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Moon mission. The u. S. Space agency had to postpone lift off of its giant rocket earlier on saturday after a fuel leak. It was the 2nd time in a week that a technical issue has to railed the mission. Alan fischer has been on standby at Cape Canaveral. This is sort of its Launch Control at a t minus for hours and 45 minutes and counting. The rocket was primed, the count dont underway. But his feeling of the giant rockets began. It became clear that in that famous phrase, we have a problem. The last team has a recommendation to of no go for launch too. The nasa test rector and launched rector a leak on the link pumping liquid hydrogen into the tanks was found. Charlie engineers run through the plans to fix it while director charlie back while thompson just called, ah, a scrub. But in the end, i to admit defeat the launch scrub for saturday. We do not launch until we think its right. And these teams have labored over that and that is the conclusion that they came to. So i look at this as a part of our space program, of which safety is the top of the list. Its the 2nd time in a week. The much delayed optimist project had to be stopped short of launch. On monday, it was an issue traced back to a faulty gauge launch period. 25 is definitely off the table. We wont be launching this period ends on tuesday. We will not be launching in this launch period launch period 26 and 27 will really depend on the options that the team comes back with likely on monday or early tuesday morning, thousands of gathered in the parks and on beaches across Florida Space coast, hoping to see a loaner launch, only to leave disappointed my brought friends with us and foreign mercer and our friends sons birthday, hoping the big candle to go off, but it didnt. Unless youve ever seen a rocket go up, theres nothing like its heart pounding. I mean, shake your whole body and its just something to say our committee has been plagued with delays with overruns them with a soaring budget. But nasa believes that even a short delay is worth it for a mission that will stretch over years and stretch the frontiers of space. Allen fisher, ill do it a Cape Canaveral florida. Former u. S. President donald trump has called the f. B. I search at his moral lago residence last month, a travesty of justice. Hes been speaking at a rally in pennsylvania. Agents discovered several sensitive documents at the isde. A few weeks ago, you saw when we witnessed one of the most shocking abuses of power by any administration in american history. The shameful raid and breaking of my home moral argo was a travesty of just that made a mockery of americas laws, traditions, and principles. Before the entire world, the entire world was watching and their shock, the International Atomic Energy Agency says these upper regia, Nuclear Power plant in ukraine has been disconnected from its last remaining external power line. But the facility is still managing to supply electricity to the grid through a reserve line connected to a nearby thermal power station. Earlier russia accused Ukrainian Forces of shelling near the facility mikhail gorbachev. The last leader of the soviet union has been laid to rest at Moscow Cemetery next to his wife fraser. Thousands of russians filed past his open casket to pay their respects ahead of his burial. But president Vladimir Putin did not attend argentine as congress has held a special session to condemn the attack on argentine as Vice President , christina fernandez, dickerson or she survived an assassination attempt outside her home and went aside us on thursday. A man was arrested after pointing a loaded gun in her face, which failed to fire. As the headlines, the news continues here on al jazeera after the bottom line. Ah hi, im Steve Clements and i have a question for republican politicians is being on the trump team, the Golden Ticket to electro victory. Lets get to the bottom line. Ah. Across the united states, the power of former president donald trump, has grown in the republican party. In august, his hand pick nominees and the parties, primary elections were able to displace long standing politicians like liz cheney and arizona, his candidates have not one everywhere. But there are still a lot of them now comes the hard part. Can they when the peoples vote in a couple of months . And what are the chances that the republicans can flip control of congress . Thats one side of the coin. The other side is the democrats who are deeply divided between moderates and straighten progressives. So if both sides have their own radicals to deal with, how can they ever find a happy middle ground for the sake of all. Busy americans, today were talking with coxon rodney davis, who is represented illinois and the house of representatives for the past and years. And it was just lost his seat, a congresswoman, mary miller, who was Donald Trumps choice in the republican primary contra davis. Thank you so much for pulling over on the side the road. I know youre driving to iowa from illinois. Look, i want to have a very thoughtful discussion on whats happening in american politics where you dont really both parties where it seems stride and see seems to be the way to victory. And i just love to get your sense of things most try and she depends upon the district. Look, i represented a district and want to district 10 years ago that was drawn to elect democrats and i be democrats, every single election cycle in the general election. Id be back primary challenges at the same time, but my district i currently represent was much different than the district. Democrats drew my house in june, in this race. Therefore, i was much more subject to the strident shake, much more subject to an endorsement from the former president against me. Now, you, your countrymen, mary miller, was also an incumbent. So this was an incumbent in Congress Versus an incumbent. And i guess my question is, you know, we saw this also in new york where we saw jerry nad learn, Carolyn Maloney put together and democrats. So somebody is going to come out winning, but it just be interested in your side. Where does the value of being, you know, someone who can deliver on, on what your constituents, i know constituents may not always know what they want, but what is the chemistry has it, has it changed in 10 years . This deal making is that bad is getting nothing done good. Well, listen, in my case, i was completely overrun in the last weekend. Was a high turn out in areas where President Trump came in to rally my bone. It. And we didnt have a high turn out in the areas that we did very well. And thats also due to the fact that ill annoyance have never voted in a june primary. I wouldnt use my races, a barometer of what works and what does it. We had the resources we had the messaging and frankly, up until election day we have the polling in the data to show we were going to win. But things can change and i give the president and his team credit for making that happen. But in the end, in the, in common sense governing, i dont think has gone by the way, shot the most members of congress who are going to be successful. As i have been in areas where theyve known me the most of the last 10 years, the people want government to get things done. They dont want washington to be the only level of government that just function is expected, rather than scorned by your you had one of the most interesting Committee Assignments that i know of and, and folks, im going to tell you, im really into wonky stuff. Im into detail and i like to know how things run. And rodney davis was responsible the ranking republican for the House Administration committee that really ran things and also poke holes and things like the security of the capital in january 6 and raising a lot of questions. And i know youve been out there in a constructive way saying for years now that we have problems that were not administering and running the system as well as we could. Id love to give our audience and understanding, particularly as we saw january 6th roll out. Why havent we been able to plug in some of the holes that youve been talking about for a long time . Because frankly, everyones focused on the january 6 select committee. Remember i was an original appointee, so that select committee. I spoke with Speaker Pelosi when we reconvene on january 6, about doing a Bipartisan Commission on commission, and i think President Trump would much rather add than what we see with the select committee right now. I just went online. I dont think nancy was seeing the democrats were serious about a true bipartisan investigation if they work they would have allowed are they would have allowed or how should ministration committee to do what the Senate Rules Committee are counterpart in the senate . Did. They did it by partners investigation. They released findings. Months ago. We could have done that in the house, but it wasnt the narrative which speaker plus she wanted to years. My biggest fears. You know, i interesting to capital please Transparency Act long before january 6, we have a broken system in and around the capital complex because of the way the Decision Making matrix exist, what the board and unfortunately, unfortunately a lot of those security related questions are not being asked by the democrats or the, the, the, to republicans on the january 6 like a many, you know, under disappointment. Its not a failure. And its something that i know my success will get to get questions answered. When we take over the majority of january, if you had remained a member of that committee and done this, what would be some of the key questions in issues you would have raised that arent being raised . Now . Number one, why was the Security Posture so bad . Leading up to in, on january 6. Remember because of my position as the Ranking Member of our administration. I was given a security briefing via the it says by the assistant chief of the cap, replace or was not being in that briefing that led me to believe i would witness what i saw in january. Now, because of the bipartisan investigation, the senate did months ago, we now know that intelligence was ordered from the norfolk virginia, f b i office to the Capital Police Intelligence Division that the capitol would be under attack. Ive confirmed not only through the senate my investigation by talking to him directly, then police chief steve shawn was not even made aware of that intelligence. Why are the questions not being asked about why that one intelligence failure happened . Let alone many others . Why did we have glass it was able to be broken on the, on the outside of the capital building. These are things that have to be sure things that have to be addressed in a very thoughtful bipartisan way. But instead, were stuck in, theres a vortex of the select committee focusing on one person and one personally. And thats the former pressure, you know, is there a way and i, and i asked this carefully to both have gone down the track that you think is so important on security and intelligence. Who knew what, when and why the adequate parties werent notified. But also to look at the fact of what i think we know is it donald trump, President Trump, also knew what he was doing. Also knew a lot of those folks were armed and didnt care about it said they werent after him and wanted in any cases, as weve seen, some reports allegedly, to lead in part, you know, the, the storming of the capital. Is it possible and should we have had a kind of committee that dealt with all the elements of that equation . National keyword in your questions, allegedly remember, the Senate Rules Committee did a bipartisan investigation that focused a great deal on the security failures in and around the capital complex. The Bipartisan Commission bill that i wrote in january that every single republican voted for as part of a procedural previous question, vote would have been the best chance for us to get all questions answered. Keep in mind theres always a lot of hyperbole and discussion and an interest in anything the former president does. Because frankly, he lives read free in the minds of most in the media and in the minds of every democrats and i know. But in the end, why in the world that are brave men and women who shaved me and my friends on a baseball field 5 years ago, why did those brave men and women in the Capital Police . Why were they ever put in the situation they werent . Why didnt they have the equipment that they needed because it was locked on a bus and no one had the key or why didnt we prepare . Even when the president asked, they asked his advisors and his military leaders to prepare for a large number of people, that could be violet. Why were those questions asked right now in that committee . And why are we getting answers to the answers and the American People deserve right now. I just want our audience to know that the incident that congressman davis is referring to was an attacker who came in and attacked the republican members of a baseball team. Congressman steve sca lease was nearly killed in that incident. You had others that really showed incredible heroism in that moment. So this was a moment of Political Violence in this country that i think is important to remember. But let me ask you a question. Your, you know, you, you, more than many other members of congress have taught me about many of the values and the issues that are going on in agricultural america. The district you represent is a lot of farmland. Youre very, very popular with the illinois farm bureau, et cetera were endorsed by im interested in, in the, in the questions of what is in the mind of voters right now. What you think because were seeing some interesting results in some of these earlier races in kansas, perhaps that with the reversal of the roe v wade, abortion decision may be others. Democrats are beginning to think that they have a chance to survive the mid term elections. Where do you think things are going to go in november . Whats your gut tell you in terms of at least what your part of the country is feeling . Yeah, i tried to convince myself that we would keep the majority in 2018 also. The winds, arent there every single Little Movement towards the democrat or herbert single chick up. And the president s Approval Rating gives the democrats and those who hope they stay in control. It gives them them that, that look ahead but, but look at, look at 20202020 democrats were expected and on election day Speaker Pelosi and then d. Triple c. Chair. Sherry boost boldly predicted again of democratic seat in the range of 15. 00 to 25. 00 intended by. But we ended up winning by almost 10 points. And oh, by the way we, republicans picked up another 15 sheet. So keep in mind the generic ballot now is better than was in 2020. Everybody wants to point to kansas. Thanks. Thats great. Will there will be way decision increase democratic turn out. Absolutely it will. But will it also energize some low propensity Republican Voters who like me care about the life vision . Absolutely it well. But if you dont down to do that, can just that cant amendment. Remember, look at the messaging, those who were opposed to the amendment use the you see Anti Government match that it was coming to take something away from the citizens that played well, even for pro lifers who voted against that, went against rodney, is there a way to be successful republican in Congress Today or to get elected and to be independent of donald trump, or is being a trump republican. Pretty much part of the deal. Again, it depends on the district. Look, i got to give President Trump and his team credit he came in the weekend before the election completely changed the turn out model in a low turn out environment in a primary, in june, the never be been held in june before in my lifetime of my own state, so things happen that way. I gotta give them credit for strategizing, executing that strategy extremely well. But if youre going to have around it or somebodys loyalty to anyone individual, i just got short shide. It depends on the district. Look at the republican conference, im a part of, its made up of a whole host of good republicans in government and theyre winning their winning districts that they werent supposed to win. And were going to get more of those governing republicans when we have this rate, a lot of modern democrats that are going to fall prey to the way that coming in november of this year. Look, i know that this is a hypothetical. And im hoping after the next election, youre going to be out in washington to hang out with as we both talk about these issues. But what is revenge are going to look like in the house. What do you think is on, you know, whether its Kevin Mccarthy or steve police or other potential future speakers . If the republicans do, when the house of representatives is revenge, are going to be high on their roster or is delivering to the American People and getting things done going to be high on their roster. Well, thats going to depend upon whos discussing what is considered a revenge and what is considered just living up to the problems that we make. So will republicans get rid of proxy voting . I believe they will. Somebody call that revenge against the speaker right and against democrats who stayed at home rather than come in and, and do the job that i think were ash bar constituents to do. Were going to get rid of the metal detectors that are lined up outside the house chamber. Is that revenge . Or is that living up to the promise that we made the day they were put up . So were going to make decisions that have been long planned out before we take the majority. And im going to order those planning in a lot of those executions of those decisions are going to be called revenge. Theyre going to be called something various by the democrats and those who sympathize democrats in the media to be where. Because were, weve laid out what we intend to do and that should not be a surprise to anyone want Kevin Mccarthy. Mouse. Ok, i want, i want our audience to know that you are a conservative republican. Weve known each other for many years. And you know, as a conservative republican who has issues you care about you, none the less have a lot of insight into progressive democrats who sit across the l. And i should say that congressman rodney davis is, is, is one of those who is very often worked across the aisle to move legislation forward, you know, to come to compromises and various issues. But im also interested in the, in the divides in the democratic sites. Weve just seen senator joe mansion eventually kind of hold the line, move a 3 and a half 1000000. 00 deal down to basically nearly half a 1000000000. But basically you have huge divides in the Democratic Party as well. And we should be careful of this, but you know, a lot of people know alexandria costio, cortez a o. C is shes known in the world, is, is sort of seen as the head of one wing of that hope youve got both jo mansion that Many Democrats cant even believe hes a democrat and, and are upset about. But i guess the issue for me is from your perspective, what are you seeing from your purch happening in the Democratic Party . Are they going over a cliff from your perspective . What is the stridency on their side look like . Well, its going to be a party thats going to be more the majority of their party in congress after this next election will be or more progressive. Democrats may look. Gotcha. What happened with us as republican, after many of the more governing republicans got reiterated in 2018 elections like thats just the national have been what happens . Why . Because most competitive sheets are represented by governing republicans or governing them. Thats just the nature of the electors. Why . Because they, they represent their constituency and who actually reward for governing. Why can i district that ive represented for 10 years. They like fact, im considered one of the most by partition in this, in this time and had them as i promised to be my entire career. But when you look at the key is going to be, how is the next 2 years come . Because when it comes to the folks like you in the media and others, you have to look whats realistic and watch. Now, think about this. Lets say we take the house. I still believe Mitch Mcconnell will be the leader of the senate will be a slim majority. I think so, but joe biden is going to be in the white house. You really think were going to have major legislative packages that are going to come through and a bipartisan away . No, i would even say hell know what were going to see is oversight oversight, oversight. And that is going to bring to the forefront. Those who are responsible for the oversight in the respective house in the senate and those committees and i my good friends on a committee, my really good friend, james over going to be a great chairman of oversight. Mouse, jim jordan, a friend is going to be chair, judiciary and they are going to be the faces of that oversight. And thats where a lot of hard or right numbers on our side of Freedom Caucus folks. And the hard right, members in the senate, in the hard left numbers of the russians, the democrats, they are going to be the ones dominating the airwaves. Because the next 2 years, when the oversight oversight oversight, fascinating perspective, let me ask you a question. Is somebody who follows administration so well, we saw whether we like it or not just to be candid things like the counting of electra the certification of electoral votes. Um, who knew that that could be a controversial issue . It was sort of a routine, you know, ceremony of but a bit. And now weve got, were all trying to learn about all the different classifications of secret documents. And what are the powers of the president which turn out to be pretty vaguely defined that the president can declassify what he wants, but its unclear. You are a very, very astute person about process administration and rules. How much out there. And i, you know, talking about the mar lago documents and in the fight and tussle between the National Archives and present drum. How many of these holes do we need to fill and get away from ceremony and habit, and actually need to begin to look at what could go wrong . It not just with President Trump but that other future president s. Just take advantage of opportunities out there. Nobody had thought about before. I mean its, its amazing to me. We had former high ranking, democrat, National Security officials, stuff clash. I documents into their suit and, and as brushed aside your democracy is not under attack when democrats still classified information, right. But all the sudden theres an unprecedented raid on the former president s whole man, he lives neurologic. Well, im not happy that he came out and made sure that i didnt win. But also you got to take a step back and ask yourself, would that have happened under any other former president . I dont know, well apt to see what the evidence is put forth by Law Enforcement officials. But we shouldnt have an attack on Law Enforcement by democrats or by republicans. But keep in mind, you mentioned the election certification. I remember in 2017 should be on the alas for watching my colleagues who are dominating near ways talking about how rejecting the certification of a what, what tours is a threat to democracy. They were trying to do that themselves. And i think back to 2004, when we actually had a boat to decertify ohios electoral vote for president george w bush. Many can not. Many of you Current Committee chairman voted to be certified. Now was that democracy under attack, that we begin to look at changing the process, which i think personally should be looked at. But in the, in my colleagues who voted to be sure to buy a luxury result or not the irs. And it shouldnt be a partisan issue, natural boat they made on behalf of their constituents. I made a different war. I voted to certify those electoral result results. Just like many of my democratic colleagues voted to certified President Trump select, we will result a president , george w bushs, and we have to make sure we dont put a red shirt or a blue shirt on decisions that have been made by the over 40 years ago. What was it creates this can huge. It creates an environment where its nothing but bowlers agencies. Well, you know, one of the things i was really grateful to, you know, doing the show today and coming in as i like our audience to know that all of america is not brooklyn, new york, that there are many other parts of the country you are in illinois, 50 miles away from the iowa border. I think driving the iowa. I would just love our and people dont see everything the same way. Just show us where you are. Pick up the camera and show our audience a little bit of rural illinois that youre proud of. You know, im actually in would hulu right now, even in henry county, as matter of fact, im for the morning i. Oh, sure. My mom and dad used to drive bus back home to see our relatives. We were always stop here and would hope was. So im here and i tried to get this is my backdrop earlier, like the son didnt cooperate and you get that core. Wow. I see good court thats ill annoyed court. I was in california this past week and their court does not look like this court. But come out here to the midwest. Come join us. Randy finch drew merry net bill or me nicky harts. Lar and g t. Thompson to make come out to the before broad rachelle, boone county, iowa, as well. I will have to end it there. But republican congressman rodney davis of illinois, i really appreciate you pulling over on the road and thank you so much for talking with us and look forward to seeing you in washington soon. Absolutely take care sleep. So whats the bottom line . Lets dispel a myth. Donald trump is not all powerful, he lost the presidency. Of course he still really influential and his brand still help some, but it hurts others. But lets get beyond trump. Whats happening in both parties today is something far more worrisome. Stridency is on the rise. The desire to listen to one another, negotiate make a deal is fading away. Todays american politics is about never giving up, never surrendering your own views, pounding on the table. No compromise. Is that the rapid recipe for getting elected today. So getting things done, bad, not getting things done and being ideologically outrageous and unyielding good. Will. The outcome of these politics is going to be messy and what allows the model for the world. And thats the bottom line. Ah, witness. Witness clarity, witnessed family, and witness friends. Witness the beginning. Witness. The end witness. Life witness went out. You through the great thing about being amused Presenter Network like algae 0 is that its a truly global operation. If you will channel to see, or youve seen news from parts of the world that other Networks Just dont cover, youre getting a truly global perspective. We have an Extensive Network of bureaus around the world. We have many, many colors, phone books in all corners of the globe. If you really want to know whats happening in the world right now, you need to be watching al jazeera. Oh im how many gentlemen dont have these at the top stories on al jazeera, nasa has ruled out another lot

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