Protestors in brazil. Runaway teens are the most neglected homeless group. How they are living on the streets. Good morning, welcome to Al Jazeera America. Sunni rebels seized another city in iraq overnight, vowing to crib its march towards the capital of baghdad. The Prime Minister malaki is fighting back to take back territory over isil fighters. These photos posted on line appear to show isil gunman killing dozens of captured iraqi soldiers, the u. S. Beefing up security in baghdad and moving staffers out of the city. The Iraqi Military is responding with air strikes. Randall pinkston is in washington this morning. Does it appear at this hour that any other military action is i amment. The pentagon says the u. S. Aircraft carrier and two other ships, a guider and destroyer are there to give president obama enhanced options should he order a military strike. So far, no strike has been ordered, the president S Security Team is trying to develop a range of options to help iraq counter isil insurgents. [ gunfire ] after a week of heavy losses that saw the fall of mosul, iraqs second largest city, iraqs military is launching air strikes. It was a show of force by the Prime Minister almalaki, who claims hundreds of rebels have been killed in the counter offensive. He continues to issue a call to arms. All iraqi people, raise up, volunteer. We will advance to all space to crush our enemies. Thousands of shiite volunteers have answered that call, promising to protect baghdad should isil fighters make good on their promise to attack the capitol. Despite the added protection and assurances by the military that baghdad is safe, two suicide bombings killed at least nine. The u. S. Is beefing up its Embassy Security in baghdad and removing some staff. Its the First Time Since the 2003 americanled invasion of iraq the agency has decreased personnel amid threats of violence. The isil shared pictures of iraqi soldiers they claimed they rounded up before killing 1700, they say. The u. S. State department called the reported executions horrifying. As the Obama Administration weighs using air power, some say the time to act is now to avoid greater threats to the u. S. Later. We need air power immediately to stop the advance toward baghdad. The seeds of 9 11 are being planted all over iraq and syria. Many democrats urge caution, insisting military action alone wont solve the problem. It is not in our u. S. Interest to go and involve ourselves in the middle of what is a religious civil war. President obama has said he will not be sending u. S. Ground troops back into iraq, but a retired general tells aljazeera that he does not think that would rule out the possibility of of using special Operations Forces on the ground to help identify targets. What can you tell us about this new report out that says the u. S. Is now considering direct talks to iran to discuss the security situation in iraq. Secretary of state john kerry who reportedly has been discussing that plan in a phone cull iraqs foreign minister over the weekend. Today in vienna, theres supposed to be another round of talks dealing with Irans Nuclear program. Its two separate issues, of course, and secretary kerry said he would not be planning to mix the situations. Chelsea manning takes on the Media Coverage of iraq. Formerly known at private Bradley Manning is serving a 35 year sentence for providing 700,000 secret documents to wikileaks. She defends her actions which resulted in the largest intelligence leak in u. S. History. She attacks the way the u. S. Military grants access to journalists in iraq and afghanistan, writing this, all reporters carefully vetted by military Public Affairs officials. The system is far from unbiased. Unsurprisingly, reporters who established relationships with the military are more likely to grant access, the result is that the american publics access to the facts are gutted, which leaves them with no way to evaluate the conduct of american officials. Security experts warn that what is happening in iraq should serve as a legs for afghanistan. A senior Political Science kits saying that afghanistan should be ready for outside events that could make things turn in the wrong direction. A security analyst with the Brookings Institution saying that the rise of isil after u. S. Troops with drew from iraq bears and ominous parallel for afghanistan. A reminder to stay with aljazeera for continuing coverage in iraq. Well take you live for a report on the ground. Well explain why some say this rebellion would have happened without the war in iraq. Pakistan launched a major offensive against the taliban, launching soldiers near the border and pakistani fighter jets resumed strikes in the air following an attack on the Largest International airport last week. Neither side seems willing to back down from its campaign. As you mentioned, its been first tried not in just one subdivision, but two. We are told that theres been casualties where 15 fighters were killed, another 12 killed in air strikes. Across the country, railway stations, airports are all on red alert. Security has been beefed up. We are also hearing that in one province, all leave for doctors are canceled and hospitals put on emergency footing. The military operation is likely to last for sometime. According to reports we are getting, they have surrounded certain fighters in the North Waziristan area, plugged and closed off access routes. The pakistanis have plans to beef up security on their side of the border to prevent the fighters escaping across the bored and have asked the Afghan Government to aid in areas where militants are said to be hiding. The five taliban members released in exchange for Sergeant Bowe bergdahl had a slim chance of getting convicted had they go to trial. The chief prosecutor in the military Commission Says the men and 200 other detainees at Guantanamo Bay could not have been successfully prosecuted. Theres been a debate in the house since the swap happened. Many worry it puts american troops at risk. Some republicans call the move illegal. A war crimes tribunal ecan veins for prisoners charged in the 9 11 attacks. An area in kenya under attack today, uneye dentified men set fire to a Police Station. 48 people have been killed so far. The kenyan government has been hardhit in recent months by al shabab, a group that has attacked several target. The increased security has prompted several advisory to say citizens telling them to stay away from kenyas coast. Benjamin netanyahu in a phone call told palestinian president expect the safe return of three kidnapped israeli teenagers. He condemned the kidnapping and the result of an israeli crackdown. 150 palestinians have been arrested so far. They swept into the west bank city overnight touching off confrontations that led to the death of a 20yearold palestinian. Israeli forces detained 40 suspected hamas members today, including several palestinian lawmakers. They came near the house and threw two stun grenades while people were sleeping inside. The teenagers went missing thursday night, last seen hitchhiking near the settlement where they live. In thailand, military have a crackdown. The government has shot and beaten cambodian workers. 120,000 fleeing in the last week alone. We have more from the thai border. We saw 700,000 cam boweddens at this crossing alone. Yesterday, we heard 2025,000 people crossed the border, so were looking at dwindling numbers at the moment. It looks as if its a pretty straight forward process, though. We followed one particular Migrant Worker going home on the cambodian side. As he was processed through the Thai Military through immigration, the thai and cambodian administration helped out and then put on a bus to go back home. It seemed straight forward and orderly. The big question is what this surge or tide of migrants means about the future of the labor force, the economy, and the direction that the new militarism in thailand want to take the country. Colombias president has won a second term in office. The win is a major endorsement of continuing peace talks with rebels. The largest Guerilla Group is known for kidnappings and assassinations. The president now faces the challenge of living up to its campaign promise. Peace is the winner. Thats what the elected president told colombians. This is thent of 50 years of violence and the beginning of a new colombia with new liberty, social justice and colombia at peace. He has four more years in office. He will have to deliver on his promise to end the war. I expect the war to finish one day. If santos betrays us, he will have to pay a price. We have all been hostages to this war. We need piece. Millions backed rival candidate, whos party will continue to be a strong force in opposition. This is the first day to start organizedding our party more effectively. Its a new alternative, a new choice for colombia. Despite his victory, the president will face a great challenge in congress. Twenty senators from the party have been elected and the leading senator is the former president , who has labeled santos a traitor. He said he abandoned his hard line policy against the rebels and now he will fight back. The peace negotiations will obviously be one of the main issues against which they will act on every opportunity available to it. If and when the agreement is signed, it is subjected to a referendum against which the party will work to assure that the country and population votes against it. Almost half of the country voted for santos opponent and shares the concern. I would like there to be peace, but peace with justice, not peace with impunity. After such a tightly contested race, santos will breathe a sigh of relief that he remains president , but his greatest challenge will now be to convince colombians its time for a negotiated peace. Arc has been on the list of terrorist organizations since 1997. California firefighters are racing to stop a fire in the center of the state. It doubled in size overwind. Wind gusts of 20 miles an hour are fueling the fire. Since friday, more than three squares miles of land have burned. The weather continues to be a threat in the upper midwest. For more, we turn to our meteorologist stephanie dionne. We are watching out for the threat of Severe Weather in pretty much the same areas that dealt with it over the weekend. Were going to be dealing with flooding. Thats exactly what the problem here across south america and Northern Areas of brazil. We have video to say show you where we saw a months worth of rain in 48 hours washing out an entire hillside and of course leaving a lot of people with plenty of damage. Fortunately, no deaths or injuries were reported, and we could still be dealing with isolated storms, but there is a lot of activity going on in this area and we certainly dont want more rain. We are going to get that moving across the northern portion of the country and with that an isolated shower or two. Stateside, its fairly quiet with showers moving across illinois into st. Louis. Minnesota and iowa, we are watching our next piece of energy to move in, still dealing with the strong gulf of mexico moisture moving in. That will provide lots of moisture. The heat and humidity will be on back to the areas of the country with isolated tornadoes. With stronger storms, well deal with large hail, as well as strong, damages winds, so a repeat of the performance weve had over the weekend. We will get that daytime heating. Unfortunately across the southwest where we have the fire threat, its going to stick around through tuesday. Were starting to see more mainly, but not much in the form of more rain. We will cool down in this areas. Ukraines gas supply is cut off over a 4 billion debt. Were going to tell you what it means for the country and how that shutoff could affect other youve peen countries. World cup protestors clash with police, leading to stun grenades, gas canisters and what appears tube live round fired into a crowd. This house on the edge of a cliff. Were going to tell you about a drastic step taken to keep it from falling into the water. 272,360,000,000 is todays big number. It is now close to breaking the bank record. D. R wells fargo the most valuable bank in the u now. Look at that number there, thats its stock market value. The bank is now coming close to breaking a record. The wall street journal reporting that wells fargo is just 10 billion away from hitting the highest stock market value of any bank record ever, the report set by city bank. It has had 15 quarters of Straight Record growth. Russia taking ukraine to court over its 4 billion debt. A deadline to pay the dead came and went, russia rejecting an e. U. Proposal. It wants ukraine to pay up front for shipments. The deadline that come and gone. Brussels hopes for a last minute deal. Is that deal likely . Well, in the last hour or so, we are hearing from gas officials in ukraine in the capitol of kiev that supplies of russian gas have now started to be reduced. Theyve actually now reduced so they can declare a state of zero gas coming from the russian federation. As you mentioned there, the hope had been that a loft minute deal would be broken, that this was perhaps a game of brinksmanship. The meetings were not giving off great signs at all. A series of highlevel talks have been taking place in brussels and berlin between russian and ukrainian gas officials, along with officials from the european union. Each time, russia and ukraine accused each other of not making large enough concession to say push an agreement along. As has been announced by kiev, its clear that the russians have gone ahead with the move to shut off gas completely. Does ukraine have a backup plan, a contingency plan to handle the situation . It certainly does, because russia and ukraine have been at logger heads over gas prices for a very long time now. Perhaps the first main contingency plan is something called reverse flow that would allow countries nearby ukraine to supply the country with gas for a fee, of course. Slovakia has already been asked to provide gas to help ukraine in the coming months, but according to the head of ukraines main gas provider, they have enough gas until december. Ive been here in donetsk, in the middle of january, in the cold the demand for gas goes up. They have underground storage and 12 billion cubic meters of gas, but at the same time, they need a long Term Solution to this standoff. Thank you very much. Three aljazeera journalists are back in an Egyptian Court today, detained for 170 days. They face charges of supporting the outlaud muslim brotherhood. The journalists are on trial, falsely accused of supporting the outlawed muslim brotherhood. Seven years jail is asked for one journalist and 15 years for the two ears. They are not alone. Aljazeera arabic journalist is also in prison, but without charge. Hes been on a Hunger Strike for five months. His health is declining. The families are getting increasingly frustrated. The prosecution did conclude its case with what i think in all fairness were pretty wild and sweeping allegations against the whole of the group. Other journalists have also found themselves being called enemies in the state. Activists, too. A Court Sentenced him to 15 years in jail, the key figure in an uprising that toppled mohamed morsi. Al sisi is now the president , promising to fix egypts many problems. Journalists want him to promote freedom of the press. So far theyve got a state which does the opposite. Aljazeera. Aljazeera rejects all charges against the detain team in egypt and demands their immediate release. It has been a grace. Temperatures are rising. What we can expect across the country today. Ebony dionne has numbers for you. We are talking close to 100 degrees, thats what its going to feel like across the mid Atlantic States getting into our work week ahead. It will be a warm start, hot in places, up to 94 degrees in richmond, verge. Well get into the low to mid 80s in new york city. High pressure Still Holding on, well get more of a southwesterly flow. We do have a heatwave in d. C. Starbucks says its going to provide a Free Education for college on line for thousands of employees, saying its a special arrangement with Arizona State university. Starbucks employees have to work at least 20 hours a week and meet the schools eligibility requirements. They wont be required to stay with the company after getting their degree, which is fascinating. Arizona State University has one of the largest on line programs in the u. S. Pretty innovative. The u. S. Is facing a decision about how to you respond to the sannie rebellion in iraq. Some ask if the instability is the result of american involvement in iraq. It does get cold sometimes. Homeless teens share their personal daily struggle. Why they face harsher circumstances than duties living on the street. All hail the World Champion San Antonio Spurs, one of the most dominant runs in nba history. Pete rose hopes to gets reinstated this year, one of the headlines making news around the world. Youre taking a live look at the new york city skyline monday, june 16, temperatures expected to be in the rights, the humidity on its way. Welcome to Al Jazeera America. Im del walters. Im richelle carey. Ahead, a multibillion dollars website burst, the Million Dollars tech bubble. Images of this exploding star caught from space 20,000 light years away. Why one country wants to protect the wilderness. First a look at top stairs this morning. The major offensive against the taliban, pakistan resumes air strikes in the border region with afghanistan, sending 70,000 troops there. The taliban, which targeted a major airport in the country last week promises even more attacks. Thousands of cam boweddens are fleeing thailand with a military crack down. Many work and live in the country illegally and 20,000 have fled this last week alone. Many are women and children. Isil rebels taking control of Northern Iraq vowing to continue south into baghdad. Almalaki plans to win back every inch of territory. There are reports this morning the u. S. May enter direct talks with iran about security in iraq. Hundreds of thousands are iraqis are leaving home, many arriving in this city where aljazeera is. How close is this to where this is happening . Its about half hour drive. It is under control of the Kurdish Forces and kurdish authority. At the moment, there are all indications on the ground that actually isil does not want to have an open confrontation with the kurds of iraq. Certainly, anyway, this is the safest place, because there is no sectarianism here. Anyone, soon any or shia can make their way here. Clearly this battle is also sectarian lines. The shia clerics are urging iraqi to say take up arms. Has the Prime Minister tried in any way to intervene yet . Well, so far, he has been talking a lot and obviously this call for volunteers to join the fight is something that is probably made in coordination with the Prime Minister. Militarily, underground, we havent seen a big offensive from the iraqi army. What we see over and over again is retreats of the iraqi army, especially in this belt or the sunni belt between the kurdish region and rest of the hartline. He keeps promising. When you see whats happening around the country with the evacuated bases and see what the iraqi army did, its very difficult to see how he will regain whatever he has lost so far. Than thank you very much. The former baghdad news editor for the New York Times joins us. What do you think is the best strategy to defeat isil . I think we have two options that actually have to go together. Political and military options. I think the iraqi army after this defeat needs a lot of support. We are not talking about boots on the ground right now. We are not talking about sending boot to say iraq. We are talking about air strikes to possible help the army. At the same time, i think we need to push for a National Unity government, because this crisis is basically a political crisis, and the result as we see right now is devastating when we see all this inurgency happening in the north. Should the United States provide that support . After all, almalaki has said dont let the door hit you in the. I agree, but iraq is paying for almalakis policies right now. Its one thing that you dont agree with the Prime Minister, but its something completely different to let iraq slide into civil war or sectarian violence and go back to 2006 or 2007. I want to play a byte from tony blare, who said the invasion of iraq in 2003 had no consequence with regard to what were seeing right now on the ground in iraq. Take a listen. Even if you left sadaam in place in 2003, then when 2011 happened and you had the arab revolutions, you would ever still had a major problem in iraq. You can see what happens when you leave the particular tater in place, as has happened with a sued now. If hes right, then was all of the money and lives that were lost in iraq worth it . I dont think hes right. I think hes trying to justify the war, but looking at iraq. Its a completely different story. When you talk about syria or syria to iraq, its a completely different story. Iraq is funded by june. I gulf states. If sadaam was still in power now, i dont think any gulf state would support opposition against him. Hes just an enemy of iran and they want him there. Its a completely different story. To talk about removing sadaam, removing sadaam was a positive thing, definitely, but to say that it was. Without consequence. Definitely. What happened post war, what happened, that wasnt a catastrophe. Thanks for being with us. Stay with Aljazeera America for continuing coverage of the cries in iraq. Well have Live Team Coverage coming up at the end of our 8 00 hour, including more on the possibility of the u. S. Involving and stopping the rebellion. John kerry is hosting a global summit on climate change. He says our oceans are under siege, thats a quote from marine trash. Ocean acidification. Many teens leave home because of discrimination by loved ones. Sam hitch hiked into San Francisco 18 months ago. She spends her days in the tenderloin, the citys toughest district. A transgender teen born a boy but identifies as a girl, she is from austin. Her parents kicked her out of the house. Theres a lot of aggression and just animosity towards you. I didnt come to San Francisco because of that, but i knew that it would be easier, or i knew that i would be more accepted. Shes one of hundreds of homeless young people in the city. Most of the kids we see come from really expensive histories of abuse and neglect and poverty. Major American Cities have seen their homeless populations rise, sometimes by double digits. Many of these people are teens. While this group is very difficult to track, one thing experts say that is speaker especially susceptible to drug use. For cash, she sells spare syringes for a few dollars, so many here drug addicts, heroin, crack or whatever they can get their hands on. Sex for petty cash, food and of course more drugs. I think it makes it a little easier to be on drugs and be homeless. According to one estimate, as many as 75 of homeless teens turn to drugs or alcohol. They are disproportionately lbgt, anywhere from 20 to 40 . Motor organizations agree that there are we will over 1 million teens on the streets across the country. San francisco spends 165 million every year on services for the homeless, and has managed to hold the line to keep to population steady even as other cities have seen homeless numbers spike. A small victory, but the city needs help. A short Term Investment pace long term results. I would like to see the federal government get involved. Its every metropolis challenge and cub stance abuse complicates efforts. The days a cycle of drugs, pan handling and finding the next doorway to sleep under. Im kind of used to it. It does get cold sometimes. The rain sucks. Thankfully, it hasnt rained in a while. She says shes had enough of the city and will hitchhike out of here soon. Aljazeera, San Francisco. Homelessness in the u. S. Is on the decline but warns low pay and the rising cost of housing makes it complex. He did that vandalizing on camera knowing that it didnt make a difference. The spurs beat the heat for the nba championship. We have more on what a surprisingly easy win this was. Easy and sleep, whats that . The spurs won four games to one over a heat team that coming in had won 1415 playoff series since bringing together james, wade and botch for seasons ago. They were no match for the spurs sunday night. They clinched their crown with a 10487 win. Leonards the first player since 2004 to win m. V. P. Ors after having not made the allstar team that year. The spurs have won five titles, making Gregg Popovich a coach to have won five titles. The dominance was truly historic. The spurs outscored the heat by 70 points per game, winning 12 this year by 15 or more points, and they shot 53 in these finals. All of those marks are nba records. These playoffs also further cement tim duncans place and one of the nbas all time greats, the only player to start with three championship teams in three different decades. 15 years between his first nba title back in 1999 and his latest, thats the second longest such span ever. Kareem abduljabbar won tights 17 years apart. The heat have appeared in four straight nba finals. Its very interesting to note that while the heats much celebrated big three made just under 60 million this year, and they have two titles to show for that, the spurs victory of duncan, tony parker and ginobili made half this season and theyve now won twice as many tights. Del. Richelle had that big party for the nba finals last night. Were you there . I was not invited. Im not one of the cool kids. Even with the amazing numbers, the conversation is still going to be what a failure lebron james is. Thats what the focus is going to be today and shouldnt be. She took a pass not having me on the guest list. [ laughter ] brazils world cup continues to be marred by violent protest, the most recent ones led Police Officers to fire what appears to be a real bullet. It hand in Rio De Janeiro in last nights match. It appears to be an officer shooting at demonstrators as they march near the stadium. Officers wearing helmets and protective vests also robbed tear gas at the crowd. Protestors are angry over the high cost of hosting the games. Soccers popularity is slowly rising in the u. S. , though not quite on the level of basketball or football, we met eager fans in miami. Heels but an avoid Life Long Football fan would go through this much effort for the worlds cup . A relatively new supporter is determined to make up for lost time. I just live for it now. This is a whole month of a lot of ups and sometimes some down, but its all good in between, and bring on the world cup, were ready. The sport needs more fans like this double. Support is on the rice, but superstars like David Beckham and his plans for Major League Soccer have helped the changing demographics. Im looking forward to all the colors, all the people representing the places theyre from and its all for one unifying event and that really makes me happy. It brings together everyone throughout the entire world, everyone sharing for their country. Everyone gets excited about it. Its not just one country. Despite the obvious passion for the world cup, it doesnt get the audiences that basketball and baseball does. Its certainly come a long way, but most pundits tell you the beautiful game is nowhere near to challenging the status quo. Former player turned commentator hudson has been involved with football in the u. S. For more than three decades. Hes seen this sport mature but says it may be years before familiar hits the big time. Its not something that is going to be done with one sweep of marketing or one world cup. Even in victory, i would suspect that that wouldnt shift the needle to being a soccer nation, a football nation. Many here refer to football as the sleeping giant. It has grown in popularity among some, but remains on the fringes. Football could still have a chance in the u. S. Shes having a ball, shes very happy. The flag in your hair is a good look. You can catch play this afternoon. Brazil honoring the most famous Soccer Player of all time, pele. Hundreds gathered for the official opening of the pele museum. It has everything from trophy to say jerseys to pictures of him with world leaders. He led brazil to its first world cup victory in 1958. Lets look at other headlines making news around the world. Pete rose, legendary baseball manager and player of Cincinnati Reds is hoping to be a manager again . While u. S. A. Today is reporting he is stepping on the field for the first time, i dont think he realized its been this long, 25 years, 25 years since he had that lifetime ban imposed for gambling, obviously, right . The league saying this is not an endorsement of rose by ledding him do this, they just dont have jurisdiction over that particular franchise. According to the british Prime Minister, his country is bash. Cameron believes schools should promote and respect british values. The Prime Minister speaking out after concerns that the british muslims organized a campaign to impose faithbased ideology in schools. A piece of historys going to be torn down to make way for progress they call it, but that parking garage where bob woodward met with deep throat, watergate, right, theyre going to tear it down to make way for new residential buildings. The City Government said that theyre going to have a little plaque to commemorate the area, so you would know why that area actually means something. Made famous in that scene with Robert Redford in all the president s men. Billions for websites and arps. All part of the tech bubble. Some wonder if this bubble will burst like the housing bubble did. Burning down the house. The owners of this home hanging on the edge of a cliff had no choice but to let it be burned to the ground. The explosion of a star caught on camera is our discovery of the day. Ery of the day. Guns. There are two to three million guns in a population of only 8 Million People. And gun laws. After those laws came in, there have been no more mass shootings. How Different Countries decide. Their father had a gun. Their grandfather had a gun. Who has the right to bear arms . 5 days guns around the world a primetime news special series all next week only on Al Jazeera America only on Al Jazeera America. Oh my time for our discovery of the day. What are we looking at . It is an exploding star caught on camera by nasa. You can see the rings of dust creating a light echo. That is gorgeous. The red star is over 20,000 light years away. The time laps video was filmed over a four year period and sped up. It is not a normal star explosion. Novas usually explode like a bomb. This expanded out losing its outer layers. Scientists are trying to figure out what caused the explosion for a new insight. Should investors worry about multibillion dollars tech deals. First, weather across the country today. We are going to be dealing with wet and stormy conditions could say the plain states and midwest. Weather barely moving since yesterday. We are going to be watching across parts of iowa into nebraska for a threat of heavy rainfall. That will lead to flash flooding. As of late, weve seen a lot of rain, just over the last 48 hours and more to come. Were starting off fairly quiet, a few spotty showers. Continue to go get day time heating will help to fuel storms through the afternoon and evening and pretty much the same scenario into parts of texas. Talk about burning down the house. In texas, a luxury lakeside home burned down on purpose. We showed you how the hillside had given way. Thats south of dallas. The 4,000 square foot home which cost 700,000 left hanging 75 feet in the air. The owners say their insurance didnt cover land movement, so they could wait for it oh crumble or just burn it down. Its really the best case scenario. We had safety first and foremost, nobody was hurt. We couldnt have it turn out any better. This is their life, their savings going up in smoke. Its a tough thing. After several hours, parts of the home including the roof slipped into the lake below. The owners goal is to quickly clean up an eyesore for their neighbors. Marking the deadline for groups and institutions to submit the bid trying to host the president obama library. Chicago wants to bring it to his hometown. Five separate bids are coming out of the windy city. New york and hawaii are the strong contenders. The obamas will make their final decision next year. A billion dollars deal to rock the world of he commerce, price line. Com shelling out 2. 6 billion in cash to buy the restaurant reservation site open table. Com. Just last year, price line took over its rival site kayak for 1. 8 billion. Some say this may be the next big tech bubble. Hedge fund manager davidine horn from green light capitol recently sent a note to his client this is the same guy who predicted the collapse of the niemann brothers in 2007. It is right again . Its fair to say that asine horn articulated in his letter, there are certain sectors that have more excessive valuations than others. If you look at certain categories, social media, 3d print, cloud computing, evaluations seem stretched at points over the last couple months and probably still there now. That doesnt mean there cant be attractive means in those categories or more specifically in other areas. We think its important for people to understand that just become some cases, people that have a lot of credibility are saying things in a broad sense, look at the sector across all different areas, because what youll see is a lot of attractive companies and a lot of attractive stocks, still. You mentioned you mentioned some from social media, talk about facebook which made headlines this year when it brought the messaging site whats app for 19 million and google bought motor mobility in 2007. What is actually behind this . Really whats happening is there has been a lot of m and a in the Technology Sector and across the markets as a whole. If you think about the drivers, number one, the cost of capital are very, very low with Interest Rates at points we havent seen in our entire history to some extent. Secondly, a lot of companies are searching for growth, in acquiring other companies. There are just opportunities across a variety of different areas of these companies. Should mom and pop investors be worried . People should be aware and do their own homework. There are a variety of opportunities, but the people need to be informed to act, i think adequately. All right, scott kessler, Senior Technology analyst, thank you so much for your time. Your pet may be your new tech toys worst enemy. A survey finding one in 10 pet owners have had their cat or dog damage their electronic gadget, smart phones and power cords at the top of the list. Nearly a fifth of pet owners believe their pet was trying to make the device a chew toy. One in six owners have a social media account for their furry friend and one in five have spoken to their animal on a video chat. He was the voice of a generation. Hello again and welcome to american top 40. Thats the velvety voice of casey causal. An icon of radio and t. V. , he rose to fame hosting a top 40 radio show. Thats casey as the voice of shaggy on scooby doo. His second wife gene and family had a feud surrounding his medical care. He was surrounded by all his loved once. He was 82 years old. Another city in iraq seized overnight. Is as i will continues marching towards baghdad. Iraqs Prime Minister plans to take back every inch of territory. Russia halted gas supplies to ukraine after ukraine failed to pay a 4. 5 billion by todays deadline. Armed men set fire to three hotels and Police Stations in kenya. Several advisories are issued, telling citizen to say stay away from coastal areas. Ahead, former consul general for israel weighs in on the kid 23457ing of three israeli teenagers. If the word cup action isnt hands on enough four, one italian city is offering up a soccer match with fighting mixed in. Well have the videos and other captured by our citizen journalists around the world. We will be back with more Aljazeera America in just two minutes. We invite you to stay with us. We have to move out of here right now i think we have a problem. We have to get out of here. Theyre telling that they they dont wanna show whats really going on. Mr. Drumfield, id like to speak to you for a minute. This is where columbias war continues. Still occupied. Police have arrived. You see the blast scars from a bomb that went off. I guarantee you, this is a problem that we will have to face. Isil cap duress another city in iraq as lawmakers in washington, d. C. Express concerns it will make its way back to the u. S. Kenya under attack, 50 killed at armed men set fire to hotels and a Police Station. The San Antonio Spurs putting the freeze on the miami heat, game five of the nba championship giving the team their fifth title. Leaving fans stunned, game of thrones delivering another shocker with its season final lee, racking it up, despite characters meeting an untimely demise. Welcome to Al Jazeera America. Sunni rebels took control of a Northern City overnight as the Islamic State of iraq continues to march towards baghdad. Almalaki vows to take back every inch of territory taken. Isil controls many key cities, including mosul and particulatikrit. The u. S. Is beefing up security at the u. S. Security in baghdad and moving some staffers out of the city. The Iraqi Military is responding with strikes north of baghdad. We have Team Coverage in iraq. We are live in the city of hasa, we begin in washington. U. S. War ships are moving into the persian gulf. Does it appear that there are any other u. S. Military action that is imminent. We know president obama is returning from the west coast today. He will likely be receiving a list of options from the national Security Team that has been working round the clock to give him choices on what to do in iraq. Those three ships that you mentioned, including the uss George W Bush are all on station, according to the pentagon, to give the president enhanced options should he decide to proceed with the military strike. Randall, lawmakers in Washington Express concerns about all of the events that are occurring in iraq. What are they saying . Well, there are several concerns, specifically of course the collapse of the Iraqi Government in the face of the onslaught by the isil insurgents. Another concern is that it could lead to a wider sectarian war, which would leave that area as a launching ground for attacks against the u. S. We need air power immediately to stop the advance toward baghdad. The seeds of 9 11 are being planted all over iraq and syria. But on the other hand, there are others who say that the use of military power has to be done in conjunction with political changes in iraq that the use of military power alone wont solve the problem there. There are reports this morning that the u. S. May enter into direct talks with iran to discuss the security situation in iraq. What you are hearing about that . Secretary of state john kerry made a call to iraqs foreign minister where the possibility of those discussions was raised. The readout that the state Department Released refers not specifically to iran but rather that the u. S. Is reaching out to nations in the region to let them now that the threat is not just a threat against iraq, but the entire area. Randall, thank you very much. Meanwhile, theres been a jump in the number of people displaced inside iraq. The United States nations had 300,000 have fled homes just this week alone. Many of them made their way to hasa. As people are arriving there, what are they telling you . Are there actually resource there is for people as theyre showing up . Things are becoming more difficult for the people arriving lately. We met today several people who said that they were not allowed in anymore. As you mentioned, 300,000 people have already made their way inside the kurdish region. We are just here on the border. Most of the people are trying to get to the closest city, the capitol region. That number is flew and some agencies and organization on the ground is putting it now at 500,000 people who are trying to make their way in. Things are becoming more complicated. For the kurdish authorities, they have to bear in mind security, the logistics, so it is very difficult. We just saw people who couldnt get in through here. They are just going to take side roads and try to get into the kurdish region from somewhere else. This is complicated for many reasons, isil wants to create an Islamic State, including parts of iraq and syria. Syrians in many cases says have fled to iraq. Theres a point in time where iraqis move to syria. This is a very complicated humanitarian crisis. What that the International Community been saying and doing about that . Well, i think the International Community has been so far trying to help the kurdish authorities to find some sort of collusion. Now were talking about the people who are displaced from mosul. People were displaced a couple of months ago from an bar. Theyre the ones who went to syria and back. Theres an amount of people on the move in iraq at the moment that nobody knows how much. This is the only place they could come. Everybodys trying to do their best. Thank you. Not just the military situation. A Coastal Community in kenya under attack, three hotels and a Police Station set fire. 48 have been killed. The kenyan government believes this is the work of the armed group al shabab. The begunmen drove into the town on sunday evening in two minivans. That gives you an idea of just how many attackers or assailants were involved. They attacked several, estimates up to 50 gunman involved in this attack. The gun battles lasted several hours, but the extent of the damage transpired the early hours of monday morning when it became clear several government buildings, local lodging houses, a pretty roll station, restaurants and coffee shops were damaged by the gunfire. Many fled into a nearby for evident, seeking ref final there. Its important to note that the attack appears to have been targeted locals as opposed to an attack targeting westerners or touristourist targets per se. That attack seems to be different. The out torts blameddal is that bonn with the larger context that there is a terrorist threat in this country. We have seen foreign governments issue warnings to its citizens in travel. Nairobi and the United Kingdom shutting down its consulate. This comes as yet another security incident in a larger on going terrorist threat in kenya. That is aljazeera reporting from kenya. Many killed orderedly watching the world cup in their hotels when the attack took place. Benjamin netanyahu spoke to palestinian penalty abass today, expecting the safe return of three kidnapped israeli teenagers. He condemned the kidnapping. Israeli Security Forces arrested 150 palestinians, sweeping into ramallah overnight, touching off confrontations that led to the death of a 20yearold palestinian. Israeli forces detained 40 suspected hamas, including lawmakers. They are going hysterical. They threw stun grenades toward the house while people slept inside. The three teenagers went missing thursday night, last seen hitchhiking near the settlement where they live. Well talk with former cob as you will general for israel about the ramifications this will have on peace talks in the mideast. It is called a plan to finish off the rebels once and for all. Pakistans government saying its going full speed ahead with a major offensive against the taliban. Its mobilized 70,000 soldiers on its borders with pakistan. Air strikes were resumed following the talibans attack on a pakistans airport in catchery that left 36 people dead. The taliban says there will be more attacks to come. And you say mentioned, there have been fresh strikes, not just in one subdivision of North Waziristan, but two. There have been casualties where 15 fighters were killed, another 12 killed in air strikes in the area. Across the country, railway stayses, airports are all on red alert. Security has been beefed up. Were also hearing that in the province, all leave canceled for doctors and the hospitals have been put on emergency footing. The operation is likely to last for sometime. According to reports we are getting, they have surrounded certain fighters in the North Waziristan area. They have cordoned off actions routes. At the same time, the pakistanis have asked security to be beefed up on the border to prevent the fighters escaping across the border. They have asked the Afghan Government to conduct operations where the leader of the taliban pakistan is said to be hiding. The five taliban members reds in exchange for Sergeant Bowe bergdahl had a slim chance of conviction had they go to trial. The men and 200 other detainees at gab tan mow bay could not have been successfully prosecuted. Theres been a debate in the house since the swap happens, many worrying it could put american troops at risk. A war crimes try bun national reconvenes. Four ever died in libya clashes. Troops attacked several camps in benghazi sunday, detaining five leaders from militant groups. More than a dozen people were injured, electricity cut off to the city. Rockets may have blasted a power station near the airport. Hillary clinton is pushing back against critics on the 2012 attack on american diplomats in benghazi. The former secretary of state fended off questions sunday morning. She said she has no further answers after years of media interviews and congressional hears. She blames republicans for being overly critical. Hundreds of people attending a Memorial Service in oregon for 19yearold paul lee, shot to death earlier this month by a gunman at seattle university. He was a laid back person who loved to dance. His family is launching the paul lee foundation, which will be dedicated to increasing resources for those with mental illness. A lawyer for the classmate shot said his client has a history of Mental Health issues. California firefighters are racing to control flames in the Sequoia National forest as the fire doubled in size overnight. Wind gusts are fueling the wildfire. Since friday, more than three square miles of land have burned. The temperatures are going to be heating up in the u. S. In some cases, it will feel like summer. What . For more on that, lets bring in meteorologist ebony dionne. Hi, ebony. Good morning, it is definitely going to be hot the next few days, get ready for that. Definitely finding ways to keep cool across the northeast and mid Atlantic States. Temperatures are going to be climbing into the low 90s, mid 90s for some. Heres a look at our week ahead. 87 today, 90 tuesday. By wednesday, 92 degrees, and then if you factor in the fact that well see a few thunderstorms develop, moisture will be in place. The heat and humid will be on the rise. Its going to feel more like triple digit heat. Were going to get the south and southwesterly wind flow giving our numbers a bit of a boost. As we go into the rest of the country, its the middle where its been hot. Well continue to keep that gulf of mexico moisture streaming northward. Next system moving from the northwest to the plains states, were dealing with a threat of more strong to severe storms. This morning, not a lot of activity. Ive been watching these showers and storms pop up across south dakota into nebraska. Watching those storms closely. The main threat will be strong, gusty winds. Later today, isolated tornadoes cant go ruled out. Heavy downpours this evening, as well. The southwest, slightly cooler air, but the winds fierce today. We saw the threat of wildfires. It looks like no reliever in sight over the next few days. The Defense Department announced they are deploying another navy ship to the middle east as tendings continue to rise in iraq. We will have the very latest on that. General motors c. E. O. Set to face the fire on capitol hill, but marry bar are is not the only one they want to hear from over the faulty ignition series. The latest death to rock the fans at hbos game of thrones. Taking the game of soccer in and hand to hand combat, as well. An italian sport and others captured by our citizen journalists. The sin in your life, that caused your rape. How can college therapists. I felt like i had been raped all over again. Better help these victims only on Al Jazeera America we continue to follow breaking news. Our top story the on going crisis in iraq. The Defense Department announcing it will send another navy ship to the persian gulf. We want to go live to washington. Update us on the evolving situation. This fourth ship will be moving into the arabian gulf, joining the Carrier Task Force already on station there. Over the weekend, it was announced that the Aircraft Carrier along with guided missile cruisers were being sent there. They arrived first. These ships are intended to give the president decision options should he decide to go ahead with the use of military force against the isil insurgents in iraq. One ship is capable of carrying a battalion sized units of marines and landing them, designed for quick operations, the perfect ship you would want in a situation in iraq where it may be necessary to rescue americans or maybe necessary if the president should decide, to use military force. The major concern at this hour being the u. S. Embassy there, 5,000 u. S. Citizens employed in that embassy. At least five people are dead after an explosion at the Oil Refinery Plant in the central part of russias siberia region. 11 workers were hurt in this blast and fire. A much different scene of destruction in eastern russia, winds clocking 75 miles an hour rippingle roof off this building. Those winds caused widespread power outages, several thousand people losing power. If regular soccer isnt exciting enough for you, italy has a short for you. This is florence taking part in a sport dating back to the 16th current we. It is a mix of soccer and street fighting. You know what we called that growing up . Air hockey . Street fighting. Stock value climbed to 272 billion, wall street journal reporting wells fargo is 10 billion away from hitting the highest stock market value of any bank ever. The record was set back in 2001 by city bank. Wells fargo generated 15 straight quarters of profit. The c. E. O. Of General Motors is returning to capitol hill to answer a question. Faulty ignition switches are blamed for dozens of accidents, leading to the recall of 16 million vehicles this year alone. We have more on whats ahead for the automakers. Mary barra wont be the only person they hear from. The leader of the internal investigation will testify. The hearing will be held by the house subcommittee on oversight and session. Answers will be answered on the internal report on the ignition switches. 13 deaths and multiple accidents are linked to the defect. G. M. s report revealed a culture of dysfunction and lack of accountability and involved more than 350 interviews and 41 million documents in that 15 employees were fired. In total, g. M. Has called back over 16 million vehicles worldwide this year. Thats a record. So far, the company has been fined over 35 million and its spending millions of dollars to firm the vehicles. In april, g. M. Asked a u. S. Bankruptcy court to shield it from legal liabilities. It said todays g. M. Isnt the same as the one that went bankrupt in 2009, so it did not responsible for the old g. M. s mistakes. Thats angered families of accident victims, who people they are trying to avoid huge poiouts. A judge will decide if claims before 2009 can be filed against the new g. M. The Company Announced it will offer settlements to those whos loved ones were killed or hurt because of the defects. U. S. Lawmakers say wednesdays testimony will be an important step in their ongoing probe. The u. S. Department of justice is also conducting an investigation into General Motorss failures. Starbucks will give low wage workers a free on line education through a special arrangement with Arizona State university. Starbucks employees have to work there at least 20 hours a week and meet the schools eligibility requirements. They wont be required to stay with the company after they get their degree. Arizona State University has one of the large effort on line programs anywhere in the u. S. A look at temperatures across the country today. Another above average day especially into hour nations hard land. We start out mild in denver. 79 in phoenix and houston. A hot and steamy day expected. Across the midwest, temperatures into the 90s in some spots, including kansas city 91, tulsa 91, as well. Chicago 87 and mid 80s in indianapolis. June 1, another 90degree day ahead on tuesday with the threat of a few thunderstorms, watch the skies closely as we continue to heat up. Here across the mid atlantic, we expect low to mid 90s today, including in our nations capitol. The heat will stick around. Were going to deal with a heatwave around d. C. , fill lie and Virginia Beach with a high of 94 degrees and mid to upper 90s by the middle of the week. That sounds nice. Does it . Oh, yeah, bad hair day alert. Benjamin netanyahu saying that the Palestinian Authority should be held responsible for the kidnapping of thee israeli teens. We will explain whether his claims will further derail the push for peace that in region. Im andrew thomas. The World Heritage states to be removed from these pristine forests. Offering up an alternative to the world cup. The rough and fumble take on the game. A look at our images of the day. The san antonio speakers defeating the heat, capturing the title. We have a look at all of the action from last night. Last night. Welcome to Al Jazeera America. Ahead in our next hour, vietnam in a growing dispute with china. Will board a vietnamese vessel for a look at the escalating tensions. The San Antonio Spurs throwing cold water on the miami heat to take home the championship. We will have the action. Now to the breaking news that we have been following, the crisis in iraq. The Defense Department Just Announced it is sending another navy ship to the persian gulf. We are following the developments live from washington. Whats the latest you can tell us . The pentagon is adding to the Carrier Task Force already on station in the gulf, a fourth ship. We already know that the Aircraft Carrier plus two others were sent over the weekend. Now, we have another ship, a transport ship, which can carry marines battalion and respond to Quick Reaction situations, just the sort of situation that we now see unfolding everyone iraq should the president decide to order the use of military force or should it become necessary to evacuate americans. Of course that embassy that dell mentioned earlier with some 5,000 employees there, 2,000 american citizens are still in the embassy, even as the u. S. Tries to scale back and send some of those personnel to safer locations in iraq and also jordan. The transport ship is en route and should arrive to join the other members of the task force standing by for orders. It is an am fib Bus Transport dock ship. What might the Defense Department be preparing for . Obviously we will have the capability of off loading the battalion size unit of marines, transporting them aboard amphibious craft onshore to land them if necessary. It has aerial capability, helicopters which could drop them into the country. At this point, no one is saying that is going to happen, but its capable of doing those things should the president order it. It is changing literally by the minute. Thank you so much. The fight against the taliban is spreading beyond the border of afghanistan and pakistan. The group is now gaining strength and pakistans largest city, more than 20 Million People are estimated to be living here in pakistans largest city. Police say weapons were found and six suspects arrested. In the last few years, many taliban fighters have come to karachi after military operations against them. The largest populations outside of tribal people are in karachi. They have the highest numbers in taliban fighters. They come here as guests of families and hosts make it easy are for them to spined support. Incomers use intimidation and exploit cultural loyalties. Policing is difficult, as the usual Crime Fighting carries the burden of Counter Terrorism operations. Corruption within Law Enforcement agencies helps criminals. Many people dont trust policemen. You can make 5,000 with a few threatening phone calls to a businessman who doesnt want trouble. Taliban have moved from kidnapping to extortion. Our assessment is they have generated 1. 2 million in ransom alone. Taliban and other groups generate millions of dollars from the city. Besides kidnap and extortion, they force their host to say make dough nations and provide places to hide. Thats where karachis police is struggling. Police say the slums where taliban have support are difficult to penetrate. Densely populated houses and narrow alley ways make it hard to chase targets. Many working undercover have been killed. Not many of us are left willing to fight the menace, especially when it comes to your family. Many in the force dont care about sacrificing themselves, but when it comes to their families, not everyone is willing to risk it all. To help on the front line in tracing and prosecuting criminals, Police Officers are calling for specialized traininging. Unless they can improve their image among people to provide intelligence, resources alone wont reduce the threat facing the city. Last week, the taliban launched a five hour attack on the Karachi Airport that killed 36. Our three aljazeera colleagues are back in an Egyptian Court today. They have been held 170 days. They face charges of supporting the outlawed muslim brotherhood. Aljazeera rejects it is charges against them and demand their immediate release. In thailand, cam boweddens are fleeing in fear of a military crackdown. Controls have been tightened on migrants seizing power in last months crew. The government has shot and beaten cambodian workers. 120,000 have fled in the last week. Aid workers say many of women and children. Vietnam continues to argue its case as it battles china over the china sea when chile in a moved an oil rig into the disputed territory. We take to sea with vietnams military. Slipping out of the port, one of an increasing number of supply run to say vietnams enlarged fleet in their standoff with chinese vessels. Despite worsening summer seas, this boat brings trough advices and international journalists. This is the latest move by vietnam to explain its case. For vietnam, you know, being a weaker power, a weaker country, its very hard to challenge these policies carried out by china. Flanked by two guard ships, this is as close as china allows anyone to get to its controversial rig. Vietnams boats joined in a daily dance with its counter parts. We will show the Chinese Community and the ship through our patience and determination that these are hour waters. The Vietnamese Coast Guard show everyday of its vessels rapidly, but china claims its ships have been hit thousands of times. It is easy to see how collisions occur. In this encounter, the chinese vessel cuts across our stern at speed. These encounters are happening at a rate of two or three a day. The chances increase of a more serious clash which may result in injury or death. Morale on the vietnamese boats is high. According to the map, shes disputed islands and the islands further south fly their flag. Observers see in chinas actions a new resolve towards all of its disputes in the surrounding seas. What they appear to be signaling is the beginning of a campaign of unknown duration and character to essentially enforce these claims. Its a prospect that vietnam, like other asian neighbors taking seriously. Rob mcbride, aljazeera in the south china sea. China denounced the dispute over the oil rig, saying it has sovereignty over that area. Already strained relations between israeli and palestinian taking a nose dive. Israel said hamas kidnapped three teenagers. Israel has now rounded up 150 palestinian as part of their investigation. The israeli army has all but locked down hebron city in the occupied west bank. Tense door to door searches and roadside check points are nonstop, hunting for three missing israeli teenagers. They were last seen hitchhiking near where they live and presumed to have been kidnapped. Its a painful shock for settlers in the area. When we heard the news, the Community Felt like this is our child and everybody, even if they dont know him, he is connected to us. Everybody is confused. It is difficult for them. We are all waiting for answers, like the parents. The government in israeli accuses hamas of taking the young men. The group, which controls the gaza strip is considered by israeli to be a terrorist organization. Benjamin netanyahu said all military options will be considered. Israeli will act and always under its province and always under our control to bring home the three kidnapped teenagers. Israel will act against the kidnappers and their terrorist sponsors and com address. We will do whatever needs to be done to protect our people, our citizens, our children, and our teenagers from the scourge of terrorism. Hamas dismissed the accusations. Netanyahus statements are stupid, meant as a part of a secret service war. Israeli is responsible for the escalation against our people and the palestinian leadership, including the large scale detentions and arrest of hamas members in the occupied west bang. Whoever did take the teenagers has not come forward or i should demands. It is not clear if they are dead or alive or where they are held. That information will determine what the Israeli Military will do next to get them back. Israeli Prime Minister bending knelt directly blaming hamas for the kidnappings. The Hamas Terrorists carried out thursdays kidnapping of three israeli teenagers. We know that for a fact. These teenagers were kidnapped and the kidnapping was carried out by hamas members. Hamas denials do not change this fact. We go live to ambassador former consul general for israel in new york. He joins us from tel aviv this morning. You heard the foreign minister and his comments. Has he given any concrete evidence to justify his claims so far . I have to assume that when a Prime Minister accuses hamas or puts the responsibility for the highjacking for the kidnapping, im sorry, on hamas, he has solid and verifiable intelligence. If you listen carefully to what he said, he said it was perpetrated by hamas members. He did not accuse hamas as an organization, although he denounced it and rightly so as a terrorist organization, but as for the responsibility, the specific responsibility for this kidnapping, he blamed it squarely on hamas members in the west bank, meaning that this could be an off shoot of hamas, an unsanctioned a account or someone acting not necessarily under direct orders from central hamas headquarters in gaza. This is my only way of speculating. Otherwise, theres absolutely no way of countering what the Prime Minister had said. That has been the fear all along, hamas would not be able to control its members. Hamas not claiming responsibility, but not condemning the kidnappings. Does that prove the point that netanyahu has been making, that hamas cannot be trusted . Its not just benjamin netanyahu, its the u. S. , britain, the europeans and Palestinian Authority, has hamas should not be negotiated with or recognized in terms of the palestinian or negotiations with israel. It proves what the Prime Minister had said, but also proves that there is an issue here that hamas is trying to infiltrate the west bank, rather expand their base of power in the west bank, which is controlled as you know by the Palestinian Authority. One more remark, one more comment, hamas is kind of in a bind here, because if they do assume responsibility for this, which is part of their Armed Struggle and ideology, they undermine the socalled Palestinian National unit or National Conciliation government, National Reconciliation government. If they refrain from taking responsibility at all, then they are no longer the hamas, and someone will to have take responsibility, or that would attest to the lack of control that they have in the west bank, so theyre in a bind here politically. Ambassador, thank you very much. Gunfire erupts in Rio De Janeiro at a protest. It happened last night and shows what appears to abpolice officer shoot ago live round at demonstrators marching near the stadium. Meanwhile, the u. S. Is gearing up for its first matchup in the cup against ghana. We are live in rio with more. Its been two days of nonstop flooding. How could that affect the match . There are real concerns around this match. The last three days they had more rain than they usually get for the entire month. There is a threat of landslides and a state of emergency called in that thats actually a real concern. The match looks that it will go ahead. It could have been worse with the rainfall. The other issue is security. Vice President Joe Biden is coming to the match with 4,000 agents to secure his safety and everyones safety. Lets talk about the game. These two teams have played so far. It didnt go so well for the u. S. Whats going to be different this time go ahead. In the last two world cups, the beyond was eliminated. People sometimes forget and underrate the fact that the United States are ranked 13t 13th in the world. They will be confident. We also have to say that ghana have been playing very difficult teams and have high hopes to go further. Thank you for reminding us about that ranking. When the u. S. Team stepped on to the field, the sun came out. Perhaps an omen. The San Antonio Spurs beat, i mean beat the miami heat last night 10487 to win the 2014 nba championship. It was a smackdown. Who thought that a team with lebron james never had a chance. Thats the way it played out. The spurs won four games to one over a heat team that had coming in won 14 of 15 playoff series six bringing together wade, james and bosch four seasons ago. You absolutely have to tip your hat to that team. How about that, a bunch of old guys. The spurs, big three of tim duncan, tony parker and ginobili won, they had to take a back seat to youth in these nba finals president behind 22yearold leonard, they clinched the crown outscoring the heat by an nba finals record 70 points. Leonard becomes the youngest finals m. V. P. Since teammate tim duncan won in 1999. It starts with this defense rebounding, and starting to feel its offensively, obviously. I havent called a play for him the whole playoff. Just had faith. I didnt think at all it was about the win nba of the finals. The youngest player to start for three championship teams in three different decades. I cant explain. Its amazing to be a part of this for so long. Meanwhile, the miami heat with their celebrated big three of lebron james, dwyane wade and chris bosh are left in the odd position of seeming like underachievers despite two titles. We lost one, won two, we lost another one. You know, ill take 50 any day. The spurs keep getting it done despite having low draft picks every year, they have eight regions represented on their roster. They have brazil, argentina, trans, italy, canada and the u. S. A. All represented. Another secret to their success. Sort of like the aljazeera of sports. Very well put. You like that. Its a show known for keeping fans on the edge of their seats and their jaws on the floor. The finale, another main character killed off. Were not going to tell you who. Why this kept viewers coming back poor more. If the world cup isnt satisfying your soccer needs, we may have the tournament for you. All next week only on Al Jazeera America. Were here in the vortex. Only on Al Jazeera America. We continue to follow breaking news, the escalating crisis in iraq. Secretary of state john kerry saying that u. S. Air strikes may be an option to combat isil. It comes after the Defense Department announcing sending another navy ship to the gulf, an amphibious dock ship. U. S. Air strikes could be an option in iraq. Well bring you the latest as soon as we get it right here opinion Aljazeera America. It was a shocking sendoff for a show famous for twists and turns. Theres a chance that either you or someone you knew was glued to the t. V. Last night for the game of thrones season four final lee. The hit show has now surpassed sopranos, averaging 18. 4 Million Viewers per episode, the biggest hit hbo has of had. Were not going to spoil anything for you, with you will tell you one, possibly two main characters got the ax. Our culture critic joins us from phoenix. Were not going to give anything away. Those are the ground rules. I still want your reaction to the finale. It was a very fulfilling episode. I think we can say in the annals of heart warming holiday t. V. Sperms, you have the Charlie Brown christmas on the one hand and the game of thrones fathers day episode. There are so many characters for the audience to keep up with, yet they somehow do. Could that change story telling for other shows . It has. This is setting new standards. Theres a lot of famous shows that are very much complex, but the sheer number of different worlds that game of thrones is talking about and the then the multiplicity of things going on in each world creates where you have to sit there and watch it. I think that brings that audience in and keeps it loyal and involved. Sometimes you actually have to watch it twice to actually understand it. Of course, absolutely. You talked about heart warming shows. Of course, the red wedding, perhaps could be one of those. Lets play a clip of fans reacting to the red wedding, which was such a shocking episode, so many characters killed. Watch this clip. Oh [ screaming ] no no no no oh, it happened. It was a horrifying episode. George r. R. Martin doesnt care about your feelings. The more you love a character, the more you can know theyre not going to last very long. Why are people so passionate about the show. Does it have anything to do with the books . Of course. Theres a huge fantasy audience out there. T. V. And movies dont like to kill off their characters. Thats killing your golden goose, why would you do that . If you go back a long time, psycho, remember, janet lee died in the first 20 or 30 minutes. Over the years, hbos pioneered this, the sopranos, we lost adrien. They experienced with what it happens. It keeps the audience there, because they dont know whats going to happen in the next episode. I cant think of a show that cooked its own goose in that way driving people away. Its a remarkable show. Thank you for the conversation this morning. I thought game of thrones was about toilet seats. Most governments have areas listed at World Heritage sites, but wants one scrapped. The move is all about money. They reach for the sky, growing straight up, some are as much as 80 meters tall and 400 to 600 years old. Right now, the trees of that is manias florentine valley are protected. Last year, the World Heritage committee added these forests to the World Heritage. That lifting on on the advice of australias last government. As a result, jobs are at risk. This guitar made of wood from native trees sells for 5,000. A cabinet like this cancel for 30,000. Being able to say this is an item made of birdie human pine with black wood in it, you can only get that in tasmania, that is the cornerstone of our industry. Late last year, australias government changed to one that thinks eninmental standards are holding back the economy. Its asked last years decision to be reversed, saying these forests arent of World Heritage value. Thats outraged environmentalists. They thought they won the latest battle in the forest wars, dating back decades and have included some protestors living in trees for months. This is protected on the behalf of owl humanity and added to our World Heritage area and its an International Embarrassment australia is trying to undo the listing so it can be logsed. Some think the original process to extend the heritage area was flowed, socalled independent experts had undeclared links to environmental groups and no attention paid to the cultural value. These products grow. We cant go anywhere else. We cant harvest where they dont grow. Its unusual for a country to ask for a delifting of a World Heritage site. They have to decide whether to allow the logging of some of these giant trees. Aljazeera. There are about 980 sites world wild that are on the World Heritage list. Lets get a quick look at the wet weather across the country today and what we can expect. More Severe Weather, the Storm Prediction Center issued a severe thunderstorm watch in this area in yellow until 2 00. We have a number of severe thunderstorm warnings, just starting to blossom across nebraska. Something to watch out for going through the day. In texas, where its quiet for now, we could see storms developing heading into the afternoon, so another day where its going to be wet and stormy in the middle of the country. Back to you. Finally, while soccer fans are glued to the world cup, teams from around the world are in japan, vying to be crowned the bubble soccer champions. The game pits players against each other with just their legs exposed. It was created in norway. Players cant touch the ball with their hands and cant go for a steal without knocking over their opponent. Wouldnt that be great to combine with game of thrones . And dragons. Thanks for watching. Just ahead in two minutes, the latest on the u. S. Navy ships deployed to the persian gulf. We will see you tomorrow morning beginning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time. Have a great day. At day

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