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Odds. Im ali velshi, and this is real money. This is real money. You are the most important part of the show, so tell me what is on your find by tweeting me or hitting me up on facebook. The sad story of americas growing and justified fear about ebola now includes this ridiculously sterile by lifethreatening phrase, breech in protocol. That is the sanitized way that is what has happened at a texas hospital. By simply doing her job the Healthcare Worker has become the first earn ever to contract ebola in america, and thats an outrage. Today the cdc boss said investigators have not identified a specific problem or breach that lead to the womens infection. He did say the cdc is particularly concerned about the way Healthcare Workers remove protective equipment after being in contact with the virus. He said thats when they run the risk of infecting themselves. Now the cdc is warning that other workers may have been infected as well. And only now, only now is the cdc monitoring all Healthcare Workers who treated thomas eric duncan, the man who died last week. Until now, the workers were monitoring themselves. He said this latest case is forcing the cdc to rethink how it addresses ebola infection control. I would like to say its about time. But that rethink might be coming too late. This raises many questions that should have already been answered, among them should ebola patients only be treated in hospitals that are truly prepared to deal with them. And in the United States only four hospitals have been training for years to handle highly infection diseases like ebola. In atlanta, omaha, beth da, maryland, and st. Patrick hospital in missoula, montana. Only four. And there are about 5700 hospitals in this country. In response to a question about this, tom freeden said the cdc is still considering the best way to treat ebola patients. In other words he didnt give a direct answer, but he every hospital has to be able to diagnose the disease. Thomas eric duncan was initially sent home after showing up at the hospital with symptoms and a history that would have suggested the likelihood of ebola. Americans would be forgiven for losing faith in Health Officials who say theres really nothing to worry about. And this whole issue is distacting from west africa where the disease has infected moyer than 4,000 people. Jake ward has gone to dallas for us tonight. Jake what can you tell us about this breach of protocol . Well, ali, its not specifically clear what got this particular Healthcare Worker infected, but it has been shown repeatedly that using those personal protective equipment suits wrong can put you in terrible, terrible danger. Over a months ago Johns Hopkins issued warnings about not taking the hood off and wiping ones bra with a contaminated glove. And its really the process to keep the entirety of the outside of the suit on the outside, thats a very, very hard thing to do. That may be the find of thing that thomas freeden is referring to here. But its not clear whether the Healthcare Worker did this or not. But more people are being monitored. More Healthcare Workers in touch with duncan, and sort of the events on the ground are changing very rapidly. You are a man of science, jake. We were assured that protocols were put in place and there were definite statements to say ebola cannot spread in america because of the protocols we have in place, and now the deeper we dig, we find out there is less and less in place. Four hospitals that are properly trained for this. This is really now gnawing at americans to say are we safe or arent we safe . Well, its really the question here is what is the sort of basic standard that you can impose across the United States. As you mentioned only four hospitals are truly built for the kind of infection disease work that is required in this case. But were used to a model where host hospitals dont have a shock trauma unit. You cant expect every hospital to have one. The problem with ebola is anyone can wander in to any hospital at anytime. So this standard of using the suits, and how to intubate a possibly infected person is an almost impossible task, its certainly not one that the u. S. Health care system is built for at every hospital. Yeah, maybe the cdc needs to get people a little more concerned about the fact that this may not be as contained as we would like it to be. Jake ward for us in dallas. Bottom line i keep hearing public pronouncements from officials that everything is fine, and frankly it is quite clear that everything is not fine. Theres no one that would know better that this man. He not only lead the post Hurricane Katrina task force, but spent the majority of the last decade to make sure that the u. S. Is prepared for outbreaks and biodisasters. General is everything okay . Well, it sounds very much like a playback, ali. Prior to 9 11, one of our biggest threats because we were concerned about pandemic epidemics, and we spent a lot of Time Training on these exact scenarios. Unfortunate thing is the lessons that we learned seemed to be playing out again as the nation and the world grapple with the how to defeat this ebola outbreak. Normally it started off just like this. Misdiagnosis, not reporting, somebody assuming in some case that well we have worry about the patient privacy, and then we had an outbreak. Over and over again when we trained, what it came down to was the discussion you were just having with the previous gentlemen, was an absence of attention to detail. The medical community hides under this thing called protocol. What is a protocol. Do you have to follow it . And then how do you make sure the hospital staff a trained and certified. The problem is, we have underfunded, undertrained, and taken away the power of public Health Officials to go in and certify these hospitals. Now everybody is depending on the cdc to be the savior, and they cannot be everywhere all the time. Some of that underfunds went away from Public Health into terrorism protection. Terrorism, and also to the evolution of the Public Healthcare of the United States. It did not stay in this training and preparedness of the hospital, and we see it unfolding more and more, and you hear the nurses talking today that they are undertrained and they are not getting the repetitive training they should be getting because tho those programs are no longer funded. The other challenge, when we were funded is to get the doctors and the hospital to have de decaded time. When you train to failure, it teaches you how do you ask for help and do the Risk Communications to keep the public informed, and how do you isolate that particular disease or pandemic inside that facility . And that is what were missing, and we need to get our Public Health facilities back to where they should be. When we went through the sars stuff, everybody in hindsight said we should have identified patient zero right away. This outbreak is shredded in secrecy. Its going back to this whole idea of protocols. Are they the law . Do they have to be followed . Or are they just kind of out there . We have become a culture that is very aware of how we fight terrorism. And thats where the money went. You come in through our customers, the people looking at you. They are looking at where you have been. Its all about where you were, why were you there. You can go to a Little Country like cuba, and integrated in customs are medical people. And they may come up and ask you a question. And yet in an increased readiness role like we are right now fighting ebola, we have been very awkward trying to figure out what to do. We have got to protect the people and be checking people. Is there some point in which the military can be helpful . The military is helpful with the 4,000 troops going on the front lines. Here in the United States we need to take a different approach. This needs to be an all of government solution, and we need to narrow down the number of people being infected. So people coming in there the region. They need to be isolated through a couple of three airports. So we can get the information of all known inbound people. If you are coming to this country and coming from that location, this is the route you come in. So we can have the right expertise to deal with it. On the other hand, here in the United States, we need to recertify these hospitals. Any hospital may take an ebola patient, but they should not stay there. We need to limit this to three or four hospitals in the country, where the fly them to emery or up in minnesota wherever that place is, and treat them there. Trying to get all of these hospitals certified is too late. They are not ready. We have shown were not ready. We need to admit it. Were not ready to deal with it, so we need to get them to the expert facilities that can deal with it. All right. General thank you for joining us. Next up im looking at what two World Economic powers did to try to avoid a collapse. Those stories and more as real money continues. Keep it here. Protestors are gathering. Theres an air of tension right now. The crowd chanting for democracy. This is another significant development. We have an exclusive story tonight, and we go live. Onight, and we go live. For the first time in 15 years an american was not one of the winners of the nobel prize in economics. This years winner is a frenchman. He was recognized for his work on regulating large institutions, and he does have a connection to the United States. He got a doctorate from Massachusetts Institute of technology. His work came to prominence during the financial crisis, which highlighted the weakness of regulation in the financial industry. The u. S. And britain are playing financial war games this week. Participants in washington are simulating the financial meltdown like we saw in 2008. They are going to plot out what to do encase an institution that is too big to fail well, you, you know, fails. They are trying to ensure that any future response can avoid hitting up taxpayers for a bailout. It will look at how the United States and u. K. Can handle the meltdown of a bank. It was a london based company that was largely to blame for the financial meltdown. It crippled what was then the Worlds Largest insurer. That one case helped transform a contained financial crisis to that point, into one that brought the Global Economy to its knees. So is the western world better prepared than it was six years ago . Sheila, lets start with that, are we better prepared . Well, prior to 2008 when a bank started to teter and it seemed like it might go under. The government could let it go into bankruptcy, which is what happened to lehman brothers, very messy process. Or they could bail the company out with taxpayer money. And people were very worried that a that would give banks a sense to take risks. And at least now something is written down that would give the government the authority to take over the bank, keep the good parts running and wind down the things that are sick and ailing and hopefully not poison the entire economy. This is different from the stress tests. Stress tests were designed to say if certain economic changes happen are these banks healthy enough to stay afloat. This is if we have to actually shut this bank down. Right. Now the aniedal reserve does a stress test. They do that twice a year, and you may remember that citigroup famously failed back in march. And there are some examiners going into the banks and saying is there enough to survive. So what happened today is a little different because its global. You have the top regulators from the u. K. And u. S. Talking to each other, and that is really important because as we saw with the lehmann bankruptcy, every subsidiary had to enter into the local bankruptcy procedure that was there. So another least now you have people talking about what their roles would be, and how this would potentially play out. Sheila bair was very big on this idea of banks creating living wills. The idea that if something goes wrong, the bank must have a plan to say this is how were going to come apart. Most people are not convinced that these too big to fail banks are still not too big to fail. Right. As we learned confidence is very important. As soon as a bank loses confidence people dont want to deal with them. Yes, and in 2008, bank wouldnt lend to banks. Right. And it is a death spiral. So basically what they are doing now is trying really, really hard to sort of show the world that they have taken this they have got the living wills, the stress test, the global war games stress test going on. But theres a little bit of a credibility problem among the regulators. It has taken quite a few years to get to this point. This probably should have happened sooner, but the dodd bank rules that were all set in motion a few years ago, they are still getting written and implemented. So we still dont know how this would work. Is this public . They have said they are going to release some of the results, but we do not know yet, and im very eager to say how forthcoming they are. Maybe were better off insofar that were looking at these things. Someone is trying. Someone is trying. Sheila thank you for being with us. Plenty of people complain about healthcare in america, but nobody pays more overall than people who live in alaska. Ill tell you how a lot of alaskians might speak with their vote in next months elections. Plus Falling Oil Prices has people elsewhere in the world worried. Many americans consider alaska a place to go for great whale watching, but this year control of the u. S. Senate could be determined in alaska. The candidates are locked in a very tight race, and while local issues is being debated. Healthcare is being hotly con the rested. Alan just came back from alaska and joins us now. Allan is a good friend to our show, not regularly here with us, so were thrilled to have you. What did you learn . Also, by the way, its true that those things are there in alaska, great while watching and its a great cold place. Also healthcare, its expensive everywhere, but no place as badz and alaska. Take the story of stan he provides insurance for his 25 employees. He says he is going to keep doing this as long as he can. Hello. Reporter lunch rush at the oldest steakhouse in anchor rage, club paris. Stans family opened it in the 1950s, and always have played for their employees health care. About 16 to 18,000 a month for healthcare for 25 people. Reporter with so few employees, club paris is not legally required to provide Health Insurance under the Affordable Care act, but they do it anyway because thats the way stans dad would have covered it. The restaurant pace more than 200,000 a year. One of a declining number of alaska businesses still providing insurance for workers. I just keep paying the bills, and right now were doing all right. Reporter in alaska the word outside is often capitalized. Capitol o, its a proper noun. Thats that place where the rest of us live. It can be so expensive here that many insurers will pay to fly patients to the lower 48 to have treatment rather than having it done here. Specialty care can cost four times the average. As club paris waitress sheila discovered after major surgery. You get that itemized bill, and its 25 for aspirin. They rent you a blanket for 12 a day. Reporter alaska is one of the 19 stateds which chose to let the federal government manage the Health Insurance market under the Affordable Care act. And in a tight race between the incumbent and republican challenger, both candidates are bashing the other over health care. They are using it as a club, and that means sullivan tying bagich to obamacare any time he can. Obviously he has a hard time telling this. Huge, and he is attacking sullivan also on healthcare issues, but on womens healthcare issues, just completely pounding him. How is that race looking right now . Real tight. Most of the polls have dan sullivan up a couple of points, but alaska notoriously different place to poll because you dont know how many people out in the bush are going to vote. And it has to be weighted for people who dont have land lines, cell phones only. Its hard to tell. When you say it could actually be a deciding factor, it might be. So alaska is one of those states to watch. Alan great to have you here as always. In another part of the country, kentucky relies on coal to fuel its economy, but with coal jobs disappearing, people are leaving to go elsewhere. Libby casey visited one town that is trying to reinvent itself. Reporter towns shut down. Businesses abandoned. Its a common sight in eastern kentucky, but not in whitesberg, the town is bucking odds and finding there is life after coal with a mix of quirky new small businesses. Its just a symbol of where im from. The coal imagery, because my whole family is brought up in coal. So thats my way of paying tribute to that. Reporter john haywood always thought he would seek his fortune away from his boyhood home. He moved to louisville and got a masters degree in fine art. My grandpa always said he wanted me to get an education; that he didnt want me to go down in those old mines, because he had been broken down and had black lung. Reporter but the mountains and the Community Called he and his wife back. Business is good. Jordan garnet knows unlike his new tattoo, his job hauling coal may not last forever. Why the skeleton. It represents him being the minor. Reporter ben says its not crazy to start a record shop in a country where unemployment is twice the National Average. You have to go 100 miles to go to a record within our radius. We have people driving down from West Virginia to check out our shop. We now have an opportunity to redefine what our industry is, or what our economic strengths are. Desperation. Desperation. Reporter her husbands job loss motivated kay fisher to open the first general store whitesberg has seen in year. Now shes starting a downtown merchants association. Businesses and neighbors helping each other. Reporter why is whitesberg coming back to life while other towns crumble. One of the biggest turn arounds is apple shop. The nonprofit started 45 years ago with funding for the war on poverty. One mission, recruit people who will make a difference. Today they are hosting College Students on a tour of coal country. You shouldnt just give up on a place because it requires a little extra work. Right . Like the answer is not just to leave. The answer is to like actually do something. But theres not always a lot of attention to the initiatives. Reporter her family has lived here for two centuries. She says when politicians talk about bringing jobs back, they tend to overlook what is already here. We see arts and culture as a way forward and as a kind of backbone industry to Everything Else around us. Reporter she says what is unique about whitesberg is as simple as this, local people taking the initiative. The risks are their own, but so are the rewards. When people commit to being in a place for the long haul, you are going to see a change. Everywhere you run well plunging oil prices have exposed a riff among opec nations. Ill tell you what that means at the gas pump and tell you a much bigger picture. Plus when you think detroit i bet you dont think Chinese Investment. A firsthand look at the isil fight you can see where the bullets ripped right through. Refugees struggling to survive the government, they dont help us. But who is fueling the violence . If they had the chance to kill each other, to make more territory, they would do it fault lines, Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. Today they will be arrested. Ground breaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Emmy Award Winning investigative series. New episode iraq divided the battle against isil only on Al Jazeera America u. S. Stocks took another beating. I have been away for a week and i cant believe what has happened to the market. The dow jones tumbled 223 points in a day. The techheavy nasdaq lost even more. While the s p 500, 11. 7 lower today. The dow the s p is up 4. 5 in the last week or so. Many americans have 401ks with stocks that mimic the s p. It lost 4. 6 in the last five years. You probably heard that the dow has given up all of its gains fore the year. But the s p is up just a little bit for the year. Before we get carried away about huge stock market losses, remember the s p is still up 177 from the market bottom in 2009. That was march 9th, 2009. If you invested money then, you are up 177 . That may be a big reason some investors are selling now, but theres no clear reason for the recent selloff. You listen to people carrying on about why the market sold off, but very few people know the truth. Economic slowdowns in europe and asia are not helping. But youll often see the nasdaq performing worse because those stocks have run up more. The mediocre Global Economy appears to be sapping the demand for a lot of things, including oil. Oil prices dropped again today. The u. S. Benchmark bell to 85. 74 a barrel. We havent seen this place in nearly two years. Traders are reacting to signs that the world is flush with oil at a time that theres little indication that demand will catch up with supply. Take a look at oil since june. Crude prices have tumbled more than 20 since midjune, but instead of cutting back on production to reduce supplies, which is what opec normally does, the biggest producers keep pumping more oil. Oil prices could drop below 80 a barrel, before producers feel enough pressure to close the spigot. Thats the thing you have to worry about it. It may actually be a wolf in sheeps clothing. Falling oil prices are exposing some major strains in a group that is supposed to Work Together to keep prices steady. Im talking about opec. Its biggest member, saudi arabia is not responding to lower prices by cutting production. And thats not sitting well with other opec members who are busy not making as much money as they could be. But as Duarte Geraldino reports, opecs discord could spell good news for american drivers. Reporter monday the National Average price was near its lowest level in part because the price of oil is down. Fuelling that drop are several factors, more supply caused by u. S. Oil production, and slower Economic Growth around the world. Opec historically would cut production to increase oil prices. But that is not happening, which suggests that opec is weakening, because it was formed to protect the economic interests of its members by coordinating output and thereby stabilizing prices. Iraq is lowering oil prices. Saudi arabia is increasing Oil Production, is not acting as it has historically as a stabilizing force. What youre seeing right now is a lot of discord amongst opec member countries. There really isnt an incentive for them to Work Together. Reporter the National Impact of the 12 opec countries are based on oil money. Some countries are richer than others, and can afford to sell at lower prices. Saudi arabia is trying to protect market share, while other countries are calling foul. Venezuela is calling for emergency meetings, because it desperately wants saudi arabia to cut production. Just this month saudi arabia lowered prices to Asian Countries by a dollar. Iraq soon followed and cut the price by 0. 65. If opecs members keep operating out of sink, that could further push down the price of oil below 80 a barrel. Opecs next weeking is in vienna november 27th, so unless the cartel resolves the probably then, you could have lower prices through thanksgiving. Opecs share of World Markets is shrinking. According to josh snare who joins me now. Shell might be part of the problem, because for one opec has some real competition. Its not just a matter of opec turning down the taps and knowing that oil prices will go up. We have a world where other players can produce oil and keep the price low. Absolutely. But shale production tends to cost more than what it costs in saudi arabia. So love fracing or hate it, there has been a revolution in Oil Production in the last few years. The saudis may be saying, hey, welcome shale producers, but i need market for my own oil. Right. So the truth is if you are drilling this saudi arabia, which is very similar to drilling in texas. You drill a hole down in the ground, and lets call it 25 for a barrel of oil. Okay. Not in shale. The shale players are going to say we cant produce oil if were getting 75 a barrel for it. The estimate of what it costs in like the bakken, it can be up to ten times higher. Right. So obviously at a certain price point, you know, you have shale producers in the u. S. Who would have to rethink huge levels of investment that have allowed expanding production. So the idea that were going to enjoy cheaper gas at the pump, which everybody likes, and that will help our economy so much, could cost us long term, because it could shut down some u. S. Oil production. Gasoline prices have already been falling for 14 weeks. 0. 10 a gallon, lets say. They could fall further. For Oil Producers who have been on a tair, its potentially bad news. They are looking at close to 80 a barrel, where that gets close to their paying point. And that is some of the market collapse we have seen some of it is energy stocks. Absolutely. So is saudi arabia, putting pressure saying well take a bit of a cut to make sure were possible. I think saudi arabia is the kingpin of opec. They have welcomed in the past the advent of shale drilling. More oil will help balance markets, but they may now be coming to see it as more of a direct threat. Is there much shale or Oil Sands Producers can do . I mean they are working every year on bringing their cost of production down. In the shale world theres a lot of front end cost to get oil out of the shale. I dont think a lot of analysts would say that even at 80 oil you would see an immediate reduction in shale production. It takes a while to move around these rigs, make the big investment plans, to go forward. Were not going to see some immediate pairing back in that level of investment. But over the medium term, you could see some of the big investment programs really paired back. What an interesting conundrum for my viewers. Its an interesting thing to talk about, josh. Thank you. Thank you. Coming up next, Chinese Companies are making a big push into American Real estate. They made a splash last week, but its not just trophy properties, they are also looking at places like detroit. In the year ending in march, chinese investors had already purchased 22 billion worth of real estate in the United States. And there is no doubt that the chinese are focusing their buying power on big cities like new york city, and san francisco. But it is now expanding its sites to struggling cities like detroit where real estate is very, very cheap. Reporter motown is getting a bit of a makeover, thanks to Chinese Investment groups like this one which snapped up three iconic buildings in detroit. All for the Bargain Basement price of around 16 million, a little more than a top market apartment in shanghai. Interest is so high, a report quotes one real store saying her company sold 30 properties in detroit to a chinese buyer sight unseen. Shortly after detroit declared bankruptcy, cctv, chinas state television touted detroit as the next big place to buy with real estate costing the price of a pair of leather shoes. Why would i want to buy a pair of shoes when i could get two houses they for a thousand dollars. Detroit is fourth on the list of cities chinese investors most want to invest in, behind new york, los angeles, and philadelphia. Mary snow, al jazeera. The chinese arent afraid to make big purchases on big iconic buildings, spending millions and sometimes billions that they may never see a return on. And this man says the chinese are okay with that. Alan good to see you, thank you so much for being with us. Pleasure to be here. The chinese bought the waldorf astoria for 2 billion. You are saying these are not Good Investments from a return perspective. Why are they buying them . They are not Good Investments where we have to have returns every quarter. Chinese view of the future is much further out than our view. So they hold on to properties for a longer period of time. Be plus theres a push of Chinese People to invest in the United States particularly in real estate. And having an iconic building is very, very attractive. And you can show the building in your hometown in china, and its very impressive. So theres lots of reason to buy that iconic property other than just the return. Im a big detroit promoter. I think its very obvious why you would buy property in detroit. Geographically its in the middle of the continent on a waterway, international border, airports, universities, its got a work force. I mean to me, the Detroit Properties make a lot of sense because you are paying no premium for them at all. Thats right. And it also has universities there. Right. And the basis of buying and making a profit is buy wholesale and sell retail or buy low and sell high. In detroit you can buy things very, very cheaply and you can buy a lot of it. Whether or not it will turn into somebody else buying it at a higher price in the future, we dont know yet. Lets forget about whether the chinese make money in detroit and whether or not this is the signal to the world that detroit has hit bottom. I remember in the early 90s in washington where nobody would ever buy a property in downtown washington, d. C. , and now its one of the hottest places to spend time in. Different story in detroit, but is this a signal that people should get back into detroit . I think it is. I think the World Economy tends to follow leaders, and the chinese seem to be a bidder in detroit. I think that will influence a lot of buyers toment come back and look at detroit. The upside is very, very good. The upside is much stronger than in new york or san francisco. All right. Alan, lets hope that is for detroit and the rest of the country. And if it is, well thank the chinese. Coming up, were going to get were going to figure out what is going on with ebola. Ebola has hit the United States. Stocks are sliding, and global unrest in terror concerns are all over the place. They not seem related, but the uncertainty is. Ill separate the hype from the reality in two minutes. I was away all sorts of weird things were going on. Microsofts ceo who nobody had heard of before he became ceo of microsoft. So this is what he did. He came out with comments about womens pay races. If you are going to talk about womens pay raises, think it through ahead of time. I dont think thats what he did, because he said quote thats good karma. Are you kidding me . Trust its going to work . Thats why women make 0. 73 on a dollar. He issued an apology just a few minutes later. Thats because karma doesnt get you a dime on your paycheck. Stupid comment. Brad is the president of jb training solutions. He spent 15 years in Human Resources for one of the countrys largest ad sees, and joins me now. Steve bomber wasted a lot of space at microsoft, and i wasnt sad when he was gone. And i thought this could be that guy. Im going to give him a second chance. But lets forget about him for a second. What does get women raises . It is not karma and faith alone. I love that idea. Yeah, sure. When i was a young buck starting my career, i thought put your nose to the grindstone good things happen. It doesnt work that way. I always say theres a fine line between being an assertive person looking for a raise, and a cog in the wheel. You want to have a plan, do it smartly, so its not every three months you are going in saying i need a raise. Why do i deserve a raise . Its one thing to ask for a raise, and its another thing to make that case. Brad and i have known each other for years. And you have got to explain what problem you are going to solve. Exactly. What are you going to solve . What are you going to do to make that company money. For some jobs its easy. But for other jobs, it is what is my contribution . And how can i add value the way nobody else can. And do your research too. Right. Does your employer care and do they look well on you saying, hey, i think im the lowest paid in the group, and i think im really productive. Well, hey listen, im an accountant, and out there they are getting more money. So look in ward and look outward and can you ask your hr people where am i . You can ask, but they may not answer. Some people like to use anniversaries. What is the best system . Is it having a robust employment employee situation. One is the anniversary, and another is the assignment. And i say there is an opportunity now as companies have cut and not rehired. Hey, listen you cut three people, i dont want the salary of three people, but maybe 20 grand. So if you get this out of me, you should give me this. Exactly. And you also have to talk about what you are going to do in the future, because they might say i want proof. I heard Richard Branson saying if you work for me you get unlimited vacation. Yeah. I love the concept of unlimited vacation, but will people take it. Were in an environment that is very macho. Yeah. I havent taken a vacation in seven years, ali. And americans always leave vacation on the table. Right. So theres all sorts of studies that its good for your health. We force our employees to take their vacation days. And the other thing is how do you disconnect. Yeah, brad, so good to see you. Get his book by the way. He has written several books. You should read them all. I have assured you time and again on this show that i will let you know when something really bad is happening. Lets start with ebola. I am worried. This cow count country is being told that everything is fine. Well everything is not fine. Its a reality that includes a man being sent home from a hospital after stepping off of a plane from liberia, and now a hospital worker being inflected with the first outbreak in the itself. And stocks have taken a slide in the last five days. Lets not get carried away. Ebola remains a concern, but it is not yet clear what is happening with the stock market. Its not clear that something bad is actually happening in the stock market. A weaker Global Economic outlook as caused a degree of uncertainty. But the most compelling reason for the slide is this. What goes up must come down. Maybe all of this fear is just a sign that were getting older, because despite it all, a world full of threats, everywhere you look, rising income inequality. A new survey finds millennials the world over are optimistic. Nine out of ten 18 to 30 year olds are satisfied with their lives. So maybe its time for all of us to take a breath and think young. Thats our show for today. Im ali velshi. Thank you for joining us. Hi, earn, this is Al Jazeera America. Im John Siegenthaler in new york. Containment, the cdc warns more ebola cases in the u. S. Are possible. What hospitals are doing to prevent that. No deal, confusion overusing Turkish Military bases in the fight against isil. What turkey wants first. Missouri protests. Arrests in ferguson as hundreds march in the rain

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