison just days earlier a b.b.c. Producer watched his court appearance which was for possessing i-s. Recruitment material and instructions on how to wound using a knife and Danielle Simone joins us now what do you remember of that trial where he didn't actually go to trial even pleaded guilty I attended his 1st appearance when he was charged and then when he was sentenced in December 28th. And I remember him quite well actually because we see a lot of terrorism defendants in these in these cases that over 60 people each year charged with terrorism offenses but he kind of just came across as someone who's very radical and someone who was smiling as he was being sentenced and someone who just appeared to have no contrition his whole. And the details of what he was thinking of doing because he wasn't jailed for an attack is shocking when you hear it is shocking and he was arrested on suspicion of planning an attack he just wasn't charged with with planning one there is an offense preparing acts of terrorism which peoples on his are charged with making preparations what flexibility was there for the court after he pleaded guilty and given what he was charged with what flexibility was there over his sentencing. They had a bit of flex the judge would have a little bit of flexibility but I think because it is a huge and then because he pleaded guilty at the 1st opportunity he wouldn't have been able to give him a much longer sentence I mean there is also there is always a possibility sometimes he judges give consecutive sentences on some of the offenses so that kind of step quite on top of the other but this didn't happen it meant that he was getting a 3 year 4 month sentence he'd already been on remand for over 6 months and that means you know he came out last week we think actually and his early release is automatic that Hoff provided he's had good behavior Well now it's automatic I mean it there's no parole board involvement in terms of proving the release he is just released at the halfway point automatically he is then on license so if he breaches the license he could be returned to prison but breaching allies is isn't what he thinks not what he says he would have to be committing another event there would be conditions we don't know exactly what they'd be but he'd have to be doing something that breach those conditions the fact he was under such close a veil and only a week after he'd been released shows the police the security service or as he believed he was still an extreme threat because not all terrorist former terrorist prisoners subjected to such close about to be clear they couldn't influence whether he was released or not it was not possible for the police or the intelligence services a wallet as I can keep is going inside no it wasn't he was or that he would be automatic released last night Daniel to see him and thank you very much indeed coming up at 10 past 8 we'll talk to the man who carried out the inquiry into the radicalizing people in prison when I hear from the mayor of London as well. 12 minutes to 8 and time for thought for the day the speaker in our studio this morning is the Reverend Dr Jane Leach the principal of Wesley house the Methodist College in Cambridge Good morning good morning over the weekend as our focus has been on other things not least are leaving the European Union coronavirus has been quietly spreading at a frightening pace there are now more than 14000 confirmed cases in 18 countries and 46000000 people are subject to restrictions to try to contain the disease take back control has been one of the sound bites of the Rex It campaign but this virus is a terrifying reminder of the things we cannot control new diseases in a new host or often most dangerous incubation period are not understood new vaccines need developing a new problems opposed Never before has anyone tried to contain a new virus in a city like New Hanover 11000000 people corn team is an ancient strategy the term originated with people Nick plague and dates back to 13th 77 when the seaport of riggers a officially issued a 40 day isolation period but isolating those with diseases goes back much further than that the Bible for example gives ample illustration in its instructions for dealing with contagious skin conditions was the choice to isolate the few is designed to protect the lives of the many the horror of being trapped inside a cordon cut off from loved ones or fearing for loved ones can hardly be imagined often it's been compounded with religious ideas of uncleanness the project the cause of the disease on to those already suffering ideas that Jesus challenged as he invited his followers to think again about what it means to choose life was containment may still be an important disease control strategy according to Professor Tim Benton of Chatham House we need to see coronavirus as part of a pattern of diseases that a bridging the animal human gap was this is always happened urbanization in the intensive human interventions that are disrupting ecosystems and making us all more vulnerable. Of course some will always be more vulnerable than others poorest city dwellers are more likely to be cleaners and sanitation workers elevating their chances of encountering disease carriers they may also have weaker immune systems because of poor nutrition or lack of access to health care in some cultures people also use urban one life for food caring for the poorest ensuring that people at the margins have access to good sanitation food and health care these are values often repeated not least on thought for the day as part of a vision for choosing life and as often dismissed as soft or compromised in the name of profit or push to the bottom of the agenda because charity begins at home and yet it is literally true that in the case of a virus like this the world's population is only as strong as its weakest link is in all our interests where the decisions that govern our lives are made in Brussels or in London urgent need to cooperate across the globe in making radical changes to the living and working conditions of the poorest and to the ways in which we interact with the environment not because it's nice to be nice but because as research helps us to understand better how the world is interconnected so we understand better what it means to inhabit the ancient religious invitation to choose a life that was thought for the day with the Reverend Dr Jane Lynch the Turner is 9 minutes to 8. It would be overdoing it to say that the only thing on Iowans minds is the caucusing that will take place later today wondering through Des Moines last night there were lots of people sitting in watching the Super Bowl but astonishing numbers come to the rallies held by the different campaigns and Iowans expect to have had profit face time with the candidates It's as absurd as it is wonderful. In the brutality and divisiveness of American politics today there's an almost Norman Rockwell's charm about Des Moines Iowa not just for the never ending freight train snaking its way through the city and evocative piece of Americana but also the question is of the caucus. It speaks to an older more intimate retail politics as candidates hoping to make progress really do have to press the flesh sitting in diners talking 20 handfuls of photos but it combines the 2 the endless soul sapping ads with a legally required punch line. It's time to choose American history is not a fairy tale Thomas Jefferson it's time to turn the page from a Washington experience paralyzed by the same old thing take a look around find someone you don't know maybe somebody who doesn't look like you that's why she's visited all 99 counties I know exactly who line the party. And Elizabeth Warren I'm people I mean I'm going to say this. Much more than the republicans democrats have tended to go historically for the bright shiny new young big Kennedy Jimmy Carter Bill Clinton Barack Obama. But this time around you've got Joe Biden who's 77 years old but he Saunders who is 78 that is where the similarities and. This is the. Campaign where the working class of America is going to stand up and say loud and clear enough is enough the we have to be able poll Democrats and dependents and Republicans together we have to be able to do that the 2 men represent the battle for the heart and soul of the Democratic Party the unfinished fight from 4 years ago whether it becomes much more left wing more cool be night or whether it remain centrist. The Biden can't believe there's a binary choice between electability and political purity and his supporters I spoke to last night at a rally just don't think that Bernie Saunders Kuwait in November this year do you think America would vote for someone whose left wing has been Saugus. Now. So who do you want to win I would like any club. And if Bernie Sanders reach Would you campaign for him I would vote for him but I would not campaign for him why because he's not talking about and the things he's accomplished he's got lots of great plans that I don't know are realistic but to get the king in the race have accomplished things and we don't know exactly what Bernie is down the pike in rally is not what you'd call dynamic and senior establishment Democrats spoken to worry that the Biden ground game in Iowa is shambolic unforgivable said one veteran the other people to watch a peek through to judge the youngest candidate in the field who's been the up and coming star and Elizabeth Warren from the same wing of the party is but he saw this she's committed to a well organized. Rallies don't lack dynamism and he too is organized and he's mostly young fan base a 5 I'm tired of half assed promises from previous Democratic administrations. And I don't think a president Sanders to do that I think if Joe Biden becomes the nominee we'd be doing a great. Dishonor to the people of America as a Democratic Party and if he wins in the 2nd ballot because the delegates are torn in the 1st ballot will be destroying our party and say the somebody saying and such like a trying time I think that he's just like really what we need right now for everyone and for everyone have equal rights and equal opportunities I just think that there's really no better option than him for someone who's going to give everyone exactly what they should be getting it in America I do think you can be trying to. Because I mean I think he's got the most dedicated supporters and the best ground game and I think I really think he's the only chance we have. To hope Lutheran Church on the outskirts of the city 2 and a half 1000 people have turned up for the Saturday evening service will were there yesterday God is big in American politics and super important in Midwestern states like Iowa a white evangelicals overwhelmingly pro truck the state voted for him 4 years ago and it was hard to find anyone who changed their mind all of my friends who voted for Trump are very happy my family my friends everyone what is it that he's done what is it that you think he's bringing to America. He's bringing back America. Democratic candidates I want to take America a different direction and I don't like that I like the direction that trumps taken us on the town where you're trying to stuff I am here and when did you become a Trump started we did you vote for him 4 years ago yes I did and he pleads with him I am going exactly what he promised he would do. But when you see some of the language that the president uses on Twitter in the way he's you know rude to people in the passes and all the rest of it what do you think what do you what do I do I think you know certainly he's a guy you know and what does that mean you only come on. Guys liable to say most anything and he's just a normal human being I just I don't like him I'd say you forgive him when he kind of goes a little too far well sure. He would forgive me I'm pretty sure. This week will see his impeachment ordeal come to an end with his 2nd acquittal 4 years ago the Trump campaign was a ramshackle make it up as you go along the ration note this time around. They've been hoarding money have been building a powerful machine with a remarkable digital outreach night out of the last 11 times in Democratic Party politics the person who has won Iowa has gone on to with the nomination whether it's someone from the center or the left they'll 1st have a job uniting the party and there further down the track Donald Trump will be waiting the Democrats have a fight on their hands a brutal. Move from John in Iowa coming up but it's time now at 2 minutes to wait for the weather with Chris folks that's all neck and we're looking at surf some fairly windy conditions today particularly So across the northern half of the u.k. But it's weather wise there's quite a mixture around so we'll start off with the forecast across southern counts of England where it's a cloudy start to the day outbreaks of rain will work into southern coastal counties so initially moving into Comal and Devon before too long and that will spread eastwards towards the coast of West Sussex and Kent later on this afternoon it stays mild not quite as mild as it was over the weekend but temperatures still $10.00 to $12.00 degrees way above normal for the time of year Wales middle eastern England and Northern counts of England for many areas it will stay dry and bright today with some hazy spells of sunshine coming through now said there will be a few passing showers particularly for Northwest England and across Wales as well temperatures between 9 and 11 degrees Celsius in Northern Ireland quite a windy day here the showers that will be moving in will have some hail in from the mixed in will come through fairly frequently temperatures 7 degrees and in Scotland we got some strong winds in the forecast today through the central belt 4050 miles an hour but over coast in his 55 to 65 miles an hour for a time and it's a day Broadly speaking of sunshine and showers with the showers setting wintry with some snow on the hills later on immense evening and overnight it gets even windy or gusts in western Scotland could reach 70 or 80 miles an hour bringing a risk of some disruption as latest. Chris thank you very much in the next hour of the program London's mayor city on his response to yesterday's terror attack and I'll be speaking to the chair of the Democratic Party here in Iowa eliciting today radio for John Sopel and Nick Robinson. Good morning it's 8 o'clock on Monday the 3rd of February that lines this morning ministers are pledging new measures for dealing with convicted terrorists after yesterday's knife attack by a man released from prison only days ago Boris Johnson will say the u.k. Is not prepared to follow e.u. Rules when he sends out his vision for post Breck's a trade deal Prince William has criticised the lack of diversity at last night's Bafta film awards the b.b.c. News read but Krystle George Forester on some the said the government will announce further.

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