We begin with the capsized ferry in south korea. Prosecutors say the person steering it at the time had no experience navigating such rough waters. Earlier today, the ships captain apologized to the victims families he and two crew members have been arrested for negligence. Divers found three more bodies. The official death toll stands at 36. More than 260 people remain missing. The families are now being asked to submit dna samples to identify the dead. Harry fawsett is on the ground in south korea with the latest reporter more desperate efforts as dive teams battle. They said bodies had been seen on board. A civilian diver discovered three bodies through a window near a cabbin on the fourth floor in the morning. However, the diver came out of the water due to a time limit and flowing objects. Relatives were shown footage. News emerged of a dramatic shift in the boats position, officials admitting what Families First made public that it had tilted over on its side making access more difficult. For the families, its a familiar feeling that officials arent tell them everything thing. Some feel the undersea Movement Means any air pockets have gone and with them, any hope of survivors. Others are still clinging on to hope. There is a growing feeling here that this operation is moving into recovery mode. A veteran special forces diver told us time had run out. When there was talk of an airpoair pocket, that was pawhen the shi was above water. Parents agreed to submitting dna samples. The reality is the dna is likely to be crucial in identifying their children. Continuing anger at the captain and crew who and in court on charges of negligence and breaking maritime law. The captain offered apologies to the parents and the nation. Im sorry to the people of south korea for causing a disturbance and i bow my head in apology to the family of the vict imdz. The captain insisted he had delayed the order for passengers to abandoned ships because rescue boats hadnt reached the scene. The current was very strong. The temperature of the ocean was cold. I thought if people left twithot proper judgment and if they were not wearing a life jacket they would drift away and face many other problems. The body of the vice principal who commit suicide was brought home for burial. This town is bracing for hundreds more funerals in the coming days and weeks. Family members of the missing passengers are demanding answers. Many are staying at a nearby gymnasium waiting for any news about their loved ones. Adrian brown has their story reporter it is one of the saddest places on earth, the gymnasium that is now a temporary home to families of the missing and where grief is all around you. Among those in enduring another agonizing day, kim jun wa, whose 16yearold daughter, kim pinara remains uned for. These are rebate pictures of kim on her left, a daughter her mother describes as intelligent, optimistic and above all, fun. She was a daughter and a friend. The daughter she wants to believe is still alive. Kim, a devout christian got the last call from her daughter at 9 56 a. M. On wednesday morning, when the ferry was already listing dangerously to one side. Is he said, mom, quickly, pray to god. We are also praying. So, i hope god is protecting her. If god decides to take her, there is nothing i can do. She is getting by on two hours sleep a day and spends most of her time watching the rolling News Coverage of the disaster. They have been through the full range of emotions, anger, denial and now increasingly for some, acceptance that they may never see their child again. Mrs. Kims husband, kim kong gun has spent the past four days demanding answers from the authorities, on this occasion, challenging officials over the true state of the stricken vessel. His daughter did manage to call him twice. He told her to stay on board. As of now, i dont know whether those kids are alive or dead. I just want to believe that they are alive. But in reality, i think they are dead. Like many parents of the missing, he is angry and frustrated over the official response to this tragedy and why no one can still explain how this all happened. Adrian brown, jindo, south korea. Russia is calling on europe top help ukraine pay the gas bill. President putin admitted ukraines crisis is the reason why thousands of russian soldiers are along the bodder. With tensions high, protesters are standing their ground in the east. Jackie roland has more. Tacross Eastern Ukraine, the standoff continues. Prorussians demonstrators are ignoring calls for them to take down the barricades. In the city ofslovslov, the mood is as defiant this easter weekend as it has been for days. The protesters say they wont back down until they are given a vote on the future of their region. Everything is calm. For all of this to be sorted, a referendum has to take place so that people can express their opinions. I guess it needs to split. Some will go to the european union. Some to russia. Its the same scene here in donetsk. Leaders of the rebellion say they wont leave the occupied Regional Administration building until the interim government in kiev steps down. We came to hold a referendum. A new opinion poll carried out across Eastern Ukraine reflects this widespread mistrust of the authorities in kiev. But the poll also suggests that those who want to break away from ukraine and join russia. In the city, protesters still control the local television station where they have set up a transmitting tower to broadcast russian programs. So they will hear the justification of the buildup of russian troops. We have forces in the region of the ukraineian border. Some are based permanently. Others are there to reinforce a backdrop of what is happening in ukraine, where there has just been a military coup. Any country is going to take precautionary mezof yours to ensure its security. So its deadlock. The protesters in the east believe the interim government in kiev is illegal while people in kiev describe these protesters as rebels and sep rattists. The only hopeful sign is an offer from the government to respect a truce until after easter. Jackie roland, al jazeera, dondon. Observers say russia would likely to see ukrainians elections postponed. The German Marshall Fund says the west needs to ensure that does not happen. The mistrust of parts of the ukrainian population for their government is really at the heart of whats going on here. So the short answer is, there is going to have to be a long term prosto see rebuild that trust. Will include efforts from the International Community to help the Ukrainian Government be more effective, but in the end, its going to have to come from within and there will need to be dialogue and less violence and fewer protests and finally, t much less interference from the outside. By that, i do mean russia. Jacobson says kiev must hold free and fair e elections that include a full range of views. Tomorrow, we will look at russias Foreign Policy and how it is shaping this crisis. Dont forget to tune in tomorrow at 8 30 eastern, 5 30 passiffic. There is new video showing what appears to be more Chemical Attacks in syria. These latest appear to involve chlorine gas. The rebels in the government each blame each other for the assault. It comes as syria falls behind removing its stock pile. Gerald tan has more. They gasp for air and choke. Everyone shown at this hospital has the same symptoms and whatever the cause, it hasnt discriminated. According to activists, these are victims of a chemicalcal stack. The village outside the city of huma. Many kids come with toxic injuries. Difficulty in breathing, many, many kids. All in the city. Al jazeera cannot independently verify these videos but they appear consistent with reports of the attack believed to be the third in the past week. The rebels and Government Forces blame each other for using the poisonous gas. This activist video is set to show an unexploded canister dropped in an airstrike with a chemical symbol for chlorine gas. President bash arrest alassad has prompts today destroy his stockpile. He has until the end of june to aband on the program. But the handover is running several weeks behind schedule. Its emerged in recent days that rebel fighters have a quite sophisticated, american tow and detank missiles. Its not clear who supplied the weapons or where they came from. The fighting hasnt abated. Its not just syrians suffering. Palestinians in damascus now have no food. The United Nations says supplies have run out and continued fighting is preventing the delivery of aid. Hunger, disease, death, a cycle thats come to define syrias war. Jerold tan, argues. Four french journalists have from been freed from detention in syria yesterday. They had been held for 10 months before being released across the turkish syrian border. Harry smith has their border. They looked unkept with the long hair and beards but officials who met them said their morale was good and there was no disguising their delight at being free. I am very happy to be free. Thank you. He was asked if they were now on their way home to france. I hope so, yes. But first, the four climbed into a minibus for a short trip across town to the local hospital for a checkup. Francois and edward were abducted on their way to aleppo last june. Two months later, torres and anon were also captured. Since then, colleagues in france have kept up a very Public Campaign trying to secure their release. Now, it appears the four have been taken by an unknown group on the border between syria and turkey where they were found bound and gagged. The soldiers mistook them for smugglers. Once they realize they were speaking french, took them to a local police station. Despite their 10 month or deal, drs. Say they appear to be in good health. We are very happy to be free. Thank you very much. We thank the turkish authorities, because they have helped us. Its very nice to see the sky, to be able to walk, to be able to speak freely. I am really happy. One of the mens employers said their release ends an anxious wait for all friends and family. The first five months were very difficult because we had really no news, no information where they can be, if they were together or so on. So that was quite a hard time. After every six weeks, we have some news from the kidnappers that send some proof of life videos and so on to the french government. Yes see them directly, but some families have seen them, and so they were showing them in good shape, and making our how do you say . Making us feeling better. The four are now expected to be flown by military aircraft to france, arriving early on sunday morning. Harry smith, al jazeera. Well, its 112th day of imprisonment for three of our colleagues. They were arrested in cairo on december 29th. They have been charged with reporting false news and aiding terrorism. Their trial is set to resume on april 22nd. Another al jazeera stamp, Abdullah Al Shami has been detained for 8 months. He has been on Hunger Strike for 86 days. Al jazeera rejects the charges brought against our colleagues and demands their immediate release. U. S. Drone strikes have killed at least nine alqaeda fighters in the western part of yemen. They also killed three civilians. The tribal sources said a drone had been circling that area for days before it struck today. Witnesses said the explosions lasted for about 30 minutes wounding him and killing his friend. Its also been a bloody day across iraq. Police say two bombs in a busy marketplace killed four people in the capitol. Nearly a dozen others were killed today in other citizen citizens including two soldiers on patrol north of baghdad. The violence comes ahead of parliamentary e elections set for the end of this month. People in libya voted for the First Time Since the fall of m muammar gadaffi. Including benghazi, the second largest city. More towns are scheduled to vote in the next three weeks. The results are expected to be announced on tuesday. Still ahead on al jazeera america, remembering the Oklahoma City bombing nine years later. The unique way the city honors the victims. Plus a new tool in the fight against drug overdoses. How towns across america are arming First Responders to save lives. Well its official. Xfinity watchathon week was the biggest week in television history. But just when you thought it was over. What now . With xfinity on demand you can always watch the latest episodes of tvs hottest shows. Good news. Like hannibal. Chicago fire. And bates motel. The day after they air. Xfinity on demand. All the latest episodes. All included with your service. Its like hifiving your eyeballs. Xfinity. The future of awesome. The gathering of the Oklahoma City National Museum reflected on this day 19 years ago. A truck bomb destroyed the alfred pmurrow building, 168 seconds were observed. One for each person who died. 19 children were among those killed. Timothy mcveigh was executed in 2001. The governor said the tragedy brought out the citys strength . It was an attack that could have easily crippled our city, could have crippled our state. It could have left our people hopeless but it did not. Inthe people of oklahoma banded together with the help of our volunteers and our we will wishers not only from across our station but around the nation and around the world. They helped us overcome. The gallery of honor featuring photos of the victims was unveiled last week. The bombing coincided with another deadly anniversary. 21 years ago, the f. B. I. Siege. A standoff between the f. B. I. And a heavily armed cult lasted 51 days. 76 people died including 28 children along with the leader david koresh. Many states are now helping drug users survive overdoses. First responders are being armed with a medication that can save lives but in the face of a National Epidemic of heroin abuse, it may not be enough. Science and Technology Correspondent jacob ward reports. The lock zone also known as narcan is a miracle drive. In 95 of cases, it reversus the effects of heroin. In communities that have made the drug available, overdoses have fallen by 50 . It keerestores breathing and inspires remarkable consensus. 17 states have moved to expand access. Attorney general eric holder in a speak on wednesday urged that policemen, Fire Fighters and other First Responders should carry it at all times citing 10,000 overdoses reversed by it since 2001. In maine which has seen fatal overdoses quadruple since the 1990s with 163 fatal overdoses in 2012 alone, the governor hand threatened to veto a bill that would give the drug to First Responders. After unanimous votes, maine seems to be poised to make it available to police and emts. But these meyers may not go far enough. By the time someone in uniform arrives at the scene of an overdose, its often too late. The answer may be to simply give it directly to drug users, their families, their friends. Most people dont use drugs alone and having it available can be the difference between life and death patrick learned this firsthand. What happened is that while i was in minneapolis, aeye quired some heroin out there that was stronger than what i was used to in san francisco. So when i used it, i basiced o. D. Ed and when i o. D. Ed, i was out completely. Yes have time to prepare it or try to save myself and my girlfriend luckily had the training on how to use it and saw i was unconscious and not breathing and came over to me, inserted the narcan you can do it through the nose, which was how she did it and reval me within about five or 10 minutes. I hope that people can open their eyes and see there is no negatives in giving Narcan Training to the general population. It can only do good for the community as a whole. Its attempting to thing drug users will more recklessly engage in their has beenet but studies show it may have the opposite effect. In clinics where noloxon is prescribed, we have seen really dramatic reduction in overdose death. Not just overdose death. We seem to see reductions in anients. Maybe its acting as a behavior change. A recent study shows 20 of people in recovery treatment o ed. It can be the precipitating factor in seeking to recover from addiction. They will go out of their way to carry the narcan, to take the traini training, to have it on them. Has a positive effect when people care about each other, they can care about themselves. Being prepared to fight off death may be the best means of learning how to live again. Jacob ward, al jazeera, san francisco. In a programming note, the new series borderland continues and takes you beyond the immigration debate putting six americans, all with different views in the shoes of immigrants who go to great extremes for a chance at a new life in the u. S. Claudets brother has invited them to the family home for dinner. Beunos como estas ola. Mucho gusto. [speaking spanish ] claudets mother is still struggling with the loss of her only daughter. Claud ets family is warm. Had a lot of fun with the kids, talking with the ladies, with the men, a little bit about their life here, like what they do. So, i really felt really comfortable and felt right at home. Being a vegan right now. Not so pretty. I guess i will never complain about a supermarket line ever again. Claudets family is amazing. They are filled love. She would do anything. Her mom talks about her love for her family and her brothers, you know, sammy, but they are hurting. Its nice, a side of compassion and understanding. Sometimes we get these ideas about immigrants, that we are criminals, differenty, nasty, dont speak the language and all of this misinformation creates hat red. Whenever, you know, we dont agree politically thats okay. As long as we remember we are talking about people. You have to check out the second episode of boarderland. Around the world, christians are Holding Services for easter weekend. We told you about unofficial truth ins ukraine over the weekend. The christian holiday was marked there. In russia, politics were set aside as thousands went to a service in moscow today. In jerusalem, thousands of Orthodox Christians celebrated easters holy fire ceremony. It is a miracle occurring everisurd before orthodox Easter Sunday. Thousands packed into an ancient church believed to be on the side of jesus crucification and burial and resurrection. Worshippers lit candles with a fire and passed it to those celebrating outside. Pope francis baptized 10 people and spoke about the need for a Catholic Church that is less vaticancentric. Tens of thousands are expected at Easter Sunday mass in saint peter square. Archeologists have unearth new ruins in an italian city, a building twice the size much a football field was discovered in austia. The boundary wall with large defensive towers were unearthed. This makes the ruins larger than the wellknown ancients city of pompeii. It was an Important Role in trade. Some ruins date back to the third century bc. And still ahead on al jazeera america, a closeadmit community dealing with the avalanche, how the sherpas are coping with the deadliest accident. Nicholas madduro has been president of venzuela for a year marking the anniversary the death toll could be much higher than anyone known. Posing as a buyer. People ready then. Mr. President who should answer for those people we have to move out of here right now i think we have a problem. We have to get out of here. Theyre telling that they they dont wanna show whats really going on. Mr. Drumfield, id like to speak to you for a minute. This is where columbias war continues. Still occupied. Police have arrived. You see the blast scars from a bomb that went off. Welcome back to al jazeera america. Here are the top stories this half hour. South korea says the person steering the capsized ferry had no experience at navigating rough waters. Crew member as well as the captain and another mate have been arrested for negligence. The families of more than 260 missing people have been asked to submit dna samples to help identify the deceased. The crisis in ukraine is why thousands of russian soldiers are along the ukrainian border. Meanwhile, prorussian protesters in the east are calling for a referendum. You four french journalists are free after being held for 10 months in syria. They were found blindfolded near a syrian border. They were taken to a nearby police station. They are set to arrive in france tomorrow. Searchers on Mount Everest are digging through snow trying desperately to find three people missing after an avalanche. 13 sherpa guides were found. The deadliest disaster on the worlds tallest peak. Families in katmandu wait to receive the bodies of their sons. There is no such thing as a normal days work but they risk their lives every day preparing ropes and routes for climbers. It provides for their families. What are we going to do . He is dead. He used to take care of all of us with with a he earned. Now many grandsons and granddaughters, it has been and will be difficult. He used to take care of all of us. Sherpa guides are part of a close community. They are used to putting their lives in each others hands. The death of one is felt by all. My close friend died in the avalanche, we are gathered here to see his body. We had climbed three months back. A good man and a good climber. Death is a great loss from mountaineering. The avalanche was in an area known as the popcorn field because of the large boulders of ice along the route. Its the worst accident in the mountains history. Anyone on Mount Everest knows death can be a slip or a fall away. For the sherpas, some of the most personsed climbers in the world sometimes find themselves at the mercy of the mountain. Rob mathson, al jazeera. In nigeria, dozens of girls have been reunited. Authorities are still searching for the 85 girls that remain missing in the northeast borneau state. Police are focusing on the nearby forest known to hide members of the extremest group boca horam. Four days after they were taken from their school, less than half the number of girls taken have been reunited with their families. The authorities in the state are saying 85 girls are still missing a massive manhunt is underway to try to rescue those girls from their abductors. The finger blame is pointing to boca horam. Civilians and officials are concentrating efforts in and around the town of chibo and surrounding villages but especially on the notorious forest, a known stronghold of boca horam. The military in the last 11 months have launched many air raids and land attacks on this forest but have so far failed to chase away the attackers or fighters from this forest. The leader of the group, in an 8minute video claiming responsibility and in that attack more than 17 nigerians, officials are confirming 75 have died few attack and more than 120 have been injured. But other figures suggest the number could be much more higher than that. In this video, they carried out the attack and they are members or a sleeper cell or an active cell inside the capital city. For residents and visitors to the city alike, this is a big concern for them. A United Nations base, gunmen attacked on thursday killing. 58 people. The United States called it a war crime. But al jazeeras anna kavell says south sudan says peace keepers provoked the stack. A u. N. Base and among them, women and children. Some have bullet wunldz. This boy says he was beaten with sticks by a group numbering in the hundreds this woman said she was told by her attackers to lie on the ground. She refused and tried to run away. They caught up with me. So, i tried to jump over a wall. But one man caught up with me and hit me in the head with a machete and left me. I stayed still because i didnt want them to come back and finish me. Another woman described being shot in the arm as she, too, tried to run away from her attackers. Still pictures emerged on saturday in the aftermath of the violence. Some show the dead being carried in body bags and loaded on to trucks by u. N. Staff. Others revealed the brutal nature of the attacks. In the morning, an armed mob rampaged through the protection of civilians area killing men, women and children. The government accused the peace keepers of provoking the violence. They shot bullets in the air. Shooting bullets in the air provoked this situation. Salt, fighting between the youth, the enemy force and the ones on one side. Asked who fired the first shot, the u. N. Was unequivocal. I dont think there is any question about that. It was certainly the demonstrators who pulled out their weapons and upon doing so, we realized that there was going to be afternoon altercation that civilians were in grave danger and action was necessary. The complex in this conflict did change in bor when civilians sheltering under the protection of the u. S. Peace keepers came under attack. We are into the 5th month of this conflict now. The violence still shows no sign of ending. Anna kavel, juba, south sudan. On the flight for 370 search for flight stleent, malaysia said the under water drone search will likely be over within the next week. They are scanning six miles of the indian ocean based upon where sonar picks were heard. Australian officials are confident the sounds came from the planes black boxes. Narrowing of the search for today and tomorrow is at a critical juncture. So, i appeal to everybody around the world to pray and pray hard that we find something or the next couple of days. The transportation minister added search cruise may need to change their approach if they dont find anything soon. He promised not to give up. Its been a tumultuous year to president maduro, vowing to follow in the footsteps of hugo chavez. Since february, more than 40 people died in clashes as frustrations over crime and the economy grow. Here is more reporter you might be able to see behind me what looks like a tent city. Thats exactly what it is, with several hundred opposition protesters that have been camping out here for well over a month now. They are mostly young people and they are here because they are in front of the offices where the United Nations has their offices here in venzuela. And they are pressuring the United Nations, they say, to do more to intervene into what they say is this political crisis here in venzuela. Now, one year in nicholas maduros presidency, most people say that the economy has not gotten any better and that its actually gotten worse and that that has been the biggest area maduro stwrulingd. He and his supporters say things arent necessarily as bad in venzuela. The opposition likes to point to. They look towards the december, 2013 municipal e elections where maduro and his party overwhelmingly won most of the mayoral races as a sign that he still has grassroots support here in venzuela. Clearly over the last couple of months, the protests by the opposition that have spread all over this country have really sort of threatened his legitimacy. Also, its sort of given him an opportunities to change the subject of the problems of the economy and crime to sort of what he says are opposition trying to launch a coup against his democratically elected government. So far this weekend, on the one Year Anniversary of maduros presidency, its been pretty quiet here in karakus. No major opposition protests and no major rallies by the government as well. One thing isser cloo, venzuela is very much a divided country. Here in the United States, we have to talk about a mud slide in wyoming you wanted to brief us about . Its interesting we would start to see things slide in other places especially because we know that mudslides can be related to how much water is coming down out of the sky, how much snowfall and rainfall and when you talking about wyoming, south of the grand tetons, the city of jackson is where this hill is sliding you can see folks are looking tus because it has split a house in two. There is a home right there on the edge of the hill that has begun as the hill started to give way that split it. I wanted to look at temperature and rainfall for wyoming. So far in the last three months to get an idea of this t they are speculating on the exact cause of this hill sliding down and splitting this home. As we focus in this little area here, circled is about where the jackson hole area is. The of normal of rainfall, we go back to the legend here look at the colors and see they were above normal when it comes to rainfall. Not much but just a little bit. Lights look at temperatures. The ground thaws out, it moves easier than a big chunk of frozen ground, easily. They were definitely above normal. So conditions are primed for some slides here, but Officials Say that that particular hill is not going to give away rapidly as the sys that happened in oso, washington earlier. As we look at rainfall going in to western washington, we have had rainfall. A half inch of rain and we are getting heavy storms tracking through arizona and into towards texas. Hail reports up top an inch in diameter. Wind reports, strong gusty winds. We will continue to see scattered thunderstorms here in the southwest and through the day tomorrow. They will be ta they will be tracking farther to the east into central texas. We are tracking those in addition to all of this rainfall coming down in the southeast. Talk about flash flood warnings. You had them in effect yesterday. Here are some of the rainfall totals we have so far today. Almost two inches for charlotte north carolina. So, its a soggy one out there for certain spots. So general contractor weekend. Spring storms coming through. Thanks, rebecca. Still ahead on al jazeera, the fight to save detroit. How one developer is turning an abandoned warehouse into an enclave for creative new businesses. Plus Holocaust Survivors in the United States are demanding reparations from the French National railroad. We will explain why. On al jaza at one time, detroit was the economic engine of the United States. But as the expression went, when gm sneezed, the rest of the world caught a cold. No longer. The motor city is running on empty, bankrupt. Bisi olieri met one man trying to make a distance. The train station is a symbol of the citys plight, aflicked by petty crime. The Small Community has endured tough times. 36yearold phil cooley is trying to change the narrative. Everything shifts and changes. We try to accommodate their growth. Cooley, a former fashion model, opened a successful restaurant in court town over 10 years ago. Now, he is in the business of helping others. This is what started off as a dance studio for a jit crew and then became fencing, as you see the lines. In 2011, he purchased the 30,000 square foot abandoned warehouse for 100,000. . It had a negative history in our community we want to see how it could have a positive future. Today, its an enclave of small, creative proounz that cooley refers to as pony ride, a name he chose to evoke the creativity of children. In a bankrupt city where the jobless rate is over 15 , he is trying to reignite the entrepreneurial spirit. Its about accessibility. If we are going to be truly accessible, it has to be affordable. He leases space for as little as 20s cents per square foot. Gabriel craig opened a metal shop hear few years ago. 280 a month buys him space that would typically rent for over 1,000. Trying to think about what possibilities are or to show people what possibilities are. I think that thats like the real power of what we are doing here. Andrew ward is a concrete craftsman who recently moved here with his family from north carolina. I have a certain amount of skill and a desire and ambition, but i dont necessarily have all of the capital behind me to start something. This has given me the opportunity to start it without as much skin in the game reporter savings that put him in the position to hire. I want to build a team. And the number i pick, which i feel like is sort of random, but i want to be able to employ 10 people. I want to be able to pay a good wage and provide, you know, a healthy, stable, kind of dramafree working life. Is there still room to grow . Are you at capacity . We are at capacity, yeah. So we are really lucky. However, cooley says he isnt in it for profit. He says thats whats working here can be shared with other communities, even if it creates just one job at a time. But detroits financial future is in limbo. And after five decades of bleeding jobs, it could take just as long to see widespread growth. Bisi olinier from detroit. To get the motor city on track, i spoke with the director of the detroit revitalization fellow program. Greg donnelly told me believes the city is definitely turning a corner. What we are seeing now is that we sort of we have grown past that, that Silver Bullet idea that seems to have been a part of our consciousness for so many generations where we will say one project like the Renaissance Center downtown or new stadiums downtown, also, are going to sort of help us turn that corner and Everything Else will just flow from that. And we are seeing things happen downtown and in the neighborhoods, many suburban communities around the region that i think its all of them together are whats really, really different now. Its the start of some coordinated efforts for a better shared future for all of us. Donnelly said the biggest challenge moving forward is making sure new and old detroiters have a say in the citys future. Stay with us this weekend because tomorrow we will focus on detroits efforts to fight crime led by the new police chief. The u. S. Is challenging france. Survivors living in the United States are demanding the company be bard fop from contracts unless it pays rep parations. Tom ackerman has more. At age 76, roteset goldstein says that every day, shes reminded of the deaths of her father, uncle, aunt and cousins, all murdered by nazi germany. 4yearold roteset survived hidden by a french family. However, it was her native countrys national railway, sncf, which more than 70 years ago transported 76,000 jews and other socalled undesirables to their deaths. They put them in cattle cars with straw on the floor, a buck aetna corner and they taught their employees how to lock the doors of the cars, the train cars and to clean the train cars after the trip to auschwitz. The rail country has denied being a willing nazi tool but expressed regret for playing a part in the holocaust translator the sncf, a state enterprise was a cog in the nazi extermination machine. We will for tnot forget it. Unlike many other companies which collaborated with the nazis, it has refused to compensate victims. The french government has limited the 6,000,000,000 it spent on holocaust rep parations to its own citizens and others living elsewhere in europe. More than 200 victims would live in the u. S. Are aiming at the corporate bottom line. The American Company controlled by sncf holds 3,000,000,000 to operate American Commuter lines. Now it wants to bid on another contract worth twice that amount. Campaigners are fight to go bar sncf for competing for business in the state of maryland and in the u. S. Congress, another bill would strip it of immunity from human rights lawsuits that foreign, state controlled companies enjoy. Under that pressure, the french government has begun talks to be compensating the survivors in america. Victory would come too late for leo bretholtz, a Campaign Leader who escaped from a train before it reached the auschwitz camp in 1942. Come up with a statement of, yes, we did send people to death camps and we got paid for it. Two days after his 93rd birthday, he decided before he was scheduled to testify in support of a proposed legislation. One less victim to be compensated. Tom ackerman, al jazeera, washington. There is still much more ahead on al jazeera america. I looked down, this whole leg was ripped open. I was on fire. Two brothers, both wounded in boston a year ago. Their path to recovery as the city prepares to run another marathon. Two brothers who when were at the finish line at the Boston Marathon both lost a leg. They have written a book. The crowd went from cheers and applause to runners to screams and cries, the noises, first the explosion and then the chaos from the crowd. Those men are these two brothers, jp and paul norton ofstona, massachusetts were standing along boilston street in boston last year waiting for a friend to finish the marathon when they heard the first explosion closer to the finish line. I thought it was probably a gas explosion like a manhole cover blew up or something. I saw a flame up the side of the building. They tried to get away from the crowd by climbing over the barricades but there was not enough time. 12 seconds later another explosion erupted right next to them. I looked down and i was this whole leg was ripped open. I was on fire. I was in shock. I wanted to reach for my leg. My body wont let me. Medics and ordinary people rushed to help them. They are working on jp here and paul over here snoo moment, both men lost their right legs, bonding the brothers in a brand new way. Only a couple of years apart, they were already close. They ate meals together, played basketball every day. We dont do some of the stuff we used to do. Not yet anyway. We dont go and play basketball but he has a pool table so i will go over and play pool with him. We still eat, of course, you know, and we are getting back to, i dont know. To document their journey to this new normal, the brothers wrote a book titled twice as strong 12 seconds, two brothers and the marathon that changed their lives. We definitely seem different now see life different now than we did then. They sxwooud 50, you know, burns on more than half of their bodies, paul spent eight days in a coma. I cried every day he was in a coma. When he came out, his first thought, his long time girlfriend jackie might not want to be with an amputee. She was seriously injured in the attack and it only made them closer. Last summer, they bought a house together and in december, they took another big step in the their relationship. It involved a wedding themed Christmas Tree and then he just asked me to marry him. I didnt drop to one knee t so you know . He had a excuse. Sorry, i cant do it, honey. He have one knee. Just kidding. Humor helps them heal. How is that . Pretty good . No. Ut thought paul was going to be okay and jp took a turn and infection started sitting in for him. You would get good news from one hospital and bad news from another. One year later, liz norton is grateful her sons are alive but marathon monday changed her, too . Even though they are fine with it and they have accepted it, for me, its real sad. Simple things they used to do. Become a chalemption. I am talking every aspect. Its a little sad. In the past year, the norton brothers have only been back to the bombing site here once. It was for a fundraiser to raise money for their prosthetic leg. Otherwise, they have no interest being here. They say they dont want to look back at the past anymore. Instead, they have their sights set on the future. Physically recovery is far from over. Jp is in pain when he walks. He has to have at least two more surgeries on his leg again. Emotionally . I think i am happy year now than i was a year ago. I almost say it was like the best year of my life. I got fobuy a house with her. We gotten engaged. Its that realization that prepared these brothers to share their story not just about surviving but about living life to the fullest. Dont wait for a tragedy to change your life. I think it took a tragedy for us to open our eyes and find out how good life is and what you take for granted in a day. Erica pitz, al jazeera, boston. Hundreds of american soldiers in afghanistan have taken part of a shadow run in solidarity with the boston run. Its likely the last time they will be part of the annual run at auckland air base. They are set to withdraw. The Boston Athletic Association provided with banners, tshirts and medals for the event. General mills, the maker of cereal brands offers coupons top budget customers. There are strings attached. We will take a deeper look at the fine print and the legal rights the Company Wants you to surrender in exchange for those deals. What you need to know before you download. In a New Discovery from powerful telescopes action our planet may not be that special. Astronmembers found appear planet called kepler 186f, roughly the same size as ours but nearly 500 light years away. Thblt this will planet has the right conditions for water which mean it could support life. It is so far away you, you might not ever get to t i asked researcher caltineker why this is so special. We need to know whats out there. We want to know whats out there, like having our first glimpse of the horizon because we are on the earth. Potentially, we cant say there is wad or life, the technology for that. But we foundhe first rocky bodi out there. So bail what it tells us is that they are all around, every other star seems to have at least a planet and every 5th to 10th star seems to have an earth obvious a potential earth. Billions, in the millky way alone which means planets like ours could be everywhere. She says new technology could lead to the discovery of mary more planets in the near future. Here is our reminder the top story, it is day lie in south korea. Live pictures of the harbor where crews have started another day of searching in dangerous waters. South korea said the person steer that capsized ferry had no experience navigating rough waters that. Crew member as well as the captain and another mate have been arrested for negligence. Families of the more than 260 missing people have been asked to submit dna samples to help identify the deceased. Three bodies found overnight bring the death toll to 36. Does it for us on this saturday evening. Thanks so much for joining us. I am jonathan betz. I will be back with another hour of news. Stay with us because fault lines starts right now on al jazeera america. The United States is changing the way it operates in space. Territory that was once largely monopolized by nasa has slowly been ceded to the private sector. Like all good corporations, these companies are armed with slick promotional videos. And their excellent pr machines are generating hours of airtime, well i think we could probably send the first person

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