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A military operation and theyre going to turn it back against Armenian Forces softer to accuse them of killing 4 of its Police Officers in guns mind explosions. Armenia says it doesnt have any forces with leaders are attending the United Nations General Assembly new york, speaking to the delegation trains present for the minutes. And then ski says russia is weaponized in global food and Nuclear Energy in its war against his country. He also describes the rushes taking of thousands of ukrainian children as genocide, you know, right. What will happen to them . Those children and roger off towards to kate, ukraine and old ties with that fabulous a broken. And this is clearly a genocide when hayes red is weaponized against one nation, it never stops. They are each dictate. A rush and starts and you war the parts of mandolin, georgia, i remained occupied raj, its on sierra, into ruins. And its not the russia, the chemical weapons would have never been use the or, you know, syria. Meanwhile, in ukraine, at least one person has been killed. Off the russian drone attack struck Street Industrial warehouses in with Emergency Services say, a fire spread over an area of 9010000 square meters, ukraines air force as it shut down most of the 18 drones that were launched in the strike. For those, all the headlines is always our website. Ill just say what the. Com has the latest on top stores, but the big picture is the next stage. It works out of their existence. Its load ship as a principal presenter, as a correspondence with the brakes and the store. We want to hear from those people who was normally know that voices heard on the International News channels. One language ill be very proud of was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible natural disaster. And a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story. It was very important at the time the same city limits as an identity crisis grappling with what kind of country is the best is what kind of country it wants to be. In the last episode we look at how the century old ideal of lacy. D secularism. Is being applied today, your separate proceed with conformation model emerged. Im miriam, post war. And in this episode, well deal with another legacy from fraud. His policy that continues to shape isnt present. Colonial is in the people need to learn about the history that colonial history, which feeds into the inner qualities that you experience in society today. How do you experience that connection between the colonial pos on your presence in front today . I think focusing on the future doesnt mean we forget the past. All position is not the the, the victim professor. We have to, to bring a solution. Very early on, i decided to, you know, go on a quest and try to explode my heritage. And when you realize that you develop a violence that they went through and how it impacted them, i think as a generation coming after you need a lot of trends to be able to accept in question and open certain emotional package. I would say its very confusing when you grow up here when you dont have this sense of belonging. And also that Society Keeps telling you that you dont belong. Its something very political that were touching here is, you know, why are we allowed to be . We are the outside, one of them, most of my clinic museums here in paris, the cape horny, which was founded by former french president the next year in 2006, which contains over a 1000000 onto facts some all across the wow. And there is a reason im stood outside the museum. Im not inside. Im not sure because the mom im here to me is actually bound for answering. It was all was 0. Nasty real quick. But since you were so the, was it downtown to you that see ok where you who makes you can most of the address it is one of them is i was just a very simple methodology, really wont guide you through my cx. He said to me to go up and you know, blue bus, if its in those units cause ive all fuzzy for retail pulled out here prepared. I still didnt know if i can. One thing it was, it was the see whos the i see the saw sofas say that dealership print a pacific and well send you a note of a needed to fix the almost the candidate who is also uh, is you. So im gonna say the Computers Thinking were going to let in this shake with me, and i told you they dont that seem to have on april. So just, trent, thatll be the easiest and 1. 00. And somebody moves a lot of excel as opposed to shuck the excess on that it does go to an awful lot students evicting sessa based on be fair to say i, lets just say your visa period is a typical of a need to see what i say i really tested this is all said, thank god for comment. Was a new takes me on an alternative colonial troll of iris. Most of close at museums visited by millions of people from all over the world, which was celebrating from sues history review a dark reality. One, this still resonates today on next up is the museum as mankind in the shadow of the full tower . The lies. So man, um is it the do anything new . Move in the new some news. I dont think im in the see i meant the image. Zip and finally do the money to mess of godaddy. Yeah. Stuff. Yeah, i didnt tell you what the info about it the same is a bundle discount. It was in the initial thoughts. So 100 bucks, month fits fun noise. You can see definitely 10. Well thoughts . Yeah. You can really busy my music exhibit. They owe me much in those over that ones youll get donated to meet the buffer with it and dont document it as serious see partition. It doesnt house that. I mean sleep under the c d. C o clock lost at the mill. Yeah, youve got to come pick them but those on g t o was a sleep on the dissing. Know sort of came, i missed a shift this weekend, but the nice thing of a whole bunch of lendy bundles for letting you be updated, put the phone. I do need to do the logical do i need to continue . I think its just stuck with the. 1 the it was, do we leave the museum as mankind for the final destination on all tentative tour of paris and head to the most visited museum in the wells . The news will some of these people on the cape, barney, me finding a fixer, lets see what, who yeah. Just a moment. Uh, the just curious if the almost seeing on our friends he just saw, somebody said yeah, well then it is, it was a 100 individual, but the one the yeah, so thats an easy common law. Some of the city is here to pick up the bottom people know most the valley, these people for the in these that sounds hall says lou was that gosh, they are going to pull up, was going to lose the, the multi see up of the eyes wasted out we want you, i said youre using the sea of up. Yes. It is. Okay. Boeing a mover say sony meant for you in minutes . Dont you think the think . Yeah. You know what you think it was needing for just a little bit. The pony in it doesnt tell me load them onto the pulse crossing. Super cool. New uh, molded up. One of these that you usually seen in the heck is going to come back. Ok. The diesel car, best within the best on the mall, had one home, but its just, its, im exhausted. Youre not on those years this. Uh, my friend the just on the interest this im wondering so they know who knows. Lets take one step closer. So then well circle the corporate, ill show me that theyre not even see i did. I really dont think that the professor can say that are going to speak to us because its funded, you need to do more of them. Thats the, the whole point in the past until the quarter. Yeah. I know the value down for the money. I wanted to ask you any reflections with regards to the restitution of ask and also fox. Yeah, of course i think uh today is of can use need these uh, these uh, these artifacts and Little Things of update to the african countries means loading the African People to recover as a entity and memory. And its really important because the article you want to build is africa, who cannot have a look. Its a kind of homepage. And objective is this objective has to be explicit in africa before they are explore that in talk you tomorrow in new york. Its really important to talk about universal in this subject have to be visible in figure out how to basically go into card in a be job in a lot of extra extra. What do you think, sally, about this word, universalism, is very important, and i think its, its a conversation that needs to be had with the, a memory of colonialism. And also the question of, you know, the statues in our public space whos public space, is it . There are studies in paris that the street names are mostly meant. I think its about 98 percent. Okay. Does the street names are named after famous men . Part of the same as men are famous because they took, they took part in wars. Some of those wars are colonial wars where they dominated kill, destroyed, you know, people who, that, you know, we are linked to. And when people say, oh colonialism, thats a long time ago, a well my parents were born under french rule. They were born in cambodia when the french was still there is just one generation. And its what happened in the past still governs us today. I know that its very difficult to have these conversations right now because theres that, that denial around the race and questions. And theres a lot of ignorance, but theres something about the french empire that brings natal joe. And i think we can see this right now when we talk about how great friends used to be and how we need to make it great again. And i always wonder who was it great for you know, it wasnt great for my parents, it wasnt great for women. It wasnt great for a lot of people. People who are not heterosexual. For example, if this is what we glorify, then we do have a problem with who we want to be tomorrow. I wanted to ask you the only thing i have about your film, a very personal film in months. What are you separated us . Which talks about the fact that during the alger in war of independence, the french on the took a re supplement of over 2000000 algerians of which your father was one. I wanted to ask you why you decided to make this. So why was it important for you to tell the story . And i think that being like french by my mother during, by my father growing up in friends and not knowing my heritage was very disturbing, you know, growing up as a child. So, so very early on i decided to, you know, go on a quest and try to explore my heritage. I think that, you know, you need some time. You know, 1st of all, if there is a true mind, you need to forget to continue living. You constant will revisit the trauma all the time is very painful. And i think after may be dictates the new generation coming after all, even the to generation after is able to has a different relationship to the past is less that makes the fix it. So there is less emotional trauma, even though theres tons of national trauma. But i remembered when i started doing my own research, i was visited by goose at nights and they were the ghost of the village of my father. And they were the french soldiers and we can meet at night. And like, why are you going to attend the story . Why did you want to book them on this semester occur . I am going to tell you which was and i was being silenced in my own nightmares. So that there is, i think having this to this, the, on our generation. A wait. But we are able to stay, at least and you know, my father goes to youre not my ghost. Okay. So i think thats the time that isnt needed to reopen the archive, the memories shes also right. I think we always asked me to write because today in french colonialism has a negative connotation. Its, its a fact. And i think a now what do we have to do is to trying to find a studies on like a life. She said, and education is really important to study of the Young Children the dock side of the corner list because its our responsibility if, if you want to work on some of the population, the children of immigrant, they have to know that he is and were on his tardy, i think the job in the younger duration is also very tired of hearing something and then living something else. And they want to, to make it heard that, you know, we are full, you know, were full citizens. We are french, but we also, yes, we have a heritage. I also started looking into, you know, why we are here. We are here because france was elsewhere. And, you know, there were about 70000 in, ventured south asians recruited to the french caribbeans in the 19th century and think there, and thats what makes friends now how a 140000 Chinese Workers came for the great war. What we, what is called a great war. So then the war, 1418, and some of them, 3000 of them, states in paris. And they created the 1st china town around the gallery and also that the soldiers were taken out of the picture at the end of the war when the peace treaties were signed and they were not allowed to march down their shows that hes it, as part of a, you know, the army of france, so i think thats important to see how they were raised from the start after giving their life to it, to where that wasnt there and suggested the word that i think is very important is the word erasure. And i think its very key to understand the history of colonialism because its a lot of areas are and the way we are towards history is very much about, you know, visiting some, you know, maybe disturbing parts and person that i was studying. And friends being in high school, spending maybe 2 hours on the engine war and colonialism. And its actually i had to go to study in the us to be able to have access to my own history. How do you experience that connection between the colonial pos on your presence in front today and your experiences . And i know for a fact that my parents experienced more racism than i ever did, and that i ever will. They didnt speak french the way i speak french, even though they spoke many other languages that i can never learn, but they were despised by French Administration when they went and did their paperwork. And i had to translate for them and they had to be dependent on, on, on a kid to, to be adults. I think thats something that its an experience thats very strong and it could be the meaning for, for parents when theyre, you know, with their children. I think at the end its also about the destination of doing french. And i think it took me years and many countries to visit and travel and to understand that i belong to friends. And its not because they have just and youre in this sense that they m list french and i think its me some over use. But a most of it, its a journey to feel very legitimate. Im able to sleep. Im french, im jared and im part of this whole heritage. And it doesnt mean that there is like, if youre not seeing anything, youre french knows by being as youre in. You see what i mean . Yeah. Its a problem i think today and funds to the training of immigrant days. They are just getting ready for looking a job for finding a parkland. And if you, if your name is emmanuel possible, you have more tends to find the approximate or jobs and if your name is mama to do like its a problem. And i think for today we need space of extend way we can talk about it openly. Honestly, its really important to, to have these kind of discussion. I was gonna ask you guys about the president ial election that happened when. So if you recently dominated by themes around immigration and, and islam, and its almost as this in, from the diversity you see in the streets is completely disconnected from history. Right . But immigration is linked to frances history, but we never took about that part. So why is this sort of conversation around who phone says today and in all of the diversity of people that make it up . But the focus exclusively on the immigration side. I mean, just looking at the way a julia was born and the fact that you know, the definition of the french identity is, was redefines and most came and worse and as outside theres, oh boy, yeah, we might be more steam and french citizen fully. But in the collective imagination, theres been some um, you know, difficult to, to reconcile the tool. And there is a push to call the segments of this, the sites that are very much working on, you know, saying that theyre very different and, and can be reconciled. And so i think our job is also showing that know, this is old political construct, and we can before the french listening and everythings fine. You know, we should not the 1st to mention is that it was only in 2017, in french, thats a prison luck on uh, recognize a condition like a cream against humanity. Its a waste and, and i think uh now in Century Health attends a montela to or being a go ahead and just in this program. But it was not the prison that it was a candidate in the president ial election. Yeah. Going to a jury a visiting. So there was also an interest in mind and then it changed actually is this course. And i remember very, very well this moment because we, we actually city bridge with my father, you know, and then we like them we, we have to stop sitting roofing again. You know, so it seems like we moving forward and then the back, you know, i also believe that the, the race talk was an integral part of the last present president ial election in france. How we voted in france reflects our incapacity to address the way that the raise questions as a national community, not just as nice south east asian, or you old jerry and defend or a study from senegalese heritage. It, we were all here on this panel together because we share the same presence and we do want to come in the future. And i think even though we are different and in what we experience, we feel the mechanism of, of racism, work every day and, and people have known it before us. And, and in listening to you all actually i think about is this idea of colonial forma. Might colonial scholars that continue to exist in the world around us and continued to access reminders, flash points for people about really, really painful parts of their own history. I know the statute that your father, hes to will power thing to say this to i think a very interesting story and my fathers actually making has to know about its i as a son maker and 7 to 7 years old. And hes not tending his own story and i think it took him years and years to be able to put fours on what he had experienced. And when the, there was the statute in the, in my home, tell them and assume that is the friends. And he passed by it, and it was the statue of, of the session brundle freezers, 0 of the colonial conquests. And this touch, who was actually in a jury a before on these the way from his village to add years. And he used to suit his touch when it was very terrifying for him because its like us threatening soldier. An oldest such was where we have retreats, its back to him and friends. And so when he, so it is that you, again, the nightmare of his childhood. Its almost like that for my risk for face thing. And, and sometimes you need a supports to remember if can be a true med 6 parts, in this case, the statue. But its a car thats equate to explore this, this history, i think process home to millions of people with roots in countries. It once colonized immigration from those former colonies has not only helped shape the nation, but also revealed some of its underlying truth the, the conversation on immigration k and foster is so, and binary either the wrong enough immigrants to do the jobs that europeans that wanted to do oh, there were too many, hey, at the museum of immigration, the id is to celebrate immigration contribution to french society. But there is another way of thinking about this and that is, but it regression is a direct result of colonialism. And that raises important questions around in a policy and the ways in which french people of our asian and African Defense continue to be treated even when theyre born and raised to, as an outside is in their own country. Outside the museum, im at the top with cinema center. She helps those from immigrant backgrounds deal with the stresses of being made to feel like strangers in their own land. It was a village because they box it. She did was at the coach. They go to and yeah, when we speak down to 1st go 2nd quotes, think were doing. Yeah. Its just, this is, you know, its going up and its for me, i just didnt, this was to industries for citizen or non fact so that i put it in there. So, so thats something im going to assist as well. So create a new this to stay on task then it is a set of thoughtful nights is so stupid. When i cannot samuel where the visual connection did with the thoughts. Uh, you know, succeed for stone, letting them know that had been for my feature was to put in the form at 6 a new deal. Who and it said she left us on the 20th to the 1st. So im pulling it back to the way. Now this looks like this was develop into semester is google think you have many of the quarter in the summer its 50 fall associates, a finding the job findings to walk you. Theyll send you a to almost all the in stuff to do new vote. Who might see some info. So key, so ill come to the phone or what you joel credit card. No. This was i need to talk to or to this one only pushes turn over to a kitchen. We think we didnt exist. Ill do a corporate on it. In the program at 661 is the invoice invoice. I have searched for ship personnel dismissive multiple, im at 600. 00, jump close to that enough in stock when it comes down, flux, the construction of approximately come step us can sit back to the sample. So certain benefits, fonts for of the house of smokes to day also soon then, and as soon as you want us just dont speak just to put it destro best medical face, treat say no to 0, to exist, different one, i could exist. So it should exist on cultural just its just so full assessments and also just kind of best and the cx is in, uh uh, theyll need to have somebody definitely some adjustments to visit them and invested in promotions on there. Just as soon as this is all get started cuz i did it with spectrum and to susan and stuff for this was if i to just let me see see. So just so we can do this thing was to do that cuz they are real close to those on which uh they are getting some furniture calling it is amazing. Just about the fall. It isnt just the valve and my friends, so thats the sentence. Its a legacy which affects us all over in different and on equal ways. Without knowing that history and learning from it. We comp costs a v for tends to be working towards a better future. Lose the walking symbol. It says that meeting poor going to come to what you, poster of cancer edwards often difficult to move as the mere. And thats one of the things that the satellites doesnt have to be empowered to be effective. The the oil rich, the rock is facing the prices and the final fights and results. Walters as dams build bites upstream neighbors of a strict flow under investments and Climate Change or exasperate to the situation. Now, when regions were settled, farming 1st image tensions a record to the rise. People in power investigates like this could be the last generation to funding below the rocks for towards part one of 2 on the jersey to the industrial high above 9 guns dates back a 100 years. Its surrounded by 2 major rivers and many canals, which are badly clear, the following decades of rapid industrial growth and increasing carbonized ation. The city as of tired was air quality in bangladesh. And that card which the government, se 8 intends to change. Last year, city leaders that proved an action plan for low carbon Climate Resilience development. Its the 1st city in bangladesh to do that. Because parts with green zones, including forest and several air monitoring station, as well as starting to restore canals and wetlands. Things have improved a lot here on like before when it was more polluted, but much more needs to be done. Environmental experts say the city has the potential to become a role model, demonstrating how local governments can play a vital role and realizing the goals of the parents sacrament. On Climate Change, the miss terry tossed things out of how the top stores now on out is there is ready for assistive kills at least 3 palestinians, and an operation occupied westbank that the others were injured. When is very forces rated that jeanine refugee camp. Israel has confirmed the use of a drone in the assault. Theyve been several raids on the account this year. Ill just, there was need to abraham reports from remo. According to is really media sources. They said that they were basically targeting

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