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Promise me. Say soon now I am. A Winfrey productions programme for the b.b.c. . The place you live the stories you share. The wintry and the richer. B.b.c. News at 10 I'm Nickey Schiller the government's resisting calls to give M.P.'s a vote on the terms of any deal to leave the European Union the brakes Secretary David Davis told the Commons that there would be full parliamentary scrutiny in the run up to Britain's withdrawal but he insisted that the u.k. Would not allow critics to thwart the referendum result former Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg criticised the move does he believe the prime minister can now arrogated to herself the exclusive right to interpret what Bracks it means impose it upon the country rather than protect the rightful role of scrutiny and approval of this however I. Expect the price of petrol to rise by up to $5.00 pence a liter by the end of the month that's the warning tonight from petrol retailers they say the cost of fuel is wrong as ing because of the full in the value of the pound and high oil price it comes as many travelers buying foreign currency at u.k. Airports are now receiving less than $1.00 euro to the pound a pound will get 909 cents at 17 airports a woman who was left with just days off to becoming a mother has questioned why her husband's killer a man with mental health problems wasn't prosecuted after he was caught months earlier with a 12 inch knife to Iran in-sync was stabbed to death in London last December by a Nigerian student funnyman that but in Singh's wife Nadia says there needs to be a change in the law if a person with a history of mental health. It's found wandering about with a knife and attacks a police officer and that person must be referred to a secure unit a proper assessment police are warning pranksters her dressing up a scary clowns to frighten people that their behavior will not be tolerated cases have been reported across the u.k. Including 14 in 24 hours in the Thames Valley area Vodafone any of suspended replacements of Samsung's note 7 phones it's amid reports that new safe models are still at risk of catching fire 2 still not selling the smartphone the England captain Wayne Rooney isn't in the starting line up for tomorrow's World Cup qualifier against Slovenia interim manager Gareth Southgate says it isn't a reflection of Rooney's performance against Malta at the weekend when he was booed by some fans the midfielder says he's disappointed but except for the situation I understand and respect the munge decision and support the players. 100 percent in and help the players get 3 points from others for everybody of course to come on from the benches if needed go from Tiger Woods has delayed his comeback he's pulled out of this week's Safeway open it's been expected he would play 14 months after back surgery the weather it will be a dry night for most parts of the u.k. With clear spells leading to a local frost and patchy focus tomorrow is possible tomorrow showers in the east of the country and that's the b.b.c. News at 3 minutes past 10. Starting tonight in Notting on the a 60 man's field road is closed between Hucknall road and valley road to due to a police incident in Birmingham city center there's 2 way traffic a running around the north side of the ether to enter paradise circus 2 major works over to us to share on the m 6 there is not all lanes on both carriage ways due to works between the camp Thorpe interchange and rugby and finally in which the sure there is not all lanes and a speed restriction of 50 mph on the m 5 both ways are just near which there. You know. How can she. Be kept secret for so long Kolgrim now 3 for 3 of the morning 56 nights. On b.b.c. . The song. With Madonna. Be. Wow. For huge. Monday from a has made it's getting back into the Yes I'm trying to shed just a few pounds listen to. Some of them so just try and shed those before we go any further towards the end of the day. Well that's the plan anyway. Mistry voice you haven't got away much longer night 7 I wanted to go this week but I'm not sure if he's going to get in a round about an hour from now he's. The be. A. Cut above. The be. 111111 . 11. The electric lights destroy the. French. Life from tonight's How long can someone on their sexuality. Who like to think that we live in enlightened times but scary men are still marrying women because they are too afraid to come out Andrew who's now in his fifties married and had children he was in love with his wife but he knew that he was attracted to men for decades he carried the guilt before finally coming out he's my after 11 guest tonight Saddam is that well you songs on the show the saving all these Coming up there's. Also no way a royal. Alex Well back in late midnight love songs for the 1st time this week secret Dolly. She rather. Than for me the best version rates part the men I love song flights ass 12 I was always I'd like you to get involved as well I can pass on a dedication for you somebody celebrating their birthday adverse or simply to say I love you get us right now you can email me g t a b.b.c. Doc if you're to text me 803 star your message with g.t. There's always my Facebook page as well which he's late now Graham Torrance go on check it out if you feel inclined you can like it as well on Facebook hates late night Graeme Torrington But 1st tonight's had any really nice surprises in your life than anything at all as something good happen to you that you would just not expecting. Such a thing happened to me last week and that's why I'm talking about it tonight it had been a while since I've had an electricity bill so I was looking through more records and going out with them that's been a while since I've had an electricity bill so I called the phone phone at the supplier and they said yes it has been a war. We need to come out take a reading so they sent me out they took a reading and the following day they called me and they said yes we don't the reading and we owe you some money aren't here. They said how would you like it would you like us to give you a partial payment or would you like full payment as in repayment to me because I overpaid and I said well how much we're talking about here they said 396 pounds 396 pounds I don't have a paid the electricity supplier How happy was I it's not arrived to my bank here they said it would probably take about 7 days to arrive my bank but I'm going to expect some time very soon back in my bank account 396 pounds it is my money after all because I've overpaid So it's really like a form of saving isn't it but it's not what I expected I didn't expect to be receiving 396 pounds I'm not upset at all I really am not very happy so I that unexpected surprise had a really nice surprises in your life. If you have a story you can e-mail me right now. To text me. Your message with. Graham now 103453. Point 56. To see Coventry more inches. From the sky. And 6. Hours. The. She. Says. It online I am trying to coming up say in this case and I am the birds to play as well so have you had any really nice surprises in your life as someone or something surprised lovely why you'll get a nasty surprise his own way but what about the nice ones. Once you really never expected I'm talking about the times that you had no idea what was around the corner and it was really good chase story right now you can email me g t a b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. Phone to text me a 23 Start your message with g.t. This in from Brian in Mansfield he said Gee 2 years ago I went to the Games Master show in Birmingham and for one pound you entered a prize draw in front of me was a young lad when the draw came out the lad in the queue had the winning ticket over a 1000 pounds worth of computer goods but the best part of it was that he'd slip score and nobody knew that he was there that's for broad amounts for he said p.s. . It's not me that had the good luck but it was somebody else's but I thought I'd share that with you tonight on the program thank you very much a day that's going to Shrewsbury and Jennifer hello Jennifer a low grade and tell me about your nice surprise then oh well I reserve the right yes yes I am I was paying my rent rent arrears Well I'll pile on rowdy Tom i Pod Yeah I'm sorry. Early I will hear. My washing machine past that arm I thought I could never get any money to buy a washing machine to run the pension or long. I let others don't pay my rent to me is all I had and I did contact you see how easy it is to send me a new car or just carry on paying my rent arrears our lady told me but I don't know what I don't want paid by 391 are oh wow. So that men then you can go and buy a washing machine sorry and straight into. Sue's leave I don't know how her brand new washing machine and if I didn't get the house. For them to send me a new card to carry on paying it I wouldn't have known on my washing machine that are there are a few months before these need nice when stuff like that happens yes because you just don't expect to do you know because you know we always think we have to pay pay pay pay pay all the time but we never expect people to hand stuff back to us doing. Now and when it does how fantastic is that Jet If it's raised me thank you very much indeed for your story tonight had any really nice surprises in your life as someone or something surprised you in a lovely way or. Cold Graham now 103453 come online $56.00 night annoyed Graeme Torrington on b.b.c. Cain was somewhere only we know on Leno Graham Torrington us and the birds and Elton John to play very soon as well so I don't really no surprises in your life we'll get nasty surprises stuff that we don't particular wants to happen what about the nice ones ones that you really never expected happens occasionally doesn't it tell me about yours you can e-mail me g.t. At b.b.c. Doco dot u.k. For takes me a 23 star your message with the cittie Hazel in Coventry has been in touch she said she takes being proposed to was the nicest surprise that I ever had my fiance wanted to propose over the loudspeaker at Coventry railway station but the miserable lady doing the announcements that day wouldn't let him. Instead he did it when we were standing on the bridge in I am bridge it came as such a surprise I nearly forgot to say yes our lovely is that that's from Hazel there in Coventry Let's go to Shep shared now and Dorothy Hello Dr hello Tell me about your nice surprise Well it was the flu was back. And my insurance coming now. And. To Memphis it comes give you some money us about. Anything to come I suggest you have family that come in to check for about 2000 pounds Wow. Take your time conquistador during the short trips but for the roads to. Rattle right I would watch Concorde from one of the drawing board and he always does and then passes on the net and I'm sitting out on the things. Just work on it for anything else so I was. Going to have a. Couple 100 quid I suppose. I saw them for my younger sisters if that said so I should never been on the play so that when they're that me know I thought it was also one of my nieces I took with it as well and that was my 1st memory too and my system my eldest daughter so well not a good time a nice surprise for a real mother says so I thought well I didn't get the money. You know that's one of my biggest regrets not actually going on Concorde and I did have the chance I did and it was just when he was probably about 12 months before he was decommissioned this was before it was yeah and a friend of mine said I can get some cheap flights Concorde and I just said the nice thing to do with me but I just can't go this weekend I don't know why car member why I couldn't go but I couldn't and then it was decommissioned and then I couldn't get any tickets on it was just a kid myself and I think if only I had gone that way and what was it like not fully I mean I mean I couldn't cover you know supersonic or anything but it was just the fact that you never really saw to cause we were actually on Concorde and never dreaming that we would say it's very narrow isn't the cabin so yes I would never do that because there are so is there a claustrophobia Well I think we were sort of well in about that we were going to be on their overly long that women are right. The Commish came into it when they says George you know what I'm going to do so I suppose that has been the just retired or been given some money to because he was a civil servant and while I happened I have not had to spend the money he'd go so she said my friend and I going on Concorde we're going to root for the 2. 000 s. . I was sad I was for it for her fantastic and then super back priceless then you know cheap stuff she says that voted for in the market. I don't think she's such an outrageous price you know I want to know why they're you didn't realize you get a payout from the insurance company well. You know the money was paid to the bank I don't know I just I know. I'm not sure. Trying to decide what it was was a kid or a ninety's. What concord with some 97 was not much you know I think it was summer insurance the mighty jabs that. Something going on says you know before my husband died and I was you know so. You know the sourcing of just things that you forget about it. And I surprise I'm sure it was it came right time and I had photographs taken outside and I could wonder about you know how did you. Know you could just tell enthusing about it only Dorothy I said you still enthusing about. Dorothy thank you very much a day for sure that's a nice of the program so there we are a nice surprise something totally unexpected that happened or was it for you or from a it was recently some money back from the electricity company trying to 96 quid I had no idea that overspent to get me back fantastic I want to hear your stories share them right now you can email me b.b.c. Doco to educate you to text me 803 star your message with g.t. Graham's mystery voice night 7 then you had to wait all weekend but I have to tell you you need to work a lot harder this week. I am still convinced that we're going to get to Thursday and nobody's going to get him I don't know why I just got this feeling. But you may not have me of course is the voice Who is it I finished a job when I was maybe 7 I'll tell you who it's not of the wrong guesses that have come in so far Frankie Dettori authoress k. Kevin Costner James Stewart Fred Astaire Walt Disney Orson Welles' Tom Hanks Donny Osmond Edward g. Robinson Donald Trump Christian Slater Mickey Rooney So Alan Sugar Stan Laurel rich hole George Burns Keith Baron Spence try St James Cagney Paul Pope Frank Sinatra all wrong so who do you think it is I finished a job when I was maybe 7 give a chicken I finished a job when I was maybe 7 Ok you know how we play we play Monday to Thursday just after the news at 11 no prizes just for fun and the anyway we accept and answer the phone don't text any mail but you can call me and the reason we need you to coal is we need people to hear what your answer is Ok and if you do cope we'll expect you to come on the program as well so Harry says it's night 7 Who is it I finished a job when I was maybe 7. Kolgrim now on I'm 3453 I Early and a you've got a son Elaine a Graham trying to win the birds Nelson John to play before we get to 11 o'clock tonight loads more songs from the evening as well so how many really nice surprises in your life talk about the times that you have no idea what was around the corner and it was really something good what he said in a story one that they may. Carry from a text me 23 Start your message with g.t. As this one says I just received a tax rebate for you ready for this 35000 pounds I knew that I was jus rebates but not for that much I was in so much to a gram it was making me ill now I'm on top of the world says Dave in Southport well . It kind of says to me that if you have a rebate for $30000.00 pounds it tells me that you paid a lot of money upfront in the 1st place yet to get to get a rebate for 30000 pounds you've got to spend to surely have a new. But how could he say when I was thing I was doing well a 396 pounds 30000 pounds boy got a policy on that one let's get a job asked now and Pauline Hello. It says Sencion place on the sorry pull in the south the Audley is Ok What was the is this if it were also feeling so I am convinced Karen. Mother does in 94. And. Over this even. Including the father died it's now been. Documented all of this here yes. I knew that some will from Oz and was trying to contact me and the so so that. Was trying to come to me I said. I don't know you want to know I then know I was contacted Oh no Doesn't even though they. Know then you will anyway yes it's hard and the time. I was told that this person took me down for the story. As she said sizing right and one thing was in my details. Possibly give you a date I'll see you as person people. And. Said. He did is he getting that they didn't say. She doesn't know him well and then she says she says if she's going to school good for you. My mother knew they don't. And they feel as full as she is if you like. She wrote today and explained this piece and I had to really go on and. On the this is the thing though that has been going been a good to me that there will. Still be that. They will let my mother on the. Right and. She dies and they are the executor who is certain to come to that they had been fun to come to the 1st time if you. See following the sunset of the March of this year and said. This. The school good for a few of 300 pounds because they could sense. And prove me a favor in the bank and they think they she sent the money Wow So you got 300 quid that was supposed to go see mom but we had such a moment past why it was a funny come down to us to say there's a fuel surcharge come to my father cause she said and that was that he too had. Said that for the next 6. Tiles which is what did you spend frantically to oh who are these agencies and the yeah oh Bill. The bills you know yeah right so you paid your bills off with trying to quit we're talking a 1000000000 I want to run I should say it's been 10 days Yeah well doesn't always money come handy when someone hands you money. Thank you very much a day for that I guess some great stories of I just have to be money but it's great when somebody gives you some money isn't it but what about other unexpected surprises get in touch right now you can e-mail me b.b.c. . Going to text me traced all your message with g. To. Gram now 13453. Point 56 that we live in enlightened times but gay men are still marrying women because they are too afraid to come out Andrew who's in his fifties Nat married and had children he was in love with his wife but he knew that he was also attracted to men for decades he carried the guilt before finally coming out he's much after 11 guest tonight Saddam is that little later on when you Graham's mystery boys night 7 yes night 7 still haven't got it who is it I finished a job when I was maybe 7 is that I finished a job when I was maybe 7th tell you it's not the wrong guesses that are coming so far Frankie Dettori author ascii Kevin Costner James Stewart Fred Astaire Walt Disney or some wells Tom Hanks Donny Osmond Edward g. Robinson Donald Trump Christian Slater Mickey Rooney So Alan Sugar Stan Laurel rich hold George Burns Keith Baron Spencer Tracy James Cagney Bob Hope Frank Sinatra all wrong who do you think it is. I finished the job when I was maybe 7 you know how we play we play Monday to Thursday just after the news at 11 no prizes just for fun by nature to get your answer in by 11 o'clock which means you've got exactly 15 minutes the any way except an answer phone don't text don't e-mail be a can call me who is out I finished a job when I was maybe 7. Call Grand Mal 103453. Point $56.00 night annoyed Graeme Torrington on b.b.c. Coventry and more and she. Had any really nice surprises in your life if so or was the surprise some really nice thing that happened to you you will forget horrible stuff happening but you know something that you didn't expect something that came out of the blue was like Wow didn't see that happening. My Japie Shea stories right now you can e-mail me g. To b.b.c. The code out u.k. For text me 803 star your message with g.t. No name all mistakes but it says I found a pension lesson that was clearing at my mom's house in my maiden name so after a few phone calls and a letter from the pension fund company a nice surprise it was worth a read for this 50000 pounds now that's what I call nice That's what I call Moss as well fabulous that's going to carry bar and download I logically know he's not very good yourself upload might not occurred right you and I surprise there are a few years since I have the knowledge I don't have the money for the stock 3 years ago right and work and I just leave the company it was nice to talk to me all right while Boss was in Austin although I suddenly decided I didn't need you know long enough comp. I went down the reserves to resign because of injury at work. And not turned on for 3 years and just over 4 months ago I want to call up a solicitor this leading lady elements and I would immediately commencing a. Well we are to do it when I can win immediately so many lines of. My hand in the always injury what it got me in between ice and 11000 pounds and handed me a list of the on the 75 as an. Earnings or it's my uncle. I was absolutely jobs. I mean you obviously were fighting the case and you you knew well if you're going to win it you're going to get 101-1000 pounds how many think up 211000 right so that's what you were expecting but $75000.00 pounds that's a big difference isn't it very much. And what about the injury now how well you know overall existence of a fine we. Don't. It's not like we're not the recovery works on the night and locals on. The fines they're not saying all right some to 5000 pounds if you spent it with yes maybe on this one of the spends it on. Got a new to serve for the hives completely furniture elections as well so there was a holiday the kids there driving lesson. So you can rush your ankle in there yes yes very much. I well thank you for that Daryn and it just goes to prove if you've got a fire and you have to keep on going because he just might get there one day or very much thanks that Darryl right story is ahead in the really nice surprises in your life share them right now. B.b.c. Don't. Text me. Start your message mistreats love the song. And Daniel on late night grandparents in here until 1 o'clock tonight. So and I thank you very much indeed for your lovely mail that you've sent to me that's really good to hear and I know today's not been a good day for you but listen to the program starts and be chilled outs with like I'm talking to the until 1 o'clock tomorrow it's. My scale. Thank you very much indeed Paula West has been in touch she said hi Graeme my lovely surprise was falling pregnant at 33 years of age but having a miscarriage very early and that was the night's That was confirmed by my doctor that I had been pregnant but then a few weeks later I repeatedly rang my doctor as it didn't feel right another doctor told me to come down to the surgery as she felt my stomach and she thought that I was still pregnant and said that I had lost a twin she told me to take the next day the morning the water test to the hospital and lo and behold I was still pregnant and that is why my girl Cole Thomasina. Means twin and it's her birthday today says Paula a list as a happy birthday thank you for that story tonight on the program. Every once I went online I branched out into. Because. Something's. Going. Wrong. And everyone's a winner it's like my grandchild I let's squeeze one more than the whole gets the news. A surprise to see how this comes in from Maki Mansfield he said yeah went to watch Mansfield time play once I turned right in my seat and there was. Sat there and we saw they talking to each other about focus that was a nice surprise sure it was nice those stories right. Mary Wells. It. Comes to. Me. Like. Mary Wells and my guy friends are inching up the news out 11 o'clock songs from Amy Winehouse not Branson also got some Lindisfarne and it's night 7 for Graham's mystery voice I'm still convinced it's not going to go there tonight. The place you live the stories. D.c. Coventry I'm worried. B.b.c. News at 11 o'clock am Nicky Schiller Downing Street for Jack to growing calls for parliament to be given a say on how Britain will leave the e.u. The BRICs it Secretary David Davis told the Commons the referendum result would not be undone he was supported by former cabinet minister Michael Gove 17000000 votes were cast on June the 23rd for Britain to leave the rippin Union an attempt by county Democratic and liberal voices on the opposition benches to thwart the British people's will will likely be treated with disdain. The widow of Electra stabbed to death in north London by a man who was mentally ill has called for changes in the law to prevent such killings in the future if any now end up a 23 year old student from Nigeria was sentenced to indefinite detention in hospital he admitted killing in an in sync he was attacked last December as he went to post letters announcing the birth of his baby daughter. A lorry driver who crashed into a car killing a mother and 3 children in Berkshire has pleaded guilty to causing death by dangerous driving reading Crown Court heard that Thomas croaker had been using his mobile phone at the time of the collision in August police are warning pranksters who dresses creepy clowns and then deliberately scare people that they could face arrest as drunk a reports complaints have been made across the u.k. About the fad the number of sightings increased dramatically over the weekend Thames Valley Police received 14 calls in 24 hours in a man was arrested after a woman was left terrified in a park and in County Durham children were chased to school by a clown Tonight police in Manchester Hampshire and Sussex of all reported incidents at appealed for this craze to stop the United Nations has launched an appeal to provide lifesaving assistance to parts of Haiti affected by last week's hurrican the u.n. Secretary General Ban Ki moon says some towns and villages have almost been wiped off the map the most senior elected Republican politician in the u.s. Paul Ryan says he will no longer defend Donald Trump or help his presidential election campaign video footage emerged last week of Mr Trump boasting about groping women. Football and Wayne Rooney has been dropped the England's World Cup qualifier against Slovenia tomorrow I'm England's interim manager Gareth Southgate says it's not because of Rooney's before Ment's against Malta at Wembley at the weekend the player was booed by some fans would look to Slovenia the way they plight. From when I looked at that midway through last week and you're in the mind the profile of midfield with apply and what was needed for this guy so in no way is it reflection on one for 4 minutes on Saturday in fact we were very pleased with what he did the weather it will be a dry night for most parts of the country perhaps slightly milder than last night but still chilly with patchy grass Fos possible and that's the b.b.c. News at 3 minutes past 11. Starting tonight on the a 42 northbound just before the m one traffic is moving very slowly due to road works in the n.t. On in Birmingham city center there's 2 way traffic running around the north side of the 8 thought to aid paradise circus due to major works the Queensway tunnel as open as normal and across the a 14 westbound in Leicestershire there is some congestion at the county Thorpe interchange again all due to ongoing road marks and on the m 5 southbound junction 5 joint which the entry slip road has been closed due to road works taking place tonight that's the latest I'm calling makes and I call it. A grain Torrington. Night 7 men for crimes Mr Boyce sat on the way very very soon. Andrew struggled to be the person he kept secret for so long that's people against the love songs out of get like a dedication is not a love song called Graham now on 3453. 56 night noise grain Torrington on b.b.c. Commentry and more. Sunday to Thursday let's say. Malfunction with Amy Winehouse and a salary on late night primetime intern Graham's mystery. 7 yes she heard me correctly night 7 you need to work a bit harder please because you haven't got a yet I finished a job when I was maybe 7 hair all the wrong guesses that are coming Frankie Dettori author ask a. Friend a stay at Walt Disney Orson Welles' Tom Hanks Donny Osmond Edward g. Robinson Donald Trump Christian Slater Mickey Rooney said. Alan Sugar Stan Laurel Richie Hall George Burns Keith Baron Spencer Tracy James Cagney Bob Hope Frank Sinatra are all wrong so who do you think it is I finished a job when I was maybe 7 just remind we play Monday to Thursday around about this time no prizes just for fun and the only way we accept to Nancy's on the phone don't text an email when he answers him by 11 o'clock place a lot of people lined up tonight reckon they know who it is let's see how well you get on firstly in Kidderminster is Delia Hello Delia Hello I believe you and I have never spoken before I think we have a half we don't go away I was a say must be a long time and I'm going to do with. 10 Things Oh yes I had to pump him for 61 years yes now I remember why you got a better memory of the media. Standing exciting let me do a few stuffed dog die than really know Ok. Who is this I finished a job when I was maybe 7 who's that Delia when I did wonder if it was Richard Gere how long given thing enough for. To date. Richard Gere see if you're right is it Richard Gere. Not want to say thanks for the Go Delia Ok bye bye let's get the edge passed and and Nic hello Nic are you carry. Yourself right are so great do you are you proud of me 5 research by one of them the running man right show you lie that's only your pride and some good turns like I'll give you that. I'll be working hard at it make we don't just let it go together you know I don't all I can say is that I noticed that you say you don't have to look Don't tell me. I must tell you off. Now you said to me last time you're on you're going to get a bit of a break Well I think everyone. Right now and I'm not close but exactly the light I show you the slogan Yeah the struggling you know you thought you give a bit of a home to the dead. Well you know that I always get it wrong. But I'm done for this one I'm going to he tell me the last time you got it right. Which one what. You've got mean I guess I did get one of. The spell of home I spent a long time again a. Joke. Anyway I I'm going for the song content of the words more than the voice cause of both to digital right you have just to listen to your good man yeah. I'm going to be on the farm while I'm just being wise when you tied a game to be given should be by see the ditty So why. Do I sound a lot deeper do all that which is a right you sound just like that on the right. Side of. The stick with me. Initially give me a name please just get on with it I'm sorry yeah Justin Timberlake Justin Timberlake. Gave me the bowels a nice. That's because of what he's saying yeah I've gone on the have gone on the more side we're Ok well as last time I got this right. I think knowing 12 months. He's just like no. Let me join everyone else not offer you are you such a steak I do answer may go let's go see Bessie in long Bennington Hello Bessie Hello how are you tonight well that's enough thank you have a bad couple of days off right this is. Hardly moved who was horrible isn't it really is not have got some new thing to duct scoring of some new kids had him a little bit better knocking hopefully Anyhow those joints moving a little easier yeah just just a bit yes it's not nice is it really not my eyes that it's thing you can't do much about it and it just gets she down doesn't it it kills when you want to do things on head out to do things and I couldn't get get in and out the call properly before I went to one but you moving a bit messy now yes yes just a bit task and the pain is gone while I'm sitting still at the moment but if you say pain. Good to him Ok And you know show a little thank you very much betsy who's this I finished a job when I was maybe 7 who's that they say let's follow Nicholas Parsons who said he's ninety's now it's me not you yeah yeah yeah. But he said Nicholas Paulson's let's find a seamless Mawson's know who that surprise you or how he is kind of hurt even to use a body couple of weeks ago I think I believe they got the new program and they coming out I believe so yes the doors on it's about thing but I think it's about watches or clocks isn't it oh yes. So used it off suppose he was talking about that he's always been interested enough to play Betsy he can move around again now right yes I can know how to try and I got it all right you take care but by this get a stone and Audrey Hello everybody evening Graham how he is not the Badawi you I'm all right General I had porridge for the 1st time this season this morning for my breakfast they say that's the best thing for breakfast you know I love my poets this time of the year until like porridge Yes. Say the best thing you can have well yeah because apparently it's kind of slow release these Ninnis and you know dying feeling so quick. And then it's a marvelous thing for quitting the cholesterol down just and then I was in the gym this afternoon as well so I'm trying to be a healthy boy at the moment Audrey Well it won't last long but I bet it will write that who's this I finished a job when I was maybe 7 who's ordering Well I'm going for doing Kelly roast. I have no to scream or the voice is that of come on do sound like the people you know to me you would think it was then all but of course it's not. That's why we do what we do you. Think Allie now you know going do you think me here's Audrey by right we've got one more to go tonight and it's Dave and based on Hello Dave Good evening Grayle How are you tonight sir very well thank you. Taxi driving tonight no I'm returning as me recovered posture on my shelves roll templating a nice cup of Gypsy very nice very nice taking it easy I might go out you know for the depending on whether I win this competition. Right and how do you think it is I finished the job when I was maybe 7 now Dave you're the last one on tonight so you've got to get right on the well I mean on a 24 hours we're pretty sure it's an American definite Merican Twining so with no confidence at all I'm going to say Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg while you're not confident. Well Karl says of a team St. Just by what you say you know the only man I can think of a job when he's 7 is a bit of a genius here and. Maybe it's him is it Steven Spielberg no. Thanks. To get it off my chest Dave taking a cue by going into night I think I'm pretty confident saying that it's not going to go this week. Unless you know differently of course. I said once again I'll be asking Who is this. Going to. dancing in the strings. So night then tomorrow night's mystery phone. Calls tomorrow is the program from around about 1030 and let me just return to was talking about just before we go into the news I was asking had any really nice surprises in your life this coming from Angie these coming lectures we went into the new She said My friends knew that I was really nervous about my 1st leading role in an operatic production one of them arranged to meet in a local cafe. 5 others had organized a flash mob to sing their version of one of the songs that I would be singing in the opera it was a real shock and that's a man she and she loves the program as well thank you Angie thanks for that and Robert's been in touch she said I had a nice surprise when I worked at a hotel as a porter one night it was pouring down with Ryan and this guest turned up in the car park I got him a spice for his car and he's back and I thought that I had seen him before and I had in fact he was Jeff 1st what a nice man he is as Roberts thanks for that and Martin just sent a text Martin says Hi Graham just had a nice meal of bikes spuds chicken cheese brand source and your music log burner. And doing what a bloke wants more than anything listen to Oprah Well thank you very much today doesn't time much really to say oh I forget 12 o'clock midnight love songs if you like a dedication you get to try now you can email me b.c. Dot co dot he came in a moment Andrey struggle to be the person that he kept for secret for so long back after polio b.b.c. Coventry more. A warm it's light not Graham Torrance and how long could you go on pretending to be something that you'll not 20 or 30 years ago the world obviously was a very different place gay men were post security and many try to hide or even deny their sexuality. Getting married hoping their sexuality would somehow change this is what my guests Andrew Middleton from Shrewsbury did and he joins me in the studio tonight Andrew thank you so much in the fun of the time to join me on the program tonight it's it's a pleasure Let's talk a little bit about your family background 1st where did you grow up and what was childhood life here my childhood was either a fantastic child like grew up in a little village just outside of Bush's Castle very small village there was like 16 children in the village at that time. We had the most amazing. Childhood that there was you know we were free to do what wanted to do we go we want to go and it was very very happy and we all just went on the same school bass and came together played after school and just a very normal childhood. When we're in our formative years we do think ahead and we look at a maybe relationships and the sort of jobs we intend to do what was in your mind about your future and at that time when I was growing up as I stood as I am now I love my horses and I wanted to go down the route to being a jockey. I was very small very light and love my ponies but as I grew I did go down that road when I was 16 right now the race horses for various But then I sort of started to grow and got a little bit heavier and then I just decided to move on and get a job that paid me more money basically I believe that you mother. Said that she made you say yes that's right why would she think that. I didn't know this until I came out to my wife 1st of all and then she went to speak with my mother about the situation before I even told her which I knew she was going to do that when she came home we sat down and discussed the conversation that she had with my mom my mom was very upset very distraught not that I come out as being gay but she honestly truly thought that she'd made me get a because when she had her 1st child it was a boy back in those days like 60 years ago she gave birth to him at home and then he died and she never wanted a son again but she did want 2 daughters and she ended up having 2 daughters and then she got pregnant with me and then she while she was carrying me she tried to get me. To you know she didn't want me basically so she would drink gin and lift the bed up and down wrap and down the stairs and have hot baths and then when she realized that I was going to go anywhere then she prayed every night that I would be born people in a girl where my wife went to speak with my mother that's when she said Oh my lord it's my fault because my prayers have got all mixed up and I made Andrew like this and I'm so sorry that it's happened to you and it's happened to him but I'm kind of guessing she brought you up as a lad Oh yes Joe gosh yes definitely yeah I had a very normal childhood you know I was dressing dirty I will I was always last in the bath so that's a typical boy thing but I was never treated any differently because just because I had 3 sisters I was I was just a normal little boy. When was it you realized you were attracted to the Same Sex Boys of the time obviously and a man yeah I think I thought looking back I was about 14 and to explain it it was like a little tiny light in my head like a little about as big as a dice and then when I realized that my friends didn't discuss their little light their night and didn't discuss mine I sort of just put it away to one side because back then there was no mobiles there was no Facebook no internet or anything like that it was just the only thing I saw on the t.v. Was Laurie Grayson really running round but I just sort of dismissed it all grew up and go on with my life and girlfriend several girlfriends and my heart broken a few times and then I met my wife and fell in love with her. Got married did you always feel a little bit different inside yes it did yeah if I'd been really on is to I always so I kind of knew that every now and then if I was walking down the street I would sort of take a 2nd glance. At a man and thought gosh you know either he's attractive but then I train myself not to do that I tried my eyes not to go in that direction but sometimes they did and that's when it would hit me and think no you can't do that you almost like a guilt feeling Yeah very overt dreadfully guilty guess Absolutely yeah it was people of our age know how different it was back then but for younger people who might be listening right now. Why did you not come out. That was purely to do with the surroundings that I was Port happy and. It was a very small village everybody knew everybody on my father's side they were all farmers big farmers all the farms joined one another the house I grew up in looked right on to the church and every Sunday so many of my family would go to church I wasn't a church goer neither were my parents but my father sister was and various other people and it was just something that back then. It would have been too embarrassing for them if I had to switch my light on and thought I will mention this I honestly think is it would have been hushed up and said no it's nonsense you know you've been silly you're just exaggerating or making it up so no you just sort of just carried on really east side she met and fell in love with your wife. How difficult was the on your wedding day. How are my wedding day I can member on my wedding day my brother my brother in law took me to church and there was a little diversion and we had to stop and wait to me but I was looking down at the church and he looked at me and he said you haven't got to go through this if you don't want to but he did it wasn't. Suggested in the about my gay psych is that no one had to keep a clue and I did look down but I was shaking because I was nervous but it wasn't to do with my sexuality it was I could see all the people and I knew my wife was there and she was actually right before us so my wedding day was a lovely lovely time and you know I love my wife and I lover to this day you know ideally lover is a different sort of love the new You've had will talk about you've now got a male on a different sort of love yes very much so how different. It seemed when I met my partner when my life changed and I fell in love with him it was completely different love it was felt it felt completely natural to me it was more normal and I hate the word normal but it did feel like that it felt it just felt lovely really at any point did you wife them know that you're attracted to men no no no she didn't when. Just before I told her. That I was gay I was very poorly at that time like mentally poorly trying to deal with the situation of being a husband a father holding a job down known that I'd met my partner who I'm still with and with at this moment and knowing that I'd fall in love with him. I lost weight I wouldn't eat I wouldn't wash I didn't like myself I was sure she knew things were different yes she did yes and. She kept asking me and my family kept asking me what's wrong and I just wouldn't I couldn't tell them I was like in this bubble and I would go everywhere in my bubble and I could see out of my bubble but I couldn't get out of it and when I did finally tell her she thought that I was have an affair with a friend of ours that we all went to school with a male friend the no female member and. Mentioned the name and she was convinced and and she had been for me for many many weeks that it was that was the reason why I was acting differently and not functioning as the person. That I was so there was a shock there that it wasn't this person that she suspected and then how much of a shock was it when you told her it was a man she thought I was joking so I sat her down and we chatted and I say I need to tell you and when I did tell her then she said her reaction was No you're not it's definitely this woman I said no it I promise you it isn't and she looked at me and I started to cry because I'd finally said it and then she cried and then she hugged me and she said we'll sort this out together she said Don't worry I don't want you to leave we'll just stay together when she said we'll sort of sense again what was she trying to say to you Do you think she did a moment ago she said Whatever happens is you stay here and. No one will know you can live your life the children little I love you and I and I can accept this. And at the time I thought I thought I had a great sense of relief then I thought oh my gosh I've done it I've told or. The roof hasn't come off the house but as it sunk in over the weeks. My wife processed it then things begin to you know that they did change and I was desperate then too just too hard to leave because I needed to be with with my partner what was the day you left that was awful we being away on holiday with the children and we came back and I knew that the following weekend she was going away with the children and her parents and I said that's when I was going to be leavin and she said well before you do and before we go away you've got to tell the children everything and the reason why that their daddy is leaving them and that was just so hard I mean it was the hardest thing ever. I'm sure let's just take a breath into the break for some music but afterwards let's talk about it's your decision to come out and whether the reaction was what you really expect and we'll talk more about that in a few moments time alignment Graham's trying to produce why to me after they're out there like to be married to a stunt much comes on covered in bruises and he's got my phone so I have to explain straight off going to Buffalo Marshalls I have to be careful I'm going to sack him but I'm on wheels and my has been placed over an Indian meal would be the naming cause that was Victoria's name cause she married David Gregory color trim right your. Hair crew nice way to see him go curly leaves a screamin say. Like no like Graham Torrington Sunday to Thursday frontin baby Say company 3 more inches. From. Karen I want to talk tonight it's like my brain trying to I'm talking to enter Middleton who lived through the secret that he was gay even though he was married to a woman and a father of 2 So when did you decide actually to come out he talked he wife about it you'd fall in love with a guy when did you decide to tell the rest of the world. I would it was only a matter of weeks I confided in a friend of mine. That I'd met through that to my horses he was the 1st person that I could sort of be myself with and say who Andrew was and that really helped me and I loved going to this to this place to chat and then the 2nd person I told was my manager. And he was just amazing like he was like the brother that I never had and he was. Fantastic but a real man and man and he looked at me and he said well it's no big deal he said you're still Andrew and I've known you for years so it makes no odds to me and when we were in the office in the conversation would get on to the sun and you know the 3rd page of the topless women for some reason he would guide them off that conversation and I knew what he was doing even though I would I could have dealt with it but he would just give me a little look and he would move them way in there and he was just wonderful so he was the one that gave the confidence for it to come out yeah he said well not come out he was the one that gave me the confidence to tell other people when I was ready and gradually I told another friend and another friend and another friend until everybody knew really what were you expecting the reaction to be before you actually came out what were you expecting or. I just imagined. Everything was going to go completely wrong I thought might lose my friends I thought I'd be. Stoned really it was just. The Just the thought of it made my blood run cold I mean it was just a nightmare of a situation to the one of my going to do what they say when they talk to me it was just horrific but when I did no one really reacted they just said World War Andrew and. It doesn't matter we surprised by the way I was yeah I really was and then they said ask me questions about my life and and they sort of started to interview me and talk to me and they wanted to know everything about it and then just by talking about it helped me yes I mean how different was your life there not having to to hide the real Andrew when I 1st came out and I told my wife I thought it was going to be Ok but I let the little gremlin out then and this little gremlin was on my shoulder 7 you've told her now so now everything's going to happen so but I couldn't put him back. I kept him there for so long and he was out and free and he was sort of almost like a kind of a Tourette's kind of thing he would make me say things and looking back I'm pleased he did because I was evolving into the person that I am today and and that was there what's life like now I gather that you're still really good friends with your ex-wife Yes Very much so yes. She comes to see me I go to see her take her shopping. We went on holiday together and some listeners might find this very bizarre but I did with my daughter we lost our son earlier on in the spring which was just terrible and. We all went for a break together the 3 of us plus Rex's boyfriend and we had a wonderful time and we sit and chat and I think we're closer now than we were then because I can be Andrew and she can ask me anything and I can answer the question you know and it's lovely if I take you back to being that lad growing up in that small village and doing what you were expected to do shall we say Yeah I. Allot of people do how your life is today which if you believed that it would have been. Like it is now not a 1000000 years no no I didn't I just I couldn't even think that far ahead but now I've reached this point where I am now looking back no it was it was never dreamt that I would be where I am now I'm not sure. It's a known fact that lots of women get married to men lots of men get married to women and. They know really that's not the person that they want to be spending their full time relationship with so it was a most import decision in your life what advice would you give to others who want to come apps who maybe are still in a relationship they don't want to be in an orderly Firstly killing themselves and getting those people around them as well yes they are and it's very easy for me to say this now it's almost like that you're you're wasting your life and you're and you're also waste in the life of your partner. You're there with if the if the thinking like I thought that with thinking these are horrific thoughts but it's not and I promise you it isn't as bad as you think it is and I do know that at some point in your relationship you will become the person that you were meant to be and you will say to your partner who you are because you will meet some day and it will just overpower you and you will and you will say it and for those that don't take it to the grave then I think it's very sad but I understand why they do I know for a fact because you told this before that's your signal here on my radio show tonight and you're telling your story Yeah Ok it's a late night radio show you're in the past you've listened to me on the radio many times and you've sat in lay by yes listening to people like you yes talking on the radio and you didn't believe that you'd be the person on the radio telling that story of why. Because I I didn't think that I would be strong enough. I I didn't think that I would be able to. Even say the word gay let alone tell my partners I was on my children but your rights back. Down the line I used to used to come on and I used to stop my car and listen to you and sometimes I would just cry because I would be I wanted to be free and I wanted to come then and tell you my story but I couldn't because I wasn't ready to but I knew one day ward and I'm here and I'm so grateful and how do you feel now living your own life well I love my life I would never change my life for never for anything no I wouldn't because I am who I am and I can remember my doctor saying to me because I am a nice person I don't like hurting anybody and the 1st person to stop and push the car even though I don't know anything about engines and he said to me the hardest time you laugh with his hand to his is. You're think you heard some people but you just devolve into the enter that you're meant to be you're not going to change I'm not going to change my appearance the way I dress or anything you will just become the person that you were always always meant to be and thank goodness that I did get the strength to do what I did and I hope people listen and then into your show will just sit back and when they're ready get the strength because it will come from somewhere and it's never as bad as you think I promise you which isn't so nice for you to be sit in front of me tonight and actually telling your story and with a smile on your face yes yes Rudy is good and thanks very much day for coming tonight and thank you very much thank you. 3. 3. And If You Don't Know Me By Now Graham Torrington thanks to Andrew for coming into the show tonight and sharing his story out of again if you have a base any of my after 11 guests if you check out my show page on Facebook which is like my gram Torrington it was get at it is highlights and you can check them out there Ok. Chilly night then tonights we're down to 6 Celsius choose to. Be patchy Mr Fog and we heading for 14 Celsius. Let's go some Sam with Gerry Rafferty to. Me. Trains me to love songs. And lightly Graham towing to midnight love songs. From. The all. To light only. With the sun. In my. I think Swayze cheesy line with the love song Mina love song sung by the bunch of Jim and hello to Christian Jews celebrating his 14th birthday today so happy birthday to you and Steve Price from rank some list program and enjoying the songs on the show this to me thank you for the enjoy the simpler a chick stuff and. Stuff And stuff come here. And it's the minute love songs would you please to take a song to all those people who attended what was known as the begging him blind school for many many years and it's from Tom and Spike with. The skiffs admission I. Have had many times. I can tell. Times when. I trade a car. And she. Saw me crying. I thought I had my share. But he's no. Longer. Man down. Stanton I have. Suffered. Nightly news that I feel a single mom. That embrace me. Justice. Is just a. Yankees miss. Manning day as it. Was But these Miskin the. Man. It's. That. It's just saying. This miss you can. 1 Yeah he's missed. On. That. Cliff and a miss you're not. Allowed to limit his listening to my show signs on the right in because he's having trouble sleeping I'll keep him to tie in Title one at least I want to go on the love songs and catch the Lester trying since midnight love songs babysitter album tree mortgage. Lenders tree. Phone. Key posts so me wallow ha. I'm not home. When I'm in the hands. All over. You. And I just the name. That you saw. And done then there. Was. No lead astray. From your. Mission. And I just the name. That you son was on us and them. 6 are. From the. Other streams. From New York. And love less as bringing a close to the middle of songs and for tonight's mole tomorrow of course when we go choose day into Wednesday and up get Sunday night 10 so long 3 hours of love songs and dedication stomachs that's just when you thought the weekend was of. The right b.-a to keep it alive until least one I am. Herron So 1 o'clock b.b.c. 5 live up all night through the nights but before we get to that we find out what's occurring as we get to choose the morning the birthdays the anniversaries and look at today's front pages of the national newspapers but before we get to that it's a text message that's coming from Sharon who says I detail listening to shows nights people need to be fulfilled I've had to be father mother sister and brother that's the role that's he lose your identity and others take advantage of your personality and try and fulfil their misgivings I'm heterosexual and I've always known that despite meeting some of the worst personalities around Life is too short to put up with those sort of people you know who you are and you are a child of the universe no less the stars and the trees you have the right to be here to share and thanks for that. Much You covered in bruises and it's not my fault so I explained it. To be careful of the goodness of. Your son my has been. Given a meaning. That was victorious naive. Like a. Lightning like Graham tore into Sunday to Thursday. In p.b.c. Coventry and watch it. If it's a late night French origin so a new date is welcome to choose day October the 11th the 285th day of the year which means there are now just $81.00 days remaining till we get to the end of the . 81 days to go well almost a then through the years let's take a look see what happened 42 years ago this day in 1904 Harold Wilson's Labor government when I 2nd term in office but only just and it was 34 years ago the State 1982 the Mary Rose the flagship of King Henry the 8th was bought to the surface after 437 years of the bottom of the soul and and I seem to remember. Watching Blue Peter around about that time and I think they actually cover that on Blue Peter as well was that really 34 years. 16 years ago 2010 George Michael was released from the highpoint prison in Suffolk after serving 4 weeks of an 8 week sentence for driving under the influence of drugs both days it's your birthday today will happy birthday to you let's see celebrate with Bobby Charlton who spent 17 years with Manchester United and 12 years with the England national team in a career that spanned 2 decades Bobby Charlton I would think is different than the others Bobby John 79 eased and it's Dawn French is birthday today how old is Dawn French do you know I guess one Dawn French culture that use. 59 is Dawn French today and celebrating its 67. Singer songwriter with a whole. 67 . I think that you know counted. The weather then across the Midlands another chilly night with a risk of frost and sheltered rural spots with 26 Celsius maybe a little bit lower. As well. As going to start crisp bright this morning with any patchy mist soon clearing its. And I would be. Rather after them with a risk of a show a little later on or up to 14 saw his quote the middle of the ad Wednesday will start cold with showers in the east dry with patchy cloud elsewhere the shows will push west on Thursday with some sunshine and with heavier showers possibly on Friday Ok that's the weather I'm a look at today's National is that I'm one Taliban. For us the image. The at. Me. On one Taliban and rescue may online a gram Charenton But again here's a wall that wall in joining b.b.c. 5 live up all night through the night breakfast from here a little later on this morning as well today's national was then this is what the reporting and what the Middletons avoided up to then on this Tuesday morning the Guardian the Financial Times in the I nice paper are reporting that they speak the speaker rather of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan has said he will no longer campaign with Donald Trump the times what the paper terms as heartbreaks it could cost Britain $66000000000.00 pounds a year it's reporting the Metro the tabloid lades on the trial of the 214 year olds who are accused of murdering a mother and her teenage daughter the Daily Mail Today reports on j.c.b. Decision to terminate his membership of the c.b.i. Over the employer groups and he breaks it stance. The Sun today well they're reporting that the son of an England footballer. Led what it called a social media stunts the tabloids claiming today the Daily Telegraph is reporting the b.b.c. Has been warned it does not have enough women on screen at the Daily Star today funny says that the red tops say that there was a race round after Black dances where voted off Strictly Come Dancing 1st those the stories then making the headlines for the streets and it's like never entered into these beautiful soft merry may no Ashley No Mary Mary may. A boutique. Hot Spot. For. A dollar in that. Last. Piece. Of. Meat and. She's bought 30 minute. Round. Gone. 2 forever. Son. It was night. Mr voice didn't go on. It'll be nice tomorrow I'll be asking once again who's this I finished a job when I was maybe 7. Feet above. The by our. Thanks. To the boys . Going to our group. For. The hour you. Can. Bet that. Is all. I know. And with. The. Cost. Of housing and. Giving. Them a. Long way. To . Come. When. You. Know. We're. Going to. Do. That. And. With. That. Phantom Whitehead and. Thanks Steve listen things may drag. On thanks to you now feel afraid I'm sorry I don't intend to. Make you sick on your radio at some other night from 10 o'clock that's when I'll be. Leaving with Thanksgiving. Let's. See. If she. Was. Alex Alex. Alex. Alex Alex.

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