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We are all in this together and we will come up with solutions and find the answers to things and so far i cannot believe how civil it has been up here. It was a Republican Debate unlike any other so far this campaign season, the yelling and name calling giving way to a relatively respectful discussion of the issues. Good morning and welcome to your world this morning im delve walters and stephanie sy has the day off today. Last nights debate in miami was the last time the candidates will gather before next weeks contest and winner take all for republicans on tuesday in florida, ohio, illinois, North Carolina and missouri and our Political Correspondent michael shore live for us in miami this morning and michael no name calling, no personal insults about hand slide and no moderator bashing, what happened . Delve, i dont know, i feel that the democrats showed up for the Republican Debate last night. It was long on substance and i feel when he came out the chairman of the Republican National committee to be the warm up act for the debate he said to everyone assembled there this is going to be about unity and coming together and got the feeling the candidates were told not to told not to call each other out and snipering and it was a different tone last night in miami. Unlike previous debates characterized by personal attacks and discord the debate in miami talked about economy, education and foreign policy. The first question of the night went to Governor John Kasich whether his support of trade deals was under mining, it and he played up his blue collar routes. Wanted free and fair trade and when countries cheat and take advantage of us we need to blow the whistle. Reporter candidates differed on the issue of Social Security solvency. My children would retire at 70, my at 68, a graduating scale over a period of time. I want to make America Great and leave Social Security as is it and get rid of fraud and abuse. Reporter but marco rubio challenged donald trump on the numbers saying they simply dont add up. Get rid of fraud and abuse and careful how we spend foreign aid but you still have hundreds of billions of dollars of deficit you are going to have to makeup. Reporter cruz suggesting donald trump has a history of giving money to both sides. If you have a candidate who has been funding liberal democrats and funding the washington establishment its very hard to imagine how suddenly this candidate will take on washington. Reporter trumps response. We are all in this together, we will come up with solutions and find the answers to things and so far i cannot believe how civil it has been up here. Reporter naturally being in miami the conversation drifted to diplomatic relations with cuba. Miami is home to the largest cubanAmerican Population in the country. Both cruz and rubio are of cuban decent and asked about president obamas decision to renew diplomatic ties with the caribbean nation the candidates spoke up. Cuba and its regime remains antiamerican communist dictator shift and e vat u. N. Sanctions and fugitives of american justice including people stealing medicare money and moving back to cuba all in exchange for nothing. Reporter trump was questioned by cnn moderator tapper about resent incidents of violence at his rallies. Come with passion and love for the country and protest in some cases and you mentioned one case i have not seen, i heard about which i dont like but when they see what is going on in this country they have anger that is unbelievable. Reporter possibility of a brokered convention looming trump painted a primary process he says boils down to two candidates ted cruz and himself. Im going to have the delegates i think. Lets see what happens. Whoever gets the most delegates should win is what i think. If you are one of the 65, 70 of republicans who recognizes that if we nominate donald trump hillary wins that is why the media wants him to be the nominee so much. If you recognize that then i want to invite you if you have supported other candidates come and join us. Reporter the next big republican contests are tuesday where ohio and florida home states of kasich and rubio will be up for grabs. Delve already here in florida 67 of the number of people that voted in all of 2012 in the primary have already voted here in florida in early balloting not to mention also 220,000 ballots were cast before jeb bush the former governor of this state even left the race, pretty interesting stuff. Remind you of the scene from Butch Cassidy and the sun dance kid who are those guys and donald trump will pick up a very significant endorsement tell us about it. Dr. Ben carson you remember of this race a little while ago left and the last candidate to leave and have been so many but im pretty sure he is the last to leave he will be endorsing donald trump and interesting endorsement because we knew cruz and carson and cruz feuded in iowa and donald trump had to fight to get the moral high ground of any kind is getting it from the person who advertised himself as the moral high ground so its going to be an interesting match the two of them. He has already said in the debate last night he likes dr. Carson on education, wants dr. Carson to be a leader in his administration on education but of course donald trump also said he wants to abolish the department of education, curious anyway delve. Michael for us in miami thank you very much, as you heard michael say ben carsons endorsement of donald trump coming at a time when opposition to trump is getting louder and growing protesters showing up at rallies and they are not peaceful and Al Jazeera David shoe sterhas more. Get them the hell out of here. Reporter after those angry words from donald trump there is more evidence of angry deeds by his fans. The latest came wednesday in North Carolina on the right watch the man with the red sleeves, brown hat and ponytail. Following the sucker punch police handcuffed and removed the African American protester who had been hit. Later Police Charged the attacker with assault, an unapologic man known as john mcgrew. What was that . Yes he deserved it and the next time we see him we may have to kill him. Reporter the episode is the latest trump event marked by violence. Trump faithful have literally dragged protesters and cursed and spit on them. The gop frontrunner has not exactly been quick to criticize the slashes. If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato knock the crap out of them and he is walking up like a high 5 and smiling and laughing and would like to punch him in the face. Reporter his tone is frightening especially with his resent call at some rallies for loyalty pledges. Raise your right hand. I do solemnly swear. Reporter the Campaign Says it helps Security Team identify potential troublemakers and antidefamation lead has been a ho hold haulcost and its obnoxious and disgusting and president obama fired back at republicans says his administration fueled trumps rise. I have been blamed by republicans for a lot of things but being blamed for their primaries and who they are selecting for their party is novel. Reporter the president insisted that trump is the product of the Republican Base and conservative Media Outlets who have insisted that any compromise with the Democratic Administration is a betrayal. What im not going to do is to validate some notion that and the republican crack up that has been taking place is a consequence of actions that ive taken. Reporter david with al jazeera. I asked Hillary Clinton taking a break from campaigning today to attend Nancy Reagans funeral and doesnt matter who she faces and holding rallies in tampa and gainsville and hoping for an upset went in the state telling the crowds he had the same feeling he had in michigan when he defeated Hillary Clinton. First Lady Michelle obama going to be attending Nancy Reagans funeral and service at the library in california this afternoon where reagan is lying in repose and thousands of people filing past the casket in the last few days and nancy will be buried next to her late husband. United states and canada were out with a plan to tackle Climate Change and the president and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau talking about it at the white house and calls for cutting methane emissions and this was the first visit by a sitting Prime Minister in 19 years and had an steak dinner and president obama toasting their strong alliance. Friendship between americans and canadians and the spirit that binds us together, a genuine and deep and abiding respect for each and every human being, cheered. Trudeau referred to 25,000 Syrian Refugees who arrived in canada saying quote diversity can be a source of strength end quote and meanwhile canada moving ahead to build a new bridge to michigan, that bridge is going to replace the win that connects windsor and detroit and the plans on american side are not finalized and we have an update on where the project stands. Reporter the detroit windsor corridor is the biggest trade crossing in north america suspended over the detroit river, the privately owned ambassador bridge connected canada to the u. S. Since 1929. The bridges billionaire owner mattie marine tried for years to build a second span and at the same time fighting canadas plan to build a new governmentowned bridge nearby. Named after hockey legend gordiehowe and expected to cost more than 4 billion will be funded by the canadian government. To have a new crossing its a very positive statement for southeast michigan. Reporter wayne state Professor John taylor says more than a quarter of the annual 7 billion trade between the two countries crosses here. For canada trade with the u. S. Is absolutely critical. Its a lifeline. Its their biggest export market of course. Its critical to their economy. Reporter during his visit to washington canadas Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed the significance of international trade. The president and i acknowledge the fundamental and wholly unique economic relationship between canada and the United States. We have historically been each others largest trading partners, each and every day 2. 4 billion of goods and Services Cross the border. Today we reaffirmed our commitment to streamlining trade between our countries. Reporter gordy howe bridge will be built two miles from the aging ambassador bridge where nearly 10,000 trucks pass each day, the new structure will slice through detroits del ray neighborhood and activists says that she is concerned about the Environmental Impact that the project will have on the predominately poor black community. When the new bridge came forward a lot of people said okay yes but we want a seat at the table. What that meant is a Community Benefits agreement. Reporter some residents have been paid to move, to leave and pushing for the u. S. And canada to provide more support. Ive been most critical of canada and this is their most important transportation project and they all right spend over 2 million just on Community Benefits for Windsor Residents making sure they have green spaces and i just hope they treat us equally on the american side. Reporter in the meantime construction is in the early stages in canada and the country will begin to recoup its multibillion investment and toll revenue when the bridge opens in four years, al jazeera, detroit. The Justice Department out with its response to apple over that encrypted iphone and belonged to one of the san bernardino, california shooters and so far apple refusing to break into it and in the legal filing the Justice Department accusing apple of using false rhetoric and deliberately not letting the police do their job and helping f. B. I. Would jeopardize the privacy of millions of users and how Internet Service providers share their data would force cable and Wireless Companies to get permission from their customers before collecting personal da to for targeted ads and make Service Provider report data breaches and the proposal will be voted on at the end of the month. Another day for the rain that drenched the south lets up and five people are dead across the region and a state of emergency now in effect for parts of louisiana. Al jazeeras Jonathan Martin has our story from new orleans. From louisiana to texas to tennessee, much of the south is under several feet of water after days of heavy rain and forecasters say the rain may not let up until this weekend. Northwestern louisiana was one of the hardest hit places. Drone video shows water inundating neighborhoods in the perish near shrevport and thousands of people were told to leave their homes. Those who stayed had to use boats to get around. Hoed ways are completely flooded. You cant see any of the signage and basically feeling your way through high water. Reporter the water swept cars and trucks off highways and louisiana governor called up the National Guard to help rescue dozens of residents and motorists from flooding. A mobile home had several feet of water and across the region dozens of people and animals had to be rescued. This was an event that kind of sneaks up on you, its fast and as much rain camp down at one time, it is one of those you really are not proactive fore and become reactive to it. Reporter heavy rain sent streams and rivers flowing over their banks. In Louisiana Fish were seen swimming in the streets and in tennessee heavy rain caused this landslide in memphis. With roads in many parts of the south flooded in some places schools closed. Communities are trying to keep the water at bay and people are doing their best to cope because it could be several days before the region dries out. Jonathan martin, al jazeera, new orleans. And flooding is going to continue to plague parts of the south as we go in the within and look who is back good morning nicole. Military duty for a couple of days and just messed this because i was actually in mississippi for part of that trip before the rain came in. This has been a broad system so you can see the Northern Edge of this, the front has continued and is clearing off the coast and things will improve for the north east for the same system and the southern end more stationary and a spin in texas and area of low pressure developing along this and that is reenforcing everything through the south bringing in the moist gulf flow so again this morning and look at the heavy rain and louisiana and mississippi getting the brunt of it and a couple of states for the last couple days have gotten the brunt of it as i look back and some of the weather from arkansas, mississippi, louisiana there is a huge corridor of places widespread, 6 and a half foot of rain or more and some places close to a foot and we are looking at all this flooding because of that, especially in louisiana and places in major river flood stages and starting to catch up in mississippi along some of those rivers and add to what you already have the fact that even in just the next 24 hours right along the coast could see another half foot so this is not ending the problem any time soon and looks like not until sunday we start to lift some of that moisture out. Good to have you back, nicole thank you. Japan five years later and nation trying to rebuild as it pauses to remember the victims of the deadly earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands. Im in afghanistan and we will tell you why this may be the citys most famous blue glass maker is thrilled sanctions on iran have been lifted. Techknow, where Technology Meets humanity. Only on al jazeera america. Since the devastating tsunami and earthquake hit the country and a moment of silence honoring 18,000 people who died, that tsunami causing one of the worlds Worst Nuclear Accident taking out the supply at f fukushima and the recovery. The flat coasting area to come here and look out to sea and this neighborhood was densely packed with houses that were simply swept away when the wave came through here, at its height it was two meters above even this piece of high ground. In the five years since there has been immense amount of work here as there has been up and down the coast and you can see the huge great piles of earth over there trying to raise the level of the ground in order to build an Industrial Zone here and residential area slightly further away and will be raised even further as means of protection from further soo nam tsunamis and seawalls and happening up and down the coast and enormous task and another five years of revitalized reconstruction still await but 174,000 people remain unable to return to their homes, 100,000 of those in fukushima where large areas are in exclusion zone around the Nuclear Power station which is still under going all sorts of trouble. Here on the mountain as well is a shrine where people have been coming throughout the day to pay their respects to the dead. It is here where many gathered at exactly 2 46 when it struck and tsunami sirens sounded in the area and echoing out as people remember what happened five years ago as well as 950 people died here, 41 of those are still missing. There has been an effort to try and find missing bodies even know five years on and all sorts of places along the cost line and very important thing for those still grieving and in the mourning process all these years later. That is harry faucet reporting and the government so far spending billions of dollars reconstructing the countrys Nuclear Plant and earlier this week two plants were forced to shut down because of safety fears and learning more this morning about a reported leak of Sensitive Information from i. S. I. L. , a self proclaimed i. S. I. L. Defector giving sky news thousands of documents campaigning names addresses of i. S. I. L. Fighters, a german official says they do consider the papers to be authentic and ten americans are on the list and one was already known to u. S. Intelligence. Also this morning reports that the u. S. Is planning to publically blame iran for a cyber attack three years ago and several news organizations said Justice Department with indictment of people thought to be behind attack and happened at a dam and new york and it was not sophisticated and hackers only managed to get limited access to information. The lifting of sanctions of tehran are a help for neighbors and people are hoping it will make the city a leading trade hub once again. Al jazeera has more. Reporter an moltenlava blasts and a few gentle puffs of air and master sculpting and a finished product, this is how one of the oldest expert glass makers of afghanistan crafts the citys famous blue glass. He has done it for 50 years but rarely he says has he been more optimistic about his business thanks to the recent lifting of economic sanctions against neighboring iran. Translator we were very happy. We are always happy when things improve in iran. Reporter he is among traders here saying sanctions against iran damaged the economy, afghanistans western trade hub that long held cultural links to its neighbor and heavily dependent on products either imported through or made in iran. Its amazing when you walk around here how many products you find that are made in iran. Look at this, laundry detergent, dish washing liquid, hand soap, glass cleaner, hard candy, chocolate, all of it made in iran. Even iranian music fills the streets here. Translator it was hard, importing goods was hard. Many items were smuggled. Now its easier to get products. Translator when iran was under sanction it directly impacted afghanistans economy in a negative way. Reporter from the chamber of commerce says the lifting of sanctions means more imported products using money safely transferred through banks. Translator when merchants can use the banks the price for the products goes down and it means consumer left with products of higher quality. Reporter traders here are also eager to export his products and the famous marble and dried fruit and spices and the blue glass potentially a badly needed boost for afghanistans struggling economy. Al jazeera, afghanistan. And when we come back the Wounded Warrior project spending scandal top executives losing their jobs amid reports the charity squandered millions and fighting drug addiction and battling the nations heroin epidemic. Every monday night. I lived that character. Go one on one with americas movers and shakers. We will be able to see change. Gripping. Inspiring. Entertaining. No topic off limits. cause im like, dad, there are hookers in this house. Exclusive conversations you wont find anywhere else. These are very vivid, human stories. If you have an agenda with people, you sometimes dont see the truth. Talk to al jazeera. Monday, 6 00 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. Welcome back to your world this morning. Wait for it. Exactly 7 30 eastern time. An unusual reserved recan debate in miami last night. The final 4 remaining candidates before the field marrows after next weeks primaries, that namecalling and yelling of prior debates giving way to a much more civil discussion on immigration, trade and Social Security. My children would retire at sent. I would retire at 68. It would be a graduating scale over a period of time. I want to make America Great again and leave Social Security as is. Get rid of waste, fraud, abuse. When people cheat, when countries cheat and they take advantage of them, we need to blow president whistle. 350 republican delegates in five states up for grabs during next tuesdays contests. One state is florida. It is considered to be one of the biggest prizesst election season so far. Al jazeeras adam may tells us senator marco rubio may need a win there to keep his president ial hopes slaefz. Bard county that stretches along central floridas east coast is on the republican radar. For the past 30 years, when g. O. P. Voters here leave the beach to pick a candidate, the winner eventually gets the partys nomination. Why do you think this county has this history of picking the winner . I would think they are more common sense. I would think there is more military, militaryminded people, defenseminded people, people that believe in their country, people that belief in the exploration of space, people that are really the core and thats what we are really fighting for right now, is the soul of the Republican Party and lebard county is. I am helping marco rubio. Jason steele is the countys former it republican chairman and a rubio supporter. The flat senator needs a win in his home state. All noel polls show him trailing donald trump. Steele beliefs this county could be the place where rubio shakes up the race. They have a far right, what i call, the purists and those are probably the cruz people, and then there are people that are the hell with everybody. Those are the trump people. Then there are the good conservative political people that will have been traditional republicans for years. They have been the majority of the Republican Party here, and those are the people supporting marco rubio. What are the issues that voters here care most about . The biggest and most important issue in the county is the space industry and the exploration of the space and, also, defendants. Marco has a tremendous background in foreign policy. The space industry took a huge thirty in 2001 when nas a a as Shuttle Program ended and thousands lost their jobs. By november, 2012, the mostly white, middle class population, with a hearty number of military veterans saw the highest foreclosure rate in the nation. We cant have a robust economy without honesty. The way that lending is set up, the way that business is set up, the way that a free market works requires honesty. Reporter richard webb is a realtor and a supporter of ted cruz. He believes bravard county republicans are moving away from establishment politicians which could be good for cruz or donald trump. They have been disappointed now in several elections with people who said they were going to clean it up and didnt. And so now, there is a an animosity that has grown and those are the trumpsters that you are talking about. Bill fadden is a strufrpster, a Small Business owner who decked out this house in downtown melbourne. This guy is a guy that can do it, and he talks like a regular guy, and all of the regular people identify with him, and professional politicians that are all going to lose their job because, you know, there is really not an awful lot of use for the people in the Republican Party that dont do anything. Marco rubio is hitting florida hard with numerous campaignents. His supporters fighting the e word establishment. People think mark yes rubio is an establishment republican. He has been an understand dog ever since he has been involved in a race. Rubio is hoping for a florida upset now or at least a win in bravard county and the good luck that comes with a victory on the space coast. Thats adam may reporting. The latest polls show how far behind marco rubio is, in his home state. A fox news survey giving him only 20 support. Thats about half of what you can see for donald trump. Same in other polls, tuesdays polls is a winner take all state. Rubio could walk away with nothing there. Republicans still saying they will refuse to consider any candidate selected by the president to replace antonin scalia. Five candidates, all of them federal judges as al jazeera reports, democrats and republicans fighting it out. Entrenched positions. Republicans say no Supreme Court nominee until there is a new president. We are not going to drop any nominee in to an Election Year cauldron. I am not going to let it happen to the good people of iowa. On the other hand, democrats say its only fair to consider president obamas choice. I am appealing to the better angels of your nature. When there is a nominee, do as we have done in the past. Give the nominee careful consideration. Meet with the nominee. Ask the nominee questions. Thursdays business meeting of the Senate Judiciary committee turned into a forum to go on the record, but no changes in the division between republicans and democrats. The committee has the power to screen or block or simply ignore the president s nominee. The work of this committee in this congress will be shamefully incomplete if this committee refuses to do that most important job of weighing the Supreme Court nomination. We are given a job to do by the constitution of the United States, a job the American People want us to do. And the chairman of this committee is saying that for the next year, the Judiciary Committee will not do its job. President obama used his appearance with the canadian Prime Minister to urge republicans to consider his choice. I am confident that whoever i select among fairminded people will be viewed as a fair minded person. It will be up to Senate Republicans to decide whether they want to follow the constituti constitution. Reporter the white house says the president is making progress as he considers Supreme Court candidates and Washington News outlets are reporting that interviews have begun. Among those getting attention sri srin i have a san, al d. C. Based judge who, if nominated and confirmed would be the first africanamerican to sit on the nations highest court and jane kelly, an iowa judge from the home state of judiciary chairman chuck congressley. We are even seeing reports from the white house, election process is guided by raw political calculation of what they think will exert the most political pressure on me. Reporter republican lindsey seingsey graham admitted partisinship but that wont stop him from side with his g. O. P. Colleagues even if it makes the gridlock worse . We are setting a precedent here today, republicans are, that in the last year, at least of a lame duck, 8year term, i would say its going to be a 4year term, that you are not going to fill the vacancy of the Supreme Court based upon what we are doing here today. The president could announce his nominee any day now but even as spring comes to the nations capitol, there are no signs of a bipartisan thaw any time soon. Libby casey, al jazeera, washington. This morning, the fate of at that controversial Education Bill now up to virginias governor, it would allow parents in village to prevent their kids from reading sexually ex plicit content in school books. Freespeech books are urging the governor veto the measure. It could lead to classic literature being banned. Terry mcauliffe not yet saying whether he will sign or veto that big. A big shake up at the Wounded Warrior charity. Top skooufksz out saying they spent too much on trouble and not nut on the vets. I feel broken. There is pa good chance you have seen one of their ads, often starring it celebrities . I want to tell you about these true american heroes and how you can show your thanks by helping them through Wounded Warrior project. That organization has taken in millions of donation dollars since forming in 2003, but in the face, of allegations surrounding possible misuse of those donations, the Wounded Warrior projects board has fired its leaders, ceo steve nardizi and al jardano. The group has been played by low ratings from groups like Charity Watch and charity navigate or saying they spent 60 or less of its annual donations on veterans. The rest goes towards overhead including 2. 2 million until salary for the groups top 11 executives, another 32 million was spent in 2014 on fundraising. But scrutiny for the Wounded Warrior project intensified earlier this year when the New York Times and cbs shared stories from former employees. They spoke of lavish spending on travel and parties including a 3 million teambuilding trip to a colorado resort. I just dont want you to have a 2,500 bar tab. They dont want you to fly every staff member once a year to some 5star resort and whoop it up. The son of general raymond d odiarno, the former Top Commander in iraq and army chief of staff. The Wounded Warrior project took 372 million in the last year. According to the Charity Monitoring Groups we referenced in that piece, they got most of their revenues in the form of small donations from people over 65 years of age. People paying 19 a month. Is the board talking about any other changes besides the leadership. Del, as you night expect, they put a cap, a limit, if you will, on Luxury Travel and things of that effect. And before they took any action, they hired a highmower Crisis Management firm to help rebuild the image. John henry smith, thank you very much. California, one step closer to raising the smoking age to 21, a bill that was approved by the state senate makes california the most populous state to put such heavy restrictions on cigarette use. The measure holds Electronic Cigarettes as the same restrictions. It now heads to the governors desk. Not yet clear if he is going to sign it. Congress also passing legislation trying to help cities and states deal with a growing heroin epidemic in the United States. More people have died from a Drug Overdose than car accidents. Heroin addiction is the number 1 cause of accidental deaths in the u. S. The vote 94s yeas, one nay. If there is one anything democrats and republicans can agree on, its the need to address heroin and open yoed opioid drug abuse. For open joed specific programs just a few months ago, it can make importantly strides in combatting the growing addiction and overdose problem we have seen in every one of our states. Reporter the senators passed the comprehensive recovery addiction act to deal with the fact that affects more than 2 million americans. There is no shortage of statistics underlining the scale of the problem. But up until now, there hasnt been a defendant federal response to a national problem. This is a horror, an evil that knows no boundaries. Its happening in big cities n small towns in pennsylvania. Its happening in suburban communities, in highincome communities, lowincome communities and middleincome communities. Its happening to everyone. There is no escaping it. Reporter experts say the epidemic comes in part for drivers over prescribing painkillers. They are powerful and can easily lead to addiction. As controls have tightened abuseers have turned today heroin to feed their addiction. The bill allows the federal government to provide grants for stites expand treatment efforts and access to overdose prev vex drugs. Some areas where there is no treatment of these medications available at all, people have to gol long, long distances sometime there are waiting lists. This type of access to treatment is one of the things we are hoping these kind of funds are going to be able to address. The senate in the have reached a compromise on how best to deal with the nations growing opoid addiction problem. A similar bill has been languishing in the house of representatives for a month until the full congress can come to an agreement, medical clinics like this one will continue to struggle with limited resources and increasing demand. There is grow can anger this morning at three zoos in the United States, secretly flying a group of 18 elephants out of swazi land despisome say its c and outdated and they say it was a drought that threatened the he will facts and they were going to be killed. Adam roberts is the Organization Born free that aims to keep elephants in the wild. He is joining us this morning from washington, d. C. Thanks for being with us is outrage at our own government where the fish and Wildlife Service authorized the import permit for these zoos to bring in more than a dozen elephants from swazi land. A landlocked country with a small elephant population. This has happened before. You have Miss Management of the wild population and in america of the captive zoo elephants. Swazi land says they are in the midst of a drought. So are they better off in the United States than in the wild . And do you believe it is the drought that is behind the exporting much these elephants . No. Its happened before. Back if 2003, swazi land claimed there was overcrowding in the protected areas where they were competing with rhinos for habitat n these protected areas a National Park and a reserve, you are talking about some 14,000 acres of land for these animals and its only a handful of rhinos and fewer than 40 elephants. Back then, more than a decade along, they did the same thing, said they were going to have to kill these elephants if they didnt export them to zoos in america and took about a third of the population and sent them to zoos in the United States. We are back to the same situation shipping half to the United States. This is a problem of mismanagement in swazi land. Nothing more. Is this about the safety and wellbeing of the animals or about profit . This is a commercial transaction if we cared about the elephants lives, if that was at the heart of this wildlife trade transaction, we would have done a number of things first. Thats what born free and others have advocated. See if there are any wild areas in africa to which these elephants could be trans located. If its really a problem with swazi land drought, a problem with overcrowding and wildlife commission, trans locate them to other areas where they could remain free or tricon traception that dont involve taking wild animals and subject them to a life in captivity in america. Let me push back . This should also be a last resort. Let me push back. Its easy to blame the government of swazi land. What about the other willing participants in this case, three zoos they are being shipped to. How much of the blame do they bear for whiriting the check if things there are not that bad as you say . Absolutely. The zoos should not be engaged in the import ace of wild elephants. Full stop. Some, the toronto zoo are getting out of the he will favent business and putting their elephants 9 wildlife sanctuaries rather than trying to keep putting elephants into these artificial areas that are very small and unnatural for the animals. These zoopz might want to have a good pr stop where they say they are contributing to the pieces in the wild but what we know for certain is that elephants in captivity in america breed less. When they breed successful, infant mortality is high. And those that survive infancy die much younger than their wild counterparts. This is bad for the conservation of the pieces and bad for the welfare of the individual animals in question. Adam roberts joining us from washington, d. C. Thank you very much. There is more rain falling in the west. In the east coast, more warn temperatures today and nicole mitchell, nobody is complaining being it. It felt like spring in a lot of cases for so much of the country and through the course of the winter, most of the country running above average in the east, 70 degrees today veshsz 64 in los angeles. Thats because of some of the moisture moving into the west coast. Also benefitting from the warm temperatures, denver at 73. A lot of the mid west ahead of that next system is going to see temperatures 10 to 20 degrees above average. Thats one benefit daller in the northeast after a front goes through but above average in the 60s. This is the system in the west. See the moisture funneling in. The next area is in the northwest tomorrow. A couple much chances for rain over the next few days. Already cases from the state of california from the winter advisors, storm warnings to all of the rains bringing flooding but ultimately good for the drought. It has been a defendant rollercoaster. Nicole, thank you very much. When we come back, depicting the donald. We will show you the man who is taking aim at donald trump but he is using art to do so. Stay with us. Donald trump has been dominating the political scene over the past few months. His style at the times has been over the top. Thats putting it mildly. Some artists are using him as a canvas for satire. Reporter chicagobased street artist jacob thomas is putting the finishing touches on his latest work . I am using acrylic, silk screens. A popart rendition of marilyn monroe. His facial expression sums trump up. So, i have taken his sphincter like facial expression that he does, and i have been pairing it with pop artem age re. Mr. Trump . Yes. Are you batman . I am batman. It was this moment, he says, that pushed his to draw his first work of trump, what he calls the bat trump. I created this i will trace of batman. From there, the ideas kept coming to me. The basic concept behind the whole thing is if people were laughing at him, they are not taking him serious as a president ial candidate. Reporter the collection has grown, over 2 dozen in all, images portraying him as richie rich and even hitler . The stuff coming out of his mouth is scaring me. It feels like this is how it started with hitler. The crown jewel of thomass collection is actually a porcelain throne. The inspiration, i think, was that he lies about everything he is saying. And he is, you know, essentially he is full of bleep and thats the title of this pace, full of bleep . He is not the only art rift with a visral reaction. Donald j. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the United States. People were upset and thokd, but people werent that angry. It was kind of confuse to go me. They were like, no. No. He is just funny. He is so crazy. No one is taking him seriously. And i am like, actually, he just said like the most vicious hate speech that he could, making us feel as though we might be the japanese back in thes here in the u. S. Or the jews were treated in nazi germany. Muslim actor created a mocumentary about a character named isha trump, the i will legitimate daughter. If Trump Supporters are white, evangelical muslim hunters, the one thing donald trump cannot say he loves is muslims. He cant say, oh, its so great that a muslim woman is satirically playing my mulings lim daughter. I love it. Its true. He cant say that. Both miza and thomas say it would be worse not to speak out at all. Al jazeera, chicago. Finally, Something Different for this hour a spectacular site from southern argentina. The arch is created as the glacier grows and cuts off part of a lake every four to five years, enough pressure builds up to cause the ice dam to collapse. The last time it happened, 2012. This time, we saw it last time it was in the middle of the night flooding drowning the south. The worst may be far from over. Also coming up no way forward, frustration at the Greek Macedonia borders as refugees see if they get to stay or sent back home. Back in two minutes with your world this morning. We invite you to stay with us. We will see you then. Its crazy money that you can make here. Its a ticking time bomb. Do you know what chemicals have been in that tank . My big brother didnt wake up the next day. Al jazeera americas. Today they will be arrested. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. We have to get out of here. I cannot believe how civil its been up here [applause. ] keeping it civil, republican candidates square off in florida for a debate focused more on policy than rhetoric. Under water, under wars, downpours in louisiana and texas. More rain is on the way. Short on funds, the fight of zika, Congress Called for 2 million for a vaccine. Welcome to your world this morning. Stefanie has the day off this morning. The republicans wanting to be president putting away their boxing gloves last night. The name calling of prior debates giving way to a more civil discussion in the final debate against next weeks big contest in florida. Ohio, illinois t North Carolina and missouri. Michael shure live for us. Quite a night last night. Much different in tone than the prior debates. Del, as we have discussed, it was almost like a democratic debate in the terms they spoke about issues, they engaged each other very little. When they did, it was about issues. Thats something we havent grown accustomed to but all 4 candidates were here and it was different. Unlike previous debates, thursdays debate in miami featured an intense discussion of the economy, education, and foreign policy. The first question of the night went to Governor John Kasich, on whether his support of trade deals was undermining the middle class. Kasich played up his bluecollar roots. My position has been we wanted to have free trade but fair trade. When people cheat, when countries cheat and they take advantage of us, we need to blow the whistle. The candidates differed on the issue of Social Security solvency. My children would retire at 70. I would at 68. It would be a graduating scale. I want to make America Great again and leave Social Security as is. We are going to get rid of waste, fraud, abuse. Marco rubio challenged donald trump on the numbers saying that they simply dont add up. Lets get rid of fraud. Lets get rid of abuse. Be more careful how we spend foreign aid. You have hundreds of billions of dollars of deficit you are going to have to make up. Cruz suggesting trump has a history of giving money to both sides. If you have a candidate who has been funding liberal democrats and funding the washington establishment, its very hard to imagine how suddenly this candidate is going to take on washington. Trumps response. We are all in this together. We are going to come up with solutions. We are going to find the answers to things and so far, i cannot believe how civil its been up here [applause. ] reporter naturally being in miami, the conversation drifted to diplomatic relations with cuba. Miami is home to the largest cuban American Population in the country. Both cruz and rubio are of cuban dissent. Asked about president obamas decision to renew diplomatic ties with the car caribbean nation. Cube remains an antiamerican communist dictate offer ship, evade u. N. Sanctions, harboring fugitives people stealing our medicare money and moving back to cuba in exchange for nothing. Trump was also questioned by cnn moderator jake tapper about recent incidents of violence at his realli rallies. People come well tremendous love for the country. When they see protests, you are mentioning one case which i havent seen, which i dont like, but when they see whats going on this country, they have anger thats unbelievable. The possibility of a brokered convention looming, trump painted primary process that he said boils down to two candidates ted cruz and himself. I am going to have the delegates. Okay . I think. Lets see what happens. I think that whoever gets the most delegates should win. Thats what i think. If you are one of the 65, 70 of republicans who recognizes that if we nominate donald trump, hillary wins. Thats why the median i cant wants him to be the nominee so much. If you recognize that, then i want to invite you, if you have supported other candidates, come and join us. Reporter the next big republican contests are tuesday, where ohio and florida, home stands of kasich and rubio, will be up for grabs. Del, last nights debate was the second debate that they have had since ben carson dropped out of the race, but ben carson is going to be back in the picture this morning. He is talking here in florida, and he will be endorsing donald trump. Del . That kum baya moment, that kinder, gentler debate, did it help or hurt donald trump . Reporter hard to say but everything that donald trump has done, del, up until this point has been calculated and it has worked. So, there was something about the way he approached last nights debate where he probably expected anon slaught of attacks from marco rubio who needs to do very well here in florida. He probably knew that was going to come. It didnt come, and thats why he had that demeanor to say, hey, i can be calm. I can unify the party. I just need to cement my support here in florida especially. On that idea of identiyunfyi supporting a brokered convention if no candidate receives the necessarily delegates. Is that a good strategy . And is it aimed at making sure that donald trump doesnt get the nomination . Reporter well, yes, and yes. I will give you two of those answers. But here is the thing mitt romney has sort of put his name into this right now saying that he wants to make sure donald trump didnt get the nomination. The way the Convention Works and the contested or brokered convention, del, donalds trump will still have the lions share of the delegates. He will have some control, be able to make some deals. You will be sure one of the deals he will make will be to not have mitt romney be part of that. Lets remember ted cruz is going to have a number of those delegates. He is going to want to share support. He will not have anything to do, nor will his delegates, with either donald trump sorry, with mitt romney, donald trump or someone like paul ryan. Thats how it works. There is control to tell by people who have the most delegates. Michael shure, you look better than things were in iowa a couple of months ago. I envy you today . I feel better, too. Ben carsons endorsement of donald trump coming at a time when the opposition to trump, as you heard, is growing louder. A growing number of protesters there showing up at his rallies and they are not peaceful sometimes. Al Jazeera David Shuster has more. Reporter get him hell out of here would you, please . After those angry words from donald trump, there is now more evidence of angry deeds by his fans. The latest came wednesday in North Carolina, on the right, watch the man with the red sleeves, brown hat and pony tail. Lie oh following the sucker punch, police handcuffed and remove the africanamerican protester who had been killed. I chill, chill, chill. You aint got to grab him like that. The Police Charged him with assault. He was identified as john mcgraw. You deserved it . Every bit of it. What was that . Yes. He deserved it. The next time we see him, we might have to kill him. The episode is just the latest trump event that has been marked by violence. Trump faithful have literally dragged protesters and cursed and spit on them. bleep . A g. O. P. Frontrunner has not exactly been quick to criticize the clashes. You see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them. Would you . Seriously. The guards are very gentle with him. He is walking out like big highfives, smiling, laughing. I would like to punch him in the face. I tell you. Critics say trumps tone is frightening, especially with his recent call at some rallies for loyalty pledges. Raise your right hand. I i do solemnly swear. Reporter trumps Campaign Says it helps his Security Team identify potential troublemakers. A holocaust survivor says the pledge mirrors the nazi salute and is offensive, obnoxious and disgusting. At the whitehouse thursday, president obama fired back at republicans who argue his administration fuelled trumps rise. I have been blamed by republicans for a lot of things, but being blamed for their primaries and who they are selecting for their party is novel. The president insisted that had trump is the product of the Republican Base and conservative Media Outlets who have insisted that any compromise with the Democratic Administration is a betrayal. What i am not going to do is to validate some notion that the republican crackup thats been taking place is is a consequence of actions that i have taken. Reporter david shuster, al jazeera. As for the democrats, Hillary Clinton taking a break from campaigning today. She will go to Nancy Reagans fu funeral. She was in florida on thursday saying it doesnt matter which republican she faces in november. Bernie Sanders Holding rallies in tampa and gainesville hoping for an upset in that state, telling the crowds there that he is getting the same feeling he had in michigan where he defeated clinton. First really hadded Michelle Obama Lady Michelle obama is going to attend the service as well where nancy reagan has been lying in repose. Thousands of people there filing past her casket over the last two days. She is going to be buried next to her late husband. The u. S. And canada out with the a plan to tackle Climate Change. President obama and Prime Minister justin tr trudeau. It will calls for cutting methane emissions in the oil and gas industries. This was the first state visit by a sitting canadian Prime Minister in 19 years at a state danger last night, the president toasted their strong allegiance. The friendship between americans and canadiens and the spirit that binds us together, a genuine, deep and abiding respect for each and every human being. Cheers in response, trudeau referred to the 25,000 Syrian Refugees who have now arrived in canada over the past few months saying, quote, diversity can be a source of strength. End quote. Meanwhile, canada is moving ahead with plans to build a new bridge to michigan. One will be replacing the one that already connects windsor and detroit. Plans on the american side have yet to be finalized. Al jazeeras bisi oneleri has an update on where the project stands. Reporter the corridor is the Busiest International trade crossing in north america, suspended over the detroit river. The privately owned ambassador bridge has connected canada to the u. S. Since 1929. The bridges billionaire owner has tried for years to get permission to build a second span while at the same time fighting canadas plan to build a news governmentowned bridge nearby. Named after hockey legend gordy howell, the new bridge which is expected to cost more than 4,000,000,000 will be funded by the cad canadian government. To have a new crossing, its a very positive statement for southeast michigan. Wayne state business Professor John taylor says more than a quarter of the annual 700 billion trade between the two countries crosses here. For canada, trade with the u. S. Is absolutely critical. Its a lifeline. Its their biggest export market, of course. At this critical to their economy. Reporter during his visit to washington, canadas Prime Minister, justin trude. Au referenced the international trade. The president andism acknowledge the wholly unique relationship between canada and the United States. We have historically been each others largest trading partners. Each and every day, over 24,000,000,000 worth of goods and Services Cross the border. Today, we reaffirmed our commitment to streamlining trade between our countries. Reporter the gordy howell bridge will be built two miles south of the ambassador bridge where nearly 10,000 trucks pass each day. The new structure will slice through detroits de the l ray neighborhood. Activist lee says she is concerned about the Environmental Impact that the project will have on the predominantly poor black community. When the new bridge came forward, a lot of people said, okay, yes, but we want a seat at the table. What that meant is the Community Benefits agreement. Reporter some residents have been paid to move pushing for the u. S. And canada to provide more support. I have been most critical of canada. This is their most important transportation project. They already spent about 2 i think over 2 million just on Community Benefits for Windsor Residents making sure they have green spaces. I just hope they treat us equally on the american side. In the meantime, construction is in the early stages in canada. The country will begin to recoup its multibillion dollar investment in toll revenue when the bridge opens in four years. Bisi onilere, detroit. This morning, a state of emergency still in effect from louisiana from devastating flooding that has left, so far, at least five people dead across the south. 3500 homes have been evacuated in that state. More than 20 inches of rain also falling in the hard heist hit areas in louisiana. It could be another day before that rain lets up. Also, in texas, that storm dropping nearly two feet of rain. This is video that was taken in kirbyville, texas in louisiana. You can see the trout ov overflowing the streets. To make matters worse, there is more of that on the way. Nicole mitchell, it has been a defendant deluge down there. Flooding is actually up. All of the different weather elements, heat, cold, bliz addressed, is our biggest kilza, is our biggest killer. Sometimes people dont take water seriously the front was on the move. You might notice temperatures about 10 degrees cooler, still quite warm. But here, we definitely had it back page stag ants. What happened is first the boundaries stalled out. Funneling moisture off of the gulf. Thats why we have seen so much rain. Particularly louisiana into mississippi not only have been the coree of this, wild spreaded areas of this, wild spreaded areas going to continue to see that in these states, here is what happened. We get a couple of little breaks, but a few rounds, its not really until sunday that we start to see this pulling out a little bit moritz already going to add to ground thats saturated. Temperatures cooling slooiflt into the northeast after record highsightly into the northeast after record highs 63 degrees is well above average for new york and puts it the same with the west coast where moisture has created cooler temperatures minneapolis 66. Almost as warm as phoenix, parts of the midwest running 10 to 20 degrees above average. Not bad. Not bad. Dashed hopes for refugees along europes borders. How a plan to send them to turkey could attemffect their attempts to find a better life in the west. Illprepared for zika t troops on the front line saying they dont have the money to help the residents there. People died. It was a magnitude 9. 0 earthquake which struck japan. A tsunami causing one of the Biggest Nuclear accidents. Harry fawcett has more on the aftermath and the recovery. This was built nearly 100 years ago. Flat coastal area to come up here and be able to look out to sea. This neighborhood was densely packed with houses. There was simply sweat away. At its height, it was about two meters above even this piece of high ground. In the five years since, there has been an immense amount of work here as there has been up and down this coast. Huge great piles of earth over there where they are trying to raise the level of the ground in order to build an Industrial Zone here, residenter area further away. Will be raised even further as a means of protection from future tsunamis there are larger sea walls being put in place. This is happening up and down this eastern japanese coast. It is an enormous task. The Prime Minister saying another 5 years of revitalized reconstruction still await, but one 74,000 people remain unable return to their homes. 100,000 of those in fukushima where large areas are still an exconclusion zone around the Nuclear Power station undergoing all sorts of trouble. Here on this mound as well is a shinto shrine where people have been coming to pay their respects to the dead. Its here where many gathered at 2 46, the moment the earthquake struck, the tsunami sirens sounded around this area, echoing out as people remembered what happened five years ago as well as that, 950 people died here 40 of those 41 still missing. There has been an everett to try to find missing bodies now, five years on, in all sorts of places along this coastline. Its a very important thing for those still grieving, still in the mourning process all of these years later. Thats our Harry Fawcett reporting. The government so far spend ing billions of dollars reconstructing the Nuclear Plant. You may recall arearlier this week, two plants were forced to shut down because of safety fears. We are learning more this morning about a reported leak of Sensitive Information from isil, a selfproclaimed isil defector giving thousands of names and addresses. German Officials Say they consider those to be authentic. Authorities saying at least 10 americans are on that list, one of them already known to u. S. Intelligence. Europe is moving ahead with its plan to stem the tide of refugees arriving at its borders. Talk on that deal are going to could not next week, all of it calling for arriving refugees in greece to be sent back to turkey. In exchange, ankara would get billions of dollars would help manage the refugee influx. German leader saying some refugees are getting the message to go home. At the moment, 3,000 are returning to iraqi every month. Its an upward trend after their cities are liberated from isil. They say we can live with our families in peace. Some go back to their families do not arrive here and might not be apparently come. Means it is not the case all refugees will stay. We must also prepare them for a life back in their home countries trucks of aid met by huge crowds of refugees. Thousands still stranded in dire conditions after macedonia closed its borders to the refugees. Greece is hoping to persuade the migrants to leave that overcrowded refugee camp. Hoda is live for us. Huge crowds looking to grab anything they could from those supply trucks that arrived it was a terrible situation. How bad is it . Reporter it is a very difficult since simply because mote had a budget. Some have been stranded here for two, three weeks. They have run completely out of cash. We have seen people running to trucks to try to get supplies n past, people queueing up for food. But nothing as desperate as we have seen for the past few days. Will continue because most of the 13,000 or so that are stranded in this camp if not north vernitial since they have arrived here. You are reporting from the scene has been incredible and saddening, especially when the rain moved in many are hoping at the summit, will open for those stranded here at the moment. The reality is that there is no education that that will happen. Actually, webber hearing from european we are hearing they will choices. They have to go through the u. N. Relocation program. It is a Program Designed for 160,000 refugees. It was put in place last october, but it is a very slow process. People who do register here, they would be taken somewhere in greece, athens, other shelters where they would wait for papers to be processed and hopefully they would be able to get to their final destination. Is not guaranteed. There are certain cases that are given priority. These people, mothers with Young Children whose husbands are someplace else in northern europe. They would be given priority. Otherwise, people have to wait here that is the biggest problem them. When they run out of cash, they had not put in their plans that they would be staying in greece. They dont know how long that process will take. At the moment, its very slow because simply there is not enough people to deal with all of that. Hoda joining us from greece on the Greek Macedonia border. Hoda, thank you very much. When we come back, historic flooding leaving at least five people dead, more rain now on the way to the south threatening to overwhelm the region all together. A shakeup in one of the countrys most recognizable charities, the Wounded Warrior project fires its top two executives over a spending scandal. Pushing the boundaries of science. We are on the tipping point. We can save species. Its the biggest question out there. Its a revolutionary approach. We are pushing the boundaries. Techknow is going to blow your mind. Our experts go inside the innovations, impacting you. This is the first time anybodys done this. I really feel my life changing. Techknow, where Technology Meets humanity. Only on al jazeera america. 8 30 eastern time. Republicans focusing on policy, not fireworks in their latest debate. The four candidates giving up the yelling and name calling and holding a real toughly respectful discussing of the issues like i am graiks, Social Security. This was the last debate before next weeks primaries. Former first Lady Nancy Reagan will be laid to rest today at her husbands librarlibrary. Michelle obama and former first ladies are going to be attending. Thousands have been filing past the casket as italy in repose over the next two days. The Justice Department asking a federal judge to uphold an order forcing apple to open a locked iphone. The Justice Department accusing apple of putting up barriers to keep Law Enforcement from doing its job. Apple said helping the f. B. I. Would jeopardize the privacy of millions of iphone users. For much of the south, it could be another day before those torrential ranges let up. Five people have drowned. Right now, a state of emergency is in effect for louisiana. Al jazeera Jonathan Martin has our story from new orleans. Much of the south is under heavywater. Forecasters say the rain may not let up until this weekend. Northwestern louisiana was one of the hardest hit places, drone video shows water inundating areas in bossier parish. Thousands were told to leave their homes. Roadways are flooded. You cant see any other signagean feeling your way through high water. Tore events of water swept cars and trucks off highways. Louisianas governor called up the National Guard to help rescue dozens of residents and motorists stranded by flooding in texas, Fire Fighters rescued a family surrounded by water. Dozens of people and animals had to be rescued. This was an event that kind of, you know, it sneaks up on you as fast and as much rain came down at one of time. You are not proactive for. You become reactive to it in louisiana, fish were swimming in streets. Heavy rain called this landslide in memphis. With roads in many parts of the south flooded communities trying to keep the water at bay. People are doing their best to cope tu could be several days before the region drys out. Jonathan martin, al jazeera, new orleans. Rain in heavier portions of mississippi and arkansas because this little mat ten, the northern portions, that will continues today, tomorrow, clearing a little bit by sunday. The nor the Northern Edge of this front did clear up. But want to focus to the west as well. It is not just the gulf coast with some flooding concerns. Enough moisture here, Northern California and oregon for the coastline over the next two or three days could get california will get it today. Another round in two days in the meantime, tomorrow, the next band of moisture coming in is a little bit more in Northern California and portions north of there. So here is the different that may we have in this area. Higher elevation, over a foot of snow and flood concerns, central to northerncal that could get heavier amounts of rain. The system is bringing in a lot of wind. Some of the gusts up to 50 miles per hour. If you are traveling, that is going to be a concern. Here are these couple of bands over the next couple of days. You can see this you think i know california and. Feast or famine. Yeah. Thank you very much. Senate republicans are digging in, still saying they refuse to consider any candidate selected by the president to replace Supreme Court justice antonin scalia. The short list said to include five candidates, all federal judges as you see here. As libby casey reports, democrats and republicans are fighting it out on capitol hill. Entrenched positions, republicans say no Supreme Court nominee until there is a new president. We are not going to drop any nominee in to an Election Year cauldron. I am not going to let it happen to the good people of iowa. Democrats say its only fair. I am appealing to the better angels of your nature. When there is a nominee, do as we have done in the past. Give the nominee careful consideration. Meet with the nominee. Thursdays business meeting of the Senate Judiciary turned into a forum to go on the record. No changes in the division between republicans and democrats. The committee has the power to screen or block or simply ignore the president s nominee. The work of this committee will be incomplete if it refuses to weigh the nomination. We are given a job to do, a job the American People want us to do. The chairman of this committee is saying that for the next year, the Judiciary Committee will not do its job. President obama used his appearance with the canadian Prime Minister to urge republicans to consider his choice. I am confident that whoever i select, among fairminded people will be viewed as an imminently qualified person. It will then be up to Senate Republicans to decide whether they want to follow the constitution. The white house says the president is making progress as he considers Supreme Court candidates among those getting attention a d. C. Based judge who if nominated and confirmed would be the first africanamerican woman to sit on the in cases highest court. And jane kelly, an iowa judge from the home state of judish chairman chuck grassley. We are even seeing reports from the white house, election process is guided by raw political calculation sglvenl republican Lindsey Graham admitted frustration. He said that wont stop him with siding with his g. O. P. Colleagues even if it makes the gridlock worse. Republicans are setting a precedent that in the last year, at least of a lameduck, 8year term i would say its going to be a 4year term, you are not going to fill the vacancy of the Supreme Court based upon what we are doing here today. The fate of a controversial Education Bill in the hands of virginia governor. It would allow parents to stop their kids from reading any sexually ex plicit content. Free speech groups say it threatens Public Education and could lead to classic literature being banned. The governor there not saying yet whether he will sign or veto that bill. There has been a defendant major shakeup this morning at the Wounded Warrior charity. The top two executives are out amid allegations they spent too much money on travel and Luxury Hotels and not enough on the vets. Al jazeeras John Henry Smith has our story. I feel broken. I feel denied. Was going to take my life. There is a good chance you have seen one of their ads, often starring celebrities . I am traceat adkins the i want to tell you about these true american heroes and how you can show your thanks by helping them through Wounded Warrior project. That organization has taken in millions of donation dollars since forming in 2003. But in the face, of allegations surrounding possible misuse of those donations, the Wounded Warrior projects board has fired its leaders, ceo steve nardizi and al giaordano the group has been plagued by Charity Navigator who says the Wounded Warrior projectse spent 60 or less on vet trans. The rest goes towards overhead including 2. 2 million in salaries for the top skooubz. Another 32 million was spent in 2014executives. Another 32 million was spent in 20 2014. Scrutiny for the Wounded Warrior project intensified earlier this year when the New York Times and cbs shared stories from former employees. They spoke of lavish spending on travel and parties, including a 3 million teambuilding trip to a colorado resort. I just dont want you to have a 2,500 bar tab. Owners dont want you to donors dont want you to have them whoop it up. The group tabbed anthony onierno to serve as temporary ceo. He is the some of a general, the former Top Commander in iraq and army chief of staff. The Wounded Warrior project took in 372 million last year. According to the Charity Monitoring Groups, they got most of their revenues in the form of small donations from people over 65 years of age. Putting that veteran in charge. The chairman of the board, it might be a matter of expediency as much as anything else. As a wounded iraq vet he is quite a change from the outgoing ceo who didnt serve, himself Health Officials hoping to help fight the zika virus. One state needing it is texas. State has confirmed 19 cases. With so many traveling to and from south america, clinics are being other whelmed. Heidi jo castro has more. In dallas, texasas, this mother is keeping a close eye on news from latin america about the zika virus. The greatest concern is in low income neighborhoods like this where stag ants water where bugs breed is common. Here in texas, the fronts line of zika defense looks like this. Community clinics serving hispanic patients who are mostly poor, uninsured, and with travel time to countries experiencing the worst outbreaks. Apart from the a territory, the United States has not seen a case of locally transmitted zika. But 32 states have reported cases transmitted through travel. In texas has seen 19 cases including one from sexual transmission. The director of the Dallas County Health Department says he fears mosquitos will begin carrying the virus in dallas. Humans get bitten in south america, in the country, comes back to the United States and now has symptoms by mesquite odes. Thats starts the localized transmission. Those clinics are going to be key as individuals travel back and forth we dont turn anyone away. Our primary focus is to provide access of care. No cases have been diagnosed here dollars are vigilantly screening patients. So what our providers are goi doing is a process of elimination. What could be ruled out as in n infantiago. Reaction to a detergevent. The clinics receive funding from the federal government. There is some concern the money wont stretch to cover zika response. We have to get ahead of the curve. Furneding is enough for the population but do you have enough for the untick related to jobbin zika . I doubt it . This clinic is great. They are watching out for us. Watching out for zika. Heidi jo castro, dallas. California now one step closer to raising the smoking age there to 21. The bill approved in the state Senate Making california put pressure on cigarette use. Congress helping it states deal with a growing heroin epidemic. More died from heroin overdose than car accidents. The number one cause of accidental death in the u. S. In conjunction with the money for open opioid specific programs just a few months ago can maim important strides in combatting the growing addiction and overdose problem we are seeing in every one of our states. The Senate Passed what is known as the comprehensive Addiction Recovery act. This is an horror, an evil that knows no geographic or class boundaries. Its happening in big cities. Its happening in very small towns in pennsylvania. Its happening in suburban communities. Its happening in highincome communities, lowincome communities and middleincome communities. Its happening to everyone. There is no escaping it. Experts say the epidemic stems in part from doctors over prescribing open opioid painkillers. They are powerful and can easily lead to addiction. Abusers have turned to heroin. Grants to expand treatment efforts and access to Overdose Prevention drugs. Some areas where there is no treatment we are hoping these funds will address. Reporter the senate may have reached a dproms on how best tocompromise on how best to deal with it but a similar bill has been languishing notice house much representstives. Medical clinics like this one will continue to struggle with limited resources 18 elephants taken out of africa. An activist says the u. S. Is simply not the right home for those he wielephants. Al jazeera america. 18 elephants out of swajiland, conservationists say it is cruel and outdated. Zoo Officials Say its a drought that threatens the elephantses. The u. S. Wildlife service says they were going to be killed. Stuttedying elephants in the wildly, from kenya, ms. Pool thanks for being with us this morning. First of all n your opinion, what is the real situation in kenya . Are these elephants in danger . They are not. There are places where he will facts are being poached but its safer in the wild than captivity. Why are they being removed . The sgroos will say its unsafe in africazoos will say ie in africa. The zoo did will say there is a drought but thats a lot of misinformation as far as i am concerned. There is. There is always the argument that people in zoos dont care as much as in the wild, are you saying they dont care for the wellbeing of the elephants as opposed to that they are trying to remove them from swaziland because they believe these elephants are in danger . I think people looking after elephants in captivity care for them but i think many dont understand elephants. They see the animals that they have held captive. They think those animals are behaving normally when they are not. They may believe they are helping these animals they are doomed to impoverished lives where they are splitting up families when there were other alternative did for those elephants. Ms. Pool, you are a friend of the lawsuit in this case, and one of the things thats jumped out to me was this language if the zoos succeed in their objective, they will be removing more than one third all of the remaining elephants in swaziland, leaving behind 21. How much of this is on the shoulders of the government of swaziland . A lot. The government has no business, i think, having elephants if they dont have space for them or if they are going to cram them in to a small area. There is more Space Available in swaziland, in other parts of africa. Those elephants were originally taken to swaziland, orphans from a kiln Southern Africa and they didnt have business taking them if they werent able to care for them. This is the second time they are shipping elephants off to willing zoos in the states. They are basically breeding elephants for zoos. If there were a Perfect World, what would that Perfect World be for you . If there were a Perfect World, those elephants would have been sentence back to other countries in africa to lead a wi wildlife. Elephants should not be in zoos. We should take the remaining elephants in zoos in the United States china is trying to bring in 200 baby elephants from zimbabwe. The u. S. Has set a great example for them. Joyce pool joining us from kenya via skype. Thank you very much. Thank you. When we come back, paying for the pride of a nation that is not your own, why the athletes in one place are forced to compete for denmark. Sights and sounds from argentina. Thats a piece after glacier known as the white giant collapsed. Thousands to see it happen, not linked to Climate Change. Arch is created as the glacier grows, once every 4 to 5 years, there is enough pressure to cause it to collapse. It happened last in 2012, in the middle of the night. The arctic winter games coming to a close today. Thousands of Young Athletes competing in hopes of getting a chance to go to the olympics. As Al Jazeera Paul reece tells us, if they get tapped for the big games, there will be another countrys name on their sleeves. A top snowboarder, in greenland shoveling snow is one of them. Strumstead and mark are used to preparing runs and have a few ways of speeding it up. But there are no shortcuts to the olympics. Green land sent only one athlete to the last winter games in sochi. These 18 yooefrmdz, if they make it to the top they will have to do the same as the few who came before them and wear the flag of denmark. Green lablds rule, three and a half thousand miles away. It is strangends rule, thre half thousand miles away. It is strange it is side we cant compete with greenland. We have to fight with denmark. Denmark is a nice country, too. Greenland would appear perfectly suited to Winter Sports and is hosting the arctic winter games. The winter is too strong to build real speed and getting regular competition on the more shelters slopes is beyond most bujtz. I want to travel and meet People Better than me. Of course there are some better than me here but the level is not that high. Its difficult because there is not much you can learn here. Reporter with travel to europe so expensive, these arctic winter games are a rare chance for Young Athletes to compete in their own country. But there are those who believe too much investment in youth is creating a glass dealing for old ter athletes. Ex crosscountry skier wasnt amused at having to win the danish flag but he says the real crisis isnt one of identity but cash. With money spent on youth events like the arctic winter games but not on athletes in their prime. The young get very good experience, but maybe, they dont have so much else when they are finished at the winter game in 16, 18 years, dont have other things to do. So, its difficult for them to stay in the sport. Life after sports still a distant prospect for mati a. S and jonas. Its good to have a friend at your back. Paul reece, al jazeera, nuke greenland. Thats it for us in new york. Back monday morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time. I will see you then with stephanie cy. Until then, go out and have a great weekend. Horrendous crimes, the u. N. Distribution south sudan as one of the worst human rights situations. Hello. Youre watching al jazeera live from doha. Coming up, tens of thousands of iraqis demonstrate for a cabinet shake up to tackle corruption and deteriorating security. Five years on, a moment of silence to remember the japanese earthquake and tsunami that killed over 18,000 people. Brein

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