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Show. Follow us, leave a comment on our facebook page. This week weve told you about the stock markets bull rup, the s p which mimics the Stock Holdings gained 26 . The year is not over the the stocks are tearing through a 4year bull run, a market rallyicing up gains of more than 20 . Todays goes back to the market bottom on march 9, 2009. If you invested 1,000 in march 9th, it would be worth, 2,069. No one felt like investing back then. Why buy low when everyone was in the market. Its the time to buy, right. It seems that way given how many of you are piling in. Investors poured 19. 6 billion into u. S. Stock mutual funds. The total reached 167, the highest since the year 2000. Generally speaking mutual funds are marketed to restale investors, people like you. They are a good way to measure your appetite for the market. 45 . Investors say they are bullish on the stock market. According to the latest survey. It is 6 points higher than the longterm average. It makes sense. Now the stock market is the only game in town for individuals wanting to build their wealth. Cds and other accounts cannot compete. The bullish sentiment is good sos long as the market keeps going, and the question is will it. Four years and eight months may sound like a long time. History gives us longer bull runs. Most of the decade it lasted before crashing into bear territory. Still, the average bull market going back to the 1930s lasted four years. Todays rally is running longer than most. One thing to consider, the moment when individuals pile into a ball market is when the pros get nervous. Janet yellen, Barack Obamas pick to lead the reserve when ben bern angie steps down, fielded questions. Senator gave her a bit of a grilling over the feds multibillion bondbuying program working to keep Interest Rates low. A chance of a history of monetary speak. Language that most find hard to understand. Janet yellen is clearer than most. I believe it could be costly to withdraw accommodation or to fail to provide adequate accommodation. On the other hand it will be important for us also, as the recovering proceeds, to make sure that we do withdraw accommodation when the time has come. In plain english, and janet yellen is saying, yes, eventually well stop donating 85 billion to the economy. When we do, it could hurt. You better get comfortable with the idea. When explaining why the fed continues to put mun into the system, she got not be more clean. The objective of the policy is to benefit all americans, especially those who were sealing harm come to them and their families from high unemployment in a recovery that has taken a long time and been, frankly, disappointing. Yellen is expected to sail through confirmation in the senate, as vice chair she gets the job if no one is confirmed for the job. Back to that money. The 85 billion. We are told where is the money what happened to it. Since the height of the 2008 financial cries circumstances the Federal Reserve injected 3 trillion of new money. Through quantity tative easing or qe the fed credits accounts with money that didnt exist. Qe is designed to flow into the broader economy by raising the price of bonds the fed buys. Buy lowering borrowing costs the fed hopes to boost consumer demand and provide an incentive for businesses to expand production. Growth has been stuck in low gear. The feds bondbuying spree helped many houses to rebound. If you own a house thats increased in value, its great new, or youre one of 47 of americans in the stock market. Many are yet to feel a benefit from quantitative easing. It begs the question, what is the trillions doing. Gathering dust. The lyons share is in the reform system. Excess reserves exploded from 267 billion in october 2008 to 2. 2 trillion today. Twothirds of all the money created by quantitative. Banks used the cash to improve the balance sheets. They decided to lend on to the most credit wordsy borrowers. Banks dont have to lend to realise a return because the fed pays a quarter per cent interest on them. It probably should be stopped. The fed is buying 85 billion of bonds a month. We have to wonder if its a q eternity, it would be a while before the Federal Reserve gets a chance to pull back on asset purchases. Purchases that americans are waiting to feel richer for. The amount of loans made by commercial banks is back to where it was before the recessi recession. We need more lending and borrowing to kick the economy into high gear. What is not clear is whether the banks are unwilling to lend more or whether demand for loans are not there. Hes the match maker of the Software World as clients are not looking for love, they are looking for work. Sort of like a dating service. You can have two great people that dont get along. Thats fine, if you dont match at the first company, theres others. If you dont match with the first candidate. Well bring you another. If you thought video games were a waste of time, thing again. With some job recruiters, gaming skills could be more important than your resume. That story and more when real money continues. Top Software Programmers are a hot commodity. Some companies are paying big money. Fortune says google plays pays a lot. In st Louis Companies have another way to find code writing help. A tech mowingal matches employers with programmers. Meet jim. Glassblowing artist Computer Science engineer and businessman, cofounding square, with fellow st louis maker jack dawesy and hes a match maker. There was a need in st louis. There was over 1,000 job openings. At the same time we knew people who had programming skills who couldnt get the jobs. They came up with the idea of starting launch code, an apprentice program. Something he funds himself ux. We are taking programmers and taking them in jobs. A programmer is matched with a working professional in a new business. They Work Together as a team. Mcal vi started launch code at the end of september and invited companies to apply. The response was overwhelming. The Program Identified 100 small and Large Companies to participate in the first round of placements. I have a lot of connections with the startup community. Every company we talked to said yes. Getting a dis from monsato is amazing. All the companies are in the same situation, they need talented programmers, but not getting them to the standard means. They are the head hunters. Business owners have specific programming needs that are not met. Like food essential, a company that aggregates food label data. It employs 15 fulltime employees and is looking to fill three programming positions. A lot of our processes are java. We have a lot of trouble finding them. You pay more than you can afford or you go outside the community. 805 programmers signed up on the launch code website. They are selected based on code and go through an interview process. Programmers are paid 15 by an enplor. Most applicants have background with writing code. Adam herald grew up writing adventure programs. I used q base. He graduated with a degree in Computer Science but chose a different path. I have been a professional poker player for seven years. He was returning to st. Louis, looking to get into programming when his father emailed him about launch code. He plied and went in for an interview. I have been out for a while. They said, we think you are a good candidate, someone who has the skills but needs their foot in the doors. Adam needed to get back up to speed. Launch code paired him with a veteran programmer. One of the things that is pro in peer programming is getting people that are smart guys, get them up to speed very fast, and order to produce Good Software so the company can grow. Applicants span the age and experience, most younger and unemployed like 20yearold keegan myers, placed at xstart up pushup. I was unemployed. 15 an hour is wonderful. Now im looking at things i wouldnt have imagined. Im looking into buying a car or getting my own apartment, moving out of my parents house. Jim says launch code goes beyond an apprentice program. Its like a dating service. If you have two great people that dont get along. Thats fine. If you dont match at the first, thats fine. If you dont match with the first candidate, well bring you another. For someone like keegan, its been a life saver. Im grateful, without launch code or push up. Being where i am now, i dont know what i would have been doing. I would have worked a dead end job not using my talents or doing what i joy. Adam was hired last weerk. He makes 40,000. Keegan makes a Fulltime Position with pushup social and starts next week. A great resume may not be enough to land a job. You may have to play a video games, games that help Companies Get inside your head, get a read on your personality and skills and figure out if you are a good match. Stacy tisdale reports the games are the latest ways that companies are using data about you to get an edge. What if playing a video game could get you a Job Interview or find your next star employee. About that is what this game, wasabe waiter is designed to do, engaging a job seeker in a video game, gathering a tonne of data analysed to be able to revul abilities, before and personality. Part of the game is seeing how well you evaluate people. The department of orthopaedic surgery piloted the program. To test whether it would be useful. The top medical students with the higher scores apply for our position. We have 7 huns800 for 12 positionses. The group is narrowed to 70 people. Four full days are spent interviewing the timists. Youd think with highly skilled individuals, that every person with a position would work out wonderfully. It doesnt calls work out that way. Its a problem guy hopes to solve. Hes the founder of nak. As an experience, as a human experience, it reveals a lot of information about our behaviour, and who we are. Are you competitive, how do you deal with change, adversity, do you strategies. Beyond insight into the candidate he believes his data will produce who will be successful. It matches job seeker profiles to those of top talent already in an organization. The first person that comes up is a 95 match. This is not the only one that sees the potential. Eharmony known for finding compatibility in relationships is developing an algorithm that matches employees and employees. Several other companies have designed evaluations that match applicants and jobs. These data based approaches do more than identify talent. They can pinpoint which job seekers are like i to stick aroundment. Human capital is a tremendous cost. Neil ray overseas 13,000 employees for Global Business processor transcome. Recognising he had an attrition problem, costing 5 million, he turned to evolve. It compares job candidates with current employees that performed well in the organization for a long period of time. A longer tenure improves the productisty of the candidate and employee, and the better productivity leads to higher Customer Experience and satisfaction. There are potential downsides to the applications. A lot are mysterious, skills go in in one side, test results and game plea and out the other side is a yes, no, red light, green light. It destroys nuance making hiring important. Nyus Orthopaedic Department is undecided whether it will employs this process. But they do see the potential. The millenial generation, they are into this. They are adept at it. Its part of their natural state of being. As baby boomers retire millenials make up more of the the labour force, 75 by 2030. With so men inexperienced employees flooding the labour pools, new technologies making the process more efficient is likely to grow. Coming up veterans serving in iraq and afghanistan what they need to fight deployment. While me peers graduated, i was fighting for my country, i was in the middle of the ocean working 18 hours a day, you know, not knowing what was going to happen. If thats not deserving of an education, what is . That story and more as real money continues. Unemployment for veterans from iraq and afghanistan stands at 10 . Its a higher figure than the national average. To help the vets u. S. Invested in a generous set of educational benefits since the gi bill, allowing world war ii veterans to attend college. Called the post 9 11 gi bill it reached its millionth soldier milestone and had the first class graduating. It is paying off veterans receiving a Higher Education. We have this story. Ive believed the greatest thing i will go in my life is serve my country. Finishing up a communications degree, Ashley Parker roman is a long way off from directing helicopters on flight desks. Just as serving in the military is important, getting a College Education is important. No one in my family has gone to college. Having grown up in baltimore, Higher Education was out of reach until her Service Contract was up, when the post 9 11 gi bill was law. My tuition and books would be paid for, Housing Allowance what else do you need . Veterans under the post 9 11 gi bill receive 1,000 for books, cost of living and instate public tewics for 19,198 for private tool costs. For veterans like parker, a school which matches the governments tewition contribution with its own, that means an education worth over 200,000 doesnt cost a cent. We were hoping to provide a benefit for benefits of the current conflicts recognising the sacrifices we have asked them to make. Ryan galucci led the fight to pass the bill. It helped veterans and the country. After world war ii we had highly skilled and motivated individuals coming back from the law leveraging their experience to build our economy. It has the potential to mould a new generation of leaders. This new generation many of whom served deployments returned home facing difficult transitions. You have an uneasy filling. I dont like driving over a pot h hole or next to a stack of garbage on the side of the road. This man served in the army until may 2011. Frequent attacks during his stint in afghanistan left him with bad knee, ankle, and ptsd. Its like a light switch, you turn it off. Its a big thing to do. Curtis used benefits to earn an associate degree in washington state. At a cost of 4,000 a year, hes seen his employment prospects improve. Last month his project engineering internship turned into a wellpaying fulltime job. We see the post 9 11 gi bill as being one of the most valuable tools for an eventual meaningful employment. Va undersecretary counts the post 9 11 gi bill as an unqualified success towards making veterans competitive in the civilian marketplace. He admits the government does not have hard data on veterans using benefits, how many stay in school or graduate or turn the degrees into jobs. That led to discussion on capitol hill, that it may be an expensive gamble. If you cant see the return, many Times Congress will look at trimming. Ashley who plans a career in marketing after she graduates says the post 9 11 gi bill is the least the country can do for 2. 5 million troops deployed in law. My peers that graduated high school, i was fighting for my country, on a 6month deployment in the middle of the ocean, working 16 hours a day, not knowing what would happen. If thats not deserving of an education, what is. To address the issue of how much bang the nation is getting for the buck spent on the gi bill, the va is partnering with nonprofit groups to track outcomes of more than a million veterans. Preliminary results are expected next year. Funding will be decided before a bill is in place for 2014. The new Health Care Law is a problem. The problem is not that people receive cancellation letters notifying them that theyll lose insurance, or that the marketplace website healthcare. Gov is a mess the problem is they are happening at the same time. If people with cancelled plans could log on, use the federal website smoothly and easily theyd learn the options in the outcry over the plans may go away. President obama is encouraging americans to shop around in the new online marketplace. He acknowledged it is not working as fast as it needs to. It makes it scarier for folks. Its an understatement. If you have something taken away and you cant find your replacement options youll probably freak out. If the Barack Obama Administration fixes the website. Some problems may go away. And then he can convince the americans to give Obamacare Exchanges another chance. Thats our show for this week. Im david shuster, in for ali velshi thanks for joining us

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