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When pro russian demonstrators began to cheese building the government threatens them, told them if they didnt leave, disban, stop their provocations the Ukrainian Military would move against them. The deadline came and went, continuing to seize government facilities and military material. The ukraine i dont know government says the protestors tried to move on to a base for troops of the recently formed Ukrainian National guard, and this time three prorussian demonstrators were killed 13 wounded, more arrests. And it began to look like Eastern Ukraine was becoming more and more ungovernable. Began to consider the loudsy outsomes can. After high level talks all parties agreed it was time to step back and look for a way to end this without war. Diplomats from ukraine, and the union agreed on steps towards deescalation the violence thursday. All illegally armed groups must be disarmed. The streets, squares and other public spaces in all cities must be vacated and amnesty must be granted to all protestors except those found guilty of illegal crimes. But u. S. Secretary of state john kerry warns there must be more than words on paper, and soon is. I made clear today, that if we are not able to see progress, on the immediate efforts to be able to implement the principles of this agreement this weekend, then we will have no choice but to impose further costs on russia. Theres also been report of jewish resident residenn the ukrainian city being ordered to register their religion with the no so called authority. We strongly condemned and rejected all expressions of extremism, racism, and religious international remembers including antisemitism. The summited props to send medical supplies to the military. The actions of the russians over the last two months is not only eric holder responsibility, and violates integrity and sovereignty of the nation, but it is dangerously irresponsible. Russian president says the prorussian demonstrators in Eastern Ukraine are not acting with his government. Tall of these people are local citizens and the best proof so this is people put off their masks. They will not go away, they are the masters of this land, and it is necessary to talk with them. But he did concede for the first time, that the troops in unmarked uniforms that took over last month were in fact russian soldiers. I didnt conceal that it was our task to provide conditions for the Free Expression of the will, thats why we had to undertake necessary measures so events didnt evolve in the way they are today in the southeast of ukraine. Thats why, of course, our servicemen stood behind it. But resolutely and professionally. They made a military intervention, at the very beginning he said there was were no russian p toos today he recognized that there were russian p toos indeed. Now he recounted the fair tail that these are not his agents that he had sent there and create add terrorist network. The russianed signed on to that statement, and the question now becomes will, in fact, they use the influence they have exerted in a disruptive way, to restore some order so that ukrainians can carry out an election, move forward with the decentralization that they proposed, stabilize their economy, and stewart getting back on the path of growth and democracy. And that their sovereignty will be respected. The two with leaders agreed they must use their influence, to calm tensions. The seven photograph joint geneva statement called for monitors from the organization for security and cooperation in europe, to play a lead role in implementing the agreement, if this breaks down europe and the u. S. Have threaten ped additional sanctions against russia. The joint statement saw all signs prompting the others to refrain from violence, intimidation, provocation, now all the parties take a deep breath and maybe the increasing momentum toward open conflict gets slowed down. At least for now. Thats this time on inside story. Joining us to discuss the geneva talks and the next steps on the ground in ukraine are from new york, thomas graham, former special assistant to president george w bush. President of the center on global interests and in kiev, a ukrainian political analyst, he is director of the Ukrainian School of political studies. Let me start with you, the agreement calls in part for the disarming of these groups. All illegally seized buildings all the occupations in Public Places ended is this a break for the government . Does this allow them to take control of the eastern part of the country . Yes, it is first, and initial condition for starting negotiation, and talks with the people. Because now we have a deal with armed groups quite small but well prepared, trained groups which are the city the building police. I think the disarmament will be very Good Development for starting conversation with the people, frying to establish so called reconciliation process, including Civil Society Political Forces and first of all government, because government is not able to come to talk with people and not to explain further steps concerning reforms concerning constitutional reforms economic stablization, and Peace Keeping. A lot of the illustrations out of geneva, featured not members of the interim government, but john kerri, as if it was a deal between with the two of them. Was ukraine a full partner in hammering out this agreement . Yes, of course. I think first of all, very important that it was a First Official meeting between Foreign Ministers of ukraine and russia federation. And, of course, we have an expectation that ukraine will also be part of a consensus building especially in the Peace Keeping and withdrawing of russia troops from ukraine. Does the way this all came down, in effect concede that russia is is a party to what happens in Eastern Ukraine . If not in law, in actual diplomacy . Well, you know this idea of the legal organization, and troops in ukraine, its not the first attempt to do it. Disarmament did not happen, so now they are trying to do this again, and they can feel from reaction. And very little hope that this can be done this time. So if it would not be disarmed by now, then the United States and russia, are absolutely correct, have to take responsibility on russia, it could be the responsibility to come and to disarm them. If you add to this, russia would most likely not recognize president ial election, and russia does not recognize current government basically, and most feel extremely skeptical attitude towards this today. And really a lot of people believe the political elite, that nothing will go through. Is then russia will have moral responsible to fix things. Was the United States role played well this time . Is. I think all of the diplomats did a good job in coming one a document, that at least creates a frame work for deescalating the crisis. The important point here is implementation. And that will be the real test of who controls what where in ukraine at this point. I think what we will see is to what extent the situation is controlled. There are a lot of forces on the ground, with arms that dont really answer to any of the four parties that were in geneva today. So whether they get this under control or not remains to be seen. We heard the president talking about the importance of establishing ukrainian sovereignty on ukrainian territory. Yet, there was Vladimir Putin talking about Eastern Ukraine, do we have to acknowledge that he has a lot of say about what ends up happening even as we dont legally recognize him that is the russian president , as a party . Look, the russians have a great deal of leverage over what happens inside ukraine. To get the energy dependance, the influence that they can recognize through some elements of the ethnic russian, russian speaking population in ukraine. In a sense, diplomatically they are a party to this conflict, in the same way this the United States and the European Union are. Come to a resolution, but without the support from the outside, that is not going to happen. We are going to take a short break, and when we come back, well talk about what brought the parties to the table, just as things are starting to look like they were unraveling. This is inside story. What excites me about detroit is the feeling of possibility. 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Diplomates in geneva emerged from a six hour meeting thursday with word of a deal to ease tensions in ukraine. In Eastern Ukraine profess tors must leave government building and disarm in return they will be granted amnesty. The deal comes hours after russian president Vladimir Putin referred to Eastern Ukraine as the new russia is. And admitted for the first time, that it was russian p toos that moved into crimea earlier this year. Was that an important admission, and there is a lot of space, between what sergei was saying in geneva, and what putin was saying in this wide ranging news conference. It is important to mention that the geneva discussion did not talk about crimea. And putin and his prez conference, said that crimea was a case because they had a huge public support to join russia. Putin said it in his prez conference, it believe it is much less. Unlike crimea wants to go to join russian federation. There are Certain Armed groups on the russian flags. The fighting now in Eastern Ukraine, but all showing the majority of the People Living there dont want to move to russia. I think very seriously for the influence, but on the other hand it is a very serious option for the west with, to offer those people something interactive, and can they do it or not, it is a question for the part of the conference. It is an interesting point to turn to you, because you heard what nikolai was saying about a large number of ethnic russians not wanting to join russia. Does that create an opening for a way to live inside the country, be russian, but still be ukrainian citizens . Yes, of course. Its very similar situation in crimea too. Because all developments in crimea, were not in accordance to the legislation, and international norms. Talk about the crimea referendum, it is impossible to conduct with a military presence. With pressure of military on the citizen ises. Including the point that crimea didnt want a lot of ukrainian people didnt want the referendum, and a lot of russian people are gnetales very happy from the decision to joining russia. Of course we have room for positive development for more conditions to russia people, specifically talking about usage of russia language on their territories. As a local language, and of course, one of the mostnt Political Forces issues which is now discussed here in kiev, and the regions is the reform of the centralization. Offering more stables to conduct economic activity. If what he is talking about is implemented and they come to some sort of rough compromise over the next couple of years. Whats the United States play . Because right now we are talking about crimea, our government is still is talking about it as if it is not part of russia, it is still is part of ukraine, and wants to go to the mat to make that point. At some is point, does United States let crimea go, in favor of more stability in Eastern Ukraine . Well, i dont think formally the United States is going to be prepared to let crimea go. What will pursue is is is more likely a tom of nonrecognition. It may not have much of an impact on the conditions on the ground, the way things operate in crimea, nor how we deal with various aspects of russia in that part of the world. But limit be a formal policy that can come into play if it changes. Certainly for the United States now, i think the first goal is to help stabilize the situation, inside crimea, inside ukraine, get to some national con sen is survivors on the political system. And deal with the issue well out into the future. So does it make twentyfifth elections have the potential for being a clarifying moment for all the partners. President putin has indicated he doesnt believe these will be legitimate. They zillion make the claim that yanukovych a legitimate president , but if theres a high turn out and a clear victory by one individual in the president ial elections certainly europe and the United States are going to recognize this as legitimate. Put that will also put more pressure. After all, president putin has been talking about the will of the people, expressing that through a political process. And a free Fair Election is nothing over than the expression of the people. We are take a short break, and when we come back, we will talk about what arrows remain in the quivers for all the parties. Everybody around the table had something they can still pull in the next couple of weeks. You are watching inside story. Theres more to finical news than the ups and downs of the dow. For instance, could striking workers in greece delay your retirement . Im here to make the connections to your money real. Spill with us from new york, former special assistant, for russia is. President of the center of global interests and from kiev. Thomas graham, today, john kerry reserves the right to put further sanctions if things dont move forward smoothly. A lot of commentators say they didnt have much leverage, but all the metrics we use to measure a healthy economy, russia has had a rough couple of weeks, was that something that actually is telling in a moment like this . Where they come the the table and start to talk . I actually dont think so, the economy has a whole host of patrols that have long standing that obviously the government needs to deal with, i dont believe that the sanctions themselves have played an instrumental role in the way putin thinks about ukraine at this point. Clearly people will say otherwise because they want to suggest that they are working and they want to hold out the possibility of further sanctions. In the last several days there have been further threats can was already pretty weak. This is not a country that has billion well run or very prosperous. What can your country, men and women do in the coming years to set to butt press the idea of political legitimacy, through Economic Prosperity . You are right, it is very important to show that new government and new president which should be elected in may or june, will implement, with the ukrainian union, with increasing of trade, with with looking for sources, of gas and oil to ukraine, and of course to establishing more competitive environment for business, and creating more Investment Climate here. Which is also dependent to the system and political systems here. We expect them to do all these reforms in context to the european integration, and of course we expect that russia will allow us to do this, because now the main factor is that of this organization, is that russia factor on the border, in ukraine on the eastern. Boy, isnt that where the game is won or loss, will they allow us to do it, will they . Faulks about billions of dollars over Energy Sources can i think is 35 billion now, so talking about long term solutions. He was talking about something broader. Yeah. A whole tilt towards the west. And western europe. Yeah, i dont think thats the main goal, where everything is started. Russia i think in the ideal world will help ukraine as a buffer state. Organization and european, or god forbid nata, and a big control from russia over eastern and southern is part of ukraine. Maybe up to the russian goal in the kind of development. But talking about elections we should not forget that today was legally recognized by russia. And he will be here where the republic was announced and i think russia will put him as a challenger. Which will split from the ukrainian leverage. Thomas graham, great to talk to you all, thank you for being with us, that brings us to the end of this edition of inside story, in washington, im ray swarez. Terror on the seas. 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