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Will happen one day they'll be my we don't have any side effects victims of a shooting in Canada last year filed a class action lawsuit against Smith and Wesson the American maker of the pistol used in the rampage 2 people died and 13 were injured when a man opened fire in a busy street in Toronto the class action alleges that the gun maker should have had safety features such as fingerprint recognition to prevent it being used by an authorized users seeking $115000000.00 in damages. You're listening to the world news from the b.b.c. Japan's Foreign Ministry has demanded the early release of 5 fishermen detained by Russian authorities on Tuesday officials said the men and their boats were seized by Russian border guards and taken to the island of could not surely which is under Russian control Japanese media reported that the men had been fishing for octopuses under an accord between the 2 countries but were intercepted over alleged discrepancies between the volume of their catch and what they had recorded in their boats log books President Trump has described impeachment proceedings against him as an attempt to coupe by Democrats accusing them of declaring war on America's democracy in a 6 page letter to the Democratic Party's speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi Mr Trump compared his treatment to that of the victims of the 17th century Salem Witch Trials Peter Bode has more the president has repeatedly refused to for example allow some of his senior aides in the White House to be witnesses and to be cross-examined to allow relevant documents to release from the White House so it has been very one sided so far but it seems by the president's choice and this letter really is quite angry in turn in fact a lot of people here Mike of described it as a letter on White House headed paper that simply reads like a collection of his angry tweets. A fight at a prison in Panama left at least 12 inmates dead and several others injured police said they had confiscated 8 guns when they managed to enter the jail and more evidence has been found off the Mexican coast that could confirm how the Spanish conquered Mexico 500 years ago after a 2 year search of the ocean floor off the coast of their crew state Mexican and u.s. Archaeologists have found 2 on ship anchors which they believe belong to Spanish ships. B.b.c. News. Hello I'm Gerri and this is Outlook the home of personal stories on the b.b.c. World Service a little later we'll be meeting a Costa Rican toucan who's become a celebrity because of his prosthetic beak and we'll hear from the man who cast than. You could feel that the animal understood what we were doing you could pick him up measure him and put on the prosthetic and he would start to sing. How do you interpret that I felt that the animal was saying thank you. Gracie and Ronald coming up a little later but 1st as when heading towards Christmas when Christians celebrate the birth of the American child we thought this story might intrigue you it concerns a Canadian family a Catholic family who suffered a terrible tragedy when they were involved in a car crash it was July 1955 the glance welcome to visit relatives some distance away in the car with mom dad and their 3 daughters the youngest of whom Gail was just 3 months old a drunk driver crashed into them everyone was injured Gail very badly and she died a few weeks later in hospital a mother's grief was unbearable and the doctor suggested having another child might ease the pain she embraced the idea completely she'd been so distraught almost in a kind of mad grief at the time my mother felt that this might be a way for God to answer her prayers she'd been praying and praying and praying for her baby to get better and her baby a died and this somehow opened up a new possibility which is that her baby could come back to her and she got pregnant very soon after completely convinced that this was how God had intend. Had all along to answer her prayers so your mom decided she would pray and not just pray but pray for the baby she'd last to be born again effectively it wasn't just that she wanted to be pregnant again have another baby she wanted Gail pack. Exactly right I don't think she was hankering after a new baby she was she just wanted that baby back again and she did get pregnant very very soon after she got pregnant very soon after and she was immediately passionately convinced that Gail was coming back that Gail was literally in her stomach growing again and this remarkable thing I mean the pregnancy I think she even sees a doctor during that pregnancy does she have things just so smooth uneasy a monk goes into labor and appears to soften no pain she in fact doesn't go into labor My mother was alone in the hospital checked in they checked her over and were shocked to find that she was fully dilated and according to her she hadn't experienced a twinge of discomfort or pain in fact she laughed when they said you're fully dilated. And a little go was I mean Mom was right it was going to be a go. And a little girl who looked a lot like Gail looked at dentical to Gail according to my mother the exact same birth weight dark haired all the things that my mother in fact told the doctor she was expecting the same face and she called a little go she called the little girl Dell it was it was Gail she already had a name and that baby. I was you that baby was me. When you was growing up what were you told about who us well from my earliest memory I knew about the accident in the family album there were pictures of the front of the smashed car there was a picture of my parents on crutches and casts and my mother had a terrible gash on her face and she still had the very prominent scar across her cheek I knew about that and there was also a photograph on top of the t.v. Set a lovely colorized photo of my father with a baby on his knee and on that photograph on the upper right side was Gail go land my earliest memory of my mother going through the story and telling me the story in a way that really sank into me and made sense to me I would say I was about 4 years old and I think it was the 1st time I understood that according to her my birth had been a miracle that I had died presumably spent you know 9 months in heaven and then had come back down. And this was a miracle that God had performed for my mother because she had prayed so fervently and when a story sank in when you were about 4 years old did you interpret it as thinking what if that was a miracle than I am a miracle child yes is the short answer my 1st real emotional response was a kind of euphoric sense of happiness and pride and a kind of humility as well that I had a sense that I had been chosen I felt incredibly lucky like wow this is so special so amazing and the most important person in my life was the one who saw me this way so this created a sort of a perfect bond between you and you'll you have miracle Yeah I mean 1st of all I I really cancelled out one of the most horrible things a person can go through I think which is to lose their child I think my birth took that pain away for a while and yeah I had 2 other sisters but I had the sense that I was her favorite I was the special one it was a kind of blessid feeling bless it in a purely religious sense as well as a sort of metaphorical sense no I don't think I was making much of a separation we had an in chance Lee Catholic childhood home I had braced the Magical Thinking of that form of Catholicism completely My mother had been educated in a residential convent school her mother had died young and she'd been raised by nuns. I believed passionately myself in the religion in God in the blessid Virgin Mary my favorite the angels and the Saints and everything but I believed in my mother every bit as much as I believed in religion certainly my mother telling me this was the gospel truth and you told her that you wanted to be a nun when you grew up it was watching an old movie called The Song of Bernadette on a Sunday afternoon we used to gather around the t.v. Set and it made a huge impression on me it was a young girl to whom the blessid Virgin Mary was appearing because she was somehow special she was somehow annoying to it by God she had some role that she was meant to play in life and of course as she got older Bernadette became a nun and so she was my 1st role model not only did I feel that I must be meant to be a nun in other words not to have a normal life but also you know if possible to do something that would impact the whole world for the better this sense that you had that you were destined to be important to the world in some way and also so special to you will. How did that go down with you older sisters. I don't think it went down that well on the one hand they also assumed that I was the other gale on the other hand they looked at me sideways I'm sure wondering why I didn't strike them as more special and certainly my 2nd sister just a couple of years older than me I felt from a very early age she just hated me we haven't mentioned jewel dad did he also write as though you were the author Gail that you were the baby reborn I have no memory of that because he was very distant he worked horribly long hours my mother ran the phone for the family she was the boss in the family and she kept us all you know on the straight and narrow after the age of 4 when you sort of really got to grips with this idea that you were you Gayle reborn What was your relationship with the other Gail Well I was the other Gail I was the other Gail after the accident she was Gail before the accident I was kill after the oxygen you feel yourself as being the other Gale I did initially and I felt I'd been in a car accident and it's it was seemed obvious to me that I obviously had been thrown against the dashboard of a car and spent you know weeks alone in a strange hospital and and and eventually died but it didn't last didn't last beyond when I did things don't change I think as I became increasingly aware that I wasn't perfect I became aware that I was socially anxious I didn't feel I was made of the right stuff to become famous and very important saint I somehow felt that I couldn't live up to the expectations that I thought were kind of reasonable to expect from someone who had been brought back from the dead there had to be some purpose in my. Life and I didn't I didn't feel up to it a worry if that size for a little cone must be quite enormous that somehow you feel you failing at your divine Tosk in bed at night in the dark I worried sick I mean other children might be afraid of the bogeyman or monsters under the bed or ghosts I was worried that the pleasant Virgin Mary was going to appear in the corner of my bedroom and ask me at the time it was early sixty's asked me to go and convert Russia from atheism you know to to convert Russia back to the Catholic Church somehow in my head that was probably job one at that time I had a terrible fear of apparitions that would change my life forever that I would have to become the person I was meant to be and to the other Gail fit into this sort of ghostly these apparitions she did eventually my strongest memory of beginning to see her as a ghost specifically it was around the time I was 12 years old through the summer I would go to mass daily by myself and hang on every word I was losing myself in that kind of religious reality and maybe you know it was because adult hood was looming and I knew there would be trouble but what was happening around that time as I began to imagine the other Gail as a ghost living under my bed and I began to imagine that she was my secret sister she was my kind of doppelganger but living in a parallel life in a different dimension she was a year older than me because that made sense to me she was an inch taller but she was needy she was under the bed she wanted to stay under the bed and only I knew she was there and I used to go through the store catalogs picking out clothes for her because she. Needed a wardrobe so I guess in some ways I was also treating her as a living Dall you know at that point it was obvious that there'd been a big rupture and I was no longer the continuation of the baby Gail was psychological impact at that haven't you do you think you can but I think in my bones I felt haunted and feeling haunted the idea that somebody is there but not there it's like you're seeking something out of the corner I that others aren't seeing and you're questioning yourself about whether you really saw it or not that feeling of self-doubt and feeling alone in the thought of that feeling and I know in that you felt different Yeah did you speak to him about this no not a word we slowly stopped talking openly by the time I was starting school no one really talked about the other Gail and I didn't you said it a bit earlier that you could sense that all what was looming and that there would be trouble and indeed people to hit and there was trouble and you got interested in boys which wasn't great if you want to be a nun and he got you fast boyfriend and your mum caught you casing in the car one day things didn't go well now that's when I realised even though we hadn't been talking that this had never gone away she could be heard and intimidating and terrifying anyway when she lost her temper she was pretty tough but the anger and I walked in the door and she was standing there waiting for me and the 1st thing that came out of her mouth was and we thought you were going to be a nun It was a horrible horrible moment it was like. Everything I could possibly have done to screw up my life and my destiny given to me after all by gawd I had ruined everything worse I had taken for granted this gift and I through a kind of a terrible weakness of the flesh sacrifice it Innes in a way I was angry at her because I knew my girl friends were all making out in cars and I knew on some level this was normal behavior but at at the same time when I went upstairs and was again crying in my room I also felt that this wasn't the way my life was supposed to go and I felt in that moment that irreparable damage had been done to my relationship with my mother that my mother didn't love me the way she had can and rolled at university where she studied theology and philosophy of religion and she began for the 1st time to really analyze the Bible I took a course that required me to read the 4 gospels side by side I mean one after the other it started off as surprising and intriguing the degree to which the 4 gospels had different styles and often had slightly different content but what really hit me and it unfortunately only hit me hard like you know a mallet on my head on Christmas Eve is that the nativity story only occurs in 2 of the 4 gospels and they their only overlap up to a point somehow it suddenly hit me that these 2 stories that Christmas is based on was probably based on a kind of mythology and probably wasn't actually true and I'm sure that this is something that's vaguely occurred to all kinds of people in a fairly relaxed way over the course of their life but in my case it was completely devastating and I think probably because if the miracle birth of Jesus wasn't really true. Why would my story be true. How did that then change your view of yourself and the other Gail you know I started thinking about the other Gail differently again I never questioned my mother saying that she hadn't had labor pain and that we looked identical I never really questioned those facts they seemed like facts to me it was what you did with those facts and once I started university I started slowly thinking that in fact I had just been reincarnated and I think that was in the 7 late seventy's where Hollywood was having some fun with films about reincarnation especially in horror movies you know I started thinking that I had been reincarnated from my sister I use this as my excuse to myself as to why it took me so long to get my driver's license because I was the reincarnation of a car accident victim and somehow that secularized my story in a way that took a lot of pressure off me it's not my fault I was reincarnated I felt at that point I was able to go back to a sense that there was a continuity between the 2 of us that we were the same person in a way but not in some heavy miraculous a way so it worked for me for a while and now you're able to go about life without being perfect you're able to break up with boyfriends and get married and well sadly you would think because you're right I did feel I could have a normal life which felt wonderful I mean getting engaged and eventually getting married felt amazing it felt normal in the most beautiful way but the problem was that I still was really pretty obsessed about how my mother felt about me how with that impacts on you and your behavior and you know your sense of self it's switched from feeling that I had to be a nun or had to be a saint to feeling that I had to excel. Academically and that's what happened I became sickly obsessed with my grades in university with my academic performance and she was so proud of me I felt she was so proud of me in fact for the 1st time in such a long time since I'd been a child I felt enormous approval as I brought home scholarships and you and you were to Greece and so on and you started on a doctorate but then things start to go so well in your marriage you have a somebody breaks down and you give up your doctorate and suddenly there you are again you are. In fact cause you failed in the eyes of your mum and had a very difficult conversation with her around that time I think yeah I was sitting at the kitchen table and she she finally said maybe I made a mistake naming you Gayle and I honestly it was like. It was like a stroke in my head the visceral panic that I felt when she said that because all I think I could feel was that I hadn't lived up to my name somehow that I'd let her down so profoundly and it was a nightmare it wasn't until much later that you thought well maybe. Maybe that's not exactly what she meant Yeah that was really in the days that she was near death and just after she died that I I noticed that the photograph of the other Gail as a baby on my father's knee was still up on the wall and I was staring at it and I saw in the upper right corner where it said Gail gland I saw this little line between the Gail and the Glanton I took it down from the wall and took the photograph out of it some frame and I saw something that I'd never seen before because it was hidden by the frame and what I saw was the middle name of the other Gail which was Marie mind middle name was Bernice I felt in that moment I felt that I was being ripped into. And it was an incredibly searing and beautiful kind of pain if felt amazing I felt for the 1st time in my life that my mother did see me as my own person and in her mind at some point in her life she was thinking of the other gale as Gail Marie when you say felt ripped into you why why Ripton to you what was so significant about your mom inserting the middle name when I saw Gail Marie I suddenly felt that she had renamed the other Gail it was like being Siamese twins separated for the 1st time it felt like somebody had finally cut us in 2 and let us be 2 separate genuinely 2 separate people suddenly I felt that my mother had actually loved me as well all along but this was just off the sheet die it was the day after she died well you have been able to to have some kind of reconciliation with your mum some coming together after this you know terrible fording out in the couple of years before she died especially when she was big had cancer we leaned foreheads to each other for the very 1st time I told her I loved her for the very 1st time she told me she loved me and the feeling of mutual acceptance was complete and then I went with her to all or chemo appointments and I became I became the daughter I wish I could have been all along having been free of death again. How has that affected you'll identity. Well I feel a lot more normal and average now but I would say I feel like a superstitious atheist my life remains really saturated with superstitions I've written 2 books about ghosts I still love in the sense of I'm just kind of damned to live that sense of what it means to feel haunted but to be honest I feel like an ordinary Joe I mean to put it and it is that good it's a huge relief although like all the other ordinary people out there gee I wish I could do something special once in a while. Put it it doesn't have the same feeling of all the occasion. And coming to see herself as a unique person and discovering the freedom of being average She's written a book about her life cooled the changeling back and. You're listening to the b.b.c. World Service and the voice of one of the brightest and most tragic movie stars of Hollywood's golden era she wore sworn in as the great entertainers of the 20th century Judy Garland was a best before whatever worked with I'll tell you that I'm in a salad bar and if this is Jesus find a way now join acting many's the way I take great pleasure in prison I mean if you're a god I'm waiting for you here. Because you separate the women from the myth she was catapulted into the limelight you're under freezing at the top and lonely or else you're surrounded by people who are not truthful just behind the scenes a personal life spiraled out of control she was a person dollars The future was just a complete nervous wreck with a nice to see what she was given the opportunity Judy the final rainbow today at the empty. When a toucan was brought to a rescue center in Costa Rica with its beak destroyed the vet still put down the toucan was trying to pick up something it looked like he was thirsty so I went and got a cup put some water in it and I put it out in front of him when I saw the animal trying to drink the water I was completely moved because he was fighting to live how could we not give him a chance how to give a bird a new beak I doubt after this. B.b.c. News with Mick Kelly in a highly unusual verdict that is being seen as a victory for the me too movement in Japan a civil court in Tokyo has awarded damages to a complainant in a rape case she says she was raped by a prominent former t.v. Presenter Noriyuki Yamaguchi in 2015 he denied any wrongdoing and launched a counter suit for libel but this was rejected by the court he's being ordered to pay damages Taiwan's foreign minister Joseph who has argued that the island requires additional support from Democratic allies to stand up to increase diplomatic and economic pressure from communist China Mr Hu said the world was waking up to the rising threat from Beijing doctors in Britain are the 1st in the world to trial a new way of delivering chemotherapy which could make it more effective and the to fewer side effects for cancer patients the hospital near London is testing acoustic caster therapy which uses ultrasound waves to target tumors without attacking nearby healthy cells President Trump has said House Democrats will be declaring war on American democracy if they vote to him the vote to impeach him in an irate letter to top Democrat Nancy Pelosi he describes proceedings against him as an attempted coup the president compared his treatment to that of the victims of the 17th century Salem Witch Trials the president of Costa Rica has requested urgent international aid for Nicaraguan refugees. In his country Alvarado said Costa Rica had received almost 80000 refugee applications since a political crisis erupted in Nicaragua and I pulled last year and archaeologists have identified 2 royal tombs in Greece containing Jorian artifacts dating back more than 3000 years the finds include a ring depicting 2 bulls flanked by shaves a barley and an amulet b.b.c. News Hello I'm Josh and deal with Outlook I don't know if you can picture a toucan that extraordinary looking tropical but maybe 40 different species but they have one thing in common the most amazing beak huge in proportion to its body and often a bright orange or yellow green outlooks Clayton Khan has been to Costa Rica to meet a tick and Greste Yeah he's becomes they've a celebrity so. It seems like every rescued bird here at the zoo r.v. Animal rescue center just outside of Costa Rica's capital San Jose is trying to outdo its neighbor by screeching squawking or singing louder. Yet there is one bird that is unusually quiet it is a young 2 camp that has a berry distinct injury and who scored and moved to Costa Rica cool. As Ronald the bird expert here and who is working one feat for morning back in January of 2015 when an official of Costa Rica's Environmental Ministry hurriedly showed up with the injured bird and made him up but when out of veterinary and I was working that they called me to see this to come. Generally when a bird comes in they call me because I have more than 30 years experience working here and I have seen many cases the bird was a male chest not man the blood to can it's long yellow Burgundy and brown upper Beak had been purposely crushed and completely amputated Ronald in the vets at Zoo ave were aghast they had never seen such a dramatic case of animal cruelty before and were prepared to put the bird down that was until Ronald noticed that the 2 can had some unexpected spunk and energy. To me I wanted the toucan was trying to pick up something it looked like he was thirsty so I went and got a cup put some water in it and I put it out in front of him when I saw the animal trying to drink the water that's when it really hit my soul I was completely moved because he was fighting to live how could we not give him a chance in all of Ronald's 3 decades of work rescuing animals he had never come across a bird in such bad shape with such a seemingly strong desire to live he was not prepared to let it die him is it rides that get beyond the veterinarian asked me. What do you think when she said she had everything ready to put it down she even had the syringe in hand but I told you give me a minute don't put it to sleep yet the team managed to stop the bleeding of the injury of the 2 can speak give it some water and take a moment to collect their thoughts that's when Ronald have token Lee came up with an idea. Why don't we make the bird a beak. I didn't even say prosthetic I said Baek everyone asked me how we could do it and I just said I have no idea come a day word had spread of the injured to Cannes and a local t.v. Station was poking its camera around the zoo Ave Animal Rescue Center one of the vets agreed to be interviewed. Under it there is that she said that we were thinking of making a prosthetic for the animal However that was not yet the consensus and. No one knew if it was even possible to attach a prosthetic beak to a to can it had never been done before they inform us the answer is the information spread across the entire country and I a month or so there was no turning back now but we had no idea how we were going to make the prosthetic beak for the 2 can the story of animal cruelty rescue and survival mixed with the graphic images of the maimed 2 can captivated the hearts of many Costa Rican Zz the bird was soon named Grace year after the town it was found in Ronald prediction was right because his story went viral and the team realized they had to save the bird at all costs and. That geta we got involved with a lot on tests glue specialist digital scanning specialists in the following days and weeks hordes of people would show up to the rescue center hoping to lend a hand and even a dried beak to graze he is recovering you know as they. Say one person bought as a 2 can a big from a bed they had found dead years ago they said we should just glue it on to get children would arrive with beaks made out of styrofoam asking if they could fit them on to grab those well hearted gestures gave us goosebumps yet simple good will paper coned cups and trying to glue mummified bird beaks were not going to keep Gracie alive and the widening pull of volunteer specialists and veterinarians had still not come up with a viable solution. For a prosthetic beak the mounting pressure took its toll you might want and it's a moment of which I get a lot it was relentless news every day interviews every day people showing up to see. And we still didn't have a concrete solution finally a solution emerged from a new ember haps unlikely source grows his prosthetic beak would be designed in made by a group of u.s. And Costa Rican 3 d. Printing companies but normally fabricate parts of the nose of commercial aircraft rather than the even snout of a colorful 2 can. Far from the squawking bird choir at the zoo of animal rescue center on the other side of Costa Rica's capital Sankoh saying I find myself in an dingy and gray industrial park to meet with a woman named Carly fool who works for one of these high tech 3 d. Printing companies chic ordinated the making of this year's prosthetic beak better Hamami on my game at that. I never thought that I would be involved with depression an artificial 2 can be you must 1st have an accurate blueprint so Carly had to make an unusual phone call to Costa Rica's Natural History Museum to ask if they had a chestnut mend a blood Baek in their archive. Because we were able to get ahold of a dead chicken speak and we digitized it in scanning that part was easy because a dead birds beak doesn't move but skinning graze him well that was going to be a challenge is that what's been Sandow we were initially thinking of using anesthesia because when you do a 3 d.s. Can you can't have any movement however the vet said the anesthesia would most likely give Greece here a beetle heart attack so they had to come up with another strategy corners but that he not do that so I look for that tell the other and covered its size. While we were able to scan the b. It was like looking at a child with open wounds the bird do to move adult that's when I started to cry it was as if he knew we were helping him you know Cynthia. I could feel that the animal understood what we were doing you know you could pick an op right measure him and put on the prosthetic and he would start to sing. How do you interpret that I felt that the animal was saying thank you thank you for what you're doing for me it is difficult to explain or justify it in a scientific way but it was something that happened nearly a year after Gracie was found mutilated and brought to the Animal Rescue Center with little hopes of survival the bird was now fitted with a 3 d. Printed 18 ounce nylon beak been able to sip some water or indulge in some rain forest berries was now going to be a piece of cake because it was interesting as it was it was fitted with a prosthetic and the 1st thing he did it was a great and swallowed it at that moment we all cried it was beautiful and very exciting Carly believes grace his new prosthetic beak even boosted the animal self-esteem and prospects of love. Or not about this when they finally put on the 1st step to get us yet again to fly. And in fact another to come was brought to the cage and supposedly they became targets. And according to Ronald Chris he had made a trip let alone screech a song during that year of rehabilitation until he was finally fitted with his new beak. However the public that was moved by Chris your story began making a lot of noise after learning about those behind Greece his injury were allegedly minors or children. So it was the men and we learned that a traitor's of Grace's attack was supposedly adolescence it hit really hard because here in Costa Rica we're putting a lot of effort in environmental awareness and you would think that these children would understand how important it is to respect wildlife yet Ronald also says he understands how ignorance about respecting wildlife can take root before the animal rescue center was founded it was a sprawling ranch and Ronald. It was one of its caretakers back then the area's diverse wildlife was merely game to hunt for Ronald It was thought. Look I'm enhancing You know me when you know as you know me I like to hunt because it's what my grandfather and father had taught me as a teenager I would have probably done the same thing. But when I began to work here I realized that I was doing what I realized that I was doing great harm to animals so I understand people who do this I don't justify it but I understand that learning to protect and respect wildlife is a process Gracie is renowned tenacity to live along with the brutal images of evidence of animal malice provoked street protests that would prompt the country's president and authorities to approve a new law in 2017 against animal cruelty and for the wellbeing of wildlife he said . It warms my heart to know it's something that started almost as an adventure to have such a positive impact at a national and international level. Placing Komo speaking to Ronald Sabbat her who takes care of Costa Rica's celebrity to come aggressive we have photos of his prosthetic bell on our Facebook page we would not want to see it's just such a b.b.c. Outlook. Next guest doesn't mince how she is an ultra marathon runner a bit overweight and writes a very popular blog called Fat go running let me into g.c. My name is Marina Valarie Oh also known as the marina Vader and I am an ultra marathoner and outdoor enthusiasts a public speaker and author and a general wonderful person. I grew up in Brooklyn New York and it was a wonderful childhood that I had a very community driven we grew up fairly poor I think we all loved sports and really wanted to be a part of athletic things growing up but it was an expense that we couldn't shoulder or so we did what we could we ran outside we went to parks we made up our own games. I started running in 1989 when I was 13 years old as a way to get better at the sport that I had chosen and that was field hockey and after our 1st day of tryouts in field hockey where we had to run a mile or almost a mile to warm up which nearly killed me and so what I did the following day I got up super early in the morning and repeated the miles that he had done in practice the day before and that was the beginning of my career in running I discovered that it really made a huge difference in the way that I just existed during the day and it also made me a better contributor a better team member so I just kept doing it because it just brought me so much joy . I started my blog in 2011 when I decided that I would start training for a marathon and my blog Facal running I wanted to share stories of training share stories of various races that I had done but most importantly to share my experiences as a larger and Durrance runner and a field full of much thinner much whiter athletes when I initially named the blog fact girl running I knew. You that the word fat would be triggering and controversial to some people you know fat is typically a negative word and and I did come across people who were not in agreement with the fact that I need my blood that and you know and I would say you know this blog is about me but it opened up a lot of discussion about how people identify themselves perspectives about who was and who wasn't an athlete because here I was doing marathon and I was doing everything that athletes are supposed to do and I wanted to be able to show that possibility. I have run 11 marathons my latest being the T.C.'s New York City Marathon just a few weeks ago and I finished 14 ultra marathons so an ultra marathon Some people get confused and call it a super marathon or a super ultra No it is an ultra marathon technically it is anything over 26.2 miles or $42.00 k. There have been several times where I have ran hiked walked actually 12 hours in over 12 hours because I am slower than a lot of people that go out into these super long races so sometimes it takes me 12 hours to do 50 k. Sometimes it takes me 13 hours and 22 minutes to do 35 miles there are a lot of things that you know keep me going or motivate me as I do these super long races one of them is to snowing that my body can actually do the distance and again it allows other people who might need some kind of visual representation of somebody that maybe looks like them or has another kind of shared experience doing the things that I do and it's very very helpful you know I love being out in nature for that long and you know sometimes it's boring and you know that is part. Of the journey and I and I have to say that even in those very low moments I know that I'm doing something good for my spirit something something good for my body something good for my emotional health and sell that's kind of why I keep doing what I do. So a lot of people don't know that. I'm a classically trained singer I went to Juilliard pre-college where as a voice major and then after that I went to Oberlin Conservatory of Music it's a very important and big part of my life even though I don't necessarily engage in it every day we found out about man his passion for music by chaunce sas we were starting to record and in the usual level checks this is what happened and I have it on the voice memo. As you can tell. A lot and I don't even know that I'm doing it because you know it's just kind of the sting that is woven into the fabric that is me but sometimes on the trail I will saying you know if I'm in the mood to sing Normally I really really enjoy the silence that the forest offers me but if I get freaked out a little bit afraid you know hear something in a distance or if I have my spidey sense. Gets alerted I start singing to myself and it is a very calming thing for me and it brings my heart rate down and it makes me sort of more focused on whatever it is that I'm to. Who. I think everyone should run if they can running takes a lot of different formats you can be a wheelchair runner you can run with crutches you can run with for statics you can walk Ron run walk running is so magical and it absolutely does. The a sense of personal power. Oh your love and I don't remember the words of the next. Ari. Runa and. Now witness history in 2006 an Indian actress revealed she had touched a statue of a day at the revered suburb Carola as a Hindu shrine which traditionally women of childbearing age have been banned from entering the actress's revelation led to a decade long fight for religious gender equality in India the support from call. 987 South Indian actress Gemma undertook a 40 day pilgrimage to the shop in get a laugh she went there to play for illing husband. Almost 20 years later in 2006 a Hindu astrologer who had resisted the temple started saying that he could tell that a woman had been inside. Jamel as evolution that she had touched the feet of an idol of lot at the temple sparked possibly one of the most hotly debated religious controversies in modern India but the procedure was a young lawyer back in 2006 so for 20 years nothing had happened but in 2006 when she confessed to the breeze their daughter dogs turned to the they were already off 100 and the lot of you and cry was there in India many Hindu temples do not allow women to enter the shrine while demonstrating the shabby militant bill in particular banned the entry of women aged between 10 and 50 as a temple state law is believed to be celibate women of menstruating age are considered impure by temple priests because they would violate the god celibacy. So when Jamel revealed she had been inside there was a massive a pro or cross the in the community and the shabby Mulatto to tease jump to do action they said Temple has become impure order and. Women of this is going to enter temple so they get it all the purification said I'm uneasy and it was widely reported. I was very much a 100 what is this somebody entered temple and do you have carrying gold beautification ceremony she is not untouchable and the logic of good of occasions out of me. But she just felt that the temple authorities had overreacted and that actions were disrespectful to women so she decided to do something about it and filed a petition in India Supreme Court against a careless state government and the temples authorities after we filed the petition notice was issued by those who play in court on Will court was all talk and was that in today's age women should not be permitted so this is discriminatory conduct and it is unconstitutional and also is against right to equality also against right to freedom of religion also is one nation of Article 14 of the Constitution not going to fight on the Constitution Article $14.25 of the Indian Constitution provide for equality before the law and the right to freely practice profess all propagate religion but the procedure was an executive member of the Supreme Court Bar Association at the time with the help of a senior colleagues she saw it as a personal challenge to try to ensure that women were given the right to pray in the sanctuary of the shop temple of OPEC nations it was not regarding menstruation It's about dignity of women those women wanted able to do follow that rituals to go to the temple so by those women should be bun a small and really like it should be up to women there is a saying in the in the Lake City they lease but. But. They did that go to theme equitorial don't like this is basically a lot of Temple if I employ a person goes to a temple he would come out as a people person is not there at Lake Temple will become imbued but Hindu extremists were not happy with the petition and use intimidation and threats to shut the petition down they said to do to ban women if menstruating age had been in place for centuries but the St Chuck team that the rule was relatively recent Supreme I like it's an old temple and the Lord. Who is worshiped and yet we were told a free man what a load till 9991 but when used to go over and somebody tell it doesn't get along High Court and there was a judgment that women should not be alone women off royal families they used to go there for rice weeding ceremonies of the bears but she child who is a practicing Hindu herself thinks it is much more likely that women simply had not gone to the temple very often because it was hard to get to and eventually people had come to believe there was a ban maybe because shall be my law temple it's on hilltop and there are huge and dense forest all around so it was tedious journey of our own $4045.00 days and women is between 10 to 50 years most of them. And that gives also so maybe it was difficult for them to leave families in those times so maybe this was not even like it was considered unsafe for women but now there is a more terrible road which to leave I don't eat kilometers near to Temple maybe even if it's supposed to and they started creating a gate and then considered as a tradition so there is a difference between so post Asian and traditions it was not an easy fight that was reached Hindu extremists accused her of hurting religious sentiments and creating community disharmony even though her colleagues supported her. Entire team of lawyers received threats from hardline us pressurizing them to drop the case when we filed this partition I was undersecretary of Indian Young Lawyers Association and Oviedo Muslim president nor job it was my decision to file partition I discussed it with my friends and we just informed him there are going to turn a 13 Supreme Court and he was in over it elected with the partition and he started receiving a lot of prayer if he was to deceive thing more than 50600 threatening calls per day people heard a Muslim man is behind this partition I don't know from here people cook up all the stories so this was a major difficulty and in their fame it was a lot of pressure because the martyr is not big food court he was given police protection the opposition to pursue just Supreme Court petition crew with time eventually turning the debate into a political issue and get enough. Into extremist let massive protests demonstrations outside the shopping mall attempt as with most national political parties supporting them. Was. Security was deployed at the temple and show all the men did not enter. Women across the country were divided on the issue and soon even lost the support of her colleagues because the said That is too much while and so we don't want to continue with there despite being isolated and receiving threats but she charted not would draw from the case the question had started a national debate about gender equality and Spock's several campaigns for breaking down of the age old religious taboos in India but unknowingly started a discussion that India had never had before I believe in something just I just wanted it to be discussed and I wanted this but there are a lot fired kind of a thing the very things where and why Linda and educations work or don't I believe in love and peace and days. I don't believe there there is strongly dog food sensitizing those people and in fact the government should carry out some educational programs and through media through Did you through some documentary of course I think this is going to offer social reform and the the people who have traditionally minded thought radiata dogs are as opposed to going don't mind I think it would take some time and things will turn gradually after a long fight in 20000 the Supreme Court ruled in prestigious favor allowing women to enter the Temple since the verdict several women have visited Salisbury Milla but they needed police protection and there was it's led to large protests and more beautification rituals are appalled by it not cool and that's all from our look for today will be here same time same place tomorrow thanks he company you're listening to the b.b.c. World Service and here's what's happening in the studio this week the makers of James Bone sports car are breaking new ground by launching their 1st ever family car join me and t.j. As we go behind the scenes with Aston Martins chief designer Merrick Reichman. In the studio at b.b.c. World Service dot com slash in the studio. And in 30 minutes join me at the University of Massachusetts in Hearst in America where the b.b.c. World Service programme my perfect country is being used as a way of teaching global public policy in the university cécile science department that since 30 minutes after Heist told next on the b.b.c. World Service the world's media. Coming up after the news on the b.b.c. World Service it's hard to talk with me Stephen Sackur that the end of the 2nd decade of the 21st century does anybody still believe in the ability of the so-called international community to stop wars to disarm dictators and protect civilians look at the scale of suffering in Syria the renewed unrest across the Middle East the imminent American withdrawal from Afghanistan Well my guest today stuff from the Mistura has been a u.n. Envoy in all of those places over the last decade our job is not actually to stop someone to actually win or lose that war imagine we're not there imagine not being a constant mutants like we have been doing all the time every week every month that me what would there be indicate vacuum. That might is right that stuff under Mistura hard talk after the news. Kelly with the latest b.b.c. News in a highly unusual verdict that is being seen as a victory for the me too movement in Japan a civil court in Tokyo has awarded damages to a complainant in a rape case Shiori a journalist says she was raped by a prominent former t.v. Presenter nor Yoku yummy Gucci in 2015 medico or has more details it's extremely range upon for someone to speak out alleging that they've been raped but that's exactly what she did against a senior journalist nor do you see to years ago on Wednesday she won a civil suit to take a court ordered Mr Yamaguchi to pay $30000.00 u.s. Dollars in damages Mr Yamaguchi denies a rape he said the sex was consensual he filed a counter case full knowledgeable but the quota rejected his demand for damages this is not a criminal suit and Mr Yamaguchi won't be sentenced to any time in jail time was foreign minister Joseph wooers argued the other requires additional support from Democratic allies to stand up to increase diplomatic and economic pressure from communist China and b.b.c. Interview Mr Wu said the world was waking up to the rise.

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