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This into the lives of previous owners there is something particularly. About a vicar who throws himself out of an airplane or a true van starts with To Whom It May Concern next Tuesday but for on b.b.c. Radio. 'd b.b.c. Radio 4 it's 5 o'clock time for pm with Paddy O'Connell. The Chinese warship has seized an unmanned submersible deployed by an American survey vessel in international waters in the South China Sea officials in Washington say the craft was taken just as it was about to be retrieved northwest of Subic Bay in the Philippines the u.s. Is demanding its return German prosecutors are investigating a case in which a 12 year old boy of Iraqi descent is said to have tried to detonate a homemade nail bomb at a Christmas market he said to have made 2 attempts to explode a device in Iraq sack in the western town of Ludwig's Hafen in late November 2 former soldiers in their sixty's are to be prosecuted for the alleged murder of an ira man in Northern Ireland in 1972 John McCann who was 24 was shot dead in disputed circumstances in Belfast during the Troubles the 2 men who haven't been named were members of the Parachute Regiment. The independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has said it will hold only for public hearings next year but a review has concluded that none of the inquiries 13 investigations should be dropped he has a Home Affairs Correspondent Tom Simons this review was ordered by the inquiry is chair professor Alexis j. Who promised it would make substantial progress by 2020 and described its broad remit as a virtue the 4 hearings planned for next year will examine the abuse of Child Migrants children in Rochdale and allegations against the English Benedictine congregation in the Catholic Church the inquiry plans to refocus its investigation of the claims against the late Labor peer Lord Janner to concentrate on how institutions responded to them a former Royal Marine convicted of the murder of a Taliban fighter as had his application for bail delayed Alexander Blackman is serving an 8 year sentence for the killing in 2011 his family were hoping he would be released pending a challenge to his conviction but the hearing has been rescheduled for next Wednesday. Jagger appears to have decided on a name for his new born son Devereaux Octavian Basil Jagger a photograph of the baby captioned with his new name was posted on social media by some mixed author Elizabeth this is pm of b.b.c. Radio 4 Hello I'm Patty O'Connell the evacuation of Aleppo after years of siege came to a halt today with thousands trapped the regime of President Assad says Syria's 2nd city has now been liberated from terrorists but buses meant to drive off with civilians including children under 5 failed to turn up or didn't move off hundreds had already got out using buses like these was. Outside the siege city there just left these people spoke at the bus window as one goal was cry for each. Of Us against the water don't be sad how do you feel now you are among the revolutionaries One man asked I am happy it's a feeling that cannot be described she replies praise God for your well being and the return say others off camera. But now thousands more who want to leave are trapped waiting in the winter cold the buses have come to a hold an uncertain fate awaits young men who board the buses as they will need to account for their last years living in the city where the rebellion against President Assad began 100 deal brokered by Turkey some fighters are allowed to go to villages held by the opposition one teacher who has been in regular contact with Radio 4 told us he felt his choice had come down to leave or die at lunchtime Abdul Cuffy spoke again to the world at one and his words are read by an actor. Well you know when they're in. The weather is so cold some people have been here since 9 am yesterday and the children are so hungry they're crying they are freezing and most of them here are scared of a brutal. To the ceasefire they are afraid that they will not be able to get out this is the feeling of most people here and so to wire the buses or hold it Syrian state media said the mission was suspended after rebels tried to smuggle heavy weapons and captives out with the buses as they left the besieged enclaves regime and opposition forces then blamed each other for shots fired on another convoy headed towards rebel areas in. The Syrian government and Iran its ally had further insisted the movement could says negotiations are tonight on the way to try to get the buses moving again Elizabeth Hoff is the Syria representative for the World Health Organization they know that but they let the large number of people know that there is still a large number of people remaining in these fortified neighborhoods that are still besieged a large number of women or children under 5 and injured the to remain in an area where the regime and the Russians say that if you stay in Aleppo it's your choice and yet these are people who want to leave can't so what's going to happen to them we are actually there actually hoping that we can negotiate an outcome for them to be evacuated like the others have been evacuated since yesterday I know that the Office of the u.n. Special envoy including Agle and are working very hard with the people on the ground to try and find a solution or find a solution it seems as though there's a ticking clock Well good luck to you yes the weather here is not conducive for this kind of situation there's winter weather and we have thousands of people who have come out to West Aleppo who are suffering because of the cold and there is a lack of shelter in western Aleppo you do have hospitals you are controlled are you not by the regime how many people are in the hospitals are they overwhelmed we have 11 have 11 operating hospitals. They are all overwhelmed they are full of patients also from East Aleppo so it's not only patients from West Aleppo but a high number of injured and people with chronic diseases that have come from Eastern Aleppo and have been seeking treatment also the private hospitals and the N.G.O.s supported hospitals have opened up for emergency care free of charge the patients that have come from Eastern Aleppo and also there are many injured here in West and from mortars that a full in over the last 2 weeks so the hospitals are overwhelmed and the health personnel are working round the clock. Are people going to die in western Aleppo because the hospitals are overwhelmed so I know I have to say that I never cease to be touched by the generosity of the Syrian people they are the main supporters of these people they are taking them into their houses and these are really the heroes of this war and I think that is what will continue to see what it will continue Elizabeth of of the w.h.o. Words forced by a colleague because of the quality of the phone line in peace time the journey from Aleppo to it would take 15 minutes south west by motorway much of the province is controlled by the many different factions opposed to President Assad Nick Finney's director for Northwest Syria for Save the Children he spoke to us from Turkey. It is becoming really the remaining refuge for the opposition both political military in Syria it's province of a run $1000000.00 people normally at the moment and for the last couple of years really it's become. With displaced people from across Syria people are literally running out of space and of course with the current situation in Aleppo where people are. Trying to leave and generally being of a. Accu ate it up we expect this will increase the pressure now in particular there are 2 towns which have been besieged by rebels to the point where people living in them have been eating grass and have had to undergo operations without anesthesia this is not a besieged by the regime this is besieged by the rebels can you tell us about those towns yes of these 2 towns called kefir and they are pro-government areas and they've been stuck Colt's by rebel forces for some time so actually what we've seen over recent days with regards to the negotiations to try to evacuate people from eastern Aleppo has also related to these towns in many ways the negotiation has consisted of an exchange or that's been the effort that's been made because it's the similar time is the similar tenuous evacuation of eastern Aleppo and food and and that's one of the suggestions why the buses have been halted today exactly and we don't exactly know where it went wrong who shot for us what created this. This situation we saw this afternoon where the evacuation from Aleppo 'd stopped but there have been. There been instance both leaving Aleppo and around these towns of conference this afternoon and subsequently you're the director for Save the Children in this area bluntly are you failing at the moment to save the children Yeah absolutely I think this is a very frustrating situation for organizations like Save the Children and humanitarian organizations in general there's no protection over the last 6 months in the governorate for example where we run schools and hospitals those facilities have been attacked including a turn. Hospital we really are running out of ideas it's very bleak to listen to you and it's winter and thousands more people are headed into this sectarian nightmare that's why it's very cold around here at the moment it's dropping down below 0 every night and of course the people who are leaving Eastern Aleppo they're coming to a place which is over saturated already they might have to sleep outside they might have to improvise a shelter under plastic sheets and of course they're the lucky ones these are the people that got out of eastern Aleppo there are still some 50000 plus people who because of the breakdown of this deal this afternoon remain stranded in eastern Aleppo and don't know what the future holds for them Aleppo was where the rebellion against President Bashar Assad began and it's where some of his fiercest critics and people who are fighting him have remained Is there a feeling that once it becomes the center that it will then become the center of more attacks it's already happening the question is will it now begin to intensify following this turning point that we see in in Aleppo and of course we fear and expects that it will there have been many unexpected twists and turns Unfortunately none of those surprises thus far have been positive ones for civilians or and for children who are innocent of this conflict Nic Finney's from Save the Children speaking to pm from just inside Syria's border with Turkey it's approaching quarter past 5 on Radio 4 this is pm And here with the headlines is how to fill part the evacuation of civilians and rebels from Aleppo has been halted for most of the day but reports say a deal has been agreed which may allow the operation to resume about 400 inmates have been rioting and burning in prison the trouble has now spread to 4 wings the independent inquiry into child abuse and said it won't reduce its scope despite criticism by a former chairwoman. A disturbance at h.m.p. Birmingham has spread to 4 wings as we've heard from Howard the prison which was known as Winston green is run by the company g 4 s. It holds more than $1400.00 men a specialist national team has been sent in to restore control this man who wishes to remain anonymous was waiting for his son to be released from the prison and he explained what he had heard the royals started over the lack of hot water for prison inmates. And then. Prison officer was called to the scene and he was threatened with a syringe and keys were stolen from his lead to. Lead to a full scale rise which is obviously led to the insolence of the hunted on our reporter Phil Mackey is at the prison Hello Phil what happened on Friday what it's apparently had around 9 o'clock this morning a prison guard was overpowered by an inmate apparently with some form of improvised weapon at which point his keys were taken off him that's how the other prisoners are picked to be take control of the 1st one wing and then several more we now understand that up to 4 wings of. The prisoner on the prisoner control and as far as we're aware they are still in control of the prison inside the perimeter is secure they say and there is no chance of anyone getting out we've seen smoke rising from behind the prison in the last hour or so but that appears to have been put out as well just telling you what it looks like outside at the moment there are police officers there a fire engines but actually here some breaking news we just got a statement from g 4 s. The private company which runs the prison they've said that given the scale of the incidents and deployments of national resources we've agreed that the overall operation responsibility for the response when I transferred to the prison service with immediate effect we know people have been going in there trying to quell the riot but this was we are aware at this stage Paddy the prisoners are still in control while we can out those 2 things together and say that g 4 s. Has lost control in both senses one of the. Business sells because it's now been taken over by the Prison Service and the other of 4 wings have been taken over by the inmates it says bad as it looks what is the prison governors association said well they have also had some very very strong words of the about this they've said it's come to a very difficult time on the back of recent riots of a time when the prison the state is already bursting at the seams and actually at some stage when they do take control of this prison back a lot of those prisoners will have to be moved to other prisoners probably nearby and that's going to create more pressure there but I think this is particularly interesting the p.g.a. Goes on to say it would appear on the face of it that the private sector has now been infected with the same disease that has had such a debilitating impact on the running of public sector prisons and erosion of respect and disregard for authority which is in bold and prisoners across the sector any suggestion the right is evidence the staffing levels are not a factor or any significant one is too simplistic we've just seen some pictures which of apparently taken by some of the rioting prisoners inside they've been shared in the last hour or so on social media and they apparently show some of the officers some of the prisoners I should say are inside the inside their party and we're eating some of the royal gear that the prison officers would have been trying to use to stop them so wearing helmets and carrying shields laughing and smiling for the cameras in the 20 seconds that remain a specialist team is moving in you know this is called the Tornado team these are specially trained prison officers they have been called here they're being supported by specially trained West Midlands police officers as well I think the latest from here is that the situation party keeps changing keeps developing and they will be desperate to retain regain control of the prison some take place around the safe in the marquee thank you we asked to speak to the minister of justice we asked to speak to the national Offender Management Service but no one was available. Presidents a generally concerned with up holding the law but the president of the Philippines Rodrigo to Turkey has today confirmed to the b.b.c. That he shot dead 3 men while man of the city of devour our correspondent Karishma Vaswani has been quizzing him about the claims I. Feel them because there were 3 of them. Give Elian no home how many bullets from a gun when he said good buddies but. It happened and she cannot lie about it because do you think that makes you a fit for the job the players of course given the problems yes I have before a meal drug addicts in May country. Saw. That it's not your job. Bullshitters industry it's in make on the floor a long road that stores. The scum pain we go on and that Dyleski their conditions until all of them are getting. Confirmation in his own words and in English come to softer noon we thought you'd like to hear it is the president of the Philippines admitting that he shot dead 3 men. Back home the firm that runs the National Lottery has been fined 3000000 pounds for paying out on a suspect ticket. Most machines we would draw most of the sensibilities Darron and the dreams of being overseen by an independent adjudicator discover 6 and settles for well the draws been televised since 1994 raising 36000000 pounds for good causes this is a recent and innocent example a total of $39.00 balls to pick from in this 1st machine you have to but now the Gambling Commission says Camelot must pay for its poor controls that allowed one deliberately damaged slip to win back in 200928 half 1000000 pounds went to the claimant and what the commission says was highly likely to have been a fraud chief executive Andy Duncan told me what went wrong with the alleged incident took place in 2009 but it's important to point out it was related to a damaged ticket price claim that some further evidence came to light in 2015 that casts doubt on the original decision to pay out but it's very important to make the point this is nothing to do with national She draws nothing to do with the nor National she processes where the integrity remains very strong but there this unique one off alleged event where it seemed reasonable to pout the prize in 2009 then potentially had a doubt raised based on new evidence we received October last year right and of course the Gambling Commission says it's highly likely this is fraud which although I'm not an expert means someone says their ticket went in the washing machine but actually they were trying to fiddle the books yet basically a fraud is a criminal offense and we potentially been the victims of a fraud here the important thing is they said it was a damaged ticket but it was a fiddle ticket Well we think it was potentially deliberately damage and we have a number of checks and balances and actually as soon as this came to our attention we brought in p.w. See our auditors' and they have done for a checks and we're absolutely confident if this happened it was a one off incident but we've also strengthen our processes such that a similar to. They wouldn't be processed so it couldn't happen again how much did you pay the person who presented the fiddle ticket the jackpot payment concern was 2500000000 pounds and that it's very important to make the point that no player missed out here that would have been an unclaimed ticket after $180.00 days that money would have gone to good causes we've now paid that money to the gaming commission based on their findings already so good causes hasn't lost out but it did mean that the prize payout made at that time potentially was done so on a fortune basis I do think that it wouldn't have been possible to know what evidence is going to turn up 66 years later but I have to say I think the critical point is this was potentially a unique one off it hasn't happened again since and couldn't have now did the claimant walk off with the money trials are it or have you got it back no the money was paid out at that time and we have to be careful because we're still subject to a criminal investigation but actually obviously if there was some way of getting money back we would want to do so but meanwhile out of our own cannot money we retain one p. In the pound as for our shareholders we paid that money back to the Gambling Commission so good causes got the money back and we would obviously like together with the police to see some sort of prosecution here bearing in mind we're the victims and potentially get some money back that would obviously be a positive thing and finally your the chief executive if I buy a ticket today can you promise me that mine will when I can't go what I can guarantee you is that the integrity of the national tree remains absolutely strong and robust today and in Duncan of Camelot. Jeremy Corbyn is to be read launched in the New Year so say the Guardian Independent and more the report suggests that strategist want to ride the wave of populism and they see the Labor leader as the sort of unpolished down to stablish figure that voters seem to like these days but do political relaunches ever work now stand together and fight for the things in which we all believe. Is not turning do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man. The quiet man is here to stay and he's turning up the volume. It's a Labor amendment Mr Speaker which calls for decisive action and a stimulus now. People watching of had Ha I've had learning to dance and catch it and I must have had a complete blast because it's been such a fabulous thing a few examples of politicians reinventing themselves could a similar strategy be successful for one Jake or been for and so we turn to publicist and media commentator Mark because ski and Elena Goodman who for many years was political editor at Channel 4 News given his opinion poll ratings it would be unlikely if they want looking around for something to do to give him a new boost because he said not if I'm going to win at this level and in some ways it seems to me you can see there is a here in the strategy and a position in him as the outsiders candidate because that is exactly what he is the trouble is he may be too far outside and pause was relaunched on Strictly Star Wars has been rebooted so has poll Dark Mark Borkowski relaunch is can work in Britain. Yes they can we join these conversations about rebranding relaunching rebooting and sometimes $8.00 raw used to level where. It becomes desperate and we start looking about what is the need to do that because what's the track record I don't know what political relaunches have works well I suppose you look back and in the Labor party and you think of the Red Rose launch in 1986 tremor that the coming little red rose which would embody the fact that Labor was a new and fresh and on the move and rather to the surprise of everybody the Labor party rather like that the trouble is it didn't actually get him elected in the service of going to election because the things underneath haven't changed well wait a minute there where you have to then go on the next step because you can argue that with the 1st building break and then of course you have new labor itself which is the big relaunch ever handed and that's a landslide so actually although that was limited in its time frame up because there was a big political relaunch it was called New Labor and the public backed it they did but it was written branches very very drastic and I'm not a wholly convinced that the same thing could be done for called in in in this way. Tend to relaunch when they are perhaps the lowest ebb there's been a crisis has been something has gone wrong they have to rethink the brand and that's what they certainly did with New Labor but I think we live in very very different times there is there is truth in the fact that Jeremy Coleman isn't on polished and to establishment figure that right if they think that about him in the eye the policy well it isn't and it's to some extent you're making the best of what you've forgotten people are crying out for honesty and therefore if they tried to present him as something other than he is they would lose even more trust and they have the problem with any read on is it doesn't risk exposing them to mockery if you remember Duncan Smith remember he was being used he was feared there was going to be a coup against him and it had a code I think the party conference they have that rather unfortunate voice and he then held another call. When she turned round I said I'm not going to be the quad and he said his voice cracking I'm going to be the angry man and I'm afraid us we in the press will sort of mocked that and there are successions of those kind of things and read on to take different forms they can be just policy relaunch if you think of back to basics which had to be relaunched several times by John Major and an even ideas like to remember it didn't last long to enable a stakeholder capitalism he went to remember to the Far East to relaunch why he did it I never understood and it can be relaunches of hope people I suppose arguably Mrs Thatcher was relaunched when she got a new voice Yes that's right and also I mean do you not list been some very successful relaunches in business but also some horrible fate as you think of cherry coke and Classic Coke What's the message. Don't all sit around in a room listening to the sound of your own voice get outside of it not she trying to sound real people think about your brand and there's probably too many consult van too many researches who just get back what they want to hear how can we ever get turn William Hague's great reverse baseball moment the public become very suspicious when they begin to see them being marketed to and there's a silver subtlety in this in the end of course as a new way was another one of the cliches we use We've got to be very careful that it doesn't go into marketing babble marketing speak and one thing 2016 has told us is that we need to look at side of our own environment to really planned you know the real facts and to understand what real people think and feel finally have either of you ever relaunched yourselves. I Relaunch every other week petty. Well I suppose I read a launch myself when I went from child for news and I became a slightly greater chance like a good but I've gone back to being a journalist now because it didn't it wasn't for a while and I suppose that's the thing for the politicians to bear in mind it needs to be reflect your true true personality Alan a good man Mark but Koski Let's go to the classic Jonathan Demme will be live now to answer where is any question on who's on it Jonathan Paddy. I'm in London it is going to be in Shepherd's Bush wearing into remarks myself yet again as you know so many M.P.'s ghosts present parliament as research is a lot more selected but some a brother more intriguing. Take for instance a woman who worked in a bakery before becoming the 1st afro caribbean woman to become a government minister which evidently didn't stop a fellow empty telling her this list really meant for Tina that story about our shadow minister who was blues drummer of the year. 2010 years dolphin bought they now in a job share with Caroline Lucas historically don't vote Green party with them a form of breakfast so 4 percent of former minister now chair of the British Transport Police of already estimate by the chief secretary of the Treasury to make the said that George Osborne would someone him to take the flak by instructing lets uncle. That's a bit go a lot of Bangkok ing at 8 o'clock it's lost in the questions of the it's not too late to uncork even now thank you thank you John Dugan with any questions at 8 back in the present it's $532.00 this is pm on Radio 4 here with the headlines is out Philpott there are signs that the evacuation of the Syrian city of Aleppo may resume after it stalled for most of the day the reasons are unclear but the factions involved now appear to have agreed a deal the Russians say 9 and a half 1000 rebel fighters and their families have been taken to a lib and the operation is now over but the opposition Free Syrian Army says it still has 6000 fighters in the city. Passenger facing severe disruption to their Christmas travel plans hundreds of check in staff baggage handlers and cargo crew of going on strike at 18 airports the Unite union says it'll begin on December the 23rd and last 48 hours a specialist ride team has been sent into Birmingham prison to restore order the trouble began on 2 wings of the privately run jail this morning and spread to 2 further wings this afternoon there are reports that inmates of stolen keys to a room housing their records and the burning files police in Germany have a real they're questioning a 12 year old boy who said to have made 2 attempts to explode a homemade bomb at a Christmas market in the town of Ludwig's Hafen the boy who has dual Iraqi German nationality is reported to have been recently radicalized independent inquiry into transsexual abuse has said it will only hold for public hearings next year but has confirmed the scope of its work won't be reduced over the investigation into the late period Lord Jenner will now focus on the institutions involved. A chinese washed up has seized an unmanned submersible deployed by an American survey vessel in international waters in the South China Sea officials in Washington say the vessel was taken as it was about to be retrieved northwest of Subic Bay in the Philippines the u.s. Is demanding its return now the currency in stock markets in London the 100 share index closed up 13 points at 7012 a short while ago in New York the Dow Jones was up $27.00 points at 900879 against the dollar the pound is trading at $1.00 and against the euro it's unchanged at one euro $19.03 reached makes the euro worth $83.00 pence This is Pam I'm Patty O'Connell coming up at the map back in conversation with the fire chief who had to move an entire town to safety. Now the chair of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse has rejected calls for it to be scrapped or scaled back saying its scope is a virtue the inquiry published an internal review and has decided that it will hold for public hearings next year more on this from our home affairs correspondent Tom Simons Hello Tom Good evening what did she say about the remit of inquiry Well she's been under pressure to get control of this somewhat chaotic inquiry by scaling back by reducing the number of individual investigations it carries out currently standing at 13 and she's confirmed today that I think those who were close to this knew that it wasn't likely to happen that she's not going to be scaling back she's committing yourself to all of that work she's committing itself to all of the public hearings that are planned and also adding a number of seminars which will be held in public and in fact she told me earlier that there might be scope to increase the size of the inquiry as we know from recent events there are other issues that may come up that may need the inquiry that. Investigations on them there are an obvious one that there's obviously. Actual abuse in sports and particularly football and as I'm sure you're aware I tend to come up the football associations inquiry them themselves and make sure it's scrutinize it to make sure it's rigorous and has integrity if it were not to satisfy. These requirements then we need to look at that as part of an additional strand of work which means the timescale not necessarily is extended because we might find other ways to deal with it but that that is an example of a media that we we we could add to our current work and one tweak also announced today in the case of the late labor peer Lord Janner who's accused of abusing children in Leicestershire. Over 2 decades or so the inquiry is saying that it will concentrate not on his the allegations against him but on the way institutions responded to those allegations and in fact may be able to complete its work without actually deciding if he abused children at all now that will be controversial with some of those who have accused him I mean all this question about when will it all begin we hear regularly from listeners on Radio 4 who ask when will it all end well and that was a question we asked today and were given no answer to we were told there will be an interim report in 2018 that substantial progress will be made by 2020 and there is concern around this I spoke to one victim of abuse who was told he was going to be giving evidence next summer now has been told it will be 2018 he's very upset with the idea that only 4 public hearings will be held next year and it is not something that makes him happy at all Tom Simon thank you very much 2016 has been a year of mass migration here in Europe 1000000 people arrived in Germany alone but in fact the biggest movement of people in the world is happening in South Sudan where civil war has led to desperate scenes Our Africa correspondent Alison lethal has been to the country's Ugandan border where thousands cross every day to meet the families fleeing killings rape and ethnic cleansing. He just b.b.c. Ladies and gentlemen here in front of you Patricia mercy is 16 and she's performing her poem for the whole school in the refugee camp it's cold war was what was Who are you and where do you come from you have given my mother found out even my brand s. And she stands influence and poised to Trey's deep and agonizing trauma the poem tells the true story of her recent journey from side Sudan eternally are. We at South by people in the bus and then they took my parents. How did you escape I guess around the bush and now following some people who are coming here and then I joined them that's Larry to hear. Oh yes oh I am yes the teachers do what they can this song is about loving yourself about rejecting hatred and is that counselor explained there's a lot of hatred in South Sudan and the children of picked up. Fighting among the children. Kind of individual differences because today came from different areas. But then we also learn from the end of the Us does fighting idea and us. That this is a pretty busy refugee settlement they call it in July it was a small Ugandan village today it's one of the world's largest refugee camps home to a quarter of a 1000000 people and they're still coming. Well this is one of the many small unofficial crossing points between Sudan on the other side of the small stream and Uganda which people have been using for months now there is a main road a main crossing point that people aren't using that at the moment because it was fighting there just a few days ago a little bridge has been put in place here by aid agencies because people have been . Slipping and sliding off this fallen tree which bridges the roof of the bin at least a couple of 100 people have come out of this morning. Carrying mattresses suitcases and possessions on their heads on average around 2 and a half 1000 people have been crossing the border every day so 5 months. Among them was Nelson Lauder told us accompanying his brother's wife and her 5 children explains what they described from getting people sleeping with the waves. Stating. The name if indeed the summer's children. He comes from the town of yea he says the killing was along ethnic lines. The scraps of. Course the president of our country from doing the civil war began as a dispute between the Dinka President Salva Kiir and former vice president Rick Michaud whose knew it it's the country along ethnic lines after the fighting spread in July equitorial like Nelson lauded Thomas have been targeted by the harboring rebels or supporting the government the un says there's now the potential for genocide its human rights observers say ethnic cleansing is already going on. Up at the reception camp where all the refugees from the various crossing points are brought together long lines of formed for registration medical checks and to make sure the children have vaccinated. I know I'm going on right here. It's well organized buses wait to transport people I'm about to board you back to school boys to disk 8 abduction by soldiers the soldiers came and took us. About to kill us but I don't know how can we put our minds that it is us we left behind all of which know closers know everything like it is every day a gunshot every day a gun so they rip even the young children they rip them. If you're a boy from mania. Killing you because saying you're going to blow up on you will be onto. The buses heading to believe it he settled meant or to one of the older camps now fast expanding and they'll soon be going to a new site. Uganda's pledges to treat every refugee with dignity within 36 hours of arriving each family has a plot of land. To put up a shelter and plant a few vegetables that's why the camp covers 250 square kilometer it's not going to join one. Fighter Sarah showed me her garden the okra is almost ready to harvest the tomatoes onions and green ones she's coping well the reason she's here is horrific. And often she explains how one night soldiers came round to her home and demanded car keys from her husband and then hacked into death just outside the house we don't have enough resources to put this in context we need like 4000000 liters of water a day and right now we're able to provide just about half of that Nazia able Fernandez is the u.n.h.c.r. Senior emergency coordinator in northern Uganda he's heard so many refugees stories and wants something to be done an international community has complete and should do this and especially pressure the South Sudanese leaders to stop this because this is a massacre of civilians going on by both sides were were well yeah let their best their friends to people and the Lish. Was forced millions of people from their homes shows little sign of ending with aid workers and journalists now being deported there's fear the crisis in science are down will deepen still further a.q. We know. Why you are the only fish in Africa. Reporter Alastair Leithead it's just about $543.00 here with the headlines is how it there are hopes that the evacuation of Syrian civilians and rebel fighters from the remaining rebel enclave of Aleppo may resume after it was halted for most of the day thousands of people are still waiting for transport out of the ruined city Christmas travelers at airports across the u.k. Will be hit by 2 days of strikes by hundreds of baggage handlers and cargo crew the Unite union has called the action for the 23rd and 24th of December. A special Rod squad has been sent into a private prison in Birmingham after a day of disturbances in 4 wings of the jail recently the Welsh Government announced a new funding scheme for university students scrapping its Jewish and fee Grant and replacing it with a system of grants and loans said to be more generous for families from poorer backgrounds while better off students will get less and it got us thinking what are the differences in funding for students from each of the 4 home nations England Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland here is Andrew Bomford meet Nadia All right so does that mean I go 1st yeah yeah please yeah right. Hi my name's not there I study sorry university no idea marriage Ok I'll go next them married Perry Hi I might add I am not a hottie and I'm 20 and I'm a ta this is see I'm from North Wales I'm like a proper home but I love Wales and yet I get a lot of grants. Actually And hello Jack Douglas my name stuck to the universe the rest and. We're using Internet connections for this chat Ok That's correct yes. Ok there's a better yeah I can hear him yeah yeah that's better and that's Matthew Carson I'm I'm from Northern Ireland I'm studying art Queen's University Belfast so let's get down to the money Ok so please don't hate me now because I know I got quite a set amount of money but obviously being Welsh and going to University in Wales it gives me a bit of an advantage in a sense marriage gets a grant to cover $5100.00 pounds of fees and a repayable loan for the $3900.00 pounds left over plus a grant for living costs which is $5161.00 per year which is sounds like a lot of money I gotta wait there's more I guess a city 1696 of maintenance loan which I have to pay back it's obviously because of my rents and my living costs and stuff it adds up per year to $10261.00 pounds in grants she doesn't have to pay it back and $7600.00 pounds in loans which do have to be repaid I just about breakeven but I also have a job which I work like 24 I was a week Ok enough Mandia in England basically I get a 1000 a year huge role and for the 1st I get 1250 from the student finance to help me live off and that's a loan right yeah I have to pay for. I don't know how. So pay Yeah it's a $9000.00 pound tuition fee loan and $3750.00 pounds living costs low obviously it's not enough to live off so she has a paid job and get support from her parents and for the boys Jack in Scotland gets free to assure an 875 pound Grant and 6750 pounds in loans people think of Scottish educate. Sort of like heavenly but it's far from that it's not and Matthew in Northern Ireland my fees are 3925.2 years so that's because the Northern Ireland Executive and similar to situation in Wales decided not to increase the fees at the time that they were increasing and then there's a $3475.00 Grant and a load of $2953.00 a year Ok it's an awful lot of figures So to summarize marriage in Wales gets 10000 pounds in grants and 7000 pounds in loans no idea in England gets nothing and grants and almost 13000 pounds in loans Jack in Scotland gets almost $10000.00 pounds in grants including the free tuition fees and almost $7000.00 pounds in loans and Matthew in Northern Ireland gets a grant of almost $3500.00 pounds in loans of almost 7000 pounds including the reduced Jewish in fees so what about living costs in the different nations in Northern Ireland my rent is $200.00 pints a month for me oh my gosh. So do you in Scotland if you thought 200 IP 175. I hate is that Wales Ok so I live in a pretty darn nice house with 8 people on it 360 a month and England paying 500 pounds a month for rule so when all 4 students leave university what will the debt levels be like Jack in Scotland Matthew in Northern Ireland and Merritt in Wales you're all going to be somewhere in the same ballpark aren't you sort of 202-5000 pounds there at that Ivy Yeah yeah but not united if you want to grow. In England is likely to end up with double the amount of debt more than $50000.00 pounds everyone's going to be in that so. It's the same struggle bar knowing that the money is double It's scary it sounds like a joke but it's not really funny like a leader shocked so for these students a learning experience the most generous systems are Wales and Scotland followed by Northern Ireland and then England but will test you on all those figures on Monday he was one of the biggest mass evacuations in the western world as wildfires spread informant Mary in Canada in May 90000 people took to the road to safety Well Darby Alan originally from Birmingham is the fire chief who led the evacuation and Eddie Mair went to meet him people in town talk about before the fire and after the fire you know whatever word you use for it it was it was a big deal there's no question about that but it were what happened on Sunday the 1st of May we get you know we're stuck in the middle of the borealis forest so forest fires and not unusual for us somebody phone me call Bernie and he said you know we just got one going on the west of town called Farnham and noise and it was about 30 kilometers away I called a few people and I said you know we've got a bit of a problem let's get to our regional operations center and then things happen quickly 10 o'clock that day the mayor announced a local emergency the fire was coming our way we were still hopeful on that it would kind of by passes but unfortunately it didn't it got closer we we were evacuating people already on that 1st day and then of course on the Tuesday you know it came in with a vengeance and took over the whole town pretty well and when you say to go over the whole time what was not like it was overwhelming we tried to get all the information we could with respect to where the fire was going to go out that was going to affect our people. We were hopeful it would stay on on kind of the good side of the Athabaskan river and on the morning of the 2nd the jump the river that distance is 1200 feet it's I don't know of any farther 7 distance it is known that the wind was in the right way the followed was in the right way and it throws the Shuji embers up into the air and then the wind carries it throws it on the other side of the river and then it spots there and because the conditions are so draw it it starts on the other side as soon as we knew that we knew we were evacuating the rest town so it was just a matter of time you know our how could we get people out where could we send them how many people was that the best of my information it's 8890000 people that we evacuate from town and that's quite a number of people to get out quickly in any circumstances but I imagine the people were frightened and anxious and you had all sorts of other human problems to deal with in England it will be a little bit weird but here we're in a we're in a community that's 4 and a half hours you know 400 not kilometers from our nearest town there's only one way in and one way out as one road in one road out we drew a line across town Basin instead if you live in this area we're going to direct you to go north and if you live in this area we got right you need to go south so did some people resist nobody vocally resisted I'm not saying there weren't a few people who stuck around but after the fire on the choose Dean people didn't need a lot of Pradhan it was it was a pretty scary place and you know there were whole areas of the city that were on far far far as they used to seen flying used to put themselves in danger we need don't think too much about it. If you're a mom with 2 kids in the back seat and a dog on the front seat a new glittery got flames lip licking around your vehicle enough to blister the plane that's terrifying how long did it take to get the fire if not out and certainly under control. Well within town we were fighting the fire for about another significant fire fine for about another 10 days or so the fall it was officially said it was out on I believe it was July the 5th which is you know a few months after that but that's the reality may this is to July the 5th it's I don't believe it's the biggest wildfire but it's the biggest wildfire that's ever felt to the community it was 1500000 acres and that's the point of those you say you have so many wildfires you number them this was the 1st to come close to it and obviously through a time like this certainly the biggest far evacuation the biggest fathers OTOH can a population in Canadian history it was a big deal and how much you're getting by the way at this at this point I think it was probably 4 or 5 days we went without any sleep at that time we just didn't have enough people to cycle in r.l. It wasn't until after that where we got a lot provincial support and there then we started setting up schedules where you know you'd work 12 hours and get a bit of time off work some more hours so frightening was it for you or was it simply relying on your instincts and your skills and doing your job on a on a very great scale we didn't have a lot of time it's not like we had hours to sit around and come up with plans we were making decisions minute by minute so that was. Fairly stressful. It was scary you know I think anybody who says they weren't a little bit scared is is law in I knew that I would be fine I like firefighters don't think about that but I was I was worried about the people I was worried we wouldn't get them out I was worried we would lose hundreds thousands and I was you know it hit me up I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to I was so worried what was sustaining you during those days it. Interesting because initially we really didn't have a lot of anything right we didn't have food we didn't have water we found water life safety was our primary goal and then as days went by where we didn't get coal saying well I can't find my brother or my sister or wife or my kids it was like holy smokes you know I think we've done this I think we might got them out and as those days went by I mean we still didn't have any missiles persons it became evident that we had got them out and I can't tell you what a white that was off my shoulders and then Ok well now we've got to save our critical infrastructure because what are people going to come back to so then you've got this massive goal to do all out and then of course people's property and the fire killed no one as a direct result of the Father fire killed no one and the response afterwards was quite something the radio host Charles and low went on Twitter to thank you personally on behalf of the nation is that really I didn't know that. You know and I've been overwhelmed with both personal support and support for our community obviously the people that came up to help us you know we couldn't have done it without them that's a very dark side to the fame of the reaction to you or what people have said about what happened. I mean there's obviously stuff that's been derogatory you know as far as what we did and how we did it and I think that sent it to be expected who was derogatory but what Nat did you do wrong well I don't know to be honest but there are you know I don't do Facebook and Twitter but people tell me this thing's on their wall we should have evacuated earlier we should have done this we should have done that and what will happen with this is you know this this is the biggest thing in Canadian history there are many many reports on go in and certainly we will find out thing. Things we did well and we could have done better and Ok with I'm Ok with the communities like us learn from that and you know what maybe we did some things that were pretty good too at the end of the day my proved to that is that you know we got everybody out so people can learn from us Well Darby Allen with Eddy who'll be back on Monday right in between then and now the weather here is stabbed in a us thank you very much Patty hello there the weather is continuing go with this benign theme into the weekend as high pressure be the dominant feature for most of the u.k. Bring in May need dry weather and light winds for the majority patchy cloud in some sunshine and west guys clear overnight and it will become cold with some frost and fog in the mix too so for the rest this evening and into tonight rain across Eastern scholar will continue to peter out in clear away the rain across Wales and Northern England will push southeast woods into central and southern England and this also tend to fizzle out so leave a lot of clouds some spots of drizzle and system for patches for Scotland Northern Ireland and Northern England will hear it will be a clear and cold night with some mist and some frostbite on the further south under the cloud less cold lows of $5.00 to $9.00 Celsius so for Saturday it's a cold start across the northern half the u.k. To him a new drive bright with some sunshine central and southern parts of Britain will start less carbon mostly cloudy with the odd spot of drizzle mist them fog to a few sunny spose may break through the cloud across the south but the brightest the weather will be across the north the far northwest of Scotland there will be windy with thick cloud and some rain temperatures rain from 7 to 11 Celsius for Sunday it's a chilly start for most otherwise many fine unsettled day with patchy cloud and some sunshine across Scotland will be windy with outbreaks of rain a mild or very mild to the rest of the u.k. Than a chilly day with temperatures in single figures that show weather back to you Paddy and that's your stabbed in a house Good evening from pm Back on Sunday with the last Broadcasting House program of the year here's the whole thing in advance in just a minute. By. A good use for the b.b.c. License fee Fox is going to be great cooking the Christmas goose in Downing Street because in a sense it's all been a dream in the sense it's so or you could put it another way that Scrooge was summoned these figures from his subconscious the winner of The Great British Bake Off this. Close I have doubts private doubts and thoughts of what I think is this yet closes is that all political revolution in this country is incomplete. It's nice to have a moment to reflect it's nice to be circumspect It's nice to be able to drop and say what you really mean sincerely Lucian Freud Many thanks I'm to old for and let's love scenes down.

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