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Put into law a commitment that the breaks it process will not be extended beyond the end of next year a review of rape convictions in England and Wales has concluded that the justice system is close to breaking point also in today's program the migrant camp on the Greek island of Les boss where psychologists say increasing numbers of children are self harming and even attempting suicide you can see children banging their head against a wall pulling. Off and. Shooting 12 and 17 children pop themselves strongly start to talk about. Dying the head of the Royal Navy on Iran and Russia we are seeing more Russian activity in the North Atlantic than we've seen for more than 3 decades and we're having to respond to that we have to ensure that we're on the top of our game and the new Little Women film we've been talking to the director Gretta go against all Florence pew and social Ronan who tells us about mansplaining in the film industry I'm going to keep talking until he shot all if girls can feel supported and often they're on film sets to go I'm going to keep talking until you stop talkin which is what we did then that's going to break through the b.b.c. News is read by Neil Slate The government has to pass a law to stop any extension of the breaks that process Boris Johnson's withdrawal agreement is doing clude a new clause when it comes back to the Commons saying trade talks cannot be taken beyond the end of December 2020 critics say this puts no deal back on the table and labor called the move reckless Here's our political correspondent in Washington cutting through the post breaks it's transition period which is due to conclude at the end of December 2020 can be extended by mutual agreement for up to 2 years but on Friday the prime minister intends to expunge this clause from his withdrawal agreement bill and instead explicitly rule out any extension. This is designed to underline to those leave voters put back as part of the 1st time it is determined to deliver brags that government sources say that having a hard deadline will also focus the minds of both sets of negotiators on achieving a deal but critics say that's a relatively short transition period opens up the possibility of leaving with North trade deal at all the shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry warned privately in September that Labor's chances of winning the election would be hampered by taking a neutral position on breaks it speaking to the b.b.c. For a documentary which we broadcast tonight she questioned whether her party could avoid taking a position because our political editor Laura Cohn spoke Emily Thornberry has never hidden her view that she thinks Bracks it is a mistake the extent of her reservations about Labor's position going into the election is now clear speaking to the b.b.c. During the Labor conference she warned that a neutral position on Bracks it would be politically dangerous she told me she was worried about Jeremy Corbin going into the election saying I don't have a view on the single biggest decision that has to be made some night former Labor M.P.'s who lost their seats blame that offer as the reason for their defeat alongside doubts about Jeremy Corbin's attributes the documentary The Bracks it storm continues can be seen on b.b.c. 2 at 9 o'clock tonight. The London Fire Brigade has been criticised for its management and staff training just months after similar issues were raised by the Grenfell tower inquiry a report by the watchdog a Chairman Specter of Fire and Rescue Services said the brigade was wasteful and some commanders had not received proper training the new commissioner said he was committed to making improvements. A major review of a decline in the number of rape prosecutions and convictions across England and Wales says the criminal justice system is so under-resourced it's close to breaking point but the report from the Crown Prosecution Service inspectorate found no evidence that c.p.s. Lawyers were taking cases to court only where convictions were easy to achieve Here's our home affairs correspondent Danny sure the report says the decline is partly because fewer rape cases are being referred to the Crown Prosecution Service 1st charging decision and because police are taking longer to gather evidence Kevin McGinty the chief inspector who led the review appeared to blame a shortage of resources saying the number of rape allegations lost in the investigative process was damning but the report dismisses claims made by campaigners that the c.p.s. Is being more selective about the rate cases it prosecutes in order to bolster success rates in court the American aircraft manufacturer Boeing is suspending production of its 737 Macs from next month the plane has been grounded by authorities around the world since it was involved in fatal crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia which left more than $300.00 people dead from New York similar Hussein reports Boeing is one of the biggest industrial companies in America and one of the country's largest exporter pulling its most profitable plane from the skies has already cost them $8000000000.00 And that figure continues to rise in a statement Boeing said it will halt production beginning in January of 2020 that the company has $400.00 planes in storage and will focus their efforts on delivering those aircraft to customers holding production is an unprecedented move and will have ripple effects across the u.s. Economy it will also have an impact on suppliers and airlines around the world. Psychologists working with refugees and migrants on the Greek island of Les boss have told the b.b.c. They're seeing an increasing number of children self harming and attempting suicide the un refugee agency says more than 3500 people have arrived on those balls so far this month the aid agency met sounds off on chair says conditions in the Morea camp on the island of deteriorating and access to medical care is extremely limited. The European Space Agency will today launch its 1st mission dedicated to the study of thousands of distant planets the co-op space telescope will spend more than 3 years taking precise measurements to try to find out more about the composition and structure and about how they evolved it's 6 minutes past 6 time for our 1st look at the weather Helen Willis is over at the b.b.c. Weather Center good morning Helen and nothing good morning to you quite as you spell of weather ahead for many of us today but with quieter weather and high pressure comes or come other or Tom the winter problems that of ice and fog so let me start the data where we do have the exception to the quiet story that's across southeast England east of England in Lincolnshire where it's cloudy and it's pretty wet this morning actually there's lots of spray and standing water on the road so you'll need the windscreen wipers and that rain will pulse on and off throughout the rest of the day it's quite murky over the hills here temperatures 10 or 11 it's relatively mild now away from southern and eastern parts of England so the rest of England along with Wales it's a very different picture it's cold it's Frosty this morning and we've got folks in very thick fog through the veil of York the North West Midlands East Wales for example and here it might linger for much of the day temperatures will struggle there for to get above freezing freezing fog but elsewhere by the odd isolated shower for the Irish Sea coast much drier with good spells the sunshine but we're still only looking at about 6 or 7 degrees Celsius today hit Best Northern Ireland also having a frosty start the focused out into form as well so that's around for the rush hour but again once that case it'll be drier than yesterday with more sunshine and temperatures of 5 or 6 degrees Celsius we're concerned about amounts of snowfall and ice in particular cross Highland Morea and Aberdeen should Scotland this morning but the showers become confined to the north and south today and so they'll be increasing amounts of dry and sunny weather but don't expect it to be warm today temperatures only rising to $56.00 degrees after that frosty start. Hello and thank you very much the time is 8 minutes past 6 let's have a look at today's papers and several of them lead on the government's plans to put the idea that the BRICs a transition period will not be extended into law notably the Telegraph Johnson to enshrine 2020 bricks it in all this is along side a big picture of and the prime minister with some of his new M.P.'s when they arrived at Westminster yesterday the Telegraph says this will prove to voters that Mr Johnson has no intention of using his new power to pursue a softer breaks or to some leave campaign has had feared the Financial Times headline Johnson found bricks a transition raises fears of cliff edge and next year it says that although he's determined to course suggestions he will use his 80 strong House of Commons majority to sideline Tory euro skeptics there is speculation that has helped fuel an enthusiasm enthusiastic market reaction to his election victory and the labor supporting papers looking at the leadership contest there the Daily Mirror leaders ready for a showdown they've got to grasp on page 2 of lease and then they kissed Starmer Bekele and Bailey just Phillips and Angela Raine old say they're contenders but the am Guardian front page says that their long daily gets clear run as candid as the Labor left they explained that's because the shadow each occasion secretary and Geraint has cleared the way for her friend a man of the flatmate actually Rebecca long Bailey to run as the left wing successes Jeremy Corbyn The paper says that our Geraint has built up a public profile was regarded as a strong contender However in a move one colleague described the system she is now expected to run for deputy leaders meeting the path along Bailey elsewhere Magnus Carlsen the World Chess Champion is on the front page of The Times and on page 3 as well because he is now at the very top of the fantasy football league the Premier League fantasy football league it's not really surprising when you look at what the how the times looks back on what he's done since his childhood in Norway he he submitted extraordinary mental skills from the age of 2 he could solve a 50. Piece jigsaw puzzle by 5 he could recall areas population numbers flags and capitals of all the countries in the world he began playing chess then at 5 it should come as no surprise at the time that he should turn his extraordinary analytical mind to his other passion Premier League football fancies what was a tiny very big in Norway in particular in 2078 players from there were in the top 50 fantasy players in the world could you do this a day. It's 10 past 6 the London Fire Brigade is one of 3 services found to require improvement in the latest report from the fire service watchdog Tom Simons our home affairs correspondent is on the line what do they say about London Tom Well they say that it needs improvement that it's slow to learn doesn't properly train its far fighters and is not particularly well run now this is one of 15 reports on fire services today but the real relevance is that this is the sort of thing that the Granville tower inquiry was saying when it produced its report the gravel terror inquiry was looking at the events on the night of the fire the gravel tower far in 2017 but this report is looking at the Forest Service as it is 2 years old and it is finding there is still in its own words a long way to go which is what is so striking off the deaths of so many people and all the criticism does does it say why that is the case. Well there are a number of concerns but the particular one mentioned in the report is the training of incident commanders now again that is highly relevant to what happened on the night of the gravel tower fire what they're saying is that when they inspected the brigade earlier this year they found that brigade commanders were not getting ongoing training so they might be trained when they go into the job but it wasn't carrying on as they continued in the job and crucially that the training wasn't pass fail so if a commander didn't do pretty well of course they could still go back out and be commanding incidents for real and again that's the sort of thing that was being talked about in the gravel to our inquiry the inquiry for example said that there there will be a concern among some people whether the quote training was adequate and whether the London Fire Brigade is capable of learning from its mistakes and this report makes that conclusion that there are still concerns about whether the Left be can learn from its mistakes hasn't had any theory to say about this it has it's pretty it's responded saying that there is a new London far commissioner this report today's report led directly to the resignation of Danny cotton the commander who is in charge the commissioner who is in charge of the brigade when the fire happens and the line of fire brigade now says that training is a priority they've introduced new courses additional exercises annual assessment and refresher training for the kinds of members of staff that this report is concerned about Thompson's Thank you it's 30 minutes past 6 Boeing is suspending production of the airliner which has been grounded following 2 crashes I've been told to be based on North America Correspondent Well ever since the 737 Max was grounded back in March Boeing has been looking after the problem believed to be a problem with the automated control system essentially doing a software fix and they'd been hoping to get the aircraft back in the sky by the end of this year and I would say clearly not going to have. Because the u.s. Federal Aviation Administration says at that time federal is now just too tight for it to certify the plane safe for commercial use in fact there is no timetable for when that will happen so with some $400.00 of these aircraft built and in storage Boeing says it's going to stop making them and simply focus on distributing those completed aircraft to their customers what kind of concerns have there been about these aircraft. Well the concern of course followed 2 fatal accidents that's why it was grounded the 1st accident fatal accident in Indonesia a 2nd in Ethiopia and that's why it was grounded very quickly by aviation authorities around the world and it has posed a major major problem for Boeing It was a hugely fast selling aircraft very successful for the company up until that point but since then it is cost Boeing a tremendous amount of money about 6000000000 pounds and $9000000000.00 And clearly there's no end in sight to this certainly on Monday it's stocks took quite a significant hit because a the anticipation of this announcement no sign of an end to it so likely to lose more money for the company and what kind of impact is this likely to have on the American stock market indeed the American economy. Quite a significant impact because of course Boeing is a huge force in the American economy and the direct effect of this is going to be largely on those smaller companies suppliers to Boeing the smaller companies supplying parts for this particular aircraft those orders of course will be put on hold and and being smaller companies they might not be as well able as a huge company like Boeing to simply go on standby for a few months so that there will be a knock on effect in the economy and of course looming at some point in the future when the aviation authorities around the world finally give the go ahead for this plane to fly again the next challenge of course of Boeing will be a one of persuading the public after all the bad publicity persuading the public that it is Saif Peter Bay's Many thanks more on Boeing in a moment with Don He's here with the business news at 60 minutes past 6 have been looking particularly at the lessons from a high profile company collapses recently yes there is a plan afoot to copy what happened in America way back in 2002 after a string of corporate scandals like Enron remember them and World Com George w. Bush brought in the Sarbanes Oxley Act which means that the top management of a company have to personally testify that the accounts are true a British version of their could be proposed in general well would it work also this one we're going to have another quick chat about that Boeing decision to suspend production of the 737 Max and how much would you pay for a pair of Freddie Mercury's trousers We'll find out about that in a minute but 1st the business of orders Michelle Hinchcliffe is a partner and u.k. Chair of water k p m g one of the big 4 can see firms Michel this idea for a u.k. Submarines actually this let's go back a bit how did we get where we are now there's been a number of reviews into order to the end the question of order to the 1st one was by Sejong Kingman and they've got small arms going on at the moment that's right so the 1st one by so junking been looked at the role. The regulator and the next review is by Sedona Bryden which is due to release in the week of the beginning of January 13th of January and that's very much looking at the product and I think every What an order should be when looking at the. Year the scope of the audit is it useful should it be changed should it be broadened so an audit very much at the moment focuses on the financial statements. Which is quite backward looking and the question is should it be more should be focused more on the front end of what we call the front end of financial statement because of just this basic mismatch isn't there the public understand order to counts to be a fair or accurate black and white account of what's going on in the company but the truth is that the modern old it is not really like that is it absolutely the there are many quite complex judgments made in order and at the moment an audit report is fairly black and white and that's one of the reasons we introduced what we call graduated findings which is to give the investors some more information better information around those judgments which have been made this is what about this idea for making the company's management personally responsible making them sign on the dotted line to say these are fair and accurate accounts what was the experience in the States after Sarbanes Oxley was introduced Well I think in India one the cell phones Oxley was fairly painful for people to implement it required a lot of work but a number of years later I think most people would believe that the that the controls around financial reporting as a result of some Botox and it's worth remembering also having reported on at the time that corporate America hated the idea they did not want it absolutely and as I said you one was painful but now it's been implemented and on an ongoing basis I believe there are a benefits and we certainly see that those controls a stronger as a result of Sarbanes Oxley if it would work over here I believe there is absolute value in a British version of sux. I don't think it should be an exact replica of what's in the u.s. Because we have very different frameworks in place the u.s. Is quite rules based the u.k. Is very much principles based so I think we need to modify to see what works best in the u.k. Environment and certainly concentrate minds in the boardroom wouldn't wouldn't if you thought Gosh if these accounts are like it I'm going to be sued now absolutely and I think the positive thing from Certainly conversations that we as a firm of had with or that committee chairs is there is a lot of support for a u.k. Version of socks to reflect on the work of your own firm and and the other big 4 accountants we wouldn't be in this position if you guys had done your job properly . Well I think that's a it's quite complex when you look at I'm sure as she referring to company failures and accounts restatement of accounts but there were a number of participants in the preparation of those accounts management directors standard says his regulators auditor's And I think we all have a role to play there and as a result of the failures we've all got learnings to take away and improve on what about the break up which is the other thing that's happening the better the background the idea that the big 4 accountants might be broken up so they're advisory workers separate from the audit work. They don't like that I dated a caveat she does not like that idea Well we've certainly been looking at operational separation as opposed to legal entity else and separation because we feel there really are benefits of a multi-disciplinary 3rd and we believe we can achieve the separation that's needed through operational rates thank you very much Michel Hinchcliffe from k p m g James Bevan the chief investment officer at c c l a Investment Management is my markets just want to change before we talk about Boeing the 4100 had a remarkable day if they have to in a quarter percent pretty strong day in any decade really to 7519 points why is this little talk about international investors so you had turned their back on the u.k. Coming back into the market to me this is really much more part of a global picture of celebration that Mr Trump appears to have settled his act money with China on trade but also the Federal Reserve has been providing enormous amounts of cash and that's been keeping markets going so not Mr Johnson but Mr Trump I think Mr Trump Mr Powell who is of course in charge of the u.s. 5 reserve he is probably going to get the gold star for the current running let's talk about the big American company Boeing we heard a report there earlier about the suspension of production of the Boeing 737 Max just some numbers are not in the States if Boeing does stop it has stopped production simply will do in January it will knock one 3rd of one percentage point off American g.d.p. Next year just shows how big this company's Yes it's the u.s. Is long. Just industrial company it had sales in 2018 of just over $100000000000.00 So it is huge and lots of companies here in the u.k. May get senior g.k. And you contribute to the aircraft who presume you will feel some of the aftermath of that in this particular aircraft has something like 40000 complainants sourced from 600 companies so the ripple is going to be enormous just closer to home Sports Direct fashion retailer it shares were up a 3rd yesterday on the back a bit of a trading statement. Mean interim figures they were half figures one 3rd to $470.00 . 1 why. Prior to the release the figures there was widespread expectation that Mr Ashley's empire could not possibly buck the trend of pain in the High Street that has been so widely felt and reported and actually the numbers that came to the table were much better than expected debt was lower returns on Captain Cloyd were beginning to improve there was talk about green shoots of recovery it has reason this is a great sigh of relief and I have to tell you I find it really difficult to get my head round exactly what the numbers are because the year on year comparisons are really difficult for companies make quite so many acquisitions so time will tell thank you very much James Bevan from c.c.l. a Investment management now when you've all been waiting for the price of Freddie Mercury Strauss's not just any old trousers or the ones he wore on his final tour as a frontman of Queen and 986 we'll find out how much they fit later today when bottoms holds its entertainment memorabilia auction John Bradley is a managing director of bombs and Knightsbridge with the auction will take place John thanks for coming in the reserve price on those transfers of Freddie Mercury 815220000 pounds why that number in particular how do you value things like this what would be in the memorabilia market for over 30 years and it's all comparable with you know similar things sold in the past so we've sold quite a lot of Freddie Mercury's question in the past and is this better or worse than some We've sold before so almost inexplicably that Barry Manilow red leather jacket which he also wore on to has a reserve of just 2 to 3000 pounds I'm sure the must have in a time in the late seventy's really eighty's when many low outsold Mercury sure you know in fashions change you know the latest thing is punk memorabilia you know there's a resurgent heavy metal so you've got to keep your finger on the pulse and fashions change and prices go up and they go down but I suppose this is a point it's almost impossible to predict what you know with a metal they will outperform their career or the other way around that is yes it's you know it's not an exact science so you know we just can't keep your finger on the pulse would be bidding bidding into who would take part in this auction. Truly international I mean it's a lot of American interest Continental quite a few Russian as well but Russian was Chinese by the 2 Yeah they're coming in slowly but they're not strong at the moment but we're getting initial inquirers e.u. Make that point about a resurgence in interest in punk rock Simpson you have lots of memorabilia from the Sex Pistols in this particular auction but also from Oasis and going back to that. Metal mc Kriegsmarine wonder which one would be a bit a collector's item. Whose whose today what it did just entirely depends upon your taste as to how you'll bid Yeah I these are big people I mean I was a teenager in the sixty's so my passion is for the Beatles and Rolling Stones and they're very strong and obviously Hendrix as well it's one thing you also have all from the film memorabilia in this in this auction including what looks to me an absolute steal a handwritten letter from Charlie Chaplin reserve anywhere 2000 pounds on that it seems it has Chapman coming on well here laser every no strap and I mean it's you know manuscript material is not so popular as some questions or guitars and things like that but the you know the world record price of a piece of film memorabilia is over $3000000.00 pounds that was the robot from. The m.g.m. Robbie the Robot. That was sold a couple years ago to 3000000 pounds it's very it's also what attracts big prices Richard Burton is jacket from where it was this which a lot of people will be watching this Christmas I suspect is on for almost exactly the same price about $5000.00 pounds as one of a number of prop hold waltz acceptance that is into Harry Potter so just shows you if you have Harry Potter outsells Richard Burton at the moment yeah I mean Harry Potter is huge and will be growing do you know what you expect this auction to rise to raise in total because you have a lot of different lots on display today probably between 25300000 pounds Arsal range but you just don't know Di we don't and that's exactly ocean air and you get up there on the rostrum and you know. So you could say prices could get very high What about provenance because I know in the catalog there is always a section around where this particular item came from. Very careful about you know making sure that this wasn't taken from a film set you know when it shouldn't have been that kind of thing I mean problem also is paramount importance because obviously if you buy something spend a huge amount of money you want to be sure that actually did belong to Richard Burton So we do a lot of research into finding out that the story that comes with the costume whatever happens to be is absolutely right a lot of stuff does seem to come from people who are working on films it's good we have to make sure that they got a legitimate a very good one thank you regular with action today John Bradley from problems in Knightsbridge tough choice what would you give for the Manilow jacket with a mixer transistor mentally. Wearing neither of those you love bondage with the sporty but yes I will start with these have an overnight wait for it as women in the 1st of their 3 t 20 cricket internationals against Pakistan after making 1544 in their 20 overs ng and dismiss their opponents 125 when their 4 by 29 runs live now to our cricket reporter Henry Moran in Kuala Lumpur and right. Well this game was very much the 1st step on England's path towards the t 20 World Cup in Australia in February it's one month that a new coach Lisa Carney will expect England to challenge for the vote Pakistan their opponents here in Malaysia no means by no means among the world's elite they did offer England a real contest in this game that 154 for 4 for a number about in part by Amy Jones's 53 look to be a match winning title in Pakistan last early wickets but they really fought back and put pressure on England's bowlers for a while threatening to cause an upset in the end it wasn't to be and Pakistan fell about 29 run short but this wasn't a walk over and given the limited time and the matches left before that t 20 torment having a challenging series like this is not a bad thing everything here will be speed ahead of the night the captain in an hour from now being as men meanwhile play the 1st match of their winter tour of South Africa today they'll get underway at 8 o'clock on time against a Cricket South Africa Invitational team the match played over 2 days in but only James Anderson plays recovering from injury there's the prospect this morning of the Italian Carlo Ancelotti returning in the next few days to English football specifically at Everton to take over from the interim manager there Duncan Ferguson until he won the Champions League 3 times twice with Milan and once for the Real Madrid and he also won the domestic trouble double with Chelsea in 2010 he was sacked last week by Napoli but our chief sportswriter filmic melty believes there's every chance of him moving into the manager's office at Goodison he's always been I think people are suggesting keen to come back he was linked with Arsenal of course whether he was the right profile of what Arsenal wanted was never quite convincing enough so it's Everton that seemed to be at the front of the queue now and said they think it's a no hoping to try an intense fight all now and try and get some sort of deal done which they would certainly feel they could parade as a really big one mob statement mentioned there by Phil of Arsenal who appear to be closing in on matches the City assistant coach Mick teta has believed that he will not stand in his way should he wish to take the job but the issue of compensation remains a possibility with the likely demand for a 7 figure Meanwhile Crystal Palace to one all with Brighton that sell has part last night move up to 19 the Premier League Brighton 30. Better for my hope for a horses today than. 55 number 3 too many chiefs think no one tenable one told Rob thank you very much. Everything was now ready for tomorrow there was nothing to do except go to bed curl up in our blankets and wait just for powerful for the slow unwrapping of Christmas in the winter storm so cold Kris. Jenner's is going to see this baby the way that. The world has a refuge and I do feel quite strongly that it was thought for me for years and then it became not for other people make time for. Merry Christmas Joey. B.b.c. Radio 4. The time now is half past 6 You're listening to today on b.b.c. Radio 4 with Michelle Hussain and Martha Carney and here is a summary of the news from Neil sleet the government is due out a new close to the brink said Bill to make it illegal for parliament to extend the process of leaving the European Union beyond the end of 2020 Downing Street said that by giving the Conservatives a big majority in parliament voters had shown they wanted to get breaks it delivered e.u. Negotiators have warned that a comprehensive trade deal can't be agreed that quickly Labor's said it would revive the possibility of the u.k. Leaving the e.u. Without a deal. The shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry warned privately and in September that Labor's chances of winning the election would be hampered by remaining neutral on Bracks it speaking in a b.b.c. Documentary which we broadcast tonight she questioned whether her party could avoid taking a position. A review of the decline in the number of rape prosecutions and convictions across England and Wales says the criminal justice system is so under resourced it's close to breaking point out of a record $58000.00 allegations of rape in the year to March fewer than 2000 led to successful prosecutions the Crown Prosecution Service inspectorate found that police were taking longer to gather evidence and that fewer cases were being referred to the c.p.s. For a decision on whether to bring charges inspectors have criticised the London Fire Brigade saying it's not particularly well run and that commanders have not had proper training and Majesties Inspectorate of Fire and Rescue Services said the brigade had been slow to implement the changes needed after the ground fell tower blaze the new commissioner says he's committed to making the necessary improvements the aircraft manufacturer Boeing is suspending production of 737 Max Jets next month the planes have been grounded since March of this year following 2 fatal crashes Boeing had been hoping to get the aircraft back in operation by the end of this year but u.s. Regulators say it won't be certified safe to fly in time. Psychologists working with refugees and migrants on the Greek island of Lesbos have told the b.b.c. They're seeking is seeing an increasing number of children self harming and attempting suicide the un refugee agency says more than 3005 p. $500.00 people have arrived at the Morea camp on Lesbos so far this month the time is 27 minutes to 7 after a year when there were nearly $60000.00 rape allegations in England and Wales Why were there just 2000 successful prosecutions that is the question at the heart of a report released today Danny sure our home affairs correspondent is on the line this is the inspector's report Danny what conclusion do they come to well this is one strand of a government review into this and this looked really at the role of the Crown Prosecution Service and what it essentially says is that this gap between the number of allegations record number of allegations and these falling number of prosecutions and convictions is not really the fault of the Crown Prosecution Service because what the report says is that most of the decisions the vast majority of the decisions that the c.p.s. Makes about whether a suspect should be prosecuted or not for rape are correct they looked at $250.00 cases and found that only 5 was the decision wholly unreasonable and where mistakes were made they tend to go in both directions are the charge or release and the conclusion really that the report comes to is that this gap is due to issues further up the system if you like probably at the door of the police because the criminal justice system is under resourced so that it is close to breaking point and Kevin McGinty the chief inspector who led the review said the number of rape allegations last in the investigative process is damning but why would there be a big gap between allegations and convictions in these offenses than in other types of offenses well in a sense that is something. The inspectorate didn't really look at it looked at the c.p.s. His role and so far that there has to be a review of the police investigation part of it what it did find was that fewer cases were being referred to the c.p.s. For decision and that where cases were referred to the c.p.s. The c.p.s. Was sending more cases back to the police to conduct further inquiries and gather more evidence and sometimes that evidence gathering process wasn't conducted in a timely way so there were more delays and it's possible that some victims are pulling out of the process because of the delays and certainly that some of the cases are more complex because there's more digital evidence together and that increases delays as well but the reasons why all these cases being lost in the investigative process is not something that the c.p.s. Inspector looked at in its report Danny thank you it's 25 to 7 Boris Johnson is planning to make it illegal for the government to extend the brakes a transition period beyond the end of next year the plan is for the Katie leave the e.u. By the end of January we don't abate their rules while a new trade agreement is negotiated Let's talk to Norman Smith our system to political editor and what lies behind this move do you think Norman Well in part is designed to underscore what was in the manifesto when the commitment not to extend beyond December or next year was already in the manifesto but it's now sort of underscored in great big red declines because when the bill is brought back on Friday we're told the clause which would allow for a further 2 year extension will be removed and in its place will be a clause which in effect says Come what may know it's no box by the end of next year we are out whether we've got a trade deal or not and those around Mr Johnson say it's about trust frankly seeking to reassure voters that they will meet their. Plage to leave by December next year but it's also clearly about cranking up the pressure on the e.u. To agree a new trade deal in that time table given we know there have been voices like Michel Barnier saying that they think that sort of timetable is just unrealistic so it is designed to heap pressure on the e.u. But it does massively massively raise the stakes because of agreement is not reached in that time table then we will be leaving on World Trade Organization terms in other words it puts the prospect of no deal very firmly back on the table Meanwhile over on the Labor side and lots of positioning ahead of their leadership contest we seem to have a cast of many now limbering up to possibly stand as leader of a later speculation centers on whether a rain a could actually duck out of the race for the top job and instead go for the deputy job paving the way I suppose for the clear candidate of the left to be Rebecca long Bailey and she already of course has won the endorsement of a number of senior figures such as John McDonald but it is still extraordinarily early days in the contest which kind of underlines just the sort of degree of confusion I think in Labor ranks in trying to come to terms with the nature of their defeat with some as we know blaming it on Jeremy Corbyn other blaming it on breaks at some blaming it on the hard left manifesto Some blame it on the media some blaming it on a London centric party and you really sense the party really is at sixes and sevens and trying to reach some sort of consensus about what went wrong and what do we know about the timetable for us and when Jimmy called will be stepping down well Jeremy Corbyn we know it will go before the end of March so the any See we understand will meet on January the 7th to agree the final timetable there has been some pressure for Mr Corbyn to go before then in the belief the. That if he remains as leader joining that period he will inhibit a genuine debate and discussion about what has happened to the body just by being there and the party is not going to have a genuine reflection I generally don't think there is going to be or there is the appetite to force an interim leader for those 3 months it's not clear to me who that would be because they don't have a deputy now because Tom Monson obviously stood down and John said he has no appetite to be interim leader Norman Many thanks it's 22 minutes to 7 a power station just outside Sydney could be threatened by spreading bushfires just as Australia braces for a heat wave that will make it all the more difficult to tackle the crisis Phil Mercer is our correspondent in Sydney give us the latest 1st fill on the fires in the vicinity of the city well the Mount Piper power station generates about 10 percent of the electricity here in New South Wales this is Australia's most populous states and this out of control mega fire burning to the northwest of Sydney has come dangerously close to this Power Station Fire crews have managed to stop the ignition of stockpiles of coal a coal mine nearby also came under what's known here as a sustained ember attack these are embers from the main fire that have blown on the wind in New South Wales there are 110 fires burning 59 of those are uncontained and also on the other side of the continent in Western Australia there are dozens of bushfires there too so adding to the bushfire risk is that much of mainland Australia sometime this week later this week will be subject to very very very severe heat wave conditions and what does that mean in terms of the impact on people's lives. We have to remember that if you think of natural hazards in Australia floods storms and bushfires and heat waves heat waves are the most deadly natural hazards in the country they kill more people than all of those other natural hazards put together and in parts of southern Australia there is a full cause that temperatures could reach 50 degrees Celsius in South Australia for example they are 4 costing back to back days of 49 and 50 degrees Celsius for Wednesday and Thursday on the earth or it is in South Australia have issued something called a code red for vulnerable people to try to stay out of the heat as best they can but of course scaping the heat isn't necessarily easy so the oath or it is a trying to warn people to do all of they all they can to stay out of these roasting conditions but of course it makes the spread of the of the fossil all the more possible. It does if you think about the that horrible conspiracy of conditions that makes bushfires so serious and needs to be dry underfoot we've got a very serious drought here in eastern Australia and needs to be hot so we're expecting conditions here in Sydney to reach about $44.00 degrees Celsius and it also needs to be windy so all of those things we do expect at some point towards the end of the week here in eastern Australia and elsewhere in New South Wales the military is being deployed ahead of those worsening bushfire conditions as done to so many bushfires rage so does the political debate about what to do with the worsening bushfire condition there are a group of former senior emergency officials accusing the Australian government of ignoring the impact of climate change on the fire crisis the debate rages as to many of the fires still mess in Sydney thank you it's 80 minutes to 7 and time for a look at the papers and news websites and the government's decision to make it unlawful to extend the brakes a transition period beyond the end of next year is the main story for many of them the Telegraph says Boris Johnson argues that unless the e.u. Is working to a hard deadline it will inevitably try to keep Britain tied to its current trading arrangements for as long as possible. Excuse me for the times the move dispels speculation with his 80 strong majority Mr Johnson would tack to a softer Bragg's it and extend the transition period because he wouldn't be so beholden to us skeptic Tory M.P.'s But the independent website says it will force businesses to consider once more whether they should make expensive contingency plans for a possible no deal on New Year's Day 2021 having already wasted money on a boat of preparations for departure twice this year the Guardian focuses on the Labor leadership campaign saying the shadow education secretary Angela Raina has cleared the way for her friend Rebecca long baby to run as the left wing successor to Jeremy Coleman to. Harding instead focus on becoming Deputy Leader The Times reports that the 2 have shared a flat in London since becoming M.P.'s and 2015 and their friendship is thought to be behind their reluctance to compete for the same position for its main story the Mail reports that the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has said it's wrong to expect the royals to behave like super human saints The paper says that Mr Welby spoke out after the Prince Andrew scandal and appeared to defend him by insisting that everyone is human the Duke of York has categorically denied claims by an American woman in Virginia Jeffrey that she was forced to have sex with him on 3 occasions the protests in India about a new citizenship law that gives false track citizenship to people from neighboring countries except Muslims are widely covered the Guardian thinks the landslide reelection of the prime minister Narendra Modi has provided the green light to push through what it calls the most wanted items in the Hindu nationalist wish list the Financial Times says critics see the law as breaking with Mahatma Gandhi's vision of India's being home for people of all faiths and signaling to India's Muslims that they don't fully belong Finally there are warnings that motorists getting away for Christmas faced a frantic Friday with record numbers expected to take to the roads according to The Telegraph chaos on the railways caused by the new into timetable engineering works and strikes mean that more people be forced onto the roads and cars will be bumper to bumper the time says The r a c is expecting pre-Christian is panic and drivers have been told to expect delays of up to an hour and a half it's a quarter to 7 it's just over a month since Brazil's former President Lula da Silva was released from prison pending appeal in connection to his 12 year sentence for corruption until that process is completed he's free to talk and he has certainly been doing that all South America correspondent Katie Watson reports from Sao Paolo. Was in downtown Sao Paolo last week hundreds of law students at Brazil's biggest university waited patiently for the guest of honor to appear. As a lunatic his seat in the room erupted he still evokes strong emotions. I really want to defeat fascism in this country. I want you all to have the same desire if there's one thing I want to do is to fight for the truth and fight hard for a government that lie so blatantly through fake news who salutes the u.s. Government someone who tries to destroy everything that was good that thinks poor people have no value that the community has to die how can you live in a country like that. Was that. Was. Left and Right this country is deeply divided as released from prison means his voice is now louder that of course pleases his supporters but has spurred his critics onto the protesters calling for the Supreme Court to reverse the decision for him and many other prisoners who are now eligible for release pending appeal and an aide to the elevator is a spokesperson for the vampire who are one of the social movements most critical of the former president you can imagine that I prefer my c.c. As I think he's definitely more free to speak but I'm not sure if that means he is more important he would have more influence if millions of people took to the streets or they'd welcome him out of prison people are fighting much more against corruption know what they use than for politicians. You know what we are and he has been hit and the influence of the left has taken a battering here in Brazil which is why both Now one elected on an anti lunatic it just over a year ago Specter is a professor of August foundation in Sao Paolo Yes of course Lula's message is incredibly popular still because it's a message of social equality in a country that is marked by vast amounts of inequality. But at the same time. The reason a problem in the way the party communicate to many people and many moderates the party remains to tell her just from popular sentiment and will remain detached until they actually come up with an argument as to why the b. Ball should trust the left now so could we see a return of Lula and more of his political influence in the run up to the next elections what we have seen is not that comes out of prison ready to engage a wide majority of Brazilians what we see talking to his base and this is understandable because the country's polarized polarized systems as we've seen around the world leaders hesitate to talk to majorities leaders to talk to their base is that of course leaves the center ground hollowed and that as we know is a problem for democracy. Thank. You . Lou supporters a Glad to have him back on the speaker's circuit offering up a very different political narrative to that of Jibril scenario but it's a narrative that people have heard before and many no longer want to listen to. You. It's 11 minutes to 7 and. Of the day has been set by Carl Hill's a year 9 student at little Ilford school it was the winning puzzle of Bobby Siegel's competition them so here goes at Littleford school is a 40 percent Christmas sales the school uniforms Farakka pays 50 pounds in total for 3 school jumpers and receives 10 pounds 14 change if Arab or one school jumper at the original previous comment price how much would it cost. Now a b.b.c. Investigation has revealed that thousands of students across the u.k. Are a strange to from their families which means no financial support and possibly nowhere to go in the holidays Alice Porter is a reporter on the Victoria Dobbs Show program who worked on these figures how do you stop wish the madness. There good morning guest These figures come from the Freedom of Information request that I put in to the Student Loans Company and the student awards agency for Scotland they provide the loans and grants for students for their living costs and I asked the number of students who'd proven that they were strange from their parents and therefore entitled to the maximum amount of funding available and this issue of proof for many of the students can be quite difficult they have to show evidence they've not had contact with their parents for about a year they've got to have statements from upstanding members of the community have to write on their behalf and prove their strange meant and many find this process quite difficult many don't fit this criteria of about a year and of course during that time if you don't have relationships your parents you've got no home to go to and no financial support so many fall in this very very difficult but if you can prove it then you can get extra financial support it's not there's a extra financial support but it's the maximum financial support that is available I normally do or the amount of money that you are entitled to is based on a printed income but obviously if you don't feel it in contact your parents for then how can they assess that So this is being setup to help prove people who have an independent status Alice thank you very much listening to that here in the studio is Blair Anderson who was studying law at Glasgow University but dropped out of his degree earlier this year you have subsequently gone back to university to get to in a moment but what were the circumstances under which you became extra estranged from your family moment show so. The cover long story short I'm gay and I came at the age of 14 and I grew up in a where you can only call homophobic so when I came out it wasn't an option to be 0 which meant that for the 4 or 5 years between then and then moving to university I was in the very difficult position well I had given to my family but I wasn't allowed to tell anyone else I wasn't allowed to tell anyone about the mental health issues I was going through and it was a Phillip difficult time but when I got to university I always saw university as my way out of that situation and when I got to university I was in a position to cut off ties because I had. Funding and I wasn't dependent on them for you know house and food and all the rest of it you know but what was your experience of the system only as point about having to prove that you were strange from your parents so the system as it stood does not work that was why I had to drop out so for the 3 years I was in university before dropping out I was getting my shouldn't funding based on the income of my parents despite the fact that they weren't supporting me financially because there was no way or the only not question form to say I am strange you would phone up call center and they would say them 12 months yes because that's sort of the nature of. So of toxic family relationships so even if you have an argument on the phone they would hear that and think what he is in contact with his friends he's not a strange yet the definition was Hellman and break down for 12 months which is as unfeasible and it's not Western It looks like for anyone so what then happened so after dropping. And I was very very lucky to meet someone at the university who knew someone called Dan Keenan he works in the university's waving desperation team he has changed my life there's no other way but and so after talking to him he said are you. I know that you're a whole category of person a stranger and no I've never heard of I thought I was just in a funny personal situation and they said yes so because you're a stranger entitled to all of this extra funding which I had no idea about but there was no way to prove it but we've said and thanks to Dan who knew someone with an sas the world's agents if there was a form of just one bad people and then all of a sudden I was getting 3 grand extra you know which meant I could come back to you know what's the right and that is why you are in rolled back on your on your law degree I would not be able to graduate of our Blair Anderson thank you very much for there's going to be much more about this story on the Victoria your program which is a 10 am on b.b.c. 2 Thank you it's 7 minutes to 7 a waterfall kid and a miracle berry are among the 100 new species discovered this year by the Royal Botanic Garden secure in London Dr Martin cheek is abortionists there and seen senior scientists within the queue science identification and naming Department he's here in the studio Good morning good morning off and let's go through some of the top 10 because there are some amazing plants that you found there and it's not just scientists who found them because there were snowdrops found by somebody on holiday yes this was a Turkish pediatrician who while on holiday one weekend. Spotted an unusual Snowdrop took photos of it put up on Facebook and. A Ukrainian. Snowdrop fanatic going through Facebook found pictures of this realize they were something extremely unusual and then contacted her went out. With her to find these plants collect samples and then brought this to the attention of one of my colleagues Evan Davis who you know drop specialists you're going to be bombarded with holiday pictures now but tell us about your own discovery the so-called waterfall orchid this is a plant that I. I did last year in Guinea a country in West Africa where there's a whole family of plants that just grow in waterfalls they need pure water every rock to grow on. Many of them are highly localized So having found out about this waterfall and being in Guinea is part of our topical important plant areas program . Sought out to to get there and find out what species of this family were there and in the course of that I found this plant which is only known from this waterfall and the trouble it faces is that there's a hydroelectric dam. Planned for this site and if that goes ahead if no measures is taken the risk that this species will become extinct and that is a problem with many of the new species the eve discovered that they are at risk of extinction but many of them have really interesting medicinal properties such Some of them to most plant species on the planet have not been even looked at for their potential applications for man kind medicinal or or otherwise but there's a fungus that you found which could be useful for arthritis that's right turn more than that apparently it's got I'm not a mycologist I'm a I'm a plant taxonomist. And centered in Africa but this fungus from China which uniquely grows on one species of bamboo in southwest China in you know on the the fruit bodies. Have compounds of a class called hyper Kremlin's which have very high biological activity including those you've mentioned but also has a bar ticks. And for treating other with met many other medical applications there's a lot lot of excitement in this class of compounds that are produced by this fungus that fears too because of extinction. Risks of climate change of biodiversity apparently Yes I don't have a crystal particular one Dr Martin cheek thank you very much indeed for talking to us 3 minutes to 7 Christmas getaway this week for some more of the weather have in store for us Helen Willetts. Thank you very much for the wet and windy weather's coming back in Unfortunately as we head towards the end of this working week could actually today it's quite quiet out there for many parts not all let's start with the exception southeast England eastern England in Lincolnshire waking up to another really pretty wet morning cloudy outbreaks of rain will continue on and off throughout the rest of the days of big gray and murky spray and standing water on the right it is relatively mild there however elsewhere across England Wales too it's cold this morning with some frost and some fairly thick folk to watch for the Vale of York northwestern parts the mid and set some of the major motorway networks works in to the east of Wales as well and it's freezing folks the temperatures may struggle to get much above freezing for much of the day but elsewhere to be dry air with some sunshine and temperatures again not that much higher than 5 or 6 degrees Celsius but I think with that sunshine to feel pleasant enough in the light winds Northern Ireland similar along with Scotland with this cold start this morning some frost around some ice and snow across parts of Scotland some fault for Scott down Northern Ireland but again once he clears away which might struggle it should be a dry a day than yesterday with more sunshine not warmer they are $4.00 to $6.00 degrees Celsius but at least the showers become confined to coastal and northern areas. Thank you very much indeed now let's look ahead to later this morning on Radio 4. Tim Haywood has a question if we would stall count it will make you go a little fixing Sure us how the craft movement is challenging capitalism and struggling with the idea of consumerism can't quite get my head around that I think the whole joy of having an object is making yourself. What would a home made world look like. On the broad very much with very less fancy building or a plane what if people stopped buying stuff and started making this morning at home lost 11 b.b.c. Radio 4. In the next hour of the program will be talking to the former culture minister Ed Vaizey about the future of the license fee on the stalls and director of the forthcoming $8.00 film adaptation of Louisa May or could snowball Little Women You're listening to today on b.b.c. Radio 4 with Michelle Hussein and Martha Conny.

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