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In the run up to the president state of the union address, he has been released policy proposals, touring the country, and letting people try his ideas on for size. One of the proposals you will hear about in his speech, rolled out in the past week, making it easier for americans to get two Year College Degrees by paying their tuition today. I am announcing an ambitious new plan to bring down the cost of Community College tuition in america. I want to bring it down to zero. [applause] president obama made his announcement last friday, the white house claiming the president s plan could help up to fine Million Students. Federal funds will cover threequarters of the cost, within individual states picking up the rest of the tab. Ands estimated the program would cost 60 billion over ten years. What impact fight this have . Consider this, between 2012 and 2013, 7. 7 Million Students were enrolled in public two year colleges. And of those who go to Community Colleges, an analysis of education longitudinal study data found 44 of new enroll lees are from lower income backgrounds. The Household Income 25,000 a year or less compared to 15 from higher income backgrounds. And 50 enrolled at Community Colleges compared to 31 of africanamerican students and 28 of white students. A key aim is the hope that two years of Community College will propel students to complete a four year degree. A recent study found 15 of student whose started at two years institutions in the 2006, completed a degree at a four Year Institution within six years. The initiative will require students to have a minimum gpa of 2. 5 a c plus average, it is expensive, and ambitious, and already provoked plenty of debate. Associate director of the cato institute. Joshua whiner, executive director of the College Excellence program of the aspen institute. And darrion holler president of Montgomery College. Serving Montgomery County maryland. Joshua, arent there already existing programs that capture most of the students that we are talking about . Well, there are plenty of perhaps but students are still struggling. We know that twothirds of College Students Community College students up to threequarters are working. A third of all Community College students work full time jobs. So we know that students are struggling to pay for college, and that existing programs are helping a lot of students but not enough. President pollard how much does it cost too carry a full load. Full load for one year is about 9,000. So if you think about this, it is certainly speaks to the cost of tuition, but what we know are the hidden costs of education, textbooks living expenses, transportation, all the things that this particular promise doesnt speak to, but it hopefully will allay some of the burdens. 9,000 sounds like a dealing, but it must be far beyond the reach of the force. Certainly, if you think about this data in terms of Montgomery County, it is very provocative. One of the most affluent communities in the country, many the last five years the applications have gone up approximately 60 , we know that National Data is compelling on this as well. About 80 of americans who live in the lowest economic core tile only about 8 complete college, in six years. So there is some reason why people are not completing and Financial Aid is a significant one for most of my students. Arent a lot of those young people and working age people, older people who are your students going to find a way to do this without this kind of subsidy . No. So ewith arent going to get a small incremental change from something as big as this. I think we may see upfront, but the reality is that our students lives are very complex again, Montgomery County we know that it costs 82,000 a year for a family of four to live without any public support. If we are to think about that, the idea of education being scene as an additional opportunity, often fails when you have to think about food on your plate paying for housing thinks about transportation. So id like to think this opportunity this promise this investment, is something that will think reap benefits for many generations. You heard the president an investment, is this one that might pay back with higher income taxes . Higher property taxes down the road for people who can get better job. One thing we see is the own proposal said look, Community College costs on average about 3880 for tuition and fees and thats something that low income people can cover with elegants. What this seems for likely to do for the upper income, now you are going to get something free that maybe you paid some of your own money for. The bigger issue than this is that if you look at labor statistics and labor projections they are saying about a third of jobs in the next eight to ten years will require some sort of post secondary education, we already have people far beyond that have some education, it is a really important question are we going to be prepared people for jobbens that actually exist or are we sending penal to college with that promise, but not the ability to fulfill it. Economist after economist has identified the 20th century as a human capitol century, you put a lot in, you get a lot out, are you if i understood you correctly, you are almost positive that we might be overeducating people because we arent making that many jobs that need post secondary qualifications. First of all, the bureau of labor statistics, and i think we feed to be realistic. We had a big problem now a third of people with batchelors degrees are in jobbens that dont require it. And thats just not people that recently graduated. There are many people long term, we have even bigger under employment so we see this manifested already that there are too much credentialing and Higher Education consumption then there seems to be an ability of the labor market to use it all. This is your bread and putter, you have written a book on the topic, what do you think. I this i there ever a couple of points of clarification. Anyone who has paid their bill recently, or their kids college bill, knows that tuition is only a small part. So the motion that it only costs 3,800 to go to college is not the case. There are fees technical programs costst cost two to three times that amount. And then there are living expenses. Some people might say we should force students to work to pay for college. Well, we know from the research for students work 20 hours or more, their chances of graduating go way down so as an investment in our society, the motion that poor students shouldnt have the opportunity to study but rich kids should, i dont think the right way to think about this. The full cost is well over the available aid right now, and to say that it is only about tuition, i think is misleading. The second part, that is very important is that a lot of projections i would say the bulk, show coming shortage in College Educated labor. Today about 0 have a college credential, thest pates are is that we need to be at 60 . Isnt neil right when he says a lot of people with a four year degree are working in jobs are they dont even need that much education. I think labor market demand would argue otherwised. For Higher Education in the labor market, and also a very strong corelation between an educations citizenry and higher salaries as well as closing the income gap, and growth in economies in the western countries. So look, labor economists can disdre, but if we look back in p the early part of the 20th century fewer than 20 of earn manies had a high school diploma. Today would we really jay we are overeducated in would we say some group shouldnt get high school and others should . We dont even question the fact that not only shows high school be universal, but it should be available to every person. Giving the coming demand for increased education, as well as the growing gap, i think we are at a moment, where we feed to think about advancing that concept, to universal college, and all of the data i have seen, suggests that we need to move in the that direction. I want to talk more later in the program, arent a lot of your students today learning things they out to have learn Fire Department high school, or at another time in our history, fight have learned in high school. So remediation is something we do at Community Colleges. And i would never disagree with that, what i would offer though is other context, you are speaking to some points raised. The things that Community Colleges specialize is in middle skill jobs. The reality is that we dont have enough folks to step into these middle skill jobs. So the idea that Montgomery College Community Colleges across this country, we specialize in crafting that middle skill, we specialize in helping to build the middle class which is what Community Colleges were with founded to assist in doing. And i think the other thing that speaks to this, is Community Colleges are directly reflection of the communitys that they serve. I was a president of the college in california we had a Wine Technology and data cultural program. Here in Montgomery College we have a program in Bio Technology. And those that already have degreed to come in and move into industries that are representative of the communities that we serve. So i think there is a tight coupling between a Community College, and the community it serves and Work Force Development is depended upon that. Before we roll on and miss the moment, give me an example of middle skill jobs . People are watching this and thinking what is she talking about. Sure, typically referred to jobs that are more than high school and less than a four year degree. So an r. N. , 80 of r. N. S are educated at a Community College. Many of the Health Sciences that are less than a nurse and a doctor, those are done at Health Sciences. A Bio Technology automotive technician, so all after these jobs that are technical in nature, that are assist and build good middle school jobs thats why this proposal is a game changer. When we return, after the break, well talk about what would change about a work force with with more Associates Degree holders. And we will ask whether Community College itself will have to change, to make this initiative worth doing at all. Tuesday. From Race Relations to foreign policies, terrorism and the economy. If this Congress Wants to help, work with me. Ali velshi kicks off our special state of the Union Coverage at 7 00. Well take an indepth look at our nations financial future. Then John Seigenthaler breaks down the issues. We need to know whats going on in our backyard. Plus, objective analysis and live reports from across the nation and reaction from around the world. The state of the union address. Special coverage begins tuesday, 7 00 eastern. Right here on Al Jazeera America. 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So neil if we were going to give Community College as the prescription to more departing high schoolers, for instance, would the schools themselveses have to change to make them more workable . To match the way the president suggests the feeds of the work force. Yeah, if they were capable of peteing the needs and i think there is a huge question based on what is out there in jobs. If we are going to use them in that capacity, what needs to happen is many colleges have to become more responsive quickly to the needs of the work force. Of course, there is supposed to be inexpensive schools relative to four year schools. What is the work force near heed. When they need them, this is something we have seen for profit schools in many cases do better. Because they say you have to get the money, get customers and customers will come when we are offering the training that is in demand. That said, lets be clear about ba the jut comes are. The debt loads that they hold are significantly higher. We have some very good for profit and some that arent doing a very good job. Simply in the Community College sector with the same thing. I would like to point out, though, that in the Community College sector we have some remarkable performers. And the marty get a batchelors degree, so we have wide variation, i greere that Community Colleges have to do better, so do for profits. The question to me is not whether they need to do better but how do we help them get there. Have they been able to figure out what makes the difference, between the places that are succeeding and the place that arent doing as well. One that has been discussing excellent Community Colleges start with the end in mine. And they are aligning their perhaps be high quality to those two. The first is directly into the labor market, so they will look at data they will align their programs accordingly, if welders or feeded or airplane mechanics they will deliver those, and then they will work closely to find out if it is a real partnership. The second place, as mentioned in your opening is to four year colleges. There are really Close Relationships like that between university of central florida, in orlando, actually, the college Montgomery College does a very good job with the university of maryland as well. Where a lot of students get a low cost, two year education with small classes often, a lot of those big four year colleges dont off that. And prove their medal and increase the diversity. I want to talk specifically about that, one of the most frequently heard complaints by aa degree holder whose are leaving and trying to make that leap into four year schools, is that theres credited erosion and they end up were more than two years journey to a four year degree. Sometimes within shared public systems. The fact we are in the same state, we dont off operate as a system, and i think at the end of the day. We have to have conversations about Curriculum Alignment from the beginning. We have to talk about the path way of the student. From the Lower Division level to the division level, if they understand that it is not a hurdle to get from this side because theres a gentle walk that you are able so do that and then both institutions are working with that in mind. I would offer states are you see much more tight couples where the state agencies agencies have work to force those conversations i worked in illinois illinois required that through a master articulation process, all of those things work in the best interest of students. And i would offer that Community Colleges are hungry for that. We know what our students are doing schools like yours around the country. Sure. Already very heavily subsidized. Covering about 30 of the cost of having someone in a seat learning from a teacher could you handle many more students than you have now . Lets say we fast track this president ial proposal and suddenly there are thousands more that want to come through the doors. The first thing i said, welcome that challenge, the opportunity to try to do that, but the second part, what makes Community Colleges unique is that we are tightly coupled with our community. So i know that right now if i needed to find additional space, my county executive, are going to be very invested in trying to create that space and opportunity for me, i can work with local high schools we can figure out ways to make sure that partner Community Colleges are also doing that so maybe question with have conversations making sure we arent creating the same programs. I welcome the opportunity to solve that problem, verses the problem of not having access to Higher Education because they cant afford it. When we return, the country has just come through long years of severe cut backs as recession strains state budgets. Will the president s proposal to open Community College to more people get the state support it theses to work . Stay with us. Sunday night. 140 World Leaders will take the podium. Get the full story. There is real disunity in the security council. About issues that impact your world. Infectious diseases are a major threat to health. The week ahead. Sunday 8 30 eastern. Only on Al Jazeera America. No matter how you feel about the Health Insurance reform law states ruling themselves in or out have had a tremendous impact on the operation of that law. Facing determined opponents in state houses and an enormalized house retreat from public support for higher ed, can the president rely on state cooperation with his new Community College plan . Josh. Well, we have to remember this origin fated in a state. Tennessee adopt add plan for free Community College, point over students initially signed up. Indicated an interest in it, if i am across the border in kentucky can afford not to . Can i afford to have my citizenry less educated than those across the border, in tennessee. So i think the real question is whether states can afford not to you know this has been cast as a federal imposition, the reality is it is a state partnership. There is nothing that says exactly what they have to do, and it is a partnership. 25 by states clearly, there is significant conversation as to where the money will come from both the federal and state level. But the premise of advance human capitol i think states understand. Arent states already straining under the weight of the obligations they have. Clearly. States have a lot of things they are spending money on, so does the federal government, i this i theres a huge question about whether the federal government will agree to pay for this, so this is a proposal that has to get through congress. And the reality is we still havent seen the details on it. We dont foe where the money is supposed to come from, we dont know how they are going to determine what programs are acceptable under this. What all sorts of information we dont yet have. And i dont think states will want to commit one way or the other. Thats a lot of money to say so we with can get more federal money, do we spend 20 billion . And especially do we spend it when i think there are a lot of open questions about how effective will this be . Does it fit the work force need we have . Because the data suggests it wont, and there are questions can Community Colleges handle what is going to be a big influx of people, and actually work to get them into jobbens that exist and theres talk in the fact sheet, about there will have to be reformed made how there that be done. You work in a state with a new republican governor, he thinks the government of maryland is too big, do you think it will be easy as all that . To guilty states to come onboard. I dont think lit be easy, but the best things in life that are worth it arent easy. My governor has articulate admitment to economic development. Work force development is development. And thats what Community Colleges do exceptionally well. We continue to be stars in making sure that we help prepare a work force that is responsetive the local community. We have to have conversations about the finance of the Community Colleges. State of maryland for every dollar that is spent to the university system, 19 cents goes to the Community Colleges from the state. So if we want to have a conversation about the ways in which we create a path way to Higher Education, to work thats available in the community, we to have a have conversation very quickly, what do you know about this plan. One thing i am excited about and i want to see if it happens is this idea this program will allow for career technical education, which bellnt grays dont pay for, to allow to be paid for in this program i want to make sure we encompassing all programs will there be a degree limitation on that. Great to talk to you all that brings us to the end of this edition, thank you for being with us, the program may be over but the conversation continues, we want to hear what you think about the issues raised on todays show, log on to our facebook page, and tell us what you think or follow us on facebook on twitter our hanle is a. J. Inside story a. M. , or you can reach me directly at ray swarez news, we will see you for the next inside story, in washington, im ray swarez. After a while, the Intelligence Service decided there was no more risk because there were other priorities at the time. America tonight in paris, on what french intelligence knew and shoff known before the charlie hebdo

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