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Immigrants always inspired ugly rhetoric, calls for exclusion, demonization. And i am groont fear. A look back at how immigrants coming to america have been treated throughout history. Belgian city replains on capital lockdown as the government extends the highest alert level for the second day straight. Officials said moments ago they have detained 16 suspects as they continue searching for an accomplice are last weeks paris attacks. They say the city still faces a serious and eminent threat. The worry is what happened in paris could happen in brussels. Reporter its been tense here in brussels. There have been police cordoned placed all around the grand plasis area. Its concentrated down to the main Central Police station there for three hours, Unmarked Police cars and blue lights flashing and racing up and down the cobbled streets. You can see the town hall there of brussels, so right in the center. Extraordinary state of affairs. The announcements on sunday by the Prime Minister that the state of alert was going to stay at 4, that the metros were going to be closed on monday, and that the schools stay shut on monday gives you an indication of how tense people are here. The authorities are on a high state of alert. Theyre convinced that there are people such as Salah Abdeslam and potential accomplices with weapons and access to explosives and theyre taking no chances whatsoever. Now to france where one city has imposed a curfew in a largely islamic neighborhood. Its the First Community to declare a curfew. Adam raney joins us live with more. How is that curfew going . Reporter we were down there earlier today and met several people who live in that neighborhood. They said they understand why theres questions about the security there after police found fake documents and prohibited weapons in this small neighborhood in what is a quite small city. Theyre starting to feel targeted and starting to feel a lot of suspicious directed towards them at wizards see in the report. This is what a state of emergency looks like. The past week hundreds of raids have been carried out across france. Theyre looking for suspects from the paris attacks and trying to thwart other plots before its too late. The city of sens is the latest front in the battle. The mayor put a largely muslim neighborhood under curfew after police found false documents and illegal weapons there. Many sens residents support the measure. The french people are ready to be surveyed and to be to lose a part of the freedom to be more sure or more secure. Reporter many of those living there, the muslim area itself, say its necessary. There were no signs of Police Activity when we visited, but with the night dur few everyone feels theyre being watched. Reporter there are police on the streets but no curfew. This is a new reality where local authorities are put people under house arrest and place a whole community under curfew. The government will be able to carry out these powers for the next three months. Sens the First Community to impose a curfew, but other towns and cities in france could follow imposing their own measures that could deliver nor security but also increase suspicion and division. Its hard to overstate just how different life is here barely a week after the attacks here. Also over the border in belgium you have a voluntary curfew. You had government officials asking businesses to close. Many businesses defied that last night and might be doing the same tonight. In this community in sens, we might see a model that other local mayors and governments might try to put in place. This is so far the only city or town that has done this. As you heard from the people in that report, they do understand a need for security, but especially since its targets just this one community largely made up of muslims, they feel that theyre constantly under suspicion and constantly have to apologize for something that they had nothing to do with. Thank you for that report. Britain is ready to step up its involvement in the fight with isil. Prime minister David Cameron will reportedly designate 5,000 troops to defeat the terrorists inside syria. Hell make the official announcement tomorrow. It involves creating two strike brigades to be deployed to syria at a moments notice. Cameron will travel to france so he can explain the plan to president francois hollande. Upon his return he will detail it to the british parliament. The paris attacks put americans on edge. Today president obama tried to reassure the nation that the Islamic State group cannot strike a blow against the u. S. Because it will be destroyed. We destroy isil on the battlefield, and we will destroy them. We will take back land that they are currently in. We will cut off their financing. We will hunt down their leadership. We will dismantle their networks and their supply lines and we will ultimately destroy them. The president spoke in malaysia where he was wrapping up regional summits. Meanwhile, russian Counterterrorism Forces have killed 11 men who swore ale allegiance to isil in the borders. Earlier today Security Forces raided their hideout. Officials say when they approached, they were attacked with guns and grenades. All of the suspects died in the fight. Jailed Washington Post report Jason Rezaian has been sentenced by an Iranian Court for espionage. Theres been Little Information in case veil secrecy from the start. Paul. This case has been very vague from the very beginning. Now, Jason Rezaians arrest and trial and conviction and the details of the prison sentence have been kept out of view by iranian authorities. News about the faith of Jason Rezaian came sunday in a brief statement on the website of Iranian State tv. The spokesman for irans judiciary said that rezaian has been sentenced front and the sentence is not final. Sunday his brother slammed the confusion and lack of transparency surrounding the case saying, quote, my brother is an innocent man and a wellrespected journalist. As our family gathers for thanksgiving, we remain hopeful jason will soon be reunited with us. Rezaina an iranian hire american is Tehran Bureau chief for the Washington Post. The editor said part of the reason for the secrecy is because rezaian has done nothing wrong. If they had evidence against jason, they would have produced it by now. Any wouldnt drag out this case, this verdict, this sentence for many, many months without ever disclosing what it is jason did. Reporter rezaian and his wife were arrested in their home in tehran in the middle of the night in july 2014. She was later released on bail. When he was convicted in october, she and rezaians mother webt to the revolutionary court to learn details but were turned away. He was in prison far longer than the americans held in the iran hostage crisis in 1979. As iran and the u. S. Negotiated a deal over Irans Nuclear program this system, rezaian and other americans were repeatedly discussed on the sidelines but with no resolution. We certainly would have hoped that at that juncture, at any juncture that iran would have done the right thing, shown its humanitarian concern, released jason given theres no evidence against him. Reporter many believe hes caught up in iranian internal politics. Jason was simply reporting on iran really writing more about the people, the lifestyle, nothing that would have aroused the sensitivities of iranian authorities in any way. Hes been a victim in the collision in iran. Reporter the victim in the case that even as a sentence is handed down remains shrouded in secrecy. His family, his lawyer and the state department, none of them have received any official word of the sentence. The post calls the case a sham and says every day hes in prison is an injustice. Hes been there for 488 days now. Very long time. Thank you very much, paul. Today marks one year since a Police Officer shot and killed a 12yearold boy in cleveland. The death of tamir rice sparked nationwide protests, and still a year later its unclear if charges will be filed. Al jazeeras andy roseden joins us live from cleveland where a candlelight vigil took place today. It was about more than just cleveland today. Reporter well, this is a message that the family is trying to send with these candles, this case is far from over. Its been a year, and still no decision, any decision from the grand jury. Its been a catchphrase popping all weekend long that only turns up the heat in this conversation. [ chanting ] this raucous Church Service didnt just focus on tamir rice. He was shot by a Police Officer wlen he played with a pellet gun. It involved mothers who lost relatives in policeinvolved killings in other cities and a phrase routinely tossed around this weekend. Police terror. Are you worried that that is going to draw people against you . I dont think its going to jawdrop people against us. Whats happening is people are beginning to take a serious look at what Police Terror is. I think that theyre beginning to understand you can live in a community in the United States where police are committing terrori terroristic attacks. Thats a cleveland Police Officer in the pews, curtis palmer. He said the phrase doesnt bother him. There are certain things that do happen which look terrorizing, and terrorizing is what it looks like and you cant change that. If you treat people the way you want to be treated, you wouldnt have the same situation that we have. He was on his way home from visiting a friend. Reporter smith lost her son in a policeinvolved killing 17 years ago in oklahoma. She never sued, never had anyone rally around her cause, legally she just let it go. If he had been murdered now, i would have had the support. You know something that those that killed my son will pay for this before they leave this earth. I promise you that. Reporter and she has no problem calling it Police Terror. It is in send tear. Were at war in in country. They will go on tour next summer to spread their message across the country. Thank you very much, andy. Still ahead on al jazeera america, germany is the destination of choice for many refugees entering europe, but they are now facing a wave of animosity because of the recent attacks in paris. Several leaders calling to reject Syrian Refugees from entering the u. S. Is history repeating itself . Ahead, well look back at how different immigrant groups were treated whether they first arrived. D. Germany has welcomed morning 700,000 refugees via the open door policy. As carl penhall reports, theres growing animosity towards immigrants in cities like dresden. Caller declaring ground for a new 350bed refugee camp. This is the Industrial Park in dresden. The city was wrecked bialied bombing in world war ii in the same part of communist east germany. 25 years after reunification, the region remains much poorer than western germany. Its just over a week since the paris attacks, and fresh graffiti suggests some residents dont want more refugees here. Hans frank paid to build the camp doesnt want them either. Translator my dad was a russian prisoner of war, but he came back to rebuild dresden. The syrians could be honest build and rebuild their own country, but theres a lot of syrian criminals. The only thing we can learn from them is how to blow ourselves to pieces instead of dying slowly on welfare payments, he says. The paris terror attacks may be fueling antirefugee sentiment, but the city was already home to a radical antimuslim Political Movement called pigida. We should go back and rebuild the berlin wall again and we should life in peace. Im a socialist but i do support this. Im not a nazi. A few miles away 700 refugees from syria, afghanistan and north africa are sheltered in this unit Building Supply store. Security is tight because the facility is already been targeted by what Police Describe as neonazis. The regulations on the door are clear. No wine, no weapons, no weed. We joined these refugees as they head to play soccer. Translator here theres a bit of racism, but in other cities like berlin or hamburg its better. Here is racism, he says. Reporter in the nearby suburb residents have also protested the conversion of a hotel into a migrant hostel. Bikers at a local Motorcycle Club have been vocal opponents. Translator i think weve reached the limit and need to send half of them home. Make no mistake, these refugees will not simply want to go home. Among them there will be some like in france or like the ones hiding in belgium, and one day they will act, he says. In an area racked by high unemployment, others regard many of the new arrivals as economic migrants and blame them for draining the welfare and health system. They should get out of germany. Theyre scroungers. If one of us does something against the state or economy or we cheat on taxes, we get taken to court. The refugees get a free pass. Theyre allowed to steal groceries and even get a free bus ticket, he says. Most disgruntled voices are at odds with the open door policy, but terror attacks combined with the refugee crisis could fuel a potential explosive political mix. Karl penhall, al jazeera, dresden, germany. The fear and resentment Syrian Refugees face is not just in europe. Last week they want to restrict refugees from resettling in america which has its own legacy of stim stigmatizing refugees. We look back in history. The discrimination and stigmas we talk about this on our irish outsiders tours. Tour at the tentment museum tell the stories of american immigrants. The irish lived at 97 orchard street. Mostly Irish Catholics from the great famine were treated with hostility during a massive wave of immigration in the 1800s. It was unclear to nativists, antiimmigrant activists of the day where the irish fit into the complicated racial hierarchy of the United States at that time. They were believed to be inferior in that sense, and they were depicted, for example, in political cartoons as having semian or apelike features. There was a deep anticatholic sentiment inherited from Great Britain in colonial times. In the 1770s new york catholics had to worship in private until the building of st. Peters catholic church, the first built in new york state. It was built outside of city limits because many feared the sinister reach of the papacy. An actually Political Party was formed in the mid1800s as thousands arrive in the u. S. As their numbers grew, so did fears of a cat lick menace. They were bearers of a religion that was that was not only at odds with america but was going to destroy america. All americans were going to be forced to take their orders from the pope. Reporter another spike in ze zenophobia where many were viewed with deep suspicion for harboring dangerous ideology like an arcism and communism. In the 1930s father charles kofmans antisemtic radio broadcast warned jews were plotting way to troy the u. S. The overwhelming sentiment that we do not want more jewish immigrants had less to do with religion and more with a fear of wanting of political radicalism. In 1924 the johnsonreed act established a National Quota system which dictated how many immigrants could come from particular countries in europe and essentially favored northern and western europeans. A historian at New York University said similar tired arguments used against Irish Catholics and Eastern Europe jews are used against muslims today. Immigrants always inspired ugly rhetoric, calls for exclusion, demonization, politicians who in one way or another directly, indirectly said, we dont want them. Its often said that history repeats itself. With recent legislation introduced to block syrian and iraqi refugees from immigration to the u. S. , many believe that xenophobia has taken hold once again. Lets bring in bill fralic, the director of the Refugee Program at Human Rights Watch from baument moth baltimore. The governors arent supporting the decision to have Syrian Refugees to come in the u. S. How legitimate is their concern . I think its an exaggerated concern. You know, we dont want to minimize peoples fears in the wake of terrorist attack that we saw in paris. On the other hand the u. S. Refugee Resettlement Program is one thats been going on for 40 years. Its resettled about 3 million refugees to the United States. Its basically starting from the vietnam war period, soviet jews brought here, iraqis and afghans most recently have been some of the larger groups that have arrived. But it is a very, very thorough vetting procedure that takes place. Its the department of Homeland Security that conducts the Refugee Status interviews and admissibili admissibility. All of the cases have to be vetted through the National Counterterrorism center, the fbi does name checks, biodata on every case submitted. The number of syrians admitted to the United States is about 2,000 people. Now, put that into the context of 4 million Syrian Refugees in the region. The u. N. High commissioner for refugees, which first vets the cases doing refugee styles determination and making sure that the person doesnt represent a Security Threat has referred about 19,000 cases to the United States. This is from people entering the country through any mechanism. Its the most thorough vetting of any group at all. You compare it to the people arriving on tourist visas and visa waivers and certainly a person that wanted to do harm to the United States could find easier ways to get here. Bill, several governors urged state agencies to block these refugees from entering the u. S. Aquestion that i heard a lot when this broke last week is can they legally do this . The governors dont have that authority. Refugee and immigration policies is a federal responsibility, a federal authority. Their annual consultations between congress and the administration to agree on the numbers of refugees to be admitted every year. Last year the United States admitted 70,000 refugees. This year theyre increasing that number to 85,000 refugees. Bear in mind that in 1980 the United States admitted 230,000 refugees in a single year. So the 70,000 number last year and the 85,000 number in the coming year is not something that is unusual or in any way out of kilter with the general tradition of the United States in taking in people that need protection and need the support of the u. S. Government and the u. S. People. Bill, what will happen if eu countries in a panic begin closing their borders . Is the onus then on the u. S. To accept more refugees . In fact, france, the place where the paris attack occurred, has reiterated its support both for taking in Asylum Seekers under the current relocation plan out of greece. Theyre committed to taking 30,000 of that number. And they are also maintaining their commitment to take, i think, about 2500 refugees through the resettle program as referred from the u. N. High commission for refugees. So they havent stopped in that regard at all. Theres a different question of people that are arriving at borders as a sigh lum seekers than people processed through the programs. And they certainly there are more barriers that are being put up at borders, and interest in more intensive screening at borders because this is a fairly chaotic situation theyre trying to find ways to better manage and better control. Its really a separate procedure from the Resettlement Program here in the United States, and that actually is still working in the European Union. All right. Thank you so much for your insight, bill. We appreciate it. Up next, an American City under siege. The troubling spike in baltimores homicide rate. Why its happening, and what can be done about it. A candle vigil was held today and there were calls for protest across the country. A grand jury is still decides whether charges should be filed in the case. In the year since tamir rice was killed theres been numerous high profile reports of black lives ended at the hands of Police Officers. We have a look at the numbers and how theyre being tracked. Rices case is one of a number of high profile stories over the last 18 months. Examples of Police Brutalities or shooting that led to the death of africanamericans. Most recently there was a shooting of jamar clark by an officer in minneapolis. For many people the protests in ferguson brought everything to National Attention, though many in the Africanamerican Community would say it was the case of Trayvon Martin shot in 2012 in florida that was the real beginning of the black lives matter movement. What has definitely played a role has been the rise of social media and smartphones. Theyre far more prevalent than back in 2012. One of the many things people are now trying to do is track the number of people shot and killed by Police Officers in the United States. The Washington Posts tally says more than 870 people have been killed by police so far this year, but that might be an underestimate because Police Departments are not required by law to report any incidents. Its up to the media and other independent groups to try to piece cases together. Often these researchers tell me they follow freedom of information requests and dont hear back. The Human Rights Data Analysis Group after running numbers to figure out what we dont know believes as many as 1200 to 1300 americans are killed by cops every year. Melissa chen. Al jazeera. The death of freddie gray and many allege a slowdown in policing. Now the city has a record high number of homicides as jss Randall Pinkston shows us, more than 300 murders have left the city and its citizens realing. Its not good fences make good neighbors. In baltimore a fence may have got Kendall Fenwick killed. Why were the drug dealers upset . Either he interrupted business or it became personal. Christopher irvin helped to organize the effort to complete the fence after the death. The 24yearold had been building the fence to keep his three Young Children safe. He was 24 years old. A father of three. He worked. He engaged in his community. Where is his support from the administration, from the municipality itself . His murder, number 295 of this year, was another step towards a depressing statistic for baltimore. In 2014 there were 211 murders. On thursday, the day before fenwicks funeral, it was 306. I believe the uptick in violence has to do with the gang culture and some respect issues on the streets of baltimore. Deputy commissioner dean palmer is in charge of operations for the Baltimore Police department, the eighth largest in the nation. This is a very unique year in baltimore and hope its an anomaly. One of the anomalies of 2015 is the freddie gray case. Gray was fatally injured in Police Custody. His death was followed by riots. You have two or three or four very wellpublicized incidents of police brutality. It triggers the response and reaction that we got whether we had the beginning of those riots. William welch weighed in eye popular theory that after grays death the police backed off from strict enforcement. Ive heard Police Officers pull a perpetrator up and theyll throw up their hands and say freddie gray and im sure it has a psychological effect on the Police Officer. I think post civil unrest there was anxiety not only, you know, within the officers but within the communities themselves. That has not prevented the officers from going out and doing their job. Reporter the death of freddie gray in Police Custody and the upheaval that followed brought National Attention to baltimore, but this city isnt the only city in america where the murder rate after years of decline is on the rise. The New York Times collected data from several Police Departments. Milwaukee, st. Louis, washington, d. C. , new orleans, and chicago. All showed a substantial increase in murders between august 2014 and august 2015. In all of these Cities Police need help from residents to identify people responsible for violent crimes, but irvin says baltimore residents are reluctant to come forward. Baltimore has a something of a history also of people who have come forward and then are supposed to be protected of them being touched. What do you mean by touched . Intimidation . Yes. Intimidation, violence, the full gamut. Baltimore police admit trustbuilding is a problem. They say theyre making progress in getting the communitys assistance to find Kendall Fenwicks killer and to prevent more deaths. Randall pinkston, al jazeera, baltimore. New york mayor bill de blasio says the city is fundamentally prepare for a potential terrorist attack. It followed a drill in the citys subway city. Law enforcement agencies simulated an active shooter incident to make sure Effective Security measures were in place. The fbi and Homeland Security Department Took part in the drill as well as the nypd. The Officials Say the drills were planned prior to the recent paris attacks. Another knife attack today in the west bank. This time claiming the life of a 21yearold israeli woman. The victim was at a bus stop when a palestinian man came up and stabbed her in the head, chest and heart. Israeli soldiers shot and killed the attacker. Police say they also killed a teenage girl today when she tried to stab two israeli women. The attacks came just as secretary of state john kerry was departing the region hoping to stem the violence. President obama was among the leaders of 18 countries that wrapped up the annual association of Southeast Asian nations summit in malaysia. They signed a pact to create a single Economic Community to compete with japan and china. Al jazeera reports from kuala lumpur. Reporter theyre forjing ahead today and they home to combruch the lives of 620 Million People who live in the ten asean member states. We now have to ensure and create a truly Single Market and Production Base with freer movement of goods and services, with common standards and far great connect tift and the removal of the barriers for growth and investment. The bloc that concluded the annual meeting with agreement is the Third Largest in the region after china and japan. The aim of the Asean Community agreement is to create a single economic market. One competitive within the region to attract more Foreign Investment. It also planning to phase out tariffs and taxes and make it easy for professionals to get work permits in all member states. Since the blueprint was first penned in 2007, it was always in the visage that greater economic integration would be the ultimate goal. Up to 2014 the economic blocs combined gdp grew by 4. 6 and Foreign Investment increased by nearly 16 . Much of that success is down to small and Medium Business enterprises. They employ 100 people at this tire factory he set up 20 years ago. Its annual turnover is more than 3. 5 million. He has plans to expand and export more if trade barriers can be removed. Tech savvy entrepreneurs have begun to trade bejong malaysia. His taxi booking app has been downloaded by 6 million members in the six asean countries where it operates. It took 27 years of negotiations to get this far, and this is still only the start of economic integration. I think asean will continue to move forward slowly, and it will be correct to do so because thats the reason why it hasnt faced the kind of problems that the eu is facing. Its keeping its people with them. I think as governments keep that goal in mind and make it into a real Single Market, there will be huge gains to be made for the people of asean. Asean is in no rush. Analysts say its steady course approach has perhaps been a strong point in a world of turbulent global finance. Al jazeera, kuala lumpur. We should know within the hour who the next president will be in argentina. Exit polling shows the opposition candidate is on track to win. Were live from buenos aires. Teresa, what does this election say about the policies of outgoing president christina kufrj ner . Let me tell you first what were seeing right here at macris headquarters. You can see people celebrating and dancing. Much more like a party than a political rally. We just heard that the ruling party has acknowledged the defeat. He said that the argentina teen people have elected Mauricio Macri as the next president. For the last decade, especially since she came to power in 1983, this is a very depressed state like venezuela, china and russia with a lot of aid intervention with plans to help the poor in the country. People said on sunday they vote for change. What do you think the opposition went wrong in this race . Reporter well, basically theres been 12 yeears and kristina had been in power. Obviously the big majority it has around 45 of the vote. Thats a big majority of the argentinian people. Most of the people i spoke to are tired of the political confrontation that has existed in argentina in the last decade of the trade and tariff control people have seen. This time people here have voted for change. They have put trade and currency control. They have taken argentina closer to the rest of the world and world Financial Market by negotiating with the u. S. Based hedge funds suing argentina for the soaring debt. Many things are going to change. People are saying this is a political turmoil, and argentina is going to work the center right. Mauric Mauricio Macri has prevailed. There shouldnt be nen confrontation and hes going to continue with the policies that have taken millions of people out of poverty in argentina. Were expecting hes going to koment to power on december 10th. Hes going to face a fierce opposition from the party. Thank you so much for your reports. Still ahead, winter has aarrived early for several midwestern states. We are looking at in the wake of the storm colder temperatures in place not only for the great lakes but all the way down towards the south and, of course, it is that time of year when people are on the roads and in the air. Ill give you all the holiday forecasts when i return. Urn. The rise of isil is documented in a new two heart series from al jazeera. Part one airs tonight and shows the origins of group dating back to the 2003 invasion of iraq by u. S. Military. Despite what we were being told by various agencies and by the military, it was really clear to me in the summer of 2003 and in the fall particularly there was an insurgency that was gearing up. The violence numbers and casualties were increasing and frankly because i spoke the language, i heard daily there were rising attacks. At that point the response from the United States was mainly denial. Particularly there was a sense of arrogance from the size and scope of u. S. Forces there. Al jazeeras former middle east correspondent narrates the docuseries tonight and joins us live from london. Thank you for joining us. This twopart series delves into how isil came about and why. What have you learned about the groups ultimate goal . I suppose we all know that theyve always talked about forming a caliphate. They want to take over large parts of area in the middle east and north after rick and rule that. I think what were certainly seeing now in european capitals is they also have potential to try and cause mayhem in certain capitals. That is one thing i suppose we did learn in the documentary. They are trying to engage as much of the extremist Muslim Population around the world in the areas that they are taking control of. Isils foothold has expanded in iraq and syria over a past two years. It has defeated armies twice its size or more. How is that possible . When youre on the ground and you face them with the pash measuring ga or iraqi army, what becomes clear is how sophisticated they are at as fighting force. In the documentary we look closely into how the isil was formed tw two very separate groups. First of all, the jihadists and the extremists who are very happy with suicide bombing, with behavioring how insurgency behaves on the ground with guerrilla tactics and they join together with the baathists and with those pushed out when Saddam Hussein was toppled and that wont involve in the creation of the new iraq, i suppose you could say, post2003. These baathist commanders joined forces with the extremists. So you dont always see an insurgency fighting on the ground, you see a very sophisticated fighting force. When youre with, as i say, those fighting against isil, one minute they can be fighting as a normal army, and the next minute they switch to suicide bombing. So when peshmerga take a town north of mosul, they took this town and they thought they took control of it fully, the peshmerga were inside the town. The next thing they know one of their own vehicles comes towards them and blows up and 40 are killed. Thats why we are seeing on the ground as you say small numbers really succeeding in taking massive swaths the region. In light of the attacks in paris and recent global threats, does the documentary offer any insight on how isil can be stopped . Im not sure it does. We talked to some of the experts in the discussion about this, and what really would be the way to take the sting out of whats happening both on the ground and, obviously, the way that they are able to recruit so many foreign fighters moving through turkey across the border and into syria and iraq. I think maybe thats one of the key areas that turkey has to fully get on board, and thats one of the conclusions we come to. Turkey has to join the efforts to stop this flow coming in and out of syria of isil fighters. Also people have to recognize that if the funding still goes on and a lot is due to the oil sold on the black market, turkey has the finger pointed at it and so does syria in buying the oil. Until the money is stopped, isil wont be stopped either because it still has enough money to pay fighters to get in arms. Sue, thank you so much for joining us, and we really look forward to watching that documentary. You can watch part one of enemy of enemies tonight at 10 00 eastern on al jazeera america. Well, it looks like it may be a white thanksgiving around much of the midwest. Temperatures remain well below freezing in places like chicagoland where a storm dumped 11 inches of snow. Thats the biggest novel storm to slam the region in 120 years. More than 130 flights had to be canceled today at ohare. Shovels were on the ground everywhere in southern wisconsin where 20 inches of snow fell. At least the kids seem to be enjoying the early blast of winter. The storm spanned all the way from south dakota to michigan, and kevin is here with a look at the weather. Thats right. Really, when youre a kid you do enjoy the snow. When you get older like me, you dont enjoy the snow at all. For this particular storm, most of the snow has been pushed out. But as b. C. Said a lot of snow will remain on the ground because the temperatures stay below average right now. Chicago is 22 degrees and minneapolis at 31. Cooler temperatures to the u. P. Of michigan as well. We get a lot of cold air down in the south because a storm pushed a lot of cold air in. Dallas right now is at about 49 degrees and jackson, mississippi is at 44. Overnight we have freeze warnings in effect all the way from austin, texas all the way back over here towards very close to mobile, alabama. The temperatures are expected to go down to at least 28 degrees, so a lot of plants could be in peril if you do not bring them in. Tomorrow mornings lows look like this. Dallas is warmer than you were this morning at 36 degrees, but new orleans is about 42 as well as jackson at 28. Heres your forecast for dallas as we go through the next couple of days with a big warmup as we go towards midweek. Of course, midweek is going to be one of the busiest travel times of the year because of thanksgiving. Heres what were looking at. Some rain here through dallas. We dont think it will be too heavy. Very heavy snow out to the west, and for your thanksgiving day, this is what its looking like. Big storms across the central plains. Snow until the mountains but here on the east coast we look at some beautiful weather and about 60 degrees. All right. Thank you so much, kevin. Appreciate it. Randall pinkston is here with a look at whats ahead. Theres been arresting in brussels and the had you not continuing for a key suspect in the paris attacks. Taking war against terror to the internet. Groups like isil use social media for everything from recruitment to funding. In new orleans a gunmans misfire could be the only thing that saved the life of a medical student who tried to protect a woman during a robbery. Police and the fellow student talk about the hero. Thats story and more just ahead at the top of the hour. Looking forward to. The government just approved the first genetically engineered animal for human consumption, but whether the salmon hits the market consumers may not know it. Why the fish are raising concerns about food labeling. This past week the fda approved a new fish for human consumption. The type of salmon genetically engineered to grow faster could be on your plate in a couple of years. Al jazeeras alan schaffler has more from seattle. Reporter these fish are as fresh and wild as youll find in any shop. King salmon caught off the coast of alaska, but in the next few years there could be competition from farmraised genetically modified atlantic salmon. I think in the Pacific Northwest were at ground zero of salmon country. Wed had a hard time selling genetically modified salmon for the general public. A massachusettsbased company has worked on the concept for 20 years using landbased fish farms to lessen the chance of mixing with wild stocks and spreading disease. The Company Plans the manmade salmon grow to maturity twice as fast as normal. Maybe in the costcos, the Big Box Retail organizations there may be a place for that, because you have to address feeding everybody that has a price point. This from the fdas center for veterinary medicine. The fda has thoroughly analyzed and evaluated the data and information submitted by the company regards aqua advantage salmon and determined they have met the regulatory requirements for approval including that food from the fish is safe to eat. Genetically modified products are part of the food chain for year mostly in the form of grain and vegetables and feed for livestock. The salmon is the first genetically modified animal product approved by the fda, but there are no regulations requiring this salmon to be labeled as genetically modified. If theyre planning to compete with fish like these, aqua bounty is certain to face pressure from environmental groups deadset against any gmo products, and winning the hearts, minds and taste buds salmonloving americans can be a battle too. Bad news bears, so i think its another way to cheat Mother Nature for a higher profit for big money. Im not an organic granola kind of guy, but i dont like gmos. Im not sure. If i was probably offered some, i would try it. Aqua bounty expects several years before their fish with the tweaked dna will make it to market. Allen schauffler, al jazeera, seattle. The news continues with Randall Pinkston. Thank you. Heres a look at tonights top stories. The city of brussels remains on lockdown as 16 suspects are arrested in raids as part of the paris attacks investigation. Plus, the french tragedy has some members of the European Union rethinking their opposition to fences and walls separating their countries. Also, taking the war against terror to the internet. A Fertile Ground for groups like isil to recruit and raise money. The topic of tonights week ahead. And in new orleans a gunmans weapon pointed at the head of a med School Student misfires safe the life of Good Samaritan who was trying to help a robbery victim

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