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Good everything, thanks for joining us i am joie chen. This hour our continuing special coverage of the two big developing stories amping up tensions in two conflict zones, in Eastern Ukraine breakaway donetsk section. And who shot a malaysian passenger jet out of the sky and why. The International Civil Aviation Organization says it will send a team to help in the investigation. Despite the territorial dispute over donetsk. They say ukraine is in charge of the probe. European observers were briefly allowed at the crash site but armed rebels kept them from doing their work. The first one there was al jazerras Scott Heidler who brought us an exclusive report from the scene. Reporter as the sun rose, it revealed the scope of just how difficult the recovery and investigation will be for flight mh17. The debris rests in a vast area around these wheat fields, a circumference of at least 10kilometers. Translator there was an explosion in the sky above the house. I came out to see what happened. The plane then fell down in many pieces. Office it was falling it broke apart. All of the pieces were falling in the sky. Reporter emergency workers began the difficult task of marking the spots of the bodies and body parts of the 298 people on board. Their markers dot the scorched landscape. As those rescue workers were fanned out across the fields identifying the human remains we were close to this debris field when some of them came up and we overheard one saying to the other, as they approached this debris field, he said there are too many bodies in there, i dont have enough stakes and white flags. Before working their shift miners from a nearby coal plant arrived to help. Translator we came here because its just a tragedy. We want to help find out what happened and to stop people from thinking that there are just terrorists here. Reporter just a few hours after the crash the leader of the prorussian separatists visited the site. Translator this bloody war has been going for a long time and its usual victims are ordinary citizens now people from other countrys have become victims in no nondeclared war. People who are not going to to participate at all. Reporter the ukrainian Prime Minister reached out to the families that were killed but squarely placed blame. Everyone is to be accountable and responsible. I mean, everyone who supports these terrorists, including Russian Federation and russian regime. Reporter but to accurately determine who is behind this attack on civilians, International Investigators need to get in. Both sides have agreed to establish a corridor through the battlefield to allow that. But they have yet to arrive. Al jazerras Scott Heidler on the scene. And on the crash investigation itself, the United States is quickly joining in, but the wreckage lies in, as we have said, despited territory. Adding to the risk even for those just trying to help. Al jazerras lisa stark brings us the details now. There was some early news that appeared progra promising n the day the rebels who hold this area of Eastern Ukraine had indicated that they would call for a ceasefire, that they would allow access to the crash site. And then we learned, in fact, that the First Independent observers had helicoptered in. They are with the organization for security and cooperation in europe. 17 observers did make it to the crash site, they came by helicopter and then by car. But the problem is once they got there, they found they did not have the kind of access that they needed. They did not have the unfettered access to really look around the area. So they left. After only 75 minutes. The state department was asked about that today. Spokesman jen saying that was a big concern, she repeated the administrations call for unfettered access to this crash site, which investigators say is so critical. Need to get in there and they need to start looking at the debris. Security is a major concern in the area. We know that the ntsb is sending one investigator, the fbi apparently sending two investigators, according to the white house, they are headed out to ukraine in the very near future. But we are told that they are only going as far as kiev and thats because of security concerns. Reporter they are not yet make getting their way to the actual crash site. There are also conflicting reports now about whether the black boxes, the flight data recorder, cockpit voice recorder whether those had been recovered. There were reports early in the day the rebels say we found eight of the 12 black boxes, well, there is only two. The cockpit voice recorder and the flight data recorder. That would indicate that they werent sure what they were looking for. The pentagon said its not sure if any of those recorders are in fact in the hands of rebel reber are still in the planes wreckage, finding those boxed will be very important. Another key, another important thing, one of the first things that investigators will want to do is recover and identify these bodies. So that they can be returned to their loved ones. Nearly 300 victims of this tragedy. We know that local folks in the area where the plane went down have been marking where the bodies are located and have been trying to recover and have recovered a number of bodies, but there needs to be some process set up to really identify, recover the bodies and get them back to the family members. Another big concern is really the integrity of this crash site. Usually in an accident the area is sealed off immediately so all of the evidence can be preserved. That obviously did not happen in this case. And there is concern that some of the wreckage may already have walked away, if you will, someone maybe picking up souvenirs or taking away part of the wreckage, that is also of concern to investigators. Now, ukraine has indicated that it will take International Help on this investigation. The u. S. Has offered help. Malaysia, the netherlands, now france has also offered help as has the ika on. The International Civil Aviation Organization. Ukraine will likely be the lead as part of the crash probe they have indicated that they will set up a commission and inviting in these International Investigators to help them with this. Thats all good news, but the problem is, that makes little difference until they can he all get in and get the access to the crash site that they need and at this point we dont know exactly when that will happen. Those International Observers that were stymied today will be back out trying to go back out again on saturday to try to get that crash site opened up again. Joie, back to you. Thats al jazerra lisa stark. Time is of course of the essence in any crash investigation. Joining us now is alan diehl former ntsb investigator and author of the book air safety investigation. We appreciate your being with us here. Lets talk a little bit about the importance of timing here. It does matter, right . Its not wreckage is not just wreckage, getting to it and securing it is critical . Yeah, it seems like there is no security on the grounds, and like lisa pointed out, this stuff miami great from the scene. Of course the critical things are the black boxes from from what i know, joie, it looked like the tail of the aircraft which is where those boxes are located separated from the main wreckage so it may be a long way from the main wreckage that we have seen so often in the videos. Dr. Diehl, i would imagine that investigators would also hope to find some evidence of the missile itself, some parts or pieces it of that could help identify exactly who fired it and to help to understand why that happened. I wonder, though, even if they never find any parts of the missile that shot this plane down, quite apparently, is it possible to understand just from the fuselage what is left of the fuselage, where the missile hit and whats important about that . Yes. But, again, if persons adverse to this investigation are walking off with material, maybe intentionally, that would complicate this. But when there is any kind of explosion, high speed pitting and debris and distortion of the metal looks different than your typical crash impact witness marks. So you can tell, even if you dont happen to see the parts of the missile. Now, obviously there may be people that dont want this wreckage recovered and dont want the missile parts located. Of course, the other reason for want that go black box, we know that the air space was approved for civil use above 32,000 feet, at least thats what i have heard. So if the black boxes show this aircraft was above that level, then it was in the approved fly zone, if you will, the airway, the civil airway. Obviously whoever shot this down would love to have the aircraft be below that. And they may contend that when this thing gets to the hague or whenever they end up trying these people. If they can contend that aircraft was in a war zone they can argue that they had a right to shoot it down. Its a bogus argument, but at least you can see that happening down the road. And when you look at the wreckage itself, could you tell, for example, by looking at which part of the aircraft seems to have been hit, to understand where the projectile came from, which direction, what area, what distance it might have come from . Probably not the distance, but certainly the angles and the point of impact. Again, thats if nobody has gone through and sifted through the wreckage to remove, if you will, the parts that reveal the missile hit. I suspect, however, that the u. S. I used to be an air force investigator also, joie. We know that there is a lot of satellite imagery going on in that part of the world because of the conflict between yo ukrae and russia, so they may well have, the u. S. Cia or other forces maybe the air force, may actually have satellite photographs and infrared pictures of the missile launcher. They can track that back and find out exactly where that missile was, if they happened to have satellite on his that particular area, which i suspect they may well have. And certainly everyone would be looking at now. Former ntsb or safety investigator dr. Alan diehl, thank for being with us, sir. Thanks for having me, joy i. The crash threatened wider International Pressures with europe and washington increasingly drawing links not just to the pro russian separatists in the break away Donetsk Region but now to howe moscow itself. And demands for action. Reporter one day after the disaster ukraines Intelligence Service leased this video. Claiming it showed a buk missile launcher in separatist territory close to the crash zone heading for russia. The launcher, said defense analyst, appeared to be missing at least one rocket. The u. S. And other western governments believe it was a missile filed from a buk launcher that brought down mh17. Evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by surfacetoair missle that was launched from an area that is controlled by russianbacked separatists inside of ukraine. We also know that this is not the first time a plane has been shot down in Eastern Ukraine. Over the last several weeks, russianbacked separatists have shot down a ukrainian transports plane, i a ukraine 10 helicopter and claimed responsibility for shooting down a ukrainian fighter jet. Moreover, we know that these separatists have received a steady flow of support from russia. Reporter support like these tanks and armored personnel carriers seen earlier this week in separatistheld ukraine. Evidence cited by the state department of russian transfer of increasingly sophisticated weaponry to rebels. On july 14th, the state Department Said this equipment includes tanks, armored vehicles, multiple rocket launchers, artillery and air defense systems. Adding recruiting efforts are expanding inside russia and separatists are looking for volunteers with experience in tanks and air defenses. The buk is a sophisticated radar system that requires trained technician to his operate. And increase beingly, the u. S. Believes, russian sport. We dont know exactly who fired that missing. Its strange to think that it be could be used bicep tests without some Russian Support and technical assistance. Reporter this afternoon the head of ukraines service made clear he has no doubts about who was responsible. Demanding the names of the russians he says shot the plane down. Translator its most important for us to get from the russian side the names of all three crew members. Russian servicemen who directly managed the buk antiaircraft missile system. And directly pressed the trigger and launched a missile against a civilian passenger aircraft. Reporter to back up their claim that the separatists were armed with russian weaponry, ukrainians released more phone conversations. Yesterday ukraines Intelligence Service says it recorded this conversation between a key adviser to a rebel commander and a separatist fighter. Where should we load this beauty asked the militant . The one i am thinking about, asked the adviser . Yes, yes, buk. Buk. We need to unload it somewhere to hide. Is it with the crew asked the adviser . Yes, said the fighter think dont hide it anywhere, it will go there now. And there is even more evidence of direct russian involvement. When separatists took control of cities in Eastern Ukraine, they were a largely homegrownable, pro moscow, antikiev. In recent weeks their military capacity has grown to include allegations of rocket fire on Ukraine Military positions originating from within russia itself. Some analysts suggest these picturpictures if fair ride proe the best proof to date of direct russian involvement. Ukraines military has pushed back hard retaking the eastern city of last week and increasing pressure separatists, who have fought back and cheered earlier this week. [cheering and applause] reporter as they launched missiles bringing down Ukrainian Military aircraft, including a large cargo plane flying at 22,000 feet. America tonights Sheila Macvicar back with us. So is there very much doubt at this point about who was responsible or why . To be clear, it appears that there is no doubt about what brought this airliner down, that it was a missile, that it was a missile that was probably a buk, certainly a missile that would have that kind of range to hit a mean that was flying at 33,000 feet. The question that nobody is going to right now is the motive question. The question of why did this happen. We heard today from president obama that the u. S. Intelligence Community Increasingly believes that that missile was fired from territory held by russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine. We know that they believe that because they have looked at all kind of satellite imagery and thats their conclusion, what we dont know is why this happened. The motive piece of this. Was this were separatist fighters looking to shoot down anything in the sky . Were they looking to shoot down as they have previously another Ukrainian Military plane. At least 10 military planes and helicopters have been shot out of the sky in the last couple of weeks. Certainly we have said this is equipment that would have required greater Technical Knowledge and it does have certain capacity. Shouldnt it have been able to identify a very large passenger jumbo jet versus a military aircraft . A military aircraft and a passenger plane emit different signals on troops ponder, thats how you are supposed to know. There is a way to operate this system, sort of if you will, sort of the idiot proof way, which is a much more simplified version. In other words, you can see that there is a plane, but you dont necessarily take the time to analyze what the tran respondser is saying. And you can file the missile. This missile has a nine 50 intercept rate. Once the missile is fired the chances are extrially good that it will find its target. The other piece of this is, of course, where did this system come from. Two possibilities, again, looking at the theory this was launch by russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine, people are looking at the possibility of whether or not there was one of these missile batteries in a ukrainian installation which was crimea which was overtaken by russian separatists and now annexed to russia earlier this year. Thats possibility one. Then taken to rush all through Eastern Ukraine. The other possibility, which is a very worrying possibility. Which is in fact, this is a piece of military equipment that belongs to the Russian Military. And how it found its way in to Eastern Ukraine, in whose hands it was in Eastern Ukraine, those are very big questions. Very big causes for concern. America tonight Sheila Macvicar, thanks so much. As sheila notes connecting the dots will help to identify whose hand was behind the shoot down. Joining us now military analyst and retired army major. Appreciate you being with us, lets talk a little bit about tracking the launchers, the vehicles use today transport this. There is sorts of a focus on that now as well. Trying to do satellite imagery. What will this help to identify . It will help identify where the missile was when it was launched, there is an incredible amount of radar traffic in that area that will allow us to shoot what is called a backwards asmuth off satellites, take even the heat signal from the miss and track it backwards to figure out exactly where the missile was launched from, knowing that that radar also emits a signature when it turns itself on. Is there Something Like a ballistics fingerprint for Something Like this . Yeah, thats a good way to put it. There are two of them. Not only one that comes from the ground, but also one once that missile, you know, hits the plane itself, there will be microscopic particles on it that will allow us to see what kind of missile it was and what exactly hit the plane. So that will be the other side of this investigation if we ever get our hands on the stuff on the ground. Yeah, and as sheila not note, there is some question about where this might have come from anyway. Could it have come from crimea, could it have come from russia. Thats an important part of the signature identification i guess. Yeah, no question about that. I think that very clearly it came from russia. It had all the kind of markings to it. Its Russian Military equipment. So its likely to have come from there. Can you talk a little bit about what is happening on the ground now. Even as we have heard that the first observers from the osce have gone through the area, there were reports today that even as they were on the scene for the limited time that they were allowed there by the rebel forces, that they could hear shots being fired in the distance. I mean, is there a chance that with the tensions that have ramped up here, there will be more fight something. There is no question. Its a war zone still. And anybody that goes there must be assured of their safety. I think thats the issue you that any inspector or anybody would have to go there. And i think you are seeing this kind of, you know, passive aggressive behavior by the militants there, saying, yeah, come and check it out and inspect it but with no prom toys protect them. Time is on their side. They are taking all this evidence out. You gotta figure the russian spy agencies are there and all that evidence there we might find forensically to prove what we are trying to do here is being moved out of here. Time is on their side while they put the black are blockade up before people with inspect. Military analyst and retired major mike lyons thanks for being here. Thanks for having me. President obama delivered strong words about the need to find firm and convincing evidence about who was behind the shoot down. Joining us now is al jazerra White House Correspondent mike viqueira. Lets talk a little bit about the strength of the president s comments and why he was so firm about finding some sort of impartial way of identifying what was on the crash scene. Well, thats a great point, joie. Lets bring you uptodate from the latest this friday evening here at the white house, the president on his way to camp david, hes there by now. But before leaving he spoke with two top european leaders angela americaing the trans lohr of germany and the u. K. s david cameron. They talked about the need as the president has with every leader he has spoken with, perhaps a half dozen or moreover the last 24 to 48 hours about the need to maintain the integrity of that crash site. The fact that russian separatists are there in control of that very much a very big concern. What the president is trying do by emphasizing this is result Vladimir Putin in a box, and they are emphasizing International Nature of this investigation and impartial investigation that find what clearly that clearly what the white house suspects is that russia separatists if not russia themselves are behind bringing down in airliner this will be an impetus to the europeans who have drawinged their feet in imposing sanctions and getting tougher with vlad mere putin to try to do something. If the separatists interfere, and this is why the president is trying to get out ahead of this, what do the separatists and the russians extra hide. Either way the end goal this is a galvanizing moment the white house feels to try to get World Opinion in particular european opinion, those with a significant trade with a lot of with a lot of ties to our a. That have been threatened since this began gac in february. It seemed throughout the course of the day the white house was sending out more signals, underscoring russias involvement in this. Also from the u. N. From our ambassador there and from the Vice President in talking with mr. Poroshenko. Again, Vice President biden who has taken the lead in contacting the new ukrainian president petro pour sank shiancoe. Listen, the white house on the same page with samantha power, they are walking right up to the edge of casting blame. You saw that today and you dont need to be a clairvoyant that the washington top officials believe that russian fingerprints are all over this. The question is was their finger actually on the trigger as show will you la and yosheila and yot discussing. This is being played out in the without of world white pub lidge opinion, they dont want to taint the jury pool but believe that they have a strong indictment against the separatists and by extension russia itself, joie. Mike viqueira, thanks very much. Okay. Moscow has firmly denied it played a role in the disaster but a moving display in the russian cappal raises questions about what ordinary russians thing. Even the Russian Media reported the condolences and showed them as well. These were at the dutch and malaysian embassies and there were messages translated forgive us if you can. And not all russians are murderers and terrorists the Russian Defense minute at the did he tries the allegations. Russia denies that involved in it. When we return on a. M. A gaza. Nick schifrin as israel pushes deeper and warns the invasion could reach wider. And a few of the fear for gazans under siege. Families ripped apart. Racial profiling sometimes they ask questions. Sometimes they just handcuff people. Deporting dreams. Destroying lives. This state is literally redefining what it means to be a criminal alien fault lines Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. Theyre locking the doors. Ground breaking. We have to get out of here. Truth seeking. Award winning investigative documentary series fault lines the deported only on Al Jazeera America tomorrow prop 8, really made us think about this process of coming out. Meet the committed couples gay marriages, straight marriages. Have the same challenges. Its all about having the same options as everybody else. That fought for equality saying i do changed everything. Every saturday, join us for exclusive, revealing and surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. Talk to al jazeera tomorrow 5 eastern only on Al Jazeera America israels ground offense in gaza has entered a second night with tanks and infantry launching a broad frontal a sought on the coastal city. Now Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told the israeli arm toy prepare for a possibilities of a wider ground operation. Fierce clashes erupted between palestinian fighters and Israeli Special forces in the northern gaza strip. One israeli soldier has been killed, four more injured in the operation so far. The United Nations says the number of gazans fleeing the fighting has almost doubled in just the last 24 hours, more than 47,000 people have now been displaced. Al jazerras Nick Schifrin is on the ground in gaza city. Reporter joie, good evening. It is night two of the israeli grounds operation and it is extremely loud and extremely busy on the israeli gaza border which is about a mile, mile and a half that way. All night we have seen illumination flares, something the Israeli Military fires in to the air and illuminates a huge space, two, three, four miles wide. Its used for a few reason, one, so is really troops if they are coming in can see where they are going or so that tanks and artillery can see where they are firing and we have seen or heard rather those sounds often repeatedly tonight, tanks and artillery pounding an area just over there and that is to my east. We also saw firing and a lot of sounds and attacks earlier today and one in particular right behind me just about a block away. The violence is incredibly close and flies in above your head. There might be a ground war, but most strikes are still fired from the air. The target is a television station owned by hamas. Hit by israeli missiles three times in five minutes. Other targets are peoples homes. Just a few hours later, just a few blocks away, they were given a twominute warn to go evacuate their house. Hits home was pulver ice booed a single israeli air strike. Thank to the warning everyone survived but his children are verified. A big sister tries to console her little brother to no avail. To find an escape, kids try to be kids. Today in gaza they played the beautiful game in basement. 12yearold aziz didnt like soccer but needed to get out of the house. For more than a weeklies family has tried to keep immaterial inside because of constant air strikes. When you get scared what do you do . Stay in high room and then move. Therthere is a bomb or attack somewhere, of course hes scar scared. His favorite distraction from the booms is kind of a Traditional Middle Eastern harp, its soothed him through his third war in six years hits home was pulverized i would like to live in pea peace. Interest to try to live with a little security he sleeps in the hallway, hoping tomorrow is more peaceful than today. According to the United Nations more than half killed and wounded are women and children. Tonight he is spending yet another night sleeping in that hallway with his parents. Nick schifrin in gaza city. Next on america tonight what was lost on malaysia air flight 17 . The ambitions and hopes so suddenly cut short. On tech know, what if there was a miracle . Graces stem cells are in this box. That could save the live of your child. Were gonna do whatever we can would yo give it a try . Cell therapy is gonna be the next big advance in medicine tech know, every saturday go where science meets humanity. This is some of the best driving ive every done, even though i cant see. Tech know. Were here in the vortex. Only on Al Jazeera America. Al Jazeera America presents a global finacial powerhouse the Roman Catholic church, they have an enormous amount of power accusations of corruption. There is a portion of the budget that takes care of all the clerical abuse issues. Now we follow the money and take you inside the vaticans financial empire. When it comes to money, this is one of the sloppiest organizations on earth. Al Jazeera America presents. Holy money only on Al Jazeera America shooting down Malaysia Airlines flit 17 refocussed tension on Eastern Ukraine, and aimed mostly at russia. Reporter they stood in silence. The members of the u. N. Security council pausing their meeting to pay tribe ute to the almost 300 people who died on flight mh17. Things dramatically escalated when the u. S. Ambassador made it responsible. Let me share with you our assessment of the evidence so far. We assess Malaysia Airlines flight 17 carrying these 298 people from amsterdam to kuala lumpur was likely downed by a surface to air missile, an sa 11 operated from a area. Reporter she wept further saying one country alone was backing the separatists. Separatist forces backed by the russian government continue to destabilize ukraine and undermine the efforts of ukraines letted leaders to elected leaders to build a democratic ukraine. Let us here from russia on the actions of the armed group. They do not represent the people much ukraine. Without Russian Support they would witted are. The wither. Reporter the Russian Ambassador fought back, placing the blame on the government in kiev. Translation i am sure every person asks why the Aviation Authority sent the plane over to an area of clashes. An area used where strikes were carried out on civilians tart, an targets, an area where antiaircraft missiles operating. There were calls for a ceasefire, and russian and western members to lead. Crash investigators are yet to recover evidence from the scene. Around the world, relatives and friend, victims are in mourning. 290 lives lost on Malaysian Airlines 17. Reporter in each piece of debris a reminder of the leaves abruptly cut short. We know at least one american citizen, quinn lucas shanzman was killed. Reporter the 19yearold was a dual dutchamerican citizens, he was travelling for a family vacation. He moved to amsterdam in april. On board 25yearold caroline karza, a dutch citizens, a doctoral student at indiana university. She was on the rowing team. She was called an outstanding stupid and talented athlete. 298 people on board came from 11 countries. Half from the netherlands. Roger and jill gharde returning conference. Mum and dad we love you and will miss you so much. They really wanted to see their little granddaughter walking when they came home. In newcastle england, family gathered to remember liam sweeney. My last words was i love you so much. That was it. He doesnt deserve it. The 28 yearold was on his way to watch his Favourite Team play soccer in nz. Then glen thomas, another britain on board, a spokesman organisation. Glen will be remembered for his ready laugh and passion for public health. He will be greatly missed by those who have the opportunity to know him and work with him. Reporter the 49yearold was a former b b. C. Journalist, and part of a Group Heading to an aids conference in australia. This woman and her family were headed to indonesia, dying alongside her dutch huhs mapped and two husband and two children, 5 and 3. 15 malaysian crew died. Including this 25yearold. She had hoped to get married this year. One more reminder of loss felt around the world. So many lives, untold suffering for those left behind we wanted to dig deeper on a closeknit community that has been devastated by the crash. America tonights adam may is here with more. This was thought to be a big contingent. They feared up to 100 people tanning the conference attending the conference are dead. They confirmed 7 people are among the deceased, but they dont have all the names of everyone on the plane. Theres a sigh of relief that the tragedy is not that bad. They are looking at people that passed with a big impact this that community. The International Ads society ex ex aidsocietyexpresses sadness at our colleagues on board mh17 flight that crashed over ukraine. Reporter grief overcomes a large gathering of aids reachers and advocates. This sad and sensitive time, the is stands with the international family, sending condoll appses tragedy. Others say the mood at the conference is sombre. People are devastated. This is a terrible blow to the hi movement. It is a good sign about h. I. V. Act vix. Among the dead this doctor. A dutch researcher, a former president of the u. S. Aids society, instrumental in early h. I. V. Methods. Pagsate about passionate about extending treatment options. How big is the loss of dr lang . He was a preps among men prince among men, someone that inspired me. He opened up access for globe. The president of the aids foundation michael wine stephen worked with dr lang trying to increase access. Not just this doctor, but how by of a loss is this to the aids community. This involves people crisscrossing the world. I could have been on the plan, and my colleagues are in danger zones every day. In the war against aids, which is not woun. Theres 35 Million People infected and 1. 5 million deaths. Hard core people will not waiver. They will continue. That standard will be picked up that was dropped by the people who died on the plane and when dr lang perished. Staff erts at the u. N. And World Health Organisation held a moment of silence for another victim. Who spokesman glen thomas. They quit his journalism job to join the fate against aid. His twin sister said he died doing what he loved. Glen had been with wha for more than a decade, coming from the bbc and spent years providing support to the tv department. Reporter what troubles many is the unknown. What if the cure or ads was on that plane. We ides was aids was on that plane. Who knows, indeed. All the figures were important. Dr lang, he was considered a ground breaker in many respects. In so many different respects. He was one of the first people to talk about an aides cocktail. He found that was effective. He did work with pregnant women and was one of the first people to find out by giving antiviral drugs while breastfeeding you could reduce the passing on of the disease to newborns. He was a pioneer. You talked about preventive medication. Did he do anything on that . He did. This is a drug you can take every day, new recommendations saying if you are at risk, you should take the h. I. V. Preventive medication called prep. In twif there was skeptisism about taking a pill. Dr lang wrote a paper and tried to rally the Community Around the idea that prep was a way to prevent h. I. V. In the future since a vaccine is so far out. Now will attention be paid at the conference, will they have a memorial. Yes, of course. Theres deep sorio there. You can soro. You can imagine people will be talk the. Bill clinton is a keynote speaker. One of the interesting things said is these folks working in h. I. V. And aids, they have seep horrific death for decades. They have a way to cope with dramatic loss. A lot of people say theyll get through in was of the work done in the past, and theyll work on what their colleagues were working on as well. America tonights adam may. Thank you very much. Another look as israel invades gaza. When we return, we hear from two palestinian mothers about the fear all around them. As israels ground war continues. Daily live has been halted. Theres water shortages and sewerage contamination. More than 300 palestinians have tide, 2,000 injured. The majority of civilian. 20 children. Among those lying with fear as they try to protect their kids is this couple. We are not getting power supplies. We have it for five hours today. As we learn from radio stayse stayses station, 85 of supplies have been damaged. We dont have any power at the moment. When we have power we can come forward to our places when electricity is out, theres no theres no the generators cant op rate to pump water. When electricity is out. We are lacking water and have to make good savings, when you have many residing in one space. We are grouped to identify the dedication of the bombing. We cant represent or find anything. Visually its an instance of shooting at night aring especially midnight. There are more targets getting hit and airstricts and, you know, when it is dark with no electricity and its night time. Its scary for everybody. I dont know what to say. Just. Just we are hoping for everything to end. We wanted to end forever, not just to let again, after two or three years, this time its really different than before. This time they are bombing everywhere. Last night they bombed the building in front. Behind us, and i have two daughters, five years and three years. It was a bad night. They are crying all the time. I didnt know what to do. We are trying to let them live a normal life. We are doing our best. All the time i want to stay with my children, and never leave them because its possible that a rocket come into the work place. A cant lose any of my children. Assay either we live together or die together. A war of words and images delivered digitally. When we return, the fight for the hearts and mind of those caught in the consider this the news of the day plus so much more. We begin with the growing controversy. Answers to the questions no one else will ask. Real perspective, consider this on Al Jazeera America weekday mornings on Al Jazeera America we do have breaking news this morning. Start your day with in depth coverage from around the world. First hand reporting from across the country and real news keeping you up to date. The big stories of the day, from around the world. These people need help, this is were the worst of the attack took place. And throughout the morning, get a global perspective on the news. The life of doha. This is the International News hour. An informed look on the nights events, a smarter start to your day. Mornings on Al Jazeera America Al Jazeera America gives you the total news experience anytime, anywhere. More on every screen. Digital, mobile, social. Visit aljazeera. Com. Follow ajam on twitter. And like alJazeera America on facebook for more stories, more access, more conversations. So you dont just stay on top of the news, go deeper and get more perspectives on every issue. Al Jazeera America. Finally, in our coverage we focussed on theexplosions and grouped. Theres a stead yea bombardment steady bombardment. Here is our digital producer. Reporter on twitter, facebook and youtube, you can watch as israeli Army Operations unfold in real time. This tweet asked more than 3,000 followers to guess what the tunnels of used for. Video posted to youtube show stephens and argument that amas is putting civilians at risk of the the israeli army tracked rockets fired at hamas by is rile. Last week it launched an app to see how close a rocket could rasp. With Public Opinion at stake, the army touts it cares for those it tart, and mourns its dead. Not to be out done. Hamas is fighting back. And twitter accounts. But hamas is not trying to rally its open, it seeks to spread its message inside israel. Last week the group produced the first hebrew language music video. And it enlisted cyber militants. Last week the Facebook Page fell victim. In this war, hamas has a gang, because the u. S. The e. U. And others classify it as a torist organization. Facebook, youtube and twitter disabled their accounts. It doesnt take long for new ones to appear, the battle continues. Forgotten in the fight are civilians caught up in the violence. They, too, have been speaking out on line thats it for us here on america tonight. For the latest developments of the airliner, stay with Al Jazeera America for continued coverage throughout the weekend. On sunday we present two america tonight special reports. The deadly impact the Energy Industry is having on the United States and addicted in vermont, how heroin is touching people from all walks of life, including newborn babies. If you would like to comment on any of the stories, log on to our website aljazeera. Com americatonight and join the conversation at twitter or facebook any time. Goodnight, have a good weekend. Israels invasion of gaza continues tonight. We have been hearing a lot of tank shelling coming from where we are, here. Every single one of these buildings shook violently. For continuing coverage of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, stay with Al Jazeera America, your global news leader. Malaysian flight investigation has stalled. How do you carry out an investigation when the ground is held by the suspects. Im here for antonio mora, wajahat ali, here on. Those stories and more ahead. U. S. Intelligence believes Malaysia Airlines flight 17 was shot by a surface to air missile

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