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The president who herself was tortured by that same regime, is now hearing calls for her impeachment. And powers to make laws, venezuelas parliament allows president ma maduro to rule by decree amid rising tensions with the u. S. Hello, u. S. Secretary of state john kerry says washington is willing to negotiate with the syrian president Bashar Alassad for a political transition. Up until now the u. S. Had insisted that the assad had to go before any deal could be made. Kerry is in switzerland for talks on Irans Nuclear program. Our diplomatic editor james bay is his there. Reporter secretary of state john kerry where he called for a fresh start to peace efforts to end four years of blood she had in syria. He spoke in afternoon interviewed with the u. S. Tv network cbs. We are working to see if we can find a political solution. There is no military solution, only a Political Association but to get the assad regime to negotiate, we have to make it clear to him that there is a determination by everybody to seek that political outcome and change his calculation about negotiating. Thats under way right now. I am convictioned with the efforts of our allies and others, there will be inning ceasedinningkeys increased pressure assad. And you would be willing to negotiate with him . We have to negotiate in the end. Reporter the u. S. Had a role in previous peace talks when the former u. N. Negotiator brought the Syrian Government and members of the opposition for talks at the u. N. s headquarters in geneva last year. The u. S. And russia acted as guarantors of the process but the u. S. Has not had direct negotiations with the Syrian Government before. Why is it being proposed now . Well the successor stefans efforts to bring a freeze or ceasefire to aleppo have stalled. Diplomats say the plan seems dead. From egypt secretary kerry traveled to low san in switzerland for the latest round of Nuclear Talks which are now at a crunch stage the deadline for a framework deal is at the end of the month. What happens at the ongoing talks could not only have a bearing on the big issue of Irans Nuclear program. Diplomats tell me if there is a refour restart the syrian process, then all interim nation and regional players need to be involved and iran remains syrias closest ally and has key influence. On monday the Iranian Foreign minister will travel to brussels to immediate european ministers arc wrong them will be the e. U. High representative for for an fares. She recently told me an iran deal would be an historic opportunity to create a new framework for the middle east. James bays, al jazerra, low san. Dozens of rebels have been killed. 30 people including children died in Government Air strikes in residential buildings in the down just outside damascus, about 100 people also said to have been injured. Now, the war in syria has forced many palestinians in to exile, those that did find shelter in lebanon are facing grim conditions. The country has not only imposed tight restriction on his new arrivals but their presence is adding pressure other refugees who his have been there for sometime. Zeina khodr reports. Reporter too old to care for her disabled and mentally challenged daughters. But she has no other choice. They are Palestinian Refugees who his came to lebanon when their neighborhood in damascus became a Battle Ground two years ago. They say they are barely coping with the little help they get. But they were alone when the eldest daughter died from lung infection. Translator no one was next to me to help her. She died in my arms. No one came in time to bring her a doctor. Reporter she and her daughters live in the largist Palestinian Refugees camp in lebanon which is over crowded and people are poor. Now they are sharing this space with thousands of palestinians who escaped the war in syria. Translator we have been under pressure since the arrival of syrian palestinians. They are our brothers, but we are already finding it hard to survive. Reporter there is competition for jobs and aid provided by the United Nations. This has caused tensions. Syrias palestinians enjoyed the same rights and benefits of syrian nationals, they had access to schools universities, healthcare, this is not the case here. According to the United Nations relief and works agency, 75 of the 45,000 Palestinian Refugees from syria cannot survive without handouts. And for many this camp is a prison. The lebanese government which has had a history of conflict with its own palestinian population has imposed tight restrictions. One of the biggest problems that the palestine refugees from syria have is the fact that their visas have expired. And that puts them that makes them much more vulnerable about restrictions of movement they cant come in and out of the camps very often as they want. They could be stopped and their documents can be confiscated. They could be detained. Reporter this is just one of the reasons why many of them try to find a way out. And at times it has cost them their lives. This Palestinian Family was hosting the relatives from syria before they were lured by smugglers to take a boat to reach europe. Translator my cousins and friends were on the boat when it sank. One is missing. They were highly educated but they had no future here. There was no other way but to go on the journey of death. Reporter it has been a difficult journey for Palestinian Refugees. It has ended for her daughter. For those left behind, this is a daily struggle just to survive. Zeina khodr, al jazerra southern lebanon. Now, the president of vanuatu says super cyclone pam has wiped out years of progress. Aid agencies say 90 of the buildings on the main island have been damaged or destroyed. At least eight people declared dead in the Pacific Island nation. Andrew thomas has more from vanuatus capital. Reporter our team was on the first nonhim terry flight to be able to land since this monster cyclone. And First Impressions of the capital city, is that it is a town that has been very, very badly damaged. But not quite devastated. The vast majority of buildings have sustained some sort of damage, whether its a tree falling on top of them like this one behind me, or whether they have been totally flat ended. A major repair operation is underway from the bottom up it must being said because most people dont have insurance and there is no sign yet of a coordinated effort but people are not let that go hold them back they are get on the ground with it. The real concern are the outlying islands the cyclone tracked across all of the islands of vanuatu and hit those in the south of where i am right now particularly hard aid agencies havent been able to land there. Certainly havent been able to get there any other way. They have don are you con san flights, and an he can anecdotally what i have been told is it looks like total restriction. But we dont know whether its just damage to buildings and infrastructure or dig love of lies or injuries as well. The president of vanuatu was at a Disaster Preparedness conference in japan ironically when the cyclone hit. He has called it a monster and one that will take vanuatu many, many years to recover from. Hundreds of thousands of protesters have been marching in cities across brazil. Many calling for the impeachment of the president. The government is facing growing anger over a stalling economy budget cuts and a deepening scandaling at the state oil company. Adam raney reports from sao paulo. Reporter a sea of people. All squeezed on to the main avenue that lies at the heart of brazils financial sector. One of their demands the impeachment of democratically elected president only two months in to her second term. Protesters are seething over a Corruption Scandal at the state oil company and worried about an economy that seems weaker every day. The feeling is that brazilian people have is that they are taking our money and we dont have anything, we dont have anything back, you know. We pay taxes and tacks and taxes and taxes and taxes and we dont have anything back. [ inaudible ] rises taxes desperate, not equal rights for everyone. Reporter 10s of thousands marched in other cities too. Along rio de janeiros iconic Copa Cabana Beach and across this massive country their calls were the same. They want the president out. Hundreds of thousands of people have come out to march here on sunday. And ironically, its the 30th anniversary of the return of democracy in brazil. When after a 20year military rule there were finally free elections the people marching say they are prodemocracy but their opponents say this is an attack on that very democracy. There were conservative strains visible. Signs calling for military intervention and rejections of communism. An analogy that they have accused the president and the party of following. While the protests carry on, the president s Justice Minister announced that the president is listening to their demands and will act on them. Its a response by a president from whom it seems many no longer want to hear. Adam raney, al jazerra, sao paulo. In venezuela lawmakers have agreed to give president Nicholas Maduro new powers which allow him to make unilateral decrease. Decrees. The u. S. President barack obama had called him a threat to u. S. National security. Virginia lopez reports. Reporter venezuelas government rula decemberbly has given president Nicholas Maduro swing powers, the right to pass hows without congress approval. The National Anthem and cries of yankee go home. The president spoke to the crowds in caracas the nationalist sentiment was clear. What was missing was a clear idea of what his new powers meant. Translator the American Government has committed the most embarrassing repugnant and aggressive act that we can remember in our 200year history. Since venezuela was called venezuela and since simon boulevard liberated us, that is why i went to the national assembly. Reporter the move comes days after the u. S. Branded venezuela a National Threat and sanctioned seven government officials. As the head of the countrys parliament hand delivered the enabling law thousands outside the palace roared in support of what they say will allow president maduro to protect the oilrich nation from a u. S. Invasion. The mood here was festive. Hardly the signs of a country under siege. Translator i am here because as venezuelans we need to unite it in front of this threat. What obama said is no small matter. We need to support maduros proposal wholeheartedly. Reporter the day before military and civilians across country rehearsed military maneuvers to fight foreign invasion. President Nicholas Ma Maduro has a little over 20 approval late and parliamentary elections loom ahead. In these streets people are more worried about the countrys soaring crime rate than they were about a possible air strike. Translator our domestic problems are more real and serious than some foreign enemy. I have been the victim of violent three times, need to concentrate on that. We are being robbed and killed everywhere. Reporter the president has successfully turned the issue you the sanctions in to a matter of national sovereignty. Its Brought International support, but whether this support extends to his own backyard will only be known at the upcoming polls. Al jazerra caracas. Still ahead on al jazerra when we come back, an Unlikely Alliance between israelis and palestinians looks set to make history in tuesdays elections. Plus. The deaths of two young boys 10 years ago met a riot in a pair us suburbs now two Police Officers will go on trial well tell you why. He tuesday on the stream. The annual south by southwest festival has been a breeding ground for some of the biggest Tech Innovations in the world. Well take you there, giving you a glimpse into the future. The stream. Tuesday, 1 30 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. Hello again headlines on al jazerra. The u. S. Secretary of state says hes willing to negotiate with president Bashar Alassad to end four years of conflict in syria. The u. S. Had previously insisted assad had to go before any deal could be made. But now john kerry says the International Community is looking at ways to put pressure him to agree to peace talks. The president of vanuatu says cyclone pam has wiped out years of progress. Aid agencies say 90 of buildings on the main island have been damaged or destroyed. At least eight people have been declared dead in the Pacific Island nation. Demonstrators across brazil are calling for the resignation of the president , she is facing growing anger over a stalling economy, budget cuts and a deepening scandal at the state oil company pet pro brass. In recent years heavy fighting between the military and armed groups in pakistans tribal areas has displaced hundreds of thousands of people. Over 40,000 families are due to return and monday the first few thousand will be going back to their homes. Joining me with more on this is kamal hider in islambad. How important is the repatriation of people in these areas . Reporter it is of critical importance because as you mentioned the conflict there has displaced these people. The military, of course has launched several operations now the priority for the government is to take these populations back because most areas in the tribally administered tribal ring sun depopulated. What the government wants to do is reduce the burden it is identifiesing right now. Because these people have been displaced for years now. They were displaceed in 2009, since then the government has been taking and people back, but now it is determined that it wants to follow a policy of taking these people back to their homes. Kamal there has been huge shortcomings in how the government deals with People Living in camps and on their own with little assistance. What help will they now get when they go after so many years . Reporter this is going to be an important question that the government will have to answer because as you mentioned when these people were living in the camps, for example the people fromthat have been displaced since 2009, some just last year. The important step now for the government is to try and give them the incentive that they have promised that they will give them money. But their villages and towns are completely destroyed. They will need assistance with rebuilding reconstruction. The cashstrapped economy will not allow that. So pakistan has asked for International Assistance as well to help resettle these people. Kamal, thanks for that. Our correspondent kamal hyder joining us there from islambad. Staying in pakistan. Taliban fighters there have claimed responsibility for two suicide bomb attacks on churches filled with pima tending sunday mass. At least 14 people were killed and 70 others injured. It is the latest attack against Pakistans Christian minority. Victoria gatenby reports. Reporter the Pakistani Taliban timed its attacks to apparently cause maximum devastation. The two churches were packed with catholics and protestants attending sundays services. There was chaos in the moments after the bombs exploded within minutes of each other. Translator i was on guard inside, a small gate was open. Suddenly there was the sound of a blast and the gate was blown away. I quickly turned around and all of these splashes of blood fell on my clothes. After that we got busy with the rescue efforts. Reporter sundays attack was the worst on the Community Since a devastating double suicide bombing in the northwestern city in 2013. Killed more than 80 people. This time the bombings were in the neighborhood home to more than 100,000 christians. Translator today our churches were attacked. We strongly condemn the act and demand that the government provide protection to all places of worship of all religions including muslim prayer places. In pakistan minorities are insecure and we want security. Reporter the capital. Pakistans wealthiest province, the city is generally considered peaceful compared to other areas of pakistan. But attacks have been increasing. After the governments failed attempts to cold peace talks with the taliban last year. Christian Community Leaders say the government isnt doing enough to insure their safety. And that attacks like this show they are a target. Victoria gate en by, al jazerra. In china a former military official who is being investigated for bribery has died. He was chinas second highest ranking military officer. He was expelled from the Chinese Communist party in june last year as parts of a crack down on corruption launched by the president. According to the state media he died of cancer. Our filipino now filipino troops say they captured a leader of a rebel group link today behead goes and bombings. He formed the justice for Islamic Movement last year. Now, according to a Police Report he, along with five of his men were arrested while travel to go a seaport in the Southern City of general santos, the report also says troops seized three grenades and two guns from the group. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called on his supporters to come out to vote. He spoke at a rally in tel aviv on sunday where he said a left wing government must be prevented from coming to power. Netanyahu is trailing in opinion polls just before tuesdays parliamentary election. Now, for the first in israels history, an alliance of israelipalestinians literal parties are running together in a general election. Some analysts say they could play a key role in determining the next government. Reporter a better israel for its palestinian citizens, thats the mess anyone this electricitiesment for the joint list. An alliance of israelipalestinian political parties. Its the first time that the parties divided along islam assists, socialists and national us tick lines have run together in israels general election. The ticket is expected to win a record 13 or more seats in israels 120seat parliament. Potentially making history by becoming the Third Largest faction after the march 17th vote. One of the joint list best known politicians but also the most hated by many israelis. She is an outspoken critic of the government and campaigned against what she says is widespread and systematic discrimination against palestinian citizens of israel. This unity for the citizens of israel is an indication of power and a political attempt to empower ourselves facing,. [ inaudible ] facing politics, facing a state which defines itself as a jewish state and not as a state for you would after the citizens. Reporter palestinians make up 20 of israels population of 8 million. And many of those voters believe the political alliances predicted success in the poll will be the First Step Towards greater equality. It has a chance to dramatically change the political map and improve the lives of israeli palestinians but the party have his little in common and those divisions are already starting to show. But the internal disputes, which include whether to share votes with leftist israelii jewish parties have been overshadowed by what led to the union in the first place. When lieberman the right wing foreign minister helped pass the socalled governability law which sets a minimum 3. 25 vote threshold for party to his Enter Parliament it was seen as an attempt to disenfranchise palestinian parties since then his rhetoric has become even more heated including advocating for the beheading of those who are, quote disloyal to israel. Its comments like that which has not only led to the creation of the joint list but also why its expect today do well on election day. We should thank lieberman whose racist views made this happen. Thanks to his racism we have reached unity a dream which our people have been waiting for for a long time, we now hope this unity continues. Reporter a hope shared by many other israelipalestinian voters as they prepa tower make history at the polls. Al jazerra nazareth in northern israel. The headache an government has announced it will hold elections after three years of delays. President ial and local polls will be held in late october. The president was left sole leader of the caribbean nation. The kosher supermarket where four hostages were killed during the pair as a tacks in january has opened. French inning interior anyonester praised it saying it was a sign of resilience. Gunmen were there two days after the Charlie Hebdo newspaper attacks. The incident where the two boys died of electrocution triggered weeks of rioting in the suburbs of paris, Jacky Rowland reports. Reporter 15kilometers outside paris but its also a world apart. To many people in france the suburb is synonymous with unemployment. Poor housing and social problems. 10 years ago these streets erupted in to violence. Night after night protesters set fire to cars and public buildings. The riots spread for other suburbs and the government declared a state of emergency. The riots were tig erred by the death of these two boys. They had been playing football with friends when a Police Patrol pulled up. Thinking the police were after them the boys ran in to an electricity substation to hide where they died of electro cushion. The death of the teenagers shocked the whole community it also raised broader questions about police behavior. And the lack of Central Government investment in these communities. Marian was the cousin of one of the victims. The experience led her to become a Community Leader and today shes deputy mayor. Translator today because you are afraid of the police to die because you are afraid of the police that should not be happening in the 21st century. The police are supposed to be guardians of the peace. They are here to protect people. Not to make them afraid. Reporter the government has started addressing the roots of some of the social problems. These blighted tower blocks have been condemned. Their windows bricked up waiting for demolition. Buildings on a more human scale have replaced them. People here often feel uneasy when they see a film crew. Thats because in their experience the Mainstream Media has tended to misrepresent them and their neighborhood. So the sight of a camera is often greeted with suspicion or even hostility. Another sign of Public Investment in the suburbs a new School Building will provide badlyneeded places for Young Children starting their education. So it has taken a few steps on the road to regeneration. But many problems remain. Notably the high rate of unemployment. The future for the children of the suburbs remains uncertain. Jacky rowland, al jazerra. Now, when you are planning a ski trip northern india is not a destination that easily comes to mind, but the Tourist Ministry in indian administered kashmir is hoping to change that. Welcome to the snow festival a twoday event featuring a number of activities, including dancing, snow cycling and skiing. The Main Objective to attract local and Foreign Tourists during the winter season. Lots more on our website as always aljazerra. Com. Were driving to a crime scene in a suburb outside of columbia, south carolina. Weve come because more women are killed by men here than any other state in the country. Around 10 30 in the morning, a family of four, including two

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