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The animal known as bear force, one took nearly 70000 pho, santa tip, the scales of an estimated and impressive 635 kilograms, thousands tune in online to watch the bears goes themselves ahead of winter hibernation. Ah, dont forget, check the headlines here on al jazeera, the Un General Assembly has voted overwhelmingly to condemn russias move to annex parts of ukraine. 143 countries voted in favor of the resolution that reaffirmed ukraines sovereignty and its territory integrity. With only 4 supporting russia. Our message is loud and clear. It does not matter if you as a nation are big or small, rich or poor, old or new. If you are a you in member state, your borders are your own and are protected by international law. They cannot be redrawn by any one else by force. The European Union Energy Ministers have again failed to agree on a package to tackle high gas prices. 15 Member States want the price of wholesale gas to be kept across the block, but others want alternatives, including a limit on gas consumption and subsidies. Conspiracy theorist alex jones has been ordered to pay almost a 1000000000. 00 in damages to the families of the victims of the sandy hook. School shooting. Jones forced the claim for years at the 2012 shooting was a hoax, wasnt. Jordan has more from washington. The judge found him guilty, and after 3 weeks of testimony, the jury decided that the families did not deserve the 550000000. 00 that they had requested in their law suit. They decided that child, these families deserved much more money. 965000000. 00. Now what this means is, is that they will defied the funds are not equally. Theres also an f b i agent who is also going to get about 10 percent or so of the money that i was awarded protests in iran, shown no sign of ending despite on intensifying crackdown Security Forces fire tear gas at or testers in the capital tear on on wednesday, its been nearly a month since the death of 22 year old masa, meaning in police custody. Spring meter, ayatollah ali hominy has dismissed the demonstrations senior rons enemies are behind it. For those with headlines, the news continues here on out to 0, after revel education statute them to watching life enough. A British Political Party at war with the labor party is a criminal conspiracy against its members. Newly obtained documents reveal members silenced, suspended, and forced death. My god, this is unbelievable. Free speech was shut down an exclusive investigation. The labor files ought to on al jazeera education matters. The universal rights to expand, arrive, and offer better prospects, the passports to a better life. Yet around the globe schools and institutions at breaking point systems a deemed to be no longer fit, a re thinking what school of home and how they were identifying the skills and knowledge needed in the 21st century. Now, a new way of rebel education is sweeping the wow. Rebel educated or radically changed the way people now challenging the old way and back, creating opportunities which will affect individual and the entire community. A with uganda has such a huge young demographic of us, of invoices, collision is actually young people under the age of budget. And the challenge were having is that there is a mismatch between the number of students that graduate from school and available jobs on the market with. Its very common for you to go to marketplace as i knew, find young people doing different kinds of things. Most of them actually come without any plan what theyre going to do for the day. They just come on station. Yeah. Maybe theyll get a very kind by someone they ask them to kind of for them things with one of the things you go through and youre going through them. Youre gonna give you a little theoretical knowledge. You just waiting that from whatever you needed to crime and then to produce the same things in the paper, youre doing the exam. What typically happens most of us is that after school, you cannot find actually employment. You dont actually have the right skills for you to get in place. Like physically i was going to give you a job. You have to train you again on the very best excuse i should say like communication or critical thinking, excuse ideally the patient should be providing or youre frustrated because you had all the salt or your parents have invested so much of the money they had to make sure you go to school with hope that actually after youre done with school, you have decent employment and you be able to help your brothers or sisters. But after school actually sit down and just find that because that promise has been broken out of the over 500000. You gunners that actually come out of university i did the economy is only able to actually provide jobs. So about 90000. 00 so. So you can imagine what happens, the other 400, why do they do . And if theyre not gonna keep the right skills to, to, you know, to start their own businesses or what was going to happen to end with his vision is to transform education in africa. We do this by ordering with secondary schools and working with them to teach youth skills in leadership and benoit ship and workforce readiness. I plan on doing no more classes, a student who does nothing will go on until and the less on ends to rec. But in edu kit, before, as didnt even think so those in a days, you know that to keep them active in class, come with the we are, we play the actually how to play. So to be proven so little that thats what theyre going to be learning today at the end of the day. So its not just good, its games. Weve talked about also. So the case, you know, with young people tend to cation, ive been to what i swayed learning should be fine, learning should be directed, learning should be something that you enjoy ah, my secondary school didnt have it, but i used to attend educate from another school. Its just as good my friend to that school to attend, educate a with that sound everyone. How was your life . Why did you have well and submit a ball would busted . I guess the 1st and we are before we start to dallas on that as a starting up or youre from lance. He also miss. So tie wanting to do without counting game though, what i want to do that counting game. So i, we already, i, we find out if i add that, is there ready a bad now, a hot one to revoke a, a ha. I 2nd though we are waiting to hear about us on call. It is less on that in, and it is quote, fundraising bit how to states fundraising bits who can tell us what i mean by their wide fundraising . What is to fund raise . Yes. A. Thank you, give her flowers. She has tried someone publish. It was going to give us a better answer. Jennifer, with thanks for trying but not quite. Wow. Give us, im love. Who she dissolved love. That is the as i wanted to hear and collect the out of collecting money in order for i to you. Is that in objective . Im fine. Okay. Well get later. Listen, i feel more comfortable because i need to excuse. I think we try and apply the ships to kill and not being covered with my thing. Good. Or maybe like actually were living with lance victory. What would be the issue . One of the things i think that we pride ourselves in is that we are no worries landing organization. So what we do here is really to think about how we can improve the program we, i think were doing that. Were talking to our teams in the field, making sure that we already laid out new designs or new changes or solutions, whatever challenges theyve raised to us. And thats sharing those with them. And we actually also talking to schools, hey, teach us. Im making sure we are getting their feel of what the program is actually going on with hey, was you didnt come from the immediate environment. This is this cody of, or a school then my duty to fit in, design subsistence for my thinking that it will now to afford some of the immediate necessities life goes can afford pads. Students can afford instructional materials as of them before thelma can get out of the local material. When you look at these weve just been been been together assembled and youll be around and it looks awesome. They said miami, that is, that kind of a problem within that school, you know, but sometimes our friends walk out of school during break time trying to catch up with breakfast. But they, they provide this at school, so they make as if you could go out, make these that is on sale to them just to please hear that they made liquid soap event as coolies as their liquid. So the, the school buys from the club in swan will, im supporting the club and also the students take the liquid. So the community this is just with the paper. So the students are trying to crash it. That wont come up with a cardboard. So this gun would be for him to better even you can put it in your, in your then opinion. Sticky notes that out to talk to you so much. Everyone here knows how to make whichever product you see here. So that if people who i guess put here, disposable by this kill, should be good by everyone who is involved in that club. So these a pool of kids that have to go out there employ this gives them their blantan, indicate on vehicle to unmanaged stuff. Well, definitely find themselves i dont want to be done with that one can become a job. Because of this clearly have gained in educate. I make, i may take one day clear to me or maybe making bank sundays, sell it to the 7 countries people and to become a business. You only need someone to and i tell you someone to tell me you can do this, someone to mentor you. And thats why were here for this is our savings. So security, we encourage students to save their money. You only pay, it wont tell them as a membership fee at the end of it. When youre, when putting your money, youll get samples missing on their money that we do give out some loans after youre fed back their money with andy, the place is plenty. We have the weather call, social climes. This is the money that we use to help. They need the leg that came down. We helped a friend with some score for him. And even though i help your friend bay, the school info, how much with when you select the student. So we want, we make sure that we have a 50 percent balance between girls and boats. And, and also what we have done is that within the lesson we deliver, we are teaching gender awareness concepts. Make sure that thats something that the young people that were watching with what the boys undergoes appreciate. Even better is that we have noticed that the program is actually having a bigger impact on young women. Because we realized that actually for the goes, were having a 120 percent increase in income. We are making this fun, kara pad because many students were missing classes. Im on researching towards like that. When those ones having that route, they will only staying at home. They cant afford the ad that santoria, but the one we buy from the show, this center got better because they kind of be re, washable and be re ive told many people how to make the center of both. Bless my friends alone, and im sure that when i teach also goes on bridge, the idea to the rest of the people. This is one Factory Class they handle. Then we also put one back. This is 5000 compared to they are that center above, which is a buck 8 and you pay 30000 and you only use once im through our way. So if you wanted these, you are sure that our use for this month. Keep then wait for the next 2 months to come. The profit we make, we raise the rate in this new as a predictor. If someone come up with the new skill and to need 3 needs, the investing unit, we get the, the money weve got on this. We also invest, we are not all about making profit, but we are all about putting a positive impact to the rest of the people. Use. I have full drivers and they dont have in my the trip as well in the area we are leaving in is not that you and yeah, that sounds good when i was trying to me and my family to live with with things like on my period thats a lot of the plan when you, me a good that our incoming skill plate, maybe someone as good to a new skill. Welcome back. And we raise the record the side schools, the not in the, our memory books and even the notebooks. And we make sure that we spread it all over the family so that when they seem defended, it knows how to make such and equipped with that needs such as skilled we always teach the community where they are going to have dropped out of school because they are many in the stone bow as they are some good weight in bringing that to it. And maybe they dont have any anything to do. We teach them how to operate the sewing machine, how to make a day bags, and how to make the math class out to make it the best way to even design terrified. Like against will be there. Listen to them to get over them so that im going to, i love it. Im well incentives are glad other equal to someone you did answer them. Nope, sommerling around. Ive got a theme that provided the banga g. Im calling in just a 2nd for days to hit all this hip that you see over here. Oh cala is so america. She starts from around 9 am in the morning until 6 in the evening. 6 days in a week. Shes been doing this for the last 10 years. She sells it for about 50. 00. My math the, the people who have helped her carry the thorns from deep down in the big pit, or 2 up here and then the one. So id like to load it on that truck, and then the remaining balance is whats your pay household ive witnessed some of my relatives doing good and the people in my community doing it, which has made me feel so bad. And i decided to at least bring for them something that can help them move i from this hectic walk with ah, a ah, the lead is right now i rolling pay pounds. They run that the back into our b. And the bid that you specifically for the nicholas after rolling those collect the bids and then put it on one string and then vanish, it eventually to make the final product that can be designed in any different way that your once this is used to walk on inquiry, and they talked to them, we went through all what they, what they went through the whole day without lunch, sitting on ask, watching sun, and with all the heat, with all the had walk. It breaks them down and it mix them with the majority of them in the positive. So it is not healthy for their lives. I talked to them and they introduced to them to making this their products where they can get income and they can start different income generating activities. Besides working in the inquiry, they make the products that are making, they sell it. I mean, income from it. And this income is distributed differently, some of them have you been gone, i had to invest the money into different other businesses, which was so much encourage to happen. And then some of them have also gone. I had to take that children to school. Ive also gone, i had to pay for their own health trend. Theyve also gone. I had to buy for themselves as take themselves to the hospital and all that. I want to see i change. I want to see a transformation from, from being an Impoverished Community to being a middle income earning community. Because poverty, ha, aids, and single mother who we dont would, is so much in this area. Horse, when now was being maintained all through all my educated classes. My ment, i kept on telling me the principle of my running my own business has helped me pay for myself at school, helped me pay for my partner in business at school. It helped me also take my daughter through school. It also helped me to get the Lovely Health letter. I me, im very proud because im seeing my true room, my lenders doing something practical which can even go to market and it can you to some money. That was, it went up that they were in college that even after school a deposit job is to have some life going on that it will be a little different as the product. What we are seeing is that the youth that have gone through the etiquette Program Actually become lead us to come coming to lead us because they are aware and push us about whats going on the community. Im sort of provide solutions for those challenges that are coming to going through im looking for to see that they kind of businesses that have a positive impact to their community. Ah, i mean, a societys progress is dependent on the quality of its experts be, need more and find professionals. A top priority is to moderate new generation to study, find new teaching methods, or infusing tie students to become the agents of change, taking them out of the classroom to solve problems in their local communities. Ready level education, inspiring science, the toilet on alta zoom. The Chinese Communist party holds it. 20th congress. Delegates will meet to discuss constitutional change, economic challenges, and Foreign Policy with president gene being likely to secure a 3rd time. Will he be given even more power to pursue his vision for the future . Follow the story on al jazeera. Oh, once city dwellers now posted to remote villages in morocco. Algiers follows the personal journey of 3 women teachers. Their daily struggles with isolation and battles with physical hardship. Sacrificing their family lives for the education of future generations. Women in the winter on al jazeera, how coverage of africa is what im most proud of. Every time i travel there, whether its east or west africa, people stop me and tell me how much they appreciate coverage. And our focus is not just on their suffering, but also on the more uplifting and inspiring story. People trust algebra to tell them whats happening in their communities in a clear and unbiased and as an african, i couldnt be more proud to be part of it all. Ah

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