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There has been more bombing today in yemen. A day after the saudis bombed, and the Houthi Rebels. As ho happened reports the saudis say that the new campaign is targeting offensive movement from Houthi Rebels reporter in the yemeni city the Coalition Announced the end of the first phase of its air campaign in yemen. They are supported by soldiers from the 35th brigade. But theyre able to pushing the soldiers loyal to the pretty out of the city. A similar scene is here, further south in the city of aden. The fighting continued here on tuesday night into the early hours of wednesday. In washington, the ambassador to the United States said that the situation in aden required continued military action. We have seen movements by the houthis thats very disturbing in the city of aden, where we see skirmishes and movement of houthi troops into three different directions. The areas in the provincethe Saudi Coalition targets the fighters. [ unintelligible ] they still control. They chanted victory and denounced the houthi leader. The yemeni army and soldiers loyal to the houthi leaders and to the president joins the march. We took to the streets shouting at civilians and bombarding the residential areas. Telling them, shame on you. Why dont you fight us like men . We will always face you. The yemenis are solid like rocks. With their agreement with the parties which were signed last september the day after they took their toll on the capital. Meanwhile, the human toll of the conflict is continuing to rising. They target any woman child or man. They were simply blindly targeting all of us. Were no longer able to receive more cases. It has gone beyond our capabilities at this hospital. We are putting patients now in corridors in reception, at least nine patients in each room. We are short staffed and we dont have enough medical equipment or medicine. They have declared the humanitarian situation in yemen as catastrophic and called for better access to aid. They are launched a new operation for restoring peace in yemen but so far no signs of a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Aljazeera, yellen. Saudi arabias ambassador said that he hopes for a political solution to the fighting in yemen and he had a warning for iran. We see iran as part of the problem in yemen and not the solution. The support that they have provided to the houthis in terms of financial support. And Logistical Support and personnel. And military equipment has been very very dangerous and destabilizing yemen. Jamie mcintyre joins us from washington d. C. And jamie look, i seem to remember somebody reporting on this the other day. Did the Obama Administration push saudi arabia to end that monthlong offensive . Its clear that the Obama Administration was concerned about the humanitarian crisis in yemen and the next phase of the saudiled campaign is called operation renewal of hope. And its supposed to protect civilians getting humanitarian aid, and nearly 1,000 people have died in the campaign so far. And tens of thousands have left their home. But today both the Obama Administration and the saudis deny that the administration had pressured the saudi arabiaian government to call a halt to it because of the growing number of casualties. From the state department, getting parties back to the negotiating table how we could gent back to a ceasefire. The saudis have made a conversation with their coalition partners, but it needs to be dialogue. You can tell from that diplomatic speech that there might have been nudging from the Obama Administration, but the 1,000 casualties, the civilian deaths to far were entirely because of the air campaign. He said that saudi arabia was being blamed for some of the deaths that were actually partly of the fighting on the ground. Today were hearing that iranian warships are off the coast of yemen in addition to the cargo ships that we have known about in the area, and is that setting up a possible confrontation . Well, its interesting. So iran today admitted that they took warships along in the area. And you may recall of course that the United States deployed the uss Aircraft Carrier the roosevelt. And the u. S. Has more than half a dozen ships in the area now. The u. S. Said that its ships are there to support maritime shipping. The cargy ships that are suspected of carrying weapons to the houthis and iran said that their ships are there to protect the cargo ships from pirates. And they said that they had no intention of going yemen so both sides are stating that they dont have any intention of doing anything untoward, but theyre eyeing each other aware illy. Jamie mcintyre, if you and while iran is eyeing the conflict in yemen theyre engaged in another front. Iran is engaged in the talks in vienna and iran wants all sanctions ended as soon as the deal is implemented. And the u. S. Says that they should be failings the out gradually. Hes at the Brooks Institution and he told us that the u. S. Could attempt to stop iranian cargo ships. He decided to act in a way that israel has often acted against iranian ships going to terrorist organizations that oppose the existence of israel. And we made it cheer that we may follow suit and prevent the shipments from getting to the houthi in the region. So its a fairly lab rapt and specific and i think fairly credible threat. And now were going to have to see if we back it up with actual action, and that could get interesting. My guess is that it would go okay and we might not see a lot of resistance, but you never know. One does walk on a few eggshells in washington. So the president is saying as recently as last night we said to the iranians, if there are weapons delivered to factions within yemen, that could threaten navigation, and that would be your problem so to your knowledge as the United States or saudi arabia developed evidence that iran is actually arming the houthis . Well, i think that we have evidence. I dont know if its evidence that were planning or able to share, because i think that theres intelligence that says that there have been iranian operatives in yemen and then on top of that, if we do end up finding weapons of this sort, there will be additional evidence of meddling. So you think theres at least a possibility that there could be a boarding of an iranian cargo ship by saudi or u. S. Military personnel that this could conceivably come to that . Yeah, i dont rule it out. There are all sorts of things that you could try to do that are short of that. You could impede the vessel from whatever important its going to, and you could use things to mess up its pro teller. And there are things that you could do one short of boarding. But if were talking about directing these ships into the region for the explicit and vocalized purpose of iranian activities, its going to be hard for us to change our mind halfway through. So i think that we very well might have to do something here. The u. S. Is also saying that the ships are being moved into the region to protect u. S. Interests in the region. So heres what i would ask you. With negotiations for a final Nuclear Agreement underway, is it in the United States interests, or in irans interests to have a confrontation at this time over Houthi Rebels in yemen . Its obviously a little bit of an aggressive move by iran at this juncture, and yet they and it when they were supposedly wanting a nuclear deal, and you have to ask with are you going to let a country be that dupe list tus or two faced in its own actions and if we stop standing up for our friends because we are afraid that the iranians might get mad and walk away from a deal that was as good for us, its logic founded on unwise principles, on condoning iranian behaviors when we cant. So the lukeiar deal is going to separate it from the broader regional dynamics. Because there are a lot of things that we dont like, and visa versa. So to save a nuclear deal, there are two actors involved leer. And iran is the one that has gotten more assertive in more notable days recently, and we dont want to get in the habit of appeasing that sort of behavior. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Syrian activists say that airstrikes have left 11 people dead in damascus. The airstrikes killed at least nine people, and another two were killed outside. Outside of damascus, where forces have been able to stage attacks on the city. To discuss the migrant crisis in the mediterranean they will return the proposal that will send the majority of migrants who make it to europe back home. 20,000 migrants have made the voyage this year, and many have died while trying. We spoke to one survivor of the ship that went down last weekend offer the coast of libya. It looked like a normal youth club with its table tennis, but these teenagers are a lucky few who have endured hardships that few in europe can imagine. These are the luckiest of all. And to protect his identity, were calling him jamaal, and he was one of just 278 survivors from the deadly sinking in the mediterranean. And jamaal told me, there is no happiness in libya but what he experienced at the hands of the traffickers was even worse. Interpret intern the problem inia, we had our money taken and we were beaten up very badly. Some individuals that i know died of starvation. The trafficker didnt allow us to speak to our families, we werent given any food. One time the trafficking ripping was uncovered. And he blamed to a on a woman who he beat severely and she came back to us and was crying. They went on the boat, the boat was so crowded that at one point he fell overboard and had to be dragged back in. While we were on the ship, we had no food or water and i only had one fish. We traveled for a day with no water or food, and then we saw the ship from europe. Just as he thought they would be rescued disaster struck. I was with a friend who was hungry, so i shared my fish with him. But after yelling for help, we overturned and he died. I was under water for five minutes, thinkingallah several hundreds were not so lucky. The migrants had capsized in the dark out at sea and the rescuers were working almost blind. The sea is dark, and after a few meeters you cant see anything. The only thing that we could see were the beams of light injected by the search lights. Listening for the screams to rescue the survivors. Jamaal feels nothing but bitterness toward the traffickers, who he feels put them in danger, and they are now facing charges on reckless multiple homicide. Jamaal is now looking to the future. God willing im working on bringing my parents over here and working hard. From what the survivors told us, its truly remarkable that anybody managed to survive. And the matter of fact way that they described the circumstances of the rescue made it clear that there are still deep psychological scars that they will have to cope with. From this former orphanage they had a chance to build a new life. The chancellor has denied several hundred others on the voyage. One group of migrants from after after tryingafrica trying to make that same voyage from libya. This is a school that has been turned into a Holding Center. There are about is, is thousand people here. And its overcrowded. Ed people come from ethiopia, and nigeria and senegal and a group of egyptians here, and you have some somalis and all of them have that same dream of reaching europe. I asked several of them if they had heard what happened in the past week, the hundreds of people who died. And some said yes and some said no, but all of them said that despite the threat and the danger they will still take their chance if they can and try to make it to europe. For many of these people, this is their only hope for a better life. One young guy i was speaking to said, i cannot go back home. Theres nothing for me. And at least with that trip, i do have some hope. And otherwise by staying here, i have no hope whatsoever. Now, their situation is very dire, because they dont have anything anymore. The trips to reach this point are extremely dangerous. They lost their passports and they dont have money anymore. And some people said that they havent spoken to their families in months. Its a very dire situation not only for them, but for the libyan authorities especially at this particular moment when the worlds attention is on this crisis. Some of the people responsible at this Holding Center told me, what do we do with them . We let them go, and once they go others will come, and the situation will keep continuing unless theres an International Mechanism put in place. The libyans do see now that the finger is pointed at them, but they say its not in their hands to control this flow of migrants who are only trying to get a better life. In southern chile, the volcano is erupting for the first time in 43 years. Look at these pictures from just a short time ago. You can see the huge cloud of ash near the southern important city. Emergency officials in chile have ordered evacuations in a 12mile radius around the volcano, and airlines have canceled flights into the area. Coming up on the program twobear defense. Baltimores police union defend the officers arrested after the suspect died in custody. And plus, earth day. President obama talks about policy. A defining image of the Boston Marathon bomber. You can see Dzhokar Tsarnaev making a rather obscene jess ter to a jail cell security camera. Video was recorded in july, three months after the marathon attack. And prosecutors say that Dzhokar Tsarnaev has no remorse for his actions and the defense is expected to present its case next week. In baltimore the death of freddie gray. The man who died on sunday of a spinal injury sustained during an arrest. Jonathan is in baltimore and how would you describe todays demonstrations . Reporter [ audio difficulties ] yeah tony, lets show you behind me here, its a fairly large protest and several people behind me, holding signs, and its largely unsettled here, and thats why freddie gray died. He suffered a severe spinal cord injury two weeks ago and the cellphones show his arrest. But dont explain what happened. Theyre not sure if he was injured during his arrest or when he was put in the police van. The protesters squared off with the Police Outside of this Police Station in the city. We spoke with grays attorney, and he is demanding answers. He said that the case clearly shows that Excessive Force is a problem here, and not just here but around the country. After freddie grays arrest on sunday Six Police Officers arrested were suggestion suspended with pay and the police union spoke out today saying that theres nothing to believe that the officers behaved inappropriately and theyre cooperating with the investigators here in baltimore. The Justice System in baltimore has been under investigation before. Just two years ago widespread corruption was uncovered. And one of the Detention Centers has an exclusive look at what is being called the most corrupt jail in america. Does the location of this Detention Center play into the corruption here. I think that it plays a vital role. Until now Ralph Johnson has never talked on tv of what he witnessed by a supervising corrections officer at the Baltimore City jail. People from your neighborhood inmates become Corrections Officers. An institution overrun with sex, drugs and corruption. What happened . It really blossomed out of control in 2014 when they started hiring 18yearolds. Marylands short experiment, hiring officers as young as 1 was intended to address a shortage of qualified applicants willing to take low paying jobs, but critics like johnson, who has written a book about the jail, said that it backfired, that the young cos were inexperienced and not well trained and volatile. They would manipulate them and have sex with them. And then, it became a money making operation. They were making money april inside of the jail. It evolved. Following a multiyear investigation, that involved wiretaps and surveillance, in 2013, 27 Corrections Officers were indicted. Allegations they helped a prison gang running drugs and launder money. More than a dozen members of the black guerilla gang were also inbeing indicted. The largest prison conspiracy case in recent history. More than two dozen officers were indicted in the scandal and what were they doing . They were smuggling in pills, tobacco marijuana cellphones heroin, crack. The three year case revealed that inside of the jail, one inmate in particular, tavon white, was in charge of the widespread black guerilla family gang, and in wiretaps, he proclaimed, this is my vault, and im the law. What was tavons life inside of the prison . Was it as lavish . He could have sex any time he wants with four different women. He had one that was smuggling to him. And plus, while he was inincarcerated from 09 to 2015 he bought five vehicles. More shocking, from inside of the jail, blake fathered five children with four Corrections Officers. You can watch it tonight at 10 p. M. Eastern. Three of atlantas teachers involved in the cheating scandal could be getting reduced sentences. A judge has scheduled a sentence hearing for the week, for defendants who received stiff punishment. Three years in prison and a fine. And they changed the cash results in some cases for cash bonuses. Out on 7 billion bail. Out for the flash crash. And how the super pact could change the financial landscape of the president ial campaign. A federal judge today approved a multimilliondollar settlement between the nfl and thousands of players. The lawsuit was filed by dozens of players cougsing the league of covering up long time dangerous concussions and this could fault the nfl for years to come, right if reporter yes the figures are astonishing. 1 billion more than 60 years thats how long it could take the nfl to pay thousands of players who they believe will suffer from alzheimers and dementia. The original suit was filed in august of 2011 by more than 1,000 players and the payouts would be paid to every retired player not just those in the suit who left the game since last july. Two players have class action suits so they can pursue on their own if they want to. Each player, according to the average, could get 190,000, but that could go as high as 5 million. Players diagnosed with parkinsons or lou gehrigs disease, and those who died qualified for the higher payouts. The suit was originally settled in 2013, and both sides agreed to a 750,000 settlement. The judge asked the league and the players to revise the terms. She wanted the nfl to remove caps on the damages and that has not happened. The lawyers welcomed todays decision. Saying that we look forward to implementing the terms and continuing to work with our players and coaches and he medical staffs to enhance safety and benefits of football. Payouts for players could begin as early as this summer, and the player could appeal if they wish to, and that could delay it for months, if not years. Thank you. Five years ago World Markets were robbed by what has been called the flash crash. The dow plum he wanted plummeted by 1,000 points in just minutes. Its down it a single trader. Making his fourth Court Appearance at Magistrates Court in london, he was told that he faced a full extradition hearing in august. He was released on 8 million. Commodities fraud and market manipulation that significantly contributed to a multibilliondollar wall street crash in may of 2010. According to the regulators for the department of justice sarao operated a Trading Company out of this, not far from heathrow. And he used computer algorithms to manipulate pieces. But analysts say that this was not an isolated incident. I would suggest that most traders, theres one individual in the west of london. We know regulators have been looking at the ways they collect and they manipulate markets, but the problem is, they trade in fractions miniscule fractions automatic trade. And their orders get put in and pulled back in tiny fractions almost incomprehensible. Sarao made fake trades, thousands of them in a single day, and this conned the market to think that there were multiple big fellows at the same time driving the shares downwards. And the orders would be canceled and sarao would buy up shares at a low price. The practice is illegal and its called spoofing, and it resulted in enormous profits. 40 billion between 2010 and 2014. There is little to show for any of that on this unassuming london suburban road. Mr. Sarao will request his extradition to the United States. Officials have foiled a plan for an attack on two churches in paris. He was detained on sunday, after accidentally shooting himself. The police found ammunition and bulletproof vests in his cars, and notes that had references to al qaeda and isil were also found. Documents were also found and they approve without any ambiguity that the individual was preparing an imminent attack in all probabilities against one or two churches. Glum is being questioned about a woman. The magazine, charlie abdo and the market. A bill unanimously passed in the senate this afternoon and it passes the bill for the Loretta Lynch nomination. It would have allowed them to use the funds to pay for abortions, and the senate is expected to vote on lynchs nomination tomorrow. And the 2016 race for the white house a campaign is about to get a dramatic makeover. Supporters of jeb bush have found a way to create a blank check of sorts for the candidate. And thats setting off alarm bells across the political spectrum. In the complex and often controversial world of campaign financing, jeb bush is setting off into unprecedented and uncharted waters. Staffers confirmed his right to write super pac. Its critical that we change the way that our country is headed we must do better than the obamaclinton policy. They will oversee less expensive duties, including mr. Bushs schedule and travel. Public watchdogs called the super pac outrageous. An individual coming in with millions, tens of millions, and who knows make hundreds of millions of dollars and an individual corporation could foot the bill for one of these campaigns, and make a different path. Jeb bush and his supporters are trying to leverage apparent Supreme Court rulings from five years ago the judge in a case called citizens united, upheld donations to a candidate. And in this case, a candidate can only earn 2,700 for the general election, but the Supreme Court said there are no limits on individual corporate and Group Donations to Political Action committees, or super pacs, and leaning on a super pac could give mr. Bush a huge financial advantage. Because though he sees a tough Political Campaign ahead in theory a small group of wealthy bush supporters can pay right now for most of the work needed to sustain him deep into the primary. In the past, mitt romney and others had to depend on a strong finish in New Hampshire to fuel the couldntbutions for a lengthy campaign. The mainly indication on super pacts, theyre not allowed to coordinate their actions for the campaign, and the risk for jeb bush, his super pac will not have access to the campaign and the senior strategists but that will not be a problem for mr. Bush. Murphy with the right to rise pact. Hes a strategist. We have to modernize conservatism in the way to appeal now. And jeb bush is the most proveable one. And if a group of donors doesnt want murphy in right to rise disclosure statements, theres an alternative. Right to rise and other pacts can make a Nonprofit Organization where donor identities are never revealed the right to rise super tacts can lift their donor as the profit. And who is that money coming from . We have no idea. Jeb bush supporters say that the strategy remains fluid. And mr. Bush has not officially announced his 2016 president ial campaign. All of the major president ial candidates, whether theyre in, or just getting ready to announce, have super pacts but jeb bush, with big donors with no restraints are the best path for him to victory. David schuster, aljazeera. Today is the 43rd anniversary of earth day where people around the world focus open environmental issues. And today that included president obama. Mike viqueira has more from washington d. C. Reporter president obamas aids call him the greenest president in american history. But time and time again starting with the cap and trade legislation, he has been this warded by his opponents. And today the president used the 45th earth day to lash out at his opponentsing and take aim to Climate Change. Its called the river of grass the everglades. 1. 5 million acres of wilderness the backdrop for an earth day message from president obama. Rising sea levels not only threaten the ecosystem but basic human needs and lively ahold. The saltwater flows into walk with a firs, which threatens the Drinking Water of 7 million florideans. South florida youre getting your Drinking Water from this area. It depends on this. And in terms of Economic Impact all of this poses risks to floridas 82 billion tourism industry. The message is part of a new green theme for the president. The impact of Climate Change goes beyond natural disasters with floods and fires. But this month mr. Obama said that Climate Change can contribute to asthma and allergies, and heat related deaths. Florida marked the 43rd anniversary of earth day against corporate carelessness. Epitomized by the 17969 oil spill off of the coast of santa barbara. Within three years of that disaster the Environmental Protection agency was created and the clean water act was created. All signed by president richard nixon. Today, the environment has become another hot button initiative. A new gallop poll says that every group in the country will be felt by Global Warming except one floridas conservative republicans. Rick scott has reportedly banned state employees from using the terms Climate Change and Global Warming. And the white house said that scott was invited to todays event, but he declined. In his budget, president obama asked for a 70 million funding chretien for the everglades this year, but he has repeatedly asked for more than congress has been willing to provide. Simply refusing to say the words, Climate Change, doesnt mean that the climb at change isnt happening. We know that in our own lives you have a coming storm you dont stick your head in the sand. You prepare for the storm. As for earth day, it has been a success but the job is far from done. The movement has grown much larger than neighborhoods and cities. This is across the nation and across the world. We need to get down to business to addressing it. Tony, today 50 of floridas original wetlands no longer exist. And president obama cited one of the original champions of the much glades, marjorie, the National Park service a historical site. She advocated saying, dont call them swamps, theyre wetlands. And mike is with us, the director of the save center enter Climate Change. And good to see you. Im wondering, Mike Viqueira mentioned it off of the top here. Cap and trade in 2009 and those who are critical of the president in this area said that the president should have done more to get cap and trade through congress. He had the majorities in the house and the senate. In the house he probably had the majority vote in the senate but a minority member of in the senate were able to block it with a filibuster, and then when the president came in he lost the legislation. 20 20 hindsight, a lot of people say that he focused more on Climate Change than obamacare, but the industry has mobilized effectively to oppose it and throw out the arrogance about whether Climate Change is real. A false narrative today that continues in the discussion. As a grade, how would you rate this president on his environmental record, on issues of Climate Change, how would you rate him . I would give him probably an a minus. Really . You would rate him that high . Within the limited authority that he has under the clean air act, he has been doing a great deal and there of been efforts in court and congress to block him all the way. The negative partly of it, at the same time that he has used his authority with the clean air act, he has presided in the enormous increase in fossil fuel production in coal and gas and oil. Im reading here that nine of the ten warmest years on record have occurred since 2000. Just explain to people who are watching as of this moment, explain that. Whats explaining it, we have Carbon Monoxide and other Greenhouse Gases accumulating in the atmosphere, and they capture the heat and it gradually warms the surface of the earth. And thats a continuous process. Some of it goes into the air and some into the water but this warming is going to be continuing for decades and not centuries. And the paris talks next year. In paris in december of this year, were going to be having the next conference. Oh, its the end of this year . Yes. It looks like were going to have volunteer pledges for most of the countries of the world. Not binding not legally binding, that will not add up to enough. So it will be some progress, but even after that, were going to need nowhere conferences and more pledges. So we need a lot more detail on this, i know, but im wondering, what are your thoughts on the president setting goals targets to reduce the Greenhouse Gas initiative in the United States, in the range right of 26 to 28 below the 2005 levels by 2025, is that realistic in your mind . It feels like kennedy going to the moon and that was done. Its not easy, but its realistic, and it will require a very significant increase in energy efficiency, and it will require more renewable energy. But it is achievable . It is achievable, and we need to do a lot more than that. Appreciate it, and thank you for being here. The center for Climate Change and law at columbia university. Thank you. Now the worlds oceans generated an enormous amount of wealth. The value of that wealth to the leading megs. The Environmental Group estimated global ocean output to be 2. 5 trillion a year, and that ranked 7th in the worlds tom ten chels with francetheuk. Jobs in shipping and tourism and nick clarke has more. Oceans cover more than 2 3 of our planet. A vast multitrillion dollars resource but crucial in the cycle of life itself. On the shores of the gulf, a research team, on its way to studying a vital component to the system, mangroves it uniquely adapted to the gulf, and helping thousands of animals. More the tropical forests and its important to understand how they work. We have the capability of the mangrove to absorb nutrients, and the support that it gives to the fisheries and the species diversity. And the bottom line is, fragile ecosystems like mangroves are fundamental to the general state of health of the worlds oceans. The problem is that mangroves are being ripped up and destroyed along coastlines all over the world. In fact, the rate of loss is three times that of deforestation on land, and as far as oceans are concerned it doesnt end there. According to a Worldwide Fund for nature, the multibilliondollar marine resort is in danger of failing. What we have seen in the last years a system like oceans cant recover this is the good news, can recover fast. If we dont reach the tipping point, but were at risk in the next 20 easier or so, that if it continues, the ocean will not be able to recover for hundredsed of years. Bringing the economy into the red by couching the oceans slagging health in shear monetary terms and in the language that the worlds Decision Makers may just understand. Japanese authorities are trying to find out who landed a drone carrying slightly Radioactive Material on the roof of the Prime Ministers building. The Prime Minister was not in his office at the time. But officials said that there was not enough to hurt anyone. But a wakeup call, saying that drones could lead to future terrorist attacks. And coming up next, the Hubble Space Telescope celebrates 25 years in orbit. More graphic testimony today in germany in the trial of a former nazi guard. He was known as the accountant of aus switch. And in his trial today he explained how trainfuls of jews were constantly arriving at the camp. Some had to wait and others were put into the gas chambers. Hes being tried on 3,000 counts of accessory to murder. Its a dangerous process thats underway in the United States. World war ii era mustard gas. 2600 tons of it, are being destroyed in colorado. An installation in colorado. A small army of workers in protective gear, protected by robots is training to destroy one of mankinds most violinventions. Its a hard role. Its a high hazard operation. We do have explosion hazards and we have agent hazards and we spend a lot of time with our personnel on training to ensure a workforce is ready to complete chemicals destruction. Poison gas was used by both german and al i would forces in the First World War world war. Muscle starred gas can cause severe burns blindness suffocation, and painful death. The vast majority of the poison gas is stored near the colorado plant. The workers are practicing on dummy shells, exactly like the artillery that was deployed in the second world war. Fullscale will begin in october. They will be unpacked and removed and checked for leaks. They will be taken apart and soaked with neutralizing chemicals, and baked in ovens to strip away every bit of poison. These shells dont have any chemical weapons inside of them. But there are 780,000 real shells full of muscle starred gas here at this facility. Some live shells that have been leaking or damaged are already being destroyed with controlled explosions. Workers carefully load them into a thick steel cylinder, and then 3 2, 1. Its not dramatic, the charges neatly split the shell. And then treated with chemicals. The mustard gas, its best neutralized, and we rote aint it. It until it has grown down and destroyed actual the gas. Its a uniquely satisfying job. Chemical weapons are the worst thing theyre dirty and nasty, so getting rid of them is in my opinion an important thing. Destroying the stockpile will take at least four years and cost 4 and a half billion dollars. Aljazeera, pueblo, colorado. And for a look at whats coming up at the top of the hour john ig sig is here. Daily protests in baltimore demanding an explanation on how a 25yearold africanamerican man died in police custody. Well look at the departments history when it comes to controlled stops and talking to an activist who says that mistreatment by the police is widespread there. And known as the san antonio four four women were convicted of child rape in the 1990s and those charges are reversed. They said that the state targeted them for being lesbians. We want it to be clear that were innocent. And to leave it in justice. What these women have been doing since they were free, and what might put them back in jail. Also tonight the debate over fracking. New Research Links it to texas and oklahoma. But the Energy Commission said theyre not to blame. So who is . And why its creating a political divide between states. And novelist and Academy Awardwinning screen writer. Its about reality. Those stories and more coming up in 3 minutes. Its about the size of a school bus. Launched into space back in 1990. Over the past quarter century it has been providing us with an unprecedented view of our galaxy. Hubble has traveled and circled the earth thousands of times. Hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. Im john siegenthaler. Show of force. New demonstrations call for justice. As anger over Police Tactics grows in baltimore. Yemen campaign. The saudis declare an end to strikes. Why the bombs continue to fall. Earth shattering. I was sleeping and i felt like a little, and i woke up

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