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This is real money, and youre the most important part of the show. Tell me whats on your mind by tweeting ali velshi,. Americans are feeling more confident as the economy regains its momentum. Consumer confidence jumped to the highest level in almost 6 and a half years, thats according to a report of the research group. Americans feel more positive about new job prospects in the years ahead. And when you ask if theyre going to make more money any time soon, because the economy grows, but wages continue to stay flat. But income is only one leg of the way americans measure their wealth. Their homes are another. Its the single biggest event. Homes rows 16. 9 last year. And lower Interest Rates may be lending sales a helping hand. Average rate on a 30 fixed rate has fallen to just 4. 1 last month. Meanwhile, in the existing home market, which accounts for nine out of ten homes sold today, sales fell by the same percent from this time last year, so were seeing mixed signals out of the Housing Market as well. The National Association of realtors say onethird of all sales last month were paid in cash, in full. That means there are a lot of homes out there being bought and sold by investors, and not necessarily homeowners. Still the median price for an existing home rose last month, half of the homes sold for that, and half for less. Rising home prices are a way to keep americans feeling more confident about the future. Just how this bodes for housing. Lecturer, and some of the mixed bag, some good, some bad. What do you think . Is housing healthy right now . I think that housing is very healthy right now. Were entering into a very stable period of what i call a new eek lib ream in the Housing Market. So do you think that the case is actually a good thing . Well, i do. I dont think that a 10, 20 rate of appreciation is sustainable. We saw how that led to a big boom in the 2000s, and that was a terrible bust in the mid 2000s, and so a more sustainable rate is better for the Housing Market. How does it work . Is it going to feel like things are going well ever, or are we going to sit here . Think are going well. I believe well see a 3 and a half percent steady price appreciation in the time to come from now on, wages are stable, and i believe thats going to affect affordability. And wages will be in this price range for at least another year, so all of factors that drive a safe decision to buy a home, helping somebody make a longterm commitment to get into a mortgage exist. But theres no speculation on the market where values go up for no apparent reason. Lets talk about consumer confidence, a six year high, and we have more people out there saying that jobs will be plentiful. But people dont think theyre going to be making more money, and what sort of drag do you see that put on housing . Well, its a positive when people feel stable that they can have a job, but theyre going to be not sign on for more than they can afford at this time. We go back 10, 15 years, people were willing to press hard to buy the most expensive home they could because there was an expectation that their wages would increase, and we dont see that anymore. And prices continue to increase, groceries, insurance and housing so theyre getting squeezed. What do you think of the cash investors . A lot of people thought they were moving out of the market and theyre still around. Are there still deals to be had out there. There are always deals to be had in any market. Its just that there are fewer of them. I believe that the numberone third that you mention down from 40 , so there are fewer fix and flippers and cash investors out there, but theyre still important in the market. The cash buyer can pick up a property that has been physically distressed and return it into the market in a better condition than the ordinary consumer can purchase. I am just back from california. And i went to an open house over the weekend and im curious, are you seeing overvalued areas . Theyre talking about bidding wars in San Francisco, and i know that california can get frothy at times, and are you worried about ta in places . Well, its moderated by people financing homes because of the appraisal requirements. Were seeing bid activity where people will get into a contract, make an offer to buy a house for a price that might be over the market value, according to the appraiser, and that moderates, that can happen in any market, and i dont see too much of it. And were also seeing a market with a limited inventory. There are more buyers than sellers. Before we go, youre a mortgage broker, and where do you see Mortgage Rates going . Give me 12 months out. My prediction is 12 months from now, well be seeing them in the 4 and a half to 4 and 3 4 range. All right, mark goldman, thank you so much for joining us it. Coming up, the pulse in america, which trend is about to change. And plus, the inspiring marijuana moguls who look at californias new pot business and see nothing but green, in more ways than one. Al Jazeera America. We understand that every news story begins and ends with people. The efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. We pursue that story beyond the headline, pass the spokesperson, to the streets. Thousands of riot Police Deployed across the capital. We put all of our Global Resources behind every story. It is a scene of utter devastation. And follow it no matter where it leads all the way to you. Al Jazeera America, take a new look at news. The Performance Review. That corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. And yet, theres someone around the office who hasnt had a Performance Review in a while. Someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. Im looking at you phone company dsl. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. Healthcare is quickly changing in america. Family doctors are banding together with hospitals, and millions are getting coverage for the first time. Thats the hallmark of the Affordable Care act, otherwise known as obamacare. But it means that spending is going up next year. U. S. Spending will rise to levels from before the recession hit and higher spending likely means higher insurance premiums for tens of millions of people. David explains why in this report. For decades, u. S. Healthcare spending has been on a tail, soaring to one fifth of americas gdp. But in the last five years, that growth has slowed. Between 2009 and 2012, it grew just 3. 7 . Thats the lowest rate of growth since the federal government started keeping track back in 1960. We were in a serious recession, holding down all spending, including medical spending. But according to price, americas spending may be back to the future. Next year total spending is expected to inch back to the prerecession levels, growing by 5. 67 . Within that increase, pwc said that large employers, that cover 350 million americans, should see their Health Expenditures go up by 6. 7 . It means higher deductibles for health plans, as businesses try to make up for those extra costs. Theres no question that both employers and employees have been steadily sharing a larger portion of overall healthcare cost increases. 44 are considering switching to the high cost plans, and why is this happening . The primary factor is whats happening with the hospitals and the physician groups as theyre coming together and getting bigger and stronger and negotiating price increases. I think thats the biggest factor driving the increase of total medical spending. Traditionally, our big more powerful hospitals, they say you want your patients in my hospital . This is what youll pay. But analysts say there are other factors at play, including new fees and demandates under obamacare. Frankly, the individual mandates. While the new law has a series of cost containing measures, millions of people were mandated to get coverage, and now those people are able to use those health plans to get treatment. And that costs money. But americans have long spent the most on their healthcare. Its a 7 trillion industry, nearly twice as much as countries like france and germany. Regardless of how we feel about our Healthcare System, the costs of that Healthcare System are absolutely unsustainable. If we go into the year 2050, the debts that will exist as a result of the healthcare that we are spending will make the United States look like greece. And yet more healthcare spending can translate into more job opportunities. Six of ten of americas Fastest Growing occupations are healthcare related. If the industry is a steady source of employment growth, even in a very deep recession like the one we saw in 2008 and 2009, thats a powerful bit of evidence about the strength of the underlying demand for workers in this field. But whether this trend can last is another question altogether. Aljazeera, new york. To help us break this down a bit more is michael thompson, one of the authors of the Price Waterhouse coopers report. And he has spent 25 years in analyzing healthcare and employee benefits. So in the last five years, it wasnt going up . We have been in a period of decreasing trend in healthcare costs, and frankly, there have been a lot of things changing in the economy wants but were predicting now that were about to hit a turn. Is this cyclical . Healthcare is always involved in cycles, it goes up and down, and whats different this time. Last time, in past years while it has gone up, it has gone up dramatically. And we dont see that this time. Its a hockey stick, and starts occurring. Lets talk whenthe structural changes. What jumps out at you the most that prevents that hockey stick from happening . One element is consumerism. People are increasingly paying more out of their pocket from the care that theyre receiving. The high deductible plans, and the surveys are suggesting that well over, almost one in four employers have high deductible plans as their only plan, and thats expected to grow significantly over the next four years. Why when you have a high deductible plan, explain why that makes a difference in the cost. In the past, people didnt real understand what things cost. They thought that having a baby cost 10. But i think now people are starting to better understand that. And want experience has been that when people actually pay more of the costs for the care they receive, they tend to consume the care a lot smarter so thats one way that we could actually keep costs down, and lets talk about the drugs out there. That seems to be the big issue, right . We have been in a little bit of a honeymoon when it relates to prescription drugs, in part because we have had so many major drugs go off patent. But what has been behind the scenes is the growth of specialty drugs, and unlike the old drugs, these drugs are very very expensive, and what were showing in 2015, were seeing a major rise in specialty drugs that will help to drive the healthcare costs up. If youre a relatively healthy person and you dont have to take any of these expensive drugs, will your costs go up . Or will people be able to control their costs better . Were seeing overall costs for benefit plans going up 6. 8 , and because of that, everybody will share in those costs. It doesnt matter if youre healthy or not healthy, that will contribute to how much you pay out of your pocket so im going to be knock on wood, not taking any of these but ill have to pay for them as well. Healthcare will be shared in the general population. When youve been looking at it the Affordable Care act doesnt have a direct impact on our projection, but there are indirect ways. One is in health technology. There have been huge investments, and we see that being an inflater, something thats going to contribute to it. But on the other side, were seeing a lot of changes in the system itself. One change relates to increasing changes in the incentives that the providers have, where theyre essentially at risk for haustral thanking rewarded for more volume, and thats causing providers to rethink how they manage their systems, and theyre looking for ways to take money out of the costs, and the standardized approaches so were not wasting as much money in the system. With the technology, theyre all doing it on the ipad and everything is on the computer. And isnt that in the long run a way to save money . It shouldnt in the long run, and again, were in various stages of maturity in that. But you could see it eventually paying off . Every other industry has found a way to make Technology Save money, and not cost money. Thank you for helping us break this down. It used to be cops fighting the war on drugs, and now theyre on the other side, protecting legal pot sellers, and their story is coming up. And one state is cracking down on waste. See then police are having stones thrown at them by the protestors an unpopular uprising. These. Violations were part of a systematic tactics by Venezuelan Security forces brutal government crack downs the amount of anger here, you can see tensions between the two sides. Is venezuela on the brink . Fault lines Al Jazeera Americas ground breaking. We have to get out of here. Award winning investigative documentary series venezuela divided on Al Jazeera America start with one issue education. Gun control. The gap between rich and poor. Job creation. Climate change. Tax policy. The economy. Iran. Healthcare. Ad guests on all sides of the debate. This is a right we should all have. Its just the way it is. Theres something seriously wrong. Theres been acrimony. The conservative ideal. Its an urgent need. And a host willing to ask the tough questions how do you explain it to yourself . And youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on Al Jazeera America the Movement Across the country to legalize marijuana has created some ironic assists many one of them involve the police. For decades, the cops have been mandated to keep pot off the streets. But after several states legalized pot, the same officers are protecting it on the streets that they patrol. This report is filed front seattle. Jake ryan, guarding the goods, using all he learned in 17 years of Law Enforcement including undercover work with the Royal Canadian mounted police. My career has been investigating narcotics, including can bus. But now this is a career change, he has been protecting the pot, heading security for an enormous marijuana producer, lionessed by the canadian government. Its a tradeoff to his former trade. Its prescribed by a doctor, and its for the benefit of canadians health. And yes, its a different transition, but im fine with it, because thats what it is. His boss sees the skill sets and the knowledge for a Law Enforcement career as a natural fit for this blooping industry. We had a former dea from the u. S. Driving around british columnby to cannibus groves to find the best genetic mix he could find. Ive seen more grow operations than in 15 years. Patrick is the dea agent, and for more than a decade, busting drug rings was his job. Its more complicated, because they created it. As an attorney, he works for a seattle firm and businesses, navigating the changing legal landscape. He says that he feels a responsibility. To stand up this industry and make sure that its compliant, transparent, professional, well run, because really, its a mainstream product, sought out my mainstream americans. But the product mainstream is hardly universal in Law Enforcement. I would never make the jump for any amount of money. Tom gorman has spotted the drug trade at various levels of Law Enforcement for 25 years, currently running a federal program out of denver. How do you do that as a cop, when all of your life, youre upholding your oath of office, and just like that, you can turn on it. Why would you do that . I dont know. But they are suspecting to see more pot fighters becoming pot facilitators. Thats just one example of the surprising results we have seen as marijuana goes mainstream. Nowhere will you find more interesting twists than in colorado. Business is booming in the state, and its more than just growers and distributers that are seeing a boost to their bottom line. Our next guest wrote about it for the june issue of ink magazine. And he joins me now. He talks to people across a wide range of industries. All of this seems relatively positive in terms of the feedback on boosting jobs, and tell us about some of the people that you talk to. I talk to everybody in the hiring industry, and theres this guy, david bacon, he has his own staffing agency, better with bacon. Its a great name. Only in colorado. But he has seen a 20 increase in interest, people either getting up and moving to the state or just calling him and saying, what are the jobs like, and how can i get one . He said there are tons of jobs, and he specializes in tech and startup industry. I like the specialty. The builders, theres construction, and the whole idea, you dont realize how much space you need and how much equipment you need to actually grow marijuana and that seems to be a big area, right . Yes, so construction is booming, and theres this guy, ethan shumway, who started armstrong steel. Preengineered steal instruct, and one of his clients, he built a 50,000 square foot facility to be a grow house, and before january, this didnt happen, but all of a sudden, it continues to happen, and its not all due to marijuana. But his yeah right. With the booming industry, other things are coming through, and other businesses are interested. But 35 increase in revenue, not only due to marijuana, but hes getting so much business and interest from the pot industry that hes offering turn key solutions. You pay a certain price, and hell get a building with ventilation and lighting. A realtor, whats this . Its not just that the Housing Market is going up, but specifically, around the marijuana industry. Yeah, so rona hanson, your weed friendly realtor, she used to focus on helping people with disabilities get housing but most of her clients had marijuana cards, and she started, okay, your prescription is 12, and ill find you a space that hits that, once retail hits, every resident can own 12. And shes finding people with either medical cards or just anybody who lives there, spaces to fit their growing needs. This is an industry that was underground before. It was a big economy, but the same economy that was underground and its mainstream or is it really adding to the dollars . I mean, i think its now just becoming totally legitimate. I mean, if you were to buy pot illegally, you were not going to go to a store, you were going to go to a guy or a girl, anybody, but the infrastructure needs to be laid, how stores need to be built. And everything from the regulations, from seed to sale. You cant just grow pot and sell it. It needs to be accounted for, and tracked and monitored. From when you take the clone to either when you chop it up and put it in a bag or if you make oil. Every step along the way. Now there are Tech Companies making seed to sale software, and its just crazy, and it blew my mind saying that. Really quick, are liquor store and wine sales down . Interesting that you said that. I was talking to went down to delaware this weekend. And met with sam and Dog Fish Head and met with a guy from colorado, a brewer, and he said that the competition, the brewers in colorado, theyre kind of celebrities, right . Great guys making good beer, but now looking for industrial space, as for the marijuana growers, the marijuana growers with all of the money coming in are snatching up all of the real estate, so thats an issue, but the governor, and also, the city councilman, charlie brown, very concerned with the kids, which is a real issue. Marijuana is legal there, right . But if it becomes legal across the country, with attitudes. It is something to keep an eye on for sure. Very interesting story, and thank you for joining us. Appreciate it. Well, north dakotas economy is on fire, thanks to the fracking there, but now the governor wants to curb part of the oil industry. Mainly gas flaring. Thats when natural gas is burned off when theres no pipeline to bring it to markets. The governor wants to build more pipelines to keep pace are oil production, and an estimated 100 million of natural gas is lost or flared each months in north dakota. Many wells look like burning torches, so many they can be seen from space. North dakota is the number two oil producer after texas. Theres a ceasefire between ukraine and russia in prices, and well have more on that. And one city is putting the brakes on an app thats supposed to help drivers find a parking spot. Al Jazeera America presents the system with Joe Berlinger new york city has stop and frisk some say these laws help serve and protect. We created the atmosphere that the policemans the bad guy. Others say these tactics are racist discrimination is wrong 99 percent of those arrested in Drug Free School zones. Were not near a school at all are they working . This time im gonna fight it. The system with Joe Burlinger only on Al Jazeera America saturday, retired senator george mitchell. Not every problem in the world is an american problem. Shares his unique perspective on the future of america, home and abroad. People everywhere have certain things in common that are actually much greater than their differences. Every saturday, join us for exclusive, revealing and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. Talk to al jazeera, saturday, 5 eastern. Only on Al Jazeera America. Hundreds of days in detention. Al jazeera rejects all the charges and demands immediate release. Thousands calling for their freedom. Its a clear violation of their human rights. We have strongly urged the government to release those journalists. Journalism is not a crime. Violence today in Eastern Ukraine, drummed a ceasefire between pro russian fighters and government forces. A ukraine helicopter was shot down, killing nine soldiers. The incident came after president announce aid ceasefire. And Vladimir Putin signaled his compliance. Putins largely symbolic gesture seems aimed at stopping the west from imposing more sanctions against russia. Ukraine is expected to sign an agreement on closer economic ties with the european union. And russias opposition is at the heart of ukraines current political crisis. For more on the situation in ukraine and russia and the road ahead, im joined by krista free land from washington. Shes a member of the parliament for the ukrainian defense, and shes a former editor of the Financial Times and reuters, and author of sale of the century, russias wild ride from communism to capitalism, so thank you for being here. Do you think that theres any chance of a ceasefire . Not in the shortterm. I think that your introduction was exactly right, and what were seeing is a very two faced play. So on the othe on the one hand,g to work toward a peaceful resolution to prevent further sanctions from the west. And for investors. And you saw a pretty strong reaction on the russian stock market today to this resolution by parliament. He has been hit by the sanctions and the uncertainty and he doesnt want it to go further. On the other hand, its absolutely clear that the separatists in Eastern Ukraine are getting weapons from russia. Many of them are russian citizens, and so theyre getting a lot of support from the kremlin, and if putin wanted the fighting to stop, im absolutely confident that he could make that happen in 24 hours so when you call it largely symbolic do you agree that thats what its . I dont think that its definitive, but i think that its significant. What it says, putin has decided at least for public consumption, that now is a moment when he needs to take a publicly more peaceful and more conciliatory stance. Thats not enough. We have to judge him by his actual actions and not just the symbolic gestures, and its better to have peaceful gestures from the kremlin better than bellicose ones. What about the sanctions . Are there sanctions that could work and what are they . So i think that the approach to sanctions so far, which has been a surgical targeted sanction has been smart. And a lot of people thought it wouldnt have an impact. And i think that it has had an impact. We need to continue with those sanctions. These are people who have enjoyed having political power in russia, but they have liked partying and having their kids educated and so forth in the west. And we have cut that off. I think its significant that we should keep it up and maybe add a few more people to the list, and the next step would be world sanctions and those would be very significant if we decided to pursue them. It would be a meaningful escalation, and if the u. S. Were to go that route, we would suffer some pain to you. So do you think that it would be successful . Yes, i do. I think we have already seen that sanctions so far have had a really restraining force on russia. I think absent the sanctions we have seen so far, i think we would have seen a much more forceful russian presence in Eastern Ukraine, and i think if we see further aggression from russia, it would be a possibility if theyre still in the mix of what were talking about. But having said that, i think now, theres another urgent set of things that we should be doing, and that is support ukraine. Ukraine has a good new government. And the new president was elected with a very strong democratic mandate from across the country, and its really important that he succeed. And we can help him. What about the 15point peace plan. Is that part of this . It is. It is important that he is both reaching out to the separatists, and also showing that hes not backing down. So i think that hes taking really good smart steps, and hes in a region of the country which has foreign nationals armed by a very powerful neighbor, who are opening him. And state power in a lot of the area where i was last month has disintegrated. I wouldnt describe the people there as most pro russian, but theyre really confused and scared. Thank you, we appreciate having your insights. Pleasure. Up next, what crisis . A study says that the student debt problem is not as bad as you think. What they see that we dont. And San Francisco putting the brakes on an app. Called useful, but the city calls it illegal. Well have the details. I think that al jazeera helps connect people in a way they havent been connected before. Its a new approach to. Journalism. This is an opportunity for americans to learn something. We need to know whats going on around the world. We need to know whats going on in our back yard and i think al jazeera does just that. R you cant bring up the topic of student debt without someone using the word crisis. A report says the situation may not be as dire as you thing the the authors of a new Brookings Institution studies acknowledge that the number of students taking on debt to pay tuition and Living Expenses has increased. Over the last two decades the costs have doubled, at 4year public universities and increased 50 at private 4year and public 2year schools. Only 7 of young adult households have more than 50,000 in debts. Half of the households have 10,000 in debts and . Beth coauthored the report and joins me from washington. I know you read the paper. Do you think theres not a crisis out there. Thats everything we are reading. In a sense assist a crisis. The prevailing narrative is that theres widespread financial distress among all with Student Loan Debts and a lot of policies on the stable assumes that. The attention should be elsewhere is what we point out, not on the borrower. The figures you sited, as they indicated, its not a widespread problem. Lets talk about the typical borrower and things that have happened. In a lot of cases repayment terms have been stretched, and you may pay less monthly, but you could pay more over the lopping haul. How do you long haul. How do you look at that, and how does that factor into your thinking. Sure. Households pay no more on a monthly basis than they were 20 years ago. They are achieving that by stretching out repayment terms, so they are paying over many more years. That, alone, doesnt mean the burdened lessoned on the household, its stretching it out. We have a data point that the incomes increased more than enough to offset the debt for the same households. The two things together give us a conclusion that we have less debt. Talk about the incomes being able to keep up with it. A lot of people feel that the wages had been constrained and a lot of stories that we see are showing, and kids that have gone to graduate school and got a degree and found a job at a coffee shop and cant service the lone. Is that not what youre finding . Theres a lot things. Outliers and anecdotes that are highlighted in the media. I understand why those are stories that make us very sympathetic and struggling. The reality is the average income for individuals with Student Loan Debt increased more than the debt has increased for the households. We dont see this as an increase in the burden for the lopping run for the households. I think theres 11 , according to the people behind 90 days or more, on the Student Loan Debt. What do you think it is that is presenting that group of people from being able to service their loan. Is there other costs that are prohibiting them from keeping up if income is not an issue. We show that increases more than enough offset the debt on the average. Certainly there are borrowers that have not seen incomes falling amounts enough to pay for their debts. There are cases of that. So if the debt load is not a problem, where should we look, how do you think we should solve what men people are concerned about. If you want to not call it a crisis. There are a lot of people out there with issues. Is college just too expensive . I think theres a couple of things. The group of students we are concerned about is those that pay for a degree. Returns to education ever positive. There are subgroups, and we dont know who they are, for whom investments are not paying off. These are the peep we want to be concerned about. It comes back to cost. As costs increases at the rapid pace that we saw over the past two decades well see it eat into the returns that the students have been experiencing historically. So we do want to put more of a policy emphasis on taking care of the cost, and less on taking care of the debt problem. Thank you so much for joining us much fascinating work and a mustread for anyone reading everything that has been out in the media so far on this. Thank you so much. Thank you. 70 years ago this month the United States offered veterans returning from world war ii a chance to get a higher education. The original g i bill put 8 million vets through college. In 2008 the u. S. Took a page from history and created a post 9 11 gi bill. More than a million vets took advantage and the first batch of gi grads is entering the workforce this year. Whether the new gi bill creates a greater generation is not clear, but it helpless them to com helps them to compete in the job market. We have this report. I believed that the greatest thing i would do in my life is serve my country. Reporter as a str finishing a communication degree in philadelphia, Ashley Parker roman is a long way off from directing helicopter on flight decs for the navy. Just as serving in the military was important. Getting a College Education was important. No one in my family has been to college. Reporter grok up in the worst growing up in the worst of batt mar, it seemed out of reach. That was until her Service Contract was up, when the post gi bill was law. My tuition, books would be paid for, my housing allowance. What else do you need. Veterans under the post gi bill received for veterans at a gi school, matching the governments tuition with its open, that moons an education worth over 200,000 doesnt cost a cent. We are hoping to do with the post 9 11 gi bill is provide a benefit for the veterans recognising the sacrifices we ask them to make. Ryan helped to lead the fight. He said gi benefits help veterans and the country as a whole. We saw highly skilled and motivated individuals who came back from the war, leveraged their experiences. Reporter this new generation of veterans returned home facing a difficult transition. You have app uneasy feeling. Still to this day, i dont like driving over a pothole or next to maybe a stack of garbage on the side of the road. Reporter chester served in the army until may 2011. Frequent id attacks left him with bad knees ankles, a bum back and p. T. S. D. Its like a switch. You learn how to turn it on and off. Its a big big thing to do. Curtis used his benefits to earn an Associates Degree in management in edmondson college. At the cost of 4,000 a year. He saw his employment prospects improve. Last month his project engineering internship turned into a wellpaying fulltime job. We see the post2011 peen a posteducational tall. Curtis counselled the post gi bill as a success towards making recent veterans more competitive in the marketplace, but admits the government doesnt have hard data on how many using the benefits stay in school, let alone graduated or turn the degrees into job. That led to talk on capitol hill, that the 34 million spent to date may be an expensive gamble. If you cant demonstrate the return on investment from congress, theyll relook at an investment and say we can trim here and there. Ashley, who plans a degree in marketing says the post 9 11 gi bill is the least the country can do for the troops deployed in war. While my peers that graduated with me, i was fighting for my country in the middle of the ocean working 18 hours a day, not knowing what would happen. If thats not deserving of an education what is. Reporter here is an update on ashley, she has an internship at neilson and looking for fulltime jobs. Next San Francisco is telling car owners to stop monkeying around. An app auctions Parking Spaces is feeling the heat. Speaking of heat lebron james is becoming a free agent. Why its not all about money. The stream is uniquely interactive television. We depend on you, you are one of the voices of this show. So join the conversation and make it your own. The stream. Next on Al Jazeera America and join the conversation online ajamstream. Audiences are intelligent and they know that their needs are not being met by american tv news today. Entire media culture is driven by something thats very very fast. There has been a lack of fact based, in depth, serious journalism, and we fill that void. There is a huge opportunity for Al Jazeera America to change the way people look at news. We just dont parachute in on a story. Quickly talk to a couple of experts and leave. One producer may spend 3 or 4 months, digging into a single story. At al jazeera, there are resources to alow us as journalists to go in depth and produce the kind of films. The people that you dont see anywhere else on television. We intend to reach out to the people who arent being heard. We wanna see the people who are actually effected by the news of the day. Its Digging Deeper its asking that second, that third question, finding that person no one spoken to yet. You cant tell the stories of the people if you dont get their voices out there, and Al Jazeera America is doing just that. Now inroducing, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. Get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. A global perspective wherever you are. The major headlines in context. Mashable says. Youll never miss the latest news they will continue looking for suvivors. The potential for Energy Production is huge. No noise, no clutter, just real reporting. The new Al Jazeera America mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. Download it now consider this the news of the day plus so much more. We begin with the growing controversy. Answers to the questions no one else will ask. Why did so many of these People Choose to risk their lives . Antonio mora, Award Winning and hard hitting. People are dying because of this policy. Theres no status quo, just the bottom line. But what is the administration doing behind the scenes . Real perspective, consider this on Al Jazeera America San Francisco is a testing ground for many new Tech Startups these days, and until yesterday, monkey parking was one of many apps trying to make urban life more liveable. It let drivers auction off their Public Parking spots to nearby drivers searching for spots to park their cars. If you ever circled for what seemed like hours to find a parking spot, you may think this is a good idea. But the San Francisco county attorney does not. And he made a point. Joining us with more on what the city is doing on the parking front, we have matt dorsey from San Francisco, and thank you so much for coming. Thank you for having me out. So im wondering where you parked when you came to the interview. I got to run. So why do you think that this is illegal . Were just selling information, but the information that this person is in the parking spot. And not actually selling the spot. Long before there was an internet, San Francisco had a police code provision that prevented people from buying, leasing, or in any way selling the onstreet parking, and its no more legal now because theres an internet or mobile devices. One can imagine a scenario where back in the 80s, and the 49rs were playing, and somebody decided to get orange cones and building parking and sell it. And they couldnt do that, because we have a law that says we cant. And just because its a mobile app doesnt mean they can so not just monkey, but if anybody decides to sell a parking spot, youre going after all of them. Monkey parking was the first one, self proclaimed on the apple store, and you can make money after you leave your parking spot as long as you provide it to somebody else who is a member of monkey parking. Its an auction that you have on your mobile device. One is sweech and one is park mobile. And the City Attorney said that its something that San Francisco has to take seriously. We have a competitive parking situation, but its a question of fairness. Its good to know that hey, if im going to be driving along in north beach, where on a saturday night, its a busy place and there are a lot of restaurants, its not going to be fair that a wealthy person is going to be able to park and im not going to be able to park because they can outbid me. I was laughing because i was there this weekend. And i had a up to time paraguay couple of times. On thursday, you said in your kid that somebody is trying to pay people on craigs list to go and sit in parking spots, and then those people are going to get paid by the auction thing. Is this really happening . Its happening. Park momento is the name of the company, and theyre i offering to pay team 13 an hour, and theyre looking for 20 people to drive around the Mission District where its very competitive to park. Theyre asking them to park and hold that spot hostage and were going to auction it and try to sell f if this were a private garage, thats fine, but its onstreet parking, and its not your right to monetize it. Theres an app for everything, that allows you to auction off or sell your own driveway space, and is that okay with the City Attorneys office it would be, and it creates a value for homeowners who may have a driveway that theyre not using, and motorists looking for a place to park. Its marked contrast with the apps on the street parking, that are not their asset to sell and they are trying to pocket money from it. They would have no right to do that, than to rent their Spare Bedroom out and pocket the money myself. Its not their asset to monetize. All right, fascinating story, and youre on the front lines in San Francisco. Thank you so much. All right, if youre like me right now, youre thinking, i cant wait for friday. And heres the good news. For a growing number of companies, thursday is the new friday. Coming up tomorrow, why more american bosses are backing a fourday work week. Thats tomorrow at 7 00 eastern, 4 00 pacific. How many of us would like to tell our boss, i would like to test the market for my skills, and send me your best offer. Thats what lebron james said. He on the the opted out of the remainder of his craft, leaving 43 million on the table. To become a free agent. And teams are salivating to have him. Hes won two nba championships with the heat and is regarded as the games best player, and the cavs and the rockets and others are trying to lure in james. Still the heat are the favorite to retain him, not just because of the most money. He would even sign for less money to bring in better players and keep the heat a championship contender. And did we mention that florida has no state income tax . James has control, and who wouldnt want that . Thats our show for today. Im jen rogers in for ali velshi, thanks for joining us. As the fighting continues in iraq, the first u. S. Special forces arrive in baghdad. Live in the iraqi capital. Hello, welcome to al jazeera live from doha. Also on the programme as libyans choose a new government hundreds of turks are fled after a thread from a retired general. Help arrives for those who fled the battle with the taliban. Was there is a bite

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