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Extended beyond the west bank and into the westend of london. This is our land as given to us by the almighty. Reporter thats our web video of the week. When fighting broke out a month ago and south sudan the story was framed as just another tribal tribatribal struggle. Its a fallout between president kiir and Vice President machar. Critics say the way they do their business when it comes to Africa International news outlets resort to the same ol narrative bringing any conflict down to the tribal level which seems to explain everything without actually telling us anything. The question is why. One theory, in the world of journalism there is a hierarchy in africa. And International Reporters have more than the loca reporters tht lack something in order to report it. Our story this week is juba. South sudan is still a newborn trying to get on its feet. Thats intensely interesting to the media. The worlds newest country on the verge of tearing apart. To frame it as another tribal conflict. Its easy to fall into that trap. Hundreds of people have been killed this month as tribal groups fight for the control of the country. So through that process you get the simplified narrative coming up. Journalists particularly broadcasters like to deal in shorthand, handy little devices that sum up complicated situations. But how does one shorthand the south sudan story . Two exrebel leaders of differing ethnicity but members of the same party, president kiir and Vice President machar who were part of the same government when kiir fired machar and then led to fighting between members of two different ethnic groups who are always fighting each other. The answer, to hear the International Media tell this african story, its two tribes that have gone to war. What has been missed here, the leading party, and actually the laws and regulations and constitution of the party, this is completelynobody wants to discuss it. But this is what theyre fighting over. The media has the responsibility to make sure that they cover this beyond just the ethnic conflict because it helps to deepen the divide if you do it the wrong way. If you think of us, think of something newer. They pick up a newspaper and say read this. This is a struggle between neighbors, and the only way to dissolve this is sleetl complet. In south sudan in particular there are a lot of stake holders, regional and international, and they have the ability to create solutions into four different parties to come into agreement. Thou these solutions that have been presented as ethnic ones, then the solutions will break down along ethnic lines which will only aggravate rather than tackles the root of the situation, which is essentially political. But its a tricky balancing act because victims and survivors in many parts of south sudan is one having been targeted opposite the basis theitheir ethnicity. How do you preserve that testimony, that very real testimony without suggesting this is some how inevitable, which i think is the trap that too often western commentators have fallen in to. Exacerbating the president bush are the changing economics of the news business. Cringingsand then more who parat the ground running and then figure it out. Going to the front line which usually means being taken there by one side or another, but in south sudan what looks like a winwin situation, journalists getting access, it could be a loselose. Journalists are often faced with an unappealing choice, which is dont get to the front lines, the other is dont side with the conflict. Maybe this is what pushed the government, to take the journey of the juba route where the rebels claimed they were going to come from. Thit played out very badly. It went viral because the convoy came under attack, which highlights the challenges in trying to control the message and gives the impression that the south Sudanese Government is not entirely in control. The reports from there, you see the people who are fleeing both the rebel groups and the government. You see the ill preparedness of many of the government fighters. Just walking up the road with the general when suddenly the firing started. And so the more they tried to cereal the International Media, the more they slipped through their fingers as they tightened their grasp. For all the shortcomings of International Journalist who is recently arrived, the local media are hampered, too. Journalism is in its infancy and suffers from government censorship. But many tell their story often in simplistic tribal terms. There is a view that western journalists that they have a higher position or heroine. And the journalist, for them, he was a journalist in the region. It didnt mean that his access or information was better. Perhaps the contrary. The development of media independence is extraordinary. You see the explosion of a Young Journalist who had been so keen, but in all cases theyve been struggling ca with with censors. Theyre left with two choices, neither of which are ideal. Go with reporters who are outside siders, or go with the locals who know the story inside out but can only report so much. The worlds youngest country and the people who care about what is happening there deserve better. Our Global Village voices now on the coverage of the conflict in south sudan. Oversimplifying to see this in terms of ancient hatred which gives a sense of inevidence ability and lack of solutions. You see the core Drivers Behind this conflict, things like political power struggles, and Huge Development needs. The intos roll is to allow for people to be text on the ground. They should discuss several things, the the rights of the state involvement. The human rights. And from the human up with the tribe, there is the tribal of the wall. Before. Its very mild, very thin. But its is there. It has ruined the media market in israel. Its widely distributed, its free, and more than that, it sales advertising at very low prices flooding the market, further reducing the profitability of other newspapers. In. The distinct political, the day after barack obama was reelected, one oped declared the u. S. Chose socialism. Over the past couple of months it has produced headlines, iran has become all but nazi, we contacted the newspaper to ask about their journalism but no one was made available to comment. The paper is owned by american billionaire and Benjamin Netanyahu supporter Sheldon Adelson, whom americans got to know when he speedy 150 million in trying to get republicans elected. Since 2007 he has been putting his money into a newspaper, and by extension politics in israel. As an alternative, its huge market shared captured means that the paper goes out to the israeli public. Thats what Sheldon Adelson wants. Hes not necessarily in it for the money. Sheldon loses money, and lots of it. My estimate is that the paper loses 10 million a year. Im sure hes prepared to invest many more years and a lot more money anything to keep a liberal moderate peaceloving leader. Its not about money. Its about shaping the future of this country. When youre Sheldon Adelson, and you call the Prime Minister three times a day, and you tell minimum what to do because you are his publisher, thats thought kosher. They want israel to look like him. Adelson is not exactly shy with his views. A few months ago he proposed a solution to the iran nuclear stalemate. His approach, dropping a bomb in the iranian desert was unconventional. You drop a bomb where it doesnt hurt a soul. Then you say see, the next one will hit. Its called bb today because it favors Benjamin Netanyahu and his conservative politics. But adelsons investment in that pro netanyahu investment has been a concern. It was expected he would have a grip on power, but instead he barely squeaked back in. Their position supporting the Prime Minister and his policies, so im not sure one can say that there is a direct link between the paper with high circulation and the results of the elections. One thing that nobody learned that you cannot buy a newspaper as a loud speaker. I think in the last four or five years Sheldon Adelson spent hundreds of millions, and im not sure that he got what he wanted. You can see the political scene was not effected by the presence of it. It is changing the land cape in print media. Where advertisers are abandoning traditional newspapers on the right and left, in 2012 the countrys leading liberal paper was faced with a difficult choice between cuts and closure. An israeli constitution is still publishing but its daily edition is now read by 7 of israelis. We had a terrible year in 2012. We started generating losses that were dangerous for the company. We really cut costs, eventually this was offered in some neighbor up rest. I think that it is very important they retain its pow. Its important to the knesset, the government, and i think it could be the beginning of democracy. It has been pushed to the brink, by the irony is that israel hayom may be the only thing keeping it there. And if adelson is taking his business elsewhere, then the future would be more bleak. There are rumors that is skying. One of the oldest paper also is near death, so the lapped scape is very darwinen. Two or three major papers very strong have destroyed all the others. The papers are vanishing in israel. There is an old expression that applies to news among Others Industries you get what you pay for. Israelis will give nothing to read the paper, and its a hefty price that other newspapers are paying now and its citizens may end up paying for years to come. More Global Village voices on israel and the bleak future of print journalism in that country. There is no clear idea, but its contributed for free. How many israeli was pay £1. 01 to 2 . It has no shame in showing how right wing it is. The only thing we can say about israel hayom is that it gave many journalists jobs during hard times in the industry. Sports. Business. Weather. Live news. Every hour, on the hour only on Al Jazeera America while you were asleep news was happening. Finally still with israel slightly loss in the news of death of former Prime Minister ariel sharon is the construction of houses on Palestinian Land on the west bank. That development sets up this candid camera style comedy sketch. Actors posing as construction workers informed local businesses that the Israeli Embassy in london is exercising its biblical right to take over its properties mocking the concept of the israeli land grab. It ended up being a free for all over a Peace Process that really isnt proceeding. The embassy extension is our web video of the week. We have to take down this law. Before it was your land, its our land. Were going to take what is rightfully ours. Pablo picasso this is Al Jazeera America live from new york. Im jonathan betz. After much stalling and pressure from the u. S. Syrias main Opposition Group finally agrees to attend peace talks. Lingering questions about the safety of water in charleston West Virginia as the owner of the Company Responsible creates another company after filing for bankruptcy. Hurricane sandy relief money held hostage. What is done to put the dream of going to College Within Reach of more students

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