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Ukraine all coming in the wake of the battles in the streets and people are waiting to see what happens next. Antigovernment protestor are gathering in the streets. The banging of the pots and pans are showing the protests. Spent years shadowing entry level workers at Top Investment firms. What they thought was a safe environment and unleashed about a number of things. We begin with ukraine, where a major deal is struck to end the violence between the police and the antigovernment protestor that threatened to shatter the country and the question is will the deal hold. They are shouting shame when the Opposition Leader spoke out in favor of the pact. The crowd grew angry when a coffin was lifted to the stage, a reminder of how many consider killed and injured. The protestor want the president Viktor Yanukovich out of office now and alauded when a leader threatened an armed attack if not resigning by 10 00 on saturday morning and limiting the powers of the constitution and establishing a government of narnl trust and mandating the president ial elections by december. Nick, nice to have you on the show. What is the situation there like tonight . Well, antonio, they are here. They are not going any where. About 50,000 people listening to the Opposition Leaders and they have booed and try odd overwhelm the sound of the Opposition Leaders and when the leader got up to the stage there was a huge applause about the line up against the president ial palace and saying insightful things, quite personal things about the president and so theres a taste for blood right now and that is because not only of the funerals held during the evening, like a vigil during the talk, but also a real sense of yesterday morning was the most deadly moment for the protestor and that was a deadliest day in ukrainian history. So their memory is very, very short and they want to feel the sacrifices they have made, that everything that they have done, the blood they have spilled will actually will be repaid and not rebade in the list in an agreement, it is repaid when Viktor Yanukovich walks out of the office and nothing else is getting them on the square or in the front lines and agreeing to the deal that requires them to leave Independence Square. That is a worrisome development, there is a long list of things they have agreed. Grant a blanket amnesty, providing Financial Aid to the wounded and families of the dead and also voted for a measure frees Viktor Yanukovich from a prison sentence and that was supposed to reenforce the settlement and making it work but it is not satisfying the protestor. Well, i think on paper it is satisfying a lot of people and perhaps in a day or two or a week perhaps well talk about the sobering up of the young youthful enthusiasm and the passion and the anger that is fuelling the people to stay in independentens square and in the trenches just a few feet below me here. But the anger right now is high and the memory of yesterday morning is still seared in their minds. Talk to some of the kinds, they are in the late teens or 20s and they talk about yesterday morning like it is their war. They went through their most absolutely horrific moments yesterday morning charging up a hill and eweding plastic shields against the automat make weapons and they want us and the people on the stage to remember, but you are right, on paper this is a deal that gives a lot of to the opposition, a lot to the people filling the square for the last three months and perhaps over time the anger with moderate and the notion of a what they have accomplished will set in and people will begin to feel proud or satisfied with some of the things they have gotten, even if Viktor Yanukovich is in power. But it was quite a day. Russia helped to mediate the peace deal, they also refused to sign it. I am joined from andre that served as the foreign minister in the 90s. You crane Opposition Leader said on friday, and i quote i am upset that the russians are not signing and im really upset. Should he be. Russia was in the middle of the negotiations. I am upset too, and i understand his feelings because russia should be a helping hand to ukraine and we tried in my time and we thought the movement of the ukraine to a democracy would enhance the movement in the same direction, but somehow kremlin choose to step on different path and that is very awkward and upsetting for me and for many people. As to the agreement itself, it is looking like a good agreement, but everything depends on the ability and resolve of the ukrainian people to see that this agreement is fully implemented and lived up toby president Viktor Yanukovich and there is little trust, so i fully understand the feeling of the square, so to say. But of course there should be a political process. The russian signature, it is unclear to me what it is not there. It is probably also a personal problem, a guy that was sent there by president putin hes kind of a person, quite a character, i know him for many, many years and so it could be as well his personal as, you know, political. But i wouldnt expect unfortunately todays regime to be supporting the changes. President putin spent an hour on the phone with president obama and discussing the ukraine and agreeing on stabilizing and decrease the violence and probably president putin is probably furious at this, do you think hell cooperate . I hope there will be a good faith as possible, but lets face it, temperature Independence Square uprising in ukraine kind of shows russia, todays Russia Kremlin that you know people could insist on change and that change is possible and that people in the very, very neighbor Sister Country might not agree to box themselves into the corner like russia, that is against the west and against change and everything, so i hope that theyll learn the lesson, too. But of course it is a painful lesson for them. It seems with the developments it is less likely that the worse Case Scenario that russia would send troops to the ukraine, but could they try to influence a spitting apart of akrun, we have discussed that ukraines eastern provinces are closer to russia and if ukraine moves toward an agreement with the European Union and moving in a prowestern way could Something Like that happen . Of course, you wouldnt expect unfortunately russia to be helpful to the real change, if real change will develop in ukraine, and there are more than one ways for russia to exercise its influence, its power, and you know, the best way which the west can and welcome the conversation between two president s and Obama Administration actually does go through the optimum in this case. They have spob supportive and cautious on the other. Actually america and the west could do for ukraine and for the change in russia proper is to encourage investment of western intechual capital into Shale Exploration in the ukraine. If ukraine becomes independent producerover gas and oil that would be a real game changer also for russia, today russia could avoid reforms sitting on the oil kind of wind fall. If ukraine starts to produce gas that would be valuable input. I encourage investment into this field. That would ukraine less dependent on russia. It is a pleasure to have you on the show. Thank you. Now to topics of the government protests in venezuela and the latest battlefield is the internet. The Telecom Company blacked a push to a walky talky app as they communicating in venezuela. It is tower was pulled down in a city that is described as a wor zone. Friday sought a funeral of University Student and beauty queen. She was shot at a protest on tuesday and people were hit by the bullets from the military. Other cities have large rallied scheduled for saturday. Founder and editor and chief of the americas quarterly magazine, christopher nice to have you us. Has the government escalated on the information car and last night he threatened to cut off access to cnn and perhaps the last independent News Organization that they can watch. Yeah, he clearly has, and the last i heard he had kicked out cnn. There are a number of things working here. This government has no tolerance for dissent. It closed down the television stations and newspapers that disagree with the government and now moving to the only remaining independent channels in the country, the first being cnn and the internet and social media tools, like the apps and twitter have become the sole means to communicate among themselves and the government want to control every aspect of Venezuela Society right now. It is very troubling. Not just information, there are reports that the government is dispatching 3,000 para troopers to a city of five hundred thousand and if you add to the violent oppression we have seen, it is no surprise that former president ial candidate that barely lost the election is asking what does the government want, a civil war, is a chance they are hayeaded to that . They have taken apart the state institutions. What would be means of resolving conflict and taken over sort the channels of communication and independent expression and there is a very real concern as they are doing this, the country is becoming po larized and lost the ability to resolve the conflicts peacefully. What happened is hes raised the rhetoric and the discourse and dispatching the National Guard and the armed thugs to control the crowds. Anything can happen. The possibility of real violence is imminent. The government is piling on against the protestor and hes accused of them of using Sharp Shooters even though there are videos of the governments Sharp Shooters out there and shooting the beauty queen themselves. There was a mother that spoke about her son who was wounded and what she feels what he hes saying. She said enough of the fasist touch and we are venezuelians and what do you say about the claims that they want to grab Venezuelas Oil . First of all, you know, i dont know whether it takes a facist to protest. We are talking the highest murder rate in the world. In the world. Second, inflakes rates of 56 . The highest inflation rate in the world. Scarcity rates 20 of the goods are not available. Basic goods like toilet paper, rice, corn, beans and declining Economic Growth and over valued exchange rate. These are common legitimate particular complaints about a failed Economic Situation in venezuela right now. Clearly what this government tried to do is avoid the responsibility in changing the course and blaming others. They blame the opposition and accuse them of forming a coo and blaming the United States, that is a classic blaming others. Certain point, these guys have to take responsibility for the failures and there are many. Continuing to get the messages out of jail and addressing the support, the military and saying to the police, sewediers and prosecutors and judges dont obey unjust orders and dont become the face of oppression. Will that res son nate . Again for the last 15 years is they have selectively picked apart the military. You are looking at basically three, four armed forces, the national police, the National Guard, they have always been at the command of the president , the armed forces, which the president has very effective coo oped and corrupted by the drugs trades, as well a para troopers. There could be moderates in the sectors and maybe coming to a point of refusing the orders of this government. They have been infiltrated by the government. The opposition is allgarts. Listen to that mother again. She said shes not an alaing garbing and saying that hes fighting the ideas with bullets. Tomorrow big protests are planned. A lot of criticism and no clear strategy. What do you think will happen and will this escalate . First of all, the opposition for the last five years or so has really much or nine years doubled down on the electoral strategies. But it is failed to allow them to capture legitimate particular frustrations over the Economic Conditions and now taking to the streets and this is because the other avenues of protests and independent voices are closed down. But the risk is you are going to face very much a confrontation because we are seeing the government raising the rhetoric and using the military to contain and control the demonstrations and while the opposition, opposition implies a political opposition, it is not, they are students and neighbors. The risk is this is very much becomeing heated and increaseingly asking his thugs and the armed forces to criminal them. This could lead to a very volatile situation and it is a National Protests moving. Anything can happen and across the situations that are not dependent on one command and control center and that is a very risk as well. We hope it stays peaceful. Thank you for joining us. Could u. S. Troops find themselves between israelis and pal tinnians. Looking at the long road to become part of the 1 . We are tracking the top stories on the web. What is trending. The police are closer to cracking a case that put mississippi two steps back. If you have questions or comments for the queguests twees or share your thoughts on our facebook page. Palestine leader suggested a United States peace leading coast could lead the Peace Agreement by their leader refused to trust a third party to ensure the security and could nato play a role in resolving the long standing conflict in the middle east and i spoke to john denny that wrote let nato keep the peace in palestine. We have a Research Professor from the Strategic Studies Institute from the war college, that is a long title, john. Nice to have you on the show. A thank you so much. Now to the security in the middle east, this is not a new proposal. A few years ago, the palestine leader supported the idea as did president bush and what happened then from keeping this Going Forward and why bringing it up again . It is going back to the late years of the second clinton administration. And for a variety of reasons, many of them having to do with internal politics within israel the stars were not aligned and everything, its been brought up again now and embraced by the Palestine Authority president and i think that the timing could be better now. It seems in terms of the emphasis that the u. S. Is putting on the peace negotiations that the timing may be right to talk about theesz kinds of details. I want to get to the israeli politics in a moment, to the nato Peace Keeping forces and they have had success in the past, do you they they would be suckful this a situation like this with the bad feelings and so many issues . Yes, nato is interested in helping, but first a comprehensive Peace Agreement, and they have to invite nato in and thirdly, a u. N. Mandate for the Peace Keeping operation and then nato would be willing to play a role. Those are big ifs and hes onlt trusting the israeli arm and not supporting a third party force. U. S. Is israels most important ally and why not trust a force led by the United States . This is a starting point for negotiations. We know nothing is easy or simple in israeli and palestine negotiations. Remember that the u. S. And israel have a long history of working together in Peace Keeping operations in this part of the world. Since the camp david accord. I think if they can Work Together in that context they could in this context as well. Why makeing this suggestion in the first place, hes gone pretty far, as far as saying that the gaza and the west bank could be demilitarized and relying on nato providing the security indefinitely. I think again this is a starting point for the negotiations and posturing on both sides and the west wont sign up for indefinite Peace Keeping there, but there is room for negotiations there. Bosnia and providing forces for that and Stabilization Force to follow on for 810 years and that would be what they would be willing to agree to. U. S. Military is pulled out of iraq and on the way out of afghanistan and people in the United States we are war weary, do you think that the American People would get behind those actions . I think so. There is a strategic interest in making sure there is a stable peace in that part of the world and having a moral interest. There is down sizing going on with the budgets and military structures on both sides of the atlantic, but if the agreement were in place, if there were a u. N. Mandate and nato invited in to assist, there would be a willingness on both sides of the atlantic to assist in implementing that agreement. How about financially, most of them in austerity mode after the recession . That is true. As a result of the debt crisis and recession, the Defense Budgets are cut on both sides of the atlantic and counter veiling trends. Here in the u. S. We saw congress providing relief from the sequestration for the department of defense and in poland they are increasing their Defense Budget and in germany they are looking to grow in the Peace Keeping operations and there are trends. That is an important discussion to be discussed. Turning to wall street, young bankers can rae late to the wolf of wall street world the big bonuses and drugs and according to a new book, the reality of life is anything but sexy. Joining us no kevin roose and spending three years shadowing workers at the leading Financial Firms for the latest book young money inside of the hidden world of the recruits. Kevin, good to have you with us. Amazing they were willing to talk to you. One of the things in the book, this is kind of, you actually say glamour meets mas schism. They are working hard. Yes, they are making good money. They are 22 years old and making 90,000 to 140,000 and that is great money for someone that young. On the other hand they dont have a lot of time to spend it. They are in the office 100110 hours a week. The banker 95 and working from 9 00 a. M. Until 5 00 a. M. The next day. And it is a culture of extreme unpredictability. You never know when the blackberry is going to buzz and return to work and so the people i followed are miserable. And feeling sorry rr for themselves. One calculating how much they would make if paid by the hour and about 16 bucks an hour and that is still good money. Wu complaining about a 25,000 bonus not being enough. Can we really feel sorry for them . That is something i tried to put aside for the sake of the book. I wanted to keep my judgments out of it and let the people tell their stories. This is eight people. This is not a culture ever examined in depth. These people are not allowed to talk to the media. I had to change their names and without the permission of the employers. I just wanted them to tell their stories. I dont feel sorry for them much. Half way through the book, i realized i wouldnt switch lives with them. They are incredibly unhappy. One point you raise and in color language that i can use on the air, are jerks drawn to the jobs or turned into the jerks . I dont think jerks, of the 8 people, i wouldnt characterize them as jerks but people come to wall street for Different Reasons than i expected. I thought they were in it for the money. Clearly why else would they do it it. What they said is they are coming to reasons more to do with security and stability and having a job after college. The big banks are great at getting to the colleges and drop us a resume and you will have a job and you dont have to worry and do it just for two years and follow your passion and you are paid well for a couple of years and the question that is raised so much in the media over the last decade and some of the 1 ers are taking issue with how they are demonized being horrible human beings and in the end, isnt that true of almost every business where the people are phenomenally successful, the actors and Television Anchors and athletes get into trouble and behave terribly. Silicon valley, and the money on wall street but nobody is complaining about the guys out west. Money is transformative. With wall street their misbehavior affects millions of people. If someone on the jets screws up, they are not getting people foreclosed on costing jobs. Wall street affects the rest of the country ant touches everyones lives and people get angry when the Financial Sector screws up. That is true. Your book is stirring a lot of discussion and social media posting that we have pulled up. Kevin, we were having fun with a gold man account and he likes the book, but saying this, clearly the type of person is the less meaning bankers and the type of person taking risk in collaborating and similarly minded and this is not making your conclusions less rev rev lant. I talk about this a bit in the book, i wrestle with the fact that there is a selection bias in the process. Thech agreed to talk to me and put their careers on the line to talk to me. There was something found redeeming in me and a little bit more sort of renegade than their colleagues and i met people successful and happy on wall street and loved their jobs and cant imagine doing anything else and those people do exist. What is changing that is sort of average harvard student studying history used to go to wall street because the money is there. One of the things that your book generated the most controversy about is this secret society of wall street big wigs and you snuck into a meeting of theirs and many dress up in drag, lets see some of that. Hillary clinton and a cat fish, what is feared on the water and one the feared on land. No, no. Well, that is the audio from a performance that was going on. You snuck into this. It seems sad. Im surprised, but this is kind of classless. Completely classless. Yes, this would have been cut from the wolf of wall street because going over the top. It is the big wigs on wall street and i snuck in and saw a bunch of wealthy and successful Business People behaving like 19yearold college students. That is incredible. How do they get so far out of touch . A lot of is social isolation, when you are that wealth and successful all your friends and colleagues are bankers and they are working for you or on your level in the industry. They dont have seesocial circl extending beyond wall street. Three are still left on wall street. The book is young money inside the hissen world of wall streets post crash recruits. Thank you for being on the show. Thank you. To trending on the web, you have a racially charged case today. Yes, three suspects are identified in the noose case. A noose and flag around the statute of the First Student enrolled at the school. He and the universitys lawyer believe quote sufficient evidence exists to bring criminal charges against the suspects. Police saying all three suspects are white and declined to comment and the fbi is involved and pressing hate crime charges if meant to intimidate africanamericans. They say we live in a post Racial Society and based on the actions it seems otherwise. If found guilty for hanging the noose, the men should perform a thousand hours of a community service. If found to be nothing more than a vague threat, it could be protected under free speech. Very ugly free speech. Straight ahead, building an empire out of legos and going from near bankruptcy to box office gold. How a salt shortage has some in fear over another polar vortex. Negativity fit for a political campaign. Al jazeera america. We understand that every news story begins and ends with people. The efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. We pursue that story beyond the headline, pass the spokesperson, to the streets. Thousands of riot Police Deployed across the capital. We put all of our Global Resources behind every story. It is a scene of utter devastation. And follow it no matter where it leads all the way to you. Al jazeera america, take a new look at news. Every morning from 5 to 9am Al Jazeera America brings you more us and global news than any other American News channel. Find out what happened and what to expect. Start every morning, every day, 5am to 9 eastern with Al Jazeera America. With an array of provide games and mooe movies, now the legos are bigger than every. 94 of the froft line was unprofitable and how did they build back to construct an empire. We are joined from mountain view, california by David Robertson and a professor at the Wharton School of business and teaching Product Development and author of the book brick by brick. Thank you for being on the show. An entire generation of kids have seen the movie and playing the games, web game, red read the books and conceivable they might never have played the real legos. Thats right. When you think about the legoss business, buying the plastic and selling it at 75 a kilogram. They have to do lots of stuff around it. You cant just sell a box of bricks any more. The market the competitive. They have to tell the stories and have those cartoons and the websites and the stores and other events to get the kids involved with the stories and making the boxes of bricks ir resis bl. They were throughout the 1900 and named the toy of the century and then on the verge of collapse, what happened . Well, you know, it is easy to look back and see it as ridiculo ridiculous, in the 90s a lot of companies lost their heads. Lego went through the same thing. In the late 90s they thought that the play stations would replace the physical toys and so they brought in a turn around expert, the first nonfamily guy to run the company and started invest in new play experiences and they ended up with big hits and theres a toy called a number of things and a lot of toys not appropriate for the brand, they were not good, got into businesses they didnt understand and not profitable. It didnt make money for them and crashed down in 2003 and very close to bankruptcy. So the turn around going the wrong way and what did they do to come back . They learned the lessons, the digital didnt disrupt the physical. If kids play with the virtuals they want more of the physical legos and compliment the bricks with the shows and the books and like the movie. But the other thing they learned is it cant be just a box of bricks, they have to work on developing all these complimentary innovations and so with, go ahead. Not only successful in doing that, growing by leaps and bounds throughout the recession and making a billion dollars in 2012, what are the lessons that their success in that turn around can teach to other industries . You know, it is amazing, here is a company that is doing small improves in the basic product and growing sales 24 every year. And they are selling a box of bricks. The lesson that i draw is that they are good at doing these portfolios of innovations. The box of bricks,s the story, the video game, the other things and lots of little innovations and together it is unbeatbl offerings to the market. The carmax, apple, red bull, they are doing the same type of strategies. And it is what saved lego. We cant invest in them because they are owned privately by a company in denmark, by a family, is that why we dont hear about them much because it is a family and low keyed . I guess that is part of it. I found a half dozen list of the most Innovative Companies and lego is not on the list of any of them. It is a very untold story i told in the book. With those profits you would think they could be getting the attention. David, great to have you on the show. Thanks for having me. The polar vortex left america freezing and buried in snow, but a man made issue is making things worse. Whispers and smears are part of the Oscar Campaign and does it i work. The surprising answer is coming up. Heavily armed, combat tactics every little podunk wants their tank and their bazooka. With s. W. A. T. Raids on the rise. When it goes wrong, it goes extremely wrong. Whats the price for militarizing our police they killed evan dead faul lines, Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. There blocking the door. Ground breaking. We have to get out of here. Truth seeking. Break though investigative documentary series. New episode, deadly force only on Al Jazeera America todays data dive is being rocked by the rock salt. Another polar vortex could be on the way and more snow on the way, and the snowstorms leped to wipe out the rock salt supplies and the snow is changing to ice and no salt to get rid of it. Some places found alternatives. Wisconsin upped the use of liquid cheese brine to melt the ice. Tens of thousands of gallons are mixed in. No wonder the state loves its cheese. Wisconsin already used 60 more salt than the average of the past five winters. New jersey is using a combination resembling pickle juice for years, salt and water that is cheaper. Only the third of the price. Others tried the beet juice and tomatoes and one crew in kansas used sand, however that covers but doesnt melt the snow. Indiana department of transportation bloun the winter budget for rock salt. The snow season is far from over and 31 million of the 33 million budget is gone. The shortage of rock salt has driven up the price. There are stories of price goeging in the country. Atlanta is looking into a subcontractor that delayed a delivery to one location and negotiating with others. Some people see opportunity no matter what the cost. Coming up, do Smear Campaigns work to win the oscar . The ugly business of the academy awards. Al jazeera america. We open up your world. Here on america tonight, an opportunity for all of america to be heard. Our shows explore the issues that shape our lives. New questions are raised about the american intervention. From unexpected viewpoints to live changing innovations, dollars and cents to powerful storytelling. We are at a Tipping Point in americas history Al Jazeera America. Theres more to it. No doubt about it, innovation changes our lives. Opening doors. Opening possibilities. Taking the impossible from lab. To life. On techknow, our scientists bring you a sneakpeak of the future, and take you behind the scenes at our evolving world. Techknow ideas, invention, life. On Al Jazeera America some of the most under handed tricks of the president ial campaigns including character assassinations and mud slinging, no matter true or false, has over taken the Oscar Campaigns but do they work. Bill, nice to see you. We are seeing the targeted campaigns against Dallas Buyers Club and wolf of wall street and are they having an affect . It is hard to tell. A lot of acting is going on and Smear Campaigns and then the telling the people you are the victim. It benefits on both sides. Dallas buyers club, it might be a little bit if indeed true that the lead character made to be something that he wasnt, orient, they are giving matthew high chances of winning best actor. Wolf of wall street, a lot of sort of social debate going on about it. It is about the social issues. I dont see that as being a big winner in any case. So a benefit because they are somehow seen the movies or the actors too as victims . Absolutely. In basketball it is called flopping. Im the victim of a Smear Campaign and both sides play it very, very well. The academy runs a very tight ship and they dont let it get out of hand and a lot of pressure under the surface and sometimes a little sam pms of it. But it is not happening that much but always making the campaigns more interesting. Some have been successful, sometimes the movie of great times lost because of the sneer campaigns. Yes, citizen cane, william randol Randolph Hurst didnt like it. One or two other the years you have seen it happen, but a lot of movies victims, a beautiful mind, that still won the best picture and best director. So it is hard to tell how much it is actually affecting. Ben affleck and matt damon. Yes. The oscars, you have to remember that the voters are a small group, 6,000 people based in the Film Industry and they are smart people, they werent born yesterday and they are open minded and they hear something and looked it and looked into good will hunting. It is really interesting because this was a rise of the indy film and it was unusual win for those two guys and it was unusual win in any case and if anything that certainly helped them. Yes, the people that had written it and said we didnt write it, they did. Yes, nothing to it. But going after ben affleck is not a good idea. Exactly. We have to remember though all these other forces in the academy. Ben after affleck and well liked and hes an actor. If you remember, he wasnt even nominated br the best director and won the best picture. That is very unusual, if you are an actor in hollywood and making a movie you get a nod. Social media add add new wrinkle to the campaigns. Yes, zero dark 30 targeted for the depiction of torture and tweets like these, oh, torture works. Social media was not a thing back in the good will hunting days and how is it playing in now . It is. It is really easy to get on twitter and get people to push your side along. I classify the zero dark 30 along the wolf of wall street it is a social issue and protraying feelings to certain people on to a certain movie, again, it is hard to say. Kathryn bigelow winning earlier and saying it didnt win, it is hard to say because of the Smear Campaign it is hard to see someone like her, it is very rare for people to win things that close together. Shes very well respected in hollywood. Then to the flip side of it, positive campaigning is a big part of it. Robert redford not getting the nod and didnt campaign for it. Yeah, it is true, basically life isnt fair and working for some people and not for other people. Some people that dismiss or snubbed the oscars are treated rudely. Others that never participated in the nonsense are still and were still a favorite. So there are rules that apply to certain people and rules that apply to others. It was unusual that redford didnt get nominated. We have to leave it there. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. The conversation is continuing at al jazeera. Com consider. Have a great weekend. This is al jazeera. From al jazeera headquarters in doha and in london. This is the news hour. Ukraine in crisis, protesters are now in charge of government buildings in the capitol. The president said its a coup. Ukrainesyrias government stilg barrel bombs as the u. N. Try

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