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Of the return of a hard Irish border the cabinet secretary Michael Gove said the U.K. Was more prepared than ever but acknowledge there might be some short term problems in the event of a no deal exit from the E.U. It is the case everyone knows that if we do have a new exit the will inevitably be some disruption some bumps in the road that's why we want to deal but it is also the case that the U.K. Government is far more prepared know when it was in the past and it's also important for people to recognise but what's been described in these documents is emphatically a worst case scenario a rugby league player has been found dead in his hotel room the morning after making his debut for the Championship side back to the Bulldogs and to lose the club says it's greatly saddened by the death of Archie Bruce who is 20 volunteers have joined the search for a 6 year old boy who hasn't been seen since he fell into the river star in Kent yesterday 4 adults jumped in to try to find Lucas Dobson during the fishing trip me a sandwich superintendent Amanda Tillotson from Kent police is involved in the operation my thoughts go out to the family of Lucas this is an awful tragic incident that of C. We will work hard to bring a quick resolution for locals as quickly as we can for the family but it's an absolutely massive operation with various different agencies. Services but we've also got volunteers and of course members of the public and they are working extremely hard to find Lucas more than 60000 pounds has been raised to support the family and widow of a police officer who was killed while investigating a report of a burglary in bar on Thursday P.C. Andrew Harper was 28 and newly married the police are questioning 10 men and boys on suspicion of murder. The Strictly Come Dancing couple Neil and Kathy Jones have announced they're separating they faced media scrutiny after cattle was photographed kissing her dance partner the comedian Sean Walsh joining the last series in a joint statement the couple said they would remain friends and keep dancing together. And architects from Essex has set a new cycling speed record of more than 174 mph Neil Campbell who's 45 broke the previous record of 167 mph using an elongated custom built bike which was released from the back of a Porsche. And the weather tonight largely dry conditions with clear spells are expected for eastern areas while the west looks likely to be cloudy with some scattered showers B.B.C. News It's 3 minutes past 5. B.B.C. Commentry and more it shall. Be B C come knew more of her B.B.C. W.-M. Every Sunday Sport permitting and there hasn't been a lot of Bromley it's all sport at the moment and the sport again next week sport again next week so there's no Irish programme next week or so and then I hopefully I'll be back for a few weeks after that and will get sorted. Here's Mark Roberts. Here with to. My to. Do. Some days are diamonds some days a Stones token of diamonds Bridget's in the studio got that was nearly a compliment almost quite a just means your heart Is that true. Congratulation to Tipperary for winning the hurling final says Graeme over there and know it got a message home from duty and cry him all right and Queenie says she's got John Murphy to no lights mom OK I resent yeah OK we marry centering and said John Murphy is the Entertain would you make it a big clear Queenie's good John Murphy tonight could be interesting. Trying to my cousin I think bit more I thought you said that tonight the entertainment is John Murtha John Murtha thank you right continue. To say he got some good news for us he got engaged to die he did say to his wife he got engaged to is his well wife Yeah and I do have a backwards sort of a sit so we marriage already says no he says oh well soon to be wife so I got Should I show it to that is engaged to be soon to be wife here OK. Fillin block blocks which said Gray shared. Content somebody killed its 5 pound on little fantastic starts at 8 o'clock fantastic no tickets but there will be reporting kits for sale great so the James Stanton fund starts on Friday night at the animal club and we simply want you to be there pay a fiver on the door come in of a bit of fun in Small Heath and it will be great then in his honor his name will be kept alive with the family of course the young man 26 and then I'll just look in there I got a text from Maggie. Thank you so much indeed Maggie it just shows the people I love Maggie lost her husband Brian he took his own life simply I did the blue something I will never ever get over but we had so many wonderful times as Mike in the mall Vince and I was going to remember the good times and the family are doing work she made a lovely Shanae then Collette who were in there keeping everything going and James is in James's memory and well done and as they say if they can just prevent one person. If not taking taking their own lives then this fund and James name will be absolutely worthwhile to be fantastic so glad you have back ON THE RADIO Well I'm glad as well Dudley girls well hope to see you soon Claire muds and Brenda Well next Friday night if you do nothing come along to the Emerald club in small lakes I haven't been there for a long time but the people of the amber club probably all changed since I was last there but look forward to seeing you all on the night. As I said before just come in have a bit of fun pay a fiver on the door and that will go to the Jane Staunton trust OK thank you also for. The Murphys or Dancing with the fisherman who want to which one. Murphys 3 lovely girl is an old fella and apparently one of them did go out with a fisherman for whatever for a night or a month or a year I don't know how am I don't know but what they went up and they decided they'd write a song so mind your hide You'll try and read you when you think it's what you think they had. And. Get really into. Yeah that's that's what it was or think they were singing so you know if you've been fishing you know going to believe this technically the answer is No but we had a keyboard player Jason who loved a bit of fission of the beneficial and every now and again if you got the opportunity so we're over in Ireland well we're going to Ireland and we get to. Hollywood. And get the whole yarn waiting to get on the boat and the boat was like . So what do we do he got out his fishing rod Sutton the war caster over and we all started doing but he had these words we spiky things that kind of big and everything and he was putting them on hooks and all that and I thought to make a life here there were maggots No Well and that's the other thing one when he's maggots weren't doing anything you put them inside these mice oh. Wonderous tongue yet warm them up and then they'd wriggle need took him in the one I mean I couldn't get me I said oh I don't mind this vision lark now so the Unter be no although I kind of put one of these spiky worm things on because they were scaring me and yeah well this freshman year we had a little thing that whenever a lot of money had no Arlen's it was think you might need a couple of dinners a little. Talk go on there I'll take you home again Kathleen in memory of mum Kathleen that's from door to Margaret and I to my money current Jack a kind of Silo to welcome to the Broadway show to Kate Yates she was a friend Amanda could have hospital she's a staff nurse. And she says keep listening she says Give me a shout Howard K. To. Yates saying Hope you're well hope your world sees America it's my husband Pete Martin got pretty time every time seeing me looks fitter there's a fiddle no wonder because it back on the year on the Camino walk it's hundreds of miles that is this time me doing it for Alzheimer's God bless him he's a darling of a man Bub Just read something I'll go today if you please give my shirt be great and it when wishing to sponsor him can go to the Pete Martin fund raising forward slash just given page you got to just give in praise of just click on the bottom just given that come forward slash fund raising forward slash people do that . Do that Nelly thank you for letting us know. Bob Hope you and the gang a well could you give a quick mention let me get to the rest of this a quick mention about our annual tried fest fundraiser event happening next weekend over the August bank holiday this year will be hosted at D.J. Quinn's and whole grain for many billions and we have great music while a new year would we had great music. So who would go on for the local bands lumper deluged tried life and the John King about all performing live next Saturday night followed by a big translation on Sunday afternoon from for entry on Saturday night is just a fiver and all proceeds go towards the running of the 6 Birmingham trad Fest which is a fabulous wonderful event to how times fly 6 years ago since the boys were in talking about it undergoes. The festival this year is in the member it's also quickly approaching we have a great lineup scheduled hope to pop in for a tad very soon but 1st everyone welcome to D.J. Quinten wholegrain next Saturday all welcome Bob from the Birmingham tribe fest I. Find. That I try to. From. This. Whole new. Life. Should. I live on the street. To try to. Stick. To my question. a. Suit that's the title of the chart from my go. To use will hide a 1000000 memories I'm a little bit late in going to Clive as find out what's happening on the M 6 and there's been one or 2 incidents today we need to keep on top. As Clive Hi Bob I'm going to start on the M 6 we've still got the problems between junction 6 that's the exit for the Aston expressway injunction 5 the exit for the A 45 to a Castle Bromwich was an earlier accident on multiple vehicles involved in the congestion is still back to junction 7 they have opened all the lanes now but of course the standing traffic will take a while to dissipate away they reckon the travel time of around 40 minutes on that section further down the M 6 southbound between junction $4.00 and $3.00 we had another accident earlier on one lane was closed there in addition to the accident there's now a broken down vehicle slap bang in the middle of it so that's not helping things either a port where you'll find it busy on the M 42 southbound where it joins What you but you leave to join the A 435 you the north and south of the junction 3 that's in the road works there so it's tailing back on the motorway although the A 435 approaches don't look too badly but it's just the M 42 that slowing up junction 3 if you see a problem called the Travel hotline if it's legal and safe to do so 183-301-2335 extension 50 Clive Payne B.B.C. Radio travel thank you so much indeed Clive it is busy out there today for it is Italy's Let's hope those. Time to get the motorways cleared nobody was seriously injured that's important Yes fingers crossed fingers you so much you don't need my finger on the pulse and I'll update you in half an hour here mate say then Clive thanks a 1000000 of them takes B.B.C. Coventry and workshop 81 triple 3 dancing you message with the C.W. Friday of the. Now right there you go Michael English of course one of them Michael English always puts on a great show and does a great great too and that's for sure. Sorry we didn't get to see it today we had a free night last night in St and an obsolete we had a an absolutely fantastic night we had to with Sally Glen only thing is grandad Jerry's not well it was trying to talk to me earlier and he lost his voice on idea so the great thing is the same dance next week next week. I think that is a band called Telstar Jerry and Jake it's lovely to hear from you both how you do and I hope you're well when I was a date and I have it in front of me and Iran 14th of September it's not long now is it when Brawley is back in saying that and I'm so looking forward to Saturday night the last time we were there were a wonderful time so I'm looking forward to going back to St John's on the 14th of September be there or else. Don't forget I'm not here next week so I'm reminding you know but what a Norseman shows us Lynn and we're going to miss you again next week as I said today I know people have been ringing the girls up. It's not a case of us away on holiday or someone suggested our many ology I have. Nothing to do with the holiday it is purely and simply the sport. Is on B.B.C. WM So the Irish programme doesn't happen say hello to Jane Coventry as I work with her bed with Tesco and listen to you on the radio or sit in the Jane Denise how are you bubbly guess what a great night at the holy souls country and western with Billy Martin next Saturday is Peter mileage from Manchester just to mention the Thompson family had a wonderful time in Scotland with Peter Collins Mark had a great time how you're doing Young Mark hope you are well my power thank you so much John and friend to the holy souls hello to all of you hope you're in good fettle I love this we've done it all sung. Written by Phil Taylor mountains and Green Valley with the ever changing sky. Rocket coastline stand to lose. If you visit. Here you see. All around. It is a place to be. I long for being done Newsy is our way of life. Donny. We'd like to sing and then. I long to be undone ego toxic love it to bits. Yeah that was written by Phil Taylor that was written by Phil Taylor and Phil got in touch me about recording some songs I haven't even got round to it yet we were going to start on up things have changed and as you know Basil is no longer with me and basil is just so nice health more than anything else but as always so nice how fight and . Apparently on Facebook is showing everybody the pills and everything that he takes and stuff like. When he's on these days he wants everything hailer beside him as well so so Buzz was no longer with me so just got to get himself well and I don't know when that will never happen to be honest bless him I hope he works hard at it and get fit and healthy again but it's going to be a while it's going to be a while Bob can you please play John Hogan song Oh no John. I'm going to John Hogan all because I know because it just seemed a moment ago and I've got it in my hand I. Did it to track 13. Tracks let me just. The things I do the friendliest we show on the radio and we just change the CD Take one night and put in travel of 3 and longs to be undone to go by the way I was talking about Dancing with the fisherman the Murphys now the Murphys it was actually a true story one of the Murphy goes one that with a fisherman but we're not saying which one well they're not saying which one so here's what I want you to do night if you see them or face a brawly wants to know which one of you went with the fisherman anyway a song followed the next day they wrote a song the next day and the reason I know is I'm just looking at it here and I they're not willing to reveal which of the 3 sisters done to the fisherman candy and Katie had a song written the next day as the fisherman went in cast his net where he didn't hang around long couple of dances an easy way Fisher. And Cindy was of course recorded at Duntroon the fisherman so it is Murphy's actually had it done to the fisherman and wrote a song so does that mean Bridget incision just give me a thumbs up or down if I don't was a fisher woman I could get a song the next day. Yep thumbs up from the press. Here's John Logan Thank you Phyllis. Just for you Glenn it's a good. Sleep. Coming. To you. Live smooth. The follow through. With you told me they look mood once again. Love. The birds sing golden days. When it's a me. Moley . Blah cuddle. My. Life certainly. The soul. Say hello to spot light. Read dream the Bob Dole. The spruce. Lolo's to coal. Shown Hogan springtime in the mountains it's probably a Sunday thank you as always for tuning in good to have you company we're here until 6 o'clock with a whole pile of Irish music every normally It happens every Sunday and the reason I'm saying this is there's a lot of sport around at the moment different things so you want of an Irish program we're not on next week we're not on next week but I do want to remind you I do want to remind you that on Friday we will be at them or club as part of the James Taunton trust the launching the trust they're just getting some money together to raise a few bucks for the charity and we'll all be at them a club Billy Boyle be there as well on the night and it's only a fiver to get in and then the bear ruffle and a few little bits and bobs inside and it would be great to have you there and that way one day will prevent someone else thinking of committing suicide and that's what this family would love to do Collette the mom and she made the sister were in a few weeks ago and then when we did the charity at Cal Scanlan's at Scanlan's when we did the charity there we had a lovely lovely night it was lovely to see you and it was very short notice I know but it was great to see that I think we've raised so more in the region of 151600 quid because when I said we had about 1400 quid next thing then somebody else come up with another 100 your all generous to a fault thank you so much indeed so sisters have been and heard Charlie will get a probably 1516 under a lot you know exact figure and be nice to get a few bob knife for the James Stanton trust a young man 26 year old with a beautiful family just simply decided they had enough and committed suicide. The family just in his honor and his name hoping to prevent someone else EVER doing the same again so they go big shout out to Margaret my mom who is in Scotland at the moment helping her sister Bridget get settled into a new home lots of love to wall says Maria Hello Marie how are you Bradley had a fall Tuesday dear play Dominic for me OK Was Cindy and could you find Dominic for me Susie let's see if I can find Dominic and cheer Monday up then will cheer Monday up today loving the show I'm sitting in my car listening and it was wonderful to hear Joe Dolan thank you for such a fantastic show Bob please wish Debra Ashton a happy birthday for tomorrow and Martin for Wednesday genie in Wolverhampton genie Genie with one such sound Genie with a lie brown hair congratulation to Tipperary for winning the hurling final and I thank you Graham hope all is well with you and oh if you have time and availability could you play the lottery the life half done sung by yourself or contain the past Clive How are you Susie It just says Play Dominic to pick me Dominic song stick it in the top machine here on. I'm at it again I'm changing the whole program line can you believe it stick Dominic in there and just pick which song you want I don't even know will do it this way you can just surprise it don't tell me just put it is all right let's press number 5. Of this line and you're going to do one of the 5 press 5. There you go if you've just tuned in it is the B.B.C. But a surprisingly show we can to do differently on the show we always do someone had a for an hour not fairing too well and they'd like to hear Dominic So here's my. Oh sorry Suzy stop that I'd already done that. No no no no. Susan pick I like this one as well if you. It's 5 O'clock somewhere Dominic care when i hope you're feeling better and I'm Monday and Dominick is could the damage you did when you had the full. Clive wants counting the past but already played it probably something. To see the 14th of September when we're not saying Downes looking forward to going but we had a great time at St downs and you know the reason why the tea people in the Tea Pots must have to. Have a big teapot and sandwiches. I don't mix just killed me it's well know well and he said you have a cure here oh OK that's good news I'm not saying any more but it wouldn't do it were the look on her face. It's probably a Sunday and it's good to be with you lots of things coming in absolutely we've been. Can I just say here little you did that while you still can we've had a few 1000 calls about the program next week yet if you were not on holiday you know we didn't choose say now is 1st with baby say in. And that's the way it is sadly so yeah that's the reason that we're not on holiday as much as we'd like a holiday although. There's always time. To be a hit live next week and oh my we won't go anywhere we'll just stay say it is going to have a barbecue and yeah. Absolutely while we're up and I've caught up with most of the text and messages and everything else a lot of them are very simply asking you know I love the one where they said another holiday brawly I wish you the 100 telly since January No not at all not I'm not a minute not a day not anything and I'm going home tonight into the studio to do we bit as well set me back side and work on some things and I put on there is my kind of focus of the you know I miss my little league or I miss my league and I'm to be honest I never thought I'd ever say this I'm getting a bit fed up of football the money these people are earning nowadays and to morrow it's and I'm not saying this that it's just incredible that they can get these massive huge fees and some of them don't even seem to be trying next he's going off the bonus now is injured is injured I was passed a lot of the other night and without them they're just an average team to be honest this year you know they need a whole lot of people need to sort of but yeah I never thought I'd say it I'm kind of a bit disillusioned. About cricket. Don't be stupid I don't think boxing Well I could go to the world and of course but I'm a man that my up and no I don't forget your B.S. Will you be a Democrat next Friday like I will great. Stuff as we launch the James Taunton fund which is great the Jamestown trust raised a few bucks for the people who are setting the trust up and everything nothing to do with us we've got a wonderful family and they're all going to get involved just come along to their mothers only a fiver to get in and it will be great to see will there be ruffles and things happening throughout the night so we'd love to see all of them a club in Small Heath and it's nice to see. You don't do many of the snow as well I'm not saying down to the 14th was that 60. Many that can be. Coming to the Regency suite in the lower Hilo tellin Mary I'm there on the 16th of September now the Country Music Club in the center has finished there but the hotel are putting this night on for themselves so I look forward to seeing a wall there and all the gang but sent downtown the 14th through 3 on the 16th of September and dine in Bromley and can't on the 7 the September petty bowls on the 1st of September never being now so lovely It's great fun so we're heading down there and of course the animal club next Friday night where I want to see you all there OK. In the world building perfect harmony from the other Sunday let's cross over to Clive that I know what the M 6 is like right this minute. Clive right on the M 6 sat between junction 6 and junction 5 there was an earlier accident with multiple vehicles involved that has now all been opened up but the traffic is still very slow on that section of the motorway so you will have to be patient while the standing traffic dissipates away further down the M 6 between junction 4 and junction 3 there was another accident plus a broken down vehicle which didn't help things that all opened up about half past 5 but again the traffic is just slow to move away in Hampton on the Hill the be double 463 that's queueing between the Henley Road and the A 46 at Long Bridge on and can't see any particular reason for that but if he's looking a bit slow there it's looking a bit slow on the M 42 southbound at Junction 3 for people exit in the M 42 to go on to the arms of the A 43 fires very slow there and on the northbound side as well the A 435 northbound a poor way is also looking a bit sluggish at the moment too if you see a problem call the travel hotline if it's legal and safe to do so 133-012-3355 extension 5 Payne B.B.C. Radio travel here's my friend will talk again next week. Yeah you hear next week no so he write the following only a couple of weeks my sources told me it was a couple of weeks. Like have a good time taken by. Common tree and more. Growth How are you Marian Kerry and Allie Hammond They are in the Irish Club and big next Sunday listening in and sunny in this killing at this moment in time and they will be with us here in the Ivy sent the next Sunday so you'll have a grand night with them too that's for sure so don't forget next Friday night at the Emma club and small hate Birmingham fundraising night brolly will be there singing a few tunes having a bit of crack and enjoying ourselves oh in the memory of James Stanton with the Stones and family as they set up a trust fund and they're hoping to help someone else who might be contemplating suicide and just help them with a bit of support and everything else that's a great idea that is a fabulous idea so well done here's make for having. Their I see. You might. Make 7 lines and he can see the lights of home well I can't see the lights at home yet but it won't be long till and they're going will be soon with you. And here on B.B.C. W.-M. On B.B.C. Company more Actually I don't forget. Next week I'm not with you just to remind you again I'm not here on the radio next Sunday but I will be at the Emma club in Small Heath on Friday night and then of course I will see you on the 14th of September at same then when Jerry in Jake and the big teapot. The big teapot and all the gang then the I'm so looking forward to it so looking forward to getting kind of back on the road proper with a whole lot of bits and pieces and everything else I'm looking forward to that and what I do in the future I don't know but I'm just making sure they are playing works better than it has done for a while so that's it from Bridget and sue. Then obviously not going to say about the are the running the running look at them look at them that's Bridget and the Sprint that's who in a sprint you have never seen the like of it in your life good God almighty goes You did good there. Is that what it is yeah you've been training well what with them boxers Yes but they were great enjoyed I enjoyed talking to them today they're going to have a great night with the boxing and then put the old band back together it will on all clubs some time before Christmas so looking forward to the big events to get a crack all us all fellas singing the old songs from the day all new songs whatever we were going to sing on that was. A rude gesture don't you think so yeah. 6 o'clock I'm Michael Kelly the Cabinet Office minister Michael says very significant steps have been taken in the past 3 weeks to prepare for it he was responding to Leaks govern. Documents warning of food and medicine shortages however he acknowledged the degree of disruption was likely under a no deal scenario Boris Johnson will travel to Berlin and Paris in the coming days to reiterate the Britain will be out without an agreement unless the E.U. Offers a better deal ahead of her meeting with the prime minister the German chancellor Angela Merkel said she was prepared for no deal. Just for part of the 3rd month are now off and that we are prepared for any outcome we can say that even if we do not get an agreement but at all events I will make an effort to find solutions up until the last day of negotiations and I think it's always better to leave with an agreement than without one but if that's not possible we'll be prepared for the alternative as well rescue teams in Kent are continuing to search for a 6 year old boy who fell into the river star in his sandwich yesterday Lucas Dobson was fishing with members of his family when he slipped into the water a woman's died after a collision involving a car to fail to stop the police in Birmingham It happened last night and 3 other people in another car received minor injuries police are continuing to search a caravan park in Barger in connection with the death of one of their officers on Thursday P.C. Andrew Harper who was 28 was killed when investigating a report of a burglary 10 men and boys have been arrested on suspicion of murder the Reverend Kevin beer is Team vicar of chroma where P.C. Harper's family live it's been a major topic of conversation. We are shocked and saddened I didn't know the family but I've been told by the media which house it is so I just popped a condolence card through the door and said we're here if we can help probably not in the in these.

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