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Guantanamo bay. Ill reveal why the book may be out, but president obama is fighting to keep the author in the controversial prison. Im ali velshi. Our special coverage starts right now. The state of texas has executed an innocent man. How to make good decisions under stressful circumstances. Anyone can hire an offduty cop at an hourly rate. Im talking about real cops in full uniform, gun, car and all. By the middle of last decade an estimated 98 of local Police Departments serving communities of 10,000 or more were contracting out their Police Personnel for offduty work. We called major Police Departments across the country and asked what their personnel can earn doing cop for hire assignment. The newark new Jersey Police get 76 an hour before fees paid to the Police Department. Las vegas police get 67 an hour pittsburgh 50 new orleans 42 Salt Lake City 30 an hour. We found that Detroit Police of all the departments we contacted, commanded the lowest cop for hire rates at just 25 an hour. Now, the extra pay can supplement the fulltime wages that policemen and women already make. Nationwide that averages about 28 an hour. Police departments insist this socalled secondary police work is a good way to get more cops out on the street without dipping into city budgets or taxpayer funds. Critics point to abuses in places like pittsburgh that ultimately cost a police chief his job. Ill have more on that later in the show. They point to new orleans, corruptionrelated to cop for hire work triggered a federal investigation and mandated reforms there, but there are no federal laws regulating cop for hire practices. States pretty much leave it up to local Police Departments to do what they want. Paul beaman has the report. It is a typical day in downtown Salt Lake City for chief deputy fred ross. A little scuffle going on here. Hes patrolling one of the most dangerous parts of this city. Hey, you guys want to fight, go do it someplace else. Its a neighborhood in transition, new construction and businesses moving into an area struggling with a homeless problem. What kind of crime do you see down here . Drug crime . Petty theft . A lot of drugs, assaults. The answer for many businesses hire offduty Police Officers for Security Work complete with squad car, gun and uniform. Most of them realize that theres only so many Police Officers in the city. If they want constant presence then they have to take that responsibility on themselves. They have to pay for it . Correct. Whether its an offduty officer or security or something else. More often than not they tend to go with the police. See what trouble i bring you . For 30 an hour this local business hires a Police Officer to stand guard complete with squad car. You decided to have an offduty Police Officer versus say, a security guard. Why . Because they need to be able to act. I think, number one. If theyre seeing something happen, they need to respond immediately. Private security firms and police work closely together in this area. Headed down that way. Okay. Thanks warren. Some agencies including bedrock securitys paul nelson take issue with the fact they have to compete for business with a government entity. I want to maintain a Good Relationship with them. Theyre great partners but the fact is that they are also competitors, and they shouldnt be. Does the Salt Lake City Police Department have an unfair advantage working against you . I think so in that they will know a lot of Security Customers out there. Theyre there on all crime scenes, and theyre grabbing that business when thats not their business. Theyre in Law Enforcement and not private security. Salt Lake City Police chief Chris Burbank says its against policy for officers to solicit offduty work. Have you had problems with that . No. You havent . Interestingly enough i had just the other day some people that said this is what i i said tell me who the officers are, and i will take appropriate action like i would any other circumstance where i believe theyve engaged in misconduct. Interestingly enough i have yet to receive any names. What some Security Companies said to us is youre competing directly, and essentially this is a Security Company thats sort of nestled within a public government entity. Talk a little bit about how you see that relationship. Were not in the business of doing private security. Right . Were in the business of doing Law Enforcement. I mean it is a very fine line. I will give you that. Its one that were always concerned about, but the difference is that you are hiring a Police Officer to take actions based on the color of authority, based on the law. Not do you have tickets to the event tonight . Can i search your bag or any of that kind of stuff. That shouldnt be Law Enforcement. The Salt Lake City p. D. Runs a brisk business in offduty work. They charge a 6 equipment fee for every shift worked and a minimum of four hours per shift. Last year the city cleared almost 85,000 on this fee, which means at least 56,000 hours were worked offduty by police. At 30 an hour they made almost 1. 7 million last year working offduty. Many departments around the country have a limit on the number of offduty hours an officer can work. Salt lake city does not. Theres a temptation for officers to work as much parttime work they can handle. How do you balance that with their onduty hours and responsibilities . We do track how many hours they work and so i can go and pull up an officer and say, this is how many hours they worked especially if its an issue. Thats why we have the oversight we do in the Police Department. When we asked for the number of offduty hours worked last year the department couldnt tell us. Why . Officers are paid directly by the employer but if there was a major issue, they could do an audit. That said there is no consistent oversight. This can raise son concerns. Theres a couple of documented cases in pittsburgh and new orleans where the ability of Police Officer to receive compensation directly from the private employer as opposed from the Police Department can create the opportunity for corruption. Law enforcement here in Salt Lake City and elsewhere will say there are a lot of advantages to hiring a cop in uniform versus a security guard. First of all a cop in uniform can actually make arrests and act like a cop which provides added deterrent. There is a big question and thats liability. If an officer engages in unlawful use of force and violates someoness constitutional rights. That person whose rights have been violated can sue not only the officer, but under a couple of doctrines they can also sue the Police Department and the city that employed that officer. The taxpayers are potentially on the hook for any of the costs associated with that. Police Department Policies vary widely on how they handle liability while moonlighting. Newark requires a vendor to have at least 1 million in liability insurance. In philadelphia its not even called offduty work but overtime and all the liability falls on the city. In a rare instance alabama passed a statewide code mandating each vendor have 100,000 in liability before hiring an offduty cop. Salt lake city handles its liability like many departments in the country. It asks vendors to sign this possible that makes them liable up to a point. It specifically outlined they take on the workers comp if our cop is injured. So the employer takes on workers comp and other related issues . Yes. When they have to take Police Action then thats my responsibility, whether theyre onduty, offduty or any other time. Theres a line they cross from being a private employee back to being sort of a fulltime officer . Is that can you clarify that . Theyre handy, yes. Again, its very situational and depends on the circumstance for these individual situations. There are hundreds of civil lawsuits around the country attempting to determine when that line is crossed. Thats one reason that heber city a suburb of Salt Lake City wrote a radical new policy on offduty Police Officers. Its pretty extensive. They cannot wear a uniform, anything with a huber city logo or badge. They cannot use any equipment or any of the vehicles. The strict policy change had some interesting implications. I think there was a little bit of resentment. Jim motherre owns his own private Security Company on the side. Under the new policy officers like Sergeant Moore arent allowed to act like Police Officers while working as security officers. If youre off duty and you witness a criminal act, you are to call and have an onduty officer come and handle the criminal act. Perry rose is a former Police Officer who now runs Security Agency pride investigations. He instigated the reforms to huber city not only because of liability but because he lost business to the Police Department. Nobody stops and realizes that, wait a minute. The public bought that equipment. The public thats public money thats paid for that. He isnt focused just on huber city. He worked on legislation with a state senator to create more trans parents see with offduty police work. The bill has yet to pass and he also takes issue with chief burbank. It concerns me when i hear of one agency here in the state of utah, and they take in millions of dollars in Security Work and the only people working it are offduty officers. Chief burbank is that person. His agency is doing it. Congratulations. Welldone. Burbank sees nothing wrong with his policies on moonlighting, which are generally on par with the rest of the country. Is there anything you would like to see fixed about the system . Well to be honest with you, i would do away with parttime work hire more Police Officers and pay them better money so they dont have to work parttime. Paul beman joins me now. A couple of things that stood out. The first one is chief burbank talking about Salt Lake City police and the hours you work and you were not able to get confirmation of how much the Police Officers work. The issue to me or viewers as taxpayers is are my Police Officers making so much money on the side that they may be less effective when theyre Police Officers because theyre tired and overworked . What chief burbank says is theyre trusting their officers to do the right thing. He says look my guys are highly trained and know their own limits and im not going to put limits on one officer because that might not be the right thing for someone else. If one guy thinks he can handle 30 hours of extra work a week thats fine. Thats his business. 20 hours for somebody else. They will get on it when they see a problem in behavior. Theres a wiggle room there and a lack of oversight about tracking these guys and what theyre doing. You interviewed somebody from university of illinois about corruption. The idea if youre able to be paid by an outside group, how far can that go . Could you get paid by somebody that has Law Enforcement look the other way . Thats an excellent question. In Salt Lake City they have a list of all the employers and who their officers are working for but dont know how much on a daytoday basis and they dont know how many hours theyre being worked. There is in room for, you know can someone be almost drawn away from the police force by doing a huge amount of offduty work. Theres questions there. Great reporting. Thank you for that. What happens when cops working private security goes very very wrong . Police chiefs get fired and taxpayers get stuck with some enormous bills. The inside story from a man who unravelled a costly case of misconduct in pittsburgh is next. We return in just two minutes. Welcome back to our special coverage of cops for hire. What happens when offduty police for hire operations go wrong and how much does it cost taxpayers . It happened in pittsburgh. In 2013 the local paper broke a story that the police chief had a Security Company on the side that employed other officers. The chief was forced to resign and it opened a pandoras box of problems and misconduct around offduty police work. Steven is a criminal defense lawyer and consultant in pittsburgh. He was asked by the mayor to lead the independent review of the Police Departments offduty policies. Steven good to see you. Thank you for joining us. Its my pleasure. Thanks for having me this evening. The former police chief nate harpers actions included misconduct and conflict of interest. What are the big revelations. The story unfolded in 2013. A local newspaper broke a story that the chief of police owned a private Security Company called diversified public security. The belief was that he had collaborated with a few officers and was providing Security Services and Consulting Services to private industry around the city of pittsburgh and throughout the region. At the time as the story unfolded, the number of investigations commenced. The fbi got involved and it was determined that much more was at play in fact the chief was misdirecting funds for second employment details. It was a twofold problem. What do you mean misdirecting funds for secondary employment details. What does that mean . The city of pittsburgh was running like many other cities do as described in the program these outside or afterwork additional details. These are largely Police Details that are paid by private industry, private employers, and the funds should go into government coffers. The city of pittsburghs instances, the chief was directing a program where offduty officers were using Pittsburgh Police equipment, uniforms insignia badges and radios and vehicles in providing security around entertainment destinations. There was a charge for that. The charge was passed on to the contracting company, and at a rate of approximately 4 per officer per hour the city was collecting a fee. Those fees the fbi determines were being mishandled by the chief of police in an act of corruption. The important thing is people say what does it have to do with any . Taxpayers pay for misconduct with offduty Police Officers. Since 2007 pittsburgh has paid 215,000 in legal settlements because of offduty details. In 2011 alone the city spent 252,984 in workers comp claims during offduty work. Police who are making claims during offduty work. How else do taxpayers get hit . Youre absolutely right about this. The lablt exposure to enormous. Anything from injury claims workers comp claims and civil rights lawsuits and judgments that follow those can be devastating to the taxpayers. This problem isnt limited to pittsburgh. Pittsburgh is just one of many cities across the United States that used these types of programs and at the time really without restriction. Theres been one landmark case prior to the city of pittsburgh for the work i did for the city related to an investigation in the city of new orleans where the Justice Department actually came in. By consent order, they took over those operations to ensure that they were done properly. Anytime police resources, techniques are used and taxpayer funds are involved theres an opportunity for corruption. As a government we have to plan accordingly to develop policies to protect the publics interest. I want to be clear on this. We called the pittsburgh Police Department and asked for someone high up in the ranks to come onto the show and talk to us today. They did decline. What were your recommendations for reform and has the city adopted them . The city has. My recommendations were limited in scope. At the time the mayor then mayor luke ravenstal tapped me for the project, i was looking at moonlighting having work additional to the work they do for the city. We suggested a number of reforms that were implemented. The new mayor elected in 2013 has picked up the mantle and installed a new chief of police and theyre whooshing with the city council and government structure to ensure that appropriate measures are placed over the secondary employment which is the detail specific or overtime employment that you were referencing earlier. So the problem is being addressed in pittsburgh. Hopefully were making the reforms needed to not only restore the publics confidence in the Police Department but to ensure these issues of liability are resolved in favor of the taxpayer. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. Steven is the independent reviewer of the Pittsburgh Bureau of police. Hes an attorney and consultant in pittsburgh. Up next a harsh look at life inside Guantanamo Bay prison. Its in a book by a man who fought for al qaeda, but he turned his back on extremism more than 20 years ago. What hes writing and why president obama wants him to remain in the controversial prison. Were back in just two minutes. Good evening. Coming up after real money, two al qaeda hostages including an american aid worker killed in a u. S. Drone attack. President obama calls it tragic and says changes may have to be made to the drone program. The former head of the cia learns his sentence for leaking classified information. Critics take on the links between Hillary Clinton and foreign donors to her familys charity organization. We have more of that coming up at the top of the hour. Fiercely independent quality reporting. To take as much aid as possible. And standing up for the voiceless. When you see this symbol respected around the world it means you too can now count on all the things we stand for. Aljazeera america. The military prison at Guantanamo Bay cuba. To this day it stands as a symbol of the fierce divide in america over how the u. S. Chooses to fight terrorism. The u. S. Still holds 122 men at Guantanamo Bay. One of the current inmates admits to being a member of al qaeda in the early 1990s back when the group was focused on fighting communists in afghanistan. What happens next is where it gets murky. He claims he left afghanistan and al qaeda behind. American authorities were not so sure. Shortly after 9 11 he was picked up and eventually sent to guantanamo despite his repeated denials he remains a member of al qaeda. Whats not in dispute is his role if giving the world a detailed look at life inside guantanamo with the recent publication of his book. In the books slahi describes being deprived of sleep for days and changed to the floor of freeding cold rooms. He says he was forcefed seawater and sexually molested and subject to a mock execution and repeatedly beaten. He began writing the back in 2005 and it took years of legal arguments to get it published and he remains at guantanamo despite a judges order he be released in 2010. Thats because the Obama Administration appealed his release that runs counter to the often stated objections to Guantanamo Bay. It is something that continues to inspire jihadists and extremists around the world, the fact these folks are being held. It is control to our values and it is wildly expensive. Nancy hollander recently got back from guantanamo. First of all when you hear those comments from president obama and his commitment to shut down Guantanamo Bay and get these prisoners out of there, why, then did the Obama Administration appeal a ruling, a judges ruling to release slahi in 2010 . Well i dont know why the Obama Administrations Defense Department apeoplepealed that except if they would stop appealing it and fighting this habeus, he could be released. The judge that ordered him released was the first neutral person to look at the evidence and say there wasnt any. He should be released. He shouldnt have been there in the first place. Lets discuss why that was in question. He does admit to having been a member of al qaeda . He didnt join al qaeda. He simply went to a camp that was run by al qaeda, but the judge found in 2010 that that was not the same as the al qaeda that came to attack us in 9 11. It really has nothing to do with anything. So its not a reason for him to be guantanamo. Slahi wrote this book and it was he had a great deal of difficulty doing it. After it was written, he had a great deal of difficulty getting it published. But he was able to write the book in return for cooperation. What sort of cooperation was that . Well he didnt write the book in return for cooperation. He wrote the book after they stopped torturing him. They finally stopped torturing him when they realized he had nothing to tell them. All he was doing was answering yes to get them to stop the torture. Then he was writing letters to me and thats really how this book started. I want to show the viewers some of these pages. Pages 302 and 303 for instance. If that looks unusual, its because its entirely redacted. The next several pages are the same thing, entirely redacted. I believe in context these pages describe his interrogations. Is that correct . I cant speak to whats redacted obviously. I can tell you that the government released it with about 2500 redactions still in the book. Theres enough thats not redacted that you can understand what he went through, what mohammed felt and what it felt like for him to be tortured and also how he describes the people he met and trusted. The people that were good to him. Itsen angry book. He just wants to go home. You heard president obama talking about the fact that keeping these men in Guantanamo Bay feeds into some of the hatred and the building of terrorism around the world. What is slahi going to do after guantanamo, if he gets out . When he gets out, and im going to get him out, he will go to work. He has a degree in electrical engineering. He wants to go to work and Program Applications for smartphones and for apple and for things like that. He wants to support his large family his nieces and nephews. Hes already sending one of his nephews to college through the money hes received for the book. He wants to start a foundation to help educate girls. He wants to give to his country and start his life that we took from him. Thank you so much for joining us. Nancy hollander is the lead counsel for slahi. Thats our show for today. Im ali velshi. Thank you for joining us. Admitting to a fatal mistake. President obama apologizes after revealing two al qaeda hostages including an american aid worker who was kimmed in a u. S. Drone strike in pakistan. Filing suit. When is america going to challenge the Standard Police narrative when they killed unarmed people of color . The family of Michael Brown takes legal action against the city of

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