Transcripts for BBC Essex BBC Essex 20190127 040000

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The website and up Arsenal have made an approach to sign into Milan and Croatia winger Avon parasitic on loan while Chelsea winger Callum Hudson a dory has handed in a transfer request as he seeks a move away from Stamford Bridge in order to get more playing time and England's captain Joe Root has struggled to explain his team's 381 run defeat by West Indies in the 1st Test in Barbados he suggested the result was an aberration that did not reflect the true quality of his team this is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker. Look at Sunday's weather soon shall be right as possible early in the day but then we'll try on Sunday saying when doing a thing called by with ice is 6 degrees Celsius and London slugs just. Accept that same cuts are still there. But so far it's a complex that in the face. Continues the softening from full facelift to trust the FISA. This is all for not on far flung Dawson added by coming up in this out of the program in a moment move about reports that there's been an increase in the amount of people being given the death penalty in India most of questions around that why for example also the Holocaust Memorial Day will be marking that week at the week's news from New Zealand which includes the tourist from hell hell being the U.K. Yeah the infamous British traveler family cause havoc in New Zealand of the last couple of ways around it occasions of that is still being felt in the small country and she will also talk about the Jackson document you heard about that in the bulletins of my Bootsie. Forcing the source of allegations against the late singer Michael Jackson and also Australia but last night we did it from an Aboriginal put in view to. Do slightly differently as you'd expect 1st it's been reported that there's been an increase in the amount of people being given the death penalty in India journalists merely Christian is based in New Delhi you can explain how come early. Well the number of death sentences right now the about 162 which were awarded by the trial court's last year and this is the highest in a calendar year since 2000 and the spike the number of people on the floor right now correspondingly now stands at $426.00 that was off December 2080 and $1.00 of the reasons which many people have found out there is a study which has been done which came out just last week they found out that the spike in the number of death sentences could be the result of the legislative intervention last year that extended capital punishment to non homicide comma site crimes and this was because largely because in August last year parliament amended the Indian Penal Code which provided for death as a possible punishment in cases of rape and gang rape of girls below the age of 12 and that was what saw a spike in a massive spike and and what we saw was the state the central state I'm of the police which is a B.G.P. Rule state it had the highest number of cases involving child sexual assault resulting in death sentences to 22 people last year and that is quite unimaginable and one of the reasons why doctrine This also explains why the M.P. Government decided to sort of. That death sentence is was that strangely enough was that they introduced in that state a point system a point system by where you had 100 to 200 points for the maximum punishment at lower courts 500 for a life sentence 1000 points for obtaining a death sentence all that is now in place and accordingly they had titles like the best prosecutor of the month and the pride of prosecution. 4 or 4 for the court for court prosecutors out there and that was what explains to a great deal the spike in death sentences which was quite unfortunate because many people are come down very hard on this particular scheme which which was introduced by the state to my position and they thought it was a serious abrogation of constitutional principles settled over decades by courts and brought and this point system posed a direct threat to fundamental law to life and liberty and the and therefore that was what we saw but in and strangely enough 8 other states in India are not will Pradesh who are just Mukesh me of all places may Ghalia Mizoram these are all not in northeastern states they didn't pronounce the death sentence at all is we saw it in the central state of the police largely. Myrna thank you Merley Krishnan the journey the 27th marks Holocaust Memorial Day justice and Frank was starting to write her famous diary 1942 another teenage diary writer's life was about coming to a tragic end she was a Polish teenager called Ronnie Spiegel who started her diary 939 before World War 2 broke up when the Nazis invaded Foden she was ordered to Closed get soaked with the help of a boyfriend she and her sister managed to escape but she was shot a few days later while hiding in that sick largely unread 1st 70 year. As the diary is going to be published in English for the 1st time this year a few months ago rod shop spoke to renew eyes sister Elizabeth Belich and to Robin Shulman who's written about the diary for the Smithsonian magazine and he also Robyn why the diary hasn't been published before well you know I think this diary 1st of all with not with the family for some years and then when the family once Elizabeth received it she kept it very close I think it was hard for Elizabeth to read the diary because the diary was part of a past that was so painful to read as it so she stowed it away and kept it in a safe deposit box and didn't speak about it even to her own family I think sides that sounds very believable and very real Elizabeth's place is a serious risk there is that the most is. That you know Elizabeth did you know the star existed when you when you left. The door when you left the you know I didn't see that diary at all because my sister used to hide it and I didn't see it till have boyfriends saved it somewhere during the war and gave it to my mom I was present that was in the fifty's. And my mom could never read it because she was too emotional so she hid it and then I inherited my mom that got married to an American lived up state and finally I received the diary here but she died in 69 it's a long time ago she was quite true she was only 63 when she died she was a tremendously polyglot do you know know all the languages everything how we survived the war but she could never read it it was too emotional for her and mine I started reading and I started to cry it was very hard for me to read it to. I'm sure have you read it to this day no I just read part of it I liked about Robin wrote. I read it in the Smithsonian those pieces don't seem to kill me so I was reading it of course I cried a little and I try to read a few times a diary but somehow I always get like sick crying because it's very emotional for me you know my sister was like my mom to me because she was gone to the German side and I was Russian side and I had the old grandparents so my sister was like a surrogate mom to me. You are in your system and always together where you cry Why was that not all it was only during the war we went to my grandparents for a summer vacation when the war broke out in 1939 and my mom stayed on the German side not knowing who new you know how that was going to be divided and the time that my gran the place my grandparents lived the city of famished had their river the river it was called Sun and the Germans kind that came when $139.00 foot of steel weeks to whip Shamash was then they retreated again when they made that pact with a ribbon or something which I call it off and they stayed on the other side of the river so it was reversed on so the city was divided into 2 bars one was the German part and one was the Russian guard and my mom was in Warsaw which was the German part and there was no communication much during the war and as you've got some model through or whatever you know it was tough. You know it's difficult to understand how all mixed up everything was. So there you 2 and you were and you were stuck over on the on the far side is that right I was stuck with the Russians really went to Russian school because in 1989 my mom promoted me I was the ID and I polish Eric Temple so I was and was a good clean. I was really when you were in movies Yes I was actually one the best so this is so crazy so I'm the only one person left from this meet ski's movie he made 42 movies and he was a producer and you know they wanted to make a movie about him because he was very interesting man he was gay and he was Jewish so of course he changed his name. Of R.C. Ski and stayed that way marries a Italian princess and made him you know Prince. And she was very wealthy used to drive in the role sororities and so on and he made a movie called Get him now and from that we found out that I was in the movie I never show it till 72 years later we have this friend who is in makes movies he found out and showed me that I was in the movie gay hen I played the little girl in the camp of the what is it. It's the gypsy camp and so then they made came to New York they made an interview with me for the movie cause nobody else is alive and involved won the Golden. Golden Lion. Of art in Venice it was a documentary and it show it here in Lincoln Center so I sell myself again 80 years as a kid then the movies. I sell myself now speaking about it so you know it's also I think any and everything but you know that my life yeah tell us about how you and your sister came to came to kind of get to of the Guess Who I mean because you were kept in the guess you were for the 1st you know when you were young you didn't have the with the band. The arm band. On the 10 you know and where the do a star on it yesterday with a yellow star Yes Yes With the Blue Star Yes And so I I was you know we for a year we lived where my grandparents live on a main street and but then they made a ghetto and everybody 1st they get there was open in and out you know OK And then they forced everybody to go they have 25 to you know that was it and they closed it so it was very difficult to get out but my sister had a boyfriend his name was ignorance rot and ignorant was a great guy and so he I had a very very dear girlfriend her name was just kind of she's got I went to school with her to play with 7th or her house so is ignorant took me out of the ghetto and took me to Mr listing ski and he took my sister out with his parents and hid her somewhere in the garret I don't know exactly how and somebody ratted on them and they got killed not I didn't know much about it because I stayed with the list family for a week and then he took me by my hand we went to it was the trains were running then to pray to Warsaw and we had to change in crackle for another train and that would stop the man with the dogs you know during the war they kept looking at your papers he was a very aristocratic looking man Mr stinks Kunal very good catholic very good people and you know under the death sentence she took me as his child and he brought me to war so when my mom was going to meet me after 2 years she. You know how that would be. And so I went but I had no papers of any kind so of course my mother was friendly with the family they got me papers right away so my name was Elizabeth let's change God they baptized me and showed me into a convent yeah now I didn't know much about their religion but you know when you're on the stage nobody cares about your religion you just you know they are these people I was sort of tolerant of religions. So I played my part because I didn't know what I was doing at 1st but then somehow I assimilated with the girls not and then after a while my mom took me to the hotel now she was assistant manager in a hotel called Alltel and up a ski 3 handed German officers lived there quarters my mom went to University of Vienna she was very well educated and she was a beautiful woman they called the barrenness Anyway she represented the hotel in German because there was a man who was German descent his name was court but he didn't know how to write and speak German so my mom was the one so we did in that hotel the God of the Germans and one of the officer and love was my mom and that's how I escaped to our street he gave us all if you let me give you I'm going to give you a little rest for a minute and I will come back pick up your story sure. To ask Robin to tell us a little bit about Renia story because it's those of a poignant lost and say. As a Robin this is a really tough thing I know for Elizabeth but even so I wonder if you could help us . So at the time that statement had Runyan and his parents in the attic of the tenement building he laughed and was out in the city during the day and he kept her diary he had it with him and. He came back to find them in the building and discovered that German officers had come and they had been shot all 3 of them and he wrote the. Law. To score a big. 3 saw I've lost everything everything everybody. Running. My goodness and whatever happened to. So after that they'd been spent some time going about his life in the city and eventually he was deported to a series of concentration camps and he managed to survive he had all these very close encounters with death at one point he encountered Josef Mengele and Mengele himself selected him to not be killed. And then I fear he saved his life and then at the end of the war his camp was liberated and pleasingly a few months later he found himself in medical school training to be a doctor is you know. You're back. It was idle Munich and then later he moved to Heidelberg started off in Munich in the not so he went to medical school and how diverse you have with Marcel talk yeah yeah he went to school in both those cities and he was with a friend of his and ran you know they managed to be reunited in Heidelberg and they both attended medical schools. And then they all ended up immigrating to the United States and then up in New York City all 3 of them Marcel Tuchman and the men and ran his family. Elizabeth and her mother all ended up coming to New York and encountering one another again well there we found my mom we didn't know how he got it but they he came with the diary but amazing so the diary just just showed up and this time. Yes we had a time I don't know how the diary survived but we think you know it was a glimpse went to school and then he became a doctor he was in the American Army Air Force actually and then he became to New York and somehow phoned my mom and came out but used to live in a walk up and there he was with the diary I was shopping for was my mom you know I had no idea he was here or anything and Marcel just died my chick he died last Saturday his funeral was Sunday he was 97 he was a professor of medicine for 50 years at N.Y.U. And the funny thing was I was working at the N.Y.U. One day and somebody was screaming out again God and God that was in the cafeteria and then. Seeing me after so many years. You know there's an extraordinary such heavy unions by and by the time the Sigmund came to find you in New York with the diary which you already mounted and what you had you have bought now and you like no no no no I was 150 I got married in 65. I'm not. You know so a girl living with your mother What's that you're still a girl living with your mother I lived with my mom and then my mom married an American she moved upstate New York Saugerties she married Clyde God and I was a lawyer because my mom was really pretty sick she died at 63 and she was in the hospital one year in Kingston she's buried and she decided you know that she stayed Catholic because she felt that the Catholic religion saved her so that's how the life was you know. I'm not so you're after your brush with Catholicism did you resume the the Jewish faith and you your when you say I actually have the face right now I've been a Catholic I've been a Jew and I feel that all these religions make show much trouble in the world I wish there was more tolerance I mean I was divest friend of a Catholic person who saved my life I was right I never thought about it because you know I was on the stage nobody ever bothered me but that's what it was. Neither the that Robin has you know publicized the existence of the diet in the diet is going to be published do you have any regrets about bringing the types of storage and and making it not Probably my mom never wanted to do it I haven't oncle I had an MT goal in France my uncle went to school in France she became an engineer and an architect built 3 golf courses she was quite wealthy he married a lady from the French society he told me once just forget about the past so my mum did it for my uncle I Yes And so but my daughter. Alexandra she decided she had it translated We paid the money to some you know not very well done but somebody a student from Poland and she decided that it was a very important historical document and she thought we have to translate it properly so this Michelle in and paid the money and we got it translated in London by Polish ladies who loved it especially the poetry there is $60.00 poems in that that every. And they simply beautiful whenever my sister felt you know that it was something not. Another She would write a poem she was ahead of the literary program my grandmother send it to this famous professor in Polish and he you know children heard and the language when we were in Warsaw last year in the museum that was a lady who was an expert in Polish literature she read the extract also in London we were not last month and the professor made my daughter read some of the passages scarse have Polish was beautiful for her age from 15 to 18 she dies when she's 18 and if you. Elizabeth it's been a great privilege to talk to you and I'm just going to finish with just a quick word with Robin because Robin thank you so much for calling these last are unknown on our and we've we so enjoyed hearing from you it's been wonderful thank you so much I am I want to ask thank you I want to ask Robin because she has you know this great familiarity with the diety just can you tell us what your favorite but his shopman because you know we have this that he's slight sense of the diety we think is maybe a bit like on Frank but of course she's much older and it sounds as if she's very accomplished I mean and in terms of the language this is this is really very very polished stuff isn't it. She's really a beautiful riddle. The thing that struck me about her writing is that she feels so why meeting things for me to read through her direct trips I have a favorite that there are so many books about her she describes the world around her the natural world really with such beauty and few things one kind of teenagers and your brother she she was a season exquisite writer and. Just sort of some sort of busy passionate person it's hard I hadn't read the diary until the very end after I talk to so many other people about her diary and then when I finally got the translation to have been ready and I was able to actually read the English words and kind of almost in real time Page 5 he'd learn about her days as the years went by and the horrors around her intense Assad It was devastating and. She's just such an important witness to what happened that someone so glad that the world is going to be acquainted with her work. Well that was Robyn showmen who has written about the works of the sister of Elizabeth Ballack who was called Run your Spiegel and Rennie are Spiegel's diary is going to be published next year but you can get a taste of it as I say go to the Smithsonian Iraq shop there after the news and sport will get the week's news from New Zealand we'll hear about a new documentary about Michael Jackson doesn't praise him otherwise actually investigate some of the allegations against him regards to sexual crimes will remember us Radio Australia Day But 1st let's get the latest 5 of headlines Divinia Ramos from digital B.B.C. Says it's not speaking Venus is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live the family of the missing card of says he. Started a private search for him a plane carrying him and the pilot David it soon disappeared over the Channel on Monday police in the US state of Louisiana looking for a gunman suspected of killing 5 people including his parents in 2 shootings the 21 year olds believed to be armed and dangerous Jacob Edinburgh said sorry to a woman injured in the car crash she was involved with last week Prince Philip is written to and the 3rd brother saying he was somewhat shaken after the accident and then all work by banks he's been stolen but from the battle plan in Paris it was painted on the music hall as a tribute to the victims of the terror attack that in 2015 it's now been cut out and removed that's the news maker McCarthy has the support league ones bottom side Wimbledon cause the biggest ever come 4th round upset by knocking out West Ham with a 42 win while the dons a look come as he watched his side are to play the Premier League team not letting their lead slip but he says he was far from relaxed I was proud of him and he was very nice. But it is critical to get the subs right then and. And you know it says it's a man going now and in March and the boys a crime and it's a recently was a new There I was and I came on and we couldn't identify the substance Westheimer laced some good news straight after the defeat Marco are not of H. Has committed his future to the club by signing a contract extension it comes after the forward said he wanted to put an end to speculation he was leaving following an offer from China another shock was Everton being beaten by Championship side at Millwall Mary Wallace scored in the 94th minute to earn a famous 32 win for Neil Horace's team so he did it but now you want to strike the end he wasn't supposed to be in the box you know he shouted to me to go in a city because we don't want to step on the reply and he pops out with it I was like we ask questions of Everton to tell you I don't like possession but very place on the on at times we would like we would like and a lot of the country schools don't cost a Rovers reached the 5th round for the 1st time in 63 years after beating Oldham 21 month Chester city what Dobby are also through and you can find all of the results on the B.B.C. Sport website England's cricketers have been thrashed in the 1st test by West Indies who've won by a huge 381 runs within 4 days in Barbados needing to pad out the final 2 days for a draw or score an improbable 620 it's a win the tourists were bowled on for 246 in the evening session Here's Captain Jewett it's been a very strange 4 days very disappointing we have felt played way below our potential and. You know we've got to remember there's still 2 games left in the series and we've got to come back very strong very quickly and learn a few lessons from from things and also you've got to give credit to the West Indies they played some really good stuff right the 4 days you can hear the Australian Open men's final between tennis Giants Novak Djokovic. Here on 5 Live from it 30 this morning looking ahead his. Tennis correspondent Russell filler both Djokovic in the dollar in devastating form in the semifinals the doll conceded just 6 games to Stefan a sip pass the young great player who had knocked out Roger Federer and then 24 hours later joke of it's just for the Frenchman to look at 3 a close and long match is expected their last meeting here in the final of 2012 lasted 5 hours and 53 minutes it remains the longest Grand Slam final in history in golf England's Justin Rose has a commanding 4 shot lead heading into the final day at the Farmers Insurance Open Torrey Pines RORY McILROY is in a tie for 6 but 7 shots off the lead and the Rugby Union months to return to the top of pro fourteen's conference a with an IT 7 win at dragons victories also for cheetahs Southern canes and Cardiff Blues is the latest from B.B.C. Sport This is B.B.C. Radio 5 Live on digital B.B.C. Sound Smart speaker. Good morning a lot of mild start to the weekend it is all changed today low pressure brought the weather on Saturdays they're moving into the north seats behind that with drinking in a strong but much colder way in from the north and northwest temperatures have come down compared with yesterday it will feel colder still in that strong wind could be icing if you places to start very more especially in parts of northern England and Scotland as those temperatures have dropped overnight and have been some showers around the showers in northern Scotland falling a snow quite low levels here into what we've already got on the ground in places but actually in the day ahead some decent sunshine around but a few of these wintry showers now with a status or a snow showers in northern Scotland I think will be a few things wintry shows having to do that aren't whales in southwest England could see bit of snow to the higher ground there so these in particular but the southeast England also the chance of say were 2 showers through the tables and yet the rain clears away for the Midlands for Northwest England and southern parts of Scotland dry weather to come but really just leaves these to most. So the case in Scotland towns will feast England to East Anglia particularly if you're on the coast will be pick a cloud some outbreaks of rain spreading south during the day in and you could see a bit of sleet snow on any hills it is a cold day temperatures for Scotland to know that all the northern England $3.00 to $6.00 Celsius for Wales the rest of England $5.00 to $8.00 degrees but it's the wind chill that sole important now the winds gusting 6065 miles an hour in the West to start the strongest winds transfer further east and north sea coast could eventually see some Gustafer around 70 miles an hour later with big waves maybe some coastal overtopping of those wife as well but it makes sense for a wind chill Yes it will feel closer to freezing particularly beast a widespread folks to come to the. 6 to 10. O'clock. Last. 6 Nation those. Greatest Championship starts Friday nights with France against Wales kick off 8 pm. Cross the B.B.C. . Finally East Asia from digital B.B.C. Set small streak on the line this is B.B.C. Crazy right let's find out what the week's news is from New Zealand Colleen joins us from then I look on it now you get I don't know interesting your primary there said the 6 Nations was the world's premier international rugby tournament it might be disputed down in this part of the world well I was interested in was the fact that I've influenced them to look at Shakespeare when they want to put out a trail an advert for rugby. Yeah exactly Macbeth Macbeth at talking about the tourist from Hell people in New Zealand looking at Britain as we all help that we are you know it's a very very unpleasant story this. One annoyed but as you may be aware New Zealand as a small place in the middle of the summer holidays doesn't generate an awful lot of news but this family we gather they've made with they've done just about dominated the news here in the absence of anything else but we can see from the likes of The Daily Mail and the sun in the U.K. They've made the news the attorney but yes it is unfortunate when they say tourist from hell they say if they arrived on a flight from hell and caused a lot of trouble on their long haul plane over that flight actually came from Hong Kong so maybe Hong Kong fits the definition of hell as well but yeah this is the infamous family. Arrived in 2 groups but they swelled to about 15 the entire extended family travelling up and down the north island causing absolute chaos wherever they went and basically the media and ordinary New Zealanders whenever they've cited them since I popped up on the news have been monitoring they have removed some of them of leave the country a few of them are still here but there's even a deportation process in train for some of them so if they're not all gone very soon they might have officials on their tail they've really made a name for themselves over the past fortnight What do they do to become so infamous in New Zealand. Rather a lot of things they've really stood out 1st of all on the flight over they behaved very badly and a lot of people said it was the worst they've ever known on an aircraft and then they travelled around a number of cafes and restaurants and on consecutive nights they were pulling stunts like throwing ant into the food and then demanding refunds or putting a hair in the food and then trying to get half the money off the bill and then one of one of the crew a younger woman amongst them and I think the mother of one of the small children who was part of the group did some shoplifting from a petrol station and then went back about 2 days later and tried it again and she was eventually in court in the city of Hamilton for the Sabet a week and a half ago so there was a grand total of about $55.00 or about 30 quid's worth of stuff so not exactly a high crime but by the time they arrived a court there was not only the media wanting pictures of the so-called family from hell the the UN ruly tourists as they were called there was also a bit of a mob of ordinary New Zealanders who'd been in the infuriated by what they were doing but the one thing they did that really got people's backs up and turned them into a kind of amateur but Jill enties was the whole squad had a picnic on a take a pin a beach that's up and all climbed quite a nice beach and left a hell of a lot of rubbish behind them empty bottles they were allowed they were swearing and lift their rubbish everywhere after that walk ons Mayor Phil Goff was asked for comment he called them worse than pigs and even something beginning with the whole ending with holes that I won't say on the B.B.C. But he really tore into them in a way that I thought wasn't really becoming of the mayor but he was asked today about this you know do you really stand by these comments abusing touristas country stand by everything I said so they have been fairly unpopular while they've been here and. Audrey do Zealanders view them quite apart from the political elite like the Moses or now do ordinary. View this family from the hell that is the. One guy was asked that he was part of the mob at the Hamilton court saying why have you taken time off work to come here and shout at these people to go home and he said well I don't like anyone duty NG our country and they don't understand that Kiwis will react very badly to anyone who trashes the country and it was pointed out that later by other commentators that some of the beaches unsafe to swim and because of pollution and so on a couple of high profile incidents of their over the summer and that doesn't draw an unruly mob it was also an unsavory element to the when the British tabloids got involved and the reports from there started appearing in the papers here they they seem to identify this family even though they've given other names as a family going under the name of Doron who lived on a traveller site somewhere near Leicester Now whether that's 100 percent true or not I don't know I mean there are quite a group of people so there might be from a number of sides but they were very inaccurate the label by the media for some of them had Irish accents and they were labelled as you know the Irish tourist from Hill the Irish on recontract here in New Zealand got very angry about that saying this cast a shadow over all Irish people and these people are not Irish and they are not welcome in New Zealand and they were both being labelled as as gypsies and worse you know slang terms for gypsies which are no US lose so the media here has actually got a bit of a listen actually correctly identifying you know these these things wouldn't understand and if the law travellers and Gypsies actually recognised and Laura's distinct ethnic groups and identities with certain right so yeah the New Zealand media had a bit of a listen and there but certainly the Irish community here was very unhappy to have the say that this family of so-called tourist from hell labelled as Irish the Roast Busters. Well in more Public Enemy's the surf from New Zealand's own past about 5 years ago it emerged that this group of young teenage guys had formed themselves into a kind of club and they were boasting on social media about how successful they'd been in basically coercing young girls into 6 with them and some of these girls it turns out were under the age of 16 and that is against the law and some of these girls are extremely intoxicated at the time the pictures are being taken of them and then later being named and shamed on social media this provoked huge demonstrations at the time people took to the streets over this and called for urgent action on on what was. An examination what what they called right culture in New Zealand at the time and then this was made worse because the police investigation didn't go very well and the teens were never prosecuted for this that only made people angry and now just this past week one of them has popped up after 5 years he's been living in Los Angeles for most of the intervening 5 years he now says he's a born again Christian wants to make amends and gave a very rambling and unfocused T.V. Interview which has only made the victims and their advocates even angrier because he didn't really want to own up to anything illegal he didn't give specifics about what he and his colleagues actually did presumably he's not quite dumb enough to want to incriminate himself but been turned out what made matters worse was that having granted the T.V. Interview where he said he wanted to make amends and then be judged by God He then launched a crowdfunding bid for his rather mediocre and that's putting it kindly personal brand of hip hop so the theory is that he's trying to put himself out there is a change character and try to get crowdfunding from gullible types to become a bit of a hip hop artist and of course there just reinforces the offense for the victims that this is really all about him and not really where the focus needs to be which is on you know the victims and the people who were harmed. By him and his cronies 5 years ago but enough for the Black Caps the New Zealand cricket team to lose to India it's bad enough you could say but it gets worse and that the. India giving them a mighty thumping in the one day internationals here and that comes after a string of really good performances by by the cricketers that have made cricket fans proud but yeah a couple of nights ago there was an event called the black clash and this involved current and former high profile cricketers in limited overs game against current and former All Blacks and the All Blacks actually beat them at their own game of cricket but the problem was that this was all a bit take it was organized by boxing promoters and the trophy they were playing for was named after Jonah Lomu the rugby great and Martin Crowe who was one of New Zealand's top cricketers died after a long illness a couple of years ago but most both of them much admired sports people at the top of both games and people said this not very serious kind of techie novelty contest was not an appropriate tribute for them but yes certainly embarrassing to the cricketers that they got turned over by a bunch of rugby players but I don't think they were taking it seriously enough. The New Zealand cricket scene got the symbol of the New Zealand rugby team in cricket. So afraid so but the problem was that some of the serious cricket fans actually bought tickets about 9000 tickets were sold doesn't sound like much but actually for New Zealand sports event that's not too bad some of the money supposedly to go to charity as well but people don't think it might be a decent contest and of course cricket is a sport that has reinvented itself you know creating one day cricket and so-called pajama cricket in Australia and so on and then the T 20 game you know very explosive big cricket so you know that there's a track record of innovating and so people gave them their due but they may choose televised here on the main free to air T.V. Channel it was clear the players weren't taking it seriously commentators weren't either and the whole thing indeed up being a bit tacky and some of the people that paid money also hoping that some of it would go to charity it turns out not a great deal is not happy with us at all and diehard cricket fans certainly not happy to see their game not being played seriously and they are being turned over by a bunch of rugby players who are here there's a void and we shouldn't try and sugarcoat it as much as you low that is the end result that will go down in history as was the only way that the Black Caps can redeem themselves if they take on the All Blacks former and current players in rugby and the well well they might have a chance actually because just within the past hour the New Zealand leg of the international sevens rugby sevens tournament was being is being played up and Hamilton and there were just too deep within the last hour the USA have upset New Zealand by $17.00 to $7.00 so New Zealand cannot come out on top and this is the home league of the year the sevens The Sims tournament so the guy wasn't back in 1950 the USA shocked. Football no names are going to go no matter. You try to redeem yourself or golly well done calling FICO the in New Zealand the Detroit OK let me to document your 4 hour long documentary the ledges of Michael Jackson committed serious acts of sexual. B S Well he spread minute at the Sundance film festival on Friday one of the premier film festivals in the world the direct to Den read has made this film it's called leaving Neverland focus was on 2 Jackson's accusers Wade Robson and James saved Chuck and during his lifetime Michael Jackson consistently in O.T. Denied any wrongdoing saying that he would never hurt a child were met done in these the senior film writer variety he was at the screening their warnings of process outside the settlement house met many protesters ease of I thought about 2 protesters which is. A lot less than my big anticipated there were about 6 police officers security guards extra sort of crowd control fences and only about 2 protesters showed up so yeah that was a bit overblown sure why would they be protesting out of interest what was their protests about you know. Yeah and so basically there's still a very active under about legion of Michael Jackson fans through find the accusers in the documentary to be completely. Incredible really and they think that the tabloid sensation that they get all its arsenal on the legacy of the pop icon and they hardly disagree with any accusations that both of these got to bring forward. Did the documentary from a journalistic perspective pose a convincing argument. Yes devastating you know that it's not I I didn't find it to be overly manipulative you know it's like you know sometimes of with work like that you can see heavy emotional or you know orchestra scores or you know montage of children toto the it was very sort of straightforward actually General or director that normally makes some of the bout war or richer crime so he has a very sort of clinical lens it's not it's not told very emotional but the content on the cross emotional because of how close it and the descriptions of the abuse are because look at Justin's been dead now for a decade or so and I want to wherever the time has changed you know with. Focus now on abuse sexual abuse child abuse. And the me too movement and so on does that play into the way that you perceive the film this is a different time now when we perhaps wouldn't tolerate any celebrity. Accusations against celebrities in the way that we perhaps once did. Absolutely I think it's a terribly conlang film and you know almost these accusations from these 2 men were brought forward a few years ago so I think a lot of the reason the document resonates a documentary resonates some much when you think it is because the thesis of it and the way it sort of wraps up at the end is that Michael The point is Michael Jackson is still beloved by millions and still a very exalted figure in our culture at a time especially in the past 2 years with post Harvey Weinstein where everyone is sort of checking their moral compass to see how we celebrate people even you know work from 3040 years ago you know director an actor is how they sort of process and ingest our chest of culture in light of people's you know doings or myth doing that makes sense Yeah absolutely it does make sense and of Kools. You know if we reflect on a documentary like this if Michael Jackson was around would it give grounds for prosecution do you think. I think I think of the high think the life because documentary would be a lot more tortured in terms of the legality of finding a distributor in New York Los Channel 4 and here in the states H.B.O. Because you know Michael Jackson always had sort of the cream of the crop in terms of legal defense so I'd be very interested to see how how long this one would take him to get seen and distributed but once out I think it would definitely you know revisit a lot of the crimes and also there's a staggering amount of specifics so I think there's a lot of people surrounding Michael you know sort of like a you could perceive it as a machine of complicity around him handlers hair and makeup people you know even his chain of book travel and housing for these families in these kids I think a lot of them would be called into question and I think we'd see a lot of revisiting maybe not from a criminal standpoint but certainly from a simple step point you know this not forget that Michael Jackson was never found guilty of any of them or sometimes through his life to have a party to go to code he did go to school and he was found at the very least not guilty of these crimes yes and the other documentary especially the 2nd part judge reveals a 993 case and the case in the 2000 and of you briefly a couple members of the jury. Yeah he and also Jackson Holly and flatly denied any wrongdoing for his entire life so so there is that to contend with and has a state certainly agree it's and you know has referred to the documentary tablets on station and one that only wants to exist to malign his name and his legacy yes I'll be very curious Alex received when he comes out will you will it be a do you think of who will be. I think it's I think it's you know not to sound insensitive but it's an incredibly compelling piece of television for hours that will air here on television cable T.V. For H.B.O. In 2 parts of believe it's also airing on channel $4.00 and $2.00 parts yeah it's riveting as you're going because it's devastating it's riveting because you know it you know. Sort of revisits and underscores how important Michael was to so many people and you know even one of the accusers Wade Robson got to meet Michael on the occasion of him entering a dance competition to dance the moves took most criminal you know it his his reach is staggering even today so I think it will certainly be absolutely be a here in the States I also think it's one of those things and you know I know I want to be objective but I think it's a lot of times when we come up against beloved figure it's especially as our dad I think it's easier for us the culture to sort of just let sleeping dogs lie you know and I mean I think it's easier to contend with someone like Woody Allen who is still around and still wants to make films but you know it's become so taboo to release them so you're probably not going to see any more work for him. For the rest of his life but with Michael's kids I think it's almost like I just kind of let it lie but again as you mentioned the new cultural rules were about and by and some of the awareness we have around abuse and victimhood and gender parity and all that kind of stuff are bubbling up and we have to reassess So I think in terms of that narrative little absolutely be massively watched what else have you seen Sundogs might be massively which. Oh God good question. There is a on the turn of the. Really really intense and difficult Jennifer 10 films she made the box book which is very well received harmonies around the world I believe she's Irish. As a song called The nightingale which is about a woman who can credibly. Ton of sexual violence her husband and child are killed in front of her and then she sort of sets off on a path of revenge but what's interesting about it is that it's kind of a meditation on how women are commodified and systemically abused and she has a monologue in the film that could just as easily be relevant today as it was in the $800.00 on the film set that's not only the senior film Rise and variety it's Australia Day was yes. Day in and celebrations to place across the country marking the anniversary of the beginning of modern Australia however thousands of others attended invasion day. And world to protest you can imagine what they were about the Correspondent Chris brought in Sydney's film a set of. Yes morning to you don't go she said as if you're out there in the midst of a straight a day and in between Australia Day and invasion. Yeah this stays. A long weekend here in Australia to Australia Day on Saturday so there's a public holiday on Monday and I'm at Manly here in Sydney and this was to say you know big Australia Day celebrations so all around the country people enjoying the day with barbecues picnics Rick Act is there were very race is there were camel races there will also a competition for throwing So lots of me to not serve alcohol consumes But the flip side to all of this amidst all the celebrations all for Australia's National Day March is by Aboriginal campaign is another activists who believe that it's very insensitive that So Australia should celebrate its a mark the beginning of indigenous dispossession and public say that persists to this day so it is national holiday to all that is sang continues to be very divisive ways said the British illustrated a important to most Australians. This was a national day of remembrance that was recognized in 195 but only because I am a public holiday nationally and 1990 is the Prime Minister Scott Morrison space campaign for Australia to change the date of a national day says it's a historical fact the British ships 11 of them sailed into what's now state the harbor on the 25th of January 17th 88 many Australians believe that is the day mocking indigenous campaign is the mark marks the time of genocide and they want the day shifted some indigenous campaigners don't want the day of Bali still together but what the Prime Minister Scott Morrison has done in a sense of reconciliation if you like he's saying that he's open to a discussion about having a new national holiday the now the day another time of the to remember and acknowledge Australia's rich and ancient indigenous culture is there any wolves in Matilda almost surely. Imagine there is there are. Shops that make. Kangaroo. Street parades lots of pot isn't quite the same poll really. Citizenship there are many to there was one there and 8 in the Western Australian city of Tire attracted new migrants from more than 60 countries in many ways to Australia Day is not necessarily just about looking at Australia's past as controversial as it is the in terms of the lingering effects of colonisation but all such to celebrate Australia's multiculturalism well over a quarter of the population was born out of it stays and many many new migrants to take the plunge and become new citizens on Australia Day. To the beach holding you for research purposes are new schools enjoy. You know I. Feel. For Rose for thanks for listening thanks to this God and not least thanks to Hannah who stepped in bravely to the breach when one of our other colleagues was called away. Unexpectedly to the birth of his 1st child I hope it all goes well for all of us and we'll be back with you to mark from one. C.B.C. . But unease in 5 Live I'm giving you Ramos the family of the missing Cardiff City . Have started a private search for him and official operation was called off on Thursday 3 days after a plane carrying the Argentinian and pilot David it sent disappeared over the Channel 2 boats were sent out yesterday after more than 200000 pounds was right used Peter Goelz the former harbor Moss to own guns and it's not looking for a needle in a haystack but you don't even know where the haystack is you don't know which road it's in you don't know which parachutes and you don't even know which county is in it is a massive undertaking I don't doubt that at some stage in the future evidence of the airplane will be found. To.

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