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All of the money and competition. The concept of competing for something for which no market exists. How does this work . Well, at this point were talking about competition as a normalizing, stabilizing force. Both companies will tell you they are grateful to the other for existing. But also throughout the history of the privatization of space, competition is what allows efficiency to happen. And it enforces a certain kind of safety. When we think its just a front tier of public space exploratio explorations, your standards are different. So competition at this point is is more of a normalizing influence than a true race to bring things back. Lets talk about the safety and dangers and the idea of lack of regulation. Sure. These Companies Competing for instance for the google prize, are so far ahead of any regulator regulators, do we have to think about exploitation or those sorts of things . Absolutely. If you take the moon as an example, that is governed under sort of an international treaty, the space treaty that governs it says that no nation can claim sovereignty over it. There has been thought about what one can do up there, but no one has touched mining. One interesting example is antarctica, and it is governed by a multinational treaty that bans mining. We would have to get around that, and come up with an environmental system. If you look at how people treat the moon in having gone there. They are blowing decree. You are seeing rovers roll right through the sites that have been historically amazing. We need a system to say we can all go there, but nobody gets to exploit the moon. Thank you so much. Thanks, ali. The new space economy has asteroid miners, 3d printers, and satellites. Are you looking at a million billion dollars industry . No, i think we estimate it at several gazillion im just kidding. No, it is a very large industry. Of space. My name is elenor and for the last 25 years i was Bernie Madoffs secretary. An unimaginable story of betrayal. They lived this incredible life. It just never occurred to me that they were living on the dime of the clients. Greed. Bernie was stealing every nickel but he wasnt trading anything. And entitlement. You took my grandchildrens future away from them. Welcome back to the business of space. Im ali velshi. Space xs inaugural space test showed that newcomers are the future of the space industry. Since then millions of dollars has been pumped into startups. The stakes are high, but as melissa chan reports that isnt thinking big. Reporter the map is of space, and the treasure lies in asteroids. Private Space Companies believe that incredible amounts of rare asteroids. The ability to access resources in that environment as opposed to digging up the earth and hauling things up out of the gravity well of earth that is a change in the economi economic equation of the cost of doing business in space. Reporter the prospect an orbiting spacecraft. It will probe and bring samples back to earth. But there are setbacks like this one. [ explosion ] reporter one of the resources telescopes headed for testing was destroyed in the rocket explosion. Many other commercial Space Companies lost equipment being sent to the space station for testing. Putting things into orbit is not a trivial task. Reporter it was the same for plan etd planet labs. Your company took a hit . Yes, but it is not a huge deal for us financially. Reporter they already launched 71 of their satellites into space in the last 18 months. This is one of planet labs nano satellites. It is 12 inches long and 4 inches wide. They call these doves and send them up in time. It covers about 100 square kilometers per picture. Cube sats today have more capability than the biggest satellites that we flew 40 or 50 years ago. And they are disposable. It is changing the way we see the earth. These are sugar cane fields in south and east of the amazon. This was august 8th. This was august 9th. And you can see where this field is being burned and points out to why it is important to see the earth every day. Reporter companies will be able to buy the information being tracked by the satellite in real lime. They give us the option of really accessing space for sometimes 100 or even cheaper. We have the ability to image the earth at greater frequency than ever before. Reporter planet labs raised 16,000 in 2013. Are you looking at a multibillion dollars industry . No, i think we estimated it at several gazillion. No, im just being silly. It is one of the Fastest Growing sectors of the space industry, and potentially one of the most lucrative. The number is expected to increase by almost 90 over the next decade, resulting in more than 35 billion in manufacturing revenues. The ability to actually get satellites into orbit fast is really important. Reporter and jason dunn wants to help those satellites get into space quicker will. He is the chief Technology Officer for a company that has build a zero gravity 3d printer. The Company Launched its first 3d printer to the International Space station for testing in september. But he thinks the 3d printer could be a game changer for satellite. Were going to launch some of the part, and then printing the rest of the satellite, assembling it on the space station and launching it. Reporter the satellites could then be made and released in space, dramatically reducing the cost of launch. What this ends up doing is it makes it easier to constantly get new satellites in orbit. Reporter dunn believes the 3d printer will be crucial by helping astronauts living on the space station by printing parts. We can go to the moon and use the resources there, and put that into a 3d printer and put that into the house on the moon. Reporter planet labs has launched more commercial satellites this year than anyone else. Some were very short lived, but it is just the beginning. They plan to launch another 100 nan nano satellites in the next year. Im joined by the manager of the space angles which represent a group of investors that seed space industry startups. Im so fascinated that there are people who think about these things. How does a guy like you responsible for helping these companies how do you know what is fantastical and ridiculous, versus something that really has potential. Its science and r d and innovation that fuels the new markets. So as an investor, what you really want to look for is things that are pushing boundaries that might seem fan taste call to come that are, you know, developing technology that is an order of magnitude better than anything else that exists, or creating an entirely new market. Thats how you make outsized returns. And thats what Silicon Valley was founded on in the beginning. It is only recently that investors started to reduce earlystage investing to a diverse [ inaudible ] formula. Theres no real return on this. Right . Other than having sold your investment to someone else. Nothing has returned a profit . In terms of returns to the investor. Were just starting to see some exits and i should be clear. There are companies that support the industry that that build parts, that build that manufacture things. Thats where the money is at the moment. Nobody is going out to space and doing something. Some ones you wouldnt really think of. Planetary resources is making money. Xcore is making money. But they are not making money on the business that they set out to make money on. In other words nobody is going to the moon bringing resources back not yet. Orders. Is the failure rate in space going to be higher than Silicon Valley or is it about the same . This is a very interesting question, because were still early days. But leroy was talking about this, 15 years ago, there was a false start in the industry. Charlottetons as he called them. But the success rate was minimal minimal. And now entrepreneurs are a lot more savvy. They are doing to the table with Business Plans that make sense. They are not saying, you know, give me a billion dollars and ill build you a rocket ship. They know how to do a lot more with less. And what is happening today to give you an idea. We have had 100 companies that have applied to our network this year. Probably 20 of those have made process. Wow. Yeah, thats higher than it has been in the past. And that has resulted in five investments so far this year. And we could have another deal or two before the year is over. Thank you so much for being with us. Absolutely. When it comes to space startups and the commercial space industry, the United States is well ahead. But coming up, well tell you one thing that china is doing way better than america, when the business of space continues. Welcome back to the business of space, im ali velshi. The United States has the most developed private commercial space industry in the world, and the biggest government space budget, but thats not deterring other countries from making bold leaps where other men have gone before. As mary snow reports. Reporter the European Space agency erupts into cheers and hugs as history is made. A European Spacecraft lands on a speeding come met after traveling 4 billion miles over the last decade. Its aim to collect information about the earliest day of the solar system. It was a social media bonanza with millions watching as the head of the European Space agency made it clear, score one for europe. We are the first to have done that. And that will stay forever. Thank you very much. [ applause ] reporter not so far off from the global interest that was sparked in 1957 with sputnik. All over the world, people are turning in to the bleep bleep of the satellite which carried aboard the highly complicated mechanism necessary to transmit secrets of the universe. Reporter the russian age. In an age where the race to concur space as become an allabsorbing factor. But the race to space in the 60s was fraught with political tensions. Now its what people in the space industry call cooptition. This is an example of multiple countries coming together to work on a project. The most complex engineering feet we have ever attained. Reporter but as a result of tensions over ukraine, the u. S. Announced it was suspending all Space Programs with russia, except for the space station. Nasa still relies on russia to send american astronauts to the space station. Paying around 70 million a seat for each astronaut. China is also working on building its own space station. And it has set its sites on landing on think moon and collecting lunar samples, perhaps to compete with u. S. Companies looking to mine there. The United States still pumps the most money into its Space Programs at 42 billion in 2013. Europe and russia come in a loose second, followed by china and japan. India has one of the smallest government space budgets at 1 billion. But it hasnt deterred the country from making huge leaps. It launched a mars orbit for in 2013. And on a shoe string budget of 75 million, compared to nasas mission. The success of our Space Program is a shining symbol of nation. Reporter mary snow, al jazeera. The director of research for the Space Foundation says forget talk of a global space race, the u. S. Is so far ahead that there is no real competition. But the word that mary just used coop atition. There was a news headline that says russia wins the race into space. Now. Absolutely. Back in the early days you had the u. S. And soviet union and they were trying to accomplish milestones. Who could put a man in space. Who would land someone on the moon. Now the competition is really more on an economic level. Who can get the largest share of the global launch market . Who can provide more Satellite Services across the globe. And it is a little bit different because back then it was still in the shadows of a cold war, and while we have spent time talking about the fact there may be a new cold war developing, that is not the concept for the space race anymore . Absolutely. People are looking at ways to work together. And even when you have a mission that is being sent to another planet, and maybe its technically a nasa mission. They are still going to be working with universities around the world, they may provide some of the instruments on the spacecraft and agencies as well. The upcoming james webb we have a strong collaboration for a mission like that. Their goals having to do with Space Exploration are very different than american goals or or the goals of somebody like elon mosque. Tell us about that. I think the goal for all of us regardless of nation is to go out and explore and learn more about space, but we all do it in different ways. So you have the European Space agency, which just achieved an incredible feet, landing on a come met, but then, yes, you have someone like elon who got into the rocket business because he wanted to send a greenhouse experiment to mars, and he realized it would be so incredibly expensive to do that, that he decided to start his own rocket company. We just showed the fact that indians were able to send this probe to mars for 75 million. Happen . Well, it depends on how the spacecraft is constructed, and what its capabilities are. And people draw the comparison between the cost of the indian spacecraft and a similar nasa mission. But they are similar in time frame, not necessarily capabilities. The entire instrument payload aboard the indian spacecraft weighs about the same as one of the spacecraft. You say the role china is playing in the world is interesting. Its about getting to space, but its also about soft power. Right. So a country like china is very strategic about how it uses its Space Program. And in their case, its not so much about exploration as it is providing services. So the chinese have worked very closely with nigeria, venezuela, and other countries that have a lot of Natural Resources that can then be used in the chinese economy. So they use their Space Program in providing satellites, and training for the people in those countries on how to use the satellites. Thats one of their ways of gaining some diplomatic power and forging new relationships that can be used in other areas, outside of the space industry to fuel the chinese economy. All right. Micah thank you so much for joining us. The director of research and analysis at the Space Foundation. It may sound like a movie trailer, but many of the words Space Programs have their sites set on exploring and one day even colonizing mars. We can send humans to mars without needing to bring everything we need with us, because well already know how sustain ourselves. Its a weekday morning in new york city and a line forms well before doors open at this east harlem food pantry. The people waiting for food range from Young Mothers to older people on fixed incomes. Inside the pantry, the number of people needing food is only growing. Congress cut 5 billion dollars from s. N. A. P. Or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in late 2013; because of that, the new york common pantry, one of the largest in new york serving 3 million meals annually, reports a 26 increase in recipients in the last year. New york ranked 4 in a recent survey of cities around the globe with the highest percentage of millionaires. Joel berg, who heads the new York Coalition against hunger says, as the city gets wealthier, demand at the 1000 plus food kitchens he represents is only increasing. Well when neighborhoods gentrify, the demand goes up because rent is the single greatest cost that low income people face and if they cant afford to pay rent, they cant afford to buy food. And with Less Government aid for food, the strain is on charities to fill the void and depend on donations to keep feeding new yorks hungry. We have heard a lot of crazy things tonight. Colonizing mars, mining asteroids, 3d printing entire moon towns. But this is the time to set big goals and yes, even dream of it. We still dont know what the push into commercial space is going to look like even a hundred years from now. Believe. We know we with connected to the cosmos. We dont always know why. It is that space calls to us. Were fascinated with these big questions. Is there life elsewhere. 20, 30 years down the road we have the ability to not have to send humans on what today seems like a camping trip, you can send people to mars without having to bring everything we need with us. We with build infrastructure. The first kids born on earth will look up and see lights on the moon. It is the ultimate opportunity to grow, to expand, to reach your full potential, and i dont mean just as individuals. Earth. It is the grand opening. And it has no end. Sustaining life on mars may stretch the limits of our collective imagination, but so does landing a spacecraft on a moving comet and we just did that. Space exploration has always forced to focus on our future. Children like me who grew up as star trek fans today use devices that would make captain kurt green with envy. Artificial heart pumps were developed from the Technology Based on the space shuttles fuel pumps. More than 1300 advances that have pushed humanity forward, and that number will only grow with the proliferation of new commercial Space Companies, continuing to push the boundaries of our imagination. So next time you look up at the Endless Possibilities in the sky, remember as we push the limits of technology up there well continue to benefit and evolve down here. Thank you for joining us in our space. An investigation into 50,000 ghost soldiers. Iraqs Prime Minister examines payments to troops who do not exist. Hello, welcome to al jazeera live from doha. Im veronica pedrosa. Also coming up on the programme, charging the barricade. The most violent confrontation so far between police and protesters in hong kong. Freed by the f. A. R. C. , a Columbian Army generals release to peace negotiations can continue. Children at risk i

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