Transcripts For ALJAZAM Your World This Morning 20151106

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This morning the u. S. Is said to be considering boosting security at a number of overseas airports as consensus grows that a bomb took down a russian jet in egypt and welcome to your world this morning and im in for stephanie sy. Im del walters and reports out of the uk this morning saying Electronic Communications intercepted by spy agencies suggesting a bomb may have been carried on to the plane before it took off and president obama making his first comments about the crash. I think there is a possibility that there was a bomb on board and we are taking that very seriously. Reporter right now thousands of british tourists still stranded at the airport at Sharm Elsheikh and officials are not allowing its planes to fly into egypt and al jazeeras paul brennan is live from london and paul what do we know about easy jet trying to get its flights out of Sharm Elsheikh . Well, the statement that came out from easy jet just a couple hours del was pretty strong and said egyptian authorities suspended uk airlines from flying into Sharm Elsheikh but an hour after that they seemed to reign back from the position and seems the intention of easy jet to fly eight aircraft into Sharm Elsheikh to fly out tour tourists stranded there is too much of an air lift at the airport at Sharm Elsheikh to cope with and monarch and briti British Airways are putting planes into Sharm Elsheikh to help but in smaller numbers and rather than egyptian authorities banning all uk aircraft it appears that easy jet intention to fly eight care craft in was too much for the egyptian authorities to cope with so the statement has been reigned back from and the british Prime Minister has said in the last hour that the situation at Sharm Elsheikh is difficult but fluid and he says he is working closely with the egyptian authorities to resolve this situation as quickly as possible. Paul yet we see those number answer all of the tourist is there a concern that the thousands still stranded in Sharm Elsheikh are at risk . Well, at risk potentially, yes, but dont forget that since this aircraft came down last friday there has been stringent security imposed at the airport and there has been no suggestion that in the tourist resort itself there is any risk posed to tourists who are simply strolling about their business, going about their holidays in a normal way. So although there are question marks about the egyptian authorities airlines screening and certainly some countries uk and italy for example have advised their arlines to put screening in place over and above the egyptian screening there is no suggestion i dont think that i have heard that the tourists that are actually in the resort operating normally going about the holidays are at any heightened danger. Live in london and paul thank you very much and coming up, in the next hour half hour we will talk to security expert as 25 million americans will be taking to the skies this holiday vacation period, police in arkansas investigating a charter bus that left six people dead and dozens of passengers happening in North Little Rock and police say the bus crashed into an overpass and its unclear what caused that driver to lose control. Officials in new york state are launching an investigation into exxon mobile and says the oil company buried research about the harms of Climate Change as al jazeeras john reports other Big Oil Companies could be drawn into the investigation as well. Reporter a source familiar with the situation confirms new York State Attorney general subpoenaed exxon as part of investigation that they withheld the dangers of Climate Change from the public for years. Shows that the new York Attorney general is taking very seriously what exxon knew as early as the 1977 and maybe before and what it was telling the public. Reporter investigation has been going on for more than a year and the news comes weeks after reports surfaced that exxon may have been saying one thing in private and another in public, reports suggest more than 30 years ago exxons own scientists were taking Climate Change projections in account in its Operational Plan and new york Eric Sneiderman says they turn over financial records and emails and other documents from exxon is alleged to fund groups that sought to under mine Climate Science and ken coen pushed back in a Conference Call with reporters. We have been engaged in a twopronged approach to this very complex subject. One is consistent involvement in understanding the science and working with others to improve scientific understanding, at the same time we have been involved in policy discussions. Reporter and an exxon spokesman has told the New York Times we jekt the allegations that it we reject the allegations and may open a new legal front in the battle over Climate Change like the legal problems the Tobacco Industry faced years ago and big oil has mostly been civil suits and have failed in the courts, john with al jazeera. The house assigned off on a six year, 325 billion transportation bill that has been the first in several years, the money going to fixing the nations aging roads, rails and bridges and no increase to the federal gas tax and no Funding Sources and the money could run out in about three years. For the third time Senate Democrats blocking a half trillion defense bill from moving forward part of the battle of how spending bills get approved and Senate Democrats saying they fear republicans will try to back out of the twoyear budget deal and republicans say they have no intention of doing so. Two big name hopefuls not on stage during the gop debate Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee did not make the cut for the prime time v vents because of low poll numbers and will be in the under card debate and two others will be off the stage altogether and excluded even from the second tier debate. Republican contenders donald trump and ben carson are getting Government Protection on the trail and department of Homeland Security says it will assign secret Service Teams for the pair and so far no other republicans asked for official security, when president obama was running he received protection 18 months before he was elected. Ttp on thursday and president says he will sign tpp or the Trans Pacific trade partnership and white house released the full text of that agreement and erases trade barriers of 12 that border the Pacific Ocean and says american jobs will be lost and doesnt punish countries that manipulate this. Castro making a visit to mexico and cuba and mexico had diplomatic ties but meks cow trying to cash in with the new relationship between washington and havana but its not without complications and john has more. First visit to mexico by cuba president since they endured a chilly stage in their relationship under two consecutive conservative and pretty much u. S. Aligned mexican governments and good to start renewing this for both countries and especially mexico is seeing this as a point which cuba is opening up and can open up as well to mexican investment and bilateral trade and Tourism Industry which is quite strong between the two countries and something going on that is on the minds of the two leaders and castro as they sit down to talk, more than 1500 cubans reached mexico in october of this year alone. At the moment they granted asylum, the moment they reach u. S. Soil and are worried that could change as u. S. And cuba grow closer together and the reason for the surge that is effecting this through mexico and that is one of the things the two leaders will be thinking of as they sit down to talk in mexico after a long absence. Mexican and cuban leaders will talk about working together on science and education. Myanmar preparing for elections and will choose her and her Democracy Party and won the election in 1990 but her victory was quashed by army and spent two decades under house arrest, international monitors will be on hand to oversee the vote. Chinese president in singapore in morning ahead of the historic meeting with the president of taiwan and she and singapores leader are marking 25 years of diplomatic ties between those two nations. The meeting with taiwans leader is the first since the chinese civil war in 1949. Waning in Central Texas after severe storms rattled that area and high winds caused what you see at a building on forth worth on thursday and parts of the roof seen peeling off after a huge gust and cars in the parking lot were also shaken but not stirred and baseball sized hail across dallas and its improving for dallas that storm on the move. We will brick in Nicole Mitchell and what can they expect . Moving and causing temperature drops as its moving along and a look at the storm and when we see it in the heat of the day and getting in the evening hours and 40 different Severe Weather reports through the day yesterday, majority of that wind and roof damage we just saw being officially reported as wind but they will go back in through the day and look at that because that could have been a possible tornado and one already confirmed in oklahoma so definitely today that risk minimizes for Severe Weather but still i would say watch for the lines of storms as they pop up to have some wind along with them but as the storm system moves along there is rain on the Northern Tier of this as well and moves a little in the northeast a little later into today but you can see the edge of this doesnt move quickly and two or three days through portions of the south with chances of rain and this is a region of the country where we already had a lot of moisture recently and this is still tomorrows forecast and today, some of the heaviest rain could be places like louisiana or into mississippi with one or two inches and then you add that forecast into tomorrow and possibly some more moisture on sunday and looking at 34, not exceptional but this is a region that has had a lot of moisture recently so even a little bit of moisture and have flood concerns and texas even though the heaviest rain is moving out because we have chances for the next couple days and the rivers are water logged and especially rounds the rivers have some of the flood concerns. As i mentioned this is really dropping the temperatures as it goes along and ill talk about that and what it means for the weekend coming up. Feels like summer in the northeast for now. For now. Thank you. Search crews in brazil are still looking for missing after a dam broke in the town of mariana and one person confirmed dead and a dozen more feared killed and al jazeera reports. Reporter this village did not stand a chance against the thick amount of mud that swept through it after a dam Holding Water burst and thousands are missing in the state and thick mud stretched two kilometers from the dam to the village, about 600 people live here and most of them are miners and homes swept away and others fell through the roof with mud. No power as electricity lines were brought down by the strong current and number of people missing may rise and unlikely to find survivors under the toxic mixture and struggle to reach people as all roads are blocked and company is running the site and trying to figure out what happened. Translator at the moment we cannot concern the cause and extent of what happened or the number of victims, i repeat our focus is critical moment is to preserve peoples wellbeing and the environment. Reporter its operated by mining, companies and owned by Larger Companies in brazil and australia and is doing all it can to help people. Translator the brick was detected this afternoon and some immediately activated its Emergency Action plan and mobilizing with Civil Defense forces, the tire brigade and military police and overcome tent authorities for the treatment and wellbeing of employees working on the ground and who live close to the dam. Reporter government offered help by deploying army and national Civil Defense teams and the mining, hub looks like it needs all the help it can get, al jazeera. Marriage licenses denied. We will tell youll why opposition of same sex marriages in alabama refusing to give out marriage licenses to anyone plus. Im diane in st. Paul still ahead ill tell you why some families in the twin cities are suing the state of minnesota over segregated schools. We made a promise to these heroes. This is one promise americans need to keep. Speculation is growing that a bomb was to blame for the Russian Airliner crash in egypt, Airport Security here in the u. S. Is coming under heavy scrutiny. Intercepted 5 of bombs and weapons carried on board by under cover agents and led to very tough questions for tsa chief peter nefenger. Looking at number of times people got through with guns or bombs and these covert testing exercises, it really was pathetic and thinking about the breaches there, its horrific. And u. S. Now said to be looking at stricter airport rules at a number of foreign airports and telling abc and nbc the stepped up security could have baggage screening and matching luggage to passengers and we have the president at the group and former f. B. I. Agent and once ran the f. B. I. Screening Operation Center and is joining us from skype from do doha and security in the United States 25 Million People expected to fly in Holiday Season and told the highest number since the great recession, how concerned should i be and what are you hearing about changes to passenger screening in the u. S. . Well, i think given the resent downing of the Russian Airline last weekend dus is reevaluating but keep in mind there has to be that balance between getting people through the check points and on their aircraft albeit maintaining safety at the same time. Its a lot of people have to get on these aircraft and go and i think in the u. S. There has not been attacks but almost successful attacks. 2001 shoe bombing and 2009 underwear bombing plot is two examples and its not a perfect system but tsa and Government Intelligence Services looking at what the emerging threats are and ways to get around them. Is there a difference between International Threat and travel when it comes to airport safety . Im sorry you said peter, peter or martin . Martin, my bad. Yes, i think so. I think you have a certain standard that is very common in europe, in north america and the number of the more developed asian country, very tight security screening and some better than others, in developing countries and in some countries in the middle east the security is not as good but egypt we have differences of level of security we see in cairo and level of security you will see in a smaller air part like Sharm Elsheikh. Lets talk about these reports that are out now that the u. S. And british governments have intelligence that links the crash to egypt, that crash in egypt to a bomb, what type of intel what might we be talking about . Well right now what is publically released is chatter and in other words intercepted communications whether they are telephone communications, Text Messages social media, emails and intercepted communications, chatter so to speak that indicates that it could have been a terrorist plot. But although this same thing happened with malaysia air flight over ukraine you had chatter so now its early to determine and keep in mind there still has not been bomb residue which is frequently found after these attacks, no bomb residue recovered yet. I. S. I. L. Affiliate in sinai claiming responsibility and how do they separate out the fact when it comes to claims because a lot of what we hear is that chatter that is over heard. Well, its difficult. I think in the coming days probably with the investigation perhaps they will find a point on the wreckage where you can determine there was a blast that went from inside to the out perhaps some bomb residue. The i. S. I. S. Affiliate in sinai very, very capable. They are the most Significant National Security Threat in egypt today and have been for three years. From skype in doha and thank you very much. Illinois police overed believed to have staged his suicide and lieutenant joe glinowitz may have tried to hire a hit man and his death launched a huge manhunt and radioed he was chasing three suspects and investigators say he took his own life to cover up from stealing money from a police youth program. Counties in alabama this morning continue to refuse to issue marriage licenses to couples gay or straight. This despite the Supreme Court ruling making gay marriage legal, al jazeeras robert ray went looking for answers from state officials on the continued refusal. Reporter one alabama resident stephanie and amanda geyer decided to marry they drove to the county next door for a marriage license. We wanted to do it because we love each other and not to cause a problem or issues anywhere and we want peace and to be married. Reporter Cleburne County population 15,000 is one of several counties in alabama refusing to issue marriage license even after the u. S. Supreme courts ruling in june that same sex marriage is legal. This is an example of people using their own religion to discriminate against people that want to get married. Reporter a state law dating back to 1961 says judges may issue licenses, not that they shall issue. Local judge Ryan Robertson is now using that nuisances to justify not issuing marriage licenses of any kind. We called judge robertson several times and denied our request for an interview so we showed up here at the courthouse and see if he will talk to us in this way. Trying to get comment from him and i think its only fair that he makes a statement. Im sorry, i wish i could help you. Reporter the clerk eventually asked us to leave. So we tried to reach the judge on his cell phone. At the tone please record your message. We will leave judge robertson a message and see if he gets back to us, here he is, hi, judge robertson. Yes. Within ten minutes we are back in the courthouse sitting down to chat with the judge. Most media if you go back more than 200 or 250 years ago had nothing to do with the law. They were put in the family bible. With all due respect that is not the case any more so is this you and other probate judges just revolting against the Supreme Court and saying, you know, these are religious beliefs, we dont believe in gays and lesbians, we are not doing it . Yes. That is me. Reporter robertson says the u. S. Supreme court ruling went against popular opinion here in alabama. Not issuing a license in my county and the code says may. Reporter but so youre using the word may versus shall as the reason to step over the law . Yes, yes. Reporter that is pretty tric tricky. And so ill do that until i cant. Reporter judge robertson worries about same sex couples adopting children and says raising a young person is for a man and woman to do. You have no issues with the fact that youre denying people happiness . I have no issue that im denying folks any happiness. When the rest of the state you can drive 20 minutes from here and get a license, we just are out of the license business. Reporter so far judges have not had to face any legal action but for stephanie life goes on and says the judge has his opinions and she holds no grudges. I live, breathe and go to church on sunday and i have no problem with that. Their religious beliefs, god is number one and that is who they answer to so i dont try to get in between that. Reporter the aclu feels differently and hoping a same sex couple comes forward to sue the probate judges for discrimination. Robert ray, al jazeera, alabama. There is a charity controversy unfolding in arizona, the state there removing planned parent hood and Clinton Foundation from their approved list of charities, as a result state employees are being told the donations will no longer be taken directly out of their paychecks and controversy surrounding both nonprofits prompted that action and arizona donating 7500 to planned parenthood and Clinton Foundation not available. Aaa has a transit point. Tens of thousands of people trying to reach europe through northern lebanon. The mission to spread the cricket craze to sports fans here in the u. S. The next big quake. There could be a rupture along the entire fault line. Thats right. We have 300,000 kids that are in collapse prone schools. The tsunami, its gonna move faster than you can run. Usain bolt wont be able to out run it. Techknows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. This is what innovation looks like. Can affect and surprise us. I feel like were making an impact. Lets do it. Techknow where Technology Meets humanity. I want to show you a part of your world this morning, the temple bar in dublin, ireland. It is a Gathering Spot for tourists. , its 7 29. The u. S. Is considering bostonning security at a number of overseas airports as consensus grows that a bomb took down a jet in egypt. It could include better badge screening. Precautions come as thousands of british tourists are industrial stranded at the airport in Sharm Elsheikh, egypt. Egyptian officials are not allows planes to fly into the country. Two planes at the airport were allowed to depart for the u. K. At least six are dead after a charter bus crash overnight in arkansas. Dozens of passengers were hurt when the bus crashed into an overpass in little rock. The United Nations saying a cholera outbreak has spread from iraq to syria. One of the reasons is the number of refugees forced to live in unbearable conditions there. Many from the lebanese port of tripoli. Zeina hodor reports. Many of these ships are bound for turkey, but for may be passengers, turkey is not their final destination. Lebanons port of tripoli has become a way out. These who depart here do so legally. Syrians dont need visas to go into turkey. They arrange visas to lebanon and it is up to them what they do next. We get the tickets and from there, they can find their way to the agreeing islands and eventually to other european countries. Ahmed is one of them. He tells us he is looking for a future which he no longer has at home. He has family who already found their way to europe. My brother has been in germany for six months. I am not going because the sea is too dangerous. Europe is not going anywhere. If i dont go now, i will go later. Many passengers on this bus are new arrivals from syria. They enter on new transit visas imposed. A number of passengers travel to turkey from here. Since the beginning of this year, 100,000 people left, 90 of them were syrian and 90 of them didnt return. That is why it is hards to goodbye. These women are from the government controlled city of homs. Some are getting ready to board the ship. While they dont openly talk about their intentions, their relatives do. My sister came from homs and she is going to turkey. If there is a possibility, she will join her son, who is already in and you say tree. There are many syrians in lebanon who would like to do that but cannot. They dont have the paperwork. I want a future for my child, but without residency in lebanon, i cant leave the country. Many like this man from raqqa didnt want to appear on camera. His fear is not being able to see his family for years to come. These people have one way tickets, but their destination is only the first step in a journey to find a new life. Al jazeera, tripoli, northern lebanon. Its been one week since president obama ordered up to 50 special ops troops to syria to assist in the battle against isil. There has been debate about the dramatic change in u. S. Policy and if those troops will make a difference. Professor emeritus at Boston University said the president is rolessing the complexities of this war. If we expect u. S. Behavior to be perfectly consistent, we are always going to be disappointed. I think whats going on is that this president , who i believe genuinely meant it when he said that he wished to extract the United States from perpetual war, has found himself unable to deliver. I dont really think that the announcement about 50 special Operations Forces on the ground helping the kurds is actually that big a deal. The larger story here, and i think the larger critique of u. S. Policy with regard to iraq and syria has been this incrementalism. I mean, we started with a little bombing and then we did a little bit more bombing. We started with a few thinner to say support the iraqi army, then sent in a few more trainers, so we are in the process of seeing Mission Creep happen before our very eyes, and i think most observers think that Mission Creep tends to be a recipe for failure in war. Incrementalism, but i know you would not argue for sending in a full contingent of troops. No, i would not. In either iraq or syria. No, i would not. Can you project power without projecting military power in a place like syria where you now have the Russian Military involved and you have the Iranian Military and its problems ice involved . Well, we have been attempting to project military power in that region of the world for a heck of a long time, and i think the question is not whether we can do it, its whether or not having done it that produces a positive outcome. It seems to me the evidence is pretty clear. Its pretty clear whether youre looking at iraq, whether youre looking at afghanistan. We maybe have the mightiest military in the world, we do not have sufficient might or wisdom or staying power to impose our will on those countries. So what you have to do is say well then, if not that route, whats the our route and i think that it is past time to give diplomacy a chance. When we say diplomacy, its not simply a bunch of people in suits sitting around dinner tables. What is it . They tried diplomacy in geneva in 2012, came up with a communique that didnt lead to peace. They are trying that now, that hasnt led to results. When is diplomacy. If youre looking for results next week or the week after, thats not going to happen. The diplomacy ought to be an effort to bring in to existence a new quill lib rum of power in which the key players in the region recognize that they in fact all have an influence. They ought to find ways to collaborate in restoring stability. They ought to. That is not a trivial task. Im not trying to suggest that it is, but i think that when youre looking for what is the alternative to the continuing futility of the American Military effort, the creation of an equal lib rum of power deserves an advantage. It has been more than 60 years since brown versus the board of education. Now theres a new lawsuit accusing the state of minnesota of fail to integrate schools. The lawsuit saying that poor and minority students are kept out of the best schools. We have the story from st. Paul. Getting moses and gigi cruz guzman to school in a 210 process. First, their father alex drives them in his minivan two miles to a bus stop. Then they hop onboard a school bus and travel another five miles to Groveland Park elementary. The kids could go to a School Minutes from their home in st. Paul, but cruz guzman said its in a poor enabled and not as god. Its not that hard for yours, because we know its worth it, and theyre getting, you know, a better education, and theyre happy in school. Cruz guzman is one of seven plaintiffs named in a Class Action Lawsuit filed thursday, accusing the state of minnesota of failing to provide an adequate education to poor and minority students. The suit claims minnesota allowed School Districts to set up boundaries that encourage segregation and failed to implement or develop rules for integration. Civil rights Attorney Daniel represents the families. He said separating moor minority students from wealthier white ones sets them up for failure. They are told as a very early age, youre different, youre not as good and thats, i mean that starts them at the beginning of their lives and conditions their outcome for the rest of their lives. He represented the naacp2 decades ago in a lawsuit that led to a School Choice program. He says the situation has actually gotten worse over the years. The twin cities moat row area is one of the widest in the nation, but more than half of the Elementary Schools in st. Paul and minneapolis are made up almost entirely of minority students. The lawsuit says School Segregation contributed to lower test scores and Graduation Rates among minority kids. University of minnesota law professor studied School Desegregation nationwide. He said minnesota once had a good track record on integration but said it has fallen short in the last two decades. The state switched from one that was very proactive in terms of segregation saying the state cant do anything absent proof of discrimination. In a statement cruz guzman said all kids regardless of race or nick status should get the same education. When they get the opportunity to integrate with kids, that, i mean, different backgrounds and they see education, the importance of education, i mean that challenges them. The father of five says hes always been committed to his own kids education. Now hes making the same commitment to every child in minnesota. Diane esterbrook, st. Paul, minnesota. President obama is praising a move to help schools get rid of their native american mascots. Adidas is providing financial and design support that any high school with racially insensitive logos. There are about 2,000 schools with tribal names and mascots. Adidas will help create a coalition to address mascots in professional sports. Some of the stars of sports will be descending in new york. They are trying to boost playing cricket here. Cricket is already pretty popular for some americans. At this club in central new jersey, they gather almost every night to play a game all but unknown in most of the United States. Cricket. You leave all your problems of your life behind. The founder of bat and ball cricket. You are talking about 200, 250 teams altogether, all kinds of cricket. The area around the club has one of the highest concentrations of indian and pakistani immigrants in the United States. Those countries hotbeds for a game thats both similar and at the same time, very different from baseball. Rather than a diamond, cricket is played on an oval field. Players use a flat sided bat instead of a round one. The object is to score runs and to protect those wooden stumps, also called wickets. To spread the gospel of cricket to a new american audience, 28 of the worlds most famous cricketers have converged for an allstar tour of three baseball stadiums, starting saturday at new yorks citi field. Retired from professional cricket in 2013 as one of the greatest players the sport had ever seen, yesterday in the United States, hes mostly unknown. Im here to popularize cricket and encourage americans to pick up a cricket bat. Those allstars plan a series of matches in new york, at houstons Minute Maid Park and at Dodger Stadium in los angeles. They are promising a faster version of the game that will interest americans, but high 60 prices could keep casual fans away. For the citi field match, most tickets sell in the 100 to 175 range. Im disappointed, maybe 75 for a really good seed. There is potential. Still at bat and ball, its tough to find anyone who doesnt plan to be at the match saturday. Most of the people i know, everybodys going. The only way we can watch them on t. V. , on you tube and stuff, so its like a dream come true to watch people like this, of their da caliber play live. The interesting thing about crickets lack of popularity among the general public in the u. S. Is historians believe the first cricket match was actually played in america during the 1700s. Its said George Washington liked to play the game he called wicket. Cricket is popular and a big deal around the world. When we talk about sports, this is it. Theres a reason he needs a bodyguard where are he goes. 120 Million People worldwide play the sport that was spread by the british empire. Its especially popular in former british colonies like southeast asia, india and as we know, india, about 17 of the worlds population come from india. Did you get his autograph . I didnt have enough sense to get it when he was here. I know who he is now, though. Researchers studying a colombian man who died from the first case of cancer transmitted by a tape worm. Tumors were found to contain tape worm d. N. A. The man was living with h. I. V. Scientists blame his weakened immune system for the rapid growth of cancer cells in his body. The f. D. A. Wants label changes on common antibiotic. Sip row and 11 quinn are known to have dangerous side effects. They are used to treat bronchitis. Lets turn to Nicole Mitchell. Good morning. A few people are ok with this. And like the fall weather. It feels more like a summer morning with temperatures in the 60s, but behind the front, 30s and 40s. Theres been away traumatic temperature drop as this front comes in. This shows the temperature changes. Kansas city, over 20 degrees cooler this morning. Yesterday morning, we were in the 60s, this morning in the 40s. You feel that as you head out the door. Hopefully you still have that warm glow left from the world series to keep you warm. This is whats happening with that pattern. Its definitely a cooler air coming in from canada as that front comes through and the warm air ahead of that. As we put that into motion, that hits the east coast, saturday hanging on to warm air. Definitely by sunday, this moves in. In the meantime, warm air starts to bubble back up in the west coast. We definitely have changes in store as we head for both sides of the country this weekend. Highs for the rest of today, still mild, though, a lot of 70s up the coastline. Back to you guys. Thanks a lo lot, nicole. A musical mystery. Ahead, john lennons lost guitar surfacing in san diego 50 years later. New revelations about the atmosphere of mars and the role that the sun plays making it that way that way new data suggestion mars may have looked like the earth did a few billion years ago. Over time, mars was stripped of its atmosphere. Al jazeeras jake ward ma more on the discovery. To know why mars is a cold, desolate dry planet, you only need to understand the sun. Nasa scientists announced thursday that the red planets once thick atmosphere which made it a warm wet place was stripped away by powerful solar storms. Those powerful solar winds penetrated mars and left it vulnerable to the suns radiation. The result was the disappearance of water and probably the disappearance of life. Most of the stripping by the solar wind at mars was thought that have taken place very early in the history of the solar system when the sun was more active, the solar wind more intense, so today the rate of loss of mars is low. The space cast entered mars orbit last september. Since then, instruments analyzed solar winds and effects on the atmosphere. Nasa said it documented a solar storm eating away at the planets atmosphere in march. Among other findings was the discovery of water on that mars. We have visible and mineral evidence of water on mars from orbit. We have rovers that found evidence. We found evidence that ancient mars had enough water to support microbial life. Marcy even looked very similar to earth. When we look at ancient mars, we see a different type of surface, one that had valleys that looked like they were carved by water, lakes that were standing for long periods of time. We see an environment that was much more able to support liquid water. Nasa says solar storms are much less active today and not as intense, but as for any chance to earth can suffer the same fate as mars. During those times when the earth might be losessing atmosphere, the rate of loss might be low. We dont have anything to worry about in terms of the earths atmosphere disappearing on us. We ant to take you live to houston now to mission control. They are getting ready for the second time in a week, two u. S. Astronauts will be walking in safe. They are checking the trajectory of where that spacecraft will be. The two performing a six and a half hour space walk. They are going to complete repairs to an moan i cant leak on the space station to the cooling system. Both made their space walking debut last friday. Today a new c. D. Hits store shelves with his holiness as the pop star behind the mic. Wake up. Wake up. Pope francis gave his voice to wake up. He talks about piece, nature and helping the needy. Imagine discovering an old guitar you owned years ago and finding out it was owned by john lennon and used to create the first beatles song and that now going up for auction. It could fetch seven figures. The beatles sang money cant buy me love. With enough money, you can buy the guitar john lennon used to pen a number of the beatles most popular songs. Love me do, i want to hold your hand, and please please me, music magic made from these strings. Some have called it one of the most influential instruments from the early days of the beatles. What makes it the holy grail of guitars . Mom 1962, 1963, john played, recorded so many songs on this guitar. This was johns baby. He loved this guitar. Were there any modifications made or is this as it was when john lennon of the operation it in 1962, 1963. Thats the fantastic part. There was no modtyifications. No changes at all. This guitar can be played today. Can you play us something . Is that going into dangerous territory on the eve of the auction. Im actually nervous holding this right now, because its an important piece of pop culture history. My job is to preserve it until it changes hands, so its a huge responsibility. Its also a great honor for me to be holding this. You can hold it for the low low low price, ok, forgot the low low price, this guitar is expected to testify a record high price of. More than a million dollars. Why do you think so much . Thats a lot of money for a guitar. Because its so important. The story is so fantastic. It was stolen from him after a Christmas Show in 1963 and resurfaced in san diego 50 years later. A gentleman bought this at a guitar store for 169 in the mitt 1960 said. Obviously having no idea what he was buying. He just bought a guitar to play. He was moving up to canada in 1969, so sold the guitar to his friend, the current owner for 225. Why did he decide to auction it . He felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility, owning something so iconic and important. He suddenly felt intimidated by it, because it was owned by john lennon. The original price for lennons beloved guitar, 174, retail price 50 years later, 225. Estimated worth at auction, more than a million dollars, owning a piece of music history, priceless. Al jazeera, los angeles. The man who you a they didnt indicated that guitar telling Aljazeera America that he used a lot of evidence to prove it does belong to john lennon. The one thing about the guitar is the wood grain. Wood grain is like a fingerprint, no two are the same, and i was able to match up, i have a huge archive of photos of john lennon playing it in the day so was able to match up the good grain. Its 100 the guitar. He said he would only help the owner if perfect first talked to john lennons widow. Parts of the proceeds are going to the charity that ono founded with john lennon. The National Day Hall of fame have inducted three games. The super soaker, the game twister and the hand puppet join barbie, mr. Potato head. Ahead, security in the skies, airlines increase checks over concerns a bomb put down that russian jet in egypt. The u. S. Is considering broader security changes. The roof of the building just [bleep] blew off. Many parts of the nation affected. We are back in two minutes with more of your world this morning. Tough that the country gave up on me. Look at the trauma. Every day is torture. This is our home. Nobody should have to live like this. We made a promise to these heroes. This is one promise americans need to keep. Tighter security, there may be more checks on u. S. Bound flights amid growing fears that it was a bomb that brought down that russian air liner. Still stranded, thousands of british tourists prevent from leaving an egyptian resort town days after the crash. Major Oil Companies could be pulled into an investigation over whether exxon mobil lied about the effects of Climate Change. Cricket comes to the u. S. , can it get the same respect here at home as it being beloved around the world . Good morning, welcome to your world this morning. This morning, federal officials are said to be considering even tougher security checks at overseas airports with flights to the United States in responsibility to growing speculation that a bomb took down a russian jet in egypt. No reports out of the u. K. Say spy agencies suspect a bomb may have been carried on to the plane shortly before takeoff. Thousands of british tourists still stranded. Egyptian officials wont allow its planes to pick up passengers and bring them back home. Despite the setback, many tourists say they are ok with the wait. I just think if everyone was a bit more structured, it would be easier for us to get back home quicker, but overall, i think the government made the right decision to slow it down and also considering our security, as well. British officials saying several planes all right at the airport were allowed to fly out of egypt this morning. Al jazeeras paul brennan is in london with the very latist. The situation at Sharm Elsheikh is described by the british Prime Minister as difficult and fluid. The airlift, which is going to be organized to try to get nearly 20,000 tourists out of that resort and back home has been driven with difficulty all day friday because of confusion about how many aircraft will be allowed in to get those tourists out. Airlines have been allowed to take aircraft into Sharm Elsheikh. British airways one aircraft, man in the morning three. The Budget Airline easy jet intended to take eight aircraft in and when prevented by the egyptian authorities, they raised it to the status of a diplomat incident. It now years it was too much for the Airport Authority to cope with, so although the eight aircraft will not be flying in today, it does appear that the tourists who were going to be evacuated on those aircraft will make it out in the next 48 hours. As far as the cause of the disaster, the tragedy jump unfolded friday, we are no clearer nothing. President obama saying it most likely was a bomb or strong possibility it was a bomb. The other thing is that the british Prime Minister David Cameron saying it is more likely than not that it was a bomb. The russians are insisting that people should wait for the outcome of the crash investigation for the analysis of the data recorders before rushing to conclusions. These are live images ouch Sharm Elsheikh. That is the airport in question. That airport once again tourists backed up. It is a popular destination for european travelers, being a sunny resort areas. Right now it is the subject of much consternation. A dutch carrier will now allow only carryon luggage with flights from cairo, the Civil Aviation being asked for higher security. A model flown by most Russian Airlines, the Aviation Administration said safety concerns need to be resolved. Its important to note the plane that crashed last weekend was not a 737. Little unclear if the suspension will disrupt air travel. One Russian Airline will continue to fly the plane. In arkansas, police are investigating a deadly charter bus crash. Six people killed, dozens have passengers were injured when can bus went off the interstate in North Little Rock. Police say it crashed into on overpass. Not clear what caused that driver to lose control. The house signed off on a six year bill, critics say the money will run out after three years. Senate democrats blocked a half trillion dollar defense bill from moving forward. Its part of a fight over just how spending bills are approved. Senate democrats fear republicans will try to back out of a two year budget deal. Republicans deny any intention to do that. This morning, there is an Investigation Underway into exxonmobil, the new York State Attorney general saying it involves Climate Change. Other companies could be drown in, as well. A source confirms that new york states attorney general subpoenaed exxonmobil as part of an investigation into allegations of the oil giant withheld the dangers of Climate Change from the public for years. It shows that the new York Attorney general is taking very seriously what exxon knew as early as 1977 and maybe before, and what it was telling the public. The investigations been going on for more than a year and the news comes weeks after reports surfaced that can may be saying one thing in private, another in public. The report suggests more than 30 years ago, exxons Sciences Activities were taking Climate Change projections into account with its plans. It is demand exxonmobil turn over financial and other documents from a period when they are alleged to have funded groups that sought to undermine Climate Science. Pushing back in a Conference Call with reporters. We have been engaged in a two prong approach to this very complex subject. One is consistent involvement in understanding the science and working with others to improve scientific understanding. At the same time, weve been involved in policy discussions. An exxon spokesman has told the New York Times the decision may open a new legal front in the battle over Climate Change, much like the legal battles the Tobacco Industry faced years ago. Cases involving big oil have mostly been civil suits and have failed in the courts. Al jazeera. Two big name republican president ial hopefuls will not be on the main stage during the next gop debate. Chris christie and muck huckabee did not make the cut for the prime time event because of low poll numbers. Theyll take part in the undercard debate. Two other candidates will be off the stage altogether, being excluded even from that second tear debate. The two people at the top of the republican polls are now getting new protection, the department of Homeland Security said it will assign secret Service Teams to ben carson and donald trump. So far, no other republicans have asked for official security. When president obama was running, he received protection 18 months before he was elected. It is still raining in Central Texas this morning, severe thunderstorms rattling that area once again. High winds causing this building in fort worth on thursday, parts of the roof could be seen peeling off after a huge gust came through. Some cars in the parking lot were also damaged, that storm dropping baseball sized hail across dallas. Storms are expected through several states this morning. We turn to Nicole Mitchell. Those are some nasty storms. Theyll go back through today, a lot of that reported is wind damage, but theyll go back and see what if any of that was tornadic damage. We had one confirmed official tornado report from oklahoma but that roof damage might have had some spiraling in it. Heres where the storm line is now through the central United States, and before i get into that, i also want to mention into the northwest, well see more rain come in this weekend. This is our big trouble maker, as it fired up, causing Severe Weather. Forty reports, most of that was wind and hail. All right one confirmed tornado, though, and more looking it will go today to see what all of that was. Along the line today, the best chance for some stronger storms, i had say louisiana and mississippi, but the Severe Threat is much less than today. We still have all of the rain trek. This moves a little more into the east coast especially later today, maybe lingering moisture tomorrow. You can see how the front in the Southern Tier moves more slowly, which is what we see with some of these systems recently. That could bring us areas of heavy rain. Today, were looking at the core that have, louisiana, mississippi, main one or two inches. This is tomorrows forecast. You can see were kind of looking at the same thing. Once you start adding up a couple days of this, three or four, which normally wouldnt be too noteworthy, where weve had so much flooding, some stays in the accident, hit and miss with all the rivers that we have high from the really significant last round of flooding, that still could be enough to spark a couple problems. Thank you, nicole. Part of your world this morning includes space. Repairs of underway outside the International Space station. We want to take you there live. That is commander scott kelly and engineer linden wrapping up the space walk. They are repairing an ammonia leak. It went wrong but did not cause major problems. They had the time and ability to decided to fix it. Search crews are searching fors missing after a dam broke. One person is confirmed dead, dozens more feared killed. Al jazeera reports. This did not stand a chance against a thick torrent of mud that struck through it. After a dam burst, zebs are missing or injured in southeastern brazil. The thick mud stretched over two kilometers from the dam to the village. 600 people live here and most of them are minors. Some homes have been swept away and others filter the roof with mud. There was no power and electricity lines were also brought down by the strong current. Firefighters say the number of people missing may rise and its unlikely to find survivors under the toxic mixture. Rescue crews struggle to reach people. At the moment, we cannot confirm the cause and extent of what happened of a number of victims. Our focus at this critical moment is to preserve peoples well being and the environment. The site is operated by Mining Company owned by Larger Companies from brass still and australia. They say they are doing all they can to help people. The break was detect this afternoon and we immediately activated Emergency Action plan, mobilizing with Civil Defense forces, fire brigade, military police and all the competent authorities. The government has offered help by deploying the army and national Civil Defense teams. The centurys old mining hub looks like it will need all the help it can get. Al jazeera. The rescue Mission Continues at the scene of a Building Collapse in pakistan, workers cutting through the wreckage of the building looking for survivors. It happened in lahore. The death toll stands at 32. More than 100 people were injured. 150 people were inside that building when it collapsed on wednesday. Cuban president raul castro is making his first state visit to mexico. They have long had diplomat ties, but mexico is trying to cash in on the new relationship between washington and havana. We have more. The mexican and cuban leaders will talk about working together on science, engineering and education. Were going to be talking about a meeting that has been decades in the making. The leaders of china and taiwan hold talks for the First Time Since 1949. Can they secure a place in history without changing a thing . Myanmar could be giving a new chance to this woman. N. Chinese president xi is meeting with the taiwanese president. The meeting is set to take place on saturday. It will be the first since the end of the chinese civil war back in 1949. Al jazeera has more from beijing. This will be a historic moment, along the troubled road. The meeting between the leaders of china and taiwan picks up a relationship virtually on hold since the time of their founding predecessors. In 1949, after a bloody civil war. At this meeting, they will simply be mr. The fact that the two sides acknowledge each others existence counts at progress. As long as the confrontation is over, china is effectively unified and this summit is part of that process. This is not how other countries solve the pros. The pros is very chinese. This could set a precedent for future regular contact at the highest level, or it could be a one off with relations changing back to their fractious ways. A handshake between a mr. Xi and mr. Mar is about to make history. Joining us from washington, d. C. Is a senior fellow at the center for american progress, a former deputy secretary of defense. Thanks for joining us. This is a historic event. It will be the first time a meeting like this has happened since 1949. Why are they doing this now . Both sides have been work egg toward this for really the last eight years. Theyve invested a lot. Plane flights are now regular, so theres a back and forth, culturally. Theres an education exchange, but the fact that the two leaders are meeting after, you know, 70 years is a significant moment. What exactly is expect to come out of these meetings . Officials have gone on record saying there will be no formal agreement. Is there anything concrete you expect to come out of this . I think its a practical meeting. Theyve been able to resolve complicated protocol issues and how they would address each other as mr. And as individuals, rather than as leaders of two different political entities shows that both sides really wanted this meeting. I think beijing had to go a further distance to really be ready for this. Well, the fact that theyre having this meeting has become an issue in the campaign itself. The k. M. T. Party goes back to the nationalist period in china and its been the more established party, but the d. P. P. Has won a series of elections. One of their key points is not so fast in terms of the reconciliation with china and beijing, and in fact, theres something called the sunflower movement, which has been saying that any dialogue between china and taiwan ha has to be done in public, cant be done in secret. I also think the president gets credit. Earlier in his tenure, he gave a speech talking about a policies of three nos between china and taiwan, no unification, no independence, no first use of military force. That entered into an ability to have a dialogue between the two entities that they havent been able to have in the past. How closely will the United States be watching the meeting and is it going to have a big impact on our country. I think the americans are watching it carefully. At very lower levels, china is beginning a dialogue with korea and japan to try to do the reconciliation that is an issue between those three countries since world war ii, so were seeing president xi being more activist. Were seeing him willing to take these steps, but in terms of where they go, whether there is conciliation beyond just simply meetings, we still have china, which is politically dominated by the communist party and we have taiwan, which is the product of a very healthy back and forth democracy with plenty of western style campaigning going on. Thank you for joining us from the center for american progress. Myanmar is getting ready for elections in that country. Sunday, voters are expected to choose the National League Democracy Party, winning that election back in 1990. Her victory was quashed by the army. Some say it is highlighting deep racial divides in the country. We have more. Contesting the last general election in 2010 was hoping to run again this year. He is disqualified on the base his parents werent citizens when he was born. He rejects those claims and says the real reason is religion. A group of buddhist nationalists, the association for the protection of race and religion are known for their antimuslim rhetoric and have thrown their support behind the ruling military party. We just say we need to protect our religion and our people. We dont say we kill other people, those criticisms around really fair. What critics describe as hate speeches have gone unpunished. The government has been accused of giving into pressure from them in other ways. Earlier this year, it backtracked on a proposal that would have allowed temporary Identity Card holders to vote after protests from nationalists. The move mostly affects hundreds of thousands of rohingya, a Muslim Minority who mainly live in western rapine state. They around recognized at citizens and suffer severe discrimination. Growing International Concern has led to some ambassadors and u. N. Representatives including the secretary general himself to speak out, saying the use of a political agenda based mainly on the protection of a racer religion is dangerous especially in a country as diverse as myanmar. The damage may have been done. Neither of the two largest parties, the ruling solidarity and Development Party nor the opposition nag league for democracy is fielding any muslim candidates. He is worried about the future and asked who will speak up for his community. A new life in the u. S. Some Syrian Refugees come to this country for a fresh start. Im in st. Paul. Still ahead, why some families in the twin cities are suing the state of minnesota over segregated schools. Tough that the country gave up on me. Look at the trauma. Every day is torture. This is our home. Nobody should have to live like this. We made a promise to these heroes. This is one promise americans need to keep. You are looking at a live picture of new york city. You can byerly see it there, but states the statue of liberty hiding behind that fog. Welcome back. It is now 8 29 eastern time. The u. S. Is looking at boosting security at a number of airports overseas in reaction to growing speculation that a bomb took down a russian jet over egypt. There are reports that stepped up security could include better baggage screening and stronger efforts to match luggage to passengers. Thousands of british tourists are stranded in Sharm Elsheikh. Easy jet said egyptian officials are not allows its planes to ply into egypt. Several planes at the airport were allow to the depart for the u. K. Rescue crews in brazil searching for the missing after a town was buried in mud after a dam burst. One person is confirmed dead, dozens more are missing and feared dead. The dam was holding back waste water from an iron ore mine. New claims that a russian air strike in syria has killed dozens of people. An isil affiliate showed the destruction of a market. The town is on the border with iraq and is under isil control. There are fears isil or another rebel group in syria have acquired chemical weapons. Inspectors for the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons said it found mustard gas is used. There is obviously concern about isil from a number of perspectives, but one of the great achievements of getting rid of this very large arsenal of assads chemical weapons was that we greatly reduced the danger that any of the parties in the Syrian Civil War would have access to or be able to use these very lethal chemical weapons. The Syrian Government says it destroyed all of its chemical weapons in 2013, so its not clear how any group might have gotten its hands on chemical weapons. Most flying that civil war are trying to get to europe, but a few made their way to the United States. Some of starting over in albuquerque, new mexico. When someone decides to move to the United States, they might consider new york city, chicago or los angeles especially if they dont speak a lot of english. Those are multicultural metropolises. Ical bekirk key is a destination for one kind of immigrant and that is the refugee. The United States takes in the largest amount of refugees in the world. Almost 70,000 refugees last year came to the United States. We decided to look closer at this program, including the placement and reception program. We even had the opportunity to speak to one afghan family who had just left kabul two months ago. It was a dream for me, so i never think that i could come here, so now thats my dream, become actual. I have business degree and management degree. I can speak three language, but unfortunately, i cant find job as i want. Its not just a government program. The federal Government Works with community organizations, including nine nonprofit resettlement agencies across the country. Refugees arrive needing to get a Social Security number in order to get a job. Some need to enroll children in school and a lot of them need to learn english. For many, they come with the shock and realization that the American Dream is going to take years to achieve. Well have more this evening including the airport arrival ofest another refugee family. Al jazeera, new mexico. You can see more of the story that airs tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern time. New information about the Illinois Police officer who killed himself and tried to make it look like murder. He tried to hire a hitman to kill a hole official in fox lake, illinois. That so cover up for the officers own embezzling of thousands of dollars. I think that were all going to feel betrayed. I think thats going to continue for a very long time. This was very significant and it was a betrayal to the community. It was a betrayal to the world. It was a betrayal to Police Officers nationwide. The losts wife and one son are under investigation. Officials say his family may not have known about his plans. Investigators have a possible motive in the stabbing attack at a California College campus. Police found a manifesto belonging to 18yearold fasel muhammed. He was angry about being kicked out of a study group. He planned to tie up the students, booby trap the room, but his plan was spoiled. He stabbed four students before he was killed by police. The large Effort Branch of judaism is calling for children camps to have gender neutral bathrooms and includes the use of gender neutral language and lobbying governments on behalf of the transgender community. Its been 50 years since brown versus education, rejecting state schools separated by race. Now the state of minnesota is accused of failing to integrate some schools. We have more from st. Paul, minnesota. Getting moses and gigi cruz guzman to school in a two step process. First, their father alex drives them in his minivan two miles to a bus stop. Then they hop onboard a school bus and travel another five miles to Groveland Park elementary. The kids could go to a School Minutes from their home in st. Paul, but cruz guzman said its in a poor neighborhood and not as god. Its not that hard for yours, because we know its worth it, and theyre getting, you know, a better education, and theyre happy in school. Cruz guzman is one of seven plaintiffs named in a Class Action Lawsuit filed thursday, accusing the state of minnesota of failing to provide an adequate education to poor and minority students. The suit claims minnesota allowed School Districts to set up boundaries that encourage segregation and failed to implement or develop rules for effective integration. Civil rights Attorney Daniel represents the families. He said separating poor minority students from wealthier white ones sets them up for failure. They are told as a very early age, youre different, youre not as good and thats i mean that starts them at the beginning of their lives and conditions their outcome for the rest of their lives. He represented the naacp two decades ago in a lawsuit that led to a School Choice program. He says the situation has actually gotten worse over the years. The twin cities metro area is one of the widest in the nation, but more than half of the Elementary Schools in st. Paul and minneapolis are made up almost entirely of minority students. The lawsuit says School Segregation contributed to lower test scores and Graduation Rates among minority kids. University of minnesota law professor studies School Desegregation nationwide. He said minnesota once had a good track record on integration but said it has fallen short in the last two decades. The state switched from one that was very proactive in terms of integration saying the state cant do anything absent proof of discrimination. In a statement cruz guzman said all kids regardless of race or economic status should get the same education. When they get the opportunity to integrate with kids, that, i mean, different backgrounds and they see education, the importance of education, i mean that challenges them. The father of five says hes always been committed to his own kids education. Now hes making the same commitment to every child in minnesota. Diane esterbrook, st. Paul, minnesota. Cooler temperatures are settling in cross the country. We turn to Nicole Mitchell to explain why. Weve seen them rom in the country the last couple of days. If youre in the warm, enjoy it. Denver 30 degrees this morning, just a couple of days ago, temperatures in the 70s. Ahead of this, we still do, 60s and 70s, even this morning. Those are morning temperatures. The current temperature shown right now, but theres big changes as the front has gone through. This map shows the temperature difference from the last 24 hours, so again, kansas city, the city, even a bigger temperature difference than what weve seep last hour, about 24 degrees. That puts us in the 40s this morning versus 60s just yesterday. Ahead of this, still the mild air, but that will be changing. We still of the warm surge in the eastern portion of the country, but this cool air coming in from canada as that front has come along will make its way to the east coast. Starting tomorrow, youll see temperatures go down a little bit and even more into sunday. In the meantime, this puts us through the next three days, back into the western tier of the country. For our temperatures, again, today is really probably the last day of full out 70s on the east coast. Temperatures start to go down as we get into tomorrow and then more on sunday. That fog was incredible. Nice temperatures while it lasted. There is a massive size mcfault under the Pacific Ocean stretching 700 files from california to vancouver. Experts fear it could become active, unleashing a major earthquake. One Elementary School is taking the warnings seriously. Its 9 30 in the morning, and this sixth grade class is just starting their day. An announcement comes over the loud speakers. Drop, cover and hold. This is a drill. This isnt just a basic earthquake drill. Its also a tsunami drill. Thats because this school sits on a narrow peninsula less than a mile from the ocean. Please evacuate to the high school. In a real earthquake, this would be a race against time. Tsunami heading this way, children head to go safety. The kids are doing a wonderful job. Respondents may have as little as 15 minutes to get to Higher Ground in the event of a tsunami. Students left the class room at 934. Sixth grade, you rocked. The Elementary School students make it to the second floor of the high school in under 10 minutes. I want to just make sure that everybody understands that we are not having a tsunami today. Next time we do this drill, guess where were going to be . Probably in your believe, right . Well have a new tsunami shelter. Come spring, these kids will have a shorter distance to walk. It was the first tsunami evacuation shelter being built. Structural engineer took me up for a first look at the shelter designed to be an evacuation platform 55 feet above sea level. To start with, there are four stair to yours, with 14inch concrete sheer walls, as well as concrete in cased steel support columns. The building has to res the strongest earthquake it will ever see and 30 minutes laetares the tsunami. It is built to withstand a 9. 0 earthquake and tsunami. You can watch the full report saturday at 5 30 p. M. Eastern here on al jazeera. The latest jobs numbers are just out. Patricia sobga breaks down the numbers. Im 100 ptsd. You are . Yeah. He helps veterans suffering the effects of war. Theres a new al Jazeera Documentary exploring saving americas wounded from a life out on the streets. Black friday three weeks away. This was thursday happening at stores around the world. Customers were scrambling for the stores clothing line, dress that is usually sell for thousands, but many sold for hundreds at the h and m stores. The selection sold out. We are going to see the same celebrations in washington. There was big news on the job front, hiring roaring back in october. Patricia sobga has the latest numbers that were just reds. Is this great news for the economy . This is a huge, huge number. Last month, the economy added 271,000 jobs. That bleu away wall street expectations. The Unemployment Rate edged down to 5 . I should add that it edged down for the right reason, because the number of people in worker actively looking for a job held steady. There was big gain in white collar professional and Business Service jobs, up 78,000. Construction had a really nice lift off, 31,000 jobs in that sector. As for average hourly wages, more good news on that front. Average hourly raises rose 9 to 25. 25 an hour. This is a really, really positive report on almost every front, except for mining, were still getting weakness there and seeing losses, because that includes oil services and of course the oil patch is being hurt by low oil prices. If we thought the fed was going to raise rates in december, now we no they are, yes or no . Im not going to call that. Janet yellen indicated in testimony this week saying raising rates in december was a live possibility. Thats a very, very strong signal for her to send. She certainly seems to be preparing the markets for lift off in december. This was an enormously strong report. We did get revisions to the previous two months, as well, up 12,000. October up at 271, we still have one more month of data to go and thats going to come out at the beginning of december, before that all crucial fed meeting. If these numbers hold, this good news continues, its likely were going to get lift off in december. The first rate increase 62006. There is a new al Jazeera Documentary taking us inside the lives of our veterans. Shelter tells the story of a Nonprofit Center in california. Their work is saving vets from living on the streets. It includes the story of a navy vet who cant stay in Government Housing because he has pets. Ive had her since she was five weeks old, and the v. A. Certified her as a therapy dog for me. She actually just being my baby, kind of turned into like a p. T. S. Response dog, so when im feeling like really edgy, like defensive, shell really like post up close to me and make sure that nobody like or really, she i think she knows that nobodys going to hurt me. She just knows like theres times i cant handle close proximity to other people. I was a navy diver, so i did primarily submarine rescue, and i worked on actually had a really cool job in the navy. Undiagnosed Mental Illness was a major part of why i ended up homeless. Ill get these girls back in here. Load up, baby, good girl. You can totally get in there. Ive got my v. A. Psychiatric drugs at the ready, and i havent missed a dose of my medication since ive been given it, and i can really like i mean, i can write lists now, and like realistically see a list through in a day, call people back, whether im going to make an appointment or not. It sucks. Its terrible. Its, you know, nobody should have to live like this. But, at the same time, i have i do have a roof over my head and four walls and organic heaters. You know what i mean . I will never go cold, and ill never not get my hugs for a day. Im clear about the fact my hands out and my hats off and i need some help, you know . When im in a position to like reach out and help somebody else, you bet your ass im going to be there, like as soon as that opportunity shows up. Filmmaker barbara sat down with john siegenthaler, saying she hopes her film can change how our country helps veterans returning from duty. Its terrific that these folks are getting the help that they need, but we talk so much about our veterans and how we should support them. Well, because what we do is we take them from here from this society and we put them into boot amp and spend an awful lot of money on them and get them thinking as if theyre military and we are, we send them to war, many of them, and all decisions are made for them, if somebody says write your name on this piece of paper three times, they do it right away, because its a matter of life and death, but what we dont do is we dont give them that same kind of money spent on them to value their lives when they come back into the United States. They are just thrown back into society again and not given two or three months to really figure it out. When you go into the military, youre different. Youre you have somebody watching your back. You have someone on your side. Its a real community. When you come back here, youre on your own. Be sure to watch shelter this sunday at 10 00 p. M. Eastern, seven pacific right here on Aljazeera America. It is a sport loved by 10s of millions of fans, but virtually unknown in the u. S. Scoring a new audience will cost big money. This is one promise americans need to keep. Performing a six and a half hour space walk, they are completing repairs at the International Space stations cooling system. They made their space walk debut last friday. The longest serving u. S. Astronaut in space so far. New york is hosting the biggest names in international sports. It is designed to boost interest in cricket. Cricket is already very popular for some americans. At this club in central new jersey, they gather almost every night to play a game all but unknown in most of the United States. Cricket. You leave all your problems of your life behind. The founder of bat and ball cricket. You are talking about 200, 250 teams altogether, all kinds of cricket. The area around the club has one of the highest concentrations of indian and pakistani immigrants in the United States. Those countries are hotbeds for a game thats both similar and at the same time, very different from baseball. Rather than a diamond, cricket is played on an oval field. Players use a flat sided bat instead of a round one. The object is to score runs and to protect those wooden stumps, also called wickets. To spread the gospel of cricket to a new american audience, 28 of the worlds most famous retired cricketers have converged on the United States for an allstar tour of three baseball stadiums, starting saturday at new yorks citi field. Retired from professional cricket in 2013 as one of the greatest players the sport had ever seen, and yet in the United States, hes mostly unknown. Im here to popularize cricket and encourage americans to pick up a cricket bat. Those allstars plan a series of matches in new york, at houstons Minute Maid Park and at Dodger Stadium in los angeles. They are promising a faster version of the game that will interest americans, but high ticket prices could keep casual fans away. For the citi field match, most tickets sell in the 100 to 175 range. Im a little bit disappointed, i wish they were lower, maybe 75 for a really good seat. There is potential. Still at bat and ball, its tough to find anyone who doesnt plan to be at the match saturday. Most of the people i know, everybodys going. The only way we can watch them on t. V. , on you tube and stuff, so its like a dream come true to watch people like this, of their caliber play live. 120 Million People worldwide play the sport that was spread by the british empire. Historians belief that the first cricket match was actually played in america during the 1700s. Its said George Washington liked to play the game that he called wicket. Ben franklin was said to be involved, too. That is a sticky wicket. President obama is praising a move by adidas to help schools around the country get rid of mascots. They will help any School Getting rid of politically insensitive mascots. The National Toy Hall of fame has inducted three top toys for 2015. The winners are the popular summer water game, the super soaker, the hand puppet and the game twister. Past inductees include barbie, silly putty and mr. Potato head. The games look fun. Thats it for us here in new york. Coming up next from doha, the latest on new Airport Security efforts as speculation grows that a russian jet was bombed over egypt. Russia security chief calls for flights to be suspended until the catcher of last weeks sinai crash is known. Youre watching al jazeera live from doha. Also ahead, a dam bursts in a mine in brazil, overrunning homes, dozens are feared dead. Myanmar reaches a milestone in its transformation of a military rule to democracy. Campaigning draws to a close ahead of sundays historic election. Saving money and the planet, the way plastic

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