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Believes boko haram had in mind for hundreds of hostages before they were rescued. Germany is the latest country to take on a direct role in the battle against Islamic State of iraq and levante in syria and it will be a noncombat mission however and politicians there voted to send a maximum of 1200 soldiers who will serve in support roles in turkey, kuwait and qatar and the mission will initially last a year and cost 146 million. It is germany e s response to a french request for help after last months paris attacks and believes germany is now a target as well and more from paul brennan. The vote in the lower house was overwhelming and 445 in favor to 146 against and it fleth reflects a wider move broadly supportive of military action and nonetheless they faced questions and debate. Translator a war of ultra terror and those countries leading the war want to get in a competition with i. S. I. L. About who understands more about murder, those who do this have already lost. Translator there needs to be a damn good argument to vote no or do nothing, ladies and gentlemen we need to act for the victims. Reporter opinion poll on friday found 58 of germans in favor of action and the same poll found 63 of i. S. I. L. Attack on german soil will increase as a result and the parliamentary vote stopped short of authorizing german air strikes inside syria. Instead berlin is sending support forces including six of the tornado jets equipped with record Light Technology and also be german refueling aircraft and navel up to 12000 personnel. Translator we are making a very meaningful contribution to the already existing recognizant system because with tornados we can make detailed images of large areas in a very short period of time and that is an ability that does not yet exist in the region. Reporter the french president Francois Hollande made a surprise visit by helicopter to the aircrafter on friday to meet the french pilots and support groups who have been launching air strikes against i. S. I. L. Targets since their deployment to the region last month and doubt lingers, the question to question the effectiveness of air strikes is a french journalist who spent 10 months in i. S. I. L. Captivity. They have considerable counter effects and they should listen even at the syrian human rights activists saying we do not need more bombs and no fly zone and we need protection and less and decrease in violence and not more nations bombing us. Reporter yet the bombing continues and observatory for human rights says heavy bombardment on friday killed 26 civilians, nearly a third of them children. The coalition against i. S. I. L. Is growing but so are the casualties. Paul brennan, al jazeera. At least 40 people have been killed in air strikes across five syrian provinces, attacks by russian and Syrian Government forces targeted idlib and homs and damascus and dara and 22 people were killed outside the capitol damascus, its an area under siege from Government Forces for about three years. In durma russian strikes targeted a series of towns where i. S. I. L. Are thought to have no presence. U. S. Police and f. B. I. Are still investigating why a couple shot 14 people dead this week this california. Syed farook and his wife Hussam Ayloush were themselves shot dead on wednesday after attacking a christmas gathering in San Bernardino eastern los angeles and explosives and thousands of rounds of ammunition have been found at their home. Our correspondent rob reynolds have been speaking with people who knew the suspects. Reporter these men worshipped with syed farook at this mosque on the outskirts of San Bernardino. They say they saw no signs that their acquaintance was radical or capable of mass murder. How could that be . It doesnt make sense. He is married. He had a sixmonthold daughter and so on and so forth and had a good job. What would make a person do such a thing . Reporter they say syed farook never appeared angry or like a Person Holding a grudge. Very respectful individual and well mannered. Reporter you didnt talk about politics or international affairs. They dow say do say syed farook took his muslim faith seriously and memorized the entire kran and the men who prayed with him at the mosque say they are as shocked and baffled as anyone else about what he did what he did. We have known him a few years now and knew him in the mosque and other than that he seemed like a very nice person and to all of us its very shocking and someone we know that actually did this crime. Reporter on thursday Afternoon Police allowed journalists to get close to the Inland Regional Center where the killings happened. What shocks many people here most is how syed farook and his wife Hussam Ayloush could have made pipe bombs and committing mass murder and caring for a sixmonthold baby girl and members of the Muslim Community prayed and mourned and trying to make sense of an unfathomable crime, rob reynolds al jazeera, San Bernardino. Occupied west bank four more palestinians have been killed, one was shot dead after an alleged stabbing and a man was shot dead after ramping a car into two israelis who were left injured. Earlier israeli troops killed two palestinians who allegedly stabbed a soldier in hebron and he is being treated for minor injuries, 112 palestinians and 17 israelis died in the violence that began at the start of october. More anger on the streets in the occupied west bank. Palestinian protesters were throwing rocks at Israeli Security forces and responded by using stun and smoke grenades and this type of violence has been a common occurrence on friday prayers in the resent wave of unrest and stephanie is in ramallah which is in the occupied west bank. Reporter these incidents are be coming the norm and saying there have been stabbing and car ramming occupied west bank on friday and really this is something that goes and ebbs and flows and there are days with no incidents and days it increases and almost palestinians are getting used to in the beginning of october when we saw a real increase in this one on one violence, people would be out and on the news and nowadays its something people are used to happening on a daytoday basis and some of the incidents are disputed as to exactly how they are carried out. We always hear the israeli Army Narrative and Security Forces and its very difficult to get a sense of the other side, the palestinian side but there is of course a lot of frustration i think and it tells you that the street is very tense, certainly one on one people are suspicious of each other israeli, palestinian and also a lot of frustration when you speak to palestinians they will tell you as a result of decades of occupation, that the youth are frustrated, they are trying to do something but when you speak to the older generation many of those that i have spoken to will say they have lost hope and many of the youth who go out and try to do something in their eyes as resistance to the occupation is in vain because nothing will change. It is searching for two armed suspects in connection with last months paris attacks and announcement was just after this cafe reopened where five of the victims were killed in the french capitol. And it was one of several venues targeted in the attacks on november the 13th in which a total of 130 people died. The cafe owner says she has redecorated to quote erase the signs of this night. In the last 30 minutes the organization for the opec will keep oil the same despite the prices and this is with the meeting in vienna and venezuela wanted to cut output to push prices up but saudi arabia and others fought for production to stay at the current levels. At least 16 people have been killed in cairo after an arson attack on a nightclub. A petrol bomb at the egyptian capitol and say they are looking for three attackers one of whom is believed to be a former employee who had been sacked. The club had only one exit. Witnesses said it looked as if the wooden roof caught fire and then collapsed. Hundreds of men, women and children have been taken to safety after being freed during an operation against boko haram on the border between cameroon and nigeria and Authorities Say some of the hostages were being trained to fight and act as suicide bombers and thousands are being killed during the armed groups sixth year of campaigning, here is emma hey wood. Reporter in the back of a parked truck there was relief and desperation, exhaustion too. Among women and children freed during an operation led but the cameroon military. Now in need of food and water. This group were among 900 hostages who had been held by boko haram fighters in several different places along the border between cameroon and nigeria. Cameroon says a Senior Member of the group was killed during the tuesday operation which also left 100 fighters dead. Translator among the enemies neutralized we can count on uganda and operations for boko haram in the area and led several attacks against our territory and large amounts of weapons and like jihad flags were constated during the operations. Reporter western education is forbidden and the Armed Campaign in Northern Nigeria has left thousands dead during the last six years. Earlier this year it allied itself with i. S. I. L. And has been operating beyond nigerias borders carrying out several cross border attacks in cameroon over the past few months. It is unclear whether any of the women and girls freed this week were among the more than 200 seized from the dorm at a school more than a year ago. Those freed in this latest operation will now be reunited with their families. Emma hey wood, al jazeera. Here with us on al jazeera and do stay we have this coming up, we will hear from the palestinian teenagers who say they live under constant threat in the occupied territories. How traders are trying to drum up business in the besieged city of kundus in afghanistan, all that coming up. The church. Why do you think you didnt get the medal of honor . I cant allow you not to go into that because that is your job. We gonna bring this city back one note at a time. Proudest moment in my life. Al Jazeera America brings you independent reporting without spin. Not everybody is asking the questions youre asking me today. We give you more perspectives the separatists took control a few days ago. And a global view. Now everybody in this country can hear them. Getting the story firsthand. They have travelled for weeks, sometimes months. Whats your message then . We need help now. Youre watching al Jazeera America. Lets go through the global headlines and germany and i. S. I. L. And they voted overwhelmingly in favor of sending military support to take on the group. It will however be a noncombat mission. Cameroon says some of the hundreds of hostages rescued from boko haram near nigeria were to have been used as suicide bombers and confrontations in the occupied west Bank Four Palestinians have been killed in separate incidents to what you see here. Now high proportion of the resent attacks on israelis have been made by young palestinians and many are teenagers and he has been to meet some youngsters in occupied East Jerusalem to find out what is pushing so many of their age towards violence. Translator i wish to wake up in a jerusalem at peace. For how long will our blood run . Perhaps the rapping is the best way to express how he feels. Translator life in the old city has become very difficult to those of my age. We like to go out but now we cant do anything. Its too dangerous. If i go out for a walk i will get stopped more than once. If a soldier speaks bad to me i want to defend myself but if i Say Something wrong i will get detained. Our parents dont allowed to live at home. They are too scared. Reporter this is in the heart of Jerusalem Old City and tensions are high and being a palestinian teenager these days is not easy. Translator we take the questions and dont go to the jewish side. I can be dangerous for us, anyone can accuse us of anything and he is scream she an arab and that is enough for the police to shoot at us, im sad and humiliated. Reporter most of the students here live in the old city or the occupied west bank. And coming to school has become difficult. A resent report from the Israel Internal Security Services says its exactly the sense of deprivation and lack of hope that is at the care of the anger among so many palestinian youth. And that bottled up anger and frustration sometimes translates into acts of violence. It happened here, two cousins are 15 and 13 and on october 12th after school two israelis and one died and the other was detained. And he describes a situation when while he is older, 15yearold cousin addresses him one or two days before and tells him we should be martyrs because life is so bad, we have no future and i dont see any horizon. In his affidavit from the 14th of october still in the hospital and he says we know what will happen after the stabbing or they will break our bodies just like what i am now or will it be shorter or will we be martyrs which means or we will die. Reporter he is now standing trial and could face up to 20 years in prison. He shares that frustration but he wants to become a professional footballer. Translator education is my way of fighting. It is more impact than stones but with this situation many times im prevented from going to school and i miss out on a lot of classes. What is the point of being uneducated and tell my friends but not many listen. Reporter he doesnt feel safe. His teacher walks him on to the check point before his home. He went through this time but tomorrow is another day full of worries, al jazeera, occupied East Jerusalem. Insecurity in the afghan city of kunduz is effects businesses and the tall band took it in september and held on to it for more than two weeks and the government is back in control those who left their homes are too scared in many cases to return. Al jazeeras Jennifer Glasse has that story. In the center of kunduz city Restaurant Owner says he is struggling to make a living, that is because this city was under taliban control for more than two weeks back in september and october. Translator because of the insecurity in kunduz rich people left the city particularly the youth and 70 of youth have left and are not here any more. Reporter he still gets a few customers at lunchtime and early evening his working day has been cut short by six hours. He says he used to stay open until midnight, now he closes before dark because of a lack of securi security. Translator after dark no one can go out of kunduz city not even two kilometers from the center of the city and in some areas there is government, other areas no government. Reporter while the government now controls the center of the city the taliban isnt far. Its fighters control villages and countryside just a few kilometers outside the city, shops are open but owner says many other businesses are not. Translator there were people who were working, making money and spending money, but now they have no offices, no work, everything has collapsed and offices are closed and the people left and who can buy things. Everyday dozens of men line the streets hoping to find work for the day and say the jobs have dried up. Most Construction Projects are halted with no prospect that building will start soon. Translator after the fall of kunduz people dont trust the future here and do not want to invest money here because they are not sure if the money will fall again and that is why they stopped investing and poor people cannot find work. Reporter in a country that survived 40 years of war afghans have learned to be resourceful but the talibans capture of the first city since it was removed from power in 2001 has made people nervous here and they are concerned kunduz may never be the same again, Jennifer Glasse, al jazeera, kabul. Armed Group Responsible for the recent attack on a hotel in mali which more than 20 people died is said to have rejoined alqaedas north african and fighters will conduct joint attacks in mali and elsewhere as victoria reports. Reporter the algerian based group said it carried out the attack on the Radisson Blu Hotel in the capitol bamako and split from alqaedas Northern Branch two years ago but the two groups have joined forces again, leader of alqaeda branch made the announcement in an audio message. Translator we tell our beloved nation that the lines of islam in here have joined alqaeda in islamic and we will be one sword which to slaughter the first enemy namely crusader france and the allies in the region. Reporter they say they coordinated the attack on the Radisson Blu Hotel and groups including i. S. I. L. Operate in north africa but analysts say the decision of the leader here to align his group once more with alqaeda, not i. S. I. L. , is unsurprising. I think in this particular context its probably more personality based but its possible the kinds of ideology flows from that in some way but i think this group is very much one that is sort of linked around the individual leader and he is a figure who has always been very explicit in the alqaeda camp rather than the i. S. I. L. Camp. Reporter he says they want the fighters freed from malis prisons and armies attacks on the northern mali to stop. Mali has been in a political crisis since the coup thee years ago and it was followed by an armed rebellion in the north which led to French Military involvement. Since then mali has taken control of its own security but its allies france and the United States remain ready to help as they did during the attack on the Radisson Blu Hotel. The leader of alqaedas north African Branch says in his audio message he welcomed the hotel attack and will stay warned of more attacks in france, victoria with al jazeera. Venezuela can head to polls on sunday and have a new parliament and could see opposition doing rather well. Now the countrys economy is closely linked to the price of oil and with continuing low prices the country has been badly hit, Food Shortages and high inflate rate have damaged the popularity of the president nicholas miduro Ruling Socialist Party but as we report from a rally in carcus they are pulling out the stops to hand on. Reporter this is the final call to battle and legislative Election Campaign portrayed by venezuela government almost in apolyptic terms and nicholas is calling this a historic battle to preserve the revolution and prevent venezuela from being plunged into darkness. Translator i am conscious of what is at stake, not just about the survival of the revolutionary model in venezuela but all latin america. Reporter no effort was spared to rally supporters here with the help of the vast media network, for the first time in 17 years the opposition has a good chance of chipping away at the revolution monopoly on state power, its an election that many here view as a referendum on the president who replaced chavez 2 1 2 years ago when he died. Everywhere you look here you can see chavezs image and the message is clear, do not betray him. He is watching. But venezuela one of the Worlds Largest oilproducing nations have plunged into an acute economic crisis and made worse of course from the steep drop in prices and venezuela says they are sick of shortages of food and medicine and the highest inflation rates in the world and more and more people hold the government responsible. Although the government vows it will respect the results the president is sending a worry some and contradictory message to the opposition and telling supporters here that they must win the elections at all costs no matter what it takes. They are taking Climate Change in paris and reporting they are also talking Nuclear Power proven as a low Carbon Technology which many view as a key part to carbon emissions. United states is the worlds biggest provider of Nuclear Power and about to open its first plant in more than 20 years. So tom ackerman in the United States went to the site in tennessee a site that opened up a long running debate on harnessing the power. Reporter along the Tennessee River its the fishing. Hit, miss, i mean its depending how the weather is. Reporter that concerns these locals but not the watched bar one Nuclear Plant that has been providing carbon free electricity to the region for a generation. Soon its twin watch bar two will go online the First Commercial Nuclear Reactor completed in the 21st century. After delays and post fukushima up grades doubled the cost estimate to more than four billion dollars but officials of the governmentowned utility that built it say that have no regrets. Nuclear is clean and second only to hydro in cost, its a smart cost for changing times and a sound business decision. Reporter yet Nuclear Power is having a difficult passage in the country which first developed it for peaceful as well as military purposes. While watch bar two is one of five u. S. Atomic plans under construction five have closed in the past few years and utilities have plans to shut down eight more saying that more regulations, softening demand and competition from natural gas have made them unprofitable and also blame the Antinuclear Movement and despite new safer reactor designs points to catastrophes like churnoble and fukushima. Is this the kind of gamble we want to take in order to boil water when there are so many other superior ways to meet our energy needs . Reporter polls indicate most americans do favor more Nuclear Plants as does the Obama Administration and backed by climate activists who see nuclear as an important element in the fight against possible fuels, climate scientists james hanson says ruling out Nuclear Power would worsen the prospects. There is plenty of gas in the ground and go down the route of renewables plus gas we will lock in gas and guaranty our children and grandchildren get a climate situation that is out of their control. Reporter while the u. S. Hesitates india and china power on with their own programs for harnessing the at tomorrow to atom to carve a path for energy and independence, spring city, tennessee. Take a trip when you can to our website, a great deal of information and headlines and stories behind the headlines, al jazeera. Com. New details about the couple that went on a deadly shooting rampage in San Bernardino. He was just an all around great guy, everybody loved him and he was everybodys friend. Grieving families remember loved ones lost in the massacre, new numbers on the economy, what they mean for interest rates. And an icon of the 90s, Scott Weiland found dead on

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