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Thousands. That was during of era, when the game was rife with steroid abuse. Judges record is widely considered to be a clean record. Ah, take a picture of the headlines here now to 0, rushes president is finalizing his plans to annex for ukrainian regions. The upper house of parliament has approved the legislation, which now had to Vladimir Putin for his signature south korea, and the u. S. Of carried out miss silent ad drills in response to a missile launched by north korea. Pyongyang longest range missile went over japanese territory from bright as more from the south graham capital sol. South korea had promised a resolute response to a tuesdays launch from its military and overnights tuesday into wednesday local time. We have seen what that response is with the firing of these 4 missiles from south korea is east coast out into the sea that separates the Korean Peninsula from japan. Withhold that 2 a 5 by us forces 2 by south Korean Forces they are said to have been surface to surface missiles which hit that targets out at sea. There was also tuesday, a joint ad drill by us and south Korean Air Force is the flying drills over on the other side of the Korean Peninsula in the yellow sea, columbia government says itll restart talks with a leftist rebel group. Next month talks between the l n and the former president , even duke, a government broke down in 2019 as the Largest Group in the country after a peace deal was signed with fog rebels in 2016 protest. As in bettina fasfa called on the west african echoes blocked, to stop meddling, delegates from echo, as met the new military leader abraham trail re just days after the 2nd cooling, 8 months. Many demonstrators holding on russia, the house and the worlds richest person has decided to go ahead with his original plan to buy twitter for 44000000000. 00. Must agree to pay the price he offered months ago. Before trying to back out of the deal. Twitter was set to seek a court order, forcing him to complete the bio and power, so not broadcast will cut matches on screens in public fans sounds because of concerns about the treatment of Migrant Workers and cut off of the french cities. Ive also refused to show the games, citing environmental impact. Well, those are the headlines that hes continues here now to sierra up to the listing post stretching vents are watching life enough of tobar on out is iraq. Campaigning for nigeria. Elections begins as candidates vi for votes, and what is set to be a decisive and close race. Emmy Award Winning folk lines returns with an exclusive investigation into alleged cover ups by the us border patrol. China holds its National Congress of communist Party Members with president g likely to be re elected as its head. What does this mean for china and the world . Only with dreams takes you beyond the glitz and glamour, revealing the stories of those seeking fame in 14, in the Worlds Largest film industry, 60 years on from the cuban missile crisis. We asked what can be learned from events that lead the world to the brink of nuclear war. October on al jazeera in brazil selection, the true democratic test will come after the vote. Both scenario wont go down without a fight. A fall from leftist grace. Daniel ortegas all out assault on journalism in nicaragua, and rising from mussolini ashes on the italian write a satirical explainer on the new government in rome. Hello, im richard. Yes, burton, youre at the listening post where we dig into the coverage and examine how news gets reported. We begin in brazil where voters are heading to the polls on sunday in an election in which democracy is also on the ballot. 4 months now, president j year bull sonata has raised the prospect of electoral fraud. Casting doubt on the process before a vote was cast ball. So narrow can see whats coming. Right. Winger is trailing in the polls. Hes a long way behind his ideological opposite the to time former precedent. Lula, the silver, back in 2018. Both nato and his social media team used a variety of falsehoods that went viral on platforms such as whats that and facebook that helped get him into office. Brazil has changed since that the public and the news media have grown more digitally savvy, more attuned to the dangers of disinformation, and more focused on other pocket book issues. But with both sonata promising to accept defeat only if the election is judged to be fair by him, there is plenty at stake. Our starting point this week is the brazilian president ial election. So much of what brazil has witnessed over the last 5 years and its politics and media mirrors, the american spirit. The us had donald trump, brazil year, both on the populace with right wing ideas that were sold to voters largely through social media. Both president s suffered from cove at 19 denial central and paid for it with their popularity. So why would also not all weight as trumpet until after the october 2nd election to claim it was. So what is happening in brazil is kind of the thing that happened with trump in the us, but a reverse. The fake news, the information about fraud in the election, which happened in 2020 and the with has been going on in here for a couple of months even a year. So the Brazilian Society in journalism and of course has really worked to pre bunk this kind of missing formation to in this gate the people who are doing this. So society is much more aware and much more prepared to deal with it both and out of this time its not crying so much to undermine his competitors. His target is the electoral party, brazil. Hes trying to undermine the public coal thing in our halting system. We use de la bernie false and his trying to sell the idea that while theyre both to fraud 5, that we never had a fraud in almost 30 years was i think, boston that has been saying for about a year that he we only leave his position if hes arrested acuity, in fact, hes afraid of the consequences of the investigations. He and he sense out of going through. So both on that has a fear of being arrested. The older thinks he sais out of more bombast than genuine threats that might come to west con khadija j. Eatable. So nato adopted Donald Trumps social media. Heavy Campaign Tactics from 2016, refined them, and rode them to victory in brazil. 2 years later, he was one of the 1st to go all in on whatsapp, where his surrogates and influence are spread. Plenty of disinformation bull sonata gave the Mainstream Media the Cold Shoulder and turned his supporters against journalists, putting many reporters and risk. Oh, well, they thought i did not go as president , he kept the disinformation come. He had an office responsible for pouring fake news on to social media and trashing his opponents. One Police Officer working for a Supreme Court investigation into balls and aro, described it as the president s cabinet of hate. Mm. I. They had to get the idea that there isa hate cabinet inside the planet to palace. The president s office is almost unbelievable. A specific structure maintained by the state to lie about the actions of the executive. Its very toxic. We see the impact of that in the election to day. We have seen it over the past 4 years, this radicalization of opinions and polarization in brazil, including in journalistic coverage, just commented as early as she was a lot of different boston that has had a big impact on a work over the past 4 years. Weve had to think of various strategies to combat misinformation from a so meant to scatter the magic when she needs and which is ive been, ive been asked to get dish bait, welcomed me because the process started to use the words lie because it was clear that it was intentional, we started saying hes literally like bull. Summer has left many lessons for us, including the needed to think about security because many journalists have been physically hurt while covering both scenarios. Putting the witness bull sonata is still a big deal online and has many more followers than other candidates. But unlike 2018, that is not reflected in the polls. Where the former president , lula da silva, a leftist is leaving him in the dust bowl sonata has been damaged by his initial refusal to take the pandemic. Serious brazils death toll is now approaching 700000. With the country in a recession, voters are increasingly concerned with cost of living. And the social media landscape has changed. Whatsapp, which was a disinformation free for all in 2018, has been real then by regulators at least part the ball. So narrow campaigns focus on another less regulated app. Telegram has not paid off. Its much less popular with brazilians than whats foreigners ago. Wilson at o completely dominated, they tweet us her year and the viral videos, social media. And it took long. But the last finally understood that embark then a bed up to fight. And luna himself is not so littering in this camp. But he has a lot of people who are working with him, so theyre learning. Theyre going to lie. Abney, j. Lula is media friendly in the old ways of campaigning on t. V radio walking in the street rallies. It can sometimes seem a bit outdated, but now he is venturing into space. Is that both sal nato occupies like take talk and instagram. And lola is grounding his social Media Campaign with influencers like musicians were very famous in brazil. I went to the angel as oh, lula to silvers political rebirth amounts to were a puda ation of brazils justice system. And much of its news. He was jailed in 2017 in a Corruption Scandal known as car wash. The real scandal turned out to involve the prosecution. The judge. You investigated lawless p. T party. Sergio morrow. Who bull sonata later made his minister of justice . A falsified effort. The love ive shopped, dental, sure, waste, but essentially a mice only the sugar, so included you. But brazils biggest broadcaster, global, and other news outlets that lead to the right championed that investigation and called for heads to roll, including louis eventually justice was done. After a year and a half lula was released from prison. The corruption charges against him dropped in the last decade. Not only in brazil, whatever in the world, people have been expressing revolt against the state of things. The car wash operation of varies march strategy. Used that rage and pointed it against one party which was b t. The media was used with a specific target that leaks in this came, which has proven to be at least biased according to the Supreme Court. But i am very surprised by how quickly the media has shifted most and i represent search ah, an existential threat to prison. Democracy that the media was clear about what was going to happen and started being extremely, you know, good. The coming days could prove defined for brazils, historically shaky democracy. This is a precedent with a well documented fondness for the military dictatorship that ruled the country for 2 decades. Starting in the mid 19 sixtys. Having raised the prospect of an illegitimate election outcome in peoples minds, bull sonata appears, willing to put brazil by one a dangerous path and the water single sonata can do, of course, is bring some level of distress in our electro system. Oh, oh. On the me we have no idea of what he means by a clean, dirty man. If the results favours in our is hail k, recognise in the birth result. We dont know yet, its kind of were going through a bit and its right here. Well go back to latin america and just a few minutes, but 1st to moscow, at a time when thousands of russian men are fleeing the country for fear of being drafted into the army and deployed in ukraine, the american whistleblower Edward Snowden has become a russian citizen. Monopoly robbie has been tracking this story. Richard at the start of this week, Edward Snowden was gone to russian citizenship by president ial decree. He applied for it more than a year and a half ago tweeting at the time that he and his wife had no desire to be separated from my son. Thats why in this ita of pandemic includes borders where applying for dual us russian citizenship back in 2013 snowden was behind one of the most consequential intelligence beaches in us history. Have a tiny classified documents from the National Security agency revealing and the Legal Program of government phone surveillance targeting millions of americans feeling hed be charged under the u. S. Espionage act. Snowdon fled to hong kong, then moscow, and got stuck in russia when us authorities revoked. His lockport is problematic, and of course i would like to return to the United States. That is the ultimate goal. But if im going to spend the rest of my life in prison, the one bottom line demand that we all have to agree to is that at least i get a fair trial. The government wants to have a different kind of trial. And they want to use special procedures, they want to be able to close the court room. They want the public not to be able to go know whats going on. During the time in russia, snowden has continued working as an activist on Digital Privacy and surveillance. Why he has tweeted on issues of production and oppression, and russia has been largely silent about the war on ukraine. His citizenship comes at a time when put in, have ratcheted up threats of nuclear warfare, and has issued orders to conscript hundreds of thousands more soldiers. For the war effort, the us governments response to snowden citizenship came from the state department. Mister snowden should return to the United States, where he should face justice as any other american citizen was perhaps the only thing that has changed is that as a result of his citizenship, apparently now he may well be conscripted to fight. And the rep is, or, you know, the lawyer has confirmed that since putins mobilization orders relate to russians with Prior Experience in the army, his client is unlikely to be on the front lines anytime soon. While russian citizenship offers snowed him and his family some security, it makes the already extremely slim chances of a return to the United States that it was still thanks me. Back to latin america now, where in the early ninetys, nicaragua was Daniel Ortega was the poster child of leftists everywhere, a socialist revolutionary who had helped overthrow the us back to military dictatorship. That rule this country. Hes now president ortega and under his rule, nicaragua has become a living hell for journalists. Just last week, the government band, cnn Spanish Language service from the countries. Airwaves file and thing, one of the very few outlet critical ortega with foreign reporters, banned from entering the work of journalists inside the country has become crucial, but can be life threatening. Arbitrary arrests, harassment Death Threats have become the norm. Newsrooms have been rated dozens ordered to close, many journalists have sought sanctuary abroad. What remains is a media landscape dominated by Daniel Ortega and his Vice President rosario morrill, who happens to be his wife, listening posts talking often now on the one time revolutionary turns enemy of the press, nicaragua, nightmarish media environment. And the journalists continuing to show resistance, ah, they 30 to worn down my house with me and my children inside. Ready they come up to you from all sides. I have lost my voice, and i have also lost my identity as a journalist because we are so afraid of been imprisoned or losing their lives for the few critical john this left inside nicaragua, those resisting the governments efforts to turn the country into an information black hole reporting anonymously is the only auction they have left. A merciless current down on descent means journalism is practised by stealth with reporters foregoing a bi line. Fearful of the danger, it may bring any one who wants to report outside the red lines set by the government of president. Danella taylor has to be silenced with condo journalism in the open. If you try to records, i need to be in public. The police will be there in a matter of seconds. We are under constant surveillance. We are afraid. My name no longer appears. Were nana my work. I am a globe besta. The word used by the regime to describe anyone who doesnt conform to the governments agenda. And this john left is not the only so called called p, sta threatened with jail time, or was in 2018, spontaneous nationwide protest, or violently suppressed by security forces. More than 300 people were killed, thousands mall were injured or arrested, and imprisoned. Independent news outlets have paid the price for reporting that story investigative journalist and held her horner good shot and killed la broadcasting live out to protest. Dozens of Media Outlets and enjoys have since been rated and shut. A small number of journalists decided to stay in the country live a precarious existence. Many of those journalists have explained to me that they have the suitcases ready, the papers ready, the children and the families know that at any given moment, they may have to flee the country and go across mountains and grow across dangerous areas where they can be caught and then end up in jail. Life is very difficult for nick ra ones who are and eggs are honest, not just journalists, you have more than 200000 nicaragua who had had to flee the country because otherwise they would end up in jail or wouldnt end up being killed by d. Ortega maria regime in the mass exodus that followed the violence in 2018. Some. 140 journalist fled the country. Among them was Carlos Fernando tomorrow. An outspoken critic of the government, a member of the political and media family have long stood in opposition to the or tack. He now lives and works in exile from costa rica. I went into exile for the 1st time in 2019 to avoid being taking as a prisoner after my newest room, confused gala. Id been radio and occupy by the police and i came to costa rica to preserve my freedom and to keep reporting from here. Then i went back to the got i were in late november 2019 after some of our colleagues, jordan alleys who have been in prison had been release. So we said, okay, were going to test the government in 2021. I had to leave again because my newsroom was assaulted for the 2nd time. I because they also impose censorship. And they, i took him to prison, more than 40 as civic leaders, political leaders, president ial candidate, jordan, at least a business man, a human ride defenders. Thats round up included one lens or homan tomorrow, the publisher of la pensa, one of the oldest newspapers in latin america, la printers, offices were rated unoccupied by police laugh, year after home and tomorrow was convicted of money laundering. Despite no credible evidence being produced by the authorities, the papers last remaining employees were forced to leave the country in july. Whats happened to le plaza is indicative of a wider pattern of measures against the pref. What local john, this cool economic asphyxia. A mix of ref, harassment, occupying newsrooms and confiscating equipment. They did every, every c 2 am to finish them off including not allowing them to have paper. Not allowing them to have inc act to the point that in the end prensa, the last printed newspaper in nicaragua had to close down the heart of the strategy of the new note taker. Im brazilian, you had been to eliminate any independent media reporting. They bought newspapers, they bought Television Networks where they reported every single day. Their ration of the truth on to the last decade, the president in his family have quietly built a vast media empire, gaining ownership or control of nearly every news outlets in the country. Daniel ortega has come a long way in the 1970s. He will the socialist revolutionary in the Sandinista National liberation front, which in 1979 toppled the u. S. By some of the dictatorship political dennis d. The had ruled nicaragua for decades. In 1984 ortega became president in the 1st free election in the can i with history. He was voted out and returned to power in 2007, with the help and media ferry of his wife and Vice President Rosario Maria. Maria. If the face of the governments propaganda is chief spokeswoman and media strategist, and we got our we have a family dictatorship, it is not much different than what the somoza dictatorship used to be. Or they are the president under a ceremony or his wife. They want to impose themselves as a dynasty, and they have impose a police stating the got our we bought a media the but really, every day amy got our around noon. We hear the voice of rosario marie, you who is the spot women of the government, get those militia. And i would actually recommend that to the new company to company that he wanted to see him put in my yeah, a loose the that even a death. And shes not answering any question from any jordan alleys. What you hear is a monologue through the official television, unofficial radio, in that monologue she may offer, he is in love, there were never talk above Human Rights Violations or government corruption. This is simply an alternative reality. Listening post requested interviews with Vice President Rosario Maria as well as her son, daniel edmondo, also a spokesman, but never heard back under will take of leadership nickaligha has come to resemble the dictatorship he helped overthrow the utopian ideals of the sandinista revolution. Eclipsed by the president dystopian police station, but despite the governments best efforts to muzzle nicaragua and john les, there are those who continued to speak out. Albeit from the shadows, we thought of closing down the media, persecuting journalist, and cutting off the your sources of income was the only way they were going to start reporting corolla, but we have reinvented ourselves. We have found in social media are great ally to be able to continue spreading information where Still Standing neither censorship, not economic oppression, not the threat of imprisonment or even death. Have been able to stop being dependent press from play me throw. And finally, to italy, where a georgia maloney has made history twice. The countrys 1st theme, our Prime Minister will be heading its most right when government since the days of benito mussolini. But dont mention that name to maloney. She insists that her parking for tele ditalia brothers of italy has nothing to do, was ill do. Does she call herself a populist . Yes. A social conservative. Sure. But a fascist no way. But the neo fascist roots of her party are undeniable. And is this sketch by the comedy group . Ill tell it so cigarette door to suck the. The 3rd secret of satire lays out. Maloney just cant seem to leave them behind. Let them go. Well see you next on here with the listening. Chow, sam, when he finally the failure is sam of wheat that he needed. Master master bath, the conquest. Asada casino for shes neu, no samar for. Shes the she that, that if shes the solar pit can in las vegas emo chill, our young mother equal order seem older than movie men. Those are charlie, the yellow star to go. But the thought to get at them in the new for shes not no, no cl more for shes she that the be for, shes the solo but it could be north frequency. Larry c, western or quality visa dice there and not. But of course on jordan, when he got an invalid, no, he knows the animal for shes here she got to be for. Shes the sort of big enough still, couple of really get soon as bad a lemon. Total bill got him of you down. So i could legally part of the corner high, hed let it test it a part of the calabi, nitty decoy. But as the family bought them, when they mostly gun the nabi. Oh no, you know the, im with the noise sam with her. Shes noise for a man ive because is the worlds leading coca producer, but its weak infrastructure makes traveling a challenge. We follow to dr. Zoom as he grapples with repairs to his many backup and yahoo one of the few willing to drive to remote villages. Briskin at all ivory coast on al jazeera. Ah, i agree, ill just eat with it. As more people admit to suffering from anxiety and depression to day al jazeera, well, it meets women using art and Dance Therapy to address that problems. Are sentences a date to the words, and if we are not training our senses, we lose the words and trust me that go you can do it until you are 90 or hundreds. The colors of healing on al jazeera ah

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