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Anger in spain after a nurse becomes infected with the ebola virus. Hospital staff demands answers and call for the resignation of the health minister. Kenyas president arrived in amsterdam to appear before the International Criminal court on charges of crimes against humanity. Isil fighters are now press on the ground in to the besieged syrian town of cuban i despite opposition from kurdish fighters and the aerial bombardment from some of the 60 nation that his have signed up to battle the group. The town is right on the border with turkey. Pictures here picture here in kobane purporting to show fighters in the counsel. Thats against the isil onslaught as well as battles street to street and shelling we have been told something that has been going on now for weeks. To help push back sizal fighters there have been fresh assaults by members led by the u. S. Coalition. Here we can see the aftermath of the strikes around the town. Alternatively some suggest it could be isil forces themselves hitting back, shelling parts of cuban i center. Its all happening in turkeys backyard. Right on its border with syria. The turkish president has warned that air strikes arent enough and that cuban i, he believe, is about to fall. While turkish tanks are pointed towards cuban i. They are yesterday to intervene. One quakes 6,000 at least have plefled. I know you are back on e turkish side of the border joining us on the phone, tell us what you saw when you were in there. Exactly what we saw is like the air strikes try to stop isil forces, but it isnt really like it didnt really show huge effect about changing the balances. But we saw yesterday night, especially yesterday. When we start to talk with the ypg forces inside, they were telling the city could fall any moment. But right now, when we try to talk to them, they are a little bit hopeful and just one hour ago i spoke with the ypg, the head of the ypg forces inside of kobane, and he said that we are fighting against isil right now and we will resist more until we will get our freedom from isil. And which change happened after air strikes. Especially the last air strike we saw it, it was kind of pinpoint operation. Pinpoint strike. We saw the serious isil targets being successfully like targeted and get the point. Thats why its kind of important we can this is important progress. The ypg, Kurdish Forces, are they hopeless i out gunned in kobane by isil . Reporter exactly. Ypg like ypg they dont have whenever we ask them, they always declare the same things. They are kind of resisting, but the balance of the weapons are really like bad. And they cannot kind of react and respond attacks back. Thats why last 20 days, 23 days this siege is going on from three sides of kobane. And they are shelling tanks, shells landed, tanks by ypg, two different missiles also they used isil, isil used against kobane in city center, we saw it. After that, they start to have combats like we can even hear, we were there, we were hearing the voices, thats why you know there was very bad situation going on about the weapons situations in there. Okay, we will leave it there. Our respondents wh correspond es been in syria. Now from bernard smith. Reporter from across the border in turkey, its clear that the battle for kobane is more inning expense than its ever been. Fighters from the Islamic State and the iraq and los angeles strand breached defense to his the east and south town late on monday. Since then kurdish fighters have been taking on isil street by street, building by building. The kurds are motivated and determined. Isil is more a customed to swing through areas defended by soldiers with little appetite to fight. Kubane is different. U. S. Air strikes have hit isil positions but the kurds say the strikes arent enough on their own. They want turkey to provide more weapons. Turkeys president visiting a refugees camp for syrians says he thinks kubane will fall to isil. Erdogan says they need ground attacks but turkey wont go at it alone. Translator the problem of ice i go cannot be solved with air strikes alone. We warned the west, we wanted three things, a no fly zone, a secure zone parallel to that, and training of moderate syrian rebels. Reporter there is some Free Syrian Army groups fight ago long side the kurds. This video was posted on line by anf. S. A. Group. Erdogan wants the kurds to join with the f. S. A. To fight against syrian president Bashar Alassad and isil. Kurds frustrated with events in kubane protest ahead long the border again on tuesday, there have been similar protests elsewhere in turkey. Turkeys president believe assads rah sweep is part of the problem. But the United States with its focus isil has shown little en tuesday i cant remember to join under juans campaign. For know it looks like all the identified nurse kubane with expect are you u. S. Air strikes to help to keep isil from advancing on their town. Enteenter hardbernard smith, tu. I tear gas used against turkish demonstrators near the syrian border. They are saying more help should be given to the forces trying to defend the town of coul kubane against isil. Water cannons used to try to stop people from crossing in to the town. Now, the official turkish view of whats going on in kubane, i spoke to a Senior Adviser to the turkish Prime Minister and he said that focusing solely on the threat of isil wont fix the crisis in syria. Before anybody herd about could you began icouldkubane, ty experiencing the issue you. The general perspective is that turkey is asking the regional actors to see what is happening in syria from the beginning and to see the main problem. The main problem is the assad regime and the massacres keep continuing the last three and a half years. Considering is awed as the source of the problem. Without mentioning the bashar regime in this. [ inaudible ] talking about just about isis and focusing on isis problem is just one dimensional approach to the issue. And it wont produce general solution. Now, the thoughts of of a turkey analyst and Research Director at the nonprofit foundation. He told me turkey wont be engaging its military in syria until a number of conditions are met. Turkey would like the u. S. Strategy to be broadened and no fly zone to be created and take the fight to assad, which is the source of instability and the reason why these terrorist groups emerged in the first place. When left alone, if there is no broader strategy, i will have continuous vacuum, political vacuum that will be filled by various different groups who will be only concerned about holding onto their little area and it will effectively mean sort of disunity of syria. So to keep the country together, and make sure that there is a political transition in damascus which seems really far away under these conditions right now. You need a longterm strategy. Kurdish groups have been holding protests across europe about isils advance on kobane demonstrated forced their way in to the European Parliament in brussels. They are demanding more help for Kurdish Forces trying to take on isil. Translator nobody is doing anything. We are calling on humanity to stop this massacre against our people who are martyred, terrorized and killed. So far in the news hour reports on isil in syria, in iraq, a Coalition Air strikes have intensified. Iraqi Ground Troops have now pushed in to isilheld territory. However, in the town of its not having the kind of effect that many might think it would. The people there have already gone. And with isil being pushed back the town is pretty deserted as imran kahn reports. Reporter Battle Damaged and brittle. This is the town just south of kirkuk city. Until 10 days ago, it was in the hands of isil fighters. But a week ago the iraqi army and kurdish peshmerge forces swept . Clashes lasted for days. But isil was defeated. Leaving lightlyarmed residents to protect the little thats left. So its now a ghost town. Uninhabitable due to isils tactic of booby trapping buildings before fleeing. And thats posing a challenge. Translator the main problem that we are facing right now is that only the main roads and streets in the city are clear and safe. While almost all of the houses, schools and government directorates have been wired by tnt and explosives and could blow up any time. Reporter the iraqi army and the peshmerga had to leave to fight other bassals of isil as they still pose a threat to other parts of the area. The situation is an indication of the challenges that iraq faces. It doesnt have the kind of troop numbers to leave behind once it defeats isil fighters. And thats got residents worried, because those troops have left, they fear that ice el fighters will simply return. Translator now we only have a handful of families remaining to defends it. We are hearing that there are huge congregations by isil in the village of bashier and we are afraid that they will reattack us. Reporter for now, residents try secure things as best as possible. And wonder if anyone will come back to this town. And if they do, whether theyll be protected from any potential isil threat. Imran kahn, al jazerra, baghdad. In other news, in spain three more people have been quarantined for ebola after a nurse became the first person to contract the virus outside of west africa. Outside the hospital in madrid they are protesting demanding answers about the spread of the virus and calling for. [ inaudible ] to quit. Health Officials Say thurman touring anyone who came in to contact with the patients. Translator the department of epidemiology has identified 22 people who have been in contact outside of the hospital. And who will be subjected to continuous observation to see if they have any type of problem. Translator the procedures that are being used in the hospital are the same as those used in other hospitals treating patients with ebola. Using the same recommendations and official protective equipment, the same type of supervision. And paul brennan, live for us in madrid. If they have been using the same precautions, the questions that i suppose many people wants to know the answer to, is how come at least one person, possibly four, have got ebola. Reporter indeed. And thats a question on everybodys lips here. You saw the crem demonstrationsi think we played a clip of the demonstrations just now. There are several prongs to the demands of those demonstrators. First of all they are demanding a political scalp. They want at least the Health Ministry boss to step down as a result of this. But there are grave questions also being asked about whether or not the hospital really did take the full precautions. Now, what we have been hearing from some hospital staff is that rather than level four protection, as you would normally expect in the suits that the specification of the suits used, they were only given level two protection. Now, obviously thats a considerable a step down. There is a direction if you would like between the hospital saying they took every possible precaution and some hospital staff who are saying, well, actually, the suits frankly were not as high specification as perhaps they should have been. That said, there is one ray of good news. Among the three people who are hospitalized in addition totti in addition infected nurse, tests in the last couple of hours on one of those three, a nurse who works here at the hospital have proved negative for ebola. So the prospect is that she could be freed well, released from hospital very soon. There is a period of time, paul, isnt there, i think its between somewhere towards the end of september and yesterday when this woman came to the hospital, that authorities are worried about, because she was ill in that time before she came to receive treatment. And that is when the ebola virus can spread. Reporter yes. Basically after the missionary passed away on september 30th, this nurse, who was treating him, was involved in the treatment team, she went away on holiday. Then she started reporting symptoms. It was only when she was on holiday that she reported those symptoms it, took her five days before she got back to spain and then presented herself to hospital with those symptoms. Clearly there is a critical time span there where she could theoretically have come in to contact and infected other people. And what the authorities are trying to do and are urgently doing is trying to track anybody that had direct contact with her. Her husband is one of the three people who has been hospitalized in the hospital behind me, but we heard in a news clip that we played just before we came to me here in madrid, some 22 people who have had direct contact with that nurse have now been traced and an additional 30 people who are just hospital staff and were involved in the broader range of care, they too are being monitored for the possible symptoms. So the hospital authorities are doing, they say, all they can to make sure that monitoring is in place so that should any symptoms presents themselves, those people will immediately be put in to quarantine and hopefully not present a danger to the wider population. Okay, keep us uptodate there. Thats paul brennan in the spanish capital for us. The president of sisi era leon is urge hing more help from International Community members to combat ebola. He presented 46 ebola survivors with certificates of health to prove that they are healthy. Translator we should be mindful that h ebola is still around. We need at least a thousand more Treatment Centers in the whole country. What we are doing is our responsibility and as a government and sierra leonens. We need partners to help us to come as soon as possible. We needed them yesterday. They should not wait another day. They should get here tomorrow. Now, still to come in this news hour, we report from hong kong where despite the faltering number of demonstrations there are still plenty of signs calling for change. And well listen to the Music Technology thats moving children with disabilities from the back of the auditorium to center stage. And in sport well hear from track officials in japan have to say about the cause of the crash thats left an f1 driver fighter for his life. The president of kenya, at least he was president until he gave up power temporarily has arrived in amsterdam on his way to the International Criminal cat court at the hague. He is charged with crimes against humanity. And is facing trial for allegedly instigating mass killings after the disputed elections of 2007. He will be the first sitting head of state to be tried at the court. That is what is happening in europe in kenya itself. We have joined malcolm webb. Malcolm, i know this is where much of the 2007 post election violence took place. There must be mixed feelings, i know a lot of kenyattas supporters moved in to that area, but there were a lot of people there who suffered too. Reporter well, thats right. The i. C. C. Prosecutors explicitly says that some of the violence that happened in this area in january 2008, was orchestrated by kenyatta himself. Thats what the prosecution says. In this area, now then there were ethnic people belonging to the ethnic group of the opposition who were attacked at the time. Many of them have now fled and are no longer here. But there is also people from the president ethnic group who did flee to this area when they were attacked in other parts of western kenya. We spoke to some of those people earlier today, a lot of them dont feel very warmly towards the i. C. C. They feel that justice hasnt been done properly there. Its still living in squalid conditions, having lost their homes and had their property destroyed and having not really had any help or compensation since then. All these areas liter. They think that what is happening in the hague isnt really going to help them at all. And also help us here, paul, i mean malcolm, while kenyatta has handed overpower to his deputy, his deputy is also in a way in the dock because hes been charged too. Reporter thats right. In the election that happened at the end of 2007, william rt t. O. Was actually in an alliance with the opposition at the time and kenyatta was minister of supporter of the incumbent president. So this were actually on opposing sides, if you like, during that Ethnic Violence that followed the election at the end of 2007. A couple of years later when the indictments came out. Both of them were named in the indictments. Following that, they actually formed the union, they joined up on the same side as president and Vice President to run in the 2012 election. So in a way it was the i. C. C. Indictments that pushed them together and they make up the ruling party of kenya now. So while ken yacht is gone and ruit. Ruphysical t. O. Stays behind. Reporter he has complied with his trial so far. Did stalled . Places there were questions hanging over whether or not kenyatta would attend this time. His lawyers asked for him to have permission to not attends because they said he had president ial business to see to. Blue in the end the hague said that he had to be there and there was no way the court was going budge on that. Kenyatta gave a speech to Parliament Yesterday said he would go and said he wouldnt stand in the dock as the president of kenya. And so he handed over his powers to his deputy before getting on the plane so he could be there as an individual. This plays in to the argument that his allies and aids have been saying for sometime. Its an attack on their sovereignty, an attack on their democratically elected leader. Thats how they have described the i. C. C. Case and that narrative has gained a lot of traction among kenyattas supporters here in kenya. Malcolm, thank you for helping us to unravel an extremely complicated set of facts, thank you very much. Malcolm webb in kenya. In hong kong, protest leaders have agreed to hold talks with government officials later on this week. Organizers and city leaders have met three times now to discuss the negotiations. The sit in now in its 10th day has thereined out dramatically. As adrian brown reports despite a drop in activism the student protesters still say there should be change. Reporter eventually this colorful display of support for the socalled Umbrella Movement will be removed. But it hasnt stopped people adding messages calling for change. The sticky notes began appearing on the walls of the main government offices here after the protest began 10 days ago. More keep being added. Some now hope the wall becomes a permanent feature. I hope the next generation can know it. We have this in hong kong history. These are the voices from hong kong people. Reporter you would like this wall to say . Yes, of course. Its part of us. Reporter and this is part of it sass well. Umbrella man, the movements new mascot. The students have both united and divided hong kong and those divisions are mostly generational. I am so sad. They do these things with all their hearts, but they have all been brain washed. Reporter albert is a retired Civil Servants and he has a message. Do you know what democracy is, he scholes . She feels the same. She was born in beijing but left 30 years ago and doesnt like what she sees here. Hong kong is my second home. I love hong kong, i dont want my home turning in to such a mess. This is not the way to fight for democracy. Reporter after 10 days of protests the priority for some is rest. Numbers at the main protest sites dont dwindle, but a condition of the talks between student leaders and government officials is that the barricades and protesters remain. The leaders of this campaign have also demonstrated something else, they now have the ability to mobilize thousands of supporters at short notice. Adrian brown, al jazerra, hong kong. The shia houthi group in yemen has been telling us here at al jazerra that it rejects any announcement that a new Prime Minister has a been appointed. That was after yemens official news agency said that this man, had been given the job by the president. Houthis say there is no agreement in place as does the former president. Or at least his supporters say that. Lets go to mohamed live for us. Far from trying to sort out this, a what the president and news exactly seem to have done in making this announcement is make it even more complicated. Reporter yes, david, its very complicated because the understanding today was that the president was meeting with representatives from various political formations, including the camp of the former president and the houthi camp which is the most important now because they virtually or practically occupy big parts of the capital. So the understanding was that the decision was taken by. [ inaudible ] but after the meeting was over, and the official news agency announced the appointment. Houthis talks to us, to al jazerra, and officially declared their opposition. And total rejection of the decision saying that it was a foreign imposed decision that was not reached by consensus and we have also learned a short while ago that the houthi leader, in the north, is going to address his movement and yemen tomorrow on wednesday to give their final decision or the final reaction to the president s decision. The camp of the former prison will reject the decision. The country is in a kind of stalemate since two weeks, the capital is under the practical okay base of the rebels as we said and people here are holding their breath and they were hoping that the president on the other parties would reach a consensus whereby the implementation of the recent Peace Agreement two weeks ago could start see peace and tran quinn till in the country but what happened this afternoon i am guessing reporter according to many here is raising fears that more troubles whim come. I am guessing that when they refer to alleged foreign involvement, they may well be referring to saudi arabia, because there is no love lost between the houthis and the saudis. What i am wondering is whether yemen has a Prime Minister and the houthis just have to lump it . Or whether it wont have one. Reporter well, its very confused scenario right now because it looks like the president is insisting adamant that he will prove himself as the real president of the country and looks like hes going to go ahead with the decision earlier today he met with the American Ambassador and also we understand saudi arabia has been talking to some parties in yemen and that the former military leader is now in saudi arabia. Saudi arabia has always had a role to play in yemen. And the houthis could be referring to all of these parties, you know, they announced, they always declare their hatred and towards americans and accused saudi arabia in metaling in the affairs of yep inning. Yemen but the situation is much more confused and complicated than that. During the last few months there were also local accusation that his saudi arabia was not really opposed to houthis coming here and deposing a and deposing the Muslim Brotherhood movement. They have been opposing them in egypt and other parts of the region. Its a very complicated situation and we have only to wait for the houthi reaction, the official reaction tomorrow to into see where things are going to be heading in yemen in the next few days. Good to hear from you, thank you, mohamed live in yemens capital. We have this coming up on the news hour. Skyscrapers towering over macha where some archeologists are fearing that ancient islamic history is being destroyed. Plus. Reporter i am daniel lack in northern alberta canadas oilrich tar sands may be loathed by environmental but are an opportunity for many indigenous merely for jobs and prosperity. We have sport to, andy murray getting ready for his shanghai masters. Whats in store for him . We have farah with that and the rest of sports. Stay with us if you can. Now available, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. Get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. A global perspective wherever you are. The major headlines in context. Mashable says. Youll never miss the latest news they will continue looking for survivors. The potential for Energy Production is huge. No noise, no clutter, just real reporting. The new Al Jazeera America mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. Download it now kentucky, a state thats hurting economically. When the mines shut down it affects other businesses too you know, it hurts everything. Some say its time for a change. Mitch has been in there so long. While others want to stay the course. All the way mitch you know exactly what these people needs in kentucky. Communities trying to cope. What does the future hold . The economy, the struggling coal industry and healthcare are all impacting their vote. America votes 2014 fed up in kentucky. All this week. Only on Al Jazeera America. Good to have you along with the al jazerra news hour. I am david foster. Its time to run through the global headlines this hour. The battle for the syrian town of kobane still intensifying. Fighters from the Islamic State of iraq and the los angeles strand are shelling the center of the town. Air strikes led by the u. S. Hit positions in and around kobane earlier. In spain three more people have been quarantined for ebola after a nurse became the first person to contract the vi virust i had of west africa. Health Authorities Say thurman touring dozens of people that came in contact with the patience. Yemens shia Houthi Rebels have told al jazerra that they reject any announcement that a new Prime Minister has been appointed. That is after yemens official news agency reported that Ahmed Mubarak had been given the job. Now, the battle against isil. It is more than two months now since the u. S. Led coalition began targeting the group in iraq and there have been some tactical successes. Although isil is far from defeated, it appears that it wont be, everybody agrees, an easy fight. As dana reports from erbil. The Iraqi Government is still to persuade sunni armed factions and tribes to fight against isil. Reporter sunni muslims have been demanding greater rights in iraq for a long time. They were angry at the government and its armed forces. Months before Islamic State of iraq and the levant took control of the sunni heartland, people there were already fighting back against the state. He was one of the protest leaders in mosul. A vocal opponent of what protesters called iraqs sectarian im, he was forced to leave the city to avoid arrest. He now lives in the kurdish city of erbil in northern iraq. He says the Iraqi Government, its shia muslim militias and the u. S. Led coalition wont be able to win the fight against aisles unless they have the support of sunnis like him. Translator the people of mosul prefer isil over shia militias link today iran. People are afraid if these militias enter the city, they will carry out massacres, so they wont fight isil because that means giving mosul to those militias and to the u. S. Reporter like him, many in the sunni opposition say the Security Forces are dominated by shias. And what worries them even more, is that the shia militias leading the Iraqi Governments battle against isil are believed to be supported by iran. Sunni opposition leaders say they wont take up arms against isil until their demands are met. They want a new army that is loyal to the nation, and not to a certain sect or individuals. But that will require time. And so in the interim, they want the government to approve a plan to create the National Guard. The idea is for a National Guard to take the iraqi army off the streets. Each province would have its own force. And sunni areas it would incorporate members of armed groupings in, shia areas, the National Guard would absorb the militias. He believes the only way to convince sunni to his fight isil, hes a member of iraqs salvation front, one of many groups that have taken up arms against the government. Translator the u. S. Doesnt understand. Shia militias kill people and loot homes. For sunnis those militias are just like isil. So they wont fight isil unless they feel that they can protect themselves from these militias. Reporter many in the opposition say isil is their enemy. But they wont fight the radical group only to replace it with a shia force that they fear even more. Zena erbil. Now the thoughts of mohamed, Shia Alliance mp who says a political solution with the sunnies in iraq say possibility. Wel translator the sunnis in iraq are an integral point of the political process in the country and are also facing the dangers of isil, they are our equal partners in our war against isil, but they request a setup of provincial National Guards who need to go through the parliament for vote first and this will take time. Two explosions in iraq have killed at least 22 in eastern baghdad at least five died when a car bomb exploded near a bus terminal. And in 17 others were killed when a person driving a driving loaded with explores itches detonated the vehicle. They all may or may not be linked its a very confuse confg situation. Talking about what has been happening there. And what has been happening across northern parts of iraq and eastern syria. We are going to move now back to where we started this news hour that is kobane on th on on the turkeysyria border we will talk with a retired army general joining us from beirut. General, looking at the notes predeuced and prepared for me that you having had a conversation with him, i am staggered at the way you think isil is organized with support staff for every soldier, with backup logistics, et cetera, et cetera. Yes, when you talk about this huge fight, this blitzkrieg that started in anibal and muse toll baghdad, lately syria, and then to c kobane, we are not talking about like ad hoc group of people fighting like gorilla warfare. I think its like more than 30,000. And they have the safe haven, they have the population, friendly population, friends i environment, so thats why hardened, highly experienced in iraq and outside of iraq and the main element is interiorly, i mean, in the interior. Now in kobane, they are really the extension, i mean, the i mean, it would be the last expansion because you cannot trial i go on more because you can reach a cul culminating poit where you have to pay a price, because it is mine, between kobane and baghdad, you see that all of the operations are within the highways, high mobility and surprise and organized because to do such kind of operation on surface area more than jordan yeah, and on the population, more than it takes a lot of time an and preparation. What is it, you reckon 10,000 in and around kobane, 10,000 isil fighters . Maybe between i said between 5, 6 to 10,000. When you are going to fight, you need logistic people, you need preparation, you need the people to evacuate the, you know, the killed considering injured, you need ammunition on all of that. And then if you want to go in to an urban warfare within kobane, if the kurds are prepared, it takes time. Hence, i mean, when you talk about the air power, as far as you go in to the city, as far as the air power effectiveness declines because you cannot really hit any target, any place because the people will be mine, the fighters will be i want mingled within the city. Not only that, but i was reading the other day, you probably saw it too, that an isil patrol got dressed up in iraqi uniforms, flagged down some iraqi forces and then opened fire and wiped them out. They fit in to the surroundings extremely easily. Yes, they fit because we call it situational awareness. You can fit, you can play. You are well informed because youve got tactical intelligence about what is really happening. And here comes the situation that i mean, can you imagine that they are fighting in. [ inaudible ] district and at the same time, fighting in mosul, the pe peshmerga and at e same time, fighting of kobane, so maybe they are situationally aware of the situation. They are from this ground, from this country. Also possibly stretched rather thin. We cant get in to that now because i am afraid i have to ask you as we come to the end of this fascinating discussion, how do you defeat them . Is it possible . You can defeat them, mine, the air power is not enough. You have to have boots on the ground. And here comes the dilemma of the iraqis, bus the dilemmas of the iraqi they have the special forces now fighting, but following the triad, clear, hold and build, who is going to do it . You need the iraqi army that was competed earlier against isis. That is in iraq. In syria who is going to fight the isis boots on the ground . The Syrian Opposition are not ready. The iraqi Syrian Forces are not ready. It takes more than one year to really prepare all of this. And they have time to consolidate their gains and to be sure about the future of isil. I would like to continue this another time. Unfortunately we on this occasion have run up against the clock. Retired lebanese general, appreciate the your time always good to talk to you. In saudi arabia, two mill i dont remember muslims are coming near the end of their pilgrimage to mecca all arc knowledgeknowledgeses feel these being bulldoze today am coit came. Mmohammed is there and sense us this. Reporter mechanic arc the holiest site in islam. The citys transformation over the past decade has been exceptional. Once a dusty desert now, mecca now swarms over the surroundings with a glittering away the skyscrapers. Is a symbol of their future and of national pride. Translator it a come dwights 100,000 people every hour. Reporter billions of dollars have been spent to increase the size of the mosque. The result has been the dismantling of the oldest sections of the most important sites. Dozens of meccas millenniumold buildings have been demolished in the past decade alone. Its something many pilgrims for not seem to mind. The expansion has been great i first came in 1985 and there was a lot of suffering due to crowding. What they have done is amazing. Reporter while there is little disagreement on the need for expansion, critics accuse the saudi authorities of paying not attention to the importance of islamic cultural heritage. They say no one should be denied the opportunity to have physical reminders to the history of their faith. Reporter critics are particularly concerned about the skyscrapers that tower over the mosque, filled with shopping malls, luxury apartments and five star hotels. Its a concern, however, that some clerics say has no basis in islamic law. All of this argument is motivated by ideological factors, by political agenda, that these people may have in their minds. But not really from a valid shar i cant point of view nor from a practical points of view. Reporter for now mecca remains one huge construction site and authorities are not ruling out father expansions in the coming years you werin you n to a glimmering ma trop las of skyscrapers. Mecca, saudi arabia. The that difference taking a poff pratpour rat to commemorat. More are taking selfies. Reporter for owning a beautiful for the muslim celebration of e i. D. Is a matter of pride and president teaming. It cost me a small fortunate we had to save up for months but i am grateful that i can feed my family and the poor around me thanks to this animal. Reporter since childhood he takes a picture every year to mark the occasion. I take one or two portraits a year not more. Reporter each eid calls for a brandnew outfit. Taylors are workintaye tailers d the clock to accommodate the orders. This is the busiest time of the year. Everyone wants to look their best for this occasion. Reporter his clothing of choice carries extra importance. Its the picture, more than the celebration, that gets him to dress up. Access to studio costs just a few dollars. Getting the right shot takes time and effort. Its not just about capturing the moment. The portrait seeks to address of values and status of the individual as well as the anim animal. Its about marking a period of your life. Reporter this is one of the last remaining Photo Studios in the capital, the tradition is actually disappearing. Photographer, studio owner and the small industry it supports is in decline. They are up against a new phenomenon too difficult to compete with. The selfie. Smart phones are making their way in to every day life. Gone is the special attire and time spent in the studio. I am glad i captured this moment with my sheep. I can slayer it with my friends online. Reporter he doesnt have friends online, let alone access to the internet. He is doing this for himself. Keeping a slowlydieing tradition alive. Nicholas hawk, al jazerra, dakar. And now the ledgeses are focused on farah who is here with sport. Thank you so much, david. Nine family of injured f1 driver jewels have issued a statement confirming the extent of the 25yearolds injuries, he has whats called a diffuse injury which is one of the most serious types of traumatic brain injuries, his family arriving in japan, in a statement they went onto thank doctors for their efforts and say skpwhresz of support from all over the world have been a source of great comfort. Officials at japans grand prix circuit say bad luck was to blame for the crash and they did all that they could to protection the drivers. The sports governing body have began their own official investigation. In wet conditions the frenchman spun out and collideed with a recovery vehicle removing a car crashed by another driver. Translator officials raised double yellow flags after the first accidents which means drivers have to slow down to a speed where they can immediately stop. But unfortunately, bee an ca bis chicago spun out and ran in to the accidents site which was bad luck. The road was wet but not heavy enough to halt the race, and i believe race officials made the same judgment. One of the most influential figures in european football says the 2018 and 222 world cup bidding should be made public. Franz was a member of the fifa commit that i gave those tournaments to russia and qatar. He was briefly banned by Fifas Ethics Committee from all footballrelated activity for initially failing to cooperate with that corruption investigation. Fifa president has rejected calls to publish the reports. Translator why not . I dont see why it shouldnt be published but thats a decision for fifa. There is an executive committee that takes care of all of these decisions, personally i think if you have nothing to hide. You should public and divulge it. The man in charge of the italian football has been banned for six months for making racist comments. Italys f. A. President at that vehiclcarlo atthat vehicle yo wa ban. He has also been told to organ events increasing awareness. He referred to african players as banana eaters. Luis suarez set to make his first uruguayan appearance since the infamous biting incidents at the world couple of he arrived in saudi arabia ahead of fridays match. He is currently serving a ban of four months and nine Competitive International after biting at the world cup. Rafah nadal will play in the shanghai masters on wednesday despite being diagnosed with appendicitis. Meanwhile, andy murray gave his chances of reaching the world tour finals a boost. He won to progress to the second round. Top eight players of the year qualify for the finals in london where murray is one o currentlyn ninth place and within the shanghai title will nudge him closer to qualification. Earnests slim chances of reaching the finals are slipping away. The latvian sits 13th in the race. And needed to do well in china to make up ground but lost in straight sets. Pakistan could soon be playing International Cricket matches in qatar. The gulf state says its in talks to host pakistan as early as next year. The team have been unable to play matches at home since 2009 due to security issues. Some great players of the past have already made it to qatar. Now here say report. Reporter the away signs might be bigger but the star power of brian and others certainly hasnt dimmed with age. The pair along with a host of former and currents International Cricketers were in doha for a special it. 20 match with the rest of the world team taken on an asian 11 led by sharee larynx cas world cup winte winter. Our owns and other people are working here. So i think if you Start Playing here, there will be lots of people love it. Thats one of the things when you started playing cricket and you realize the commonwealth countries play the game you want to see it grow as much as possible. Seeing it in charge of it in the early 90s and dubai, now in qatar. For me thats improvement. And as long as theism c. Remains inning clues and i have gets everybody involved i think its wonderful for cricket. Reporter he is 45 year old olds but brian showed he lost none of his touch after winning the toss and batting first the rest of the world side hosted an immateriaimpressive 161 for 26 r 20 overs. The match enjoyed by a near capacity crowd in dohas west end cricket stadium where organizers are hoping it wont be the last time International Cricket comes to qatar. We had a good, strong meeting today with the pakistan ball for next year we have a couple of tournaments that we are going to work with them to host it here. Like a super liga pakistan. Also we also have the second Pakistan Team in qatar for next year. Reporter tracing 162 to win, the asian 11 got off to a good start. But the dismissal of the captain swung the match firmly in the rest of the worlds favor. A few big blows towards the end got the asian 11 close. But the rest of the world team held on for the victory. Brians team win this match by five runs the game played in front ive vocal if not quite capacity crowd here in doha it shows the potential for growing cricket in this part of the world. Al jazerra, doha. Much more sport on our website for all of the latest check out al jazerra. Com sport. There is also details on how to get in touch with our team using twitter and facebook. That is all your support for now, david, back to you. Thank you very much. Three researchers from japan and the u. S. Have jointly won the 2014 nobel prize for physics. They invented blue l. E. D. S which are more Energy Efficient than light bulbs. One researcher said he kept on despite all of the problems and setbacks that he faced. At first people told me it was impossible to do it during the 20th century. More and more people were quitting. It was that kind of situation, but i didnt think that way, us wasnt thinking about successor failure, i just wanted to do what i wanted to do. Now, modern technology has done wonders to improve the lives of people with mental and with physical disabilities. Now it is going one step further, it is helping them express themselves artistically. We sent nick surpriser to surpro dresden where he was going take a look and a listen at a clever new device called the motion composer. Reporter quiet. Just his everyone reporter and watch. An artist at work. There are two motion detectors helping here, one working in 3d, the other precise enough to catch the blink of an eye. Together, they unleash creativity. At some level we are all dancers and musicians, this is really in our genes. You dont have to teach children, you know, Young Children will dance and make music without knowing what they are doing at all. Reporter six contemporary supposers provided the music, not scores but what are called sound environments. Where ever gesture produces a certain kind of sounds. This is a cord. That leaves space for the kids to create, compose. It all fields like a game. The children cant decide if they are really dancing or composing. The person overseeing therapy at their school says it doesnt really matter. Translator at the school we have various methods of communicating. But the motion composer is adding something new. Because sometimes you cant express your feelings properly in words. But through the composers i can give voices to your deepest feelings. Reporter the. Reporter the professional dancer behind the product start started using motion detectors before they thought they could help people with disabilities. They are on the margins of society and people with disabilities are on the margins of society. They are in a great position to give us comments on what we are as a society. And what people are. Reporter the motion composer has moved children with physical and mental disabilities from the back of the auditorium to center stage. Taking things to the next logical step, a concert performance will premier in berlin in half a years time. Nick spicer, al jazerra, dress den. Woepdz a wonderfulling uplifting note its time for my david foster to say good night. You are may have tin dennis for company next. See you in another day. Audiences are intelligent and they know that their needs are not being met by american tv news today. Entire media culture is driven by something thats very very fast. There has been a lack of fact based, in depth, serious journalism, and we fill that void. There is a huge opportunity for Al Jazeera America to change the way people look at news. We just dont parachute in on a story. Quickly talk to a couple of experts and leave. One producer may spend 3 or 4 months, digging into a single story. At al jazeera, there are resources to alow us as journalists to go in depth and produce the kind of films. The people that you dont see anywhere else on television. We intend to reach out to the people who arent being heard. We wanna see the people who are actually effected by the news of the day. Its Digging Deeper its asking that second, that third question, finding that person no one spoken to yet. You cant tell the stories of the people if you dont get their voices out there, and Al Jazeera America is doing just that. And the winner is. Stephen boyer. The biggest goal of my life is that im gonna be this super filmmaker. My parents invested in a private school to get me into a top university. Tri five. But the more i think about it, the more i realize ive been living a pointless life. Its made me question if i totally wanna go to college. I really liked asu. If i had the money i would go there. I grew up poor and i am poor. But colleges dont really give aid to undocumented students

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