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Ukraine and western countries as the aggressors to fabricate a pretext for attack. Could choose. I would like to put a question to our us colleagues. What did you get that figure of 100000 troops deployed as you states on the russia, ukrainian water . That is not the case even ever cited that figure. Weve never confirmed that figure. Like, you know, your texas was maybe that was difficult to explain why our colleagues from the u. S. And a number of other countries are actively pumping ukraine with weapons and munitions. And talk about this. A great price beer says designated counter as a major non nato ally, and it follows the meeting between president joe biden. And capitalism is shake to mean been habit of tommy in washington dc. Now they discussed issues including iran, gas supplies, to europe, and the situation in afghanistan. Mammals, military is arrested dozens of people to prevent protests on the 1st anniversary of its qu, opponents on calling full a nationwide strike. More than 1500 people have been killed and thousands arrested over the take over. You can carry into government events during lockdown has found serious failures in leadership and judgment. It says some of the gathering should not have been allowed to happen. Heavy rain has flooded large parts of haiti falls in thousands of people from their homes, bridges and buildings have been destroyed. Many of the country is still trying to recover from a major earthquake in august protests in peru or demanding the owners of the refinery. Thats built 12000 barrels of oil leave the country casing these spanish own reps soul of down playing the spills because you could follow all of those stories on the website that out there at dot com is updated throughout the day. With more news in half the next don out, there is the big picture to stay with us and talk to the wild. Why dont we listen . Design is are making furious efforts in order to distract the trends. We need to give me the think when we had to test for in this country or me and i went to a 10500 and he just kept going. A doctor on the front line. Im telling you he did not have in phoebe. He will be using mosque, i think minority groups with proportionately affected why and pregnant doctor and health care workers. Why would they be protected . We need to make sure that people know whats happening in we need to ask why i me we have new name. Corona forest. Well hopefully i should have officially corner cupboard light g. In the spring of 2020 Health Workers in britain were dying from a fall spreading new virus. Reports of widespread p. P shortage is a stirring to fit with growing numbers of doctors, nurses inspected and even dying. Doctors and nurses were working in hospitals without enough of the protective equipment. They needed to do that job safely. One of the latest or any trashed off victims of the punk i make was a pregnant nurse booking. Absolutely, im comfortable, university hospital, mary at japan, a 28 year old nurse expecting her 2nd child was one of those Health Workers who lost her life to cove. It 19 mary edge of home died and hospital just moments after giving birth to a baby daughter. But this act of a black Health Worker went beyond the tragedy of a family or a community. It exposed something crucial to understanding todays brit how its shaped and governed by to defining forces, racism and their liberalism. What happened to mary i japan was a symptom of a diploma lakes and it compelled one doctor to stand up for Health Workers on the frontline of an unprecedented Public Health emergency bringing marys death to the doorstep of the british Prime Minister. Mm hm. Where is everyone . I am i was outside number 10 in april. It was exactly one week off nurse mary had passed away. I was ella. It was a one woman protest. And it was strange because i was stood outside a beautiful building outside parliament and westminster. You would have never thought that we were in a pandemic, and our leaders walking down the same roads every day. I was walking into amy every day and that was a difference. You think thats why there was such a disconnect between what you were experience on the front line and the policies that were being made . Absolutely. Our ministers had no idea what was happening on the shop floor. But i could see the body bags. What was it about the death of nurse mary that resonated with you so clearly, i think when i heard the story, the 1st thing that went through my mind was that what if this was my mother . What if this was my father . We took by quality all the time is championed by a politicians is championed by our leaders. So why are we just going to sit in silence and watch this innocent nurse pass away and just leave a family behind. Okay so it says here, but mary edge upon grew up in ghana with her mom and she came to live with her dad here in luton when she was a teenager, my dad that she born in luton. Its one of those places that was really transformed by the immigration story in the u. K. She then studied nothing at Luton University and she became a nurse at the hospital the at the hospital where she died. Oh wow. Her dad died of cobra just 10 days before her and she died in the hospital where she worked. Yeah. She was god, it seems like a lot of the people who died very early stages at the pandemic were from ethnic minority. Yeah. Yeah. You, whenever you turn the tv on the machine reports of the test, often cove exhaust, it was the health work as the doctors, nurses in the rural, black and brown, the rule from minority communities and but not just Health Workers. Right . So many key workers like public transport workers, people who works in shops, Delivery Drivers. Its like this, this disproportionate reliance on certain groups to do certain jo, like like marys dad because it says here that he had been a teacher in ghana. But then he took a manual work when he came, when he came to europe. And i guess thats true for so many people who are coming from, from the developing world to the way. Yeah. Its, its the story of how the west was made. If you dont have the, you know, the world that we have now without immigration, in particular in britain, you know, there is no modern britain without immigration, without those people came from the commonwealth from south asia, from the carrier who did all the work to help rebuild britain, you know its, its the story. My family. My grandfather came here from india in the 1950s to work in the factories and foundries to rebuild britain as a 2nd reward. Right. And or what he learned to say in english when he came here was any job, any shift. And off the back of that, my parents came here in the early sixties and again worked in factories and foundries and it. And here i am from that the story, britain, a store of immigration. I need to come home. And even when my parents, they came in the ninetys, they were refugees from somalia. So it was a bit different. No economic migrant. They burst i did back home, but when they came in i was same kind of jobs that were forwarded to them. So your dad came here. What did he do here . This is the Delivery Driver here. Back came in studies and he was teaching. And then the war kicked off and the heavier stuff, similar to, to marys dad story. Marys dads story similar to you know, what mary grew up with. Its why me now various found herself protesting. Right. And its like the Government Policies in this country are set up or not set out to help minority group. How do you, when you look at some of the policies, particularly since the advent neoliberalism . You know, from the late seventys through the eightys, you can see the kind of political and economic shifts that have led to the kind of state that were in. No, b, you cant get away from, from the re story of the immigration story, particularly. Yes, tyson, that back to empire, that moment is can that moment when you go from empire to post imperial states and its like, the inequality is embedded at that very moment when people from the commonwealth come to britain in 1958 by the early to mid 19 fifties because of the demands on the economy from recovering after the war. There were emerging labor shortages. And so the government starts to invite people from the British Commonwealth to immigrate to the u. K. To fill in labor shortages in factories in transport slower, those direct advertising happening in the caribbean and some parts of asia to say, well, we need people to come and drive the buses to drive the trains on to work and the under ground to work in the health service. Oh clean. It literally is the most colonial institute. We have a good literally would be impossible to staff did with that. And nurses and doctors from overseas that theres overt and hit him discrimination in the labor market, which means some kind of work. Some people can do and some people come out. The only way that that can be done is to have this belief in racial superiority is hierarchy. Whens the way the ways from the works is why the talk is black at the bottom in this iraq, in between. And thats kind of how capitalism works. It says, your job is to be a cleaner. Your job is to be a driver. Your job is to be a bunker and its color coded racial prejudice and racial hostility, but commonplace been non white immigrants in britain from governor the work they did to attack somewhere they lived black and brown communities did, however, fight back standing up against violence on the streets as well as put better protections, more rights and greater equality would in the 1960s force, new government legislation in banning overt discrimination. The fast Race Relations act was brought into law in 1965, making it illegal to discriminate against anyone based on their race or color. 3 years later, however, the u. K. Parliament passed the commonwealth immigrants act, shutting britain. His door was to people from no white nations of the former empire, but people from new zealand, australia, and canada, countries with majority white population, was still allowed in. Britains immigration policy was itself coded by color. Immigrant labor serviced britons booming postwar economy that saw rising wages as well as increased provision in welfare, housing and education. But the boom wasnt to last by the late 19 seventys. The Global Economy was in crisis in britain, state mismanagement and crippling trade. Disputes brought production and growth to a halt. How a cuts and refuse left and collected on the streets, old to symbolic of a nation in decay. Ah, fall right groups like the National Front blamed immigrants, old and new for the countries, polite i and pushed for wholesale repatriation of all non white people including all those born in the u. K. Ah. In 1970. 8. A year before a general election, britain was a fractured and fractious place, uncertain and up for grabs. Ah, the official residential, the Prime Minister of great, but number 10, downing street, the glittering prize for the leaders of the countries Political Parties of britain, thomas to the hosting the workers are warned against the Graeme Sidebottom takeover. Led by the 1st woman tore leader Margaret Thatcher in an election that would decide the fate of britain, Margaret Thatcher, leader of the opposition. Conservative party looks to claim the advantage by claiming the ground occupied by the fall, right . People are really rather afraid of this country might be rosa swamped by people with a different culture. And you know, this has any fear as it might respond. People going to react to give all the hostile to those coming. In fact, speaks to that sense of being under attack on very cleverly. She says, all of these feelings of insecurity and experiences of dispossession because britain in the seventys is not a lovely place to live unemployed, to starting to rise. An Interest Rates oclock thing 1st off a strikes thats raging inflation, thats loss of economic growth. She says, you know about why you feel horrible. Maybe its because of the swamping of us without quite explicitly saying it. She makes the whole sense of economic crisis seeing what come racial crisis. The majesty queen has asked me to form a new administration and i have accepted margaret nachos election victory in 1979, prove the value. Thank politics with right now supported by a band of ideologues called the new right. She would lay out a radical new vision for britain based on a revived ideology called neo liberalism. That was the heart of this the saturate project near liberals were in. If i small minority they started to for most a national level, think tanks like in the u. K, the center for policy studies, the adam smith institute, but they were regarded as totally fringe and they were not re listened to a toll until you get a political entrepreneur like Margaret Thatcher. Who is interested in decisively resolving the crisis of the seventys. And these ideas, a sort of sitting around and they provide policy templates that she then implements sy, much of opportunity and enterprise, less tax, less regulation, more flexibility, more freedom. Those will be our guidelines. She says you have to dial down political institutions. You have to roll back democratic accountability, you have to open the market to the least idea of market forces, which means that you, cattail social forces and a big part fat is absolutely discredit taking the idea of the welfare state that she was willing to go whole hog and tear up the post war consensus. Basically been defeating the trade unions, which she regarded as the enemy with it and then restoring the conditions for businesses to make profit. So it is left to the market to decide which areas will flourish and prosper, which people are going to get richer, and which ones poorer britons in the cities had long been poor and home to the majority of black and brown communities. Brick stone was a predominantly black caribbean area of south london, lighted by joblessness and chronic under investment. In 1981 crime was rising. Young black men target the Police Harassment suspected of criminal activity, regardless of proof with blacks and bricks didnt claim they are singled out by police on the streets subjected to body searches and often accused of having stolen anything valuable in their possession. Mm. Blackmans increase in a one, they decide to swap the area with the lease. They stopped and search hundreds of people over to him. It is dick. Everybodys gazed up. Theres some really rotten police done for its the guy just i just sold up and bring it on the station and back you up for laughing and comedians had enough. I just said no, not, were not going to take this anymore. Mm hm. The local people say it was the inevitable explosion of steam by a community which feels the police have been picking on the recently spoke of 3 days over billions, with people just wanted to take back the streets, could keep the police ah and it spread across the whole country this was the liverpool suburb of talks. Does things start happening elsewhere happening . Birmingham happening live and this is the full social media piece such as watching the mainstream that isnt telling them the Community Point of view. But i understand something historic is happening. Another city birth, this was bristol and again the trouble started in a poor urban quarter with a large number of black residues caught his eye glass if you like, because it was a, it was an explosion. Lots of engine them building up. Ah, thats a scary moment for the british racial consciousness. And sadly it gets used to feed into the shred this on the site, look for torture because people accountable. I had not. Im open to being civilized. They will never be british the coast. Look, i bring this violence with them and thats how it gets narrated. Yeah, what we call new racism, where there is a very interesting shift from kind of the older forms of you can just be open erases. So it becomes a mat culture becomes about family and this is the new right and it is proofing. Thanks there. Is it on the right wing . Press basically push the ideology of keeper in way to make you sound post racial sound like its not about race. Its just about family guy and hes just a bad good economic sense. But really, it is that politics of racial resentment just given bit appear. That is all, all he take to how you get to know liberalism, which really is based on his fear of the, on the glass, which is this deeply racist idea about cultural racism, of a public community. He was clicked in this so called return to kind of Victorian Era social values, tradition nationalism flag waving, uneven, imperialistic rhetoric. And then the state itself was reconfigured to make it less democratic and participated. We start to see the creation of independent regulators, caulsey autonomous, non governmental organizations, quangos and various public, private, hybrid bodies to which Authority Decision making, regulatory power. It is shifted and the post war era, the command control state, those outright nationalization the fairies sectors which were then privatized, which is to reduce or remove democratic control and oversight. Because then just becomes about private Decision Making and private profit. You also try to weaken the role of organized labor day shipping set of britains must be so industrial dispute. So we can talk about the, the miners strike and the defeat of various trade unions. Ah, theres also the regulation, which means the removal of barriers to business doing what it wants. So youve shift manufacturing away from britain where theyre relatively high wages and welfare provision to low wage economies. And alongside that, youve got the massive deregulation of Financial Markets domestically and internationally. So obviously big business benefits because they all the ones best poised to exploit new market opportunities. And then because of the, the growth in the Services Sector of the economy, you get the emergent civic, a kind of a burgeoning new middle class to make often by large sums of money under the new market conditions. They may be keeping one eye on the latest prices at the cities. Dealers dont seem to be holding back on their favorite drink this christmas. And then there was some people who systematically lose out that lose that jobs lose the stability of rising welfare of Public Housing and so on. And become a kind of permanent underclass. Because it was a deliberate decision made to basically throw these people to the wolfs attacks on Public Service as an industry wore away at britain, struggling communities, jobs were lost, state support, cut a diagnosis of why unemployment has trebled since 1980 is not hard to find idle machines on the shop floor speak for themselves. The government was facing growing anger from a White Working Class left exposed to a new harsh, near liberal reality. And at the same time, beleaguered local authorities and multi racial cities were trying to counter the harsh reality of racism by supporting their constituents with whatever funds they had available for Margaret Thatcher and the new right. Local Government Support for anti racism was at once by the problem and a solution. This is the key thing to say look, and he writes in with the problem that that was keeping back for white people. Not because of that, his economic policies, not because of austerity in the liberalism law, is because one did too many immigrants into weve given them too much stuff were given and took too much of a star. And so now your, your falling behind if you think about what she does, you know, embracing britishness, wrapping herself in the flag. This is the early expression of the culture was see what happens and what happened with touch. Well, sacha has a long run of it. She has 11 years and throughout that time she is constantly building on these near level ideals and your major comes in as her successor. But heres a break from whats happening here. So actually what you get is more privatization. You get more quangos that replace a lot of Government Agencies and this continues for his whole 7 years. And as youre having this big near liberal overhaul, what you get is this increasing disparity between rich and poor. Lots of people start to get left behind. But there were some groups that prospered, right . Some ethnic minorities way will to live the near liberal jury. You always get when isnt loses in any system like this. There were, you know, south asian communities in people who made money very many ways. The exceptions to the rule, there are exceptions to the audiology, but there was a fragment, single communities as well, right . Is this like, it breaks everybody up, everybodys kind of fighting for the same resources. And at that point, because multiculturalism is an absolute fact of life, the local authorities are dedicating some funds towards multicultural policies towards an to racism or whatnot, which you wrote to folks in. But then when youve got fragments and good south asian communities into, you know, face groups of c, muslim, hindu, youve got the african caribbean community, no different african communities and carrying community. Everyones jostling for the same same family, jostling for the same pot of money. And theyre all competing against each other just to try and not even get a hit just to try and get even there. Whereas before it was like the cider of political blackness. Right. There was this idea of political blackness in the sixties and seventies for everyone who was not why fall under this. So yeah. But that then gets broken up and some people say its a good thing because theres no one racism or a different racism against different groups. And at the same moment you have somebody like tony blair coming in and you had this like big Election Campaign in 1097, then the slogan was, things can only get better. I guess the question is which kind of route he took and what the things really did get better for people in this country. The world of High Frequency share trading, exposed. I had this engine that was basically trading. I could, a last 30000000. 00 was a terrifying experience. How Artificial Intelligence has raised the stakes and risks on the money markets is markets go faster, faster. Were opening up a possibility for an instability, for no, no use with money bought on al jazeera. In a series of original documentary, al jazeera correspondence explore the stories which have marked their lives and careers. Gabrielle is on the cover, the tragic story of 2 reinforced activist, brutally killed fighting the devastation brought about by loggers and ranchers. Returning to the amazon, gabriel learned how the campaign for Sustainable Development brought them on a collision course with those who sought to profit from the forest destruction. Ill jessia correspondent ah. Ready top diplomats from the us and russia was set for talks on the trip build upon ukraines border. As the ones most powerful body puts the pressure on russias aggression to day, not only threaten ukraine, it also threatens europe. Ah, hello civil robin, youre watching al jazeera launch. My headquarters here in dough hall also coming up a step ahead in relations between the u. S. And cut off to her is upgraded to a major non nato ally. Also paying a heavy price. The struggles for people in miramar, a year up to the military seized power. Again im sorry for the theme

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