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The pentagon explains why its not cooperating with russia in the battle against i. S. I. L. And nigerian attacks. Boko haram adds to its grim toll, killing nearly 50 people in three suicide bombings just today. Good evening, im antonio mora. This is al jazeera america. Tonight we once again begin in paris. The city is still reeling from fridays terror attacks. This morning an extended shootout led to bloodshed in one of its suburbs. Police stormed an Apartment Building in san denis. Looking for Abdel Hamid Abaaoud. One of the ring leaders. , france has opened another front in its fight against i. S. I. L. It announced plans to seek a u. N. Resolution against the group. Russia began circulating a similar resolution today. I. S. I. L. Responded with a new threat one directed at new york city. A video posted online showed images of times square and other landmarks followed by the words, whats coming next will be far worse. For more were joined by dana lewis in paris. What was the reaction of what happened in san denis in the very early hours of wednesday . Well, the reaction of course i think most people here are completely stunned. That this is going on and may continue to go on and that we really do not have a resolution today in terms of knowing who was in that apartment. Not police, not prosecutor will say that the mastermind of these attacks on friday in paris was in the apartment or died in that very long exchange of gunfire today. One of the most serious exchanges of gun fire, gun battles probably in the history of the French Police department. French leaders have spoken of a war with those who carried out last fridays massacre. Today in the northern paris suburb of st. Denis it sounded like one. Tonight the paris Prosecutor Says he believed the Abdel Hamid Abaaoud was in the apartment. Abaaoud is suspected of carrying out a very great number of terrorist attacks and that in the interest of the Islamic State. This witness was received on the 16th of november, and with great caution, we verified all the data, particularly telephones and bank accounts. Reporter 4 30 a. M. Police fail when they try to blow the door open. The door is reinforced and the gunmen inside are alerted. The gun fire is on. In the first one hour 15 minutes 5,000 rounds are fired. A female suicide bomber believe, say french media to be the cousin of abaaoud, blows herself up with a suicide vest. A policeman is killed by gren grenades. Someone asked me to put them up for the three days, i didntw where they were from, if i did do you think would i have done it . Friday night, killing 129, in one of the attacks on the bataclan concert hall it is known moments before suicide bombers strike, used a phone, saying its on, we have begun. President hollande praised Security Forces and was defiant. These actions confirm once again that we are at war, a war against terrorists who has decided to declare war on us. The revolutionary abaaoud being back in france is seen as a major security failure in france. I see this web journal a few months ago and he explained that he was part of the terrorist plot that was foiled in belgium. If this interview is true then that would marine that he managed to go back to syria and then to come back to europe. That would be a big failure. Hours after the gun battle nervous parisians say they reluctantly accept the war is on but not a conventional one. Yes it is a very special war but we can say it is a kind of war, a new war, we have 97 confused. Antonio, its also very important to understand that the prosecutor at the end of his News Conference said that Salah Abdeslam the other fugitive that they have been looking for one of two brothers who was directly involved in these attacked on friday was also not detained. His brother blew himself up in the bombings. Abdeslam presumably made his way back to belgium according to some of the people that were arrested after he was picked up in a car in paris and taken back towards belgium so he is on the run and of course now again it is almost 24 hours. It was right around this time that the Police Operations started in paris to close in on that apartment in the north side of paris. Now 24 hours later we still dont know whether the mastermind of this very bloody plot was in that apartment or not, antonio. Dana why is it taking so long for police so to identify the people who were killed as well as those in custody . Is. Well, it is a grizzly scene and the problem is, it is going to come down to dna and forensics. That battle was so ferocious, inside, not only did the police fire 5,000 rounds in there, the suicide vest was set off, at one point the police were so desperate trying to get in they were told that they were throwing grenades in there and they threw about 20 in there. The building started to collapse, the floor caved in. They need forensics to know exactly who died in that apartment. Dana lewis, in paris, thanks. Stabbed outside his home a short distance from the school, it happened in frances second largest city ma marseilles. House the vims wounds are not life threatening the attackers are still at large. I. S. I. L. Is offering photographs as proof that it brought down a russian jet liner over egypt last month. The group says it smuggled an explosive on board in a soda can. As al jazeera am Rory Challands reports, experts say in theory it is possible. An everyday item that could have led to the deaths of hundreds of people. This is can of soft drink i. S. I. L. Claims it used to bring down a russian airliner. Beside it what appears to be a detonator power source and switch. One bomb expert says based on this photo the claim is credible. Inside the can itself there is if its pull to capacity probably two to 300 grams of high explosive in there. Certainly this is a viable device and certainly it is the sort of thing that if it is placed in the optimum position could potentially destroy the aircraft cause catastrophic failure and breach the shell of the aircraft if you like which at 30,000 feet is going to cause it to completely disintegrate. Reporter i. S. I. L. Displayed the device on its english language online magazine, to say it was in revenge for territory that was attacked by russians. Broke up over the sinai killing everyone on board on october the 31st. On tuesday, russia said it believed a bomb was to proclaim. A conclusion western governments already deduced. And putin offered a reward for information. Tells you a lot that i. S. I. S. Can operate away from syria away from iraq and even away from north sinai, where the bulk of operations are going on because the operation happened in the south of sinai and also the capacity to bring down an airline, al qaeda last been attempting to do that since after 9 11. Reporter since the crash russia has stepped up air strikes on i. S. I. L. And other opposition groups in syria. I. S. I. L. Said it planned to target a western aircraft but changed its mind in reaction to russian bombardment. Raising additional questions for why it thinks the plane crashed calling on all sides to await the results of an official egyptian investigation. Rory challands, al jazeera, moscow. Al qaedas affiliate, social media saying the drones were shot down over a military airport in the countrys northwest on tuesday. International monitors say the two drones were definitely shot down in that location. But it is still unknown if they were russian. It verified they would be the first russian aircraft shot down over syria. New york Police Officials say they are aware of a newly released i. S. I. L. Video that vows more attacks and shows images of new york city. Police say there is current no specific threat to new york and point out that most of the footage is not new. The video shows images of times square, fifth avenue and herald square, an images of a man zipping his jacket over a suicide belt. Fbi is working with the joint Terrorism Task force and teams to keep the city safe. United states has welcomed frances snrovmenfrances involt conducting strikes against i. S. I. L. Ydgesal jazeera national secury correspondent Jamie Mcintire explains why. Not just the bombers and cruise missiles that is a problem, how the air strikes are carried out. Unguided bombs and sloppy targeting. Little concern for innocent civilians trapped in a hellish air zone. Air armada of cold war heavy bombers to punish i. S. I. L, a tactic u. S. Spokesman ridiculed as antiquated. Ten ships in the air at one time or 12 or even more are very Old Fashioned and those are the type of tactics needed only if you dont possess the technology the skills and the capabilities to conduct the type of precision strikes that our coalition conducts. Contrasted the russian involvement against this weeks straifg and bombing runs which destroyed more than 100 of the trucks in spectacular fashion that were conducted only after leaf lets were dropped warning the drivers that strikes were imminent. Buzzed the trucks, fired warning shots to make sure drivers got message. Were not in this business to kill civilians. Were in this business to off the i. S. I. L. We insist that these trucks although they are being used for operations that support i. S. I. L, the Truck Drivers themselves probably not members of i. S. I. L. Theyre probably just civilians. Granted theyre oil smugglers but theyre not really members of i. S. I. L. So many of them have got the message that Smuggling Oil for i. S. I. L. Is a much more dangerous business now than it was last week. Reporter so while president obama seemed to leave the door open to joint u. S. Russia air strikes. Were going to wait and see whether in fact russia does end up devoting more attention to targets that are i. S. I. L. Targets and if it does so then thats something that we welcome. The pentagon just as quickly slammed it shut. The u. S. Military of course has the greatest aviators on earth so they are capable of flying over anybody. That said we have no plans to conduct coordinated operations with the russians. Jamie mcintire, al jazeera, the pentagon. I. S. I. L. Says it has executed two captives, official in norway are still trying to confirm the execution, but beijing says one of the victims was a chinese citizen. And china has promised to bring to justice those responsible for his murder. David cullkullen has served as chief strategist, former Lieutenant Colonel in the australian army, david good to have you with us. Youve argued that dealing with i. S. I. L. As a counterterrorism effort is a mistake that it needs to be dealt with more as a war with an enemy state. How would that work if i. S. I. L. Isnt a conventional army . On the ground in iraq and syria it very much is a conventional army. It has hundreds of tanks, uses suicide bombers much as a conventional army uses artillery and in a conventional way. What i have argued is it operates in three levels, within iraq and syria we are very much dealing with a state like adversary that needs to be targeted as a state. But of course as we have just seen in paris there are a couple of other levels as well. There are the external i. S. I. S. Provinces, in a variety of places globally and it is there is also the network of cells and underground groups as weve seen in europe. So it is not just a state like adversary but also not a terrorist group. It is a hybrid adversary. Has the u. S. Gradualist approach, limited air power a bit of a mistake . Allowing i. S. I. L. To become more entrenched and to support those other things its Satellite Operations and its terrorism operations outside the region . Yes, i think it has been a mistake to treat Islamic State as primary a terrorist organization and be so limited in the way that weve carried out strikes. And just for comparison, i marine the number of strikes carried out per day on average over the last day or so in syria and iraq is between ten and 14 a day. In the kosovo intervention in 1999, the rate was about 250 a day. On the other hand youve been outspoken on how you think the iraq war was a terrible mistake. So if there were kind of all out war against i. S. I. L, how would that be a good idea . I dont think this is in any way likely to be like it was in iraq. Youre right ive said the war in iraq was a terrible strategic error. I also think that leaving iraq completely and allowing the sectarian dynamic to develop after 2011 in the way that it did was also a tais terrible er. There are equal and opposite errors conducted by the bush and Obama Administration since 2003. Going back in with very, very large newspapers of ground troops, of course there are no ways that the iraqis, or the iranians or the syrians would tolerate that kind of approach. We need to put the most heavy weight of our effort into peaceful resolution of the conflict in syria. Because even if we were to win the war overnight against i. S. I. S, without trofl resolvine conflict in syria, it would be just another i. S. I. S. Reacting to paris by increasing attacks in syria and iraq will feed into the i. S. I. L. Narrative and increase the anger against the west and what i. S. I. L. Calls cre crusaders . I think were already dealing with an i. S. I. L. That is so angry, on the part of the french of ten more attacks a day is not going to transform their energy to the west. But i think theres truth to the argument that by striking i. S. I. L. In iraq and syria, its sort of distracting attention away from what i think is really the most concerning element of the attack in paris, which is that its not really one attack. Its a network of potentially several cells across several countries in western europe. And weve already seen even this afternoon another attempted attack on the paris Business District being foiled by the French Police. So i think what were looking at here is more of an urban Guerilla Campaign that could turn out to be a sustained serious threat you know. A lot to worry about, david cullkullen, good to have you. Thanks for having me, concerning times now. Well have more of my interview with david cullcullen in the next hour. No competition, russian track athletes are banned from the field. Those stories coming up on al jazeera america. Jazeera america. A new u. N. Assessment of Irans Nuclear capability gives iran a mixed review to comply with the resolutions signed in june. Cutting back on Nuclear Technology and has reduced the number of centrifuges that can be used to reduce uranium to weapons grade. Centrifuges on stand by could be restarted at a moments notice. Russias Antidoping Program noncompliant. A week after the wada issued its scathing report. Harsh punishment for the track team. Al jazeeras jim hig high hoolet does this mean especially whether the rio olympics are less than nine months away . That is not entirely clear. The russians have a lot of work to do in order to get into compliance with the rules and regulations, by wada world antidoping agency. It found that the russians have been out of compliance with all of its rules and regulations. That scathing report out earlier this month, that nailed the russians, saying they cheated especially in their track and Field Program in all levels. Major implication he for the International Sporting community and especially for one american athlete. The vote is a long awaited validation for american runner alicia montano. Russians are banned for life. You cant give me the time where im standing there and watching my flag be raised and standing there proud that i was able to represent my country in such a manner. Cant give that back to me. And at the end of the day, its robbery. The recommended bans were prompted in part by secretly recorded doping admissions, along with the bronze. They need a complete cleanup, in terms of rio 2016, i hope to be racing in a 100 , clean womens 800 meter final. Technically wadas decision is not final but it is one hurdle that needs to be overcome if its to compete in 2016. World competition all around the world, and for years to come, for many years to come, they hope that becomes a reality. Antonio. Jim russia needs to take oseries of actions if it will have any hope of being able to compete in the 2016 olympics. Thats right, yes. They have to become compliant for the rules and regulations for wada so that means they have to get their Drug Testing Lab into compliance and of course their Testing Program in general into compliance too. Thats a lot of work that has to be done. As one wada official says, the ball so now in russias court. Antonio. Jim hooley, thank you. A look at how todays police raid targeting the mastermind of the paris attacks played out. And boor boko haram suicide boms kill over 20 in nigerian cities. N cities. Cutting a country in half. Heres where the canal is gonna to start. Whos paying the price for progress . We are putting all of our future at risk. How are they gonna get these sediments out . What is difficult, is seeing all the country being destroyed. Techknows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. This is what innovation looks like. Can affect and surprise us. I feel like were making an impact. Lets do it. Techknow where Technology Meets humanity. Welcome back to al jazeera america, im antonio mora. Coming up in this half hour of International News shedding tears in brussels not just for the paris victims but for the parents of the attackers who were killed. But first a look at th stories making headlines across the u. S. In our american minute. Three states on president obama short list to house guantanamo detainees are saying no. Officials from colorado, kansas and South Carolina are asking the white house to abandon plans to transfer prisoners to their states. They sent a letter to the president saying the transfers would create imminent danger and make the Host Communities targets. Protesters are rallying against a Police Precinct in minneapolis. They want release of a video that captures the are killing a black man last week. S. Leaders have not done enough to fix the racial inequality on campus and that they want more minority representation. Last week the university of missouris president was pressured into resigning amid questions about how his administration handled complaints about racism on campus. Back to our top story, more than 24 hours have passed since frens police havFrench Police s, by the time it was over at least two suspects were dead and eight more were in custody. Investigators could not immediately identify one of the bodies they say might be the remains of the alleged ringleader, Abdel Hamid Abaaoud. Al jazeeras adam rainey shows how it all unfolded. Police began moving in before dawn this morning, about 4 20 in the morning. Not far from the stadium where three suicide bombers had detonated their explosives friday night. A series of explosions and heavy gugunfire. Paris prosecutors say the target of the morning raid was one of europes most wanted suspects, Abdel Hamid Abaaoud. A woman believed to be his cousin blew herself up with a suicide vest. Police around the perimeter were edgy. Pointing their guns at us as we approached the area. People here didnt know what was lapping when they heard all the explosions, especially since the stadium nearby was attacked on friday. Translator for three minutes it was extremely loud. More than 300 bullets. But we didnt cowt them. Count them. It was going back and forth not just the police but both sides. More than a dozen Police Vehicles just to carry in the hundreds of officers who came here and have been here for more than eight hours. Despite the massive show of force there is still concern that the fugutives from a cell that now seem seems much biggern believed, would still pose a Security Threat for the country. After police opened st. Denis back up, major aspects of this raid they want to see if they found out any information found any evidence that will finally allow them to close in on these fugutives who are still at large because people here still dont feel save infinitesimal in fact all across paris people are feel safe in fact. Two of the suspected attackers is more than a breeding ground for violence. Al jazeera am karl penhall reports from brussels. Theyre coming the pay tribute, but Belgian Police are taking no chances, checking everyone for weapons and explosives. Community leaders are holding a vigil here in the mollenbeck district of brussels, partly in memory of the victims of the paris attacks. It was important for me as a muslim to come out on the street osay im against terrorism. The real terrorists have no religion, they are monsters she says. But the image, a hotbed of jihadjihadi violence. It is no worse here than anyplace else, but you people from tv make that mollenbeck is bad. Monlbacmollenbeck is just like e else. Authorities also say, some of the most high profile attacks in europe last year an this, has had at least some link to mollenbeck. This vigil is taking place beneath the windows where two of the paris attackers, lived. Mahmoud abdeslam blew himself up but his brother Salah Abdeslam is still on the run. Urges people not for the victims of these attacks but also for parents whose sons became the assail apts. A mother who cries, cries the same tears whether it is a mother whose child committed the attacks or died in the attacks. These are the same tear drops of suffering, she says. Controversial comments, yet her own 19yearold son sabri died in the war in syria who years ago. Ben ali believes lack of integration as well as the rise of certain types of preachers or the blame. If you live in a ghetto community where muslims stay among themselves there is no integration with other cultures and there are certain extremist preachers who impose ideas, she says. But ben ali says hypocrisy by western nations are also squarely to blame. The politicians of the world powers should soften their message and should stop thinking that they control the world. They decide when there is war and who they help. Our children left because they saw nobody was really helping syria, she says. But it seems like authorities have little time for that political debate right now. The evening prior to the peace vigil Antiterror Police were kicking down doors just a few blocks away. That was the ongoing manhunt, for fugitive mollenbeck resident, Salah Abdeslam, the only known survivor of the jihadi attack that carried out the attacks on paris. Police warn he may still be armed and dangerous, karl penhall, al jazeera, paris. Police arrested september members of i. S. I. L. In istanbul, ataturk airport, after they flew in from casablanca in morocco. The men reportedly told police they were tourists. Police in honduras have arrested five syrians who were apparently trying to make their way to the u. S. According to officials the men flew to honduras using stolen greek passports. Interpol notified police, they are being charged with falsifying documents. They told police they intended to continue north to the United States. Congressional reenls say they want to tighten security restrictions from people coming from a few countries that have quote a high risk of terrorism. Over the last few days groafntion in morgovernorsin mod they want to close their states to Syrian Refugees. It would mean a pause in the program until we can be certain beyond any doubt that those coming here are not athreat. We are not well served when in response to a terrorist attack we descend into fear and panic. We dont make good decisions if its based on hysteria or an exaggeration of risks. A few months ago, the white house said it planned to accept at least 10,000 Syrian Refugees over the next year. The United Nations high commissioner for refugees says hes concerned for the fate of refugees after the paris attacks. This is dangerous and will contribute to xenophobia and fear. The Security Problems europe faces are highly complex and refugees we believe should not turn into scapegoats and they must not become secondary victims of these most tragic events. The u. N. Refugee agency warned that discrimination and prejudice as was seen after the Charlie Hebdo attack earlier this year will only feed into the propaganda that strengthens groups like i. S. I. L. Human Rights Groups say air strikes over the past three days have killed at least 33 i. S. I. L. Fighters. The fatalities came when french and other war planes attacked i. S. I. L. Targets. France has launched multiple missions since the attack on paris. Director of the institute for Public Policy at the American University of beirut. Rami very good to have you with us. Pleasure. Disrupting groups such as i. S. I. L. Militarily without removing the causes that give them life, is a fools strategy. But in the short term, isnt something doesnt something need to be done to take away this base of operations they have in syria and iraq . Its also helping them finance whatever operations they have elsewhere in the world. Absolutely. You have to use military and Police Powers when you can, to stop people like i. S. I. L. Or al qaeda from going around and killing innocent people. Most of the people they kill are arab world theyre mostly muslims but when they attack in paris or new york or elsewhere it gets a lot of publicity. Before in the u. S. Clinton fired missiles against them. Theyve got more territory than ever before, but something wrong with the strategy used. More muslims are being killed, not even killed, the horrific tragedy of millions of people displaced and living in refugee camps. There is no short term immediate strategy that is going to stop the terrorism. What you have to do is hit them militarily wherever you can, capture them and give them a fair trial and put them in guilty and put them in jail wherever you can, but there has to be a serious effort by the countries of the middle east mostly to address the underlying drivers that channel tens of thousands of recruits to these people. I. S. I. L. Apparently the American Government tells us 20,000 members of i. S. I. L. Have been killed. In the air strikes. And theyre now doing more Dangerous Things than ever did so theres something wrong. Is the threat to ordinary citizens, from jobs water and Health Insurance to free elections credible Justice System and corruption, you know if those arent addressed that theres very, very little hope. But is there after the arab spring sadly it seems that things have gotten worse. They have in some cases, egypt was arresting 40,000 young people just for their views. But this is a long term process. It took us about 50 years to get to this position. We didnt have people like i. S. I. L. And al qaeda 30 and 40 and 50 years ago. We do now. This dehumanization of people have been going on cumulatively for years, by autocratic regimes, by the russians and the iranians. So there is a lot of blame to go around. This isnt an american problem. By some regimes that werent supported by the United States. Right, exactly. So this is a problem that is the responsibility is shared by most people in the middle east, as well as a lot of international powers. The change is not going to happen quickly but there needs to be an indication that these underlying issues will be addressed at some point. In talking about the responsibility in the arab world what about an educational system that in many cases indoctrinates kids with hatred against the west and also with money that seems the keep flowing from some arab countries to support some of these groups involved in terrorism . Right, i dont think many Government Systems indoctrinate against the west. 45 of arab kids in primary and secondary school, 45 cannot really read or write or do basic math. This is incredible. There is 25 million kids, 25 million who are not in school who should be. So there are Serious Problems that need to be fixed. The governments are the main culprits in this in the arab countries. You have nongovernment groups that are responsible. You have International Support parties, foreign governments, and you have radical ideologies that go around and pick up the results of all of these tensions and problems. There are millions of 81 kids who will g young kids who wiln i. S. I. L, they have no other option and they see it as a way to overcome their humiliation and dehumanization. Twin bombings killed dozens of people there, most of them if not all of them as civilians. As someone who lives in beirut in lebanon where the war has spilled over on some occasions how worried are people in beirut and other parts of the country . They are worried because the i. S. I. L. Threat is getting closer. Hezbollah and the other fighters constantly worried about israeli attacks, the biggest cause of destruction in lebanon over the years. Were worried about foreign armies coming at us, there are many problems in the region. There are people who are worried about influences from saudi arabia, wahabi influences, worried about influences from iran, there are all kinds of threats in the region. Military terroristic threats as well as radical ideologies as well as foreign interference. The only hope is a slow gradual reform. How did poor autocratic regions like south korea become wealthy countries . It took about 40 years. Thats the point i try to make, hit them militarily, kill thousands of them but they are growing today stronger than they ever were before. So theres a shift that needs to take place in the strategy and it has to have political as well as military and social and economic reform. Rami thanks for coming in. Thank you. Tonight well speak with a syrian woman to report on a civil war in their country and how to stay safe while doing it. Still ahead on al jazeera america, how Security Systems could prevent fewer attacks by i. S. I. L. Or other groups. And the tense dispute over territorial are control of the South China Sea, becomes the focus of the last day of aipec summit. High hotter than ever, the hottest year ever recorded. Coming up. Coming up. This is our american story. This is america tonight. Judge in northern nigeria, two female suicide bombers killed 15 and injured more than 20. They walked into a Shopping Center and blew themselves up. After 30 people were killed and dozens more injured, in the countrys city yola. Declaring nigeria was on the verge of defeating boko haram. New record says boko haram killed more people than i. S. I. L. Last year. Al jazeeras ahmed idris reports. Six year cycle of violence devastating nigeria. The attacker was looking to commit maximum violence. Most were young people and women. We went to eat, then we sat for tea, three of my friends were killed. In adamawa state, officials here are strugglings wit strugge injured. The attack resembles attacks carried out by boko haram. Dozenners were killed. As the military and others in nigeria step up their operations. But what the operations have failed to do is stop the attack on soft targets. Hundreds of people very been killed in such attacks. Security officials warned that suicide attacks will increase, as modelu bahari increases. Aimmediate idrisahmed idris, al, nigeria. Between boko haram and the militant group, nigeria saw a 300 increase the deaths, with more than 7500 people killed. According to this years global terrorism index iraq and afghanistan are the two countries most affected by terrorism in general, nigeria is third followed by pakistan and then syria. In 2013, nigeria was the fifth country on the list of most terrorist deaths in 2014, nigeria was second behind iraq. Ability to fight boko haram has been severely affected. Modelu buhari. 2 billion in fake contracts for fighter jets, military helicopters and bombs that were never delivered. He denies the charges. Moments ago, police in philippines clashed with proarts protesters. Shouting we are not for sale, as leaders including president obama were gathering for agroup photo. Meanwhile, the summit has turned into a verbal tug of war. Military operations in the disputed South China Sea, and announced more than 250 million in maritime aid to the u. S. s Southeast Asian allies. Officials in beijing responded sternly. Translator if there is anything that needs to be halted its the u. S. Stirring up the South China Sea issue. They should stop stirring up tension in the South China Sea, avoid taking actions that could inflame the situation. Terrorism and the u. S. Transpacific partnership. Now to our global view segment with a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. Lebanons daily star writes, i. S. I. L. s capabilities seems to have grown. Degraded simply doesnt add up. Still selling oil to finance its activities. The iran daily answers the question posed by the headline how should the world respond to the paris attacks . It suggests that irans sectarian sunni rival and the south china post writes that genuine cooperation is necessary to defeat i. S. I. L. Russia and the United States at odds over syrian president bashar alassads power, britain focused on iraq, arab members on saudi arabia, jordan and qatar preoccupied with yemen and canada withdrawing from the fight. In the wake of the paris attacks World Leaders are looking at how can better protect their citizens. One option is the increased use of socalled smart systems. They are networks of cameras and sensors that monitor peoples activities. The idea is that they will set off aalarms when threats come up. Experts are gathering in barcelona to discuss the new technology. Tarek bailey reports. Smart rooftop sensors, sent within seconds to the police. So this is kind of interesting here. This is an accumulation of gun fire events over the last 30 days. Along with the precise location of the shootings. The technology in use in 90 cities mostly in the u. S. Part of an effort to combat gun crime. Officials are also considering how it can be used to help them respond to threats in much the same way a fire alarm works. Clearly whats going on here, theyre engaged in gun fire testing this weapon out here. The particular case of the paris attacks our technology could effectively be that fire alarm for gun shots enabling Law Enforcement to get there perhaps one minute two minutes sooner and be able to mitigate the done stream consequences of ongoing engagement of an active shooter. Coupled with Software Sensors and cameras have been developed to track peoples movements either in vehicles or in this example when someone is seen leaving a package on a rooftop. There sensors and intelligent cameras are becoming the choice of many of the worlds cities. They come with a tradeoff. The citizens in those cities have to ensure that any loss of privacy is offset by the city becoming a safer place to live. For some that balance has not been achieved, with not quick to install such technology. Mass surveillance, putting everyone in surveillance, in the end we will have massive servers with data that is not needed, for people completely law abiding. We take money out of the traditional technique that would have allowed us to identify specific persons that do pose a risk and follow them up thoroughly. Ensuring citizens are are confidentable. To keep their citizens safe. Tarek bailey, al jazeera, bars barcelona. As we 90thed earlier, a police dog was killed during the paris attack. Je suis chien means, i am dog is trending. Thats al jazeera news. Good evening. This is al jazeera america. Unknown fate. Questions about the whereabouts about the alleged key organizer of the paris attacks. Veto threat. Why president obama said stopping Syrian Refugees from entering the u. S. Would provide no meaningful security for the nation. Deadly truth what will boko haram is doing to cause more death of life. Heating up, the new data

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