Transcripts For ALJAZAM Real Money With Ali Velshi 20130919

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hour by using the twitter ashe tag aj real money. there was a big announcement that thrilled investors. in a huge surprise fed chair ben bernanke said that the fed would not take money away from stimulus programs because of head winds facing the economy. >> in light of these encertain thes we decided to wait for more evidence. of the sustained economy. >> some of those developments are high unemployment rate and cut backs that are restraining the committee. the fed has been pumping $85 billion into the final system every month of the year. it does so by buying bonds from banks and brokers who can turn around and borrow that money at lower interest rates. if the fed had taken away this money it thanksgiving would mean higher interest rates. to understoo understand how influenc influential how the fed is in this, according to a new poll 73% of americans do not understand what the fed is doing and cannot figure out how it's monetary policies effects the economy. the fed has injected $2.8 trillion in the financial system. the moves have boosted the stock mark into bull market territories and interest rates are low and boost the housing market, the very market that brought this country into recession. there are fears that the fed could fuel inflation, but the fed sees no harm of that right now and can see no harm to a fragile economic recovery. and to everybody's surprise the fed will not change its bond purchasing program at least for now. that's the perspective from the fed. as for business leaders, they also remain cautious about the economy and say they're hiring as a result will remain flat. according to results of a business round table survey just 32% of ceos say they expect to hire more workers in the next six months. the dysfunction in washington over the budget and the debt ceiling also adds economic uncertainty. president obama met with members around the roun round table and addressed that concern. >> i think this is the time for us to say once and for all we can't afford these kinds of things. i know the american people are tired of it. i'm tired of t and i suspect you're tired of it, too, because it's tough to plan your businesses when these things are looming at any given moment. >> the outlook in the current quarter to key factors in economic growth. cooperate america wants washington to get it's act together. americans still need a job, rise, or own a business, let's go to a man who after today's fed statement wrote, quote , the dubs dig in their heels. i think the point is that the fed is more concerned about continued high unemployment and less concerned about inflation, is that a fair statement. >> that is accurate. the fed has a dual mandate. they're juggling these two things in the economy. inflation and trying to achieve full employment. we're a long ways away from full element and one of the issues is the participation issue in the economy where a lot of potential marginal participants in the labor force would be workers, still sitting on the sidelines and still have not felt the economic recovery and have not yet reentered the labor mark. bernanke and his team of dove are concerned about this, that's why they're saying not time to pull back yet. >> yet there was the expectation that the fed would pull back $10 million and leave 75. >> most participants thought the fed would move in this meeting both in june and july when he testified before congress chairman bernanke hinted the time was approaching for the fed to begin not stepping on the brake pedal but taking its foot off the accelerator ever so slightly so if the fed wanted to start the ball in motion they had the opportunity today without a significant market reaction. they passed. >> doesn't that mean that the fed sees the economy as perhaps even more fragile than a lot of people thought? >> i think they're troubled by the last couple of employment reports which showed just a whiff of momentum easing a little bit in the labor market. they decided to error on the side of caution. i think the other side of the story which they hinted at in their meeting statement when they talked about the risk of federal government if dragging down recovery. they're concerned about the stale payment in congressmen over this year's budget but the debt cerealing. they don't want to pull back a little, congress then stumbles in october. it has the government shutdown, that could tip the economy in recession and the fed would get the blame just as much as congress. they decided to wait a little bit wart. >> interest rates are not going to go up any time soon. how does that translate for ordinary consumers? >> we're already seeing the basket of consumer categories. whether its rates on consumer loans, mortgage rates staying in at low levels. even automobile loan rates remaining loan. we're seeing spending in the economy actually picking up significantly. motor vehicles are the highest they've been since before the economy tipped into recession. despite the stack up in mortgage rates mortgage rates remain at low levels. that's the concern that maybe this back up and mortgage rates over the last three months one full percentage point over the last three months. the feds concerned that that is going to clobber the housing recovery. if we look at total housing ford abilit forward ability it's well over average not the last ten years but the 40 years. >> the interest rates are going to stay where they are. if you want to refinance, you still have time to do that. >> i think chairman bernanke is giving a second chance on refinancing. i mentioned housing affordability is not just a function of mortgage rates. there is income growth and the price of the house being purchased. but when it comes to refinancing it are is just an interest rate story. that's why we saw a collapse as interest rates began to move higher. those who miss the boat may have a short window of opportunity over the next few months to take advantage of locking in those lower rates. >> finally what are the key indicators that the fed needs to see to be able to say okay now we're in a position to ease off a little bit. >> well, they're focused on the unemployment rate. there are weird technical glitches that can can cause that rate to move down for the wrong reason. number one, the unemployment rate is important because that's what main street america understands. number two, the pace of job creation. we need to see 200,000 jobs per month. recently we've been closer to 250 thou per month. the pace of job creation will push the unemployment rate lower and push the fed in action in terms of pulling its food off the accelerator. >> thanks for being with us. we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. >> if you get healthcare insurance from your employer, listen up, big companies are taking a page from obamacare and pushing their employees to buy plans on private exchanges. we'll explain what those exchanges are, and what it could mean for you and your finances. that story and more as real money conditions. >> in less than two weeks american will be able to buy health insurance on new exchangeses. some people who get insurance from their employer may be eligible to use these public exchanges to buy cheaper coverage. we want to talk about private exchanges where big companies are sending employees to buy their own policy. our very own expert is here to explain, david? >> reporter: for starters, these exchanges that walgreen's and others are joining not obamacare. what if you work for a big company like many of us with rising healthcare costs your employer is probably looking for ways to save money. that could mean higher copays and deductibles for you or something completely different. memories of a golden age when employees attracted workers with the promise of generous health benefits are fading fast. now walgreen's plans to push its employees to a private exchange. firms are creating their own system to deal with the rising cost of healthcare. >> the attraction of the exchange is being able to manage cost, provide choice, and transfer that responsibility for the compliance and administration of benefits to a third party. >> reporter: and so big companies are willing to pay firms to do just that, and more and more companies are trying it out. both ge and ibm said they're planning something similar, and by 2017 one in five americans are expected to get covered through private exchange. the question is what will this mean for how much employees healthcare? >> well for some it could an plus. for some it should an minus. it's going to depend crucially whether wallgreen's an still has access to the providers that they like and get those providers at an affordable price. >> wallgreen's employees will have up to 25 plans to choose from. the chain will give workers a cash payment they can use to shop around on the private market. the amount will be the same that they paid last year. it's like the move companies have made since then moved from pensions to 401ks where employees are responsible for picking their own investments. >> in addition to having to figure out 401ks, now they have to go through healthcare plans and figure this out for yourself. >> there is one over riding theme in obamacare and that it is taking care of your own healthcare. that's the concern, the mantra when you talk to anyone, take advantage and look to your own needs and pay attention. >> david, from "real money." great piece. we appreciate it. today on twitter and facebook we've been asking you how have your healthcare benefits changed? amy said my employer sponsored premiums went up $80 a month. and this viewer from massachusetts said they haven't changed and they won't be changing. join the show and leave us a comment on facebook. let's return to the private exchanges that wallgreen's and other companies are ex-bracing. a study finds many companies may do the same thing. let's go to larry in berkeley california. what do we know about people's behavior when left to their own devices when they have to figure this out for themselves is that a good thing or a bad thing. >> as with everything in the healthcare system it's complicated and it's a good thing and a bad thing. people lead busy lives and health insurance is complicated. like a lot of things in life people will try to get by. they may put the paperwork aside and leave it for the last minute but it's really important whether you work for a big company, you're insured or you're a worker where you don't get benefits on the job, the one constant theme is you have to pay attention, look at the choices ahead of. >> you as far as the companies involved in this, isn't there a possibility that they'll use this as a cover to contribute less to the healthcare system? >> yes, well, employers have a lot of reasons for looking at these private exchanges. one is to make things simpler for them. simply to outsource the health insurance so they don't have to worry about it administratively. the other, obviously, to save time over time. employers saw very low premium increases this year. premiums increased 4% for employers and that's one of the lowest rates in history frankly but over time health insurance has gone up a lot. over the last ten years cost of health insurance has risen 80%, that's three times the rate of inflation. employers are looking to save money, like with the shift from pensions to 401k plans employers can control what they pay. they can decide to put in $3,000 to $4,000 per worker and puts the risk of premium increases on the employee, not the employer. >> four employee who is are looking to save money the best way to do that is come up with an accurate estimate of how much they're going to need to spend and buy a program accordingly? >> right, one of the advantages to these private exchanges and the obamacare exchange for people who are buying insurance on their own is choice. a lot of people at work they only get one plan or two plans to choose from. now in these exchanging people will have a variety of plans to choose from, different levels of coverage, networks, doctors and hospitals, and different types of coverage. so it's really important that people look at those details and make the tradeoff. some may come with lower premiums up front. that will seem like a good thing but you may pay more down the road when you face a big deductible, end up in the hospital or purchasing prescription. >> what does it do to the rising cost of healthcare? does it slow it down, no impact? what is the answer? >> it's uncertain. it has the potential like with the exchanges under obamacare, to inject competition in the insurance market for the first type. it's really hard to compare prices for insurance now. it's not like buying a tv and even buying a tv is not always all that simple. both of these exchanges, the public and private ones will give people a choice, and it will allow them to shop with their wallets and vote with their feet. people will be able to chose lower cost plans and higher cost plans and they'll pay for that difference out of their pockets. the result is when people are making those decisions and feeling the consequences they're naturally going to gravitate to lower cost plans. >> larry leavitt from the kaiser foundation, thank you for coming. >> my pleasure. >> now to home health aids. there are nearly 2 million health aids in this country, and we told you last week that many of them earn low wages and struggle to make ends meet. now obama administration will add overtime to the largely predominant female workplace. the chamber of commerce opposed the move saying it would make home healthcare too expensive for some people. regardless the rule goes into effect 2015. an activist is putting a very person face on the 1 trillion-dollar student loan problem. >> hi, i don't want to be here i'm getting a lot of pressure. i'm getting called all the time to pay off student loans. >> "real money" continues right here. >> every sunday night al jazeera america presents gripping films, from the worlds top documentary directors >> this is just the beginning of somthing much bigger... >> this sunday...the premier of "do the math" >> these companies are a rogue force... >> one environmentalist says fossil fuels equal disaster... will his movement add up add up to change? >> we will fight it together... al jazeera america presents... "do the math" premiers this sunday 9 eastern. on inside story, we bring together unexpected voices closest to the story, invite hard-hitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you. >> we've all heard the numbers on the student loan debt roughly 1 trillion-dollar and growing. two-thirds of college seniors will graduate with an average $26,000 in student loan debt up 41% since 1989. the year i graduated with my own student loan debt. it's a lot to digest and easy to ignore if it's not your problem. but consider the people behind those numbers. thanks to one actor turn activist the spotlight is on. patricia went to kent ohio to meet the man and see the student debt drama that he created. >> i just want to pay off my high doesn't loan debt. give me best practices ♪ holy god ♪ in the highest >> one man, one act, one 1 trillion-dollar problem. >> 1 trillion-dollar. the number comes off the screen. that's a big number. >> a number that actor activist is trying to cut down to size with "for profit," a play recounting his journey through both sides of the student debt crisis. >> the student loan is going up and up and value is going down and down. >> my student debt came at one time. you're looking at your expenses, bills, and i'm not able to pay it. >> reporter: his high student loan payments forced him to leave behind a budding acting career in new york and come back to ohio which would inspire his one-man show. >> i took a job enrolling student. i put them in debt to pay off my own student loan debt. >> reporter: through one hour and a cast of characters he explores a debt fueled by dreams and desperation. >> we don't call people, people. we don't call students, students. we call students leads. hi, i'm calling for the university. i don't want to be here. i'm getting a lot of pressure. hi, i'm having to pay off my student loans and i have to put new debt. >> reporter: a something that he hopes will act as an entry point for discussion on student loans. >> when the curtain drops on this portion at kent state university students are questioning the status quo. >> where do we have so much debt? >> it made me think that i wish the government did more to help students with debt. >> i think that when people see a human face, a human experience they're more likely to take action. >> the face of student debt for 50 performances across six states. now he's hoping to take his campaign national by encouraging othersing to bubble with public with their stories. >> i have $62,000 in student loan debt. >> reporter: working through student debt crisis, he has launched "out with student debt" an online platform that allows anyone to up load their stories. >> i owe $148,251. >> i owe $89,000. >> i owe $20,000 in student debt. >> $144,000. >> this tears you up. >> he hopes to turn the project into a larger video football to pressure lawmakers to enact reform. something that has become horror born. >> i have to do my part to tell the story so when she grows up she has the opportunity to get a higher education but not oh to the point where it's destroying her life economically. >> kent, ohio. >> he has been petitioning congress to pass several reforms in student debt including offering bankruptcy protection for all student loans. and he wants to make all federal and private student loans eligible for loan forgiveness programs. he and his wife are still struggling to pay off their own college education. together they owe $1,200 a month, and one of his student loans have gone into collection. how have your healthcare benefits change? or leave a comment on our facebook page. if you want to see more on tonight's stories pop log on to our website a. finally, closing thoughts on ceo pay. the securities and exchange commission required how much more ceo makes compared to rank and file members. that means revealing that the ceo is paid times as much, 50 times or 500 times. and by compensation that means salary bonuses, stock awards, pension values. it's true as business groups have argued that compiling the data and ratio might be expensive but the majority of commissioners say the cost is worth the transparency benefit. each of us as invest ors deserve the opportunity to evaluate the company's priorities and values. and a lopsided ratio is not something that many americans are going to support. a few business leaders and ceos have started whining about being shamed. let's not worry about them. the real shame over the last several years the gap between regular wages and ceo pay has skyrocketed. now thanks to the sec we'll find out which public companies care about this, and which companies do not. that's our show for today for thursday the federal reserve continues to pump tens of millions of dollars into the financial system. we'll tell what you that means >> on the outskirts the army is reportedly taking on armed men. [♪ music ] >> hello, welcome to al jazeera. it is good to have you here with us. also on this program. >> we have never pursued or sought a nuclear bomb, and we are not going to do so. >> iran's new president promises his country will never seek a nuclear weapon. qaddafi's regime on trial. they're due

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United States , New York , California , Ohio , Iran , Washington , District Of Columbia , Massachusetts , Kent State University , Americans , American , David Schuster , Al Jazeera America , Larry Leavitt , Ben Bernanke ,

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