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Good morning it's 7 o'clock on Thursday the 30th of January that learns this morning the chancellor has become the most senior minister to throw his weight behind the h s 2 high speed rail line increasing the chances that it will be built about $200.00 Britons are still stuck in the Chinese city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak after their evacuation flight was delayed and the secretary general of the Commonwealth ladies government has been criticized for awarding a contract to a friend who's a fellow Labor peer the b.b.c. News read this morning but Diana speed the chancellor Surjit Javid has given his backing to the his 2 high speed rail line which is currently under review because of its ballooning costs senior ministers will discuss the scheme today with Dunning street promising a quick decision in its full form has to would link London with Birmingham and then on to Manchester and Leeds up political correspondent Jonathan Blake reports it may not officially be decision day for h s 2 but ministers are clearly close to coming to an agreement on the future of the project Sajid Javid is understood to be sympathetic to the case for going ahead having studied Treasury analysis a senior government figure said if the project was cancelled that be a credibility issue there are also worries about what message scrapping or limiting the scheme would send when the government has made infrastructure investments particularly in the Midlands and the north a priority but there are also concerns about the cost after a leaked review suggested the initial estimate of $56000000000.00 pounds could almost double yesterday the prime minister whose own M.P.'s are deeply divided on the project said the decision would come very shortly. A plane due to bring about 200 British nationals home from the Chinese city of return where the corona virus outbreak began has not yet been able to leave the number of deaths has risen sharply and for the 1st time there are confirmed cases in all of the country's mainland provinces are China correspondent Robin branch reports the Britons were supposed to be on route to London by now but complications over permission from the Chinese government delayed the departure instead they face another day in the city while foreign office staff try to establish who among them will be allowed to leave the situation is complicated by the fact that the Chinese are only allowing British citizens to board the plane not those from other countries or with Jule nationality this man called Nick is stuck in will hand with his Indonesian wife and their children he told this program that life there was becoming difficult it's extremely stressful and not receiving very well my wife is also not sleeping particularly well. It's just hard to believe. The number of people killed or contaminated by the virus continues to rise significantly it's now known that 170 people have died around 30 percent on yesterday the number infected has increased by around 25 percent according to official figures the spread is now so serious that China's Football Association has canceled all games at every level the government economists have predicted the outbreak could wipe one percent of the country's economic output. The b.b.c. Has learned that Lady Scotland the secretary general of the Commonwealth has been criticised by internal orders for warding a lucrative contract to a company run by a friend the Commonwealth audit committee accused her of circumventing the usual competitive tendering rules by giving the work to a firm owned by a fellow Labor peer Lord Patel of Bradford discussions lawyers insist the decision was fully justified under matter correspondent James Lander reports when Lady Scotland became Commonwealth Secretary General in 2016 she got her friend Lord Patel in his consultancy firm k y a global to carry out a review of the Secretariat that runs the organization from London the 2 contracts were reportedly worth $250000.00 pounds but an investigation by the Commonwealth audit committee has criticised Lady Scotland for allegedly circumventing usual competitive tendering rules the orders report which I've seen claims Lord Patel's firm was apparently insolvent at the time the secretariat was unable to provide a copy of the firm's final recommendations the audit committee said these and other failures endangered the integrity of the Secretariat the report may raise fresh questions about whether Lady Scotland will be given a 2nd term of office later this year one Commonwealth country has recently stopped funding the secretariat Lady Scotland's lawyers insisted the decision to award the contract was fully justified and complied with procurement procedures at the time this is not if motor manufacturers and traders says the number of cars made in the u.k. Has dropped to its lowest level in almost a decade and is warning of a further decline this year it is 1300000 vehicles were produced last year a full of just over 14 percent it blames wheat confidence at home and slow demand in overseas markets as well as factory shutdowns related to bricks it. The British motorcycle company Norton has gone into administration after having difficulty paying a tax bill the firm was founded in 1908 and employs about $100.00 people their council Donington in Leicestershire there's been a significant rise in the number of prison officers taking time off work because of stress anxiety or depression in the 12 months to the end of last March nearly 2000 frontline staff in England and Wales representing about 9 percent of the workforce took sick leave because of mental health problems the figures were provided to b.b.c. News under Freedom of Information laws this former prison officer who doesn't want to be named said the fear of being attacked meant he began to dread going into work I was struggling mentally to keep up with with work with the threat of violence with the constant fear of what's going to happen seeing members of our friends go off. Bitten stops all conscious and thinking at some point it's going to happen and I was going to happen that fear was getting too much of. A huge search is underway in Mexico City after a man and edged to be a senior member of the powerful sin a lower drug cartel escaped from a high security prison officials say Victor Felix Beltran and 2 other inmates managed to get through 5 locked doors as they made their escape 10 prison staff are being investigated to decommission satellites travelling more than 30000 miles an hour have had a near miss above the American state of Pennsylvania organizations that track space objects estimates they came within less than 500 feet of each other. The last aria fighter exe who fought in the Battle of Britain has died at the age of 101 the death of Wing Commander Paul firms means there are just to surviving members of the few as it was famously described by Winston Churchill his and the more Paul fans became a hurry compiler to the age of 19 his squadron was one of the last to leave France before he came back to the u.k. To fight what became known as the Battle of Britain at the height of the conflict in the summer of 1940 he said he was spending long hours in the air search for treason to learn more roll or fall off a crop of worn or. Brought on to a blast. For we were. All burnt of on going to our rooms I'm happen to know how was Rob room poor farms was a confirmed case having shot down 5 enemy planes his own tally was at least 6 possibly more he was awarded the Distinguished Flying medal in October $940.00 he served in the r.a.f. Until $958.00 and then retired to run a hotel he died peacefully at his home in home share. More than half of children sleep with their mobile phone beside their bed according to a survey of young people's media use the children his report also found most children now have their own phone by the age of 7 and more than 40 percent admit to being constantly worried about running out of charge he is an education correspondent Sean Cochrane this research looked into the media habits of more than 2005 to 16 year olds and it found mobile phones were increasingly dominating their lives 57 percent have them at their bedside when they wake up and 44 percent start feeling anxious if they can't get a phone signal the mobile phone is where young people are most likely to watch videos and listen to music with only one in 5 of us on demand generation preferring to watch television on a television set the service suggests that You Tube is the most popular website with almost 2 thirds of children using it every single day but this is a fast moving digital landscape Facebook is no longer even in the top 10 of favorite websites I was caught on reporting the time 9 minutes past 7 a plane has been chartered and 200 people want to be on it 200 Britons who want to get out of who harm and the surrounding area the place at the center of the corona virus outbreak in China but the departure has been postponed Apparently the right permissions are not in place particularly for those who are Chinese citizens who have permission to come to Britain and British partners Adam Bridgeman lives in Mohan with his wife and one month year one month old son we're not leaving the apartment we're staying home as much as possible and we've been in contact with the the Foreign Office and they've being they say they've confirmed that I would be able to board a flight out of hand but they've been unable to they told me categorically that my wife called Go My wife is a Chinese citizen. She has a right to come to Britain the British authorities would allow her to. Yeah that's that's my understanding she has a valid. Ms Just on the Chinese side of faith that they didn't Chinese nationals to for the for the flight I think have they told you why that is you know. Anybody's guess I mean I mean a you know I don't know so what will you do it was this is a very tough decision because if I could take my son I would consider going to take him to safety but if I can't take my son or my wife will definitely stay here and you don't know yet whether your son would have permission. It's not confirmed yet but the 1st time I contacted them they said they are they still trying to confirm if you can board or not the last time I contacted them they said we just don't know you tell you sort of have to try your luck and take him and see if you can get on satellite imagery and your son presumably is a jill citizen. And he's one month old and he doesn't I don't think he's. Formally registers as numerous bridges that as a citizen of anywhere the moment but think he's being considered a Chinese citizen yes. Or all of this must be a man on top of the fact of the corona virus being around you it must be really desperately worrying. Yes we stare her last so I am but fairly confident we're safe here but. With a newborn baby there are lots of times where you you're worried about their health then you know maybe they have a rash you want to get it checked out all they need to go get a vaccination we'd have to go to the hospital to get the kind of treatment and we're not really willing to take the risk at the moment so it's a very tough situation I was Adam Bridgeman talking to me a few moments ago from who harm let's talk to Victor Gao is vice president of the Center for China and globalization based in Beijing and is on the line morning to you. Good morning this 1st woman's God You've been listening to what we were talking about then do you believe that this business of Chinese nationals or people with dual citizenship being allowed to leave on that plane that it can be resolved sorted out and they will be allowed to go. Well thank you for having me 1st of all I think as a general policy the Chinese government has expressed their full support incorporating with foreign governments in their attempt to evacuate their nationals out of harm and the United States has already chartered a flight and the flight has already returned back to the data States Japan has also completed a flight evacuation now for the British evacuation plan while I do not have the details I believe the Chinese government will do the same fully supporting the evacuation plan now for the details involving different persons who want to be evacuated or Chinese nationals or dual nationality persons for example it also would require documents passports visas it such a lease are very technical issues need to be taken care of but in principle in principle you wouldn't want to break families up and obviously if someone is has a partner who is a British citizen I'm going to wonder what happened in the Japanese cases in the American cases where that must have been there must have been some cases like that I wonder how it was resolved. Well as far as the American case I think their priority was to evacuate as diplomats based in. Holland and to the extent that there were still vacancies left on the chartered playing they would also pick up u.s. Nationals and I was told that even u.s. Green card holders are not allowed on their plane except with special approval and non American citizens were not invited or not allowed onto that chartered flight now I do not have the details involving the British evacuation plan but I hope 1st of all the evacuation will be successful and those British nationals hopefully with their family members either British nationals or Chinese nationals eventually will also work out a plan or arrangement for the evacuation the united family will be much better and then a divided families especially on the same one senses like this and I hope both the British government and the Chinese government will continue there for cooperation to make sure that the evacuation is a complete success yet China has been praised particularly by medical authorities outside we were talking to a doctor a British doctor on the program the other day and virologist who works here in London who is saying there is much more information being given particularly by the Chinese medical authorities it has China. Learned the lesson of previous occasions when it was less open. I think transparency is a must and is absolutely necessary for the sake of China for the sake of Chinese nationals but also for the international community a virus does not actually recognise national boundaries and international cooperation together with w h O's guide ship. Will be absolutely necessary and I hope the Chinese government to do whatever he can to make sure that the information is timely collected timely released and transparency to the fullest of the term. Sorry to interrupt you also accept the some of that pressure comes from Chinese citizens we hear of these doctors in Wu Han who are nationally criticized even arrested apparently the Supreme Court now getting involved and saying no they weren't spreading rumors they were doing their job by telling people about this that incidents like that are creating pressure on the Chinese state at all levels to behave more openly. Yes I think so I think the whole saga could be divided into 2 phases one was before January 18th or the 19th other tented and then the 2nd phase was after January the 20th or especially after Generally the 25th when the stand when the political role held an important meeting in China about this coronavirus I think in phase 2 we are now in phase 2 and in phase 2 I'm absolutely sure that the Chinese government is deal whatever it is it can in cooperation with w.h.o. In cooperation with all the foreign countries in the world and also providing maximum support and all the resources possible in the fight against Carol now virus now for what happened in the face to one I think there are imperfections there are problems which need to be dealt with eventually and let us give history enough time to write a big book about what happened in the face while we are now very much in the middle of Phase 2 we are now very much in the heat you know of fighting against a virus and we hope we can really unite and mobilize all the resources in China in the world to put this epidemic behind us let's save mankind together take to thank you there's no 17 minutes past 7 the number of prison officers taking time off work for stress anxiety and depression is soaring figures obtained by the b.b.c. Reveal more than 1900 officers 9 percent of the workforce in England and Wales took sick leave because of mental health problems in a single year prison officers often blame the fear of violence and disorder Alan Jones who worked at Winchester prison became depressed or withdrawn after suffering a serious injury to resolve them when a prisoner It's in with a metal chair I didn't realize you know how badly it was affecting me it was my wife that noticed all of this you know she's home to live through the whole thing she's up to. Her husband sitting on the sofa just staring into space and things it was a horrible place you know I was very withdrawn very isolated I'd gone from being really confident in my ability and having you know quite an important job and a job that I really enjoyed that I was really good at to suddenly being useless at anything you know I just felt completely lost without focus really listening to that Gerald Still it is with those he's had a personal injury strategy Thompson solicitors to represent Alan and other members of the Prison Officers Association morning to good morning how typical is that sort of case yeah unfortunately it's it's very typical That's the kind of thing that we're saying day in and day out now we've seen these figures that the b.b.c. Got through Freedom of Information request showing a big increase in numbers is that in your view to due to the increase of drugs in prison the reduction in number of prison officers or as it were all of the above well so in the whole of all of the above that there are multifactorial the causes to all of this but there is one or 2 very clear graphs one shows the huge reduction in staff really between about 201-1012 down to 27 saying that that should really significant decrease and stuff of probably 20 percent and then a similar graph pointing in the opposite direction showing the number of assaults. On prison officers now clearly the job of a legal company like yours is to take legal action against the prisoner or against the prison service for failing to protect the prison officer there are 2 basic reached the compensation for a prison officer has been assaulted for instance at work one is against the employer that's usually the agent p.p.s. The Ministry of Justice it may be a private company in the smaller number of privately run jails or it's on the criminal injuries compensation. So in either sense against the state. The might be the very occasional example where you have a very wealthy person or against whom an action might be brought her for the most part Of course that's not going to be the case and is there producing a reaction because presumably it's going to cost the government more and more money in order to pay off these cases or they then spending more and giving more support to prison officers who have suffered these sorts of problems unfortunately not it costs them certainly but the fact is that the c.i. CIA the Kremlin juries compensation is fairly small and it's difficult to win a case against the against the government for for an assault because we have to establish that in that particular example there was negligence on their part and because the issues as you perhaps alluded to are more systemic and deep rooted than that it can be very difficult when those cases. Of Thomson solicitors look it's becoming 21 minutes past 7 let's turn back to the corona virus and the effect that it's having on business and particularly British businesses which have been trying to forge stronger links with China has done you see a fix certainly are being felt Apple we often make a warned yesterday about the effect on its factories in China Starbucks has closed half of its Chinese outlets something similar happening McDonald's Matthew rhesus a chief executive of the China Britain Business Council is going to a 1000 members Mr Aris good morning just to go back a bit and how big is the trade between the u.k. And China how important is it to 2 u.k. Companies Well we're expecting the figures for 2019 as any 2 way trade is roughly $100000000000.00 us $1.01 3rd of that is. The other way and what and what are your members telling you a production facilities being closed what effect is it having on the ground I mean that is a concern right across China particularly in the 'd area RINGBACK where it's. Quite as we're dealing with a moment of very much focused on members trying to do the best for their teams are out getting getting them getting them home. Well in many cases you have to understand the expression stuff in there a long time will have Chinese artist Chinese families not not everybody wants to do that but they certainly want to help in getting plugged into the support that's available from the Chinese authorities from the u.k. Consular offices and what precautions a British company is taking presumably most of the middle suspended visits to men in China well most organizations are following very closely the regulations have been borne by the Chinese on extending the Chinese New Year holiday break so in many cases that means people are downing tools working from home until the 9th of February. And then also. Concerned to ensure that their teams have the supplies they need to operate safely we would have we're told by the governments from the British government terms of foreign office gardens What about governance from the from the Chinese government in terms of telling business is what needed to be done. I mean the response in this 2nd phase I would say is pretty effective and sticking closely to well Health Organization guidelines they're helping people to ensure that they have good controls that the Chinese system is very different from the it can be a little bit slow to kick in initially but but right now a huge resources are being brought to bear to solve problems and we're seeing that in particular with the construction of this emergency facilities deal with the cases and overnight some some analysts in America saying that perhaps this could knock 2 percent off Chinese g.d.p. Growth that would be a big event for the whole world economy. It would I mean that's probably towards the pessimistic end of the spectrum I would say I'm the some around less to saying it's going to be more like one sense going on trust and I would say that it's going to be very different in different sectors so we would expect the travel to resume it's ality sex it's the West because there's the areas where you can really recoup losses over the long term but in other areas as the recovery kicks in as. Controls starts to facts then you would hope that losses could be offset by mixing up demand in future thank you very much Matthew Reese from the China Britain Business Council a bit of breaking news before I go one of the biggest figures in the British car industry is stepping down. He's a chief executive of jet Jaguar Land Rover last few minutes the company's announce he's going to leave he's standing down September. Thank you Dominicans coming up to 25 minutes past 7 what's going to happen to the 300000 Brits many of them retired who live in Spain a lot of them don't know or seem to be confused about their rights post bricks it is our Europe Correspondent Damien Gresham Grammaticus now reports. On Spain's quest to blanket the sun is shining the sky is blue at the Emerald Isle restaurant the tables around the swimming pool of. Late isn't just going. To be here but it. May have a season. The crowd are all British Most live here in Norway where all have holiday homes where they spend months at a time you. Bought as they bask in the balmy temperatures beers in hand bricks it is all a lot of money and David whips out his blue European health cond Well my concern is the health side of things you know at the moment this is valid after Friday and what's going to happen with the nightly news worried about her pension but my concern is depends. You know Will it be index linked if I came in Spanish 1st and I don't know David and Eileen should be fine under the exit deal if you're retired and living in the new country you will still get health care and an operated pension The only condition you must register your residence in Spain for the end of 2020 Ian who visits from the u.k. Staying in his holiday home for 6 months each winter is concerned whether there will be limits on his stays in future you got no and you die you go back to you. And they come back again for another 90 days because 190 days in one go I don't know. I'm just waiting to see what you're going to happen you know and he may be right from 2021 u.k. Citizens will still be able to travel freely on holidays to Europe but each visit may have a time limit perhaps 90 days it's part of what has to be negotiated with the e.u. What will replace current free movement rules. And the worries extend far beyond the seaside cafes in Henri whaler 3 100000 u.k. Passport holders a resident in Spain one 3rd of pensioners but 2 thirds are not and will lose rights they now enjoy. Has been in Spain for 30 years she lives and works in Madrid her daughter Isabel was born here and is now at a Spanish University the exit deal will not preserve their right to move freely to work or study in all the e.u. Countries from next year so both decided to take up Spanish citizenship I think it's sad for people like myself who we've made our life here. And we still feel British in a lot of ways but what breaks my heart is the situation of young people it's not much just my children there's another 12000 British children who've been born in Spain and have British citizenship and that's a lot of people forget that others haven't been here long enough to be eligible for a Spanish passport like Matt Davis who believes Breck's it we a moment that constricts his choices I'm certainly not going to be celebrating it crying into my beer perhaps but Matt came to Spain looking for work he's ended up with a job a wife who's American and a corgi puppy called free playing on the sofa in their flat in Madrid. That can stay in a work in Spain however after this year faces losing his right to move freely to live or work in another European country he's worried that the way the u.k. Chooses to Treaty you citizens in future will rebound on people like him the u.k. Government is not going to allow your e.u. European citizens to get to move to the u.k. So easily or is like limit the amount of time they're allowed to live there while the same thing is going to happen to Brits or something very similar what upsets him most he says is that others won't have the chances he's had his better an amazing experience you know really very life enriching and yeah going to feel sad that people are not going to be able to pass on to have that opportunity in the future. Because reporting from Spain the time 29 minutes possum garrison of the sport morning to you details of Manchester City reaching the League Cup Final Coming up but 1st let's pop straight to the Australian Tennis Open correspondent Russell fuller watching the women semifinals Russell and the 2nd of those Gary could possibly be nearing its conclusion or lives being match between God being in the group of Spain and Simona Halep the Wimbledon champion and literally for now has 2 match points 1540 on the 56 with new group the having saved 4 set points in the 1st set to take it on a tie break the winner will play Sophia Kenyon a 21 year old from the United States and not the Strelley and hope in the world number one Ash Barty Kenyon winning 7675 in the 1st semifinal earlier today Roger Federer against Novak Djokovic to follow we hope although Federer's right groin which has been an injury concern is heavily Tate and news from overnight is that Joe Soulsby of Britain is into his 1st Grand Slam final of the doubles along with Rajiv ram of the states that was similar how to save in the 1st of 2 match points I tell you what Russell stay on the line for 1010 seconds let's just see if we can bring you much point we'll just stay with you just for a few seconds and see if we can bring you much point the magic number to so many different swings of momentum in this match Simona Halep surfer the 2nd set as well as having all those set points in the 1st 7 she's matchpoint down for the 2nd time as she serves at 3040 and she misses the 1st of Wimbledon champion she's been a French Open champion she's been a stray and Open runner up but she's matchpoint down for a 2nd time as the hits a powerful forehand good defense from Halak the forehand cross-court from the low volley from the Spaniard Howlett cross court and into the net and God being in the group for I has made it to the astray in Open final. And she's done it after a couple of years in the doldrums by her standards she's not out Simona Halep the 4th seed and she's won in straight sets and she will now place a fear 10 in the United States. The 21 year old will be playing in a 1st Grand Slam final in the final of the astray and open Saturday morning u.k. Time Russell Fuller thank you very much indeed let's talk to him Denis he was watching Manchester City play Manchester United in the League Cup since he went through United 11 nil in give us the story of the match and I know there was also some crowd trouble that wasn't yes I mean 1st of all with a production of it I always watch football of the. Sort it was the right the trouble last but wasn't physical However it's still course the headlights bristles throat. Sadly someone says the same supporters were still making era play gestures in reference to their units are disaster asked for gave a wreck all for any strike after 30 minutes or but it was that jeopardy at the 2nd goal would have at penalties issued a pretty profit for the gold ahead make several flights Google's course a route like Manchester City to go through over the 2 legs to reach a 3rd successive final thank you very much levels to know when at West Ham takes them 19 points clear at the top of the Premier League Sala Chamberlain schoolday goals Celtic's 3 nil win over sent Johnston leaves them 5 points clear of rangers who beat Ross County 2 nil ranges though have a game in hand Arsenal played Chelsea in the Women's League Cup semifinals Arsenal be mum City $21.00 Chelsea defeated Manchester United one nil the world indoor after the championships due to take place in China in March has been postponed for 12 months so fierce of the spread of the coronavirus and Wigan play Warrington in the 1st fixture of the new Super League season more on the rugby league in an hour here the tips they run at Wincanton 145 number 8 Dempsey idol to 20 number 8 was the farm thank you very much to me Gary if you missed any of our drama of the 2nd sleep this week you can catch up on b.b.c. Sounds I am a man of God Is this the world to advocate in George the latest novel by Robert Harris. I am charged as part of my kitties but the delivery of Father leases eulogy a post-apocalyptic Thriller he had a remarkable array of Bali was produced by that army of scholars who are dedicated their life to the study of the apocalypse read on b.b.c. Radio 4 by Michael Maloney The organization has been declared heretical and publications confiscated and publicly booed and get she was a set of the Society's works still extend the 2nd sleep by Robert Harris available now on b.b.c. Sounds but the weather rain in the Northwest is going to spread south and east as well will be patchy rain across the south a mist of the afternoon it'll be mild your listening to today already for which as the weather Nick Robinson 26 minutes to 8 Diana speed has a summary of the knees the chancellor 30 job it is to throw his support behind h s 2 the high speed rail way line ahead of a key meeting today with Boris Johnson and other senior ministers the project which was set up to run faster trains between London Birmingham and northern England has been under fire since it was relieved revealed rather that costs had almost doubled to more than 100000000000. Around 200 Britons are still stranded in the Chinese city at the center of the current virus outbreak because their evacuation flight has been delayed the Foreign Office said there had been complications getting permission from the Chinese government the number of confirmed deaths in China now stands at 170 with the virus spreading to every region of the country's mainland. The b.b.c. Has learned that Lady Scotland the secretary general of the Commonwealth has been criticised by internal auditor's for awarding a lucrative contract to a consultancy company run by a friend the Commonwealth audit committee accused of circumventing the usual competitive tendering rules by giving the work to a firm owned by a fellow Labor peer Lord Patel of Bradford a to Scotland's lawyers insist the decision was fully justified and complied with procurement procedures at the time car production in the u.k. Fell by almost 15 percent last year to its lowest level since 2010 the industry body the Society of Motor Manufacturers and traders says factory shutdowns in it in anticipation of bricks that were partly to blame it's warning of a further decline this year figures obtained by the b.b.c. Show that a 1000 prison officers in England and Wales took time off work in the 12 months to the end of March 29th teen because of stress the number absent because of anxiety or depression was 807 times as many as 2 years earlier the Prison Service says they have access to trauma support occupational health advice and counseling 24 hours a day. A new survey suggests one in 2 British children sleep with their mobile phones beside their bed the child Y's report also found the average age for getting a phone has fallen to 7 thank you Diana 24 minutes to 8 is Boris Johnson on the brink of backing h.s. To this morning hours of the chancellor a brief the media that he know backs the plan to build the high speed rail link meant to cut journey times and increase capacity on the routes between London and Birmingham Manchester and Leeds this despite the fact that Johnson's chief aide Dominic Cummings has described as a disaster zone as the budget soles and looks set to double to over 100000000000 pounds there is a causal 0 opposition from those whose homes and villages are on the route all reports are Catherine stanch Yes it has been to hope that just north of Stafford I'm Jim Brown Bullivant and I live in Kings drive Hopton and I'm fast chairman of the parish council So just describe where the line is going to Guy it's going to get across the fields right through the center of the other side of the hedge here that hedge we can see down the block. And go to the left of the show ground and your house has been on the market for how long to yes how many people have been known. Just wondering what I suppose you'd call the main road through hopped in all the way to tiny little lane and just bumped into neighbors' camera McCulloch and Ray Bassett How long did you live to carry I've lived here for about 20 years 77 years 77 years yes born and bred for a brad your opinion then of h.s.t. It's just going to decimate health and age it already has for you is we've the whole hall to the village has been ripped out we've yet to say the countryside ripped apart around us but that is about to happen having lived in the village all these years we never thought to come to that and I was saying and the saying is if it out and as long as it's not in our backyard but he gave his speech in everyone's backyard in Hopton Well it's in many people's backyards not least in Buckie and let's speak now to the new conservative m.p. For bucking Greg Smith who not surprisingly baps is opposed to h.s.t. Morning g m is this very morning how angry your constituents extremely angry has to rips through the middle of Buckinghamshire as a whole not just my constituency and we have many people who are already turfed out of their homes having incidentally not been paid for those homes farms cut into villages decimated but I think this case is twofold one is the environmental destruction which is outrageous especially in Buckinghamshire where there is no benefit whatsoever for local people no stop no ability to use this line but bigger than that is the un affordability of h s 2 the Lord Barclays review found that actually for every pound spent we're only going to get 60 p. Back but I'm the last there's augments already the Charles was allies or briefing the newspapers and the b.b.c. Today that he looked at the figures he's looked at the alternatives and has concluded reluctantly Babs that this is good value for money well a long. With many colleagues in the House of Commons from all over the country many of whom actually are not anywhere near the root of h s 2 we continue to make the case that hey chess too is the wrong project and actually what we need is to spend the money on local commuter routes particularly connecting the east and west of the North of England connecting the Midlands to the north instead we're not against infrastructure we're just saying that he chest too is the wrong project it goes along the wrong route at a cost that frankly the nation can't afford as a newly elected conservative m.p. You'll be more aware of this the most the politics of this would be extraordinarily difficult wouldn't it a prime minister who says he's committed to big schemes and infrastructure to transforming the country to levelling up the north of England and you're saying to him Why do you cancel the biggest scheme designed to do just that well what the h.s. To review group which has many new northern Conservative M.P.'s on it are saying is that instead of paychecks to we can do great things that will really improve people's lives local commuter routes in Midlands and northern towns and cities big improvements to those electrification of lines that will increase capacity and be better for the environment as one of the factors forgive me one of the factors that center have swayed the people who are now back in the cabinet is that the chief executive of Network Rail according to The Financial Times has warned ministers in a letter that it would cost 15000000000 pounds or more to upgrade the Northern Rail network if you didn't have a jesting but the point that we would make back to that is how we actually improving people's lives and talking to some of my new colleagues in the north of England from rather Valley to Louis they're saying this actually what their constituents are crying out for is the improvements to those local commuter links the ability to get to work faster particularly in the north and the midlands a real test of this Mr Smith's origin. Just a little is whether you as a brand new conservative m.p. Those others you mention the north in the end the real test is he willing to defeat your own government because that's what happens even when governments have large majorities people like you have to find their and say we're going to vote whatever the whips tell us that they know I was very clear in the general election campaign that I'm opposed to h s 2 it is absolutely wrong for my constituency and I believe it to be wrong for the country as well and I made very clear commitments in the general election that come what may I will oppose h s 2 what I really want to get on with is convincing government that there are better projects that we can deliver that will improve people's lives understood Greg Smith m.p. For Burr Buckingham thanks for coming in 80 minutes to 8 is the time it's a look at the paper's news websites and pictures in the Sun and The Daily Mirror vill the desperate measures that people in China are adopting to avoid becoming infected with the coronavirus including wearing huge plastic water cooler bottles and pallet in bags over their heads the New York Times reports of people in the u.s. Are panic buying and hoarding protective facemasks which health experts are warning could make an outbreak more likely it says a shortage of health care staff at risk of infection according to the I newspaper the u.k. Pharmacies are also sending out despite the World Health Organization advising that the mass actually offer little protection as the virus continues to spread around mainland China herself China Morning Post reveals that dozens of nurses in Hong Kong have refused to work in protest at the response to the outbreak many said to be upset at the refusal to close all border crossings to stop the spread of the virus the Telegraph's China correspondent Sophie yen offers a snapshot of life when dong province where stores are shuttered supermarkets low on stock she speaks to a woman who stepmother died after showing symptoms of the virus but having never been tested for it she says it shows the scale of the problem remains fall greater than the Chinese authorities of yet acknowledged their Foreign Office spokesman tells The Guardian that it's Angele pressing Beijing to allow Jill nationals to leave the country we're hearing about one of these cases earlier in the program. Inside the British family members the Daily Mail's resident g.p. Warns of plans to fly u.k. Citizens home or reckless he says because of the high potential for transmission between passengers the Daily Mirror welcomes the decision to bring northern royal into public ownership and says the rest of the railway should be nationalized too but the Telegraph argues that British Rail failed because it was starved of central government cash that serves agrees that nationalization will not fix the problem with the network only significant upgrades to infrastructure can do that tributes a paid to the Last Battle of Britain a swing command a pool fans who died yesterday at age 101 the Daily Express reports that as a sergeant pilot he was awarded the highest honor the noncommissioned officers the Distinguished Flying medal for Murari f. Navigator John Mickel said he knew him as a quiet modest man who was adamant he didn't do anything heroic and another unassuming Air Force veteran is featured in several papers lovely story this follow his appearance on the u.s. Version of Antiques Road Show the mirror says the man was bowled over when a Rolex watch that he bought for just 260 pounds in the 1970s quite a lot of money back then was valued narrow at wait for it more than hundreds of a 1000000 pounds the timepiece was identified as a rebel similar to one more by Paul Newman in the 1969 film Winning a male of the former and called David promptly swore and fade the time just coming up to quarter to 8 this weekend marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Bertrand Russell English philosopher and win of the Nobel Prize we've discovered or uncovered I should say a remarkable find from within his archive never before heard recordings Russell and his American wife Edith discussing Well all sorts of things here's a media editor a Russian. But Russell was probably the most influential and prolific public intellectual in Britain in the 20th century a philosopher 1st and social critic 2nd he was in 1948 the 1st wreath an extra addressing in an era shaped by to tell a Tarion isn't or 30 and the individual present predicament more than anything else is the fact that we have learned to understand. Anything the forces of Ni-Cads ideas but not those the dark embodied you know. We have on Earth previously on her preserve within Russell's post new archive in the later stages of his life under the influence of his American wife Edith Russell acquired a real to Rio Tandberg tape recorder here they are discussing the merits of such modern technology it seems to be. A piece of a d.v.d. That we sure have a short can record through which you play it back you're saying in fact it. Has Been you cannot be done if you want to short. Because past still and then you see you play it over again it is now I started to journey do it when this is now wiping out whatever they have been. In uncovering these recordings we hear Russell as never before sharing personal stories sometimes boredom being perhaps a little too revealing. Quinary just like a younger man than I am now I reached maturity to debating. Some more curious things sometimes happen to me he made. It to the country pretty. Stuck need. I found the pragmatist it on the big issues in the 916. Even just beating little or not would mean prison. And I found it increasingly difficult to preserve the dignity that I could we could show up at such an occasion when I have not this your clothing on me so that we had a very patient conversation what sometimes forgotten about Russell is that for a man who pronounce on the most serious and grave subjects of his time he also had a wonderful sense of humor when I lived in China. I found the Cheney sense of humor extraordinarily congenial to me when rather hot day to chinese be nice clean both of them somewhat copulated invited me to spend a day in the country motoring with him we too busy to be famous viddy go to. Pre-Christian a shame what Libby can dish there is it. Is a cup and a wig expecting him to show me a week to duck but I sure there would be nearly any conversation when I got down again oh shit why didn't you. And it will be with me. Show you Mitch pro and con will we should go for it we should not create a shady it should go down and make it a moment crumble be it. Do we need a show. And of course a little truth which is pretty good when it was hot and they were recorded at his home in North Wales many decades ago these tapes are part of Russell's personal archive alongside old suits smoking pipes letters and artworks they are kept by the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation which he formed in 1063 to continue his work for peace human rights and social justice ministry and it. Wonderful report there from a moron and that was great fun it is now 11 minutes to 8 and it's time for thought for the day the speaker was deeded this morning is the road to redeem but what good morning in these last days of our economic union with Europe I took a road trip through northern France crossing via the Channel Tunnel of Cali the journey had a valedictory quality it was a sort of farewell marking a period of history that will come to an end tomorrow when a new date will find itself in the textbooks and future schoolchildren will write essays explaining its causes and what it means. Leaving cali a city once ruled by the English for 200 years we had south just a few miles into the flat fields of Picotee you feel the presage of other historic events of battles of Amy Ridge and the Saum and older conflicts at Agincourt and Cressy and the various sites of treaties and truces including the train carriage at Comp Ain which was used to end the 1st World War and then 20 years later to mark the occupation of Paris when we get to Paris we pass the stud to France where in a few days in English and French rugby teams will be locked in a different kind of union smashing 7 bells out of each other for 80 minutes before embracing after the game later we pause before Rodin's famous thinker wondering what he makes of it all while he gazes back at a bronze cast of the burghers of Kalai who settled the 100 Years War by offering themselves as scapegoats back then the English showed mercy and later erected a copy of the statue outside the Houses of Parliament a reminder of all that pulls us together and pushes us apart indeed heading back through Normandy history continues to whisper in our ear giving us a perspective look what you've seen in just this stretch of land 2 world wars 50 years of economic union Normans invading England Englishman invading Normandy from Doomsday to D.-Day in our struggle to preserve or reclaim the distinctive features of our nation it seems we have for centuries been invading and retreating forming unions and then divorcing trying to be both a part of and apart from this continent and never permanently landing on one or the other near our journey's end we stop off at rule to see it's beautiful cathedral this place is a physical reminder of another kingdom one which transcends national boundaries a kingdom in which people of all nations are included a symbol of a different kind of country where people experience a different kind of sovereignty. And it Cally we reached the tunnel that takes us back to our island home and it feels that the witness and testimony of all this history has confirmed something although we are a nation set apart by geography we have always been and still are a part of something much bigger. That was thought for the day with a redeemer of the time no 8 minutes to 8 Boris Johnson says it's vital that we have the best technology infrastructure but equally vital that we do nothing to imperil our relationship with United States or nation shit that encompasses security but of course also cost trade and potentially a far reaching trade deal can we have our cake and eat it too Mike compare the Us secretary of state is in London and has been lobbying for a rethink on the Chinese company while ways access to the British 5 g. Networks of the future it's a position that has considerable support in Congress where there's deep suspicion of Chinese motives and deep disappointment that Britain's decision Congressman Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin this one of the rising stars of the Republican Party is a Princeton graduate a full Marine intelligence officer he told me what impact he thought the British government's decision was going to have I do think this is going to make it difficult to continue the close intelligence sharing partnership that we developed over the last few decades and secondly I think it's going to make it difficult to consummate a post-breakfast gold standard trade agreement between our 2 countries which we both think wants very much and then I guess looming in the distance is this question of we're going to wake up 10 years sure now and realize we've allowed the Chinese Communist Party to dominate the global telecommunications market such that neither of our countries or Western alternatives will be able to compete for 6 g. And beyond so there is a lot of bipartisan concern here in the United States as a result of this decision is it about trade and trade balances and the ability then of China to be dominant in trade more than it is about the actual nuts and bolts of what. A in a 5 g. Network could do. Why do you think any immediate It is about assuring the integrity of your 5 g. Network and assuring you. Sovereignty over your own data and by extension the digital economy and we've had numerous reports whether it's The Wall Street Journal's exposé Weiwei actual training data from the African Union headquarters in Ethiopia whether it's something called a finite state's reports which suggests the obvious that wildly is an appendage of the Chinese Communist Party and I just would say that I don't claim to be a technical expert the idea that we could isolate the core from the periphery I do think misunderstands the way 5 g. Networks work I guess it's possible that the British experts are right and the experts in Australia and the us are wrong I understand our networks are not identical but there is an immediate counterintelligence concern but over the long term I do think what this is all about is the c.c.p. Wanting to dominate the global telecommunications market giving them an enormous leverage going forward and eventually made in China 2025 building everything domestically and forcing foreign competitors out of business you mentioned the impact it might have on a future trade agreement between Britain and the u.s. In practical terms are you suggesting that Congress because of this might block such a deal. I do worry about that I think there's an enormous enthusiasm at least among myself I think my Republican colleagues go also my Democratic colleagues now that you've negotiated an exit an exit from the European Union to come up with the gold standard trade agreement but I think a foundation of that given the way the modern economy is built on the internet would have to be an agreement on excluding companies like y. That are beholden to potentially competitive and hostile foreign governments from those networks and so I really do worry that this could complicate opposed to trade agreement and so my understanding is that there is a some process of parliamentary review I'm still trying to understand that just watching this from afar but I hope that when my colleagues like a very smart and savvy Tom to can at what I think has been a leading voice very clear on this issue when he has a chance to continue making an argument I hope some of his parliamentary colleagues will listen to him and hopefully we can reverse this decision has it though about global politics more than it is about anything else and I come back to this point about the balance of power actually Robin just try to just general world public tween China and the rest and the view of the Republican Party uncertain if the trumpet ministration that China's must be kept down and that actually that is what is at the core of this decision rather than any particular if they're about intelligence or trade. I put it slightly differently I would say it's neither It's not a Republican thing or a Trump thing to suggest that China is our performance competitor and we believe the foremost competitor and long term threat for the free world and Western aligned countries and of course that includes our closest allies like u.k. Australia Canada and New Zealand and I think it's obvious if you just read what General sectors are paying public way that Chinese vision for the future of the world is dramatically different than the decision that we would like to see in concert with our British allies so I do think it's a gee it is a geo political question but it's not a partisan question Mike Gallacher Congressman Mike Gallacher thank you very much for talking to us it's now 3 minutes doing time for the what they used but thank you very much Nic good morning often to be about to embark on their morning commute so the good news is it's not as chilly is it was yesterday morning it's all cloudy of though and for some that's going to be some rain today and increasingly strong winds particularly the northern half the country still lets up the details in Scotland shall we where we do have plenty of cloud to stop those the morning or breaks of rain now becoming quite extensive in the far north and west of the country some of that become heavy at times through this morning and early afternoon always a very dry to the east of Scotland that is here with the best chance of some sunshine at times Mari furtherance of the danger and Angus but as the wind picks up into the afternoon widespread gales through the afternoon towards evening rush hour gusts even 5060 miles an hour could break up the cloud a bit more so there will be a little bit more sunshine to compensate for those strong blustery winds temps as high than yesterday at around 7 to 11 degrees a multi-day as well phonecalls and I lent him plenty this morning some outbreaks of rain or drizzle around from late morning on with the looking little bit draw a little bit brighter times to with some sunshine breeze picking up maybe touching gale force around northern coast but nothing untoward high of around 12 for Northwest England the West Midlands southwest England southeast England and all of Will's a fairly cloudy day outbreaks of rain at times heaviest toward some southern coastal counties through the morning and the afternoon stay fairly cloudy for most of any sunshine between well 10 to 14 and for north east England East Midlands and standeth largely drawing a height of 12. That's right but next week on b.b.c. Radio 4 there's drama a body in the snow or if she was you know someone else a find and they can of the bother of it annoys the people who knew her it's really snowing and I'm starting to feel quite worried the people she knew didn't marry him just tell us where she miscarried because she's on this mission a story in 10 parts from the award winning Katie him others seem to have any obvious that it is the cult isn't that 24 killed a road on b.b.c. Radio 4 next Monday to Friday morning at 1045 'd. In the next hour more music a musical debut I am. Sure it all. We will be speaking to 4 year old phone and we'll also be hearing from the former Welsh international Gareth Thomas You're listening to the day on Radio 4 Nick Robinson and Justin Webb.

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