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It's. In part one of I guess the Christie's nemesis Miss Marple was played by June Whitfield Mr Rafi George a cooper Miss Temple Jill Bolte. 6 Cherry Jane wouldn't show this to broad rip Jeffrey Whitehead Esta and assume Yvonne edgel. This is really Porter boy. Richard Jamieson. Other parts were played by members of the cost. RINGBACK Them a sis's dramatized for radio by Michael Bakewell and directed by and it with. June Whitfield the brilliant as the sleuth with candyfloss head and a mind like a steel trap. I'm mumbling I'm and this is my rule book of crime here on Radio 4 extra Still to come Reitman Chandler p.d. James Henning Mankell and my own little surprise a radio crime jam featuring an actor that starred in the sixty's t.v. Classic Cathy Come Home need any more clues come on I'm making this easy for you. Is b.b.c. Radio 4 x. . Monk billing thems rule book of crime chapter 3. Tastes better. Personally speaking there's nothing wrong with top quality potting cryptic puzzles or a beautifully disguised red herring there's room for cyanide with crumpets and for costly goings on at the vicar Ridge but after falling for show look I always seems to be looking for something a little darker while I go through friends are busy defining but huge crime on the other side of the pond something very different was taking shape Dashiell Hammett cut his teeth in the 1920 s. On pulp magazines such as Black Mask against the bleak background of the Great Depression and prohibition his stories could not have been more different to the u.k. Cozies there were no Vickers there was no poison or inheritances they were hoodlums guns cops and above all there were characters like Sam Spade who appeared in the classic 930 novel The Maltese Falcon. He was said that Hammett gave murder back to the people who committed it for a reason those are the words of Raymond Chandler who picked up the ball from Hamilton ran wild with it Chandler gave hard boiled detective fiction its style in the shape of archetype will gumshoe Philip Marlowe appearing 1st in 139 as The Big Sleep Molly was a knight errant on a quest for the truth John Doe thought he knew the truth about crime writing to in his classic essay the simple art of murder he took Dorothy l. Sayers to task for daring to suggest that the detective story could never have genuine literary merit it is always a matter of who writes the stuff Chandler said and what he has in him to write it with there are no dull subjects only dull minds well said write. In 2011 on Radio 4 Harriet Gilbert inspired by a very personal connection set off down the mean streets to reassess this quintessential Los Angeles mystery writer a man actually raised in Upper Norwood and educated adult college in a coat a hat and a gun. It was about 11 o'clock in the morning the sun not shining in a lot of rain in the clearness of the foothills. I was wearing my powder blue suit with a dark blue shirt tie and display handkerchief. Clean shaven sober and I didn't care . I was ever the well dressed private detective. I was calling out for a $1000000.00. It was about 11 o'clock in the morning a weekend in the late 1950 s. I was wearing a lady t. Shirt shorts and roller skates. The phone rang. I reached for it. Mike there wasn't often my father was called Mike Lincoln's Inn solicitor as well as a respected crime novelist he was more usually known as Michael Gilbert but this client disturbing his weekend rest was obviously American Orsi as I later discovered Raymond Chandler did invent a quintessentially American hero the wisecracking battered Private Eye Philip Marlowe but he himself was actually British most of his life even though his novels a peppered with the u.s. Street slang he collected in his notebooks Chicago lightning gun fire circulation drops drinks squibbed off shot the novels in which Philip Marlowe walks the mean streets of Los Angeles including Farewell My Lovely The Big Sleep and the little sister have become crime classics around the world their influence still potent half a century off the Chandlers death Sarah do not creator of fictional private detective Hanna Wolf he is one of the few writers who actually made me want to write when I 1st read him was so severe resistible to a teenager who wanted to be a popular writer but wanted to say something serious and wanted to be seen as a stylist where else could you go chant creased bent knocked off also stolen kick the joint break in the bestselling American crime novelist Michael Connelly also became a writer because of Chandler I think people who write crime novels almost everyone but certainly people who write crime novels about was and was are all disciples of Raymond Chandler and trying to come up a very unique voice themselves zob or a cane and Spads Guy pin jab or hypodermic use or the charm Lyrian Private Eye novel has been immensely. Influentially current right the way through to even John Grisham people that John Sutherland emeritus professor of English at University College London it depends on a particular view of American life that ultimately you can only be saved by certain that are well intentioned individuals the institutions but save you the cops won't help you out the law won't help you and what will help is. Some of. Those creator was born in 1908 in Chicago to a Protestant Arash mother Florence and a less than satisfactory American father Morris Tom Williams is writing a biography of Chandler when Chandler and Florence lived in Chicago Morris was away a lot he was a railway engineer he said he was actually in the field plotting the position of the tracks and what comes up and so fronts and cooped up together and it was almost like a single parent family so they became very very very close but this closeted Chicago existence didn't last long as Joan Sutherland explains the point is underneath it all. Chanda was an Englishman one of the thing he was proudest of was that you know his family broke up when he was very young mother was Irish came back to Olland after the breakup a marriage with little ray then ended up in England and a kindly uncle sent him to a public school in dollars dollars college from then on he saw him self as incarnating the code of the English public school boy the kind of person who who won the Battle of Waterloo playing fields of Eton the the person in fact who had a very high sense of duty Mahler in fact is named after one of the houses one of the boarding houses in dollars college not after as people sometimes think the Conrad here and Heart of Darkness So even though in fact he took the detective story wrenched it away from the English tradition and plunked it right there in the middle of Southern California at the same time there's a core of Chandler which is as English as cottage pie. Well dull it's college in South East London it's this seriously imposing many wings building an orange brick surrounded by playing fields and a rather unlikely place for the young 12 year old Raymond Chandler to of arrived from his Chicago beginnings but anyway he did come little boy. No doubt rather overshadowed by the ha ha ha a door and high ceilings of this place. Through the doorway along a cloister up a couple of flights of stairs to the dollar college library and its archivist Calista Lucy who believes the school had a powerful effect on Raymond Chandler I think it was a tremendous influence the headmaster who was very strict disciplinarian he was also Christian and full of moral choose and he said that he'd rather see a prefect die than hear him swear and that's something that comes out in Chandler's writing that however bad the situation Philip Marlowe never swears So he obviously had no male role models at home but he had these very strong teacher influences we could hear a group photograph of the boys taken in another in 1904 and one of these kids actually is Raymond Chandler he has rather distant look I think in his eye as if he's thinking of something else and would rather not be here at all actually you say Chandra looks very distance and detached which I think he does he speak he also looks as though he might be quite miserable. Yes I'd agree with that. The writer and film critic David Thompson went to the same school albeit quite a few years later he has firm views about what Chandler would have made of it that feeling which I had Get Me Out Of Here. I don't mean to say I had a bad time at Dodge I had a terrific education but I knew that there were ways in which dollars that don't have a great deal to do with the real world and I wanted to get there it took me longer to get away the litter of him but I mean Shackleton went there is he could to the South Pole. He went to was he an older lady went to Dallas p.g. Wodehouse went to dodge he went to Los Angeles. And c.s. Forester roster went to Sears Horatio or so but he ended up in California as well they well before Chandler made it to California he went at his uncle's insistence to study languages in Europe Tom Williams again used to live in Paris this map of Chinese India grafs above his bed he wanted to be a comparative fairly ologist So he picked up his language skills comes back to London under pressure from his uncle and the advice from a dollars form teacher he goes into the civil service sits the exam comes 3rd and comes top in the of the entire intake goes into the civil service as an accountant in the Admiralty and was responsible I think he described as toting the numbers of potatoes and bullet last 6 months. It stormed out to the disapproval of his uncle and his mother and John had always had this sort of great love of poetry of the classics of writing he decided that he would have a go living by his pen and met Stephen Spender's uncle. He was at the time editor of the Westminster Gazette which is a sort of weekly newspaper the kind of green paper very political and he gave him one of his 1st breaks and he would sit in the library and would translate foreign news and they would go into this this newspaper he would also write poetry he looked at what was selling. What was in these papers already and then you know wrote it very very badly his 1st poem was composed in the bath in Stratham when the evening sun is slanting when the crickets raise their chanting and the dewdrops lie a twinkling on the grass as I climb the pathway slowly with a mean have proud head lonely or the ground your feet have trod I gently pass Unsurprisingly perhaps Raymond Chandler slipped Rieker it did not take off and in 1912 despite by now having become a British citizen he returned to North America eventually settling with his mother in Los Angeles he'd been hoping to resume writing but instead found himself picking fruit stringing tennis rackets and during World War one fighting in France by night $32.00 though in an apparently but well during change of track Chandler had become vice president of an Oil Syndicate Tom Williams he's met sissy Pascal who falls head over heels in love with after a courtship was interrupted by the war and then a courtship that also has to deal with the fact she's already married they get together but Florence his mother by this time who is living in Los Angeles with a rare disapprove massively so right has to look after 2 households so he joins you wouldn't history and very quickly become successful now in the twenty's in he he did have some issues that we might call shellshock And so he was drinking quite heavily throughout that period by 32 he's lost his job probably because of the drinking but. It was the moment where he could focus again on what it was he really loved and that was writing you know he always did love it and he sits down and. Starts From the very beginning what's interesting about Raymond Chandler is that at the age of almost 40 for a. He should have made a huge change in life and decided to become a writer at a particular point of his of his career it must be said John Sutherland again he looked for vacancies a very shrewdly he saw that there was in fact an opening for writers oddly enough in hard boiled detective fiction not this was a show on which was really invented by somebody else by Hemingway with a short story in 1928 called the killers and the whole thing is done and I like Connick wiseguy really hard boiled is the phrase but it is normally used way which in fact is very oblique very artful Hemingway didn't carry on with that he had other fish to fry but charmless all that this could be developed into something very very interesting and he made the decision that he was going to need trained himself he effectively apprenticed themselves into creative writing courses read and then finally got his own tray into a magazine which specialized in this kind of writing it launched the career of Dashiell Hammett and Jane Tim Kane black mask and he became a virtue of this open field as it were at them was to what extent did he learn how it was done and reproduced it and to what extent did he take it somewhere new this whole mask kind of Private Eye writing he realized that there was something wrong as he saw it with American literary writing for a particular novel namely And he used this does turn very very interesting he said it lacked Kadal it's what he meant by that was that you could read the stuff but you couldn't hear it in your inner ear or in all the Philip Marlowe novels what you have is someone talking reminiscing looking back common. He's a bit of a Flannery hangs around streets very often you know things happen to him rather than him making things happen but But what one takes away from those novels particularly the best of them for the big sleep I would say in tone Good boy is the sound of a voice it's very interesting that he adopted very well to film but he had tapped it even better to radio queen b. Show off fluff baby doll sutler Clark punched the time clock voice was certainly more important to him than story he didn't pay attention to one particular constituent in the Take did novel The crime novel The Private Eye novel and that is plot a very famous example of when The Big Sleep was being. Film the director Hawks actually sending a telegram to want to know about a particular someone dies in law what a chauffeur and it's not clear why or why he's been killed you know Sir Charles that he read didn't know and trying to summaries a child love is very very difficult to eat didn't much care about that because in fact his interest was somewhere else among those interests was the detective form itself a subject on which he wrote with passion one much quoted essay called The Simple Art of Murder contains his image of the ideal private eye he wrote down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean John Lewis also very much concerned with the language and wit of his fiction one of the things which makes the Chandler flavor so unique is the fact is sir musing that in fact it is full of wisecracks very funny words current very often. A description of Mahler coming run from he's been beaten up his heroes or hit on the head and he says now do something really really tough put your trousers on if you reach you constantly your smiles cross your face even though he describing things which are often rather rather violent brutal and you know to use his word mean the doors swung back outwards and almost settled to a stop before they had entirely stopped moving they opened again violently outwards something sailed across the sidewalk and landed in the gutter between 2 parked cars it landed on its hands and knees and made a high keening noise like a cornered rat the unforgettable new smoke lawyer from Farewell My Lovely Chandler wasn't only a deft and elegant stylist he also became enormously successful writing scripts for Alfred Hitchcock and Billy Wilder seeing his own novels turned into films. Being admired by literary authors such as w.h. Auden uneven war and perhaps not least making money and money didn't matter to Chandler one letter he wrote My father says I wish he would send me a bill because I read a bloodcurdling article about lawyers fees lately you realize of course that it's only curiosity that makes me want to see the bell I haven't the remotest intention of paying it joking yes but not only joking. If Chandler's dry wit is one reason his work so popular there is another no less important and that is his hero Philip Marlowe here being played by Humphrey Bogart and Howard Hawks is screen version of the Pixley. Beginning to think that she worked in bed like myself. You know how much of a front much more. We can start out again actually I also asked. Well as a bit of a trick he pretends to be tough and hard boiled and cynical and he has great dialogue but he's a softy film writer David Thompson again he's a remand tic He's noble he does it for its own sake and therefore he's a tough guy. Who's orrible. A great American myth. And you know I think that Mahler was crucial in the coming out of Humphrey Bogart for instance and you know bugger out in the 30s was quite a star and he played nasty guys and he snarled and he wind and he cringed and he beat people up and Bogart only became a star. When a series of films multi-focal. High Sierra Casablanca in The Big Sleep allowed him to become this tough nobleman a different kind of person altogether and I think that was charmed his dream I think that's how he saw himself completely and accurately but it's very appealing to readers to it's a little bit like James Bond if you like who acts very cold very cynical but actually if you go through the books behaves like a gent. Well Mahler's like that I think that's why actors have always liked playing games omens create a reinflating in fact admired jaundice work a lot and in 158 the 2 men drink conversation on the b.b.c. a Somewhat tipsy Chandler coming up with this interesting revelation I got myself i met bob Spock while. I was by a fellow has to get married. Here mom I'm going to get married but there's going to be an awful struggle so she's not going to like him sticking to his rather seedy profession Murphy considered how he is not tall going to like the way he wants to live in an expensive house in Palm Springs a lot of freeloaders coming in all the time. So it's going to be a struggle my handle and a voice I don't know. Oh golly indeed Malo getting married I don't think so he isn't that sort of character the another g. Which is often made is with the nightly heroes Courtney here is of an epic like Tennyson as it was of the king Lancelot. Galahad author himself Knights of the Round Table people thought to knight errant who wonder through the world doing good saving people a crusader. Are down the streets a man must be marched one must not go down the main street I don't get on Main Street Cowboy the reporter now you must go for the same reason that you're in search of the Grail sort of a mission. I think you have to start questioning when a realistic portrayal of somebody turns into in this office Sarah do none to again and I think what was so interesting about Philip Marlowe is that he was one level certainly enough to convince most of us a realistic figure but also he was a mythic figure in so far as we've already described how his moral code stands outside anybody else that allows him almost to be the litmus paper by which you can tell what is corrupt and what isn't but he stays outside other people's moral codes by staying outside normal life and there is an image of Marlowe at his most profound which is at the end of a dirty day with everybody else's soiled linen he'll go back to his office and they'll take the bottle of Scotch out of the bottom of the filing cabinet poor himself a drink and put his feet on the table and he'll watch the lights of Los Angeles come up in front of him while drinking alone now that makes him the perfect commentator and the perfect person to solve the crime whether or not it makes him emotionally healthy is another thing if Marlowe always has that edge of ambiguity so to Inchon this fiction does the city has light sea watches Los Angeles for Chandler is very much a place of some on Shadow luxury and poverty David fine author of imagining Los Angeles the way he portrays a city is interesting because. A landscape is a symbolic kind of symbolic geography were and this is what really in fact did happen where the wealthy were the criminal class usually has his criminal seem to be people who have gotten away with crimes in the past bury those crimes and then move up into the hills and barricade themselves in these giant mansions or fortresses away from the crimes that committed the victims those who were preyed upon live in the flat lands the whole thought or of the say Michael Connelly whose crime novels are also set in Los Angeles loves Chandler's evocation of the city is wonderful some of the descriptions are worse and worse are appropriate now 50 years 60 years after they were written in that to me from some being someone who writes about the city is pure art that some of these takes I think of the little sister There's a chapter and there were he just goes for a drive his head is full of the case he's frustrated and so he kind of takes a chapter out of the plot and takes a ride around the city and describes what he sees and most of that chapter and it's 56 pages could describe the city today I read that over and over again through my writing career for inspiration and there's no other writer that does that for me. I drilled past the gaudy neons and the false fronts behind them the sleazy hamburger joints that look like palaces under the colors the circular drives his gaze circus's with the chipper hard eyed the brilliant counters and the sweaty greasy kitchens that would have poisoned the toad great double trucks rumble down over supposed from Wilmington and San Pedro and crossed towards the ridge route starting up in from the traffic lights with a ground of lions in the zoo. From the little sister published in 1949. That's John le grew more and more successful he became physically more distant from Los Angeles David Thompson again 1st of all he did not really live in Los Angeles he lived in La Jolla which is a very attractive outlying area of San Diego on the coast a rich person's place to live his life was not outgoing not social not a Hollywood party man I think he was very close to his wife in the sense that they kept company even if he was not deeply intimate with her but Cissy was 18 years older than her husband and in 1954 she died Chandler was bereft at one point he even tried to claim self Tom Williams he went into the shower with a gun and. Pointed it at him self and it missed and the bullet ricocheted around the shower and it was a cry for help his life was so tied into Sissy's when she wasn't there and he just didn't know what to do what did he do he'd always had this hankering to go back to London he talks about it as early as 130 I think 3334 he goes back in the 55 and finds himself in this circle of literary London but really liked him in a way that his American audience didn't seem to and he connected with the spenders Well Natasha more than Stephen it was a complicated relationship and it was almost as a popular of triangle possibly because he thought since when do we still get and that you know he didn't respect Natasha tall and the railways from self is the knight in shining on to want to go and rescue Natasha from this. Marriage that he didn't think was very good so while he was in London besides showering the Tasha spender with unwanted roses What was he doing getting drunk he had a male nurse looking after him because he needed somebody to control his drinking the spenders Matusz many organizers the whole coterie of women to look after him and they would go on pseudo dates that Ray thought were dates but the women in question didn't talk of course they had no real romantic interest in him they just wanted to look after him it was a really sad in undignified and it wasn't quite the end though having finally become an American citizen again Raymond Chandler staggered back to the states and it was there in La Jolla California that in March 959 he died his funeral attended by 17 people one of them a representative of the American Mystery Writers Association Saad undignified and lonely Chandler left behind him a landscape hero and above all a voice that aren't about to sleep the big sleep anytime soon. Oh what did it matter where you lay once you were dead in a dirty sample in a marble tower on top of a high hill you were dead you were sleeping the big sleep you were not bothered by things like that oil and water with the same as when the near to you you just slept the big sleep not caring about the nastiness of how you died away you fell maybe I was part of the nastiness now. A coat a hat and a gun was presented by Harriet Gilbert and the readings were done by jungle Russia the producer was Rebecca Stratford I'm Mark Bingham and this is my rule book of crime here on Radio 4 extra Still to come p.d. James Hanning man Kellerman nature of good and evil and finally a little radio crime surprise starring an actor the join the cast of Eastenders as Joe Mason in 2005 come on even the dimmest of detectives would have solved this one by now. Billing him as rulebook of crime chapter 4 it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it. And sadly fascinated I think by death and I was fascinated by death from childhood I think that the detective story is really about. The story. Another great day Baroness p.d. James up until this point detection had been down to the brilliant amateur sleuth all the private eye but what about the offices of the law in other words why is there never a policeman around when you want one well in the 1960 s. And seventy's a new generation of crime Queens took the conventions of the Golden Age and twisted them to their own ends p.d. James inspect the dog leash and Ruth Rendall's inspector Wexford were from a very different background to the detectives that had gone before alongside calling Texas opera loving Inspector Morse these were middle class men cultured rather than privileged spectrum dog leashes a published poet for heaven's sake he was a cerebral copper not overly fond of getting is not bruised but still a 1000000 miles away from the top patted toffs and little old ladies of half a century before now readers were given a glimpse into the in a workings of the boys in blue in what became known as police procedurals and I'm talking about something a bit more. Complex and proceeding in a westerly direction the depth of character and invention that p.d. James brought to her crime novels is clear to see no more so than here in part 2 of cover her face 1st heard on Radio 4 in 1993 inspect a dog leash has been called to investigate the murder of Sally jump a beautiful young housemaid at the country pile of Mrs Maxse paying homage to Agatha Christie dog leash brought to life here by Robin Ellis said about a drawing room interrogation of all the suspects in this episode also starring Hugh Grant it's left to Mrs Maxse to recall recent events the window was open and the pillow on the bed was blood with rain over the pillow Sally's hair was spread like a web of gold from the clenched corner of her mouth a thin trickle of blood had dried like a black slash on each side of her neck was a bruise an indelible sign of where the knife had been choked out of her. Cover her face by p.d. James dramatize by novel time with Sean Phillips Hugh Grant. And with Robin arose as Adam don't lose. His billfold Oh well thank you for filming. My police but I'm being too much menus and no they're being most considerate. As I'm taking it I'm afraid he's in new condition to be involved at all a blessing really is in his waking coma most of the time. There's no point in having the grass was a friend. I'm going to ask God to take over the investigation probably send a detective chief inspector what to say thank you very much Bill I really and most grateful. Just out of belief a long time no see I was wondering who would pick the short straw maning have you been know well enough pretty stretch that we 3 fools going inquiries on the gold ones now does this oh that's probably why the old man decided to call you in there to help out and this is Detective Sergeant Martin I'm presuming you say press. Is a nice looking place this Elisabeth's that said they tell me it's been in the family for hundreds of years oh by the way Doug lease they're all together in the drawing room do you want to see them now know the body 1st and the living will keep . Them in on the details. And I've done all I can here we'll take it away No that's alright with you yes yes doctor certainly simple enough medically speaking manual strangulation by right handed person standing in front of the sexual interference no doesn't mean sex wasn't the motive though nothing like finding a dead body on the ends remove the quite so really more off the post-mortem. Going at the stretch of the muddy nasty business for a Sunday morning that door was bolted on the inside you now most of the classic unlocked door Motors this time searching. Entrance to probably was by the window I mean you can see the marks on the stock part of the wall and it looks as if he failed the last 5. Difficult climb for any one reason. And so on the job she was last seen alive at half past 10 last night carrying a late night drink up to bed up she didn't finish it. Could it be only funny you should ask in fact some dope has gone missing the older Mr Max is an invalid bottle of sleeping pills as wondered from his medicine cabinet of course will analyze what's left in this cup and any way the post-mortem will show if she drank any and if it was drug. How about the attack any obvious motive could be there are no details but I've heard gossip are gossip Missler Dale showed up earlier on to take the baby away she was here at dinner last night quite a meal by her account apparently the son and heir Steven Maxie just proposed to this sally job and she blurted it out to everyone you can imagine the reaction the maid and an unmarried mother with a 6 month baby to build a motive for the family as a bonus or be rather interesting to see how the family choose to present last night's events. I have a feeling the person we're after slept under this roof we sat in the drawing room waiting Stephen and Katherine Bowers not too far from me Deborah close to Felix Han Mathare on an upright chair against the wall sat ramrod stiff and apart from the rest of us she seemed to regard the whole thing as a past 9 sobbed I couldn't help thinking about the effect of all this on my 2 men for Simon and Stephen in the midst of the nightmare there was some pamphlet in the thought that Stephen would get over it the young always do and that Simon thank God would never now. So are they giving you waiting as I told you the chief constable has asked Scotland Yard to handle the investigation This is Detective Chief Inspector Dalgleish he is in charge of the case as from now but 1st thought is that him directly stepped into the room was where. I had to before and then I knew an engraving bacteria unique portrait of an ad man can police do you have to how do you do how do you do. Talk dark and handsome but what I expected to talk quite an interesting faith really poor Steve shouted supercilious looking devil take his time coming I suppose the idea is to soften a stop or else he's been snooping around the house. This is the end of privacy and heaven fathers be on the Internet. That'll bring back the past. Well they're gleeful discovered because stopper left me with 3 fingernails and a dissing to nation to answer even nice English Bob his questions I understand of the small room next door has been put at my disposal I'd like to see you in there separately please and in this order Dr Stephen Maxi Miss Katherine bio's Mrs Maxse Mrs Deborah Riscoe Mr Felix Hearn and Mrs Martha bulleted Taft. Until the interview is over I must ask everyone to stay in this room if you need to leave there's a woman police officer and a constable outside in the hall who can go with you could you lead the way please Dr Maxine Yes it's through here. Does anyone get the feeling we're all going to be beaten by the headmaster I'd better start by telling you that Mr up and I were engaged I proposed yesterday evening and there's no secret about it yes I've been told please accept my condolences and then feel of any right to condolences but even feel bereaved. I suppose I shall when the shocks worn off we were engaged yesterday. And sunk in and what were your relations with Mr job before yesterday evening after Maxine if you're asking whether we were lovers the answer is No I was sorry for her. And I was attracted by her. I've no idea of what she told me she accepted your offer of marriage not in so many words but she told my mother and everyone that I proposed so I assume she meant to after you had finished dinner on Saturday night what happened. We had coffee in the drawing room at about 9 my mother suggested they start counting the takings from the fate I decided to go out I asked my mother to leave the south door open for me and I went to see Sam Bowcock he used to be my grandfather's groom he lives alone in the cottage at the far end of the matter. Where we talk and listen to music. I stayed quite late last night I can't remember he may be able to help just after 11 I think. I walked back came into the house through the south door bolted it and went to bed and saw you came straight back here yes means you'll be back in the house. It's only 5 minutes walk but I didn't hurry. I suppose I was in bed by 11 30 in the morning when you were woken up want to do it with Felix her and to get the ladder carried up between us though it's quite light and went up 1st I followed the window was open but the curtains were drawn. As a wide window ledge apparently Sally kept a collection of small glass animals there I noticed they've been scattered and most were broken. And went over to the door and pulled back a lot. I stood looking at Sally. I saw at once she was that take a look at the stock in Access What is it 3 splinters of glass they were found in the outhouse opposite Mr Jobs room where the lab is kept you know what they are could be part of a broken watch glass I suppose or part of one of the smashed glass animals from the straps room perhaps I see you have a small piece of plaster across here right now called what's wrong just a graze last night or I must have brushed it against the back of a tree don't remember doing it I thought I put a bit of plaster on before I went to bed. And he. Looks like a cup to me or it could of course be a scratch from a finger now in which case you'd expect to find blood in the skin under the nail which did the scratching I'm sorry I just can't remember how it happened. That all know I want to be perfectly clear about this law yes it leads directly to the flight of stairs which go up to Mr x. Room that's right so she was almost in a self-contained flat once the kitchen was closed for the night she could let someone in without anyone know I suppose as the sands door was left on bolted for you last night anyone could have gained access to the house through that door while you were out well. Yes Would you be prepared to swear that it was unbolted when you got back from Mr Bouck Ochs cottage of course I couldn't have got in otherwise gotta makes you do realize how important it is to establish the exact time you both had that door yes yes of course now you've just told me you came back to the house just after 11 bolted the door and went to bed and I'll ask you again and please think very carefully before you reply. What time did you both to the south door. Well. Actually it was 33 minutes past 12 by my watch I was in bed by about half past 11 as I said but I couldn't get to sleep 1230 I suddenly remembered that I hadn't locked up so I got out of bed and it's. Very careless of me but if there's a law against forgetting to lock up I should like to hear of it 1233. Yes I can quite see how it happened no one is kind of than Stephen Max The girl just took advantage of him I knew he couldn't have loved her really he'd have told me before anyone if they'd really loved each other he could have relied on me to understand and release him you mean you were engaged. Not exactly an engagement inspector no ring or anything like that but an understanding it was taken for granted Stephen has a long way to go before he can think of marriage and that his father's illness to consider Jimmy about the early hours of this morning as far as I understand you were with Mrs Maxse That's right I couldn't sleep and I had a headache I went to the dressing room where Mrs Maxse was spending the night and I asked for some aspirin did she give you some she told me to find it for myself in Mr Maxie's medicine cupboard it was while I was looking for it that I saw the bottle of sleeping tablets the May is the brand name it was written on the label you're quite sure it was my I'm a state's registered nurse inspector I know a bottle of some a when I see it so it was in the cupboard out at 7 o'clock this morning and when Stephen and I went to look for it about 2 hours later after we'd found Sally's body the bottle had vanished Tell me about finding the body when mother came to tell Mrs Maxse that Sally hadn't got up we thought at 1st she devil slept then Martha came back to say that her door was locked as you know Dr Max and Mr Hearn got in through the window we waited on the land. Feeling. What's happened here. To have an it company. What's safe here is she's been strangled Oh. We've looked at a long enough for her face. And it's best if we don't touch anything call the police get here. You know the something strange about all the strange That's not a way to describe what you mean there's no sign of struggle in my experience people don't usually allow themselves to be strangled to death without putting up something to fight Felix what can all of that matter she's dead isn't she she's dead Mrs Maxa. I wonder you think this coke I suppose it is you think it's drugged I don't know I think it's possible but. That's my cup. It's the one I always use everyone knows it what's it doing up here. Oh my God. I think I'm going to be sick all right and even me. Move on to why new Mrs Maxi and her son found that the sleeping tablets were missing Well I'd picked Jimmy up from his cot he stopped crying and I followed the other 2 into Mr Max's dressing room Stephen went straight to the medicine cabinet he said it's gone I asked what he meant and he told me about the 10 tablets that Sally had found in Mr Max's bed and that Mrs risk put back into the cupboard. Was the 1st I'd heard of it I was able to tell him that the bottle had been there when I went to the cabin aspirin earlier on I see that there isn't much more to tell so I took Jimmy away to change his nappy Stephen was just starting to phone the police no one seemed much concerned with the baby so I took matters into my own hands and . She agreed to take until things are sorted out came around by taxi and by then the police had arrived the rest you know that's very clear and very useful thank you now just a few more questions. Yes yes the earlier part of the night tell me what happened from about 10 o'clock onwards let me see well I helped Mrs Maxse and the others count the days takings from the fate misled Ellen Dr Epps left at about 1030 Mrs Maxse and I went to the kitchen Martha had gone to bed but she'd have to source been a milk on the stove and a trap cups on the kitchen table did you notice that Mrs riscos was missing as a matter of fact I did it's Wedgwood very distinct. She'd gone up to the garden with Felix hearn a little earlier and I thought she must have come in without anyone noticing. It never occurred to me that Sally might have taken her cup though of course it's just the sort of thing she would do she hated Deborah miss is risky. You've heard about the affair of the copy dress Debra pretended to take it calmly but I could see that really she could have killed Sally. I didn't know what cards are. Then well we made our drinks and took them up to the dressing room which was where Mrs Maxse said she'd sleep that night I helped her make up Mr Max's bed and get him comfortable then I went to bed. And what time is this. A quarter past 11. You may find this part rather strange something happened of that scene before dinner it had been a great shock I just couldn't believe Stephen and that girl wearing gauged dinette self was a nightmare everyone behaving as if nothing had happened of course the Maxis never do show their feelings no one said anything to me so in a way I was the one most affected so what did you do well I couldn't sleep and I couldn't bear to lie there all night without knowing the truth the natural thing seemed to ask Sally put on my bedside lamp and looked at my watch and the time was the minutes to midnight. Didn't seem too late to have things out not in the mood I was in so I went to Sally's room. Her door was locked but I could see the light through the keyhole and knocked and called her you must have heard me because the bolt was suddenly shot her she stood in front of the keyhole cutting off the light I knocked again it was obvious she wasn't going to let me in so I went back to my room. Drove back not quite I thought I'd see Stephen I just had to know the true light wasn't on in his room so I knocked him when he felt that if only I could see him everything would be all right wasn't he wasn't there inspect. The bed was turned down for the night but he wasn't there. I'm surprised you bothered to ask inspector deadly She must know that I would disapprove strongly even though Sally jobs affection for your son could have been genuine and paying have a compliment of assuming it was but what difference does that make I'd still have disapproved they had nothing in common he did have to support another man's child he would have hindered his career and they did this like each other within a year after course I disapprove I'm sorry to discuss what must seem no one's business but your own but you must see it's important naturally it provides a motive to several people myself particularly but one does not kill to avoid social inconvenience I admit I intended to do all I could to stop the marrying I've no doubt we should have been able to help Sally short of welcoming her into the family and must be some limit to what one does for these people. This business of the cocoa if as I assume it turns out the missed shot was drugged there are 2 possibilities she could have taken it herself or someone else drugged her well so in the household drinks cocoa I don't know what Martha drinks but none of the family uses it the milk must have been all right here in this buzz used to make your own drinks the other drugs are the crumbled into the dry cocoa or dissolved into the hot drink sometime after Mr Sharp made it not by anyone other than Ms Jap inspector we saw Sadie carrying it up to have a Woman Who do you mean by we dock to eps Mr Dale and myself I was seeing them out it was about 25 past 10 we were in the hole said he came from the kitchen end of the house and went up the main staircase carrying the blue Wedgwood Cup No one said anything was it usual for her to use that staircase and know who the bad staff they directed to her room I think she was trying to make some kind of gesture you say you saw that Miss jump was carrying your daughter's cup that you meant. Listen to your guests or to mistrust what did you pick to be considered to Inspector tear it from her grasp what an exciting road yours must be sometimes it is Mrs Maxi For example we found the empty cocoanut in the dustbin a little while ago we'd have been able to tell of the drug of the input into the dry cocoa if someone hadn't rinsed out the empty tin and destroyed in a paper lining. About $930.00 Mrs Riscoe and I came in here where Mrs Maxse and the others were counting the money taken at the fete we told them we were going out for a little wander in the garden what did you talk about. Mrs Riscoe already told you I'd like to hear your account. I asked Mrs Riscoe to marry and did she accept you to be interested in Spector but inexplicable as it must seem she was not enthusiastic God Felix I can't. I can't not after Edward. You don't know what I went through watching him die nothing him so much. Feeling so helpless that was a tragedy and a chance in a 1000 years don't die in the long run that people get married just the same they gamble on life being kind to them on some years of happiness together I'm not prepared for that. Not yet Felix I'm not ready. Nor is Stephen come to that. It's been enough talk of marriage in this family. Was how I hate to go how long were you in the garden till about 1040 then we came in and then Mrs Riscoe offered me a whisky which I refused she went to the kitchen to get her nighttime drink but came back in a minute or 2 saying she'd changed her mind then I went to bed and slept reasonably well for me do you kill Sally job Mr. That I'm aware of at any rate have you any idea who did know and I doubt if I'd tell you if I had I presume some one came through the girl's window. That built a door must be a great disappointment to inspect but hard to visualize a member of the family pounding up and down a ladder to get in and out of their own house I know the Mexican gauge must excite sure but you don't need to get out of unwelcome engagements all the mortality rate among women would be astronomical don't you think after the discovery of Mr Chops body what would you do I went to see if Mrs Bell to Taft was all right she seemed stunned and kept repeating that Sally must have done herself in I pointed out that it was anatomically impossible to strangle yourself at which point she burst into even louder saw then Miss Bowers arrived with the child. But we're one thing Mr and Mrs riscos has you spent almost the whole night in her bedroom but you slept together how sweet of her but it puts me in a delicate situation doesn't it you'll have to make up your mind which of us is lying thank you I've already done so. Employing an unmarried mother but it had never have been thought of in the old days so it was an experiment what sort of a girl was Mr Were you satisfied with satisfied you know Earth 1st anyway what made you change your mind she began to get j. K. She started acting as if she was the mystery says she was beginning to think that she might be mistress here one day when she was very mellow and that Dr Max he did proposed to her on Saturday and I know nothing about that dad Dr Max He couldn't a married Sally judge though you can't now someone made certain of the. Those tablets found in Mr Max's jail didn't find any tablets she got them at the bottle jack this allegation to get attention Well I do all the heavy nursing if there was anything hidden in bad believe me I divined it one other thing Mrs Walter turfed there was an empty Coke 010 found in the dustbin That's right. I found on the kitchen table this wound and I took out the in a paper and put it in the stove and then I rinsed out the 10 Why do that Madden doesn't like dirty chains in the dustbin they were inside all the used tens of Martindale always have done we won't keep you long mislead No Sergeant Martin and I hear of course about the death of salad jump not dreadful business dreadful she stayed here for the last 5 months of her pregnancy you know and came back to us when she'd have the baby you must have got to know very well and said that if you like or like her. What can I say. If you don't ask me last week I'd have said she was an excellent worker and a most deserving girl but now I can't help wondering if I was wrong about her you mean because of the scene with Dr Maxie was never more shocked in my life and specter of course she had no right to accept him she looked positively triumphant when she stood in that window and told us. I should always blame myself I recommended Sally to Martin Gail you know so you think Sally jumps that is the direct result of her engagement to Stephen Maxie what it looks like that doesn't it I agree that her death was highly convenient for anyone who disliked the proposed marriage elective family for instance. What a terrible thing to say and noble of course who don't know the family as we do but you must take it from me that that suggestion is fantastic mislead Oh we've spoken to the proctors son his next of kin can you tell me why you phoned Mr Proctor on Saturday morning what their daughter said she spoke to you about me phone said I don't know that some steak I haven't been in touch with a proctor since Sally 1st went to Martindale. Earth would i Phone Mr Proctor that's what I've been wondering. Your private papers misled documents about the running of the refuge and things like that where you keep Oh over here inspect industry or actually I think you know the key is in this little compartment anyone who wanted would find that very quickly do you mean that Sally might have pride about among my things. Yes I see it now. That was why she liked to work in here or that to sell it to that poor likeness so much pretense. I think I trusted her she must have been laughing at me all the time I suppose you think I'm a fool to well I may not be very clever with figures and accounts but I've done nothing to be ashamed of and they've told you about that scene in the dining room I suppose but I've done nothing wrong you could ask any member of the committee Sally job could prize much as she liked a lot of good it's done poor. Poor little girl and she was so happy here.

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