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America. Why are exorcisms. Evil incarnate has force. Exorcism is a priest or deacon having power over spirits in the name of the victorious and risen christ. In the next 24 hours, can you top this. Nominations can be is good time. People go overboard and get hurt. The carn age continues in the syrian war. After nearly three years of brutal fighting many around the world turned around from this story, which is why save the children marked the anniversary with a web video. It marked the conflict as if it happened in syria. Make a wish. Im joined by the save the children Vice President , michael the video is powerful. How many people have seen it. What is the response. Its been a very, very strong response. I think over 13. 5 Million Viewers have seen the video, it was our effort to help people connect with what is over there, by bridging it over here and removing the foreign next. Horror. The numbers of children whose staggering. More than 7,000 killed, 1. 2 million are refugees, two and a quarter million denied an education. 5 million need help. There are kids displaced within syria. This is the worst humanitarian crisis. Its horrific circumstances. Thats why we are encouraged that so many have viewed the film. Therell be empathy when we bark the third cann sersry. And hope that the world can turn a corner and start both getting humanitarian aid to help people, and accelerate the process of settlement. Talking about the humanitarian aid, 18 of syrian children under 5 are refugees, meaning they have to leave syria, if it is happening in the United States, more than one in 40 American Children would have been driven from their homes. Is one of the issues that the numbers are so overwhelming and going op, that it drives people away from giving, rather than helping. Theres a number of things. Assistance will put bread on peoples stableses. Medical care and support. We need resources to do that. Secondly, its important that the worlds leaders understand that people want to show solidarity with families in syria, and we need to accelerate to open up the channels for getting systems in, and accelerate effort to bring about a political settlement. People can raise their voices. That will be part of the problem, that they have not been terribly willing to negotiate, including allowing humanitarian aid in. We are showing the horrible pictures from refugee camps, we saw how it snowed and it was freezing cold and people were living in tends in many places, more than 2. 5 million syrians were struggling to survive. Every day we saw new pictures of fighting. What can people do to help save the children and other organizations that are trying to people. I have not been inside syria, but i visited our work in neighbouring countries, and save the children is reaching over a Million People inside syria itself, and the neighbouring countries where large numbers of syrians sought refuge. People can provide support to nonprofits, and as i mentioned they can encourage the governments to step it up and ensure that humanitarian aid is getting to people inside syria. That is where the gap is. Theres good assistance provided to refugees in jordan, lebanon, iraq and egypt. A shortfall is support for people inside syria, and we have to do more to get the aid in. The Security Council passed a resolution. It was a diplomatic breakthrough that has to pass into a humanitarian broke through. You you thank you and good luck to save the children. Recent events turned the image of a happy whale upside down. A controversial documentary blackfish point the story of a whale at sea world. A top trainer had been pulled under water and drowned by the orca. Now a bill has been introduced to force the theme park to end its shows in an effort to protect highly social and intelligent animals. Im joined by richard bloom, a democrat proposing the ban on orcas in cap difficulty. And the nephew of the jacks cousset. Richard, what do you hope to achieve with the legislation. Thank you. Its good to be here. The bill would do a number of things. The most important would be to end the captive breeding program. Any captive breeding program. And it would also make it illegal the import or export of the issuingas into or out of the state of california. Are these issuingas suffering in the orcas suffering in the kept. Its an important question and you bring up a great point in the debate that is happening, one that is overdue. Fundamentally its hypocritical to take a creature who can swim 100 miles in a day, and that has a rich and deep social tie in nature, to degrade the quality of life to enhance hours, and indeed the habitat. No matter what we do, the whales in captivity is nothing like what the life is like in the wild. While i heard people refer to treating them like kings, you know, the truth is if you put them in a room, my life is in a small engaged bathroom. People making noise, i dont think that it is a quality of life that any creture deserves. Richard, if the orcas cant survive in the wild, what do you propose be done. That they not entertain, and just be kept still under the similar conditions to what they are in now. The orcas are surviving in the wild. Lets bear that in mind. There is an argument. Some believe, especially the ones born in captivity, cant survive in the wild. That is correct. The ones born in captivity cannot survive in the wild. We are not proposing that they be released from captivity. What we are saying is that they are not doing well in captivity, the life spans are several reduced and they live in a in a state of stress that is leading to bad consequences for those that are in captivity. We want to end the captivity program. It will be over a period of time because these great mammals that have been bread in captivity or in a limited number of cases brought in from the wild and domesticated for the most part wild. Are there no positives to have orbingas in captivity. One member of a zoo and Animal Organization org use out of site, out of mind. If humans dont connect, well be less inclined to have preservation levels. I take issue with that, and consider the fact that elephants or rhinos have been in captivity for 200 years. They were never in captivity. There was an outcry and whaling was stopped in the early part of the 20th century. I find that the evidence demonstrates that the correlation between the two is not that strong, and we dont necessarily have though have animals in captivity in order for us to care about them. Money. How about baluga whales. There is a Successful Program for breeding them. Are some animals okay to have in captivity if we protect them. It depends on the animal and the surround we offer them. Its easier to create a safari park its virtually to recreate their life in the mild. They are against the concept. Its a complex social group. At sea world aquarium and the georgia aquarium, they just plied to do that. The animals were taken out of the wild in russia, introduced to a captive situation that is unacceptable for anyone to agree to take captive animals and put them free animals and put them into a captive situation. Its unacceptable. Where do we draw the line. They are talking about marine animals. Captivity. I rely on the opinions of scientists like the cousteau family, like the folks who are supporting my bill. We have reached out into the Marine Mammal scientific community, and have heard recounting opinions that the type of program that economists at sea world keeping the killer whales in captivity is not a good idea. What about san diego. Down there i dont think you are popular. The newspaper, the mayor, assembly men spoke out saying sea world brought tens of millions into the economy, and that they this makes no sense. Well, actually, that same newspaper ran a poll asking its public what they thought about the bill, and folks that are running about twothirds, one third in favour of the bill. I dont think my popularity is suffering, but my popularity is not what is important. This bill is about a program that we should bring to a close. I think the public and the scientific community, including very conservative publications like scientific american, which came out with an editorial supporting the types of actions that we have in my bill. Theres really a resounding amount of popular opinion, and scientific opinion that supports the ideas in my bill. They are magestic animals, and its good to talk about them and raise consciousness about them and see what people decide in the future. Scared as hell. As american troops prepare to leave afghanistan get a first hand look at what life is really like under the taliban. Were going to be taken to a place, where theyre going to make plans for an attack. The only thing i know is, that they say theyre not going to withdraw. Then, immediately after, an america tonight special edition for more inside and analysis. Why did you decide to go. Its extremly important for the western audience to know why these people keep on fighting. Its so seldom you get that access to the other side. Faultlines on the front lines with the taliban then an america tonight special edition, only on Al Jazeera America could ecigarettes be forcing adolescents to smoke . Are they a gateway to the real thing or is it that more smokers are trying the electronic version to quit or out of curiosity. We are joined by lauren, a researcher at the center, for tobacco research. She is one of two researchers. The media reaction is varied. Some claim that the study shows that egrets are a gate way to real cigarettes, is that misreported or are you confident this smoking ecigarettes is leading adolescents to smoking real cigarettes . Its tricky, as we said many times, this is Cross Sectional data. I cant tell you that it is causing kids to smoke. Its possible that it is a gate way. Thats left to be demed. We saw the kids using ecigarettes if more likely to be tobacco smokers. We saw that this doubled among teens. Studies showed the total number declining, if ecigarettes is growing in leaps and bounds. Smoking. That is something we might see in the future. Ecigarettes have only been popular in the u. S. For the last couple of years. The data we have on ecigarette use is on 2011 and 2012. Generally the dat owe from c. B. C. Is older than that, when we talk about convention tall possible abbingo. Here are some other findings, current esecret use was associated with smoking or having smoked secrets in the past and mistakers that used cigarettes were likely to intend to quit smoking. Could that be used to arg ou against iyour use. The taken edgers using ecigarettes were likely to be planning to quit. They are less likely to have stamed smoking. You maptioned it briefly. How significant was the number of teenagers. Were you able to find kids whose first use of nicotine. We saw that among middle school students. 20 of them had never tried a tobacco secret. Not even a puf. We saw that 7 had not tried a puff of conventional tobacco cigarettes. Some smokers used other nicotine delivery devices. How much do you think the use of ecigarettes is in that way. There have been some studies showing that ecigarettes are used in great numbers to try to quit. Y, i think the trick yes, i think the tricky thing with the data is a lot of the existing studies have been online surveys of people whare buying cigarettes. There are reports of people quitting. Its something we have heard. Based on our study we cant talk about what is doing on with adults, but among adolescents, it looked like they hadnt quit. Some of the strongest criticism comes from dr michael segal. He said that the authors seemed to have an axe to grind. I could argue that he says what the study shows is that people who are heavy smokers are attracted to ecigarettes because they are looking to quit. How do you sonned to that . I would say what you found was they were less likely to have stopped smoking. I think it counters a second argument. You know, i think the most important thing is to focus on the findings. We can talk about my personal opinions about ecigarettes, but the most important thing is what the data shows. If you read the study, you know what it shows, we are talking about highquality data from the c. B. C. , high quality analysis, and two educated researchers trying to express these findings, not only in the paper, but also to the public. Comments about our personal opinions, thats not going to be paper. A lot of studies will have to continue to be down on this as it changes the whole world. Good to have you with us. Thank you. Switching topics to a drinking game that has gone viral on social media, but has turned deadly. Called nick nomennate it incuds players chugging alcohol. They dare friends in online video to oneup what they do. Harmeli aregawi reports on a dangerous game that has glamed five lives worldwide. Its called necknominate. It starts by the participate drinking or, as the british and aussies say, necking. Then the person nominates other people by name. [ bleep ] challenging them to top the drinking in creative, outlandish and dangerous ways. The online videos pressured the people nominated into participating. The game is believed to have starts in the u. K. , when this video was posted last year. I nominate all of you whose christmas. A Facebook Page def i dont think to neck and nominnate credits sampson for starting the craze. Young men and women consume large amounts of alcohol and sometimes adding dead animals into their drinks to top their nominators. Five men from the u. K. And ireland died, participating in this craze. In our research we found a couple of guys in Washington State neck nominating. It doesnt look like its gaining traction in the u. S. To discuss this further. Joining us from our studio in los angeles, wendy walsh, who has been following the trend. Binge drinking, filming yourself, getting drunk and doing crazy things, it may have started as someones idea of fun. Five people have decide. Why in the world would anyone find this appealing. Its mostly taking place with young men. Mother nature is perfect. They make sure more boy babies are born than females, because by the time you reach middle age we are about evened out. The testosterone serve makes men try atrisk behaviour, whether its joining gangs, driving, or drinking too much on the internet. Therell be a few knuckle heads and a few will lose their lives. Some of the knuckle heads are women. One recent stunt involved a 21yearold woman who road a horse into a store. She didnt drink much, but did it as part of a neck nominate dare. Some are risking arrest. It seems with showing off and foyerism. Your friends see you and you get a thrill out of it. The reference is clear that what the internet has done is given a wonderful platform to extroverts. You could pretty much correlate the personality types or disorders with internet use. Theres a bunch of others watching and laughing. They are called the lookers and watchers who are not doing this. Whether they are male or female, this is what the internet has down. Given a flat form. Others argued that its not so much about it being appealing. Theres a dark side to it that is about bullying. It is putting peer pressure to do stupid and dangerous things. I might argue that long before the internet this happened at frat parties and in dorm rooms, and hazings all over the world. Specifically in this country. In a way, the fact that it was online is bringing the problem into the open where you and i can talk about it, governments can talk about it. Parents can warn their children about it. Sadly people died in dark frat houses before in, and nobody poisoning. You are right. That brings up an important point how big of a problem drinking already is in the u. S. , especially in clem. The numbers about College Students and drinking are really shocking. Four out of five students drink. Half of those are believed to binge drink. The National Institute reported that 1825 College Students between 18 and 24 die every year from alcoholrelated unintentional injuries. Many were assaulted by another students who were drinking, and 97,000 student were victims of alcoholrelated Sexual Assault and date rain. The numbers go on and on and on. What can be done to combat this . I would venture to say the number on Sexual Assaults is highly underreported. Theres so much shame around this issue. The issue is somehow do we teach children or adolescence to drink responsibility. In europe, theres no drinking age, theres a guideline, and the average age that student have wine with their parents is 12. Im not sure that that is the way. We keep moving the drinking age to older and older and older. You cant have a shot of whiskey until you are 21. Answer. As we mentioned. Facebook devoted to this game made its way to the United States shows that it made its way to the us. All the deaths occurred overseas. How much traction do you think it will gain here . Well, i did hear that my own college nephew in canada. Has someone asked him to participate. He was not about to be shamed by it. I think that americans tend to be. They tend to be less conformist and stand on their own. They may not take the bets or bullying, i dont know. Well see what happens. I do know, having lived in europe that there is correlated, theres more drinking there than here. Partly because culturally theres a lot of pressure, to conform, have social convention, its almost like you are not allowed to let loose. We dont need alcohol to be crazy. I dont think it will catch on as much as we think. I would never argue for censorship, but should social Media Companies like facebook, twitter do more to combat the videos. It does take offensive content down. Facebook gave us a statement saying that we do not tolerate do you think companies should do more. We need to make culpable the Alcohol Companies that market to people and adolescents. I think i dont think that will solve it. Social media its good and bad. The bad is that maybe the odd kid, young person is going to think its a cool trend and adopt it. Plenty more will be warned. Bus their seeing this, and you and i are talking about it. Deaths from alcohol poisoning are real. Theres a Facebook Page ecouraging people, instead of in effectnominating or creating a chain of good deed. I like that one. Me too. Dr wendy walsh. The increasing tensions between the u. S. And rush ahave renewed concerns over security. My next guest suggests a threat to our security is americas ailing Education System and failure to produce enough scientists, engineers and creative thinksers that our economy needs to survive. Im joined by a retired c. E. O. Of the lockheed organization, a defence contractors, and retired army chief. Before we get to education, you cowrote an article about a forum you sat on identifying 50 ways to improve security, congress didnt act on it before 9 11, and afterwards only one, the department of Homeland Security. Is congress undermining security. I would have to say it is. The the study, the hartredmond study was put together Bay Commission spanning the political spectrum, coming to a conclusion on 50 recommendations. Before 9 11 americans were elected to die by the thousands, and we said what we thought ought to be done. After 9 11, even establishing the Homeland Security department was considered. Its very hard, in my view, among others, that we are endangering national security. Over the past week we saw the war break out between the c. I. A. And senate. With charges of countries spying on each other. With that kind of system of oversight, its difficult for anyone to believe anything could get done. Its very hard. I have spent life in the corporate world, and no corporation could survive with that type of management or leadership. We cant have hundreds of different committees overseeing the security department. Do you think theres a will to change your it. Nod today. Im afraid it will take a catastrophe before we will do anything. My hope is that its a survival catastrophe. Lets turn to education. You think its important when it comes to national security. You are writing a book. You spoke about all this at John Hopkins University last fall. You mentioned a couple of things that stood out. How far down the line is the United States on compared to other developed nations, and you bring up that more than 70 of Young Americans may be ineligible for service because of mental, physical or moral shortcomings. How do we get here . Its taken a long time. There are a number of factors that get in national security. Most Young Americans are not eligible to serve in the military for the reasons cited. America is not producing scientists and engineers. There was a study of 93 countries what per cent studied engineering. The countries were thirdly world countries that most havent heard of. Thats a factor that is a real concern. Science and Technology Underpins the economy. You cant have a Strong Military without a Strong Economy. Ago. You point out that 70 of engineers in this country, the ones graduating from college are foreign born. What do we have to do to get more engineers and scientists. You bring up the fact that in other parts of the world its cool, its a smart thing to do to be an engineer and scientist. Here we have a tendency to look at them as nerds and keecks. Thats right geeks. Thats right. Engineers take pride in talking about themselves as being geeks, which is not helple. You never see a program where the scientist is the hero. Our culture today is not supportive of this kind of thing. All of us have our pockets full. In other countries, as you point out. Its one of the favourite callings of young people. I think there are two solutions. One is to encourage more young people that want to study, to come to the country and stay here. That kept our science system working. The other is to encourage science and engineering. What that takes is firstrate teachers of science and technology, k through 12. Is the problem at that level as opposed to colleges. Towarding to the times of london. It is true. We have the overwhelming majority. Its a danger, i might add, more other reasons, the problem is a k to 12. Its around fourth agreed when a father tells a daughter the girls dont do maths, or when a teacher is not qualified to teach maths and science, or the students say why is this important . , and the teacher says, i dont know, but we have to do it. We need teachers with degrees in science and engineering who teach, paid appropriately, respected appropriately, and i think well see this turn around. You point out that our Younger Generation is less educated than their parents, the parents believe the kids will have a lower standard of living, and you talk about american exceptionalism. And greatness has to be earned by every generation. I guess my last question is how significant is this for our future. How concerned are you. Im very concerned. Its extremely important. The nations future depends on having a Strong Economy and it depends on an educated work so far as. Americans enjoy a g. D. P. That is six times the average of the rest of the world. You dont get there by being there below average. We are well below average of every test. It is important. I am concerned and i think we know many of the answers. Its not more money, how we spend the money. We look forward to your new book and thop talk to you then. Its a pleasure to have you on the show. Consider this will as we make our way back to work on monday, we may see a few flurries, we got good weather this weekend and have a lot to look forward to. We have a front pushing across the country, across the southeast that brought heavy rain across portions of alabama mike viqueira, 30 seconds. What do we expect the president to say . Reporter the administration once again announced another set of sanctions. And unlike the sanctions announced on march less than two weeks ago this actually named names in addition to four russians authorized to be sanctioned. Now another announcement, a separate executive order now we go to the briefing room. Obama in as much as the citizens of the ukraine have made their voices heard we have been guided by a fundamental principle. The future of ukraine must be decided by the people of ukraine. That means its sovereignty and integrity must be respected and International Law must be upheld. So russias decision to send troops into crimea as rightly drawn global condemnation. From the start the United States has mobilized in support of ukraine and to reassure our allies and partners. We saw this International Unity again over the weekend when russia stood alone defending its actions in crimea. As i told president putin yesterday the referendum in crimea was a clear violation of ukrainian constitution and International Law, and will not be recognized by the International Community. Today im announcing a series of measures that will continue to increase the cost on russia and those responsible for what is happening in ukraine. First, as authorized by the executive order i signed two weeks ago we are imposing sanctions on specific individuals responsible for undermining the sovereignty, territorial integrity and government of ukraine. Were making it clear that there are consequences to their actions. Second, i have signed a new executive order that expands the scope of our sanctions. As an initial step im authorizing sanctions on russian officials entities operating in armed sector of russia, and individuals who provide senior support to russian government. If russia continues to interfere further in ukraine we stand ready to impose furs sanctions. Well continue consultation with our european partners, who have moved ahead with their own sanctions against russia. Well meet with n. A. T. O. Allies, poland, latvia and lithuania, and ill be traveling to europe next week. At allies we have a solemn commitment to ou its defense and well uphold this commitment. International community will continue to stand together to oppose any violation of sovereignty and integrity and continue russian intervention in ukraine will only deepen russian diplomatic isolation and exact a greater toll on the russian economy. Going forward we can calibrate our response based on whether russia chooses to escalate or deescalate the situation. I believe there is a path to resolve this diplomatically. That includes russia pulling its forces in crimea back to their bases, supporting the deployment of international monitors in ukraine and engaging in dialogue with the Ukrainian Government which indicates its openness to pursuing constitutional reform as they move forward towards election this is spring. But throughout this process were going to stand firm in our unwavering support for ukraine. As i told the ukraine Prime Minister last week, ukraines right to determine their own destiny. Were going keep working with congress and our International Partners to offer economic support that it needs to weather this crisis and improve the daily lives of the ukrainian people. As we go forward well continue to look at the range of ways we can help our ukrainian friends achieve their universal rights and security, prosperity and dignity that they deserve. Thanks very much, and well be available for questions. Thank you. Youve been listening to the president of the United States speaking for the First Time Since the vote in crimea to join russia. It was a contested vote as many of the people who disagreed with the statement and many people decided to abstain from vote all together as an act of protest. Going further with the initial sanctions announced, a new executive order today. Reporter just as you heard the president say targeting at those involved in the arms sector and those providing Material Support for those who are responsible for what happened in ukraine. Those in the Upper Echelon of both the russian government close to vladimir putin, and now new sanctions allowed by a new executive order signed just today by the president. The president Standing Firm saying this is not over crimea. Its ukraine trying to keep the pressure on here. How much of this is going to bite into russia and change the behavior in their statement that they put out today. Even the president calling this a message being sent. He called for a need of International Unity calling for his prescheduled trip that is going to be fruitous, it turns out, accepting joe biden to the baltic states, all part of n. A. T. O. All of them very nervous. There have now been new arm shipments including f15s and f16s to control the skies over those nations. The situation is still precarious and more sensitive. There is hope, a glimmer of hope at any rate to see what the Russian Parliament is going to do with this referendum, whether theyre going to take action to follow up. Of course, this is all being made up as they go along. There is no playbook here. Its unknown exactly how this is going to play out in terms of the mechanism if crimea is to try or fold itself or fold crimea into russian territory or follow through on this annexation as everyone fears they will, or perhaps they will not. You heard for russia t to open p a dialogue. The so far the top echelon of the russian government time and time again refusing to do so saying this is not the Constitutional Government of ukraine. The government that sits there now, the interim Prime Minister who was in this very spot here in the west wing last week is not not the legitimate leader of ukraine. Its at an en pass and russia for all intents and purposes showing no signs of backing down, and now the president expanding the sanctions of two weeks ago. And for those who wish the white house to go further we had an expert this morning indicating these economic sanctions are the new weapons of war. The difference between the old cold war and this new cold war is everyone is connected economically. Your thoughts than . Two issues. Much has been made over the course of the last couple of weeks of how integrated the e. U. Is with the russian economy and more to the point how dependent they are on socalled extraction economy of russia, Natural Gas Oil being sent across the pipeline. I think john mccain called russia nothing but a glorified gas station in the way that only john mccain can phrase it. So the really the question is, and you saw the president talk about sanctions, and e. U. Created sanctions in the same move that they made, but the need for International Community is acute here, and its been difficult to achieve that kind of cohesion that will reverse russian behavior in this circumstance. Mike viqueira, at the white house. We go to jennifer glass, who is in ukraine and sevastopol. Crimea has decided they no longer want to be part of ukraine. Are there people who say that the west and the e. U. Are not doing enough . Reporter you know, here in crimea they say the west and the e. U. Should just butt out. Many people hearsay we had a vote. Weve chosen what we have chosen, and the legislature here this morning they wasted no time in making clear their intentions. Both declared independence and both asked russia to bring them in the fold. The russian flag is being flown everywhere here. We have russian aid, a convoy of trucks from russia coming in to crimea. Weve got russian nongovernmental organizations here, theyre going to try help with tourism and going forward. They are not sure how long the transition will take but they will go forward no matter the sanctions, no matter what th thy do. There are two scenarios playing out. One is that the International Community maintain that the referendum that took place in crimea was not legal. That being said there isnt an observer who that we have talked to on the ground that indicates that crimea wouldnt go towards russia, and that the majority of people there even in a flawed election would vote to rejoin russia. Reporter thats right. I mean, this is a very, very large ethnic russian population here. Many of them feel it was a mistake another lie 06 years ago when Nikita Khrushchev gave away crimea. They said we should have always been part of russia. There were huge celebrations in sevastopol. There will be concerts tonight. Cars are honking their horns and people are happy. There has been a campaign of intimidation and people feel they cant speak out. An ukrainian was beat be up in sevastopol. He has left the country. Those who are unhappy with th te situation either are leaving crimea or are staying and being very quiet. Many believe yesterdays referendum was not really a choice, and it was always going to move forwards russia. But the people who voted say they dont care what the rest of the world thinks. This was their choice. They were happy they had a choice. They celebrated yesterday. One woman said it was just as important when the soviet went in space, the day crimea declared independence. Is there a fear where you are that there will be violence . Reporter i dont think there is a fear here in crimea there will be violence. But i talked to one person who said theyre worried about the fascists coming here. And that is a refrain that were hearing over and over. Thats why theyre happy that Russian Troops came in. Im del walters in new york. We have more later. Start with one issue ad guests on all sides of the debate. And a host willing to ask the tough questions and youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et 2pm pt only on Al Jazeera America welcome to Al Jazeera America. Im del walters. These are the stories were covering for you. President obama announced sanctions after crimea voted to leave ukraine. Plus celebrating 40 years of the grand ol opry

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