Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20150405

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Controlling almost all of the yarmouk refugee camp and have trapped thousands inside in tonights a deeper look, from the rising sea level to fracking we talk about the issues concerning this fragile planet planet. We shall employ all means at our disposal to bring the perpetrators to justice. We are also in active pursuit of the mastermind of the attack and placed the reward for the information leading to his capture we begin with a promise from kenyas leader who says hell employ harsh members to bring to justice the alshabab gunmen who killed at the university. Alshabab promises to rage a long war against kenyans. Alshabab released a statement saying it will make kenyas streets full of blood and will continue until they pull ot of somali. The president of kenya today declared three days of National Mourning for the victims. Many have been taken to the capital of nairobi, where grieving family members gathered to view the remains. The innocent children. The killers should have killed grownups, not children those that survived the attack on thursday were reunited with family at a stadium. One survivor was found alive with a frightening tail. Reporter an unbelievable moment. A survivor has been rescued. Many are describing this has a miracle. Shes taken to hospital. Two days ago she hid on a wardrobe and covered herself with anything she could find. She heard the gunmen taunting their victims, taunting. At one point they came into her hostel and took two of her friends. She sa happy to be alive. They were shooting everywhere. I considered hiding. When i got hungry id eat body lotion. Forensic investigators had been at the university. Those inside talked of a violence and bloody end to those who died. The journalists were keen to show journalists and others who turned up. The charge remains, pictures are too gruesome. The government decided to display the bodies to prove to kenyans that the gunmen were killed and try to build Public Confidence in the security forces. Police had not made arrests. There were a number of arrests done today, as we speak. We have arrested another three and i think the total number can reach about five but we will confirm that when you get to the more detailed you know in the operation, it continues to develop there is frustration in garissa, which has been attacked before. There were intelligence reports about an imminent attack on a university in the country. All the guns all this weapons they are using came from where. It is not from garissa. This person must have passed several barriers. Alshabab fighters issued a statement, warning more attacks in kenya. People say they are afraid and dont trust government assurances to keep them safe. The International Red cross sounded an alarm. Sending out a plea for a 24 hour ceasefire. The red cross is pleading for time to deliver lifesaving medical aid. Russia is asking for a pause in fighting to allow foreigners to leave. Listening to the pleas, holding an emergency session. The red cross says time is running out. We have not yet been able to get in the medical supplies that we need in order that we can distribute them to the hospitals, in order to distribute them to the ministry of health to reach the Health Clinics and those that need it. They on first april, 45 minutes in sanaa, we have not been able to receive those medical supplies. We are negotiating and talking to those concerned and have hopes that it happened and at this stage, no we did not receive it yet. The United Nations says in two weeks alone more than 500 were killed in yemen. About 1700 were wounded and tens of thousands displaced because of the war. Reporter the call for a pause. Bombs fell in a village near sanaa, a family of nine was killed in the attack. Explosions lit the sky of sanaa, as the sowedy lit coalition resumed. The targets included a military base and other locations controlled by Houthi Rebels on the joint mountains. We have continued to give logistical assistance to popular assistance in aden and other forces loyal to the local authority. The situation is relatively calm. But as fighting continues around the city of aden in the south, the number of civilian casualties continues to rise. Hundreds have been killed or wounded. Thousands are caught in the crossfire, in parts of aden. Most foreign nationals are enable to leave the country. Saudis set up areas for those wish to send aid. The International Red cross called for a 24 hour truce for that wurp. And called for a number of measures a demand that the u. N. Is given rapid access to ensure people are in reach. International organizations are calling to evacuate citizens and personnel from yemen. The u. N. Security Council Discusses both the russians proposal and another by the g. C. C. Members, aiming for a solution to the conflict. We should not forget the route causes and continues leading to the current grave situation and humanitarian situation is due to the failure of resolution 2201 by the houthis. As diplomatic efforts increased, there was no lull in the fighting across yemen. On saturday the houthis gained positions. They freed 300 ipp fates from the city Central Prison and loyalists took control of the city capital of the region in the south. All signs on the ground of a military solution to the conflict is far from certain. Turning our subpoenaings to syria, where i. S. I. L. Took control of a refugee camp. It has been home to thousands of palestinian refugees. As Stefanie Dekker tells us it fell to fighters because of an unlikely alliance. Its a fight they are losing. They have been fighting i. S. I. L. Over the last few days and i. S. I. L. Controls most of it. In an unusual twist there are reports that i. S. I. L. Fighters are supported by the Al Qaedaaffiliated al nusra front. The two groups do not like each other. It appears that theyll Work Together to take control in yarmouk. There was an agreement under the table between al nusra front and i. S. I. L. Many were shocked. Al nusra front released a statement claiming they were neutral. In reality they were not true. Nusra has several check points. I. S. I. L. Came through it with no difficulties and that was an important reason they raided yarmouk and controlled it. Everyone is confused how the deal happened. Yarmouk has been besieged by Government Forces for more than two years. Around 18,000 people remain out of 160,000. Most are fully dependent on aid. Conditions are difficult. We have always said that yarmouk is a place with very very little hope. Its a pleas of abject desperation. Its a place where humanity is really struggling to survive, and the lethal military mix we see in the camp is creating a greater vacuum where theres so little hope and dignity. Many will tell you that yarmouk is one of the most places to be. That was before. No aid has gone in since the fighting begone. Its a worrying development. I. S. I. L. Less than 10km away. In neighbouring iraq the fight against i. S. I. L. Appears to be wiping down. Theres reports of sporadic violence. Authorities are assessing the dank. Hundreds of homes and businesses have fallen victim to the war. I. S. I. L. May have been pushed out of tikrit. This is a neighbourhood where shia militias have been witnessed looting. People have been arrested if these crimes continue. Militias have no room in any government forms in rick. They are a group carrying arms behind the states authority and it is unacceptable to us. Shia groups operating upped the name of the mobilization militias were fighting for control of tikrit. They backed away before a deal was made before the Prime Minister and the u. S. To start air strikes on i. S. I. L. Target in the area. There are reports that the militia found ways to support their fight. Re reject slogans or banners. They are willing to undermine the victory we won. They are infiltrators against iraq and its social fabric we cant give them the chance. The people graffitiing the walls are no less affect than us. I. S. I. L. Is looting and this shows fighters at the world u. N. E. S. C. O. Site a 2,000yearold city the capital of the first kingdom. It withstood a roman invasion but may not make it through this one. This man helped to take a biblical manuscript from the province when i. S. I. L. Fighters were approaching. Well keep them here until the crisis is obvious, and the situation arises and the crisis is over. The archbishop says the books are more than valuable but uses them to teach the ancient language they are written in. After 10 month said under i. S. I. L. Occupation and fighting and looting they are surveying the damage irans foreign minister says the country would return to the old Nuclear Activities if the u. S. Objects the accord. They have the corresponding action if the u. S. Does not guarantee its actions. If our National Interest is harmed because of violation by the other side. We decide how to act. When a deal is finalised we reserve the action. They have to convince hardliners the deal is worth taking suppressions for. President obama is pressing congress for support of a deal. The president took his case to the american peep. Its a longterm deal with limits on the program. Unprecedented transparency measures lasting 20 years or more. Iran will never be permitted to develop a Nuclear Weapon both sides have until june 30th to finalise the deal. At a holy weekend at the vatican, a sol em affair. Pope francis focussed on a service focussing on violence against christians announcing the International Communities implicit science on Christian Communities like this week said at the university of kenya, and he baptised 10 people welcoming new members into the fold as part of an easter tradition. Could Climate Change threaten a Nuclear Power plant 30 miles from downtown miami. All of this will go under water, and its closer than we lining. In a deeper look, why rising sea waters could turn this plant into the next fukushima. Around here, were all about fast. Thats why xfinity is perfect for me. With millions of wifi hotspots all over the place including one right here at the shop now we can stream all things fast and furious. Youve done it again, carlos with the fastest inhome wifi and millions of hotspots xfinity is perfect for people who love fast. Dont miss furious 7 in theaters april 3rd. From water to waste to recycling to sustainability. We take a deeper look at hour fragile fragile planet. Its part of al jazeeras ongoing series. There are many issues impacting the environment with 7 million sharing resources and affecting change. One place where its happening is antarctica. The ice shelf is melting. Signed science and Technology Correspondent jacob ward is telling us why its a concern. Western antarctica is facing dwindling ice shelf. The speed is shown by colour, red drains fast, blue slowly, green the slowest. Its not just the glaciers melting, and the places where they flow into the sea. They form ice shelves, floating extensions of the ice that hold back the glaciers. Signed scientists determine that the ice shells have been melting 70 faster in the last decade than before. In the places denoted in red, the speed into the ocean is increasing every year. Scientists say the smith glacier, one of the smallest is changing fastest, and its a good way of understanding why the scientists are worried. Not only is it melting, the bounding line, the place where they rock, well beneath the water is melting away and moving inland. Here is what the bounding line looks like in 1996. Check out what it looked like in 2011, five years later. It moved 35km or 21 miles inland. This is the source of greater alarm. If you peel away the ice layer and look at the topography, you see its relatively flat, theres no big mountain rangers to keep the ice flowing into the signed subglacial values is making it easier. This is true from the area, which holds enough water to raise the ocean by 5 feet, in 100 years, the smallest selves could be melted. These are conservative. Joining us is daniel kay many, a professor of energy at berkeley. Great to have you with us. So one of the major global challenges with a growing population is the question how do we keep up with a growing Energy Demand . Theres two paths that people are discussing. One is building more of what we have done in the past. Building more coalfired plants, soipd gas plants. We have to provide energy and address Climate Change. One of the most exciting areas is looking at the degree to which you can build out the infrastructure, not just in the big cities, but in the rural areas, where 1. 5 billion live without energy. Thats where new technologies bring solar energy, geothermal and bio power its all coming together to give a new opportunity, a new waive soipd of providing lots of energy, but Carbon Free Energy to people that didnt have access before. What is the challenge that Climate Change presented in terms of energy. Well, theres a range. What we are seeing is that Climate Change is directly affecting rural areas in terms soipd of changed rain fall patterns, fires, problems of water, peoples cattle. Seeing that even at the level of the smallest Rural Communities Climate Change is stressing the poor communities. Do we have the technology to neat 100 . 25 of demand moving forward . We have technology decreases in the cost of solar, the ability to use smart new technology, whether in the cell phone, to become the hub of mini grids, house by house, or village by village. The hardware is there. There hasnt been enough experiments or practical learning about how to do that. A few places are running ahead. Bangladesh nicaragua, and we see dramatics use of technologies, we are not keeping up with population growth or the changing needs of people in rural areas, rural slums that are looking at a range of products from cellphones to televisions. All that need energy. You bring up a point that all the Global Energy needs to be transformed over the coming decade. Do you see it happening. I think it will. Will it be the incumbent actors or a new range of players, smartfood. Com Companies Taking advantage. There are ways now that the intelligence in your cell phone can provide enough opportunity to people can do offgrid pay as you go. Taking home refrigerators, and pay for them with mobile phone payments or theres a utility model. No one knows what will win out. If we dont enable and build out the new opportunities, well have to full back on the fossil fuel technologies and it makes the problem worse. Stand by for a moment. According to the oceanic and Atmosphere Administration the two major courses of global sea warming is the loss of ice. Water expands. Its a major problem area florida. More than 1,000 miles of coast is at the mercy of rising sea. So is a major plant south of miami. Reporter turkey point, a big power source was built on the edge of biscayne bay, built in the 1970s when rising sea water was not o concern. It sits above sea level, but it is not reassuring to people like tan, who calls turkey point a disaster waiting to happen. It could be 50 years, or 100, its guaranteed the oceans will come up. They are in a tank with water, the same way it was at fukushima. After fukushima, the Regulatory Commission ordered the plant to re few the safety plant. A spokesman said turkey point is secure against current sea level conditions. It reviewed the flooding reevalues and terms it was free of safety issues. It is satisfied that turkey is implementing strategies to maintain function if a severe event such as blooding affects the system. Peter harlem a geologist showed me maps showing how rising seas will infiltrate south florida. Thats only six inches. That will happen in the next 2025 years. Reporter i look at this and it looks like the power plant is swamped. Its surrounded by water. By the end of the century, the government predicts sea levels could rise 6 by 5 feet. As they rise storm levels get bigger. Turkey point emerged unscathed. Florida power and light. The operator sites that on the website. Andrews peak surge missed the plant by 10 files. Miles. Theyll tell you that turkey point missed the brunt. It was never tested by the surge. If they are right and turkey point is safe. South florida will be tested by bigger questions as the water rises. How soon . Not this year not 30 years, 200 years i dont expect much of florida to be above the line. Its not going to be pretty. We are joined from chicago from the senior policy analyst with the National Resource defense counsel. Great to have you with us. When we look at the rising water levels how concerned are you that some of the areas, despite levies are at risk. Its concerning. If you look at florida, theres over 145 billion worth of property that will be basically having water lapping at its foundations with three feet of sea level. Thats a conservative estimate as the earlier segment on antarctic glaciers melted. We are seeing the ice caps melting more quickly than scientists understood. And a lot of sea level projections dont factor in ice melt that is that fast. Given that fact how would you assess the global or National Response . Nationally we made progress. The Obama Administration made steps that are important. They were updating flood protection standards using conservative estimates for standards at federally funded infrastructure projects. Recently f. E. M. A. Will be requiring states to comply with Disaster Mitigation and preparedness statues to examine future climate impacts. These are important steps forward to getting states to assess and determine what steps are necessary to mitigate natural disasters. Theres a lot that we need to do. Over the past 30 years weve down more to move people into vulnerable areas and it only ads to the difficulties that the actions put on our country we see the nation come together to rebuild. Where do we stand on preventive measures . Not very good. Congress loves to shovel out buckets of money in the wake of a disaster to show that its doing something responsive. We spent about 260 billion responding to flood disaster. We spent about 5 of that amount to prepare for and mitigate against the potential damages from flooding. We dont do a good job in this regard. A lot of policies and practices at the local, state and federal level do more to keep People Living in vulnerable areas, than to help people move to Higher Ground and out of harms way. What are the global projections. How concerned should we be moving forward . Its a big concern. The latest panel underestimates the problem of Sea Level Rise anticipating a level of 2mm. That factors in perhaps more ambitious reductions in co2 than we are likely to achieve. When you look at the higher initiatives modelled for Climate Change like the National Climate assessment. We are probably going to accept Something Like three or four 4 of Sea Level Rise causing a prop not just for the props that see the ocean lapping at the foundation but the real problem comes from storms hurricanes pushing the storm surge in on top of the see level rise. That will ramp up the risks and damages that we experience . The future. Stand by as well. I know dr cayman is with us. From too much water to not enough. A crippling drought in california is in its fourth year. The government is restricted to reduce water. Jennifer london explains. Reporter on a Late Afternoon day this family is fishing for dinner along the river. Chances they will not catch anything. The second largest and longest river is dying, topping the list of the nations most endangered rivers. To find out why, i met with a conservation expert. The post important reason the river is in bad shape is it doesnt get enough water into the river. Why is that. When you say it doesnt get enough water. Because so much water is diverted. California is home to the bread basket. Crops that grow feed the world. Crops make up farmland. Over the course of 356 mile run, the river and contribute ris are damned 73 times. Water syphoned helps to irrigate the lemon orchard. Are you the reason why the san war valley is the most endangered. We need to go back to when it was decided it would go south. And grow crops that go all over the world. It was that that killed the river. Every day people drive over the river. What you cant see from the bridge is that theres no water here and hasnt been for years. When you come down the slope, this was the mighty river. There was enough water. Today all youll find is sand shelves and footprint. And the parts of the river that have water are so low that the once legendry migration of 500,000 salmon has been reduced to virtual nothing. Attempts to stock the river with fish had mixed results. Those living and working here worry about a future tied to the river. My backyard is the river. I make a living off it. It would be detrimental to see it deteriorate more than what it is now. Theres Political Forces that would rather have the river for farms. We are asking the state waterboard to stand up for the river. Les is with state water board, the agency in charge of water right. Why hasnt more been down. How has it got to the point. Everyone wants it to happen quickly. Many will not like the answer. What well do is make sure that we are relying upon the best science for the protection of fish and wildlife and balance it again, with the uses for agriculture. Conservationists like john cane say addressing the river flow can balance the needs. The river the plan calls for 25 of the natural flow to stay in the river. Reporter that may be a hard sell during the draught, making a bad situation worse for both the farm and the fish. Then theres the controversial Drilling Technique known as fracking. It runs under parts of both states. Shale is believed to be the biggest source in the country. New yorks governor has been fracking. New yorkers cant tap into the force. Towns in four counties have begun sucking about seceding from the state to cash in on the gas beneath them. Morgan radford has more. Reporter here houses are torn down. A sign of slow death. The one thing people belief can save is it beneath them. This here we have two best assets, the Skilled Workforce they are gone and left and the other thing is the minerals. Reporter thats jim finch, the supervisor. It sits on a large natural gas field. Residents say if they could drill into the land it could bring them back to life. Theres one problem. New york state doesnt allow fracking. When i get the phone call we should succeed. Thats where we are. They are leading the charge and joining a neighbouring state where fracking is illegal. We can look the the rest of the country when the biggest resource is in the ground. They said last december that the head cost for trilling is high. I dont want to appear before the department of health. Reporter according to the bept of Health Fracking causes toxic chemicals and they say doug has been a county commissioner for 12 years. Peoples cattle. But the doug has been a commissioner in peninsula for 12 years. We have around 1500 wells. Fracking is a boom to the economy. What we have is no debt. We cut our taxes. Farms are healthy. Theres prosperity. Prosperity for people like dick harris. His house is next door to a drill pad. All four of these wells go down a hill. Right underneath my property. How has that changing your life, do you get royalties from it. Yes. Are you worried about your health . No. The Long Term Health effects are uncertain. Jim says as far as hes signed concerned fracking is worth it. We have it. Let us take it out of the ground. Joining us for a deeper look is daniel cayman, a professor of energy at the university of california, and rob more, an analyst with the National Resources defense council. Where do we go from here, signed staying a step ahead of Global Environmental concerns. The starting ground is we need to understand the benefits of the Different Technology options we have. Debates over fracking, largescale solar on the water issues. All of these say we need to develop a counter currency to think about which products benefit. Some use a price on carbon. Either say lets do a cradle to grave. Places around the planet taking those steps, they get a common currency, are finding ways to compare the pluses and minuses of different projects. Thats a big step forward. How big of a role does politics play in environmental policy. On issues like Climate Change, its something you cant avoid. Its almost a political litmus test. You have governors, government rick scott in florida came under fire for denying the existence of Climate Change, or at the soipd very least what is alleged is that state agencies have been told not to use the words climate and change together to described the risks that florida faces. Its unfortunate that we allow politics to trump the facts to look after the future of our families and our homes and communities. But its bad its bad politics, bad practice and policy all the way around. Well continue the conversation as we look at a fragile planet. Thank you both for your time on a deeper look. Thank you. Thank you next on Al Jazeera America congress has low approval ratings, many candidates are unopposed come election time. What one man is doing to give voters a choice. It appears almost everything is made in china, including the printing of bibles 13 million printed just last year and not all are exported. That ahead. Icecream manufacturer blue bell is Holding Production at its plants because of concerns about listeria patients at a kansas hospital in march contracted a lifethreatening confection from tainted ice cream. Consumers have been told not to eat blue bell products made at their plant. There is a code at the bottom of the plant. In indiana jason col vince is proud of the n. C. A. A. And the Sports Community for opposing the indiana law. Athletes coaches, athletic institutions and sport sponsors across the country took an historic stand tonne the right side of history at a treat time of need. Why protests continued at indiana where the final four basketball is under way. And the pizzeria that said it wouldnt cater a gay wedding closed. It received a crush of publicity after the coowners comments. More than 847,000 was raised for the business in a funding campaign. Campaign. Welcome back. This month plenty will toss their hat into the ring to run for president. When it comes to running for congress or senate not everyone runs a tough campaign. Dozens of incumbents ran for office unopposed around the country. Michael shure explained how it inspired a brit, a former advisor to pm David Cameron to intervene. Reporter this is alabama senator jeff sessions, in a bit soipd for reelection last november he received 800,000 votes, while his Campaign Twitter had 12 tweets, his facebook four posts, and he had no opponents. Amid unprecedent discontent. Voters, if they got to the polls didnt have a choice once they did. Half of georgias congressional delegation ran unoopposed. Pore massachusetts, it was twothirds. Twothirds. More than 30 ran unapposed and many, names like john luize, charlie dent and Joseph Kennedy didnt have a primary opponent. Enter crowd pack. Every voter innery distribute should have a choice. It turns out in tern parts of america certain parts of america, last year, they didnt have a choice. The problem is seen as big, yet fixable. What we want to go is give politics back to people, give them a sense of control. To do this crowd pack started their unopposed project. Raising money to field candidates in each distribute where there was one name on the ballot last time. The money will be distributed to the opponents of the unopposed members of congress who ran in 2014, lets make sure it doesnt happen in 2016. Reporter crowd pack invites donors to contribute any legal amount to fill some voids. Hilton and crowd pack conceded that the climate of money in politics is not about to change. You have to start with the reality that money is sport, and political donations is the most effective way to make change happen. Sound crowd pack is nonpartisan, but their point is the election takes two. For us its a principle of democracy. Its not for us to judge whether a candidate is better or worse or a party is better or worse. Our role is to help democracy work better. Can it work or is it a waste of time or money to field an opponent. Maybe we should ask representative eric cantor former representative eric cantor. Michael shure reporting. The expanding chinese economy led to success stories, some a bit unexpected in the communist country. Adrian brown reports. Reporter there was a time when chinas communist leader mewettsy tongues little red back was the only seller. Now theres another, and its been around longer. More than 130 million copies of the bible rolled off the production line. 13 million last year alone. Many exported but the majority were for the domestic market. The first principle is that it served our brothers and sisters. If we have the capacity we will serve the overseas futures. Reporter the factory publishes bibles in 90 anning wages. Such is demand for the holy book its an around the clock operation. According to official figures 30 million are christian, unofficial unofficially many are not. While the government is tolerated the government is wary of its popularity. A popularity reflected here. The public published bibles a few years before the party ended its campaign. It proved theres money, a contradiction that is possible in todays china. Reporter and in todays china more are seeking meaning and comfort that communism nor capitalism seem to provide. When we have enough for food we thing why the value of the life. What is the value of the life. So that is natural. He believes that 20 years from now there could be up to 160 million chinese christians and theyll need a bible made here. Adrian brown, al jazeera. While india is a nation of many faith, 80 of 1. 2 billion is hindu. They believe the cow is sacred. Now there is a longstanding battle of the cow. A battle of banning the slaughter of the bulls is putting those in the Leather Industry at risk. Reporter these are the last animal hides to be produced at the tannery. The leather is used in products for export providing jobs across the country. The state ban on the slaughter of bulls puts it at risk. The leather from this state was sent for finishing in other parts of the country and came back to make jackets, food and bags a lot have lost their jobs has the government came to help us or ruin us much. Many in mumbais Leather Industry say the ban hurt them. Here only three of 10 sewing stations are being used. They may be shut down. The ban is hurting people in the Leather Industry and those that eat beef. Those objecting to the ban say it targets minorities who rely on beef as protein. It led to the price of some meat to go up by 10 . Some supporting the ban say it protects the animals. This religious group meets sunday at the cow shelter. Some the of the cattle was seized from transport taking it for slaughter. They are fed and cared for. Translation leather can be made from other sources. The workers that say theyll be beggars are not telling the truth. So many other jobs. They dont have to just work in the Leather Industries its not acceptable to kill a cow. Others think its not fair. Unemployed workers meet in a tannery. Most say they spent their lives working in the leather and meat business. Translation we are so angry, we cant express it. If we show our anger, the police will come after us. We force the young to hold on to their motion. We pray to the government. Slaughter houses are coming back to life as buffalos are brought in to replace the bull. Making things worse for some the National Government is placing a ban on cow slaughter. Its suggesting that meeting is not a government priority. Coming up sky watchers for the lunar eclipse. What made this one so special straight ahead. Ahead. Stargazers got a chance to much of the world was treated to a rare event. A lunar collins. E a lunar eclipse. India had the best view on the banks of the river ghangi thousands of devote hindus watched and weight. Devotees offered prayers. It was time for a holy dip. The moon is being gobbled up buy a demon. When it returns, worshippers have been let off the hook. Translation as per mythology bathing in the ghangis gains a huge look on life. They will gain gods blessings. Reporter no matterour take on the event, if you wanted a glimpse, you had to be quick. This was the fastest eclipse in a century. Complete with out of this world sound track, n. A. S. A. Broadcast the eclipse live from the Griffith Observatory in los angeles. The time lapse showed the moon turning a supernatural shade of red. Imagine standing on a dusty lunar plain. Reporter to get a better idea how it works, picture yourself watching it from the surface of the moon. You see every sunrise and sunset in the world all of then all at once. [ singing ] reporter it may be a while before we are snapping pictures from that angle. From down here the admirers say the view is more than enough. Spec tackular. Lets talk about the weather. A Tropical Storm is sitting the philippines. Kevin corriveau has the details. Who was Tropical Storm is moving slowly we are concern the that the rain will not pass over lausanne. Flash flooding will be a major problem. It will not be the wind or the storm surge. We expect it to dissipate as it makes its way to the south china sea, and will no longer be too much of a problem. Across the United States we are getting ready for the big holiday. Well see snow videos the north. Across the south in the central parts of the United States well see temperatures drop down to the freezing areas. Charleston 33. Some locations down to 31 or 30. We have freeze warnings in effect. We do expect to see the temperatures come up nice. Atlanta 69. Look out here to the west denver will be the day. More moisture across the south. That will lead us to his next event. It will act up towards tuesday and wednesday. Rain is expected across parts of california. That will do it for this hour. Thank you for joining us im Thomas Drayton in new york. News continues next. Have a safe night. Per cent pass

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