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[[voiceover]] theres more to america. More stories. More voices. More points of view. From our headquarters in new york. [[voiceover]] now theres a news channel with more of what americans want to know. Im ali velshi, and this is real money. This is america tonight. Our news coverage, reporting, and documentaries explore, inspire, and reveal more of americas stories. Im here to investigate genetically modified salmon. Obama Administration Officials said they need to enrol 2. 7 u. S. Redents between the ages of 18 and 35 in Exchange Plans to balance risks and hold down costs. Will they enrol come 1 october should they pay the face. Joining me now is jen mishory, Deputy Director of young invincibles, shes in washington d. C. And yevgeniy feyman, a Research Assistant at the manhattan institute. Thank you for being with us. I want to start with you yevgeniy feyman. The young people are crucial to the success of obamacare. Absolutely. Theyll balance out the risk pool, theyll keep premiums that need the insurance, and the administration is reaching out to them. Jen, the young invincibles are in the 1834 group. The government shut down was out of the headlines for a few hours today with most focused on the capitol hill shooting. As the shut this down drags on, so does its impact on american families. These foran 4 and 5yearoldt know what negotiation is. They are learning who u to compromise and play well with one another. If they dont reach a budget deal before the start of next week. 900 head start kids here in volusia will have to stay home. It is a crisis for us and a crisis for our community. Reporter they are some of the down price poorest people. Veterans who dont have jobs. Seniors dependent on their Social Security checks and men and woman fresh out of rehab. Many of them are also homeless. Everyone has a living and lifestyle. We are all very nervous. Reporter the department of agriculture now closed had programs for food banks across the country. Those programless stop along with other meal ser sres services relying on federal funds. Hes checking off his honey do list. He thought his federal jobs added security for his family until they became a liability this week when the federal the government shut down. You never want to say that youre not essential. Day. Reporter hes a major in the air force reserve and also a civilian employee at the pentagon and serves to senator tim kaine. He showed up at the pentagon to get furloughed and came to nip office and heard me deliver employees. It quiet can here where 97 of nasa workers are furloughed. Thats 3,000 told to go home. How many of yall have families . Everyone. How many of you are a single parent . I have a mortgage that has to be paid. Im living from pay economic to paycheck. Reporter six of these workers are nasa and furloughed. They are with the department of federal affairs and could be let go next week. I think they are playing chicken with our lives. I need to know. The capitol thrill police who responded to todays car chase and deadly shooting are not being paid. They are consider, however, essential employees and must report to work without pay. One that hasnt been heard so much as we talk about government shut down. I think the more relevant question is, is it worth it to fight it and shut down the government . I think that most americans will like le say no. Now, what this fight in 2010 with the midterm elections wasnt worth it to fight in 20 elections after the republicans had huge victories in the 2010 mid terms. At this point in time with so much hanging in the balance with the dead ceiling crisis right around the corner and thats economy. This is a way of republicans have to fight through this moving through in a position where were there to stick whats going to be broken in obama care versus shutting down the government and breaking the republican brand name like were seeing right now. Is there a way out . Is there a type of concession that you think could work here on either side. What we need to do is make sure that as were coming out of these negotiations. We have to fight these movements moving forward. As well, i think the republican how can we resko fl obama care. Not sure how we bridge the gap with obama care and they are coming in. Do you have a warning to republicans that if this is not resolved quickly that it will be tarnished . Im not sayinging that there is true evidence that in previous shut downs the long term effect actually hurt the party thats considered to blame for it. I think that going back to the 1990s probably superintenden probably isnt thebest historic. They were blamed for the Credit Ratings going down because they are fall for 2011 when they arrive. By the time you get to 2012 the republicans suffer losses in an era where the unepl tphroeuplt rate is still high and had an unpopular president it happened that he was running against a more unpopular brand in the republican party. If you look at the loss in the u. S. Senate you will see that they lost opportunities. Rather than going back to the 1990s in that shut down. All we have to do is go back and realize that if we dont get ourselves together and come to the table as leader rs. If were still seeing as politicians, our brand is not good enough to move forward and be successful in 2013. If the Speaker Boehner were to there. Well the votes are there but i think at this point in time, we need to try to knock out all fly things simultaneously. Even if u you cant get any delay with obama care, the next step is to make sure that were going through this so theres no nor issues with the debt ceiling. Coming up next here, revisiting a forgotten chapter in history. A bloody attack that left 11 dead and a philadelphia neighborhood if ruins. On inside story, we bring together unexpected voices closest to the story, invite hardhitting debate and desenting views and always explore issues relevant to you. So many money stories sound resident along the gulf coast are bracing for Tropical Storm karen while furlough works are going back to work and prepare for land fall. We have already declareed a state of emergency there. Texas state senator wendy davis is running for governor. The democrat is known for having a filibuster that temporary blocks antiabortion in texas. Rick perry, the states longest serving governmen governor will not seek reelection. California will become the tenth state to allow unauthorized the immigrants to do that when new law takes full effect in the year 2015. To a story now that 28 years later, still hard to believe and the people who live it are still trying to pick up the pieces of their lives. After an intense battle with a small group. The city of philadelphia bombed one of its own neighborhoods. Pit left 11 people dead including five children. A new document called let the fire burn put a spotlight on the strategy. Reporter in West Philadelphia , this just isnt any ordinary this is ground zero far fire in may 1995. We necessary. Reporter there has just been a huge explosion here. We dont know what it means. 28 years a go, dropped bomb occupied by members. The fire jumped from roof to roof engulfing an entire neighborhood in flames destroying 61 homes. The bloody encounter that left 11 dead eu11 dead including fiv. Using footage, the director wants to put a spotlight on in front of the disaster in his new documentary about the hours police. Its unthinkable. How could that happen . So, i thought this film was intemant. You can put it in stark relief. I think the film offers an answer as well. Which is the first step to that type of violence is when we see a human and we dont see a human first but we see a category. Its not simpleing like that. You have to graphle with it. Reporter the revolutionary group after a stand off with police. They have their new home with rooftop bunks and what is left over windows. The false imprisonment of their members. They layout these stadium size bull horns at all hours of the day and night. Prior to the stand off, Law Enforcement evacuated homes. He calls being told will slow i will take the essentials unaware he will come home to returns. We can see nothing but bricks and rubble all lay all about just burn to a crisp. You know all the adjoining houses were like that. We were in shock. We just couldnt believe that our houses had burned down to the ground. Reporter pfr before the deadly climate in 1985, police had the home with tear tkpwarbgs water can tphopb gas, water cantphopbs. Cannons. It bus like being in the middle of tkeurbt wa it was g in t middle of a war. I started feeling the ground. Its crazy. Its a clear blue sky. It didnt occur to me that was bullets falling out of the sky. I huddled down behind a car. Washington says the philadelphia bombing remains one of the toughest stories he had to cover as a journalists. Watching a bomb drop. Watching a fire destroy the lives of 250 people and take the lives of 11 others. I dont want to make this sound but how do you top that . This is horrific. The groups minister of communication and the only adult basement. We started hollering that we were coming out. That we were bringing the kids out. The kids was hollering that we are coming out. We want to come out. Reporter after escaping the fire along with 13yearold michael moore, she served 7 years in prison for several charges including conspiracy and aggravated assault. Since her release in 1992. Ramona africa continues to advocate for members in prison. We met there near her home. She seems unapologetic about her beliefs. A lot is being said. Everything, me, we lost lives. That can never be replaced. We tried to tell the residents. They didnt want to hear what we were saying about our family, what our issue is, our family. Ing in prison, unjustly. Were fighting a lifeless fight and that you should be helping us. You should be fighting along with us so that it didnt happen to you. They didnt want to heart. It is just rebuilt. The work was with endless repairs. The city offers buy outs. Some resident took it and others stay put. We dont think it has a right to make a decision to move us out of our community to solve a problem that they created in 1985. Aim a citizen and i should be treated like a citizen. So, i dont see the fairness enforcing inforcing us out. A lone child survivor when he escaped the inferno and the tragic events. Moore died late september aboard a cruise ship. He was 41. We were koupbg count ing on mike toll carry the story forward to another generation. Its just tragic. It was saddening. It was unbelievable. He says he knows one thing for certain. Those adults didnt have to die. Those children who were purely innocent. They didnt have to lose their lives. Top this day, i to this day, i cant get over because justice still has not been served. Its now in theaters. Coming up tonight. Miami restaurants robbing workers of time, energy and money. We will preview the t coming up [[voiceover]] gripping films from the world the worlds top documentary directors. Banging your head over and over again can be a bad thing. Every time i would do heading i would see stars. [[voiceover]] its all fun and games until tragedy strikes. A former player kills himself. We have to stop playing the game, or we have to find a solution. Next. We have seen series of protests. Hour. Its not enough to support a family in todays economy. They were demonstrating our restaurant workers. Industry is one of the biggest workers. Those workers sometimes face an even bigger problem as correspondent walker found out, its called wage left th theft and its taking billions to those earning the least. One out of tefr te out of every ten jobs is in a restaurant. They dont have the wages they earn. In the center of miami beach, davids cafe is a popular cuban restaurant. Its called davids cafe too just a mile away i. In 2012 davids cafe 2 closeded down. There was problem. Wheres the money, david . More than 20 epl phro i 20 employees say they have unpaid wages. Translator he worked at davids cafe two. He said the pay checks from the owner started bouncing a year before the restaurant closed. Reporter Tony Fernandez worked at davids cafe for 14 years. They are saying the department will take note on action and providing a phone number to find a private attorney. They say sorry. Wheres the money, david . The county has a monthly wage to settle fay disputes between workers and employers. The hearing takes place on the sixth floor of this building. Its only chance theyll get for having their complaints actually heard. Were here in the manner of lydia ayalla. Reporter like the people here today, the workers from davids cafe came to present their case. We have not receiveed a payment. Reporter the owner didnt show up. And the hearing to fay workers three times what he o w e d to employees. He was entitled to 71 hours that youre alleged. Have you demonstrateed that you have but Adrian Gonzalez still refused to pay. Gonzalez over the last three years and after nearly 9,000 restaurants inspected by the federal department of labor and ans a stoneishing 84 were found to have violated wage laws. If you obey the la u from the business person. You are at a disadvantage. Theres so many people who dont obey the law. Theres people who violate minimum wage laws, over time law. Reporter restaurant workers fight for unpaid wages. The employers have the upper hand. They can steal from you and face very little if any consequences. Some of his cafe workers organize there had prooh test. The same time that they are involved with this battle, we near the news that a few workers at the miami airport were arrested for stealing from employers. He has been staking out the airport all night. Reporter these woman are still being questioned here. They have been questioned throughout the evening about how they came up with this plan and exactly how they executed. These works were handcuffed, their mug shots were sphrarbd all over the media. Later tonight they will be transported tonight for the county jail. When its one of us or a working person who committed a crime that effects the interest of the employer but hen the reverse and the employer steals tens of thousands the from workers, theres no one there to enforce the law. And so you will get robbed of your tips. You will get robbed of your over time pay. You wont receive all the pay for all the hours worked for example. People have no idea what it is right to work as a low wage worker. That fault lines sabastian joins us from San Francisco to tell us more about this story. Sabastian, tell us how this works. Reporter its a lot more extensive than people think. Wage left the refers to money owed to an employee and paid and it can happen in a variety of ways. It can be having their employees oh out before finishing their shift. It can make them work over time and not paying them properly for that. It might sound like a like a lot of money, it really adds up. Its billions are taken out of the pay checks each other from those earning the lowest salary. Thats the biggest concern here. Somebody is earning 7. 25 an hour of minimum wage taking 3 or 4 out of that paycheck can impact. It is really an expensive thinking on how to do this to workers . Well, it can be. In florida the situation is pretty bad. They dont have a type of wage laws that they do in other states. There is no department of labor in the states. And florida is one of the places where a lot of these violations take place. Thats the foe cans of our focus of our films. Withi the workers took their case to court and the the court found in their favor. There is no Legal Recourse that they had. It is extensive. The department of labor over the past few years conducted an investigation of 9,000 restaurants and found that 84 of those restaurants had actually slighted wage laws. So, its a serious problem. Forgive me here. I think a lot of americans will say a lot of us have hard times. How do you get americans to care about Something Like this . Reporter when we were speaking to advocates about this, this is something that youre doing after and you work in a bar or restaurant or something that many people have done that. I have done that and i know many of my colleagues have done that as well at some stage of their life and have sons or daughters and they like their first jobs. Increasingly in this country since the recession, 60 of new jobs that are being created have been low wage jobs. We are talking about a lot of americans and now u the pressure can. There have been protests over the summer and its really up in arms about how much theyre being paid and is becoming a big issue. We can learn more. His full report on stolen wages. Friday at 9 30 eastern right after america tonight. Program. A problem in kenya. Authorities are tracking networks that are wiping elephants off the antonio mora brings you smart conversation that challenges the status quo with unexpected opinions and a fresh outlook. Including yours. What do you think . Consider this. Unconventional wisdom. S2uq ensyx topping an international march for tell tphapbt 15 cities world wide this week in kenya. Authorities say the criminal net work is responsible. They are organized to defeat. Its national reserve. Still heres al jazeeras peter grazzi. Stereo each represents a single elephant. Other ones are too young to breathe. Now theres more than three tons of ivory in a single container bound the to sha to asia and ish million dollars. This is whats driving the trade. Its first asia. Conservation that is far too much and stopping and for what item. If you buy an ivory bag or or its way it covered, you want to wear it and show it off. Its a state example so the opposite of what they would need to achieve you wanted to reduce demand. Its the area thats being much in the meantime theres technology to protect them. They are tracking some oh of the biggest animals. We cant assist a fiercely protected moth near protected m. She will probably eventually be killed if they keep the prices high. Its an enormous amount compared to local incomes here. The tusks is a boom in this region and it will work 15 years for a worker or one and a half years for a wellpaid worker. Thats quite a temptation. She survived but with an ineffected wound that still causes her great pain. Reporter figures from 2011 7 . Things are worse now. If things keep going at this rate, within the next ten year, touchers will have destroyed more than 70 of african elephants. The prices could land them to extinction unless something is demand. We appreciate you being with us. This notion of ten years could that be possible . Absolutely. We know that the elephants in Central Africa have declined by 90 in the last 25 years. And the problem is that the county elephants is difficult and use any time frame is four to five years. By the time we know things have changed its often very late. It happened in the past, extinction. Why wouldnt countries work hard to protect these great creature . Es. The demand for ivory in countries like china, thailand and here in the United States has created such a massive interest in poaching those animals because of the income that is generated from it. Youre having to invest a lot of money for a protection far species across a vast amount of landscape including forest. What about the people who are caught doing this. Is there really an effective way to punish these folks . Yes. Punishment is one of the most important things and in kenya you are talking about in coming weeks that will punish poachers and dealers in ivy up to 15 years. The problem is that catching those is one thing and having adequate evidence to use against them. We have shown that less than 5 of dealers. In ivory. Part of it is to the agency to work together. Theres an option and that i are getting a sign and even if the sign is large, most people can afford it and this was business is worth a lot of money. So tomorrow you are stageing a protest and its going to draw more attention you hope. It will not only draw more attention. It will tkpal vanize the world to participate and protecting one of the worlds most magnificent animals. Its everybody in the world we have a campaign. We are not talking about the elephants. Heritage. We are hoping the people in china will work with us. Theres 50 or 60 will join us in the march around the world. Even if people cannot appreciate the majesty of an elephant they should understand that how the money is. Ing used contributes to other problems around the world. What you said is very true. When you think of criminal activities for guns and drugs and now ivory and other products which 15t 5th largest illegal activity. And the sthopg mall attac shopping attack in nairobi said this is something that we really have to address this crisis with the extreme measure us. Heres the United States is focused on the fight of the elephant as other countries and are we doing enough here . Great. Hillary clinton and mr. Obama have been central toll this. Just passed the revolution and with many organizations. We are actually demanding that it stops. The trafficking stops an the demand also reduced. There are problems, usa has a Domestic Trade in ivory. The ivory is the illegal and the u. S. Should really step up and become a rolele model for the world like kenya. Countries like china where 60 where the illegal ivory is growing. We believe that would have the greatest impact on this and the africa. We hope your work makes a difference. Thank you. And that is it for us here on

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